Good Neighbor Wes
- 3 years ago
- 24
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My Friend Wes
Mom and I moved a lot after she and Dad got divorced. The first place we lived was the nicest but it turned out to be too expensive when my dad wouldn’t come up with any money for us to live on. It was a huge apartment complex but there were some nice houses on the street further north from us where I befriended Wesley, an older kid who I think was eighteen or so at the time. He’d converted their basement to a huge bedroom complete with big screen TV and pool table.
His dad wasn’t home much, so Wes was left on his own and he took advantage of it. Wes would have a bunch of girls over when he could. I went to school but he was a drop out. I’d go over after school and occasionally he’d have a porn movie playing. That was a big thing for me because I’d never seen one.
The first time an XXX movie was playing Wes had two of us guys and a girl over and we were all watching. Well in the end Wes got to make out with the girl a little but to all of our disappointment, she bailed before anything got more serious. Things pretty much went that way for a few weeks. I’d get dry mouth when the guys would jack off and truth be told was excited by the sight but fought back the urge to get involved with cock.
My mom had to get us on state insurance so she scheduled us both with doctor visits. I got the rest of the day off, so I went over to Wes place for the first time during the day. He was there alone and was watching a porno movie. I plopped down and centered on what was going on onscreen.
Wes started jacking off while watching, which wasn’t uncommon so it didn’t bother me much. I think I was comfortable enough to jack off myself although at that time I was doing it inside my pants but as I recall I was frustrated at not being able to get off.
Anyway, the movie was good.
When Wes got up to piss, I’ll admit to watching him walk over to the bathroom with his erection bobbing up and down. It was probably small by normal standards but it looked huge to me. When he came back and sat next to me on the big couch I got nervous.
I continued watching the movie but was watching Wes out of my peripheral vision and of course he was jacking off again. Made my stomach all-tight and I was real nervous but truth is I was also excited.
When a girl-girl scene came onscreen Wes started going a lot faster and breathing differently. I think I was aware that something was coming up and that this would not be the same old stuff. When he was ready to shoot, Wes reached up, grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down to his cock. To my surprise I opened my mouth and let him stick his dick in it.
As I closed my mouth around his dick, Wes balls let loose and he cummed inside me. The spurt was hot and with typical teenage power, hit the back of my throat making me gag. And Wes cummed a lot, which also made it difficult.
But it was the first sex I’d ever had and I got so excited that I took out my cock and jacked off with him still in my mouth. The more excited I got the better job I did on his cock. He soon was erect again. I had my first orgasm that way.
Wes kept my head in his lap and my mouth on his cock. I ended up giving him a really long slow blowjob until he cummed in my mouth a second time. There was much less cum this time and much easier to do, although my jaws really hurt afterwards.
It was the most exciting thing I had ever done … and I was hooked on cocks.
After that I’d give Wes blowjobs whenever we could sneak one in, usually every day or two. And he said I got really good at it.
But on the start of our fourth month at that place my mom couldn’t make rent and we had to move. Sadly I never saw Wes again.
So began my career of cock sucking…
The end…
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Author note: This story has been revised just slightly in preparation for the second (and concluding part). Thanks to all who read the first version and gave such positive feedback. I have tried to take up some of the suggestions made in that feedback in part two. Sorry it has taken so long. Love Cleo Xxx Girlfriend's Gambit, Part 1: I. Sian. Suzi opened the door with a smile. She was dressed casually in tight jeans cut low across her waist and a pretty black crop-top,...
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Vol II: My Oily Anal Duty. Now every weekend I stay at Parvathy aunty’s home. I call her Paaru now. We were almost living like a newly married, humping each other at every occasion possible, I have fucked, her daughter Deepa many times, but the pleasure I get while making love, cumming in her was something I cannot express. Paaru was a goddess, her beauty was something out of this world. Today was Friday evening, and I was, longing to see my girlfriend’s beautiful mom. She was complaining the...
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The sun shine throw your window waking you you get up you remember you need to get to you best friend house before school but you have 2 friends and they live in different area's you can only go to one.
BisexualI've never been with a guy.I'm a regular college student with a healthy sexual relationship with females. I was invited out by my best friend (Aaron), his girlfriend (Sarah), and her girlfriends on a Saturday night which is nothing out of the norm. We all out went out to popular spot in the city and got pretty wasted. Aaron was pretty drunk but wanted to make sure that Sarah got home safely. Sarah asked me if they could stay at my place as they had done on previous occasions. Sarah and Aaron...
Jack and I were hanging out at my house one day in the summer. We went outside to find something to do so we went into my barn to work on my four wheeler. We started to work on it and got all greasy and dirty. We started talking about my girlfriend Kaylin and he asked if she knew I fucked men. I told him she didn't know. He then asked about my other men I have fucked and asked about mine and Kaylin's sexual relationship. I told him about the other men. I then told him that me and Kaylin fuck...
Hello friends, My name is Aarav Dixit and I am a resident of Mumbai city, aged 25 and this is a very recent true incident that has probably, made me lose the best friend any person could ever have and possibly, made me loose her forever. Noopur & I have been friends for 9 years and our friendship was truly deep & pure. We never eyed each other in a lusty way and kept the line between friendship & sex, clear and distinct. However, Noopur is a very appealing girl to notice with long straight hair...
He seemed to tremble slightly as I approached his naked body from behind. I guess it could have been nervousness, anticipation or a draft in the hotel room we shared. I had already fingered his ass with lubrication and had stopped to apply the shiny lube to my erection, which stood in front of me as I approached. We both were ready and I held my gleaming dick by its base.Now I know it sounds like I'm describing a typical homosexual experience. But I'm not - at least not for us.My name is Mike....
Traffic filters along a canyon like street. Flat fronted 3 and 4 story buildings lining either side. A red double decker London bus, followed by a black cab, is a dead giveaway to the fact that we’re back in the nation’s capital again. Infront of us the large, colourful and modern square front of The Home Office looms up looking surprisingly friendly. A smartly dressed, prim-looking woman takes a step forward from the building to meet us. She fills her suit out well, good hips fairly narrow...
I love my boyfriends. I love to fuck. I love to fuck my boyfriends. Some days I fuck one boyfriend. Other days I fuck two, three or sometimes all four of them. They are not jealous because they sometimes know each other and they know I like all of them the same. And they know that if they get jealous they cannot be my boyfriend any more. I am 21 now and have been fucking since I was 18. I agreed with my mom and our doctor that I should not have babies so they fixed me so I won’t get pregnant....
Crystal hängte ihre Schürze auf und machte sich bereit, auszufahren. Es war ein vernünftiger Tag in Bobs 'Ice Cream Emporium', in dem sie nach der Schule mehrere Tage in der Woche für ihren Onkel Bob arbeitete. Heute war Freitag, was bedeutete, dass es Zahltag war, was hieß, dass er geil sein würde. Onkel Bob wurde am Zahltag aus irgendeinem Grund immer geil. Eines Tages, wenn sie auf dem College war und vielleicht Psychologie studierte, könnte sie den Lehrer fragen, was es mit dem Zahltag auf...
Einpaar Jahre her machte ich einen Auslandsjahr auf einer kleinen Farm in Amerika. Meine Gastfamilie bestand nur aus den beiden Elternteilen die zwar Kinder hatten, aber die Kinder lebten nicht mehr zuhause da sie schon 20 und älter waren und alleine lebten. Das Haus indem ich war, war SEHR groß es war eine Verbindung von 2 Häusern ein neues und ein altes, im alten residierte ich und meine Gast Eltern im anderen also waren wir sehr abgeschieden. Ich muss zugeben, dass das Jahr ziemlich...
Hello, friends thanks for all your lovely response it is really heart touching, you can reach me out at for all are welcome for discussion I would like to thank indian sex stories dot net for their support. That night with Kalpana changed my life completely I totally fell in love with her with all warm affection we kissed all most for hours that night exchanging our salivas and feeling the true warmth of each other, while my cock is resting and relaxing in her ass.The best part is switched off...
IncestI was getting ready for bed missing my boyfriend. He was away seeing as how he is a truck driver for a living. His father was going be staying at my home into his home was fixed up. So as I was getting ready for bed I started to think of all the times my boyfriend and I had fucked in our bed. Doggy style and everything. This made me very horny. I ignored it and got into bed in my long oversized t-shirt . Laying in bed bored and unable to sleep I could hear someone walking around outside my...
Group Sexshe has the most amazing ass...I just want to reach out and put my hand between her cheeks so I approach her we're at a club and I start dancing with her and she starts grabbing me and I tell her that we both like her and that we want her and she comes with us and we fuck her - first you go down on her you show me how and then I do it and she comes and when she comes, she's a squirter...and that gets you so horny that you're hard right away and she starts going down on you and...
As i play with her hole her hand leaves my pussy and rubs all my pussy juice over her hole and then back to my pussy to work her magic. I continue to play with her hole which is now very wet from my juice that she put there so my finger could slide in eagerly she is now on all fores but with one hand still working my pussy this gives me an idea. I unlock our tongues and remove her hand from my pussy and get behind her, as my tongue starts on her ass hole i can taste my own juices all over...