Tears In A Dry Land Ch. 08 free porn video

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Sophia expected him to lead her downstairs to his bedchamber, but instead, she found herself guided towards the far end of the roof garden. A coarse, whitewashed wall, about twice the height of a man rose up over that corner of the fortress. It had the look of a watch tower, or a guard room with a heavy wooden studded door set in the wall.

For a split second, she wondered if she had pushed too hard. Was he going to punish her for her outburst, incarcerate and leave her there until she learned her lesson? Her disquiet must have communicated itself to Yunan, because he stopped and looked at her.

‘It is not a sleeping chamber.’ Yunan moved a brick set back in the wall and retrieved and a very heavy iron key which he set into the door. It needed both his hands to turn the key in the lock and push the door open wide.

‘Come,’ he beckoned her.

Releasing a long breath, Sophia followed him through the door. Inside, the room was lit by bright morning sunshine. Stairs grew out of the cool, tiled floor, hugging the plain, lime-washed walls. As her gaze followed the walls, she realised there was no roof above them, only a canvas sail which shaded the room from direct sunlight, casting huge shadows against the walls.

In the middle of the circular room stood two soft couches piled with so many cushions, they formed a tower which toppled onto the floor as they approached. Sophia’s head was whirling. Her master came here often and from the number of couches, he did not come alone.

‘This is my observatory.’ Yunan’s deep voice cut through her thoughts, quietening them. ‘I come here to watch the stars and the different phases of the moon. Sometimes others come with me, to lie and watch the wonders of the night sky. Up there I have tools for marking the process of the moon and the stars. Here, at night, I mark and watch, study and muse and no-one disturbs me unless they come as my guest.’

He led her over to a pallet and helped her to lie at ease, piling cushions to support her back. The baby had grown so much over the past few weeks, she could no longer lie flat with any degree of comfort.

‘You spoke of ways of getting closer,’ Yunan reminded her. ‘We have known each other and yet do not know each other. It seems strange to talk of discovering such things when we have…’ he smoothed his hand gently across her belly, ‘… the result of that knowledge here in front of us, but there is much we must learn.’

Settled amongst the cushions, Sophia relaxed as Yunan knelt beside her, conscious of the warmth from his body, the spiced scents from his shaving oil and the soft breeze blowing into the rooftop room. She felt Yunan begin to stroke her hand, his thumb adding extra pressure as he smoothed the skin.

‘Penelope tells me you enjoy her massages. You have a very open and sensual nature.’ He smiled as Sophia dropped her gaze, ‘I’m afraid I have indulged her. As a result, she is very direct with her comments.’

Sophia blushed. ‘Your daughter has very skilled hands and the scents she used brought back much of my memories. It reminded me a little of the training we were given as dancers, which taught us to be aware of every muscle, every sinew in our body. We leaned to notice how each breath or lack of breath changed our flexibility, our posture – it was very thorough.’

‘That is good training – for any person,’ was Yunan’s only comment, but he could sense how little she told him about how those skills were obtained, only the tension in her slender fingers beneath his own betrayed memories too painful to acknowledge.

‘Even afterwards, when my mind was captive, I could still use my training to be aware of my body and the child within and sometimes – you.’

‘As a memory or as a presence?’

‘I’m not sure.’ Sophia’s eyes took on a distant view as she dove back into those memories again. ‘I would remember how you unwrapped the dancer’s silks from my body. How your body was draped over the couch as you did so. Sometimes I would see you lying in a similar position and know whether you lay at ease or with stiffness in your body. Sometimes you lay on the ground and I saw only stars around you. I thought I must be dreaming.

‘In my mind I would sing the songs I sang to you during our time together – not the ones they taught me to sing to you, to entice you, but songs I brought from my father’s house, whose words brought the tang of the salt spray upon your brow or drizzled sweet grape juice down our dry throats.’

As she spoke, Yunan’s hand moved slowly upwards, the fingertips trailing softly against her breast.

‘I recall very well uncoiling those silks from you. How defiantly you stood, how challengingly you stared back at me.’

‘Did I?’

He lifted his eyes to meet hers, ‘Ah yes, such fire in your eyes. Of course it enflamed me even more.’

‘I cannot defy you now,’ she whispered, ‘Does that remove the challenge for you?’

‘The challenge is not to take you now, the challenge is to know you and to let you in to find and know me.’

Sophia watched as his hand cupped her heavy breast, softly moulding to its curve

‘They have grown so much,’ she murmured, ‘The old women say I shall grow larger yet when the babe is born and my milk comes in. Shall you mind?

Yunan’s mouth twitched into a smile, ‘You should listen to the old women, Sophia. Once they were young and they have long memories and much wisdom. As for your breasts, I love them as they are yours. It will not matter to me whether they are large or small.’

His fingers stole to her throat – not encircling it, just brushing there, then whispering along the side of her neck. Soon his head dipped to follow them, his lips subtle and soft, delicate open-lipped cupping against her skin while his tongue darted between breaths to tentatively taste her skin. He felt her shiver, sensing the tremor of emotions pulsing through this woman who carried his child, his lover whose secrets were yet to be fully revealed, fully exposed to his barely restrained passion.

As he lifted his head to gaze upon her beauty, he saw her eyes close, her breathing now more peaceful as she welcomed his touch. He ventured a kiss upon her cheek and then her mouth, gentle to begin with but growing more sure. He leaned into her, his tongue sweeping her lips until they parted for him, allowing him entry into the soft, warm darkness of her mouth. He touched her tongue, only to find it swirling around his, locking them together in a spiral dance until he felt they must both faint from lack of breath.

Reluctantly he broke the kiss, moving back to sit on the couch by her side. Sophia stroked his arms before twining her fingers with his. He saw uncertainty still lingering in her eyes.

‘Kallikrates, you are a powerful man. Most men in your position would have many wives and many more concubines dancing on their needs. I still find it strange you have not.’

‘There are no men in my position, Sophia, and I have not found any women – save two – in my life who could reach me.’

‘Do you prefer the company of men?’

There, it was said, the thought which troubled her the most. Over the months of her stay in the fortress, she was forever conscious of the presence of Yunan’s two companions. Unless he expressly sent them away, one of them was always at his side.

They were never forward in any way, often standing or crouching in shadows for hours at end until he had need of them. They rarely spoke except in hushed tones for their Master’s ears alone yet they appeared to respond to his requests or needs almost before he could mention what they might be. Even though she and Yunan were inside the observatory, she imagined the companions standing outside, waiting for a sign or for someone to emerge.

She noticed the three of them communicate in sign language, as if they might be mute, but she knew this was not the case. The shorter one, Surak, was a skilled lute p
layer, entertaining them when the family were without guests and Penelope teased him sufficiently to play bawdy soldiers’ songs which brought tears of laughter to Yunan’s face.

If Penelope preferred women, maybe her father preferred men.

‘By no means, ‘Yunan was quick to respond to her question. ‘Although I was born and raised in Hellas, I have never enjoyed that ancient preference of my countrymen.’ His hands reached for a hem of her clothes, ‘I would like to disrobe you now, if you have no objections.’

Sophia inclined her head, her eyes not leaving his. ‘I have changed since you last saw me.’

Yunan smiled ‘As have I.’ His hand went to his neck, then stopped.

‘What is it?’

‘Nothing. This scar from the burning, I forget about it and then it reminds me.’

‘Are you sure there is no pain? I have not seen it since I made the ointment for you from the cactus. Did it help with the discomfort?’

‘I would hide nothing from you, Sophia, especially after your kindness in making me the ointment. It eased the soreness a great deal.’ He sat closer to her, drawing his tunic over his head so she could see the full extent of the scar along his neck.

She leaned forward to touch it gently with a finger tip, then placed delicate kisses over the puckered skin. As she sat back, she was aware of his fingers deftly unpinning the brooch at her shoulder, allowing fabric to fall away, before pushing the soft, yielding silk back and off her arms.

‘So much you bear because of me,’ she whispered, her eyes darting from his fingers to his face and back again.

‘Yet you have the heavier burden,’ he teased, inclining his head and kissing her, feeling his beard brush her skin as her arms entwine themselves carefully around his neck.

Once more his lips sought hers, opening, firm but yielding to become surprisingly soft and sensitive. Again, she opened to him, offering her lips as a gateway to herself. For a brief, yet eternal second, he hesitated then crossed the threshold, seeking her. The kiss became more powerful, his tongue entering her, dancing with hers – a caress, a slow learning.

Sophia’s breathing slowed as she closed her eyes, drawing images to her mind with her other senses, her fingers circling in his hair then moving down to brush the soft spot behind his ear lobes before rubbing the lobe between thumb and forefinger.

Yunan’s gasps were deep and ragged, blood rushing into his ears as he carefully withdrew from her. ‘I want to see you….’

He took the gown he had slid down her back, opening it and undoing the last of the ties concealing her from him, allowing it to fall away. With his hand on her arm, he helped her stand, so the robe slid to the floor in a silent swirl.

‘I am who you see – neither more nor less.’

‘Such beauty.’ Yunan’s face was touched with awe as he beheld her. He stood, neither breathing nor moving until Sophia’s fingers touched his cheek.

‘I am real, Kallikrates. I live and breathe while my heart pumps blood around two bodies – see…’ She took both his hands, placing one on her heart and one on the baby. Yunan leaned closer to her, his cheek next to the hand she placed on the baby.

‘Your mother,’ he whispered, ‘is very beautiful. I think you should sleep now, little one. Your mother and I have things to discuss that are not for little ears to hear.’

He sat down once more upon the couch, looking up at her, then took her hand to draw her down beside him.

‘Should she not learn what it is to love and be loved?’

Yunan smiled, ‘I think she may know what it is already, but like most children, she will not want to think over much about her parents being intimate. We must try not to wake her.’

With her eyes on him watching every move of every muscle, Yunan stood to complete his own disrobing. The loose trousers he wore were soon removed. He stood naked beside her, his manhood not fully erect, but swollen, stirring.

Sophia reached for his hand, drawing him down to half sit, half lie beside her.

‘This is how it should be,’ she murmured, ‘nothing hidden, everything to discover and learn.’ She ran her fingers down his chest before brushing him lightly with the back of her hand, marvelling at the smoothness of his skin, the taut power of hidden muscles poised and ready to spring into action. This was no soft ruler, indulging himself in food, drink or pleasure. He was a man of action, moving amongst his people, working with them, protecting them as he protected her, wanted her. She felt him shiver at her touch, his hands ranging over her body as she explored his.

‘So much to learn,’ he sighed. ‘Sight and taste and touch.’

Sophia studied his face, ‘My Lord,’ she whispered, ‘for this first time, may I serve you with my hands?’

Yunan felt both his fingers and his shaft twitch at her words. He wondered what it was she wished. Her eyes were deep pools and he felt himself drowning in them.

‘Yes,’ he breathed. ‘Do as you wish, my love, my light, my one desire.’

Gracefully, she slid to the floor, kneeling between his open legs as if she found a place she could call her own. From a hidden pocket in her discarded robe, she retrieved a small vial. Removing the stopper, she placed the vial on the cold marble beside her, waiting with head bowed until the powerful scent of the oil began to permeate the room.

Yunan’s nostrils flared, his head lifting as he inhaled the perfume. This was not what he expected from their time together, it was something arousing, provocative and yet deeply seductive. He leaned back against the pile of cushions, his eyes closed as he made himself relax so that she might do whatever she wished with him. He owed her this much, if not more.

Sophia tipped the vial to coats her fingers with oil, then carefully lifted his right foot onto her lap. Her strong fingers stroked the top of his foot from the ankle downwards, paying special attention to each toe and to the back of his heel. When the foot was massaged to her satisfaction, she again coated her hands and began stroking from his right knee down to the ankle – long, firm strokes, paying particular attention to his calf muscles.

As she stroked, her eyes darted to Yunan’s face, his demeanour relaxed, as was his manhood – not fully erect, but rather quiescent, though it slowly moved as it gradually filled.

Once the lower leg was stretched, she raised herself, her hands moving confidently to his upper thigh, one hand either side as she penetrated each muscle with long, firm strokes. She heard his breathing falter momentarily, but only for an instant. It was rather the slight jerking pulse in his thigh as muscles jumped where she touched, that betrayed any emotional response from him- such close proximity causing him to become fully filled, his shaft leaning to one side at an angle.

When she was satisfied she had done as much as she could for his right leg, she moved her attention to his left foot, her face a model of concentration as she pulled, straightened and stretched each toe, pressing on the ball of his foot, to address any tension. The heel was also attended to before she helped herself to more oil and moved upwards to his lower leg and calf, aware that Yunan’s right foot was flexing on the floor.

This time when she reached the top of his thigh, the backs of her hands – slippery with oil – brushed past his length, causing his manhood to lift, bobbing at her proximity. With strong fingers, she placed his foot on her knee – the better to stroke the underside of his thigh. She heard an audible catch in Yunan’s breath, his hands gripping the edges of the couch before relaxing spontaneously.

As she oiled her hands one final time, Sophia began to address his manhood in words almost too soft to make out. She finished by laying her hand underneath his length and bringing it close to her lips so she could plant a single kiss on the glistening tip. Then her hands moved t
o the base, stroking him downwards with both hands, one after another.

She was so engrossed in her adoration of his shaft, she did not see Yunan’s eyes were fully open, as muscles in his buttocks became taut, then released of their own accord. It took all his self control not to allow his seed to spray against her face and breasts at her first touch, but he wanted to prolong the intense pleasure she offered him.

Once his shaft was well coated, she grasped it in her left hand and encircled it with her fingers, beginning to slide it up and down through her palm, while the other hand began its own examination of his balls. As she moved, she felt his sphincter tighten, lifting his shaft, and sending a surge of blood into the hardness.

Her motion was smooth and collected – timed to perfection like a piece of music – so many beats up and so many down. At the same time, her other hand was stroking and gently tugging his balls before coming to the aid of the other so they slid one after the other, up and down, up and down.

Yunan’s mouth opened, his tongue appearing to wet dry lips. In time with her strokes, his hips gently twisted, not violently, but in minute movements while a deep groan rumbled through his chest. He watched her face, such a perfect study of concentration, watching the movement of her hands and the changing colour of the tip of his shaft.

It was almost too much to feel her bring one hand curling over the head, pressing lightly, twisting around it, then rubbing the tip with her thumb and forefinger, finding the sensitive place underneath the crown before she squeezed. Her reward was a gleaming drop of clear fluid which she rubbed around the head.

Yunan moaned as he writhed, pressing both feet down on the floor, his hips slightly

lifting, his head slowly turning, constantly looking back to her, watching her face, her hands, worshiping him. On the floor, one foot prepared to rise, only the flexed toes pressing down on the floor, as he growled his desire – the deep notes echoing against the mud walls, ringing out into the bright sunshine of the day.

As his breathing became more laboured with every touch, Sophia seemed to lose herself in meditation. Each breathe she took was long and deep. Each exhalation a sigh wafting against his exposed flesh, providing small moments of blissful cool before her hands brought back warmth and motion once again.

Sensing his need, the pace of her strokes began to increase, little fingers on both hands hardly touching the inner portions of his thighs – sweeping underneath to touch and tease other sensitive areas. His breathing was audible now and fractured, his thighs parting and opening to her as she held his sack in one hand, a finger pressing behind, rubbing the tightly ridged skin before pressing down with greater force as if to massage his inner gland from above.

While his senses were reeling from her loving assault, there was suddenly a void. Both hands left his manhood, to quickly brush from his inner knees to his balls, causing Yunan to shake violently. Before he could recover, her fingers returned once more to their positions, touching, pulling and pressing him. Then she added a new torture, reaching down to tickle the instep of his right foot as she stroked his shaft with measured upward strokes.

Yunan trembled, his body movements uncoordinated and spasmodic. His face was flushed, eyes half-lidded, almost glaring at Sophia as his left hand made a fist, clenching and unclenching. He felt her hand return to his sack, checking the tension of the skin, her fingers soft, but firmly coaxing as if she spoke to each individual seed within, readying them to shoot forth, to end this exquisite torment once and for all.

The fisted hand rose into the air before almost dropping back down, hanging in the air, suspended. The motion on his shaft slowed each palm conscious of its throbbing. Yunan lowered his head, emitting a low, growling rumble. Sophia’s eyes fixed on his face as the stroking resumed. His eyelids slowly opened until he met her gaze, lifting his hips towards her, balls tightening as he knew he could withhold no longer.

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Journey into Cuckoldry Fantastic Fifteen

It was Thursday night, one week later. The Grandparents were babysitting our two kids while my sweet, unfaithful wife and I went for what we had described to them as ‘a bit of light supper with some friends that might go on a bit late’. The truth was that it was nothing of the kind. Food was definitely a secondary consideration; the entire evening had been arranged by the She-Devil Carmen in order to allow me and our new friend Hilary to have an intimate sexual encounter in their house. For the...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Legs Eleven

“You’re sure she didn’t say who else would be there?” my lovely, unfaithful wife Alice asked as we drove across town towards the house where our friends Carmen and Steve lived. “All she said was that she was arranging ‘a gathering’ as she called it and that it wouldn’t be complete without us,” I replied, “I know it’s infuriating but she’s as much your friend as mine. You could have asked her!” We drove on in silence for a few minutes before Alice continued. “She wouldn’t tell me anything about...

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My more realistic vision of cuckoldry part one

This is just a fantasy and did not happen. Feedback very welcome. There comes a point in your life when you look back at your mistakes and look to the future and what you want to make you happy. After a failed marriage and many failed relationships. I was doing just that, looking seriously at how I could make my future happier. For a few years I had been interested in cuckoldry, after reading about it as a lifestyle in the old Forum magazines. To be quite honest I was never convinced that I was...

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Journey Into Cuckoldry Eager Eighteen Part 1

A loud splash coming from the pool broke my concentration. I looked up from my book, blinking as the bright sunshine fought its way through my sunglasses.I smiled; two teenage boys were skylarking in the clear, warm water, both showing-off, each trying to appear older, stronger and more grown-up than the other. It had been the same the previous day, and the day before that, and the reason was obvious; my lovely wife Alice was sunbathing topless on the patio again.A brief flush of pride passed...

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Angela Blade Chronicles Chapter 2 Switzerland

Angela Blade Chronicles Chapter 2: Switzerland When we left Angela Blade she was learning to cope with life as a three-year-old girl after being a male FBI agent. Not wanting to have to go live with her grandparents in Saudi Arabia a Muslim country. Trying to be a good girl and the daughter of a mafia kingpin. As we begin this chapter the Blade family is getting ready to fly to Switzerland. But daddy I thought we were staying here in Australia for the...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 13 Portland

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Thirteen: Portland Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, July 4th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Outskirts of Portland, OR I couldn't sleep. We would be entering Portland in the morning. The city looked ruined, the half-destroyed buildings stretching for miles and miles towards the blue line of the Columbia River. For such a major city, it was terrifying that it wasn't as well maintained or even inhabited. No travel seemed to come...

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Legends of LadyLand

In the stories CHYOA: Lady-Land Edition and Life in Lady-Land we explored what a world where everyone is female might look like. However what of it's history and mythology? As a quick introduction for people unfamiliar with previous entries in this series: One-hundred percent of humanity is and always has been female. In spite science having no explanation as to how, lesbian sex can cause pregnancy IF neither partner is pregnant and orgasm is caused by direct skin-to-genital contact.

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Loris and MorgChapter 12 Windshift Main Man Land

"There's been many and more boats missing ... but the weather's been good." "Who's been getting the blame?" "Sea Witches," claimed the rescued. "Believed it, I did ... before the giants sailed close and boarded us from the opposite side ... then she come swimming under the boat. 'Stay put.' she said. 'We'll have you AND your boat out of here in a few, ' she said. And she did. "Thought we were goners, Harbormaster. "We heard scrabbling at the bow and then she at the stern....

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No FutureChapter 73 Promised Land

Tamara 2098 Whatever it was that had defined Tamara's Jewish identity over the years, it wasn't her religious faith. Nor had it been her need to belong to the Jewish community. Her identity was more intangible. It was the sense of a shared tradition and what had been until recently a shared nationality. She'd never troubled herself about her Jewish heritage when she'd actually lived in Israel. It was only after she'd abandoned the nation of her birth to radioactive dust and vengeful...

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Hot Candy Land

Where can I start with this one? HotCandyLand.com, aka Sweet State, is a website that features a massive browser-based RPG-style game known as you guessed it – Hot Candy Land. Your mission in this game is to be the most dominant pimp and porn caster/actor in ‘Pornwood’, a fictional version of real-life Hollywood. You start off by moving into a shitty dorm with nothing but 200$ in your pocket and slowly rise through the ranks of pimps, Pornwood casters, and various people and organizations...

Best Porn Games
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Tears in a Dry Land Ch 07

Despite their growing intimacy, Sophia could not consider Penelope her only love. Yunan called her in so many ways. She wanted his touch, his voice, his approval. She wanted him to stroke her skin and tell her he loved her despite her size. Every night she prepared herself for his summons, but it never came. Not matter how elegantly she served him during their evening meal, nor how sweet the songs she sang him, accompanying herself on the simple lap harp, his thanks were always profound and...

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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 4 Visiting New Zealand

Jim C, Sam, Frank, Kirk, and I discussed the trip to New Zealand on Monday. We defined the specific objectives of the trip and what information we expected to acquire during our stay. All five of us had valid passports and there was an agreement between the US and New Zealand governments that allowed us entry as short-term visitors without a visa. By Friday, we were ready to go. We would be island hopping and our total flight time would be close to 16 hours, so our pilot, Bob Simon, and...

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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 5 Moving to New Zealand

Frank and his wives went back to running the Chocolateen Corporation, while my wives and I continued the effort of preparing to move to New Zealand. Frank and I were right; our wives hated the idea of engineering events that would lead to the media invading our lives. They accepted the idea as a necessity, and only agreed to go along with it when we told them we would be involved in deciding what would be engineered and how the media would be enticed into taking action. I talked with Paul...

3 years ago
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The Martian Land

The Martian Land By Brad Miller "Why do we have to go to Mars anyway dad?" Sarah whined. "Because honey it's my job. NASA chose us as the first family to colonize on Mars. Then, if it's safe, more and more people will move up to Mars and we'll eventually leave Earth all together!" Mr. Miller explained to his 16 year old daughter. "So we're just a couple of Guinea Pigs? Is that what you're saying?" "No, it's not like that. Here, think of it this way. We are the first family to...

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Pakistani Fucked Mona Darling In Auckland

Hello friends. My name is Sam and I am a Pakistani living in Auckland, New Zealand. So I will share my sexual experiences with you in Auckland. Please keep your feedback coming like you did for my earlier stories. My email is Now coming to the story. After arriving in New Zealand I got a job in a good company. The first 4 weeks consisted of training. We were 4 people hired and three of them were girls so I was the only guy amongst them. One of the girls was Mona who gave me a boner instantly...

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Slow Plane To Auckland

Portions of this story may be used in short critical reviews. Reproduction, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. *** WARNING: This story contains coarse language, descriptions of activities that may be forbidden by law(s), and adult situations. It is intended for a mature audience only. All references to actual people, places or things were employed intentionally and for satirical or artistic purposes. *** This story contains the abbreviated...

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Hanging Drywall

It was the middle of August and the summer heat hadn’t yet arrived. It was beautifully warm, and indeed, very warm if you were working, but the mind-numbing stifling heat that usually arrived toward the end of summer hadn’t yet made an appearance.Logan Ellison was a relatively young entrepreneur who believed in sustaining the past as he pushed ahead to the future. He’d bought this 1930 era house built in the style of Le Corbusier but left to deteriorate until it was almost a ruin.He was...

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Teaching Experience at St Benedict College Bangkok Thailand

Teaching Experience at St. Benedict College, in Bangkok, Thailand BACKGROUND: Originally, I’d been in business, as an insurance underwriter, but left that occupation when my company was decimated by the “Great Recession” of 2008. The following year my wife and I divorced after a short, unhappy, childless marriage. I decided to change careers. Reinvent myself. Do something more rewarding. Having taught English in Europe, during a backpacking stint after college, and having loved it, I...

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The Journey Episode 7 Wasteland

Notes: 1- Continuing my futurology experiment, I describe what is going to happen to the fertile fields of central Brazil (the so called " cerrado") after people disappears. 2- The storm belt is no invention of mine. Currently, from time to time, a continuous band of clouds form carrying water vapor from the amazon lowlands towards southeast Brazil, these are called "convergence zones", you probably are aware of the sad happenings in the mountains near the city of Rio the Janeiro, who...

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Gill Igg and Is Land

As we strolled along the dock holding hands, I looked at my wife Natalie. Despite the fact that we were approaching fifty, she was still as beautiful to me as ever. I guess we needed to do more things together to re-kindle the flames of love into a roaring fire again, but the embers were still alive. I looked back at the parking lot to assure myself that my other great love, my 2013 Mustang Boss 302 was still okay. Then I grabbed Natalie's hand and we started walking along the docks. Besides...

1 year ago
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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 13 Portland

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, July 4th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Outskirts of Portland, OR I couldn't sleep. We would be entering Portland in the morning. The city looked ruined, the half-destroyed buildings stretching for miles and miles towards the blue line of the Columbia River. For such a major city, it was terrifying that it wasn't as well maintained or even inhabited. No travel seemed to come from the city. There were probably bandits occupying the city, but we...

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Back to the Land

Prologue: This is a romance and my first attempt at writing fiction. It started off as a story idea for Earth Day but writing it and deciding to post it held it up for a while. Many thanks primarily to Dinsmore and also Techsan for patience and expert help and advice with edits and writing. As per usual, the characters are invented and bear no intentional resemblance to actual persons alive or deceased. All intercourse is consensual and between individuals over the age of eighteen. This is a...

1 year ago
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A Foreign Land

A Foreign LandA story by Simone Locke ([email protected])FORWARD:After a long absence, here I go with another story that I hope you'll enjoy.I hit a dry spot while writing my last story "The Princess Game".  I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why it ended so suddenly at the end.  The truth is, my inspiration dried up as I wrote the next segment, and I thought I'd put something out rather than nothing.It's now two years and 15 failed books later.  For all my attempts, I could write nothing...

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Body Shifters Universe Nowomansland

I was awake. It would have to be now. I'd be thinking it, planning it, and I had to move. I couldn't let things stand. But it wasn't so easy: I couldn't just jump out of bed - not with all of them. So I began to slowly extricate myself from the tangle of womanly limbs. So sleek, so soft ... NO! NO!! I wouldn't think about how gorgeous they all were. That way would cause me to surrender, and continue to wallow in the soft, deceptive delight of their luscious flesh. I moved, and a platinum...

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so I meet the sex goddess of Netherlands

2008 3 August for the first time since 2001, I was back in the Netherlands, for my work.The world again nigeria from Netherlands and have the sneek week sneek.maar in any hotel or camping was inhabited plaats.mijn friend for life Also in sneek, would he be able vragen.het is 9am morning as I did for the door with him sta.ik lay him out and he says yes, but where am sleeping difficult heefd a girlfriend with his girlfriend uitgenodicht daughter sleeping on the couch . his home is just klein.ik...

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A Scarred Wonderland

I. Giant, multicolored sails litter the rolling turquoise waves of the Pacific. From this distance, they’re like flecks of paper mache swaying back and forth in the wind, waving little goodbyes as they drift farther and farther out. There’s a hard metallic clank as the hatch locks into place. “All set,” a twanging southern voice calls out. In the mirror, a slim shape in a tank top and a straw Stetson gives a thumbs-up, a radiant smile etched on a heart shaped face. Abigail has this weird...

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Portland A sweet story of two transsexuals, one of whom is pregnant By Melissa Tawn CHAPTER 1. ME The day I had my sexual reassignment surgery it rained. It also rained the day before and the day after. That was no big deal. Portland, Oregon, is one of the rainiest cities in the United States and 1993 was considered a particularly wet year. The natives like to joke that if the sun ever shines in Oregon, you don't tan ? you rust. I believe them. Anyway, on a very wet...

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The Sparrows of Thailand

The sparrows of Thailand are like sparrows anywhere: small, gray, and flitting… but surrounded by blue parrots, iguanas, and infinite neon butterflies. They hang around the restaurants and ‘steal’ scraps of food. I remember happily watching one make off with a bit of fresh spinach once. I believe sparrows are only native to the British Isles and spread as a result of imperialism… a term I use neither positively nor negatively but descriptively. The restaurants around Phetchaburi Rajabhat...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Sweet Sixteen

The days had passed slowly but they had eventually passed. It was Saturday - THE Saturday. The night my wife was to become a whore! It was ten thirty in the evening. I was sitting in the same booth in the same bar in which Julie, Gary, Alice and I had started our New Year’s Eve celebrations but this time the bar was barely a quarter full and I was sitting there alone, apart from a tall glass of ice cold beer. My tummy was bubbling with excitement but, I suspected, not as much as those of the...

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Jouney into Cuckoldry Lucky Thirteen

The hotel bar was busy as Alice and I entered that New Year’s Eve, the air filled with music and the babble of voices punctuated by the popping of champagne corks and the cheering that followed. In my plain black suit and tight clergyman’s collar I knew I was in for a hot and uncomfortable evening but for a ‘Tarts and Vicars’ party there was only one type of costume I could have chosen. By my side, under her coat my lovely, unfaithful wife was dressed like a LA street whore, ‘Pretty Woman’...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Cloud Nine

“Forty-eight minutes!” Alice gasped as she burst through the kitchen door on Sunday morning and grabbed the watch that lay on the counter. She was merely a few feet ahead of me but those few feet were important. She turned to face me, panting, her face sweaty and pink with exertion. “I’ve never beaten you before!” she grinned broadly, leaning back against the table’s edge, her eyes bright with excitement and glee. “And you won’t beat me again,” I frowned then burst out laughing, “when my knee...

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Journey Into Cuckoldry Eager Eighteen Part 2

Half an hour later, I lay awake on the sofa in the darkness, unable to sleep, my heart and mind torn, suspended in the familiar agony somewhere between Cuckold Heaven and Alpha Male Hell.From behind the closed bedroom door came the dull but unmistakable sounds of my sweet, pretty wife being comprehensively and very willingly fucked for a second time. Her cries of ecstasy were muffled as if she was trying to suppress the noise, but I knew them well to know that she was receiving the fucking of a...

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Honeymoon at Disneyland

Me and John had been fucking around behind my other-half’s back for three years. I’d carve a pumpkin for him for Halloween and we’d fuck. I’d bring him a basket on Easter morning and we’d fuck. I’d string a tree with lights, decorate it and on Christmas Eve before opening our presents to each other, we’d fuck. For three years, I’d bake him a birthday cake. After he blew out all the candles, we’d fuck.For me, at least, the time passed really fast. We were like two little boys, but in grown men’s...

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Honeymoon at Disneyland

Me and John had been fucking around behind my other-half’s back for three years. I’d carve a pumpkin for him for Halloween and we’d fuck. I’d bring him a basket on Easter morning and we’d fuck. I’d string a tree with lights, decorate it and on Christmas Eve before opening our presents to each other, we’d fuck. For three years, I’d bake him a birthday cake. After he blew out all the candles, we’d fuck.For me, at least, the time passed really fast. We were like two little boys, but in grown men’s...

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Alice in Wonderland

ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND BY Missy Crystal Chapter 1. Coming Out. "Who are YOU?" said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, "I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then." - Lewis Caroll, Alice in Wonderland It was Friday. I left work early. Today was the day. I had rehearsed it dozens of...

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