Amy Ch. 05 free porn video

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The time flew by as Uncle John and Amy discussed her real father from their respective viewpoints. Amy sat spellbound, as John painted a picture of a man she’d never known. He had been athletic, very knowledgeable, and one of the most sought after men in town by the ladies. He’d married her mother when he was twenty-one, six months after graduating from Syracuse. Her mother had been eighteen. He died two weeks after Amy was born.

Her step-father had settled into the role of husband and father two years later, and became a successful small town businessman. Uncle John, on the other hand, had headed for New York City after graduating college and returned only once, when Amy was about eight.

‘This city has been very kind to me,’ he said somberly, looking at her and then refilling her wineglass.

‘Oh, I hope it will be good to me too,’ Amy said wistfully, running her hand through her hair.

‘I’m sure it will. You’re beautiful, young and talented.’ He smiled, ‘The Big Apple lays at your feet awaiting your command.’

Amy began giggling and couldn’t stop. John saw she was getting tipsy and took her wineglass to the bar, and emptied it. Eve stuck her head through the doorway to announce that dinner was almost ready, and that she could hold off serving for another twenty minutes if necessary.

John thanked her and turned back to Amy, who was still giggling. Behind him he heard Eve start to giggle as well. Women, he thought to himself as the doorbell rang.

‘That must be Mona. I’ll get it Eve.’

John glanced over at Amy who was struggling to compose herself just before opening the door. ‘You two get control of yourselves,’ he said, and laughed aloud as he reached the door.

‘Johnny!’ A petite blonde screamed as he opened the door and hurled herself into his arms. Before John could react further, her legs were wrapped around his thighs revealing the tops of her stockings and her garter belt straps.

‘What the…’ he began, but was muffled by the blonde who was raining kisses on his face.

‘Mona! Damn it! Cut it out!’ he said, recovering his composure.

Amy noted there was no trace of anger in his voice. ‘We have company this evening. My niece…’

‘Whew Johnny,’ she cooed, unwinding her body from his. ‘You are one hot stud muffin!’

Mona rolled her eyes, and for the first time took Amy in. Amy was positive Mona had groped her uncle’s groin, but couldn’t bring herself to believe it. Mona glanced around the room and smiled, as Amy rose from her chair to greet her.

‘Hello! You must be the wonderful visitor Johnny’s been bragging about.’

She tugged her tight dress downward, and made directly for Amy. She hugged her tightly to her generous bosom and as they separated, Amy noted the heavy makeup covering her face, and the dramatic cleavage revealed for all to see.

‘Amy,’ John began, ‘this is Mona Lott. She lives in the building.’

‘Just two floors down honey, I’m there for you if ya need me. Well, most of the time any ways.’

Amy had been startled by the woman’s entrance and said, ‘That was a wonderful entrance Miss Lott… very impressive.’

‘Impressive? Naw…’ she paused and smiled winningly at everyone. ‘Now these are impressive,’ she bellowed, hefting her Dolly Partonesque breasts up, and giving them a squeeze.’

‘Mona…’ John started to say, but Mona roared on. ‘These tits are real. No silicone here, baby. Feel ’em for yourself.

‘Mona!’ John yelled, trying to restore a semblance of decorum for his niece.

Eve chose that moment to peek out from the kitchen to see what was going on, and was impressed by the movie star clasping her breasts.

Awed, but not frightened, Amy backed away as she studied Mona. Her blonde hair was worn in a carefully crafted style, small ringlets that framed a pretty face. She was within a few pounds of her ideal weight and had a figure that Amy knew would cause men to stop in their tracks, and would bring out the greenest of envy in women. Mona’s abundant breasts dominated her figure, but when one got past them – granted it would take a while – one discovered a pair of long, smooth, tan hued legs that stretched out from beneath that skin-tight sheath loosely called a dress.

Mona was an actress – of sorts. She had two legitimate screen credits on her resume, but the twenty-three X-rated films that had followed them was where she had garnered her so-called fame.

Amy had no idea of this, but just the fact that she was in the room with a movie star put her in awe. She took a second reading of Miss Lott, and was surprised to find that in the faint light of the setting sun she was able to make out the silver dollar sized areola around Mona’s nipples. Amy couldn’t help but compare them to the smallness of her own.

Mona approached Amy again, ‘C’mere kiddo,’ she said, and leaned forward to kiss her. The kiss planted on Amy’s soft lips was like that one would give a sister, a light peck denoting tenderness and affection. But then Mona hugged her tightly and Amy felt those gigantic breasts mashing into her own, and almost panicked. Only her skill as an aspiring actress helped her from creating what she fleetingly thought would have been a ‘scene.’

And so it was that Mona was able to kiss her again. Catching Amy off guard, this time there was an added passion, and when Amy felt the press of Mona’s tongue against her lips she unconsciously opened her mouth to receive it. Instantly regretting her mistake, Amy pulled away, but a jolt of pleasurable electricity surged through her system confusing the young girl. Adding to the confusion was the fact that Mona’s hand had brushed against Amy’s breast through the thin material of her blouse and sent another rush of emotion through the girl.

Amy felt herself beginning to blush with embarrassment. Or was it embarrassment, she wondered.

Trying to contain the dynamic Miss Lott, John quickly offered her a drink.

‘Great, vodka and tonic, please,’ she said, and flounced upon the couch. Amy caught a quick view of her crotch, and flushed.

John prepared the drink and a period of normalcy followed. Amy, partly recovered, asked Mona about her career, being careful not to ask about any particular film, since she had no idea what Mona had appeared in.

‘Did you find it difficult getting started in film roles, Miss Lott?’ Amy asked.

‘No,’ Mona replied and then frowned. A moment later, a smile lit up her face, and she followed up with, ‘At least not after I brought new life to Sy Rothstein’s limp dick.’

‘Mona!’ John roared, as his hand involuntarily slapped his thigh in exasperation.

‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ she said, waving her hand at John. Then, turning to address Amy, she said, ‘But surely you’ve heard of the casting couch?’

‘Err, yes, I have,’ Amy said with a small frown. ‘But does everyone have to do that to get a part?’

‘Does a bear shit in the woods?’ Mona replied, ignoring Uncle John’s frantic signals.

John interrupted before Mona could continue. ‘Eve? I think we’re ready. Can you serve us now?’

‘Si, Mr. Prentice. Please be seated in the dining room. I will refresh your drinks and serve the food.’

‘Thank you Eve,’ he said with even more than the usual gratitude as he guided Mona and Amy to the dining room, and held their seats out for them.

The meal consisted of Veal Marsala, with a side dish of pasta, and of course more wine for Amy and John, and two more vodka tonics for Mona. Amy was slightly bombed, not having had the benefit of partying as some of her classmates had done, and managed to understand only half of what was said as the meal progressed.

John was already kicking himself for inviting the crass actress to dinner on Amy’s first night, but had wanted to impress Amy with a real, live actress.

Eve fluttered all around them, serving and removing dishes, replenishing drinks, as delighte
d as Amy to be in the presence of a genuine movie star.

As desert was being served, Amy asked the question that John had hoped she wouldn’t, but knew she would. ‘So, Mona…’ she began, speaking slowly because everything around her was hazy. ‘Exactly what movies have you made?’

‘Glad ya asked,’ Mona said, her voice a little slurred after several Vodka tonics. ‘I finished Big Dick Harding last week.’

‘Oh,’ Amy replied, puzzled by the strange title. The wine working to keep her mind slightly muddled. ‘And when will it open?’

‘It opens tomorrow.’

‘Tomorrow?’ Amy said, incredulously.

Eve stood close by, entranced by this fabulous star. John remained silent, waiting for the inevitable.

‘Sure. It’s a video. They’re all videos these days. Film takes time. Got to edit, got to have one take after another. But with video, the director can view a scene immediately. Shoot two or three versions of a scene, then splice enough together for a finished product in hours.’

‘Oh,’ Amy said, speaking slowly for fear her words were beginning to slur. ‘Television movies, right?’

‘Only on pay-per-view, baby,’ and Mona rested her hand on Amy’s thigh. ‘X-rated shit is what I make.’

Amy’s jaw fell open.

John put his hands over his eyes.

Eve squeezed her sharply conical breasts just as Mona looked directly at her and smiled.

‘X-rated?’ Amy gasped, squirming away from the suddenly extremely hot hand.

‘Yeah,’ Mona said, arching her eyebrows, ‘not that T and A stuff. No, no, no.’ Mona dabbed at her mouth with her napkin. ‘The old in and out, with close ups galore.’

She opened her purse and withdrew a small mirror, turned it toward her, and touching a wandering ringlet said, ‘I’m known throughout the industry as the best there is at giving head, and that’s a fact Jack.’

Amy knew she was gawking at the actress, but couldn’t do anything about it. She was stunned by this revelation.

Barely smiling, Mona took out a tube of lipstick and carefully painted her mouth. Pleased with the result, she dropped the lipstick back in her purse and as if it were the most normal thing in the world, said, ‘Eve?’

‘Yes, madam?’ Eve who was standing several feet away, preparing to serve coffee halted as she responded.

‘Do you go to the movies often?’

Amy had managed to recover her wits, and was about jump in and join the conversation, but John’s hand lightly touched her arm signaling her not to say anything.

‘Sure I do,’ Eve said without hesitating.

‘Do you like Hector Martinez?’

A very animated Eve responded, ‘My God yes!’ Hurriedly she placed the tray down and covered her breasts with her hands.

Amy was puzzled, never having heard of Hector Martinez, but a quick glance at her Uncle’s face, told her to remain out of the conversation.

‘Have you seen him in ‘Man or Bull?’

‘That is…’ Eve faltered.

‘His most recent work,’ Mona interrupted, then speaking slowly she finished the sentence. ‘It’s considered to be an X-rated film because he… well, Eve… Hector exposes himself in it and… he’s very well endowed. Do you understand what I mean?’

A confused Eve replied weakly, ‘Si,’

Amy had turned pale. ‘Where was this going,’ she wondered, and glanced at her Uncle for reassurance. John shrugged as if to say, ‘I didn’t know any of this before now.’ But a second later he had a bemused smile on his face as he made up his mind to go with the flow having concluded that it was too late to stop Mona now.

Being a careful man, he took turns watching Eve’s reaction, and then Amy’s. He knew what Mona was up to.

Mona continued talking.

‘I know, I know. For years Hector was a star in Mexican romantic films. But he never made any real money. Then Hovis Singer, the infamous porno producer, offered him a sum he couldn’t refuse. The catch was Hector had to wave his schlong around and then stick it in every bitch in the film, including yours truly.’

Simultaneously, Amy and Eve blurted, ‘Oh, my God!’

Amy’s mind was picturing a huge organ waving wildly out of control. While Eve was imagining Hector carrying her into a palatial bedroom.

‘I have a copy here in my purse. Would you girls like to see it?’

‘Yes!’ Eve shouted.

‘No!’ Amy gasped.

‘John,’ Mona smiled, ‘how do you vote?’

‘I abstain,’ he said, and for the first time that evening he looked somewhat nervous.

‘Well I brought the damn thing so I vote for showing it. That’s two to one.’ She said, reaching into her purse and extracting a tape she handed to Eve.

‘Can you work the VCR?’

‘Oh, Si,’ Eve said, and looked to John for guidance and permission. John waved his hands in surrender and Eve promptly turned the giant screen television on and inserted the tape.

In order to intervene, or moderate anything, or anyone out of control, John made sure he sat next to Amy.

Mona made sure she sat very close to Eve.

‘This is a very good film, by the way,’ Mona said to John as she kicked off her shoes. She leaned closer to Eve and said, ‘It’s very romantic too, you’ll see. And that Hector… Oh, my God, that Hector!’

Eve shuddered against her. ‘Oh yes… Hector!’

They sat side by side for a few minutes until Mona made her first appearance in the movie.

‘That’s you!’ Eve yelled, pointing at the TV, as Mona walked into another woman’s dressing room and kissed her.

‘Doesn’t that look nice?” asked Mona, leaning close to Eve, ‘The woman looks like she’s really enjoying it. Wouldn’t you like someone to kiss you like that?’

‘Miss Mona, you mean you want to kiss me like that?’ Eve asked. Her nervousness was evident to John and Amy.

‘Mona,’ John began.

Mona laughed, interrupting him. ‘Yes, just like that, kind of acting along with the movie. Would you like me to kiss you?’

John decided to remain quite and glanced sheepishly at Amy, who was getting a post-graduate course in the world of show business whether she wanted one or not.

‘I…’ was as far as Eve got before Mona reached out, tipped Eve’s head up, and covered her mouth with hers.

Amy clutched John’s knee. She’d heard, but had never seen anything like this before. John’s hand covered hers, telling her he would protect her from what was to follow.

Eve closed her eyes, and moved into Mona’s arms, compressing her breasts against Mona’s and slowly returning the kiss.

Mona kissed her way down Eve’s neck, running her tongue across the recesses of her throat to the soft flesh of her collarbone. Amy watched as they kissed, saw how their mouths opened and their tongues swirled together. Listened to the soft sucking sounds they made as they explored one other’s mouth.

Then Mona ended the kiss, holding her tongue out, and Amy felt herself grow wet watching Eve’s tongue blindly searching the air before making contact with Mona’s again. The two women stroked tongue tip to tongue tip and when they finally parted, a thin string of saliva stretched out forming a delicate bridge between them before breaking apart.

Everyone in the room was now turned on.

Amy glanced down and saw the bulge in her Uncle’s pants. She noted with some surprise that his hand was high on her thigh. Amy hadn’t felt a thing, being so deeply engrossed in watching the two women, but said nothing. In fact, she realized somewhat belatedly that she welcomed his touch, and wondered where this was all headed.

Mona became bolder, ‘Let me help you undress,’ she said softly to the Hispanic beauty, telling Amy all she needed to know about the direction the evening was taking.

Eve, surprised to find herself so aroused, grew a little adventurous too. A quick glance at John, who nodded, convinced her that he wanted her to continue. She stood up and turned, presenting her back to Mona.

John stood too, and movi
ng to the TV, shut the porno off.

‘One show at a time,’ he said to Amy, giving her a wane smile as he rejoined her, placing his hand even higher on her thigh. Amy trembled when he gave it a slight squeeze, but responded in kind, moving her hand along his leg, but stopped short of touching his bulging erection.

Wow, Amy thought, what with last night and tonight my life has taken a huge turn. All that time I spent avoiding sexual contact and now I’m surrounded by it. If things get much hotter I’ll be squeezing Uncle John’s thingy, and wouldn’t that create a wild scene?

Meanwhile, Mona continued her in house seduction, unzipping the young maid’s uniform and easing it down her back. Both Eve’s smooth, dusky skin and the thin bra strap that stretched across her back were revealed.

Amy took a deep breath as Mona leaned forward and kissed the black fabric of the bra, then placed kisses above it as far as she could reach.

Eve moaned as she felt Mona’s lips on her back, and Mona, reading the pleasure in her voice, slid her hands down Eve’s body, drawing her hands together to caress Eve’s buttocks through her uniform. Again Eve moaned at her touch, uttering soft wanton phrases in her native tongue.

Mona bent, and grasped the hem of Eve’s uniform, lifting it, and then rolling it in her hands as she moved it up Eve’s body, revealing her black pantyhose and the black satin panties under them. Then, still holding the rumpled material in her hands, Mona pulled it up and over Eve’s head, and casually tossed it aside.

Even with her dark complexion, Amy could see the flush of embarrassment on Eve’s face as her body was revealed to everyone. Now she knelt on the sofa clad only in her black bra and panties. Yet Amy knew that the young Guatemalan wanted this to happen. Had she thought otherwise she would have intervened and probably brought the evening to an end. Instead, she chose to be the voyeur, and merely gasped with excitement when Mona ran her tongue up Eve’s back, imagining it was her being seduced, rather than Eve.

Uncle John must have read Amy’s mind, for his hand dropped into her lap and covered her mons, pressing his palm firmly against it. Amy shuddered at the thrill of it all.

Amy knew full well where her uncle’s hand was, but reasoned she had clothing between her pussy and his hand. Besides, she was captivated in watching the two women on the sofa, specifically, the sheen of saliva Mona left as the actress licked her way up Eve’s back.

That’s so hot, she thought, and shuddered involuntarily as Uncle John’s middle finger idly traced the fissure between her cunt. I can’t believe this is happening, she thought. Am I willing to sacrifice my virginity my first night in New York?

She was stunned by the answer. She wanted him to finger her – right there in front of the others. She wanted him to mount her and fuck her. She wanted desperately to show Mona that she could seduce a man as well as Mona was seducing Eve.

But she remained still, for wanting was one thing, acting upon one’s feelings was another, and truth be told, Amy was more entranced by Mona’s seduction of Eve than her uncle’s attempt to seduce her.

Eve’s body was now trembling under the delicate touches of Mona’s hands as they repeatedly caressed her. Amy watched as Eve’s bra fluttered to the floor, revealing a pair of delightfully pert, pear shaped breasts, with excited tips that quivered as they stood jutting out proudly about an inch.

‘Look at these lovely nipples,’ Mona cried out, cupping a breast so the others had a clear view.

An extremely embarrassed Eve covered her eyes.

Mona wrapped her lips around the entire areola, then painted a path across it with her tongue.

Amy let out a long sigh just as Mona’s lips closed hard on Eve’s nipple. A similar sigh erupted from Eve, as she felt the warm, wetness engulf her stiff nipple, summoning back the memory of Juanita’s touch so long ago on the farm where she grew up. The memory quickly faded in the face of reality and the knowledge that Juanita was a rank amateur next to Mona.

Amy and John looked on, fascinated by the view provided to them by the two willing, wanton women. Mona took her time, knowing the more excited Eve became the better her chances of completing her seduction.

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It was a Saturday night and me and my mate Tom had been invited to a party, it was at one of the local clubs for one of our friends 22nd birthday. The theme was tight and bright. I was wearing a fluro green singlet and small pink shorts that were not’t quite as tight as my boxer briefs but were just as long so they were showing off my man region quite nicely. Tom had gone to the trouble of buying a bright orange, whole body Lycra suit. He looked ridiculous as it may have been slightly too small...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Truth or dare brother 7

Then I started shedding a few tears. “I swear we could start a tear factory,” Jeff said. “Well you just make me really happy. I love being with you. And you have really returned all my love with some love of your own. Thank you so much for loving me the way you do Jeff,” I replied. “Anytime sis. But no 'thank you' required. It's a huge pleasure to love you like this. Thank you for loving me too sis,” Jeff said. Then we made out for a minute. Then I just laid my head on his chest. “So you never...

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A woman and her man seduce her widowed mother

Shafts of moonlight pierce the louvered shutters of the room like silver arrows. The songs of exotic birds erupt from the verdant bush outside the hotel room, along with the rush of water over rocks in the garden. There are random voices, people walking on the path beneath the balcony. My senses, dulled by sexual arousal, detect a shadow moving in the distant reaches of the room. My son-in-law and I are wrapped in rumpled sheets; the two of us sprawled on the bed, feeling the warm humid air...

3 years ago
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Blackmaled Young Athlete Hooked on Cock

After a few minutes, I was ready to explode, and had a large handkerchief ready to mop up the cum. Just before the big event, I felt a tap on my shoulder and a deep voice behind me said, "Boy, it looks like you got mo than you're share of cock. How bout I help you with that?" "Nnnooo thanks," I stammered, and quickly stuffed my proud five inches of hard dick back in my pants. It wasn't happy, but I felt safer. I turned my head enough to check out the intruder - an old (to me) black...

3 years ago
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My Younger SisterChapter 3

It has been a three week sence I fucked my mother, we have been having sex two or three times a day. Mom asked my if I was alright with us being together, I told mom that I have dreamed of being with her for years, mom said that she too have been longing to be sexual with me, she said that she missed her husband by father. She told me that my father was a master of sexually, he would fuck any woman and they would beg for him to fuck them again and again. Mom told me that my father was a...

2 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 50

Liv helped Finn mount the treads to the Grand Cherokee, while sparks from the furious welding and metal work going on around them flew in every direction. The Jeep was quickly transforming from a luxurious SUV to an armored monstrosity that looked more at home in a Mad Max film than in an upscale, gated community. After bolting on the last MATTRACK, Finn pointed to the shrinking wheel well clearance. "We're going to need to beef up the suspension. All that armor is adding a lot of...

4 years ago
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After A Fashion

AFTER A FASHION by anyport Brian was on an all time high, a month ago he'd landed a job at a fashion house. Not one of the major companies, they designed mostly women's fashion and imported about 60% of their marketable inventory, comprising silk and lace blouses, lingerie and evening wear. However, he was learning a great deal about the industry, and best of all, he had just been promoted to personal assistant to the owner of the company. He had no idea what his job...

4 years ago
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Train Ride to Remember

The train ride to remember By rough riding tender cowboy I had looked forward to this trip for a long time. Hubby couldn’t or wouldn’t leave the farm for long and I wanted to visit my sister on the coast. I decided that the train trip out there was just what the doctor ordered. I packed books and comfy clothes and planned on watching the scenery day dreaming, reading and sleeping for the 5 day trip. I boarded the train and unloaded my suitcase in the sleeper compartment, took a walk around...

Straight Sex
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Jörg Schmitz hatte nach dem Abitur sich beim Bund verpflichtete. Seine Eltern rieten ihm dazu und er sah hier die besten Chancen zu seiner Karriere. Mit Politik hatte er sich kaum beschäfftigt und vertraute, dass die Bundeswehr eine ehrliche Institution ist. So meldete er sich zu einem geheimen Friedenseinsatz im Kongo. Dort erlebte er Gewalt und die verzwickte Situation. Seine anleiter waären menschenverachtende Zyniker. Er war einsam und unglücklich. Er versuchte sich durch Pornos abzulenken...

2 years ago
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Meeting My Girlfriend After Ages 8211 Part 2

This is the second part of my story…. Ashwini was left tied in the toilet by harsh to sleep there. But just after one hour, harsh opened the door and came inside. He was dressed well and threw a gown on her. It was sleeveless, and backless, and it was coming upto her thighs midway. He untied her, asked her to get ready, and wear that dress as we are going somewhere out. She got ready, left her hair loose, and was very excited about what was going to happen. She was so sex starved that she...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Maid Daughter

By: Seeman123 Dear readers I am a regular ISS reader and I found some maid stories are very erotic. I would like to tell my story when I was young and was doing my graduation in my town. I was the only son to my family and when I was 10th std, I watched first porn film in my friends house which introduced me to mastrubating. There was a maid working in my house since many years who used to do day today activities and she had a beautiful daughter Rani, who used to come with her. She was two...

2 years ago
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Candy Dishes and Chocolate

I suppose it really started two years ago when I was working for a small community newspaper in Colorado. It was the holiday season and, as in a lot of places, when the holiday season arrived the offices take on a gay, festive air. Banners and posters appear, Christmas cards get pinned up on cork memo boards and desks suddenly sprout scented candles and candy dishes. It was a candy dish that did it, a candy dish and Dove dark chocolate individually wrapped squares. +++++ I love the ladies....

3 years ago
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Juhi Ki Gaand Maari

Hi I am vishal from aamchi mumbai, I am straight and can be contacted at Now I will take you to my story. Pehle kuch mere baare mein. Maine school life mein kabhi kisi ladki ki taraf aankh utha ke bhi nahi dikha, bas apna haath jagannath, muth maar ke hi kaam chalta tha..sach kahu to school mein ladki ke khwaab bhi dekhna meri aukat ke bahar tha…mai 6 feet lamba dubla patla ladka tha, weight sirf 50 kilo, sar mein hamesha tel, aankho mein chasma, kul mila ke mai pura chutiya dikhta tha. Yehi...

3 years ago
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Cliteckas Seduction Part 1 NEW

Clitecka’s Seduction – 1 Hello. My name is Clitecka. I’m seventeen and I’m a black girl, living just outside the small town of Fuggledix, in Alabama. I live with my mother, and sometimes my father comes down from Chicago to visit. They’re divorced. I only been doing sex for only a few months, even though I’m seventeen. Lots of my friends have been jacking off much longer, but I never got those “feelings” down in my pussy until after I turned sixteen. In a few days, I was masturbating three or...

3 years ago
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3 Days of Watching my Wife Fuck

Watching several twenty-one year old men alternate fucking your beautiful thirty-seven year old wife over the course of three days and nights, might be enough to send most men to a mental institution. Up until last year, I would have been one of them. But I have learned that no one really knows how they might feel or how they would react until they are there, especially when a cosmically perfect set of circumstances falls into place.Ever since our honeymoon, my wife and I have taken the very...

1 year ago
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Anglers Delights Ch 01

(Fishing couple discovers camp mates)My wife, Virginia, and I had been driving continuously for over eighteen hours in a mad dash to get to our favorite Atlantic Salmon river for the season's opening day. The biggest obstacle that remained in our way was Kurley's Mountain! Commencing at near sea level, Kurley's Mountain Highway climbed the sea side of the mountain to over fifteen hundred feet above sea level. Climbing a distance of slightly less than four kilometers, with the last kilometer...

4 years ago
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Sorority Sister

Jenna straightened her T-shirt and denim miniskirt. Today was the interview for the super exclusive sorority she wanted to join. "Don't worry Jenna," she reassured herself, "you'll do fine." She inspected herself again. She had curly blond hair, blue eyes, a flat stomach, and 34c tits she was really proud of. Jenna knocked on the door of the cozy looking house. She was a little suprised. Quite a few girls where in the sorority, and she didnt know how they could all sleep in it. "Hi there," a...

3 years ago
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Online fun part 1

It was a long trip home from work, several days of flights and layovers, of which Riley was excited to get through. In addition to the relief of getting back home, there was also the excitement of being able to play with his toys after several months away. The toys of course...were slightly atypical, but the long travel period had the added benefit of ensuring that Riley was unable to play with himself for several days leading up to getting home. As he walked back into the apartment...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Chanel Brooks You Cheat I Cheat

I was really excited when my hot young wife Chanel Brooks told me she had a sexy video for me while I was away on a business trip. That is until she says her sexy video will be better than mine. WHAT!?!? She found a fuck video of me cheating on her with my assistant – you can’t be careless with that stuff! She tells me she is going to go get some good dick now. I had no idea she was going to find the biggest, thickest black cock she could. Jovan Jordan, the stud spanks my...

3 years ago
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my hot sister

ever since i was 14 i loved jerking off with my sisters bras.every friday and saturday night i would sneak into her room while she was out drinking and take out all her sexy bras and bring them into the basement and jerk off with them and cum all over her bras. one night i was in the basement with her bras when she came home. as she opened the door to the basement i stuffed her bras in the couch, she came stumbling down the stairs and started to complain about her boyfriend. as she came down...

4 years ago
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        So about a couple months ago I went to a Halloween party in the woods, I was dressed as slutty elf. I was wearing some really tight green spandex that barely covered my big round juicy plump bubble butt, I was wear a black thong that you can kinda see through my spandex, I was wearing a small elf shirt that barely covered my waist, and I was wearing an elf hat. My spandex barely covered my thong! When I got to the party I caught every guys attention. I went to go get a drink and From...

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On The Minds Of Men

Chapter 1: Introductions Mandy sat on him with her full weight of perhaps 200lbs. Her thighs, withinher short, loose skirt, were spread apart over his chest and stomach. He wassmall and rather light; it was no contest. Any attempt on his part to resistwould have failed, and with her massive body on him it would have been veryeasy for her to mete out retribution. But there was no struggle. There had been, once: as she recalled those times, a smile flickered to lifefor a moment across her mouth...

2 years ago
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Butterfly Beach VIII Metamorphae

Eventually, numbness and boredom eased my terror, pushing it to the back of my mind. How long I hung, suspended like a worm on a fisherman’s hook, I know not for I spent much of the time fading into an uncomfortable unconsciousness. And then, the terror returned in abundance as I felt a presence within the dark, my eyes having grown accustomed enough to see the displacement of blank emptiness by something much darker and much more sinister. A sheen, if you will, of something shiny that seemed...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Wife Help me Suck my First Cock PT2

It had been three months since the last semen reward I received from that beautiful 27 year old cock. My wife had seen the lust in my eyes for the cock and knew this would become a staple to my diet. That's how I ended up here...on my knees with a cock in each hand.My beautiful fitness instructor wife and I had attended a lifestyle party at a beautiful home in northern Massachusetts, all the while my wife had the intention of seeing her husband swallow multiple loads. I was game. We socialized...

3 years ago
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My sissy fantasy

I’m walking along the street, wanting to avoid traffic I take roads that are not all that populated. Lost in my thoughts I don’t pay any attention to the dark van parked on the side nor do I realize the man behind me until I feel an arm wrap around me, a cloth coming up over my face. I try to scream and struggle but it’s no use as I feel my body going limp and my vision fading to complete darkness. In my waning condition I feel myself picked up and dumped into the back of the van, the side...

3 years ago
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Truth or dare Mr Gladwell

"Oh, that's nice, let me fuck you hard," he mumbled, from his bedroom. The thought came to my head that I caught him masturbating, as I stood outside the bedroom door. As a horny eighteen-year-old woman, my desire made me look in there. The door cracked, and the view of him masturbating with his long and thick cock entered my vision. As it only poked out of his pants, my eyes locked onto it as his hand stroked it quickly. A grin appeared on my face, so the top row of my teeth could be seen. My...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Syren De Mer Who Knew My StepGranny Was Nasty

The good thing about living so close to my step-Gran Syren De Mer is that I (Johnny Love) never have to go far to get kitchen supplies. Cup of sugar, a little milk & all kindsa utensils practically right next door. When I go over there to grab a pan for mom, I’m a little surprised when my Syren wants me to stick around and chat. I’m more weirded out when she starts asking me about girls. Things take a different turn when pulls the Basic Instinct move on me!? I mean, Syren is hot...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER 9: LOVING NEIGHBOREver since the horseback riding their relationship with Henry became much more comfortable and open. Henry talked to them about his wife’s death and the void that left in him. He expressed in deep appreciation to them for opening up to him and allowing him into their confidence which allowed him to open up in return. He was feeling a part of more than just running a ranch for the first time in a long time. He insisted that they start calling him Harry which he reserved...

2 years ago
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Dman2Chapter 1 Jamaica

I closed my eyes and let the sun beat down on my pale skin. There was a soft breeze off the sea that kept me cool even when the temperature was in the high eighties. The dark sun glasses I had purchased at the resort gift shop helped keep the sun out of my eyes and finally I could relax. I was happy with the decision to come down early to the resort so I could have a couple of days alone to relax and de-stress. The resort was beautiful, right on the beach but still had a couple of pools. It...

4 years ago
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Sins of the Father G

Introduction. This is one of 13 parts. Beginning with Flight of Sin, Sins of the Father through Sins of the Father G. There are side parts, Naughty Pretty Things, Naughty Pretty Things II, Now a Family Affair, and That White Outfit. Since most only read one part I will describe the characters. Keri is a beautiful 14 year old girl of Thai heritage. She has a delightful body, long legs and larger than usual breasts. Her eyes are soft brown and her hair is deep dark brown. She keeps a...

3 years ago
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Lockdown Advantages

Who would of thought that being lockdown could make something good come from it? I rent room from my long-time friend Fran. It more of a place to store stuff as I often away for work. With this virus going around I have been on lockdown like everyone else and have been home for several weeks.Most of the time when I there Fran makes sure to dress modestly, keeping her fine little body cover. Over the last several weeks she become more relax and self-impose dress code has become more revealing by...

2 years ago
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My Life With a Muscular CheerleaderChapter 7

The first couple of weeks after graduation were absolute bliss. Patti and I made love every afternoon when she came home from school. First we would work out for about an hour, then adjourn to my bedroom for a workout of an entirely different sort. My mornings were occupied with interviews with several large CPA firms located closer to Chicago. My interviews went well and soon I received two offers for employment; one from one of the large international firms and the other from a smaller...

2 years ago
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Back Stage Dressing Room

" Oh," She said, not registering. She realized in a moment that I was the possible investor in her music and band. " Oh, sorry John for not recognizing you sooner." I shook my head. Ahn stood up standing close to me, my stubbled lower lip brushs her chin. She shakes her head against my face, her eyelashes brushing my eyes. My finger sifted up the hair at the back of her neck. I kiss her. "Just don't," She said. My hands tighten on her shoulders. " Why did you come here?" She...

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Incestuous Bedtime TaleChapter 7 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Wedding

Avalon Young – May 2048 Vanessa, my now fourteen-year-old daughter, suckled at my breast. It was just after midnight. She was now fourteen. I stroked her red hair, still in a braid. I groaned at the feel of her hungry nursing, loving this. It had been so many years since I weaned her as a baby. Not it was so naughty. My milk flowed into her mouth. It squirted into her mouth. My cunt squeezed. I rubbed my thighs together. I groaned, the pleasure rippled through me. I gripped her hair as I...

4 years ago
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Gold Plated Garbage TruckChapter 6 Its a Baby

I started starting to get worried. All this impending fatherhood was scary as hell to me. I kept having visions in my head of Emily dying or the baby coming out all ugly and deformed. Homer was even worse than I was. "Oh god, what if things don't come out all right? I'm scared, Wilbur, I'm scared as hell. We kept feeding into each other's fears. Then Moose and Connie came in all smiles. He took one look at our faces and asked, "Hey, is something wrong?" "We're just worried, Moose,...

4 years ago
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Beginning at Home

Chapter 1 Do you remember your first time? Was it wonderful? A memorable experience? One that you've looked back on with fondness? I hope so, mine was. I can remember some of my earliest sexual feelings as a little girl in the bathtub, perhaps like many little girls, washing myself down between my legs; I was, perhaps, seven or eight, maybe nine. After that, I would rub myself to sleep most nights, simply enjoying the calming, relaxing feelings my fingers gave me. There were other sexual...

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