Emma Ch. 49 free porn video

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Maisie found living with Tanya very different to living with Emma. For a start, Tanya was a very different lover. She made love with men at least as often as she did with women. She was also rather less concerned about Maisie’s education and career prospects. Maisie now had to find her own way to to the studios of Harlot TV. Perhaps, Maisie thought, it was just an inevitable part of growing up and looking after herself. And then there was the fact that Maisie had nothing like the primacy in Tanya’s affections as she’d enjoyed with Emma. There were the two men who also shared Tanya’s flat and on occasion her bed. Karl and Anthony were nice men, and both gave her the kindness that Tanya was so reluctant to give. Maisie hadn’t realised at first that they would be permanent fixtures, and at first she’d resented their presence, particularly after she found out that Tanya had expressly forbidden the men to touch her.

Maisie had no objection to watching men fuck each other. After all, it was a common feature on sex television, although she found her exclusion from the physical act slightly frustrating. But even she could see that neither Karl nor Anthony really enjoyed it that much. It was only because Tanya required it of them that their lips and tongues joined together and their pricks pushed deep inside the other’s arse. And Tanya was pitiless in her demands of them: even getting them to piss on each other. And should one of them look at Maisie, as she sat arm-in-arm with Tanya, it was a cue for their mistress to slap them or to shout scorn at them. But Maisie could see the men were besotted with her. They would do anything for her pleasure, and her words of cruelty and unkindness did nothing to lessen their yearning for her. And yet she gave them so little for their pains. Just as she was giving less and less of her bodily passion to Maisie.

However, every night when Tanya was there, Maisie was expected to share her bed. Her menstrual cycle was no excuse. It might be that all that was required of her was to lick out Tanya’s vagina or to be the recipient of the spanking on her bare behind that Tanya sometimes believed Maisie was deserving of, although her misdemeanours were invariably extremely minor. In some strange way, Tanya seemed to enjoy causing Maisie to cry at the unfairness of it all and to watch her discomfort when her protestations of love were returned only with sternness and unsympathetic sneers. But at the same time, Tanya was very demanding, wanting to know exactly what Maisie had been doing and with whom. The sex that she performed as part of her job was alternately praised and used as an excuse for punishment: the very inconsistency of Tanya’s response both puzzling and upsetting her.

And then there were the men that Tanya brought back with her in the evening. Sometimes women, but usually men. They were not the most attractive men that Maisie had ever met, and she was confused as to why a woman as beautiful as Tanya, with the ability and skill to fuck with whomsoever she liked, would choose to have sex with middle-aged, fat, sometimes even ugly men. Some were older than Tanya’s own father. They were often thoroughly incompetent in their lovemaking, frequently releasing their semen far too soon, and thrusting in and out of Tanya’s vagina or arse with a monotonous predictability.

And it wasn’t only Tanya they fucked. However much Maisie might have wished otherwise, she would always be brought into the lovemaking, often on Tanya’s express instructions. ‘Open your legs, Maisie sweetest!’ Tanya would say with a tone of love and affection so often lacking when there were no guests. ‘Open your cheeks, so we can get inside your arse!’ Tanya would whisper with a pleasant kiss on Maisie’s lips. ‘Put the whole of the cock in your mouth, Maisie darling! Not just the tip!’

Maisie was so won over by Tanya’s show of passion and love on these occasions, that she sometimes forgot that the one who would be doing the thrusting and groping and fucking and buggering, and covering her bare breasts with kisses and sometimes nibbling her toes, was not Tanya, whom she loved, but a man she’d never met before, was rarely likely to see again, and was invariably unattractive and often very smelly. She got used to the rough feel of chin stubble on the vagina that Tanya insisted she shave, to make her look younger. She was accustomed to the thrust of thick and short, long and thin, fat and stubby, penises thrusting into her, admittedly stiff, but not necessarily satisfying. Nowhere near as expert as the pricks whose taste she enjoyed in her professional capacity.

And none of the men treated her like a girl, with a career, deserving respect. She was always ‘dearie’ or ‘sweetie’. And gradually, she came to realise that these men, so pathetic and unappealing in bed, were senior people in the world of television and the media. Tanya was exchanging sexual favours for the more material favours they could provide for her. And not all of them were producers, executives, directors or whatever in the world of sex television. Some were prominent in the world of more mainstream entertainment, and at least one was actually a politician. Or at least he looked very much like a junior politician Maisie saw interviewed on mainstream television one day. And those in the mainstream media were often the ones most perverse in bed: the ones who liked pissing on Maisie or masturbating while Tanya lay her on her lap and spanked her on her reddening cheeks.

Maisie only gradually became aware that it was the promise of sex with her at least as much as with Tanya herself that had attracted the men to Tanya’s bed. In some cases, it was sex with her alone that was the attraction. One man with a face and body like some disgusting turtle spent the whole evening wanking while groping around on her bare body, and then finally spurting his wad of semen on her face and licking it off with his big slobbery tongue. Another was only interested in her arse and pushed his prick in deep long before Maisie was in any sense prepared for it, and grunted with extra pleasure as Maisie cried from the pain of it all.

Maisie had no way of knowing how well rewarded Tanya was for the favours she, and most particularly Maisie, were giving so freely. She knew she didn’t really enjoy it, and she particularly didn’t like it when one man actually shat right on her face. Fuck! It was disgusting! But she could see that Tanya was profiting from it. Her career was in a hyperbolic trajectory, soon leaving behind the world of sex entertainment for the more lucrative rewards of fame and fortune of the mainstream world. She even recorded a record that sold very well despite the rather poor quality of its musical content. She was featured in mainstream magazines and interviewed in rather fawning terms in glossy celebrity papers. All the while, her designer clothes became steadily more elegant, the restaurants she ate in became increasingly exclusive, and she was in the process of buying a very opulent apartment in a very expensive district of the city. And all the while, Maisie felt no better off than before. The wealth that she had was only the wealth that she’d earned, and much of that went to Tanya to help pay her keep. In many ways, her life was actually more deprived than before. Tanya no longer took Maisie out with her to the nightclubs and restaurants they used to frequent. And her life became hemmed in by work, school and the sexual demands of Tanya and her male lovers.

Maisie looked at Karl and Anthony with fresh sympathy. Never praised, never given an encouraging word, frequently humiliated. Sometimes, Karl or Anthony would be tied by a chain to the end of the bed while the other lover was being buggered by Tanya. On one occasion, Maisie herself was instructed to bugger the two men, one after the other, while they were biting and sucking at each other’s prick under Tanya’s stern watchful eye, always ready to give fresh instruction to deepen their humiliation. On occasions such as th
is, Maisie wondered what pleasure it was giving to Tanya. She wasn’t showing any sexual satisfaction as Maisie’s long black dildo thrust in and out of Karl’s arse, his mouth around the stiffening mass of Anthony’s prick. Even when both Anthony’s prick and her dildo crammed into Karl’s complaining anus, she showed only a strange kind of grim satisfaction. And on those moments, Maisie felt she was just like the two men: simply sex toys for Tanya’s perverse pleasures.

She didn’t see her friends very often. In fact, although Tanya didn’t exactly forbid her from doing so, she made plain that she preferred Maisie stay at home in the evenings so that she was available for whatever visitor she had planned for that night. So it was by chance that Maisie met Susan and Rosemary in the city centre one day while she was window-shopping in the high street. Susan was wearing a long tee shirt that came to just below her hips, while Rosemary wore a plain grey skirt and a specially designed blouse that held her breasts up in a way that both contained and displayed them.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Maisie had to ask how Emma was. ‘Oh! She’s fine, I think,’ replied Susan. ‘Well, I haven’t seen her for a long time. Not since Charlotte’s wedding, but I spoke to Charlotte the other day. She and Josephine and, of course, darling baby Thomas are now living in Emma’s house. Where you used to live before you started living with Tanya. We went to the house and chatted about things. Babies mostly. Emma’s gone off to a naturist resort to do whatever naturists do. Meditate or whatever. Sunborough, I think it’s called. She lost her job at the television station you know.’

‘I know,’ admitted Maisie sadly, feeling ever so much the guilty party. ‘But Emma’s alright? I heard she was dreadfully depressed.’

‘She was,’ Susan agreed, ‘but I think she’s got over it now. But anyway, how’re you? How is it living in the centre of the city?’

‘It’s very nice,’ said Maisie, but not with a lot of enthusiasm.

‘Hmm!’ said Susan. ‘Come on. Let’s have a coffee and a chat. I insist.’

‘I’ve got to get back,’ said Maisie unconvincingly.

‘Nonsense, come along. My treat.’

Susan and Rosemary took Maisie to a small coffee shop, and the three sat down around two café lattés and a cappuccino. As they sat down, Susan took Maisie’s hand in her own, and smiled at the girl sympathetically.

‘Are you sure you’re alright? You look quite sad? Is life with Tanya all that you thought it would be?’

‘It’s not as good as it was.’

‘Really. Tell me. What’s the reason for that?’

For the first time since she’d left Emma, Maisie found someone she could talk to and the relief of it was like the lifting of a colossal weight. She told Susan and Rosemary about how she no longer went out with Tanya to the nightclubs. How she now had to pay for her keep. How she had sex with all the horrible men and women that Tanya brought back. How she felt she was being treated as badly as Anthony and Karl. How she was feeling quite sad that she’d left Emma.

‘And do you want to go back to Emma?’ asked Rosemary, who didn’t really know either of the girls that well. They’d met briefly at the wedding and that was all.

‘I don’t think it’s right that I would,’ Maisie sniffed. ‘Not after I hurt her so much. I think I should stay with Tanya.’

‘Are you sure, Maisie sweetest?’ worried Susan. ‘She doesn’t sound like she’s looking after you at all well. I know some people like the kind of treatment you’re getting, and I guess those two men, Anthony and Karl, probably do. You often meet people like that in my industry. But you’re not like that are you?’

‘Like what?’ wondered Maisie. Rosemary also frowned quizzically.

‘Well … never mind …’ Susan replied blushing slightly. ‘Perhaps … I don’t know … I mean, Emma was sometimes quite rough …’ She could feel her words tangling as she tried to express delicately what she meant. ‘Well, whatever. If it gets too much for you. And it sounds like it might, just come and stay in my flat. You can sleep in Rosemary’s bed. After all, you’re hardly ever in it, are you Rosemary darling?’

Now it was Rosemary’s turn to blush, which she did startlingly readily, a hot reddening spreading over her cheeks and her breasts. ‘Hardly ever,’ she whispered in embarrassed, but rather pleased, agreement.

Maisie felt curiously lifted after her chat with the two lovers. The pleasure of finding another option in her life gave her a renewed sense of freedom that the last few months had been gradually seeping away from her. Tanya had better look out, she thought. There was no way she could speak to Tanya about her discomfort about living together. She never really asked Maisie how she felt and, indeed, from her there mostly only came demands that she made with no suggestion that there was ever any other alternative. There were never occasions when she chatted to Maisie about what she wanted. Even when they were together, making love with no one there, it was always a question of what Tanya wanted and what Maisie could give her. Maisie realised that in some strange way she was quite afraid of Tanya. And she was still very much attracted to her. Tanya was never less than beautiful, and she comported herself in such a way that it accentuated the power of her physical charms.

There was certainly no let up in Tanya’s demands. That evening was spent in a long gruelling session with Anthony and Karl, at one time with both men’s penises in her mouth. Then guiding Karl’s penis into Anthony’s arse while Tanya buggered Karl from behind, biting him quite ferociously on his neck, while her buttocks hammered back and forth into his rear. And the following night, Maisie was tied to the bed by silk cords tied to her wrists, her legs also pulled apart by silk cords around her ankles, while a large hairy man who produced films for a large educational film company, pushed his large hairy prick in and out of her arse. All the while, Tanya was pinching her nipples so that she called out in pain, and nibbled the producer’s own nipples hidden under a mass of wiry hair.

And then there was the financier who pissed on Maisie while she sat in the bath with her hands tied behind her back and Tanya pushing a not especially large dildo up the anus that must have been somewhere between his flabby buttocks. And the woman, who must have been in at least her fifties, who didn’t take her glasses off while Maisie and Tanya nibbled around the foul-tasting thin hair of her vagina. And the evening where Maisie’s foot was tied by a short lead to a chair, while Tanya, Anthony and Karl pleasured a somewhat gross man with an almost totally bald head and a stomach that had to be physically lifted for his penis to be revealed.

Finally, enough was enough. It might have been because she was especially fed up while washing traces of shit and piss out of her hair after a night with a thin man with a long thin prick that nevertheless never seemed to get a hard-on. It might have been as a result of the rather sour comments Tanya made while Maisie was listening to one of her records. It might have been because she’d had a particularly bad day at work, where, for some reason, there was just no passion to her lovemaking. Maisie was just not finding on-screen fellatio agreeable, and was not sorry when the attentive producer substituted her lovemaking with one of her guests by one of her more junior co-presenters.

As soon as Tanya, Anthony and Karl were out of the house, and before the maid came round to tidy up, Maisie hurriedly packed her possessions into her suitcases and called a taxi. She hesitated over leaving a note for Tanya. In fact she composed her leaving note for several hours in her head, but then, with a wicked smile, she reasoned that no explanation at all was much more likely to upset Tanya than any note. Whatever she wrote would probably sound peevish and a bit weak. Saying nothing at all would betray no weakness at all. As Maisie
got into the taxi and was driven off to Susan’s flat, having checked first that Susan would be there to meet her when she arrived, she looked back at where she’d lived all these past few months and was slightly ashamed to recognise that her feelings towards Tanya now resembled hatred rather than love.

And soon she was with friends again. Both Susan and Rosemary were there to welcome her, to carry her bags into the flat, to show her up to Rosemary’s room, which had been tidied up for, and to shower her with tea and cookies. Despite her feelings of guilt of leaving Tanya unannounced in this way, she felt a degree of elation at being free from her that was almost frightening.

Susan and Rosemary took Maisie out for a night out in the city, which included a night club playing just the sounds that she was enjoying so much these days: pumping, jumping, slamming and kicking. Susan and she oscillated together under the bright lights, neither wearing very much, in a mass of sweaty shiny bodies under the strobing lights, able only to mouth to each other whatever they wanted to say. And in Maisie’s case, it was mostly: ‘I’m happy! I’m so happy!’

Rosemary was less happy. She’d never really enjoyed noisy, brash places like this, and she didn’t enjoy the drugs and drink very much either. But she was pleased to see Susan’s young friend free from the tyranny of her life with Tanya, and quite enthusiastic about sharing the flat with another person.

And not just the flat, as Rosemary discovered when they got back, Maisie and Susan wrapping their naked bodies around each other. At first Rosemary was a little put out as Maisie’s tongue sought out Susan’s, and the two clung to each other, breasts squeezed so close together, Maisie’s long curls obscuring the two girls’ faces, and Susan’s long neck curving swan-like to the base of her short, boyish hair. Even as Maisie’s hands probed for Susan’s shaven vagina, and a finger so easily slipped through the moistness of its entrance, Susan was always mindful of her lover, Rosemary.

She eased Maisie off her, despite the girl’s protests, and smiled to Rosemary. ‘Come on, Rosie! Take off your clothes and join us!’

Rosemary nodded, and Maisie watched with no little interest as she undid the buttons of her blouse and unstrapped her bra. Her enormous bosom fell out from their confines, many times larger than Maisie’s and Susan’s breasts put together. So large, and round, and weighty, and pink, if a little freckled towards the top. And the nipples. Larger than many women’s entire breast. Crenellated, detailed, and, now, of course, fully erect, the nipple clearly indented towards a crater towards the centre, around which were the aureole redness of the rest of its glory. So different from the small, permanently hard nipples of the girls who’d had their breasts surgically enhanced. And a warm, bouncy, fleshy mass. Not hard and rigid like a football, but soft and welcoming. As Rosemary shuffled across the bed on her knees, Maisie immediately leapt onto her breasts, anxious to have as close a feel as she could.

They felt as homely as they looked. Underneath they weighed so much, but they rested easily on her palms, while she lifted the mass of it up, so that her tongue and teeth could better explore all that it had to offer. What bliss! What joy! Her mouth was almost filled by the nipple which had some of the hardness of a small erect penis, but tasted much better, much more delectable, with none of that strange smell that pricks sometimes gave off. And the texture of such a large nipple on her tongue was another sensation altogether. The details of the bumps and crenellations of the nipple was a texture far superior than that even Emma’s apple-like breasts or Susan’s perky nipples had to offer.

As she engulfed herself in Rosemary’s bosom, she could feel Susan’s fingers probing her crotch. One, then two fingers sliding easily in her shaven vagina, and, for extra pleasure, a thumb easing into her anus. At the same time, Susan was kissing Rosemary full on the mouth, while her lover gasped and groaned from the delight of familiar pleasure. And soon, the three were rolling around on the bed, tongues in each others’ crotches, fingers everywhere, their flesh as shiny and sweaty from passion as they had been in the night club from the exertions of dancing.

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KNOCK KNOCKITY KNOCK “Hello,” I said to the wood. “G’day mate...” “Day-ee, Jim.” Opened the door and, “Grab your gear and let’s get after it,” Jim said. “Day-ee, Jim,” Rang out from the kitchen. “Day-ee, Mrs.” “You come to take him prospecting?” “Aye,” said Jim. The watermelon stepped out of the kitchen, “Good. He’s been a mope and I’m too far along to fuck some cheer into him.” “I don’t want to leave you,” I said, blushing. “G’wann ... the girls are coming...

3 years ago
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AxemanChapter 14

“Hi, Heather.” I greeted my unwilling morning guest with a wry smile. “What is so important that I need to come over first thing in the morning. I do have a day job, you know.” “How are your ribs?” “Sore as fuck.” “I’m making waffles, want some?” “Okay, but I do have a meeting across town at 10:00,” she replied sitting in my sturdy oak dining room chair gingerly. “Did you bring your toy?” “I brought it.” Displeasure was evident in her tone. I thought I could change that easily. I...

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Mount Erin 4

Pete had almost lost conciousness, first time he exploded inside hot Mount Erin. For a while he looked lost for further love play.Tiger scratched Pete´s leg. Pete: "Oh, boy". Erin: "Oh dear, Tiger must be hungry". Pete quickly untied Erin from the young tree. Both dived into their back-packs, while Tiger watched with which belated breakfast they´d come up.Tiger noticed some yoghurt, felt short of proteins after the climb, and quickly lapped it up from her snatch, while Erin was digging to...

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My Asian Domination pt 1

my boyfriend sky was taking me to a party his friend was throwing. i wasn't really up for it. because i knew all eyes would be on us. sky is good looking and alot of girls like him. he has medium length brown hair, blue eyes, an amazing smile, and a cute butt. just the typical guy every teenage girl wants. he treats me good and all but he isn't quite what I'm looking for. i hear my name being called from across the room. " Tiffany!" Cassandra runs towards me. " hey wutz up?" "...

2 years ago
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The cave was always there.  Well, maybe it wasn’t always there, but I grew up next to it and for me, it was always there.  Every summer tourists would drive past our farm and go to “The Greatest Natural Wonder Under the Earth.”I think my desire to be tied up was also always there, even though as a child, it was not sexual.  As a young girl, whenever the neighbor kids and I would get together to play something, I always suggested something that involved getting captured and tied up.  I usually...

4 years ago
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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 9 The Project

"Well I am pleased to hear you say that Luna," Dudley said. "From what Harry probably told you It must have seemed that I would be a terrible bully? I have to confess for most of the time he lived with us, it must have seemed like that to him." "No," answered Luna, "Harry did not say much about your family at all. But we all knew he dreaded going home for the summer holidays" "Looking back now," Dudley said, "I am not surprised to hear that. If I had been in his shoes I would...

2 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 18 The Sequential Order of Ducks

"Nii-sama, this is Tamura." Mokuba caught up to me at school, at lunchtime, which was about the only time we'd been able to see each other recently. I thought he was introducing another student but when I looked up, I realized it was an adult. The man was well over six feet, broad shouldered and chiseled. He was dressed casually, in a polo shirt and khakis, but it took me only a moment to realize that he was Kaiba Security. There was something in their stance that gave them away. I...

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Pleasuring a Granny Ch 7

At the end of Part 6, Brenda and I had decided we were definitely a couple and had celebrated this by spending the night together. Carol had been a great deal closer to a penis than she had expected to be and was now bracing herself for the final jump (if you will forgive the expression). Now read on: Carol’s Holiday Part 3 September 2013 Carol arrived around 10am the next day. She seemed a little on edge and her first words were tersely...

1 year ago
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My coworker part 1

I cannot begin to describe how much I wanted him: how much I physically needed him. I would see him from a distance and my head would spin, my legs fire my cock begin to throb. Should he pass me closely, it was all I could not to fall in a faint. There was a fragrance, a manly scent that flowed from his shoulders. The sight of his shirt as it gently outlined the roundness of his chest or the arches of his shoulders: how it fluttered loosely around his slender waist. His hips, how round and...

3 years ago
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I Should Be So Lucky Part 2

Half an hour later while I was sat chatting to Sheila the barmaid, the girls walked in. "Hi again Sparky" "Oh no" I thought. "Hi girls ok" "Fine" they replied "Would you like a drink" Claire asked "We could share a bottle of wine". "You're not old enough to drink" I stated."Sheila can we buy Sparky a drink" "As long as Sparky pays" Sheila replied. Claire gave me a fiver and I ordered the bottle and Sheila came back with the wine and three glasses and winked at me.We moved to a corner table....

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A Furtive Premise

A Furtive Premise by Cheltenham She had dark brown hair which currently sat in a braid that hung parallel to her breasts, down the middle of her back. Erin nervously liked to play with the ends of it. Her freckles were most prominent around her shoulders and an area on her back that I'd seen before. When she spoke, it was in a soothing tone of voice. She'd coddle me occasionally. I loved that about her and it seemed Erin realized I enjoyed those moments. Tonight, she was wearing a pair of gray...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Meri Sexy And Hot Teacher

Hello friends ye meri pahli story hai ye bat us samay ki hai jab me 12th me padhta tha aur mr meri teacher ko passand karta tha kyuki wo utni sundar jo thi me unhe hamesha dekhta tha wo hame hindi padhati thi aor me class me kavel unko hi dekhata tha wo ye baat janti thi ab me apne bar me kuch Batata hu mera name vinod hai meri age 22 hai pyar se sab mujhe vini bulate hai aur ajj kal me jablpur me service kar raha hu jab ye baat hue meri age 18 saal thi aur teacher ki 24 saal wo marride thi...

4 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionEpilogue While the West is Paling

Paris — Late Autumn, 1934 The man and woman sat on the park bench, their postures straight and proud. Although they were quite obviously elderly, they held hands much like newlyweds. They gazed at the statues on 'their' fountain, thinking back to the day a very nervous Erik proposed and a possessed Christine accepted. "I am very worried, mon amour. There are rumors of another war brewing in Germany. A war to end all wars! Bah! As long as there are men whose only wish is to dominate...

2 years ago
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An Accident The Internet A HotelChapter 2

Outside the shower, we both dried off. I finished before Mark and wrapped my towel around my torso, leaning back against the bathroom counter. I watched as he brought his towel to his head and rubbed his hair vigorously. My eyes drifted down to his cock. It was still long and hard, curving far out from his body. He was standing not two feet in front of me, and I reached out and took him in my hand. He paused briefly from drying his hair, as I stood there stroking him. Then he brought the...

4 years ago
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Sales Girl Ko Choda

Hello friends mera naam Brijesh he aur me Bhopal me rehta hu.meri age 20 yrs he.ab jo me kahani aap logo ke sath share karne ja raha hu wo mera pehla experience tha jo ki ek salesgirl ke sath huwa tha.to ab me kahani par aata hun ye bat tab ki he jab me class me tha aur meri age lagbhag 20 yrs thi ye Garmiyo ke mahine ki bat he shayad june ya july ki he.mere ghar ke sabhi log papa, mummi aur chota bhai sab gao gaye huwe the aur ghar par me lagbhag 18 dino ke liye akela tha aap logo ko ek bat...

3 years ago
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An Officer and a

"Here's the deal cop." He said as he pulled the knife away from my chin. "I'm not gonna hurt you. Just do what I say and you'll be back on the road in 10 minutes. Okay?" He smiled at me as he waited for an answer. "Yeah sure kid, what the hell. Just tell me what you want and nobody gets hurt." My voice was shaky as I spoke. I didn't know what he wanted but I knew right now wasn't the best time to show my independant side. "I want you to pull your pants down and your...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 10

The little prop racing plane was zooming along at almost two hundred and sixty. She banked sharply around the large balloon and began the final lap. There were three planes in front of her, so she had next to no chance of victory in this race, but Alana didn't care. She was on leave, and she was having fun. A bright light high above blinded her for a few seconds. During that time, her engine cocked out completely. When she could see again, all her instruments were disabled. Another racing...

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Dog desire Chapter 3

Marie remained kneeling on the floor with her body rest of the couch. It was obvious that she wanted more. Angela pressed her for an answer. “Goldie will mount you again honey but I need to know if you want it”. Marie turned her head around and looked at Angela. “Yes I want it Angela. As soon as he is ready I want him to fuck me again”. Angela smiled and I looked shocked. Marie had obviously enjoyed it so much she wanted it again. It was long before Goldie started looking at Marie bent ready...

2 years ago
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The Cuckold Journal of Jane and Mark Part IV

Mark: The house Jane and I owned had been our home since we first married so going back to it after breakfast that morning was somewhat strange. We had left it the day before as a normal married couple but we were not the same people coming back to it. That bond of fidelity that unites a married couple was now broken, admittedly by mutual consent, but broken all the same. Jane and I were two different people now, we had both changed. Whether for the better or not was still to be seen. That...

3 years ago
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Driver and me 2

Us din ke baad mene farhan ko bahut bhulne ki koshish ki magar me 2 din bhi na reh saki mughe uska chodne ka style uski stroing body uska lund bhulaye se na bhulte the. Ten char din baad mughe or akash ko subah bahar jana tha hamesha ke mutabiq farhan us din mere yahaa soya tha. Raat ko akash ne mere sath sex kiya or hum dono so gayee. Raaat ko kareeb teen baje merio nend khuli to mene dekha ki akash bioster pper nahi the thoiri der tak to me intezart karti rahi magar phir mughe dhyan aaya ki...

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You Need to Relax "Sweety you look so tired and harried all the time. You need to come with me to the Salon this Saturday. They have a new relaxation machine and I hear it is great." "I don't want to go there its for women." "No plenty of men come in there. Glenn runs the place and both men and women are welcome." "That Glenn guy is so creepy all effeminate." "Glenn is very sweet and yes he is gay but that matters not. I already made an appointment for you so no buts...

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Resultat einer Party

Die Frau meines Freundes war 18 Jahre alt, sie waren erst seit etwa 8 Monaten verheiratet. Natürlich hatte er sie schon ungefähr 6 Monate lang gefickt, bevor sie heirateten. Jedenfalls blitzte eine oder andere Brust auf, hübsche kleine Titten mit ziemlich großen Nippeln. Niemals gleichzeitig. Sie saß oder tanzte auf eine Art und Weise, dass du einen schönen Blick auf ihren engen Bikini bekamst, durch ihr transparentes hauchdünnes Höschen, Du würdest sogar durch ihr Höschen einen Hauch von ihrem...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 25 Harbingers of Things to Come

On the first Tuesday in May when Dave got home from work, a beaming Bobbie met him at the door from his home into the core. He was coming for drinks and dinner. Alice was right behind him. “I’m so glad to see you. Maddy had her baby this afternoon. Thank you, daddy. You are now the father of Logan Anthony Wyatt.” Dave bowed to her with a grin a wild wide. “Thank you for the privilege of helping you expand your family. I am assuming that you and Maddy will have all things child under your...

4 years ago
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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 23 A Vacation Is Announced June

June: 19 Months, 597 Days Since Jenny's Disappearance I'm sitting here waiting for a phone call. I'm still not sure if I've done the right thing but maybe it really is time to move on. It's an irony that Jenny's mother and father have brought matters to a head, but that's how it is. A few weeks ago, I took a call from Inga Palmer. She said that she and Andrew were going to their summer house, south of Stockholm and would I like to go? I was in two minds. Jenny's parents have been...

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Summer ProjectChapter 9

Stephanie was weak with the afterglow of her last orgasm. Her whole body felt wrung out with pleasure and she did not think she could endure any more. Yet, the vibrators were still buzzing insider her and she was helpless to stop them. "Are you ready to eat, Slave?" the metallic voice asked. Weakly, the blonde nodded yes. Steph hadn't realized how hungry she really was. Stephanie felt a tug upon her collar, "Come, Slave." The tied woman wriggled up into a sitting position with...

2 years ago
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The Displaced Detective Part 6

The Displaced Detective - Part 6 by Limbo's Mistress Awareness of the world came back to me in a pace so agonizingly slow I actually considered for a moment I had died on the living room floor of that farmhouse and was now trapped in a gray, formless Purgatory. Eventually, I became more aware of my surroundings, like the lens of a telescope gradually being adjusted into focus. Or maybe a radio broadcast of a far-away station that steadily grows stronger and clearer the closer you...

3 years ago
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Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 29

Major Schneider kept looking at the car and then at us. I was pleased to note he wasn’t a happy man. I was interested to see Colonel Carmel Darcy was standing beside him. She hid her concern better, and I decided she would be a mean poker player. I didn’t know how or to what extent she was involved, but the lady jacked up my creepy person and distrust metre. My medallion had warmed every time I was near her or Simon. I had noticed the look on her face when we pulled up. I’m damn sure it...

4 years ago
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Stoking the Fire

It was a Saturday night like any other at my little country bar. Mostly regulars hanging out and drinking beer. Telling hunting stories and tells of mischief from bygone years. It was cold out and the warmth of the bar felt good. As I was about to leave and head to my cabin to enjoy a roaring fire I had started that afternoon, a group of women walked into the bar. I knew most of them—but there was a new lady that I had not seen before. I made a quick decision to stay a while longer because...

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The RescuedChapter 8 Day 0

Even as Steve Miller began to awaken, he realized something weird was going on. Normally, he awoke quickly and easily. This time, he was groggy, and felt like his brain was wrapped in cotton. He was lying on his back, which he never did. He always slept on his stomach, or on his side; his sinus problems meant that sleeping on his back resulted in snoring, which resulted in his wife poking him until he rolled over. Twelve years of marriage made avoiding his back completely automatic. There...

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I Love my Little Brother

My parents divorced when I was three. My mother got remarried when I was six, and my little brother was born when I was eight. Being the older sister, I was often the one taking care of my brother; dressing him, feeding him, bandaging his bruises, and comforting him when he was sad. We were very close, my brother and I, and that didn't change even when we became teenagers. When I was nineteen, I moved into a dorm at college, but I still kept in touch with my brother. More than with our parents,...

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How Lisa Learnt to Sleep Standing Up

Pulling Her Weight How Lisa Learnt to Sleep Standing UpByRubberwolf Story Codes:? Mff/f nc blkml bd pony At twelve years old Jenny looked very cute as she sat astride her dappled horse Bingo.? She had been riding, or at least sitting on a horse while it was led in walk and trot around the arena, since she was two. At fifteen hands two, Bingo was quite tall for a young girls mount.? She also had a mean streak a mile wide.? Jenny did not, however, know this.? She had only owned the horse...

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Never Again

Never again will I feel my husband’s lips as he kisses me goodbye. He’s gone. He left me because I fell in love with another man. Like my husband, Michael is a good man. How could a wife thief be a good man? I’ve asked myself that question many times, but he only took what I gave him so how is he bad? All I know is my guilt over the whole situation is killing me. Not in the thirty eight years since I met my husband have my eyes ever looked at another man. Now, they only see Michael and I don’t...

1 year ago
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Sex, it seems it’s all I ever think about. From the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to bed, sex is never far from my thoughts. From pub-erty, I found myself always fascinated by the male sex organ, and how sex could be an integral part of my life. My thoughts never wandered far from thinking about sex, even after I had my first sexual experience with a partner. Looking back at how my teenage years unfolded, I can see now how my parents were worried about me and my early...


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