Talk Messy When You Write
- 4 years ago
- 29
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*A repost of an old romance story with a fresh edit.*
Sam enjoyed the landscape of Sherry’s body, as the shower rained on her pink hills and valleys. His fingers slid from her satisfied clitoris to splash in her belly button pond.
Wrapping his arms just under her breasts, he hugged her, and whispered, “You’re beautiful.’
In the quiet afterglow, while holding her in his lap, he thought of Jan, and realized three years had passed since making love had been uncomplicated by illness. This week was a resurrection of physical delights. Sherry’s transformation from schoolmarm to mistress compounded the pleasure. Sex felt almost virginal.
Aloud he said, ‘Sherry, if there is anything that you want me to do for you, just tell me.’
‘Mmm, I’ve never felt so… satisfied.’
Sam heard the hesitancy, and thought she paused because she really wanted to say, ‘so loved’.
‘I bet you say that to all your horny old men.’
‘You’re right, Sam, I do.’ She tipped her head back for a kiss, then turned, straddled his hips, and rubbed the bar of soap until her palms foamed. ‘Let me wash your pipe cleaner, Mr. Plumber.’ Blocking the spray with her body, the soapy hands encircled his snake and lathered its expanding length.
‘What an excellent apprentice. You show initiative and mechanical aptitude with the tools,” he said, resting his head against the tub, while she familiarized herself with the equipment.
Wearing a frown of deep concentration, she pumped the shaft and tickled his balls. Then released her grip to press the rod against his stomach and used both palms to rub up and down the sudsy underside. Next, the sensitive skin at the base of his glans became the target of her thumb and index finger. Gently, she pinched and twisted the circumcised foreskin.
The disconnected look on her face bothered Sam. This didn’t seem like a touch of affection. It didn’t feel like a natural exploration of pleasure, but more like going through predetermined motions. Lifting her chin to make eye contact, he asked, ‘Is everything all right, Sherry?’
A worried face said, ‘Why? What’s the matter? Did I do something wrong?’
‘Wrong? No. You just look so serious. If you’re uncomfortable, tell me.’
‘No, Sam, it’s not that. I was just trying to do it the way…’ her voice trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished.
‘The way Jan used to?’
She looked away. A blush answered for her.
Desire began to cool. ‘Let’s dry off and go somewhere more comfortable.’
Smiling, she took his hand and led him from the tub. ‘I know just the place.’
Sam picked up a blow dryer and cleared the mirror, while Sherry pulled towels from the linen closet. After handing him one, she began to dry.
‘What do you think you’re doing?’ Sam demanded, yanking her towel away. ‘That’s my job.’ Throwing the towel over her, he sponged her tousled hair, then wrapped it around and dried her back, while her chest rubbed against him.
‘Oh, this is a much better idea,’ she said, and used the other towel to dry his back.
He spun Sherry toward the mirror, and dried her shoulders and arms, before studiously toweling off her breasts. ‘I like mirrors. Can you tell?’
She smiled at the reflection, and said, ‘I’m beginning to see their value in a new light,’ as his cottony hands tended her goose pimpled skin.
Moving in front, he squatted, dried each leg and then commanded, ‘Spread them a little, please.’
‘You’re so polite, for a plumber.’
His fingers fluffed her curly hairs. “Call me, Mr. Good Pipewrench.”
She leaned over him and put her hands on the counter. A stream of air from his lips helped dry the tangled triangle. Sticking his nose in where it wouldn’t be long enough, he inhaled the fresh scent.
‘Mmmm, you’re such a tease,’ she said, toying with the gray hair at his temple.
Sam stood up, and handed her the towel. ‘Okay, now it’s your turn.’
Accepting the challenge, Sherry turned him toward the mirror. Too short to see from the back, she stood off to the left and made one long stroke, starting at his shoulder, gliding over his chest, circling the nipple, and ending on his hip. Then, back at the top of the other shoulder, she repeated the motion.
‘Who’s the tease now?” he said, trying to ignore the tremble he felt in her touch.
‘Tit for tat,’ She said, and knelt to wipe each vertical leg, while ignoring the stumpy middle one.
He laughed. ‘I love it when you talk dirty. Tell me what a tat is, so I can trade it for your tit.’
Suspending the towel between both hands, Sherry lifted until it supported his cock. She bounced it on the towel trampoline, and then began a seesaw motion to rub the terrycloth against the sensitive underside. ‘Isn’t this a tat?’ she asked, with a tremor in her voice. ‘Mmmm, looks good.’
Her nervousness continued to make Sam uneasy. So he helped her up, pulled her tight, and kissed her. Breaking the connection, he said, ‘You’re a funny apprentice. It’ll be great working with you. But I’m beginning to feel like a politician who’s exploiting an intern.’
She looked confused, and asked, ‘Why?’
‘You seem torn. Like part of you wants to do this, and part of you doesn’t.’ He ran his hands down to hold her waist. “It’s a huge turn-on. I like replacing your fear with pleasure.’ He kissed her nose, and then spoke the words he knew might end this delicious moment. ‘But, is it fair? Am I taking advantage of you?’
She cupped his face in her hands, and said, ‘I told you, I’m a big girl, and I know what I want. I’m just going to repeat myself until you believe. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want y…’
Sam clamped a hand over her mouth. ‘All right, I believe you.” Then slipped the hand to her cheek, and asked, “Then why are you trembling?’
The laughing eyes darkened and looked down. She laid her head on his shoulder and traced a fingernail around his nipple. ‘I’m a little nervous.’ Absently, the pad of her index finger began a lazy assault on the sensitive tip. ‘I’m afraid I won’t please you. It’s been a long time and… I never was very good.’
He pushed her chin so that her blues met his browns. ‘Sounds to me like you’ve been brainwashed into believing some false propaganda.’ Looking at her finger on his chest, he said, ‘Just the way you play sends lightening through me. So don’t tell me you’re not a good lover.’
Bending quickly, Sam put his shoulder against her hips, and then lifted her over his shoulder.
She laughed, and said, ‘Sam, what are you doing? Put me down.’
‘No! I’m declaring an intervention.’ He carried her into the hall. ‘I’m going to deprogram all that bad-lover foolishness right out of your head.’ He swatted her bottom with his free hand. ‘So behave, and it will go easier for you!’
She stopped laughing long enough to drone in a monotone voice, ‘Yes Master,” then reached down and pinched his ass.
‘Oww!’ Sam swatted her again, and then soothingly rubbed the spot.
She whimpered, and said, “But it feels good to be bad.”
The bedroom door was already open. Sam strode in and dumped her on the mattress. Placing his hands on his naked hips, he surveyed the room.
Sherry lay there, looking him over.
He maintained a confident exterior, despite apprehension about how his pale physique appeared in broad daylight.
The room was neat and feminine, decorated in floral prints of mauves and greens. A small table next to an overstuffed chair sat by the window, books waited on the floor. There was an antique dresser, appointed with a jewelry box, and a vase filled with fresh cut roses. An air conditioner hummed its cooling breath. The decor, like the woman, had an elegant, uncomplicated beauty.
Aloud, he said. ‘This room’s perfect for deprogramming.’
The rain had stopped, and the sun peeked out. A sunbeam fell across Sherry like a spotlight from heaven. ‘How long will this take? I have a Bad Lovers cult meeting at the Holiday Inn at three,’ she said, sitting up to give him the come-and-get-me finger curl.
He slid down beside her. ‘I predict this will be a long drawn out object lesson.’ Pushing her flat, he straddled her hips and pinned her wrists above her head. ‘And here is one of my favorite objects.’ Without further pretense, his lips gently closed around her left nipple. He wet it like a thread being prepared for the eye of a needle, and then blew on it to make it pointy.
‘Mmmm.’ She arched, and shivered. “Please help me.”
“Begging won’t do any good. Deprogramming the Bad Lover complex always involves torture,” said Sam, as he transferred his lips to the right nipple to repeat the wet and blow procedure. “A sweet torture, sustained over long periods, to ingrain the pattern of positive coital stimulus.”
Sherry stretched under him, pushed against his weight.
“You must do exactly as I say.”
She began to struggle, and said, “I’ll try.”
“You will!” demanded Sam, gripping both her wrists in one hand and tickling her armpit with the other.
Sherry bucked and twisted under him, yelling, “Stop! Get off.”
Her thrashing became near hysterical, and Sam immediately rolled off.
Breathing heavy, she turned away.
Sam gently stroked her hair, and said, “Sherry, I’m so sorry. I won’t ever pin you down again.”
She was shaking.
He kissed her shoulder.
Rolling onto her back, she looked up at him with swimming eyes. “I’m such a mess. Are you sure you want me?”
“Yes, I’m very sure.”
She smiled, and whispered, “Don’t torture me anymore, okay?”
With new insight into how bad her life had been, his heart ached. “Okay,” he said, and protectively snuggled against her.
Clouds drifted over the sun. They lay silent for a few minutes.
Sherry placed a hand on his bottom, and petted.
Taking it as a sign of renewed interest, Sam languidly traced a finger up her stomach, between her breasts, and around her nipple. “Is teasing allowed?”
Her eyes closed and squeezed out two smiling tears. She said, “Teasing is required.”
His finger continued to trace a patient line up, until it brushed over her lips, feather soft. “How’s that feel?”
“Nice. It tickles,” she said, and rubbed them together.
“That’s all it takes to be a good lover.” The tip of his tongue drew a shiny circle around her areola, and he said, “You just tickle, and tease, until your partner begs you to scratch the itch. It’s a sweet torture with a satisfying payoff. Sex is about mutual pleasure. Whatever turns you on, will turn me on.’ Smiling, he added, ‘Unless you want to push a cucumber up my ass. That would not turn me on.’
Laughing, she said, ‘You read my mind. How about a zucchini?’
‘Then, what about this?’ She straddled him, wedged his penis between her labia, and rubbed along the shaft.
‘That’s… amazing,’ said Sam, enjoying the view almost as much as the friction. ‘But, much more of this will end my fun too soon.’
Her hips stopped. ‘I don’t want that.’
Sam reached down and cupped her bottom. ‘Let me scratch your itch another way,’ he said, pulling, until her knees rested under his arms, and her pink sex spread open. He slid under. Their eyes met, as his tongue slipped in. Her eyes closed on contact.
The tang of her juice exploded on his taste buds, as he licked and flicked everything except her panic button. He gripped her hips to prevent being smothered in passion.
She whispered, “Sam, I’ve dreamed of this. But I never dreamed it would feel so good.” One delicate hand traced down to spread the petals for him.
He tongued her fingers.
As the telltale blush spread, Sherry’s free hand began to tease a breast.
‘That looks so sexy.’ He massaged her bottom and licked a wide swathe up the slick valley.
‘Mmmm,’ escaped in a long exhale. Her eyes remained closed, as her fingers began to awaken the nipples. Any trepidation evaporated with the rising heat.
Sam felt a slight rocking of her hips against his mouth. ‘You’re like honey to a starving bear.’ Two fingers slipped easily inside her, his lips grazed her clitoris.
‘Oh, God!’ Breasts now clenched in her fists, Sherry enjoyed her own roughness.
Sam pulled down a hand and used her fingers to rub the swollen clit. Releasing his grip, she continued, while he plunged two fingers into her.
‘You’re beautiful.’
‘Uhn, uhn.’ Her climax neared. She began to lose control.
‘Who’s a great lover, Sherry?’
‘You are, Sam,’ escaped between gasps.
‘Sorry, wrong answer.’ He grabbed her wrists.
‘No! I’m so close. Don’t stop now.’ She struggled to free her hands, but as the feeling faded she slumped over him.
Sam pushed her knees back until she lay flat on his chest, and waited for her heart rate to return to normal. ‘I’m sorry, Sherry. No reward until you accept the truth,” he said, and trailed his fingertips from her shoulders down her spine, circled each globe of her tush, and then repeated.
‘Maybe I can’t handle the truth,’ said Sherry, with closed eyes and a smile.
‘Then, how about another hard truth for you to handle?’ Sam placed her hand on his cock, wrapped her fingers around it, and lazily stroked. ‘Sherry, you’re wonderful. No one is more exciting than you — physically or mentally. I’m the luckiest man on earth.’
‘I bet you say that to all your lovers.’
He smiled, and said, ‘Yes, I do,” and rolled them both, reversing positions. ‘One more time. Who’s a great lover?’
‘Um, Mel Gibson.’ She giggled.
‘What!’ Sam tickled and she wriggled.
‘Stop it!’ She laughed, and pushed his hands away.
‘Who’s a great lover?’
‘I am! I give up! I give up!’
He wanted to tickle her more. The laughter wonderful ear candy, the sensation of her writhing body inflamed him. Instead, the tickling changed to caresses. Gentle fingers traced her ribs to her breasts. His mouth captured her lips, as his hands captured the high ground. Passion was now in control.
Sherry’s hands ran down his back, over his ass, then slid under his hips. He lifted to ease her search. She positioned his cock at the warm entrance.
As he began to push between her folds, her hand stopped him, and she asked, ‘Who’s a great lover?’
With his lips against the side of her throat, he murmured, ‘You are, Sherry.’
‘Sorry, wrong answer.’ And she moved his penis away from ground zero.
Sam groaned.
‘No whining, you made the rules.’ She pushed him onto his back. ‘What goes around, comes around.’
‘I hate it when tit for tat bites you in the ass.’
She smiled. ‘Okay, I’ll cross ass biting off my to-do list.’ Leaning over him, she slowly pumped his cock. ‘So, the question remains: Who’s a great lover?’
Sam winked, ‘Mel Gibson?’
Sherry laughed, and asked, ‘Are you bisexual? Do you fantasize about Mel?’
‘Hey, I’m just trying to give you the answer you’re looking for,’ he said, palming a breast, playfully bouncing the soft weight, while his thumb brushed over the nipple.
Grabbing his wrists, she pinned them over his head and then dangled a nipple over his lips. His tongue flicked out, but she stayed out of range. ‘Uh-uh, Sam, not until you give the right answer.’
In a sullen, defeated tone, he softly answered, ‘All right, I’m a great lover.’
‘Good boy,’ she cooed, and lowered the nipple, then swayed side-to-side to brush the swollen bud across his lips. ‘Come on. Open up. Don’t be difficult. Take your reward.’
Like a fish taking
the bait, he engulfed it.
The sensation made her back arch and her pelvis press against his stomach.
Sam easily lifted her weight, and, once again, they rolled over. No resistance now, as he lay between her legs. Her hand placed him in position. Resting on his elbows, he watched the sultry look in her eyes as he slipped in.
Sherry pulled his mouth to hers, and they wrapped each other tight. No more talk, only physical response to physical action. His hand slid between them. While he teased her clit, she reached down and let his shaft glide between her fingers. Sam slowly pulled out and pushed back.
She began a more urgent pump, as Sam pinched one nipple and sucked the other. ‘Sam, I’m close. Are you?’
He loved this moment at the edge of the orgasmic abyss. Her confession almost pulled him over with her. ‘Sherry, let it go. I want to watch you.’
As if waiting for permission, her body tightened, and her pelvis ground against him.
He clung to her with his mouth and fingers, increasing the height of her fall. Guttural sounds marked the loss of all control. Her body arched and stiffened under and around him, and then a final screaming plunge into ecstasy.
He softened his touch, until Sherry pushed his hand away, and said breathlessly, ‘Enough’.
Leaning on straight arms, Sam began a more assertive rhythm. At different angles, he pumped in and out, trying to make contact with her clitoris.
Their eyes met, and they exchanged smiles. She cupped his ass, and pulled on the in-stroke. ‘Oh, Baby. Your so big, so hard.’ Her eyes closed. ‘I think I’m going to cum again.’
Sam answered with increased speed.
Her hands slid up his chest to play with his nipples, and rubbed down his abdomen to feel his penetrations. Her hips began to push back with the same need for completion.
The point of no return came suddenly, and exploded with the blinding pleasure he remembered. Pressing hard, wave after delicious wave pulsed into her. A sweet fulfillment swallowed him whole. Tears he couldn’t control rolled down his cheeks. Embarrassed, he kissed her feverishly.
Sherry continued to pump, until an answering arch signaled another climax.
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Mai Shiranui was in trouble, or at least, the guards at a secret M.I.S.T. facility who had uncovered the kunoichi trying to infiltrate it, believed they had her firmly under control. She had decided to help fellow kunoichi Ayane and Kasumi take down a rather significant threat to world peace, and set off for the facility situated on Kauai Island, concealed beneath a steep hill. However, intelligent AI security sounded an alarm after scanning of all persons entering the facility revealed that...
Ron:- *Mum have you seen harry* he asked in a worried tone Mrs Weasley:- *No, why dear* she asked not taking her eye's off what she was doing Ron:- *He's gone, Taken all his clothes and possessions* he replied Now that got Mrs Weasley's attention as she nearly dropped the knife she was holding Mrs Weasley:- *Gone, What do you mean gone, Gone where* she asked in a very worried tone Ginny:- *Mum when we woke up this morning we realised harry wasn't there so we wondered if you...
We started blasting away at each other, damn the pup had been doing his exercises, he'd risen his levels a few also good I wasn't AS worried about killing him but I still could if I wasn't careful. I'd taken my mind off the exercise at hand and let lose a fully charged blast, realizing my mistake I wrapped the boy and yanked him out of the way as the blast took out the entire back wall. ‘Ah crap,’ I thought, ‘this wasn't going to sit well with the owner and the boss.’ Shaking my head I...
That night returning home I finally took all 3 clips off her, though I didn't relieve her I did finally ease her torment. "What's the matter Tyrome? Ya going soft? She said I could almost feel her thumbing her nose at me. "No, I don't want ya getting killed if that damn brother shows up, me included, why not be a good girl, and clam the fuck up a while huh?" I told her hoping against hope that she took it to heart and actually give me a break. I should have known it was too...
They give us the key to the only suite there, even though we only intend to use the bathroom. Lucy sits down on the toilet to pee before she joins me in the shower.“We should stay here a few days,” she says as she changes place with me under the running water. I tell her I don't think it's a good idea. I just want to go home.After the shower, before I put my clothes back on, I crouch down and open the mini bar. There's snack, a champagne bottle, two beers, red wine and Voss. Except for the Voss...
LesbianInto the Woods Dana had watched most of the hotel’s library of On-Demand movies by the time Lily came sulking through the front door sometime after dawn. Without a word, the succubus disappeared into the bathroom, and the shower kicked on. Frowning, Dana checked the time. Why was Lily taking a shower? She figured that the succubus could just blink her eyes and become clean, or whatever, but maybe demons needed to bathe frequently to chase away the stink of sulfur. Curious, she cracked open...
Safe Harbour Lily gazed across the water, her eyes trying to find any sign of land. She was floating in the ocean, the technicolor clouds above her tumbling about like cotton candy in a dryer. She was unable to get enough lift out of the water to fly, and the dark depths below shifted as if alive. She was in the Dreamscape, of that she was certain. “Lily...” It was Dana’s voice, but it sounded impossibly far away. She had been hearing Dana for a couple of days now. At first she had tried...
I would like to thank those that have read my stories ancommented on them. This is a complete rewrite of the second chapter of my story “The Barfly” originally posted in the forum. I would like to ask those of you that honor me with negative votes in groups to leave some comments so that I may learn what readers dislike in my stories. I would also like to ask those of you that like my stories to throw a wote my way to keep them in an accessible position. Enjoy J. Bailey The...
Author’s comments: This is a rewrite of the first story I published on the forum while the main story site was in-operational. All comments are welcome but if any of the categories named don’t fit your taste then please don’t read it. If you read it anyway then don’t criticize me for writing about the things you dislike. Since English is neither my first nor second language all spelling and grammar corrections are more than gratefully accepted. Some years ago I read the...
Introduction: Charlie and Natasha meet Karen Prologue I would like to thank those that have read my stories ancommented on them. This is a complete rewrite of the second chapter of my story The Barfly originally posted in the forum. I would like to ask those of you that honor me with negative votes in groups to leave some comments so that I may learn what readers dislike in my stories. I would also like to ask those of you that like my stories to throw a wote my way to keep them in an...
Lucy opened the paperback a little wider and tilted it towards the light, but she read only one paragraph before dropping the book into her lap. Sighing, she rubbed her eyes."I shouldn't be reading," she muttered. "I have to work."Placing the book on her desk, she looked at the laptop in front of her; lid open, screensaver patterns zig-zagging across its face. She jiggled her finger on the tracker pad, watching the screen wake up, revealing neat rows of words. Positioning her hands over the...
Love Stories( Re write ) Chapter One A little bit about myself my name is Anthony Jr. I'm single age 30 I'm slender 6'4" brown hair brown eyes . My parents died in a car accident when I was 21. last week on my 30th birthday I received a letter in the mail . It was from our local bank the letter stated that it was closing out dads safety deposit box. I was told to come in and clean it out it was paid for in advance . I went to the bank brought dad's old brief case and took what ever...
I stayed away from the Pussy Train for the six weeks. Robin went a few times, but we played more poker than usual; did pretty well, too. I won twice and finished 4th once and Robin finished in the money twice. We skated a few times, went out drinking a bit; anything to keep my mind off Amy. Finally the six weeks were over. When the night came, I skipped poker altogether. I didn’t want to risk anything. I made sure to be at the crossing by the Millers’ farm on time. It was just me...
She is not my wife, she is my friend - and so much more.One day, when we finally get to fuck each other it will have to be the dirtiest skankiest sexual episode that each other has ever had. The preamble has been building for years. The no holds barred communication has pushed our thoughts and dreams to new levels we never really experienced. So when we do fuck and suck and probe and tease and bite and drink each other up, well I can only hope we meet each others expectations. Luckily both...
Eli hummed to himself in frustration, his chin resting on the palm of his hand and his elbow on his desk, staring at his computer screen. The cursor on his text program flashed in and out of sight, teasing him to write. He had gotten to the point where his protagonist had finally met his love interest, and now... "..." He sighed and leaned back in his chair. He knew he should've come up with a plan before starting this stupid novel. He adjusted himself again, leaning over and...
Welcome to Undead Nightmare, a zombie apocalypse survival story. This story will take place in a generic fictional city infested with hoards of undead. This story doesn't have an erotic focus, but it may contain a few sex scenes. Though they will likely be fairly short. To begin the story, select a character.
Non-EroticThen there was Johnathon, with his wild magic he was far stronger than I was to a point. His father had said I did have quite a few tricks that I could take him down with though I wasn't all that sure I could keep him down that long. Sighing remembering Tom's words I knew that sooner or later Johnathon would be involved, it was just when I wasn't sure. Flashing out to my apartment I was walking up the last flight of stairs when I felt a strange energy. "I suggest if you wish to...
Finally finished I saw that the golden hue of light in the sky meant the sun was coming up. Dressed in a flash I flexed my magic, seventeen levels higher was really nothing to sneeze at, plus I was betting that Cedric was counting on me increasing. Something was tickling the back of my mind; I knew that he was up to something I had a feeling what it was, but I just couldn't seem to put my finger on it. Well, I thought, I might as well get to class; if I did survive they would still need the...
"I can't take all the credit for that, some yes, but not all, I had a visitor, and your wife interfered." I told my friend. "A visitor? Hell must have been someone awful high in the ranks to shake her like that," he replied. I just shrugged, "I guess, it was Evelyn Timmings, a very old friend and savior of mine though she'd never admit it." "Y ... you mean Lady Evelyn Timmings?" I just nodded. It was at that point that my friend started to laugh I mean REALLY laugh, so...
I'd finished my exercises going up now 6 3/4 more than when I started a few days ago. Now at least I could stop him a bit maybe even hurt him enough for him to have to lay low and heal but I needed to go higher if I even wanted a slim chance to survive. Sighing I knew that I'd have to put more on the shield again. Maybe gain a few more days but I couldn't keep it going up or he'd catch on, break free sooner, then, I was dead for sure as most of the world was. The hard thing right now was...
"Mr. Greenstick," Celina called, "all the students are now gathered in the practice room." "Thank you Celina I'll be there momentarily, I have to gather a few things." Today I was going to start on their pitiful offensive skills. Walking in I handed each a small book, they each looked at them and laughed. Growling I waved a hand at each of them soon they weren't laughing. I watched as the spell slowly crept up each of the young mages. As each started to panic, I watched...
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, video games, franchises, developers etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own Dead or Alive or any of its characters. I am making no money as a result of the...
You wake up feeling slightly dizzy. The world around you is gloomy and strange, red streaks of a dead man's blood lining the grimy walls. You push yourself up on the cold, wet concrete of the alleyway, and feel your head. "ooh, why am I so dizzy?" you ask yourself, looking around and surprised to see police tape and several cops standing around. You walk over to them, and call out. "Hey! What's going on down here? What happened?" They don't answer, and keep talking to each other as if they...
FantasyDead Meat By Margaret Jeanette Katherine Lubbock sat at her desk talking to Jerry Smith who sat across from her. He handed her an envelope, which contained pictures. She looked at all of the pictures. They were of her husband having sex with three different women. She had suspected he was cheating on her so she had hired Jerry who was the best private investigator in town. He left and she wondered about what to do with her husband of eight years. She didn't want to divorce him...
Dead Dames Don?t Lick Dead Dames Don?t Lick- a short story -by Eve Adorer I saw the silhouette. I heard the tap. It was light. It was polite. The glass in the door was in no danger of breaking. I?d had it with this job. My partner had just copped a forty-five between the pink-capped mountains. Loathe funerals, even though I do look great in black. ?Die young and make a great corpse? they say. Sam?d done her best. She?d looked a whole lot better not box-wrapped though. Me and...
Preface A few readers of my first contribution, »The Child Molestress«, took note of my partially South African background and asked for tales from that far-removed country. With this series of unconnected short stories I try to comply with those requests. When reading these, it should be borne in mind that during my time in South Africa, Apartheid was rife and some of the stories will only make sense when this concept of enforced segregation is understood. I do not condone Apartheid, whether...
You know what happens when you tempt the Devil? You end up at an auto service station in the middle of nowhere on a holiday weekend while a guy tries to find a tire that will fit your car. That is how the Devil gets his due, all because I was too lazy and stupid to replace the spare tire after I had used it. Tomorrow I kept telling myself, Damn! The service station attendant, the same guy who had towed my car, hung up the phone and looked at me. "Mister, the shop in Oakdale has a tire that...
The Grotto had gotten a referral from what must have been an older girl’s version of our Grotto. Filene would do the jumps and stay with me while remaining invisible. But first I had to visit one of the few non-dead people who knew about The Grotto. We met with the one she called Mr. X. Filene said she wanted me to learn how to control my glamour. She explained, “Without that control, the living can see you but when they try to touch you they find that your image is as insubstantial as...
Finally, classes were going like they were supposed to, hell even better now that I had the elder's son helping. Beginning the second week I had increased all their power to almost twice what it had been, though no where nearly as strong as mine. The whole time I had also been trying to increase Celina's power after a few days I was finally feeling an increase there also. I had put more feelers out on the brother but still got nothing. I was beginning to think I night have actually killed...