Memories In Three-Quarter Time free porn video

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Freshly showered and dressed for work, I was just finishing my last cup of coffee when the doorbell ran. It had to be someone selling something because everyone knows that I leave promptly at eight-thirty five. Prepared to drive the person away, I opened the door to find two uniformed policemen standing there looking quite serious. It was obvious that they weren’t there to deliver any good news. When they asked if I was Mrs. Graham, I felt a few moments of relief. ‘I’m sorry,’ I replied, ‘but my name is Lisa…Lisa Woodson.’ They looked rather confused at me and the younger one asked if this was the home of Gerald Graham. ‘This is the home of Jerry Graham,’ I replied, and then it hit me. Gerald Graham was his formal name but. I’d never heard it used before.

My knees went weak and I held hard to the door to keep from shaking. They asked what my relationship was and I told them that Jerry and I were engaged to be married. They suggested that it might be better if we talked inside. My hands trembled as I motioned them to chairs and took one as well. It’s well that I did, because the older one cleared his throat. ‘I’m sorry Lisa, Miss Woodson. I’m afraid there has been an accident involving Mr. Graham.’

I fell back into the chair and closed my eyes. ‘How bad was this accident?’ I asked, knowing the answer already but it was confirmed by the looks in their eyes.nd told me that there had been an accident. I asked how bad and their eyes told the story I didn’t get hysterical, or scream, or anything like that. The darkness that moved over me mercifully took care of that.

When I opened my eyes, I was on the couch with a cool cloth on my forehead. Through the fog in my mind, I could hear one of them trying to talk to me, asking question that I barely heard. I heard myself mumbling but wasn’t sure that they even heard me. I think they were worried, because they asked if there was someone they could call and the only name I could mumble was my sister, Linda, who lived about three hours away. He located my phone list and dialed her number while the other one stayed with me.

Though my eyes were open, my mind was still numbed. Each time I would try to focus on them, the blue uniform reminded me of why they were there and my mind would shut down again. I heard the younger one ask Linda if there was someone closer that he could call. He also asked her if I had any health problems that would require an ambulance and then I got dizzy again..

The doorbell rang once more and I heard a familiar voice, but in the state my mind was in, I couldn’t put a face with it. Then I realized who it was and I felt my body relax. The worried look that I saw on her face told me that she knew what had happened. Thank God, my boss lived just a few miles from us and his wife had been home when they called. She came to kneel beside me and take me in her arms.

‘I’m so sorry Lisa, ‘ she said, sobbing. She told me it was alright to let it go but I couldn’t. She got them to pick me up and put me on my bed before they left.. Then she sat beside me and stroked my hair, telling me that she was going to stay right there and that I was not to worry about anything. She told me that Phil, my boss, knew what had happened so he didn’t expect me to be there. She tried to get me to talk to her but all I could do was bury my head in my pillow, my tightly clenched hands against my face. She was the poor unfortunate person that was next to me when the tears finally came. She was lying next to me, holding me in her arms as hysteria swept over me and I screamed and sobbed and cursed the world. She calmly held me and let me beat on her shoulders and back as reality of the situation finally arrived. She held me and told me to let it go, and I did. When there were no more tears left, dry sobs wracked my body and I wanted to die, to go with him. Exhausted, and weak, she got me to take two tranquilizers and held me as I slid off into blissful slumber

When I began to wake, it wasn’t Sheila’s voice that comforted me. I was lying in the arms of my sister and she was softly singing a song to me. Sheila sat next to us and together, they explained that Jerry had been hit broadside by a teenager running from police, driving a stolen car. I could see the car, heard the crash, and screamed a warning to Jerry. Then I felt them both next to me. They assured me that they were both killed instantly and Jerry had felt no pain. No pain at all.

At some point in time, about four hours later, I suddenly remembered Jerry’s mom. Linda told me that Jerry’s sister, Jeanette had called several times, worried about me so I asked Linda to hand me the phone and I hit the speed dial access number. Jeanette answered the phone and we both sobbed into the phone. ‘How’s Mom doing?’ I finally asked. She had insisted that I call her mom from the minute we announced our engagement.

‘She’s been sedated,’ she replied, ‘and the doctor doesn’t seem to be concerned about her heart. Are you all right, Lisa?’

‘No,’ I admitted, ‘but I want to be there with her, with all of you. I can’t do anything right now but I’ll get there as soon as I can. Wait a minute.’ Linda whispered to me and I nodded. ‘Linda’s going to bring me up. She doesn’t want me to drive for a while. We’ll be there this afternoon. Take care of Mom till I get there.’ I held Linda and kissed her. ‘Thanks Sis,’

‘You need to be there Lisa and they are family. I’ll call home and let them know what I’m doing and we can leave right away.’

We threw some things into a suitcase and left within the hour. Linda made sure that I was all right and kissed me before she headed for home, another four hours on the road. I wound up spending three days with them. We would sit in the den, or on the deck, drinking blackberry tea and reliving our memories. I don’t believe that we even realized how beautiful the fall colors were or how crisp the air was getting. We laid Jerry to rest in the afternoon of the third day. Mom and Dad and Linda came to the funeral and so did Phil and Sheila, although they hadn’t known Jerry all that well. They just wanted to be there for me. One thing happened that frightened me to death. The doorbell rang the morning of the funeral and I looked up to see Jerry standing in the door way. My heart stopped and I hit the floor. After a while, I felt a cool cloth on my face and I after I cleared my head, Jeannette introduced her brother, David. He looked so much like Jerry I almost passed out again. He was a year older than Jerry, but the only difference was his hair was darker and he was taller. He was so sweet. He apologized for frightening me and spent the rest of the morning making sure I was all right.

After the funeral, I went home for a few days. I couldn’t face going back to the house yet. When I finally did go home, Mom insisted that she go with me and it’s a good thing that she did because I couldn’t have made it without her. As it was, I spent the better part of two hours, sitting on the floor, wearing his robe, my arms wrapped around his pillow. Mom had the foresight to make me take a tranquilizer before I got home and that saved me from losing my mind. I wandered from room to room, picking up things he had touched, clothes he had worn, things like that. I refused to let Mom wash his coffee cup so she put it in a plastic bag and sealed it. I tried to pack up his things but I couldn’t do it and neither could his mother. His sister and father did it while we were away from the house. Part of it went to charity, some went to his brother and sister and some of the things were packed away for me to see later…much later.

Phil wouldn’t let me come back to work for a full two weeks so I spent more time at Jerry’s folks and at home. Little by little, I began to cope with the emptiness of the house but I couldn’t sleep at home without tranquilizers.

When I finally did get to go back to work, I was treated like a fragile bird or something. To protect my sanity, I buried myself in work. Phil said that I
did more business in that first week back than I normally did in two. I began to come back to life and started laughing and smiling. That was when Phil decided that I would be all right.

Mom, Linda and Phil all commented that they were concerned by the fact that I couldn’t eat much and felt uncomfortable most mornings. I got tired easily and began to take longer to recover. I told them I wasn’t sick, I just didn’t feel right and it was probably just the shock my body and mind took that was still affecting me. When I finally let them talk me into seeing Dr. Mason, I told him I just felt bloated and achy. Dr.Mason’s father delivered me and he was the only doctor that I’d ever had. Phil let me leave work early but told me that he expected to be called as soon as I got home. I promised, and made it to the doctor’s office with about five minutes to spare.

He checked me over and had the nurse draw some blood and get a urine sample from me and told me to come back the next evening for a follow up. I sat in his office waiting for him with all kinds of dire possibilities spinning through my mind. He walked in and closed the door and for a few seconds, sat there studying my file. ‘You’re healthy as a horse, Lisa. All of your tests are perfectly normal for a thirty-two year old pregnant woman.’

I sat there, stunned at first, and then disbelieving. ‘That’s impossible, Dr. Mason, I’ve been on the pill religiously since I was fourteen.’

‘Lisa,’ he said, ‘there is no pill that’s one hundred percent reliable. Didn’t you realize that you missed your period?’

‘Of course I did, but it’s not the first time and you yourself told me that it can be caused by stress so when Jerry died, I assumed that was the reason.’

‘I can see where you would think that,’ he agreed.

I sat there, letting it soak in. ‘How long?’

. ‘Well, I’m pretty good at this, so I’m putting your due date down as May 26th.’

‘Is that pretty accurate?’ I asked. ‘If I miss it by more than two weeks, I’ll buy you dinner,’ he said, ‘and I never lose.’

When I got home, I sat quietly looking at the calendar as I tried to figure out when it cold have happened and then it came to me. After the terrorist attacks in New York, everything had gotten crazy and we were both working extra hours to try to find business that we could write. Most evenings , we didn’t see each other until late at night and Jerry always left before I did. Finally, Phil saw that I was worn out and he forced me to leave at three that day. I called Jerry and told him that I needed him at home at six and after he argued that he had things that had to be done, he agreed. I knew he would. He never could say no to me. I had gone home and showered, dabbed on some of his favorite scent, just a drop under each breast and one behind my ears. Then I waited.

When he pulled into the garage, I forced myself to take deep breaths while he closed the door. The instant it touched the floor, I stepped out from behind my car, wearing nothing but a pair of white thongs. His face told me my efforts were going to be rewarded and we came together, our lips locked in hot passion as I pushed his pants and boxers to the floor. He kicked them away and pushed me over to his car. Without breaking contact, he flipped the door open and laid me down on the seat, lifting my knees up over my chest. He took me quickly, but gently at first. I cried out my needs and as I fought to keep my body on the seat, he drove into me faster and harder than I ever remembered. When we were done, I was sore, he was exhausted, but when he picked me up and carried me into the house, we made love again, slowly and beautifully.

Afterwards, I realized that in all of the excitement and confusion, I had forgotten to take my pills for several days after my period. It had to be then that I conceived. I called Linda and Mom right away and after they got past the shock and once I’d convinced them that I was happy to be carrying his baby, they were happy for me. In spite of my protests that it wasn’t necessary, Linda said that she was taking a weekend to go shopping with me. Mom spent some time pointing out the problems of raising a baby alone and I finally convinced her that I was never alone. I had too much family and friends to be alone ever again.

My next call was to Phil’s house. Sheila answered the phone and I told her that I had promised to call him. When he came on the phone, he feigned anger. ‘It’s almost eight o’clock,’ he said, ‘and you promised to call me as soon as you got home.’

I let him rant and rave until he stopped talking and then I said, softly, ‘Hi, Grandpa.’

I could hear the air go out of him like a leaking tire. ‘:Are you sure, Lisa, I mean really sure?’

‘I’m sure Phil. You’ll be an adopted grandpa about May 26th.’ ‘Oh my God oh my God,’ he kept repeating, ‘I need to sit down.’ He handed the phone to Sheila and we talked for quite a while. She was concerned about my health and my ability to care for a baby alone but I assured her that I was keeping this child and that I was happy that I was pregnant.

That night, as I lay in bed, I had a long talk with Jerry. ‘I know that you are as happy as I am, honey. I wish that you were here to hold me and tell me you loved me.’ It took a while for the tears to go away, but once I fell asleep, I slept better than I’d slept in weeks.

I decided to wait for the weekend to tell his folks because I wanted to be there when I did it. I won’t say that they weren’t happy, but like Mom, they were concerned. His mom was really excited that she would have another grandchild to spoil, though. They asked me if I wanted a boy or a girl and I told them that I didn’t care. ‘It would be nice to have a little Jerry,’ I said, ‘but I really don’t care’

The following weekend, Linda and Jeanette both came to town for what turned out to be a big slumber party. On Saturday, we shopped like women obsessed, then went out to dinner. They wouldn’t let me buy much because, as they pointed out, I would have several showers and I should wait until I found out what I still needed. I became closer to both of them that weekend that I ever could have imagined.

I lost some of my brownie points with both families, however, when I decided that I insisted that I didn’t want to know the sex of the baby, just that it was healthy and growing properly. I got obsessed with what I ate, and how I exercised. I avoided anyone that smoked around me, and every evening, I sat on my bed, reading to the baby, singing to it, and talking to it. The last thing that I heard every night was soft music, usually classical as I drifted off to sleep.

The girls were right, because I had three big showers and then they both came to town to finish up the odd and ends that I would need. Phil and Sheila pampered me as well, and I ate Dinner with them several times a week. I was bombarded with suggestions and questions as to what I had chosen to name the baby and I honestly told them that I would know when the time was right.

Right from the first, the girls in the office decided that it was their baby too and they brought me things that they made for it, and made such a fuss over me that Phil pretended he was mad. I saw him smile after he told the girls to go back to work though. I was blessed with a fairly easy pregnancy. I had very little actual morning sickness, and while I expected to blow up like a balloon, I didn’t even show for such a long time that the people that bought me all those beautiful maternity clothes began to complain. I finally broke down and began wearing them as I went into my eighth month. It was more out of guilt than need because I had found that by wearing loose tops, and oversized skirts, I was fine. I had worried about my lack of expansion to the point of asking Dr. Mason if there was a problem. He had smiled and told me to accept my blessings gracefully. We were both perfectly healthy.

When the baby began to move, visibly, everyone wanted to feel it move
or listen to it’s little heartbeat. They didn’t believe me when I told them that I still didn’t want to know the sex of the baby until it was lying on my chest after delivery. Of course, they took bets of what it was and when it would come, etc. etc. I felt like a race horse being handicapped.

I had a spell of false labor alarms late in April, and decided to cut back my schedule at work. Phil said that he needed me so he put in extra phone lines and hooked up a computer so I could work at home as I wanted. I nearly passed out when I found out what it had cost him.

Early in May, Linda moved in with me and it was a blast. Evenings usually found us sitting on the couch, our arms linked together, and her head on my shoulder. We didn’t watch much television, preferring instead, to take turns reading to the baby, listening to it’s heart pounding away, and either singing to it, or listening to music. The other thing that we did was to talk about it’s father and how wonderful he was. As my due date drew near, Mom joined us and Jerry’s mom was sad that she couldn’t be there too. Jeanette moved in about the middle of the month to represent Jerry’s family. We had so much fun together.

Very early in the morning of the 28th of May, I woke to a soaking wet bed. Everyone went into hyperdrive, and I was in the labor suite by eight in the morning. It wasn’t an easy delivery, and I’m sure that no one will ever forget the names that I called them or the profanity that filled the room at times. It made me so angry that they would sit there and laugh at me. The angrier I got, the more they laughed.

At four twenty-eight in the afternoon, I delivered a very healthy, eight pound, five ounce boy. Jerry’s mother had gotten there just an hour before I delivered so she got to witness the whole thing, including the screams. God, that child felt like a small pony.

Once they had him cleaned up and weighed, they gave him a quick checkup and wrapped him in a blue blanket. I almost cried when they brought him to me. I nestled him in my arm and kissed his soft, pink head. ‘He’s so beautiful,’ they all said, but I already knew he would be. His father was a beautiful man. Jeanette told me that he had my eyes and Jerry’s mouth. The nurse came in and asked me if I had decided on a name. I looked at him and brushed my fingers softly over his spare blond hair. ‘Derrick Scott Graham,’ I replied, without a moments hesitation. Jerry’s mother threw her hands to her face and I thought she was going to pass out. Jeanette grabbed her quickly and made her sit down.

‘Are you all right, Mom?’ she asked. She nodded and put her head down as tears poured from her eyes. I was the only one in the room that knew why.

‘How did you know?’ she finally asked.

‘Jerry told me, night before last,’

‘But how, I mean…’ she stammered.

‘ He told me that it was the name that you had chosen for his brother that didn’t live. It was his wish that we honor him this way and I think it’s perfect.’

‘Lisa, that’s just silly,’ Mom said, but Jerry’s mother held up her hand and shook her head.

‘I believe her,’ she said. ‘I have to. There is no other way that she could have known. I’ve never told anyone, not even my Jerry. I don’ t know how he found out, but that’s the only way she would know.:’ Jeanette sat there, dumbstruck, not sure of what we were talking about. . His mom came to my bed and kissed both Derrick and myself. ‘Thank you Lisa, thank you so much.’

‘Don’t cry Mom,’ I told her, ‘There was never a doubt that he would be a Graham to start with and I love the name. You chose it for him and Jerry’s smiling right now, I know he is.’

After Jeanette and his mother had left, Mom and Linda and I chatted and I asked Mom if she was all right with his name. ‘Of course I am, darling. It was a sweet thing for you to do and it’s a beautiful name. Tell me the truth though Lisa, were you telling the truth about talking to Jerry?’

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You are a rookie in the NFL for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. As the team's first draft pick you are supposed to be the quarterback of the future. Your team has accomplished their goal with a 12-4 season and a trip to the Superbowl against the Oakland Raiders. The game has been nothing but defense from the beginning and you have the ball to start the fourth quarter with the score being tied 10-10. You feel like the last hit broke two of your ribs and it hurts to breathe. Do you stick it out and go...

2 years ago
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Cheaper By The Quarter

CHEAPER BY THE QUARTER Christine, Judy, Karen and Beth asked me to come to their apartment at noon for Champagne. They had finally saved enough money for complete make-overs and were ready to go to the clinic. By make-overs I don't mean just new hair styles and exciting new make-up. Far from it. What had taken them so long to save the money - a couple of years I was told -- was that they each had wanted to have substantial -yes, substantial - - plastic surgery. They knew exactly...

4 years ago
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French Quarter Vampirette

I woke up in a cold sweat from another nightmare.  It was always dark and foggy in them.  For the past few weeks, I'd had a continuing nightmare of a mysterious woman lurking around me. I don’t know why I was worried. The woman was hot as hell and numerous times I had awoken with a hard cock.  I figured I was dreaming of fucking her, but I could never remember that part with her.  It made me nervous because I felt she looked familiar but in the same sense I’ve never seen her before.  That’s why...

4 years ago
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Memories Of You

I walk over the cool meadow, the dewy blades of grass sliding between my naked toes, the pleasant dampness wetting my soles. You lie in the sun as you always do, patiently waiting for me, gaze fixed to the sky. The grass beside you is soft and warm, the condensed moisture dried from the warm morning sun.I lie down next to you, silent for a while, irrationally hoping I'll hear your voice. Instead, it's the singing of the birds, the humming of the bees and the rustling of the leaves in the wind I...

Strap-On Sex
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Introduction: Memories This happened in the summer of 1972. Im writing now because I recently saw a girl on TV whose unusual name and resemblance brought the memories flooding back… She moves with graceful feline elegance. With dusky brown skin, long glossy black hair, come to bed eyes, beautiful lips just made for sucking dick, slim waste and flat stomach and very long, slender legs she is stunning. The way she moves and her beauty combine to craft one of the sexiest looking woman Id ever...

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Elizabeth Fleming told me some of this story in the years before she died, aged eighty, in 2010. The more graphic scenes are mine but the emotions and surrounding history are hers. She was my Great Aunt, great in so many ways for she was the third family member I ever revealed my sexuality to, the first two being my parents. I had known since girlhood that she shared a cottage in Hampshire with her friend, Portia, but had never known their relationship was more than sisterly. When I told her...

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Memories of My Return to Belfast

Occasionally, a story has to be written. This one is mostly true. The incidents really happened much as portrayed. For my loyal readers, this story has been in my head for a number of years waiting for its time. Its time is now. Hopefully you will understand it and the bitter memories I have carried most of my life. * ‘Have you heard from Sean? He was arrested in ’79.’ Jenny shook her head. That was all she could do. So many dead or arrested. Arrested was the same as dead back in those days....

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Memories By Robin Y. I often think back to how I came to be the feminine male I am. There remains a lot of wishful thinking, but wishful thinking never changed anything and I try to use what I remember to gain some understanding of why I am who I am. I don't know if that is possible....I'm sure those memories are tainted with time, but I do believe that they offer some clues to why I chose the paths I have. Why we have the inclination for these choices may never be clear....but...

3 years ago
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Memories are made of this

There are key moments in everyone's life that determine their future. They lie in one's memory and emerge when other major events occur and this way they influence forthcoming life. Sometimes they seem negligible and are ignored by others while others that seem to be significant are just a consequences of a series of decisions made years ago. Those are not pleasant or sweet in most cases though they force me to go back and relive them again and again. Thus I can write only 'bout my...

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Enter Miss English I was in 1C the teacher was old but I liked her as she had taught my mother, Miss English taught 2A about 30 yrs old beautiful body she was also the gym teacher for the girls, I did gym work at a small gym which my father had taken me to as he was a PTI in the Army and I was quite good with the easy stuff she called on me now and then to show the girls different rolls and the easy box vaults this was August thru to nearly Christmas...

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She moves with graceful feline elegance. With dusky brown skin, long glossy black hair, come to bed eyes, beautiful lips just made for sucking dick, slim waste and flat stomach and very long, slender legs she is stunning. The way she moves and her beauty combine to craft one of the sexiest looking woman I’d ever seen and I’d lusted after her for months. I've always been a slim body, pert tits and long limbs man and she ticks all my boxes. But I see four problems, at around sixteen or...

2 years ago
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RebelChapter 34 The Quartermasters Lady

"This is far enough," the woman called, reining in her horse and tossing back her long mane of fiery hair. "Come help me down." I dismounted, held up my hands and she slipped right into them, about ten stone of her. I let her down slowly and held her to me, enjoying the feel of her as she slid down my chest and belly. Her mouth reached up to mine, and my hands cupped her firm bottom as we ground our bodies together. She had been flirting with me and the others for some time, riding out...

1 year ago
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RebelChapter 60 The Quartermasters Wife

I lay on a creekside and remembered when there were lulls, times when we had little or nothing to do except take care of our clothes and shoes, clean our weapons and rest. During one of those slack times, I knew that Lt. Foster had been busily serving the quartermaster's randy wife even before I talked her maid into my tent for a pleasant if tiring evening of give and take, suck and fuck. I gave it to her and she took again and again until she collapsed. panting and covering me with kisses....

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I'm an old timer. I grew up in a time when there was no internet as we know it now. No, I was a product of the wonderful world of BBS's. What's a BBS? Bulletin Board System. Back in the dinosaur age, we used to have to dial up to a local, or long distance, BBS to get our rocks off. IMHO, it was much friendlier than today. Of course, I'm an old fuck, so, I would think that way. Anyway, one of my favorites was Nix Pix, you could get ASCI pics of naked chicks and then on to .JPGs My favorite part...

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Memories of Halloween Past

The moon had a strange, orange hue to it while the crisp fall breeze was cool and dry. Leaves the color of pumpkins were swept across the cracked sidewalks, creating a rustling sound as they scraped the weathered cement. The sky was dark, almost so dark that instead of black it took on the color of navy blue. The stars did not shine through the cover of clouds, but the moon’s orange glow could still be seen. It seemed to be the perfect evening for a Halloween. One young couple was certainly of...

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Memories Arent Forgotten Ch 02

‘So you think there’s something wrong with Auntie Flo? I was at the house yesterday and she looked okay to me. So what if she when to the church bingo Saturday then the church picnic on Sunday?’ Jessie told Danny and she carefully emptied some flour into the large bowl Chad was mixing furiously. It was late Tuesday afternoon, three days after her fall at the restaurant. She had decided to take everyone’s advice and taken a couple of days off from teaching literature at the local high school....

3 years ago
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Memories of a gay boy part2 run devil run

Introduction: New part to Memories of a gay boy! enjoy! Intro: Sometimes temptation gets the best of us all, for some of us it just happens more often. Your not told how to make the right decisions your just thrown into a situation and told to do your best. And when you look back on what you did nothing can fix that little mistake. I felt like my world was crashing around me when those words fell out of his mouth It really sucks Im straight. He said it so casually, like it didnt matter that he...

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Memories of Summer

I shivered as I walked on the vacant boardwalk this late November afternoon. The angry waves had much to say as they crashed along the beach, mercilessly taking more sand (and memories) with them. Just a mere four months ago, this beach was my home and sanctuary. It was my own private paradise. I found great enjoyment and even greater pleasure here with the four “s” words, sun, sand, surf and sex. I loved it all, though not equally. The sex part was by far my favorite. I placed my hand on the...

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Memories of 78

Memories of '78As an elderly gentleman, I sometimes look back in time. Let me tell you about my zipless fuck, as the term was at the time. I had been in Stockholm, Sweden and were heading back to Uppsala in my red Alfa Romeo late in the evening, whem I spotted a girl walking in the chilly summer night with a skirt, short as the British petrol pump attendants use to wear in 1968. I stopped and asked her if she wanted a ride.She gladly accepted and I drove her to her house somewhere at the coast...

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MEMORIES 12 Lisa as hot host1

MEMORIES became an even better read series when I started to tell about my private recent storiesMost of those MEMORIES will be about Lisa Love, of whom I even remember her coming future with me!'Coming future' in both meanings: firstly she is as hot for me as much she loves me with all her heartShe loves me with body and soul, I love her and being a gentleman and she so hot, she will come often!'Coming future' also covers all events to happen soon, like this small sexy story of her hosting...

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MEMORIES 10 Subby Solagge1

First seven sexy MEMORIES were letters from readers ranging from soft stuff to tough treatsAll were very well read - between 4.000 and 7.000 times, and got lots of likes and commentsLast three are my private MEMORIES of friends from here visiting me in old AmsterdamThese last one are extremely well read: between 6.000 and 10.000 at the moment I writeLike this one of sexy Solagge, which started out as a fantasy fuck of old friendsA sexy story aiming at getting her wet and hot, rubbing off as she...

2 years ago
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Memories of my first Milf

Sometimes you bump into people you have not seen for a while and all kinds of memories come flooding back. Such was the case the other night. I saw a guy I had not seen for over 20 years who used to live next door to me. It reminded me of a spring afternoon just a couple weeks after I turned 18. I hope you enjoy my memories as much as I do!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ran into Eddie Schantz from my old home town this weekend and it reminded me of the first real sex I ever had...

3 years ago
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Memories of Summer

I shivered as I walked on the vacant boardwalk this late November afternoon. The angry waves had much to say as they crashed along the beach, mercilessly taking more sand (and memories) with them. Just a mere four months ago, this beach was my home and sanctuary. It was my own private paradise. I found great enjoyment and even greater pleasure here with the four “s” words; sun, sand, surf and sex. I loved it all, though not equally. The sex part was by far my favorite. I placed my hand on the...

Quickie Sex
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Memories Revisited A Scrapbooking Store

Memories Revisited: A Scrapbooking Store By Heather St. Claire Diane McMasters took off her scarf and coat and hung them up in the stockroom of her new scrapbooking store, Memories Revisited. It was a crisp, bright early November day. Diane loved the holidays; she was already looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas: the decorations, the gifts, the time with family, and most important of all, the opportunity to give thanks. Just a few weeks earlier, Diane had purchased the...

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Memories Revisited Fixing Gods Mistake

Memories Revisited: Fixing God's Mistake By Heather St. Claire Diane McMasters poured another cup of coffee for herself and her husband David. The morning sun was streaming into their kitchen and glistened from the stainless steel appliances. The kitchen was big, modern and filled with light?every woman's dream. Diane had particular appreciation for it because David had built it with his own hands. His success as a building contractor had made it possible for their family to enjoy...

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Memories Of Long Tall Mary

MEMORIES OF LONG TALL MARY by Long Tall Mary A 50 year old dominatrix reminisces on her long career in Central New Yorkand describes some of her more memorable encounters. CODES: M/F, F/F, nc, heavy, job My name is Mary and I just turned 50 years old this past week. I'm a 6 footweight proportionate, blue eyed blond and known in the business as "Long TallMary". For nearly 15 years I've been active as a career life style dominatrixin the Syracuse area and am the best in the business as well as...

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Memories The Beginning

Memories- Beginnings This is not so much a story but more a collection of memories of my life. I write this for a variety of reasons. First, like everyone else, I want to be remembered in the future. So, this will be my legacy. Second, because I want to help others, it is my hope this will encourage those of you who are facing challenges as you progress along your journey into womanhood. Remember, the path to womanhood is not always easy. And lastly, I hope to inspire those who are...

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Memories of Joseph

Christine couldn't believe her eyes when she caught her 17-year-old son and her 15-year-old daughter kissing in the living room. She'd gotten off work early that day and it was raining outside as it usually was in Seattle. She ran inside the house hearing music blaring loudly from the living room stereo and she almost choked when she saw her children kissing so passionately on the couch. She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there watching them kissing and whispering sweet things...

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Memories Of Joseph

Note : This story is completely fictional! Christine couldn't believe her eyes when she caught her 17-year-old son and her 16-year-old daughter kissing in the living room. She'd gotten off work early that day and it was raining outside as it usually was in Seattle. She ran inside the house hearing music blaring loudly from the living room stereo and she almost choked when she saw her children kissing so passionately on the couch. She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there watching...

4 years ago
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The Personalia noticed that they were becoming uncomfortable. They put this down to Governor Bob Kempe of the planet Rehome, and his enthusiastic support of their race. He kept telling everyone he met how kind and helpful the Personalia were. He made them out to be the ideal race to be partnered with - friends to be admired and praised; a defence force without parallel; a source of technical and financial wizardry; the perfect complement to human ingenuity and pushiness. That upsetting...

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Memories to last a lifetime

I've been together with my boyfriend for some 6 years now... We had a very happy relationship, and we even got engaged. We're supposed to take the big step next Spring. Lately though, he seems to not be the same. Sex, which was never his strong point to begin with, is now even more boring and dull. And I am starting to wonder if I still love him... I'm having second thoughts about the wedding, also. So I have decided recently to reactivate my account on a well known porn platform. Why, you ask?...

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Kevin Reilly unlocked his front door, kicked off his shoes and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. He had just taken his wife Keri to the airport where she was going to be catching the 8 a.m. commuter flight to the state capital. It was her biweekly three day trip to perform secretarial duties for her boss, Bradley Knox III, or as Kevin always referred to him, Trey. Every time he used that nickname for her boss's pretentious official name Keri would remind him that her boss hated it....

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Memories of Flight 109

Peggy Oxenberg paid no attention to the wide-open spaces far below California Air Express' Las Vegas Shuttle as it made a wide banking turn that gave the passengers on her side of the aircraft a breathtaking view. With almost as many hours in the air as the pilot at the controls, the former flight attendant had seen it too many times before to be impressed. Instead, the forty-six year old vice-president of in-flight operations concentrated on the paperwork she had brought with her to wrap up...

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Memories of A Gay Boy part 3 Vanilla

Introduction: Memories of a gay boy part 3! wait for the last part! Intro: In the dark hours of the night, Tokyo screams with noise. Never silent, never peaceful, and never finished. aishite mo ii kai? yureru yoru ni aragamama de ii yo matto fukaku kurushii kurai ni nareta kuchibiru ga tokeau hodoni boku wa…kimi no…vanilla rang through the house. The sound of Gackt: Vanilla sang its tempting melody in the hotel room. Translation is Would it be ok to love, too, in this trembling night? Just like...

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MEMORIES 8 Masterbate for me

The majority of uploaders are non-native speakers of English and most misspell "masturbate""Masterbate" implies 'bating' on orders of a Master, which invokes my MEMORIES of three slavesMaty is my female friend in Uruguay - a lovely looking lady with a topjob handling airtrafficMaty loves to pretend she is my slave but not very good at it, showing thus indirect disrespectMaty informed me in the beginning about her two teen slave girls, both so hot and eager to learnMaty offered them both to me...

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