Memories Aren’t Forgotten Ch. 02 free porn video

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‘So you think there’s something wrong with Auntie Flo? I was at the house yesterday and she looked okay to me. So what if she when to the church bingo Saturday then the church picnic on Sunday?’ Jessie told Danny and she carefully emptied some flour into the large bowl Chad was mixing furiously.

It was late Tuesday afternoon, three days after her fall at the restaurant. She had decided to take everyone’s advice and taken a couple of days off from teaching literature at the local high school. To pass the time she decided to do some cleaning at the two stories Victorian home she shared with her cousin, Laura and her son Chad. After giving up on attempting making the downstairs bathroom tiles sparkled like they did some fifty odd years when it was built, she decided to take Chad to the lake at the back of the house. The sun had just begun to set when they returned home. Danny had called just as they were measuring flour to make peanut butter cookies.

‘Those walks in the afternoons are okay J, but signing up for picnics and bingo and piano lessons may be a bit too much. Did you know she’s thinking about taking a trip to France, Jessie? She doesn’t even know French!’ What’s a sixty eight year old woman going to do in France?’ Danny exclaimed.

‘See the sights. The Louve is really beautiful and I read somewhere sixty is the new fifty. You’re getting worked up over nothing. Aren’t you glad she’s not bundled up in a rocking chair knitting sweaters and smelling of moth balls?’ Jessie told her.

‘Well yeah, but, but mom is fragile,’ She lamented.

‘Need I remind you that your mother has managed to successfully send all of her children to university and her niece? There isn’t a fragile bone in Florence Anderson.’ Jessie reminded her. She was then interrupted by a beep on the phone.

‘Hold on I got another call,’ she said quickly connecting the person.

‘Do you know mom has a boyfriend,’ Josie screeched into the phone.

Jessie held the phone away from her ear as her cousin released a series of curses.

‘Are you finished? Danny is on the other line she said putting on the three way.

‘Do you know who was in our mother’s kitchen this afternoon? Carl Thomas. Mom says he asked her to the movies this Saturday. What do we do? What do we do?’ she continued frantically.

‘How bout we wait for him to close his bookshop tonight hit him over the head and drag him over to Willow Creek. Nobody ever goes there. If we weigh him down with enough rocks they’ll never find him. Jessie laughed as she removed two cookie trays from the cupboard.

‘Jessie this is serious!’ Danny said hysterically.

‘Let me get this straight its wrong for your mother to date or have a love life.’

‘Yes!’ they said together.

‘But its okay for you two to stick you noses in mine.’

‘Yes,’ they said again.

‘Let’s be realistic J you don’t have a love life,’ Danny told her.

‘It’s practically non existent,’ finished Josie.

‘You two are ludicrous you know that,’ she exclaimed as she measured the butter, peanut butter and cracked the eggs.

‘Its different with you Jess. You pining away on a guy who was a complete jerk,’ Josie began.

‘I am not!’ protested Jessie.

‘But mom had a great guy. Sure they argued sometimes but who doesn’t? They had a great marriage. Shouldn’t those memories be enough for mom?’ she continued as though Jessie had not spoken.

‘It’s not as if she’s getting hitched or shacking up with the guy,’ she said.

‘You but you don’t know what old man Carl is cooking up,’ Danny pointed out.

Jessie just couldn’t picture Carl Thomas as an evil villain in this picture. He was the one who drove her to the ranch to meet Aunt Flo and Uncle Hector fourteen years ago. He was too nice and smiled too much to be cooking up anything. She suddenly remembered another friendly smile like Carl’s but on a lot more stunning individual. She quickly tried to forget green eyes and sexy Italian/Napolitano accent of Adam Cambridge.

‘C’mon you two. You’ve known Carl all your lives,’ she pointed out.

‘All this time he was just waiting to make his move! I can’t believe I invited him to my wedding!’ Josie gasped sounding horrified

‘I can get through your thick heads. David and Todd will have to do it when they come to family reunion next Saturday,’ Jessie said simply before hanging up on them.

She turned towards Chad who was carefully spooning out the first batch of dough into cookie trays. He looked up as she approached. He looked so much like the dad he would never meet. Just nine years old and he was almost as tall as his slender five foot nine mother. The only thing he took on his mother’s side was her striking brown eyes. Jessie could tell he was going to send a couple of hearts racing in the years to come.

‘Hey what do you think of your granny getting a boyfriend?’ she asked him as she pulled out the ice- cream from the fridge and sat on a stool. Chad pulled out two bowls and spoon and climbed onto the stool next to her before answering.

‘Grandma is kind of old. But you could never have too much friends,’ he answered.

‘Yeah I guess you never can,’ she smiled.

‘Can we watch a movie before when mom comes home?’ he asked shoveling a spoonful of golden vanilla into his mouth.

‘I don’t see why not,’ Jessie told him. Jessie placed the trays into the oven and sat on a nearby stool to eat her ice cream. Then she began with the next batch of cookies Laura came home at seven thirty. Jessie took one look at her and saw something was wrong. her pretty black curls were in a messy mass on her head and the navy blue jacket she choose to were to work that morning was crumpled under her arm. A smile lit her pale face when her son launched himself into her arms and kissed her soundly. The show she made of admirining the cookies he and Jessie made didn’t fool her.

‘Chad why don’t you go watch that movie we talked about earlier?’ she suggested.

‘What about you and mummy?’ the little boy asked.

‘We’ll come in a while honey,’ She answered.

She watched him go into the living room and listened for the television to turn on before turning to Laura who had managed to turn paler as she watched her son leave the room.

‘What’s wrong?’ she questioned her pulling her to one of the stools.

‘It’s Tony, He called me at work today.’ she whispered.

‘Oh Laura,’ Jessie whispered.

‘He’s coming here, Jess.’

‘After all these years? What does he want? He can’t expect a family just waiting for him? Jessie pondered aloud.

‘You think that’s what he wants Jess? I don’t know. He was the one who left. Maybe he wants to get to know Chad? Oh God Jess What if he wants to take my baby away from me?’ her voice raising several octaves.

‘We won’t let him. This family won’t let him,’ Jessie vowed.

‘Jess you and I both work and Mrs. Smythe looks after Chad all day. What if he argues I’m an unfit mother?’ Laura asked teary eyed. She pulled at one of the chocolate cookies Jessie hadn’t put away yet. It crumbled between her well manicured fingers.

‘You are great mother who loves her son very much. Everyone knows that. No court is going to grant a man who left his wife and three year old son because ‘he was confused and needed time to think’ custody of his kid,’ she assured her.

‘Even if the man in question has a father that is a well respected judge?’ Laura asked her.

‘I don’t think Judge Manning would use his influence like that. He’s a good man even though his son isn’t. Jess said patting Laura on her back.

Laura stood up and wiped her eyes with her shirt sleeve.

‘I hope your right Jess. I hope to God you’re right.’

Thirty minutes later, Jessie stood in front of the full length mirror of the upstairs bathroom. A skinny body clad in an oversized T-shirt with big brown eyes and bad hair s
tared back. Well maybe not that bad she thought pushing her fingers through her still damp hair from the shower she had taken earlier. Not that skinny either she thought pulling up her make shift pajamas and eying her stomach suspiciously. The last time she checked, she had put on a pound. She had never been a health buff in high school so fast food was her best friend. Her friends still marveled how she ate so much and never gained an inch. Maybe it was time to start those afternoon strolls she had been putting off. Gazing at the mirror one last time, she made a promise to herself to visit the hair dresser at the mall the next day when she was out shopping with Laura, Danny and Josie.

She walked out of the bathroom to her room down the hall thinking about the family reunion. There were the Greens, the Jones the Jacobs from her mother and aunt Flo’s side, the Andersons and the Henderson’s from uncle Hectors side, and Uncle Paul and Aunt Judy Ryan from her father’s side. The Ryans was her father’s only living relatives in her father’s side. Paul Ryan was here father’s identical twin. Jessie remembered after the funeral when her father had died and she saw her uncle in the service, for a moment forced her self into believing that he was really here dad and the hold thing was a prank he had pulled. She stilled believed it sometimes when she saw him.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Chad poked his head inside.

‘Are you asleep?’ he asked

‘Not yet,’ she answered pulling back the covers.

She patted her side. Grinning, he opened the door fully and climbed into the bed to give her a good night hug. He jumped off and hurried to his room.

The day when Laura found out she was pregnant, Jessie had been the first to know. She was cleaning the attic the attic when Laura came up smiling.

‘Guess what,’ She urged.

‘You passed you final exam,’ Jessie had asked excitedly. Laura had desperately wanted to pas her Economics Examination.

‘Yeah, but not it,’ was the reply

‘Then what is it then?’ Jessie asked confused.

‘Tony asked me to marry him and I said YES!’ she screamed excitedly.

After a full minute of screaming up and down, Lauren delivered the final news.

‘That’s not all. I’m two weeks pregnant. I haven’t told Tony yet,’ she grinned.

‘I’m going to be an auntie!’ Jessie laughed then paused.

‘No wait that’s not right we’re cousins so what does that make me and her?’ she whispered touching Laura’s stomach.

‘Second cousins, I think,’Laura replied spinning around the dusty room.

‘Oh Jess I love Tony so much. If I love him and more I just might burst!’

Three years later Tony just disappeared without a trace. Not even his father knew where he was. Then came the letter. He was confused and need time to think things over. He would always Laura he had written.

The months that followed Laura did everything in here power to remove Tony’s existence but he was there every time she looked into her little boy’s eyes. Jessie moved me n to help take care of Chad and one night Laura realized she didn’t want her son growing up not knowing what his dad looked like or hating him cause his mother did.

Jessie remembered the look on Laura’s race when she had replaced the last picture of Tony.

‘I’m only doing this for Chad, Jess. I stopped loving him the day he walked out that door.’

Jessie climbed out of her bed and looked at the star lit sky through her open window. Memories floated back to her brain in a sudden rush. Her father, her uncle Hector and Peter weren’t in her life anymore. It hurt like hell when they weren’t there and more. Now Tony may be trying to take away Chad.

It seemed like the women in the Ryan and Anderson family were cursed when it came to the male species. Josie seemed to be the only one who was having a healthy relationship with her husband Paul so far. Maybe their marriage would be the one to break the curse.

Even though she would never have admitted it she missed the relationship she had had with Peter before he became a jerk. There had even been a time when she thought he was the one she would spend the rest of her life with. After their breakup Josie and Danny had designated themselves her saviors and tried desperately to get her to start back dating. For a woman who found her ex husband with the bride whose wedding she had been catering for Danny still thought there were still some men out there who should be given a chance. Josie was just happily married and wanted to get all her single friends tied to the old ball and chain as she called it.

Shoving her feet into her slippers and tossing on her robe, she opens the door that led from her room to the private gallery. The cold night wind blew roughly against her face. The water from the pond where she and Chad swam earlier shone brightly through the trees. Leaning against the railing she watched it for a while. Somehow that night felt different. She felt like crying for the first time since her Uncle died. Bowing her head into her she let herself cry like she did when her dad told her mother was dying and there was nothing he could do about it. The only difference was he wasn’t there to hug and she wasn’t a child anymore. She cried until the hiccups came and there weren’t anymore tears. Then she looked at the lake some more.

A cool drop of rain dropped on her moist face mingling with her tears. As it fell quicker, she stood there on the gallery silent crying again. Just before the rain finished pounding the earth, she went back to her room changed her clothes and went to bed.


‘Well? What do you think about the Simpson and Rickman contract son,’ Vincent Cambridge asked Adam helping himself to another slice of extra crispy bacon. When he receives no response from him he looks at the younger man more closely.

Since he had returned to the hotel the night before, he had been quiet aside from telling him about his helping a woman who had fallen when the restaurant/club he had gone to that had stampeded.

‘If I knew you were seeing someone I’d have said you were in love,’ he joked bringing Adam from his day dream about the long legged lady he met at Eclectic Soul the day before.

From her nose to her red polished toes he could tell Jessie Ryan was a handful.

From the look on her face she was obviously not trilled to find him holding her bag last night at the hospital. From her cousins hints she was single and he would have made his intentions of dating her in a heartbeat if she hadn’t leap from the hospital bed and made a dash for the door. He still remembered the way she looked at him as though e was an axe murderer. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to understand the message she was sending and he understood it loud and clear. Danger, keep away it screamed. She had obviously been hurt badly by that guy her cousin had told him about while they had been in the waiting room at the hospital. He was pretty sure she would be horrified if she knew her cousins were making her social life public knowledge to single men everywhere.

‘Well dad as far as I can see its pretty sound though you should consider S and R to lengthen the time frame. I think five years should be enough so you can import the better goods if you need to so they get the best for their money,’ Adam told him shoveling the remaining of his pancakes he had ordered. Aside from being a senior partner at one or the best law firms in Italy, he helped his father out with the legal part of his housing company.

‘That’s enough about work for one day Vinny, stop pestering the boy,’ Adrienne Cambridge chided her husband before turning to her stepson.

‘How is house hunting going for you Adam? Some houses are built with faulty wiring and they get painted up to look flashy. Only when you’ve bought it then you see the flaws. I wish you would have waited until you father had established himself here in Cedar Oaks and built you one,’ she sa
id nodding her head. Her grey eyes shone playfully as she looked at Vincent.

‘I would have but the firm is expanding this year out here and dad may start at S and R next year. So I’ll just have to get one of the houses already built here.

They sat silently for a while until the waitress came with the check. Paying he rose and checked his wrist watch he had gotten for his twelfth birthday

‘What are your plans for the day? Adrienne asked getting up.

I thought I get a couple of things check how work is at the office building and see the sites Cedar Oaks has to offer a foreigner like me. He explained as they headed to the door.

‘Ron Riceman and Ted Simpson have invited us to a game of golf. I still don’t see the sense of grown men hitting around a ball with a club,’ his father grumbled as he and Adrienne headed to the lobby of the hotel. Laughing, Adam headed to the elevators.

‘That hat you’re wearing has got to be on to tight if you think I’m wearing that,’ Jessie snorted giving the shimmering green dress Danny was holding up one last look before returning to the pile of on sale jeans.

‘Why not? It’s perfect for the teachers Christmas dinner. Who knows maybe that teacher with the great but Reggie might make a move, Josie returned, pulling her away from the on sale pile and taking the dress from Danny. She measured it against Jessie.

‘Perfect fit,’

It’s now my style, Christmas is eight months from now and Regan and I are just friends,’ Jessie said in one breath.

‘Come on Jess. Even if you aren’t going to buy it just try it on. It goes nice with you brown eyes,’ Laura added.

Even though she was still worried about Tony she had agreed to go on the girls’ only lunch date and shopping spree they had planned the week before only after she made Jessie promise not to tell her sisters. They would only get more worried.

Jessie began to give in to the dress idea slowly.

‘I don’t know guys. It’s so revealing. You’re cleavage is bond to get cold from all that exposure,’ she pointed out.

‘Nope you’ll be heating up the room with that dress you won’t have a chance to get cold.’ winked Josie.

‘Alright fine I’ll try on the dress.’ She said heading to the change room with the dress and some other clothes.

After trying on a couple of jeans, sweaters, and a blue blouse Josie choose for her to wears for the reunion, she pulled on the dress.

‘You’re taking pretty long in there,’ Josie called ‘I’m going to put back this stuff. Some of these shirts are really hideous Jess.’

‘Are you stuck?’ Laura asked worriedly

‘Do you guys think she fell asleep in there?’ Danny giggled.

Jessie open the door and came out.

‘You looked gorgeous,’ Danny nodded

‘I told you green is your colour, you have to buy this dress,’ Laura grinned

‘I brought the best judge of all. Look who I found guys,’ Josie said from behind her.

Spinning around she came face to face with Adam.

‘You look incredible,’ he said appraising her. She blushed furiously and pretended to remove a loose thread from the dress.

‘Thanks you guys. I better change so we can get out of here and get some lunch. I’m famished,’ she stated stepping into the change room. The entire time Adams eyes seemed incapable of going anywhere but her bosom and Josie was smiling mischievously.

‘I’ll go change so we can meet Paul and the kids for lunch,’ she said turning quickly and stepping into the change room. Inside the change room she stared at her flushed face in the mirror.

What was Adam doing here? True Cedar Oaks wasn’t a big town, but if they kept meeting like that she might just begin to believe in that fate Josie was talking about. If she kept blushing like a school girl her cousins would not let it rest, Jessie thought as she stepped out of the room. She suddenly realized she was talking to herself more than usually. Cedar Oaks Mental Hospital her she came.

She was not the least bit surprised when she found Adam still standing outside being heavily interrogated by her cousins. Then they proceeded to load him up with their day’s purchases and stare him to the coffee and doughnut shop where Paul sat nursing a black coffee. He stood up as they approached giving Adam a skeptical eye. After being introduced and shaking hands, he groaned at the sight of the bags they had brought.

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"Shoot," replied Kevin. "I have to go out of town for a couple of days. Might turn into a week. It's for my dad's company. They need me to approve some things know." Kevin did know. He nodded to his friend, who was stroking his finger around the brim of his glass. The crowd in the bar was dying down, and the music was low enough to have a normal conversation now. Steven seemed to actually enjoy being away from the house for a bit. "So what's the favor?" Kevin...

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You are not forgotten

She wanted him to tie her up.I need to feel the biting in my wrists. I need to feel the pressure. I need to feel the security. I need to feel the control, the worry, the weight melt away. I need to feel the trust I have in you with a physical presence. I need.She was bound to the chair. Each wrist tethered to its matching knee. Each leg tied to a chairs leg. Her chest and torso married to the back of the chair.The blind fold was a surprise. She was not expecting her sense of sight being taken...

1 year ago
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Memories of My Return to Belfast

Occasionally, a story has to be written. This one is mostly true. The incidents really happened much as portrayed. For my loyal readers, this story has been in my head for a number of years waiting for its time. Its time is now. Hopefully you will understand it and the bitter memories I have carried most of my life. * ‘Have you heard from Sean? He was arrested in ’79.’ Jenny shook her head. That was all she could do. So many dead or arrested. Arrested was the same as dead back in those days....

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Memories By Robin Y. I often think back to how I came to be the feminine male I am. There remains a lot of wishful thinking, but wishful thinking never changed anything and I try to use what I remember to gain some understanding of why I am who I am. I don't know if that is possible....I'm sure those memories are tainted with time, but I do believe that they offer some clues to why I chose the paths I have. Why we have the inclination for these choices may never be clear....but...

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Memories are made of this

There are key moments in everyone's life that determine their future. They lie in one's memory and emerge when other major events occur and this way they influence forthcoming life. Sometimes they seem negligible and are ignored by others while others that seem to be significant are just a consequences of a series of decisions made years ago. Those are not pleasant or sweet in most cases though they force me to go back and relive them again and again. Thus I can write only 'bout my...

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Enter Miss English I was in 1C the teacher was old but I liked her as she had taught my mother, Miss English taught 2A about 30 yrs old beautiful body she was also the gym teacher for the girls, I did gym work at a small gym which my father had taken me to as he was a PTI in the Army and I was quite good with the easy stuff she called on me now and then to show the girls different rolls and the easy box vaults this was August thru to nearly Christmas...

4 years ago
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She moves with graceful feline elegance. With dusky brown skin, long glossy black hair, come to bed eyes, beautiful lips just made for sucking dick, slim waste and flat stomach and very long, slender legs she is stunning. The way she moves and her beauty combine to craft one of the sexiest looking woman I’d ever seen and I’d lusted after her for months. I've always been a slim body, pert tits and long limbs man and she ticks all my boxes. But I see four problems, at around sixteen or...

2 years ago
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Memories of Halloween Past

The moon had a strange, orange hue to it while the crisp fall breeze was cool and dry. Leaves the color of pumpkins were swept across the cracked sidewalks, creating a rustling sound as they scraped the weathered cement. The sky was dark, almost so dark that instead of black it took on the color of navy blue. The stars did not shine through the cover of clouds, but the moon’s orange glow could still be seen. It seemed to be the perfect evening for a Halloween. One young couple was certainly of...

3 years ago
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Memories of a gay boy part2 run devil run

Introduction: New part to Memories of a gay boy! enjoy! Intro: Sometimes temptation gets the best of us all, for some of us it just happens more often. Your not told how to make the right decisions your just thrown into a situation and told to do your best. And when you look back on what you did nothing can fix that little mistake. I felt like my world was crashing around me when those words fell out of his mouth It really sucks Im straight. He said it so casually, like it didnt matter that he...

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Memories of Summer

I shivered as I walked on the vacant boardwalk this late November afternoon. The angry waves had much to say as they crashed along the beach, mercilessly taking more sand (and memories) with them. Just a mere four months ago, this beach was my home and sanctuary. It was my own private paradise. I found great enjoyment and even greater pleasure here with the four “s” words, sun, sand, surf and sex. I loved it all, though not equally. The sex part was by far my favorite. I placed my hand on the...

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Memories of 78

Memories of '78As an elderly gentleman, I sometimes look back in time. Let me tell you about my zipless fuck, as the term was at the time. I had been in Stockholm, Sweden and were heading back to Uppsala in my red Alfa Romeo late in the evening, whem I spotted a girl walking in the chilly summer night with a skirt, short as the British petrol pump attendants use to wear in 1968. I stopped and asked her if she wanted a ride.She gladly accepted and I drove her to her house somewhere at the coast...

1 year ago
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MEMORIES 12 Lisa as hot host1

MEMORIES became an even better read series when I started to tell about my private recent storiesMost of those MEMORIES will be about Lisa Love, of whom I even remember her coming future with me!'Coming future' in both meanings: firstly she is as hot for me as much she loves me with all her heartShe loves me with body and soul, I love her and being a gentleman and she so hot, she will come often!'Coming future' also covers all events to happen soon, like this small sexy story of her hosting...

3 years ago
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MEMORIES 10 Subby Solagge1

First seven sexy MEMORIES were letters from readers ranging from soft stuff to tough treatsAll were very well read - between 4.000 and 7.000 times, and got lots of likes and commentsLast three are my private MEMORIES of friends from here visiting me in old AmsterdamThese last one are extremely well read: between 6.000 and 10.000 at the moment I writeLike this one of sexy Solagge, which started out as a fantasy fuck of old friendsA sexy story aiming at getting her wet and hot, rubbing off as she...

2 years ago
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Memories of my first Milf

Sometimes you bump into people you have not seen for a while and all kinds of memories come flooding back. Such was the case the other night. I saw a guy I had not seen for over 20 years who used to live next door to me. It reminded me of a spring afternoon just a couple weeks after I turned 18. I hope you enjoy my memories as much as I do!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ran into Eddie Schantz from my old home town this weekend and it reminded me of the first real sex I ever had...

3 years ago
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Memories of Summer

I shivered as I walked on the vacant boardwalk this late November afternoon. The angry waves had much to say as they crashed along the beach, mercilessly taking more sand (and memories) with them. Just a mere four months ago, this beach was my home and sanctuary. It was my own private paradise. I found great enjoyment and even greater pleasure here with the four “s” words; sun, sand, surf and sex. I loved it all, though not equally. The sex part was by far my favorite. I placed my hand on the...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Memories Revisited A Scrapbooking Store

Memories Revisited: A Scrapbooking Store By Heather St. Claire Diane McMasters took off her scarf and coat and hung them up in the stockroom of her new scrapbooking store, Memories Revisited. It was a crisp, bright early November day. Diane loved the holidays; she was already looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas: the decorations, the gifts, the time with family, and most important of all, the opportunity to give thanks. Just a few weeks earlier, Diane had purchased the...

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Memories Revisited Fixing Gods Mistake

Memories Revisited: Fixing God's Mistake By Heather St. Claire Diane McMasters poured another cup of coffee for herself and her husband David. The morning sun was streaming into their kitchen and glistened from the stainless steel appliances. The kitchen was big, modern and filled with light?every woman's dream. Diane had particular appreciation for it because David had built it with his own hands. His success as a building contractor had made it possible for their family to enjoy...

2 years ago
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Memories Of Long Tall Mary

MEMORIES OF LONG TALL MARY by Long Tall Mary A 50 year old dominatrix reminisces on her long career in Central New Yorkand describes some of her more memorable encounters. CODES: M/F, F/F, nc, heavy, job My name is Mary and I just turned 50 years old this past week. I'm a 6 footweight proportionate, blue eyed blond and known in the business as "Long TallMary". For nearly 15 years I've been active as a career life style dominatrixin the Syracuse area and am the best in the business as well as...

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Memories The Beginning

Memories- Beginnings This is not so much a story but more a collection of memories of my life. I write this for a variety of reasons. First, like everyone else, I want to be remembered in the future. So, this will be my legacy. Second, because I want to help others, it is my hope this will encourage those of you who are facing challenges as you progress along your journey into womanhood. Remember, the path to womanhood is not always easy. And lastly, I hope to inspire those who are...

1 year ago
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Memories of Joseph

Christine couldn't believe her eyes when she caught her 17-year-old son and her 15-year-old daughter kissing in the living room. She'd gotten off work early that day and it was raining outside as it usually was in Seattle. She ran inside the house hearing music blaring loudly from the living room stereo and she almost choked when she saw her children kissing so passionately on the couch. She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there watching them kissing and whispering sweet things...

1 year ago
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Memories Of Joseph

Note : This story is completely fictional! Christine couldn't believe her eyes when she caught her 17-year-old son and her 16-year-old daughter kissing in the living room. She'd gotten off work early that day and it was raining outside as it usually was in Seattle. She ran inside the house hearing music blaring loudly from the living room stereo and she almost choked when she saw her children kissing so passionately on the couch. She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there watching...

4 years ago
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The Personalia noticed that they were becoming uncomfortable. They put this down to Governor Bob Kempe of the planet Rehome, and his enthusiastic support of their race. He kept telling everyone he met how kind and helpful the Personalia were. He made them out to be the ideal race to be partnered with - friends to be admired and praised; a defence force without parallel; a source of technical and financial wizardry; the perfect complement to human ingenuity and pushiness. That upsetting...

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Domestication began with the first contact with the human, this was the stance of the pack as it was the stance of the leader. The leader had no name. None of them had names. They did not understand the concept of language, and many of them if given the opportunity would defer, and flea to be with the others safe and serene in the community of the pack. Smith shuddered to think he’d once been like them. Afraid. Now he spent most of his time among the humans, moving with them, laughing with...

1 year ago
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The Next Forgotten

Why am I naked? she wondered. She touched herself, taking note of how sensitive her nipples were, like they'd been suckled on, perhaps even bitten. Her hand wandered down toward her pubic area, which was sore and moist. Did she have a wet dream? But that wouldn't explain how she'd come to be so uncomfortable. Or why she had such a bitter taste that lingered in her mouth. She rose from her bed and headed toward the bathroom adjacent to her room. She was about to head for the shower...

3 years ago
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Lost and Forgotten

[email protected] 12/20/2010 Author's Note: None of this is real. This may or may not be based on something real, but even if it was (and I'm not telling if it is real or fake) obviously names would have been changed, and locations shifted. If this was real, which it may or may not be. I think that if you want to know if it was real, there's an email above, and you can ask. Or you can just enjoy the story. I hope you enjoy it. I like this one. -Duskshade Lost and...

2 years ago
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Kevin Reilly unlocked his front door, kicked off his shoes and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. He had just taken his wife Keri to the airport where she was going to be catching the 8 a.m. commuter flight to the state capital. It was her biweekly three day trip to perform secretarial duties for her boss, Bradley Knox III, or as Kevin always referred to him, Trey. Every time he used that nickname for her boss's pretentious official name Keri would remind him that her boss hated it....

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Memories of Flight 109

Peggy Oxenberg paid no attention to the wide-open spaces far below California Air Express' Las Vegas Shuttle as it made a wide banking turn that gave the passengers on her side of the aircraft a breathtaking view. With almost as many hours in the air as the pilot at the controls, the former flight attendant had seen it too many times before to be impressed. Instead, the forty-six year old vice-president of in-flight operations concentrated on the paperwork she had brought with her to wrap up...

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Memories of A Gay Boy part 3 Vanilla

Introduction: Memories of a gay boy part 3! wait for the last part! Intro: In the dark hours of the night, Tokyo screams with noise. Never silent, never peaceful, and never finished. aishite mo ii kai? yureru yoru ni aragamama de ii yo matto fukaku kurushii kurai ni nareta kuchibiru ga tokeau hodoni boku wa…kimi no…vanilla rang through the house. The sound of Gackt: Vanilla sang its tempting melody in the hotel room. Translation is Would it be ok to love, too, in this trembling night? Just like...

4 years ago
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MEMORIES 8 Masterbate for me

The majority of uploaders are non-native speakers of English and most misspell "masturbate""Masterbate" implies 'bating' on orders of a Master, which invokes my MEMORIES of three slavesMaty is my female friend in Uruguay - a lovely looking lady with a topjob handling airtrafficMaty loves to pretend she is my slave but not very good at it, showing thus indirect disrespectMaty informed me in the beginning about her two teen slave girls, both so hot and eager to learnMaty offered them both to me...

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I do not pretend to be a writer, but I just thought I`d scribble down some memories. This is`nt fiction, just a small part of my personal history.Some things happened in the dark ages, othersnot so long ago, but everyone of them is etched in my memory and I can still remember it like it happened yesterday. [/First Timesb]My first real open mouth kiss was when I was about f******n and not being real sex, I don`t suppose it is against the law to state that age here.We were...

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MemoriesPt 2

As I slowly caressed Angela’s ass, the memory that almost made this impossible came flooding back!The simple act of running a finger up and down her ass conjured up memories of the exact same thing only with Elena and not Angela.We worked together more since that night at her party. I later discovered that Elena was now in charge of scheduling and that was the reason we had so many closing shifts together.After the night of the party, she would walk past me, smile, and say, WOW. That became our...

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MemoriesChapter 5

Over the course of the next couple of days, Candy and I moved back into the house we grew up in, although now we were sharing a room. There wasn’t quite enough space for us to put our stuff in. I had to move into the room the dresser from the second bedroom. We each had a dresser now and we shared the closet. It wasn’t full, meaning I needed to take her shopping, sooner or later. We also shared the queen bed, as Mom asked us to turn on some music when we wanted to ‘Put Seabiscuit on the...

4 years ago
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MemoriesChapter 6

I took off the next week from painting. Pat came by to give me my check from the showing. He stopped to talk to Mom – they started up like the old friends whom they were. Candy and I left them alone. Candy told me to not tell Mom about what she felt about Pat. I took Candy on a vacation, after getting Mom’s assurance it was OK for us to go and leave her by herself for a while. We went to Alaska first, a place I always wanted to experience. We traveled together, as if we were a married...

1 year ago
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Memories of Lillian

He sat in the chair at the foot bed, his eyes focused on the young man’s hefty penis as it pounded in and out of her. The young man’s buttocks tightened as his seed gushed into her; the man in the chair watched and lazily stroked his erection. He bid farewell to the young man as he left the hotel room and watched as he disappeared into the elevator. Closing the door he heard that she was already running the bath and his erection twitched with excitement. He enjoyed these hotel evenings most of...

3 years ago
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Memories of a Mortician Mortuary Montage

Age: 21 Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to suffocation Other Injuries: Nil Time between death and delivery to mortician: 12 hrs Notes: A night out at the club turned tragic for a pretty young woman when a stampede resulted in her being suffocated to death. Luckily, her sweet body remained unscathed when she was delivered to the mortician. All dressed to party Crushed by people, air deprived Your hot body, limp (All the costumes featured in this story have been featured in past...

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