Choices Ch. 08 free porn video

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My thanks to my editor adetaildiva. Without her this would be a poorer story. After her any errors are mine.


On Friday, I was able to slip out early and miss the traffic to my house. That gave me time for a quick game of catch with Bobby before I took off for my date with Nan. I liked spending time with him. I was a good athlete in school, but I never had that extra step, quick pivot, or sharp eye that could have earned me a scholarship. Instead, I had the drive and determination to be in the top 10 percent in a variety of activities: weight lifting, endurance, sprinting and other areas. Being in the top 10 percent across the board was what the Army wanted and I maxed every fitness test I ever took.

When I got to Nan’s apartment, Cass greeted me at the door. ‘Hey, soldier boy, ready to escort two hotties out tonight?’

‘Since we’re going clubbing, I didn’t think you’d mind if Cass tagged along.’ Nan breezed up and kissed me with a swipe of her tongue behind it. By the taste of alcohol in her mouth, I could tell that they had started the party long before I got there.

‘Only if you pass the test,’ I replied. I licked both my index fingers and touched one to each girl’s shoulder. ‘Ssssssss,’ I hissed. ‘Definitely two hotties. Let’s go before you cool off.’

Although I had joked about it, following the two lovelies out definitely had John Thomas interested. They were wearing similar outfits of different colors. Cass had on a camisole and hip-hugger skirt in electric yellow. Her belly button was exposed and the skirt ended at mid-thigh. The camisole was short leaving about four inches bare around her waist. Nan had on a similar outfit in baby blue. Being taller, there was another inch or so of bare skin between camisole and skirt. Both of them had on three-inch heels. The camisoles were thin and both had their high beams on.

We hopped into my car with Nan riding shotgun and Cass in the back seat. ‘Where to, ladies?’ I asked.

‘The Purple Giraffe,’ Cass replied naming a currently popular night spot.

‘Your wish is my command.’ I glanced back at Cass. Her knees were pointed toward me and spread about a foot apart. In the dim glow of the overhead light I thought Cass didn’t have any panties on, but the shadows were too harsh to be sure.

The throbbing beat that enveloped us when we got to the appointed bar underscored the drone of male pick-up lines. With a descant of girl’s laughter and the heat of a thousand bodies, the bar seemed the prelude for five hundred sexual orgies later on.

‘What do you want to drink?’ I had to lean close to be heard.

‘Sex on the Beach,’ replied Nan.

‘Long Island Iced Tea,’ followed Cass.

‘Be right back.’ These gals were going to get drunk and depend on me to protect them. I pushed through the crowd and managed to return in less than ten minutes. They both knocked back about half their drinks.

‘Let’s dance.’ We left the drinks on the table and merged into the writhing organism of the dance floor. Nana and Cass sandwiched me. No matter how I moved, one was rubbing against my front while the other was molded against my back.

‘You are really, uh, enthusiastic tonight,’ I almost shouted to Nan over the driving beat. She was letting her hands wander between us providing pleasant sensations to John Thomas.

‘It’s been almost a week. You don’t think my fingers are a decent substitute for you, do you?’

‘Oh, jesus!’ Her hand squeezed my lengthening shaft. ‘Your fingers feel good to me.’

‘How about my tongue?’ We both slowed our dancing while we frenched. I felt Cass slide around so that her exquisite ass was pressing up against me. Nan and I broke our kiss and she danced away. I followed. She shimmied up against me. Those pillows between us felt like heaven. I floated in dreamland for another five minutes.

Nan’s hand was between us again. ‘I feel like another drink,’ she whispered in my ear.

‘They’ll throw us out if I give you a drink here,’ I replied.

‘Too bad, I guess I’ll have another SOB.’

When we got back to our table Cass was talking to a tall, skinny redhead dressed in a camisole and miniskirt. Was there an email list for Friday night dress codes? ‘Hey, guys, meet Jill. She and I bumped into each other on the dance floor and started talking.’

I took drink orders and squeezed through the crowd towards the bar. Ten minutes later I was back.

‘I hope that’s cold because I am really hot.’ Nan took the frosted glass and rubbed it from one nipple across to the other. Then, putting down the glass, she pulled her camisole forward and fanned herself ‘accidentally’ giving me a generous look at her breasts.

‘Me too,’ Jill exclaimed after we all watched Nan. With that she, too, pulled her camisole out and fanned. But she also pulled it down so that one nipple was completely exposed. If Cass hadn’t been standing close, the whole bar would have seen the pink pebble.

After a good stare, I tore my eyes away and looked guiltily at Nan. She looked irked and I made a mental note to apologize so she wouldn’t be jealous.

The four of us danced and drank for another hour. All of us rubbed against the others at some time: me and Nan, Cass and Jill, Nan and Jill, me and Cass, and, briefly, me and Jill. Finally, we decided to continue the party back at Nan and Cass’s apartment. The two weren’t steady so when we got outside I put my arms around both of them, but Cass put her arm around Jill. ‘I’ll ride with Jill so she’ll know how to get to the apartment.’

‘Fine, we’ll see you there,’ Nan said.

As soon as I slid into the driver’s seat, she reached for my zipper. ‘Uh, maybe we should wait a few minutes.’ I looked around to see where the rent-a-cop was.

‘I’ve been waiting since before you showed up tonight.’ Her head bent to kiss my cock as it emerged from my pants.

‘I can’t shift gears,’ I said as I pulled her up by the shoulders. ‘And as hot as you made me, you’re liable to cause me to waste the first shot.’

‘I can’t believe you’re being so cruel to me,’ she said with a pout. She sat back in the seat but continued to lightly stroke my cock.

At the first red light, I slid my hand from the gearshift up her leg and under her skirt. Wetness! No panties! I thrust a finger between the bare lips.

‘Oooooohh god, Jack! Your fingers feel so fuckin’ good.’

‘That’s because the fuckee is so good.’ I pulled my hand out as the light turned and stuck a finger in my mouth. ‘Good to the last drop.’

We continued to play until I pulled into a parking space at Nan’s apartment. ‘I dare you to walk to my apartment like that,’ she challenged.

I looked around. Nobody was outside, but around midnight on Friday a dozen people could show up in the next minute.

‘I’ll do it if you’ll take off your skirt and walk in with me.’ Hah! She’d never do that, so I’ve wiggled out of this.

Zzzzzip. She was sliding her skirt off. ‘Ready?’ she asked. ‘You can’t run, a normal walking pace. Come around and get me out.’

So I got out of the car, adjusted my prick to be comfortable, went around and opened the door for her. We didn’t talk going up the stairs. I think we were both nervous, but when we got to her door she didn’t pull her key out of her purse. She turned to face me leaning against the door.

‘Before you go in, you’ve got to lick me.’ She thrust a hand to her blond juncture and spread herself using two fingers.

I could smell her fragrance as I dropped to one knee, now heedless of any potential interruption or voyeur. I had to crouch low and crane my neck backwards to slip my tongue into her folds. I wiggled it around and then slowly and lightly lapped upward to her clit. I circled her clit several times and then began to flick it gently.

‘Oh, oh, oh god! Jack stop or I’ll collapse right here.’ She pushed my head away and fumbled in her purse for her key. The key ji
ttered against the lock as she tried to calm down. Finally, she slid it in and turned the knob.

The room we entered was suffused with the woodsy fragrance of the candles Nan and Cass liked. The soft glow gave a sheen to the two topless women on one end of the couch. Jill was nursing on one of Cass’s breasts while caressing the other one. Cass had a hand behind Jill’s head.

‘Well, has somebody been having – uuuunhhhh,’ Cass moaned, ‘fun.’

‘Why don’t you check for yourself.’ Nan strode over to the couch, leaned over and kissed Cass hard, and pulled Cass’s hand from Jill’s head to the blond juncture.

‘You’ve got a lake there,’ Cass exclaimed as she broke the kiss.

‘Check out my lake,’ Jill requested as she moved to kiss Cass.

‘C’mon, babe,’ I whispered in Nan’s ear. ‘You interrupted something that I need to get back to.’ I guided her to the other end of the couch and knelt between her legs as she sat down.

I resumed the pleasurable task that had been interrupted outside the front door. As I swirled my tongue around, I looked up at Nan. She was moaning and gently humping my face, but her head was turned to watch the activity at the other end of the couch. I cut my eyes over that way. I could see Cass down to her boobs but not much more. I changed the angle of my head while still continuing to please Nan.

Now I could see that Cass was naked, her ankles locked behind Jill’s head. I heard the wet sounds that Jill was making between Cass’s legs but I couldn’t see much of her. Cass and Nan were both moaning continually now.

‘Oh god, Jill, you’re so good. I love what you’re doing to me. Oh god, your tongue, my clit, oh yeah.’ Cass kept up a steady commentary.

By contrast, Nan was subdued. ‘Oh, Jack! So soft and smooth, keep going, baby.’

I inserted two fingers to rub on her G-spot as I continued to lap around that delicious pearl. I felt the random spasms that heralded Nan’s approaching orgasm.

‘Oh Jill! Oh Jill! Oh, oh, oh, oh, Jiiiill!’ Cass exploded arching up off the couch for ten or twenty seconds and then collapsing back down.

‘Unnngh, Uuuunnngh, ooooooooh!’ Nan followed.

I had been a good boy keeping Nan from bringing me off in the car and now giving unselfishly to Nan’s pleasure. (I didn’t quite break my arm patting my back.) Now I needed to relieve some pressure. I knee-walked toward Nan, intending to screw her right there.

‘Oh, Jack, you were good, but I feel a little sensitive right now. Give me a few minutes.’

‘I’m not sensitive. You can do me while I return Jill’s favor.’ Cass slid to the floor as she urged Jill up on the couch.

I could see now that Jill was also nude and had a completely bare mound. Being skinny, she reminded me of what I thought a 13-year old girl would look like. The idea didn’t turn me on at all.

I pulled two cushions off the couch and moved them next to Cass’s knees. Then I picked Cass up and slid the cushions under her. Now she was at the right height. She didn’t miss a lap at the bare pussy in front of her.

I knew I wouldn’t last long. I buried myself in three thrusts. Then I held myself there and just twitched my cock inside her. I also reached around and lightly rubbed her clit.

‘Oh, Jack, too sensitive – just fuck me.’

I started stroking slowly. On the second outward pull, I noticed Cass’s asshole. With the cushions under her, Cass’s butt was higher than her shoulders and she had her legs spread. The total effect was to open her completely to me. I wet one of my thumbs in my mouth, slobbering on it, and pushed the thumb into her.

‘Nnnnhhh uh, uh, uuuhnnn.’ She didn’t stop her delightful activity, but I could tell she liked my approach.

‘Oh Cass, oh Cass, oh, oh, oh, god noooowwww,’ Jill wailed as she climaxed.

‘Harder, Jack, harder,’ Cass commanded as she was now released from her ministrations.

‘Here it comes!’

‘Jack, yes, yes, yes, yeeesssss.’ Cass fell forward, her head in Jill’s lap, her body vibrating.

I sat back on my heels and then slowly rolled to my side. I looked over at Nan for the first time since I pulled the cushions down. She was softly stroking her pussy lips with one hand and tugging gently at a nipple with the other while gazing at the other two women.

‘One thing I’ve always wanted to try,’ stated Jill. She slipped from under Cass and got down on the floor. Inserting her head between Cass’s thighs, Jill raised her head up and began to clean her.

‘Oh Jill, that feels so good, so soft. It’s so sexy when you eat me after he’s come in me. You’re doin’ me so good. Maybe better than anybody. Oh, keep that up.’ Cass was talking softly, like she would to a lover not just a sex partner. Her head was turned toward the other end of the couch.

I heard Nan shift around. I looked up and she was leaning forward with an odd look on her face, almost as if she were about to cry. She slipped to the floor and moved over to hug Cass and kiss the back of her neck.

Cass turned her head and she and Nan kissed tenderly. ‘It’s alright, baby,’ Cass murmured. They hugged as Jill continued to suck the fluids from Cass’s pussy.

Suddenly, I felt alone in the crowd. I dressed enough to be respectable. Then I let myself out. As I closed the door, I saw the three girls still entwined on the couch.

Linda was still up when I got home about 2:30. She was holding her robe closed as she came out to greet me. Just before she got to me, she let it go to give me a hug. I saw a flash of bare skin all the way down. Her right hand came up to touch my cheek, her left hand went behind me. I had no choice but to put one hand under her robe and the other over it.

‘Jack, I was worried about you.’

‘You know when I go out with Nan things sometimes get very involved.’ I twisted my head to kiss her palm. I got a full whiff of feminine fragrance.

‘Did they tonight?’ Linda asked. She stretched up on her toes and licked my chin. ‘Why Jack! I think you’ve been a bad boy.’

‘Oh, I think some women would say that I was a very good boy.’

‘I bet you were.’ She licked around my lips and then gave me a quick peck before turning back down the hall. When she turned I still had one hand under her robe and I ended up with a handful of very nice tit.

‘Naughty, naughty, but definitely very good,’ Linda called as she scampered through her door.

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Chapter 1 By Emdamania She knelt at his feet. Looking up at him fully clothed but with his semi flaccid penis hanging outside of his open trousers, her nerves crackled with excitement. This was not to be some ordinary blowjob, although at 36 she still enjoyed a tremendous thrill from the thought of eagerly and joyfully providing oral pleasure for a man knowing that the only reciprocal stimulation for her was purely cerebral. This was the mutually decided upon first step toward a new...

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Winters BladeChapter 6 Last

Em twisted around in her seat, looking out through the back window. "I don't think they're following us." Alex noticed that Em's dress was torn down the front. He checked the mirror; he didn't see anything that looked like a cookie truck back there. He slowed down to a semi-legal speed. "What the hell were those things?!" he shouted. "I don't know," Em said, sitting back down. She was still breathing hard. "We have to call 9-1-1." Em was right -- there was an apartment...

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Disposal By Degrees

 DISPOSAL BY DEGREES..Snuff, torture, non-consensual.Warning. Don?t even look if you do not like those categories.This is extreme PHANTASY.If it had any bearing on reality it would be sick and disgusting.. This is a new story from Susan, readable as a separate story but featuring the characters introduced in ?Questions and Answers?.. However, what happened in that story was only childs-play when compared with the outlandish cruelty unleashed on the unfortunate family in this...

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HandsOnHardcore Dani Jensen Glamour Redheads Cream Fart

Glamour babe Dani Jensen is a blue-eyed vamp from the United States. In today’s DDF Network Hardcore porn episode you get to enjoy this stunning Redhead’s big tits and absolutely amazing curvy body in all its glory! The American Milf gets fucked real hard by Danny Mountain in this epic 4K glamour porn boy-girl sex tape! Check out her incredible tits and seductive blue eyes as she grabs that stud by the balls, feels his meat and unzips his pants. Doesn’t she look amazing in her...

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Doing twins 4

“Boys, boys! Really, boys, You both make me feel just wonderful when you lick and fuck my cunt. You both have big strong cocks that would make any woman happy. Rakesh has beautifully fucked me. You’re both perfectly marvelous young studs.” I told both of my stiff-pricked boys to stand closer together. I got on my knees and sucked each boys cock in turn. They wrapped their arms around each other’s shoulders for support and held on for dear life as I brought them all to the brink of ball-busting...

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Mr Magnfico Episode1

Mr. Magnífico {Episode-1} by Mogrim =================================================================== [[Writer's Words: English language/grammar isn’t my strongest side. The spelling is OK, I guess. This story is very slow, I think. So impatient readers are advised not to read, or start reading backwards;) Look for the...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 66 The Second Betrayal

As soon as she woke up in the morning, she found that she could reflect on the previous night's activities with a clear head. Yes, Meg had broken her trust, but she decided that she wasn't going to let it bother her. Meg had obviously been sorry about what she had done, and that was the important thing. Lissa might have been angrier if it weren't for the fact that she had been touched by a woman like that before. If she had had no prior experience of this kind, it might have been...

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At the Prom and Beyond

"So, how are you and Baker getting along?" I asked Kali as I sent a pass to her. She drove passed me like I was rooted to the ground and easily laid the ball in the hoop. Kali gave me a big smile as she passed the ball to me. I drove toward her then pulled up abruptly and sank a three pointer from the top of the key. "Three!" I yelled. "Nineteen to sixteen!" I stood at the foul line and dribbled, waiting for Kali to answer my question. "Tommy and I are doing fine," Kali said...

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Alexis and the maid

Deeana had just left the room to go to the pool and tan, so Ally turned on the television, checking the porn channels to see if anything good was on. Deeana and Ally had been planning this trip to the beach since they graduated in June, but it hadn't really turned out as they had hoped. The sex definetly wasn't as kinky as they had wanted, and all Ally wanted was to finally have some fun. It was sort of awkward, coming to the beach to have sex, but Ally didn't have her own apartment, and...

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The Sacrificial Boy Chapter 1

Standing inside a smoky campsite in the ancient forest of Wyre, a young man with shoulder length raven black hair and piercing blue eyes, watched with interest as the other men of his village began the arduous process of clearing stumps from a section of the forest. Their lord, needing to raise taxes due to another one of their King's wars, gave permission for this endeavor. Without this bit of extra farmland, the chances of starvation over the winter would be greatly increased. What the...

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Me And My Student Enjoyed In Wet Uniform

Today what I am going to write had happened in my life about 15 years ago. That time I was about 30 years of age and working in a computer training institute as trainer. I was living in a rented apartment far from my office and used to commute through train (tube/metro or underground whatever you call). I was living in 4th floor and in 3rd floor one family was living. The family comprise of father and daughter (girl’s mother passed away few years back) and the daughter was studying in 11th...

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Truth or Dare

When I was in high school I had alot of sexual experiences.  I was nothing special to look at, I was tall and heavy set.  But I’ve always had something special in my trousers, and this has allowed me to pull alot of good looking trim.  I didn’t realize it was anything special till I was 16 though. It’s funny, looking back.  When I was a freshman I was a dork, I didn’t party, didn’t have any girls, all in all I was a pretty big homebody.  Then my sophomore year there were two sisters who moved...

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The Taking of a White Family ndash Part 1 The Arriva

This is part one of what I hope to be several chapters of this families 4 years living in Uganda and serving the Uganda Petroleum Company and its men.Many years ago I was recruited by a government owned Uganda Petroleum Company to go work in Uganda. They had found large amounts of oil & gas so the government was looking for high end white collar managers to assist them with the workers and company management. I should have known that something was strange during the interview by the...

3 years ago
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Entree Girl

WARNING: ADULT MATERIAL The following narrative contains strong language and graphic accounts ofadult situations both realistic and fantastic, that some persons may find objectionable,vulgar, or even obscene. Such situations include, but are not limited to, graphicsex, illicit sex, violent sex, incest, bestiality, snuff, rape, commercialmurder, erotic murder, terrorism, cannibalism, pedophilia, consumption of fecesand urine, unrestrained violence, recreational murder, illicit drug use,...

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garden of eden generation seven

Kandi greets Centiger with a big hug and kiss as she had done as long as she could remember. Centiger realizes that for the last ten moons, these greetings have grown in an intensity he doesn’t understand but really enjoys. Feeling her nipples perk up has added a new dimension to their deep love for each other. No need for guess work, not knowing what clothes are. No one ever has thought of such a thing. Clothing? Why hide? Kandi wishes Centiger would have the same passion for her that she...

2 years ago
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FATHER & SON BANQUET: The Appetizer It all started when I caught him in the basement beating off to the men in a magazine and he invited me to suck his wonderful un-circumcised cock. It was the exactly the same size as mine. In fact, playing with dad was perhaps the closest thing I have come to sucking my own cock only with a perfect foreskin that I loved pushing and pulling. It was incredible. Once my mom became convinced that dad liked men more than her they broke up—though they remained...

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Scarlet in School 2

A million thoughts ran through Mr. Wilson's mind. This young girl was only fifteen years old, but was so sexy. He also felt a great amount of sympathy for her; a beautiful, smart, charming girl like her did not deserve to be treated so horribly. His respect and admiration for her also grew as he thought about how many times she had shown up to class with messy hair and smudged make-up, sometimes even with bruises along her upper arms; he had never thought much about it, but now he discovered...

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Urban Legend

Urban Legend By Candi Everyone's heard the story of the guy who is drugged by a prostitute and wakes up the next morning in a bathtub full of ice with a note next to him that says, "If you want to live, call 911!" After being taken to the hospital, the man is told that his kidneys have been stolen. There have never been any documented cases of organ theft carried out in this manner; this is what is called and Urban Legend, but like most legends, there is a kernel of truth upon...

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Pool Time Part two

As usual her mind was preoccupied and Kandy wasn’t watching where she was going and ran right into John as he was coming out of the den. John was a bit startled, gave her a puzzling look, and then asked, “What’s the hurry doll?” Kandy blushed and squealed, “Oh sorry babe. I was just thinking about Rex and Julie.” He smirked and suggested, “I see, and that idea has you so horny, you came looking for me!” She giggled and admitted, “Am I that apparent love?” John pulled her...

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NubileFilms Gia Paige No Place Like Home

Gia Paige is primed and ready for action as she waits for Logan Pierce to arrive home. Wearing just a bra and thong, she’s got one thing on the mind: seduction. Finding herself unable to wait for Logan’s arrival, she goes ahead and gets started without him, pulling her thong to the side and rubbing at her meaty landing strip puss. When Logan walks in and catches Gia in the act, she doesn’t hesitate to go into full-on sex kitten mode and beckon him closer. No mortal man could...

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my aunt and i on holiday final version

I was 19 when this happened, and have never told anyone about it, but it always plays on my mind when i was 18 my aunt went away and she asked me to look after her dog whilst she was gone, i agreed and went round there twice a day to feed and walk the dog. My aunt was in her early 40's both her boys and left home and she was divorced, she had short blonde hair about average height , about a size 12 with small b cup boobs, i had fancied her since i was 13 had often masturbated whilst thinking of...

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Honeymoon Visitor Cum On Bride

Alicea stood behind her husband, hand on his back, as he spoke to the clerk behind the desk. The folks scattered around offered their congratulations as they passed by the newly married couple. Alicea had insisted on remaining in their wedding clothes the entire night. That is, the entire night up until now. Once they reached their room, she didn’t expect to remain in her white dress for long. Her husband broke her contact to sign the charge slip. Tonight, they would make love....

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Bare Bottom

Mrs. Larson glanced at her assignment book and announced to the class, ‘Everyone open up your texts to page 135 and read chapter six, I have to go to the office for a few minutes, but I shouldn’t be too long!’ She entered the Principal Solon’s office and said to his secretary, ‘Hi Georgia, I just received a note form Mr. Solon and he wants to see me right away, is he available!?!’ A slight smirk spread over the secretary’s face as she replied, ‘Just a second, Mrs. Larson, and I’ll find out!!!’...

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Hot Punjabi Mom Fucks Son8217s Friend

I was 18 when we moved to Mumbai from Chandigarh. Ours is a Punjabi family and I am the only son. My dad works in the merchant navy and has to stay away for a considerable period of time. My mom is a typical Punjabi woman and is a housewife. My parents had decided to move to Mumbai as dad had been promoted in the transportation firm he worked for and they wanted him close to the HO. Although the pay was good, his absence did make mom quite frustrated. I noticed that she didn’t have much to do...

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Internship Chapter 1 second try

At eighteen, Hannah had just graduated from high school. She was young and, while she knew that might be a stumbling block for her, she was determined to prove herself. After all, what other choice did she have. Rather than being able to go on to business school, as she had planned, Hannah's life had taken an unexpected turn when her mother became very sick. Now she took care of her mother, which left very little time for school. Instead, Hannah had been forced to find a job to help pay the...

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EvilAngel Kenzie Reeves Tiny Anal Contortionist

Kenzie Reeves is a flashy, filthy porn vision. The young bleach blonde wears a nets-and-boots get-up and dramatic eye makeup, and this petite anal contortionist spews a constant streak of unconscionably nasty talk. She tugs her lingerie into her meaty pussy lips; displays thick, gumdrop nipple hard-ons; masturbates, stuffing fingers in her bald box; and winks her fleshy butthole. Totally submissive to older men, Kenzie sucks Michael Stefano’s big cock, blowing spit bubbles. She tongues...


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