- 3 years ago
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This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. It contains HETEROSEXUAL, HOMOSEXUAL and LESBIAN sexual activity.
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The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission.
This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of Springfield, California, so don’t go looking for it on a map. And in my little fictional world, there are no unwanted pregnancies or STD’s, except as plot driving devices. The author encourages the practice of safe-sex.
This is part of an ongoing series. Please check out earlier part(s) for background and character history.
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Sally Cox sat anxiously in the big leather chair in Dr. Martin’s office. The beautiful redheaded woman intimidated her. At the moment, Dr. Martin was staring over the top of her glasses at the slim young woman. And she was smiling.
‘She’s got a pretty smile,’ Sally thought.
‘Sally, you WERE the one who asked to meet with me,’ Carolyn Martin chuckled. ‘I’m guessing that ‘shy’ is one of the reasons.’
Sally mumbled something. Dr. Martin just stared at her. ‘No ma’am,’ Sally said a little louder. ‘Well, not entirely.’
‘So what’s bothering you then? Want to know how to get over being shy?’
‘I . . . I don’t want to be invisible.’
‘Well, now THAT’S a problem. Except that I can see you quite clearly.’
Sally blushed. ‘No one else does. I don’t want to be shy. I’ve tried to talk to girls . . . and guys,’ she added quickly. Dr. Martin just raised an eyebrow but let Sally continue. ‘They just don’t hear me. They just keep doing . . . things. Like I’m not even there. I don’t care if people think I’m a dork or anything. I just want them to think of me.’
‘And you think no one thinks of you or that they don’t see you?’
‘I know they don’t. I walked up and talked to this one woman . . . I mean girl . . . I mean . . . no, I do mean girl,’ Sally stammered. ‘She was talking with her friends. I said something I thought was witty. They just kept talking. I’m pretty sure I said it loud enough . . .’
‘Does this happen a lot?’
‘Yes. It did,’ Sally replied. ‘No matter what I say . . . no one hears. I didn’t think anyone even knew I existed until . . .’
‘Until what?’
‘Until Pat Baker knew my name.’
‘You know Pat?’ Carolyn said.
‘Not really . . . well . . . sort of. She . . . she got into an argument . . . sort of . . . a few days ago.’
‘She told me about that,’ Carolyn replied. ‘So you’re the young woman who stood up for her? She was really proud of you for that.’
Sally’s heart leapt in her throat and pounded against her chest. ‘Really?’
‘Absolutely. She’s a smart girl. She chooses her friends wisely.’
‘I’m her friend?!’ Sally said. She thought she was going to have a stroke.
‘That’s up to you and her,’ Carolyn said. ‘But if you talk to her, I’ve got a feeling she’ll listen. Did she suggest you come here?’
‘No,’ Sally said. ‘She was talking yesterday about how much you’ve helped and . . . and I wanted to know if you can help me.’
‘I don’t think you need much help,’ Carolyn said. ‘You just need someone to listen. I’m willing to bet that more and more people will be willing to do that if you keep trying. But if you ever want to come back and talk to me, my door is always open.’
Sally bit her bottom lip. ‘Really?’
‘Absolutely. Even if there’s anything else you need to talk about,’ Carolyn interjected. She had some suspicions about the young woman, but wasn’t going to put words in Sally’s mouth. She had something else she wanted to say, but then she heard a loud knock on the door.
‘Excuse me,’ the redhead said irritably. She got up and went to the door. Upon opening it, she found the principal, Mr. Primely, standing outside her door. He looked disturbed.
‘I’m sorry. I know you’ve got a session but . . .’ He sighed. ‘There’s something you should see.’
‘Can’t it wait?’
‘No.’ Mr. Primely sounded firm.
‘It’s okay,’ Sally said, grabbing her book bag and standing up. ‘Thank you Dr. Martin.’
‘Remember, you can talk to me any time.’ Carolyn let Sally out and then followed Mr. Primely, not knowing that she was being followed. The principal led her out to the parking lot where she was treated to a sight that chilled her to the bone.
In front of her was her car. On the hood and the sides were spray-painted the words, ‘Dirty DykE’ and ‘LesBo SluT.’
Dr. Carolyn Martin was shaking with both rage and fear, and she had never felt so . . . violated . . . in all her life.
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After school . . .
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By the time the gang had assembled after school, they had all heard the news, and rumors were running wild. Some people had apparently been saying that Dr. Martin had been hitting on a student while others were saying she was sleeping with another member of the faculty. More than a few rumors claimed that Carolyn had been seen ‘making out’ with Pat Baker herself. Pat and friends had also figured something else out. All the rumors seemed to have ties back to . . .
‘Thomas-fucking-Brazier,’ Keith growled. There were seven of them now, standing outside the front door of the school. Keith, Pat, Gail and Todd had been joined by Benga, Sally and Arthur (or Art). ‘I’m going to . . .’
‘. . . kill that son of a . . .’ Pat said, trying to control her emotions. Unlike the others, she was pretty sure she was actually capable of killing that toad. ‘He can’t get me directly, so he goes after Dr. Martin.’
‘But why her?’ Sally asked. She had already recounted the story of Dr. Martin finding her car. ‘I mean, why make up stuff like that about Dr. Martin? She’s not actually gay is she?’ Sally weighed a lot more on that question than the others knew.
Pat, Gail, Todd and Keith looked nervous. ‘That’s not the point,’ Pat said. ‘She NEVER made any undo advances on me or any other student.’
‘Agreed,’ Art said.
‘But what should we do?’ Todd pondered.
‘I thought we’d established that we need to kill Thomas,’ Keith said.
‘I think we should talk to Dr. Martin before we do anything,’ Pat said, rubbing her temples. She hadn’t been getting nearly as many headaches since she had removed herself from her parent’s household, but the stress of this new situation was egging one on. Keith looked noticeably concerned, but she gently waved him off. Of course she didn’t refuse when he offered to rub her neck and shoulders while they continued talking.
‘Okay,’ Gail said. ‘But should we tell the principal or the police about who’s doing this?’
‘We’ve got no proof,’ Keith replied, gently rubbing Pat’s temples. ‘Just rumors.’
‘I’m with Pat,’ Benga said, greatly concerned himself. ‘I’ll talk to her. I don’t wanna sound rude or nothin’, but it should be a guy who goes to talk to her. It’s bullshit, but it makes sense.’
‘Any girl going in there right now just feeds the rumor mill,’ Art agreed.
The group agreed to let Benga go talk to Ms. Martin the next day, then they split for the afternoon after also deciding on a movie and time for that Friday. Gail and Todd exchanged kisses, as did Pat and Keith. Pat was getting better and kissing and found herself enjoying the sensation quite a bit. It still made her a little light-headed, but she was able to control herself.
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At Gail’s house . . .
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As soon as Gail pulled onto her street, Pat noticed her mother’s car sitting by the curb.
‘Not now,’ Pat whispered.
Gail pulled i
nto the driveway. ‘Pat, you know I support you. I can’t imagine what your life was like. But don’t you think it’s time to at least give them a shot?’
Pat sighed. ‘I don’t know if I can,’ she said.
‘Do you want to?’
Pat couldn’t even answer. She just got out of the car and walked up to the porch. Her mother was sitting talking to Gail’s parents, and looked highly anxious when the two girls walked up the steps. Gail was pulled, somewhat reluctantly, inside by her folks. She wanted to find out what was going to happen. Mary and Pat Baker were left alone.
‘How are you?’ Mary asked, desperate for a way to break the ice between them.
‘I’m alright,’ Pat said calmly.
There was an awkward period of silence. ‘Is this the way it’s going to be?’ Mrs. Baker said at last.
‘What did you expect?’ Pat replied. ‘You treated me like dirt my whole life because of something that wasn’t my fault. Now Buddy is . . .’ Pat felt her heart in her throat. ‘Buddy is gone, and NOW you feel guilty?’
‘I ALWAYS loved you,’ Mary said somewhat forcefully. ‘I may have stunk at showing it, but I . . .’
‘I heard what you think of me,’ Pat said, her patience wearing thin. ‘I heard you and Mr. Baker arguing that one night in Japan.’
A moment of realization dawned in Mary Baker’s eyes.
‘Yeah, I heard everything. You think I’m just Mr. . . . You think I’m Dad’s little robot and that I don’t have any will of my own. You gave up on me way before I ever started to give up on you.’ Pat felt her headache returning. ‘All those years, you think that I wanted to be like that? To be a soldier? Making him happy was the only way I could keep him from pushing on Buddy. There were so many times I wanted you to stand up for me, not just Buddy. When I first started to menstruate, I had to look up what it all meant in books because I didn’t think I could talk to you. There were times I wanted to be . . . damn it, where I wanted to be a ‘girl,’ but I didn’t have anyone to show me how.’ Pat shook her head. ‘And what sucks is that I still do. Even after all this time, I still want my mother to actually treat me like a daughter. I just don’t know if you deserve it.’
Mary was reeling. She had recently begun to realize that she had been a less-than-perfect mother, but Pat had just reminded her how completely foolish she had been. ‘I did love you, and I still do,’ Mary said. ‘I never knew how to handle you. You never seemed to need me. You never seemed to need anyone but your brother. I resented your father for making you like that, but you’re right . . . it’s just as much my fault. But I always kept track of your accomplishments. Then, when I saw you going out on your first date . . . I just realized that it had all snuck up on me. You were a young woman, and I had missed out on you being a young girl. I didn’t want to miss out anymore, but then when . . .’ Mary couldn’t even bring herself to mention Buddy’s name. No mother should ever outlive her child. ‘I want in your life. I know I don’t deserve it, but I want it anyway. And not just because you’re all I have left to remember your brother by. Because I want to remember YOU.’
Pat was trembling. Just like so many times before, she actually WANTED her mother to hug her and tell her that everything would be okay.
Mary continued. ‘And it’s not just me,’ she said. ‘Your father . . . he’s kicking himself everyday for pushing you so hard. And he hates himself for not paying the kind of attention to his son that he should have. We want you to come back home. Just give us one more shot. I promise we’ll try to be the parents you deserve.’
‘He couldn’t even show up to say it himself?’ Pat asked bitterly.
‘Every time he shows up around you recently, he gets punched in the face,’ Mary reminded her.
The two of them stared at each other, then shared a nervous but genuine snicker.
‘I . . .’ Pat started. ‘I’ll think about it,’ she said cautiously. ‘I’ve got other things I need to deal with right now, but . . . but maybe. But if I do, it’ll be on my terms.’
‘I understand,’ Mary replied. She felt hope, and it warmed her more than anything she could imagine at that moment.
Pat turned toward the door and placed a hand on the knob. Then she turned and gave her mother the first hug the two had shared in years. Mary clung to her daughter like there was no tomorrow. Both women wanted to weep, but they kept themselves composed. Then Pat turned and went inside.
Mary Baker heard an emotional sniff from the other side of the bushes next to the porch. She leaned over the railing and saw Gail, who was kneeling in the spot where she had apparently been eavesdropping.
‘Well, YOU’RE a nosey one, aren’t you?’
‘Sorry,’ Gail said, not at all meaning it. She looked at the woman on her porch. ‘She’s trying.’
Mary looked almost relieved at that statement. ‘You really think so?’
‘She’s had a lot on her plate. I know you all have, but she . . .’
‘What else is happening?’
Gail looked nervously towards the house. ‘You know her psychiatrist? Well Dr. Martin has just recently had her car tagged and she’s been accused of coming on to some of the students . . . her female students,’ Gail said. ‘We think we know who’s behind it. Some asshole with a problem with Pat and Keith. This guy wants to hurt Pat somehow and doesn’t have the guts to do it directly, so he’s going after Dr. Martin.’
‘Is she . . .’
‘Our official stance on whether or not she likes girls is that it is irrelevant. She’s never exhibited any inappropriate behavior. And damn it, all she’s done is help people! I don’t know if Pat would’ve been able to open up to anyone if it weren’t for her!’ Gail realized she probably just slighted Mrs. Baker, but it was the truth.
‘Thank you,’ Mary replied oddly. ‘For talking to me and . . . and for taking care of my daughter.’
‘Don’t give up on her. People have made that mistake before, and she keeps surprising everyone.’
‘I won’t.’
——- —————————
At Dr. Martin’s place . . .
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Lola walked in, nervous out of her skin. She had been trying to reach her lover by cell phone for hours to no avail. She had heard the rumors, but somehow her name had been left out of it. But that wouldn’t ease her girlfriend’s mind.
She saw Carolyn sitting in the easy chair, a bottle of wine sitting on the floor and a full glass of the stuff in her hand. She was still in her work clothes, though now they were rumpled.
‘How long have you been at it?’ Lola asked. Carolyn enjoyed wine but rarely ever even got buzzed.
Carolyn sighed. ‘I just started,’ she admitted sheepishly. She had planned on going into a depressed bender, but realized it wouldn’t be fun if Lola wasn’t there to wallow in her pity with her.
Lola smiled. Carolyn was a strong woman, even though she liked to pretend to be weak sometimes. ‘How you holdin’ up babe?’ She sat on the arm of the chair and brushed the hair out of Carolyn’s face.
‘I knew it was going to happen at some point. I knew it would get out. I just wasn’t expecting it to be this personal.’
‘How do you think it happened? Only a couple of the kids knew and . . . I just can’t imagine them squealin’.’
Carolyn kissed Lola’s hand. ‘I don’t think it was them, or at least not them intentionally. I don’t want to believe it was Pat or her friends, so I think I won’t. But that doesn’t change the fact that everything has changed.’ She looked perplexed, realizing she had contradicted herself.
‘It’ll be okay. You’re too important and too qualified. They’d NEVER fire you, especially since everything they said isn’t true.’ Lola kissed Carolyn on the forehead.
‘That doesn’t matter,’ the redhead shot back somewhat bitterly. ‘Parents don’t care about qualifications, results or whatever. They care about appearances, even when appearances are misleading. They
don’t want a . . . what were the words? ‘Dirty dyke’? Yes, that was it. They don’t want one of THOSE holding sway over their impressionable children, no matter how enlightened they think they are.’
‘I won’t let them,’ Lola said quietly. ‘I’ll go to the wall for you. You know that.’
‘You’ll do no such thing. I will not allow them to drag your name through the mud and get you in trouble.’
‘My name’s already been drug through the mud . . . by ME! I don’t give a shit about losin’ my job or havin’ my parole officer raggin’ on me. You’re the only thing that matters.’
Carolyn was suddenly quite sober and quite intense. ‘Don’t ever say that you don’t matter. I love you, and THAT matters! You’ve worked too hard to make something of yourself . . . something I’m so proud of. I won’t let anyone take that away from you.’
‘They can’t,’ Lola said, holding Carolyn’s head against her chest. ‘I just don’t want them to take you away from me.’
‘No force in heaven or hell will do that.’ Carolyn looked up at her lover, their lips seeking each other out, and they each tasted the other’s desperation. ‘I need you right now,’ she whispered. ‘I need you to take me out of myself . . . to that place that only you can.’
Lola would never refuse Carolyn anything. She wasn’t sure that this type of escapism would help, but the sexual energy was too potent between them to be ignored. She pulled Carolyn to her feet and kissed the girl roughly on the mouth, grabbing Carolyn’s hair with one hand and her ass with the other. The two were all over each other as Lola moved them towards the bedroom. She shoved the redheaded psychiatrist down to the bed, her ‘victim’ looking up with lust and longing. Lola jumped onto the bed, straddling Carolyn and ripping her blouse off. ‘No wonder she spends so much on clothes,’ Lola thought.
Carolyn’s heart was about to beat all the way out of her chest. She knew she was hiding from her problem, but she would deal with it later. For a little while, she’d let Lola take over her life. Her large breasts were straining against her bra as the fabric of her top ripped. Lola grabbed her hands and stretched them over her head. The Latin sensation held Carolyn’s wrists with one hands while fumbling under the headboard for something, finally pulling up a pair of lined handcuffs that lived there. They were attached to the frame of the bed by chains long enough to provide Lola some room to position her prisoner, but that was about it.
‘I’m going to make you scream,’ Lola whispered into her lover’s ear. ‘I’m going to make you whimper all night long.’
Carolyn wanted to look scared, just to add to the moment of their game. But she couldn’t. All she could do was wait with baited breath to see what Lola was going to do.
Lola stood up and almost casually started to strip, revealing bit by bit of that hard body. She was watching Carolyn writhe on the bed. The woman’s skirt had ridden up, but Lola didn’t worry about removing it. She actually got turned on a bit when Carolyn was just mostly undressed. She let her lover drink in the sight of Lola’s body, then pulled a sleeping mask out of the nightstand and covered the redhead’s eyes.
‘I’m afraid of the dark,’ Carolyn murmured, using her best ‘little girl’ voice.
‘You should be,’ Lola replied, swinging herself around and straddling Carolyn’s face. The woman’s arms were pressed against the sides of her head while Lola’s pussy was now pressed against her mouth. And Lola got a good view of her captive’s entire helpless body. ‘Lick that pussy,’ she growled, slapping one of Carolyn’s tits through her bra. She listened as her lover yelped and then felt the woman’s tongue penetrate Lola’s sweet slot. ‘Faster.’ This was followed by another slap. She really didn’t care how fast Carolyn went. She just knew how much the redhead liked being handled roughly.
Carolyn’s breasts were stinging quite delightfully. She loved how warm they felt! She was burying her mouth completely inside Lola’s pussy when she felt her bra being unclasped in the front and her nipples tugged upon. She was rubbing her legs together, vainly trying to achieve some kind of release as pleasure rocketing through her bound form. She tried to latch her lips onto Lola’s clit, but the woman pulled away. She was going to make Carolyn work for it.
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IncestRUNNING by Rebecca Author's Note: There is one graphic sex scene near the end of this story that might be somewhat offensive to the heterosexual Crossdresser. I do not write from experience -- I just wanted to see if I could write such a scene and, also, it seemed to fit the story better than anything else I could come up with. Chapter 1 Jim pulled his coat up tightly around his neck and looked nervously from side to...
Walking in my front door and setting the bag containing two bottles of Alcohol on the floor, heaving a sigh of relief as I took off my shoes, I need this today. I'd spent the last few hours, before me and my cousin went and got the liquor, cleaning so there were no drunken mishaps. I peered around my living room to make sure everything was in order, confident it didn't have any trip hazards, I picked up the bag and walked through the living room past the coffee table and into the dining room. I...
Group Sex“It was just a routine call” Duran said, “nothing to worry about.” But when they landed on the planet they could tell something was wrong. Was it the air or just the way that the sky looked that made the scout team weary. Either way when they reached the colony and it was deserted Sgt. Duran called out. “Ears open eyes up, stay frosty I don’t like the look of this”. “Oh man” L.Cpl. Mendez said, “What can take out a whole colony like this, every building, every house, all gone”. “Cut the...
She kissed him. She clamped her lips over his mouth and pushed her tongue between his teeth. She continued stroking his cock as she fucked her tongue in and out of his mouth. Grabbing one of his hands, she pulled it to her tits and forced him to fondle her tits. He groaned under her mouth and dug his fingers into the flesh of her tit. Finally pulling her mouth away from his, she smiled at him and said, "Don't be so bashful, honey. I like it when you touch me." She opened her...
During their lunch break Olivia got a text telling her to go and give herself to the builders and let them do what ever they wanted to with her, so she got up and left Claire at the diner table and headed towards the gym. Claire sat there a little while before her phone started to ring and when she answered it she heard David's voice."Hello Slave, I bet you have been wandering why I have not done anything to you yet haven't you slut?""Hello Master, Yes I thought you had forgotten about me""Well...
Later that day, I was practically running back home as all I could think about was what had happened in Duke's car earlier on. Somehow, he had been able to get me to suck his dick again after I had spent two weeks trying to forget that our first fuck ever happened. And I enjoyed and now couldn't stop thinking about it. After having spent the most of the day with some of buddies from the football team, I was heading home and happy to get there after a busy and interesting day. I was home alone...
Knees bent and legs wide open, Daphne Blake stared up at the white spotlights on the ceiling of VELMA’S BEAUTY SALON. The radio in the corner played an unsettling rock song but it had been turned down low enough to seem almost satirical.“Ready?” Velma asked.Daphne squirmed. “No!”She closed her eyes tight and sucked in a breath as the dark-haired beautician deftly pulled off the first wax strip.“Fuck!” Daphne gasped, biting down on her hand. “Now I remember why I don’t fucking do this!”Velma...
Reluctance'Ello, Alex=), again. This time I'm going to do an incest since I was told so many times not to in my last story. Aren't I just the worst =] Another difference is that I'm going to put this in a boy's point of view. By how well I do this, I'd like to bring the question up again. Am I a boy or a girl? =) No offense to mothers, it's just a story =} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My...
--------------------------------------------------------------------Author’s Note: This is the beginning of a new series of stories, all of them holding at least a kernel of truth, if not more. Not all will have full-on sexual contact and/or encounters, at least as I have it planned, but I hope the reader will enjoy the feelings, and emotions, that went through my mind. That being said, there is going to be a lot of interracial sexual relations, sex with strangers, and even some v******e. ...
Hi guys, let’s get started right away. I am Kunal, 6″ tall, fair, athletic body, and a 6-inch thick dick. I am open to talk to women interested in having a good time. My email is mentioned at the end of the story. I have been in Pune for the past 4 years and I am living with my flatmates. As luck would have it, a young married couple just moved in. The girl’s name was Sonal, who is 28, petite, 5 ft 1 in, slim, fair with amazing tits and an ass to die for. As we live in the same area, we use to...
There are no characters under the age of 18 in this story. All characters portrayed are over the age of 21. * Sex, Susan’s Saturday night 4F ritual of finding, feeling, fucking, and forgetting about men turns sour when she meets Steven. Having already scoped out the room and having spotted him from afar while sipping her drink without making eye contact with anyone yet, she had already chosen her next victim. Easy to spot, he was the one in the suit, the sport coat, the sweater, the...
“Dios mio ... where am I ... oh, wait, Jack? Jack Benton? What’s going on here? Sandra ... and Jessica? And who are you?” Rita Escobar stood in her novice’s habit now, truly shaken up by having had the Devil grab her and bring her here to face me and two of my other girlfriends, plus Lilith ... and Tyler, of course. “I’m Lilith, of course. Yes, THAT Lilith. Queen of the Succubi, you see. Sex demoness par excellence. Nicki and I are lovers, of course, but that’s not all Nicki is, of course,”...
The story takes place when I was in high-school, in tenth grade, two years before graduation. Out neighbourhood was big enough, but we were a tight crowd of twenty or so people. We had just two girls with us - Emma and Tonya.Emma was the beauty - if I have to compare her face, it would be a young Natalie Dormer. But with black hair. Tonya was fine, but she wasn't that cocky and this automatically decreased her prettiness in our eyes. Boys, yeah!Anyway, everybody dreamt to be with Emma. She was...
You might have seen this story before, I have posted in another place beforeA Trip To Canada Can Be A Wonderful ThingI guess I should introduce myself my name is James. The other importantperson in this story is of course my mom and her name is Elizabeth. She has huge tits at 34F and a wonderful large ass. We aren't the smallest of people in more ways than one. This is my story of how far a mother and son relationship can go. Well than one with the story. Every year my Dad goes to California to...
Many of his old friends were there and to his surprise, most of the 'cliques' from Old BHS days had gone by the wayside. Almost everyone had matured to the point that, rich or poor, black or white, they were all the same age; all getting older; all had interesting tales of the paths their lives had taken. Don, having come from a large family with not much wealth, had found unexpected success as a novelist. He began writing before his wife was killed in an auto accident, and continued...
Things went along quite nicely for the next few weeks - and quite a bit more conventionally. As the weather turned warmer with the onset of spring, we settled into a very comfortable rhythm. June had communicated her desire to keep the big dildo and a vibrator handy, and both got used pretty regularly as part of our foreplay. On one occasion, June decided to make use of a cucumber, but the damn thing kept slipping. She started inviting me to various Jaycee get-togethers. I fit in really well...
Carla didn’t care anymore; caution had been thrown to the wind. She wanted to fuck her two friends, or to be fucked by them. They had flirted enough, hinted enough, drunk enough. It was time for sex. She was hot and wet, eager for her first taste of pussy, and the moment was right. This was no time to hold back. She pressed forward against the French Maid and lifted her short flared skirt to reveal the golden flesh of her round buttocks. “OK,” she whispered, “show me what you can do.” The...
LesbianAshkrath found them was one of the greatest pleasures. Right now, she was smacking her lips with their spunk. Drunk off of the innocent boys cum, who were now becoming infected with demonic taint. Two days in the mortal realm and Ashkrath had taken over the church which had taken her in. The cop had brought her here when she was discovered after transporting to the human realm. Ashkrath revealed she was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It had only taken a few hours feed and consume the adults in...
So when I was in my late teens I ended up living at Donna and Tom Max's house, they were a foster family that took me in, and they had a really great motivational way of making sure I followed the house rules, and went to college to get a education.On the first morning of college, Donna strolled into my room, she was a tall hot brunette Milf with a big pair of round tits, and a slim well kept body.And that morning she wore a lacy black bra that barely held in her magnificent boobs, and a pair...
Hi main manisha apni story ko aage badhati hoon. Mujhe agar apne ghar ka khyal nahi hota to main harry se shaadi to kya main to uski rekhel bhi banne ko tayyar ho jaat. Main jab so kar uthi tab tak 11 baj cuke the maine khane ka ordar kiya aur nahane cali gai naha kar jab nikali uske thodi der baad vetar khana le aaya tha tabhi mujhe us ladake ka dhyan aaya jo mujhe 10000 rs dekar gaya tha maine use phone kiya aur use paise wapas karne ke liye apne hotal bulaya.Jab wo mere room par aaya to...
When you are in the Deep South of the United States, you will find this thing that clings to your skin in the summer. You can never avoid it. It is called humidity, and when combined with almost 100 degrees, misery ensues if you are stuck outside. It was just such a day. I had been working as a camp counselor for the U.S. Space Camp. Counselors wore a flight suit as their uniform, it is basically a loose, lightweight jumpsuit. My day had ended. I jumped in my car, turned on the air...
Labor day was just a week away, and Karen wanted to have a cookout and pool party and invited a few friends from work, along with her sister Kathy and her family on Saturday, which left them the other two days to relax. Saturday evening the party began to breakup, and soon all that was left was Kathy's family. Derrick felt exhausted from all of the mental voices he heard that day. One voice in particular gave him a chuckle. It was from a husband of one of the girls that Karen worked with,...
Jim answered the door and immediately I was struck by the fact that he looked a lot older than Dave who had told me Jim was 55, but he appeared to look slightly older maybe in his sixties. Despite this he was not unattractive and had a fine head of hair and a decent physique. He was very polite as he showed me into the living room and said goodbye to Bob. His wife then appeared and she was much younger than Jim and looked about 30ish. Jim then showed me up to the bedroom and the little girl I...
Last night I had one of the best Bicouples in a long time hot nasty it started like this I was having a drink with my friend david and kashame just chilling. They decied to go to the peep show on 8th ave. so we going from booth to booth they stop in the gloryhole.and i conitue to brouse the store.when i notice this couple white older looking me up and down The man who i can’t name beacuse i never got them said you have alot of body art. He said his wife had some also would i like to see i...
Jack: Finally, I was back from that long, exhausting trip overseas. I had a great fuck with Nancy, then fourteen hours of sleep. It was good to be back home, especially to eat a home-cooked meal. I knew that it was only a short respite until Nancy and I were off to Vegas for four days but, after I'd been gone so long, it would be nice to have some time together. We had both begun setting aside our wardrobe for the upcoming trip and Nancy seemed excited to go. Then, two days before, I...
"She'll do anything you want," I said. "Won't you, Jo.""Oh god, don't," Jo said. "Don't do this to me.""Tell him," I said."Please, god, please.""Tell him, whore. Tell him, little piggy.""Christ," Brad said."I told you," I said."But she's gorgeous. She's fucking luscious.""I know," I said. "Hear that, piggy? Say thank you.""Oh dear god please, please don't dear god...""You whore. Stupid little whore. Isn't that what you are? Say it.""Thank you," Jo said."Say you're a whore.""I'm...""Go on,...
After starting the picnic with the company video, Amanda paired us with our trainees for a few minutes to go over the daily checklist. Tyler picked the girl named Sherree, the one with the best figure, and took her to the outside table. Why not? I took the male named Dylan to sit on adjoining chaise lounges. Bill and Charlene picked the other two and went inside to find a place to work. Dylan stood about six feet, looked strong, smiled a lot, and was in my class. In our interviews, I noticed...
Chapter 2 All I Need Is A Miracle Mom arrived home promptly at six. I did my best to put on a happy face. I hoped that she'd be able to have a "real" conversation with me. I poured her drink for her and delivered it to the table. Unable to control myself any longer, I blurted out, "Mom, we have to talk." She eyed me warily as I engaged in an inner battle over how to proceed. Sometimes, it's better to just get it out and consider the consequences later. She...
She lets out a shaky breath and considers her options. She’s too proud to run away, born and raised here as she was. And things have been just shaken enough with Robbie, her boyfriend, that she can’t seriously consider asking him to move in with her. But a solution is needed, fast, because the knot is closing in around her neck. Guess that’s what happens when a concerned citizen makes a – supposedly anonymous – call to the police about some gang members circling around the local bank. Five of...
I can't believe that our little girl is going to be a tv star.Nor can i believe that she got her mother and me one of them dar satalight dish to watch it on.Had it placed right outside our bedroom window,now whenever time it rains we see a waterfall from the roof! .Who ever heard of channel 69 anyway! In my day a tv that got 4 channels was dandy! "Ma! it almost time" "Coming pa! just finishing doin them dishes!" I turn into the channel just in time to hear "it's so fine when you...
Tim worked hard all day at two things.First, he tried to concentrate on school and not what has been going on at the health club. He would catch himself reliving the shower scene with his friend’s mom or the pool play with Miss Tomlinson. And then he would hear, “Tim? Tim? Nice of you to join us,” from the teacher bringing him back to reality.The second thing he did today was to favor his right foot and act as if it had been hurt. He would have a legitimate excuse to go to the training...
TabooThe request was polite and intrigued me. The man was a friend of a man who recently escorted me to a budget hotel to meet a stranger for sex. He asked if I would be interested in meeting him at his flat in Kensington London.He was he said a gay man but had always wanted to look at his aunt naked and had when a young teenager stroked her bottom. He also said he had fantasies about her being naked and him masturbating while looking at her. He claimed his aunt was flattered that he had stroked her...
The Buyan Palace was quiet again, finally, after all the celebrations for the return of the Princess and the recovery of the King. The two of them had stood hand and hand for hours, before the relieved crowd, until the King had proclaimed he wanted some private time with his daughter and chased us all outside. Alladin had disappeared as soon as we had left the caverns, probably to learn more spells. He had been terribly impressed by his new friend Blaster and awestruck by my wife's...
She was assigned a room with a stranger. It would be fun to get to know the young lady. They met at the dinner meeting and talked for quite a while. She noticed the lady had large tits and wore no bra. She could not take her eyes off them and the lady noticed. As they chatted the lady's skirt seemed to raise higher on her legs. She kept watching it go higher and higher. The lady seemed to want to show her body, as much as she dared in the public place. She did have a very sexy body, and both...
Do you want to impress a girl on the very first date? If you really know what girls always notice on a date, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to impress that pretty lass within the first few minutes. And you know what they say, first impressions are everything when you’re trying to have a great date! Unlike men, who don’t notice a great deal too much, women are a lot sharper on a date.They put in a lot of effort, and they expect their date to look spruced up and primped for them. So what...