Phoenix Ch 02 free porn video

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Nikka waited patiently while Diana herded her three sheep out of the back pen and added them to the ones Nikka was collecting. The two hugged quickly then Diana hurried back into her hut. Her kyrios, Hymi, glared at Nikka through the doorway, then shut it between them.

“Come on, now,” Nikka called out, reaching out with her staff to tap an errant lamb on its head. It bleated noisily and backed out from between two huts where it had intended to explore as she blocked its way with her long staff.

Making loud tsk-tsk noises with her tongue and cheeks, Nikka guided the eight lambs and ewes she had collected this morning out toward the grassy hillside near the river. Seeing other sheep ahead of them now, the new arrivals picked up speed, galloping and prancing out to join the larger group.

Nikka leaned back against an acacia tree and relaxed while she nibbled on a piece of hard bread. She sighed in contentment and thought back on her journey across the world.

This was Nikka’s second year in the village. She had arrived as a refugee from the recent war in the east. She picked up the language easily enough, it being similar enough to the Babylonian tongue that she only made a few embarrassing mistakes.

An older woman, Sybille, with her children grown and her husband dead in the recent war, accepted Nikka into her household to help with chores and fieldwork. Nikka, ever grateful, proved to be hard working and bright. Although she never spoke to anyone of her homeland other than to say that her family was dead, she smiled a lot and was very friendly to the other villagers – too friendly, Sybille would tell her.

“The citadel is gone,” the old woman told her, “and with it the wicked ways of the city! You are little more than a child, Nikka. But you have the body of a grown woman. The boys here – the men, as well – they leave us to fight. Many die. Few return. The ones who return bring the sickness of the citadel back with them.

“They rot inside, behind their eyes. And they will hurt you if you discover yourself alone with them. They will treat with you like a scorned woman and not the innocent child that you are.”

Nikka understood all too well how men, especially conquering soldiers, treated women. She wasn’t innocent, and although she appeared youthful, she had lived the length of several lifetimes. She had learned, after many mistakes, how to blend in with the people, wherever she was, until they noticed (and they always noticed after a time) how different she truly was.

The people here in this valley pressed up against the backbone of the world were decent folk. Both the men and the women were friendly to her, so she decided to stay for awhile, savoring a few years of contentment until the rumors began to circulate again. Then she would leave, stealing away in the middle of the night – a child of the night; forever young, forever living, forever alone.

“Hey, city girl,” a young, masculine voice said from behind her.

There was scorn in that voice and Nikka jumped, recognizing Hymi without having to see him. His hand was on her arm before she could move. Her flesh crawled at his touch. She'd known men like him before. He had been one of the soldiers she’d fled from. Sybille had said so.

Staring into those cruel eyes, Nikka knew Sybille was right. Hymi was rotten inside. His soul had seen and committed too much killing, to much maiming. It filled his mind with death and rage.
Hymi’s eyes glistened as he stared hungrily at the dark-haired girl. She was Babylonian and not one of his own people. That meant she was fair game for the rage inside his mind. He couldn’t use the village girls, not even his own Diana, the way he needed to use this foreign witch-child from the city.

He could feel in her mind that she knew! It was she who had cursed him in the first place with those almond-dark eyes looking right through him! It was she who would cure him of this unwanted rage and hate. If she was sacrificed, his living nightmare would end and he would become Hymi, again. He would be able to love again.

“Stop it!” Nikka cried out. “You’re disturbing the sheep!”

Hymi laughed and pulled the slight girl against his hard body. “It is your voice that frightens them, Witch-girl. Don’t make so much noise and you won’t have to chase so far to fetch them back!”

Nikka struggled helplessly against Hymi’s powerful body as he carried her over the ridge and down toward the river’s edge.

“What’s the matter with you?” Nikka cried as she pounded on him with her tiny fists. “Put me down! Where are you taking me?”

After carrying her a little ways, Hymi threw her to the ground. Nikka frantically looked around and discovered they were on the riverbank. She looked up at him, towering over her, breathing rapidly. His tunic was dirty and sticking out in front of him. Nikka could see plainly what was underneath and making his tunic stick out like that.

“All that effort just for a little sex?” she asked, somewhat relieved that he was only horny.

“You are the source of evil!” Hymi raged at her. “You are the reason I am this way!” He paced back and forth, snarling at the slight girl sitting on the ground.

“All I want is the peace I had before I left,” he said, suddenly more quiet. “My thoughts of home are what kept me alive through the terrible time of war! Then, when I return, I have the sanctity of my home, my village, ripped from my soul by your prying eyes! You have cursed me! Do you understand? You have brought everything I left on the battlefield into my home, my village! Into my soul!”

“What your people did to mine is in my mind and soul as well, Hymi,” Nikka told him, coldly controlling her own anger. “But the peaceful people in the village did not rape, murder and dismember my people. They may have sent their sons to do that, but they have paid a price in the loss of those sons.

“There is no joy to be won by continuing to hate. If you have to live with what you did to me and mine inside you, then so be it! Your suffering does not begin to match theirs – or mine, every time I look upon you!” Nikka spat on his feet.

“But my suffering will end soon, ‘Little’ Nikka,” Hymi said, his voice low and threatening. “It will end when your life ends – one last sacrifice, one last death – and I will be at peace. The war will finally be ended!”

Nikka yelped and scooted back rapidly as Hymi reached for her. He grabbed her arm and she kicked at him, at that big rod sticking out in front of him. Hymi howled and let go of her. Dropping to the ground, Nikka tried to scramble away but Hymi grabbed her loose garment and pulled her right up off the ground.

Holding her in the air with her garment in both hands, Hymi ripped it in half. Nikka dropped naked to the ground with a startled cry, then was caught in his powerful grip again. He waded out into the mud at the river’s edge, dragging Nikka behind him by one leg.

“I will sacrifice you to Sangar!” Hymi gasped as he pulled Nikka away from the shore toward deeper water. “He will be delighted to have a daughter of Babylon to feed his minions and when they have grown big and fat from feeding on you, Sangar will allow us to catch and feast on them in return.”

Hymi was almost hip-deep in water, now, and pulled poor, terrified Nikka to him. She fought and kicked at him until he struck her several times in the face and she became more quiescent. He grappled her by the hips and pulled her against his long rod. Nikka shrieked as she felt his long rod invade her most private parts, then her head was being pushed under the water by his strong hands.

Nikka gasped and struggled, unwilling to let her life end this way. ‘Daughters of the moon goddess don’t get drowned in rivers!’ The thought screamed in her mind!

She kicked savagely against him, hard, managing to pull herself off his hard cock. Then she kicked at the soft part between his legs again. Hymi roared in pain and rage, then fell on Nikka, shoving her completely underwater. She squirmed and clawed as fiercely as she could, then was suddenly free!

Choking and gasping for air, she burst up out of the water and searched frantically for the river’s edge. She clawed and climbed up the muddy embankment and had one hand on dry grass when Hymi grabbed her foot and pulled her back into the water.

He hit her hard, this time. Nikka reeled from the blow. She could taste her own blood in her mouth and her eyes were filled with it, blinded. She felt Hymi shove his hard rod back into her, nearly splitting her in half with his anger and hate. She could also feel him backing away from the river’s edge, pulling her loose from the muddy roots she so desperately clung to.

Then there was nothing in her hands to hold her up and she was being pushed under the water again. Hymi was going to sacrifice her to the river god and there was nothing she could do to stop him. Now she was completely submerged and Hymi was pressing on her ribs, trying to make her give up the last of her precious air.

Nikka writhed and kicked as much as she could, but she couldn’t get any leverage in the water, and another problem was occurring, distracting her from her battle for air.

Her body was betraying her! It liked what Hymi was doing to her! As her orgasm flooded through her belly, down her legs and up through her torso, Nikka felt her lungs giving up the last of her air. She gasped, hoping to catch some of it back, but inhaled water, instead.

Choking violently, she fought furiously to get one last gasp of air. She could see Hymi’s large body above her through the churning water. Something straight and long suddenly appeared in his chest. He stopped trying to hold her underwater and fell backward…

Jerking awake, Jake sat up straight in his bed. It was still dark. He was soaked with what had to be cold sweat, although his mind told him it was river water. The luminous numbers on the alarm clock said 4:17 a.

“It was just a dream,” he muttered, coughing lightly to relieve his constricted throat from water that wasn’t there. “Another fucking nightmare…”

He put his feet over the edge of the bed and down to the cool floor, then sat straight up and took several deep breaths. Several nights ago, he had dreamed he was in a terrible, blood-filled battle being fought with ancient weapons – swords and shields, knives, spears. Everyone around him was dying, being brutally, savagely butchered. A week earlier, he had dreamed of a lover’s tryst
– not a nightmare that time, except that he had been the girl in that odd dream.

Rising from the bed, Jake stumbled to the bathroom and pulled the light string, then squinted in the garish light coming down from the ceiling. Turning on the faucet, he rinsed his face and neck, then dried off and went back to bed. He smiled as he observed the gentle curve of female hips beneath the covers on the other side of the bed.

Her name was Monica – a big-chested natural redhead that had moved in with him several weeks ago after being kicked out by her last boyfriend. She was sweet enough, and her boyfriend was a user. Jake didn’t love her, and she didn’t love him, but they could share their bodies with each other and shared a semblance of companionship.

Monica was easy to talk to and Jake talked to her a lot, including telling her about losing the only woman he ever loved. He left out important parts, like the car bomb and the fact that she had been a flying vampire. In return, he listened to Monica tell him about her childhood and her brother who repeated raped her, and a drunken parent who had permitted it all. She had finally been sent to a home for juveniles for putting her dear brother in a coma. After that, none of her family wanted anything to do with her.

By the time she’d moved in with Jake, she’d given up on finding love, and happily settled in with him, more than satisfied with the warm friendship she found with him.

As Jake came back into the bedroom and sat down, his mind began functioning more normally. Tomorrow was Valentine’s Day – Frank and Tanya’s second anniversary. They were married two years ago on February 12, 1995.

'I should send them a card,' he thought to himself. 'I should get something for Monica.'

Then he realized it was already too late. Today was tomorrow. It was already the twelfth, for several hours, now.

When he sat back down on the bed, Monica stirred beside him.

“You’re awake,” she murmured. “Bad dream?”

“Yeah,” Jake muttered. He sighed, knowing she would want him to tell her about it.

“Where’d you go this time?” she wanted to know.

Monica was a part-time student at the local college and was studying ancient civilizations and mythology. If Jake went into enough description, she could tell him where he was in his dreams. She believed that people actually traveled in dreams, and Jake, right now, was her favorite subject. His dreams were incredibly vivid, and (even better), he usually remembered them.

“I don’t know.” Jake sighed. “A village. There were sheep, a mountain and a river.

"She was there," he continued. "Her name was Nikka, this time. She was a sheepherder. She was having trouble with an ex-soldier name Hymi. He tried to sacrifice her to the river god.”

“Wow!” Monica said, fully awake and much more cheerful. “The stuff of legends. Who else was in it? Anyone named Chloe?”

“No,” Jake smiled at her enthusiasm, “but there was a ‘Sybille’ and a ‘Diana’ in it.”

“Well,” Monica said, putting her brain into gear, “Diana was a Roman goddess – the ‘huntress’. But the only Sybille I can think of is a ‘Cybele’, who had a daughter named ‘Nicaea’. Nicaea was only half-mortal because her father was a river god, but there was this guy – a shepherd named Hymnus who pestered her so ardently that she shot him with an arrow. But that was long before Roman times.”

“An arrow!” Jake exclaimed. “Of course! That’s what was sticking out of Hymi’s chest! It was an arrow! Somebody shot him and saved me… I mean… saved Nikka(!) from being sacrificed to Sangar.”

“Sangar?” Monica asked, sounding surprised. “You mean Sangarius, the river god? My God! That WAS it! You dreamed about the legend of Nicaea, the half-human daughter of Sangarius and Cybele! That means it really happened! But, the way you tell it, Nicaea didn’t shoot Hymnus.”

“No,” Jake replied. “I don’t think so. I was… I mean, she was… being drowned at the time.”

“Jake,” Monica asked earnestly, “you do believe, don’t you? My theory about dreams being real events?”

“Moni,” Jake sighed, “let me ask you this: Do you think it’s possible for one person’s memories to be transferred into another person’s mind?”

“I sat and watched that weird ‘Search for Spock’ thing with you on HBO the other night, Jake,” Monica grinned. “It was an… interesting premise.” She sighed. “Yeah, I suppose it’s possible.”

“I was in the fire, trying to get the car door open. It wouldn’t budge and I could see her burning,” Jake said, his voice reverent, now. “When she noticed I was there, she was frightened for me. She didn’t even seem to care that she was on fire – she just screamed for me to get out – to save myself.”

Monica sat and blinked back tears. She’d heard the story before, but it affected her every time she was reminded of it. It would be a terrible thing to watch someone you loved die – especially in the manner that Jake’s love had been taken from him.

In some fashion, his pain resonated in tune with hers, and made it comfortable for her to be with him. The odd resonance between them seemed to affect him the same way. They comforted each other. It was a good thing.

“So you think it’s real, as well,” Monica said quietly, “but for a different reason, I suppose.”

“Yeah,” Jake said. “I think it’s real. I once suggested to her that if we could write down everything she remembered, we’d have an entire first-hand account of human history.”

“Whoa!” Monica said anxious and surprised at his words. “An entire what? Who was this girl, anyway? Some sort of mythological goddess? People don’t live thousands of years except in their dreams!”

It was easier for Jake to let Monica believe what she would, so he said, “No, she was just a dreamer, like me. Only I think she passed her dreams on to me when she died – so that I’d remember, you know?”

“You’re weirder than I am,” Monica told him. Then, changing the subject, “So long as you believe these dreams are real, do you think you could go back into the one you had tonight? Maybe… find out who really shot Hymnus?”

Jake chuckled and hugged the anxious redhead, pulling her down flat on the bed. “No, not until I feel sleepy, again. Do you have any remedies for insomnia?”

It was an old joke between them (several weeks old, anyway) that her remedy for lack of sleep (and just about any other ailment) was a good old-fashioned tumble in the hay. She was ‘on the pill’, so there were only five days a month when she wouldn’t tumble and this wasn’t one of them.

Monica reached down between them and between his legs. Her hands felt cool down there.

“You aren’t the least bit horny,” she said, sounding disappointed. “But I can probably change that.”

“Yeah, you probably could,” Jake admitted. “But, why don’t I work on you for awhile this time. It’s been awhile since you’ve had a good rubdown.”

Monica gave him a quick peck on the cheek and eagerly slithered down onto the sheets, face down. Jake reached out and began to massage her shoulders.

“Mmmm! That feels good,” Monica moaned quietly.

Jake kneaded her shoulders and back muscles for a few minutes, occasionally being rewarded with a sigh or a groan of quiet pleasure. He spent some time on her lower back – she moaned a lot more when he did that, so he figured she liked it, then he began working on those smooth, sexy muscles that made up her rump.

As he worked his fingers along Monica’s tail bone and ass cheeks, she began to get a little playful; arching her back and sticking her butt up a little bit, then wriggling it. Jake took the hint and worked down a little further until he was at the top of her thighs.

He massaged the backs of Monica’s thighs, slowly moving from the outside to the inside, then had her spread her legs a little so he could massage those smooth, tight muscles running up the insides of her legs. She was deliberately teasing him, now, raising her rump and wagging it as he rubbed her legs.

On the next stroke up her inner thighs, he didn’t stop at the top of her legs, but gently rammed his fingers right up into her vulva. Monica yelped, not expecting such a solid encounter, but she gamely pushed down on his fingers as he tried to shove them up inside her. He managed, but her pussy lips were pulled inside and flipped backwards against his fingers. Every time he moved, she hurt.

“Bastard!” she said, mostly to herself.

Jake waited while she shoved both her hands down between her hips and the sheets to help spread her pussy wide enough to rescue her tender tissue. Once she was satisfied that everything was where it was supposed to be, she wiggled her rump again, letting him know he could go ahead and play.

Pulling one hand free, Jake reached for a tube of cream that she used because of constant skin irritation that seemed to occur down there. Squishing some on his fingers, he rubbed the cool cream into her fleshy pussy lips.

“Nice,” she murmured, enjoying the fact that he didn’t deliberately mistreat her tender flesh as much as her last boyfriend did.

With that medicated cream in Monica’s pussy, Jake didn’t really want to stick his tongue in there, now, but he worked his fingers in and out and chewed on her sweet butt-cheeks for awhile. It was a pleasant diversion and they both enjoyed it.

After a few minutes, she became wetter inside, and Jake realized she’d had an orgasm. The smell of her sex and the feel of her smooth butt was stimulating him and making him hard. When she came, there was a subtle change in her scent, and that aroused him. Rubbing a bit of the medicated cream on his hard-on, Jake kneeled behind Monica and, pulling up on her rump, pushed inside her. She moaned again in pleasure, then laid there and enjoyed it while he humped in and out.

Jake got a little annoyed with her sleepy lack of participation and sat up straighter, pulling back on her hips until she was almost up on her knees, but still lying with her breasts and face flat on the sheets. In that position, she was more willing, or perhaps more able, to move a bit in response to his dick sliding in and out of her. At least, she was twitching, now. Jake liked it best when she was on top. Monica was really aggressive when she wanted to be. Other times, like tonight, or rather, this morning, she was perfectly willing to let him do all the work.

Jake grinned as Monica finally began humping him back, realizing she must have decided to go for another orgasm. If she was willing, so was he. He increased his pace, enjoying himself more now that he had an interested partner.

Monica was starting to hyperventilate, indicating to Jake that she was getting close. His cock was starting to buzz from the hot, sucking friction that the thick medicated cream seemed to create. Digging his fingers into the sides of Monica’s hips, he heard her gasp. At first, he thought she was going to get annoyed by his tight grip on her, but she just increased the pace, instead.

A moment later, they were slapping together noisily with Monica grunting from each impact. Then her muscles tightened up and she let out a wail, letting everyone in the building know she was coming! She collapsed down on the bed with Jake still pounding away on top of her. A few seconds later, he began to spurt inside her, causing her to shiver and let out another moan.

“Good little fucker,” Monica muttered into the pillow as her breathing slowly returned to normal.

Reasonably satisfied, Jake lay down beside her and put one arm over her lower back. Monica moaned and weakly wagged her rump, indicating she wanted him to rub her back some more. He did for a few minutes until he fell asleep.

Nikka burst up through the surface, choking water out of her lungs and gasping for air, somehow free of her antagonist’s cruel hands. As she got her feet underneath her on the muddy river bottom, she looked for the riverbank, still coughing and spitting up water. Hymi was floating nearby. There was a skinny feathered rod sticking out of his chest.

Diana was kneeling at the water’s edge, overcome with grief and, no doubt, guilt. Her husband’s bow and a quiver of arrows lay on the ground next to her.

Jake jerked awake violently as the image of Nikka emerging from beneath the water flashed through his mind. Monica reacted too, rolling away to look at him.

“You all right?” she asked, annoyed at being woke up in such a rude manner.

“Diana did it,” Jake told her triumphantly, having solved the puzzle. “She killed her husband, Hymi.”

“Oh,” Monica mumbled sleepily. Then she rolled back onto her stomach and went to sleep.


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He sat next to me in Computer Science every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The teacher would talk about loops and object oriented programming and all the while, half listening, he would be sitting next to me. Breathing. His presence was so entirely sexual, and I bet he didn’t even know it. I’d get out of class and just be wet. Oh, Seth. Fantasies and computer science became so inextricably tied in my mind that I’d get turned on just by reading the textbook. The sexual tension was so unbearable...

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First LoveChapter 10

Jen was even more innocent than Ryan had thought, but it just made her more endearing to him. He was getting frustrated, but he didn't let on. He didn't want to risk upsetting her or losing her if he pressured her. But she was becoming more courageous, and he knew she liked their make-out sessions. She always felt him ever since that night, and one night when they were alone in his bedroom, his parents gone, she reached into his pants. He groaned from the touch of her hand on his swollen...

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Analized by a huge black dick

I had met Oliver at my office, as a good client of our company.He was older than me; a nice handsome black guy, with a muscled body and a look in his eyes to die for. Oliver was married and he soon he acknowledged I was a married woman.But on his third visit to our office, he dared to invite me a coffee.I accepted the invite; hoping he would take next step after just a coffee…And he did as I hoped. He invited to spend a while at his “bachelor” flat."Take off your clothes, bitch" He told me, and...

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Creating a Presence at the Park

One typical chilly fall Saturday, I was rather bored. Sitting inside in my living room watching daytime television, same problem for everyone, just a bunch of re-runs. Anyway, I finally snap and head upstairs to my room take a look out of my window and I see the brilliant fall colored orange and yellow leaves on the trees at the park near by my house. I live in a town right next to a college town and being in high school, I feel like my sexual appetite is at an all-time high. I glance over at...

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MommysGirl Jelena Jensen Scarlett Sage Busted By Mommy

Scarlett Sage sneaks into her stepmother’s bedroom, turns on a video of Mommy’s Girl and starts pleasing her shaved pussy. Jelena Jensen walks in hearing her daughter moaning, busting in on the teen red handed. Scarlett explains that she has a fascination for mother-daughter lesbian porn and gets her rocks off from watching it. Jelena decides to fulfill her daughter’s fantasy and strips her clothes and allows Scarlett to suckle her massive boobs and nipples and Jelena...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 17 Pain or Milking Cum

Viktor walked over by her head and said softly by her ear, "You see Holly, men can be entertained by women in many ways, dancing, stripping, serving, submission, pain, sex and many more ways. Typically sex is the end goal but there are a variety of things that stimulate men sexually. If you want, you can entertain us more now by milking more cum from our cocks. What do you think, Holly, do you want to use your body to milk more cum now?" Feeling so overwhelmingly used Holly shook her...

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Another day at work

Another day at work. Another day of serving customers their cold cuts, who want it sliced extra thin, because its the only way their toddlers will eat it. Because they have problems digesting food. Because it just tastes better when its thin. Another day of being just one once over, and OH MY GOD, that’s TOO EXPENSIVE! Another day of bullshit, or so I thought. My name is Nick, and I work at the local supermarket chain. The owners are cheap, the equipment is in dire need of repair and service,...

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CONSTRUCTION Walking around this old two story house looking at all the repairs it needs is very depressing I know that half the work I can do myself but I can not do it all. I need to find a Handy man a respectable one . Looking in the phone book was no help too many of them I decided to drive around and look for places under construction I might be able to get one of the workers to come and give me a bid on the heavy work. I saw a sign that said Paul Longhorn Construction and slowed down they...

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IncorrectionChapter 5

“What are you doing?” I asked, now worried that she was going to beat me where I stood. But the guard started unbuttoning her shirt and explained, “Having lunch.” and unbuckled her utility belt, “My way.” and tossed it out of the cell. Hopefully, she wasn’t planning on eating me alive but I lost all caring when I saw her black bra appear. Next, patent leather shoes flew out into the hallway and I swear, the sound of her zipper echoed off of the stone walls. Shrugging her shirt off, she...

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I knew that I had seen her some place before. As I watched her walk around the room I racked my brain to try and remember where and when it had been. If what she said was true, and I had no reason to doubt her, I couldn't possibly have seen her someplace else. Until then she had never left California and I had never been in that state, but I still would have bet every dime I had that I had seen her before. The call had come as a complete surprise. "Hey bro, stop by mom and dad's after work...

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Old Friends

"It would be some time before she'd be ready to leave." That was the first thing the old man read every morning. After he'd had breakfast - cereal and orange juice, eaten standing at the tiny counter in the kitchenette - he'd cross to his chair, open his laptop, and start to read. Now and then he'd edit a bit, add a paragraph maybe. Mostly he read. He'd finish some time after 11, a little later each day. Then he'd make himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and wash it down with a...

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Lorigets new jewelry for the girls

Kim could still hear the man's stern voice as she dressed. Glancing at her watch, she noticed there was barely enough time to make the scheduled appointment Ken had setup with Lu. A shiver shot down her spine thinking of what Ken demanded. She was to take Lori and Julia to get their nipples pierced by the old Chinaman. 'Oh, God,' she thought, 'Surely there had to be another way or someway to escape Ken's blackmail demands.' She noticed the two women dressed and standing at the door. Lori...

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I Really Wanted Him More Than His Mom Part 1

In October that year, I met Lisa. She was a 42 year old nurse who knew her way around the male anatomy to please a man, and she took to me immediately. She was nothing to look at, but boy could she fuck. She broke my dry spell with a vengeance. I went from nothing to multiple times a day. At times she about wore me out. I did not care that she was a BBW, 5’2”, and 280 ponds, but with 44DD tits, she was giving me what I was starved for, sex, lots and lots of fucking sex. I am 6’4”, at the time...

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An ClochnChapter 33

Siobhan’s and Sarah’s Clans were entering Siobhan’s suite on Phoenix when Conan asked, “So what do we want to do before dinner?” After a pause Amber of Siobhan’s Clan said, “I think a good choice would be to practice Aikido. As a clan, I know we don’t practice enough as there never seems to be enough time.” “I like that idea,” replied Eileen of Siobhan’s Clan. “You are right; it is something we haven’t been doing as often as we should.” “Let’s do it,” said Siobhan. “There is enough time...

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Uncle Ne Mujhe Chodkar Behal Kiya

Hello dosto mera naam reena hai meri umar hai 25 saal aur mai dekhne me bahut hi sunder hoo aur meri figure bhi bahut mast hai meri nipples aur pussy bilkul pink hai. waise to mai hardoi se hoo lekin lucknoe me ek ghar lekar rehti hoo kuki meri service hai yaha.ab mai aapko apni kahani batati hoo jo ki aaj se 2 mahine pehle ki hai waise to mai pehle bhi chud chuki hoo lekin yeh meri sabse exciting chudai thi. Jab mai hardoi me rehti thi yab mere ghar ke pados me ek uncle apni family ke saath...

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Delivery Special Soap

Mike Reynolds was naked and standing in an old churchyard. Above him the moon shone brightly in the night sky. The night air was cool enough to raise goose bumps on his exposed flesh. The long grass felt damp beneath his toes. A thick layer of white mist, enough to cover his feet up to his ankles, flowed over the secluded graveyard. Mike didn't know what he was doing here. He thought he was asleep in bed, but this felt too real to be a dream. His senses were sharp and fully in focus. He felt...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 17 Bedside Manner

December 13, 1993, Chicago, Illinois On Monday morning I allowed Kimmy to run the leadership meeting without interruption. Except for the hiring, nothing out of the ordinary had happened while I’d been away. The main topic of discussion was the final BLS conversions. There were still a few fairly large stragglers that had not converted. “What are we going to do about support?” my dad asked. “Nothing,” Cindi said. “We’ve said, time and again, in letters, in the contracts, and by phone, that...

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Behind My sisters Back With Pictures

Please don't share these pictures anywhere.. i can have huge problems. THANKS SO LET'S START !!!!A couple of weeks ago I put a video of me masturbating into my sister's boyfriend's camera. I knew Austin saw it. When he came here he took his camera and left to stay at his house for a while.I imagined him shocked, not knowing what to do, but then slowly realizing how much he craved me, wanting my body, and wanting to taste every last area. I loved thinking of him jacking off to it, uploading it...

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Surviving 3Chapter 9 Share and share alike Summer 886 AD

Scott's demonstrations had clearly affected Sigurd and his men. They looked around themselves, stunned by the noise, fire, smoke and destruction of his grenade and the cannon. Some men had dived to the ground and covered their heads; others had jumped up and now stared at the Bay and Scott's ship. Sigurd was no less affected. The Viking was almost like a deflated balloon, his bravado gone like the smoke from the cannon fire on the wind over Kirkwall harbour. "So Sigurd, can I take it...

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raynas contract ch 2

"I loved it. I loved it all. We should have another session tonight." replied Rayna. "Maybe after the party, eh?" suggested Drake rather sleepily. "I have an idea. Maybe we could start tonight’s contract, at the party." "You do realize that this is a banquet for your work? Without making a great impression on some of those guys, you won’t get the deals you need to further your modeling career." murmured Drake, appalled at Rayna's childish thoughts. "Yes I do, which is...

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Cum AgainChapter 3

Walking into the room was Marcy, saying, “Sorry for barging in. I told him what you asked me to tell him. Later!” “Fuck me, please give me a baby please?” My gorgeous sister said to me. I knew she said that mainly to get me to cum inside her quicker, which I did. After a shower and a change of clothes we walked downstairs to the fragrance of macaroni and cheese, A college student’s favorite meal. “I’m really sorry for walking in on you,” Marcie said. We all ate for a while when Marcie...

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The Contest was to make a Panto using a Fairy Tale. As an American I really don't understand the concept of a panto but with any luck I made an enjoyable story. There is very little in the way of explicit sex in this story though I tried to make it as suggestive as possible. The Thematic tags of beastiality and nonconsensual sex are for one scene only. Please leave comments ***** Once upon a time in a far away kingdom lived a young couple who were very much in love. They...

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Kettle full and bubbling, Matt sat and played the piano to her. Mia loved it when Matt played; it made her feel part of something special. The couple made their way upstairs. Mia took the lead so she could let Matt get a good look at her sexy, curvalicious body. She knew this would get his mind racing. As usual she took a long look in the mirror trying to re-do her windswept hair, although she knew there was no point as he loved her hair natural in every way. Matt crept up behind her and...

Straight Sex
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 55

The next weekend Deana came over and spent the weekend at our house, so I got to spend a lot of time talking to her. She and Linda got along great, and we spent about an hour in the game room as I showed her the outlines I had for articles that were not done yet.“Pete, these are really great. But you know I can't be your editor anymore, right?”“Yea, dad mentioned that. Conflict of interest.”“Yea, but my boss said for me to just pass them along to him and he would do it himself. He really likes...

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The Invitation

Phil and Nance returned to their suite at the Reefer's Hotel & Resort in Jamaica after spending the afternoon at the beach. While Nancy showered, Phil made them a couple of fruit and rum flavored drinks. He was looking for the can of mixed nuts they'd bought the day before in town when he spied the note. Dearest Nancy & Phil: We have yet to meet, but we have admired the two of you since You arrived here at the Reefer's. Rest assured we are trustworthy And want to get acquainted....

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Vixen Obviates

Vixen had four subjects on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and on the first day of classes she got to all four on time and before the sessions were over, she made sure each of her teachers knew her name. It was not hard since the slight redhead with the big boobs was wearing her skin-tight jeans and a skimpy t-shirt a couple of sizes too small. The biology lecture had really interested her, and she looked forward to the labs. The English course was about writing a research paper and that, she...

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IncomingChapter 2

One thing the Army taught him was how to keep a straight face. It was useful when a wet behind the ears Second Lieutenant, fresh from Officer Candidate School attempts to explain something to an NCO who was already competent before the LT jacked off for the first time. It was useful when a Colonel, whose last ten years were spent in a supply depot, tries to tell you that he understands how hard it is out there and that the rules of engagement were carefully designed to balance readiness and...

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family sex 4

bodies next to his. He heaved a sigh. It had been quite a day. Except for eating, they had spent the whole day in bed. He rolled over and looked at the clock. "Your Uncle Harry will be here soon," he said. Crissy lifted her head and smiled. She rubbed her hand down over her father's hard frame and found his cock. "He'd shit a brick if he found us all in bed like this." She stroked her father's prick. Douglas moaned. His kids were sex-crazy and he wondered how long he...

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I had her tied spread-eagled to the bed when the doorbell went. I saw her immediately flinch and stiffen and a look of concern flitted across her face. Usually I try and make sure that our sessions are undisturbed so I was initially annoyed.“Who’s that?” she yelped, her voice tremulous.“I have no idea, bitch. Stop panicking you stupid cunt.”Her eyes switched away from the door to the playroom and came back to me as her fear came back to where it belonged. I stalked around the bed tapping the...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 19

Wanda scooted up leaving a space between her and Suzy, she patted the empty space, “Come sit here Chad, be easier to pass the joint” she sighed and with my cock sticking out I got up and took her up on the offer, making it much more cosy and naturism after all is all about feeling and acting normally.We were all getting giggly and in a good mood, the feeling of having both Wanda and Suzy’s thighs touching mine was confusing my dick, it didn’t know whether to act ‘normally’ or react to the...

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BrattySis Harmony Wonder Lexi Lore Sweet Eighteen

Harmony Wonder is finally 18 and her friend Lexi Lore is envious that Harmony’s parents are throwing her a sweet 18 birthday party. The friends are hanging out on the couch when Harmony’s stepbrother Rion King comes in to give his sister a card. The card includes a coupon for a free fuck, which Rion claims isn’t for his stepsister but for her friend. Lexi is game, so she agrees to help Rion out of his dry spell with a handie. Harmony gets a glimpse of her stepbro’s big...

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Thumbing a Lift

   I found out she had been driving for six years and the rig was her own bought and paid for,I thought she was taking a chance picking up strangers and said so ,to my surprise she said but you yourself take a risk too just because I'm a woman makes no difference does it. I had no comeback to that I was being sexist and I apologized to her. I had already taken in her looks and judged her to be early twenties, a slender frame but well formed and short brown hair being at work she had no makeup...

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Hayden Panettieres Hero

16th January, 2007 I’d just completed a tour in Iraq serving in the Marine Corp. I arrived at the airport and made my way home. The cooler weather blasted me, used to the warm heat of the Middle East. Grabbing a cab, I instructed him to my home. Having little personal belongings I hauled them into the trunk and sat quietly as the driver babbled incessantly. Getting home, I found an envelope on the kitchen desk with a small box beneath it. Opening up the envelope I noticed the handwriting...

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Bet Your Sweet AssChapter 17

“So nice of you to have us over for supper, even if it feels ... odd to be at the same dinner as my ex-wife,” Dennis Palmer confessed over a very fine pot roast the first Sunday after Passover. “Well, it gave us a chance to meet you guys, since you’re family now, all of you, to celebrate your kids’ engagement to ours, and to enjoy our first meal that isn’t matzo bread and lamb shank. Passover seder is over and done again, for this year, that is!” Mom answered him, pouring some more Shiraz...

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Pen Pals

PEN PALS By Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams, 1996 I wrote this story for my friend Stephani, who in a short time has become like a sister to me. Stephani and Jenny met in a chat room and decided to become Pen Pals. It didn't take long for them to become good friends and even view each other as sisters. The problem was that they lived too far apart to make a face to face meeting practical any time in the near future. Stephani being in Washington State and Jenny in Ohio...

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Seducing the Neighbor Girl Ch 06

Thanks for reading and voting. I enjoyed the comments. *** Chapter 6 — Graduation Day The morning of Paige’s graduation day she put on the black dress and underwear she had worn the first night we slept with each other. ‘I’m thinking about going commando.’ she told me. ‘What’s that?’ I asked. ‘You know, no underwear.’ ‘I always called it freeballing.’ Paige laughed. ‘I don’t think I could call it that.’ ‘I suppose not.’ A few minutes later, she looked almost ready to leave. ‘I have a...

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A Night of Firsts at the Bookstore

In 1989 my National Guard unit was activated to support Operation Just Cause, the invasion of Panama. Since we were a helicopter maintenance company, we knew that we would be busy but not have to see any action. Due to all the shots and paperwork that was needed, we got to Howard Air Force Base on the west coast of Panama after the fighting was over. My unit then set about helping the local maintenance staff repair all the birds that had been used hard during the invasion. We were there a few...

Gay Male
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On The Hunt

I was sitting at a local coffee shop, not too far from a lesbian bar. I noticed a well endowed woman who came in and ordered a tea. She appeared to be a business women. She was probably around 5 feet tall and quite gorgeous. I asked if I could share her table, just hoping by a long shot that I could take her eventually to my home. My panties were already dripping wet with desire from staring at her from the start. We started talking about our lives and to my surprise, although she was married,...

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The HillsideChapter 11

Marnie cornered Jacob as they prepared for bed. Ann and Susan were sharing a room to give the Powers and Juliette some privacy. "What are we going to do about them?" she asked. Jacob couldn't figure out who the "them" was. It was obvious on his face. "Amos and Carmen seem like lovely people," she said. "But they are stuck living with what Juliette did. They can't even look at her without getting angry. And Juliette has no life out there. Everyone within 20 miles knows about her...

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Ed BiggersChapter 2

Sitting on the floor, Ed was playing with the blocks as Beth crawled towards him. She was able to move around the room with ease and fast enough that it was difficult to catch her when she wanted to evade a pursuer. Without much of an effort she sat up to concentrate on the blocks that Ed had stacked one atop the other. With great deliberation, she knocked the bottom block out of the stack and watched the stack fall down. Looking up at Ed, she said, “Good.” Ed rebuilt the stack and watched...

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