Mom Made A Deal With The Broker
- 5 years ago
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Joanna Jay is a Director of a large multi national corporation, working with Chemical,Engineering,Petroleam and Manufacturing travelling the world aquiring new businesses and setting financial strategies.
An email from one of the direcrors of the main board, followed by a personal call stopped her. The former chairman of their Pero Chemical arm was calling in a favour. His Grandson was taking a year out from university and wanted to work in the old family business and decide where to head in his career. Jo had heard of the Brown-William family and just knew that they were based in the Carribean and one of the daughters had a reputation as a "high profile" socialite.
Jo called her Chairman as she was to busy to wet nurse some kid on a wanting a tears partying from his studies. Charles could not help David Brown-Williams had aquiewd a major shareholding through his off shore oil businesses and they needed his shipping and terminals so Jo had to look after the kid.
"David Brown-Williams the third is here Ms Jay"."THE THIRD" tutted Jo to herself as she turned to see the young man coming through her door. MAN not boy as he actually had to duck entering her office as young Bella smiled nervously blushed and fled the office. "Dave Wiliams" he said thrusting a huge hand towards Jo, "oH oh uuhhmmm Joannaa Jay" she replied "take a seat. Jo was lost for words, the finiest quality suit lien shirt and a very tasteful silk tie clothed the massive young man. He had to be 6'8'' at least as he ducked under the doorway/ Huge chest and the suit arms were a snug but giveaway indication of his huge arms and the trousere covered his huge thighs. Jo poured herself a coffee and offered Dave one as she took in the sight of the huge handsome young man. his dazzling Brown eyes and smile had her going weak at the kness, something she had not done for many years.
"Tell me about yourself" ahe said. "Six foot ten and 260 pounds" noarded in England and then had a year travelling and surfing before UCLA and Granpop wants me to get my feet on the ground and see what the business is all about. I'm yours for a year to do with what you want, so make me work. Have a bag packed and make sure you always have your passport packed, when I say move we go and I want you syicking to me, I can't afford to wait around. Bella has an office ready for you and there is some reading for you to go through.
Bella took Dave to his new office as the other women in the office pointed and tittered as they past. Dave stopped and looked at a group of them by a copier, Bella looked embarrased and gave the others a fierce look. Dave took her hand and turn the way they were going "WHERES THIS OFFICE" he said laughing. Bella showed him in and went through the papers and started to show him the PC and how it worked. "Email" he asked.Bella showed him his new company email address and he pulled ablackberry from his pocket and a Sony Smart phone and set up emai; from the new address. "Jo's address please", "jojay@" she started to say, but Dave rattled off the rest of the address and typed a rapid email to Jo and then took numbers. Shall I write them down for you she asked, "logged" he said as he entered thme onto his phones from his head. "Hi Jo just testing your number and thanks for welcoming me on board". As he finished the fax rang in the office, Bella went to retrieve the page. It read "Hi Bella XXX Dave"
Bella was impressed he had the fax number in his head and had faxed from his mobile.
Jo had a busy day and saw little of Dave, early on Tuesday morning hse had a call. a pipe line deal was having problems and she was needed in Moscaow. She called Dave, who to her surprise sounded wide awake and answered his mobile. "call Bella and tell her to get us first flight to Moscow and Book onward flights to Bejing and Gary will pick you up in and Hour. Dave reached the doors of his docland home as the Zircal Corp Mercedes pulled up, Jo opened the window beckoning him as Gary opened the trunk to put his bags in. "has Bella sorted a flight". "yep maam. Northolt please Gary". "Northolt" queeried Jo. Yeah first flight was from Northolt. Jo was used to flying from Heathrow or Gatwick. Jo briefed Dave on the problem and they were soon on the A40 with Dave directing Gary into the Airport used by British PM and others. They pulled up by a large private jet. Dave jumped out as the Pilot ran to meet him and thery hugged like a couple of Kids dancing on the tarmac. "this is Uncle Chuck and his Co-pilot wife is Elly. The BW on the tail plane suddenly made sense to Jo, Quickest way to Moscow said Dave to Jo as Chuck and Gary took their bags/ "Grandpop said it was mine to use and Chuck and Elly will get withdraw symptoms sitting on the ground!.
Joanna Jay was not used to being shocked, but she was a little overcome by her young Proteges forward thinking and brash use of his families wealth. But moscow was important as they could be there ten hours earlier than on the first schedule they could get on to.
The plane was speedoing along the runway within 5 minutes as Jo took in the luxury of the private aicrafts lounge/ After ten minutes Elly called that they could take of there belts. Dave asked what Jo would like for breakfast asn served her a hearty bacom geast with fresh pressed Juice and fresg Fround Blue Mountain coffee From the Brown Williams Plantation.
Jo found herself attracted by the good humoured young man and was impressed that he had worked out who they would be seeing after he explained his speed reading and memory traits. Jo was even more impresssed as he quoted her her own figures that she would have had to look up. He gave her a potted history of his life and explained how he was brought up by his Grandparents when not at school. He had been at his Grandpops side onmany a business trip and felt he had a place in his Grandfathers business world.
Jo was quite taken with the young guys knwledge and open approach. and more than impressed by his impressive presence. The russians would get a Surprise. Andre met thenm at Moscow and thet were whisked off to a meeting in a Zil to a venue about 20k outside the city. Problems lay with the pipeline contractors and their so called union. The union giy seemed like a mafia carricature creation complete with scar from his left eye through his lips and across his chin. The meeting got heated with Jo being very impressive running rings around the Russian Union "muscle". A compromise was made with a token "charitable" cash offer. Jo and the company could not be seen to do anything illegal. As the Russion Union left with some fierce negative words Viktor tried to push the huge young Dave to one side stumbling into his own minder. Dave grabbed Viktor and picked off the floor like a rag doll his feet fangling a foot above the ground before Dave smiled and set him down. "BE CAREFULL MY FRIEND" he said in his andlo American drawl as he placed him on the ground witha big smile.As the minder went to push him aside Daid just picked him off the gound and turned him opast his huge frame setting him mdown next to his master patting the guy on his head, as he reached for a gun under his jacket. David slapped the guys face so hard he went dowm on the ground, still semi conscious as Davis took the firearm and tossed it to Andre.
THe Zil headed for the hotel and as they pulled up Andre took a call, problen would be sorted by the morning. Jo had worj to do and they set up office in her suite working laye into the night before they flew onto Bejing the next afternoon. Jo took a shower before the dinner arrived, Dave went to go to his room, "send a fax to Bella and ask for an uopdate from Nick Moriarty and then you can shower here" daid Jo, S|he re entered the romm in a huse fluffy towelling robe as the rooms fa warbled and she pointed Dave to the shower, he heard a knock at the door and as he left the shower he could see the food trolley. The other robe was to small for Daves large frame and her did his best to wrap a towel around himself. Jo couldn't help but stare at tghe huge young mabns upper boddy as he went to get his bag by the door. His lowere legs were toned and solid large body builder like calves and the towel hid what must have been impressive thighs, and as he walked back to the cathroom the clean underopants he heald masked his crotch as he turned into the bathroom. Inwardly Jol was actuaaly dissapointed and shocked at herself being so interested in a mere boy,"SOME BOY" and she smiled, calling for what he wanted to eat. he walked into the main room towelling his hair dry dressed in Kalvin K style boxers that showed off a huge bulge asking what she had said about the food. Jo's mouth still hung open as he looked at her staring at his bulging crotch.
He smiled "should have said 6/10 260 pounds and about 14 inches" Jo looked really shocked. F f f f f. well it is oin proportion with the rest of me , put it that way he said walking towards her dropping the towell and hooking his thumbs in the elastic of his under pants. "WHAT, are you doing" asked Jo. "most women want to see it" he replied. "I'm not most women" she replied as he just slid his pants down and made a pose in front of her staring at her face as she looked at his veiny shaft as she tried not to drool as she stood rivetd to the floor as he straightened up habds on hips as his memeber swelled before her eyes filling and selling until it pointed at her as it shone manaceingly at her face as its fat dome head filled to a dark purple like as Dave stood smiling hand on hips before he walked towards her undoing the loose belt he took care as he circled her not letting his probe touch her.
She stood naked trembling like a young virgin "what do you think you are doing" she said as he slowly pushed her onto the bed and looked at her pussy as the signs of her interest gave away her lusty want. Her hornu clit boldy coming out of hiding boldly blowing any chance she had of playing the uninterested party. Srpeading her legs his fore finger circle her clit as his huge middle finger delved deep in her pussy. As he swept his arms around her legs and lifted her clear of the bed his pushing straight into her tight p. Pulling herself up she grabbed at his shoulders and kneck as he pulled her deeper onto his shaft as he pulled her tight onto him the hole shaft buried tight in her as she phuffed and puffed as she flexed with the exciting feeling s so far in side her as he wanked him self of using her like a sex toy, the amazing young man jus held her and thrust her back and forth on his cock as she hung onto his neck.his huge hands and massive armes thrusting her back and forth as she cried out as her pussy exploded in delirium. As she held his neckhis armes bulged s sghe was sped back and forth her legs flayling around like a rag doll as she cried out for him to take it easy and stop.
"how many guys have you fucked " he demanded. Meekly Jo replied 6. "Know hat you've missed now eh" he laughed as he thrust her faster back and forth. "Yeah, please stop" she begged and panted as she was now pounding his cock twitching as her cunt felt so stretched everytime he pulled her back onto him and he laughed as his spunk filled her cavity and he knelt on the bed edge and let her slip onto the bed before he slipped from her with a big plopping sound as a pool formed on the bed between her legs and he lay beside her on the bed breathing heavily but hardly sweating.
As he closed his eyes, Jo stroked her trembling pussy as the warmth of her orgasm flowed away an she tuened to admire his semi and wonderful body. The boy had more than a mans body and had used her like no other man. As she went to cover herself with her robe Dave grabbed her ankle and pulled her to him as she noticed the rearoused phalus as he impaled her back on his wonderous manhood. Pumping his fit thighs and arse back and forth Jo laid getting lust pounded into her. They ate in relative silence until Dave called the reception and cancelled his room. "I'm not going off now leaving you to cope in the night he said smiling. H epulled Jo to the bed and turned the lights out as he pulled her to him. She fely reassured but also scared as he wrapped his armsa round her as she wondered what he meant. Jo woke startled, her pussy gyrating and wet and wanting man meat. as her busy hand went to work as she tried to sattisfy her excitement and needs without waking the poor boy!
She jumped as he said " guess you need some help there he said gripping her right leg behind the knee a pulling it up and then running his huge fingers in her wet slot as he snaked his cock over her inner thigh and into her cock hungry slot for a long slow glorious multi orgasm before they showere and headed for the airport. Elly greeted them as Chuck made his final cecks and called atc before taxying onto the runway. Jo lent down and kissed Dave as she went to take her seat beside him before she could sit he had her skirt up around her hips and was pulling her little white lacy thong down as the plane sped along the runway and Jo was impaled under the take off on his big cock as his strong arms lifted her up and down on him. Her pussy flowing over his balls and suit trousers as he unbuttoned her blouse and freed her tits so he had something to suckle prior to breakfast.
Elly suddenly called you can remove your safety belts now, they both laughed and continued forgetting that they had not put the privacy light on. Elly walked in as Joanna started to speeed her thrusting up and down, hi she said hardly blinking as she went to the coffee maker as Jo flopped down as she came again. She took a fresh coffee along to Chuck and as Jo let out a low moan as she slipped her cunt from Daves big cock and pulled her skirt down as Elly walked back in and Jo gathered her hanging bra and blouse and headed for the bathroom a little annoyed by Elly's familararity and lack of respect for there privacy. Joanna used the strange in flight shower and changed into clean undrwear before she rejoined Dave in the lounge. Elly was knelt holding the back of a seat her skirt around her waist as Dave fucked her with long slow firm thrusts. "teacher always gets a nice thank you" she said smiling to Jo as Daves face contorted and he spunked deep in the sexy co-pilot before he dropped to his knees and cleaned her pussy with his tongue ans she slipped her panties back on and cooly walked back to join Chuck as Dave laughed and thrust a glas of juice at her.
They ate in silence before Dave headed for the pressure shower leaving Joanna dozing in her seat angry at what he had done with Elly whilst her husband was at the controls.
Jo came to as Dave called her, entering the sleeping csbin he lay naked on the large bed sporting another massive erection. He darted off the bed as she went to leave. I can't do it out there again he said as he tore her clothes off and pushed her onto the bed fucking her again.
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We've been here too many times before. You try and tease me. Pushing me against the wall in a discreet corner of the office copy room. Pulling on my pencil skirt and rubbing on my red lace panties and clit just enough to leave me breathless. Holding all the power. Never letting me prove my worth. Never letting me push you to the edge and making you beg for it.Today that all changes. I want to show you what I can do and I know you want it too. I smile devilishly. I'm ready to make you cum for...
Oral SexPower Play By Cowgyrl Nathan Harrington was a brilliant scientist and a control freak. Not only did he have to have things his way, he enjoyed manipulating other people. The stronger willed they were, the more he enjoyed exerting control over them. Nathan had been working in R&D at a top pharmaceutical firm. He was well on his way to the top and was not making any friends on his way there, but work was not enough to fill his desire for power and control. He spent many...
Power and ControlMy day started early as usual, 4:30 am with my first task to make the coffee, feed my beautiful little rescue golden retriever and take him our for his business and then settle in to catching up on e-mails and looking at the markets and the new posts on a couple of gay and bi web sites. Just as the lap top was firing up my cell phone gave me the familiar double buzz indicating an incoming text. It was from my friend Don, a guy I have seen for over three years now and it simply...
I had moved in with Bauer about eight months ago, and the honeymoon phase had officially worn off. We had started officially dating in high school, but had been long distance while I was getting my degree. It had always been fun when we saw each other, exciting. Meeting in hotel rooms on vacation, or having holidays with the families, we were pretty much shoe-ins to be married, and when I came back from school he popped the question. We had now been married for 6 months. My friend Julia almost...
Power Woman - 30 Year Old Wealthy Heiress Jessica Cummington is a lawyer who rarely practices law; but manages her family's Billion Dollar enterprises. Most of her family, including her parents are deceased. At night, as POWER WOMAN, she fights for justice in CRIME CITY! She has been working as superhero for a decade now and wears a pink and red costume that hides her identity. Sidekick Boy - 18 Year Old Timmy Smalls, a meek orphan that grew up in a sheltered environment, who pretends to be...
John Doe was once an ordinary man, until a god blessed him with three powers. First, mind control. Pretty self-explanatory. He could use this power to control the minds of people. This also meant he could modify their bodies as well. Second, time manipulation. This was a bit more complex. He could freeze someone in time, reverse their movememt, have them loop an action or phrase, and even reverse or fast forward their ages. Then the third, and possibly most bizzare power: he could make two...
Mind Control"John Doe, we have summoned you here to grant you powers beyond the realm of mortal men." A booming voice echoed. John looked around him to see what looked like giants dressed in togas. 'Okay, I obviously drank far too much last night....' he thought to himself. "No, John you are not drunk. What you are seeing is very much real." The giant with a flowing white beard and dressed in a white and yellow toga boomed. "We have brought you here for one reason: we will grant you any power you request."...
FantasyI opened the door to all 5’11” of her, and smiled. She was so good at this. Standing there with her massage table and linen bag, dressed in loose‐fitting pants, a collared work shirt and tennis shoes, she looked every bit the part of a normal masseuse. In fact, any curious neighbor of mine probably wouldn’t give her a second look. But I did. I saw the deep red lips that contrasted so beautifully against her dark hair, pulled back in a ponytail. I saw the makeup that was a bit too sultry....
The customer looked confused and unhappy. An elderly woman glancing nervously at all the technological gadgetry on display. ‘Can I help you, madam?’ It wasn’t easy in my present mood, but I forced out my widest grin. The one that seldom failed to reassure the less technical customers, and made me feel proud of my justified skill in putting them at their ease. Usually they relaxed instantly and poured out their shameful feelings about their lack of technical skills, knowing they had found a...
Power Girl groaned as she gradually regained conscious and wondered where she was after the disastrous encounter.. Power Girl, aka Kara was flying over Africa when she was ambushed by the villainous Metallo, the robotic enemy of her cousin Superman had sent several goons to engage her as his type usually do. While they were easily scrapped, Metallo used the distraction to get close enough to reveal his kryptonite heart. The sickly green glow robbed Kara of her powers and sent her plummeting...
Chapter 3After arranging for Colin to be home from school on Friday, and forcing him to shoot his cum into his own mouth, Veronica had Colin masturbate four more times. She wanted him to sit in front of his computer and watch gay porn, which she had previously downloaded for him onto a flash drive. Each time, Veronica was right beside him with words of encouragement as well as humiliation. Every orgasm was as explosive as the previous and true to her word, Veronica made him swallow every load...
Power play Felicia de Pastino lay on the ground bleeding from a wound to her lower back, a small puddle forming underneath her. The red dress she was wearing had been ripped in numerous places across her side and sleeves, leaving jagged pieces of cloth hanging from the garment. Huge gashes were open in the mass of fabric below her waist displaying a white petticoat hidden under the luxurious fabrics of the dress, leaving her in an even larger state of disarray. Besides the wound in the...
The world changed five hundred years ago when the first powered was born. Damien Watts was a baby born in North America that was born with electricity powers, at first it was believed to be a strange birth defect before similar cases started popping out all over the world and in five hundred years nearly everyone has some sorta power. Now, a hero is a government-funded job, and using your power without a license, especially destructive powers is a crime. There are also schools to teach the...
FetishDavid isn't athletic, bright, or handsome. You can say, he's an average Joe who spent most of his time playing video games, but there's a reason for him being a shut-in. Throughout his life, he's been harassed by his family and peers. His older sister, Sarah, is a straight A's student, and every chance arises, called him a complete failure. His mother, Heather, favor her daughter, and reluctant to give him affection. David tosses the Xbox's controller across the room, and shout. "Damn it, lost...
BDSMFor 23 years, Chris was a normal person. He was fairly smart, but not a genius, kind of tall but not a giant. He was a perfectly average guy. Except from one thing, Chris kept having these really strong dreams, a man was talking to him, “Soon you will have power equaled only by your imagination,” this man said, only he wasn't really a man. He was something bigger, something more important. Chris was single, lived in a small apartment, and worked at an unnamed upper class restaurant in Boston....
BDSMYou sigh, hands covering your face as you sit on the cold bed, unable to sleep after the nightmares. You've done too many things - too many terrible, unforgivable things to deserve to live on. Flashes of women, men, families, strangers, friends, your parents... they're all looking at you now, sad, angry, afraid of you. You break down and finally let it out, the tears flow as you fall to the floor, unable to stand the visions of everyone you've killed... everyone you've maimed... everyone you've...
I have worked hard to get where I am, always having to be twice as good as the men, to achieve the recognition. It took me even longer to get to my current rank because I had to take ten years off in the Reserves to have our three kids. I am back on track, Squadron Sgt Major, senior enlisted person of my battalion.Above me is only the RSM, Regimental Sgt Major, the right hand of God Almighty, our CO. I stand five ten, body long, lean and toned like gym bunnies dream of but have no idea how to...
LesbianPrincess walked tentatively along the hotel corridor looking for room 102 dressed as instructed in tightly laced black bodice, black choker, seamed stockings, heels and a long coat to cover her embarrassment. Her nipples rubbed against the roughness of her coat aroused by excitement or fear, she was unsure of which, perhaps a little of both. It had started as a simple instruction, "Meet me Saturday night 8pm, Hotel Ibis Canterbury." A regular meet for them, always highly charged with sexual...
SpankingCHAPTER 5Colin stood in front of the toilet relieving himself through the opening at the tip of his chastity cage. He was growing used to its weight and presence, finding less discomfort from the device every day. He was happy it was Saturday and he didn’t have to go to school; Colin wondered what his step-mother had in store for him, as their sexual activities were often elevated during the weekend.Not that weekdays were uneventful; the week prior, when Colin would return from school in the...