Politics the Page
- 4 years ago
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**Extra thanks to CopyCarver for helping me polish all of the chapters of this tale. You’re the man!!**
Forty-five minutes later, Nathan stepped out of his bedroom freshly showered and wearing a white pullover that he could have sworn fit him loosely last week, but now was gripping him tightly across the chest and arms. Dismissing it, he saw dad right where he had been when Nathan went to the shower, at the table, depressed. So Nathan wordlessly sat in the living room chair, and thumbed the TV remote to begin waiting.
Just a bit later Candy walked right into the house. She was wearing cut off shorts, and a yellow halter shirt that revealed her midriff. Kicking off her flip-flops as she entered, both Prescott men could see her smiling. They both smiled back.
‘I know it’s a bit late for lunch, but I took a gamble and brought some anyway,’ she said as she crossed the room to the kitchen and placed her bag on the table. Leaning over George she kissed him lightly and then began unloading the bag.
She had brought soup and sandwiches from a deli near her apartment, and they all ate together talking about her life. Candy sat in George’s lap throughout the entire affair. The stripper detailed herself to the Prescott’s without prodding, and Nathan watched his father relax almost from the moment she entered, and finally settle into a zone of comfort as they all talked.
The name wasn’t Candy, but actually Melanie. She was only thirty years old, and lived alone, having no children. It seemed that she had divorced two years ago, and the ex had left her with nothing but bad credit. They had been living lavishly for their income, and he had ‘taken care’ of everything financially. After the split he took off to some other state and disappeared. The creditors had pounced on her afterward and she hadn’t tried to do anything but pay. The job she had as a secretary didn’t pay nearly enough to take care of anything though. Collections took her car, and the house she had bought with him. So her clothes had come down, and her income rose. Melanie had finally covered all the debts a few months ago, and was now just saving to leave dancing altogether. Her plan was to keep at it until her body said it was time to quit, and go back to secretarial work, hopefully with a nice house and car in hand.
Knowing what was going to happen next, Nathan made some excuses, grabbed his keys, and rose to leave. When he looked back through the window before starting his truck he saw Melanie pulling the yellow top over her head, still sitting in dad’s lap.
He was planning on buying a cell phone, and killing some time. But ended up meandering around the mall after purchasing a phone instead. Being in control of things made him feel different from the people he walked past. All Nathan would need was just one hair, and any one of them would do whatever he asked. It made him feel confident, setting himself apart from them…special.
The sales people at the phone store were straight with him, and required a deposit before giving him a contract for a cell phone. Not bothered by it, he figured since he had no credit whatsoever that it was no surprise they wanted to protect their investment.
From the moment he had the phone until he decided to wander back home, he just walked, and looked. Not through the windows of the storefronts at the merchandise like the other mall patrons, but at the other patrons themselves. Since he met Dani, he didn’t want to choose people to take locks from just to please him physically. Instead he found himself wanting people who would be in positions to improve other things. At first it was ideas of store managers who would sell him things cheaply, then he went on to looking at the people walking, trying to guess what they did for a living and mentally debating the use it would be to him.
Without any more idea what he wanted than when he started, he headed back home. It was much later when he arrived, and both Dad and Melanie were gone. Friday night would be work for both so it didn’t bother him. He spent the rest of the evening, and in fact most of the rest of the weekend, day dreaming about what types of people he would get, and what types of things would make suitable locks for the people. Melanie stayed with them throughout the weekend, only making brief stops at her apartment for extra clothing. He and dad both took to calling her ‘Mel’ and she even cleaned the whole house the way one would do a ‘spring’ cleaning.
Monday morning Nathan forced himself up with the alarm, and dressed for work. He could head dad snoring through the walls. After tying his shoes he made it to the fridge for some cereal and found a list of food items they might need soon hung on it with a large magnetic letter F. Stuffing the list in his pocket he decided to pick the things up on his way home. Melanie was proving to be one of the better things about the book’s first chapter.
Once he was out the door he managed to drive to the new site without incident, and find Robert’s truck. The site was massive, much larger than the previous job, and had two additional crews besides the one he belonged to. Robert found him quickly however, and pulled him aside.
‘Big as hell eh? It’s supposed to be a resort hotel when we’re done.’ Robert spoke low and easy.
‘Come on, the company owner wants to talk to all us crew guys before we start. He’s got all of us on this one job right now, so he wants to tell us not to fuck up,’ he continued.
John Gofelt, the owner was a rotund bald white man of medium height. He had khaki pants and a green dress shirt that looked as if it could barely contain his girth. A large unlit cigar hung from his lips. He gave them a quasi-inspirational talk about attention to detail, and then took some questions. Predictably only the men who were old hands in the company or in positions of authority had any.
Nathan was completely uninterested in the whole thing, until Mr. Gofelt tried to light his cigar with a golden lighter, the kind that you close with a flick of your wrist when you are done with it. The lighter, it seems, refused to work, and he ended up setting it on a stack of lumber while one of the foremen offered his own lighter. Almost as soon as he had the cigar lit, a loud crash was over heard and everyone started moving quickly.
Apparently one of the trucks delivering materials for the job had backed into a row of concrete barriers dropped off by an earlier truck. The noise scattered everyone, and Mr. Gofelt wheeled toward the truck roaring profanities at it like only a man who has done construction for most of his life can. Everyone else ran to the barriers and truck trying to assess the damage.
Everyone but Nathan that is…his eyes were locked forward, staring at the gold lighter still perched on the lumber stack. It was too good to be true. All that concern about whom to get a lock from, and now the owner of his company was handing one out.
Carefully looking to see if anyone else was around, Nathan walked smoothly past the lumber, palming the lighter in his right hand with a short wave of his arm. Not slowing his movement the entire time, he walked straight away from it toward the concrete barriers where everyone else was huddled, and slipped the golden item into his front pocket.
By the lunchtime, Nathan was near euphoric. Everything was going his way. The other apprentice also started with a shovel in his hand, and was letting Nathan show him the ropes. Most of the crew from the previous job was treating him as if he were above the new guy too.
Sitting in the bed of his truck, munching on a sandwich, Nathan decided to give Dani a call. She answered on the third ring, and he could tell she was excited. After a few ‘How was your weekend?’ minutes, he asked her when she would be available to go out. She asked him to pick her up outside the dorm Wednesday after work, and that was that. So far he had a new lock, a decent situation at
the job site, and a date. Not a bad beginning to the week.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, work was the same. The job wasn’t moving full speed yet, and Nathan was still thrilled about his luck with the lighter. After work Wednesday though, his nerves started up. He rushed home to shower and change, deciding not to dress up, but rather to get a clean shirt and jeans and keep moving. When he was back in the truck and on his way, he called her again to let her know he’d be there in a few minutes.
Dani was wearing a little blue sundress when he pulled up. The hemline falling around the middle of her thigh, with her legs exposed all the way down to her flip-flop sandals. Her hair was pulled up into two perky pigtails. When she ran out of the dorm towards the truck, he put the shifter into park, and got out to open the door for her. As she entered the passenger seat, she tossed an almost insignificant handbag on the floorboard. Nathan assumed it had enough space in it for some ID and a little cash.
Getting back into his spot, and putting the truck into drive she read his mind, and beat him to the punch.
‘I’m famished, do you mind if we get something to eat?’ Dani asked.
‘Sure thing’ Nathan was pretty hungry himself. ‘How about some Chinese?’
‘Whatever you want…I think I can find this place most of the dorm orders from,’ she offered.
Soon he was following her directions to the yet unnamed place, and she was asking about his new work location. This was followed by an explanation of her English class, and the eventual arrival at the Chinese joint. Once inside they both learned that it was takeout only, but the since the aroma had already sunk its hooks in them, they ordered anyway.
Back in the truck they discussed where to eat. Dani seemed to want to see the house, and meet his dad, so he turned the truck toward home. After a discussion about the difficulties of being a DJ, they pulled up to the house. Looking for the tow truck and not finding it Nathan started to explain.
‘Looks like dad had to go to work, sorry you won’t be able to meet him. He usually doesn’t get home until early morning.’ Nathan was now holding the passenger side door open as she gracefully exited the vehicle with the bag of Chinese food.
Nathan then held open the door to the house and followed her in. Once inside she walked to the kitchen table and set the bag down. Kicking off her flip-flops she looked at him.
‘I like it. You may not think much of it, but it’s a real home, and I’ve spent the last three months in a dorm.’ Then adding with a hint of a smile, ‘Where’s your room?’
Pointing down the hall Nathan looked into the food bag and replied. ‘Back there.’
He was shocked when she started walking down the hall. Mouth agape, he watched her slowly meander to the door to his room and stop. She looked back as if to inquire if it was the right door, and he nodded slightly. Then with a single move she pulled the hem of her dress up and over her head. Nothing had been under it. Completely nude she opened the door and walked into his room.
Seconds passed before Nathan’s mind caught up. By the time he got to the room, she was sitting easily on the edge of his bed, leaning back, and propping herself up on her hands. Trying to keep up with the situation Nathan stepped between her legs, and pulled his shirt over his head.
When the shirt was still coming off of his head, he felt her grabbing at the button of his jeans. Tossing the shirt aside he looked down to see the pigtails as she looked down and unzipped his pants. In one motion she pulled his pants and his underwear down. Running her hands up the insides of his legs she cupped him, and slid one hand up his shaft. Then, looking up into his eyes, Dani hunched over and licked his head.
A smile crept across Nathan’s face as he watched her tongue glide over him. Breaking eye contact she took his sack into her mouth, and he moaned when she sucked in, making a pulsing action. Finally she grasped him firmly at the base with one hand and slid her lips tightly over him, sucking half of him into her mouth, still licking him with her tongue. He watched her cheeks throb with the movement for a bit, then having nothing else to do at the moment, laced his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.
Dani never stimulated him enough to approach climax, but kept him at a steady build for a good five minutes before leaning away from him, and running the heel of one foot up his torso and onto his shoulder. With his eyes open now, Nathan reached down and grabbed the other leg pulling it up to his other shoulder. Bending over to line up with her opening, he put a hand on the bed for balance, keeping the other tightly around an ankle.
Nathan’s first thrusts were awkward, barely inserting, and then slowly he managed to work his way in. A dozen thrusts in he found his hand slipping on the mattress. Trying to find better purchase Nathan absently picked up his hand and placed it on Dani’s collarbone, his fingers wrapping over her shoulder, and thumb lying on her neck.
With Dani folded up, Nathan increased the tempo. Driving deep into her and pulling out all but the tip with every piston-like action. Grasping tight with the hand on her shoulder he looked straight into her eyes and pounded on. Dani reached up to her shoulder and nudged his hand until it was higher up on her neck, then brought her other hand up and held it in place with both of her own.
The feel of the soft hot flesh under his palm, and the insistent grip of her small hands set Nathan’s nerves ablaze, electric pulses flooded across his skin, and he released the ankle. Placing his other hand on her neck as well, his arms wrapping her legs and holding them in place. Cautiously he tightened his grip on her throat, and felt the shiver run down her spine. A grin creeping across his face, he felt through his hands the purr that escaped her lips.
Seconds later she was exploding, her legs tensing and writhing, her hands tightening around his, still holding him there. For more than a minute she rode wave after wave. Her eyes rolled back, and her hands trembled as he continued to thrust. Limply she closed her eyes, pleasure etched in her face, she finally removed her hands and put them down to make contact with his hips. Slowly he lowered his pace until it was not much more than a crawl, before she pulled her legs down and pushed him back out of her and slightly away from the bed. Dropping off of the bed she lowered herself onto her knees, sat on her feet, and opened her mouth to him.
Grabbing his flanks she pulled him into her warm mouth. Deeply this time she took almost all of his length, and started swallowing to massage him. Pulling back, Dani looked up into his eyes, and then continued to swallow him. Not looking away, Nathan decided she wouldn’t mind him helping.
Placing a hand on either side of her head he began pumping into her mouth. The warmth of her, and the control he found in his superior position rocketed climax to him, and without warning he began to spasm. Not moving to stop him Dani accepted his orgasm, completely swallowing hard for several moments, and he never saw any result of the climax other than a brief flash of her tongue as he backed away when it was over.
Wordlessly he turned away after a few deep breaths, leaving her kneeling at the foot of his bed, her skin glistening slightly with perspiration. Stalking down the short hall he entered the kitchen and snatched the bag they had brought off of the table, and swiped two beers out of the fridge before returning.
Reentering his room, he found Dani lying under the comforter of his bed propped up with his pillow.
‘I went and grabbed the food. We’ll just eat here,’ he said putting the bag and the beers in the middle of the bed before crawling under the comforter.
‘Great,’ Dani replied sitting up even further to unload food, as Nathan twisted the beer caps off. ‘I like eating in bed, maybe I’ll
have an accident and need to be cleaned off.’
‘If you do I’ll have to dump you in the shower and hose you clean with cold water,’ Nathan deadpanned.
Taking a long slow drink from his beer, Nathan didn’t notice that Dani was staring at him until he put it back down. She hadn’t made a sound. He looked at the astonished and eager face, admired her silver lip piercing, and decided to set her at ease again.
‘It was just a joke Dani. I’m not some kind of asshole,’ he said trying to comfort her.
Surprisingly her expression didn’t change. Waiting for her to say something, Nathan chewed an egg roll.
‘What if I told you I’d be ok with that kind of stuff? Could you do it?’ Dani questioned, completely ignoring food.
Finishing a bite, Nathan thought for a second, and replied. ‘Sure, anything you’re into works for me. I dug having my hands around your neck, and loved spanking my last girlfriend.’
‘Could you do it harder next time?’ Dani meekly offered. Then immediately began poking at some noodles.
‘Yeah’ Nathan said eagerly before adding. ‘I’d like that, but do you mean the spanking or the choking?’
‘Both,’ Dani replied and began devouring noodles.
Over the next hour Nathan milled the idea of spanking her and choking her when they had sex. Meanwhile they ate, and watched some T.V. on the small set in his room. There was a lot of gray area between sex and what they were doing, so he figured he’d better get some more details out of her before making any new habits.
‘What are you looking for Dani?’ He asked while they lay in the bed, both still naked.
Taking a breath to think for a moment, Dani responded a little shyly. ‘Mostly to know that you’re in charge in bed. That you are powerful, and I am yours to have.’
It was a little more than Nate had bargained for. Being physically aroused by a slap or slight choke was all he had honestly expected, but Dani had an entire philosophy going here.
‘So you want me to be the boss about sex, I say when we have sex, and how?’ Nathan asked, turning from the television to look in her eyes.
‘Definitely,’ she panted, holding his gaze. ‘I’ll do anything you ask in here, as long as I can trust you.’
Shortly Nathan put a hand on one of her flushing cheeks, and pulled her into a deep kiss. A minute later, their tongues and lips parted company and he looked again into her eyes. Feeling that she was getting heated he decided to take the new rules out for a spin.
‘Stand up please,’ he said with an easy friendly tone.
Pushing the comforter aside, she swiveled her legs off of the bed and rose. When she turned around facing him, he pointed, and indicated she should stand at the foot of the bed. Smoothly she strode to the spot indicated, and smiled at him.
Lacing his fingers behind his head, Nathan leaned back and drank in the site of her from top to bottom. Her pink pig tails had become slightly mussed by his hands earlier, and her face was still a little flush with excitement. She had a smooth neckline, and narrow shoulders. Fit, but not athletic, she was not bony, and her skin was blemish, and virtually mark free. Her breasts stuck out well, and did not sag under their c-cup weight. They fit her frame nicely appearing well proportioned. Her flat stomach flowed seamlessly into her hips, displaying her crotch with its light velvety brown covering of hair.
‘Turn around,’ Nathan indicated, by waving his index finger, and she complied, allowing him to take in the highly erotic sight of the nape of her neck and back. His eyes traveled south down to her rear end, which was round and firm looking. Instantly he decided to test her on the spanking offer.
‘Turn back, and put your hands on the bed please,’ he said, and stood up himself.
When he walked up behind her he thought she was a little low for him to enter standing so he looked quickly around for some books to stand on. Once she was perched on them, he took in her legs again, and counted off seconds to a full minute before moving. He had decided to really see if she was sure they should do this by allowing her to get relaxed and not know what he was going to do.
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Escort SitesRub Page threw me for a minute with the name, because the first thing I thought of was old-timey pornography printed on actual paper. The older masturbators in the audience may even still have some nudie rags underneath the mattress, but who really needs a physical stash when you’ve got access to so many bigger, better collections on the internet? I imagine it’s the same thing with erotic massage directories. Sure, your creepy uncle might have a handwritten list he keeps folded up in his...
Erotic Massage SitesHello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the first ever MISS SUPER HEROINE pageant! Gathered together here today are some of the most beautiful super heroines in the worlds around today. These beauties are all competing in the first contest ever of its type. In this contest the heroines will compete in a variety of competitions such as, but not limited to: Best costume (The heroine will walk the catwalk and model the costume she is best known for wearing) Best alternate costume (The heroine...
More Than Just A Womanless Pageant (Chapter 1) by: crossvestite Players: Daddy-Steve Daughter-Amy Son-Andy Amy's Boyfriend-Lucas It was late autumn and I was sitting at my desk in my home office working on project. I'm a communications consultant who contracts with several media companies. Widowed for 5 years and now a single father of 2 kids, twin boy & girl. They are seniors in high school and the sort of kids who never cause any problems and seem to have great futures....
“You’re looking well,” Eric said when he picked Candy up Sunday. It was an opinion honestly felt. She had always been beautiful, but she had also been hangdog. She didn’t actually look chipper, but she did look calmer. “Thanks. You always look nice. I feel like I’m underdressed when I’m with you. Do you own anything but suits?” “Yeah. I even own a couple of pairs of jeans, which isn’t to say that I could fit in them. But think for a minute. What do you wear to school? Jeans?” “Yeah.” “But...
I sit on the bench, enjoying the warm sunlight on my skin, and survey the park. It’s fairly quiet today, with a few families sitting on the benches around the lake further down the slope, a young couple sunbathing on a towel near the big tree, a man in a business suit on the bench nearest to mine eating a sandwich and reading the newspaper. I’m alone on my bench; obviously I prefer to have the whole thing to myself, and I’m satisfied that the risk of anybody sitting next to me and spoiling my...
Mind Control----------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13 I was sore. Something was on my chest. I was thirsty, always so thirsty. All of a sudden, someone lowered their face to mine. It was Candy. I’d know her smell anywhere. I was instantly angry. I opened my eyes, and there she was. “Come on, Gail,” Candy said, touching my face with just a little pat to make sure I was awake. “That’s it. That’s it.” “Wha…” I could barely speak. My face was...
----------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 The only J's I knew of was down on shit street by the shipbuilding yards. The only reason I knew that was because at one point I used to make "deliveries" down there because a chick I let move in with me took off with my savings I had stuck in the mattress. Yes, I actually did that. Shut up. My logic was that no one would be stupid enough to do such a thing, so who would actually look there? In my brilliance, I...
Don't be afraid to send me a note - if you want the whole story. Yes, yours free for staying with me this far. At 55 chapters, this is a full novel. Find me elsewhere on the web. Search my name, then email me. Mention you come from here and I'll hook you up. ----------------------------------- Chapter 7 I don’t know just how long I stood staring at that damn thing, but my legs started aching, so I figured it must have been a considerable length. I couldn’t process my...
She was being fucked to the hilt. There were no two ways about it. She did seem to like it, which was unusual for this line of work. Watching, I felt more uncomfortable than usual. A lot of guys think this is the dream job. They would be wrong. There are lights. It's hot. People sweat—even I was sweating—and not all people smell good when they sweat. Then there are body fluids. And gasses. People let those out right along with their semen and vaginal releases. It didn't matter. They...
She was being fucked to the hilt. There were no two ways about it. She did seem to like it, which was unusual for this line of work. Watching, I felt more uncomfortable than usual. A lot of guys think this is the dream job. They would be wrong. There are lights. It's hot. People sweat—even I was sweating—and not all people smell good when they sweat. Then there are body fluids. And gasses. People let those out right along with their semen and vaginal releases. It didn't matter. They...
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 So, I spilled my guts. She wanted to know who I knew in the industry. The important people. The small people. Some in between. There were a few people I didn’t mention. My brain wasn’t so soaked in rum that I couldn’t keep a few secrets. Sexy fucking Candy just sat on the bed occasionally touching her stomach, occasionally letting her fingers slide lower to distract me… What was I...
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Okay, I get it. I was coming off a buzz. I was tired, I was dehydrated, and I was distracted by a memory about a similar sharp and pointy thing which was now pressing against the soft flesh between a couple of my ribs. And I still had my dick in my hand. God, I felt stupid. I was also still scared enough to not let my hand release my dick for even one second. “You’ve got your cock,” Candy said,...
----------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 My mouth was dry and full of the taste of Candy’s pussy. I wanted two things at that moment, and the other one was a coke and rum. All the air that came into me had Candy on it. My lips, face, the inside of my nose and mouth were covered in Candy. I shook my head and opened my eyes. I couldn’t help but chuckle at what I had just gone through. Yes, I would have to get myself checked for the normal blood and dick...
Faye Millerton reveals a little... Catherine Meadows was Vanessa Staunton’s new bitch. I doubt if she’d have called herself that but she was, it was obvious. I was a bit jealous, to be honest. Van, as we members of ‘Dole Queue’ knew her, was a gorgeous mature woman, a fabulous if didactic and control freakish director and voraciously lesbian. I’d fancied her ever since we started ‘The Queue’ but it was not, so it seemed, to be. I also fancied Catherine or, as Van called her for some reason best...
LesbianBlossom reveled in the stares from the men and women alike as she sought a likely target. Even in a big city, someone like her would be sure to turn heads. Not that there truly was anyone like her, not yet. But this mall should serve her purposes nicely. Yes, she'd cased the area earlier, and found a bathroom where she knew there would be no security camera surveillance. Let them stare! Let them stare at the way her tight, white cocktail dress hugged her impossible curves and accentuated each...
LesbianOOPPSS. The Pageant Or... OOPPSS I Did It Again...! By Maria Ski Things did change after the night I got caught coming in late by my mother. We had a long talk over breakfast the following morning. I had, as requested, dressed as Jennifer. And the upshot of the conversation was that Jennifer would be around a lot longer than I expected. The thought of being Jennifer both thrilled and made me a little nervous. But I believed, and so did my mother and sister, that I could rise to...
You wake, roll over and sit, eyes still adjusting to your surroundings. As you rub your eyes and clear your mind there is something familiar about this place. Instinct brings about recognition of where you are and you peer at the shapes before you in the darkness. No longer sleeping in your bed the realisation dawns. You lay on cushions, comfortably reclined, a rug on the floor beneath you, the stars showing in the velvet sky above. A distant fire burns low, the vast room bathed in its faint...
Sitting here naked except for my cage, what a feeling the cold steel around my cock and balls has set me free to explore. Last night with Mistress was the best! As I relive it I want to touch myself but I am locked away, no access to a key and I love it for my cock is no longer mine. My ass is still all tingly in such a good way. Mistress is getting less and less shy about spanking me harder! When She stopped I wanted to beg for more but that isn't my place. The cold steel is a constant...
FemdomThis incident happened to me about five years back when I was in tenth. It was the annual cultural festival. I had a drama where I had the lead role. Before the drama I was going to put on my costume. Our school was a two floored school. I went to the second floor. No one was there in sight. I was going to enter a room when I heard a slight moan. It was coming from the room adjacent to mine. Thinking that someone was in trouble I rushed to the room. The lights were off. When I put the light on...
As a tutor with the ‘Adult education department’ Rick was familiar with other classes and when he was informed that a class member that was in the drawing section wanted to be transferred to the Monday class, dealing with the same subject, he immediately thought here was an opportunity to palm the arrangement he had to pick up a woman and take her to that class, onto someone else; a pickup he had been doing for some time; it was an arrangement that he had made and although he didn’t attend the...
Sunday evening, Alice, Pam, and Dave sat in a booth in the TGIFridays restaurant near their home. They’d gotten seats away from most of the others in the place. Football games showed on about twenty TV monitors around the large room and bar area, but the place wasn’t crowded. “So, who goes first?” Alice asked after they’d ordered. Dave gestured to her. Pam just gestured at Alice. Alice said, “OK, I’ll start and we’ll go back and forth. Next week, one of you start. My first question has to...
"It's best if you crawl in head first. The dress will follow you," instructed Holly as she guided Tim to the rear door of mother's Volkswagon Golf. As Tim (or Tabitha tonight) crawled carefully into the rear seat of the car, he used his hands to pull himself forward, whilst aware of the drag of the huge plume of material on his waist and hips. "Keep going all the way to the otherside, then try and turn a little and sit. I'll tuck the rest of the dress into the car beside...
The time had come. Punchline and I had waited a year since our summer trips of ’09 to get back on an airplane, ditch the uncharacteristically cloudy California summer, and fly to the land of green landscape, midnight sun, no religion, expensive beers, and beautiful women: Scandinavia. Denmark We arrived in Copenhagen on a Wednesday afternoon, tired and grimy from fourteen hours of flying. We’d each slept no more than two hours on the plane, so after checking into our hotel, we crashed with the...
You come across a young-looking, pretty mother seeing her son get safely onto the school bus. A black cat is curled up on the hood of the mother's car. A man is walking past with a spring in his step. They all seem happy. Time for you to trash their lives.
The time had come. Punchline and I had waited a year since our summer trips of ’09 to get back on an airplane, ditch the uncharacteristically cloudy California summer, and fly to the land of green landscape, midnight sun, no religion, expensive beers, and beautiful women: Scandinavia.Denmark We arrived in Copenhagen on a Wednesday afternoon, tired and grimy from fourteen hours of flying. We’d each slept no more than two hours on the plane, so after checking into our hotel, we crashed with the...
MILFIf Tom thought that registering to become a Lifestyle Nudist was going to be easy he was wrong - very wrong indeed. It all started off looking so easy but the whole process very quickly got bogged down in a whole quagmire of paper work and red tape. Tom very quickly realized that becoming a Lifestyle Nudist was going to involve way more than just signing a piece of paper and doing a boy scout salute at the flag. Once Tom had left the Success Nudist Resort and returned home he sent off an...
In swarming numbers, the people rushed by, off on their own little errands. Head above the crowds, Bob mused how tall he seemed in Chinatown. Smells of oriental cooking wafted along with the more familiar smells of dense City life. Tony, the kid's name, had led him here. The boy would have walked the entire way, but Bob decided a taxi would serve them better. The expatriate Pakistani driver understood just enough English to get them downtown. The narrow side streets were cluttered with...
It had been Kelly’s idea to visit the fair. She’d been chasing Ben all summer and his band had got a booking to play the beer tent, doing their covers set for the drunks. She was desperate to go, having spent the summer trying to catch his eye every Friday night across the bar at the Fox, but he’d not shown more than a passing interest, no matter how overt she’d been with her flirting.In her head, this was going to be her big moment, when he’d gaze out across the trestle tables and sea of red...
SupernaturalIle du Levant American nudists have an inferiority complex. We all know the real action is in Europe. I discovered that most European nudists don't even think of themselves as nudists, just normal people who sunbathe nude. What a difference from the USA! Most of us here on the Western side of the "pond" speak of Ile du Levant as if it were Camelot, once upon a time... Yet over there where you can go to the island for a day's visit most people don't even seem to know about...
Heard a Dr. on TV say to get through the boredom of self-isolation we should finish things we start and thus have more calm in our lives. I looked through the house to find all the things I’ve started but hadn’t finished... So I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiumun srciptuns, an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how feckin fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss. An telum u luvum. ✧ ✧...