Cosplay Cumdump Chapter 1 Victim Of The Vixens
- 2 years ago
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Ken stared at the wall of video screens at the terminal. He had a knot in his stomach that had been there ever since Shay told him that she was flying into Boston a couple of weeks before. The knot was getting even tighter now. He was just grateful that her inbound flight to Logan was on time – having to wait any longer to hold her again would have been absolute torture. He had memorized her flight and gate, but couldn’t help himself from going back to check again and again, as if the video screen was his connection to her.
‘Flight 2219, Gate C3’ He read out loud. Knowing that the plane would be arriving soon, he started to make his way to the gate. He felt as if everyone was watching him walk through the terminal, wondering what was fueling the beaming smile on his face.
Ken finally got to gate C3 about 15 minutes before Shay’s flight was scheduled to touch ground. The knot in his stomach was giving way to swarms of butterflies. Before sitting down, he double checked to make sure his shirt was tucked in. He grabbed the handkerchief from his back pocket as he took his glasses off, blowing moist breath on the lenses before cleaning them. Putting his glasses back on, he caught his reflection in the floor to ceiling length window overlooking the tarmac. He stood there for a moment or two, checking his hair, trying to make sure everything was in place. He finished fussing over himself and sat down in the waiting area. Trying to look casual, he grabbed a magazine and began to leaf through it. His mind was elsewhere – it took him couple of minutes to realize that he had been leafing through an issue of Family Circle. Sighing heavily, he tossed the magazine down on the seat next to him. He had given up trying to look cool. He wanted her there now.
A couple more minutes passed before a voice came over the PA announcing Shay’s flight. The number of butterflies dancing in Ken’s tummy instantly doubled, and he felt like a kid at Christmas as he watched the plane start to taxi off of the runway and make its way towards the gate. After an eternity, the gate doors opened and people began to make their way into the terminal. Shay emerged, carrying a medium sized bag. She was wearing one of his favorite sun dresses, and looked amazingly fresh for someone who had just spent hours in a plane. Her tan skin contrasted so nicely against the lavender of the dress. Her light blonde hair was tied back in a tight ponytail, with little strands of hair, her ‘thingys’, sneaking out of the ponytail and framing her face perfectly. Ken stood there in awe of the beauty before him, and found himself speechless as she searched the crowd looking for him.
As Shay’s eyes darted from person to person, a big smile took over her face as she saw him standing there waiting for her. Fighting the temptation to push through the crowd in front of her, she made her way over to where he was standing. She found herself finally before him and dropped her bag at his feet. Shay looked deep into Ken’s dark brown eyes and reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. He sighed contentedly as he leaned down to her and kissed her passionately, without a single word being said. Ken wrapped his arms around her waist and effortlessly picked her up so that her feet left the floor. As he held her completely, Ken snaked his tongue into her mouth, exploring her and tasting her breath. They became completely unaware of their surroundings as the crowd of arriving passengers weaved around them. Time stood still for them both as they shared of each other in their kiss.
After a long moment, Ken gently lowered Shay back into the ground. Only after making sure that Shay was firmly on her feet and had her balance did he break the kiss. Looking into her eyes again, watching them sparkle, he found himself completely overwhelmed by his emotion and he started to laugh, with a tear rolling down his cheek. Shay reached up and gingerly wiped the tear away with her index finger and smiled up at him.
‘Welcome to Boston, baby’ he whispered to her. ‘I thought you’d never get here.’
Ken grabbed her bag in one arm as he took her hand and made his way to the baggage area. As they made their way through the airport, she filled him in on how her flight was. It never failed to amaze him that she could tell a story about how the stewardess passed out drinks and still find a way to make it funny. He lingered on every word she said to him.
As they stood at the baggage carousel, Shay started to press as to what sort of plans Ken had in mind for them during her stay. He just smiled back at her.
‘As you always say to me, honey’ he joked to her ‘We’ll do something, even if we do it wrong’.
‘C’mon baby’, she pleaded, as she pointed out her bag to him on the carousel. ‘Aren’t you going to show me what Bawstun has to offer?’
‘Gonna show you all that and more’ Ken chided as he lugged her suitcase off of the carousel. ‘You’ll just have to wait until we get there.’
They finally made their way out of the airport and to the lot where his car was waiting. Ken popped the trunk and lovingly placed her bags inside. Once her things were securely in place, Ken looked up and smiled at her as he pulled a large plastic bag out of the trunk. He made his way over to the passenger side of the car where she was waiting patiently to be let in. He backed her up against his Honda and kissed her quickly, moving his lips down to her neck as he reached down with his right hand and unlocked her door. He reluctantly pulled himself from her to open the door. Ken felt a slight stir as she lowered herself into his car, the sun dress riding up her thighs a bit as she adjusted herself in the seat. She looked up at him once she had made her way inside and noticed him staring at her legs.
‘Kenneth’ she admonished. ‘There’s time for that later. Please close the car door and let’s go’.
Ken couldn’t help but smile at getting caught. He nodded silently and closed her car door. He made his way around the front of the car swinging the plastic bag in his hand as she watched him through the windshield. He let himself in on the driver’s side and slid in behind the wheel. He plopped the plastic bag down on his lap as he smiled at her and clicked his seat belt. She looked at him and the bag quizzically.
‘OK, tonight is your first lesson about Boston’ he explained to her. ‘If you are to experience nothing else about the city, you need to see this. He reached into his bag and pulled out a brand new baseball cap. It was medium blue in color and had had a white ‘T’ on the front with red trim around it. Confused, she took it from him.
‘Kenny, are you telling me that I came all the way to Boston for you to give me a Texas Rangers hat?? I mean, I’m happy to see you, but I could have gotten one of these at home.’
‘As always, my baby is so patient’ he answered. ‘Once you told me you were coming I checked and saw that the Rangers were coming to town this same weekend. I figured that there was no better way to show you the best of Boston than to take you to a game at Fenway.’ As he was saying this, Ken reached into the back seat of his car and pulled out his well loved vintage Sox cap and placed it on his head. Shay followed suit with her new hat, pulling the ponytail out of the hole in the back.
‘OK, we’ve gotta start moving if we’re gonna catch the start of the game. We’re bound to hit some pretty bad traffic on the way… but at least we’ll have good company for the ride.’
Shay smiled pretty as she nodded and placed her hand on Ken’s thigh. He slid the Honda into first and began to weave their way out of Logan Airport, heading over towards Kenmore Square. Shay stared out the window watching the buildings go by. He blew a kiss to her without taking his eyes off the road as they entered the Sumner Tunnel.
‘Just hang in there, baby, we’ll be there soon.’
Finally, once they emerged from the tunnel and got onto Storrow Drive, Ken pointed out the big Citgo sign rising abov
e the buildings. ‘That’s where we’re headed, sweetie. Just a few more minutes now’.
Ken pulled into a parking lot a couple of blocks away from the park and paid the attendant. He jumped out of the car and ran around the front to open Shay’s door for him. As she stood up she leaned in and pecked a kiss on his cheek. He grabbed her by the hand and started to take her up the hill towards Yawkey Way. The mob of people on the sidewalk forced them to walk one in front of the other, but Ken kept his right hand behind him so as not to lose her in the crowd. Shay looked around in amazement, watching the ticket scalpers hustle, watching the vendors with their shopping carts trying to sell everything from ‘Yankees Suck’ t shirts to fake rolex watches. She kept herself as close as she could to Ken without walking on the back of his shoes.
Finally, at the top of the hill they reached the admittance gate. The entire length of Yawkey way was always shut down during games, and the street was lined with stands selling souvenirs, hot dogs, and watered down beer. Still hand in hand, they made their way from stand to stand, grabbing a couple of Fenway Franks and some beers to bring to their seats. Now with their arms full, Ken winked at her began to walk inside.
Ken led the way towards their seats and folded hers down for her so she could sit. He had paid dearly for these tickets – they were halfway down the first base line about 10 rows back. Ken had called in about 5 different favors to land them, but he figured that if he was gonna show his baby what baseball in Boston was all about, he was going to do it right He grinned over at her as Shay’s eyes scanned over the field with excitement as the players warmed up in front of her. Ken pointed the Boston players out one by one to her, and she complained in return that they didn’t have names on their jerseys. Tradition was obviously lost on her.
Just before the first pitch, Shay looked at Ken with a devilish grin on her face. He knew that look – she was obviously up to something.
‘You a gambling man, BAWSTUN?’ she teased.
‘Depends on the wager’ he answered back to her.
‘Well, whoever’s team wins gets to call the shots for the rest of the night’
‘Shay, baby, I don’t see how there could be a loser in this bet’
‘Good then, we’re on.’
Ken leaned in to seal the bet with a kiss, but Shay immediately turned to watch the game, feigning interest in the action on the field and trying not to bust up laughing. Ken smiled to himself as he took her hand in his and rested it in her lap. Shay smiled and put her head down on Ken’s shoulder as they both watched the game.
Ken began to get absorbed into the game as Shay began to look around watching the goings on in the stands. She rolled her eyes at the drunk frat boys falling over each other, spilling beer all over the place. She smiled softly as she watched a father with pencil in hand show his son how to score a game. She decided it was time for a bit of fun.
‘Kenny, sweetie, can we get some peanuts?’ she asked.
‘Sure baby, whatever you want’ Ken answered. The Sox were down by 2 and he was starting to get nervous. He paid little attention as he reached into his pocket for some money and waved his other hand to the peanut vendor down in the first row. Shay put her hand on Ken’s thigh as he nodded to the peanut guy to toss the bag up. It was just the moment she had been waiting for. Her eyes widened as the vendor pulled back to release the bag of peanuts like a quarterback going for a deep pass. Just as he released, Shay slid her hand to Ken’s inner thigh, grabbing his cock through his pants. He gasped and turned his head in shock to look at her, only to get pegged in the side of the head with the bag of peanuts. He snapped back to reality just in time to watch the peanut vendor double over with laughter in perfect unison with Shay’s giggles. Ken begrudgingly passed down the money to the vendor as he glanced over at Shay.
‘You got me baby’ Ken muttered. ‘You better hope you win the bet.’
‘Don’t worry Shuggar, I will’ Shay bubbled back.
‘Here, I do believe you said you wanted these’ Ken grumbled as he handed the bag of peanuts to her.
‘Oh no thanks, baby’ she cooed as she smiled ‘I really don’t care for peanuts.’
Ken reached his arm around her shoulder and hugged her tight as he shook his head.
They reached the seventh inning stretch, and stood for a moment. Ken reached over and placed his hand on Shay’s shoulder, rubbing it gently. As the crowd began to sing ‘Take me out to the Ballgame’, Shay grabbed Ken back and pulled him to her, reaching up and wrapping her arms around his neck, staring into his eyes just as she had done at the airport. She stood up on her tiptoes and took his bottom lip between hers, sucking on it gently. Ken jumped a bit as Shay slid her right hand down his chest, over his stomach, and rested just over his cock, squeezing slightly. She felt him start to start to come alive in her hand, and moaned slightly as they continued their kiss. As the fans ended their singing and began to sit, Ken finally broke the kiss and looked down at her, the two of them still standing.
‘You know, baby,’ he began. ‘There’s bound to be nasty traffic getting out of here. Maybe we should head out now and beat the crowd.’
Shay bit her bottom lip as she slowly nodded. ‘Whatever you say, Shuggar, but if we leave now, that means that I win the bet. My Rangers are still leading.’
‘Small price to pay’ Ken answered as he grabbed Shay’s hand and headed for the exit.
They walked back to the parking lot hand in hand, swinging their arms in between them as they continued along. They made minor small talk, and Shay started giggling as she realized Kenny was going out of his way to emphasize his Boston accent, knowing that she loved it. There wasn’t much he wouldn’t do to get a smile out of her. As they got to his car, Ken followed Shay to the passenger side of the car just as he had done before. He took her by the arm and swung her around so that she was facing him. Shay grinned and reached down between them towards Ken’s cock, using her grip to pull him closer to her. As he leaned in to kiss her, he reached up with his left hand and cupped her breast through her sun dress, hearing and feeling her as she moaned into his mouth. His cock began to grow in her hand, and he began to wonder whether he should take he right there on his car or if he could actually wait until they got home. Suddenly looking up, Ken laughed as he realized that they were putting on quite a show for the parking attendant who was standing about 20 feet from them. Ken flashed a wink and a smile to the attendant as he reached around Shay and let her into the car.
They made their way out of the parking lot and headed out of the city. It was about a half an hour drive to home, and Ken knew that he was just going to sit and simmer the entire way home. Shay turned on the radio and found that it was on a local country station. She glanced over at him and smiled… she knew that he hadn’t ever really listened to country music before they had met, but it seemed to be all he had on now. She sighed happily as Jimmy Wayne’s ‘You Are’ came on the radio, and she reached over the console to rest her hand on Ken’s thigh, listening as he sang to her softly.
Finally, they pulled into Ken’s driveway. Ken popped the trunk and grabbed her bags as Shay let herself out of the car. She followed him up the front stairs of the porch, playfully grabbing his ass as he put her bags down to unlock the door. He just smiled at her and motioned her into the house. Stepping inside, Ken placed Shay’s bags on the love seat and turned to see her right behind him, close enough that he almost bumped into her as he turned around.
‘Thank you for taking me to the game, Kenny’ Shay whispered. ‘I had a good time.’
‘I’m glad, baby’ Ken replied. ‘I hope you don’t mind that we left early. I really wanted to get you back here
and have you all to myself.’
Shay smiled warmly. ‘That’s OK, shuggar. Instead of watchin those guys play ball, we can just play a little ball ourselves.’
‘Well, we’ve still got that bet hanging over us, Shay. If I remember correctly, I have to do whatever you say for the rest of the evening.’
‘Oh, I haven’t forgotten… your first order is to take me upstairs to your room. We’ll continue on from there.’
Without saying another word, Ken took Shay by the hand and led her up the stairway to the master bedroom.
Rather than turning on the light, Ken pulled a lighter out of his pocket and began to light candles, bathing the room in a warm rich glow. He made his way back to where Shay was waiting for him and looked down into her eyes. he could see the candle light flickering in the pools of blue. Still watching the flames dance in her eyes, he reached up and brushed the side of her face with his hand, her head instinctively leaning towards his touch. He slowly brought his hand down her face, down to her neck, and down onto her shoulder. As he reached the shoulder tie on her dress, he pulled on it slowly, feeling the knot give way. Still silently staring into her eyes, Ken undid the knot completely, brushing the strings of the tie off of her shoulder. Reveling in the soft feel of her skin, he slid his hand back up to Shay’s neck, resting it finally against the side of her face again. Reaching up with his right hand now, he placed his hand on Shay’s left shoulder, pulling the tie loose.
Shay stood before Ken feeling only the swell of her breasts keeping her dress up. Her breathing began to increase in anticipation of what she knew was about to happen. She felt her face began to flush. As Ken placed his lips on the side of her neck, she felt a jolt of electricity shoot up from her pussy and radiate throughout her body. She wanted to react – she wanted to put her arms around him and hold him to her, but she couldn’t move. Every nerve in her body was focused on the feel of his lips on her. She parted her mouth slightly and a sigh escaped her.
As Ken slowly kissed down her neck, he placed his hands on her upper chest, just underneath her collarbone. He slowly slid his hands downward, pushing her dress down in the process. As the palms of his hands grazed over Shay’s nipples, her dress finally dropped to the floor around her feet, leaving her only in her white cotton panties. Gently, Ken began to squeeze her soft breasts and took Shay’s earlobe between his teeth, biting it gently. As if suddenly being awakened, Shay reached up and quickly began unbuttoning Ken’s shirt, almost ripping the buttons off in the process. After untucking his shirt and unbuttoning it completely, she assaulted his belt buckle, pulling on it blindly until it finally gave way. As she massaged Ken’s cock through his jeans, feeling it throb through the denim, Shay used her other hand to undo the button. As she began to painstakingly lower his fly, Ken lowered his mouth down to her right nipple, sucking it between his lips. As he tasted the sweetness of her nipple, he shucked his shirt onto the floor, revealing the soft hair of his chest to her. With her nipple in his mouth, he began to hum softly, knowing that the vibrations from his lips would go right through her. Shay gasped as her left hand reached down into his unbuttoned jeans, her right hand sliding up his stomach slowly, weaving her fingers into his chest hair. Wanting to continue the tease in a more comfortable position, Shay withdrew her hand from Ken’s jeans and pushed him backwards, causing him to fall back onto the bed.
Ken looked up towards the beauty standing before him. Shay licked her lips as she reached down with both hands to peel Ken’s jeans off of him, dragging his boxers down with them. She jumped back a bit as his cock sprang out of his jeans to full attention. Ken groaned as his hardness was suddenly exposed to the slight coolness of the room. He watched her as she lowered herself over him, seeming to hover as she brought her face up to his. She lowered down and bit onto his bottom lip, tugging on it. With a smile on her face, she released his lip and whispered to him.
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Interracial"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 4: "B" is for Ballerina When mummy told me I was going to ballet lessons, I howled and sobbed. "Please, mummy!" I cried. "Please don't make me do ballet dancing!" Mummy wouldn't change her mind. "Going to ballet is part of your punishment for being such a naughty little boy," she said. "But mummy," I said, tears rolling down my face, "I already wear lacy dresses and frilly knickers every day. Why do I have to do ballet and go to Brownies as...
The 8-ball is a mysterious item rumored to be from an alternate dimension; it's everlasting, undying, passed down from generation to generation. But this 8-ball isn't just an antique to hold, or a tool to be used, hell, it isn't even meant to be in a game of pool. No, this 8-ball is alive, or to be more exact, whatever's inside is alive. Multiple individuals have claimed to have spoken to the being in the ball, though no one has ever seen it; or if they have, lived to tell the tale. You see,...
Mind ControlThe Snowball I was on my way home when I smelled radiator fluid inside my car. I knew right then that I had a leak in the heater coil, so I rolled my window down to let the strong odor escape. That’s when I got hit in the side of my face with a snowball. As I looked around I saw a young girl in a pink coat with white fur run into a house. I parked my car and walked up to the door. A very pleasant woman opened the door. Samantha was thirty years old and my age. She was way to young...
Paint BallA Fantasy by Sardonicus It all started out as a way to heighten the interest in our Paint Ball competition. The men in our group had been playing for some time and we had the luck to have a member who owned some land out in a rural area. We had converted it to a Paint Ball war field, complete with areas suitable for constructing camps for headquarters. It was a good forty acres in size, with no immediate neighbors, so it was ideal for our purposes. We basically had some...
Meet Candice, a 35 year old single woman with shoulder length black hair and sapphire blue eyes. Her perky breasts are 38C with large nipples and her pussy is always smoothly shaved. She has never had sex with a woman at all as she prefers men with long hard cocks. She had come to the costume shop in search of that perfect Halloween costume. She stood there looking at a variety of costumes; Dancing girls, Witches, Hookers, Policewoman, Queens, Tarzan and Jane matching outfits and...
The Blue Ball By Keterra Sands Copyright (c)2000 by Keterra Sands all rights reserved [email protected] This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. This story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with changes of gender. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T. This is a science fiction story. About a boy who is captured by aliens for their experiments and...
I hate going to charity balls. You have to get dressed in a monkey suit, they’re always so crowded and boisterous that even if you don’t have claustrophobia you feel icky, you have to listen to boring speeches, the band is often either too loud or bad, and the drinks are way overpriced. I have no problem sending money to worthy causes I just don’t like the events that they think they have to sponsor to get donations. My wife, on the other hand, loves to get dressed up, chat with dozens of...
I hate going to charity balls. You have to get dressed in a monkey suit, they’re always so crowded and boisterous that even if you don’t have claustrophobia you feel icky, you have to listen to boring speeches, the band is often either too loud or bad, and the drinks are way overpriced. I have no problem sending money to worthy causes I just don’t like the events that they think they have to sponsor to get donations. My wife, on the other hand, loves to get dressed up, chat with dozens of...
MatureAuthor's note: This story was written in the 1980's, way before 'Billy Elliot' saw the light of day! BILLY, THE BOY BALLERINA By Sylvia Who? 1. Billy Liar "Bye, bye Billy!" Melissa called cheerily as she closed the front door behind her, trotting down the path to join dad in the car for her trip to school. Meanwhile, I was staggering down the stairs still half- asleep after my early morning foray into the garden while everyone else was still in bed. I could see mum out...
*This story with pics. "Screwdrivers and a little 9 ball" "Screwdrivers and a little 9 ball" Hello I'm Tara, First I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself in case you haven't read any of my stories before and also to help you understand the story a little...
As Cassandra felt the delights of Alfonse's cock for the first time and drank of his blood to fulfill her destiny more than her body was changed. Yes, she became a vampire as was he, but somehow the desires to know everything flooded her mind and body both. This is the continuation of the short story written originally for a contest. Without the word count limitation now in place, see just how far our little vamp slut will go to find the answers to her fantasies.Cassie grinned from ear to ear...
SupernaturalHi All,This is my first ever real attempt at writting a story to post. It is ALL fiction, and most of it is just made up and what I think it would be like but never experianced. I was inspired to write this after looking at some pics from a friend. I have an overactive imagination which is probably much better in my head than on paper. I suppose I should have proof read it, but I'm assuming I'll probabl be the only person to read it. Please have mercy when commenting... if anyone reads this at...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: I always wanted to have a ball like Mom's Wedding Ball, but these things need spontaneity. No one my own age wants to do vintage dance, but the vintage dance societies—yes there are such things—tend to be narrowly focused on one period. The wedding ball did a little of everything. Aunt Francine knew an incredible number of them, but not everything. One of my favorite pictures is of Niles, one of Dad's security people, demonstrating British formal dance...
Micester High wasn’t just a school, it was the town’s leisure and community centre—funded by Liddington-Phipps, of course. Every year there were five charity Balls held in the school’s massive sports hall. The Halloween, Christmas and Valentine’s Balls were all themed. The Late Spring and Late Summer balls didn’t have themes but were the largest and most lavish. The Balls themselves were supposed to be for over-eighteens only, but in reality, most of the kids from years eleven, twelve and...
Playmate by shalimar I took a break from my household chores on that early May afternoon and watched Miriam, my five-year-old and her friend, Sarah, learn a clapping song from two of the older girls in the neighborhood. The older girls are very patient with my baby and her friend as they learn the actions, rhythm and words of the song, "Playmate." As I watched them it brought back memories of my own childhood, sitting and watching the girls in the neighborhood do that and other...
So we are Father and Daughter, I am almost 40 years your senior. The sex is good, we don’t have to live together, we just enjoy our times together. You like having sex with Dad , and I enjoy the attentions of a young sexy woman.who is my daughterOne Saturday morning, I call you up and say, ' Kayla wanna go get an ice cream and take a walk?"You are thrilled, and you say “sure Dad”.I tell you I’ll pick you up in about an hour, and we’ll go get an ice cream cone and do some window shopping. I...
Caution, this is a PG tale of gender exchange, read it at your own risk; enjoy it as a story. Helpful comments are always welcome. Proofreaders are always welcome to contact me about errors. Below is lead in. Are lesbians really better softball players? Henry thought so and he will have a chance to find out as Hal and Janet take Henry "downtown" to see life on the other side of the gender barrier. Everybody knows, real women play hardball too! Real Women Play Softball "That...
Charity Ball By Sissy Lizzy I'd decided to take one or two years off between high school and college, so that I could learn more about the real world, and was talking to my mom, when Karen, my long time friend stopped by with some big news. "Kelly," she cried out, "You won't believe this. I've just won two tickets to the Landsown Charity custom ball on the radio." "My God, Karen," mom almost shrieked, "Those tickets are worth $500 each." "That's fantastic," I joined in....
Last December the corporation my husband worked for had their annual Christmas costume party. Its always held at the owners mansion. My husband John has worked at Inter-Melton Corporation for only three years but already he is being considered for a managers position that recently opened up. We were both very excited about the costume party. I'm 20 years old and have been married to John for a little over two years. John is 27 years old and has to be the very best husband a girl could ever...
Just a quick one inspired by Playa Samara, Costa Rica. This is my effort for the Earth Day contest, and as such I hope I haven’t gone too flowery with the philosophical musings of the principal character herein, I was just trying to justify the link to Earth Day. Anyway, as usual, there may be errors, if there are, forgive me. Send feedback if the mood takes, let me know what you like — if anything — or what you didn’t like. If you do send/post feedback/comments please make ’em constructive. ...
Brie could not be happier. She sat next to her brand new husband Billy as he drove their convertible sports car down the highway. She admired her husband's handsome face and hard athletic body for probably the millionth time. She was very much in love and she felt lucky to have snared such a handsome guy. Brie shouldn't have worried about finding a husband. She had the pick of a long list of men and Billy was very grateful to have been at the top of the list. Any man would have died to be...
I’d missed the last two years’ balls. The one two years before, when we first learned of Katherine’s cancer, and last year’s shortly after her death. I’d come tonight, my first attempt to keep the promise I’d made her. Katherine made me swear to get on with my life after she was gone. She and all the rest of my friends had said not to mourn her loss more than six months, but I needed more time. It wasn’t until recently that I began to feel a little restless and bored with my solitary life. ...
The Fraternity Drag Ball by Elrod W Bill frowned, for perhaps the tenth time in the past ten minutes. "How in the hell am I supposed to get ready for this party on such short notice?" he demanded of his roommates, Jim, Tony, and Marty. "I mean, the party is tonight. Tonight!" Tony laughed, but secretly sympathized with Bill's plight. If it weren't for him and Marty, Bill wouldn't be in this predicament. It wasn't his fault that Bill was so reserved, while he and Marty were...
The Christmas Ball should have been magical and, in fairness, the organising committee had done a fantastic job decorating the school sports hall to give it that magical feel. Sparkly white and pale blue curtains draped on the walls gave it a wintery atmosphere and the numerous Christmas trees, elves and even a couple of reindeer added to the festive look. But the problem was the tradition at The Christmas Ball of women never refusing a dance, no matter who asked and no matter who they’d come...
Since it’s that time of year again, baseball season, I recalled an erotic memory… A number of years ago, when our sons were younger, I coached youth baseball. I love baseball and my wife Nora strongly suggested that I coach our boys when they started playing. I had played baseball in high school and college. I was initially hesitant, but once I got involved, it was great. I guess it paid off too as all of my boys went on to play College baseball and were 4 year starters. At the time, Nora...
Since it’s that time of year again, baseball season, I recalled an erotic memory… A number of years ago, when our sons were younger, I coached youth baseball. I love baseball and my wife Nora strongly suggested that I coach our boys when they started playing. I had played baseball in high school and college. I was initially hesitant, but once I got involved, it was great. I guess it paid off too as all of my boys went on to play College baseball and were four-year starters. At the time, Nora...
ReluctanceReddit Cosplay Butts, aka r/CosplayButts! Are you an ass man? Do you enjoy watching cuties in cosplays? Well, how about checking out r/cosplaybutts/? I mean, this subreddit is basically those two things combined, which is pretty nice. With a name like that, I am sure that there is no need for me to formally introduce what this subreddit is all about, but then again, I am sure there are loads of you who would love to know more.So, what can you actually expect from r/cosplaybutts/? Well, you can...
Reddit NSFW ListMom took me shopping for my Ball gown six weeks ago. It was a dream of lace and blue smoke, but of course it was quite chaste. That was the whole point of the Ball. Neither Daddy nor I had seen the alterations Mom had made until she helped me put it on. Daddy took me to the mall to buy me some jewelry for the Ball. He got me a pearl bracelet and a diamond tiara, and one more thing. He bought me a silver loop with two little balls, and then he took me to get it pierced into the hood of my...
"C'mon honey, please, please, just do it!""I...I can't, baby...I just can't!""But you promised! You said you wanted to, please do it!""That was before, I..I always want to before but after I...I just can't..."I looked down between my spread thighs, feeling foolish. I was begging my husband to eat my pussy after he'd just fucked me, something we'd both expressed interest in having happen in many a spoken fantasy, but which – again – he was chickening out of once he'd screwed me and left me full...
Regardless of the title of this story, I have to admit right up front that our family was not a family that one would say was "loaded with culture". In fact, my sister Ronnie was not really a ballerina and had never been to a ballet. If the truth be known, she was not even a very good dancer. This story is about the time my cute younger sister Ronnie decided to wear a ballerina costume to a costume party being sponsored by the Police Athletic League on the West Side of town. My name is Louie...
Summer had moved through autumn. Long warm days, full of bright sunshine, had transitioned into cooler shorter days, full of pretty fall colours and then to winter. Bitingly cold, short days with the ever-present promise of frost and snow.It was just fourteen more sleeps until Christmas day. The decorations were in the shops. The lights were strung along the streets and malls. The air full of cinnamon and spicy scents and everyone seemed to be playing holiday music as the excitement...
Group SexRochelle placed the order for a champagne-colored jacquard ball gown with a beaded halter neckline. The classy floor-length number was made by Eliza J. She was planning to war it to the Black & Gold Ball where her twin brother, Randy, lived. Randall Stewart, M.D. was the correspondence secretary for his alumni chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He and his wife, Leah, were on their way to a full reconciliation - so much so that after he completed one more month in sober living, he...