Daisys day out
- 3 years ago
- 35
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(This story is based on the country song ‘Pickin’ Wildflowers’ by Keith Anderson. No copyright infringement intended.)
The music was loud, the bar smoky, but the people in the little space cleared for dancing didn’t seem to mind. They were enjoying the sexy sounds of the tall, rangy young man with the wicked grin on his face, belting out his suggestive song to the delight of his audience.
Daisy watched him. She still couldn’t believe she had taken his dare. Billy Thornton had been, and still was for many, the town heart-throb when he was a teenager in high school. That had been eight years ago. He’d gone away to the big city, to Nashville, to make a name for himself as a country singer, and now here he was, back home for a break from the road. He was staying at his parents’ ranch, out on the far end of town, and he’d promised his friend Tom, the bar’s owner, to give him a night free of charge, for old time’s sake.
He’d passed by her house, the morning after he’d blown back into town. No one had known he was there as yet, except for his friend, who’d kept his secret till now, and Daisy, who had been kissed soundly before her grandmother’s startled eyes. Her own surprise had been considerable. After all, Billy Thornton had cared for no one but himself, way back when she would have died for a look from him. A kiss would have killed her. It had almost killed her that morning, but embarrassment had won over, and she had pulled angrily away from him, slapped his face, much to her grandmother’s delight, and swept grandly back into the little house. Well, as grandly as any woman can, dressed in faded cut-off jeans and flip-flops.
She could still hear him, just before she slammed the door.
‘I dare you to do that again, Miss Daisy!’
Steam blew out her ears, and she turned smartly, almost losing an eye as the door swung sharply toward her. She sailed back out the door, like a ship at full tilt, and raised her hand to smack him silly. But he caught it, and brought it to his lips, completely deflating her.
‘What…?’ She didn’t know what she wanted to ask him, and he didn’t seem to care. Granny had watched the exchange silently to that point, but then she spoke.
‘Billy Thornton, if you have business with my grand-daughter, you’d best be gettin’ to it! She’s got things to do, don’t you, Daisy dear?’
She had winked broadly at Daisy as she asked the question, and chuckled when Billy grinned. Daisy sputtered in anger. Not Granny, too!!
‘Yes ma’am!’ he’d said, looking at her grandmother, still grinning broadly, her hands firmly held in his. ‘Say, Daise,’ he said, turning to her, ‘how about a date this evening?’ He studied her face as he made his unexpected invitation. The color slowly bloomed in her cheeks, and then spread down her neck. ‘You’re beautiful when you blush, Miss Daisy!’ he said in a low voice, one Granny could not hear. The color stayed.
‘Why, thank you, kind sir!’ she’d replied in her finest accents, fluttering her grey eyes at him, effectively hiding her emotions from his suddenly sharp gaze. ‘I’d be delighted, only…’ She paused, and then pulled her hands from his. ‘I don’t date strangers!’
She felt a small lick of triumph at the hurt look that slid over his face. He lowered his gaze, and pushed his hands into his pockets. When he looked up again, there wasn’t a trace of anything but teasing to be seen in his eyes. He looked over her left shoulder at something that seemed to be of great interest to him before shifting his gaze back to her.
‘Now, Daise, that’s not true! We were in school together all those years!’ he commented. ‘Why, you were so aloof, none of the guys who wanted to ask you out could even get a word in edgewise. You shut them down…’ He let his voice trail off, and looked directly into her eyes. Daisy’s mouth gaped open in disbelief.
‘Are you saying…?’ She swallowed, closed her mouth, and looked at him. He returned her gaze steadily, and then, as though the words had been welling up and could not be staunched any longer, ‘I don’t believe you, Billy Thornton! You’re lying!’
She spun around again and began to walk away, missing the stricken look that crossed his face. Her grandmother, however, did not, and that wise old lady smiled quietly, and waited to see what he would do. He glanced at her, without Daisy noticing, and when she nodded, he called after her again.
‘I dare you to find out, Daise!’
Daisy heard him, and felt her skin prickle. She struggled with a sudden urge to cry, and kept facing the door. She wouldn’t fall for a foolish dare twice in one morning! She opened the door, and heard two things at once…her grandmother chuckling, and a chicken squawking. She couldn’t help herself…she turned around, in time to see Billy waving his arms like wings and squawking!
Oh no, he didn’t, she thought. He couldn’t seriously be standing there calling her chicken! And Granny was laughing!!!
‘You have some nerve, Billy Thornton’ she sputtered, ‘coming here after eight years, expecting that the local girls will fall all over themselves for you, and do anything you ask!’ She was standing before him again, shaking with the energy of her feelings. ‘Well let me tell you, mister,’ she said emphatically, stabbing his chest with a rigid forefinger, ‘I am NOT one of those girls! You may think you’re the best thing that ever happened to womankind, but allow me to differ! I wouldn’t go out with you if you were the last cowboy standing!’ She wheeled around again, ready to stalk away from him, but he grabbed her arm and spun her back around.
‘What have you got to lose, then, Miss Daisy? Since I’m not your type, a night out wouldn’t be that hard to handle, now should it? It’d certainly prove to me that you’re not lying when you say you don’t care for me.’
Granny had chosen that moment to speak again, in as maddeningly reasonable a tone as any Daisy had ever heard her use.
‘He’s right, you know, Daisy! What harm can one night out do? None, if he isn’t the guy you’re likely to lose sleep over, now is it?’ She looked strangely at both of them, and then added, much to Daisy’s chagrin, ‘ ‘Sides, it’s not like you have anything else doing, or any other fella beating down the door for a date, now is it?’
Daisy tasted defeat, and it was a bad taste. She didn’t feel like being gracious, but she knew, instinctively, that Granny wanted her to go. She didn’t know why, and she guessed she’d find out when Granny was good and ready to tell her. In the meantime, she had done the gracious thing and asked what time she should be ready.
Now here she was, sitting in the darkest part of the bar, sipping a second Cherry Coke and tapping her fingers unconsciously on the table in time to the music. She was glad that no one paid her any mind. She was not a frequenter of bars, nor was she a drinker. The dancing had become increasingly suggestive, and now Billy was singing a song she had heard once or twice as she worked around the house. It had brought a blush to her cheeks each time she heard it, and as he sang, she felt her face growing warm again.
Although the room was poorly lit, Daisy knew Billy was looking at her as he sang. It was purely coincidence that the song had her name, and how he knew she loved to pick wildflowers was a mystery to her. But the import of the song, the sexual weight of the words, did not escape her, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The last thing she intended to do this or any other evening was go anywhere with Billy Thornton other than back to her home. The days of dreaming about making out with him in the bed of his pickup truck were long gone!
Despite herself, she smiled at the second stanza, at the allusion to James Bond, her favorite spy! There was no keeping their date ‘covert’ as the song suggested, since her grandmother knew exactly where she was and with whom. She still had no clue as to why Granny had practically pushed her into Billy’s
arms earlier. The puzzle of it was driven from her mind when someone jostled her arm and her drink spilled. She stood hastily, hoping to avoid a stain on her slacks, but it was not to be. She could feel, if not see, the liquid spreading on the front of her pants.
She moved hastily to the ladies’ room, and under the harsh light she examined the damage. Her white top had escaped most of the splash, and she dabbed at the few spots. The slacks, however, were a mess. She cleaned up as best she could, and went back into the bar in time to be held securely from behind.
‘Okay?’ Billy’s voice sounded strange in her ear.
‘Yes,’ she said breathily. ‘Just some spilled soda.’ She turned her head and smiled tentatively at him.
‘Would you like another?’ he asked, looking solicitously down at her. ‘Something stronger?’ he wondered, when she hesitated.
‘No, no!’ she said. ‘I’m fine!’
The little pause, about to get awkward, was broken by Billy’s voice in her ear. ‘Let’s dance!’ he said, and turned her around fully, pulling her into his arms.
Daisy wanted to resist, as much as she wanted to sink into him. She didn’t understand where these feelings were coming from. She had gotten over Billy years ago! She hadn’t thought about him in a long while. Why now, suddenly, was she feeling breathless in his arms? Why now, suddenly, did she wish it were afternoon and they could ‘sneak away for a couple of hours’ down by the river?
Billy’s voice in her ear broke into her reverie. ‘Relax, Daise! I don’t bite!’
She made a conscious effort, but it was hard to let go, because she felt as though if she did, she would collapse in a puddle at his feet. She would never give him the satisfaction of knowing that she was, after all, just like the other girls in town, the ones who had eyed him hungrily when he’d gone onstage. Their eyes held an invitation it was impossible to miss. And yet, he had chosen to come here with her. It boggled the mind!
‘What are you thinking about?’ he asked quietly. ‘Because whatever it is, it’s making you very tense!’
She said the first thing that came to her head, forgetting for a second that whenever she did that, it was invariably the last thing she actually wanted to say.
‘I was thinking about the last song you did!’
As soon as the words had been spent in the smoky air, Daisy clamped her mouth shut. It did no good — Billy had heard them. She felt him go still.
‘What are you doing?’ she asked in a panic. ‘We can’t just stop dancing in the middle of the dance floor!’
‘Hey Daisy, don’t you worry ’bout your mama, Like 007 we can keep it covert!’ he sang softly for her ears only, all the while moving her off the floor. ‘Baby whatcha say we go pickin’ wildflowers? Got a spot way back in the woods.’
They were off the floor. He stopped and looked into her eyes, for all the world as though they were the only two people in the room, and this wasn’t a bar, but the fields just on the outskirts of town where the wildflowers grew in abundance.
‘Hey baby, won’t you come with me?’ He sang the invitation, gazing deeply into her eyes, waiting for her answer.
Daisy was speechless. All the feistiness of the morning had disappeared. In its place was all the teenage uncertainty, all the teenage desire… She fought against both passionately.
‘I’m ready to go home now, Billy!’ she said in a strangled voice. ‘Please!’
She wasn’t sure she liked the way that last word had come out, sort of like a plea for mercy, but it was the best she could do in the circumstances. So, he’d been proved right after all, but she didn’t have to acknowledge his victory. She’d come out with him, and now it was time to go home. Before she lost her mind completely and gave in to his seduction.
So why was she so angry when he said, ‘All right, if that’s what you want!’
He walked away from her, over to the bar, and spoke to Tom, who looked over at her and then gave Billy a pat on the shoulder. Daisy looked away, not sure she liked the fact that she knew exactly why Tom was commiserating with him. Let them think what they liked, she thought defiantly. I will not be humiliated when he leaves again and forgets I even exist!
By the time he got back to her, she was in a fine temper. She pulled her arm sharply away from him when he tried to escort her out, and flounced out ahead of him into the balmy night air. The stars were out in full force, and the full moon lit up the street. Billy’s bright, shiny pickup truck stood out sharply against the ratty, or battered, or dirty ones around it. She stood waiting for him to open her door, and when he stopped in front of her she looked up. What she saw caught her unawares…
He did not hide the hurt this time. He reached past her, opened the door, and helped her up into the seat. She opened her mouth to speak, but the look on his face silenced her. He closed the door quietly and walked around the back of the truck to his side. Inside, he fired up the engine and backed out slowly. Once on the main road, he put his foot down and raced to her grandmother’s house, as if the hounds of hell were on his tail. Daisy felt her heart sinking lower with each mile closer to the house, and when he drew to a halt at her front gate, she could hardly raise her head to open the door. Billy looked across at her — she could feel his eyes on her like a weight. Just one more to add to the inexplicable ones that had descended on her as they drove home.
‘Daise…’ he hesitated, and then seemed to make up his mind. He got out of the truck, and came around to help her out.
‘Thanks for coming out with me,’ he said formally at the front door. ‘I’ll say goodbye before I leave.’
He turned and walked away. Daisy watched him, wishing she could let go of the pride that stopped her from calling him back to her side. What did she have to lose after all? He was leaving in a couple of days…she could enjoy his company till then. She’d think about what would happen when he left after that.
She didn’t realize that she had closed her eyes, but when she opened them, he had gone. The tears rolled unchecked down her cheeks. She stepped back from the door and sat on the porch swing, hating what she had become…
The sun was beginning to stain the sky with pinks and golds, and Daisy shivered. Lord, she had fallen asleep in the swing again. Despite her heavy heart, she smiled. Granny would pitch a fit, the way she always did, and berate her for not taking care of herself. That had been her one ‘vice’, as a teenager growing up — falling asleep on the front porch. She sat up…and almost jumped out of her skin. Billy sat on the front step, watching her.
‘Wh…Why…?’ she stopped as he stood up and came over to where she was sitting in startled, and quivering, confusion.
‘I came back to say one thing,’ he said, ‘ but you had fallen asleep.’ He sat next to her on the swing. ‘So I stayed, and watched you sleep.’ He spoke simply, as though it were the most natural thing in the world for him to watch her sleep on her grandmother’s front porch.
‘Why?’ she asked, equally simply.
Billy took her hands. ‘Because,’ he answered. ‘Look at me Daise!’ he begged her, and when she did, he smiled. ‘I chose that song deliberately,’ he confessed. ‘It’s only what I’ve wanted to do with you since junior year in high school. But you were so cold and aloof, I didn’t dare try. And you ignored me. I might as well have been the fire hydrant you threw your bookbag on every morning while you waited for the bus.’
He laughed at the startled expression on her face.
‘I can tell you exactly what you ate for lunch on a Tuesday,’ he admitted, ‘or what your favorite novel is.’ He took her hands, which were lying in her lap. ‘I even know why you went away for a couple of years.’
He held her hands when she would have withdrawn them. ‘I almost killed that guy, you know,’ he said. ‘I’m ashamed to admit it, but af
ter I overheard you telling your grandmother what had happened, I went over to his house and beat the crap out of him.’
He let her go and stood up, walking to the railing and looking out at the fields across the road. ‘And that’s why I left, eight years ago.’
He turned back to her. ‘Why do you fight me, Daise? What do you want from me?’
He didn’t move from the railing, and Daisy knew the next move was hers. And she sensed, as the sun rose in the sky, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee assailed her nostrils, that what she said and did now would be the beginning, or the end, of something special.
‘A wildflower-picking partner?’ She looked at him, feeling unaccustomedly shy, and felt her heart soar when he smiled, the mischievous smile she remembered, the teasing light back in his eyes.
‘Baby whatcha say we go pickin’ wildflowers? Got a spot way back in the woods. Sneak away for a couple of hours, You and me baby, pickin’ wildflowers.’ He walked towards her, singing the song, waggling his eyebrows, grinning from ear to ear.
Daisy laughed aloud. It was a good sound.
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??????????????????????? BOSS HOGG HAS HIS WAY?WITH DAISY DUKE!!! ??????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? By ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? Bookmanwhb ??????????? Daisy Duke walked out the store, carrying a bag of groceries. The young country girl was wearing her favorite outfit skintight cutoff jeans and tight blouse tie between her well-endowed chest. Her long shapely legs clicked along on the spiked heels. The high heel...
(Author’s note: This story is an entry into FAWC (Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge), a collaborative competition among Lit authors. FAWC is not an official contest sponsored by Literotica, and there are no prizes given to the winner. This FAWC was based around the theme of music, with four songs given to choose from. The song that inspired this story was ‘Midnight Train to Georgia’ by Gladys Knight and the Pips.) * * * * The blast of a departing train’s whistle drew me to the window of...
Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Steve Davies Sam looked so sexy in the shower. She let the water spray on her body as she leaned against the wall. My teenage daughter, fourteen and nubile, made my dick so hard. She grinned at me, that mischievous joy on her face. She grabbed my cock and pulled me to her. I groaned as she stroked me, teasing me. She brought me to her pussy. She rubbed me against her flesh. The shower sprayed on my back as my wicked daughter guided me right to...
>>>>>> I first met Daisy while a graduate student in college. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that she met me as she was the dominant driving force through most of our relationship. You see, I was a nerd, still am for that matter. I wasn’t ugly or fat, or even a sloppy, smelly person. I was tall at six feet three inches and thin as a rail at 165 pounds. I still have a full head of light brown hair at thirty-eight, but I have filled out a bit, the result of sitting on my...
It was a normal summer day in the Mushroom Kingdom, things were quiet on the political front and Princess Peach was spending the day with her cousin Princess Daisy on a private beach. It had been close to a month since they had been able to visit each other so this was a welcome respite for the both of them. On the beach of golden sand and salty sea air Peach took in a deep breath enjoying the sound of the crashing waves, she smiled broadly before a beach towel smacked her in the side of the...
I never knew my dad, he was gone long before I have any memories, there’s no photos of him in the house, all my life it’s just been me and mum. We never went hungry, mum worked two jobs to keep a roof over our heads, she worked in a convenience store in the day, when I was at nursery and then school, and three nights a week she worked in the pub at the end of the road. When she was working at night she got our neighbour Anna to look after me, and later, when I was about 8, Anna’s daughter...
Choices, by Armond Note: this is a continuation of my story, 'Useful Information'. It helps to read that story first. 1. C-r-a-a-c-k! The wooden banister splintered on impact. All went slow motion: body slipping backward, hands grasping at air, emerald eyes, opening wide, dark red eyebrows, arching high, mouth opening to scream. She fell. Through the banister, toward the hallway floor, three stories below. "DEIRDRE!" "Una, wake up!" Ula said, giving her a sharp shake....
A lone snowflake fell from the December Vermont sky. In just two weeks time, Santa would be making his rounds to little boys and girls everywhere. If the fable were true, Daisy and Felicia (the Johnson girls,) as they were known, would be getting coal in their stockings this year. Their mother Beth had seemingly had enough of her daughters’ floundering ways. It had been nearly six months since they graduated high school and they still didn’t have jobs, nor were they seriously...
Daisy was assigned a room with a cute, slim seventeen year old strawberry blonde named Amy. Daisy got the room through a roommate service. It was just off the campus. She didn't expect her private life would agree with dorm living. She was right. Daisy kept her eyes averted as best she could and tried to concentrate on her school work. Amy was a hot little unit. Even though she was very shy and reserved. When she noticed Amy glancing back she had to fight even harder. She bided her time....
Daisy tutored her in her school work as well. Amy blossomed into quite a woman. She was more sure of herself in everything. Daisy taught her about clothes and makeup. She shaved her thin bush, explaining how it made one feel sexy. For the first time in her life, Amy did feel sexy. As a result she got a lot more attention. One evening Daisy came back to the room and heard giggles as she entered. A shocked and frightened boy was under the covers with Amy. "Hi Daisy. This is Brian." "Very...
Daisy says:heres me with my dirty mind againSteve says:s'ok...I'd love to explode all over you!!!Daisy says:love u to do so, not just all over me, but in my mouth too so i could swallowSteve says:mmmmmDaisy says:m bet u taste goodSteve says:I cum a lot hon.....Daisy says:the more the better. u not only one who cums alotDaisy says:i cum so much u can hear itDaisy says:it runs out of meSteve says:ah man....throbbing again now.....Steve says:wowDaisy says:throb away babySteve says:let me try...
** Daisy gets a day off but spends it in a very special chair. ** [Day 4 (Tuesday)] Daisy rolled over. The room was quiet, the bed soft and warm. The sun was streaming through the curtains, a bright white stripe ran across the bed and made a diagonal line up the opposite wall. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light and she swept the room. Closet. Dresser. Full length mirror. And a figure. Donna. She was sitting in the armchair in the corner, shrouded in shadow but easy enough to...
** Daisy's two-week adventure continues as she is roughly bound, glory-holed again and shocked in preparation for Bill's big party. ** [Day 1 (Saturday) - early evening] Over dinner, David introduced me to his three friends. Mark was the kind of guy you just naturally asked "so you played some football in college, eh?" A big side of beef standing about 6 foot 2 and two-hundred fifty pounds of solid muscle. His interest in Daisy as purely back-door. Of all the photographs of Daisy...
Daisy didn’t have to work, but was bored sitting at home every day. It might have been different if we had children, but we didn’t. After some research she decided on a career selling real estate. She completed the 75-hour licensing course and passed the exam in just a month. The real estate trade was flourishing in Suffolk County so she found a position with a nearby firm easily. I bought her a new Toyota SUV as a present once she had earned her license, knowing that she would have to...
"You want to use my shower?" Lilly tempted. "I'd love to, but I don't have anything clean to put on." "I've got some shorts that will fit you. Our hips are about the same size I think ... And I've got some oversized shirts that might squeeze over those breasts of yours." Daisy chuckled: "All right. Let me use your phone. I'll call and tell them I'll be late." "Why walk all that way tonight. Why not stay over and I'll run you back in the morning." "You couldn't get up...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Sister's Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this and to PAEUL for an idea used in this story. Melody Samuels What did I want? My Darkest Day's Porn Star Dancing thudded through Flashing Glitter, the strip club. I was on stage, my hips swaying, my tartan, schoolgirl skirt dancing about my thighs. Men whooped and hollered around me. They showered me in attention. It was an exhibitionist wet...
The next morning I am awakened by Wolf. But this is different, this is the morning after my successful survival of The Hunt. And not just any Hunt, the first ever Hunt when the hunted has survived the full three days and nights. The concept of The Hunt is very specific, but I wonder if any of the leaders who established the criteria, rules, and rewards had any anticipation that someone might actually evade capture all three days. Was the outcome even defined for this condition? Would...
Sarah and I grew up together. We were from the same country stock, hard working families that sweat together from daybreak to dark with almost no thought of weekends or vacations. Living on farms away from all of the rich kids that lived in town, with parents who had jobs and money caused us to gravitate towards each other. We were friends, the kind there is no explanation for. No matter where I was, she was somewhere nearby and vice-versa. Sometimes we would have a few hours free from work...
NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron Chapter 11: Mike's Choice Synopsis: The moment of truth has arrived for Michael Caldwell. He must choose between two different paths, but neither is free of troubles and challenges. Perhaps destiny or higher powers just cannot be fooled, regardless of what you do. ***** I was filled with a cold horror that threatened to disable my mental faculties altogether as I witnessed how a creature out of the most outlandish nightmare I could possibly...
A story of a man and his choice to accept their daughter as his own or choose to turn his back on everything he loved. Thanks to Angel love for her editing skills. I read the report from DNA Testing Centers without anger or suspense. I had anticipated the results in part but still had no idea of whom Penny's real father was. All this report told me was that it wasn't me. That much I had already figured out. But, I had all I needed now to find out. Penny Ann Hendricks was our baby's name....
Choices. So many choices, so many ways things could have worked out. But we make our choices, and we try to make good ones. And we take responsibility for our choices, too. Did my choices lead me inexorably to this point? Or was there an uncontrollable, unchosen outside force that got me here? Not that it really matters, because I choose, every day -- every minute of every day -- to live like this. Wasn't it Sartre who said that every day we make the choice to go on living, so we are...
******************************************************************************************************************** After he had left Daisy Daniels removed the pillow case from her head. She had just been raped; well at least it started out as rape. It had evolved into the best sex Daisy had ever experienced. Daisy thought back over what had transpired. She had sucked him, he had fucked her and finally, he had introduced her to a wonderful session of anal action. Something else...
My name is Debbie Smart. I divorced Mike three years ago, my childhood sweetheart, before becoming my spouse. We had a sexually fulfilling marriage, dominated by my obsession with the cane and Mike's love of fucking my arse.We gradually drifted apart until Mike found true love, so he told me with his nineteen-year-old trainee!!I am a thirty-five-year-old blue-eyed blond, a bisexual sex-mad nymphomaniac with a rampant corporal punishment fetish that I like to enjoy as often as possible.My...
Spanking[Day 1-2 (Saturday-Sunday) - late evening/early morning] Bill stepped forward and raised his glass in a toast. "I think we can start the main event now." He took a drink and motioned to two of his men. They rolled the big wooden X down the hallway and into a bigger room. ... end of Chapter 2 ... The wheels of the dolly underneath the big cross were small and Daisy's body felt every small bump in the floor like a blow. Every part of her body ached, every muscle was fatigued and...
** Donna is left in charge of Daisy and makes up a pepper smear for her. ** [Day 4 (Tuesday - later)] The darkness in the room made it hard for Daisy to keep her balance. Every so often, she'd move or relax and get a shock from the metal cage. She was crying and afraid, the trip wasn't what she had intended at all. The Doctor was insane and she didn't understand what Peter had in mind. After all they'd been through together, she couldn't imagine he was crazy enough to go along...
But they hadn't made her cum, they hadn't *let* her cum even when she knew that the belt landing between her open legs one more time, just ONE MORE TIME, would have done it. The two of them had walked way, gone up the stair and turned off the lights, plunging her into total darkness and... Daisy stopped in mid-thought. She'd heard something. A small, scratching sound in the rafters above her. There it was again! Something was crawling in the rafters! Then, she heard another....
Daisy at quietly watching the house, wrestling with herself. She'd never done anything remotely like this before. Telling herself that she wasn't being unfaithful, that it wasn't an affair was pure bullshit and she knew it. While it was true that sex wasn't her primary motivation, she had little doubt that she would be used that way at some point. That turned her on - just thinking the words 'would be used' - made her pussy twitch. That was all she wanted. To be used. No. No, that...
"You sure they're coming?" asked Phil. "No, I told you maybe. But I think they'll show. Now shut up or you'll scare them off if they do show." They were sitting in a little patch of bushes over looking the quarry. They had two pairs of binoculars with them. They swept the landscape below them. "Here they come." whispered Bobby. "You sure they're watching us?" whispered Lilly, as they started to strip off their shirts and shorts. "No doubt in my mind. Don't look straight at...