Deedee’s Debut free porn video

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‘Ugh!’ I said aloud to myself. I was staring in the mirror at my naked body and honestly, I wasn’t impressed. I don’t know when or how it happened, but as I exited my 20s and found myself in the middle of my thirties things were changing, and not for the better.

My belly was pudgy, my thighs were dimpled, and my formerly perky B cups had some very visible sag. If I waved my arms long enough, I was pretty sure I could fly right off the ground. How could I let myself go like this? I mean, I was by no means a lazy person. I was educated, I worked hard. I had my Master’s Degree in Business Management from the University of Michigan. It got me my dream job as a management analyst for a company near my hometown. It is the best of both worlds. I’m close enough to stay connected with friends and family, but since I’m a few cities away I get to live my own life without feeling like I’m under a microscope. Really though, it wouldn’t matter if I was. I work such long hours that I don’t even have any time to get into any trouble or misadventures that I would need to keep secret.

I poked my belly one last time and sighed. Maybe I could get a stationary bike or something? Spring was here and my body was so far away from summer clothes I may as well give up.

I put on my traditional trousers/blouse/cardigan combo, slid on my sensible ballet flats, grabbed my coffee and a granola bar, and headed out the door.


I sat in the office lunch area lost in thought. I hadn’t brought a lunch and the food trucks downstairs were calling to me, but I was remembering my body overview from the morning and I just couldn’t bring myself to indulge. A salad truck probably wouldn’t be very popular, but that would have been what I needed today in order to eat without a pile of guilt.

‘Hey Deborah!’

I turned and saw Mike and Paul entering the lunch area. I smiled, looking forward to the chance to socialize, even if just for a few minutes.

‘Hey guys! What’s going on? Finally taking a break?’

‘Yea we’re starving. We’re gonna hit up the lunch trucks. Can we grab you something?’ Paul asked.

‘No I’m good. Thanks though.’

‘Hey Paul, can you grab me some pork tacos? I want to catch up with Deborah for a minute!’ said Mike.

‘Yea man, no problem. I’ll be right back. Are you sure I can’t get you anything?’ he asked me.

‘Thanks Paul, but I’m fine.’ I declined. Stupid mirrors.

‘So how’s it going Deborah? You work so hard you hardly ever come out of your office!’ Mike came and sat down next to me. Mike is a great guy, and a good friend. Not really physically my type, but he’s married anyway so I didn’t need to worry about that. He’s tall, white (like super pale), skinny, and just a bit awkward. His wife on the other hand is smokin’ hot. I’ve only met her a couple times at work functions, but from what I can tell, she is the perfect woman and it seems like she just worships him. I honestly don’t know how he pulled it off.

‘Oh it’s going. Just finished up a big project and I’ve been thinking about taking some time off.’ Hmmm… was I? I mean, I guess that’s the type of thing that you say when you’re shooting the shit with someone, but it sounded like a great idea. Maybe I could go to one of those weight loss retreat places or something.

‘Really? You should. Everyone needs some time off. Going somewhere with a special someone?’ He goaded me. He knew I was single. Everyone did. Not that I ran around advertising it, but I worked with pretty much all men, and honestly, they are much bigger gossips than any women I’ve ever worked with.

‘No, nothing planned. Just thinking about refocusing a bit. Maybe spending some time getting healthier. I’m not getting any younger and you can’t just let yourself go. It gets harder and harder to get back to where you want to be.’ Am I really discussing fitness with this bean pole? Like he has a clue about what it takes to keep from becoming a walrus.

‘Really? You’re concerned about your health? You’ve got a lovely curvy figure, although it’s hard to tell in those frumpy clothes you wear.’


‘And if you’re considering making changes, maybe you should think about a boob job. Your frame could handle much larger breasts.’

‘Oh my god shut up. That is so inappropriate Mike! I don’t want new boobs! I mean, maybe it would be cool if they were a bit perkier, but I mean, they’re fine.’

He ran his eyes up and down me, very analytically. ‘Of course they’re fine! I was just saying like, in a perfect world, if you could build yourself your dream body, your boobs should be bigger, that would be more proportional.’

Seriously?! Was I really discussing my boobs with my married coworker?! This conversation needs to end now. Why is he being so cavalier about it!?

‘Alright I got your pork tacos and a couple of chicken tacos for Deborah! I know you said you didn’t want anything, but I didn’t want you to feel left out while Mike and I go to town on these babies!’ Paul announced as he came back in the room. I was still reeling from Mike’s nonchalant analysis of my body.

‘Um thanks. Maybe I’ll have one.’ I quietly said.

‘She is worried she’s getting old and fat so she’s not eating.’ Mike blurted out as if it was no big deal at all.

‘Mike!’ When did he get so annoying?!

‘Really? You can’t just stop eating Deborah. That’s not healthy!’ Paul said. I liked Paul. I got the impression that he was a bit of a ladies man, as he always said the right thing at the right time, but he was actually really nice. It didn’t hurt that he was tall, dark and handsome.

‘I was thinking of maybe taking some time off to get back into shape, you know, one of those health camps, nothing crazy.’ I quietly explained, feeling judged (mostly by myself) and vulnerable. The feminist in me couldn’t believe I was discussing body issues with my male coworkers. I should just embrace the body I have and live my life confidently, if only it were that easy.

‘Well, I know that personally, I would hate not having you around here, even for just a couple of days. All of us guys look forward to your smiles and conversations. Plus you help dilute this sausage fest a bit!’ Seriously, Paul is just too smooth.

‘I mean, I haven’t decided anything, I just don’t want to let myself go.’ I mumbled. This was getting more and more awkward by the minute.

‘Hey Mike, you got that number for that Doctor your wife goes to?’ Paul asked.

‘Oh yea, I’m sure I’ve got it in my phone. That’s a great idea. Really helped my wife with some, uh, mmm, uh, thyroid issues, that’s what it was. Really helped her feel more confident and comfortable in her own skin!’ Mike searched through his phone and gave Paul a wide grin.

‘I mean, your wife is gorgeous Mike. I can’t imagine she would have any confidence problems.’

‘You better believe it. But Dr. Robbins made her feel like a brand new woman. This was actually before we got married. We met here actually. She was a secretary in the accounting department.’ He grabbed a piece of scrap paper and wrote down Dr. Robbins information.

‘Why doesn’t she work here anymore.’ I wondered aloud.

Paul and Mike exchanged a look.

‘She likes to work from home. Super independent you know. She actually started her own business recently.’

‘Doing what?’ I asked.

‘You know what, we need to get back to work, but I’m going to let Dr. Robbins know you’re coming in, and you just call that number. The office is super flexible with clients so they can probably get you in on an evening or whatever works for you. I also know from personal experience that they take our insurance. Give it a chance. I think you’ll love it. Enjoy the tacos!’ Mike hurriedly replied.

‘See yah round Deb!’ Paul followed Mike out.

Well, that was an interesting lunch. I looked at the number on the paper. I put it in my pocket. I really did need to ge
t back to work.


I sat on my couch drinking red wine and not eating the pasta I picked up on the way home. I wanted to eat it, but I was still thinking about everything that happened today. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the Doctor’s number. Should I call? What could it hurt if I called now. Of course they wouldn’t be open but this could be my test call. God, I’m such a pussy.

I grabbed my cell and called the number. I didn’t want to over-analyse it, which is what I do for a profession. Man is it hard to turn off. I listened to it ring once, twice, thr-

‘Hello Dr. Robbins office. How may I assist you?’ answered a very feminine voice.

‘Um, hi, yes, hello. Umm I didn’t think anyone would answer. Um, my friend, Mike Yoder gave me this number. I, ugh’ Could I sound any less intelligent?

‘Yes Mike did call. He’s so sweet and so handsome too! Don’t you just think that he’s so handsome?!’ She chattered away.

‘Um sure. He’s ok. So I don’t really know what I’m doing but I was hoping to maybe make an appointment or whatever?’

‘Of course Debbie! Let’s see… Did you want to come in tonight?’

‘What? Wait, why did you call me Debbie? No one calls me that. My name is Deborah. Tonight? The Doctor’s schedule is that flexible?’

‘Oh I just thought Debbie sounded so cute! Or maybe Deedee! Deedee! That sounds soooooo perfect! Don’t you wish your name was Deedee?’

‘No. Deborah is fine. Um, so I could seriously come in tonight?’ This day could not get any weirder.

‘Absolutely. The Doctor would prefer it. Mike is a good friend and I want to please him so badly. The Doctor likes to meet a new patient right away. I can’t wait to meet you either!’

‘Oh gosh. Ok. Maybe I’m crazy but sure, I’ll come tonight. What time and where is the office?’

‘Can you get here in 30 minutes Deedee? We are downtown right off of Main St. Mike gave me your cell number so I’ll text you the address. I can’t wait to meet you Deedee. Bye!’

What the hell was that? And why the fuck did she keep calling me Deedee. What a weirdo. I hope I don’t have to interact with her much at the office.

My cell phone buzzed. There’s the address. Well I guess skipping this pasta will be easier than I thought. I finished my glass of wine, grabbed my jacket, purse and keys and headed out the door.


‘Hello? Is this Dr. Robbins office?’ I called into the open foyer. The place was easy enough to find in a large old building filled with office suites. It was actually pretty close to my work.

The door opened and out walked a gorgeous blonde in a short pencil skirt and cleavage exposing blouse with fuck me heels.

‘Deedee?! Oh my gosh I’m just so glad you’re here!’ She came running at me and gave me a big hug. Her huge tits smashed my face as she was towering over me in her heels.

‘Um hi. I’m Deborah.’

‘I know silly! I’m Trixie. We spoke on the phone. You are right on time!’ She bubbled.

‘Trixie?’ Really?

‘Isn’t it just the cutest name ever?! I’m so lucky that’s my name. I don’t think any other name could make me happier, although Deedee is a great name too!’ She beamed at me. Man, this girl did not have a clue. She turned her head back to the office door and I heard a little jingle. I noticed she was wearing a small leather collar around her neck with a little bell on it. Clearly I have not kept up on fashion trends.

‘Ok Deedee, follow me. Dr. Robbins can’t wait to meet you!’ I didn’t think it would be worth my time to continue to correct her on my name so I gave up.

She led me through a maze of hallways with the typical medical office look. Scales and exam rooms and medical supplies. She stopped at one room with a closed door and knocked 3 times. She turned around and beamed at me. ‘Good luck!’ she said, and then sashayed away.

‘Come in!’ was bellowed from inside the room by a very deep masculine voice. Gosh. I hadn’t even thought that Dr. Robbins would be a man. This conversation is going to way more awkward that I had anticipated. Well, if it worked for Mike’s wife, maybe I had a chance.

I opened the door and stepped inside. ‘Close the door.’ Dr. Robbins demanded, not rudely, but very firmly. I turned and closed the door and then stepped inside. I looked up at the most gorgeous man I had lay my eyes on in a very long time. He looked latino, like maybe Mexican or Costa Rican or something with dark hair, hazel eyes, and a solid build. He was sitting on the little swivel stool that Doctors tend to sit on while examining their patients. The stool looked tiny under him.

He was examining some papers in front of him. ‘Deborah?’ He looked up and asked.

‘Yes.’ I stepped forward and offered my hand to be shaken. He looked at it for a moment and then firmly took it in his and squeezed. Not really a handshake, more an act of dominance.

‘Nice to meet you Deborah. Please take off your shoes, jacket and clothes and lay down on the bed.’ He turned back to his paperwork.

‘Don’t you usually leave the room for this part? I shyly asked.

‘That seems a bit redundant doesn’t it? I’m just going to walk right back in and see you naked anyway. Besides, I’m busy going over your information.’

‘What information? I haven’t filled out any forms.’

‘I got this information from your work. I’m very close with the owner as well as the head of HR and I like to get ahead of my work.’

‘Umm ok.’ That didn’t seem super legal, but he seemed professional enough.

I took off my jacket and my shoes and sat them with my purse on a chair. I removed my cardigan and blouse. I shimmied out of my pants, remembering how dimpled my thighs had looked this morning. I turned to get onto the bed.

‘I said remove all of your clothes.’ He said in a very detached, disinterested kind of way.

‘Oh, ok. I just thought I could at least keep my bra and underwear on…’

‘Not if you are to be properly examined.’ He sounded like he was starting to get irritated.

I swiftly removed the last two articles and hopped onto the bed. I felt so exposed and awkward.

‘Ok Deborah. Trixie is going to come in and take some blood. I need you to take these two pills. The first one will help you relax, because I do realize that many women are very sensitive about their bodies and I need you to be open with me so I can figure out how to help you.’ He was looking me directly in the eye and I was trying to remember the last time I had been naked with a man.

‘Sure, but aren’t we just going to put me on some diet or exercise regimen or whatever?’

‘I can’t determine what you need until we do a full exam. And I prefer to heal from the inside out.’ Oh man, he’s some sort of new age type.

‘What’s the second pill for?’ I asked.

‘You are smart! Mike said you were very smart and also very popular around the office.’ I blushed. Sure I was friends with everyone, but no one thought of me as anything but the dowdy analyst. ‘The second pill will help me to read you better. Not really a truth serum or anything like that, but it is very helpful in the process.’

Just then Trixie came back in. ‘Hello Doctor sir! Are you ready for me to take Deedee’s blood sample-wample?’

‘Yes Trixie. That would be great girl!’ They were very close together but I could swear I saw him scratch behind her ear. Weird. She set up her equipment beside me. Meanwhile, Dr. Robbins handed me two pills and a bottle of water. ‘Fuck it’ I thought and swallowed them both and chased them with the water. Dr. Robbins smiled at me, and I seriously melted. He was so gorgeous!

‘Ok Deedee, hold still!’ Trixie said from my left.

‘Ow! God Damnit!’ She stuck the needle in and I watched my blood begin to flow. She took several different tubes of blood and even filled up a separate bag. I started to get woozy and a bit faint. I heard a snap and I looked up to see Dr. Robbins puttin
g on some rubber gloves.

‘How do you feel Deb?’ He asked as he moved his chair between my legs.

‘Kinda woozy. I don’t know if it’s the blood or the drugs…’ My voice sounded so soft.

‘Trixie, when you take the blood to be analyzed, you can let them in. Thanks for being such a good girl today Trixie. I left your bowl in the back room if you’re hungry and your bed is back there as well if you need a nap. I knew we’d be here late.’

‘Oh thank you master! You’re just the bestest!’ She came over and lovingly licked his cheek. I mean, I think she did. I was so confused and everything was getting kind of fuzzy. It didn’t help that Dr. Robbins was running his hands all over my body, touching and exploring every inch.

Trixie gathered her things and cheerfully excited.

‘I do need you to sign just a few forms for insurance purposes and what not. Here you go. And here, and here. One more here. Alright. Lay back down. Carefully… Don’t move too fast. There you go. Let’s just relax for a bit and have a little conversation. Now tell me, when was the last time you had sex Deb? Your pussy is very tight.’ I hadn’t even realized that he had a finger inside of me. These drugs were good.

‘It’s been over a year.’ I answered, straight forward, no hesitation, almost as if compelled.

‘When was the last time you had an orgasm?’

‘A week ago.’

He began running his finger up and down my slit, catching my clit on each stroke. It felt good, but I felt empty and not super connected to what he was doing.

The door opened back up and I was very surprised to see Mike and Paul walk in.

‘Deedee is doing very well. She has a naturally submissive nature. Your team was very smart to hire her. She’ll be perfect as the office cum dump.’ The Doctor assessed.

Am I Deedee? Wait… that wasn’t right? Did I want to have sex with my co-workers? Be a cum dump? That doesn’t sound like me… I was so confused.

‘You look confused Deedee. What’s wrong?’ Dr. Robbins asked.

‘I don’t know, Doctor. My head is confused and I feel a little funny. What are Mike and Paul doing here? What are you doing here Mike? Paul?’ I turned to look at them and I got a bit woozy.

‘We’re just worried about you Deedee! You’re our little girl and we just hate to see you down on yourself! We’re here to help you!’ Encouraged Mike.

‘That’s right sweetie. We care about you so much and we can’t wait for you to feel great!’ Paul smiled at me.

They had never used those kinds of endearments with me before, but it felt awfully nice. They walked to either side of me as Dr. Robbins continued to stroke my pussy. Mike ran his hands through my hair as Paul palmed my breasts.

‘So I say we need double d’s, especially with a name like Deedee. She also desperately needs a smaller waist.’ Paul said from my left.

‘I don’t want larger breasts.’ I whispered.

‘Shhh sugar, the men are talking now.’ Mike smiled down at me. ‘I agree double d’s for Deedee. Narrower waist, tighten up those thighs, she has nice long legs, so that makes that easy! Can we do red hair? I’ve always wanted an office bimbo with red hair!’

‘I think red is a fine choice!’ the Doctor agreed. ‘We’ll do the standard permanent body hair removal, although a little red heart above her pussy could be cute. Her lips really need to be plumper. We want her to really drool when she’s sucking cocks. Her holes are very tight. Do you want me to widen them at all, or would you prefer she be in pain?’

Widen my holes? Red heart on my pussy? What was happening? I tried to say something, but I couldn’t get my voice to work.

‘Paul, Mike, what kind of temperament were you thinking? I love how eager to please my Trixie girl is and she’s so friendly and affectionate, but my pain slut Onyx really helps fulfill some of my other needs. What were you guys thinking?’

‘Hmmm… well eager would be good, since she will be fucking everyone at our office including clients, but I think I prefer when they’re quiet. No offense but Trixie is a bit talkative.’ I think it was Mike talking. It was really hard to tell.

‘Yes, but that’s nothing a cage and a gag can’t fix. Sometimes I put Trixie in her cage just so she’s easier to piss on.’ the Doctor chuckled. ‘Did you need an office toilet. I’ve heard a lot of corporations are having major successes using slut toilets.’

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1 year ago
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Aztec EarringsChapter 8 Debut

As I lay on the motel bed, still coming down from my incredible orgasm, I thought about the problems my new identity could create for me. As much as I wanted to experience the world in the body of this delectable creature, I was at a loss as to how to do it! Of course, I had no women's clothes, and the clothes that I had, in addition to being filthy from a week's worth of tropical island dirt, would hardly fit around this tight, curvy body. I sat up, subconsciously tossing my long, black...

3 years ago
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School DazeChapter 2 My Debut

After my second semester at NC State, my grades were still so poor that the school asked me to 'take a semester off.' I think they do this to perhaps discourage you from wasting everyone's time. They know your not going to make it and they're just hoping you'll go away quietly. I went away from class but not from school. I was too scared to tell my dad I was out on probation, so I just went back to campus, found a job as a waitress and got an apartment. I was working and partying. It...

1 year ago
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Hot tub debut

“There, that should be sorted now. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I’m sure you’ll get lots of fun and pleasure from it from now on.” “Thank you so much. We’ve been really looking forward to using it. How long until I can get in?” Sue had been so disappointed when her newly delivered hot tub wouldn’t heat up the water, but now the engineer had fixed it she couldn’t wait to give it a try. “The water should be up to temperature in 20 mins” “Fab. Would you mind waiting to make sure it heats up...

2 years ago
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Deedee Does Sally

Deedee's Night Out Deedee takes Sally to a strip club for their first date... It was Thursday night and I was really excited. I had a really hot date that night with Sally, the new girl at work. Only Sally didn't know it; she thought she was doing the town with my cousin Deedee. Sally and I had worked for the same company for about 5 years, she in the Boston branch, and me at the home office in New York. We had been introduced at a one-day training seminar shortly after she was...

3 years ago
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Deedee Gets It

Deedee stood at the curtained window of her bedroom, her iPhone in her hand, a wonderfully curved, soft plastic dildo clamped tightly in her throbbing vagina and watched her lovely older sister kill their father at the side of the pool. Margo emptied her little Beretta into Roger Morgan, the CEO and majority owner of Morgan Oil, at point-blank range, and Deedee could see that there were spots of their father's blood on her sister's new, white bikini as she snapped in another 7.65 cartridge...

3 years ago
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The Debutante

The Debutante Janet Stickney [email protected] When I was 16 I bought my first formal. It was all white, floor length, with a sweetheart neckline and puffy cap sleeves. It cost me almost $200, but it was worth it simply because it was mine. I tried it on in my room and then hung it in the basement among all of the other dresses that were there. My name is Jeff Grant, I'm 17 now, a short skinny guy with no girlfriend or even many boy friends. A serious student,...

3 years ago
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Doing the Debutante

Chapter 1: Meeting Judy This sexy incident occurred one summer when Tom was a cadet at the Air Force Academy. He'd finished up his junior year and the Air Force had sent him to an Air Force base in the Midwest part of the country for a period of four weeks. Before the dozen or so Air Force Academy cadets had departed from the Academy for their summer tours, an organizer for a debutante ball at the base where they would be had contacted them and asked if they would be willing to serve as...

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The Debutante

The Debutante Timmy had been suspended from school for the second time. Ever since he had reached puberty he had been in trouble in some way. His mother was at her wits' end. This time she was determined to do something about it. She sent him to his room immediately and poured herself a drink to calm down a bit. What could she do? She did not want him to turn to a life of crime. She loved her son and since her husband's death it had been very difficult. If she had a daughter it might...

3 years ago
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Amazon Part 4 Debutante

Amazon - Part 4: Debutante By Itinerant Edited by Amelia_R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. DEBUTANTE: a young woman making her formal entrance into society. ******** Thursday, January 4, 2001 The cabin Nicole shook her hair out as she came down the stairs from her bedroom. She had just cleaned...

3 years ago
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Kidnapped Debutante

KIDNAPPED DEBUTANTE By R.B. Thibo © 2004 ======================================== I reserve all rights to this story or any part of it. It may be placein the public area of any web site as long the site does not in any way charge for it. And it is not modified in any way without my written permission. ********NOTICE******* Please be warned. The following story contains severe bondage, tortureand sexual assault. It is purely fiction and strictly for fantasy purposes.Any resemblance to any...

1 year ago
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The Romantic VigilanteChapter 10 The debutante

Cullen had received all of the details of the police investigations into the vigilante's activities so far. With several policemen on his payroll, he didn't have to work too hard to get it. He had everything, even the wording on the notes that had been found in the mouths of the dead pushers. The full extent of the vigilante's work was quite staggering - even to a hardened criminal like Rab. The gangster recognised and respected strength, but business was business and the vigilante was...

1 year ago
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The Deliquint The Debutante

"EEEEENOOOOUUUUGH!" came the shrill voice of Mrs. Garret The two combating teens immediately snapped their heads around to look at the older woman in surprise, but a moment later, they were back to glaring at each other."This constant bickering has got to stop," Mrs. Garret continued in a more normal tone of voice, though it was just as emphatic."Well, if her highness here would just..." Jo began"That's right, peasant..." Blair sneered"Why you...!" the brunette started to lunge for the blonde,...

2 years ago
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Best Experience With Cousin

Hey my name is Jatin (name changed) I am from Punjab. I have been reading ISS from past two years so I think it is the timed I share my sex story. I am kind of fat but have a great stamina and won’t mind hearing from ladies and girls from Punjab or from anywhere in north India. So let me start my story This is the story about me and my cousin Deeksha (name changed). She is my mother’s brother’s daughter. It is happened two months back. My sister is of same age as I am. She just finished her...

4 years ago
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I had gone over to my girlfriend's house and we were to go to an afternoonmovie and then to dinner. Kellie's brother Todd informed me that she had towork until 4 because her relief was sick. Todd was just about ready to goswimming and he asked me if I'd like to join him. I didn't have a swimsuitand I told him so. He had a few extra swimsuits and we went to his bedroom. All he had were Speedos and I was a little shy about wearing them.He finally talked me into it and while I chose the pair I...

1 year ago
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Black Ink

Heroes and villains exist in perfect harmony. Without evil there would be no need for heroes, without heroes evil would spread unchecked until it consumed the world. In the vast multiverse there are universes where evil has prevailed, and in some of those universes it started with a simple act, a coincidence, a decision. But what universe shall we visit?

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Afternoon

The Unexpected Afternoon.When I was growing up I lived in a village on the outskirts of a town in Somerset. I was beginning to learn about sex though a pile of porn magazines that my Dad had hidden away. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at, Gorgeous women getting fucked by hard cocks. The cocks were enormous compared to mine. The women were in total ecstasy!One day, after wanking over these magazines, went out to look for my mates, it was the days before mobile phones so there was no way...

2 years ago
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Kadja Gaining PowerChapter 3

The next three days were a special kind of hell. I lay there for a while, but just like I don't avoid sex well, I'm not good at being still. That third chakra was almost as strong in me, and I needed to be out moving and doing things, Jayne was right about that. I spent the night prowling, something I don't let Travia know I like to do. It's how Jayne and I got enough money for her to go into training. I'm good at climbing and sneaking and, well, acquiring. A girl likes her loot. I...

2 years ago
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Out fpr dinner

Another of my experiences.It Is Such Fun... My husband and I went out to a new restaurant one Saturday night, we had not been there before but had heard that it was very good. I wore my favourite blue blouse with a camisole under and felt that I looked good. We were seated in the middle of the place and after having enjoyed some lovely food and wine I excused myself to go to the ladies, my husband said "While you are there lose the camisole". My blouse is very see-thru but I had worn it without...

4 years ago
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Emily becomes acquainted with her foreign exchange brother

Emily came home exhausted from college.  She has discovered that communicating all day in a formal classroom setting in a foreign language is exhausting.  She closed the door shut and yelled, “Hello, anyone home?”Silence.“Well, I guess I can take a nice long, hot shower and relax.”Emily went up to her bedroom and quickly undressed.  She went into the open shower and turned on the hot water.  Emily really loved standing under the hot water.  It was so relaxing as she ran her fingers across her...

First Time
4 years ago
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The storm of love part 1

I was rushing to meet my friend i was already five miunites late and hoping he would be there since it was raining very hard out side .soaking wet i ran to the park to see him sitting on a dark brown bench ,head down waiting for me.I felt very ashamed that he waited in the rain for me ,i walked up to him "hey...." i said he looked up at me rain dripping down his blonde hair on to his peach cream skin. "Im sorry im late i.." he cut me off " no need to apologize love im just glad you came " he...

1 year ago
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Hello, lovers of hentai manga and welcome! ThePornDude is your number one source of reviews of sites that can help you stroke your cock sore to some fapworthy cartoon porn. All of you fuckers don't know how hard it is sitting my ass down for hours just to inform you about the hottest sources of smut, but it's all good. I'm not complaining. If you don't build a statue in my honor, then I won't stop fucking your bitches. I'm dead serious.I know you love Japanese animation because it's filled with...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Part 4

I walked back into the house and mum greeted me with a kiss. She said where have you been. I said mum you need to sit down I have something to tell you. I have meet someone tonight she is called sue she is 48 and lives in the next town. The looks on mum`s face was sad she couldn't take it in. She said son do you not love me and more?  Yes, I do love you I love you so very much mum. Mum as all about her and what she did we chatted for a while. Mum said have you had sex with her, yet I said yes....

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 385

These are compliments of Jerry Problems with the new open carry law in Texas: Yesterday, I went over to the local Bass Pro Shop to get a small 9mm for home protection. When I was ready to pay for the gun and bullets, the cashier said, "Strip down, facing me." Making a mental note to complain to the NRA about the gun control wackos running amok, I did just as she had instructed. When the hysterical shrieking and alarms finally subsided, I found out she was referring to how I should...

4 years ago
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1 December 2006Chapter 7

Abby entered the front door and found her Dad and Vicky fucking on the living room couch. Vicky lifted, her full tits in view to Abby with Scott’s cock buried deep inside her pussy. “What are you doing home so early?” Scott asked, startled. “The restaurant got quiet around 8:30 so the manager let me go home early because I started earlier.” “How did you get home?” He asked. “Mr. and Mrs. Hayward happen to be my last customers and offered me a lift home. Brad and his family were at work...

3 years ago
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The Pastors KidsChapter 5

Christy dropped James and Julie off at the church so that Julie could get her car and drive James home, with strict instructions to behave themselves while she was gone. They asked her if they wanted them to join her but she insisted that she wanted to face her parents alone. She did not know how she was going to react to them, now that she knew that they had sexual relations with her in- laws, but she knew she didn't want anyone around, however she reacted. She pulled into her parent's...

2 years ago
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Initial Public Offering

He gets in the passenger seat next to her, almost uncertainly, and as if sensing something, glances out his window around the restaurant parking lot. He wonders if he’s dreaming. He hears the first tentative tink of big summer raindrops on the roof of her van. “So what did you forget to tell me?” he says softly. She unbuckles her seatbelt, slips out from behind the steering wheel, and straddles him, pins him, in his front passenger seat. He begins to say something but cannot because she has...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Cleaning Up

We were on holiday some years ago and having a really sexy time fucking regularly on quiet and not so quiet beaches on the balcony at night and several daytime fucks, one evening prior to going out were having some oral fun when my wife asked me to cum in her then lick her clean, so I said I would prefer it if you went out and fuck and bring back a load to me. You wouldn't like it if I was fucked by someone else without being there, try me I replied. I wouldn't know where to pick anyone up or...

3 years ago
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Black cocks at the penthouse

I was driving to a meeting with Barbara, my Boss at the office.She had asked me to meet her at a nice hotel downtown for dinner.But I knew the bitch was looking for something more. A couple times Barbara and I had been entangled in some kissing and licking action; but we had never met before in a hotel room…I thought that if I was nice to Barbara, it would help me in my job.Once at the hotel, I was told to go to the penthouse. I knocked at the door and a tall huge black man opened it and let me...

2 years ago
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friendly fire

A nice weekend on the couch enjoying my coffee and thinking of the days to do list. Clean house and what to make for dinner? The usuall stuff. As I sit on the couch watching my western, my 18 year old daughter is getting ready for work. I hear her fumbling around in the bathroom getting herself ready. She comes out in her tigth skin hugging black pants that show off her nice round beautiful ass, gauranteed to get big tips. Also an all black curve hugging shirt that shows off her pert B cup...

2 years ago
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Natural Beauty

“Woo hoo! I’ve got a date! Finally a real, proper date!” Ellen dropped her phone onto the table and punched the air, “You little beauty!!” Her fleeting reverie was interrupted by a tinny, laughing voice from the table, “Ellen? Ellen! I’m still here.” “Bob? Is that you?” Ellen looked around, confused, until she noticed that the screen of her iPhone was still lit up. “Oh shit, fuck!” she cursed, bringing it back to her ear, she’d never been much good with technology, “Bob?” “Well,” he laughed...

3 years ago
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Against the Odds Ch 05

THE FINAL: Successful small-city lawyer Ellis Jefferson (33), the illegitimate daughter of an Elliot, is unloved by many people in either family inherits a huge amount of property in the city with more to come from her great-uncle. She brings in man, Troy Gardiner, a graduate from her old university just back form seven years in South Africa, to consolidate her property interests and manage them. Ellis is kidnapped and Troy and two useful buddies set out to find Ellis and bring her and the two...

1 year ago
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AssParade Sahara Leone Sahara Loves BBC

Today we have Sahara Leone showing us what she can do with her ass. Her ass is so amazing that we ask her to jiggle and twerk for us and she blew our minds; we can watch her play with her ass all day. Lucky for her we have Isiah coming in ready to rock her world. Sahara has been wanting to fuck Isiah so what better than to have big daddy Bang Bros make it happen. Isiah oils her down and gets ready to fuck her tight pussy. Sahara gets on all fours and backs that ass up until she cums, multiple...

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Tricked by a Black Man

Joyce and I had been married about three years. The incident I'm about to describe took place almost 15 months ago. Joyce was a virgin when we got married and neither of us had much experience sexually. I was aware from seeing other guys in the shower after gym class at school, that most if not all the other guys were much bigger than me when it came to penis size. To be quite honest, that was one of the reasons I was glad Joyce hadn't had any premarital experience.I always felt that someone...

2 years ago
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Mariah My Wank Mistress

We first made contact about three years ago, on one of those dirty dating sites. I was showing my tranny profile, Velvet, at the time, and was being hit on by a bunch of dirty old men, when this ‘Mariah’ person said, ‘Hi.’ I was in a pretty sarcastic mood at the time, and was slightly peed off, as the guys I had been chatting to were only interested in one thing, getting their rocks-off.  Anyway, Mariah said she liked what she saw, just loved sexy trannies, enjoyed reading my profile, and...

4 years ago
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Saint and a SinnerChapter 24

To Michelle, morning had seemed hours ago. Her eyes burned and her head ached but she kept at it, sitting in front of a computer at the task force headquarters. She was inputting what new information they had on the victims, cross referencing for any similarities that might come up, a job Nick had asked her to do. So far they had nothing, but part of police work was getting into the little details. Sometimes the biggest clue they could have would come out of the littlest of details. So she...

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