Secound Chance At Great Love free porn video

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I should start this story two and a half years ago.

On a warm bright June morning, surrounded by friends and family we laid my beautiful wife Kerry, to rest in the cold ground. The breast cancer that ravaged her body had finally taken her life. The two years before had been a series of doctors, hospitals, and hospice. My heart was broken, but I knew her suffering was over, which gave me peace. I knew she was in a better place.

We had married just out of High School, Kerry 17 and me 19, both just teenagers. At the time everyone told us we would never make it, the marriage was doomed to failure, but we knew better. We started with absolutely nothing but my Chevelle Super Sport and a couple of poor paying jobs in Washington State. Over the 33 years of our marriage, we raised two sons, both married with children of there own. We bought a small farm a couple of years after we were married and had built it into a large profitable enterprise that one of our sons helped to operate. Life had treated us well.

The next 6 months were difficult, but being busy at the farm kept my mind off being alone. I wasn’t really alone, my sons and daughter in laws kept close track of me. After harvest was over I decided that I needed to get some alone time to sort out my feelings and think about how I wanted to spend the remainder of my life.

I loaded up my Harley and hit the road to the south and warmer weather. I traveled Arizona, California, and New Mexico that winter. I met a lot of nice people, even a few ladies, visited some friends, and generally had a good time, and headed back to the farm in the spring with the satisfaction knowing I would be Ok alone, without a mate.

The next summer and fall was busy as usual at the farm. My friends would invite me for various social events, and they always seamed to include someone’s single lady friend they thought I needed to meet. I had dinner with a few, but there was no spark, connection, or chemistry, what ever you might call it.

I am in good shape for being fifty four years old. I have a full head of hair, although it has this funny gray color in places. I’m not a hard body by any means, but at 5 feet 11 and 175 pounds and I still wear the same size I have my whole adult life. My body still does everything brain tells it to, it just may hurt a bit the next day. I have a life to live yet. It’s not that I don’t have an interest in women, I do, I had always enjoyed the female form. Kerry had elbowed my ribs many times over the years for staring. I didn’t need a woman, I wanted a mate, someone that didn’t need me, but wanted me as much as I wanted her.

Kerry and I had spent several vacations in Hawaii and it was always a favorite of mine especially Maui. So I planned a couple of months during the winter to be spent in Maui. I reserved a place in Kehei on the south side of the island. It was a small 4 unit condo, 2 story, 2 upper and 2 lower a few blocks up the hill from the beach.

I had an upper unit that also included a roof top Lani with lounge chairs, and a table and chairs. It was very private and had a great view of the water, and sunsets. The lower units were empty but the other upper had a middle aged couple staying when I got there. I didn’t see much of them as they were gone most of the time.

I settled in and was enjoying morning walks on the beach, driving around the island in my rented jeep, and watching the sun settle into the ocean in the evenings. I was at peace with the world and all was well.

I had been there a couple of weeks and had said good by to a couple of groups below and next door, and was the only one staying there for a few day’s. I had gone fishing on a charter boat and had caught a nice sized Mahi-Mahi. It was late afternoon when I returned to the condo and I could tell someone had moved in next door. I figured it was another couple as that had been the norm so far.

I fixed up my fish and took it up on the roof to BBQ, with a baked potato, and a beer and was looking forward to another quiet evening watching the sunset. I heard a car drive into the parking lot but didn’t really think much about it until I heard female voices come up the stairs to the other upper condo. They where talking and laughing as I heard them enter there condo.

My fish was nearly done and was smelling great when I heard them come up the stairs to there rooftop Lani. There was a wall about 5 feet high between our Lani’s, so all I could see was the top of there heads as they came out on top. One was brunette, the other was blonde and shorter because I could just barely see the very top of her head. They made small talk while they looked over the various things they could see. ‘Something sure smells good’ echoed through the air as the brunette’s head popped up over the wall.

‘Sorry I didn’t know anyone was over there’ she said, adding with a giggle ‘You’re so quiet.’

‘No problem, you must be my new neighbors. My name is Dale.’ I said.

‘My name is Sharon, and this is Angie’ as the blondes head popped up over the wall. ‘What are you cooking it smells fantastic’ Sharon asked.

‘Just a fresh Mahi-Mahi I caught this afternoon. I have it topped with some onions, lemon and pepper’ I said. ‘Are you girl’s hungry? I’ve got plenty.’

They looked at each other and Angie said ‘We would love to. What can we bring? We just got back from the store and have everything.’

‘Well I’m short on salad and fixings’ I said.

‘Got it covered’ Sharon said ‘How about a bottle of wine to go with it?’

‘That’ll work. Come on over’ I said.

Without a moments hesitation the girls came through the gate between our Lani’s. Sharon was in front. She was about 5’6′ nice average figure, maybe 125-130 lbs, dressed in shorts and a loose pull over top. Angie was behind her, shorter 5′ maybe 5’2′, small, thin, couldn’t have weighed more than 100 lbs, dressed in shorts and a form fitting top. Both looked to be in there late 30’s maybe early 40’s. I stepped forward and shook hands with Sharon, and turned to do the same with Angie. That’s when I saw her eyes. They were the prettiest bright blue eye’s I had ever seen and she had a smile that could melt ice. ‘I’m glad to meet you both’ as I smiled back at Angie. ‘Welcome to Hawaii.’

‘Thanks, this is heaven compared to Colorado. It was snowing and blowing when we left.’ Angie said.

The girls got the salad together and we sat down and had a great meal, good conversation, and great wine. Sharon came up with a second bottle of wine as we watched the sunset. She got louder and funnier as the wine disappeared. We told jokes, ribald and otherwise, and laughed until tears ran down our cheeks. Angie was quieter, but always right in the middle with a funny comment.

I have always been an early riser, not being able to sleep late even when on vacation. Over the time I had been in Hawaii, I got used to getting up with the sun, enjoying a cup of tea on the roof as I watched the people down on the beach come to life for another day. I heard someone moving around next door, when I saw Angie come up the stairs carrying a cup. Her hair was wet, no makeup, dressed in kind of a running outfit.

‘Good morning’ I said thinking how good she looked.

I startled her, but her smile was quick and she said ‘Good morning to you.’

‘Where’s your partner in crime from last night?’ I asked laughing.

Laughing she answered ‘We won’t see her until at least noon. I think she drank that whole second bottle of wine all by her self last night. I know I didn’t drink any of it, and I noticed you didn’t either. Besides she’s not a morning person. I love the mornings, my head is clear, the air is fresh, just the best part of the day.’

We chatted about last night as we finished our drinks. ‘What are you drinking?’ I asked.

‘I’m a tea drinker, I don’t like coffee much.’ Angie replied.

‘Care for another cup?’ I asked.

‘No, I’m good for now, maybe I’ll
get some more when I have breakfast. What have you got planned for the day?’ Angie asked with a smile and a twinkle in her eye.

‘Well right now I’m going to take walk down to the beach. A little exercise before breakfast is a good thing. You’re welcome to join me. There’s a lady with a coffee stand down the beach a little way’s that has the best warm banana bread, muffins, and such that make a great treat for breakfast.’

‘Sharon won’t be up for a while so I was going to go for a run but why not. Let me get some shoes and I’ll meet you out front.’

We walked the beach, had some banana bread, and more tea. We talked about our lives. It turns out that Angie had married the high school football star right out of high school when she became pregnant. The marriage didn’t last and after a couple of years he left her and their son and she hadn’t seen him since. She had put herself through college and raised her son all alone. She had become a school teacher, but due to cutbacks was unemployed at the time. Her son was now married with a new baby daughter. Sharon had twisted her arm to come on this trip. Angie hadn’t been on much of a vacation for years as life and responsibilities had kept her from it, and she still wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do with her job situation. But her son had bought her the plane ticket as a gift for her birthday and Sharon was celebrating her new divorce from her doctor husband who couldn’t seem to resist the new young nurses. So here she was.

The walk on the beach turned into 2 hours, twice as long as usual. Angie was easy to talk with. The time just flew by that morning. Sharon and Angie were off to Lahina to shop for the day. I spent the day on the phone and computer taking care of some business at home. I was on the roof soaking up some sun when I heard the girl’s car drive in.

‘Hey Dale, are you up there? We need some help. We’ve been shopping and need an honest opinion.’ Sharon shouted from down below.

‘Sure, what can I do to help?’ I replied

‘We’ll be up as soon as we change.’ Angie called out.

Sharon was in front as they came up the stairs. I knew Sharon was a nice looking lady but I didn’t realize her boobs were of such proportions. The top of her bikini strained to contain them. Her body had the curves of a woman, a nice round ass and long legs. Angie had small boobs, and was thin with a trim flat stomach, narrow at the hip, and not an extra pound anywhere.

I couldn’t keep my eyes from Sharon’s tits, I swear the tie in back would explode at any minute. Sharon’s was bright red while Angie’s was blue the same color as her eye’s. As they walked towards me Sharon said ‘Ok what do you think?’

‘Ok, just what am I supposed to say here? I think I should keep my mouth shut.’ I laughed.

‘Good answer,’ Angie said. ‘We just want to work on our tan’s a bit, the roof top is a great place for privacy.’

‘You don’t need Bikini’s to sunbath up here, promise I won’t look. Well not much anyway.’ I said with a smile and a wink.

‘Don’t get your hopes up mister.’ Sharon laughed.

‘Nobody wants tan lines.’ I chuckled.

‘Ok show us those cheeks that way we’ll know if you have any lines.’ As she patted my ass and walked away laughing.

‘All right lets change the subject, we brought dinner tonight, can you BBQ it for us?’ Angie said as she headed back down stairs laughing as she went. ‘You two behave yourselves until I get back.’

‘Not a problem, what ya got?’ I answered. ‘Besides I thought turn about was fair play.’ As I turned toward Sharon with a wink and a nod and pretended I was going to grab her ass.

‘Just some burgers, you just keep your mind on cooking the meat.’ Sharon said with a giggle, as Angie came back up the stairs with the hamburger patties.

I cooked up the burgers as the banter continued, while the girls got the other things set up. ‘Oh I forgot the margarita’s’ Sharon said as she ran back down stairs.

Now I am no engineer, but do know that the physical properties of various materials all have there limit. As Sharon came running up the stairs with a pitcher of margaritas in one hand and glasses in the other, the center strap of her bikini gave way. The cups flew to the sides, exposing her big beautiful tits into full view. With both hands full there was nothing she could do but keep moving. She screamed and set the pitcher and glasses on the table and covered both tits with her hands. Her face turned the same color as the bikini and she turned running for the stairs. Both Angie and I were in tears as we laughed at Sharon’s situation.

‘I told her that might happen’ Angie shouted, laughing, ‘She wouldn’t go for the next size, miss know it all bites it again.’

Sharon came back up for dinner wearing a T shirt with the bikini bottom. You could see the twins wrestling around when she moved. Most of the margaritas were left in the pitcher after dinner, but Sharon kept working on them getting pretty silly and finally headed down to bed. I couldn’t help but think that getting a handful of those monsters would be fun.

‘That girl needs to lighten up on the drink.’ Angie said as she helped me cleanup the dishes. ‘She’s usually pretty good but has her times when she gets pretty crazy. I’m a one drink girl myself, anymore and I just go to sleep.’

‘I know what you mean. There was a time when I imbibed more, but as I got older it just doesn’t do anything good for me.’ I said.

‘I know what you mean.’ said Angie. ‘I’m going down and see if Sharon is Ok, she’s a good friend but does like to drink a bit too much. See you tomorrow. Do you want to walk again in the morning?’

‘Bring your favorite tea bag and I’ll have the water hot before we go.’ I said as she disappeared down the stairs.

‘Good night.’ she says from down the stairs.

Sharon was a great looking gal, and fun to be around and my lower brain kept reminding my upper brain it would be fun to try that body out. But as the week went on I continued to be attracted to Angie. Our walks in the mornings were great. We were getting to know each other. She asked about me and my life, answered my questions about hers straight away. On occasion she would put her hand on my shoulder, her touch was like electricity to me. One morning it had rained a lot the night before and as we walked we came to a place where the water was running down the gutter. I reached my hand out to help her jump over it. She put here hand in mine and jumped, but didn’t pull her hand away as we walked on down the street. I gave here hand a squeeze, which she returned. Some old feelings were coming alive in me again.

Sharon had gotten over her embarrassment, and was her self again. Angie and Sharon spent most days visiting all the attractions around Maui but I suspected they were catching some rays on the roof when I was gone as they were tanning up nicely with no visible lines. We still had dinner on occasion but other times they went to some of the clubs at night to listen to music.

I missed being able to ride my Harley and decide to rent one for a few days. I brought the bike home that afternoon, just when the girls were headed out to one of the large hotels to listen to a band.

‘I didn’t know you rode a bike.’ Angie said looking a little surprised.

‘It keeps me sane, I’m going to ride out to Hana tomorrow on the other end of the island.’ I said with a smile.

‘That sounds like fun, what time are you leaving, or am I walking alone in the morning?’ Angie asked.

‘No I’ll be here, I’m not leaving until later in the morning. The back seat is open if either one of you are interested?’ I said with a smile.

‘I’ve never been on a motorcycle before. I wouldn’t know what to do.’ Angie said. ‘Go for it girl,’ Sharon said with a big grin on her face. ‘There’s nothing to it, just hold on tight and feel that 100hp vibrator between your legs.’

Angie’s face turned red and she laughed as they got into ther
e car to leave. I didn’t know if she was interested or not from what she said.

The next morning as we walked down to the beach to my surprise Angie said ‘So did your wife ride with you?’

‘Nope,’ I answered with a chuckle. ‘Kerry thought I was just plain crazy to want to ride. She always wanted to buy more life insurance on me. I rode alone most of the time. Sometimes with other guy’s, but she didn’t like it at all.’ ‘I think I want to try it,’ as she put her hand in mine. Then rambled on, ‘What do I need to wear? Promise to bring me home if I don’t like it?’

‘Have you got some jeans, good sturdy shoes, and maybe long sleeves? The bugs don’t hurt as bad then.’ I said with a big grin. ‘We’ll have to run down and get you a helmet.’

‘I’ll go change and let’s go.’ Angie said.

We got a helmet for her and she got on behind me on the Harley softail. We took off North towards Kahului. Angie was hanging on with her hands on my sides. I could feel at the start she was a little tense on the corners, but by the time we got to Kahului and turned east towards the Hana highway all that was gone. I stopped at Paia just to check and see if she was doing Ok.

‘How are you doing?’ I asked.

‘This is so cool, I love It.’ was her reply. ‘I never would have dreamed it would be so much fun.’

‘Is your seat comfy?’ I asked.

‘It must be, because I haven’t even noticed it.’ Angie laughed.

The road to Hana is only about 35 miles but is narrow with a lot of curves and turns. There are a lot of places to stop, great view places, water falls and sites to see. We stopped often, taking pictures, short hikes, enjoying the morning. It was afternoon when we reached Hana, We sat on the Lani of a small restaurant and had lunch.

We were sitting at the table after eating when Angie reached out across our lunch table and picked up my hand. ‘Your hands are so hard and strong, but they have scares all over them. Tell me about this one.’ She giggled as she pointed to a long one on the back of my thumb.

‘Oh yes that one.’ I laughed. ‘It was surgery and three screws to put a broken thumb back together.’

‘How about this one?’ as she pointed at my right index finger.

‘Eleven stitches from an exploding grinding wheel.’ I grinned. ‘I’ve worked with my hands my whole life. I fix my own stuff. I built the house I live in, and look all the digits are still attached, maybe a little damaged but still work. I get tremendous satisfaction from fixing and building things.’

‘That’s just amazing, how did you learn to do all that?’ Angie asked as we walked on the beach after lunch.

‘I learned by doing, on the job training.’ I laughed. Angie was quiet for a few minutes then said. ‘I can’t remember a more perfect day.’

‘I know, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I’ve always wanted a cute blonde on the back holding on tight.’ I said with a big grin.

We headed back towards home, making more stops along the way. When we got back to Paia it was evening. We stopped for dinner at small bar and restaurant. We were just finishing eating when a band showed up and started playing in the bar. There were only a few people around at the time so we moved to the bar and listened to a few songs. ‘Would you like to dance few?’ I asked.

‘Yes, I would love to.’ was the answer.

We danced a fast tune first then the band played a nice soft slow song. Angie melted into my arms, as we danced. She laid her head on my shoulder, her body tight to mine. After an hour or so of dancing, resting and talking Angie excused herself to the restroom. When she came back she seemed different, so I asked ‘Anything wrong?’

‘Not really, I talked to Sharon, and she is all pissy because I’ve been gone all day.’ she answered.

It was dark when we left the bar and made our way back to the condo. Angie had been more quiet than usual after talking with Sharon. Sharon was gone when we got back and had locked there condo and Angie didn’t have her key with her, it was locked inside. ‘No problem, you can stay over here until she gets back.’ I said.

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Perchance To Dream Part 4

(Three weeks later, and we find Jim has moved out to a hotel. He and Mel have been seeing each other for three Friday nights, and she stays over but goes back to Alice on Saturday. We catch them as she's leaving on a Saturday morning.) “Jim, I’ll see you in a few days. Okay? Honey?”“Yeah,” I responded to Mel. “Of course, babe. I was just… just missing you already!” I forced a smile and a small laugh.I watched Mel as she walked away from me towards the hotel elevator. She gave me a smile and a...

Love Stories
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Perchance To Dream Pt 3

After a beautiful afternoon of lovemaking and some sodomy, Melanie has just revealed to our hero, me, that debonair and dapper gentlemen only twenty-some-odd years older than her, that she is sleeping with my daughter. And she told me this as I was cooking her dinner!I took the tongs and carefully placed the chicken breasts back into the bubbling sauce. As I ladled the sauce over the chicken, Melanie seemed to think I went deaf.“Did you hear me?” she asked.“Yeah, I did. That’s awesome. She’s a...

4 years ago
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Perchance To Dream Pt 2

Melanie found some of my daughter Alice’s looser fitting clothes and struggled into them. The Uber driver was two minutes away. Maybe, I thought. Just maybe, we can get Melanie out of here without a major scene with my hungover wife.Dressed in my skivvies, I creaked open Alice’s door and peered out into the hall. My bedroom door was shut, where my wife was still, hopefully, sleeping. I waved Melanie out and we raced downstairs to the laundry room. She picked up her clothes from last night and...

Love Stories
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Perchance To Dream Pt 1

Today was shaping up to be like most any other Thursday; pretty boring. My daughter Alice turned twenty one today and, despite promising me that she and I would go get her first legal cocktail together, she went out after work with her new friends from the law firm.  She just started interning a month ago, but seemed to have already made many friends. I'm proud of her for that, but still, I wanted to buy her first drink!Since it was about 4:30 in the afternoon, I figured my wife Suzie had...

1 year ago
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Summering in Femininity Part 7 To Sleepover Perchance to Dream

Author's Note: Just wanted to make another note to thank everyone for the kind reviews, and to inform everyone that if they're hankering for more, I've been experimenting with TG captions over on DeviantArt (I'm vthunder42 over there) so if you're interested, go check those out. After telling Aunt Agnes of what he'd agreed to, and her customary shaking of her head at Taylor's predicament, Taylor was soon standing in front of Emily's house carrying a small overnight bag, which...

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Summering in Femininity Part 8 To Sleepover Perchance to Dream Continued

Taylor quickly made his way back to Emily's room where he removed all the cotton balls from his toes and he and Emily took turns peeling their mud masks off. Taylor scrutinized his face in the mirror as he checked for any remaining bits of mask. "Look at that! We're glowing!" Emily smiled as she put her arm around Taylor. Taylor didn't know enough about skincare to dispute her claim. Once they were done, Emily put on some pop music and pulled out her laptop. Motioning for Taylor to...

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Perchance to Dream

Perchance to Dream "Goodnight!" you type to me, finishing up another fun chat session. Anotherexhausting day behind you, you stretch in your computer chair and push backfrom the desk. It's almost 1am and you have to study again for most of theday tomorrow to get ready for your finals. You run your hands through your hair a few times to get it out of your eyes,and head over to your bed and begin taking your clothes off. A slight draftfrom one of the large windows in your room makes your nipples...

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SecondChances Chapter 23 La Vie en Rose

It was already dusk when I got into my car. The radio was still on. Chumbawamba's "Tubthumping" was playing. "How appropriate" I thought to myself. The Radio gods must be telling me something. I pulled out of the driving singing, "I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down..." As I drove, I rehearsed what I'm going to say to Chase. I'm going to tell him the truth. Well - a variation of the truth. I won't mention time travel or future events. I certainly...

2 years ago
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Perchance To Dream

Today was shaping up to be like most any other Thursday; pretty boring. My daughter Alice turned 21 today and, despite promising me that she and I would go get her first legal cocktail together, she was going out after work with her new friends from the law firm where she just started interning a month ago. Since it was about 4:30 in the afternoon, I figured my wife Suzie had cracked open that new box of chardonnay by now. Yeah, I know. Wine in a box. At least it’s cheap that way, like a volume...

4 years ago
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Perchance to Dream 2

Melanie found some of my daughter Alice’s looser fitting clothes and struggled into them. The Uber driver was two minutes away. Maybe, I thought. Just maybe, we can get Melanie out of here without a major scene with my hungover wife. I creaked open Alice’s door and peered out into the hall. My bedroom door was shut, where my wife was still, hopefully, sleeping. I waved Melanie out and we raced downstairs to the laundry room. She picked up her purse, shoes, and clothes from last night and we...

4 years ago
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Perchance to Dream

"You want us to watch Shannon until the fireworks are over, and then to bring her home?" Ryan Cameron didn't really have a question about what Rev. Powell wanted; he just needed a minute to consider the consequences. It was Saturday, July 4, and the fireworks were scheduled for later that night. "Oh could I, Mr. Cameron?" Shannon Powell begged. "I would appreciate it," Rev. Powell said. "I don't have to read my sermon from the pulpit, but I do have to write it down. And today I've...

3 years ago
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Perchance to Dream

She was driving home from the Doctor’s appointment; steering with her right hand while her left rested on her stomach. She was thinking of the future and her husband as she approached the intersection. The light was green her way and had been for a bit as the stopped traffic had cleared out. She was half way through the intersection when the street racer, who was trying to out run the police, hit her broadside. He awoke from the dream, covered in sweat and shaking. Scrubbing his hands over...

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Perchance to DomChapter 3

I called off my date with Gina. I told her in person. "Too bad. I was considering buying black fishnets for the occasion." "On you, they might have turned into a fetish for me." "Instead, you turned into a shit." Her shaking head underscored disapproval. "Look. You're only interested in playing, pretending more than participating. I won't get what I need trying it with you. "I would have made it worth your time and, ahem, effort." Her swallow following her words spoke truer....

1 year ago
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Perchance to DomChapter 4

I never saw Tamara again. She didn't respond to my one text congratulating her. After thinking about it, that probably wasn't what she wanted from me. Mother pouted. Dad had actually laughed in public. It was like she'd never known the man, and she blamed me. In a bizarre form of punishment, she started wearing lipstick. It was blatant. She applied a deep red pigment to her cumulus lips, weekdays while Father was at work. One day, her father caught her wearing it. I was given twenty...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 40 To Sleep Perchance to Dream

August 18, 2000, Colorado Springs, Colorado I woke on Friday morning amused by the dream I’d had... “Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Adams?” she asked with a very enticing smile. “I suppose that depends,” I replied. “On?” “Whether or not you have a second set of sheets.” She laughed, “I would have thought given the state of the bed, you wouldn’t have much energy left.” “I’ll take a nap,” I grinned. “My shift ends at 1:00am; I could bring the sheets then.” She left, then...

3 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 2 Gareth Chancelor Friday Morning

The morning arrived in a rush. I blinked my eyes open when the clock-radio started playing “Yesterday.” The Beatles seemed to have read me perfectly. “Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they’re here to stay.” I mean, sure, the song’s about a girl leaving, but Estelle’s lack of concern for my opinion or my feelings had kicked me in the guts so hard that she might as well have left. I felt as if she’d abandoned me by trying to turn me into a toy that she...

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The DilemmaChapter 3 Bonnie Chancelor

So they want me to write down why I was so angry with Mum. Well what I said at Friday breakfast was part of it but there’s more. This is all my own writing. Jen helped me in a few places but mostly she said it was better if it was my own writing. I know I’m not as good at writing as some people but I try really hard and I think I’m getting better. Jen said I still have some things to learn about grammar so maybe I’ll ask Miss Little to teach me more grammar. I feel sorry for the boys who...

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The DilemmaChapter 4 Jennifer Chancelor Friday

There was a really loud silence around the table after Dad left for work that Friday morning. Bonnie and I were finished eating so we stood up and started tidying away the breakfast things. Mum stirred and looked at me. I could tell she was about to ask a question, so I cut her off. “Just don’t, okay?” I said rather forcibly. “I’m not ready to talk about it so don’t even start.” “There’s no call to talk to me like that,” she snapped back at me. So I got in her face and screamed at her to...

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The DilemmaChapter 5 Gareth Chancelor Friday Evening

I don’t think the bank got their money’s worth from me that day. I couldn’t concentrate on my work and I had to check each job I did three times to catch all the mistakes. During my lunch break I called my sister, Maggie, and told her all about what had happened last night. She made all the right noises though she did suggest I might have been in the minority by refusing Jen’s offer. She thought that a lot of fathers probably wouldn’t hesitate to accept if they were in my position. I’m not...

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The DilemmaChapter 6 Bonnie Chancelor Friday Evening

Like I said last time this is all my own writing. I’m typing it into the computer and I’m going to get Jen to read it and tell me if there’s anything stupid but mostly it’s my own writing. I know how to use the spelling checker so hopefully I won’t get any words wrong but if I get some wrong then I’m sorry but I’m trying my best. And Jen says I still have to learn more about grammar so if you don’t like reading what I write ‘cause I don’t know enough grammar then I’m sorry about that too. Jen...

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The DilemmaChapter 7 Jennifer Chancelor Friday Evening

I couldn’t believe what was happening. It was incredible. It was outrageous. Little Bonnie, her face tight with rage, was taping Estelle’s mouth closed – gagging her and binding her to the chair. It was all happening right in front of me and I didn’t do a thing to stop her. Not only that, but I helped. I expected Dad to put a stop to it at any second. He’s such a gentle man. There was no way he would tolerate such a violent, physical attack on his wife – even if it was his children doing...

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The DilemmaChapter 8 Gareth Chancelor Saturday

I moved from sleeping to waking in that easy way that happens when it’s a Saturday and your alarm is switched firmly to the off position. The warm body cuddled up against me was still and relaxed which meant she was still asleep. I lay still for a moment until the idea percolated into my head that Estelle was sleeping in the other room so therefore I should’ve been on my own. I carefully rolled until I was lying face to face with Jen, my elder daughter. Her arms had allowed me to roll and...

2 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 9 Gareth Chancelor Saturday

I was in the 2nd garage polishing my other car. This one is a 1948 Holden FX that my father restored. People tell me that the Holden FX was the first true Australian car, even though it was based on a Chevrolet design from the U.S. I gather it’s not as big as the U.S. Chevrolets of that era, but it has a very similar shape. Holdens were built in Australia and the Holden FX and its successors dominated Australian roads for many, many years. If you’re interested, the FX is a mid-sized 4 door...

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Perchance to DreamChapter 3

The first half of this summer’s interns arrived in late May. We met them Monday morning, shaking hands as we moved through the much larger than normal group. The first half of the interns was more than we had in total last summer. Of course, we also had a lot more work to do. I noticed a timid-looking young Hispanic woman near the back of the group as we approached. When I neared her, she genuflected to one knee. “Holy Shaman Parker,” she said reverently in Mayan, her voice quivering with...

4 years ago
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Perchance to DreamChapter 4

Sally was released from “sleep-jail” in time to join us for breakfast. The room was full of knowing smirks when she immediately claimed my lap, and she almost behaved herself with only one quick grope she claimed was an accident. She made no excuses for the kiss she gave me right before we left for work. She worked like a girl possessed all morning, again claiming my lap at lunch. That’s where her parents found her when they came by to get her. Sally looked very pleased with herself when they...

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The DilemmaChapter 10 Jennifer Chancelor Saturday Evening

There is nothing in my life comparable to driving around in an antique car. They look different. They sound different. They feel different. They even smell different. People you go past turn their heads to look at the car. They look at you riding in the car and wonder, ‘Who are those people? What’s special about them that they get to drive around like that? Why are they all dressed up? What’s the special occasion?’ This particular antique car is a Holden FX. Her name is Mabel. She’s been in...

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The DilemmaChapter 11 Jennifer Chancelor Saturday Night

The first half of the drive home was accompanied by non-stop chattering from Bonnie as she told us everything about her night and everything she thought we should know out about her new friend Marcus. Eventually Dad said, “So, you had a nice time then?” “Totally,” said Bonnie. “Am I in trouble for butting in at the start and talking to Marcus?” asked Dad. “Or are you going to let me off the hook for that?” “No, that’s okay,” said Bonnie. “It was embarrassing at first, but I think you...

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The DilemmaChapter 12 Bonnie Chancelor Sunday

Estelle was in the kitchen making pancakes for breakfast. I went and helped because that’s what sisters do. When I said that to Estelle she smiled at me and leaned down to kiss my cheek. As we worked together I saw that the benches and the kitchen table had all been wiped down. The benches had been tidied, too. I think she’d been up for a while and she’d been cleaning things. I think she was in a really good mood because she was humming to herself as she cooked. As each pancake was cooked we...

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The DilemmaChapter 13 Gareth Chancelor Sunday

When your beginner-driver daughter is out driving with the remainder of your family as her passengers, absolutely the last thing you want to receive is a phone call. Even before you answer, the heart starts beating faster and the mind starts whirling with possibilities. When it’s your afore-mentioned daughter talking on her mother’s mobile phone and her voice is clearly distressed, some possible outcomes get discarded but other options start whirling around. I took a couple of deep breaths...

2 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 14 Gareth Chancelor Monday

I was sitting with Estelle when a man came into her room a few minutes after 9:00am on Monday morning. He was short and stocky and I would guess somewhere in his 40s. His badge said Dr Nestry. He was carrying the standard clipboard. He looked at his clipboard and he said, “Hi, my patient is supposed to be Estelle Chancelor. I’m hoping that’s you in the bed. Are you Estelle?” Estelle nodded. “Yes, that’s me, I’m Estelle Chancelor.” “Could you please tell me your birth date and your home...

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The DilemmaChapter 15 Jennifer Chancelor Tuesday

Dad drives a hard bargain. Strike that. Dad usually drives a hard bargain. Even for things he doesn’t really care about he will often bargain with you, just to see how much you really want the thing you’re asking for. As in: (this happened a few months ago) “Dad, can I go to that party on Saturday night?” “Sure, if you do the dishwasher each night for the rest of the month.” “But Dad, that’s your chore this week.” “So it is, what a coincidence.” “How about I do it for two of your nights....

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The DilemmaChapter 16 Gareth Chancelor Wednesday

“I feel guilty,” I said. Benito smiled at me and nodded. “What’s making you feel guilty?” We were sitting on Dr Puretti’s couch in his office. He’d asked for an appointment, so I’d taken off from work early. My boss knew about Estelle being in hospital, so she’s given me a bit of slack this week. “I let Jennifer do that to me last night,” I said. “Isn’t that enough?” “What aspect of that is making you feel guilty?” asked Benito. “Um ... My wife is in hospital, recovering from surgery and...

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The DilemmaChapter 17 Jennifer Chancelor Wednesday Evening

After school, I picked up Bonnie and we went to the hospital to check on Mum. She comes home tomorrow morning so that’ll be good. Dad was sitting there as well, and they were watching a farming show on TV. We get a lot of farming shows on TV in this part of the country. Dad switched off the TV when we came in and we spent time catching up with each other. Dad told us how Mum’s outbursts when she screamed nonsense at us were a brain thing called IED that was probably related to the cyst that...

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The DilemmaChapter 18 Gareth Chancelor Friday Evening

For dinner on Friday we had a really nice chicken sweet-and-sour with steamed rice. Bonnie had cooked it, with a bit of help from Estelle. I thought I detected a bit of tension in the kitchen when I came home but Bonnie was standing there doing the bulk of the work and Estelle was sitting chopping vegetables and occasionally answering a question from Bonnie like “How do I know if the chicken is cooked enough?” or “How much salt should I put in?”. I sat there at dinner and thought that the...

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The DilemmaChapter 19 Jennifer Chancelor Sunday Morning

I woke up on Sunday morning feeling wonderfully refreshed. I felt better now that I’d told Dad that I’d changed my mind about the sex. I hadn’t known it was worrying me until I told him but suddenly I felt enormous relief. I should find a way to thank Bonnie for showing me what I really needed, not that she knew she was doing that. She was looking after herself as well as looking for some fun. Dad and Bonnie had a wonderful time yesterday evening but I had nearly as much fun watching them...

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The DilemmaChapter 20 Gareth Chancelor Monday afternoon

Benito looked at me and said, “So?” I took a deep breath. “Bonnie and Estelle have a long way to go but they’re making good progress. It helps that Bonnie understands and is actively helping to rebuild their relationship. Jen and Bonnie never had problems – they’ve always been good with each other. I mean sure, they’ve squabbled occasionally but not much and not often. I don’t think Jen and Estelle will ever go back to a child/parent relationship. I think both Jen and Estelle have worked out...

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The DilemmaChapter 21 Gareth Chancelor Saturday afternoon 10 days later

I leaned back in my deck chair and rested my head on the back, facing up towards the sky but with my eyes closed. My ears rang with the excited shrieks of 21 little girls. We had 19 out of the 22 in the class plus 2 younger sisters. Have you ever noticed that one excited girl will squeal occasionally? A group of 3 or 4 girls will break out into periodic bursts of shrieking. But when you go past a certain number of little girls, the shrieking all joins together into a continuous noise that...

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