Phoenix Ch 02 free porn video

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Nikka waited patiently while Diana herded her three sheep out of the back pen and added them to the ones Nikka was collecting. The two hugged quickly then Diana hurried back into her hut. Her kyrios, Hymi, glared at Nikka through the doorway, then shut it between them.

“Come on, now,” Nikka called out, reaching out with her staff to tap an errant lamb on its head. It bleated noisily and backed out from between two huts where it had intended to explore as she blocked its way with her long staff.

Making loud tsk-tsk noises with her tongue and cheeks, Nikka guided the eight lambs and ewes she had collected this morning out toward the grassy hillside near the river. Seeing other sheep ahead of them now, the new arrivals picked up speed, galloping and prancing out to join the larger group.

Nikka leaned back against an acacia tree and relaxed while she nibbled on a piece of hard bread. She sighed in contentment and thought back on her journey across the world.

This was Nikka’s second year in the village. She had arrived as a refugee from the recent war in the east. She picked up the language easily enough, it being similar enough to the Babylonian tongue that she only made a few embarrassing mistakes.

An older woman, Sybille, with her children grown and her husband dead in the recent war, accepted Nikka into her household to help with chores and fieldwork. Nikka, ever grateful, proved to be hard working and bright. Although she never spoke to anyone of her homeland other than to say that her family was dead, she smiled a lot and was very friendly to the other villagers – too friendly, Sybille would tell her.

“The citadel is gone,” the old woman told her, “and with it the wicked ways of the city! You are little more than a child, Nikka. But you have the body of a grown woman. The boys here – the men, as well – they leave us to fight. Many die. Few return. The ones who return bring the sickness of the citadel back with them.

“They rot inside, behind their eyes. And they will hurt you if you discover yourself alone with them. They will treat with you like a scorned woman and not the innocent child that you are.”

Nikka understood all too well how men, especially conquering soldiers, treated women. She wasn’t innocent, and although she appeared youthful, she had lived the length of several lifetimes. She had learned, after many mistakes, how to blend in with the people, wherever she was, until they noticed (and they always noticed after a time) how different she truly was.

The people here in this valley pressed up against the backbone of the world were decent folk. Both the men and the women were friendly to her, so she decided to stay for awhile, savoring a few years of contentment until the rumors began to circulate again. Then she would leave, stealing away in the middle of the night – a child of the night; forever young, forever living, forever alone.

“Hey, city girl,” a young, masculine voice said from behind her.

There was scorn in that voice and Nikka jumped, recognizing Hymi without having to see him. His hand was on her arm before she could move. Her flesh crawled at his touch. She'd known men like him before. He had been one of the soldiers she’d fled from. Sybille had said so.

Staring into those cruel eyes, Nikka knew Sybille was right. Hymi was rotten inside. His soul had seen and committed too much killing, to much maiming. It filled his mind with death and rage.
Hymi’s eyes glistened as he stared hungrily at the dark-haired girl. She was Babylonian and not one of his own people. That meant she was fair game for the rage inside his mind. He couldn’t use the village girls, not even his own Diana, the way he needed to use this foreign witch-child from the city.

He could feel in her mind that she knew! It was she who had cursed him in the first place with those almond-dark eyes looking right through him! It was she who would cure him of this unwanted rage and hate. If she was sacrificed, his living nightmare would end and he would become Hymi, again. He would be able to love again.

“Stop it!” Nikka cried out. “You’re disturbing the sheep!”

Hymi laughed and pulled the slight girl against his hard body. “It is your voice that frightens them, Witch-girl. Don’t make so much noise and you won’t have to chase so far to fetch them back!”

Nikka struggled helplessly against Hymi’s powerful body as he carried her over the ridge and down toward the river’s edge.

“What’s the matter with you?” Nikka cried as she pounded on him with her tiny fists. “Put me down! Where are you taking me?”

After carrying her a little ways, Hymi threw her to the ground. Nikka frantically looked around and discovered they were on the riverbank. She looked up at him, towering over her, breathing rapidly. His tunic was dirty and sticking out in front of him. Nikka could see plainly what was underneath and making his tunic stick out like that.

“All that effort just for a little sex?” she asked, somewhat relieved that he was only horny.

“You are the source of evil!” Hymi raged at her. “You are the reason I am this way!” He paced back and forth, snarling at the slight girl sitting on the ground.

“All I want is the peace I had before I left,” he said, suddenly more quiet. “My thoughts of home are what kept me alive through the terrible time of war! Then, when I return, I have the sanctity of my home, my village, ripped from my soul by your prying eyes! You have cursed me! Do you understand? You have brought everything I left on the battlefield into my home, my village! Into my soul!”

“What your people did to mine is in my mind and soul as well, Hymi,” Nikka told him, coldly controlling her own anger. “But the peaceful people in the village did not rape, murder and dismember my people. They may have sent their sons to do that, but they have paid a price in the loss of those sons.

“There is no joy to be won by continuing to hate. If you have to live with what you did to me and mine inside you, then so be it! Your suffering does not begin to match theirs – or mine, every time I look upon you!” Nikka spat on his feet.

“But my suffering will end soon, ‘Little’ Nikka,” Hymi said, his voice low and threatening. “It will end when your life ends – one last sacrifice, one last death – and I will be at peace. The war will finally be ended!”

Nikka yelped and scooted back rapidly as Hymi reached for her. He grabbed her arm and she kicked at him, at that big rod sticking out in front of him. Hymi howled and let go of her. Dropping to the ground, Nikka tried to scramble away but Hymi grabbed her loose garment and pulled her right up off the ground.

Holding her in the air with her garment in both hands, Hymi ripped it in half. Nikka dropped naked to the ground with a startled cry, then was caught in his powerful grip again. He waded out into the mud at the river’s edge, dragging Nikka behind him by one leg.

“I will sacrifice you to Sangar!” Hymi gasped as he pulled Nikka away from the shore toward deeper water. “He will be delighted to have a daughter of Babylon to feed his minions and when they have grown big and fat from feeding on you, Sangar will allow us to catch and feast on them in return.”

Hymi was almost hip-deep in water, now, and pulled poor, terrified Nikka to him. She fought and kicked at him until he struck her several times in the face and she became more quiescent. He grappled her by the hips and pulled her against his long rod. Nikka shrieked as she felt his long rod invade her most private parts, then her head was being pushed under the water by his strong hands.

Nikka gasped and struggled, unwilling to let her life end this way. ‘Daughters of the moon goddess don’t get drowned in rivers!’ The thought screamed in her mind!

She kicked savagely against him, hard, managing to pull herself off his hard cock. Then she kicked at the soft part between his legs again. Hymi roared in pain and rage, then fell on Nikka, shoving her completely underwater. She squirmed and clawed as fiercely as she could, then was suddenly free!

Choking and gasping for air, she burst up out of the water and searched frantically for the river’s edge. She clawed and climbed up the muddy embankment and had one hand on dry grass when Hymi grabbed her foot and pulled her back into the water.

He hit her hard, this time. Nikka reeled from the blow. She could taste her own blood in her mouth and her eyes were filled with it, blinded. She felt Hymi shove his hard rod back into her, nearly splitting her in half with his anger and hate. She could also feel him backing away from the river’s edge, pulling her loose from the muddy roots she so desperately clung to.

Then there was nothing in her hands to hold her up and she was being pushed under the water again. Hymi was going to sacrifice her to the river god and there was nothing she could do to stop him. Now she was completely submerged and Hymi was pressing on her ribs, trying to make her give up the last of her precious air.

Nikka writhed and kicked as much as she could, but she couldn’t get any leverage in the water, and another problem was occurring, distracting her from her battle for air.

Her body was betraying her! It liked what Hymi was doing to her! As her orgasm flooded through her belly, down her legs and up through her torso, Nikka felt her lungs giving up the last of her air. She gasped, hoping to catch some of it back, but inhaled water, instead.

Choking violently, she fought furiously to get one last gasp of air. She could see Hymi’s large body above her through the churning water. Something straight and long suddenly appeared in his chest. He stopped trying to hold her underwater and fell backward…

Jerking awake, Jake sat up straight in his bed. It was still dark. He was soaked with what had to be cold sweat, although his mind told him it was river water. The luminous numbers on the alarm clock said 4:17 a.

“It was just a dream,” he muttered, coughing lightly to relieve his constricted throat from water that wasn’t there. “Another fucking nightmare…”

He put his feet over the edge of the bed and down to the cool floor, then sat straight up and took several deep breaths. Several nights ago, he had dreamed he was in a terrible, blood-filled battle being fought with ancient weapons – swords and shields, knives, spears. Everyone around him was dying, being brutally, savagely butchered. A week earlier, he had dreamed of a lover’s tryst
– not a nightmare that time, except that he had been the girl in that odd dream.

Rising from the bed, Jake stumbled to the bathroom and pulled the light string, then squinted in the garish light coming down from the ceiling. Turning on the faucet, he rinsed his face and neck, then dried off and went back to bed. He smiled as he observed the gentle curve of female hips beneath the covers on the other side of the bed.

Her name was Monica – a big-chested natural redhead that had moved in with him several weeks ago after being kicked out by her last boyfriend. She was sweet enough, and her boyfriend was a user. Jake didn’t love her, and she didn’t love him, but they could share their bodies with each other and shared a semblance of companionship.

Monica was easy to talk to and Jake talked to her a lot, including telling her about losing the only woman he ever loved. He left out important parts, like the car bomb and the fact that she had been a flying vampire. In return, he listened to Monica tell him about her childhood and her brother who repeated raped her, and a drunken parent who had permitted it all. She had finally been sent to a home for juveniles for putting her dear brother in a coma. After that, none of her family wanted anything to do with her.

By the time she’d moved in with Jake, she’d given up on finding love, and happily settled in with him, more than satisfied with the warm friendship she found with him.

As Jake came back into the bedroom and sat down, his mind began functioning more normally. Tomorrow was Valentine’s Day – Frank and Tanya’s second anniversary. They were married two years ago on February 12, 1995.

'I should send them a card,' he thought to himself. 'I should get something for Monica.'

Then he realized it was already too late. Today was tomorrow. It was already the twelfth, for several hours, now.

When he sat back down on the bed, Monica stirred beside him.

“You’re awake,” she murmured. “Bad dream?”

“Yeah,” Jake muttered. He sighed, knowing she would want him to tell her about it.

“Where’d you go this time?” she wanted to know.

Monica was a part-time student at the local college and was studying ancient civilizations and mythology. If Jake went into enough description, she could tell him where he was in his dreams. She believed that people actually traveled in dreams, and Jake, right now, was her favorite subject. His dreams were incredibly vivid, and (even better), he usually remembered them.

“I don’t know.” Jake sighed. “A village. There were sheep, a mountain and a river.

"She was there," he continued. "Her name was Nikka, this time. She was a sheepherder. She was having trouble with an ex-soldier name Hymi. He tried to sacrifice her to the river god.”

“Wow!” Monica said, fully awake and much more cheerful. “The stuff of legends. Who else was in it? Anyone named Chloe?”

“No,” Jake smiled at her enthusiasm, “but there was a ‘Sybille’ and a ‘Diana’ in it.”

“Well,” Monica said, putting her brain into gear, “Diana was a Roman goddess – the ‘huntress’. But the only Sybille I can think of is a ‘Cybele’, who had a daughter named ‘Nicaea’. Nicaea was only half-mortal because her father was a river god, but there was this guy – a shepherd named Hymnus who pestered her so ardently that she shot him with an arrow. But that was long before Roman times.”

“An arrow!” Jake exclaimed. “Of course! That’s what was sticking out of Hymi’s chest! It was an arrow! Somebody shot him and saved me… I mean… saved Nikka(!) from being sacrificed to Sangar.”

“Sangar?” Monica asked, sounding surprised. “You mean Sangarius, the river god? My God! That WAS it! You dreamed about the legend of Nicaea, the half-human daughter of Sangarius and Cybele! That means it really happened! But, the way you tell it, Nicaea didn’t shoot Hymnus.”

“No,” Jake replied. “I don’t think so. I was… I mean, she was… being drowned at the time.”

“Jake,” Monica asked earnestly, “you do believe, don’t you? My theory about dreams being real events?”

“Moni,” Jake sighed, “let me ask you this: Do you think it’s possible for one person’s memories to be transferred into another person’s mind?”

“I sat and watched that weird ‘Search for Spock’ thing with you on HBO the other night, Jake,” Monica grinned. “It was an… interesting premise.” She sighed. “Yeah, I suppose it’s possible.”

“I was in the fire, trying to get the car door open. It wouldn’t budge and I could see her burning,” Jake said, his voice reverent, now. “When she noticed I was there, she was frightened for me. She didn’t even seem to care that she was on fire – she just screamed for me to get out – to save myself.”

Monica sat and blinked back tears. She’d heard the story before, but it affected her every time she was reminded of it. It would be a terrible thing to watch someone you loved die – especially in the manner that Jake’s love had been taken from him.

In some fashion, his pain resonated in tune with hers, and made it comfortable for her to be with him. The odd resonance between them seemed to affect him the same way. They comforted each other. It was a good thing.

“So you think it’s real, as well,” Monica said quietly, “but for a different reason, I suppose.”

“Yeah,” Jake said. “I think it’s real. I once suggested to her that if we could write down everything she remembered, we’d have an entire first-hand account of human history.”

“Whoa!” Monica said anxious and surprised at his words. “An entire what? Who was this girl, anyway? Some sort of mythological goddess? People don’t live thousands of years except in their dreams!”

It was easier for Jake to let Monica believe what she would, so he said, “No, she was just a dreamer, like me. Only I think she passed her dreams on to me when she died – so that I’d remember, you know?”

“You’re weirder than I am,” Monica told him. Then, changing the subject, “So long as you believe these dreams are real, do you think you could go back into the one you had tonight? Maybe… find out who really shot Hymnus?”

Jake chuckled and hugged the anxious redhead, pulling her down flat on the bed. “No, not until I feel sleepy, again. Do you have any remedies for insomnia?”

It was an old joke between them (several weeks old, anyway) that her remedy for lack of sleep (and just about any other ailment) was a good old-fashioned tumble in the hay. She was ‘on the pill’, so there were only five days a month when she wouldn’t tumble and this wasn’t one of them.

Monica reached down between them and between his legs. Her hands felt cool down there.

“You aren’t the least bit horny,” she said, sounding disappointed. “But I can probably change that.”

“Yeah, you probably could,” Jake admitted. “But, why don’t I work on you for awhile this time. It’s been awhile since you’ve had a good rubdown.”

Monica gave him a quick peck on the cheek and eagerly slithered down onto the sheets, face down. Jake reached out and began to massage her shoulders.

“Mmmm! That feels good,” Monica moaned quietly.

Jake kneaded her shoulders and back muscles for a few minutes, occasionally being rewarded with a sigh or a groan of quiet pleasure. He spent some time on her lower back – she moaned a lot more when he did that, so he figured she liked it, then he began working on those smooth, sexy muscles that made up her rump.

As he worked his fingers along Monica’s tail bone and ass cheeks, she began to get a little playful; arching her back and sticking her butt up a little bit, then wriggling it. Jake took the hint and worked down a little further until he was at the top of her thighs.

He massaged the backs of Monica’s thighs, slowly moving from the outside to the inside, then had her spread her legs a little so he could massage those smooth, tight muscles running up the insides of her legs. She was deliberately teasing him, now, raising her rump and wagging it as he rubbed her legs.

On the next stroke up her inner thighs, he didn’t stop at the top of her legs, but gently rammed his fingers right up into her vulva. Monica yelped, not expecting such a solid encounter, but she gamely pushed down on his fingers as he tried to shove them up inside her. He managed, but her pussy lips were pulled inside and flipped backwards against his fingers. Every time he moved, she hurt.

“Bastard!” she said, mostly to herself.

Jake waited while she shoved both her hands down between her hips and the sheets to help spread her pussy wide enough to rescue her tender tissue. Once she was satisfied that everything was where it was supposed to be, she wiggled her rump again, letting him know he could go ahead and play.

Pulling one hand free, Jake reached for a tube of cream that she used because of constant skin irritation that seemed to occur down there. Squishing some on his fingers, he rubbed the cool cream into her fleshy pussy lips.

“Nice,” she murmured, enjoying the fact that he didn’t deliberately mistreat her tender flesh as much as her last boyfriend did.

With that medicated cream in Monica’s pussy, Jake didn’t really want to stick his tongue in there, now, but he worked his fingers in and out and chewed on her sweet butt-cheeks for awhile. It was a pleasant diversion and they both enjoyed it.

After a few minutes, she became wetter inside, and Jake realized she’d had an orgasm. The smell of her sex and the feel of her smooth butt was stimulating him and making him hard. When she came, there was a subtle change in her scent, and that aroused him. Rubbing a bit of the medicated cream on his hard-on, Jake kneeled behind Monica and, pulling up on her rump, pushed inside her. She moaned again in pleasure, then laid there and enjoyed it while he humped in and out.

Jake got a little annoyed with her sleepy lack of participation and sat up straighter, pulling back on her hips until she was almost up on her knees, but still lying with her breasts and face flat on the sheets. In that position, she was more willing, or perhaps more able, to move a bit in response to his dick sliding in and out of her. At least, she was twitching, now. Jake liked it best when she was on top. Monica was really aggressive when she wanted to be. Other times, like tonight, or rather, this morning, she was perfectly willing to let him do all the work.

Jake grinned as Monica finally began humping him back, realizing she must have decided to go for another orgasm. If she was willing, so was he. He increased his pace, enjoying himself more now that he had an interested partner.

Monica was starting to hyperventilate, indicating to Jake that she was getting close. His cock was starting to buzz from the hot, sucking friction that the thick medicated cream seemed to create. Digging his fingers into the sides of Monica’s hips, he heard her gasp. At first, he thought she was going to get annoyed by his tight grip on her, but she just increased the pace, instead.

A moment later, they were slapping together noisily with Monica grunting from each impact. Then her muscles tightened up and she let out a wail, letting everyone in the building know she was coming! She collapsed down on the bed with Jake still pounding away on top of her. A few seconds later, he began to spurt inside her, causing her to shiver and let out another moan.

“Good little fucker,” Monica muttered into the pillow as her breathing slowly returned to normal.

Reasonably satisfied, Jake lay down beside her and put one arm over her lower back. Monica moaned and weakly wagged her rump, indicating she wanted him to rub her back some more. He did for a few minutes until he fell asleep.

Nikka burst up through the surface, choking water out of her lungs and gasping for air, somehow free of her antagonist’s cruel hands. As she got her feet underneath her on the muddy river bottom, she looked for the riverbank, still coughing and spitting up water. Hymi was floating nearby. There was a skinny feathered rod sticking out of his chest.

Diana was kneeling at the water’s edge, overcome with grief and, no doubt, guilt. Her husband’s bow and a quiver of arrows lay on the ground next to her.

Jake jerked awake violently as the image of Nikka emerging from beneath the water flashed through his mind. Monica reacted too, rolling away to look at him.

“You all right?” she asked, annoyed at being woke up in such a rude manner.

“Diana did it,” Jake told her triumphantly, having solved the puzzle. “She killed her husband, Hymi.”

“Oh,” Monica mumbled sleepily. Then she rolled back onto her stomach and went to sleep.


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The FemdomWe found ourselves in a nice hotel room on the top floor. We came prepared with toys. You were out of the room getting a pedicure and I am watching porn on the computer in the room. You come back much quicker than I thought and you catch me with me cock in hand jerking off to a video of a female dominate. I try to cover up but you say I guess you are ready to play and order me to strip naked.I do so all while the porn is still on the computer screen. You ask me if I like what's...

4 years ago
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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 5

Xi Pegasi System System Command 14/37/41 NR 0615 Hours Aaron turned as the admittance chime sounded. “Come in.” He’d just finished packing, and he closed his locker as the door to his quarters opened. David Matthews stood in the doorway with an anxious look on his face. “I’m ready, David,” Aaron said teasingly, and then his expression blanked as his chief of staff’s expression registered. “What is it?” “We just received a message from the sats at the wormhole, Sir. The Unis have transited....

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My Nympho Fiance

It had been a while since I had let Nadia have some nympho fun. I did that on purpose as I knew it would increase her wild desire. Nadia and I decided to go to the bowling alley in the afternoon. There would be fewer people around. We got a lane next to a single guy, college age. As soon as he saw Nadia I could see his eyes nearly pop out of his head. I knew he was happy that we were bowling in the lane next to him. Nadia was wearing a loose fitting top, one that would allow me and...

2 years ago
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Weekend Slave

After your impressive performance with the bellboy, you turn back to me. You are keenly aware that while we have been flirting and had a lot of suggestive talk, we have not done anything. While you are not frustrated, you are anxious to get things moving. Little do you know, I like to take things slow at first. It keeps me in control, this you do understand."Great job with the bellboy, what would you like to do next?" I ask."Whatever your wish sir, I signed and kissed a contract releasing me to...

1 year ago
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FamilySwap Aaliyah Love Liv Revamped Shark Time Of The Month

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Liv Revamped and her swap brother Juan Loco are doing an arts and crafts project for shark month. The swap siblings have made shark mouths, which opens up all kinds of possibilities for fun flirtation. When swap parents Aaliyah Love and Damon Dice walk in on the craft time, they find Juan and Liv “biting” each other’s privates with the mouths. Aaliyah and...

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Stir crazy from quarantine

Family background Ethan(you). 5'10" and 22 years old. A junior at a university. When the shelter-in-place order was given he moved back home with his family. Emily (Your sister). 5'8" and 19 years old. Freshman at a different university from you. Your sister also came home from the university when the shelter-in-place order happened. Gorgeous, trendy, and a terrible flirt when she isn't buying new clothes she is posting about it on Instagram. Ashley (Your mother). 5'9" and 46 years old....

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He Loves Her

The taxi pulled up at the gate. Sam paid the driver and gave him a handsome tip. The rain was pounding off the ground and the taxi. He got out the car and went round to the other passenger door. Denise was dreading getting out of the car, the weather had come from no where, it was July and a beautiful day so she had dressed for such a day, choosing her white sandals and white linen dress. Sam appeared at the door and she felt the cold surge threw the gaps in the door. Sam stuck a dripping hand...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 532 Maa Bete Ke Vaasna Me Bah Gayi Aunty Ke AchaarVichaar

Narrated by Author Sarika: Mmmm… andar dalo Rahul, jeeb ko andar dalke chato please. Rahul apni maa ki choot ko ungliyo se dabakar phailaya. Aur andar ki chikni chamakdar gulabi choot ki parat ko chaatne laga. Sarika ki aankhe band ho gayi. aur sar peeche ki aur uth gayi aur woh bol padi: Ahhhh! Ayse hi, ahhh! Sarika ki aysi aah aur uske shabdo ko sunn Kavita ke tann badan mein bijli ki lahar jilmila uthi. Kuch hi palo mein Rahul ab apni maa ki choot mein apni jeeb dhakel raha...

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Fornever in Blue Genes a Wish the Heart Makes

A Wish the Heart Makes: Fornever in Blue Genes by Tigger Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Fictionmania and Nifty may archive this story. Anyone else, ask me first. From Walt Disney's "Cinderella": "A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on...

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A Privateeye Full

Chapter 1 I'm Mike Taylor and I was watching an apartment complex. That’s what I was being paid to do, I’m a private investigator. My mission was to record the coming and going of a man whose estranged wife believed he was up to no good. I had been watching the apartments off and on for two weeks and had come to know who belonged and who didn’t. Up to this point the subject of my surveillance came home from work, went in to his apartment and stayed there until he left for work the following...

3 years ago
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Devlins StoryChapter 57

"You were there the entire time and you didn't mention your past once?" Krissi smiled. "I think that's marvelous." It was three days after Devlin had returned from Florida. They were in downtown Bloomington walking toward campus. The wind was blowing, snow was falling, and they were both bundled up against the cold. "There never seemed to be that right moment for it," Devlin said. She stopped in the lee of a building and took a breath. "Bad one out today." "It's supposed to get...

4 years ago
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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 42

One thing for sure, they're some kind of lucky. They started this trip with a repossessed 87 foot sloop, picked up armaments from a man named Kelly who had an island in Chesapeake Bay ... friend of David's ... and had her armed and refit in the Bahamas. Somebody knew somebody who knew someone else and suddenly ... they were the Nevis and Saint Kitts Navy. That there was money that changed hands goes without saying. Andrea always wanted to be an Admiral ... NOT! Due to circumstances...

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The Apartment ManagerChapter 8

I didn’t tell her that I was going to change the DVD from one camera and record us as she watched this fucking the kids put on me earlier today. I wanted her to be natural and catch all her excitement as she watched. I knew I was about to get a fucking like Alicia put on my ass in the girls’ bedroom today. Vera gets into this shit and I love it myself. I brought both remotes back with me and when I sat down, I pulled her down on my lap with her sexy ass against my belly as I slid down so she...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 264

Security When Lieutenant Mayfield told Sergeant Higgins he was to teach a pulse rifle class and his students would be the Alphas, he was at first annoyed, then amused when the Lieutenant further informed him that it would be a "normal" class – per the Colonel. Normal meant the Alphas would be treated just like any of the troopers. Higgins was loyal to the General, the Colonel and to Security. The whole Security force was sworn to protect the Colonel and his family – at all costs. The...

4 years ago
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New TG: "Flowers" by Vickie Tern M/F Wife No minors! Flowers by Vickie Tern "Why are you changing your shirt? We're late as it is! They're expecting us!" My wife, a little exasperated, her eyes snapping. "Sara!" Me, also a little exasperated, feeling pressured from two directions. "I can't go like this! I'm still wearing my bra! They might see! You're always worried about the neighbors, what will the neighbors...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Ally Cooper Diamond Cock For Step Mom

Johnny’s step mom was fed up with him always being home and doing nothing but jerking off. So she told him to start working with his father. Johnny, completely lost at first, began investing in some stocks right away. With the value sky rocketing, he quickly started making bank. Once he showed his diamond hands to his step mom, she all of a sudden became insanely attracted to him. From there, she pulled his pants down and started sucking on his diamond cock. Johnny fucked his step mom all over...

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Lifea a beach

Janet stretched out on the large towel with a smile. At last; she had been looking forward to some serious sunbathing. That bright sunny morning she had headed for the expansive dunes well before many other holidaymakers had surfaced. After a bit of searching she found the perfect secluded spot, a series of deep hollows hid her from prying eyes and now that the sun had risen high in the sky she could benefit from many hours of uninterrupted tanning rays. She spread out the towel and arranged...

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Nurse Bhabhi Ko Choda Delhi Mein

Hello, friends of indian sex stories dot net mera name Virat hai. Main Punjab se belong krta hu bt filhaal delhi study kr rha hu. Meri age 23year height 5’6 hai and lund satisfy ke kaafi hai kisi ko b. Toh meri kahani ki heroine Anjali hai. Uski age 34 year hai married a figure 36 boobs 32 kamar 36 gand hai. Uske husband b kisi aur hospital mein helper the uska koi bacha nhi tha. Ab kahani pr aate hai. Kuch time pehle mere friend ka accident ho gya toh wo hospital mein admit tha. Main usse...

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Andrea and Me

I'm a 22 year old college gal who plays with herself every day. I discovered masturbation at around 8 years of age. Even though I'd never seen pictures or videos of sex, I instinctively began to hump my groin against things. It started one night when I was laying on my tummy on the bed, in a nightgown and panties. I was reading and all of a sudden I got the urge the hump the bed. I slowly started to rub my pussy back and forth across the bed, as it felt better and better. I kept at it,...

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Tossing Aside the Inhibitions

Rae was an up-and-coming and increasingly popular writer of mystery novels and publicist had let her stay in his swanky loft in a luxury NYC apartment building while he was out of town. It was a reward for her new-found success, as well as a needed change of scenery from her small studio, to help her focus as she put the finishing touches on her latest book. She'd been writing all day and into the night and needed a break. She found herself feeling anxious and horny and she needed to blow off...

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Mistis Adventures Part 112

Mike was up bright and early. They had spent the night at the Kelly home and had enjoyed themselves almost as much as any night they could remember. They had visited, and played with the babies as long as they had dared. Doris remembered that she hadn't entertained Mike, yet, and asked if he was interested. He had been and they spent the night together. Mike had proved to her that all the stories about him that she had been told, were not only true, but, were, in fact, understated. He had given...

1 year ago
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Private Alexis Crystal First Double Anal

Alexis Crystal is our number one girl here on and today in Private Specials, When Cherry Met Alexis, she takes things to the next level in true Private style. Even an experienced star like Alexis still has new horizons to explore, and with studs Thomas Stone and Kristof Cale in house, it’s time for her first ever double anal! So watch our beautiful Alexis experience the fuck of a lifetime as she warms up with a couple of sloppy deepthroat blowjobs before going on to enjoy a...

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Playtime Stories Ch 13 Unbelievable Motel Reward

Ok, so this one is hot, but is mostly fantasy...I have 'earned' a few nights kinda like this though...13. I also fuck the hotel managers of another city. To be able to come and go all dressed up without anyone noticing is usually very important. Sometimes my company will have me stay at a premium ‘nice’ hotel. So I’ll get a slightly less nice motel on the side so I can do what I want without having it get back to my boss. A little caution and a few extra expenses go a long way. One of...

3 years ago
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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 27 Solving a Murder

One week or so later, Percy and Dean were talking in Percy's office. "Dad, Jenny and I went down to Foxwoods for a romantic weekend last week. We actually left the room and walked around." "So what do you need, Viagra? That way you won't need to leave the room." "No Dad, we saw the woman whose husband was killed in the lake last summer." "So?" "She was with a young guy. At least 15 years younger than her." prompted Dean. "Maybe it was her son or some other relative," Percy...

4 years ago
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Allens Discovery

Allen's Discovery - Chapter 1 By Princess Thanks To Stanman63 For Proofing! Cynthia was confused about things lately and that upset her. Girls tend to be really touchy about their clothes. Girls get more upset than most boys would be if their clothes were disturbed. So when she would come back home to find her nice dresses stretched, or misplaced or miss hung on the hanger and all wrinkly, she became very upset. She started to think about what in the name of god was happening....

3 years ago
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Tale of an Indian House Wife 5

The initial weeks after marriage are the best of times in ones life.Its some thing like being a new recruit,a freshman,things are all rosy,minimal responsibility,mistakes are overlooked and people are ready to help.But then marriage is entirely a different ball game unlike a job or college days.It changes everything ,the feelings are different.For me too these were the normal course,I was exploring my sexuality.Me and my husband were having a nice time trying to understand each other,making...

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Boss wife

I came in the house through the garage door. I was early, about a day early. I was just about to call out, announcing my arrival home, when I heard a sound that caused me to pause. I had been out of town on business but the offers made were unacceptable and I didn’t need that kind of business anyway. They said their position was absolutely non-negotiable, but in the two days of meetings they had changed their position so many times it was apparent the whole deal was a wash. So I returned to my...

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Now You See Me

I pushed him back against the wall of the night club. It was an attempt to hide us in the darkness, pinning him. Feeling his arousal, his member pressed hard into my stomach. He grabbed one of my legs and raised it, firmly holding onto me by my buttock. As we kissed, I couldn’t help grind my ever increasing wet pussy against his building hardness. His hand deftly pulled the thin material of panties to one side. He groaned when his fingers made contact with my velvety cunt, feeling my wetness...

Straight Sex
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My Wife 8211Stripper For A Day

Thank you Indian Sex story readers for your support on the first sex story. Several of you asked me for my contact details. My email address is You can send your personal opinions here. For those of you who have missed my first sex story is titled “First Threesome of Wife” Farida (my wife), had got extremely turned on and excited by this gesture of mine. Threesome with 2 complete strangers. She and I did not want to make it too often as it reduces the level of excitement. We used sex toys and...

4 years ago
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A journey of the mind

a journey of the submissive mind She takes his hand and leads him up the winding staircase,as she looks over her shoulder at him she flashes her wanton eyes showing the fire within and the plans she has conjoured.At the foot of the bed she forces him face down burying it into the mattress.She takes the handcuffs and places them around his large wrists almost unable to click the catches into place,these handcuffs were only designed for use on her and now it was his turn to see what she had...

2 years ago
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Related By Desire

Chapter 1 My mom died when I was three and my father married a woman quite a lot younger than he was, she was, actually, just out of college. Dad is a businessman, owns a company involved in designing and building new plants to make plastic containers, and we live in a very nice house in a gated neighborhood. We have a nice pool, a sauna and a hot tub along with a game room with pinball machines, a pool table, darts, you name it. So, it’s all pretty nice. The woman Dad married is Cassie, short...

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The Things in the ClosetChapter 9

SEVEN YEARS LATER The small compact drove slowly to within a hundred yards of the weathered and decaying house, the sun setting rapidly as a chill filled the air. Cherie and her wife, Marissa stared at the foreboding structure for several silent seconds. Both their minds went back to that fateful night seven years ago and the events which had changed their lives forever. Arriving at the police station that night the women had hurriedly told their story including the fact that Lynette was...

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After an Annoying Day at Work

Slamming the door as she gets home, Melissa lets out a huge sigh. Thank God today is over. I do not know if I could deal with another second . I can not believe that I have to deal with bull crap. Is there an off switch to this man’s mouth? I really do not need all of this advice and for that matter I really do not want it either. Sometimes I wish that I could lock him in the freezer and let him freeze. She thinks to herself. ‘What is wrong?’ her mother said as she came down the stairs. ‘What...

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The Best and the Brightest part V

The Best and the Brightest Part V By Maggie Finson The UN General Assembly formally adopted the Protection of Women Act as world-wide law earlier today despite vocal protests from the Japanese and Brazilian representatives to that body. Once the vote had been confirmed, the Representatives of both those nations presented formal documents of withdrawal of their countries from that...

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My First Fuck With A Shemale

Hey, everyone, it feels so good to be back again here and share with you all yet another fascinating and horny story. This is your friend cum pal Dr. Raj from Gujarat. Just to remind you about . Do check them out. Coming back to the current story this was my first ever experience with a trans woman or shemale. And my God. it was one hell of a ride. To cut it short I met this shemale lets call her D through Locanto website. Of course, it was a chargeable meet. As far as my knowledge goes you...

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In My LifeChapter 5

Suddenly Maria entered the room and recognized Ellen standing alongside Emerson. She thought she could never be any more upset than she was after Michael's visit. She had been wrong! Maria's fury was complete as she marched up to Emerson. Carmella had witnessed Ellen's kiss and familiarity with Emerson from her table. She understood that it was friendship and not romance, and felt relief for Maria. Then as her daughter entered the room, Carmella knew Maria did not see it that way. Maria...

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GirlsDoPorn 19 Years Old E486

She’s an absolutely stunning 19 year old amateur with big dark eyes, long dark hair, and she’s going to school to become a lawyer so don’t trust that sweet innocent look of hers lol! She’s trying to make ends meet with those law school tuition bills so she’s here to make some extra cash and have some fun at the same time making her very first adult video, and of course it’s for Girls Do Porn! I mean, you guys probably already figured that out when you saw how...

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A night at the club

A Night at the ClubIt had been less than three years since I stood at the alter and promised my love; honor, and fidelity to my husband who I love dearly. Now I find myself in a darken area by the side of the country club with my back pressed up against a wall, my legs spread open, my white panties down near my knees with a stranger who was jamming three thick and long fingers up my pussy.I held on to his broad shoulder to keep from falling as with each hard jab his fingers dug deeper. My legs...

2 years ago
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Valleys and Mountains Chapter 1

Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 20:00[/center] It's raining, so I'm sitting in the dark, stark naked, bored out of my skull, surfing the web, casually chatting with random people. I never go out in the rain anymore, as much as I enjoy watching the drops pitter-patter against the windowpane. I think I stared out the window for a solid ten minutes before my phone jostled me out of my stupor. It was my girlfriend of the month. Always called her 'Tits'. Best rack I've had the pleasure of...

4 years ago
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Teachers Pet Ch14

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 54

"Breathe, Shiplett." Lenore frowned at Delafuente, and jerked her head as indication the platoon should go. A few moments later, the second formation that had been doing PT on the beach ran – not trotted or jogged – by, none of them giving a second look to the redhead tending an obviously hurting man in the pre-dawn light. What is it about surf that makes it look like it's lit up from within at night? Or that there's a giant black light – the Dark Moon no one ever talks about – lighting...

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