His Maestro free porn video

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The heels of Carl’s Cole-Hahn shoes clicked with a surprising resonance off the walkway as he approached the front porch steps of this house he had not visited in 25 years. The city’s elite and powerful had long since migrated to country estates and inner-city lofts leaving the neighborhood to the upper middle class and those who had planned their retirements well. While a good number of the expansive homes showed the neglect that often accompanies the absence of full-time gardeners and caretakers, this particular house, with it’s perfectly manicured lawns and shrubbery could have as easily graced the pages of a home and garden magazine today as in it’s prime in the early 50’s. In fact, it seemed to Carl that as he had passed through the front gate, he had entered a time capsule, and the only thing that had changed since 1979 was him.

The last time he had passed up this walkway, his sneakers had left his footsteps nearly undetected, and his button-fly levis and rugby shirt, had not emitted the casual swish that slacks of his Hugo Boss suit and tailor made shirt did on this day. As a painfully shy and meek boy of 17 though, Carl had treasured his anonymity. Lanky, and inept at sports, he was certain to lack popularity in high school circles, but the fact that a violin case accompanied him nearly everywhere had made him the target of ridicule and had ensured an almost total lack of companionship through those difficult years. As any attention from his peers was likely as not to be bad, he had felt that his survival had depended on his chameleon like ability to blend with his surroundings. Had he the ability then to look forward through the years as this short walk was taking him back now, he would have found the success he had achieved in the public spotlight incredulous.

Though most of September had passed, it was a warm day and he had left his jacket in the car. His shirt was open at the collar, and his ever-present violin case still accompanied him as he approached the heavy oak door. As he rang the doorbell a slight breeze wafted by him carrying the hint of fall, and along with it the memories and realizations that it was through this door that he had stepped into manhood. Footsteps resonated inside the house, the latch clicked heavily and the door swung open in front of him.

‘You must be Carl.’

Carl had stood astonished, unaware that his eyes were wide and his mouth slightly open. The woman’s persona had fit everything he had been told and come to expect, prim and proper, well-tailored but non-descript dress reminiscent of Victorian style, hair pulled tight in a bun exuding a stern demeanor, but the woman didn’t look a day over 25. Although the smile was tight-lipped, her pale blue eyes had sparkled and given him the impression that this Victorian facade would crack and fall away at the slightest excuse.

‘Yes..er..Yes Ma’am. I’m here for the violin lesson.’ Carl stammered the black marks on the toe of his sneaker suddenly holding his rapt attention.

‘Of course you are,’ came the pleasant reply ‘I’m Miss Adair. Please come in.’

Carl stepped into the house, and peered around as the woman closed the door heavily behind him. The dark wood furnishings and intricate carpets laid over the hardwood floors were precisely what he had expected. In fact everything fit the image he had carried here, from the large stair cases and chandelier to the black baby grand piano, in what he assumed was the conservatory, everything except the woman herself.

‘This way please.’ She said walking past him into the conservatory.

While not particularly tight, the conservative gray dress could not hide her remarkable form, and as she turned to face him it was evident that the high collar was futile in suppressing her very generous chest.

‘Now then, let’s have a look at you.’ She said examining him from top to bottom. Suddenly aware of his adolescent self-consciousness he dropped his gaze to the floor only to feel the gentle curve of her index finger beneath his chin raising his head to stare straight into her pale blue-eyes.

‘That simply won’t due Carl,’ she mildly admonished him ‘You are here only because you are said to have an exceptional talent with the violin. Those are the only pupils I accept, but playing well is only part of being a great violinist, presentation is crucial. You must carry yourself with confidence. When you place the instrument under you chin you must respectfully defy anyone to find flaw with you or your music.’

She stared into his eyes for a few seconds and it seemed to Carl a transference of power. He, a boy who could not hold his gaze to a teenage girl, found himself suddenly able to stare straight into this stunning woman’s eyes with no self-awareness at all.

Turning his head slightly with her finger she examined his chin declaring it to be ‘exquisite’. She took hold of both of his hands and examined them at length while Carl continued to study her face and flawless complexion. She released his hands and suddenly turned from him.

‘Please take out your instrument’ she said over her shoulder as she walked to a music stand next to the piano. Carl shook himself out of his trance and looked about him for a place to set down his violin case. Setting it on a chair behind him he removed the violin and bow and turned again to face his teacher who simply pointed at another music stand a few feet in front of and facing hers. As he approached the stand, his heart sank.. The music on the stand appeared to be impossibly difficult and he feared if he couldn’t play it, this woman who had quickly enraptured him would refuse to take him on as a student.

‘Never mind the music Carl, look at me.’

She took up a baton and raised her arms. Carl readied his violin under his chin.

‘Scales, to the 4 count, begin with B, please.’

Once again on familiar ground, the baton began to mark time, and his music wafted through the conservatory. The lace curtains on the window behind her billowed in slightly and a warm breeze with the hint of autumn swirled through the room.

As Carl began playing scales and musical exercises, his eyes riveted to Ms. Adair, changing his tempo and volume as she commanded with her baton. The music seemed to flow by itself as he was lost in her gaze. Her expression changed with the music sometimes stern and demanding, sometimes soft, gentle and coaxing. His eyes remained locked on hers watching not only the baton through his peripheral vision but also the way her expansive chest rose and fell with the music. He was mesmerized, and when she finally laid down the baton, he was surprised to see that 2 hours had passed.

‘That was wonderful, Carl’ she declared, ‘You may tell you father that I would be delighted to accept you as a student.’

Carl watched her body sway as she led him to the door, and felt a sudden stirring in his groin. This took him by surprise. He had had the normal crushes on the girls at school and masturbated while looking at the pictures in the occasional Playboy magazine he could get his hands on, but he felt something different here. It’s not that he could or even wanted to picture this woman in those nude poses he had seen in the magazines, it would somehow be base and vulgar to even imagine it. It was sensual more than sexual.

She held the door open for him and he turned to thank her for her time, holding his violin case in front of what was rapidly becoming a noticeable bulge in his jeans. If she noticed, she gave no indication.

‘Tomorrow, then.’ She said smiling at him then closed the door softly behind him.

And so the days drifted by. While others despised or merely tolerated their musical tutoring sessions, he eagerly anticipated each 2 hour daily session. His grades, though still respectable at school, dropped noticeably as his thoughts were consumed by his music tutor and each afternoon it was a veritable sprint out of the school to the next session. He wanted so much to plea
se her and to bring a smile to her face with each successive achievement. The requirements had grown increasingly difficult, but with each new lesson, he practiced voraciously to execute the required bridges, and movements. On the surface, this was to master each new piece, but he had also found that by committing the piece to memory, he could ignore the music and watch only Miss Adair as her baton drew him through each new piece. There was a visible reaction each time he completed a difficult transition or movement. A quarter note pause at the precise moment caused her to hold her breath, staccato repetitions in an increasing crescendo brought her arms higher with each new measure and her bountiful bosom seemed to expand even farther until the impending climax which seemed to leave her breathless for an almost imperceptible moment. The better he became the more it seemed to Carl that they were orchestrating each other, his music with her baton, and her body with his music.

By late January, Carl’s ability had progressed exponentially, but the complexity of the music had reached a point that he was having increasing difficulty in mastering.

‘No, no, no.’ she exclaimed one Tuesday afternoon ‘you’re not getting it.’

Carl felt himself deflate. After hours of work on this piece he had felt that he had mastered it but before he had had even finished he could tell that it was lacking. Her eyes had remained open through his entire recital, and there was no reaction at all to any of his complex manipulations of the instrument. She laid her baton on her music stand and walked around to stand next to him. She had never done this before.

‘Look at the music Carl. Tell me what you see.’

‘Well, uh’successive measure or 16th notes in E flat”

‘No,’ she said firmly ‘those are just the notes, that’s not the music. You have to look deeper than that.’

‘I don’t know what you mean. It’s a lot of 16th notes”

‘Look at the music and hear it in you mind before you even bring your bow to the strings. Imagine how the composer intended it to sound, the rising and falling, how it comes together with other instruments, how everything intertwines to become a symphony. Let the music become living things in your mind.’

‘I’m not sure what you”

‘What’s the name of this piece Carl”

‘Cockaigne Overture Opus 40’

‘Do you know what Cockaigne is”


‘It’s an imaginary land of ease and luxury. Now look at the notes and imagine the music. Hear it in you mind.’

Carl looked at the music sheet and picked up the music in his head.

‘Now, close your eyes,’ she instructed ‘and visualize your own imaginary land of ease and luxury while you hear the music. Each new instrument of the symphony brings something new into this land. Hear it. See it. Feel it. Let it take you where it wants to go. Don’t force it, you’re just along for the ride.’

The overture cascaded through Carl’s mind. In his imagination it was a lush green meadow with cascading waterfalls and crystal pools. He stood on the bank with the music floating with ease from his violin and the other instruments joining in from somewhere beyond the trees. With the symphony spinning and swirling he saw his tutor moving as a ballerina with the wispy white veils of her dress fluttering behind her as she twirled, danced and floated to the music.

‘Now with your eyes close, play. You know the music.’

Carl rested the violin beneath his chin and drew the bow across the strings.

‘That’s it Carl’ she whispered from behind him ‘feel it deep inside of you. Let it move your soul, your essence. Feel it here.’ Carl felt her hands slide down his stomach to just above his pubic bone and press in firmly. Her scent permeated his nostrils. His felt the stirring in his groin.

‘Yes, that’s it you can feel it now,’ she whispered in his other ear ‘I can see it. Let it carry you, let it take you where it wants to go.’

Her hand had moved away from his now thoroughly rigid cock, but remained on his hips.

The music climbed, and increased tempo.

‘Yes,’ came the whisper ‘You have it now, more, more”

The breaths in his ear became shorter and heavier, as he worked the bow more fervently across the strings. The music was building in his mind, the instruments coming together in symphonic harmony rising towards the finale, his head was spinning yet he was in complete control, intoxicated not only by her breath and scent, but by the command he had over her with his instrument. The sharp staccato strokes brought the short breaths from behind him, the complex movements of his fingers brought the whispered encouragements, each more breathless than the last. The music reached an apex, paused and then the symphony in his mind crashed together. His violin drew them through the crescendo, and he heard ‘Magnificent.’ In a long sigh behind him as her ever-tightening grip on his hips suddenly relaxed. With his still closed he dropped the violin to his side and rolled his head back taking in long breaths. He felt completely exhausted. He felt her move from behind him and a new scent caught his nostrils in her wake. Suddenly aware that his cock was straining against his jeans he quickly brought his violin in front of himself and opened his eyes only to find that he was alone in the room.

Carl was perplexed at his teacher’s disappearance, but thankful at the same time. He sat in the chair behind him and hoped that she would be gone long enough for his very noticeable hard-on to subside. He briefly considered quickly packing his instrument away and slipping out, but he was also both enthralled and confused at what had just happened. Had he bungled the piece and angered or frustrated her’ He didn’t think so, he thought he had played it very well, played it as it was intended. Closing his eyes, he went over it his mind again, feeling the music. As he thought of drawing the notes out of his violin and her breath in his ear he felt the excitement rose again in the pit of his stomach . His cock throbbed again, straining against his jeans. It was the most sensual and erotic thing he had felt. He loved music, but he had no idea that it could have any physical connection.

His head was swimming as questions swirled through his mind. ‘What had he done’ What had she felt’ Was it the same as him’ Where had she disappeared to”

‘It will all be very clear to you soon.’ She said suddenly appearing from the doorway and walking to her music stand. ‘That’s all for today. I’d like you to work on the Prokofiev piece I gave you for tomorrow.’

Like a switch, her demeanor and fa‡ade of the stern taskmaster had overtaken her again, and his excitement had subsided as he stowed his instrument, but the questions still whirled in his mind.

‘You need to concentrate on your double stops Carl, particularly with the G string.’ She said walking him to the door.

‘Yes Ma’am,’ he replied automatically, not really hearing. He paused on the porch, and turned to face her again before she closed the door. He was overflowing with questions but couldn’t verbalize any of them.

She looked at the quizzical expression on his face for a moment.

‘Feel the music, Carl, always feel it.’ She said quietly. Then she smiled and closed the door softly.

Carl stood looking at the door now, as the autumn breeze swirled around him and thought back to how that day had changed his life. He had wanted to return here to see her again for years, both yearning and fearful. He wanted so badly to thank her for the success he had achieved but feared, after all these years that he had felt something she hadn’t intended.

As he reached for the bell, the latch clicked and the door swung wide. There were lines extending from the corners of her eyes and the blonde hair was streaked with gray, but the sparkle of those pale blue eyes made her appear as though a single day had not passed her by.

‘Carl!’ She exclaimed ‘How wonderful
to finally see you again.’

She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, bosom pressing into his chest. He returned the hug with his free arm, and started to stammer out an apology for waiting so long to return.

‘Oh hush,’ she said with a dismissive wave as she led him into the house, ‘I know how demanding the musician’s life is, there are no apologies here. You’re here, that’s what’s important. Here, sit down. Now tell me, how is it with the philharmonic, is it everything you dreamed of”

‘It’s wonderful,’ admitted Carl taking a seat opposite her on the Victorian style sofa bordering the conservatory. ‘and I see things haven’t changed much here.’ ‘Oh I still have the steady stream of students,’ she smiled ‘many are very good, but none approach your talent. They can’t feel the music, can’t understand it they way you do.’

‘You realize Miss Adair, that..’

‘Please, Carl, it’s Simone.’

‘You realize Simone, that while I would never trade our lessons for anything in the world, you ensured that I will never conduct.’

‘You can’t stand through the music ehh.’ Do you still feel it that much’

‘As though I learned it yesterday.’

She leaned forward in her seat, clasping her hands together over her knees. Her still smooth complexion held a tight lipped smile as her eye fixated on some remote object. His former teacher appeared to be gathering the nerve to say something.

‘Go ahead and ask Simone.’

She cocked her head slightly furrowed her brow at him not understanding that he had read her expression

‘You must respectfully defy anyone to find flaw with you.’

A broad smile crept over her face and her chin raised as her eyes sparkled at him.

‘Would you play it for me’ She asked simply.

‘Anything you like, if you lead.’

‘Oh, I’ve waited so long for this’ she said quickly standing and smoothing the wrinkles from the ever-present gray flannel dress.

Carl removed his violin from its case and prepared himself behind his old music stand.

Simone took up her baton tapped it lightly and raised her arms. ‘I’d like to see’hear, your Cockaigne..again. she said flushing but still smiling directly at him.

Carl removed a CD from his violin case, inserted it in the bookshelf stereo above the loveseat and turned on the power. He helped her to her feet, handed her the baton again, then started the CD.

‘I already played this for you Simone,’ said Carl softly, ‘Conduct my symphony, Simone.’

The music started, the baton began to wave, Carl took up his instrument and began to play. The music, long since emblazoned on his soul, flowed from his instrument with a freedom and precision that would captivate the layperson and enthrall the musically educated as it did Simone. A broad smile covered her face, now flush with excitement and her bosom heaved. She struggled to keep an even rhythm as her hands began to shake slightly. Carl felt the music swell through him, and his own excitement rose. Her eyes were riveted to his expanding bulge as her baton seemed to coax it higher with each beat. Her breathing became heavier with each measure of his music. She closed her eyes and lit it swirl around her. Her head tilted back, and her mouth opened slightly as she let it take control of her.

Carl began walking slowly towards her not missing a beat. Her motions with the baton became more exaggerated and her hands visibly trembled as Carl began circling around her letting his music flow over her.

‘You realize that I knew don’t you” he asked softly and rhetorically as he slowly paced behind still playing. ‘Even before I played this for you the first time,, I suspected what you felt.’ Her head seemed to nod a bit in time with the ministrations of her baton.

‘I used to watch you become more flustered as I played. At first I thought I wasn’t playing well, and I tried harder, put more passion into it.

The corners of her mouth turned even higher.

‘Then I realized that the better I played the more flustered you were. It was so thrilling to me to excite you like that, it became my goal to bring you all the way. For months it seemed I could get you right to the edge but not over it.

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Lien de la partie précédente : https://fr.xhamster.com/stories/histoire-de-matthieu-1-un-voyage-agr-able-735796Elle s'arrêta d'un coup sec, un mélange de sperme et de salive dégoulinant de sa bouche et me dit "Est-tu prêt à tout pour pouvoir me faire l'amour ?"J'avais la tête de cette cougard entre les cuisses, sa bouche autour de mon pénis, et sa langue qui caresse mon frein, quelle question, évidemment que je suis prêt à tout pour la baiser. Je lui répondis donc d'un hochement de tête. Elle...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

3 years ago
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Hisar Ki Nancy Ki Chudai

Hello friends, mera naam Vicky hai or m 25 years ka hun. Main hisar ka rahne wala hun Main aj aap se apni ek sacchi kahani share karne jar aha hu. Ye aj se 3 saal pahle ki ghatna hai jab m hisar ke ek famous college main padhta tha. M b.com ka student tha or padhai me kafi intelligent bhi tha jis ki wajhe se meri harmare sction ke har student se acchi banti thi kyuki m har person ki help karta tha chahe wo ladka ho ya ladki or un sab m se ek ladki thi nancy( name changed due to privacy) jis ki...

3 years ago
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Schism Part 1

Schism By~Flashdance Aint found a way to kill me yet Eyes burn with stinging sweat Seems every path leads me to nowhere The bullets scream to me from somewhere Here they come to snuff the rooster Yeah here come the rooster, yeah You know he aint gonna die No, no, no, ya know he aint gonna die My buddys breathin his dyin breath Oh God please won't you help me make it through --August 30th, 2048 A.D? I switched off my turntable?and listened closely to a knocking sound at my...

4 years ago
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Kashis Bhabhi Ke Saath Maza

Hello frnds dis is Ajay age 24 saal main lucknow meun rehta hun average guy hun height 5ft 6in hai lund 6.5 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota. Apka jyada waqt na lete hue story par aata hun yeh story hai meri bhabhi ki jinka naam Kashis hai unki age 28 saal hai fig 34 29 36 bahut hi khubsurat rang doodh ki tarah hai skin aisi ki chhu lo to haath fisal jaaye. Mere cousine bhai ki shaadi abhi 8mnths pehle hui hai yeh ghatna 3 din pehle ki hai main apne gaon gaya tha wahan par bhabhi ko dekho to woh aur...

4 years ago
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Histoire dun fan de transformation partie 1

Cette histoire a ?t? faite avec l'aide de Xavier (dit Chlo?) Cyrille et Aur?lie (vous pouvez trouver ces histoire sur fictionmania). Vous voulez m'envoyer vos critiques, m'envoyer des captions, vous avez les m?mes go?ts que moi ou tout simplement vous voulez me transformer, envoyez moi un mail ? Chapitre 1 Par quoi commencer? Tellement de choses se sont d?j? pass?es. Assis nu sur cette chaise, mes pieds pendouillent. Tout est devenu si grand, si mena?ant. Tout semble m'?chapper maintenant. Si j'essa...

3 years ago
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Histoire dune poupe Partie 1

Pour nous contacter : Cyrille ([email protected]) Aur?lie ([email protected]) ------------------------- M?MOIRES D'UNE POUP?E ------------------------- UNE ?TERNIT? DE PLASTIQUE Mod?le ? Lola ? Cyrille r?ajusta son badge sur sa blouse blanche. Il regarda bri?vement les membres de son ?quipe d'ing?nieurs. Tous ?taient assis sagement derri?re lui, et attendaient qu'il parle. Cyrille pensait ? toutes les heures de travail acharn? que ces gens avaient fourni, sous sa direction. Ils s'?taient donn...

2 years ago
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Histoire dune poupe Partie 2

------------------------- M?MOIRES D'UNE POUP?E ------------------------- UNE ?TERNIT? DE PLASTIQUE Tant de vigueur sexuelle malgr? l'?ge Il me chargea sur la banquette arri?re de sa voiture et d?marra. Alors qu'il conduisait, il se mit ? me parler, jetant dans le r?troviseur des petits coups d'oeil amus?s dans ma direction. - Tu sais Lola, si tu es aussi bonne qu'ils l'affirment, je crois que je ne vais pas regretter mon achat. C'est que, ? toi je peux le dire, les femmes en g?n?ral me les br...

3 years ago
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Histoire de Sandrine

Histoire de Sandrine (1)Par Perverpeper le 15/05/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySynopsis?: Sandrine est une jeune lyc?enne. Quelques jours apr?s avoir f?t? ses 18 ans, alors que le baccalaur?at n’est plus qu’? quelques semaines, elle est enlev?e par une femme richissime qui l’initie aux peines et aux joies de la soumission.Adressez-vous plut?t aux passions qu’aux vert...

4 years ago
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Whispersssssss In The Night

After being in San Francisco for a week on business Tom came home with a big victory for his company. They gratefully gave him a bonus week off. During his week off we were notified that his next assignment would be in Dallas. Two days before Tom had to fly out to Dallas one of his colleagues named "Rocky" came up from Ga. to spend the weekend with us. Rocky was familiar with who Tom would be meeting in Dallas so they thought it a good idea for Rocky to coach and prep Tom for the upcoming...

Oral Sex
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Whistleblowers Punishment

Chapter 1 Please take note! Adults Only Literature The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material or if viewing thisfile is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file andstory now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc. Email [email protected] with your comments. Copyright 2004 **** "How do we know...

2 years ago
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Historia de Anglica

Historia de Angélica Nuestra protagonista se llama Angélica. Es rubia,de ojos azules y bellas formas. Su estatura es 1,65 m. y su piel es sensualmentepálida. Acababa de salir del convento de "Las hermanas dela Humildad", contando a la sazón 17 años. En el conventohabía sido educada bajo la mas férrea disciplina. Había ingresado en el convento a la edad de 8 años,cuando sus padres habían perecido y sus parientes mas próximosse habían desentendido de ella. La vida en el convento fue muy dura...

2 years ago
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Historia de Corinne Spanish

Sitúo mi relato en el Otoño de 1.993. Era una fría y lluviosa tarde del mes de Octubre, había terminadode cenar. Me había aseado y puesto un camisón de color naranja.Me senté en el sofá para ver el noticiario de las 9 de la noche. En la casa hacía bastante calor. El suficiente para permitirme elpermanecer en camisón por toda la casa. Pero, antes de entrar en mi relato, os diré que mi nombre es Corinney que vivo sola. Mis señas personales son bastantes buenas. Mido 1.70 m. y peso 57kg.,...

3 years ago
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Jhislaine sex crime accomplice arrested

Balled up in her small space she waited. Eventually she could hear agents in the basement. “Give Your Self uP.” “We know you are down here. It will be worse for you if your resist. Jhislaine clung to hope they would not find her. They were tearing apart the basement, using sensing equipment and dogs. Eventually the entrance to her enclosure opened. Arms reached in and pulled her out. There were bright lights and men everywhere with Federal Agent jackets. Lights flashed in face. There...

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Historias de gente ingenua o credula

(El inglés no es mi lengua y no soy bueno con el inglés pero espero que les guste la idea de escribir historias aqui) Las historias según el personaje pero todas tienen protagonistas que se aprovechan de las oportunidades con netori y engaño Algunos personajes: Rian: 22 años Tanukichi (de Shimoneta): 18 años Tanaka Hajime (Saimin Seishidou): 18 años John Doe: 36 años

Mind Control
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I was in the hospital 'cause of my operation. My tonsils. They didn't really even hurt, just a little scratchy, but Dr. Collins said we should take them out, 'specially since it was early August. Him and Mom agreed that it would be better to get it over with instead of having it pop back up during the school year. I guess I kinda agreed, 'cause this year I'd be starting at a new school, Maple Street Junior High. Seventh grade! I thought it was sooo lame that our elementary schools went...

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Whistlers Mother

Jane Whistler's appearance was that of a well groomed, prim and clean living girl. At 30, she appeared to have been left on the shelf. She rarely socialised, other than to indulge her workmates on rare occasions – she was rarely asked to dance by the males as she was considered to be flat, a bit fat- not like the beanpole women that the 'blokes' seemed to lust after-and very plain. She was often seen wrapped in a cardigan with a tight blouse, whilst the other girls flashed their cleavages...

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ThisVid Scat

This Vid Scat is all about the freedom to explore fetishes your nasty perverted mind takes you to, even if that means landing on some pretty weird, repulsive, and even immoral destinations. The scat section of the site is not a place for ‘normal’ folks, leave alone the faint-hearted. Now, if you’ve just had lunch, you will have to excuse me as I explain to you what scat porn is all about as you might suffer from an ill stomach. I can handle the dirtiest shit, and although I’d never touch scat...

Scat Porn Sites
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You probably already know or have at least seen hislut.com, as this site tends to be that one pop-up Ad that everyone sees. However, how much do you really know about this site? Well, if you are wondering whether this place is legit and if they offer the crap that they promise, I am here to tell you all about it, since I have already explored this place.First of all, you will have to answer a couple of questions, so they can see if you are old enough or if you are a robot because the questions...

Hookup Sites
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One Does Not Simply Review A Site Like This AV…when it’s as unique and wacky as this one.When reviewing thisav.com, I wasn’t sure whether or not it was programmed by an amateur, horny yet driven 12-year-old or a particularly sophisticated but still limited AI. Some aspects of the site run well, while others are either broken or ugly as shit.In a certain sense, this site is a perfect representation of the phrase “welcome to the internet.” So, buckle up fuckers, this review is going to be a...

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Reddit Jizzed To This, aka r/JizzedToThis! Every day, hundreds of thousands and maybe even millions of people jack off to all kinds of porn and various alternative XXX content. But that whole process has its peaks and valleys - sometimes you don’t stroke it too hard while watching certain kinds of content, and suddenly you play one video that catches your eye, and you start beating your meat vigorously until you blow a load and stars start spinning around your head.Well, that content which you...

Reddit NSFW List
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This Vid is a pretty mundane name for a website. It’s generic as hell, and clean enough that it could even be the next obnoxious video loop app for teens. Well, maybe in an alternate universe. In our world, ThisVid is a free video-sharing site. In fact, it’s the #1 Place For Your Homemade Videos, according to the tagline above the logo. What kind of vids are we talking about? I think you already have a good idea.I am going to warn you up front, though: ThisVid.com ain’t your typical free tube....

Fetish Porn Sites
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Historical Quest Romance of Three Kingdoms

The year is 184 AD. The land is ruled by Han dynasty, which brought stability and peace, starting the Golden Age of the Empire... but after four hundred years, that era has come to an end. Emperor Ling is influenced by the corrupt Eunuchs, who wield the true power in the court. But their domination caused internal struggle and infighting, that weakened the court considerably... as well as Emperor's grip over the land. At the same time, the great famine spread through the land. Lack of food,...

4 years ago
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Whiskey And A Smoke Part VI Night After the Concert

Thud…Thud…Thud…Thud…I opened my eyes and heard a continual pounding in my head.  Lifting my head off the pillow I felt a slight pain in my eyes and forehead.  Maybe a headache was causing the noise.  But, the thumping was too loud and erratic to be coming from my head.  A light, “uh…uh…uh…,” came right before each noise. I laid back down on my pillow and pulled Megan in closer to me.  My one arm wrapped around her side as I cupped her breast in my other hand.  She wiggled her ass and pushed it...

1 year ago
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Whiskey JackChapter 4 Uniform Of The Day

Zelda ordered five pair of jeans. Jack ordered five pairs of split side short-shorts. The smile Zelda smiled at him held no warmth as she said, "I can't stop you from wasting all your hard earned poker winnings, but I don't have to wear them. No way will you catch me in those ho-clothes." The sales lady cleared her throat at the obvious slur on her merchandise. "Most of our clientele are professional women who earn high salaries." "Yeah, but what profession do they practice, dressed...

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Abhishek Fucking Neighbour Girl Neha And Her Mom Shweta 8211 Part 2

So after that day of fucking, we met every day and one day as her parents were going out she called me home and we fucked each other nicely. What we didn’t know was that due to some reason her mother was on her way back. It was about 11 pm and I was fucking her for the second time and that’s when the doorbell rang. Fortunately, Neha’s mother, whose name is Shweta, didn’t have her keys. Let me describe Shweta- she is in her late forties but looks very young like 30s. Her boobs are big and can be...

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Whiskey and Cum

I was really getting to like Carol she liked rodeos, stock car racing and really enjoyed a Brad Paisley concert I took her to. Soon it was date number four and both of us knew that if she did not put out tonight this relationship was over. We pulled up to my new log cabin, and I could see by the look on Carol’s face and that that she was probably thinking” there is no way I’m not fucking this good looking rich guy tonight”. I felt the same way; there was no way I didn’t want to fuck my skinny...

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Whiskey River

"Whiskey River, take my mind Don't let a memory talk to me Whiskey River, don't run dry You're all I got, take care of me..." My name is Jim. I ordered my third bourbon of the night and listened to the singer on the stage belting out a Willie Nelson special. Whiskey River, don't dry up. You got that right. After what they did, I never want the river to run dry, I thought as the song continued. Who were the they I was referring to? They were what I had believed to be my lifetime best...

1 year ago
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Whiskey JackChapter 3 Adjustments

Zelda was amazed at how good she felt when she woke up in a nice bed with no lumps and sags in it. She took a fast shower and put on yesterday's underwear and Jack's tee shirt and shorts. She wrinkled her nose. She remembered Jack promised her an advance on her salary, however he was paying her. This meant she could get something better to wear than what she had now. She felt great all over as she walked out of her bedroom and stretched her body. She came into the living room and gave her...

3 years ago
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It's been a while, a long while since you've thought about this. This feeling fills your chest with pain and regret, as your head begins to circle around these memories you've chosen to hide from yourself. Sunlight flits through the slightly ajar window blinds softly illuminating your bedroom. Dirty clothes lay in piles on floor next to your bed, not all yours, some from nights where you've ended up adding another notch to the bed post, others are friends' that you never bothered to return. On...

4 years ago
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Whiskey On Ice

I shivered, trying to shake the cold. How did I let you talk me into this? It was one of those things that started as a harmless joke. Hell, in theory it kind of excited me, but sitting here on this cold bleacher that excitement was nowhere to be found. Instead there was just raw paranoia in its place. 'Somebody is going to catch on. They are going to hear it, or see my face, or even worse what if I make noise when I cum?' Usually I can be quiet if I need to but keeping quiet and staying...

2 years ago
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WhiskeyLaden Kiss

I will forever remember that moment.I was with my friends. Friends that offered the distraction of amusement so I could just drink momentarily forgetting about the static of the day. You walked in with your own group of personal entertainers and, by some force, immediately drew my attention.The bar was crowded but not enough to shield me from making eye contact with you. That look in your eyes, one of bashful innocence. Like a woman showing up to her first day at a new job, trying to fit in or...

3 years ago
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Whiskey Decisions

So I’m Laura, I am 5 ft tall with brown hair and eyes. I’m average build, I wear 36 B/C bra size (kinda in between…still a good handful) and I have a great ass so I’ve heard. I had just turned 18 and although I had done some serious experimenting, I was still a virgin. So after throwing back dollar shots of whiskey all night with my friends, going swimming seemed like the best idea. In our group was my best friend Mel, her fuck buddy Nick, and his roommate Sean. We started off swimming in our...

1 year ago
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Whiskey Decisions

So I'm Laura, I am 5 ft tall with brown hair and eyes. I'm average build, I wear 36 B/C bra size (kinda in between...still a good handful) and I have a great ass so I've heard. I had just turned 18 and although I had done some serious experimenting, I was still a virgin. So after throwing back dollar shots of whiskey all night with my friends, going swimming seemed like the best idea. In our group was my best friend Mel, her fuck buddy Nick, and his roommate Sean. We started off swimming in...

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