Angel Ch. 05 free porn video

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Closing the door softly behind me, I snuck back to my room and pulled off my damp clothes. I walked to the attached bathroom and began to run the shower. My body was still so warm from the walk and the sex that I kept the water cool rather than hot. I stepped into the stream and let my head drop back, feeling the weight of my hair being soaked by the spray.

I touched my lips with my finger, feeling their slightly puffy fullness. The thought of Josh kissing me again, made me tingle with the anticipation of our next meeting. I washed my hair and lathered my loufha with vanilla scented soap and scrubbed my body. It had been a really long night, and I felt completely drained.

I rinsed and grabbed the towel from the rack, flipping my hair over to wrap it up snuggly. I dried the rest of my body with another towel and hung it on the back of the door before going back into my room. As I opened the bathroom door I saw Johanna come in through the door and close it softly behind her. She stopped when she saw me coming out of the bathroom.

“Oh!” she said in surprise. “I didn’t think you were back yet.”

“Yup. Got in a few minutes ago.”
”Oh.” Jo said quietly. “Well, how was it? What happened?”

“I’ll give you all the details tomorrow, but I am really tired now.” I climbed into my bed, feeling the cool sheets against my skin. I glanced at Jo as she took off a towel that was around her and climbed into bed next to me.

“Yeah, me too.” She said.

“However,” I started, “I’d much rather hear why you were fucking my brother.” Jo lie still for a second and let out a breath.

“I wasn’t sure if you saw or not.”
”Yeah. I saw.”

“Um, well, it didn’t really mean to go that far. I mean, I was supposed to stay in your brother’s room and he was supposed to sleep in the den, that’s what your mom said anyway. I came up here to help him get some of his things. One thing led to another and, well, you saw the rest.”

“I guess.” I said, knowing she wanted to say more, but was afraid to go on. “Do you want to talk about it?” I sighed as I saw her smile brightly in the low light of the moon.

“Well, I do, but seeing that he is your brother…” Jo trailed off, not wanting to upset me.

“Okay,” I said, sighing again. “Tell me all about it.” I figured that at least I could sleep in tomorrow, so staying up this late wasn’t a big deal.

“Well, after you left I helped myself to that huge bathtub up the hall. I soaked for a while, enjoying the bubbles and that scented stuff that was on the shelf. I waited until I was just pruney that my fingers were wrinkled, ya know.” For a few moments, Johanna was lost in thought, thinking back to those moments when Brian starting hitting on her. She smiled in the dark, remembering how it all started. She settled under the covers and continued.


Johanna wiped the fog from the mirror and peered at her reflection. Scrubbed, splotchy and hot, she thought of herself as unattractive at the moment. Her hair was wet, and sticking to her back. Glancing around she cussed.

“Damnit. I forgot a towel.” Looking under the sink and on the shelf next to the stand up shower, she didn’t find anything she could use to dry off with. Looking at her dirty clothes, the thought of putting them back on made her skin crawl. Biting her lip, she thought of what to do. Finally deciding that she was going to get a towel one way or the other, she opened the door to the hall a crack.

The cold air rushed in, and the sudden change in temperature made Johanna’s nipples harden and gooseflesh break across her skin. Darting her eyes in each direction to make sure the coast was clear, Johanna tiptoed into the hall and down to the first floor. Since it was almost past midnight and she had already heard Angel’s parents go to bed, she figured she was safe until she found the towels. Making her way to the first floor bathroom, she opened the door to the small closet next to it, but only found toilet paper and some cleaning supplies.

Closing the door, she nearly screamed when she saw Brian, Angel’s younger brother standing on the other side.

“Jesus Christ!” she hissed, holding her hand to her heart. “You gave me a fucking heart attack!”

Brian smiled, trying to keep a straight face and his eyes directed to hers.

“What are you doing sneaking around our house naked?” He asked, keeping his gaze steady. Johanna, now realizing she was naked in front of him, opened the closet door again and poked her head around it, using it as a shield to cover her body. She smiled sheepishly and blushed.

“I, uh, couldn’t find a towel.”

“My parents never keep towels in that hall bath, since we all have our own bathrooms attached to each of our rooms.” He paused. “There are some in the basement. Do you want me to get one for you?”

“ I can get it myself.’ She snapped. ‘Where is the basement?”

“Through the kitchen to the left.” Brian said, pointing.

“Thanks.” She turned to go, but then asked, “So, why are you down here? Hear a monster under your bed?”

“I’m not 8 you know. I turned 18 last month. And for your information, my parents told me to help you with anything you needed. To get anything if you asked for something.” He smiled brighter. “And when I saw you leave the bathroom, I figured you needed a towel.”

Jo thought about this for a second, and smiled. ‘I didn’t think anyone was around.’

‘There wasn’t.’ Brian said smiling, ‘That’s why I followed you. I’ll get you a towel.’ He turned and headed towards the kitchen and then the basement door open. Moments later he returned with a towel. It looked to Jo like a half of a towel.

‘Um, what is this?’ she asked holding it up.

‘A towel.’

‘Duh.’ She paused, looking at the small size of it. ‘Fine, just turn around.’ As soon as Brian turned his back to her, she wrapped the towel around herself and although it was 2 sizes to small, and she had to wrap it to the side to avoid being completely exposed in the front. Tucking it in under her arm, she pushed her damp hair from her eyes and placed a hand on her hip.

‘Anything else, or are you just going to stand there and stare?’ Johanna asked.

‘Well, you are supposed to sleep in my room and I have to sleep on the couch in the den. The least you can do is help me bring down my things.’ Brian said heading towards the stairs.

‘Can’t you do that yourself? I mean, you just told me you’re a big boy, why do you need my help?’

Not getting an answer and pissed he ignored her, she stubbornly stomped after him. Peaking the stairs, she followed him into his room, where he was methodically grabbing pillows and blankets. Jo stood there with her hands on her hips, looking into the room.

“Can you grab that pillow? The one on the other side of the bed?” Brian asked, juggling the other items in his hands. Sighing, Jo walked across the large room to the bed and leaned over to grab the pillow. As soon as she did so, Jo felt the towel being snapped from her body. Standing up straight quick, she turned on Brian.

“What the hell?” she hissed at him, not wanting to raise her voice and have Angels parents awaken to find their daughters guest, naked in their sons room, an impression Johanna didn’t want them to have.

“Well, I was just thinking that since I already have seen you naked, there is no reason for you to wear that towel. Especially since we are alone.” He said this while nodding to the door, and Jo realized he must have closed it before he snatched her towel. He looked back and smiled at her.

Johanna stood for a minute, playing pack the last few minutes and smiled. It dawned on her that Brian was playing a game. A game that has him standing in the middle of his room with an erection t
enting his boxers.

“Well then,” Johanna said, “Why should I be naked by myself?” she raised an eyebrow in Brian’s direction. Smiling, Jo knew what she was doing and what he wanted to do. While waiting for an answer, she walked over to him and placed her hand on the side of his face. “Well? Are you going to get naked?”

“I will eventually,” he said wrapping an arm around her waist. “For now, I want to make you mine.” Brian walked her backwards to the bed, causing her to sit on the edge of the bed. Johanna leaned back on her hands.

“Is that a fact?”

“Indeed.” He said, leaning her back and crawling over her. He kissed her fast, baiting her to kiss back. Brian looked into her eyes and kissed her again with a look of purely animalistic sensuality. Taking her hands he raised them above her head, kissing her deeply. He trailed the hard kisses down her neck to her breast and took a nipple into his mouth.

Johanna was shocked at the young mans strength and his nerve to treat her so roughly. Biting the nipple, he tugged at it, pulling the eraser like tips upwards. Johanna was excited by the situation and arched into him. She felt his hand come around to her back, lifting her partly off the bed. The kissing grew feverish and deep and Jo ran her fingers through his thick head of hair.

Jo pulled away, looking at Brian. “Well, I don’t think that I have even been with someone so young.”

Brian, panting looking devilish smiled. “Trust me, I’m not young where it counts Johanna.”

“That’s good to know. However, I think I need to see for myself.” She said, grabbing between her and Brian, feeling his cock.

Standing, Brian removed his boxers and t-shirt and Jo saw that he wasn’t kidding about his size. Feeling the juices starting to flow, she slid a finger down to her cunt and rubbed it in circles. Brian’s built body was cut from years of football and baseball in high school. Now in college, his body had reached its peak and he stood tall in front of Johanna with his prick at attention. However, he had other plans before diving into her pussy.

Walking over to the bed, he kneeled in front of her, running his hands from her ankles to her knees to the inside of her thighs. He touched the sensitive crease where her legs met her torso. Jo giggled, spreading her legs wider for him to access her. Leaning over he placed his face close to her pussy and inhaled deeply.

“You smell so good,” Brian said moving his lips over her cunt. “I want to taste you.”

“Yes, Brian.” Johanna said, instinctively holding the top of his head. Sliding closer, he dipped his tongue into her hole, and he heard her intake of breath. Slipping his mouth lower, he drug his tongue from her anus to her clit and back down to probe her deeper. The stubble of his chin scraped across her trimmed bush, making her squeal.

Holding onto her thighs from the under her legs and around to her front, he held the lips of her pussy open to better allow access for his tongue. He scooted her down closer to the end of the bed, mashing his face against her. Johanna writhed and grinded loving the feeling of his mouth on her. Her passion rose, and she could feel the orgasm building inside her.

“Oh god,” Johanna said, pushing his head down. “I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum!”

Brian worked faster, spreading and probing his tongue deep into her cunt. He sucked the clit into his mouth, biting it lightly. Jo arched each time, feeling the roll of the orgasm go up and down like a coaster. The heat was hot in her belly and when it released, Brian was there to take every drop of her juice.

Johanna lay still, her eyes closed feeling her pussy twitch with the aftermath of cumming. She smiled liquidly, touching her aroused nipples. Brian stood, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, glancing down at Johanna. He grinned and a strand of his hair fell into his face. With one hand he stroked his cock and the other he used to massage his balls. Johanna reached up to him, motioning him to her. He crawled over her, positioning himself just inside her legs.

“Do you have protection?” Jo asked reaching for Brian’s dick. He paused, but reluctantly reached to the nightstand next to the bed. He pulled out a Trojan and easily opened the package and slid the condom onto his dick. Getting back to the matter at hand, he again positioned himself for entry into Johanna’s tight pussy. Placing his hand on either side of her head, he allowed her to guide him into the tight hole. Johanna winced at the size of Brian’s cock but it felt delicious when the full 9 inches settled into her.

Brian began pulsing into her, slowly at first, but increased to meet Johanna’s vocal commands. She wrapped her legs around his back, her ankles settling above his ass. She arched to meet each of his thrusts, grabbing his back as if to try and make him go deeper. She moaned lightly, biting into Brian’s shoulder to keep quite.

“Fuck me harder,” Johanna whispered into Brian’s ear. “Fuck me harder little boy.”

“How. Many. Times. Do. I. Have. To. Tell. You. I. Am. Not. A. Little. Boy!” Brian said enunciating each word to match each of his hard deep jabs.

“Fuck yeah,” Johanna said in response. “Fuck me like a man, Brian. Fuck the shit out of me!” She held onto his back, crushing her breasts to his chest. He pounded into her over and over, slapping his balls against her ass with each hit. Her eyes we wild and heated, screaming his name in a whisper, telling him all the dirty things she wanted done to her. Before he blew his load into her, he wanted her to ride his cock. He wanted her big titties to bounce in his face while she rode him to orgasm.

He rolled her over, placing her on top of his cock, and bounced her up and down, keeping his hands on her hips to guide him. As she fucked him, Brian thought of his girlfriend Lacey. Although Lacey sucked his cock like a pro, Johanna fucked like she was born to do it. She knew how to move her body to hit just the right spot and knew when to slow and when to speed up. The experience with Johanna was one he never had before.

Brian rammed into her again, forcing his dick deeper into her hot tight hole. He leaned forward, half sitting and wrapped his arms around her waist. He forced her down on his cock at the same time forcing himself deep. She held onto his head, forcing his mouth to her tities. They bounced up and down, and as he bit the nipple she moaned.

“Cum with me Brian. I want to cum around your cock.” Johanna said bearing down.

“Yeah baby,” He said deeply, “I’m gonna blow my load into your tight cunt. How about that? You want my cum huh?”

“Yes Brian, cum in me!”

Jabbing one final time, Brian released the load and felt his balls tighten with the let loose of the cream. Johanna stayed still for a moment, feeling the pulsing of her pussy around his cock. Eventually he lay back on the pillow and Johanna slid off Brian and onto the bed next to him.

“Wow.” She said, “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“Told you I wasn’t fucking around.” Brian said conceitedly.

“Until just now I wasn’t so sure.” She paused, and cocked her head to the side. “Shit, I think Angel is home.”

Brian jumped up, ripping the condom off his cock and walking to the bathroom. He turned back and said, “Do you think she heard?”

“I don’t think so. The shower just came on.”

“Shit.” He said pulling a new pair of boxers from the drawer. “Don’t tell her about this. I am not sure how she will take it. She has always been over protective of me.”

Johanna giggled while she picked up her towel and rewrapped it around her body. “If she asks, I’ll tell her. Besides, I don’t think she will really care that much.”

“Whatever. Just remember that I have to be her brother for the rest of my

Jo walked to Brian and kissed him deeply. “Lets do this again real soon okay? And leave Angel to me.” She turned away and slid out the door, leaving Brian collapsing on the bed, sore and weary. Johanna opened the door into the room next door as Angel stepped out of the bathroom.

“And that is pretty much it.” Johanna said in Angel’s direction. She pulled the covers up to her neck and snuggled in deeply.

“Well, just be careful with him.” I said with a sigh. The last thing I needed was to worry about my brother.

“I will Angel.” Jo said, closing her eyes. I glanced at the clock and it glowed 4:16. I closed my eyes as well and drifted off to sleep. It wasn’t until 11 the next morning when I was awoken by the doorbell.

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Cue sticks are not the only hard and long wood the beautiful blonde Gizelle Blanco knows to handle. The gorgeous babe with small tits also loves playing the hard rod of her man, Alex Legend. After defeating the bearded stud in a game of pool, Gizelle wants the loser to please and satisfy her needs. She lets Alex suck her pierced nipples and pink pussy before giving him a sloppy blowjob. The horny couple then fucks each other on top of the pool table. Gizelle moans in delight as Alex bangs her...

2 years ago
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A Tail of a boy and his Mummy

A TAIL OF A BOY AND HIS MUMMY Xenophobio, at 18 had been raised to understand his Mother Dearest's attitude towards the need for discipline for boys and in particular his need for it. Valoria Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale had always been strict, but her stern attitude increased with the teen's age and he knew it would just continue that way. Mrs. Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale had no intention of letting up on her son and was always finding ways to increase his shame and the regularity...

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getting my back waxed

About 3 years ago i decided to go on holiday but i had to get my back shaved as i was a hairy man. I asked my girl friend to shave my back but she said i should get my back waxed so i looked in the local ad's paper and found a local man who waxes people. I phoned him up and he said come in two days time. I left for his house and when i got there i knocked on his door and when the door opened a man who looked 40yo stood there he said come in and go up stairs in the room and take your clothes...

1 year ago
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Scoreland Holly Halston Holly8217s First DP

Soccer mom and porn star Holly Halston was ready for the big moment…her first double penetration. One man fucked her pussy, another fucked her butthole–and for the first time, Troy, her husband at the time, did not deliver the beef. It was a new world for Holly, the world of stunt-dicks plundering her holes… Carlos fucked her cunt while Colton Jag reamed her ass. Holly took it like a champ. “I want to thank all my fans for giving me this opportunity to be your ass-fucked...

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Ruby And Phils Night Of Lovemaking

Ruby cleaned the office and then headed for Phil's house for what promised to be a night of passion for both of them.Although he had fucked her in the office, withdrawing before he came, and also fucked her in the arse what twenty-eight-year-old Phil Cooper really wanted to do was to make love to the gorgeous fifty-four-year-old West Indian lady. She had phoned to invite herself to his house but she had not yet told him what had changed for her to have made that call.Ruby arrived and Phil was...

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My Blonde Lover

She enters the room wearing nothing but a black negligee and a smile. Her long blonde hair sweeps gracefully over her bosoms. As she walks toward me, my legs tremble with want and need. I lay there in my red bra and lacy panties, waiting for her soft fingers to unleash me. She hovers over me, her hair now tickling my neck. Gently, she unfastens and tugs until I am free from the bondage of my bra. I hold my breath as she moves her full lips closer to mine. We embrace and surrender our bodies to...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 4 The Will

After her mother's death, Elinor was much involved with the proving of the will and obtaining probate. This involved going through all her mother's papers, and it was a pleasant surprise to discover quite how much money her mother had saved over the years. What she couldn't understand was the source of the four thousand pounds arriving tax paid in the bank account each month. There was one drawer in her mother's secretaire which was locked, but it was quite small and all the papers seemed...

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The Nyanny

Introduction: New parents purchase a robot catgirl nanny and have some fun with her themselves. In the future, robotics and advanced A.I. become a ubiquitous part of society, aiding mankind in all facets of everyday life. However, they still retained the cold impersonal look of a machine until a new development rocketed over the uncanny valley. Grown rather than built, this new kind of being was made possible by hacking the human genome and combining biology with nanomachines: cyborgs down to...

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The Thunderbird Motel 15 Stories in 50 Words Each

Room 206 “Shithole for a bachelorette party,” Cathy scowls. “We’re going out anyway,” says Becca. “What if we meet boys?” asks Maria. “Jessica has dibs. She’s bride.” “We’ll meet boys,” says Jessica. “I know what happened at his party.” Slips a thong past tan thin thighs. “Someone’s going to be very lucky.” Room 151 Point remote, more volume. Crying still louder. Panties. Bra. Chewed gum. Cluttered mattress. Phone lights. Wife: Miss you! Door opens. Her face red. Cleavage hickeyed. Neck...

3 years ago
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Edit Me Harder

Valerie hated his pedantry, she hated his arrogance, but most of all she hated his expertise. Storyboardland was a place on the web for aspiring authors to post their stuff, and tradition held that readers who encountered typos or other errors would bring them up with the writer. Though some (who were in it for the thrills rather than the craft) brushed these off, Valerie didn’t consider herself that shallow an artist and took every comment seriously. Countless times she’d been saved from...

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I Dont Like Pets

It had started out like any other day. Woke up excited, open the blinds, and went into the kitchen to start the coffee. I decided to take the trash out while the coffee brewed. So I took the long stroll to my apartments compactor. It was a leisurely stroll, but I kept feeling like someone was watching me. I looked about, but I didnt see anyone. Back at my apartment I washed my hands at the kitchen sink. Got out my ingredients and began to make one of my special mocha lattes. I heard some...

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An Unusual BeginningChapter 9 Young Love and Tragedies

WARNING: This chapter sets out what happens in real life as opposed to fantasies. It has a little sex and explains what happened to the main characters. If you want to end on a bright note, I suggest you stop at the end of the last chapter. 'Oooh, Nicky Baby, pound my cunt with your fat cock. Stuff Sam. It's my turn. Harder! Haaaaarder! NOW!' Samantha was tangled up underneath us, having been filled with my cum, straight after she had rushed into Rebecca's bedroom. Sam had become...

2 years ago
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What Mom Knows Fucks Her in White

Introduction: Three weddings in Vegas and some very submissive brides. What Mom Knows Fucks Her in White Summary: Three weddings in Vegas and some very submissive brides. Note 1: Thanks to MAB7991 and goamz86 for editing this chapter. Note 2: This is part six of a continuing incest series (although it is much more complex than simply an incest story). I highly recommend you read the first five parts as the layered subplots may be confusing without the background information…but here is a...

1 year ago
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Private Marsianna Amon Takes it All in DP Threesome

Blonde and horny, Marsianna Amon makes her debut today in Private Specials, Cheating with Black Cocks 4, and just like all new girls here at Private, she’s keen to impress and puts on one hell of a show! After saying goodbye to her boyfriend, Marsianna takes full advantage of her alone time as she invites the BBCs of Joachim and Pandemonium back home for a wild afternoon of interracial fun that includes everything from deepthroat blowjobs, to rimming, to anal, to DP, and a...

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Megan and Mom Get Busted

I'm a pretty lucky guy, one of the few who actually enjoys their job. My name's Dougray, and I'm a twenty three year-old police constable, or cop if you like, serving my great country in the beautiful, remote Highlands of Scotland, usually on road patrol. It's an easy number, most of the time I just park up somewhere quiet with the speed radar on and maybe pull some poor soul over for speeding offences about once every two hours and give them a ticket. Mainly, I'm sat in the car either...

4 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 46

When they pulled along side, the skipper wanted to know why I shot the kid with the flare. "Because you were heading right for us and we dent." "Why didn't you get out of the way?" "Because we were to your right." "What's that supposed to mean?" "We had the right-of-way ... Rules of the Sea. Besides, we were still under sail and you were motoring. Sailboats under power are motor craft, and sail has right-of-way over power boats." "What?!?" "Powerboats yield or maneuver...

3 years ago
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The mom life

The mom lifeInterest in my mom started when I was 5 years old while sleeping over at my uncle's house. Mom and I slept in the same bed that night, when I woke up early in the morning I noticed that her breast was sticking out so I stared at it for awhile and took a little lick. She rolled over and I went back to bed very excited about the whole incident. Later on that day she was taking a shower and I decided to investigate. I spied through the door and saw her come out of the shower completely...

2 years ago
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Hear no evil Do me now

Introduction: true restraint stories I posted this here once a couple months or so ago and I cannot find it. So if this story seems familiar that is why . and If you know where it is let me know LOL Hear no evil. OK so I had hooked up with this british guy once. We had kept in touch online a bit. He had another girlfriend in town. Or so he told me. And he said he always had this fantasy that she would do another woman. He gave me her name and contact information and asked if I would try to...

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Snowy Night

Snowy NightBy Miss AnonnaIt was snowing fairly hard now and I knew from the way the storm was going that I was going to be stuck in my house for quite sometime and I had nothing exciting to read. Lucky for me just down the block is a little strip mall with my favorite book store in it and it would be closed in a matter of hours, possibly early so I had to move quickly. I had just been thinking about dinner but this was way more important. I needed some fantasy for my cold, snowy night by the...

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Altered Fates A Favor for Anna Part II Temptation

Altered Fates: A Favor for Anna, Part II "Temptation" Author note: I'd just like to say thank you to Eric for beta reading and offering suggestions on this story, you've undoubtedly made it better! - Cheers Zapper ++++ Chapter 1 "Curiosity killed, ......swapped the cat" ++++ It was a cold Friday afternoon in February as Tom looked out his living room window at the snow covered backyard. The scene showed several trees coated in ice and a...

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College Party

*** The day finally came. The day of my party. I was putting the finishing touches on my party when people started arriving. I put the last of the beer in the jug and cups on the table. First Nick, Ben and Jimmy came. "Hey there bro whats up!" Nick exclaimed when he saw me. "Ah nothing just putting last touches on the party. Like it?" I asked. Nick looked around and said "Wow Kevin, its awsome. Beer stands? Ciggrates? Wow what DIDEN'T you get!". "Well looks like i got everything....

1 year ago
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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 4 Holiday Traffic

Why Dr. Livingston left without actually coming after me was a bit of a mystery in and of itself. Many suggestions were made: he just wanted to know more about me, he was verifying some of the information he got from Professor Belton, or I had done something he wasn't expecting. For that matter, all of those ideas made sense. No matter the reason for Dr. Livingston's sudden departure, it put much of the urgency I had tried to convey to my girls into all of us. Everyone chose to meet either...

3 years ago
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Arabian Nights Part Five

Arabian Nights - Part V - Defiled By Michele Nylons Sadan pulls his cock from Michele's anus with an audible plop. Semen mixed with lubricant run in a rivulet from Michele's anus down her thigh and soak into her tattered stockings. Sadan wipes his cock on the remains of her ripped panties and then pushes Michele facedown on the bed. "You have performed well my pretty putta; better even than this afternoon. I'm glad I waited to fuck your infidel arse." Sadan spanks Michele's...

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My brothers mate

It was last summer when my brothers mate Will came to stay with us whilst our parents were away on holiday. He is your typical good looking lad; tall, deep blue eyes and dark spikey hair that begs to have fingers running through it. Being 20, the same age as my brother Jamie, he was only 3 years older than me, yet this still felt like a lifetime of an age difference as they both treated me as though I was ten years younger, very over protective. I think this is what attracted me to him even...

Straight Sex
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AddictedChapter 23 Falling Off Of A Pedestal

For a long time she wouldn't look at me and I don't know how long she cried, but I am sure I heard a few sniffles. I let her in peace because that gave me time to wrap my head around the fact that she may indeed want to be enslaved by my seed. Why?, was the question I constantly asked myself Why would she want to be enslaved by me, made to do things that she has been upfront with, that she doesn't like? Made to be part of a lifestyle she doesn't agree with. It still made no sense to me....

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six degrees of separationmass effect

Book 1: Tangled By Firedancer Chapter One: After the Storm Ashley Williams jerked awake, and then gasped as the action caused pain to lance through her badly injured body. "Easy Chief," came the soothing tones of a familiar voice as Dr. Chakwas' face finally came into her view. "Doc," she whispered hoarsely. It was both a greeting and a plea and the older woman intuitively understood and pressed a hypo against Ashley's neck, administering a painkiller that quickly eased the agony....

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