My Hot Mother free porn video

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My first sex experience with mom As an eighteen year old I was always horny. Every night, I would close my bedroom door, turn off the lights and slip into bed. I'd double check the volume on my phone was completely off, or very low if I was feeling a little daring (never headphones as they would block out external sounds like approaching footsteps) and then would spend the next several minutes looking for the perfect video to suit my fantasy at that moment.

My phone always lived in my right hand, the fingers from my left would always wonder over my body slowly with only a whisper of a touch. Sensually I would trace my fingertips delicately across my chest, my arms, and across my thighs. I relish those magic tingles. Always taking my time, slowly building up the tension through my body before my fingers find their way to their erect target.

The first touch is always electric. I love that strong shiver that rises through my body as my fingers graze my cock for the first time after a long, hard, busy day. My eyes would always be fixed to the screen, as I gently stroke the side of my cock that is not resting on my stomach. Every touch of my fingers would make my cock jump slightly and soon I will have no more fight to resist and wrap my fingers around my member and lift him to full attention.

Some days my fingers pump quicker than others, some days my eyes close, and I get lost in a fantasy; but it always ends the same way every day. My thighs start to shake, my asshole clenches, and a warm fuzzy feeling engulfs my pelvic region for an all to brief a moment. My fingers; tightly wrapped around my cock feel the throbbing and bubbling of cum rising from my balls up my shaft; and suddenly, the tip of my cock starts to convulse as squirts of thick cum fire up over myself. Most days the area around my cock is covered in a puddle of white cream; but other days my cum shoots further. I always tried to see how far I can fire; and always love to watch and feel myself spray all over my chest; my neck; or even occasionally my face.

I will never forget the day a thick creamy shot headed towards my mouth. Instinctively I separated my lips and felt the warm cream hit the side of my lips on the right side. My tongue quickly darted towards the sticky mess without thinking, and I had my first taste of my own cum.

From that day on I became more adventurous and often found myself feeding my hungry lips and tongue. The warm taste is incredible. There is something so naughty and forbidden about it that excites me beyond belief.


I am an only child; and I never knew my father. For this true story I am not going to mention any names, to protect our identities. My mother raised me without any help; and never married after her two-month whirlwind romance with my father fizzled out. The second he found out she was pregnant he disappeared and has never contacted us. When I turned nineteen a few months later something happened that I changed my future path. My mum was 43 but she really didn't look it. Today, three years later she still doesn't look her age. She has cute blonde curly hair which flows down past her shoulders. Her eyes are a striking blue, and her features are very delicate and pretty. When she smiles a small dimple appears on each cheek, and her nose flares in most infatuating way. Her lips are thick and juicy, but not too big; they suit her face perfectly. There is an aura about her that makes everyone fall instantly in love with her; and it's not just her amazing body. I often now believe the words head over heals were written with her in mind. At home she wears t-shirts most of the time without a bra underneath, which gives me a great view of her curves; especially when she wears my old t-shirt's. I live for the moments when I see that pinch of material around her breasts.

We had just moved to a new city, and didn't know many people in our new area, and she had been mistaken for my sister more times than I could count in the first few weeks, and occasionally even as my partner. I had a habit of winding my mum up and started playing along when people asked if she was my partner. She would get embarrassed and tell me off; but I soon noticed that her nipples would become more distinctly visible after I joked about the two of us.

I often spoke to mum about dating, she knew I was single, but she never told me too much about her personal life. She always promised I would be the first to know if anyone serious came along. I was always amazed that she was single, to me she is a complete perfect catch.

When walking through our new local shopping mall one day I came across an Ann Summers store. (For those of you who don't know, it's a chain store all over the UK that sells lingerie and adult toys.) More out of curiosity I found myself going into the store and left with my first sex toy. A fleshlite. For those of you who do not know what they are, do a quick google search! They are the male version of the dildo.

That evening I placed the toy at the bottom of my backpack and snuck it into the house. I then hid it underneath my bed. I was desperate to try it out immediately; but knew I should wait for a quiet moment, when I was home alone. I just had to wait until mum was fast asleep or until she went out for long enough for me not to get caught. I knew she would be back from work very soon, but I still took the opportunity to prepare myself for my first play. I shaved my pubic region completely until I was completely smooth; and took a hot shower.

Later that night I had no trouble keeping awake until my mum was sound asleep. I lay in bed with the lights out waiting until I was one hundred percent sure she was out. There is a bathroom between our two bedrooms, but luckily my mum is a heavy snorer and I could faintly hear her through the walls. I used the flashlight on my phone to unbox my new fleshlite. The instructions called on me to warm the silicon toy up in some hot water so I silently crept into the bathroom like a ninja and turned on the hot top as quietly as I could. The wait for the water to turn hot and fill the basin took only a couple of minutes; but the five-minute wait for the toy to warm up took an eternity.

A few minutes later I was lying on my back in my bed. My phone was positioned next to me under my duvet so I could use the light from the screen to aid my 'me time'. I had reread the instructions at least five times by this point and was confident I knew what to do. It was fairly simple enough to use -- warm it up in some hot water; use lots of lube; and then go crazy.

It was the first time I had ever used lube in my life; and it was the strangest feeling. It was cold but hot at the same time. My cock was throbbing and jumping to attention and there was a slight sensation that I can only describe as burning; but a good burning. The feeling of my rock-hard cock rubbing against the tip of the fleshlite was amazing; the feeling of my cock pushing itself into the fleshlite was out of this world. The inner bubbles and contours of the silicon stimulated every millimetre of cock, and It was incredibly warm and inviting. My phone screen had gone off, and for the first time in a while I didn't think about finding a video to watch. My hands tightly gripped the fleshlite case as I caught my breathe and slowly started masturbating myself with my new toy. The feeling was so engulfing that I felt like a king. Every time I slid the toy up, my cock jumped forwards, telling me it needed to bury itself back inside it. The toy was noisy, especially when I thrust my cock back inside. A whiz of air would sizzle out the end loudly, but I was enjoying myself too much to care about the noise risk at that point.

I didn't last very long the first time, and when I did cum it was like a volcano erupting. For the first time an orgasm took over my whole body, not just my pelvic region. The same warm fuzzy feeling I loved feeling around my cock flowed through my whole body for a second and I had to hold on tight with both hands to stop the fleshlite thrashing around over my throbbing cock. It took me a few seconds to realise I had been moaning out loud; I don't know for how long.

I quickly fell back to reality and was very happy to hear my mum still snoring away in her room. I grabbed a couple of tissues from my bedside table and wiped myself clean before pushing the toy under my bed and turning to sleep.


The next day I reached home from earlier than usual, and I knew my mum wouldn't be home for an hour or so. I quickly opened my backpack and pulled out the box the fleshlite had come in, from the bottom of my bag. My heart sank when I realised it was empty? WHAT?

I started to panic. Where was it?

I looked under my bed. Nope; wasn't there. Where was it?

I quickly opened every draw in my room, my wardrobe, pulled my bed away from the wall; knowing deep down it wouldn't be there. I had that sinking feeling in my stomach and my fingers began to tremble.

I did push it under the bed last night before going to sleep; that much I remember for sure; but if I didn't put it in my bag in the morning, and it is not still under the bed where was it?

I franticly started searching the house and my car, trying to retrace my steps but no luck. My head was burning with guilt, embracement and fear, and before I knew it my mum walked through the front door. I had a look of a deer caught in headlights and my mum just looked at me for a moment. She didn't look mad at me at all, nothing seemed wrong; she was smiling like usual.

"Hey sweetie; everything okay?" She asked me. I pretended everything was fine and I apologised for not cooking already like I had promised to. She told me she would take care of it; and I should go wash up.

My mum wasn't acting weird, but what if she found it? What if she moved it? Did she know what it was? No, she couldn't have. It was in a black case and could easily be mistaken for a pencil case or a torch. Even if she saw had taken off the lid, she wouldn't know what it was; would she?

I took a cold shower that lasted for an eternity and came back to my bedroom to get dressed. That's when I noticed the bottle of lube sitting on my windowsill. I had definitely not left that there...


After a very quiet dinner, where I kept focussing on the surface crack on the left of my dinner plate, my mum called me over to the living room and pulled me in to join her on the sofa. This wasn't anything out of the ordinary for us. We always sat together on the sofa to watch our favourite television shows, or to catch up on each other's day. The Sofa was our place.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?"

I didn't answer her; but I felt that sinking feeling in my stomach again. I felt a sudden urge to break into tears and had to squint to hold them back. She immediately hugged me, fearing something was very wrong, but I instinctively recoiled away and looked towards the black television screen. I knew she knew. She had clearly moved the lube, and she must have also moved my new fleshlite, and I didn't know what to do.

"Sweetie look at me please!" she pleaded. Not angrily at all. It wasn't the tone of voice she used when I was in trouble; it was more concern and curiosity. A typical mother's worry. I felt like I needed to run; but also felt grounded to the sofa. I couldn't feel my legs.

Eventually I slowly looked up towards her and the first thing I noticed was her two erect nipples beneath my old high school t-shirt. My eyes lingered there for too long of a moment and I mumbled the words I'm sorry.

"Honey, why are you so upset? What are you sorry about?"

My eyes watered at this point and I didn't say a word for several seconds. In fact we both stayed silent for a couple of minutes.

The piercing silence was ended by her revealing words, delivered in a timid, hushed voice. "Is this because I found your toy?"

Our eyes met for a brief moment before I looked away hurriedly. I was dying of embarrassment. Not only had my biggest fear come true; but she was talking about it.

A few seconds later I nodded and tried to mutter an apology. If only I had held my composure, if only I was not acting so panicked and so upset. If only I had kept my cool this wouldn't be happening. Why was I so emotional?

"Honey please don't get upset." Her words flowed through a hoarse whisper. "It's perfectly normal and nothing to be embarrassed about."

I started to berate myself, saying it wasn't normal, and begging her to please forgive me. I told her there was clearly something very wrong with me, I was stupid, I was sick.

My mum took me in her arms and this time I didn't fight back as she hugged me. Her embrace comforted me like it always did, but I also consciously felt her breast against my right shoulder and became distinctly aware of her nipple grazing against my upper arm.

"Honey, honestly don't worry. It's perfectly normal. Everybody masturbates. It's nothing to be worried or scared about. I just feel so sorry your dad was never here to talk to you about these things. Wanting sex is a perfectly natural part of life."

I couldn't stop my tears flowing down my cheeks at this point. I felt disgusted. How could I have let my mum find out? When I pulled away I realised my tears had made her t-shirt wet, and now I could see the imprint of her nipples through the wet patch perfectly clearly.

"Come with me sweetie." She said as she stood up and grabbed my hand. I wanted to pull my hand back but I couldn't. She let me upstairs. Where was she taking me? What was going on? My heart was racing a million miles a second and I didn't know what to think, what to do or what to say. She led me towards her bedroom, and I stayed in the door frame as she walked towards her bed and sat down. My eyes kept shutting to try and block everything out, but I heard her open her bedside draw.

"Sweetie, come have a look." This time her voice trembled a little and I opened my eyes and she had pulled out a small black shoebox from her bedside draw. I approached the bed slowly, as she opened the box.

"Look sweetie. I didn't want you to ever see these, but I can see how much this is upsetting you." I step closer, I see a few blue pouches perfectly lined up in the box. It reminded me of every other surface in the house; perfectly organised. I sit down next to my mum awkwardly shifting on the spot as my mum continues. "These ones." A brief pause as my eyes flicker to hers, but her eyes are firmly avoiding my gaze. "These ones are mine."


Wait what?

All of a sudden my mind changes direction. The conversation was no longer about me. It was now all about her. My tears felt like they not only stopped in their tracks, but reversed.

Her voice faulters once again as she pulls out one of the blue pouches and unzips one. My eyes follow out of curiosity as the zip opens up and reveals something red and long that looks like a similar consistency of jelly. It takes me a second to realise it was a huge dildo. I look at it for a moment before I pull away my gaze in disgust once again and looked piercingly at the wall. "Honey, masturbating is normal. See even I do it. It really isn't a big deal okay? It really shouldn't upset you like this? We are both the same me and you -- in fact everyone is! Don't let it get to you okay?"

I don't remember what I said next, but I was soon back in my room, on my bed, staring into the emptiness of the ceiling of my room. Even though my mum tried to be strong and parent the situation appropriately things had gone out of control. I was fairly sure she was feeling as hot headed as I was at that moment in time, and I wouldn't be surprised if she was also staring into the emptiness trying to decipher what just happened.


For the next couple of days my mum tried to talk to me many times, but I kept brushing it off pretending I was okay. I knew deep down I was no where near okay, and she clearly wasn't either. As the days flowed into a week, I stopped obsessing about my mum finding my toy, but I couldn't get her toy out of my head. The maternal shroud of perfection had vanished. My mum was no longer just my mum. She was like any and every other woman. The sexual side of me had been exposed to her, and equally her carnal animalistic side had been scarred to my mind.

Why did she have to show me those? Why did she have them in the first place?

After beating myself up emotionally for the longest time, somehow my brain connected the dots that the more you know about something you less you fear it. I had to remember she was only human after all. On Friday night, before my mum came home from work, I entered her room and quietly opened the black shoe box from her bedside draw. My hands were sweating, and I could feel my head turning red. I stared at the six blue pouches inside the box and after a few minutes of plucking up the courage, I picked one up. I slowly unzipped it, and a big black dildo jumped out the pouch into the air and proceeded to bounce off the bed onto the floor. The pouch had been slightly too small for the long black thumper.

I reached to pick it up so I could put it away, but for some reason I couldn't let go of it. My mind was spinning. My eyes were fixated on the tip. This dildo had been inside my mother. My mum had been using this to pleasure herself. She had been thrusting it in and out of herself. She had probably cummed all over it several dozen times. She had probably been using it while I was asleep in the next room. Was she masturbating at the same time as me every night? Did she wait till I was out the house? Did she wait until she was all alone in the house; lock the doors; fill herself a glass of wine; turn on some music, and then open her draw and select a perfect toy for her mood.

I noticed a few water marks of dried up liquid around the top half and I stretched out my fingers towards them, caressing them gently. I slowly angled the dildo upwards, pushing it between my palms, and before I knew it the tip of the dildo was only an inch away from my mouth.

I stopped myself at the last moment and forced myself to put it back into the zipped pouch. As I reached to put the pouch back into the box, I noticed a small silver metal piece at the bottom of the shoe box. It was about two inches long and perfectly silver. I instantly remembered seeing one in the shop where I had bought the fleshlite and knew what it was. A bullet vibrator.

I hurriedly put the shoe box away, and returned to my room, with the vibrator clenched tightly in my hand. The lady in the shop had tried to sell me one of these bullets as they fitted perfectly in the end of the fleshlite. Apparently, it would vibrate and increase my experience. I hadn't used the fleshlite since that first night over a week ago, and in fact I hadn't touched myself at all in that time. My brain told me this was my mum's vibrator; that I was being reckless and stupid; but my cock had a different idea.

I checked the clock on my wall, and knew I had about an hour before mum came home, and quickly prepared my fleshlite for another round in the bathroom. I found my feet walking towards my mum's bedroom instead of mine. I began to tear off my clothes and sat on the edge of her bed. Her pink flower duvet welcomed my back as lay down gently. I twisted the vibrator down the middle and the strong quivers quickly rippled through my fingers down into my bones. I clenched the vibrator tightly in my fist for a moment before placing it between my index finger and thumb. Without building up any tension; without taking my time I aimed my weapon right for the tip of my sword. The most intense waves of pleasure ribbed through my lower body and I almost lost control as I rolled the bullet down my shaft.

After a moment of heavy breathing and composure I slipped the vibrator into the end of the fleshlite. I dropped a few squirts of lube into the tip of the fleshlite and traced its lips across the my chest down towards my temple. This was heaven.

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Choto Temple Ch 04

I had been told that generally on our daily weekday interviews, Zerzinski would be free to talk to me from 9 til 11 each morning, and 2 to 4 each afternoon. A nice amount of time, and a nice way to break it up, I thought. As I also wondered about the particular activities he was engaged with during all those other hours. The generalities were things many people were familiar with. The particulars, far less so. Not only had Zerzinski not given any interviews in a decade, but no member of the...

2 years ago
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Choto Temple Ch 06

6 For the first time since I arrived in Yamaguchi, I took a long walk on the mountain. Without leaving the property of the Purification Temple, there’s a walking trail that does a figure 8, passing by various houses and plenty of trees. And some large gardens, with women busily working among the beds of dark soil and healthy-looking plants. At the crossing of the figure 8, there’s a small stone foot bridge that passes over a bubbling creek. Beneath the bridge I noticed there’s a bench...

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Hotness Contest

*** Chapter One: It seemed like any other Wednesday, and I drove my girlfriend home fromClass. I would have liked to spend some time with Lisa, even justdoing boring things like shopping, but she'd told me at lunch that her Momwanted her home early that day to watch her little brother. I offered tohang out with her there, but she turned me down. So, I figured it was as good a time as any to drop the bad news. It waschicken-shit of me, but when I told her something that was bound...

4 years ago
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Bohot Natak Se Apne Padosan Mousi Ko Choda

Hi dosto mera naam George hai aur me Orissa ka rehena wala hu,ye ek sachhi kahani hai,aur dosto me ye sochta hu ki har ek ladki ko aap chod sakte ho agar woh sex ki pyaasi ho to. Me apne baare me bata ta hu mene MBA kiya hai aur abhi ek MNC me kaam kar raha hu ye kahani tab ki hai jab me graduation me tha aur mere ghar ke saamne ek aunty rehete the waise aunty to bohot saare rehete the colony me par woh Hamare dur ke rishte dar lagte the unka figure 38-30-36 hai aur height 5f 4 hoga rang gora...

1 year ago
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Hotwife Kim Such a Kinky Slut

Chapter 1Given just how revealing the slutty little outfits are that my hotwife wears to pubs, clubs and bars,I'm amazed that she's never been arrested for indecent exposure, breach of the peace or grossindecency! She constantly pushes out the boundaries of what she wears and what she gets up to.I first met Kim four years ago at a property exhibition I'd rented a stand at. Through an agency I'dhired four promotions girls to help out on the stand. They were all in their twenties,...

2 years ago
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My stepmother

I never knew when I broke up with my boyfriend, that I wouldn't be able to meet anybody after that. I go on blind dates all the time and I just can't seem to meet anybody. I'm starting to lose interest with dating completely. I can't find anybody who I get along with, or any that are remotely good looking.Every week, I go on a few blind dates and they never turn out good. My friends are always trying to set me up and it's a failed disaster each time. My dates are always attracted to me, but I'm...

3 years ago
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Mai StepMother

Little Jimmie!"Twenty year old James Middleton ignored his stepmother's call. He had one more kill to make on his X-box game and he could advance to the next level."James Middleton! I know you can hear me!"James groaned loudly, put down his controller and stood. He knew when his stepmother called him by his first and last name she meant business. He left his room and walked slowly toward the kitchen."Yes, Mai?"Her voice softened. "It's been ten years since your father and I married. And you...

4 years ago
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Photoshoot with Mom

It was the third morning of the trip and Evelyn was ready for the day's activities, dressed in a new bikini. While her son was washing himself in the bathroom, she checked her email on her phone and her heart nearly sank. The bathroom door opened and her son came out, noticing her despair. "Is everything okay?" Chris asked, confused by mom's sudden mood change.Evelyn put her phone away and stood barefoot in the hotel room, ready to have some fun. She did her best to be upbeat, even though the...

3 years ago
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Im having sex with my stepsister but fantasize about my stepmother

My father recently married my stepmother. She’s a very sexy looking woman. She tells everybody she's a dancer, but she’s really a stripper. I think that’s where my father found her. She’s my father’s third wife. My father is always getting married. He’s a player and loves to have a sweet piece of ass on his arm. My mother left him years ago, because he couldn't keep his zipper up. He cheated on her with his secretary. My mother had a nervous breakdown and was unable to take care of me. I live...

2 years ago
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Losing my Virginity to my Stepmother

Her name was Maureen and she was the most beautiful woman that I’d ever known. She was my stepmother. We were a blended family. My step-mom had three children and my father had five children. I was the oldest of all the siblings. My father was an alcoholic and worked late hours with his job. He'd always stop off at a bar, when he finished his shift for the evening, and then pass out in the spare bedroom. So my stepmother was always alone when she slept. My father was also very abusive to her. ...

2 years ago
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Gina Discovers Something About Her Stepmother

My boyfriend and I were out at a party and I was a little drunk when he drove me home. My father was away on a business trip and my stepmother was asleep. I snuck my boyfriend into the house and we fooled around on our living room couch. We really didn’t have the money to get a hotel room. We had to be quiet, so my stepmother didn't hear us. We kissed deep and passionately. Eric stood up and removed his shoes and his pants. He pulled my skirt up around my waist and pulled my panties down to my...

1 year ago
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Seduced by my Stepmother

When I was still young my mother died in a car accident, and for the next few years it was just me and my father Ted.My father did his best for me, but he could never fill my mothers shoes, but then as I reached my late teens he met another woman called Mary.Mary was a tall redheaded woman in her mid thirties, she had an amazing figure that she looked after with regular trips to the gym, and the few times I saw her in a bathing suit I could see why my father liked her so much.It wasn't long...

4 years ago
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My Godmother

I'm a sixteen (nearly seventeen) year old son of farmer parents on an island of the west coast of Scotland. I'm homeschooled and as long as I keep up my studies, I am excused farm work.It's quiet here and most of my friends attend boarding school on the mainland so I don't see much of them. When they come back for holidays, we like to get together and hang out. Some of them steal porn mags or porn novels from their parents and we all take it in turns reading sections out loud to the group. It's...

First Time
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The Dairy Godmother

The Dairy Godmother by Throne Artie was crashing at his buddy Joe's apartment. He had been living at his girlfriend Belinda's place, but she had tossed him out the night before. First, she accused him of being too bossy. He didn't have any good defense, mainly because it was true. Then she told him she was tired of his focus on her boobs. She said it was as if she didn't exist, above the neck, for him. Well, those knockers were magnificent, not only humongous, but also so round,...

1 year ago
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Sissy Stepmother

Sissy Stepmother A Pantyboy Profile INTRODUCTION Cheryl here. You remember me. The 20-year-old pantyboy extraordinaire. Every man's naughty, secret, wet dream. Raconteur without equal. In "Service" and "Test Driven," I told you about Amy and Judy, two of my lovely roommates, fellow pantyboys and like me, covergirls for "Panty Boy," the only publication worth buying, besides some of those Spermco comic books about us "special boygirls" and the "Sunday New York Times." And Panty...

3 years ago
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Choti Cikni Chut 8211 Part 1

Meri flat ke bagal mei Nellu aunty rahti hai.Unke husband Neeraj Uncle dusre city mei job karte the.Par sabse interesting baat toh yeh hai ki,un dono ki ek bahut pyari beti hai Shanvi.Abhi 3 din pehle 18 saal ki hui hai.Rang doodh ki tarah gora,Lambe-Lambe kale baal,Ankhee badi-badi,soft-soft skin,body figure aisa ki kuch bhi fissal jae,ekdum najuk kali ki tarah.Shanvi colony ki sabse sunder aur sexy ladki hai.jawani se bhari hui.Shanvi ek aisi barish ki tarah hai jo kisi bhi khet ko hara-bhara...

2 years ago
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Hott Sticky and Wetttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Hott, Sticky, and Wetttttttttttttttttttttttttttt I was glad that we had finally met, because after several weeks of chatting on the internet and talking on the phone, I was ready to find out if you were really as sexually charged as you said you were. As for me, I knew I was ready and had a lot of dreams of how I was wanting serve you and have you serve me. So, when I called you and let you know what hotel I was staying at, I couldn’t help but notice the joy in your voice, which enticed me even...

3 years ago
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Chhota Bhai

Mera naam Aasha hai. Mera chhota bhai dasvi main padhta hai. Wah gora chitta aur kareeb mere hi barabar lamba bhi hai. Main is samay 19 ki hoon aur wah 15 ka. Mujhe bhayya ke gulabi hoont bahut pyaare lagte hain. Dil karta hai ki bas chaba loon. Papa gulf main hai aur maan government job main. Maan jab job ki wajah se kahin bahar jati tu ghar main bas hum do bhai bahan hi rah jate the. Mere bhai ka naam amit hai aur wah mujhe didi kahta hai. Ek baar maan kuchh dino ke liye bahar gayi thi. Unki...

3 years ago
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My Wicked Stepmother

It's was my last summer before I was supposed to start college. I had the house to myself most the time and had been wasting my summer playing video games. My dad was always gone on business trips, and my stepmother was usually out shopping, or at the gym where my dad met her.On the Saturday afternoon in question, my stepmother had just gotten home from whatever or 'whoever' she was doing, and my dad was out of town on 'business' again. I didn't really care how screwed up my dad and...

4 years ago
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Young Stepmother

Young Stepmother Chapter 1 By Mark Dayette Looking back on it now I had an easy life when my parents were still alive, I was their only son, their special boy Nathan, they called me Nate. I had a childhood like any normal boy, I wasn't exactly one of the cool kids, I wished, but I never felt like I was a loser. My family lived in Philadelphia, PA. For many years Dad took me to the Flyers games. As a teenager I had a few dates but I wasn't too successful with the ladies. I hate to...

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Hotwife Brandis Slutty Vacation

Chapter 1“Could you take my case downstairs to the hall please, hon? It's a bit heavy!” asked Brandi.“How can it possibly be heavy?” I asked, with a grin on my face. “All your outfits are so skimpy, they don'tweigh any more than a few feathers!”“Oh, very droll, darling! I've got 3 pairs of kinky thigh boots in there, as well as those pvc chaps that you likeso much!”Brandi had started packing for our vacation almost a week ago and I knew that she would be taking someseriously slutty outfits. She...

2 years ago
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hot mother

hai friends i am raghu from hyd. i am now doing pg in hyd.from 8th class i started masterbating on actress. one day when i was in college my friend started a topic on masterbation .i said i usually do it on actress. my close friend ravi said why dont u masterbate on ur mother. i was angry at him and asks him to stop nonsense.he again raised the topic and says your mom looks like shakeela.see and then tell me i talked nonsense or not.i went home and forgot the issue.but in evening when i saw my...

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A Caring Stepmother

There I was, eighteen years old and laid out at home after an accident while racing motorcycles, one arm broken, the other fractured above the wrist, cuts and bruises all over. My stepmother was a nurse at the hospital that I was admitted to right after the accident. She checked up on me until I was staying awake more and then began keeping the other nurses out and tending to me herself.It was just as well. I hadn't been able to jack off in a week, and I was getting hard if the fan blew across...

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Lisas Stepmother

Chapter 1 The big German shepherd sat back on his haunches with ears erect and eyes aglow, watching the shapely blonde girl move busily about the kitchen. Her visible, soft white flesh, even that hidden beneath her skimpy bikini, like the tossing of her shoulder-length golden hair, pleased him with its quivering apples to her every graceful motion. Her aromatic feminine scent filled his keen nostrils, stirring his interest more than the smell of the foods she prepared, and...

3 years ago
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Kinky Stepmother

I threw caution to the wind and jumped head first into my new role as housewife and stepmother with open arms. The only problem was that not everyone else's arms were open.My first official morning as a member of the Norton household began at the breakfast table. I woke at daybreak to make a huge feast for my new husband and my growing boys: eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage, pancakes, real maple syrup, waffles, fresh strawberries, whipped cream and fresh-squeezed orange juice. I didn't even...

1 year ago
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My Sexy RedHeaded Stepmother

I had secretly lusted after Alice, my sexy red-headed stepmother, for a long, long time. She had a habit of walking around the house late at night in a silky, nearly see-through, light blue nighty. It was obvious that she was completely naked underneath because I could clearly make out her dark nipples and the little tuft of hair that was just above her pussy. I was convinced that she knew I could see everything and that she wore the skimpy nighty to intentionally drive me crazy. Many a night I...

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Lust for Stepmother

My name is Eric and I was thirty-five years old when my father died. To say his death hurt would be an understatement. It was truly devastating. Although it was a difficult time, I was fortunate in that I had my stepmother Janice to help me through this period. As I'll say more than once in this story. My real mother had died when I was young. Even though Janice married my father many years after my mother died, I thought of her as my mother not a stepmother. That's important to this story. I...

1 year ago
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Chhoti Bahan Ko Chut Chaat Ke Tadpaaya

Me apki kamukta kahaniya pad kar hi apni chhoti bahan ko chod paya hu Indian sex stories pe hi me jyada kahani padta tha. Kyuki ispe kahani post karna bahut easy h baki bahut sari websites me kahani read kar chuka hu Ab me apni chhoti bahan ki chudai ki kahani lekar aya hu kahani suru karne se pahle me apko mera intro de deta hu mera name arayaa maaran h (changed) hight 5’5 h or average athletic body h 6 inch ka saaman (loda) h or 5.5 inch diameter h bhopal mp ka rahne wala hu 25 saal ka hu or...

3 years ago
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Chote bhai se bathroom main chudai

My name is seema and i m from indore. Aap ko meri pahali kahani bhai se raat main sote huwe chudwaya kaise lagi agar aap ne we kahani to zaroor padi hogi agar nahi padi hain to use padh lijiye ga. Naye redars ko main apna intro. De doon. Wese to hamara parmanante ghar indore se 75 km door hain lekin main aur mere dono bhai indore me ek kamre ka room rent par lekar rehte hain. I m 25 year old ham 2 bhai aur 1 sister haien mera 1 bhai mujh se 2 saal bada hai and 1 bhai mujh se chota hai 2...

2 years ago
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The Stepmother

I loved this story and wanted to share it, the writer is "horrorotica" here is a link to the main story: eighteen-year-old Dale Barrett travelled home by train, he felt excited about seeing his stepmom for the first time since spring break. Nervous energy made his heartbeat fast, his stomach feel funny, and his fingers tingle. The reason he felt so nervous about coming home is that his stepmother had told him that she knew about his little secret.She...

1 year ago
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Dream Come True With Sexy Mature Godmother

The following is a true story however certain details have been omitted for secrecy and protection:I'm a 21 year old man living in Cambridge, 3 years ago i went travelling around australia with my best friend, (let's call him T)anyways we were travelling up the east coast doing the usual tourist spots as well as a few ssmall surfing locals we were recommended.Eventually my friend ran out of money and had to return to England.By this point i was nearing cairns and decided to visit my godmother...

2 years ago
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Fairy Godmother

My girlfriend Lilly and I have been living together for almost a year and in my opinion things are great. Due to this pandemic I have been laid off from work while Lilly has only gotten busier at work. If i'm honest I may have taken advantage of the situation and taken a little vaction from all types of work including all the house work. Normally Lilly would take care of all the cooking and cleaning, and I guess I still expected this. So one day just like any other I was home alone just playing...

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Photographic Problems

The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents Background Bad News Worse News New Management Sexy Shoot Next Day Truth Will Out The Plan Backfires Afterwards Background My friend Patrick, a photographer, asked me to write about a set of incidents in his life for him. He’s a great photographer and a good story teller, but a lousy writer; thus this commission. Yeah, commission, because he’s paying me to write this story for him. Well, sort of paying me,...

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Choto Temple Ch 12

A woman in a kimono with a painted white face stepped out of Zerzinski’s place just as I arrived. She smiled briefly in greeting, and opened a parasol above her head, before descending the stairs. Zerzinski seemed happy. I don’t know why that even seemed notable, but he smiled without any provocation as I entered the house. Soon enough we were sitting across from each other once again, cappuccinos in hand. ‘I’d like to ask you about your move to Yamaguchi. And life since then.’ ‘Well,...

1 year ago
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Choto bon chuse dilo

I live in dhaka and we are family of 5 , me ,my 2 sis and my parents. My younger sister Sajia is very friendly and she had lot of girl friends who came over to our house( amar chotobon sajia r onek maye bondhu chilo ).One of her friend liza caught my attention. Liza was short (may be 5 feet 2) but with huge boobs and ass.( choto boner ek bandobi Liza amar nojor a porlo , liza chilo bete khato kintu onek boro dudh chilo ar pasa ta o boro) day by day i fell in love with her. One day i found Liza...


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