Choices Ch. 02 free porn video

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My thanks to my editor adetaildiva. Without her this would be a poorer story. After her any errors are mine.


Dan and I were out on the golf course in Tennessee one gorgeous September Saturday. ‘Jack, how much do you exercise? You’re always so trim. Even when I was your age, I don’t think I was that trim.’

‘Well, I run for an hour six days a week and I lift weights twice or three times a week, depending. Why do you ask?’

‘I just had my annual physical and the doctor is on me to get more exercise and lose some of this.’ Dan grabbed a roll of fat on his side. Kathy had always described him as heavyset, but I was sure he could lose 25 or 30 pounds and not miss an ounce.

‘You need to talk to Linda about not being such a great cook, but I can help you get started on an easy exercise plan. We can start with walking and go from there.’

‘Would you, Jack? I’d really appreciate it.’

Unfortunately, I should have started with Dan a year ago. I came home one afternoon in October to a very grave Faith. ‘Jack, Dan had a heart attack and died. Maybe you should call your sister-in-law.’

I was stricken again. Over the last eighteen months Dan had become a very good friend. But I really felt sorry for Linda: first to lose her older daughter and now her husband of thirty years, all within five months.

Dan’s funeral was hard. The grass on Kathy’s grave had not grown in completely and now there was another bare patch beside it. Bobby and I stayed for three more days. This time it was me packing Dan’s clothes, making lists and delivering boxes.

‘Jack, I’d like to come down and visit.’ Thanksgiving weekend Linda was calling. I had called weekly after Dan’s funeral, but had not asked her to come back down yet.

‘Sure, Linda, Bobby and I would love to see you again.’ She came down for two nights that week and again just before Christmas to bring Bobby his presents. Two more visits were scheduled in January.

At the beginning of February, I learned that I was being reassigned to the Pentagon. I told Faith and Linda that Bobby and I would be moving in June.

‘Jack, I’ve got a suggestion.’ Faith and I were having dinner after a visit from Linda in March.


‘Linda is lonely and doesn’t know what to do. She’s afraid that you’ll go to Washington and she’ll never see Bobby again.’

‘That’s crazy! Bobby loves her. I love her almost like my own mother.’

‘Ask her to move to Washington with you and be your live-in nanny and housekeeper.’

I had been worried about finding a nanny like Faith in Washington. This would be a great solution. ‘Do you think she would do it? It would make Bobby feel better to have somebody he knows living with us and taking care of him.’

I called Kathy’s sister, Marguerite, and talked with her. She lived in Chattanooga with her husband of two years. She thought it would great for Linda to have something to do. We agreed to help her store her furniture and rent out the house if she wanted to.

‘Linda, this is Jack.’ My mother had drilled me on phone manners. Even though I knew Linda would recognize my voice, I always introduced myself on our weekly phone calls. We talked about the ordinary events of the week: Bobby’s pre-school work, Linda’s book club.

‘Linda, I’m really going to miss Faith. I don’t know that I’ll find anyone in Washington who can help me like she has.’

‘I’ll miss seeing her, too. Of course, I’ll miss seeing you and Bobby more.’

‘Linda, I’ll just ask you straight out. Would you consider coming to Washington with us? I’d pay you just like I do Faith and Bobby would love to have you around.’

‘Jack, I’d love to! But what would I do with the house?’

‘Marguerite and I discussed that. She thinks you could put your stuff in storage and rent it out for a few years. Of course, you would want to take some of your things to Washington.’

‘Oh, Jack, this will be so great! But I couldn’t take any money from you. I’d just like to be there with Bobby, and you and I get along so well.’

‘Linda, I know that Dan left your finances in good shape. Paying you would just be recognition of what you do for us. I know it’d be like pin money to you but I’d feel wrong if you didn’t take something. I’d also set you up with a joint account with me so you could have money for grocery shopping and everything.’

‘I was so afraid that you’d go off and I’d only see Bobby a time or two a year.’

‘Linda, no matter what, we won’t keep you out of our lives.’ I could tell she was crying a little bit. ‘Why don’t we schedule a house hunting trip sometime soon?’

By the first of May, Linda was living with me in Columbus. She had stored away most of her household goods, except for her bedroom furniture and several boxes of knickknacks, photo albums and some kitchen utensils. Those items were waiting in a container in Chattanooga for our trip to DC. She had already gotten a renter who would move into her house in June.

My house in Columbus did not have a renter yet. I felt sure that as soon as a new crop of lieutenants started arriving at Fort Benning around the first of July that I would have a renter. It was the perfect size for a young couple like Kathy and I had been.

Linda, Bobby and I moved the week after Memorial Day. We moved to a new house in a young subdivision in Northern Virginia. I would have about a half-hour’s drive to the Pentagon. Bobby would only be a mile from his school in September. Linda began meeting the neighbors and fitted in immediately.

The third week in August I took Bobby to his first day of school. He was excited to be in a ‘real’ school instead of the day care center where he had had kindergarten. I managed to deliver him to his room and say hello to his teacher. I barely made it out to my car before I broke down crying. I was crying because Kathy wasn’t there to do this. Bobby would never see his mother’s eyes glisten as she buttoned up his coat or packed his lunch.

The week after Labor Day Bobby brought home a note about Parent-Teacher Night at his school. I dutifully showed up the next week. I vaguely remembered meeting Nan Baker the first day of school. She was looking for me when I came in.

‘Hello. I’m Bobby Williams’s father, Jack Williams.’

‘Yes. I remember meeting you when you brought Bobby in. Are you new in the area?’

‘We just moved up from Columbus, Georgia. I’m stationed at the Pentagon.’

‘Wow! I’m impressed.’

‘Don’t be. They use majors at the Pentagon for coffee boys. I get to make coffee for Training and Readiness.’

‘You’ll have to tell me more about that some time.’ She put her hand on my forearm below the short sleeve of my uniform blouse. Her violet eyes were looking directly into my eyes without blinking.

‘Maybe we can catch a cup of coffee together later. I won’t even make you fix it.’ Her eyes were laughing at me now.

‘I dunno. I’ve gotten pretty good with the grinder. You don’t know what you’re missing.’ I felt relaxed in a woman’s presence for the first time since Kathy died.

‘I’ve got a good idea of what I’m missing.’ Her eyes scanned my body from top to bottom. I had a sudden impression of a stalking lioness as her golden mane flipped around her head.

‘Good evening, everyone. I’m Nan Baker. I apologize for the seating arrangements.’ She looked directly at me and winked while I squirmed in my 6-year-old’s desk. ‘I’ll make this quick and then I can talk with you individually afterwards. I’m in my third year here at Taylor. I did my internship here from Georgetown and liked it so much I bought the school.’

Everybody chuckled. ‘They liked me so I applied and was accepted. Last year I taught third grade but the year before I taught first.’

Her words faded into the background as I appraised her body. A line from the musical, South Pacific, popped into my head:

Where she’s narrow she’s
narrow as an arrow,

And she’s broad where a broad should be broad.

‘… so I think that we’ll have a good year.’ As I returned from Pluto, she was smiling at me again.

I had been out of the game for awhile, but Nan had been flirting. I was comfortable with Nan, but I still felt guilty when I thought of leaving Kathy behind.

‘Jack, I’d like you to meet someone.’ Linda was speaking to me the following weekend after church. ‘Jean, this is my son-in-law, Jack Williams. As I told you he’s a major serving at the Pentagon. Jack, this is Jean Marlowe. Jean works for Health and Human Services as a policy analyst.’

‘Jean, I’m glad to meet you.’ Linda was slowly introducing me to all the single women at the Episcopal church where she had insisted we go. This was the fourth or fifth one. Jean was slim and tall with a terrific smile. I still didn’t feel ready to start dating again. Nevertheless, as a dutiful son (in-law) I made small talk.

I learned that Jean had a six-year-old daughter. I looked around and Jean pointed out Rebecca as the brown-haired girl that Bobby happened to be chasing around the parish hall.

‘Like father, like son,’ was the lame jest I came up with.

We continued to talk politely, but I was leery of Federal employees. I felt they were usually liberals, especially those whom I had met so far in the DC area. Suddenly Jean cut through the polite banter.

‘You know, my dad served in Vietnam.’

‘Really?’ This had come out of nowhere so I wasn’t sure where the conversation was going.

‘In the Marines. He always thought the Pentagon, Johnson and Nixon screwed things up. But he really hated the protestors. He’s glad we haven’t seen many of them this time around.’

‘Well, there’s a few, but dozens not thousands.’

‘At least we didn’t elect the Protestor-In-Chief.’

This woman had intelligence, but I still wasn’t ready for the singles scene again.

Monday through Friday I get up at 5:30 and go for an hour-long run. On Saturdays I allow myself the luxury of sleeping until 8 before running. The next Saturday I woke at 7. I tried to get back to sleep but I couldn’t. Finally, about 7:30 I trotted out of the house.

At 8:30 I walked in the back door and up the stairs to shower and dress. Linda was in the guest bathroom with the door open. She didn’t see me, but I saw her. Standing in front of the sink in bikini panties and nothing else, she didn’t look like she was in her fifties. I couldn’t see any lines on her face or any bags under her eyes. The reason was that all my eyes would focus on were her breasts.

They were beautiful. Their skin was softly white with just a hint of blush that was Linda’s normal coloration. The pair swung slightly back and forth as she leaned toward the mirror. I saw her left breast in full silhouette. Suspended over the sink, it seemed a perfect teardrop shape waiting to fall into someone’s lucky mouth. A dusky pink nipple was soft in repose surrounded by a slightly darker pink areola. My fingertips tingled as I imagined the smooth skin sliding under my touch and then the nipple erecting as my thumb teased the textured protrusion.

I froze with one foot on the top stair and one foot on the next riser down. I felt impelled to reach out and caress those luscious orbs. Before my arm started to move, I came to my senses and backed quietly down the stairs.

Linda was not expecting me back for another half hour. I went outside and waited several minutes while the erection that had sprung up subsided. I came back in closing the door a little loudly and singing a marching song. About five seconds after I came into the kitchen, I heard the bathroom door close upstairs.

I started a pot of coffee. Linda appeared in a few minutes wearing her bathrobe.

‘You’re back early.’

‘Something woke me and I couldn’t get back to sleep so I left to run a little bit before normal.’

‘Well, thanks for making the coffee. Next week I’ll start it as soon as I get up.’

That night I lay in my bed and remembered those beautiful mounds. I was embarrassed at my reaction, but I couldn’t forget that vision. My erection sprang up again in a few seconds. In this situation I could take care of it properly. Since I hadn’t had any sexual partner in almost two years except Ms. Rosie Palm, all it took was about ten strokes to fill the Kleenex.

As I dropped off to sleep, I decided that maybe it was time to get back into the world.

Monday on the way home I reviewed my options. The only person who stood out was Bobby’s teacher. After supper I approached Linda. ‘Would it be okay for me to go out Saturday night?’

‘Sure, Jack. Who’re you going with?’

‘I don’t know yet. I wanted to check with you before making any commitment. Probably just a friend.’

‘A lady friend?’

‘Uhh, yeah. I thought maybe a little dinner and conversation.’

‘Is that what they call it these days? Go ahead. I’ll be happy to stay with Bobby.’

I blushed a little seeing the twinkle in her eyes and took the phone into the study.

‘Hello?’ A woman’s voice that I didn’t recognize answered the phone. Would I recognize Nan’s voice after one meeting almost two weeks ago? Should I assume it was Nan? Remember my telephone manners.

‘This is Jack Williams. Is Nan Baker there?

‘Just a minute.’ [background] ‘Nan, there’s this dreamy voice on the phone for you. (giggle)’

‘Hello. This is Nan.’

‘Nan, this is Jack Williams. I met you at Bobby’s Parent-Teacher Night.’

‘Yes, I remember you. What can I do for you Mr., sorry it’s Major isn’t it, Major Williams.’ She was talking to me as if I were her father. Maybe this was a mistake. She had just been friendly, not flirting at all. Oh well, why waste a phone call without trying.

‘If we could get from Major Williams to just Jack, I’d like to take you to dinner Saturday night.’

‘Well, Just Jack, that would be very nice. I’d like to go to dinner with you.’

‘Why don’t I pick you up about seven? Maybe afterwards we’ll drive to the Reflecting Pool and cheer the submarine races.’

‘If you’re in the Army, wouldn’t that be cheering for the wrong team?’

‘Nah. My grandfather was in the Coast Artillery during World War II. I’ll just shoot at any submarine I see. I will need directions to your place though.’

Saturday evening it was drizzling off and on. I had suggested going to the Reflecting Pool to indicate that if dinner finished early then we might do something else together. Now with the bad weather I didn’t have another idea to suggest. I carried an umbrella up to her apartment door.

Nan was wearing a light blue camisole with a navy blue skirt and a medium blue sweater around her shoulders. The camisole material was heavy, but the jiggling beneath the material was very interesting.

‘Jack, come in a sec and meet my roommate. Cass, this is Jack Williams. He’s the father of one of my students.’

‘Glad to meet you, Cass. Do you teach with Nan?’

‘No, we’re good friends from college. I’m an analyst with the DHS office in Falls Church.’

‘Nan, I told you my Arab friends were on the up-and-up. I don’t want to be investigated.’ I smiled.

‘I won’t let Cass investigate you. On the other hand, I might like to conduct that investigation, especially if it involves a strip search.’

I blushed. I must be really getting old. I thought that remark was really bold, and I was surprised at such banter this early in the game. Perhaps my stereotype of elementary school teachers needed updating.

Nan pressed close to me under the umbrella. She wrapped one arm around mine and I could feel her boob rubbing my triceps. ‘Brrr, I’m glad I wore this sweater. The rain has made it chilly out,’ Nan continued our conversation as I held the car door for her. The navy skirt rose to give me a glimpse of a toned and tanned thigh that needed to be next to my ear. A glan
ce at the camisole confirmed that it was chilly out.

The dinner conversation continued delightfully with many double-entendres from both of us as I got into the swing of things. Nan was familiar with the restaurant that I had picked and after we finished our entrees she suggested sharing a hot fudge sundae for dessert.

‘Want it?’ Nan had picked up the cherry from the mound of whipped cream.

‘Are you willing to give it to me?’ I had gotten good at this game.

‘Stick out your tongue and let’s see if it’s long enough.’

‘I’m longer than anybody when I’m horizontal.’ I extended my tongue straight out. She put the cherry as far back on my tongue as she could, but held on to the stem. I closed my mouth. As she pulled the stem out, she brushed her fingertips across my lips.

‘Want some whipped cream?’ I extended my spoon towards her.

‘I love whipped cream but it has to be fresh. Right from the dispenser and down my throat.’ She made an exaggerated swallowing motion as she took the cream from the spoon.

‘Missed a drop.’ A little dab rested on the corner of her mouth. I scooped it onto my finger and held it towards her. She grabbed my wrist and pulled the finger into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around my finger as she sucked the cream off.

‘Wow! You’re good.’

‘I never waste a drop.’

‘Still raining!’ After paying the check, we were gazing into the parking lot preparing to walk to the car. ‘I was hoping we could take a nice walk on the Mall and continue this conversation. I noticed a bar near your place, O’Malley’s? Want to go there and get another glass of wine?’

‘Cass was going out with some friends. We could go back to my place and talk there. I’ve got wine or you could make us some coffee.’ She laughed lightly.

As soon as we entered her apartment, Nan discarded the sweater. Her arms still had the light bronze glow of a summer tan. As I watched her fiddle with the coffee makings, the bobbling and swaying of her breasts made it obvious that she was braless. She handed me my cup and directed me from the kitchenette to the couch in the main room.

‘Go ahead and sit, Jack. I’ll be there as soon as I get out some biscotti.’

She came out a minute later carrying her coffee and a small tray of cookies. Putting her coffee down on the end table opposite from me, she moved to the other side of the coffee table. She bent from the waist and placed the cookie tray down.

The camisole gaped away from her body. Her nipples snuggled into the material, but a beautiful expanse of skin was on display. The same golden tan as her arms pointed to the conclusion that she tanned topless. After what seemed like minutes but was only a few seconds, she stood back up and moved around to the couch.

She sat down and then twisted sideways lifting one knee onto the cushion. Then she lifted her other knee up also being remarkably careless about how her skirt draped during this maneuver. I was now sure that her panties matched the camisole.

As I jerked my eyes upward, I was sure she would have seen where I was looking. Instead she was studiously stirring the cream into her coffee.

‘Tell me about your grandfather in the Second World War.’ Where had that come from? Oh, yeah, back when I asked her for a date.

‘Well, he was an interesting old guy. He was in the Reserves and got shipped off to Panama in early ’42. Didn’t come back until almost ’45. He told me when he first got down there he was put on an island with 400 other guys. They were on the Pacific side looking for Japanese submarines. Never saw one of course, but for 30 days they enjoyed desalinated water and C-rations. Then they got rotated back to the mainland. As he put it, 400 guys who hadn’t seen a beer or a broad for 30 days. Not much of a prize for guessing what happened next.’ We talked casually through the first cup of coffee.

‘How about another cup,’ she asked.

‘Sure.’ We both wandered into the kitchen. She took my cup and turned to pour more coffee. Now or never, I moved behind her. Putting my hands at her waist, I lightly kissed her neck Oh lord, the scent of her perfume and shampoo. I moved my feet back a half-step so she wouldn’t notice my immediate reaction, but I couldn’t resist starting to nibble around to her ear.

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Tammy got up from the breakfast table and went to the back door of the house. I felt my stomach sink, knowing what was coming. She opened it and stepped aside, her arm extended to the outside, palm up. She looked at me and my heart began hammering. ‘Get out,’ she said plainly. Her voice was soft and even, and I instantly measured it against the first time she had said them, the harsh way she’d spat the words. ‘Get out now, or stay,’ she finished. It was the choice. The same choice she gives me...

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She awoke from bad dreams into worse.  Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist.  Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart.  She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall.  Her jaw ached, forced open...

1 year ago
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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 26

Gronnus tried to reach Overlord Weton early in the morning just at dawn, but he overslept. In his worries over the very deal he was trying to save, he tossed and turned for a good part of the night. When he finally did fall into slumber, he was exhausted, and thus it was not until the sun had just risen above the horizon that he roused himself out of bed. By the time he reached Weton's quarters, the Overlord was already up and about, and no sooner had Gronnus left the area when he saw the...

2 years ago
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Dressing Up

You and your girlfriend Emily were invited to a Halloween party on this big estate on the edge of town: a hundred acres of varied wilderness surrounding a large public facility for guests and conferences and an old historic mansion. "A special Halloween party like none other," the invitation boasted. "Come dressed for fun in your best costumes and enjoy the Octavia Winters Memorial Library and Conference Center, or brave the historic Winters Mansion for a reenactment of occult specialist...

2 years ago
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finders keepers introduction

I hate this. Being called in to work on a Sunday. And this day was even worse. I had come to know a submissive online. She loves bondage and she has shown me a couple of her self bondage session over the weeks we have been chatting. I got to know a lot about her. At least about her kinks but not much more than that. Nothing about the city she lives in, all though she let slip she lives in the same country. I know her online name, which is "Trapped" by the way.O yeah, I know how she looks. At...

1 year ago
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The Preacher His Wife and Me Finale

When we finished our meal on the patio, Paul suggested that we retire to the den where it was cooler and less humid, and that he and Darla wait until morning to clean up other than putting leftovers in the refrigerator. Paul was still fully clothed whereas his wife Darla and I were naked and weren’t as bothered by the outside temperature as he was. Nevertheless, we all went inside. Once in the den, Paul brought in a chilled bottle of wine for after dinner drinks for himself and Darla, and he...

Group Sex
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Eds New Life Original versionChapter 04

The loud ringing phone wakes me at 8:05 a.m. Withdrawing my arm from Sarai I reach over Marie and pick up the phone, giving Marie a quick kiss in the process. I’m unhappy and a bit angry as I say, “Hello.” Marie’s father says, “What’s this about you raping my daughter?” Marie is awake and hears the question. I hand her the phone, saying, “Here, darling, it’s your father, he’s wanting details on the rape.” Sarai is awake and looking at me with a worried expression. I put my finger to my...

2 years ago
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When It All Goes Away

The screaming of tires on asphalt in a desperate attempt to stop, the sickening metal on metal crunch of two cars colliding headlong into each other. That’s what started my day. I knew as I jumped out of bed and threw on jeans and a t-shirt this was going to be bad. I could only mumble a hasty prayer to The God and Goddess as I headed out the door almost forgetting my shoes and everything else. Leaving the dog barking insanely in the living room, I sprinted for the hidden curve behind my...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits 3

Mitch left for class the next morning and as did I. Still excited and feeling great from the fantastic blow job I had just given my best friend the day seemed to drag on. His wonderful, thick cock in my wet, warm mouth was still on my mind. I constantly replayed the moment he came in my mouth over and over as I sat in my desk and pretended to listen to my professor. I hadn’t felt this good in months and the feeling seemed to be mutual. We texted back and forth in class trying to act like last...

3 years ago
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When I was a Dirty Girl touching my Pussy

Guys, again as with every story I write for you arousal, I still get men preferring to comment on some message to me, Please stop it, if you want to say thank Mariel, do so for others to see your appreciation of my work to please you, at the end of the story.Please enjoy, from the mind of a woman to the cock's of all men. Love Mariel. men like hearing a beautiful woman talk dirty, I know I do, especially when I am fucking, feeling a cock sliding in and out of...

1 year ago
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Finding BathshebaChapter 17

Sharon quietly polished the silverware. They'd needed it for a while, but it wasn't a task she particularly liked, so she usually waited until she had something on her mind. Then she could polish and think. This was one of those times. She glanced nervously at the clock, quietly wondering what was keeping Allison. She prayed that her youngest daughter didn't do anything rash. She thought back through the day, wondering what she could have done differently, what she could have done to...

1 year ago
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Coming Home Ch 02

When Ellen and Tom woke Sunday morning, they lingered in bed while the rain was still coming down. Both still sleepy eyed and reflecting on the night before, they were contented to lay in each other’s arms savoring every minute of being together almost afraid if either spoke it would break the spell and they would realize it was nothing more than a dream, a fantasy long lost in time. Tom rubbed Ellen’s back feeling the softness of her skin while the scent of her was as he remembered it like a...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e18 Petra Johnson 34

We open with a mini-montage of the architecture and beauty of the historic city of Cambridge. Universities, churches, museums, old houses ... We see a couple being taken for a romantic trip along the River Cam on a punt. There’s lots of people about, and it’s a beautiful sunny day (observant viewers may note that this establishing footage was taken from an old episode of Antiques Road Show). It’s a beautiful city. Then we slam cut to the inside of a large concrete and steel barn – where we...

1 year ago
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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 6 of 7 The Wedding Night

Author’s Note: This story is hard to categorize. Loving wife, group, threesome with a touch of bi. There’s not a lot of bisexuality, but there is some, so if this offends you please don’t read. On the other hand, if you’d like to see the illustrated version, drop me a line at _______________ ‘How exactly did you end up in bed with Jeff on our wedding night?’ ‘Not just Jeff…’ She flashed a mischievous smile in response to the incredulous look on my face. The idea of Carol sleeping with my...

4 years ago
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Stop Watch GenesisChapter 3

I eased myself into bed beside the sleeping girl, sighing happily as I felt her smooth and cool skin against me. I slid my arm under her large t-shirt and around over her waist - tightening my grip over her taut stomach and pushing my face into her slender neck; taking a deep breath of the sweet scent of her hair. Emily murmured sleepily as she began to awaken; stirring her body languidly against mine in a most pleasing manner. I felt her muscles tense when she realised she wasn’t alone in...

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The Naughty Little Boy

The Naughty Little Boy by Eric There once was a naughty little boy who lived all alone with his single mother. His Mommy had told him that his daddy was a bum (whatever that was) and had deserted them when he was two. A bum wasn't a good thing to be Tommy guessed. His Mommy was the most beautiful Mommy in the world ? his Mommy told him so herself. And his Mommy never lied. She told him that, too. His Mommy worked as a model. She made lots of money, his Mommy told him that,...

4 years ago
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Woodstock Era Memories

There were many other high school friends, guys and gals. These guys were not on the football team and the gals were not cheerleaders. One friend was Pat, an Italian kid like myself, he was from Grandview. Of my high school guy friends, Pat was the most involved, successfully involved, in the rock and roll music scene. Pat was a talented bass guitar player, he was in popular local bands and he was making money playing music – a lot more than any of us ever made from playing football. In...

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hotel party

I got an invite to a party a "friend" i met online was throwing. I went to his house parties before but this time it was in a hotel.I put on a very short frilly black dress long brown wig, makeup 4" high heels, crotchless suntan shiny pantyhosei arrive at the hotel and get a cel phone text with room number and a message to use side door its open and come right up to room. im happy I dont have to pass the front desk. I go to side door and go to elevator. As i get in a couple enter...

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Sexploits vol6

so im coming home from work one time, it was around 9.30pm. i get on the bus and see this slutty lookin woman sat at the back with a few cans of cider. i was only 19 myself and i guessed she was around 30 even tho she sed she was 27. anyway we got chattin and it turned out she lived a few stops on from where i was gettin off. an older guy who worked with me was on the bus also earwigging and understandably jelos wen she asked me 2 stay on 2 hers. agreeing we arrived at her street wen she sed...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 83 Honeymoon Part I

December, 1985, Stockholm, Sweden My wives and I were standing in line, waiting for passport control at Arlanda Airport in Stockholm after a smooth, on-time flight from Chicago. We’d convinced the stewardess to let the three of us use two seats most of the flight, except during meals and take-off and landing. That allowed the three of us to alternate cuddling, though despite several nudges by Kara to try to make it happen, I wasn’t able to bring either of my wives into the ‘Mile High...

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SixMile High Club chapter 6

After calling his Dad, Michael picked up a large Frappuccino at Starbuck's. He should have bought Starbuck's stock when the price was low, he thought. While waiting for his Dad he drank the icy coffee drink, which brought back thoughts of the beach at Santa Monica and lazy summer days. He sat and watched the people going about their business, knowing that the remainder of the trip would probably be rather dull, without Miyoko. It was difficult to believe how much he already missed...

4 years ago
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The Art Science of LoveChapter 7

Real Estate open houses have two purposes. The first is to convince the sellers that the agent is doing something to market their house. The second is to get leads and new clients that are usually sold other houses. Only rarely—less 1% of the time—does an open house result in the sale of the property that is being shown. So it was logical that on the one weekend that I'm too self-absorbed to sit at my own opens, a rookie agent with no listings of her own would clinch a deal for the house I...

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NuruMassage Alex More Kendra Lynn Janitor In The Tub

Kendra Lynn is manning the phones at work. The day has been slow and no one has booked an appointment yet. When Alex More walks into the reception area, Kendra can’t believe how sexy she looks in her red lingerie. Alex asks if anyone’s coming in, but Kendra informs that that’s not the case. Unable to keep their hands to themselves, the girls figure that maybe they could kill some time together. The girls lean on the front desk and start kissing, Alex starts playing with...

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BangbrosClips Lana Rhoades Neglected Lana Rhoades Gets Fucked By An Intruder

Lana keeps getting ignored by her busy man and had about enough. While she’s texting her friends about this BS and intruder breaks into the house and finds this sexy ass right in front of him. As he grabs her he notices that she doesn’t freak out and better yet that she’s smiling maybe because she finally gets some excitement in her life. She bends over more and lets the guy touch her all over, he even got to lick her pussy and got a bj. This lucky guy got more than what he wanted. She takes...

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Running Away Prt 3

Alyx awoke to the sounds of huffing and puffing. He lazily rolled over to discover the usual warm flesh gone. Opening one eye Alyx looked towards the sounds to see Kristel stuffing the last bit of their belongings into a duffel bag. Alyx sat up yawning and stretching. Kristel jumped onto the bed and kissed him deeply. "I must confess this has been a glorious past three days. I never knew I could feel like I do." Alyx smiled widely. "I'm glad I could make you feel that way. I must admit your...

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Emotional factor

I’m 26 years living in Pune. I came to this place when I was 18. After completing my 12th, i came here for doing my b. tech. As my father is a rich man, he bought me a 2 bed room flat so that i may be able to live and study quietly in my own disciplined manner. I don’t know why he bought me this two bed room flat. But he may want me to know that how to live in the society. He thought being rich and all was making me one of those like spoilt kids of the rich. Any ways life continued and my dad...

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Meri Girlfriend Uske Chacha Se Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, mera nam ajit h,mai apko aj ek sacchi kahani btane ja rha hu, jo mene apni akhon se dekha, meri gf ka nam anjali h uski height 5’3″ h or dikhne m sunder h size 34 28 34 hai , baat ush dinn ki jab uske ghar koi nahi tha …Uske parents ghar se bahar 2 dinn ke liye gaye hue the ghar per koi ni tha , uski mummy jate samay ushe bol ke gayi thi ki hum 2 dinn baad aynge tujhe darr lge toh teri frnd ko bula lena raat m rukne k liye ,,,anjali ne mujhe bola ki ghar wale sab chale gaye h ap kb...

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Neighbor girl

Sorry if this has typos or is not quite a smooth read. It was a late night, quickly typed story with no spell checker, and no proof read. Enjoy the first story I have ever written, anywhere. I used to notice her on the bus in elementary school, staring at me. Blonde hair not always combed, slightly dirty face now and then, clothes not always clean and she often looked like she dressed herself. But she was still cute as heck, well kempt or not. Thinking back to this time when I was 11...

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Twinning 2

"What are you doing?" I asked with a sly smile. "I don't think you're hungry for that." She said as she winked at me. "Then, oh wise sister of mine, can you tell me what I'm hungry for?" She put down her slice of pizza and walked away from the counter while slowly licking each finger clean. I could feel my pants getting tighter. I looked down and saw that I was starting to get hard. She was walking towards me. Kelly ran her hand down my chest and to the top of the waistband...

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After the WarChapter 13 Mrs The Honourable Sandra Harries

While Lady Jane Johnson was having an extraordinarily pleasant time being raped by her captor, three doors down the corridor Mrs. the Honourable Sandra Harries was not enjoying acting as a comfort woman for Brigadier Röttgen. His requirements were broadly similar to those of the Colonel, a naked female to fuck and sodomise, with interludes of fellatio. Unfortunately for both of then, Sandra was fastidious and while allowing herself to be penetrated vaginally and anally without making any...

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My Dream Sex With My SisterInLaw

Hi to all and my name is James and I hail from Kottayam. I am married. This is an incident which happened between me and my sis-in-law Sil few months back. Now about my sil and she is 26 years with whitish complexion and has a figure of 36 30 32. She got married 2 years back and has no children. Her husband is abroad and she is staying with my in laws now from the time I got married I was very friendly with her and we used to talk about casual sex whenever we used to meet. That was in a...

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Tease 1

“Oooo, you like being teased!” Patrestice told me. Apparently she was right because she had me so hard that I began to leak pre-cum. While sitting in the passenger seat of her SUV, Patrestice helped me find out a lot of things about myself. With her squeezing and caressing my dick through my pants, I found that a little sexual teasing had turned me on more than ever before. The last time I was with her I told myself that would be the last time, but somehow I fell into her trap again. ...

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Vikki ndash My New Lodger

We were both feeling drained so decided to get some sleep and being the gentleman I am I allowed Vikki to go up the stairs first just in case she lost her footing and of course the bonus to that was I got a lovely view of her denim clad arse.As we got into the bedroom it soon became apparent that Vikki had nothing to sleep in and looked a little concerned, “Shall I sleep in my knickers daddy?” she asked as her shorts dropped to the floor and as nice as she looked in her black lace panties I...

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Katie and her Biology Teacher

The biology teacher looked very young from the outside, but in the inside, he is around 40. He is very short because of his addiction to coffee. His leatures were funny because he included funny jokes in them. Katie likes him as a good teacher. His name is Mr. Knight. As Katie did the worksheet Mr. Knight passed out, he walked up to her and told her to come afterschool. Katie was very confused, she was a straight A student, and a teacher has told her to stay afterschool for absolutely no...

2 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 16

Simonds drove in a state of near panic. It took all of his self- control not to accelerate wildly when he saw two patrol cars scream past him going the other way. He watched the flashing lights vanish into the distance. He wondered if they were heading to Quince's house. Whatever the case, he had to dump the car as soon as possible. He was now heavily implicated in the murder of eight policemen and Quince's thugs who had replaced them. Despite the misgivings he had about taking the virus,...

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