Distribution Ch. 12 free porn video

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It was ten days before Paige called again.

‘Brian, where are you?’

‘I’m out by the barn.’

‘Good, you’re back. I can be on the three-thirty if you would like to pick me up?’ she asked, disregarding the significance of my being ‘out by the barn.’ It was obvious that she assumed that I’d returned from spending Thanksgiving with my family.

‘I’ll be there,’ I answered.

‘See you then,’ she said, ending the call before I could find out how she was able to get away on Thursday afternoon instead of the customary later bus on Friday.

I’m sure that Matthew Dawkins was happy to see me leave my ‘observation post,’ which I’d occupied since he started the job of squaring up the barn the day after Thanksgiving. I practically ran to the house, shaved and showered, changed the bed and had time to tidy the house before meeting the three-thirty bus.

I was nervous as hell, and I could tell that Paige was nervous, too. We hardly spoke on the way to the house, grinning sheepishly at one another, both wondering what was going through the other’s mind.

She paid no attention to the snowflakes hitting the windshield, nor did she comment about the bus parked in back of the house. If she noticed the men and equipment that surrounded the barn, she didn’t comment. Her heavy coat was unbuttoned before she reached the back door then she turned and dropped it to the floor as soon as we were inside the house. I dropped the small case she’d brought just in time to brace myself as she leapt into my arms.

It happened so quickly that I didn’t file it away to replay later. One second, her tongue was reaching for my tonsils, and the next, she was racing up the stairs, shedding her clothes along the way. I followed, still dazed by her strange behavior.

I barely noticed how chilly it was in the room as I hurriedly stripped and joined her between the sheets. My attempts to lick her pussy were cut short by a painful tug on my hair. She didn’t need to tell me what she wanted. From the way the lips of her pussy glistened, she’d been ready for some time.

Mrs. Paige Kindle was impatient, insistent, and demanding. She reached for my cock and stuffed the entire length into her opening without a hitch. Thinking she needed a few seconds to adjust to the intrusion, I remained still. Her groan told me that she didn’t need any time, and I quickly found myself on my back, being fucked by a mad woman.

It took me a minute to realize the enormity of the maneuver. The widowed mother of two had exhibited incredible strength with a move that would have scored points on any wrestling mat, regardless of the weight class.

She was definitely having her way with me. Being used agreed with me. I took in the sights and sounds for future reference. The way her lips were set in a determined expression, the beads of sweat forming on her forehead, the way her breasts rolled like buoys on a choppy sea, the way the bedsprings complained, combined with Paige’s halted breathing, and the sound of the distant jackhammer as it loosened the field stones of the old barn foundation were memories we’d tell our grandchildren about some day.

She suddenly stopped bouncing and a smile came to her lips as I released my cum deep within her. She collapsed on me, laughing as she strained to catch her breath.

We made love for the rest of the day. It was long after dark when we became hungry and went downstairs to get something to eat. That’s when Paige heard the guys in the bus. She gave me a puzzled look. ‘I didn’t think they were going to be here until the middle of next month?’

I brought her up to date while she cooked, making bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast.

‘The contractor called to say there had been a change to his schedule and he would be here the day after Thanksgiving. I agreed to have that antique car out of his way, and that’s when the fun started. The car was up on blocks, minus the wheels and the tires. The guy that bought the car had already paid for it and as far as he was concerned, he had two more weeks before it had to be moved. He was not inclined to forego the holiday with his family until I told him I was missing Thanksgiving with my family also. I pleaded with him, and he agreed to fly out here and take possession of his purchase if I would find the wheels and tires.

‘They still make the tires, but the wheels are a different story.’

Paige interrupted me. ‘You didn’t go? Amanda and Phillip must have been crushed. I wonder why Amanda didn’t tell Mona. They still exchange email almost every day.’

I shook my head. ‘Fortunately, I hadn’t said anything to the kids. They didn’t expect me to come home.’

I watched her rush to me. ‘Honey, I feel so sad that you didn’t go home,’ she said as her body melted into mine and our kiss nearly got away from us. If it hadn’t been for the sound bacon makes when the heat is turned up too high, we would have started all over again right there on the kitchen floor. She broke away, started back to the stove, and turning, said. ‘Why didn’t you call me? I would have come to help you.’

‘I wasn’t the only one that missed out on spending the day with my family. I checked the ads on the internet with no luck. Everyplace I called had just sold the wheels they’d advertised. It was the same with Mackey’s automobile magazines. Most of the dealers weren’t sure what they had. They invited me to look around and see if I saw what I wanted. I didn’t know what the wheels looked like. Charlie came to my rescue. He suggested that the spare tire may still be in the trunk. It was, and we spent two days driving from salvage yard to salvage yard trying to match the spare wheel. As a result, he missed having Thanksgiving dinner with his daughter and her family.’

Paige turned the burner off and came back to me. ‘I wish you had let me know. It could have been me riding with you for those two days. I take it that you were successful?’

‘We found three wheels that matched the spare at a place in western Connecticut. It was late on Wednesday night. I called Mr. Avila and told him we were on the way back. He flew here from the west coast on his private plane the next day. I picked him up in Hyannis and it was late on Thursday when we loaded the car on the truck. The trucker took off and we ended up having our Thanksgiving dinner right here. Mr. Avila and Charlie got along great.’

‘What did you make for them to eat?’ Paige asked, watching me, mischievously

‘Scrambled eggs,’ I answered. ‘They were nothing like the eggs you make, but I opened a bottle of wine and we roughed it. I drove Mr. Avila back to the airport. He laughed about how much that car was costing him. A few days later I got a check in the mail for the tires and wheels I’d paid for.’

‘Do you have another bottle for us to have with these eggs?’ she asked as she brought our two plates to the table. I did.

We smiled at each other as we ate, talking about everything except the main topic that was on our minds.

‘The contractor and his men showed up about noon on Friday. They parked that converted bus next to the house so they could use our electricity, and then they went to work on the barn. They work long hours and raise hell for about an hour before they retire for the night. Matthew Dawkins expects perfection, but he takes good care of his men. He feeds them well and gives them time off between jobs.’

I brought her up to date on how well Miss Adams’ articles about Mackey were being received. I also told her about Nancy Dickens’ charges that I was incompetent. We laughed together until Paige became enraged.

‘She had no idea what you’ve been doing, how well you’ve performed or the sacrifices you’ve made to squeeze every dime out of this estate.’

‘She was pissed that there was to be no distribution until after the barn is finished. She seemed to think that I’d squandered what could have been a lucrative book by giving Miss Adam
s the story.’

‘I can’t wait to have a word with that little bitch,’ Paige spat out.

‘She needs to be made aware that prices of the junk from the attic have skyrocketed because of Miss Adams’ articles. Townspeople are willing to pay anything for a piece of history.’

‘Let me at her. I’ll make her aware,’ Paige said, but when I laughed she had to grin back at me.

We were in bed, holding each other, when she began to explain why she’d returned. ‘I told you that this thing between us isn’t going anywhere, but I’m not sure I believed it. I was still holding out for something to change to make it possible for there to be more. It’s not going to happen. We’re from different worlds. I’ve come to terms with that, and I’ve decided to make the most of what is left of the time we have together. That’s all it was to be from the beginning. As things progressed, it became harder and harder to give up on you.’

‘What changed?’ I asked, thinking I knew the answer, but wanting to hear it from her.

‘You touched me deeply,’ she responded.

I held her close and whispered in her ear, ‘I did get in deep a couple of times, didn’t I?’

Paige stiffened, and pulled away, placing a hand on my chest to create distance between us. ‘What’s wrong?’ I asked.

She wouldn’t answer.

‘What’s wrong?’ I repeated.

‘Not that, silly, you touched my heart,’ she said, becoming silent, still keeping distance between our bodies.

What a buffoon I’d been. Did I dare tell her that I loved her? Was it too late? ‘Don’t you know what you mean to me? You’ve touched my heart, too.’

That may not have been exactly what she wanted to hear, but it did the trick. She moved back to me, and we went to sleep that way.

We awoke to the sound of the jackhammer. ‘Don’t they ever stop?’ Paige complained.

‘I told you they work long hours. They should finish by the middle of the month.’

‘Is that when you plan on leaving?’

‘I’ll be back. We need to select a realtor and put the house on the market.’

‘And then your work will be done?’

‘Paige, it doesn’t have to be that way. We’ll find a way to be together.’

‘There’s no way and you know it. You have obligations to your children and you have a business to run. It’s the same with me. My parents need me to be near.’

This was turning into an argument and we hadn’t had breakfast yet. The jackhammer was giving me a headache. ‘Can we drop the subject for now?’

‘Yes, we can,’ she said, attempting a smile.

After breakfast, we went outside and I introduced Paige to Matthew Dawkins. He explained the process of raising the structure off of its foundation, although he didn’t go into detail about the meticulous way he’d checked his level as the jacks lifted the building a fraction of an inch at a time.

I remarked that the jack hammering had stopped. Matthew told us that the next step would be placing the forms for the new foundation to be poured. ‘We take it slow because working under the building is dangerous. One wrong move and we’ll have a disaster,’ he said.

Paige thanked the contractor, and I suggested that we take a walk on the beach. She wore her heavy coat and I put on a sweater under the jacket we’d bought the night we attended the Red Sox game.

Paige let out a shriek the second she spotted Gordon McMahan. ‘You brought me this way on purpose, didn’t you? You knew he was here,’ she accused, her voice one octave above its normal tone.

Mr. McMahan was wearing a stocking cap and an orange vest over a yellow rain slicker. The city workmen were resurfacing one lane of the road, and there was not another car in sight. Gordon raised his hand, signaling me to stop. I rolled the window down as he approached the car.

‘Do you have business on this road, Sir?’ he asked in his official flagman’s voice.

‘Does your mother approve of you being outside in this weather, Gordon?’

‘Answer my question,’ he demanded in a stern voice.

‘Mrs. Kindle and I decided to hold our weekly meeting on the beach. The contractor is making too much noise for us to meet at the gazebo. We have some important issues to discuss. You don’t think the seagulls will eavesdrop, do you?’

‘You may proceed on your way, Sir.’

‘Miss Dickens indicated that you are joining her in a lawsuit against me. Do you share her belief that I’m incompetent, Mr. McMahan?’

Gordon McMahan took one step backward and repeated, ‘You may proceed on your way, Sir.’

Paige was out of her seatbelt and beating on me the moment we were out of sight of the roadwork. I’d never seen her so excited. Her fists pounded my chest and shoulder until I parked the truck and wrapped my arms around her.

‘You’re mean and you’re despicable,’ she said between kisses. It was several minutes before she tired and tucked her cheek next to mine.

‘You seem to be extremely excited. Was it me, or was it Gordon that affected you that way?’

In a quiet, calm voice, she continued. ‘It’s you. I love the way you excite me. I love the way we make love. You’re gentle and caring. I love being with you. I’ll always remember our time together.’

We walked the beach for an hour. We laughed and hugged, and stopped to gaze out at the sea. I tried to return to the subject of what Paige ‘loved’ about me, but she had another serious matter to discuss.

‘I cleaned out the cookie jar the last time I was here. We need to decide how we want to go about getting some money.’

‘I have the check Mr. Avila sent. It’s for one thousand dollars. I only spent a little over six hundred,’ I offered.

‘That’s your money. We need to work out a way to charge the estate,’ she said.

It was decided that we would write expense reports. The trouble was that we had not saved receipts for our expenditures, nor could we remember the exact dates and the amounts. We didn’t let that bother us. I phoned Mrs. Nixon and asked her to send a summary of the credit charges I’d made since I’d been here. We were able to calculate Paige’s transportation expenses, making sure that the dates coincided with our meeting notes. Otherwise, we pulled random amounts out of the air. Once we’d included everything we could think of, I wrote checks on the estate, included the expense reports with the financial statement, and dropped it off at the judge’s office on our way to the bank.

With a new supply of cash in the cookie jar, we went shopping. We bought gifts for our kids, a heavy coat for me, and I took Paige to dinner.

That set the trend for the coming weeks that led up to Christmas. We didn’t make reference to the short time we were to have together or count the days. Paige avoided the subject of what she ‘loved’ about me, and when she became melancholy, shopping for more gifts became her way of ridding her mind of the feeling. We also made time for the friends we’d made.

Squaring up the barn took two weeks longer to complete than was originally estimated.

Paige called on Friday, December the thirteenth. ‘You’re still there!’ she exclaimed in disbelief.

‘They have another week before they finish. There have been complications. Are you coming?’

After a few seconds of silence, she said she would call when she knew what time she would be there. I wasn’t sure if she was happy or sad about me still being there, but when she got off the bus there was no mistaking her glee. There was no mistaking the long embrace and kiss she gave me. She was definitely happy.

We had one more weekend together. It was Tuesday, December the twenty-fourth when Matthew Dawkins knocked on the back door. Paige went to the door, saw it was him, and looked ashen as she fled the room. Matthew pronounced the job complete, asking me if I wanted to do a final inspection before we settled up.

I heard the bus and other equipment being started as I shook my head. I’d been expecting him. I wrote the check, sh
ook hands with Mr. Dawkins, and ran upstairs to assure Paige that I’d be back. She had recovered, not completely, but she was putting on a good show of being in high spirits.

She said that she would help me load my truck and that I could drop her off at the bus station. I put my foot down, saying that we needed to tell our friends that we were leaving and that I would drive her home. ‘You’re stubborn. That’s one of the things I love about you,’ she said, accepting my way of doing things.

She called Janice and Nadine while I went next door to give Charlie a key to the house. We had everything packed and were ready to leave when I decided to leave a message to let the judge know I’d be away for a time. To my surprise, Judge Lockwood answered her own phone.

‘You take all the time you need, Mr. Driver,’ she said.

‘Thank you, I should be back in a week to select a realtor.’

‘Mr. Driver, I thought your expense reports were very reasonable. Are you sure that you and Ms. Kindle have been fairly compensated.’

‘Yes, Ma’am.’

‘I hope you didn’t take that silly librarian’s assistant seriously. She had no basis for those outlandish charges. I spoke to her and set her straight.’

‘Thanks again, Ma’am,’ I said.

‘Have a safe and enjoyable trip, and you’ll let me know when you get back, won’t you?’

I told her I would and we said goodbye.

‘I kept telling you that you had nothing to worry about,’ Paige said when I told her what the judge had said.

We kept the conversation light on the way to Boston, but she expressed concern when it started to snow. I only stayed at the Peoples’ home long enough to say hello to everyone. Mrs. Peoples said she understood that I had a long drive ahead of me. Paige explained the best way to head west.

We said goodbye at the door. I was dismayed at her reluctance to kiss me or follow me to my truck. I was well on my way before it came to me, she didn’t want to show affection for me in front of her kids. However, the tears welling up in her eyes said everything.

Other than the weather slowing me down, the trip was uneventful. The constant swish of the windshield wipers made it hard for me to stay awake. I stopped for coffee and trudged on, arriving at home very early the next morning. Mary came out of her room, saying that she’d been expecting me.

Mary urged me to go to bed, but she had to admit that she didn’t know where I would be comfortable. She’d given my bed to my sister and her boyfriend.

I did feel tired, and considered finding a place to sack out until the kids came downstairs and discovered that I had arrived. Their enthusiasm kept me awake all day.

It had been three years since I’d seen my sister. Ginny had grown up, been widowed and become a school teacher. We had a lot of catching up to do, but she knew that I first had to let the kids monopolize the day. Randy, her boyfriend, was an engaging fellow and it was obvious that they were crazy about each other.

Amanda and Phillip were excited about the gifts I’d brought for them, but they were mainly interested in sitting in my lap and asking me questions, mainly if I really had to go back and how long I would stay. I told them we would go shopping for school clothes.

Mary prepared a big meal. Friends and business associates showed up with gifts for the kids. It was great to be home. I wondered how Paige’s day was going.

With my room being occupied by Randy and Ginny, I alternated nights sleeping on a blow-up mattress in my son’s and daughter’s rooms.

Once the kids had their fill of me, I was able to spend time with Ginny and Randy. I took them on tours of my business and my adopted town.

Henrietta was her usual crusty self, but under her brittle outer shell, her greeting was warm and gentle. Randy watched us trade barbs, each boasting about our sexual prowess until he caught on to our ruse.

I guided the conversation to Mark Leach and his involvement with my former girlfriend. At first Henrietta was reluctant to talk in front of Randy, but she opened up when he informed her that his mother had married the father of the Leach brothers. Randy alluded to the brothers’ affinity for screwing each others’ girlfriends. We discussed the possibility that the brothers were both screwing Marian. We even speculated that both men were screwing Max’s wife. Randy recalled that Mark had a bigger cock than his brother, and that it was always a matter of concern that the girlfriend would notice the difference.

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Wife touches it pt2

It was Memorial Day weekend and we were headed to our friends - Davis and Tonya's lake house (or should I say mansion). There were four married couples and several single friends invited for the long weekend. It was an adult weekend. Everyone was excited to escape the city and enjoy the next three days on the lake boating, fishing, jet skiing, and drinking a lot of alcohol. All the guests arrived early Saturday morning, went to their rooms to settle and unpack. My wife and I were on the second...

1 year ago
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What Once Was Old

This is the first story I've written in over a decade. It's still a work in progress but I wanted to share it with you all and get some feedback while I'm writing. Here is part one. What Once Was Old My friend Mason and I sat in silence as we watched the upteenth episode of Family Guy in a row, eyes glazed over in the glow of the television set. We had to face facts. The boredom was setting in and we hadn't even started our "vacation" yet. Ironic how we bitch and moan...

1 year ago
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Wilsons WebChapter 5

Clare made a point of getting home early that Friday afternoon. She was already in the bath when I arrived home. I opened a bottle of wine, poured out two glasses, and took them upstairs. I gave one to her and sat down on the edge of the bath. "Hello Clare, how are you feeling?" "A bit nervous, really." She took a sip of her wine. "You'll be fine, you'll see." In an effort to allay her anxiety, I asked her a mundane question, as if we were planning a routine dinner party as opposed...

1 year ago
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At a gay cinema in Amsterdam

It had been a while since I last fucked a girl, maybe 4 months, and I really needed to get back in the game. For some reason I was stuck in a rut. I was wanking a lot at home though. I’d get a couple of grams of coke and stay up all night watching porn and wanking. As always, it was big tit porn. I’ve always been a tit man - the bigger the better. I loved playing with massive tits in real life too.After a while in this rut my thoughts would eventually turn to the few times I’ve played with...

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Atonement Act 3

Now when left off in our story Susan Gander had just finished reading letters and poems sent to her by Andy Savage a man who loves and adores her but that she feels is too homely looking to be with and yet after reading the poems she began masturbating and this is where we pick things back up in our story. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Sue works her finger up and down along her hot pussy lips enjoying the sensation of feeling her rose. She is very good at doing this because sadly she does...

1 year ago
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Just got to curious

First off this is a story it happened december 28 2008 in seattle,wa , hi my name is manuel, im in the marines and i married to an asian girl names sandy. we got married after i got out of boot camp in san diego. while i have been away training my wife told me she bought a dildo so she wouldnt get to lonely, i said that was fine since i wasnt really around to fuck her, i asked how she big got and she said it was 9 inches long and 3 inches wide, i was a little suprised by that so i asked her if...

First Time
3 years ago
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My Best Friends Brother Pt 5

Introduction: If you dont like rape or violence, then dont read. We arrived at school early enough to hang out in the courtyard with the other students. For everyone else, I suppose my outfit looked normal, but I felt bared to everyone, and Brandon knew it. I was pretty modest in general. I was told to trail Brandon everywhere he went, and meet him in between each class. But luckily for me we had a different lunch hour, so I would be able to sit with my friends. The day went fine, got a few...

2 years ago
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JENNYS SECRET A lesbian tale

JENNY’S SECRET (a Lesbian tale)Jenny hated this part of town. She read the address on the small slip of paper the girl had given her in the factory’s cafeteria. It read “35 Simmons, apt. 2”. Jenny opened the outside door and faced the mailboxes and the buttons. There were only two buttons, one was so worn that the number was illegible; the other showed “2”. Jenny rang. “Here”, shouted an Asian woman in her 50s, from a half-opened door a few feet away.“You’re Jenny ?”, she asked“Yes”, answered a...

1 year ago
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Cowgirl Learns to Ride

"Come on! Faster! Come on you devil! Get up!" Pat loved riding her steed. She called him Diablo. He was a three-year-old black stallion. She felt the wind streaming across her face. Her hat was hanging on by the strap. "Come on, Diablo!" she shouted. The cool prairie air made her feel good this morning. After Diablo's run, she slowed him to a walk. She stopped to open the corral. She led him inside the barn and to a water trough. As Diablo drank, she thought about her life. Her boyfriend,...

4 years ago
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A Blowjob From Mother In Bathroom

Thanks for the love that you gave us in the last two stories I am also thinking about writing a story in Hindi for those who love ‘desi’ stories. So please do let us know if you are interested in reading one. But that story will be purely based on fantasy This is a true story about how we tried a bathroom session for the first time which was mother’s fantasy. Since the time we started having sex, mother and I used to share about our different fantasies in which one of her fantasy was she...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Candy 06292019

Candy is 19 years young, blonde, blue eyes, gorgeous, takes Jovan’s big black cock in her ass – and has the personality of a door knob. Perfect for porn. Or as sidepiece cum receptacle, either way. Candy just did her very first porn scene for our friends at ExCoGi and today she expects much of the same: she’s on the bed, camera guy asks her questions and then bangs her. As she soon finds out, none of that is gonna happen today. Troy thinks of ways to NOT repeat her first...

2 years ago
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Like Sister like Brother

Like Sister, like Brother By Kathy Smith Helen Goldberg is an older sister (she is in college, at Wellesley College, an all women college. It's one of the seven Sisters colleges. She is a senior applying for grad schools), and her little brother, Zak. He is still in high school. Zak and his parents are in Silicon Valley, since both of his parents are electrical engineers. Both are doing designing ICs (they are working for Intel in Santa Clara). The Mom, Rosalie, is an ex-model,...

2 years ago
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Mary jane my step mom is beautiful

sexual way cause she is my step mom but today i don't know what it was about her but she caught my eye like never before. Let me tell you a little about myself and her. At this time i was 16 about 5'7 165 or so not the skinnest kid but not fat i guess you would say athletic build with a little extra. I wasn't the stud of the school or nothing but had had no problem keeping and getting girls my age. My step mom Mary jane she was amazing at this time she was i wouldguess her at about5'4...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups Khloe Kapri Teen cutie Khloe Kapri finally fucks her hot stepbrother

Khloe just got kicked out of her apartment and doesn’t know where to go so she checks in with her stepbrother, he has a nice big place and thankfully he says she can crash there for now. He shows her around and sets her up with a bed and then leaves her to relax. She wants to take a nap but can’t sleep so she decides to masturbate to ease her nerves but her stepbrother accidentally walks in on her! She’s embarrassed but he reveals that he’s always had a thing for...

3 years ago
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Glamour Shots Chapter 3

I took my car, an Infiniti G37, the previous year’s model. Sometimes we traded vehicles for various reasons, but today I took my own. I loved driving it, and for me it was the perfect combination of power, sportiness, and luxury, and yet not so ostentatious that I felt like it stood out in a crowd, it fit my personality very well in that regard. I turned to a classic rock station on the radio. They were playing something instrumental, no lyrics, Stevie Ray, I was pretty sure. As I drove I let...

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 10 Weapons

[ Setting the scene: Éowyn commands the Rohirrim who’ve retreated to the refuge of Dunharrow.] 5 March 3019 (Third Age), Dunharrow Inaction. She was deathly tired of it. Month after month of the King’s seemingly unbreakable malaise had — against all odds and thanks to timely intervention of the Wizard — finally been broken. Frenetic activity followed, as if to make up for so much lost time: Théoden and company off to Helm’s Deep, everyone else evacuated to the refuge of Dunharrow. Unless...

4 years ago
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Older lady next door at last

This is a true story about some thing I had wanted to happen for ages.After my wife passed away I moved house only just up the road about 250 yards it was a four bed on a private estate. My neighbors were great one side but the other I used to say hi but that was all then the funny ones put a for sale sign up. They sold to a widow she was a very active 70 year old at the time I was 50 for the story I will change her name, I will call her Ann. Ann was great always talking and chatting when ever...

2 years ago
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Best friend ne mujhse apni behan chudwayi 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone. Mera naam Raj hai. Ye meri jeewan ke kuch satya ghatnao par aadharit kahani hai. Main Bihar ke ek chote se gaon se hun jahan is kahani ki shuruaat hui. Aapko kahani achi lage toh kripya mujhe feedback de par. Main ek 5.5-foot, dark complexion, 6-inch ke lund wala ek sadharan insan hun. Maine apna adhiktar samay Bihar ke ek chote se gaon mein bitaya hai. Ab main Noida mein rahta hun. Agar koi aurat ya dampatti saath sambhog mein interersted hai toh kripya sampark kare. Chaliye...

3 years ago
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Meri Behen Ki Chudayi 8211 Part 2

Hi dosto, aap ko meri paheli kahani pasand aayi hogi. Ab aage meri bahan veena ki mast chudayi ki kahani aap ka land khada kar degi.Ek lambi chudayi ke baad shayam aur veena bed pe aaram kar rahe the. Tabhi mera phone baja aur mere dost ne bataya ki aaj raat woo nahi aayega. Office me party he me bhi bahut khush ho gaya aur socha koy na ye baat me veena ko bata du ur dekhu ye dono aage kya gul khilate he. Mene veena ko phone kar ke ye bataki me nahi aa unga. Veena ne bhi ye baat shayam ko bata...

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sister inlaw and Niece visit pt III

Part 2 is on my blog right now."Mom, I think the roads are closed" DanyAnne looked up from her phone as she said this."No Way" Shelley looked out the front porch. Snow was coming down in thick clumps, and it was a little darker outside than it should have been for early afternoon."Doesn't seem that bad" said Vagina Knievel. Her ass looked so amazing in those white yoga pants as she leaned out the front door. I knew that the tree cover around my cabin absorbed much of the snow, and if that much...

3 years ago
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Franks Slut Wife

My name's Frank Montagna and Janice Louise Montagna my wife of twelve years, is a bona fide slut. I don't think she always was one, but she is now. I caught her with one of her lovers a while back. He was a tall, black man, and he was pounding her good while she screamed to high heavens that she wanted more, and harder. I met Janice back when in high school, I was the right guard on our football team and Janice was one of the cheerleaders. I was big for my age, at 16; I was 6' even, and...

1 year ago
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Unexpected encounter Part 3 The Big Goodbye

The moment she heard the sound of the door locking Louisa's body sprung into action. Jack wouldn’t be long getting his things and coming back. This would be their last few hours together and she wanted to do something that neither of them would forget. She hopped over to her bag and almost ripped the zip open. Standing there in her underwear she desperately dug for some of the clothes that she knew were in the bottom of the bag. Louisa lifted it out in piles and dumped it onto the top of the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Early RetirementChapter 9

In the morning, I got up, bathed, dressed and had some coffee. The girls were still in bed asleep. I decided to wake Sue Ann since she might need to go in to work. I did and she started moving though slowly. "That's as much hard fucking in one night that I can remember," she said. "Well," I responded. "Don't let my not being here keep you from trying to top it." "Okay," she said. "See you when you return." With that, I went to my Jag, tossed my overnight case into the trunk,...

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Andrew Malinovich, a twenty-one year-old junior at Belhave University, sat comfortably on the sands of a Texas beach that was tucked up against the warm Gulf. He was dressed in jeans and a BU cheer team t-shirt. A bottle of Smirnoff was hanging loosely out of his hand and he took a sip as he watched his girlfriend standing in the tide. She was dressed in a blue bikini, intricately decorated with a dragon she had designed herself. The windbreaker she had worn lay crumpled next to her boyfriend...

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MyDirtyMaid Sheila Ortega Kesaa Ortega 2 Big Asses Is Better Than One

In todays maid we had the service sends us two girls to get the place ready for a big party that evening. These two Latina barely spoke english but with their big tits and ass who cares. I follow them around with the camera and got them to take off clothing with more cash offerings. Sheila and Kesaa wore matching underwear and i knew then they where close friends. I talked them into teaming up on my cock for an amazing blowjob before i took turns making their asses bounce on my dick. This was a...

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The Island Final Connections

Who would have thought that eighteen years later everyone on the island would still be participating in a sexual orgy when the mood took them. After my seduction of Brian, we decided to march Brian straight into Karyn’s waiting arms, or knowing Karyn, somewhere else. Between the four of us we sketched a general plan which, as it happened, went quite well considering we were all amateurs at making plans. Only the four of us knew that Brian had been assimilated into our community. The rest would...

Group Sex
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Through the wormhole Part 2

Through the wormhole Part II By Janice In our last episode, we found that our hero Jack has a secret: he likes to dress up in women's clothes. He had dreamed of finding a woman with whom he could share his passion, but thanks to a physics experiment on a distant planet gone awry he found a whole world of Amazons who love it when he wears something sexy. Dresses, pumps and lace are now his everyday wardrobe and while the women enjoy seeing him dressed that way, they are always trying...

4 years ago
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Screwing Around a Nis StoryChapter 6

Thursday We woke together with my piss hardon in Sarah's ass. I pulled out and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. We got in and I pushed into her ass. I fucked her until we orgasmed. I stayed in her with the water running over us and then managed to release my bladder giving her a piss enema. Sarah held it in jumping from the shower to the toilet and letting go. I got the enema bag and filled it with warm water and filled her again. We let it go and did it again. She was...

2 years ago
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Making Love 8211 Part 2

Hi, I am Raveendra. I am thankful for all huge response from you. As I promised I will publish next part based on the feedback. Please read the first part of the sex story. Now let me introduce again. I am Raveendra. My age is 22. I completed my B.Tech from reputed college in Mumbai.It might be lengthy but a real story. Please read with patience After the foreplay, she kissed me on my lips and said that it was late for home. As our houses are near to each other. I accompanied till her house....

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Mona a past lover

One of my first stories written, this is a true story.... one of many fine memories...My encounter with Mona...I first met Mona in August, a few years ago... when I was riding a beat as a police officer. I was working 3rd shift, from 10:30 pm till 6:30 am. One evening around 1:00 am I was making my rounds and pulled into one of my all night 7/11 Stores.As I walked in and said hello to the clerk I saw her standing with her back to me. She was playing a video game against the window, opposite end...

Straight Sex
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Change of Hart

For most of his life, Hart Richards had two priorities. The first priority was family. He treasured his parents, his sisters and nieces and nephews. He would have done, and did do, anything to make their lives better. The second priority was an all-consuming one that threatened to destroy Hart. He wasn’t aware of it until it was almost too late. He became obsessed with the acquisition of money and power. He wasn’t a cruel man, so he didn’t step on anyone’s toes to get it. He merely started at...

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Sister finally finds love pt20

She crawled under the blanket and between his legs. She grabbed him and felt a tingle in her pussy as the anticipation of his rod in her jumped into her mind. She licked her lips, and slowly stuck out her tongue to lick the tip of his glorious cock. He had yet to respond but she was determined to wake him up with a treat. His cock slipped into her mouth and she was able to taste both sex juices on him as she pushed him deeper into her mouth. As his cock hit the back of her throat, Kari...

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BrattySis Marley Brinx Touch My Body Challenge

Marley Brinx and her stepbrother Alex D. have a video channel. Today their video is the Touch My Body Challenge, where you blindfold your partner and have them guess what part of your body they’re touching. Marley and Alex take turns, eventually upping the ante so they’re using mouths instead of fingers. Marley pranks Alex with a dildo, and in return he whips out his fuck stick for her to suck.To get Alex back, Marley sticks her little finger in her ass and then puts it in...

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Seduced by my Step sister Ch1

My parents divorced when I was 10 years old and my mother took custody of me. She is a great mom who is very caring and never sheltered me from the “Facts of Life”. After a period of time she put her loneliness aside and went out into the dating world. She fell in love with Bill and they eventually married. I just turned 18 at the time of the wedding and didn’t really give much thought that Bill’s daughter from his first marriage was going to move in with us after the school year was done. I...

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sister and bro

*Note that this is entirely a work of fiction, even though I may wish it was true...*When I'm not in college, I live in a very small house that doesn't afford much privacy. My older sister's room is just a few feet away from mine and night after night I would lay awake in my bed, watching porn on my laptop and thinking of her. I got into i****t/taboo porn and I would imagine my sister and I in those situations. Of course my cock would get instantly hard at the thought of seeing my sister's...

3 years ago
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An Alien Attachment

Stacy hadn't been expecting a package, and while her parents had occasionally sent letters or photos from their trip away, this would have been the first time they'd actually sent a gift. Maybe her sisters had gotten packages as well? She'd have to ask. She shook the cardboard tube gently, feeling a weight inside shift with a light thudding noise. Probably not a letter granting her extra credit for last semester. That was a shame - she really could have used the marks. It might have been...

Mind Control

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