Abduction_(0) free porn video

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Han’s looked up as his daughter came into the lounge, she was a beautiful girl, and being of Scandinavian birth she was exquisite and he’s only daughter, they’d moved to England just after her birth, the family were very influential. Han’s was owner of a multi billion company, so his daughter needless to say; needed for nothing although well educated.

‘I’d a Notion you might like a brandy Daddy?’

‘It’s a mite early, but yes I’d like that!’ Han’s smiled, watching as Debbie walked slowly over to the drinks cabinet. Her long blonde hair swayed behind her with each and every step. She was surely a beautiful girl.

‘Would you like a large one?’ she asked turning back to her father.

‘Just the normal thank you’ Han’s replied.

Han’s watched as she walked back toward him. Debbie never ever wore a bra, her breasts were firm and up standing, swaying gently with each step, she had an elasticated halter top on with a short skirt, her midriff bare, showing just her navel. She placed the glass on the small table beside her father a then sat down in the armchair opposite. Even though her knees were together Han’s could not help but notice the yellow triangle of her panties before she placed her hand within her lap, to cover her modesty.

‘Well this time next week you’ll be married, how quiet the home will be then?’ He mused.

‘Daddy you make me sound like a schoolgirl!’ Debbie chuckled with a girlish grin.

Debbie had been courting Philip for the past two years, knowing him since school days, although Debbie wasn’t a virgin they’d not actually had sex, deciding to keep that for their wedding night.

‘So what are you up to today then?’

‘Same as every Saturday, down to the leisure club, bit of a work-out in the gym; then a nice walk through the park’ Debbie grinned.

‘Not seeing Philip then?’

‘Not till tonight, we’re going to a show’ Debbie smiled, ‘Last one before or wedding, I wont be seeing much of him for the next week, he’ll be in Scotland!’

Bert Reynolds was the conman of all conmen, where there was buck to be made he’d the answer, he’d planned this deal for the last three months He looked around the table at his colleagues in crime.

‘But why go to all this trouble, why not just kidnap her then demand the ransom!” Alan asked, running his hand up through his greasy hair.

Bert went to his briefcase pulling out a large photograph asking for it to be passed around the table. Each viewed the print with admiration then it came back around, Bert, held it in front of him for all could see.

‘Are you telling me that none of you would turn down the chance of fucking this little Scandinavian sweetheart?’

There was quite a bit of muttering around the table as the group discussed the picture. Bernard being the eldest at 70 was more than enthusiastic about fucking such a young thing.

‘Nevertheless, why do we have to get her pregnant, surely just kidnapping her would convey in the revenue we want?’ Freddy quizzed.

‘Obviously, you don’t understand the Danes, they’ll pay handsomely for an off spring; than just for the girl, at present there is no male descendant to carry on the family name, if we can supply one; he’ll pay out Millions. Plus there is no likelihood of the police being involved if he knows he’ll get his daughter back with her baby’ Bert grinned. ‘We have it made!’

‘You’re saying we should keep her until the baby is born?’ Alan suggested. ‘Why not send her back once she’s pregnant?’

‘No, if we do that she could have the baby aborted, he’d never pay out the ransom we’ll be asking. She has to stay until the birth!’

‘That could be anything up to a year or more?’

Bert looked across the table toward his father Bernard, and then back around the group ‘I don’t think so, now Dad here’ he smiled. ‘Has a very high sperm count, it’s been said that he’d only have to hang his underpants over the end of the bed for woman would get pregnant, and with all of us fucking her, well…I don’t think she’d stand a chance of not becoming pregnant, it wouldn’t take that long!’

‘Well, I’m up for it; she looks a real beauty to me. I couldn’t turn a chance like this down. We’ll just have to hope old Bernard isn’t so fruitful!’ sniggered Mike.

‘So, I take it that we’re all in agreement then?’ Bert looked around the table at his five associates in crime, each agreeing to his proposal.
The group consisted of Bert himself, with his father Bernard, Alan, Mike, Ernie and Freddy who’d just turned 18

‘Then it will be today then, providing she doesn’t change her scheme of events, she’ll be in the park at around 12.30, we’ll take the van, collect her and bring her back here to the cruiser, we can then take her out to the estuary, then no one will see or hear her.

Debbie was sitting on the riverbank when the group turned up with the van; they sat watching for a good twenty minutes making sure that no one was in the vicinity. Bert left the van walking along the bank, then down toward Debbie.

“Excuse me miss but do you have any knowledge of First Aid?” Bert knew for a fact that she did as she’d taken a nursing course.

Debbie looked up and smiled. ‘As a matter of fact I do, what is the problem?’ she inquired.

‘Well its not for me, I have a friend, he’s hurt his leg badly, I’ve got him in the back of the van, but I’m at a loss as what to do!’

‘I’ll come and have a look, hopefully it wont be to bad, or we’ll have to get him to the hospital’ Debbie replied as she started to stand up.

The boys had already arranged Freddy in the back of the van; Debbie would have to get passed the group to get to Freddy before she could look at his leg.

‘So which of you has the poorly leg then?’ Debbie inquired as she stood at the back of the van.

“It’s alright Miss, I’m sure I’ll survive!’ Freddy informed her.

‘Best if I have a look, just to make sure’ Debbie replied with a smile as she stepped up into the van.

As soon as she was up into the van Bert slammed the door shut and then casually walked back up to the front getting into the drivers seat.

Ernie was first grab hold of Debbie, pulling her down onto the floor beside him.

‘My, you are a real beauty aren’t you?’ he grinned with a near toothless smile.

‘Where are you taking me?’ Debbie snapped as she tried to break his grip on her arm, tugging away from him.

‘You just sit tight Miss, you’ll find out soon enough. I’m sure you don’t want us to gag or tie you up. Now just you sit tight!’

Debbie sat looking around at the faces in the van, not to sure of what she should do, she was to say the least somewhat terrified, knowing there was no way she’d be able to get out of the van.

Bert sat for a few moments then gripped his fist and pushing it into the air. ‘Yes!” he exclaimed. ‘Sorted!’ Turning the key in the ignition, the vehicle leaped into action, there was a board smile on his face, t’was only he and his father knew of the real scheme.

Arrangements had been made with Debbie’s father, Bernard unbeknown to the group was a Dane, and he’d changed his name, to that of an English one. So far for the last four generations he and his predecessors had fathered only males as their offspring’s. Bert had arranged with Debbie’s father to get her pregnant with a boy child. Both Debbie and her fiancé had decided not to have a child for at least ten years, her father had an serious heart condition, giving him no more than 6 years to live. He needed to be sure of a male descendant within the family to take over the family company, and above all a Dane

Not having a child of his own Bert wasn’t too sure whether he’d follow suit, it had to be left to his father. He had three brothers with no sisters.

Arriving at the quay he sat for minutes watching, waiting for the all clear, there wasn’t to many people about to which he was grateful.

‘Right lads lets get her out and on board whilst the coast is clear!’ Bert shouted into the back of the van as he got out of the cab.

Bernard was first out allowing the other three to hold onto Debbie as they walked up the slipway.

‘My father will soon discover a way of finding me!’ Debbie remarked, still trying to break loose from their hold on her.

‘Take her straight down below we’ll cast off’ Bert stated as he went to the fore of the cruiser whilst his father Bernard went aft.

‘Take her out a couple of miles Dad, then come down. We’ll put her in the large cabin; they’ll be more room in there.

When Bert made his way down to the lower cabin the four were sitting at the table with Debbie standing, she turned as he entered the room.

‘So what do you think you’re all doing, you can’t keep me here against my will!’ she stammered hearing the engine roar to life.

‘That’s just what we are doing!’ Bert smiled. ‘ Now lets go foreword, we’ll be more comfortable in the lounge, we can talk there! If you lads stay here I’d like to talk to our guest. Tell Bernard where I am when he comes down’

Debbie followed as Bert ushered her through the narrow passageway toward the front of the cruiser, she had to steady herself as the cruiser lifted when Bernard had opened the throttle, as they were now in open waters.

The lounge was quite spacious; Debbie walked in and sat down on an armchair. ‘I hope you’re not thinking of keeping me here to long?’ She implied.

‘Well that will depend on you’ Bert grinned as he sat.

‘Pray what do I have to do with it, I have to get ready for my wedding next week!’

‘You’ll not be making that, you are now our hostage, and be here for at least nine months’

‘Why are you holding me here?’

‘Money!’ chuckled Bert ‘and plenty of it! Before you leave this boat your going to become a mother.

The implication shocked Debbie; she stood and started to walk around the room, then came back and sat down in front of Bert, thrusting her hands down between her knees.

‘I’ll not let this happen, for a start I have no clothes!’

‘You’ll not need clothes, once you take those off, you’ll have the freedom of the cruiser, you’ll stay naked should it suit you’

‘You can’t do this, I’m getting married next week!’ Debbie lifted her hands putting them up to her face as she started to weep. ‘You’re after a ransom I can understand that, but why do I have to get pregnant?’

‘Your father will pay handsomely for both you and your baby when the time comes’

‘I’ll abort it!’ Debbie opened her hands as she spoke.

‘They’ll be little chance of that, you’ll be staying here until the baby is born, and then we’ll negotiate with your father’

‘I’ll never let you near me!’ Debbie placed her hands up to her face once more.

‘You’ll hold off the six of us?’

Debbie opened her hands a stared at Bert ‘Six of you, what do you mean?’

‘We’re all going to try to get you pregnant, but one of us in particular!’

‘That one is you I take it, you seem to be the leader?’

‘On the contrary, it’s will be the old fella!’

Debbie put her face back into her hands and shook her head, ‘This has got to be a bad dream’ she muttered, tears streaming down her face.

There was a light tapping on the door, Bert never turned around. ‘Come in Bernard’

Debbie looked up as Bernard came into the room; the sight of him brought more tears. ‘I can’t do this, it cannot happen!’

‘I take it you’ve told her then?’ Bernard implied with a smile, his eye caught sight of the opening between Debbie’s knees, a hornier sight he couldn’t miss; she looked so shy and bashful.

‘Yes she knows, I just hope she’s not to unwilling when the time comes’ Bert replied.

‘You can’t do this!’ Debbie implored.

‘The sooner it’s done the sooner you go home young lady’ Bernard stated kneeling down in front of her. He looked up to her tearful face she looked so angelic, taking her hand into his own he turn back to Bert.

‘She’ll be alright!’ he smiled.

‘Be better if you give in lightly, struggle and it will only make thing worse. It’s going to happen one way or the other, will you submit without a struggle, your life here will be much better. Bernard looked up into her eyes as he spoke; there was a hint of devilment in his own eyes.

Debbie nodded her head whilst gripping his hand slightly.

‘I take it that means yes then?’

‘I know its wrong but I have very little choice do I?’

‘Believe me you’ll enjoy it, many women think of having sex with more than one man at a time; you’ll love it!’ Bernard smiled, easing his free hand up under her skirt.

Debbie felt the warmness of his hand between her legs; at first she gripped her knees together locking his hand tightly. Bernard looked up toward her once more with a smile on his face. ‘Debbie, you said you submit?’

Debbie freed the pressure allowing his hand to slither up to her panties, Bernard could feel his cock twitch as his finger kneaded the softness of her panties, and although he could not see them he knew they were of a silky texture. He turned back to his son. ‘Can you leave us for a short while Bert.’

Bert stood turning to leave the room, ‘Enjoy him Debbie! The sooner it’s done the sooner you get back home’

‘Now lets see if we can’t get a little more comfy, come over to the settee here’ Bernard had stood and was offering her his hand, Debbie took it and then walked over to the large settee, He eased her down lifting her skirt up to her waist then spreading her legs out before him, viewing the yellow satin panties. ‘I think we’d better remove these we don’t want to get them messed up do we’ He then started to undo her blouse revealing her pert breasts although small, they were well shaped

Debbie lifted her hips as he tucked his hands underneath her easing her panties over her knees and feet. He reached forward placing then neatly on the back of the settee, then turned back viewing the sight before him. There was not a single hair to be seen.

‘I wonder as to just how many times it’ll take?’ he grinned toward her, then back down at her pussy.

‘Do you have to look at me like that?’ Debbie said, placing a hand down so as to cover her womanhood.

Bernard leaned forward lifting her hand aside then gently placing his mouth over her complete pussy, Debbie lie back, by no means had she ever had this done to her, unexpectedly she sensed his tongue wriggling over her clitoris. She closed her eyes, this was sheer heaven; her body went into a tranquil state, she eased her shoulders back into the settee, spreading her legs wider.

To Bernard this was a taste he’d long missed, and the aroma was nectar to his nostrils, the last time he’d been this close to a pussy was at leased twenty years ago, and the thought of fucking such a beauty made his cock ache, she had to be at least forty-six years his junior; he knew he’d not last long the first time, but the contemplation of having her for at least nine months really appealed to him, he could hear her slight moans, at times she lifted her hips for him to go harder.

Knowing he had to have her for fear of blowing his load into his underpants; he reached down undoing his belt, sliding his trousers and pants down to his knees. Slowly he worked his way up her slender body, his tongue went straight to her breasts, sucking each nipple in turn whilst he pushed his hand down taking up his cock, already juices were oozing from it’s eye.

She was tight, God she was so bloody tight; Bernard never considered that she not been fucked for at least two years, he assessed it could only be the thickness of his own cock. Debbie drew in a deep breath as he force it gently up her; she’d missed being fucked, even then it hadn’t felt like this, the boy was a year younger than her at the time. Bernard push it deep and held, his body felt so full of life, he looked down at Debbie.

‘Are you okay?’ she smiled, hoping that he wouldn’t have a heart attack.

Bernard said nothing but started slowly pumping his cock in and out of her, never could he remember such sensations. He’s cock felt as if he would blow, he wanted to; but for his own sake he had to hold back. Debbie was panting below him as he nudged his cock deeply virtually lifting her up into the cushions on the settee. He knew he’d cum buckets when the time came, he’d not even had a wank for years, he just hoped she’d not fall pregnant on their first coupling. Debbie eased her legs up to each side of him and closed her eye’s, at first she felt revolted at the thought of such an old man fucking her, or even touching her body, she was glad now that she’d succumbed to their wishes.

Bert was up on deck at this time; his mobile phone up to his ear.

‘Yes everything has gone to plan, she’s out in the cruiser as I speak!’

‘D’you think she’ll submit to my deal?’

‘Mr Blakenberg she already is, as I speak. My father is impregnating her at this very moment’

‘I didn’t think she submit so willingly?’

‘Don’t get me wrong, she didn’t want to; but when she realised that she’d not get off the boat until she did, she understood she’d no choice!’

‘Well lets hope it doesn’t take to long, with luck she’ll not want to know this wimp of a fiancée when she comes back’

‘I take it that our arrangement still holds then; three million?’ Bert said with a smile.

‘You just get the job done; I’ll not go back on my word. Keep me informed of your progress!’ The line went dead; Bert smiled as he put the phone back into his pocket.

Bernard nearly collapsed as he came, he’d forced his cock so deep Debbie thought it might come out of her mouth, and as he’d anticipated he’d cum buckets, moments went by as he came, it seemed never ending, he hovered above her before leisurely pulling out, thankfully there was no seepage, he then reached down lifting her legs and placing the together. Debbie looked at his cock as it swayed before him, comparing it only to her five-year-old donkey Billy. He drew her skirt back down over her bare pussy then covered her breasts with her blouse.

‘You stay there and don’t you get up young lady, or we’ll have a mess everywhere.

Debbie reached out taking his hand, ‘that was really magnificent!’

‘Good!’ smiled Bernard ‘I take it you wont mind more should it be needed then?’

‘I’ll look forward to it’ Debbie grinned.

Debbie placed her hand down onto her lower tummy, often her and her fiancé Philip had spoken of children, however, he was utterly against it, thinking at least ten years. She grinned to herself, I could be pregnant, and this is just what she’d wanted. She didn’t think too much to the idea that she’d have to stay as long as it took to get her pregnant, but to be suddenly fucked by six guys. Friends at college had frequently spoken of gangbangs as they called it.

Bert was still on deck when Bernard came up.

‘You didn’t take long?’ he told his father. ‘Everything okay?’

‘Liquid velvet my boy, never fucked anything like that before, she’s so tight. We’ll have no trouble with her now, what are you going to do about the lad’s they’re all raving to get at her?’

‘Take you gave her a good filling?’

‘She never lost a drop; go in deep at the finish that’s what I always say. Her fella must have a cock like a pin; you’d almost think she was a virgin, never known a pussy to be so clinging. I’d get in next if I we’re you, before she opens up to much!’

‘I do just that, then we’ll let the lads loose on her, I take it she’s still in the lounge?’

‘ That’s where I left her!’

Bert went back down to the galley where the rest of the crew were.

‘Come on lads, lets see how she stands up to the rest of us, you’d better decide on as to who goes next after me?’ Bert chuckled beckoning them to follow him into the lounge.
Debbie was still laying out on the settee when the group came into the lounge, Bert walked up and sat on the edge of the settee and lifted her skirt. ‘Come then young lady, open your legs I hope you haven’t lost any of your first load?’

Debbie slowly opened her legs; she hadn’t expected them all to come in at once. Bert stood as he dropped his trousers pulling them over his feet; he then turned to face her. ‘Bit of a blow job first get him nice and wet?’ he smiled.

Debbie wasn’t going to have any of that, it was something she’d heard of but had never done it. In all her sexual activities she’d only been fucked three times, and one of those was with Bernard.

‘Ok, have it your way; you should be wet enough anyway!’

Bert climbed in between her legs, guiding his cock straight into her pussy, she’d retracted somewhat since Bernard had fucked her, but the amount of cum welling inside gave Bert an easy access. She gasped feeling the breadth of his cock, however, Bert wasn’t as tender as his father he started to fuck her really hard, and she had to hold onto her boobs as they were rocking painfully. She eased her legs up allowing him more freedom, never had she been fucked so ferociously, nevertheless her body was reacting to his aggressiveness, her first orgasm took her completely by surprise, it was not unlike pins and needles all over her body, she gripped the cushions on the settee for fear of falling off, Bert never faulted in his stoke.

The other four lads were now standing beside her, naked from the waist down, each holding their erections. Bert had slowed now, but continued to fuck her in long deep thrusts; Debbie squealed with the excitement of it all, each of the four lads stoked their cocks, readying themselves for there own turn. Bert was about to blow, but he wasn’t going to give way just yet, the pleasure was too gratifying for him, as his father had told him; she was an excellent fuck, even though she was still chock-full of cream. Bert clasped her legs, easing them up onto his shoulders, his speed increasing once more. He knew now was the time, forcing his cock deep he held as he blew.

Bernard watched her face as his son came; it told all, her hand shot down between her legs as the pressure built up, hot boiling cum, she almost felt as if she’d explode. As Bert pulled out, Ernie took his place straight in, Debbie never had time to catch her breath. Again she was being fucked at a tremendous rate, orgasm came near enough immediately, arching her back she forced her pussy up for more letting out a long low moan as spasms went throughout her body.

Freddie was pulling at his cock as he watched the sensual scene before him; he’d never even seen a blue movie it was just too much, he anticipated that he’d last out till his turn.

Ernie slowed once more, he was past the point of no return, and forcing his cock up her he blew, this time she was more than full, sperm came down the sides of his shaft, and spurted generously onto the settee. Although it wasn’t his turn Freddie jumped in behind as Ernie pulled out. But shamefully, he blew after just two pushes.

All was not lost; next came Alan he’d the biggest cock of them all; he even struggled to get it up inside her, with all the cum she’d already taken it still wasn’t that easy. Debbie tried to sit up and pull away from him, Bert noticed her movement and held her down; she felt sure he was going to split her in two.

‘Please…please I need to rest!’ Debbie pleaded.

By this time Alan had got the head of his cock up inside her he wasn’t going to give in now, he leaned heavily forcing it deep. Debbie cried out as she sensed the immense dispersal of her inner pussy walls. What cum had come to her entrance was now being pushed back up, her pussy was so compacted she thought she explode once more.

‘Only one more after this one!’ Bernard leaned forward and whispered into her ear.

Debbie did wonder as to how much of a load he’d pump up her, it was getting easier for her now, Alan was taking slow but deliberate strokes. The sense of her tightness made his cock throb as the blood force down into his manhood, he bent forward clasping her around the shoulders lifting her as he stood; Debbie could do nothing as she felt herself slipping down onto his huge cock, he walked around the lounge bouncing her up and down on it.

‘Please I really do need a rest!’ Debbie managed to blurt out.

Alan took her over to the table in the middle of the room and laid her back down, still he continued to fuck her. He leaned over her pushing his cock in deep. Debbie sensed the mammoth engorgement of his cock, gripping the edge of the table trying to stop herself from falling and screaming out

‘Here comes your baby!’ he smiled kissing her on the lips

Debbie distinguished the compression, her pussy tried it’s hardest to accommodate the enormous amount of cum he was propelling up into her belly. Her hands went down onto the table once again, as she tried to pull herself off his proud cock, but still he pumped, the girth of he’s shaft allowed no room for secretion. So far she’d had five loads, and this must have out weighed all, her lower abdomen felt as if it would burst. As soon as Alan sensed that his download was completed; he leaned forcefully on his cock pushing the remnants of the all the cum up into her belly. Debbie had a mighty orgasm as the pressure built up.

Unhurriedly Alan withdrew his cock; cum oozed as he did so; Mike rushed forward as he was beckoned him to take his place. Debbie had passed out before she realised they’d swapped places, there was very little feeling for Mike; her pussy had been stretched beyond all means.

Bert noticed the look on his face, knowing as to what it must have felt like after five of them had fucked her let alone Alan with his giant cock.

‘Go first next time!’ he smiled. ‘Let her rest for a while then she’ll be as good as new!’

Mike reluctantly removed his cock as Debbie finally came around.

Debbie looked somewhat of a mess when she tried to sit up on the table; she looked around the room at her six rapists; her pussy felt more than sore. Even though she enjoyed every minute of it.

It was Bernard who stopped her as she tried to stand. ‘I wouldn’t try that just yet if I we’re you missy, I think you better have a lie down first!’

Bert walked over to the table. ‘Come miss, I’ll take you to your room’ with that he picked her up into his arms and carried her.

‘I take it you’ve all enjoyed yourselves’ she smiled as Bert carried her from the lounge. ‘I think I might need my panties?’ she asked looking over Bert’s shoulder.

‘You’ll not be needing them again until you’re on your way home, even then I doubt if they’ll fit you!’ Bert sniggered.

Bert took her into his bedroom and laid her out on the bed, gently easing her legs together, then leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

‘Now you stay here and rest; I’ll go and get you a drink. How do you feel?’ He asked. ‘I think you’re going to enjoy the chance of having this baby don’t you?’

‘A mite shattered!’ Debbie grinned. ‘And the baby; well to be honest it’s something that I’ve been wanting for a long time, my boyfriend and I have spoken of it, but he wants to wait ten years; now I’m here I might as well enjoy it. I’d didn’t take much to your friend with the big cock though, that really hurt’

‘I’ll go and get you a drink; what would you like?’

‘Orange, orange squash; if you have it. Would you mind if I went to the bathroom, I feel somewhat messy?’

One orange squash coming up, the bathroom is through that door over there’ Bert pointed to the door to the side of the bedroom. ‘You’ll find everything you need in there’

Debbie waited until he’d left the room before endeavouring to get off of the bed, her legs felt weak as she tried to stand. Once in the bathroom she immediately sat on the toilet, spreading her legs as she sat. There was a loud gurgling, echoing from beneath her in the bowl, she looked down into the toilet as the goo started to pore out of her pussy, leaving a thick cream on top to the water beneath her. As she forced her pussy muscles even more spurted out; as soon as she was sure there would be no more to spend she wiped herself then stood up to view herself in the long mirror to one side of her. Her pussy looked very puffed and reddened, never had she seen it look this way previously after sex; she could only but blame Alan, he’d the biggest cock, she even told him it was to big for her.
‘Here you are; thought you’d fell overboard! Everything alright?’ Bert quizzed. Come on into the bedroom and have your orange’ He led her back to the bed.

‘I feel a mite sore down there’ Debbie pointed between her legs as she sat onto the bed.

Bert placed the glass into her hand, ‘Let’s have a look make sure no damage has been done’ he helped her lift one leg up onto the bed, easing it to one side.

‘You’re right it does look sore, when did you last have sex before today?’

Debbie had to think for a few moments before giving him an answer. ‘About two and a half years I believe, I’ve never had it with Philip’

‘What’s wrong with the guy, I’d fuck you every night being in his shoes!’

‘Oh, it’s not that he didn’t want to, we both agreed to wait until after the wedding?’

‘Wouldn’t do me; I like to try the goods before I buy them. It’s no wonder your feeling tender; we all assumed that you’d have been getting it regularly. Even Dad said you were tight!’

‘Dad, is the old guy your Dad?’

‘Well yes!’

‘He was the gentlest out of all of you! Kindly old gentleman, and he made it enjoyable’

‘Are you saying you didn’t enjoy the rest of us?’

‘On the contrary, that’s except for the guy with the big cock, he really hurt me; I think it’s through him that I feel so sore. Do I really have to have all of you to get me pregnant, I mean I’m not on the pill or anything like that, it shouldn’t be that hard?’

‘Who would you prefer then?’

‘You or your father perhaps! Keeping it in the family so to speak?’ Debbie smiled, taking a sip of orange from her glass. ‘I’d prefer my baby to be from one of you! In saying that; I may even be pregnant already by one of you’

‘Sounds fine with me, nevertheless there’s a bigger chance of getting you in the club with all six of us, the sooner we do that the sooner we get our money!’

‘But are you sure my father will pay you?’

‘Pretty sure, and if it’s a boy, we’ll be quids in!’ Bert smiled.

‘For my sake could it be just you and you’re father. It wouldn’t be so messy for a start, and I wouldn’t have to have that immense cock of you friends splitting me in two?’

Bert laughed at her suggestion, and sat down beside her. They both looked up hearing the light tapping on the bedroom door.

‘Come in!’ Bert called out.

‘Thought I’d come and se if she was alright’ asked Bernard poking his head around the door.

‘Come on in Dad, Debbie has a question she like to run past you, lets see what you think of her idea?’

‘Not a problem I hope!’ he smiled as he walked up toward the bed.

Debbie explained to him what she’d asked of Bert. Bernard in his own mind saw no predicament with her idea excepting for one.

‘Well I don’t know what the others will think?’ He looked to Bert for a solution. ‘ What do you think Bert, the whole idea was yours to start with?’

‘As you say I’m in charge anyway, I’ll have to go and ask them or should I say tell them’ Bert stood as he spoke. ‘Take care of her Dad; shouldn’t be to long!’

The four were sitting in the lounge as Bert entered; he went over to the small bar getting himself a cold beer and then sat down with the group.

‘Everything okay Bert?’ it was Alan that spoke, possibly feeling somewhat guilty knowing he’d hurt Debbie from the start.

‘She’s fine; a little sore but that’s only to be expected’ he looked back at Alan as he spoke. ‘We do have a problem though!’

He explained to them the new idea that was to come into force; and was astounded by their agreement, all they could think of was the money at the end of the day. Well that was except one, being Mike who hadn’t really got to fuck her anyway.

‘I think I should be able to get to fuck her, I can understand her meaning, I’m fully prepared to wear a condom or even pullout if that’s what it takes? Mike implied.

‘I’ll have to see what we can do’ Bert smiled getting up from the table. ‘But I want her treated with respect by you all; this way we won’t have to fight with her, as she’s in full agreement at present!’

Bernard was laying out full length of the bed with Debbie fondling his cock, which was standing up firmly when Bert entered the bedroom.

‘Thought you’d be to sore just yet?’ he exclaimed with a grin. ‘Well the lads are up for it, but it’s Mike who seems to be left out of the game.

‘Which one is Mike?’ Debbie inquired.

‘He’s the one who didn’t get to fuck you! However, he is prepared to wear a condom should you consent to him having you?’

‘I’m surprised he’s the only one, the youngest never lasted that long?’

‘Tell me do you spit or swallow?’ Debbie looked up in surprise as Bert spoke.

‘I’m not with you?’ she remarked.

‘Would you take his cum in your mouth. If so would you swallow it or spit it out? Bert grinned.

‘What’s normal for a girl to do?’

‘Either!’ Bert replied. ‘If you swallow it there’s no waste is there?’

‘He’d be prepared to do that’ Debbie responded with a silly grin.

‘They all would, goes to show how good a fuck you are!’ Bert grinned. ‘I take it you’re going to do something with that?’ he implied, pointing at Bernard’s cock.

Debbie looked down at he’s cock; juices were starting to seep out of the eye.

‘It’s not to soon for you is it?’ She asked Bernard with a smile, and a slightly harder rub

‘You help yourself my beauty!’ Bernard grinned.

Bernard lifted his hips as Debbie undid his belt; she tugged at his trousers and pant’s pulling them over his knees. His cock stood proudly once released.

‘My, its seems bigger now!’ Debbie beamed, as she straddled across him.

Bernard leaned forward lifting her skirt as she reached down taking his cock into her hand, guiding it in the direction of her pussy.

Not only was it a wonderful sight; but also a breathtaking feeling as his cock slithered straight up her once more. Debbie lowered herself fully and just sat for a few moments enjoying the sense of fullness. Bernard sat up on one elbow viewing the sight, he wasn’t that big in the cock region, but with her hairless pussy he could see as to how much his cock was spreading the opening of her pussy lips.

As Debbie started to lift and lower, Bernard worked with her, she felt good; he was honoured that such a young thing should take a liking to his lovemaking. Even after being fucked by at least five of them the sensation was enjoyable. It was lovely to think that her foremost objective was to get pregnant by him; she hadn’t admitted that she was taking pleasure in being fucked. Bernard studied her movements mirroring them knowing her preference; he continued to fuck her as she was fucking him.

Bert stayed at the end of the bed watching. Debbie had leaned forward now, he watched as his fathers cock thrust in and out of her pussy, the inner pink lips clinging to his every outward movement. Her pussy was still somewhat swollen; nevertheless this didn’t seem to bother her, by the sounds of her moans she was more than enjoying it. He did wonder if she’d like to be fucked up her arse, he was getting a full erection as he watched them.

Bernard knew what was going to happen as soon as Bert climbed onto the bed. He was at her rear, Bernard eased his cock out whilst Bert forced his up her pussy, he needed moisture. Debbie breathed a deep breath as she felt his cock go up her; it was somewhat fatter than his fathers, he didn’t want to stay in her pussy to long as it would take away his fathers feeling when he return his cock into her pussy.

Debbie froze as he’s cock was felt at her anus. Bert had fingered her with her own fanny juices and was now leaning on his cock. She knew that this was also a form of lovemaking, although painful she didn’t want to scream out. Bernard could tell by the expression on her face she was having difficulty trying to except his sons cock.

‘All right!’ He whispered up to her.

She nodded with a smile, then suddenly he’s cock was in; Debbie let out a shrill cry as he forced it deeply up inside her. Bernard reached down taking his cock into his hand and offering it back up to her pussy, it went in with ease. Between them, they were now making alternate stokes; the sensation was more than gratifying, Debbie just knelt and held firm, her body stated to climax, one orgasm after the other followed, neither men faulted in their stokes. Bert’s hands were now manipulating her breasts, whilst his cock hammered into her back passageway, again he wanted to cum, but knowing he’s father had to be first, his seed couldn’t be wasted up her back passage.

‘I’m getting close Dad?’ he called out.

Bernard realised that he wouldn’t waste his blow, he sensed that his son was holding back, so he started to fuck her in earnest, long full stokes, Debbie moaned as he continued, even though Bert was holding still, his cock was still being pushed in and out of her by the force of his father thrusting. Bernard pushed deep as he blew, she sensed the force in the top of her pussy, and it felt good.

She lowered her head kissing him gently on the lips. ‘Thank you’ she smiled.

Bert wasn’t slow in removing his cock from her arse as soon as he realised he’s father had blown his load; he was straight back up her pussy. So brutal was he that Debbie let out a loud gasp as his cock hit the base of her pussy, being that much more enhanced than his fathers did make a difference, his was not only fatter but also longer.

Bernard cupped her face between his hands, kissing her as she rocked above him. Bert was fucking her as hard as only he knew how, her moans spurred him on, building up to a bursting load, and he just knew it had to come. His balls ached with the want to be drained. Debbie pushed her arse upwards into the air to meeting his energetic thrusts; her moans were gutterish, but he faulted not, gripping her by the waist he pulled her back hard onto his cock, whilst forcing it deep into her.

Debbie knew the score by now, she lowered her head waiting…then it came with a rush, her pussy felt if could have done with more inner space as he started filling her; sending spasms thought-out her body in the form of electric shocks.

Bernard pulled her down to him once more; he knew what was happening the filling of her life was taking place.

‘Feel good?’ he whispered with a smile.

‘Very good! And very beneficial to the cause I’m sure!’ she sighed when she’d finally caught her breath.

Bert made sure she’d got every last drop; squeezing his cock between his fingers as he slowly withdrew.

‘Well there we go, not to much wasted there?’ he chuckled stepping of the bed.

Debbie pulled her legs together and lie back on the bed beside Bernard.

‘Surely this must be a record, I’ve only been here for just over two hours’ She looked at her watch. ‘I’ve been laid by six different cocks, and actually fuck eight times, taking seven separate loads? Between you both; I’m sure you’ll achieve your goal; that’s if it hasn’t been done all ready?’ She smiled. ‘I’ll not be going to the bathroom this time!’

Both Bert and his father dressed leaving Debbie to rest on the bed.

‘So what is the answer then?’ Mike quizzed as they both walked back into the lounge.

Bert hesitated for a moment before he spoke, not to sure of his meaning then it come back to him.

‘Sorry, they’ll be no problem, she let us all fuck her but only the two of us can actually cum up her!’ Bert looked toward Bernard as he spoke.

‘That’s a bit unfair!’ Freddie implied. ‘Why is that?’

‘Being as we are father and son, she’ll know that her baby will be from the same family, surely that stands to reason!’ Bert replied.

‘Where do we get to cum then?’ Freddie said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

‘In her bloody mouth you Moron!’ Alan chipped in. ‘By the way did she mention me at all?’

‘Only as to the size of your cock, I think if you want to get back into her good books, you’d better be gentle with her!’ Bernard implied. ‘ She’s not your average girl, she’d not been fucked for over two years so this is all new to her’

Bert noticed that Debbie’s panties were still lying on the back of the settee. He looked toward Mike with a smile.

‘Can you take those in to Debbie?’ he winked as he spoke.

Mike stood then walking over to the settee he lifted the panties up and left the room. He opened the bedroom door quietly pocking his head in. Debbie was curled up on the bed with her knees up under her chin. He walked silently around to her rear, her pussy was in full view to him; it’s lips still slightly puffy with smidgen of cum just oozing out. He lifted the panties up under his nose and inhaled deeply, the aroma was nectar to his senses. Feeling sure that Bert had sent him in to fuck her he removed his trousers and gently got onto the bed, Debbie never even stirred as he pulled himself up behind her. His cock was already hard as he presented it up to her pussy sliding it in with ease. Debbie let out a slight moan. ‘And still you want more?’ she sighed.

This time her pussy did cling to his cock, it was like liquid velvet, what with her own juices and the two full loads of cum she’d been left with, his cock slithered in and out with no real difficulty. Debbie moved her hand over them both placing it onto Mike rear, pulling him closer. ‘Deeper!’ she whimpered wriggling her bottom into his lap.

It was obvious to him that she thought Bert or his father was fucking her. He lowed his body assuring he could gain as much depth into her as possible. She moaned as she sensed the added deepness.

‘God, that feels nice’ she murmured.

Mike was in a form of quandary, if she thought he was either Bert or his father then he could blow his load up her, which was what he wanted to do; the others had all done it. Debbie seemed to be in a world of her own, she just lay before him muttering sweet nothings. He knew if he kept his tempo slight and gentle she’d be lulled to sleep, it was obvious that she was worn out; putting his arm around her he gently tweaked her breast in his fingers, before long her breathing was laboured, he assumed she’d fallen asleep and started to fuck her in long deep strokes, he sensed her push her bottom out to aid his depth, again he edged down, now she had his full cock up her. With his eyes closed he started to fuck her hard but tenderly, her body responded to his every move, his load was near. It had to go up her he told himself, but he had no choice, before he knew it he’d erupted deep inside her, her hand come over resting on his hip, pulling him closer into her.

‘This has to be the one’ she chuckled, and then started to snore.

As Mike withdrew the cum oozed leisurely from her pussy, there was nothing he could do to stem it’s flow. He backed away climbing off the bed, she looked so innocent lying there on her own; one would never imagine that she had so much cock in such a short time, she’d not have needed the gym should she have known it was going to be such an eventful day.

Mike placed her panties on the spare pillow as he left the room.

‘Everything alright in there?’ Bert asked as Mike came back into the lounge, knowing by the time he’d taken he must have sown he’s oats.

Mike smiled back ‘Fine, she’s asleep now!’

‘Good, now we must make a schedule, if we’re all going to take gratification from our damsel; I don’t think we’ll have any difficulty impregnating her, she’s not on the pill, so it should be plane sailing’ Bert implied.

‘You mean for yourself and Bernard!’ Freddie stated.

‘You’re still getting to fuck her, for God’s sake man; what more do you want, the chances of you getting to fuck a beauty such as her would never have come up if it hadn’t been for Bert and his father!’ Alan educated him.

Debbie slept for at least five hours; it was eight in the evening when she finally came to. As she rolled over onto her back there was a gurgling sound from down between her legs, she’d lost best part of her pussy load as she’d sat up. This upset her to some degree as she was now looking forward to getting pregnant, she did wonder what her friends at college would think of her having six lovers at the same time.

As she walked into the bathroom more cum gurgled from her pussy, sitting down on the toilet she remembered her last fucking; but who could it have been, she remembered dropping of to sleep after he cum inside her, so it must have been either Bert or his father, they’d told her that none of the others would be allowed to cum up her again.

Bert had worked out the rota it would start the next morning with Alan being first; they all knew now that it would be only Bert and his father that would go all the way with her, all had to cum into her mouth. Which all had agreed to including Mike.

Debbie was somewhat astonished when Alan came into her room on the first morning. He completely undressed and got in bed beside her his cock looked enormous to her.

‘I don’t think this will work?’ she inferred, moving quickly toward the edge of the bed nipping her legs together tightly.

‘Don’t you worry no missy, give yourself chance to really enjoy the bigger man, you’ll see what you’ve been missing once we get underway!’ Alan snuggled up toward her, pulling her closer to him.

Debbie knew she have to give in, if she did it for one she’d certainly have to do it for all including Alan. The rough with the smooth she told herself with a smile.

Alan first went to her breasts, nibbling each in turn, Debbie favoured this finding it quite enjoyable, she spread her legs but only slightly as she sensed his finger toying with her clitoris. Suddenly he moved down between her legs easing them apart as his mouth engulfed her complete pussy in one go, his tongue toying with her clitoris, lifting, pulling, rolling it roughly his tongue staying nowhere more than seconds. Her body came alive as her juices started to flow, she wanted to be fucked and at the moment, the size of his cock appealing to her, she reached down holding it, her fingers gripping it girth, she tugged upwards she wanted cock a big cock and now. Alan smiled to himself, as he obliged her letting her hand guide his cock to the given target. She positioned it admirably; all Alan had to do was lean, as he leaned, she lifted; her arms were around his neck once she sensed its sheer size spreading her pussy walls fully outwards, she just hung beneath him, rocking virtually with his every movement.

‘God…that feels good!’ she whispered into his ear. ‘Come on all, all of it now!’

Debbie lifted her hips up to meet his powerful and dynamic thrusts; she wanted it deep, as deep as she could, his size never mattered now. He started fucking her hard; she was in effect literally swinging underneath him, both matching the complete momentum. Alan was getting near; he knew it would have to be in her mouth.

‘I’m going to cum soon!’ he stammered.

‘Nooooooooooooooooo!’ she cried out. ‘To soon, I need more!’

Alan held fire; allowing her to do the work, if he continued, he’d surely blow. She’d become a nymphomaniac over night; she was fucking him as if it was about to go out of fashion; her arms around his neck; her feet around his legs literally pulling herself onto him. Doing nothing exhausted him; just holding her weight as she swung beneath him was as much as he could do.

‘Now! Cum now!’ she cried out.

Her pussy was truly sucking his sperm; he’d no control, it felt as if he’d a young calf sucking his cock.

‘Now…cum now!’ she pleaded.

She’d pulled herself fully onto his cock, her heels gripping around his rump. Her eyes were glued to his, waiting for the tell tale sign, Alan’s face started to twist as sperm was force up into his shaft, this was her chance; her pussy muscles working overtime she was virtually sucking him dry. Alan couldn’t believe as to what was happening, he was actually blowing, and by bucket load at that.

‘God…that feels wonderful…I can feel it pumping! Wonderful!’

He couldn’t believe her next move, as soon as she’d finished her arms and legs gave way allowing her to fall back onto the bed. Alan then collapsed beside her.

She turned to face him with a cheeky smile on her face ‘Nice load, I’ll be needing more like that, then the job will surely be done!’

Alan was fucked, no way could he give more; she’d truly sucked him dry with her pussy.

‘We must have some refreshment, I’ll go and get it’ He stuttered.

When he placed his feet onto the floor he had to hold onto the bed end to steady himself; he then literally staggered across the room opening the door. Once through he leaned against the doorpost to catch his wind. Bernard looked at the shattered form as he came into the galley, not believing his own eyes.

‘God, man you look as if you’ve been pulled through a hedge backwards. What the hell have you been up to?’ he asked.

‘You! You told me that that girl was virtually innocent!’ Alan managed to blurt out.

‘Innocent, yes she is. Fucked but twice; before we got hold of her!’ Bernard stated.

‘Well she’s just fucked the arse off me. I would never have believed any woman could do that to me! Let alone a slip of a girl like that’

‘You are joking I take it?’ Bernard replied with a grin on his face.

‘Do I look as if I am, she’s drained me fucking dry, and my nuts feel like fucking pickled walnuts?’

‘She does a good blowjob then?’ Bernard chuckled. ‘Didn’t take her long to pick that up?’

‘Blowjob my arse, she sucked me dry with her bloody fanny, so much for not blowing your load up her, fat chance I had there, couldn’t even pull out, she had me rock solid’

‘What’s all the fuss about?’ Bert quizzed as he came into the galley. ‘You can be heard up on deck!’

‘Mike here recons Debbie’s got a pussy that’s honed to perfection, she’s just sucked him dry!’ Bernard laughed.

‘What he’s saying is he’s blown his load up her, couldn’t be bothered to pull out and stick it in her mouth more like!’ Bert surmised. ‘There’s rule for him, and rules for the others’

‘I beg to differ there boss, she’d her arms around my neck, and holding me with her feet around my arse, she sucked me dry with her pussy I’m telling you. She knew I was up to the point of no return’

‘Ok, but next time pull out sooner, get your cock out earlier, don’t leave it so long. Yesterday she was scared stiff of his bloody cock’ Bernard reminded them.

‘You have a point there Dad, so why was she so eager today Alan?’

‘I gave her the muffin treatment, she was gagging for it after that!’ Alan insisted.

‘Your saying; that she was more than ready for it then; than she was after she’d been fucked by four of us yesterday?’

‘All I’m saying is that’s what I did; she was anti being fucked before that, then suddenly she was like raging nymphomaniac, I’m telling you no woman has ever got the better of me, when she’d finished I was literally fucked, all she could say was Nice load!’

‘Who’s next on the list then?’ Bert picked up the rota that he and his father had worked out. ‘Looks like Ernie, if your going upon deck Alan tell him she’ll be ready for him, explain what happened with you. We don’t want another load going astray!’

Ernie’s face lit up when he found out he was next in the line, finding it funny that she completely fucked Alan up; to be truthful he didn’t really believe him. He would have liked to swap cocks with him though; he always felt he must have been last in the queue when it came to handing cocks out.

Debbie was still lying out on top of the bed when Ernie entered the room; she looked up with a smile.

‘It’s little Ernie?’

Ernie didn’t quite know how to take her remark, yes he was a mite on the short size, or was she referring to his manhood.

‘And how is Debbie this morning then?’ he replied.

Debbie sat up on the bed pulling one leg up to her chin then wrapping her arms around it. Ernie couldn’t of had a better view of her pussy should he have wished for it.

‘I see that I’m not your first this morning then?’ He implied.

Debbie eased her leg to one side as she looked down at her pussy; the movement allowed more cum to dribble out.

‘Only the one, you wouldn’t think so though would you?’ she grinned. ‘Would you like me to go to the bathroom?’

‘You’ll do fine, I would like a nice blowjob first though!’ Ernie replied realising that the longer he left her pussy alone, the tighter it would be when he did get to it.

She watched, as he got undressed, his cock was fully erect when he stepped out of his trousers. She made no remark as to its size, but his balls did make an impression on her, they hung so low. She could only assume that with bollocks like that he would certainly cum a lot. Ernie climbed onto the bed and lie beside her.

Debbie’s hand went straight down cupping his balls, ‘My, you have a good set of balls there!’ she smiled, gently lifting then with her long fingers. ‘My own baby making machine!’ she muttered, as her mouth opened fully absorbing his cock.

Ernie lie back into the pillow, the sensation was mind-boggling. He remembered Alan’s advice, making sure he came in her mouth, if she carried on like this he’d blow sooner rather than later. Debbie’s mind was made up now, if they’d sort after getting her pregnant then she’d make sure they did. His cock was getting firmer by the minute, his balls were still in her cupped fingers, they felt so full, she knew that Bert had forbade them from cumming up her, but in her mind she didn’t really mind who’s child it would be; as long as she be getting one, be it boy or girl.

She lifted from his cock, it was different to the others somehow and the head seemed more bulbous, she never heard of circumcision, but Ernie was what’s know as cut. The size of the helmet really sent twinges up inside her pussy, the thought of that large head reaming her, appealed to her inner self. She looked up to Ernie; his eyes we’re closed, he was in a world of his own. Debbie stepped across him; lowering her pussy over his upright cock, as she’d expected the helmet could be more than felt; the experience was explosive; her pussy was alive once more.

Ernie opened his eye’s; the sensation of her pussy over his cock was breathtaking, her inner muscles gripped his helmet, a grip which was not really a grip…like the clasping of a gentle oily hand, more than likely due to the filling she’d sucked from Alan previously. Unhurriedly she started to lift her body up and down, her movements were calculated, squeezing her pussy muscles on her downward stroke whilst allowing no restriction on the lift. To Ernie this was tantalising he wanted to fuck her hard, nevertheless she was in absolute control, he wanted to meet her movements, she’d give him no supremacy, it was to be her way and her way only.

As with Alan, she’d restrain his movements taking full command of all actions. Ernie was locked underneath her pounding pussy, a more enjoyable position he’d not refuse at this moment in time. He reached up clasping her petite breasts she cupped her hands over his as she rode; his cock was deep now, she rocked, she jiggered, wound her body, gyrating her pussy, her inner muscles sucking, sucking his manhood. Ernie could feel the strong suction it was almost as if her pussy muscles were quivering along his shaft. Debbie moved her feet to the front of her, placing them each side of his waist; his cock was totally inside her, nothing was left outside her pussy lips, she was in complete control, she was not even lifting, her inner muscles we’re functioning on their own.
Debbie had three degrees in biology of the human form; she was acquainted with every part of the human body and to all bodily functions. She knew Ernie wasn’t that well blessed in the cock department; should she be able to get his cock in the right position she’d be in full control. She wiggled her body down; assuring that his helmet was in the right spot.

There was a sign of anguish on Ernie’s face as she gripped her pussy muscles under the helmet flange; she then sat bolt upright, placing her hands behind her head. By doing this her pussy stretched his cock at least ½ to ¾ of an inch deeper inside her. Ernie reached forward gripping her knees.

‘For…Christ sake; what the hell are you doing?’ Ernie managed to blurt out. To him, it felt as if she stretched his cock by inches.

Debbie never moved, she placed her finger to his lips, and smiled.

‘Shush…you enjoy’

With this, Debbie started the rippling action with her pussy walls, the idea of stretching his cock and holding it under pressure was to make sure that when he came it would be forced deep into her pussy; because of the restricted area below the helmet, his seed would be compelled through. Ernie couldn’t believe the pain she was dispensing onto his cock; he was pinned beneath her, with nowhere to go; to him she wasn’t even moving, but his cock was being rubbed and manipulated from within, there was no chance of loosing his erection.

He’d not believed Alan, thinking that it was a wind-up about her sucking him dry, however, he was now faced with the same dilemma. Although extremely painful, it was still enjoyable; he recognized he’d little possibility of pulling away from her until she’d finished with him. Nevertheless, there was more pain to come; Debbie had one more trick up her sleeve, there’d be no gain without pain; when he finally cum she wanted to be sure she herself felt it. She watched closely, waiting for any form of indication that he was about to blow. His breathing now laboured, but his moans pleased her, he was sitting up on his elbows, although neither showed any movement, sweat was forming on his brow. Ernie knew his time was nearly up; he’d be grateful to have his cock free of her suction.

Debbie lowered her hands placing them on his tummy; this relieved the pressure on his cock somewhat, but she wasn’t letting up just yet. Ernie started to moan deeply, she knew it was time.

She waited to sense the swelling along his shaft; then it came. Ernie’s face was screwed up almost as if he was chewing a wasp, Debbie quickly threw her arms behind her gripping his legs and pulling her own body backwards, bending and stretching his cock to the limit. Ernie virtually screamed out with the intense pain as the sperm was forced though his shaft. Debbie smiled towards him sensing the vigorous spurting deep inside her pussy.

‘You bitch!’ He screamed out. ‘You fucking bitch!’

‘Hey…hey!’ The bedroom door was thrown open as Bert came rushing in. ‘what the hell is going on! You can’t speak to her like that!’ He implored.

Debbie was just lifting herself off his cock; Bert couldn’t see the reason for Ernie’s outcry. But by their positions he could tell that he’d blown his load up her, as she sat on the edge of the bed telltale evidence leaked from her pussy.

‘Can I see you in the Galley?’ He asked of Ernie.

Ernie knew what was to come, but like Alan how could he explain, he looked down at his coc

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Lee had found herself in a sticky situation. When Justin went to vault over the box he was standing in front of, he placed both hands on the lid and then halted. They all heard the ‘click, click’. He looked down to find the lid lifting up under his hands. “No,” screamed Jahn again. “They are my boxes, you can’t have them,” he yelled in frustration and sent an immobilising spell at Justin. Justin blinked out of the way and reappearing in front of Kim, ready to protect her. She stepped up...

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the night i was with a guy

let me just say that im a bit different. by different, i mean i have a few strange fetisahes for a guy from spiro oklahoma, of all places. youd expect a good christian man like me to be totally pure of mind and without any sort of sexual devience right? well, guess again.im not always the best example of a great guy. you can call me a hypocrit all you want, but im bisexual and like a lot of hardcore sex.i like TS and i have a thing for crossdressers. have i ever been with one? no. honestly, how...

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our friend Tyrell giving Dawn her first ever BBC

This is a fantasy about how I would have liked things to have gone if Dawn was still with me. I like to think that she would have been very excited,hot and turned on getting her first black dick from my friend Tyrell from Xham. On several occasions Dawn and I talked about what it might be like for her to get her first black cock ... and I after meeting and talking with Tyrell I'm certain she would have loved getting fucked by him while I watched and took pictures & video before joining in...

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AlmaChapter 11

Dustin walked down the dimly lit hall toward Monica's room as if in a trance. He heard her footsteps behind him as he made his way to her bedroom. Once inside, the aroma of her young filled his nostrils and her perfume made him light headed. Monica followed him in and closed the door behind her. Dustin heard Monica lock the door and she told him to sit on the bed. Dustin sat on the bed as Monica stood in front of him. "I have missed you Dusty. Alma had something come up, and she wont be...

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DaughterSwap Gina Valentina Lilly Ford Free The Nipple

In the fraught political climate we live in today, only the bold will make the changes we need for the future. That is why women like Gina Valentina and Lilly Ford are so important. They sit on their bed, talking about the protests going outside, and decide to make their own strides forward. Their mission? FREE THE NIPPLE! Gina cuts Lillys bra off, and they shout in joy over their newfound liberation. But for some reason, they let their dads find the cut up bras outside their room. These dads...

2 years ago
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Lal Lehenga Dreamy Night

Hello my fellow readers of Indian sex stories forum, I have been an avid reader for years. Please mail me or message me on hangout on I am man 33 from Ahmedabad, married. This story dates back when I was working in Himachal, after my graduation in 2009. Beautiful Himachal and the weather there is fantastic. It was raining that night, and I was out for joint. There she came in wearing red colored lehenga, with sneakers which were kind of amazing considering the clothes she was wearing and the...

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The answer was not what he expected Chapter 4

The next day both Barry and Millie has shaken off the effects of Ann’s secret tea. A drink that made them both a slave to Ann’s kinky desires. Barry especially had been anally violated by her dog. He have never considered anal sex but found that being a servant for a dog had aroused feelings he had never knew he had. Far from being ashamed of those feelings he found he wanted more. This time he wouldn’t need the special tea to put him in the mood. Millie found it exciting to see her husband...

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Your Neighbourhood Slave Keeper

       Megan’s day was uneventful. The morning classes, part of her mandatory management accounting curriculum, were boring and drawn out. She was irked that the professors spoke slowly and deliberately while she breezed through the topic they were talking about in her study book and absorbed its contents in half the time. Being a smart girl can be difficult sometimes. If everybody could just get on with it and hurry up, she would have much more time for things she actually enjoyed. She asked...

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Landlady Aur Unki Beti Ko Jham Ke Choda

Hi guys once again iss bar story Hindi main likh raha hu. Meri pehli story Telugu main tha ache response bi mile aur mails bi thanks for your support. Any bhabis, auntys, any girls want sexual encounters or any doubts related to sex free feel to ask my mail id Ab jyada bore na karte hue story pe aata hun. My name is nischaey aged 27 5’11” height and enough length of cock to give pleasure and satisfy a women. Main hyd main rent pe rehta hu aur job karta hu ek rich area main. Meri landlady ka...

2 years ago
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All the Worlds a Stage

All the World's a Stage By Cassandra Morgan In the beginning, before the games became naughty, before we shed our innocence, our role-play was fairly vanilla stuff. Rated G, as in gee whiz. In those days, I was Robin Hood. She was Maid Marion. I was Rick. She was Ilsa. I was Hamlet. She was Ophelia. We would find some costumes, and we would recite movie lines, and we would imagine ourselves to be aspiring actors. Surely, our Little Theatre group could not hold us. Sure, we...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 136 Liz and Crash

Towards the end of July, Crash flew to Los Angeles. There was an orientation session at the UCLA Law school, plus, he needed to find a place to live. The tour had just ended, so Liz was there to meet him. They'd both be going back to Boston after about a week-Liz needed to work on choreography with Warren and Sophie. Liz drove Crash back to her apartment, where they deliriously raced each other to her bedroom. They didn't emerge until late the next morning. The orientation, which was...

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A Mile In Her Thong

One morning as usual, you wake up around 7:00 to your alarm clock, “BEEP, BEEP, BEEP,” you roll over to turn it off and then manage to sit yourself up and stretch. You stumble to the bathroom, and brush your teeth. You then look down to put your electric toothbrush back on the charger when you hear, “Morning Sunshine.” You then look up to see a woman in the mirror, startled you turn around. “Remember me?” she asks. It was one of your exes, “Oh yeah, Tracey, Torie, Tina, yeah that’s it Tina,...

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The Omega PathChapter 33 Weakness and Strength

SLASH! Sarah flinched and shrieked as Armory sliced the massive blades right through her body. He stabbed through her chest, straight into the ground behind her, and she cringed and winced, pushing her fading ability to the limit, turning almost transparent in the process as the razor-sharp swords passed harmlessly through her. SLASH! SLICE! WHOOSH! SLICE! Armory growled and grunted as he repeatedly attacked her, swiping his blades and claws uselessly through the phantom girl. "What the...

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The Magician Ch 04

I left Pat with the nice warm feeling of a job well done. When I got back to the office I showered and cleaned up and became David. Dori looked up at me with a big smile. She got up and walked to me with a smile an hugged and kissed me, she whispered, ‘David I need you tonight. Please don’t be late coming home tonight.’ ‘I need you too dearest, I’ll be early, I promise!’ When I walked in the door at home I smelled what had to be my favorite meal. Fajitas! I was right, we had a great meal and...

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CherryPimps Karma RX Pool Boys Get More Pussy Than Boy Bands

You may be thinking to yourself this guy is too old to be a pool boy… well he is not just some loser pool guy. You see, if you watch pornos you know that the pool guy is always getting these hot babes to fuck. Their boyfriends or husbands always seem to be away working and they always seem to be so horny for cock. Sometimes it is just something dumb like flipping a switch and before you know it clothes are off. Always being invited inside for lemonade. This isn’t porn. This is...

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Tanya 2

Tanya and I were strolling, hand in hand, down the supermarket aisle. With my free hand I pushed the trolley and with hers she occasionally dumped things into it as we passed the shelves. It was a blazing hot summer’s day and we were dressed to suit it. I had on only a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Short shorts, because Tanya hated those long things that come to your knees or lower that are all the fashion now. She wouldn’t let me wear them. That was fine because I didn’t like them either....

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Beach Shower

Vacation was about seclusion. It was what she needed. Getting away from it all. No work. No kids. No pager. No cell phone. On the really good vacations, no sobriety and no clothing either. Well, a swimsuit and some tanning lotion. But no real clothes. And lots of drinks. She found that the smaller the swimsuit, the more free drinks came her way. It all worked out. The beach house was on its own out here. It was small, but beautiful. More of a cabana than a house, really. But it sat on the...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 36 Senior Year Tryouts

Stephen was home and in his room by the time I got back to my house. My parents had already gone to bed, and Michael was out. I knocked on Stephen's door, and opened it before he could even answer. He was standing at his dresser, and he spun around when he heard me come in. "What?" he asked, already on the defensive. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I asked angrily. "I don't know what you're talking about," he tried bluffing. I wasn't buying whatever bullshit he was...

1 year ago
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Divine SuccessionChapter 10

When David got home, he found Samantha, Molly and Megan arranged in a triangle, eating each-other out, while Jack was sat on the sofa, enjoying an unending orgasm, firing cum all over the girls. "Oh dear, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," David smiled. "H ... hey dad..." Jack groaned, his face and voice giving away just how much pleasure he was experiencing. "Honey, when you're done with this, I'll be in the shower," David told his wife. David went upstairs, got undressed,...

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CHAPTER 10: THEIR FIRST THREE-SOME WITH DPJoe, Nikki and Butch had times spent together but Nikki had never actually experienced double penetration from her 2 guys. Usually, while being fucked by one she would be sucking off the other. She really enjoyed fucking Joe by sitting on him and facing away from him so Butch had access to their joined crotches. As Butch licked up the juices, he went from the base of Joe’s cock to her clit. It would send shivers through both of them. But Joe wanted to...

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Chris from Craigslist

Chris from CraigslistThis story is tied to our gallery of the same name. This happened a few years ago, in the fun days of Craigslist.I put out an ad looking for a fit male to fuck Erin in front of me and of course got a ton of replies and as was usual with Craigslist back then, most were total fakes but we decided to make a date with one and see how things worked out. Worst case we got stood up and just had a fun evening to ourselves. The only stipulations I’d given were that I had to be there...

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weird changes chap 2

Read first chapter to understand. As I said befor . There are some themes that you might not like . Under age sex is one of them . _________________________________________________________________________________________ "Oh , the sweet smell of virgin pussy . I wounder if you taste just as good " he then started to lick my panties like it is a candy . ' Oh thank god , that's all he wanted ' I think but then David dropped the panties and kneeled in front of me. His face was...

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I become real woman Part 1

Secretly I was in love with the husband from next door. He and his wife had lived there for about 6 months and they were the sexiest couple I have ever known. From my bedroom I could see into their sunroom where they had sex almost every day – always in the nude, it was obvious they loved doing what they did. If they were in a hurry, they did it quickly or played about for up to an hour. They did it all from masturbating, oral sex and real fucking in so many different positions. If it...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Meeting Ch 02

Sunlight. Really, really bright sunlight. Forgot to close the blinds. Damn. Milo sleep-groaned and rolled over, pulling a throw pillow over his head. He had crashed on the sofa after tucking Elisha into his bed last night. Fortunately, his body was used to couch-surfing, so his muscles didn’t give him any grief as he stretched. He had shed his flannel pajama pants and T-shirt, opting to sleep in his boxers. He had never been one for modesty, and even if Elisha was, he assumed she would...

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My Wife And Her Young Black Lover

I’d like to tell you about how my wife fell for a young black boy…and she’s so in love with him, she’s having his baby. She finds much more satisfaction with him than she ever did with me, because of the way he makes love to her, and the sheer size of the cock he fills her with – its huge. We took in an exchange student to help with the rent. He was a black boy from Uganda. Now I’d had visions that all black men are tall, muscular and good-looking but Efan...

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How i became the neighborhood free whore B

Hi, my name is Carole, better known as Slutrocknroll.I'm going to tell you how I came to the empty balls of my neighborhood and my friends.You must know, that I have always loved sex. I met my husbands at 27, and soon we turned to libertinism. I started with a trio with a man and my husband. Then we brought two men home, and that's when my husband started taking pictures and videos. The fact of being caught before him and that he participates little have mounted my excitement. I liked to offer...

4 years ago
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The Slut

THE SLUT BY JANICE Paul was fifteen and a real pain in the ass. He would tease his sister and her friends mercilessly. He was the guy who would put itching powder in their sleeping bags when his sister had a sleepover; things like that. The girls wanted to get even with him but had no idea how, so they just took all his teasing. The last straw, the thing that changed it from teasing to cruelty, was when he...

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Sisterly Love Luna and Riley Ch 10v2

Notice: You should read the earlier chapters, so that the story makes more sense. Your choice though, hope you enjoy it regardless. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this product are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidence. Written By: RebHillBabe Chapter 10: The Proposal (Double Length Chapter!) Eleanor was...

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Jessica and Grandpa

Chapter 1 – Jessica ‘Hi Grandpa’ I said, walking in through the front door of my grandparents house, as I saw him walking from the kitchen, through the small hallway about to go into the livingroom, with a cup of coffee in his hand. I’m Jessica, a teen with mousey shoulder long hair, and blue eyes, returning from school that day. My Grandpa, Mike, is around 60, semi-retired from work, and a close friend of mine, as well as a relative. ‘Hi honey’ he says with a smile. We walk through to the...

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ThRenody for Kali Yuga

Bruised, battered, base- Mankind takes inventory, held breaths between up & coming conflicts like choirs of children biting their tongue, zooming in on a stubbed toe before inspecting the damage & totaling the bill. And all that’s found, dear reader, is canned laughter. Perhaps to fully comprehend the severity of the issue, it behooves you to imagine that same child again, happy-go-lucky tot of either gender, fresh to life & well adjusted as these things go, more than willing to jump into the...

2 years ago
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Train Three Sexy Slaves 9 Aishas Lesson

After Aisha tells us three her earliest erotic experiences and the rest of her sexual history I takeAisha to bed with me where we lay down as spoons with her beautiful bottom warming my wooden manhoodAlex and Ai are together in the other bedroom where we watch them on my big screen by my two camerasAlex is less shy than Ai and takes the initiative teasing and tasting her firm tits and hard nipplesAisha discovers she loves to be a voyeur and she is easily turned on by it and my hand caressing...

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Three Square MealsChapter 48 The troublesome guest causes trouble in paradise

Irillith drummed her fingers on her golden armoured arm impatiently while she waited for someone to let her into this ungainly spaceship. Compared to the exquisitely designed warships of her own people, Terran ships looked crudely angular, lacking any kind of grace or beauty. Still, she did have to admit it had a certain predatory brutality to it, but she would sooner go to her grave than say anything positive about their ship to these Terrans. She hesitated for a moment, icy fingers of...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 34 Family Trouble

The feud between Princess Elaheh and her half-brother, Crown Prince Mustapha, had been simmering for years, but there had been no overt hostilities. They merely took good care never to be at the same functions unless the Emir, their father, commanded it. So Elaheh did not worry when she heard that the Crown Prince was again to be made Regent while his father was on a three week holiday in England. She vaguely thought of accompanying her father, but he had said nothing to indicated that he...

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What she cant get at home 2

A few days ago I had a message on my contact number from an Indian woman named Arya.She was married to an Indian guy named Raj, they had been married for a year now, and were almost ready to start having c***dren, but there was just one thing... Arya had only ever been with Raj.They had met at university, fallen in love, married as soon as the careers had taken off, and now, before they finally settled into a life of a loving family, she really wanted to just be with one other person, this one...

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It Likes Me

Peter loved the assignments to study the effects of climate change on marine life in the tropical Pacific islands. The lack of clothing on the small islands that he was most interested in made the scenery even more attractive. When young, the women were quite nubile but would morph into stouter matronly bodies with age and childbearing. There was a place on the western side of the island where he could sit under a small cluster of palms and look out over the ocean to watch sunsets. It was a...

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DNA IIChapter 2

The reception area was fairly small and occupied by only two other people, a receptionist in her late thirties and an absolute mountain of a man. He was a tall, wide and heavily muscled African-American. Paul guessed he was security, though he wasn't wearing any sort of uniform. Paul stepped nervously up to the receptionist. She looked up from her computer terminal and said, "Welcome to Quince Biochemicals. Can I help you?" "Yes, I'm looking for Doctor Kingston." Paul's feminine...

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Nan And Big Dicks

You ever do something and then later find yourself wondering just what the fuck ever possessed you to make you do something so stupid? I have and what I did has pretty much fucked up my life. It started out as a kinky way to have some sexual fun with my wife and blew up in my face big time. I'm a Site Coordinator for a large advertising agency and my job is to go wherever the agency is planning a shoot and coordinate things. Coordinator is just a fancy title for a 'gofer.' Doing an ad for...

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Meri Padosan DrBhavini

Mera naam Sachin hai aur me Rajkot me rehta hu.Meri story ki heroin hai dr.bhavini jo ki married hai aur 1 bachche ki maa hai.Uska figure 34-28-34 hai height 5 ft 5 inch 1 bachcha hone ke bavjood usne apne figure ko a66e se maintain kiya hai.wo hamesha salwar suit me rehti hai.uska clinic uske ghar ke baju me hi hai.uska husband jo ki doctor hai subah 8 baje apne clinic ke liye nikal jata hai aur sham ko 9 baje wapas aata hai. Uska beta bhi subah school jata hai jo 1 baje vapas aata hai.Me bhi...

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Virgin Muskan Ki Chudayi

Hi this is Raj from Ggn sector-15. I’m a smart gay or esliye he koi b ladki meri taraf jaldi attract ho jati hai.. ye jab m 19 saal ka tha tab ki baat hai or abhi m 21 ka hu. Mere frnd ki gf thi or uski 1 frnd thi jab b wo mere frnd ki gf usse milne aati thi tab wo sath mai apni frnd muskan ko lati thi..or m mere dost k sath jata tha..wo dono sath baithte thai or uski frnd or m 1 sath ..Ek 1din mera dost apni gf ko room mai le gaya or hm dono bahar wait kr rahe thai.. Tab andar se aaaaa uuu plz...

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Shadows From the PastChapter 61

The first few lazy flakes of snow wafted down as the last recognizable signs of civilization fell away on the road north out of town. The view was not enough to distract Diane after the lapse in the conversation. The physical sensation of arousal was getting worse. It had started shortly after Richie and Cassie had visited the guest room. She had hoped she was only picking up vibes from that, yet it had persisted after they were done. She squirmed and let out her breath as a soft, husky...

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Die 19 jährige Tatjana schnürte sich gut gelaunt ihren schwarzen Sneaker. "Heute wird richtig gut!", sagte sie zu sich selbst und betrachtete sich schließlich im Spiegel. Sie war zufrieden mit sich und ihrem Outfit. Für die WG Party heute Abend hatte sie sich ein eher lässiges Outfit angezogen, es sollte schließlich ein spaßiger Abend werden, aber keiner an dem sie sich schick machen musste wie für den Club. So entschied sie sich für ein schwarzes Tanktop, blaue Highwaist Hot Pants welche ihren...

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The Drive

It was a beautiful day and I had asked you if you wanted to go out for a drive through the countryside for a bit. You readily agreed and started to get ready. As you reached for your purse I told you that you should change into something more comfortable for the drive. A short skirt and loose blouse would do just fine. Oh, and panties wouldn’t be needed. You disappeared into the bedroom and when you came out to the car a few minutes later you were wearing a skirt that barely covered your ass...

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Choices and Consequences Ch 02

A few days after the incident at her parent’s party, Lili found herself getting ready to go out again. This time it was a small dinner with the O’Neils. Her mother had forced it upon her, demanding that she apologize to the family, especially Ms. Olivia Braxton. Lili frowned at the thought of apologizing to her. Aidan’s bride to be was far from polite, and Lili suspected she didn’t have a forgiving bone in her body. Yet, the worst part of it all was having to do it in front of Aidan…and Dave....

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Young Toms

To begin with, my husband, Ted, has a twin brother Fred who is married to Susan and they live near by in our small town where it is difficult to do anything without someone else knowing. With all that said, we have the usual evils in our little town, the bars where men hang out looking for women and women hang out looking for men. Of course some of the women make a living off the men. Each of us couples has a teen-age son and they were born in the same month and the same year. All four of us...

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Zak Enjoys A Live InFlight Movie

Once again I was sitting at the airport. The USA Track and Field National Championship is being held in Miami and some local Philadelphia athletes are participating who have Olympic potential. It would be a boost for the city to have local athletes represented.The late-night flight out from Philadelphia International should not be crowded. I have my latest James Patterson book, Along Came A Spider to pass the time.I was turning the first page and a guy approached and sat across from me. I was...

Gay Male
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Choices The Birthday Gift

Barbara Clausen stepped from her car and handed the keys to the valet. He took them and handed her a receipt. Giving the young man a smile, she headed for the glass doors leading into the restaurant side of the sprawling building. She saw her image reflected in the glass. She also saw the young man pausing before getting into her car to park it. He was watching her with a bit of admiration on his face. Well, it was nice to be admired. Barbara was 56 years old but had stayed in good shape,...

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Sin and Absolution

Sin  My name is Michael and I am a servant of God. This was not how I imagined my life when I was a young man. Clara. Clara was her name. Beautiful Clara. We were like oil and water as children. As teenagers we were inseparable. By the time we hit twenty we had always felt like we were born to be together, forever. I scraped together what money I had and bought her the nicest ring I could afford. She thought it was beautiful. I put it on her finger and we kissed on the rooftop of my apartment...

2 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 10 Clerkenwell

After her meeting with June on the South Bank, Allison spent the next day on tenterhooks getting progressively more anxious as the day wore on. She noticed as Lionel left his office at about five. He seemed to be in the same state of nervous anticipation that she was. Allison had suffered the same “What do you wear... ?” conundrum as she had in the office earlier in the week. She’s was beginning to think the default dominatrix outfit of black leather, corset and boots at least had the...

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