Choices Ch. 02 free porn video

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My thanks to my editor adetaildiva. Without her this would be a poorer story. After her any errors are mine.


Dan and I were out on the golf course in Tennessee one gorgeous September Saturday. ‘Jack, how much do you exercise? You’re always so trim. Even when I was your age, I don’t think I was that trim.’

‘Well, I run for an hour six days a week and I lift weights twice or three times a week, depending. Why do you ask?’

‘I just had my annual physical and the doctor is on me to get more exercise and lose some of this.’ Dan grabbed a roll of fat on his side. Kathy had always described him as heavyset, but I was sure he could lose 25 or 30 pounds and not miss an ounce.

‘You need to talk to Linda about not being such a great cook, but I can help you get started on an easy exercise plan. We can start with walking and go from there.’

‘Would you, Jack? I’d really appreciate it.’

Unfortunately, I should have started with Dan a year ago. I came home one afternoon in October to a very grave Faith. ‘Jack, Dan had a heart attack and died. Maybe you should call your sister-in-law.’

I was stricken again. Over the last eighteen months Dan had become a very good friend. But I really felt sorry for Linda: first to lose her older daughter and now her husband of thirty years, all within five months.

Dan’s funeral was hard. The grass on Kathy’s grave had not grown in completely and now there was another bare patch beside it. Bobby and I stayed for three more days. This time it was me packing Dan’s clothes, making lists and delivering boxes.

‘Jack, I’d like to come down and visit.’ Thanksgiving weekend Linda was calling. I had called weekly after Dan’s funeral, but had not asked her to come back down yet.

‘Sure, Linda, Bobby and I would love to see you again.’ She came down for two nights that week and again just before Christmas to bring Bobby his presents. Two more visits were scheduled in January.

At the beginning of February, I learned that I was being reassigned to the Pentagon. I told Faith and Linda that Bobby and I would be moving in June.

‘Jack, I’ve got a suggestion.’ Faith and I were having dinner after a visit from Linda in March.


‘Linda is lonely and doesn’t know what to do. She’s afraid that you’ll go to Washington and she’ll never see Bobby again.’

‘That’s crazy! Bobby loves her. I love her almost like my own mother.’

‘Ask her to move to Washington with you and be your live-in nanny and housekeeper.’

I had been worried about finding a nanny like Faith in Washington. This would be a great solution. ‘Do you think she would do it? It would make Bobby feel better to have somebody he knows living with us and taking care of him.’

I called Kathy’s sister, Marguerite, and talked with her. She lived in Chattanooga with her husband of two years. She thought it would great for Linda to have something to do. We agreed to help her store her furniture and rent out the house if she wanted to.

‘Linda, this is Jack.’ My mother had drilled me on phone manners. Even though I knew Linda would recognize my voice, I always introduced myself on our weekly phone calls. We talked about the ordinary events of the week: Bobby’s pre-school work, Linda’s book club.

‘Linda, I’m really going to miss Faith. I don’t know that I’ll find anyone in Washington who can help me like she has.’

‘I’ll miss seeing her, too. Of course, I’ll miss seeing you and Bobby more.’

‘Linda, I’ll just ask you straight out. Would you consider coming to Washington with us? I’d pay you just like I do Faith and Bobby would love to have you around.’

‘Jack, I’d love to! But what would I do with the house?’

‘Marguerite and I discussed that. She thinks you could put your stuff in storage and rent it out for a few years. Of course, you would want to take some of your things to Washington.’

‘Oh, Jack, this will be so great! But I couldn’t take any money from you. I’d just like to be there with Bobby, and you and I get along so well.’

‘Linda, I know that Dan left your finances in good shape. Paying you would just be recognition of what you do for us. I know it’d be like pin money to you but I’d feel wrong if you didn’t take something. I’d also set you up with a joint account with me so you could have money for grocery shopping and everything.’

‘I was so afraid that you’d go off and I’d only see Bobby a time or two a year.’

‘Linda, no matter what, we won’t keep you out of our lives.’ I could tell she was crying a little bit. ‘Why don’t we schedule a house hunting trip sometime soon?’

By the first of May, Linda was living with me in Columbus. She had stored away most of her household goods, except for her bedroom furniture and several boxes of knickknacks, photo albums and some kitchen utensils. Those items were waiting in a container in Chattanooga for our trip to DC. She had already gotten a renter who would move into her house in June.

My house in Columbus did not have a renter yet. I felt sure that as soon as a new crop of lieutenants started arriving at Fort Benning around the first of July that I would have a renter. It was the perfect size for a young couple like Kathy and I had been.

Linda, Bobby and I moved the week after Memorial Day. We moved to a new house in a young subdivision in Northern Virginia. I would have about a half-hour’s drive to the Pentagon. Bobby would only be a mile from his school in September. Linda began meeting the neighbors and fitted in immediately.

The third week in August I took Bobby to his first day of school. He was excited to be in a ‘real’ school instead of the day care center where he had had kindergarten. I managed to deliver him to his room and say hello to his teacher. I barely made it out to my car before I broke down crying. I was crying because Kathy wasn’t there to do this. Bobby would never see his mother’s eyes glisten as she buttoned up his coat or packed his lunch.

The week after Labor Day Bobby brought home a note about Parent-Teacher Night at his school. I dutifully showed up the next week. I vaguely remembered meeting Nan Baker the first day of school. She was looking for me when I came in.

‘Hello. I’m Bobby Williams’s father, Jack Williams.’

‘Yes. I remember meeting you when you brought Bobby in. Are you new in the area?’

‘We just moved up from Columbus, Georgia. I’m stationed at the Pentagon.’

‘Wow! I’m impressed.’

‘Don’t be. They use majors at the Pentagon for coffee boys. I get to make coffee for Training and Readiness.’

‘You’ll have to tell me more about that some time.’ She put her hand on my forearm below the short sleeve of my uniform blouse. Her violet eyes were looking directly into my eyes without blinking.

‘Maybe we can catch a cup of coffee together later. I won’t even make you fix it.’ Her eyes were laughing at me now.

‘I dunno. I’ve gotten pretty good with the grinder. You don’t know what you’re missing.’ I felt relaxed in a woman’s presence for the first time since Kathy died.

‘I’ve got a good idea of what I’m missing.’ Her eyes scanned my body from top to bottom. I had a sudden impression of a stalking lioness as her golden mane flipped around her head.

‘Good evening, everyone. I’m Nan Baker. I apologize for the seating arrangements.’ She looked directly at me and winked while I squirmed in my 6-year-old’s desk. ‘I’ll make this quick and then I can talk with you individually afterwards. I’m in my third year here at Taylor. I did my internship here from Georgetown and liked it so much I bought the school.’

Everybody chuckled. ‘They liked me so I applied and was accepted. Last year I taught third grade but the year before I taught first.’

Her words faded into the background as I appraised her body. A line from the musical, South Pacific, popped into my head:

Where she’s narrow she’s
narrow as an arrow,

And she’s broad where a broad should be broad.

‘… so I think that we’ll have a good year.’ As I returned from Pluto, she was smiling at me again.

I had been out of the game for awhile, but Nan had been flirting. I was comfortable with Nan, but I still felt guilty when I thought of leaving Kathy behind.

‘Jack, I’d like you to meet someone.’ Linda was speaking to me the following weekend after church. ‘Jean, this is my son-in-law, Jack Williams. As I told you he’s a major serving at the Pentagon. Jack, this is Jean Marlowe. Jean works for Health and Human Services as a policy analyst.’

‘Jean, I’m glad to meet you.’ Linda was slowly introducing me to all the single women at the Episcopal church where she had insisted we go. This was the fourth or fifth one. Jean was slim and tall with a terrific smile. I still didn’t feel ready to start dating again. Nevertheless, as a dutiful son (in-law) I made small talk.

I learned that Jean had a six-year-old daughter. I looked around and Jean pointed out Rebecca as the brown-haired girl that Bobby happened to be chasing around the parish hall.

‘Like father, like son,’ was the lame jest I came up with.

We continued to talk politely, but I was leery of Federal employees. I felt they were usually liberals, especially those whom I had met so far in the DC area. Suddenly Jean cut through the polite banter.

‘You know, my dad served in Vietnam.’

‘Really?’ This had come out of nowhere so I wasn’t sure where the conversation was going.

‘In the Marines. He always thought the Pentagon, Johnson and Nixon screwed things up. But he really hated the protestors. He’s glad we haven’t seen many of them this time around.’

‘Well, there’s a few, but dozens not thousands.’

‘At least we didn’t elect the Protestor-In-Chief.’

This woman had intelligence, but I still wasn’t ready for the singles scene again.

Monday through Friday I get up at 5:30 and go for an hour-long run. On Saturdays I allow myself the luxury of sleeping until 8 before running. The next Saturday I woke at 7. I tried to get back to sleep but I couldn’t. Finally, about 7:30 I trotted out of the house.

At 8:30 I walked in the back door and up the stairs to shower and dress. Linda was in the guest bathroom with the door open. She didn’t see me, but I saw her. Standing in front of the sink in bikini panties and nothing else, she didn’t look like she was in her fifties. I couldn’t see any lines on her face or any bags under her eyes. The reason was that all my eyes would focus on were her breasts.

They were beautiful. Their skin was softly white with just a hint of blush that was Linda’s normal coloration. The pair swung slightly back and forth as she leaned toward the mirror. I saw her left breast in full silhouette. Suspended over the sink, it seemed a perfect teardrop shape waiting to fall into someone’s lucky mouth. A dusky pink nipple was soft in repose surrounded by a slightly darker pink areola. My fingertips tingled as I imagined the smooth skin sliding under my touch and then the nipple erecting as my thumb teased the textured protrusion.

I froze with one foot on the top stair and one foot on the next riser down. I felt impelled to reach out and caress those luscious orbs. Before my arm started to move, I came to my senses and backed quietly down the stairs.

Linda was not expecting me back for another half hour. I went outside and waited several minutes while the erection that had sprung up subsided. I came back in closing the door a little loudly and singing a marching song. About five seconds after I came into the kitchen, I heard the bathroom door close upstairs.

I started a pot of coffee. Linda appeared in a few minutes wearing her bathrobe.

‘You’re back early.’

‘Something woke me and I couldn’t get back to sleep so I left to run a little bit before normal.’

‘Well, thanks for making the coffee. Next week I’ll start it as soon as I get up.’

That night I lay in my bed and remembered those beautiful mounds. I was embarrassed at my reaction, but I couldn’t forget that vision. My erection sprang up again in a few seconds. In this situation I could take care of it properly. Since I hadn’t had any sexual partner in almost two years except Ms. Rosie Palm, all it took was about ten strokes to fill the Kleenex.

As I dropped off to sleep, I decided that maybe it was time to get back into the world.

Monday on the way home I reviewed my options. The only person who stood out was Bobby’s teacher. After supper I approached Linda. ‘Would it be okay for me to go out Saturday night?’

‘Sure, Jack. Who’re you going with?’

‘I don’t know yet. I wanted to check with you before making any commitment. Probably just a friend.’

‘A lady friend?’

‘Uhh, yeah. I thought maybe a little dinner and conversation.’

‘Is that what they call it these days? Go ahead. I’ll be happy to stay with Bobby.’

I blushed a little seeing the twinkle in her eyes and took the phone into the study.

‘Hello?’ A woman’s voice that I didn’t recognize answered the phone. Would I recognize Nan’s voice after one meeting almost two weeks ago? Should I assume it was Nan? Remember my telephone manners.

‘This is Jack Williams. Is Nan Baker there?

‘Just a minute.’ [background] ‘Nan, there’s this dreamy voice on the phone for you. (giggle)’

‘Hello. This is Nan.’

‘Nan, this is Jack Williams. I met you at Bobby’s Parent-Teacher Night.’

‘Yes, I remember you. What can I do for you Mr., sorry it’s Major isn’t it, Major Williams.’ She was talking to me as if I were her father. Maybe this was a mistake. She had just been friendly, not flirting at all. Oh well, why waste a phone call without trying.

‘If we could get from Major Williams to just Jack, I’d like to take you to dinner Saturday night.’

‘Well, Just Jack, that would be very nice. I’d like to go to dinner with you.’

‘Why don’t I pick you up about seven? Maybe afterwards we’ll drive to the Reflecting Pool and cheer the submarine races.’

‘If you’re in the Army, wouldn’t that be cheering for the wrong team?’

‘Nah. My grandfather was in the Coast Artillery during World War II. I’ll just shoot at any submarine I see. I will need directions to your place though.’

Saturday evening it was drizzling off and on. I had suggested going to the Reflecting Pool to indicate that if dinner finished early then we might do something else together. Now with the bad weather I didn’t have another idea to suggest. I carried an umbrella up to her apartment door.

Nan was wearing a light blue camisole with a navy blue skirt and a medium blue sweater around her shoulders. The camisole material was heavy, but the jiggling beneath the material was very interesting.

‘Jack, come in a sec and meet my roommate. Cass, this is Jack Williams. He’s the father of one of my students.’

‘Glad to meet you, Cass. Do you teach with Nan?’

‘No, we’re good friends from college. I’m an analyst with the DHS office in Falls Church.’

‘Nan, I told you my Arab friends were on the up-and-up. I don’t want to be investigated.’ I smiled.

‘I won’t let Cass investigate you. On the other hand, I might like to conduct that investigation, especially if it involves a strip search.’

I blushed. I must be really getting old. I thought that remark was really bold, and I was surprised at such banter this early in the game. Perhaps my stereotype of elementary school teachers needed updating.

Nan pressed close to me under the umbrella. She wrapped one arm around mine and I could feel her boob rubbing my triceps. ‘Brrr, I’m glad I wore this sweater. The rain has made it chilly out,’ Nan continued our conversation as I held the car door for her. The navy skirt rose to give me a glimpse of a toned and tanned thigh that needed to be next to my ear. A glan
ce at the camisole confirmed that it was chilly out.

The dinner conversation continued delightfully with many double-entendres from both of us as I got into the swing of things. Nan was familiar with the restaurant that I had picked and after we finished our entrees she suggested sharing a hot fudge sundae for dessert.

‘Want it?’ Nan had picked up the cherry from the mound of whipped cream.

‘Are you willing to give it to me?’ I had gotten good at this game.

‘Stick out your tongue and let’s see if it’s long enough.’

‘I’m longer than anybody when I’m horizontal.’ I extended my tongue straight out. She put the cherry as far back on my tongue as she could, but held on to the stem. I closed my mouth. As she pulled the stem out, she brushed her fingertips across my lips.

‘Want some whipped cream?’ I extended my spoon towards her.

‘I love whipped cream but it has to be fresh. Right from the dispenser and down my throat.’ She made an exaggerated swallowing motion as she took the cream from the spoon.

‘Missed a drop.’ A little dab rested on the corner of her mouth. I scooped it onto my finger and held it towards her. She grabbed my wrist and pulled the finger into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around my finger as she sucked the cream off.

‘Wow! You’re good.’

‘I never waste a drop.’

‘Still raining!’ After paying the check, we were gazing into the parking lot preparing to walk to the car. ‘I was hoping we could take a nice walk on the Mall and continue this conversation. I noticed a bar near your place, O’Malley’s? Want to go there and get another glass of wine?’

‘Cass was going out with some friends. We could go back to my place and talk there. I’ve got wine or you could make us some coffee.’ She laughed lightly.

As soon as we entered her apartment, Nan discarded the sweater. Her arms still had the light bronze glow of a summer tan. As I watched her fiddle with the coffee makings, the bobbling and swaying of her breasts made it obvious that she was braless. She handed me my cup and directed me from the kitchenette to the couch in the main room.

‘Go ahead and sit, Jack. I’ll be there as soon as I get out some biscotti.’

She came out a minute later carrying her coffee and a small tray of cookies. Putting her coffee down on the end table opposite from me, she moved to the other side of the coffee table. She bent from the waist and placed the cookie tray down.

The camisole gaped away from her body. Her nipples snuggled into the material, but a beautiful expanse of skin was on display. The same golden tan as her arms pointed to the conclusion that she tanned topless. After what seemed like minutes but was only a few seconds, she stood back up and moved around to the couch.

She sat down and then twisted sideways lifting one knee onto the cushion. Then she lifted her other knee up also being remarkably careless about how her skirt draped during this maneuver. I was now sure that her panties matched the camisole.

As I jerked my eyes upward, I was sure she would have seen where I was looking. Instead she was studiously stirring the cream into her coffee.

‘Tell me about your grandfather in the Second World War.’ Where had that come from? Oh, yeah, back when I asked her for a date.

‘Well, he was an interesting old guy. He was in the Reserves and got shipped off to Panama in early ’42. Didn’t come back until almost ’45. He told me when he first got down there he was put on an island with 400 other guys. They were on the Pacific side looking for Japanese submarines. Never saw one of course, but for 30 days they enjoyed desalinated water and C-rations. Then they got rotated back to the mainland. As he put it, 400 guys who hadn’t seen a beer or a broad for 30 days. Not much of a prize for guessing what happened next.’ We talked casually through the first cup of coffee.

‘How about another cup,’ she asked.

‘Sure.’ We both wandered into the kitchen. She took my cup and turned to pour more coffee. Now or never, I moved behind her. Putting my hands at her waist, I lightly kissed her neck Oh lord, the scent of her perfume and shampoo. I moved my feet back a half-step so she wouldn’t notice my immediate reaction, but I couldn’t resist starting to nibble around to her ear.

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Laura packed up her things and left work. She slung her bag over her shoulder, and headed out door. Just like every other Thursday evening, off to the train for her ride home. The first thing to catch her attention was the limo parked right outside the door. The second thing was the man in the tuxedo holding a sign reading "Laura". "Can I help you?" she said, glancing around looking for an explanation. "You must be Laura, I'm here to pick you up." "Why ... who sent you?" "I can't...

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Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee's dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped down, exposing one bare...

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Tammy got up from the breakfast table and went to the back door of the house. I felt my stomach sink, knowing what was coming. She opened it and stepped aside, her arm extended to the outside, palm up. She looked at me and my heart began hammering. ‘Get out,’ she said plainly. Her voice was soft and even, and I instantly measured it against the first time she had said them, the harsh way she’d spat the words. ‘Get out now, or stay,’ she finished. It was the choice. The same choice she gives me...

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She awoke from bad dreams into worse.  Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist.  Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart.  She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall.  Her jaw ached, forced open...

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Gotcha! By Donna Stevens "Nice outfit, Steve!" I froze as I heard the voice behind me. Natasha, my wife, who should have been out for the day, had returned after only half an hour. I could feel her eyes burning into me, but I didn't dare to turn around. My biggest fear, my secret, was out. My wife had just discovered that she was married to a cross-dresser and things would never be the same. "Wouldn't it be polite to look at me when I'm talking to you?"...

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Sports Day

“Hi Bob, are you leaving?” Josh asked me. I replied, “Yeah, I’m not playing that well tonight. So I’ll just go home.” I belong to a sports club and every week we get together to various different sporting games. There are quite a few members around thirty or so. Families come along as well as just singles, all friends here. Josh is the son of Alex. Alex is in her late forties and divorced. She has shoulder length blond hair and is a very pretty looking woman with a very nice figure. Not...

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BIKER TRAINing...My wife and I are members of a motorcycle club in Jackson.   As members of Apple City we enjoy the occasional charity activities, and social aspects of the club.  We have a trike, and some of the clubs frown on them, viewing them as not really motorcycles.  However, everyone at our local club is laid back and for the most part non-judgmental.  Our club is mostly made up of members from Jackson, Charleston, and a few from Columbus.Our club owns a pre-engineered building that we...

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The Bluebell girl

Have you ever seen a mountain meadow? There are well-manteined lawns where the grass is cut and collected with great effort by men and women accustomed to hard work, and wild meadows where the growing grasses interrupt the view. A green and yellow wall that conceals, protects. Who sits between this herb is isolated, the sounds muffled. You can lie and watch the clouds that cover the blue sky sea, as crazy boats. Breathing the fresh and pure air. Smiling at insects flying through your space in...

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The Tails of Master Tram Handler Chapter 6a 6b and 6c Reunited with a High School Slut

Chapter 6a I clearly was becoming infatuated by my parents sexual experiences and education. I was always looking for ways to find sexual experiences for myself. I had a lot of pretty interesting sexual experiences through the end of my high school career. Once I went to college I slowed down a little bit, I started dating a girl very seriously and we moved in together. My freshman and sophomore year of college were fairly uneventful sexually, as my live-in girlfriend somewhat restricted me...

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Bareback At The A B S

I have written a few stories here about my time spent at adult bookstores. Most of my visits are disappointing, either no one there or just no one I am interested in. When it comes to random hook ups, I am pretty picky. I won't just suck or fuck anybody!I was driving around running a few errands a few days ago, when realized I had some time to kill. The bookstore I usually go to wasn't too far away, so I figured I would stop by. I always hope to go and suck a nice cock or 2, but usually just...

2 years ago
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My Tenants Huge Cock Male Multiple Orgasms

As any 38 year old woman can tell you, there are times when you just want sex all the time. I am a horny lady who loves sex and need it almost every day. I am very orgasmic and love to masturbate. I have been doing this for most of my adult life. I have had several affairs when I was married, but since my husband could not keep pace with my sexual needs and desires, I have since divorced him.I have medium length brown hair and deep blue eyes. I am always being told that I look younger than my...

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My Didi Is A Perfect Whore

Hi guys. I am Rohit from BBSR. I live with my family (Mom, Dad & me). My elder sister married to an engineer 10 years ago. This story is about my didi cheating on jiju. At first, let me tell you about my didi. She is a perfect indian housewife with a damn sexy asset. She is so beautiful and looks very innocent. She is fair in colour. She has a perfect pair of 34D boobs. She wears deep neck blouses. So her cleavage is always visible. She has long black hair that touches her 38 size round ass....

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Hypno Slut 2

Hypno Slut 2 Kneeling there before him with my lips around his softening cock I was overtaken with a mix of emotions. I had never been so excited sexually in my life and even as his cock was softening I still wanted my lips around it. Something in the far reaches of my mind was telling me that this was not right and that I should be ashamed of this behavior. But I felt proud that I had made him feel so good and want me in this way. Suddenly I feel Michael's hand beneath my chin pull...

2 years ago
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(Aka: Battling semes and a lemon) For Mi-chan, because she asked, and I'd do anything for her. We meet for lunch, a quiet little sushi bar. You sit at the bar, I can see you from the big floor to ceiling windows as I stand on the street outside. Sunny day, even in the centre of Tokyo, and the sky is bright and clear. I wore the pale blue shirt that you're so fond of, with tight black leather trousers from my recent trip to America. A present to myself. I have my necklace on as I always do,...

3 years ago
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My Night with the Waitress Part 1 of the Night

I had been on the road all day and was tired. It was about 10pm at night, and snowing. I had been fighting the snow for hours as it came down in sheets. I came upon on this little diner with plenty of room to park my tractor and trailer. I hadn’t seen anyplace else in hours so I turned into the lot. I could tell it hadn’t been plowed since the snow started. I had to cut a path through the snow just to park. I got settled and looked over at the diner and only saw one car parked out front, but...

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Thank You Love

Kyle and I had the best relationship a couple could ever dream of having. We hadn't been dating more than a few months, but had known each other for years, which helped speed our relationship along. We met years before when my stepdad introduced us at a football party. At that time I was seventeen, married, and pregnant. Kyle was in his late twenties, also in a relationship, and was engaged. A few years later Kyle and I found more common ground. The relationships we had been in years before...

Love Stories
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Spanked by my Babysitter 2

Spanked by my babysitter 2  We had just got done watching a thriller outside In the living room that night. Lori decided to fall asleep on the couch. I laid in bed for an hour restless. I kept going to the bathroom.Then I decided toplay with myself and thinking about getting spankedand punished by Lori like I did the Friday before. I pulled my pajamas all the way down. The covers were also all the way down at the bottom of the bed.My mind drifted into the episode of last Friday night. I let my...

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Life of a footballer soccer

The year is 2018 you wake up. This being the most important day of his amateur career so far. The day he could finally put behind his "Amateur" tag and become professional just a few days after he turned 18 would be a dream come true. There were trials at the club with quite a few scouts coming to watch the young footballers play. Your family has travelled from Canada to England for work and this has given you opportunity to give you a chance to establish a career as a footballer. You reach the...

2 years ago
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The Enabler Chapter 4

“ Now go in the closet doggie, be a good White boy. Do as you are told. Be quiet so the big bad well hung black men don’t find you and decide to fuck you too.” She said with a wink. The closet was situated behind her bed. Venetian blind accordion doors that didn’t fully open sandwiched behind Mary’s bed. April had the identical set up behind her bed but with more respected space so the doors actually did open all the way. But Mary obviously brought her own bed and the dorm room style bed that...

4 years ago
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Surprise Bedfellows Part 2

by DarkRide Chapter 2 - Mike's Perverted Posts My life was turning upside down, for the second time this year. First covid, and now... my own son was having sex with his mom, my wife. And perverts on the internet where encouraging him. I couldn't believe what I was reading on the forum - it truly shocked me. hot4mom -- glad u all liked the vid of mom getting changed. i did like u said #nikkisDAD and pretended to be playing a game on my phone as i talked to her. she had no idea i was...

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Make Out With School Friend

Hi, everyone, this is Rohan ( name changed ). I’ve been reading stories on Indian sex story from quite a long time now. So, I thought of sharing my own incident. Hope you all like it. Telling you about me, I’m 5’10” with not so athletic body. This is an incident which happened to me when I was in college. Garima ( name changed ) was my school mate from class 1. But we never had many memories together as we were in the different group. After class 8, we both went to different school and we never...

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Bhai ki gand marta huva mom na dekha or mom ko be choda

Aik din maina raat main note keya ka chota bhai bed hila raha tha maina jab dhayan deya to pata chala vo to muth mar raha tha, mai vo room main akal sota hayin magar bed aik tha, maina usa pakar leya or bola ya kaya kar raha hai to vo dar gaya, maina usa kaha mai ya mom ko bataon ga jo um kar raha ho. Nahi bhai plz asa mat karna. Quain na karoon ya taree age hai in kamo kee? Sorry bahi ainda nahi karoon ga plz ap mom ko mat batana. Land to mara be khara tha maina socha quaina isee ko chodoon,...

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Ron You Bastard

My name is Shelly Cooper, nee Sterling, and I had the misfortune to have married Ronald James Cooper. Why misfortune? Because today, since I was off due to summer vacation, I decided to surprise my husband of 22 years with a treat for lunch ... me. We have been kind of stale in the boudoir lately. I'm not exactly sure why, but I thought a nooner would perk him up. Well I now know why we have been a little lacking at home. He is getting his quota at work. Let me explain a few things. First we...

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Email Across the Pond

Hi Janice I hope you are enjoying your new life in Canada. We all miss you a lot, but envy you as well if you know what I mean. LOL. I hope you have a bit of time as this may be a long email. Have so much to tell you. Fiona, Maddy and I miss you most, I think. The gang of 4 is now the gang of 3 and it's not the same without you. Anyway, I thought I would drop you a line to let you know of a sexy adventure Fiona and I had last weekend. But first, you remember Sandy, the shy girl in our class...

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Lost Part 5

Lost Part 5 Archibald Young Within two days, a pattern had appeared in Paul's new life at the Manor. He would awaken naked, or semi-naked in bed with Victor- either in Victor's bedroom, or in his own boy-whore's bedroom. Whether or not Victor's penis was already in Paul's anus as they slept, they would immediately have urgent sex together, and when each had taken their fill of the other, they would part- Victor to be about his very lucrative business, Paul to return to sleep in...

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RachelChapter 4

Rachel left Mel with me, or should I say, in my company, while she went to shower after dinner, and she re-appeared wearing her tee shirt and panties, and that caused Mel to gasp in shock and blush prettily. Rachel was wearing one of her tees, which of course was shorter than my/her old one, and she had a pair of thin panties on, that really hugged her mons as she walked. As she walked into the living room, I, of course, pretended not to notice, but Mel sure did! Rachel had gone into a...

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Predator 1 Prey 0

She is a caring person.? She believes in the golden rule, and tries to do her part in making the world a better place.? But she also has a strong capacity for compartmentalization, and a deep craving to have a man in her life that she can hurt as intensely as she wishes, without worries about her safety or going to Hell.? She wants to do far more than merely hurt him, for hurt is usually temporary, disappearing all too soon.? She wants to permanently harm him, his mind, his essence, to...

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A wet sexy world

When I woke up, the sun was streaming in through the curtains. I was naked (as usual) in my dorm bed, facefirst in a pair of small boobs. They belonged to Natalie, a friend of my housemate Tracie who had come to visit. I could feel my dick, tucked up between her legs, growing harder at the sight as I instinctively began to kiss and touch Natalie's boobs. Sighing in pleasure at the feeling, Natalie sat up and stretched, smiling at me, presumably remembering the long fun session we'd had last...

Group Sex
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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 2

"Okay, Praetor," Amber called out with restrained exuberance at having something important to do once again. "All ahead – full power!" The great mass of the derelict ship floating beside them vanished from the view-screen as Amber, along with everyone else on the Phoenix III held on tightly, expecting to be thrown against whatever bulkhead was to the rear of the ship. "What's happening?" Tabatha asked from nearby. "I didn't feel anything. Did we launch?" Amber looked at the...

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Julian Part 3

I had laid awake for most of the night, waiting for the merciful release of sleep to relieve my racing mind. One of things not helping was the frilly nightdress that Sara had put me in - I was used to sleeping in just a pair of shorts so the constant rubbing of the trims against my bare legs and upper body made sure my situation was never far from my thoughts. Eventually though I had managed to doze off, but it was a sleep punctuated by hellish nightmares that now, as my eyes opened...

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Blacken Vacation

My two-week vacation had just begun alone in The Dominican Republic without my husband Carter. While I was happy to be on vacation, I couldn't really believe I was here without him.Our fight started when Carter came to me two days before we were to arrive in The Dominican. He nervously told me we would have to move our vacation because he needed to go on a business trip the same day we were to leave. The fight ended with me angrily telling him I was going without him.Here I was in my hotel...

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The Student Becomes The Master

I remember the day like it was yesterday, sitting in Miss B’s class getting on with my school work, when she wanders over to my desk, leans over in front of me, showing an ample amount of cleavage and says…“I had a dream about you last night”I sat there in stunned silence waiting for her to continue her story, trying to hold my gaze to her face and failing miserably, whilst becoming increasingly aware that the whole class had stopped what they were doing and now focused all their attention on...

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InterracialBlowbang Alexa Grace 07282016

If you’re familiar with the Dogfart Network, then you’re familiar with the world famous website. But a quick question: do you really think each girl gets lucky with a random black cock in the viewing booth right next to them? Enter Alexa Grace. She’s walking into an adult bookshop to buy the latest Dogfart DVD release. That’s it. Nothing else; however, our trusty clerk is looking out for his boys over in the video arcade. His goal is to get Alexa into that...

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Seducing Mom To Bed 8211 Part I

Cheers to all ISS readers, I am a big fan of ISS and love the way the site is dedicated for Incest stories. This is a personal incest experience that I had with my Mom, Rekha and would like to describe for the fellow mother fuckers/people intend to fuck their mom’s. My self Ganesh, I am 29 and married, I do give my wife a regular fuck and satisfy her to the core, but the lust for my mom keeps my dick up all the time, I am a person who loves the pussy and ass part of a woman, and would love to...

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Tecumseh Valley

Author’s note: This story is based on the song ‘Tecumseh Valley’ written by the late Townes Van Zandt. As far as I can tell, the song itself is fiction, this story certainly is. No characters in the story are based on any living or deceased person. It is set during a major recession in the US in 1880. Conditions portrayed in the story are as I imagine them to have been at that time and once again are fictional, as are the locations mentioned in the story, and probably in the song. Enjoy. *...

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Instant family Chapter 2 and 3

“No sign of your sister yet?” I asked, coming downstairs. Peter smiled around a piece of bacon he was devouring. “If her night was anything like mine, she’s probably still sleeping.” He replied with a smirk. “Why, what kind of night did you have?” A voice said from the top of the stairs. I was just sitting down, when Molly reached the bottom of the stairs, a puzzled look on her face, and not a stitch of clothing on. She had evidently showered, since her pretty red bush looked fresh and...

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Aprils GiftChapter 8

Ron scooped April off her feet and carried her the short distance to her bed. He set her on the mattress, lifted her glasses from her face and set them on the nightstand. Then he lay beside her. April pulled shut the curtains around the bed. “A little extra privacy,” she remarked. “Now, where were we?” Ron lay facing her. They kissed and he caressed her face. “I was telling you how much I love you.” “I know. You don’t have to say it because I feel it all the time I’m near you.” “But I like...

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