- 4 years ago
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After school, Erin once again found herself walking next to Jeffery as he tightly held his arm around her shoulder. Erin wondered how she had gotten herself into some type of relationship with him, but she had to admit she was not totally repulsed. So what if Jeffery Daniels was the Casanova of their entire school? He made her laugh, and Erin could not remember the last time she dated someone for the life of her. High school was almost over. She deserved to have some fun. By the time her and Jeffery had reached the rest of their friends in the parking lot, she decided to be happy with her situation.
Everyone was standing in a large circle planning what they should do for the weekend. Erin smiled at her best friend, Ava, who was with her long time boyfriend, Donald. Ava and Donald had been dating since they were in sixth grade, and they were completely inseparable. It worked out perfectly, because Ava cheered while Donald played football like every other boy and girl in the group. The two could often be found in a heated argument that usually ended quickly and was followed with bawdy laughter and passionate make-up sex. 5’3 Ava with her spunk and bouncy black hair and Donald with his boyish blonde hair and easy going smile got along with anyone and everyone amongst their friends.
Erin walked to go stand next to Ava. Her friend winked and leaned in conspiratorially.
‘Jeffery Daniels, huh? Very interesting.’
Erin crackled out loud. ‘Ha! To tell you the truth I’m not sure how it happened. But right now I don’t care, because this weekend I need some fun in my life.’
‘That’s the spirit honey. I haven’t seen this side of you in a long time. About damn time too.’ She smiled at that. ‘Wow, Mr.-Been-There-Done-That-Daniels must have sparked something in you. Lots of passion there, right?’
Erin smiled absently. ‘Yeah…passion.’
At that moment Brady King and Katie Delaney walked up to the group hand in hand and in all smiles. All conversation halted.
‘Hey Brady! What do you think we should do this weekend?’ one guy asked. Everyone else waited for his answer.
He smiled. ‘Well, thanks to a brilliant idea by Ms. Delaney here, I think camping would be cool. That way we can all have some…personal time.’ He gave Katie a lecherous grin and playfully growled into her hair. She giggled and gave him a feeble swat on his arm. ‘So, what do you guys think?’
Everyone boisterously agreed to camping for a weekend and thanked Brady and Katie for the idea. Only one person was silent.
Brady eyed Erin. ‘Do you have a problem with mine and Katie’s idea, Erin?’
Everyone became silent except for Mike, a running back on the team who groaned aloud. ‘You two please don’t get into it.’ he pleaded. ‘The weekend hasn’t even started yet, and these two are already going at it!’
The group laughed and then began to excitedly plan for the damn ‘greatest idea of all time’ camping trip. Everyone laughed but Brady and Erin who continued to stare at each other with mutual hostility.
Their stare was broken as Katie tugged on Brady’s arm, and Jeffery pulled Erin away with him. As Erin and Jeffery walked to his car, he called back over his shoulder.
‘Alright! I’ll meet everyone at Poppy Peaks camp grounds tonight at six. I’ll bring the booze, and I better see half as many tents and sleeping bags as there are people!’
Erin could hear everyone laugh to that, but above all she could hear Brady.
‘That’s right Katie. And don’t even bring anything to sleep in. I’ll keep you warm.’ The rest of what he said Erin couldn’t hear, because Katie’s loud giggle drowned it out.
Erin fumed the rest of the way home as Jeffery chatted easily beside her. He began to goofily sing to some rock song, and she gave him a side long glance.
‘What’s wrong Erin? You look pissed.’ He began to sing to her and somehow managed to make his voice go an octave higher. A smile reluctantly came to her lips. Why was she being such a bitch? Jeffery was funny, and he just wanted to her to have a good time. She laughed out loud at his silly attempt to lighten her and settled more comfortably into the seat of his Escalade as she attempted to push Brady to the back of her mind.
He smiled. ‘If the idea of having to drive that piece of shit car of yours up to the trail is making you mad, don’t worry. I’ll come pick you up. I don’t think it could even make it out of your driveway! So relax, it’s ridiculous of you to get mad about your car.’
To that, Erin had nothing to say.
Later that night at the camp site, things had gotten into full swing. Jeffery, like promised, brought enough booze to last at least three weekends. Of course that meant more than a third of it was already gone.
Erin was sitting around the bon fire some one had built, with all of his clothing she believed, and she watched as the jackass ran around naked and yelled something about being the god of fire.
Everyone was tipsy, including Erin who had more than her two beer limit. As soon as they had gotten to the camp ground, Jeffery had made her what he called a ‘Panty Dropper,’ thrust it in her hand, winked, and told her to drink up. The purple concoction was so good, her curious first sip turned into gulping down the entire drink in five minutes. From there she had continued to drink her ‘Panty Droppers’ until she was at her present situation.
Sitting alone, and brooding.
She didn’t know why she was being such a damn downer. Usually she was the life of the party, flirting with guys, gossiping with girls, and entertaining everyone with her wit that seemed even sharper compared to their inebriated states.
Tonight she was the opposite. Drunk and boring.
Seething too. She didn’t know when Katie Delaney’s laugh had become so obnoxious. Her laughter was non-stop tonight, thanks to Brady’s constant teasing and flirting. The two had been holed up on the other side of the bon fire. They both were more than a little drunk, and Brady hadn’t given Erin even so much as a glance since they got there.
Even worse, when Brady and Katie had arrived he smiled easily at Erin and said hello. After that, he never looked Erin’s way once, and she realized the friendly indifference hurt worse than any cruel comment he had ever given her.
She didn’t know when that had happened either.
Pushing those thoughts back, Erin leaned forward to look for Jeffery. He was taking pulls off a Jack Daniels bottle with three other guys, and the group laughed aloud at something he said. That was it. She was not going to suck tonight. She was tipsy, and she was going to enjoy it.
Erin got up and sultrily walked to the group of football players Jeffery was standing with. As she draped her arm around Kyle, the team’s wide receiver, and snagged the bottle out of his hands. Looking at Jeffery she took a long pull and handed it back to him.
Jeffery whistled long and slow. ‘Look whose come out of her shell tonight.’
He grabbed her around the waist, touching bare belly and pulled her towards him. Above her skirt, her pretty pink and short sleeved blouse had ridden up a little above her belly button, and she was too drunk to care. She could feel Jeffery caress her flat stomach, and a mixture of nervousness and excitement coursed through her.
Her long auburn hair swayed as she leaned back at his touch and she felt a body press up behind her. But Jeffery was in front of her, wasn’t he? Her eyes popped open to look, and a lecherously grinning Jeffery smiled back at her.
‘Damn, she is hot,’ Kyle’s voice sounded behind her, and she could feel his hands begin to grope her bottom. The excitement that coursed through her only moments earlier turned cold as disgust filled her. She pushed to get them off her, but their athletic bodies barely budged.
‘I told Erin about how we talk about her in the locker room, didn’t I sweetie? Well honey, here is h
ow every guy on our team feels about you. Damn I’m glad I bought you those books. Those drinks didn’t hurt either. It was about time you let your red headed temper and sensuality come out.’ Erin felt another pair of hands begin to caress her arms and another was sneaking closer to her breasts.
She struggled even harder and began to give a scream of outrage when Jeffery’s mouth swooped upon hers. She bit him as hard as she could.
‘Shit!’ his hand came away with blood from his lip. She glared at him, daring him to try again. He looked at her and grinned. ‘If it’s gonna be like that I am really going to enjoy this.’ He roughly came back to kiss her again.
Erin closed her eyes in disgust and fear in preparation for his lips, but when she didn’t feel them she opened her eyes again.
Jeffery was laying on the ground moaning. Brady was standing above him glaring with disgust and hatred at his friend. Erin looked away from Brady to see Jeffery give another moan, and she realized that now his lip wasn’t the only place blood was pouring.
All other arms around Erin dropped at once, and she fell back on the ground at their loss. Anger, misery, and embarrassment came rushing upon her, and she didn’t think she was going to be getting up.
Brady gave each other guy a glare that dared them to stop him. He bent down to scoop up Erin, and he angrily began to walk away from the camp site.
‘Brady! Where are you going?!’ Katie yelled as she saw him leave. ‘You can’t just leave me here. I-I wore a new black g-string that you will like! You can do whatever you want with it! Wait!’ Desperation and alcohol made an already low supply of class disappear. Brady didn’t look back.
‘Find another ride back,’ he said, and with that they disappeared around the corner.
Erin was stunned at the past turn of events, but she wasn’t too upset to not worry that Brady King was holding her. She began to struggle.
‘Let me down.’ She pushed at his shoulders, but he didn’t budge. Erin kept her body stiff as he continued to stride towards all of their parked cars.
‘Don’t think I’m doing this for you. I only intervened because I saw blood. Imagine what would have happened to all of them if I hadn’t pulled you away. Well, you are something. Four guys? And in a public park of all places.’
‘No.’ And he kept on walking.
She pushed again. ‘Let me down!’ but her voice crumbled, and tears began leaking from her eyes. Brady kept his sturdy pace, and before long Erin’s head drooped with despair and exhaust onto his shoulder.
‘We’re here.’
Erin opened her eyes. She realized that the ten minute walk to the parking lot was over, and was spent sleeping on her enemy’s shoulder of all places. She began to struggle again, and after a moment he let her down.
He shoved her into the passenger seat of his car, jumped behind the wheel, and sped off. The tires screeched as he made a sharp turn out of the parking lot.
‘Should you be driving?’ she asked him.
‘Probably not.’ He began to excel the car, and before she knew it he pulled into the parking lot of a closed restaurant. He pulled into a spot, and Erin watched with interest as he turned the engine off, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes as though for sleep.
‘Are we staying here?!’
He opened his eyes and turned to look at her.
‘Well, I can’t just drive you home. You’re too drunk to go stumbling in your house, especially this time of night. I know your parents would be pissed. And while my parents would probably be all too happy to see you after all of these years, and wouldn’t mind if you stayed the night, well…I am just too drunk to drive any farther than this.’ He smiled at that.
Erin hadn’t seen a carefree smile on Brady’s face in so long it broke her.
‘Brady,’ she whispered, and she broke down into sobs. All of the events of the night were just too much, and while nothing truly bad happened to her, thanks to him, the stress of what could have brought her to tears.
‘Shhhhh,’ Brady whispered, and he pulled her into his lap. Erin let herself be consoled and petted, even if it was by the person she hated, and her tears eventually gave way to dry sobs.
‘Hush now,’ he said, and he pushed his hot hand under her shirt onto her bare stomach.
Erin stilled and became completely silent at that touch. She drew her wide, glistening eyes to look up at Brady.
His hand slowly began to draw light circles across her flat belly. The sensuality of the small touch stunned her, and heat poured through her lower body faster than she had ever felt before.
He continued to rub those small, barely there circles as he leaned down to kiss the tears that still glistened on her cheeks. One by one he lightly kissed away every tear, as though he were kissing away every bad experience that caused them. He licked one away from her temple.
Erin remained motionless as he continued his assault of her senses. He pulled his hand away and laid it on her cheek. His hand slowly stroked its way down her throat and the middle of her body. It stopped at the valley between her breasts, and they both watched as it moved up and down with her heavy breathing. He patiently reached for her top button and unbuttoned her blouse until it fell open. She gasped when she saw her shirt part and struggled to tug it back closed.
‘Let me look at you,’ he said, and he pulled her blouse completely open.
Her breasts were not as large as some girls, and certainly not as big as the slut Katie Delaney’s, but they were high and full. They were covered with a modest white bra that was for function instead of looks, and she blushed that she couldn’t afford pretty lingerie that other girl’s had. She was about to cover herself again when Brady lightly pressed both hands against breasts. He unhooked the front clasp and bared her to his gaze. Erin was embarrassed but so erotically charged she didn’t stop him as he cupped her bare breasts in his palm as though weighing them. He pushed them up and in and leaned forward to rest his forehead on the cleavage. He rubbed his face across until he reached a pouting pink nipple and kissed it.
Brady raised his head, and he continued to stroke his hand down until he reached her knee. He looked into her eyes as he stroked his hand up her skirt to her panties and cupped her on the outside of them. Her legs involuntarily opened a wider at his touch, and she could barely keep her sight focused on his intensely blue stare.
When Brady felt her moisture through her panties he moved his hand to the top of them and pushed his way underneath.
Erin gave a startled cry at his touch and gave up on the fight of keeping her eyes open. Brady tapered his fingers between her wet cleft and continued to cup her. He just held her with his long fingers, not moving and pressing all along her from her clit to the bottom of her entrance. Erin had felt nothing so wonderful in all of her life, but his touch didn’t seem to be enough. The pleasure was so intense, but she needed something else. She moaned, and her hips pushed a little against his hand.
‘Look at me.’
Erin blinked open her eyes and focused on Brady’s fierce gaze. They both were panting as he held her eyes with his.
Brady pushed his hand firmer against Erin and with one stroke down, Erin began to come. He placed the tip of his finger into the beginning of her sheath and felt her orgasm pulse and tighten around him.
He kept his hand against her until the pulses stopped. As she lay limply across his lap, he removed his hand from her panties, and smoothed her skirt back down. She was still breathing hard as he fastened her bra back together and slowly buttoned up her shirt.
Erin didn’t know what do think, and before she could start to panic, he had her tucked up and hugged tightly against him. He arranged her more comfortably upon his lap, and settled her head on his shoulder.
‘Go to sleep.’
Sleep? Erin didn’t think she would be able to sleep for hours. She didn’t know how to explain what just happened, and a million thoughts were darting across her mind. As she was about to state that there was no way in hell she was going to sleep, her head fell limply against his shoulder and she succumbed to exhaust.
Brady continued to look down at the little bundle in front of him. He, himself, did not know what to make out of what just happened. Hell, he hardly knew what to make out of her most of the time. Just as he decided there was no way in hell he was going to sleep, his eyes closed and he knew no more.
‘Get up.’
Erin struggled awake at the demanding voice, but was jarred alert when she was dumped unceremoniously into the passenger seat.
Brady started the car, and they were quickly on the way to her house. All of the events from last night began to flash through her head and she blushed in shame at the memory the entire ride.
Did all of that really happen?
They rode the rest of the way in silence, and Erin had never been so anxious to get out of a car before in her life. He finally parked in front of her home and she quickly reached for the door handle.
At the sound of her name, she wearily closed her eyes but slapped on a brave face as she turned back to him.
He stared intensely at her lips before he finally looked in her eyes.
‘Don’t think last night changed anything.’
She stared at him as her mind went blank.
‘I saw how you were with those guys. Before they got a little too rough, you were in fucking pleasure heaven. I saw the look on your face with Jeffery.’
She scrambled for the door handle and was able to step out, but he grabbed her wrist before she could fully retreat.
‘I know I finished for you what they started, but I never expected you to respond as hot as you did.’ His eyes flickered to her lips before returning back to her eyes. ‘No kissing on the mouth either…. Just like a whore.’
As he sped away, Erin remained standing frozen in her driveway.
It was a while before she moved.
I hope you guys like this, and please vote and leave any constructive comments you have. I’m always looking to improve! Thank you!
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HumorThe characters used in this story belong to Archie Comics Publications. They're used in this story as a fantasy fan fiction, with no profit to garnered by the authors in their use. The story is free to be archived upon any website wishing to do so, provided free access is given to readers to see it. It is also mandatory that the authors be given credit upon any site posting. There's a particularly fascinating artist who wishes to go by his eBay selling name, Tebra. Anyone who...
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‘You’re wrong.’ Erin closed her eyes at the sound of the voice behind her. When she opened them, her eyes rained fire as she turned around in her desk to stare at her arch nemesis. Okay, so Brady wasn’t her arch nemesis, but in their fifth period A.P. European History class, the two rarely agreed on anything, and their heated discussions reeked of dislike for each other. Brady was the boy Erin had known the longest of all her classmates. A sixth grade mutual crush, turned awkward...
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We found Porin, as we had Lamin, all hills and valleys. There was something more welcoming about Porin though, it was gentler and greener than Lamin had been. Certainly it was more forgiving than the Zadrain had been. We went back to sleeping during the night, but we posted watches, and we resumed our drills along with our meditation. Alianna was soaking up the staff and the bow with a sponge. Strangely, Master Jo refused to teach her. He insisted we do it, having Sid teach her the staff and...
Alex had just attached the static rope to his figure eight and was preparing to abseil down the cliff when Cassie screamed. She was backing away from their instructor with a look of horror on her face. A cold chill seized his heart as he saw the wide grin on the trainer’s face. Cassie was backing towards the cliff. “Watch out!” he cried. She glanced imploringly at him then disappeared over the edge. Alex leaned out over the cliff edge. Cassie was a third of the way down. She was gripping...
Sherry was angry. She was angry with her father, the good Reverend Gibson, but that was nothing new. Right now, at this moment, she was especially angry with her best friend, Julie. The girl seemed to be almost gloating over the fact that her brother in law was screwing her twice as often, and better than he was screwing his wife, her sister. It was like she was saying, 'Ha Ha, I've got him and you don't.' Not only saying it it Joan but also to Sherry. And she was supposed to be a friend?...
You wake up on your 21st birthday, elated. Today, you became the Hunter Patriarch! Your father was preparing the rituals to pass down the Patriarchy, and by lunch, you’ll be in control of your entire family! Including your father’s trophy wife, who’s one of the few non-family members. Your father acquired her by trading his own sister, who became the Matriarch of the Lewis Patriarchy. Your mother is the soon to be ex-Matriarch of your Patriarchy, the role of Matriarch falling to the Patriarch’s...
Incest"Carry your books, Titty Girl?" "I only have the one." "Hence the offer." "So it's not too much work." "Right." "That's what I love about you, Juggie. No effort is too small." It was their U.S. history text. Jughead clapped it against his own copy with a flourish. Betty took his arm, as she had that morning, and they strolled together down the hall — the beanpole in the beanie and the naked, natural blonde. Jughead was the only boy in the school, other than Archie, who...
The Archer by Abe There, in the gloom, was a typical Welsh cottage: small,square, all stone and slate. A candle burned in a window. Gwenneth went to the door and knocked. A woman answered thedoor, dressed in black, just like the "witches" on Welshpostcards. "Pardon me," said Gwenneth, "but could you tell me where Imight be able to rent a room for the night?" Sternly, the woman looked down on Gwenneth, who was all...
Reine’s fingers glided over the textured parchment until it reached hisseal. The letter ‘L’ delicately positioned on a bed of honeysuckle blossom. Reine’s fingers caressed the seal. She knew what she would find inside. Reine’s heart fluttered. She bit down on her lip as she broke open the seal. As expected, Reine found the itinerary. Zurich June 20th, 2 nightsKraków July 10th, 3 nightsBerlin September 3rd, 1 nightTokyo December 15th, 6 nightsNew York January 12th, 3 nightsYours, as always,...
BDSMPrivate patriarch Paradise: encouraging eldest dear daughter tasty teen virgin Anna offers her flowerPrivate negotiations to pay six sari's at a rate, as I partly pay Eve's nice niece 'in natura' for itPhilosopher Peter Poet has a hot time in India, initiating five foxy sexy s!sters top-down from AnnaProfound profane wisdom with wanton women and great girls are the highlights of my tasty trip there!At the eve of my first dobe at their cute compound behind the beach with banana and coconut...
?So, how u find my new worm ?He is a Man, I am not,? He is the sky, I am the earth,? His name is heaven, ? Mine is dirt.? 2nd ChantThe Way of Females ?So, how you do find my new worm?? Carlos asked.?Soft,? Ivan lifted his leg and step on the worm?s tits again. ?Very, very soft.? Both men laugh at the not so funny joke.????????? The worm in question lay still and kept her position. She is lying on her back, naked on the floor with only a pair of thongs on her body. She kept her legs...
Monarch of the Glen - a short story - by Eve Adorer ? As she heard the sputter of the motorcycle, Marie McLeod’s bright blue light blues, glanced sharply up over the rim of ‘Racing Review’, as too the rim of her dark blue shades: this could be it. ? This could have been it five times before, but this could be more it than the other five; at least maybe. ? Despite five previous false ones preceding, prevailing alarm, or at least alertness still stirred Marie, and prompted a nudge of...
Chapter 1: The Tome is found I was doing my internship for archaeology on a couple of islands on the Pacific rim. While it wasn’t the most glorious or lucrative of career choices, it was something that I did get simple pleasure of. Finding artifacts and piecing together the lives of people many generations past did interest me and give me satisfaction. It would also afford me the ability to travel the world and see many things most people would only dream of seeing in one lifetime, such as the...
You are the new girl in the office. Sitting opposite I often find myself watch you, transfixed by your inner beauty. Every morning my attention focused on you as you apply your lipstick, a strangely erotic moment. Although I struggle to keep my attention on my work, I find myself attracted to you. Odd moments such as watching as you cross and uncross your legs, gazing at your thighs. Or when helping you out with a piece of work. Standing behind you , leaning over you my eyes drawn to your...
The day of the Reformation was the day my life turned amazing. See, my name is Michael Pierce. I’m the younger Pierce brother, aged 18. My brother’s 21, and I have been under his control since his eighteenth birthday. So has the rest of my family. I had a father, a mother, and two sisters. Both older than me, but one was older than Dennis. My mother was the sexiest woman alive, so it made sense Dad would bang her enough times to get four kids out of it. Well, there was actually speculation if...
IncestPrivate patriarch Paradise: encouraging eldest dear daughter tasty teen virgin Anna offers her flowerPrivate negotiations to pay six sari's at a rate, as I partly pay Eve's nice niece 'in natura' for itPhilosopher Peter Poet has a hot time in India, initiating five foxy sexy s!sters top-down from AnnaProfound profane wisdom with wanton women and great girls are the highlights of my tasty trip there!Anna has a tasty tight teen sexy sphincter which I try to penetrate with the tip of my long...
Private Paradise with six sexy fine females found in India, intimately initiating five tasty teens.Probably the prettiest pervert period of my mighty long love life I experienced in Southern India.Plucked five fine fresh flowers to build my most beautiful bouquet of pink pretty tulip love lips.Philosopher Peter Poet meets Eve and her dear daughters and his meat meets all their cute cunnies.At age thirty-two, thirty-two years back, I travelled overland with a friend from Amsterdam to India.As a...
The food is getting cold ?Men are not good,? ?????????????????????????? ??Men are not evil, ? ?????????????????????????? ??Men are both good and evil,? ?????????????????????????? ??Achieve both, ? ?????????????????????????? ??and you will achieve harmony? ? The Path of Man The food is getting cold. Where the hell is that idiot? Jill berates herself for thinking such things, but facts are facts. Everyday, Jill would rush home from work and cook dinner for her master. The dinner which...
?The Patanican Alliance consists of 3 planets, Planet Whiteside, Thordaw and Kadir ?The Patriarch Alliance consists of 3 planets, Planet Whiteside, Thordaw and Kadir. All 3 planets were lost during the Great Retreat of 7816 and were taken over by the Walien Theocracy. The aliens withdrew in 7950?the 3 planets (like most of the other planets in the Outer Rims) decided to declare independence.???????????????????????????????????????????????? The Outer Planets, the Lost Terran Empire...
Marching Band My Ass My daughter wanted to join the marching band. It was not a school event but a town run activity for our children to help keep them off the streets and to help prevent them from getting into trouble. Amber and I had attended a practice session to see if it was really what she wanted to get into. I was surprised at the tight sexy outfits that the girls in the front were wearing. They were unbelievably sexy. After they had put on their show, one of the girls...
And of course, with any good high school football team, they have an excellent marching band to go along with them. The school and community really believed that their team had a shot this year and were as excited as ever. Keegan, however was much more excited about getting to sit next to two hot high school girls in a dark bus for three hours on a friday night. The girls, Ann and Megan had already shown an interest in him sexualy and Ann had even sent him some nude pics, which Keegan...
The warm morning sun spilled through the window and unto Brady’s bare back. He shifted comfortably half awake and reached a hand over for the even warmer body that had been next to him and underneath him throughout the entire night. His hand came up empty. Brady opened one eye and looked to where Erin had been not that long ago. At least he thought it wasn’t that long ago. Brady couldn’t be sure how many times he had pulled Erin beneath him and pushed himself inside her wet and swollen...
The next Monday at school Erin found herself once again avoiding anyone that she knew. All Sunday she had barricaded herself from phone calls from Ava, Jeffery, and Brady. Especially Brady. He had persistently called around twelve more times that day asking very politely from Caroline to speak to Erin. She knew this because Caroline diligently reported to her older sister every time he called, how he sounded and what he said. No one else in the house seemed perturbed that the phone was...
Erin jumped on the bus, Seventeen Magazine in hand, and headed straight for the back row. Brady was already there waving enthusiastically, his metallic braces flashed as he shot her an open and friendly smile. Her short, bright red curls bounced as she giddily found her way next to him. ‘Look what I scored from my older sister.’ Erin lifted her hand to show the forbidden treasure to her best friend. ‘Yes! Now I can look at hot models on the way to school instead of your ugly face,’ he said...
Brady slammed his locker closed as he headed to the gym for their last practice of the week. He couldn’t be happier that the week from hell was finally over. That Friday seemed like a blessing, and he thanked God there were a few days until he had to go back to Mrs. William’s AP European History class. Erin had been completely ignoring him since Monday’s scene outside her house, and no attempts at provoking her got any response. Hell, he snorted out loud, he should be goddamn ecstatic she was...
Erin leaned back as she massaged her temples and released a heavy sigh. Yesterday’s events had left her drained but determined, and along with the janitor, she was the first one to enter the school the next morning. After sitting down at one of the library tables with books, the newly arrived librarian gave a startled glance at Erin then wearily ignored her to brew herself some coffee. It was 5 a.m. Erin was angry at the situation she was in. The damn bastard, Brady King, was going to make...
There, in the gloom, was a typical Welsh cottage: small, square, all stone and slate. A candle burned in a window. Gwenneth went to the door and knocked. A woman answered the door, dressed in black, just like the "witches" on Welsh postcards. "Pardon me," said Gwenneth, "but could you tell me where I might be able to rent a room for the night?" Sternly, the woman looked down on Gwenneth, who was all of five feet two. Then she turned and bellowed, "Elspeth!" A girl came to the door:...
I followed William with the rest of the lads. I wasn't a lad though and kept getting looks from the others. My name is Emily and I was orphaned when I was ten. William was the one to take me in and he was the one to begin my training. Some said he was old but never to his face. The bow I carried was new, William had given it to me for my sixteenth birthday. I glanced at the others, they were all older than me. They had learned as had Sir Dawson. I was the only one to beat William with the bow...
Archbaroness flies low over Megatropolis, thinking about the events of the last few days. She is on patrol, looking for any crime in need of being stopped by a heroine’s might. Megatropolis, always full of crime, has seemed in extra need of her watchful eyes these last few days. In a city this big there will always be crime. Like anywhere else in the world the crime rate will sometimes spike randomly, and that seemed to have happened a few days. The crimes had mostly been small things: petty...
Archbaroness was in the Megatropolis Amazons’ meeting room standing proudly before the floor to ceiling window and looking down upon Megatropolis. The team’s base of operations, Freedom Tower, was one of many buildings that composed Megatropolis’ world famous skyline. Her view here in the meeting room, close to the very top of the building, was a sight to behold. Of course, Archbaroness was herself as awe inspiring as the view. She was equally known for her astounding beauty as her long...