- 4 years ago
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I was on my way towards class and as I turned the corner, I felt a strong shove against my back. After stumbling forward, I turned around and gazed up at a classmate much taller than myself. However, when I got onto my feet, I gazed down at him. Surely he was much stronger than I but at least I had the height advantage because I was a fairly tall teenager. Certainly, I’m taller than this fellow that shoved me just then.
David Ramsey is a fellow classmate with a serious vendetta against me but we all called him Davie. We are both currently juniors in High School except Davie is a year older than I at 18 years old. We used to be casual friends a few years back. Long story short, he hated my guts ever since the seventh grade. We got into a huge disagreement about a matter between us that apparently was never resolved. Things had escalated into a headed feud between both of us and we have been bitter rivals for years.
Davie dug his finger as hard as possible against my chest as he inched closer to my face. He glared up at me, jaws tight and he growled, ‘Ima’ fuck you up, Eugene.’ At that very moment, I’ve had enough of it all: the constant harassment, the bullying, the confrontations, and the threats. I was so sick of it.
I shoved him back as hard as I could in retaliation. I lost my cool for a brief moment. However, this felt so good to release all that frustration with the brute force of my push. This sent him back a couple inches at least.
‘So, you wanna’ fight me?’ Davie grinned as he licked his lips. ”Bout damn time.’
‘I fucking tried to apologize. I tried to reason with you and then y—’ I swiftly ducked to the left from an incoming fist to my face. I sidestepped away from Davie and just glared at him with both fist in the air, prepared for anything else. To be honest, I probably looked ridiculous in this stance but I had to defend myself in the best manner as I could. In many other cases, though, I usually used my brains over my brawns as strength. However, I had no choice in this matter.
‘Fuck him up real bad! Do it!’ a girl loudly egged on. ‘Do it like we talked about last night, Davie! Fuck him up real hard.’ Anna Velasco, who is Davie’s current girlfriend, stood nearby and watched. She is an extremely beautiful Spanish chick with a slightly chubby build and a busty chest. Almost anyone found her pretty, as I did. Davie was incredibly lucky to wind up with her, though. Her right hand brushed her dark bangs aside from her intense green eyes.
‘Hold this for me babe. I’ll fuck him up hard.’ Davie handed Anna his books and glasses. He went in for a kiss and made contact with her. She grabbed the books and tucked them underneath her arm.
‘I’m sick of your fucking shit, man!’ I barked. ‘All the threats, harassments, bullying—’ I quickly ducked another punch to the face but I felt a surprise blow against my stomach. I nearly gagged, wrapping my arm around my guts. I watched Davie get closer to me.
WHACK! Before Davie had a chance, I blew up his nose with a surprise punch. He lost some steps and landed backwards on the floor. Davie moaned and cupped his nose. I must’ve fucked him up real bad because he glared at me, misty-eyed like he was going to cry. He choked back his tears and said nothing. Anna bent down besides Davie, and coddled him. In meanwhile, she was also glaring up at me.
I slowly made my way to my feet, after reaching to pick up my books. Breathing heavily, I stared down at Anna and Davie. And then I immediately left in the opposite direction, as I said nothing.
3:00 PM. I got home from school and strolled straight for the house. I stepped into the door and headed for my room. Normally, my mom was still at work during this time. She was a grade school teacher and she was very busy, especially after school. She coached swimming and today would be a swimming meet at her school. My little sister was still at school doing after school stuff. So, I had the house to myself for quite a while.
I logged onto the computer and I pulled up my e-mail account. Apparently, there were several messages from some of my friends about the whole incident that occurred today. Oh, they know? Well, click, click, click. I deleted several messages before I pulled up my other browser.
A private message from an anonymous source interjected that I checked and read out of curiosity.
‘Plan B, bitch… I’ma’ give you an experience you’ll never forget real soon,’ chimed a private message.
Davie? I simply shook my head and deleted the private message. Afterwards, I thought nothing of it and continued to browse online for a bit more. Later, I went into doing my homework as usual.
Feeling several pokes at my shoulder, I spun around in my chair and found my 6-year-old sister standing behind me with a beam on her face. ‘Mom said come down, ’cause dinner’s ready.’ Boy, time flew by really fast, almost too fast, though. When I looked towards the clock, it was already few hours since I returned home from school. I was really booked into studying for a big test on Monday. And then my sister finished, ‘Mom brought home some pizza today!’
I tossed my pencil, while immediately getting up from my chair. My little sister and I made our way downstairs where my mom already had dinner prepared for us at the table. After we exchanged quick kisses, she sat us down and we all ate our dinner as we normally did as a family.
During dinner, I noticed a very brief period when Mom paused from eating with a blank stare. I had thought maybe she was intensely thinking about something. That gaze appeared so hypnotizing, yet so empty but who knows?
Mom fluttered her eyes, snapping out of her blank hypnotic state, and then continued eating pizza as if nothing bizarre had happened. She glanced at me, smiling, and arched her brow, ‘Is there something the matter, Gene? Anything you would like to talk about?’
I shook my head and disregarded my curiosity, ‘Nah, Mom.’
Little did I know, this is the very last ‘normal’ night I would be having at least for a long, long time.
Sunrays caught Davie’s eyes as they cracked open. He was sprawled on his stomach, legs spread, arms and hands tucked underneath his pillow in a fashion he normally slept, generally being a heavy sleeper. He lifted his head, subconsciously batted long brunette hair from his face, wiped the drool from his mouth, and snorted. Oddly, everything smells very different. Everything feels very different. Everything looks very different. He wiped his eyes with his palms and then slowly gazed around.
Then Davie wiped his eyes again.
‘….so it worked?’ Davie’s eyes scanned around the room in disbelief. He has actually woken up in Eugene’s mom’s rather large, master bedroom. Davie quickly sat up at the edge of the bed. His now slender, feminine hands reached and felt his average sized bust. Davie slid a hand down to his crotch and felt around there as a quick test. Underneath the silk underwear, he felt pubic hair but no penis whatsoever. He slid a pair of slender fingers onto his clit and softly fingered it. He rubbed a bit harder and bucked his head back. Davie moaned softly but he abruptly snapped out of it.
He brushed his unkempt brunette hair back once more and gazed around. ‘Oh shit, shit, shit, shit!’ Davie quietly crept out of the bed, found a robe nearby and slipped it on. He gently stepped downstairs, knowing that Gene and his sister was still both asleep and tucked away in their bedrooms. Davie grabbed a set of car keys hanging against the wall in the kitchen. However, before making his way towards the car, he grabbed a pen and paper and scribbled down a note. He wanted to keep the suspicions down momentarily and create a good reason why Gene’s mom would be gone this morning.
This was the first time that Davie made his way inside Gene’s house and yet he knew where everything was located. How else wo
uld he have easily found the pen, paper and the car keys? It was as if he had Lori’s memories, maybe all of it? Wait, Lori? So that’s what her name is?
‘Lori… Elizabeth Burke…’ Davie smirked, hearing his own feminine whisper. He glanced down at his note and furiously finished it. However, the note wasn’t written in his handwriting. The note was orchestrated as perfectly as if Lori herself had written it, in her own neat, feminine, whimsical handwriting. It was flawless.
Going to the store to buy some milk. Love, Mom.
‘Perfect,’ Davie softly giggled.
Davie, now as Lori Burke, grabbed her purse with the car keys and crept outside, not to awaken Gene and his sister. Still dressed in her pajamas wrapped in a robe, she hopped into the car at the driveway and quickly drove off.
‘Davie…?’ Anna fixedly gazed at Gene’s mom when she opened the door at Davie’s apartment. She had been staying there overnight, waiting for Davie to show up in the following morning. And Davie indeed appeared right before her, albeit in a different form. So far, everything is going all according to plan.
‘Actually, it’s Ms. Burke, dear,’ Mom grinned, stepping closer and feeling Anna’s soft cheeks with her feminine hands. She said it as effortlessly, being Lori Burke herself. She stepped closer and kissed Anna intently for a few moments before breaking apart.
‘Oh, my gosh. This is so weird and yet so stimulating. This is the first time I’ve ever kissed a woman, you know…,’ Anna giggled and she reached forward to kiss some more. Davie, now as Lori Burke, wouldn’t want to risk being caught outside with an underage girl. So she broke the kiss and immediately led Anna indoor into his, or her apartment, rather.
The door slammed shut behind them and Anna flopped on the couch. A rather large Rottweiler quickly appeared in the living room and circled around Mom, as if he actually knew her for years. Gazing down, Mom crouched down and petted the Rottweiler as it licked her left cheek. They both exchanged their greetings. Watching the two, Anna brushed her hair aside and smiled.
‘So what now?’ inquired Anna.
‘First, I have to shower but did you bring some clothes or anything?’ Mom got up and sat down besides Anna. Nodding, Anna grabbed a bag and showed it to Mom. Grinning, Mom replied, ‘Good. I’ll shower and then get dressed in those. Oh, that fucker will definitely be begging for mercy. And it will be a bonus if I make him cry as well.’
‘I brought some of the cutest outfits, ever, sweetie,’ Anna opened up the bag and reached in. She pulled out a short skirt decorated with flowery patterns, a white thong, matching black high-heeled sandals, and a white see through blouse. No bras. Anna smirked, ‘I think you will look good in these. I know the ‘new’ Lori Burke will adore these, at least.’
‘Definitely,’ Mom said, still grinning. She eyed up high at the wooden shelf, where an old golden bell sat. ‘And everyone thinks that Davie is on a trip somewhere by himself. However, the body is actually in the bedroom and it should be fine for time being. So, no one will really be wondering on why he’s gone for a while. The perks of living by yourself at 18, that freedom to disappear for as long as you want.’
On the couch, I was watching cartoons with my sister and I gazed at the clock. It was getting closer to eleven and my mom wasn’t back yet. I glanced at the note in my hand and wondered. Somewhat odd that Mom was taking a bit longer than expected but perhaps she had ran into somebody, something or whatever but who knows?
Suddenly, I heard the door lock jerking for a bit before the door squeaked open and shut. Click, click, click, the sounds resonated from a pair of high-heeled shoes making its way across the kitchen floor. And there was a grocery bag unraveling open and the fridge being opened. The cabinets were squeaking and the bowl was being taken out of the shelves. Finally, there was the noise of cereal clattering into the bowl then milk glugging in. The fridge squeaked open again and shut.
Finally, Mom emerged from the kitchen and into the living room.
‘Hello, what are you guys watchin’?’ Mom grinned, slowly sitting down. She munched down her bowl of cereal. It was quite odd to see Mom eating cereal and of all things, my cereal. She knows how much I love them and how they have my name on it. And Mom doesn’t usually eat cereal seeing that she was watching her figure, especially since she’s middle-aged.
‘Morning mom!’ my sister absently waved, eyes mostly glued to cartoons.
‘Say, morning mom. We were wonderin’ where you were,’ I arched a brow, gazing at her.
‘Oh, I know,’ she took in another mouthful of cereal. For a brief moment, Mom had this creepiest yet most penetrating stare towards me. And then after she returned to cartoons, she absent-mindedly removed her high-heeled sandals and pushed them aside with her feet. She folded her legs and then took another munch on her cereal. She took a hand to her mouth and then quietly belched.
Mom wasn’t wearing any bras underneath her thin white blouse. Her breast and dark pink nipples were so visible underneath that white shear. For a few moments, my eyes just gazed at a pair of nipples. And she was wearing a very short skirt that proudly demonstrated her feminine, smooth legs. Most of all, Mom’s fashion choices appeared too immature for her actual age. I grew surprisingly aroused by what I witnessed, while my dick grew slightly intense and my heart started to pound. Luckily, my little sister was oblivious to everything, being busy with cartoons and all.
Mom slurped the milk and then dabbed her mouth dry with the tip of her fingers. She rose to her feet and made her way back to the kitchen. My gaze was fixated upon her as Mom disappeared. Before entering the kitchen, though, she glanced at me with an icy stare and then left. Baffled and curious, I immediately followed her, wondering what was going on.
After following my mom into the kitchen, leaving my sister alone to her cartoons, I entered the kitchen after her.
‘Mom—’ I uttered.
Mom had already prepared another bowl of cereal. She grabbed her spoon and munched down on it. So strange that she seemed to be on a cereal binge this morning. And that she was acting strangely all morning.
‘I think I need to gain weight. I feel a bit too skinny, don’t you think?’ Mom slid a hand from her hips towards her buttocks. Then I watched her hand move up to her visible chest to stroke it. My dick grew even more intense. My heart pounded and I was growing hotter inside.
‘W-what are you doing?’ I blinked.
‘Feeling myself, dear. Can’t I?’
‘Mom, stop. And I-I think you need to put on a bra—’
‘No I don’t. I’m sure you’ve seen breasts before, haven’t you? Do you like my new outfit, hon’?’ Mom flashed a grin. ‘Judging by the sight of your eyes, I’ll take that as a ‘yes’?’ She slid a hand underneath her silk blouse and touched her right nipple. She playfully massaged it. She bent her head back and softly moaned, with her eyes closed. ‘Oh…’
‘…this feels just right.’
I stared at Mom in disbelief, not believing what I’m just witnessing in front of me. Mixed feelings rose, my stomach knotted in pure disgust but my dick grew more and more intense out of sheer arousal. Mom had to be drunk, high, delusional, or on something. Something was definitely wrong with her. I was terribly confused, struggling to piece together and make sense of what Mom was doing, what I was seeing and how I’m feeling.
‘What…?’ I stared.
Mom giggled softly. She removed her hand from her clit after gently massaging it and smelled her pair of slender wet fingers. She grinned, ‘I smell so good. Fuck me, I so really need to get laid.’
Mom snorted, ‘See, being your mother, I was feeling so trapped for quite a long time. Taking care of this household, especially
with your father and I divorced, I had no quality time for myself. Hon’, I just need to be me for once, you know?’ Mom crept closer and whispered into my ear, ‘I could use a good fuck every now and then, don’t you think… son?’
‘But for now, let me go spend some quality time with your sister,’ Mom giggled as she walked past me, bumping against my shoulders. She exited the kitchen with a bowl of cereal in her hand.
Few moments later, I could overhear a pair of faint laughter erupting from the living room. Breathing hard and very silent, I stared right at the floor. I felt a shiver crawling up into my spine. I was so scared, aroused and very confused. This reality felt very, very different than the one from last night.
That night, my sister was at her friend’s house for the next couple of days. I sat down on the couch in the living room, just deep in my thoughts and figuring out what has gotten into my mother.
However, a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts. ‘Dear, I hope you don’t mind but I called a friend over,’ Mom beamed, walking into the living room. ‘…not that I ever need your fucking permission, anyhow.’ She was dressed in a very snug pair of white yoga pants with a matching tight white tank top that displayed her feminine figure very well.
As I gazed up at Mom, as I saw that she was wearing lace thong underneath a very transparent pair of tight, white pants. Mom had also decorated her toenails and fingernails in a shade of hot pink. I grew hot once more and my heart simply pounded very heavily. Inside, I was dying and feeling very conflicted.
‘Anyways, I called your father and told him what a bad boy you’ve been lately. And he is not pleased with you, which I agree. I told him what a twat you’ve been to me all day,’ mom sniggered, brushing her hair aside. And as she was applying a shade of bright red lipstick on her lips, she continued, ‘I mean, how dare you look at your mother this way? So, he and I agreed that there is definitely something terribly fucked up about you.’
‘M-mom, I-I—,’ I just couldn’t believe the words that was coming out of my Mom’s mouth. She never, ever talked that way. She never acted repulsive. Was a terrible prank being pulled on me?
Mom simply smirked, ‘What? Do you want to fuck me?’
Before I could finish what I was saying, a loud knock from the door interrupted. I glanced towards the direction of the front door and looked right back at Mom.
‘Oh look! She’s here,’ Mom sprung on her feet and she went towards the front door. The door opened and there she was, Anna Velasco right at my front door and in my house. However, what came next, I just simply watched in disbelief. Mom and Anna greeted each other with a long, passionate kiss. Inside, my stomach twisted but my dick grew intense. They held hands and returned to the living room, Mom sat on the couch and Anna plopped on top of her.
‘My, my. Your mom is a good kisser,’ Anna smirked.
Mom stroked Anna’s hair before delicately positioning Anna face towards her for another kiss. I meekly watched and then my lips quivered, ‘W-what’s going on? I don’t understand.’
‘Haven’t you gotten the hint, Gene?’ Mom rolled her eyes and got up. Anna climbed off. ‘Anna, he’s not too bright, isn’t he? Must’ve gotten his dimwitted intellect from his father.’
‘Tell him, Lori,’ Anna beamed, nodding and egging Mom.
‘It’s me, you stupid fuck! Davie!’ Mom grinned, hands outward and nodding her head. ‘Like, ta-da! I just hijacked the fuck out of your mom’s body. See, I found a way to do it and I did it.’
I couldn’t believe what Mom was saying, I just shook my head and stared hard at her. After briefly thinking about it, I widened my eyes, starting at Davie as Mom and simply uttered, ‘Davie? What the fuck?’ After today, I was willing to believe anything before waking up tomorrow morning from this terrible nightmare.
Anna howled and laughed.
Mom quickly nodded, ‘Yes, it’s me, son. Your mother. Davie. Or… both. See, you humiliated me so hard yesterday. And you totally got me, I’ll grant you that. So, I’m going to do the same to you. You’re so going to get it. But you won’t be able to get out of this so easily this time, twerp. It’s going to be so, very painful for you. And you better like this new mother of yours because she’s here to stay for a very long time, at the very least.’
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"I must admit, the mountains are lovely and I've been enjoying myself immensely!" she exclaimed. Her voice was filled with laughter, her pleasure evident. Sarah had been in Edmonton for nearly a week and had the afternoon to herself in her Significant Other's absence. She was delighted to find that her pen pal, John, had chosen the same week to visit home. They had met for the first time barely minutes ago and each had appraised the other, and found nothing wanting. Sarah was still a bit too...
BDSMI was sitting in my living room, watching movies and playing video games that'd played so many times that I could do all the lines from the movies and make all the moves in the games in my sleep. If it hadn't been pouring down rain, I could have been at the local park, playing catch or riding my bike, but it was another of six straight days of rain and I had a bad cases of what my family called "Cabin Fever." "There's nothin' good on TV and I've played all of these games before," I...
i'd love to enjoy a role-play session with you........and have you fuck me bareback for an entire weekend, filling my hot womb as you try and breed me to have your black baby!! Damn i'm hot for you as's been a while since I've had a good deep fucking session. But you are an absolute turn-on, I'm so attracted to older mature men......oh god I'm so horny right now.......what to do...??!! To imagine you from behind me, grabbing my hips and thick ass as you slide your cock back and...
She was in the fast lane, driving down the motorway while her mind was drifting. She was going to visit her boyfriend who worked in Brussels. How she was looking forward to seeing him again! She thought of the last time they met, how they spent the entire weekend in bed, how he fucked her again and again... Her right hand left the steering wheel and was rubbing her right thigh. It was a nice early summer's day, so she was wearing a skirt to just above knee-length and, feeling a little naughty,...
Hiding Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Running from the guys that wanted to beat me to a pulp because I saw them rob a store with a gun, I ran into a small shop which turned out to be a dress shop. Panting hard I ducked behind a rack of dresses watching as they went through every store looking for me. "What are you doing in those dresses? Are you a pervert?" "No Ma'am! There are guys looking for me because I saw them rob a store. Your shop was open and I came in....
Jeannie and her husband had been married a while and things were getting, well, boring, sexually. In the early days, they played around with some of their male friends, but that kind of dropped off as time went by. Steve brought up a plan to see how it worked. He proposed they order pizza and if the delivery boy was desirable to her, she’d flash her big tits and see his reaction. And, see how it goes from there. Jeannie was getting excited about possibly flashing her tits to a stranger, since...
Calienté rode slowly up and down the thick prong of Hammer’s cock. She was so deliciously filled that she could almost ignore the aching fullness of her own cock that was leaking a stream of precum that had caused her balls to be soaked, and even Hammer’s stomach to have a puddle of the slippery stuff on it. She clenched her internal muscles trying to feel every millimeter of the long hot probe that rubbed something deep within her so pleasurably that she knew she was as addicted to riding...
I David Cross laughed, shaking his head as he watched the computer monitor. "Imagine that! The first major success of our business is dropping its largest and most expensive asset into a hole and burying it. Good thing we didn't put that in the business plan!" Elaine Norman, the sole woman of the trio, joined with her two partners in laughing. She turned serious a millisecond later. "The regolith looks like it has the consistency of cat litter. Works for cats." "There's bound to be...
Mike was trying to sleep. Actually he was trying to act like he was sleeping. But even the dead would have awoken by the racket his wife Stephanie was making. He heard her stomp across the floor to the door of their bed. "Alright Mike. It ends here and it ends now. You either tell me what's going on or... or, damn you Michael talk to me." Michael rolled over. "There's nothing to talk about." "Michael. Honey. Our sexlife has dropped to almost nothing. You hardly touch me anymore. And...
With friends like these who need enemies. When one of your friends decides to do something a little different and stabs you in the back. Everything in my relationship was wonderful, my wife and I were getting married for the love we had. It was the first time that we were to be together, before that we hardly touched each other but she insisted that we had to get to marriage. My friends decide to make me a bachelor party. As every man I finally decided to make the most of my latest adventure,...
“So one day, I and my wife were busy fucking …” It wasn’t strictly true, we weren’t quite actually fucking, but we were teasing each other, and I jokingly asked her if she ever fantasized about having two cocks to play with at the same time. She grinned and said, “Well, duh! Who doesn’t?” Well, I don’t, for one, but the thought of my sweet Jennifer sinking her pussy onto a new cock … I found myself curiously turned on. Jennifer was too, as I discovered once I pushed her down on the bed...
“So one day, I and my wife were busy fucking …” It wasn’t strictly true, we weren’t quite actually fucking, but we were teasing each other, and I jokingly asked her if she ever fantasized about having two cocks to play with at the same time. She grinned and said, “Well, duh! Who doesn’t?” Well, I don’t, for one, but the thought of my sweet Jennifer sinking her pussy onto a new cock … I found myself curiously turned on. Jennifer was too, as I discovered once I pushed her down on the bed...
Wife LoversYou are alone and going to be for a few hours. You have decided to read the story I wrote. You start to read and you are getting horny. Since you are alone, you decide to indulge yourself. But first, you get up to wear something you know I would like. You go to change and come back to the computer. You are wearing a short silk robe and black stockings. You know how I love the feel of your delicious legs wearing silky stockings on my shoulders when I have my tongue in your pussy!As you...
My girlfriend and I used to enjoy long cycle rides in the countryside and almost always would end up at a country pub for lunch. After a very nice lunch and a couple of drinks,it was time to go home. The pub was at the bottom of a hill along a narrow lane. I let Angela go first, mostly so I could watch her broad, lycra clad arse as she cycled up the hill. I knew that she never wore knickers under her shorts and I'm sure that I could see the outline of her pussy through her short when she stood...
Juli pulled a tee shirt over her head and sat on the side of her bed watching as Darin did his wizardly tech magic with her new PC. When he turned it on, it came on with a flash of light and was instantly loaded. “You’re pulling 19.8 mbps, that is HOT, Baby.” “Good, I want to be a HOT BABY for you too.” “You are, for sure; you got a hot pussy too.” “Thanks, I want to be the best ever at fucking and sucking.” “You’re on your way, you sure sucked me dry.” “I bet you’re hard again already...
Now that I had Toni trained it was time to bring it up a notch so I told her since we have been doing mainly male, male female she had to find someone for me another female so she set up a mutual friend to come over and just playing innocent board games .cards and dominoes .Her name was Vera we have known her since I met Toni had been friends with her for a long time she was very horny by the stories they exchanged and the way she always flirted with men when she was around she was known as...
Well, maybe "hurt" wasn't the right word. There was no penetration, but his hand continued to sting for some time from the bullet's impact. "Storm Who Walks, why does my hand hurt so bad, even though the bullet did not penetrate the shield?" "I was just told that what you feel is the residual energy from the bullet. The energy had to go somewhere when your shield stopped the bullet, and it showed up mostly as heat, which you are still feeling. Pour some cool water over your hand, and...
Renae slammed the bedroom door and kicked her stilettos toward the closet. She ripped at the black lace garter and stockings, tearing them off in frustration and throwing them into the trash. The little black mini dress got balled up and thrown on the floor. She stomped into the bathroom and started the shower. As the steam filled up the master bath, she sat down on the toilet seat and let the tears come. The love of her life, her soul mate and partner simply did not want her, no matter how...
I am a 28 year old and live alone in my small house, and have just got a girl as a tenant for making up for my expenses. She lives on the first floor and me on the ground. She is not a head turner when you look at her first, but when you get a closer look, you ll find that Nidhi is damn attractive and sultry. Her black eyes, her thin yet delicious lips, her sexy feet, and her darkish and such smooth n sexy skin.The more you look at her, the more you would desire her on your bed, her soft hands...
Your name was Prince Alexander, though most people knew him merely as, 'Your Highness.' What many did know, however, was that you had received your fathers' perverted personality - except, where he enjoyed fucking multiple women at once, you enjoyed concentrating on you, to get the most pleasure possible. However, you had not found a woman worthy of your attention... until now. You had seen a girl, captured by the slave-masters - a true beauty, one worthy of your desires. Much better was the...
BDSMSome time later that afternoon, Maggie told me that it was the huskiness in my voice that got to her. It was the only reason she didn't hang up on me immediately. She claimed it was so sexy and exciting that it startled and intrigued her into listening and before we were finished she was masturbating furiously to a climax. (Because of this, as our relationship blossomed, I would use phone sex to bridge any distance that separated us.) But I'm running ahead of myself. After the euphoric...
Macklinson's had four major baking plants, with their head offices located between the cities of Birmingham and Bessemer, in Alabama. The plant just outside Tupelo, Mississippi, was their newest and best. The other three plants, located in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, were older, and much less productive. There were four hundred employees, not counting their sales and delivery staff, who were all independent sub-contractors. These independent contractors were all using their own delivery...
It had to happen; it was only a matter of time. The warning bells have been there — Jees, like forever. It's all to do with drink, you see. Specifically, the effect of a heavy night's drinking the following morning. It makes me randy as hell. So randy that sometimes it hurts. My mind becomes ruled by tostesterone, and any rational thought that's required appears to be handled by that dangling thing between my legs. It is not a good condition to be in. But this morning ... hey, shit, Jesus...
Leah Winters, a brunette with blonde highlights, wears a tiara, and her net body stocking accentuates her butt. The tattooed doll has a big smile; natural tits with gumdrop nipples; and a bald box. Poolside, she lubes young stud Damion Dayski’s massive erection. Leah kneels for blowjob, calling Damion’s meat a ‘perfect cock.’ She follows his orders, looking into his eyes as he grips her head and fucks her throat. She slobbers as she sucks. Through the scene, they whisper...
xmoviesforyouWetnessIt had been too long since she’d felt a man’s body working into her and fractions of each second passing fueled the fire growing inside her, a ball of need and gnawing desire. As she and her date sat across from each other, there became a natural pause in conversation and his eyes played against hers with promising tension. Smiling, she leaned across the table and set down her wine glass.“So,” she said, “would you like to go back to your apartment and masturbate with me?”Dark enveloped...
I was sitting in the auditorium of our apartment complex. It was our apartment associations anniversary show. Some kids were performing a dance show on stage. The auditorium lights were dimmed out, as the lights on the stage were in full show. My mom was not in town and so she had asked me to be there for sure. I met all the aunties, the society ladies, to make sure that they will remember that I had come for their show. It was a boring show and I was planning to leave after some time. But the...
LesbianSitting in my home office once again, I leaned back in my chair, put my feet on the desk, and closed my eyes. Maid Becky had drained me mentally as well as physically. When the whirr of the vacuum cleaner stopped I woke from an unintended nap. The desk clock reported a twenty minute snooze had elapsed. An unsettled feeling settled upon me. I needed to do something normal, do something that would get Becky out of my head so I could think clearly. It was the perfect time to brush Dick. ‘Dick,...
Hi dear friends, I am back with the 3rd part of my real-life story about sex in a movie theatre. I apologize for posting it late. All those who are new here, please read the previous parts of the story before reading this. Now let’s jump into the story. This aunty’s reaction shocked me. I was getting scared about what she is going to do now. I was having a lot of questions in my head. Why was she staring? Why did she come closer? And why did she run after that? I was afraid she would bring...
Hi readers, my name is Joe from ,am doing my in a reputed college.Am basically from Kerala but live in Bangalore in pg.This is my first story in this site and forgive me if there is any mistake.I thank ISS for providing a site like this to share our story. This is actually how I became a gigolo for school teachers in Bangalore.The story will be in 2 parts & this part will tell you how a horny divorced teacher seduced me and made me a gigolo for her female friends in school. Please forgive...
It was Annie’s birthday and I was looking for the ideal present for her, a present she would always rememberI had told her about the gang-bang that Sam had arranged for me at Xmas and Annie was so envious, that had to be the gift for herI told her that I had arranged a party for her at my place on the day and to get there for seven.Seven o’clock on the dot and there she was at the doorIt was just our special friend Sam invited and I had booked a table at the pub across the laneWe had pre-dinner...
It is almost 5 p.m. and about time to get off work. You are finishing up a letter you're typing and are hurrying to finish. The other employees are shutting off their computers and getting up to leave. “Are you going to stay all night?” one of them asks as they head toward the door. “I just need another ten minutes,” you reply as you type faster.The last one has gone out the door and you're just finishing up when you see an e-mail pop up in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. It is...
SpankingJune As the end of June approached, I became more and more worried. First, what would John have Suzanne doing now? What new depth to her depravity would he find? The other thing that was gnawing at me was that John had said after three moths with Suzanne that he would 'meet with both of you to discuss the future". I spent a lot of time thinking about what that meant. I reviewed the changes in my life over the past months. I started this journey reading and enjoying many slut wife/hotwife...
Honestly, I had no idea where I was taking this one after I got about half way through writing it. But in the end I really enjoyed where it ended up. I hope those of you who read it and give it a chance enjoy it too. Virtual Girl CBA "Everything is just about ready" thought Lindsey. Lindsey had waited patiently for almost a year after deciding to enact revenge on Robert Dillinger. Yes 'that' Robert Dillenger, one of the youngest self made billionaires ever. Lindsey hadn't...
For fans of the three B’s (Blonde,Boobs and Butts) this scene with voluptuous Savannah Bond should be an A. Savannah begins with a jaw dropping and pant shrinking poolside tease sequence. Clad in a bikini that barely covers, Savannah jiggles and twerks then gets in the pool and dunks her goodies. She looks just as good wet as dry… Manuel enters the patio area and goes muff diving (Savannah is bare). She grabs her head while arching her back, giving us a nice idea of her hour-glass...