When Words Don’t Matter free porn video

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Philosopher: Goodday class. Welcome to Philosophy 410, Introduction to Shyster. I’m your instructor, Dr. Shyster.

Realist: He’s teaching a class in his own philosophy? How innovative. I bet his book is required for the class.

Philosopher: We will begin by passing out the syllabus. As you can see, we have seven books required for the class. ‘The Word that is Spoken’ by Shyster. . .

Realist: I knew it.

Philosopher: ‘The Word that is Not’ by Shyster. . .

Realist: How wonderful. . .

Philosopher: ‘What are Words’ by Shyster. . .

Realist: Why am I not surprised?

Philosopher: ‘Word Without Introduction’ by Shyster. . .

Realist: I’m noticing a pattern here.

Philosopher: ‘Words Without Conclusion’ by Shyster. . .

Realist: How apt.

Philosopher: ‘The Final Word’ by Shyster. . .

Realist: Finally.

Philosopher: And finally, ‘On the Works of Shyster’ by Shyster.

Realist: I’d just like to see one of his royalty checks.

Philosopher: Young man!

Realist: Here it comes. . .

Philosopher: Do you have a problem?

Realist: Who, me?

Philosopher: *nods*

Realist: Nope. I don’t have a problem.

Philosopher: You must have one, because you haven’t shut up since I came in.

Realist: I’m sorry. I’ll be quiet now.

Philosopher: No, really, if you have something to contribute to the study of philosophy, please, do tell us.

Realist: No, I don’t have anything to contribute.

Philosopher: Well, you had a lot to say earlier. Come on, say it. It doesn’t matter what it is.

Realist: Well, let me rephrase. I’m not sure I should tell you, who will be grading me, what was on my mind.

Philosopher: No, really, I always welcome challenging perspectives and ideas in this realm.

Realist: Okay, you asked for it. Well, it’s obvious to me that you are a charlatan of the first order who has found a pseudo-academic basis to scam money from students and the university alike.

(several groan, some are intrigued, most are half-asleep and indifferent)

Philosopher: Nonsense! Philosophy is a very meaningful study by which we ponder the meaning of life and the purpose of man.

Realist: Bullshit! Nietzche and Plato pondered that. You are a parasite thriving in a redundant department in a haven of unproductive professions teaching a completely useless and unmarketable skill to students taking a class they were forced to take. Such is the case with the majority of modern academia I’m afraid.

Philosopher: Are you kidding? This decade has seen some of the most amazing publications and advances ever to come about in the field of philosophy.

Realist: I’ll bet you your next royalty check you can’t convince half this class of that by the end of the hour.

Philosopher: *gasping* My royalty check!?

Realist: Yes! *grinning* Your royalty check.

Philosopher: *grinning back* You’re on!

Realist: Okay. You’ve got 56 minutes. Get crackin’.

Philosopher: Even recently a colleague of mine, Dr. Charles Larton, produced a fascinating book entitled ‘A.’

Realist: What’s it about?

Philosopher: It’s 365 pages of the letter A repeated over and over again.

Realist: You’ve got to be kidding me!

Philosopher: No, it raises some very fascinating questions.

Realist: Like ‘How do I get in on this racket?’

True Believer Male: Why don’t you shut up?

Realist: Great, what now?

True Believer: You don’t even know what you’re talking about!

Realist: And you do, right?

True Believer: I’ve read ‘A.’

Realist: I would be ashamed to admit that.

True Believer: The book shows the letter in all kinds of imaginable forms. It shows the letter in italics, bold, underlined, cursive, and all kinds of fonts. He repeats it in the same form over and over again. He even spells it out en espanol.

Realist: Que importa?

True Believer: It raises an important point about individuality. Though we may all seek our own font, deep down inside, we’re all just the same letter.

True Believer Female: No, no, no! You’ve got it all wrong.

True Believer: How so?

Realist: This should be fun.

True Believette: The book is about primacy. It’s saying that it can’t emphasize enough how important it is to be number one, no matter how you phrase it.

Believer: No way! If that was the case then why spell the letter out?

Believette: That just shows that no matter if you try to look like one of the masses, it’s still all about being number one.

Believer: How do you dismiss the issues of individuality it raises?

Believette: The only issue of individuality it raises is the need of the individual to be number one.

Believer: You’re so closed minded.

Believette: You’re misguided.

Philosopher: So you see that? That shows that meaningful philosophy is still being produced to this day.

Realist: All that shows is that two morons can stare at 365 pages of the letter A and infer their own meaning from it. The real proof of that is that no two morons can agree on the meaning it.

Philosopher: Well, for such a complex book you can’t just ascribe one meaning.

Realist: *nodding and scribbling on a notepad* Uh huh.

Philosopher: Wh. . . what are you doing?

Realist: I’m planning out a related book on the subject. It’s entitled ‘B.’

Philosopher: What!? No, no, no! You can’t just go and randomly place letters on a page and market that as philosophy!

Realist: Ha! You can’t, eh?

Philosopher: No. You need a plan, a meaning, a deeply thought concept of human existence that is central to your philosophical outlook on life.

Realist: Or you just need to be a damned good snake oil salesman, one of the two.

Philosopher: I’m no snake oil salesman.

Realist: So, you have a central philosophy to your work?

Philosopher: Of course I do!

Realist: Then sum it up in a sentence.

Philosopher: Well, I couldn’t limit it to something as confining as a single sentan. . .

Realist: Snake Oil!

Philosopher: Alright, you asked for it!

Realist: Bring it on!

Philosopher: The central idea behind my philosophy is that we have used words for some period of time as our means of communication, shaping our experience, however there are limitations to our words therefore placing limitations on our experiences and our ability to communicate our experiences and so we go about the process of inventing new words to broaden our experience and increase our ability to communicate it with others thereby limiting our experience because we devote ourselves to the process of searching for the proper words as a means to experience and communication thereby making the human experience a specialized and limited thing and little more but nevertheless preserving the human experience because the words are spoken and written and enshrine what has happened and inasmuch people have used words for some periods of time as a means of communication and thereby exposing the very circular logic of words as they are used, limited, invented, confining, narrowing, enduring, and therefore used leading us back to square one a cycle which is meaningless as people use words nevertheless as a means of communication leading us to the pointlessness of the cycle, the pointlessness of the contradiction, and even double or quadruple contradictions as we enter the cycle of reason again and again thus thereby making this the cycle we enter with the word that is spoken, we perpetuate it by inventing the word that is not, we question the basis of our words after a while wondering what they even are, we continue to speak the words without ever knowing thei
r introduction, and we never wrap it up thereby leaving a conclusion, so we must come to the conclusion that there may never truly be a final word or will there be as a result of man’s story of existence, a process locked in the words he has given and uses to this day.

Realist: That didn’t make on goddamn bit of sense whatsoever, not one goddamn bit.

Philosopher: It was a sentence. Not my fault if you can’t understand it.

Realist: No that’s the problem with you philosophy people. You make up some book about nothing or ridiculous questions, then when some asks you about your ‘deeper meaning’ you bury them in a pile of words a mountain high. You never have anything to say, you just rely on the fact that no one will say you don’t make sense for fear of looking dumb.

Philosopher: So, I take it I must prove my philosophy to you.

Realist: Don’t worry about me. You need to convince the class. Besides, you can’t prove philosophy.

Philosopher: It’s easy, watch. Young lady, could you come down here please?

Conservative Girl: Yes Dr. Shyster?

Philosopher: I want you to have sex with this young man right here in front of everyone.

Conservative Girl: No way!

Philosopher: Thank you, you may sit down. See there’s your proof.

Realist: What kind of bullshit, left field, off-topic, non-proof sort of proof is that?

Philosopher: My words shaped her situation, and her words shaped the response to it. The words shaped and communicated the experience.

Realist: Nonsense! Your request was just fucking ridiculous.

Philosopher: Oh really?

Realist: Yes. Who in their right mind would agree to it?

Philosopher: You two, come here please.

Believer & Believette: Yes, Dr. Shyster?

Philosopher: I want you two to have sex right in front of the class.

Believer & Believette: Okay. *kissing*

Philosopher: Thank you, that will suffice. You may return to your seats.

Realist: Oh! Like you couldn’t tell from their dew rags and their dread locks that they would be into it!

Philosopher: I see you need still more proof.

Realist: You bet I do!

Philosopher: Actually, miss, could I borrow you one second more?

Believette: Yes, professor.

Philosopher: Have sex with this young man right here.

Believette: I don’t think so!

Philosopher: Well, young man, it seems no one wants to sleep with you. You may sit ma’am.

Realist: What’s your point?

Philosopher: Not much, really, it’s just incredibly amusing watching one girl after another reject you in front of everyone.

Realist: *checking his watch* It’s your royalty check professor. . .

Philosopher: Okay, I demonstrated to you how well all our words shaped the situation. Your words defined your experience, limiting it with two women, one who’s outward appearance would suggest she wasn’t open to the experience, and one whose words defined that she was. Proof positive, our words define our experiences.

Realist: Proof not positive, and really full of holes.

Philosopher: Okay, your turn to explain yourself.

Realist: Easy. Simple psychological fact shows that our appearances communicate more about us that anything we could possibly say. Moreover, sociology teaches us that societies have taboos and norms that regulate acceptable behavior. You simply preyed upon these facts. You picked a girl whose appearance conveyed that she adheres to our social norms and wouldn’t violate the taboo you asked her to. She’s pretty too.

Conservative Girl: *sighs and blushes*

Realist: Whereas those other two. . . their appearance just radiates ‘Pick me! I want to violate norms and taboos! I’m a rebellious college idealist! My parents are Republicans!’

Believer: Hey, my parents marched against the war!

Realist: And Dick Nixon brought it to an end, your point is?

Philosopher: What are these norms and taboos you speak of but just words?

Realist: No sir, you are wrong there! They aren’t words, they’re actions!

Philosopher: Oh really?

Realist: Yes, it’s a set of responses to actions deemed appropriate or inappropriate.

Philosopher: But they step from defined words.

Realist: Wrong. Norms are mostly unspoken, and generally never from any written or codified work.

Philosopher: Well, that’s sociology, and I’m talking philosophy.

Realist: And is your philosophy somehow superior to this proven social science?

Philosopher: For my purposes it is.

Realist: And let me guess, your philosophy is superior to all others.

Philosopher: Hmmm. . . Oh, I’d love it if it were. Hmmm. . . no, I’d have to say a colleague of mine has me beat. Dr. Nick Singh managed to convince himself that he did not exist despite counseling with 14 psychotherapists.

Realist: Which psycho ward does he live in today?

Philosopher: He doesn’t. Three years ago he jumped off a building. He was so convinced he didn’t exist he figured no one would notice.

Realist: Well, did someone notice?

Philosopher: Yes. He landed on a Mercedes in the middle of rush hour.

Realist: My God!

Philosopher: I know. That sort of dedication to the study is rare these days. I don’t think I could ever match that sort of intensity.

Realist: Are you out of your mind?

Philosopher: No, it’s an excellent illustration of my point.

Realist: Some idiot offs himself and this has anything at all to do with you?

Philosopher: It proves my point. His words shaped his world experience.

Realist: No they didn’t, when he died half the city noticed. His words didn’t shape shit.

Philosopher: Maybe not in our world, but in his own they did.

Realist: Oh not this! Not the relativist argument.

Philosopher: What’s wrong with that?

Realist: It’s nothing but a stubborn and ridiculous way to inject unsubstantiated doubt where solid fact exists. I don’t care how many or how few morons think their own little world trumps reality, 2 + 2 will always equal 4.

Philosopher: Not necessarily. What if you were on an island where you had to pay a holy addition tax to the gods? 2 + 2 would equal 3.

Realist: Yeah. . . and the only sane man on the island would jump off a damn cliff.

*both get a funny look on their faces for a moment*

Philosopher: Than it would seem to me that there isn’t much difference between a sane man and one who has convinced himself he does not exist.

Realist: That’s where you’re wrong. There are no little islands out there where 2 + 2 equals 3. There is, however, a very real world where if you jump off a building, people notice. That’s the difference.

Philosopher: But in such an island, the sane man would be the misunderstood philosopher.

Realist: It doesn’t matter. That won’t happen. No such island exists.

Philosopher: But in a debate you must allow for a hypothetical situation in order to postulate alternatives.

Realist: I don’t have to allow a damn thing, nobody set any rules for this debate.

Philosopher: And that’s why a realist and a philosopher can never see eye to eye on a subject.

Realist: Fine! You want to know why I reject it? A hypothetical situation exists to propose how a reality might function under plausible alternative events. What you suggested isn’t plausible, it’s ridiculous. It has no place in a serious debate. The fact that you bring it up proves how weak the intellectual foundations of your argument are.

Philosopher: Can’t you just disagree with it but respect that some people might find meaning in it?

Realist: No! Not when you teach a class in it at a public university. That costs me tuition, everyone else in the state money, and as if that wasn’t bad enough you line your poc
ket with the seven books you require for your own class. If you were honestly an intellectual, you would be a very corrupt one. What you really are is a crook committing a fraud on the state.

Philosopher: Then why take my class? If it’s such a hassle and an affront to your dignity why not take another precious social science?

Realist: Oh, if only it were that simple. Most colleges and universities require you to take humanities if you’re a liberal arts major, but offer so few humanities choices that we’re herded like cattle into the one, enormous, open class there is, philosophy. Every university has its own Shysterville.

Philosopher: One thing to remember about con men son, when it looks like they’re losing that’s usually about the time that they’re winning.

Realist: So you admit to being a con man then?

Philosopher: I didn’t say that, just pointing out that you’ve worded yourself into a corner.

Realist: Now how did I do that?

Philosopher: Simple. Take as givens my previous statement, and the conditions of our bet. Now, for you to win you would have to prove my philosophy a sham, thereby exposing me as a fraud.

Realist: Mmmm Hmmmm

Philosopher: And for me to win I must prove the validity of my study, thereby exonerating me as an honest intellectual.

Realist: That’ll be the day.

Philosopher: But, given the first statement, we may infer that con men win, and do not lose.

Realist: Well, successful con men at least.

Philosopher: By all your contentions, I must be a successful con man if I’m one at all.

Realist: Fair enough.

Philosopher: Then we reach the conundrum. Let me know if I’m talking to fast for you. In order for you to lose, I must prove the validity of my philosophy. Doing this, though, would mean I would win, thereby making me the successful con man you insist I am. If I should lose, however, then you would have proven my philosophy false. However, to do that I would have to lose, which we have already established a successful con man doesn’t do. So you see now we have a completely untenable situation. In order for me to be a con man, I can’t be a con man. In order for me not to be a con man, I must be a con man. This is one of those hypothetical situations you probably never thought would come about, and that is why philosophy is a meaningful study!

Believer: Bravo!

Realist: Now that the pandemonium has died down, let me expose the fatal flaw in your logic. You assume that a con man never gets beat. I’ve beaten a con man or two before, and I’ve got one or two left in me. Today’s your day, Shyster!

Philosopher: Well, mine got more applause.

Realist: Hey, cults form around anything. Just look at Mac users, or Dean supporters.

Philosopher: Or maybe they just agree with me and not you.

Realist: Mayhap. That, of course, remains to be seen.

Philosopher: You say that with uncertainty. Perhaps my words have given you a bit of respect for my philosophy.

Realist: Not a chance. You might con these people into believing you, but not me!

Philosopher: What do I have to do to convince you?

Realist: I’m not sure you can. Your philosophy is about as airtight as a Boeing with a window blowout. You sell it with all the conviction of Bill Clinton saying ‘I did not have sex with that woman. . .’ To make matters even worse, you dismiss the studies of fellow academics and place your own as superior.

Philosopher: I didn’t do that. I simply opened up the realm of possibility to the phrase ‘what if?’

Realist: That’s never a serious situation. Give me one example where it was.

Philosopher: When Einstein wondered ‘What if matter were made of energy?’

Realist: Okay. . . give me another example! Philosopher: How about, instead, you answer a few questions. Let’s see if your realism can withstand the scrutiny of my philosophy!

Realist: You’re on!

Philosopher: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Realist: The amoeba.

Philosopher: If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, has it made a sound?

Realist: Fuck it, it’s dead.

Philosopher: What’s the sound of one hand clapping?

Realist: *claps one hand* Got anything original?

Philosopher: When words don’t matter, is there any point in speaking them?

Realist: You’re not getting out of the bet that easily Shyster.

Philosopher: What if two men made an agreement but couldn’t prove they had?

Realist: Then the first person to take advantage of it wins.

Philosopher: But the agreement. . . did it matter at all?

Realist: Who cares? It only matters what you can prove in court.

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Slut wife just dont tell her husband

Theres only 2 things that sarah works hard at, 1: getting fucked and 2: making sure her husband has no idea. She was a slut from the first time she got fucked in school. She and her boyfriend skipped a class and had sex for the first time in a toilet. From that moment on sarah was addicted to cock. If it meant boyfriends leaving her she didnt care, she just had to have cocks fucking her and either filling her or covering her in cum. Her first boyfriend left her when he found out that she...

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daddy dont cry

very sexy i just came home from my prom i was wearing a blue prom dress, i walked into the house after saying night to my boyfriend, i walked in trough the door when somebody put their hand over my mouth and was taken the the main room, where i see my dad beaten up, their is a man holding a baseball bat, he is demanding money. my father tells them where the money is, thier is none, he turns to me and says, either you tell me where the money is or i will kill your daughter, he walks over to me,...

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Magic Of Matterhorn

It was the neat deeply tanned legs that Dan Summers first noticed, standing with ten other passengers in the cable car climbing out of Zermatt up towards the Klein Matterhorn. Beyond the window, the bright midday sun lit up the green slopes dotted with blue gentian and gave a glow to the snow cladding the higher peaks.A couple below waved up at them. The tanned-legged lady turned her head to wave back. Dan glimpsed a fairly pretty face, framed by brown shoulder-length hair. Early thirties...

Love Stories
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I had just got my drivers license and was very excited. I went out with my friends to celebrate. But I some how screwed up my braces. I called mom who got me an emergency appointment at the orthodontist. It was late on Friday and I drove mom's car over quickly as they were staying late for me. Plus it was snowing and supposed to get very bad as the evening went on. When I arrived every one was gone except the doctor and his assistant. The orthodontist quickly fixed the painful problem and left...

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Dontrust The review

Dontrust : The Review Finally home from work, another day another $1.25. Tossing the Covid-19 mask onto the desk and getting rid of his jacket, a chance to relax. The last of the days sunlight filtering through the curtains, and once again home alone, to peace and quiet. At least he had been able to skip the need for quarantine, and his job was still safe, for now. However he had been unable to have a social life in months, no pub hopping, no dating, had not even been able to meet...

2 years ago
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Cat Fight 6 Swordsmen

minton -  2 1/2 days quant  -  2 1/2 years heckson - 2 1/2 miles Toton -   2 1/2 hours   Bill - Lion clan King Tomco - Bill's father King Tobias - Bill's dead brother Twitty - Grey Tabby clan Glenna - Bengal clan Mikos - Chartreux clan Commander of star cruiser - Wire hair clan General Roth - Leopard clan Theta - Cheetah clan Niaco - Tiger clan Cornelius - one of Bill's Uncles  Conrad - Bill's other Uncle Assassin group - Jaguar clan The General...

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Three Little Words0

Three Little Words When I first stuck my cock in my twelve-year-old sister’s mouth she said those three little words, “I love you.” When I first stuck my cock in my thirteen-year-old sister’s pussy she said those three little words, “I love you.” I only have the one sister and Peggy really does love me. She lets me use her any time that I want too and I really mean that. I would stick my cock in her mouth while she was sitting on the toilet. I would fuck her tight pussy while she...

4 years ago
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Cockswords Berries a tale of kings and maidens

PrologueTHOUGHTS The king should have the biggest cocksword. It was a simple, well-reasoned conclusion maiden Reina reached while contemplating her good fortune at having been chosen the King’s bed maiden. If ever there were a reason to make a man king, this should surely be it. It made sense. A king should be a man among men. A king should be the strongest of men; the most virile; the bravest; the most well-endowed. How could one allow oneself to be led and ruled by a man who was not the...

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DarkswordsSRU Crossover The Fish That Got Away

Note: Sword is a recurring character in the Darkswords series. He is also a character in the game Time Stalkers, which is owned by SEGA and CLIMAX ENTERTAINMENT. In this case, Sword is from Darkswords. The SRU elements belong to Bill hart. Guess I got bored and decided to see what would happen if they crossed paths. Darkswords/SRU Crossover: The Fish That Got Away. Sword, your not-so-typical half elf, half vampire adventurer, always seemed to be in the right place at the right...

1 year ago
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The Runeswords

The Orion sector, Rito III, 3158 GST (Galactic Standard Time) Reginald Ravensblade, Harpist of Time, sat idly watching the roulette wheel spin as the small gold ball travelled around in the opposite direction waiting to find its home. He was in the Maytag Casino, the largest, most prestigious gaming establishment on Rito III, a pleasure planet known for its gaming establishments. Reg had been on the planet for a week and had just finished his latest quest, another task where time had been...

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Cat FightChapter 6 Swordsmen

specton - 2 1/2 minutes minton - 2 1/2 days quant - 2 1/2 years heckson - 2 1/2 miles Toton - 2 1/2 hours Bill - Lion clan King Tomco - Bill’s father King Tobias - Bill’s dead brother Twitty - Grey Tabby clan Glenna - Bengal clan Mikos - Chartreux clan Commander of star cruiser - Wire hair clan General Roth - Leopard clan Theta - Cheetah clan Niaco - Tiger clan Cornelius - one of Bill’s Uncles Conrad - Bill’s other Uncle Assassin group - Jaguar clan The General stepped up to Bill a moment...

3 years ago
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Swordswomen Sex and the CityChapter 2 Transformation and Asparagus

What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. Abraham Maslow Both in fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. Even when your spirit is calm do not let your body relax, and when your body is relaxed do not let your spirit slacken. Do not let your spirit be influenced by your body, or your body be influenced by your spirit. Miyamoto...

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Swordswomen Sex and the CityChapter 3 Peak experience

We fear our highest possibilities. We are generally afraid to become that which we can glimpse in our most perfect moments, under conditions of great courage. We enjoy and even thrill to godlike possibilities we see in ourselves in such peak moments. And yet we simultaneously shiver with weakness, awe, and fear before these very same possibilities. Abraham Maslow By knowing what exists, you can know that which does not exist. That is the void. People in this world look at things mistakenly,...

2 years ago
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Fortress of MemoryAfterwords

I took my charges to a safe place for the night, (a disused motorhome, which I knew where the key was hidden) and we ate our meal, drank our water, used the toilet- "Don't flush it, we will just rinse it down with a little water when everyone is done" I told them. and then it was time to change into the sweats and get ready for bed. I was embarassed, because living all together in Section 20 had removed any vestige of modesty. I tried not to stare at the brief flashes of pale skin or dark...

3 years ago
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CrosswordsChapter 3

I had to work the next morning at nine. Dad had just finished his breakfast when I came downstairs. He pushed his plate away and pulled his coffee closer before sticking his nose in the morning paper. Mom was already drinking her coffee and reading the arts section. Dad was dressed for work and Mom was wearing her everyday housecoat. As I made my breakfast, I wondered what she was wearing underneath the robe and whether or not she would honor her promise to show me her tits or if she had just...

1 year ago
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CrosswordsChapter 4

It was Friday. The last day before Lynn came home with her friend Tessa. I guess I had gotten more than I had ever hoped for but I am a man and I now wanted more. But hey, another finger and deepthroat was fine by me if I could get Mom to oblige. Breakfast was deadly. I couldn’t wait for Dad to leave so I could get Mom to show me her tits and maybe get in a feel and suck before going to work. Once he rattled the paper as if to fold it to open the next page but looked back to read another...

3 years ago
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CrosswordsChapter 5

“Is that all you’re taking?” Lynn’s face matched the tone of her voice and also the arms stretched out to her sides, an expression of incredulity. I shrugged and looked in the trunk at the two plastic bags and a couple of taped up boxes. There were two suitcases in the backseat but those were Lynn’s. “Yeah, well, like you said, I shouldn’t be dwelling on the past.” I slammed the trunk closed and walked around to the driver’s door. “There must be more than that, some keepsakes, or...

4 years ago
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CrosswordsChapter 6

I was afraid to meet Lynn’s eyes the next morning. Dale was long gone by the time I got up and the kids had gone to school. Rosita bustled about the kitchen and I could see Manuel moving about in the backyard as I approached the large, curving granite counter where Lynn sat, drinking her coffee and reading the morning paper. “Sleep well?” she asked. “Yeah, like a log from the moment my head hit the pillow,” I lied. Lynn smiled as she looked up. “Me too,” she said. “Rosita left you an...

1 year ago
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CrosswordsChapter 7

Lynn looked positively radiant the next day. She was dressed in a little print dress that accentuated her narrow waist and was equally flattering for her hips. The light material followed every curve of Lynn’s body despite the looseness of the skirt. In short, the dress didn’t hide the fact that Lynn had a very nice bottom distinctly constituted from two sculptured lumps of feminine flesh which were definitely not held rigidly in place. A similar situation was evident above her waist. She was...

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CrosswordsChapter 8

After that day, Lynn made the journey from the familial home to my cottage every school morning, usually greeted by Manuel as she passed with a smile and a brief, courteous exchange. Lynn seemed very happy. Her world was complete: two beautiful and well-balanced children, a wonderful home, a successful and loving husband, and a live-in lover, who just happened to be her brother, to make up for her partner’s shortcomings in the sex department. Weekends were a respite so the sex on Monday...

4 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 34 Patterns of Meiji Swordsmanship

(Kaoru is dressing for practice.) Kaoru: Hmm... I wonder if this is a little too loose? Yahiko (bursting in): Hey, what's taking so long? Hurry up, it's already getting dark-- (A scream and a thud.) Kenshin (outside doing laundry): (Kaoru marches out, the trussed-up Yahiko hanging from her shinai.) Kenshin: Oh. Kaoru: Jeez! That little peeping-- Kenshin: I'm sure it was an accident as always. Kaoru: What do you mean, "as always"? Kenshin: Are you going out today? Kaoru:...

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The idea of actually doing it was set in motion when I found stories about women having sex with animals on the Internet. I was intrigued by these stories and after some time , I knew that I was going to do it myself. The idea wasn't something that occurred overnight, I was interested before I read the stories. Why? One reason was that the act was forbidden by society which made it very appealing to me- to do something so far out of the norm was sexually exciting. But the real...

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EverywhenChapter 2

[Sunday, July 5th, 2020] Right now, I wanted to play with gambling with this ability for a little while, so I jumped back into the tunnel. Once again I was in the tunnel, facing another end section. The scene on the wall showing my monitor, keyboard, and mouse sitting upon my desk. I figured this would be a good way to leave it as I would probably be back at some point. I headed back down the tunnel to the intersection and considered going back in time to the last time I was in Vegas....

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EverywhenChapter 3

But being an 18 year old me? Now that has some serious potential. In my base timeline, when I was 18 years old (1986) I had just finished up my senior year of High School and I was facing the prospect of finding a job. After graduation, my Mom informed me that I was not going to screw off all summer and she needed me to hit the pavement looking for full-time work. I parlayed a couple of weeks in a trade school machine shop into a job working at a mill and operating a turret lathe at a...

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EverywhenChapter 4

[Friday, June 20th, 1986] Up in my room, I started with setting the box on my bed and pulling things out. I liked a few of the shirts she had in there, so it was good to see them again. I had no interest in the stuffed animals, but maybe Anne would like them. There were a few crystal animals in there, they would probably go to Anne too. One of them did not look familiar to me, hell, it probably came from some other guy. That’s kinda funny actually. I can’t be certain it wasn’t from me, but...

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EverywhenChapter 5

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] I awoke to the sounds of our next-door neighbors pulling their truck out of the driveway. It was a big Ford F-350 diesel with dual rear wheels and he had a camping trailer hooked up to the rear bumper. His wife was loudly playing spotter for him, and apparently she was making absolutely sure that they took out their mailbox as they pulled out. Much cursing and blame throwing was involved. They were both assholes about it if you asked me. With the windows open it...

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EverywhenChapter 6

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] As we started up the stairs I warned Kim that my room was in the attic and that there was no A/C up there. I also told her, “We probably should have brought some water to help us avoid heatstroke.” Sadly, I wasn’t kidding much. It gets damn hot up there during a summer day. When we got there she said, “Nice room, but you weren’t kidding, wow it’s hot. We better do this quickly.” She asked me to pull out any clothes I had in dresser drawers that weren’t socks or...

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EverywhenChapter 7

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I woke up and looked over at the alarm clock on my nightstand. It showed 07:55 am. I climbed out of the waterbed and stretched. I was enjoying having this 18-year-old body again. I was still way too thin at this point in my life. I remember my first Military ID showed my weight at 135 pounds. Which was about 10 pounds less than normal for me at the time. Sure, I was a bit of a beanpole, but not quite that bad. I figure all the exercise in basic made me lose more...

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EverywhenChapter 8

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I met Sam back at the table with his lunch. I offered him a choice, “Sweet tea, or Coke?” He opted for the Coke. We shared a side of the picnic table with a comfortable space between us as neither of us wanted to lose the best views. I opened a bag of potato chips and started my questions with, “Well, I guess there is no sense tiptoeing around. Feel free not to answer any questions you feel are too personal and I won’t hold it against you. The personal ones are...

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EverywhenChapter 9

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] Sam sat there staring at either me or the ticket for a good 5 minutes. Eventually, he shook his head and said, “John, my temper can get a little out of hand sometimes. Normally, someone trying to give me a handout would piss me right off, but you’ve managed to kinda blow my mind here. I don’t know if I can make you understand, but I’ll try to explain.” “You see, I need to live my life by certain rules. I won’t lie. I won’t steal. I will earn my keep. That’s it,...

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EverywhenChapter 10

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] Sam and I pulled back into the parking lot at about 6:45 pm. I briefly considered using the valet parking, but as much as I loved my old 626, it would have been embarrassing to pull up behind the Jaguar and Mercedes crowd. Sam and I headed to the valet area anyway and our passes quickly gained us access to the stairwell. When we got to the Lounge we found only about 40 people in the whole place. We didn’t exactly fit in, but it wasn’t the Red Carpet event I half...

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EverywhenChapter 11

[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] I woke around 6 am and made it into the shower without running into anyone, as I would expect for the time. After getting dressed, I headed to the kitchen and was in the mood to make some breakfast. I had come across a jar of instant coffee the other day and decided to go for it. We were going to have to get a coffee machine soon. This instant coffee stuff was going to be horrible. I put the kettle on the stove to work and started rummaging for food ideas. Two...

4 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 12

[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] The next thing we knew, the front door was opening, and my mom was home. Fortunately, she spent a little time putting groceries away in the kitchen and pantry. Kim and I had time to get our shirts buttoned up again. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, smashing the volume button and hoping it wouldn’t be deafening when it came on. It wasn’t, and I flipped through the channels until I came to MTV and slowly increased the volume. One video was just...

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EverywhenChapter 13

[Thursday, June 26th, 1986] When I woke up, the alarm clock told me it was nearly 8 am. In case I ran into anyone to or from the shower, I donned a pair of shorts from the laundry hamper to cover myself. I should get myself a decent robe for that. The bathroom was surprisingly free. I took my shower and headed back upstairs to change for the day, carrying my shorts and wrapped in just a towel. I dressed in jeans and one of my new polo shirts. I liked my new wardrobe a lot better than the...

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EverywhenChapter 14

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] I awoke to the sounds of our next-door neighbors pulling their truck out of the driveway. Damn-it, I forgot about them. I wondered if I could help them out. Let’s find out. I jumped into the tunnel. If the time between sections were roughly two seconds, then that would be 30 sections per minute. 300 sections would be ten minutes. I started moving quickly, but still slow enough to count individual sections. I stopped somewhere after 500 sections. And tried to...

4 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 15

[Sunday, June 22nd, 1986] I woke again to the sunlight coming through the window. Looking at the alarm clock showed me it was almost 7 am. I got up and took my morning shower. After getting dressed for the day, I headed out to the car and made my way to the nearby diner. While I drank the coffee that Carol had poured for me, I considered the menu. Carol soon came back and asked, “So what can I get for you this morning?” I replied, “I think I’ll go with a short stack of pancakes and a side...

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EverywhenChapter 16

[Monday, June 23nd, 1986] I got to Kim’s house right after 7 am, as requested. She had made french toast for all of us. Her mom was still in a nice comfortable robe, but her dad was dressed in a suit for the office where he worked. We all enjoyed the food, and Kim and I left for the mall right after her dad headed out for the day. Our day of shopping went very similarly to the first time, with a couple of notable changes. Kim modeled almost a dozen dresses for me. After she decided on the...

4 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 17

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I woke up and found the Sun shining in my eyes. Looking over to the alarm clock, I saw I had slept in a bit this morning. It was nearly 8 am. I quickly got showered and dressed for the day, but I took special care to shave well and apply a little cologne. I wanted to look nice, and I opted for khakis and a light blue polo. The penny loafers we had purchased went well with them. I grabbed my backpack and headed out to the car. I headed to the diner and grabbed the...

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