Broken Ch. 10 free porn video

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Madi stifled a giggle as Dimitri squeezed her knee beneath the table. The past few weeks had been perfection. Dimitri was patient with her, and sweet and funny as ever. She looked at him, slapping at him playfully. Sure, she had her moments where she could do nothing but cry, she had woken him up to come keep her company at 3 am more than once, but he was still there, and he hadn’t raised his voice or a fist once, even though she might have deserved it. He looked to her as she slapped his shoulder gently, leaning in to press his nose into her ear and whisper.

‘Psych is cancelled today. Jim told me this morning, I have a surprise for you after this.’ She giggled, turning to him and raising an eyebrow.

‘Madi, Dimitri, work.’ The professor shot a watchful eye in their direction, causing them to snicker and return to their research. The rest of class passed quickly and no sooner was it over than Dimitri had settled Madi in his car and was speeding in the direction of the highway.

‘Where are we going?’ She giggled, opening her window and looking out. The weather was warming now, although the melting snow turned the streets into a muddy mess, the clear skies and the warm sun were a welcome change of pace. It seemed that even on the worse days it could make her smile, and right now, with Dimitri, she was absolutely beaming. He watched her from the corner of his eye, it was nice to see her like this, sure, she had moments. But he was willing to deal with them if it meant getting to see her smile like this.

‘It’s a surprise, Miss Highwood.’ She sighed, sinking back into the seat and slipping off her shoes to curl into a ball. She closed her eyes, content to concentrate on the way the sun warmed her face. She felt Dimitri’s large hand wrap around her own and she sighed, squeezing softly.

Forty-five minutes later, Madi had drifted to sleep. Dimitri smiled to himself as he pulled into the bed and breakfast. He had made sure to double check with all of Madi’s professors, thank God they had most of their classes together, the beauty of having the same major. He had even managed to have Darren let him sneak in to pack her a bag. It was strange to be going to such extremes for a girl. It wasn’t that he wasn’t a nice guy, in truth he had often been called one, but even for him, this seemed over the top. He pulled into a parking space, tempted to let her sleep a few moments longer, but she began to stir all on her own. She stretched and groaned, slowly opening her eyes to look around. ‘Where are we?’ Her voice was still raspy with sleep, he loved the sound. She was so cute when she was sleepy. He couldn’t help but lean across the consule and kiss her. His lips barely brushed hers and he could feel her smile. ‘mmm..but where are we?’

‘On a long weekend, don’t worry, I cleared it with everyone who matters.’ He grinned, stepping out of the car and walking around to open her door. He offered her hand as help while stepping out before grabbing their bags.

‘Hey, that’s my suitcase.’ Her voice was playful, a giggle at the end of the sentence. He grinned, throwing both over his shoulder in one hand before wrapping his free hand around one of hers. They made their way inside and checked in quickly before heading up to their bedroom. The room wasn’t especially huge, but the sliding glass doors for the balcony faced west towards the woods and further in the distance, the mountains. The bed was large, and comfortable looking, along with large leather chairs and a luxurious bathroom. ‘Dimitri… this is…amazing.’ She grinned as he dropped the bags, reaching out for his hand to watch the early afternoon light play against the budding forest. He sighed, standing behind her and wrapping his arms around her ribs before resting his chin on the top of her head.

‘Madi…’ He sighed, kissing her temple, ‘do you like it?’ The words came in a gentle whisper, it made her knees almost weak, the way something so soft managed to come from a man with such a rugged appearance. She turned in his arms, looking up into his eyes.

‘No.’ Her hands came to rest on his chest, eyes moving to them and then back up slowly, stopping on his lips, darting to his eyes and then back to his lips. Those eyes didn’t move as she licked her lips, rising onto her tip toes to plant a soft kiss. ‘I love it. Thank you.’

He was grinning from ear to ear, something she loved to see. He pulled her closer for a moment, leaning in to nibble at her ear as he rubbed her back, sinking his fingertips into her muscles as best he could. She rose to her toes once more, his tight grip helping to balance her as she feathered kisses along his neck. Eyes fell shut as he groaned against her hair, her teeth teasing his flesh with the help of her tongue and lips.

His hand rose from her back, sliding around her neck and to her chin, his thumb grazing her lower lip before he pressed his mouth to hers. The kiss began with sweetness and ended with fire, the hand on her lower back pulling her pelvis tightly against his as they searched each other’s mouths. Arms wound around his neck holding him close as she teased his tongue. Damn, she was good at this. He felt her fingers in his hair, those nails skimming his scalp, making him moan. The rumbling forced a wavering breath to push past her nostrils, the warm air brushing past his cheek. That was all he could take, hands quickly made their way under her ass, lifting her. Legs quickly encircled his waist as he carried her to the bed. He sat, landing with her in his lap, the kiss continuing.

Teeth tugged at her lower lip, she pulled back playfully before going back in for another kiss. She could feel his fingertips massaging her back as he pulled her close, lying back as she unraveled her legs from around his waist. She groaned as he rolled his hips up against hers, breaking the kiss to look down into his eyes. He was smiling, his eyes only half open, his lips red and moist from the friction of kissing. A hand rose to smooth her hair, pulling her head down against his chest as his free fingers danced over the back of her shirt. ‘Sorry…’ He chuckled, his voice raspy with lust, ‘It’s just too easy to get carried away with you.’ She sighed contently, lifting her face to litter his neck with gentle kisses. His laughter continued. ‘Madi, what am I going to do with you? You’re ruining my whole plan for you.’

‘Plan?’ She lifted her head, waggling her eyebrows. He laughed, kissing her softly, before grunting as he pushed her weight off of him and onto the mattress. He rolled onto his feet, quickly moving towards his bag as Madi lay on her side and watched.

‘Lay on your stomach and close your eyes.’ She considered refusing, but it was so hard to say no to that smile, those pearly whites and single dimple were too perfect. Why would she do anything that would risk making it go away? She gave in, laying down and closing her eyes. She jumped a bit at the feeling of his hands beneath her shirt, warm and slick. She sighed audibly.

‘Mmmm.. you’re good at secret plans..’ The scent of the oil drifting towards her nostrils. ‘Almond? How did you know?’ He just chuckled, leaning down to nip at her ear.

‘Take off your shirt, then lie down, close your eyes and just relax.’ He whispered. She grinned, sitting up and slipping out of her shirt and unsnapping her bra before lying back down. He grinned at her bare skin, soft, pale and warm. Fingers moved over her back, stopping on knots until they dissolved beneath his fingers. Tiny moans and groans broke from her throat, and then silence, he laughed to himself as he watched her ribcage expand and contract, she was asleep. He grinned, leaning down to kiss her cheek. Things were falling right into place.

He sighed, moving into the bathroom to clean his hands, running a warm bath. He waited until it was full to wake Madi, helping her to her feet and guiding her into the bathroom. Her bra hung on her shoulders, she looked disheveled, but beautiful nonetheless. She smiled as she s
aw the full tub, tuning to face him before rising to her tip toes once more and kiss him. Tiny fingers worked on the buttons of his shirt as he used his fingertips to gently tug the straps of her bra off of her shoulder. She broke the kiss gently, stepping away from him before taking a deep breath. Her eyes watched his as she let the bra fall to the floor, her rosy nipples hardening as the cool air hit her breast. Hands trailed downwards then, her teeth sinking into her lower lip as fingertips unsnapped the button of her jeans and tugged down the zipper. This would be the first time she would let him see this much of her, she hesitated for a moment at the thought of the scars on her thighs before slowly pulling down the jeans and stepping out of them.

His eyes went wide as she stripped down to nothing more than a pair of hot pink cotton briefs. Tongue snuck out to wet his lips. Her curvy torso gave way to shapely legs, smooth and freshly shaved. He watched patiently, as she hooked her thumbs in the waist of those panties, pushing them down her legs before casting them aside. Her teeth were still in her lower lip as she looked to him. He was so still, so quiet, she couldn’t help but let out a heavy, shaky sigh. His eyes moved over her body and back to her eyes. She was nervous, and blushing. It was sweet, almost virginal. He stepped closer, closing the gap between them before kissing her again. He broke the kiss only to whisper to her, ‘My turn.’ He grinned mischievously, stepping away once more before shrugging off his shirt. He chuckled as her eyes dropped from his face to his torso.

Hands moved to unbutton his jeans, making quick work of pulling off both them and his boxer briefs before casting them aside. Madi blinked, looking back into his face. He was… large, and well-trimmed, and quickly hardening in the face of his own exposure. He smiled, stepping forward and taking her hand to help her in the tub. He leaned over to whisper as her toes first hit the water. ‘Beautiful.’ She blushed a deep shade of crimson that overtook not only her face, but her neck and chest as well. He stepped in behind her, sinking beneath the water so she could sit and lean back against him. Head rolled back on his shoulder as his arms encircled her ribs, hands moving up and down over her stomach and back up to graze the bottoms of her breasts, lips tugging at her ear. She could feel his erection pressed against her back.

‘Mmmm… I like this.’ He grinned at her statement, craning his neck to press his lips against hers. Fingertips emerged from the water with a soft splashing sound, rising to tease her nipples before palms pressed against her mounds, massaging gently. She gasped softly, back arching to press her breasts against his hands. She moaned, heat radiating through her body, a familiar ache nagging at her between her thighs. ‘mmm.. Dimitri…’ his name was mumbled, her eyes shut as a hand wove around her back, wrapping itself around his member to squeeze gently. He found he controlled her hands movement in speed and intensity, her grip tightening and loosing along with his, her movement speeding and slowing in time. Slowly he let one hand fall from her breast, sliding down her torso, and under the water, between her legs. Fingertips massaged those lower lips, forcing a groan from her mouth.

He grinned, lips fluttering over her jaw as he reached for the soap, gently lathering her breasts, shoulders and neck as he continued to play. Her breathing was getting heavy now, suds covered breasts heaving. He was feeling wicked, he withdrew his hands slowly, met by a whimper, her hand moving to try and hold his in place. He chuckled, ‘Somebody’s a horny girl, huh?’ He nodded to himself. ‘Calm down, kitten, we have all weekend.’ She was frustrated but strangely, even more aroused. Hand squeezed determinedly as she continued to stroke him, massaging as she moved, She felt his strong grip on her wrist, pulling her hand from him. ‘Just wait, I promise you won’t regret it.’

She pouted, ‘But Dimitri, you got me all horny,’ her little hand tugged his towards her aching center, ‘please, touch me.’ This was the Madi he had always known she could be, this is what had lay beneath the surface of those eyes. The most beautiful container for lust he had ever seen. And it wasn’t just her animalistic hunger for him, either, it was the way she seemed to come alive whenever passion engulfed her. Whether it was her begging for his touch, or defending her point with an iron will and a razor sharp rational. That fire in her belly crept into her eyes, made them glitter with a certain type of youthful energy. She was passionate for politics and social welfare and justice and goofing off and…and him…

Madi gasped as Dimitri grabbed her chin roughly and kissed her with ferocity. Somewhere in the back of her mind fear sparked off but was quickly pushed aside by the feeling of the velvet of his tongue against hers. She was lost in his lips and teeth and tongue and his wet skin against hers. The water of the tub lapping against her body as she carefully turned, knees bending over his thighs as he slid forward, giving her feet space to rest behind him.

Pressed chest to chest in the tub, his erection teasing her as it sat between their bellies. Arms tangled as they clung to eachother, kissing almost desperately, kissing as though they weren’t sure whether it was the first or the last time. Lips only broke for gasping breaths before diving back into eachother. This was not tender or neat. It was the sloppiness of madness. Tears spilled down her cheeks as it overwhelmed her, the feel of being genuinely wanted, desperately needed. Finally knowing what a kiss like this felt like, heat radiating straight to her fingertips and toenails. She wanted, no, she needed to feel him inside her. She ached, velvet walls pulsating, begging to swallow him whole. To be connected to him in the most intimate of positions, to let him see her in her most reckless moments as she gasped for air. There was no time for full, coherent sentences.

‘Get…me…out…of….here……bed…I…need…you.’ It was a whisper almost angry in it’s frustration. He made quick work of getting to his feet while simultaneously lifting her. It was amazing he had managed to keep his balance in the tub. The fervor of their kisses carried them back to bed as Dimitri collapsed atop her.

This was not how Dimitri had planned things. He had wanted to worship her body, to let her know there was more to them then raw passion. But right now it seemed raw passion was all that mattered, fingertips dipped between them, landing on warm, slick lips, barely covered by silky curls. He groaned as he dipped a finger inside her, those muscles contracting around him, pulling him deeper. Slowly he broke the kiss. The moment was upon them. A hand rose to move hair off her face, eyes locked on hers. She was wearing that face, with teeth sunk into her lower lip, holding in a gigantic smile. Her hand moved to his neck, a thumb running along his jawline as she gave him silent permission.

Hips rose before she felt the delicious pressure, the ache cured by the spreading of her insides. A squeak escaped her throat as she wrapped her body around him, body rolling to meet his strokes as he left and entered her repeatedly. Her senses were alive, every nerve ending tingling as the sound, scent, touch, taste of him made her sizzle at her core. And then it struck, white lightening firing behind her eyes, an uncontrollable tensing. She clung to him as she let out a gutteral scream. He had never experienced anything like it. Every inch of his body in a vice grip as she shook beneath him, squeaks and gasps barely shaped into words as she lost control over herself. She imagined that this was what heroin had to feel like. This was the closest thing to ecstacy she could hope to know. She wanted it forever. Teeth sunk into his shoulder as she tried desperately to get control over herself.

It was all he could take, his pumping becoming erratic before her buried h
imself inside her, shuddering as his release drained him. The explosion of warm wetness set off another tremble within Madi’s body. He couldn’t believe the way she gasped and shuddered even as he lay atop her slowly going limp. Just the slightest movement against her lower half and she was convulsing, massaging. Lips fell against hers gently. ‘I think we need another bath.’ Her voice was lower than usual, with that rasp. Her chest heaving first towards and then away from him. He couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘How about a nap first, baby?’ He nuzzled her cheek, letting his head fall onto her breast as he closed his eyes. She nodded, barely able to throw an arm over his back. She was drained, completely unable to even formulate a thought other than what had just occurred. She grinned like a Cheshire cat as she drifted to sleep.

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Mistress Debra walks into her favorite bar, "The Deep End". She is stunning as always, wearing a short Black PVC dress, her new Sheer Suntan Pantyhose that once was a guy named Jim, and the sexiest Black PVC High Heeled pumps, that may have been her old landlord, but that was never proven! She walked to the bar area and saw her friend, Bartender and comrade Kathy in tears. What's wrong Kathy, she asked. I just got the phone call, that I was dreading Kathy said. Really, what...

2 years ago
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Reginalds PeopleChapter 5

“An update for you. Our friend Ferguson from the university tripped himself up, and ended in our hands as a criminal suspect. A colleague told him we had a witness to his entering the Chemistry building during the night before the explosion, so we accused him of breaking and entering with intent to cause an explosion. That rocked him back, but he then claimed he had a key, given him by a member of staff, and so he was not breaking in. He probably thought this would save him, but it actually...

3 years ago
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Christmas Overload

Joyce had barely made it back to the apartment from the grocery store where she worked as a checkout clerk and tucked the ham she’d brought home—the last one in the store—before it was time to go pick up the Christmas cake she’d ordered from Gleesons before they closed. She had already been cutting her time short—she still had to go buy a tree and figure out where she’d stashed the ornaments and lights—and she hadn’t gotten off shift when she expected to. She kicked herself for not remembering...

3 years ago
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When Did My Roommate Get a Girlfriend

Here's the next installment of a story in search of a video.Setting: living room of an apartment. Nothing fancy. It has typical living room furniture - coffee table, couch, armchairs, TV. There’s a closet by the front door. This is an apartment for college girls.We see Cristy, an attractive young woman enter. Medium height. Dark hair. Could be kind of curly, down to around her shoulders. She has a club outfit on. short skirt, shiny. There should be a cutout in the skirt. If not, a slit up one...

2 years ago
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A Good Time Shell Never RememberChapter 9

Dr. Hawthorne stood transfixed at the spectacular events taking place in front of him. He'd witnessed many kinds of couplings before as a doctor, but never one like this. He'd heard of hermaphorites before, as had many a medical man, but he'd never actually met with one. This was totally amazing, and here he was, witnessing the event and enjoying it all. "Well, Doc, do you think it was worth it?" asked James. "Damn right it's worth it," came the reply. "Did you remember to bring...

3 years ago
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Black Tie Part 1

Nora flipped through the mail absentmindedly, sorting the junk from the bills. It was one of the things she did every afternoon (except Sunday, of course). Most days it was routine, but every once in a while...She stopped instantly when she came across a black envelope with their address in gold calligraphy. There was no return address, but none was necessary. There was only one sender that ever sent such distinguished mail, and this was the time of year it would come. It was the invitation to...

4 years ago
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Tom Boy 1

Tom Boy By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 The ride to the new neighborhood was extremely depressing for Tommy and his mother. With the economy in the tank and her unemployed status, they were forced to sell their house in the middle class suburbs and move thirty minutes away to a lower class, racially mixed neighborhood. It was just the two of them now, as his sister had gotten married and moved away, and he never...

1 year ago
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May 11th 2014 Session

I arrived at His house, dressed as instructed. - black Sketchers (with thick high sole)- low ankle white socks- my red & black plaid skirt- red ribbed tank top- NO panties! i was met at the door and was let in. Fuck i am wet just looking at Him.He speaks, "Are you ready?" i nod yes. i am not allowed to speak. He grabs me by my neck, His large hand tight around my throat, and drags me into His bedroom. i was fucked like a naughty slut by this much older man. He stretched my little pussy...

4 years ago
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My Lover Knows

I'm waiting by the doorway of the hotel suite's bedroom. I can hear the electronic key card sliding and unlocking the door. My lover enters the room after a long day of work and a two hour drive to our secret place. He gives me the shy smile I have come to adore, as he places his suit jacket on the chair. I'm dressed in lingerie he bought me a month ago and sent to my work. He can't send it home to me; my husband, nor his wife for that matter, would appreciate it. It's a push up lacy bra that...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Part 30 Slut

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 30: Slut Holly: I woke up the next morning naked in a strange bed, and when I went out into the living room, I saw Jack sleeping on the couch. I went into his dresser taking a pair of boxers and t-shirt and went into the kitchen. I didn’t want to wake him, but I didn’t think I could fall asleep. For some reason I got the urge to eat pancakes. I went into his kitchen and stumbled my way through the cabinets till I found the necessary...

2 years ago
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Emergency AccomodationsChapter 3

I went back to finish my college degree, Shelby found a job and an apartment in Asheville, about 180 miles from our parents. We corresponded by email, text and occasionally by phone. We resumed our normal family relationship, the sexual interludes were relegated to history. Even though we weren’t screwing any more, I used my memories as stimulation when I took matters into my own hands. After jacking off while thinking about my sister my nuts would relax in total satisfaction but my cock...

1 year ago
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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 33

Roquan arrived in the Healer's office shortly after sunrise. He was greeted with a welcome sight: Amanda was on her own two feet and looking as if nothing had happened to her, save for one slash of faint pinkish-red on the side of one calf. Amanda actually smiled when she saw the Overlord approach. To even his own surprise, Roquan smiled back. Healer Vanlo, however, was not at all shy about his good humor. For the first time in a long while, he could say he had a good night's sleep. He...

2 years ago
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A Great Little Session

She told me to park up and text her so I did that and waited for a reply. An old riverside mill converted into flats. My mobile jingled and I answered. ‘Come through the white door,’ she said in a husky voice. ‘Then through another and go right, I’m B2, push the door open and come up the stairs.’ ‘See you in a minute.’ I replied and was about to hang up. ‘Wait,’ she said, ‘Wait a couple of minutes will you I can see Mr Brown’s nurse arriving. It would be better to wait until she is inside.’ A...

2 years ago
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The Girls ClubChapter 4 Anne Marie Makes a Move

It was some days later as Tony sat in the lounge at home, pleasantly relaxed as his body gradually recovered from the night before. His mind reflecting back on the events of the previous evening he had spent with Debbie, and the implications for the future. The girls were keeping him very busy, and he hoped he could live up to their expectations. He was beginning to worry whether he had the stamina to meet all their demands. But Sandra had assured him the novelty would soon wear off, and they...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Teenaged Daughter Again

I opened the door and there she stood, Heather, my beautiful 19-year-old daughter, whom I had first penetrated when she was twelve. Her shoulder-length auburn hair was just as wavy as the last time I'd cum on it, her soft, blue eyes intoxicating, all the more so because of the fear they contained. The fact that she was here on her mother's orders only added to my arousal. "Come in," I told her, and, trembing a little, she complied. I closed the door, and she winced as she heard it...

1 year ago
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"Okay," Denise said. "But this doesn't prove anything." Her reaction surprised Patrick. He'd expected her to agree, of course. He was a mind controller; making his victims do what he wanted was his whole deal. What was surprising was her cool, calm reaction to his request that she take off her shirt. Patrick had been bullied his whole life - he'd grown up the archetypal nerd, and spent years trying to shake the image. Just before high-school ended, he'd started working out, and had...

3 years ago
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Twin SisterChapter 10 Helping a Friend

Saturday morning Jen and I got into the car and drove over to Sally's house to pick her up. As we pulled in Sally came out carrying her overnight bag and got into the car. She was surprised to see me in the back seat with a big grin on my face. "What is Art doing here?" "He talked me into letting him come with us today." I said, "Sally, I didn't get a chance to talk with you last weekend. I like you and want to be your friend." "I like you too but aren't you going steady with...

2 years ago
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A Humiliated Tomboy

Alex sat on her bed, playing video games. She was a cute high school senior in a baggy hoodie and basketball shorts, her orange hair cropped at her shoulders. She was sucking at her braces in concentration when she was interrupted by a knock on her bedroom door.

2 years ago
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What she cant get at home 3

I received a message a few days ago from a young woman named Stacy, she explained, for her husband, Wayne's birthday, she had agreed and organised a threesome for him, with a friend of hers, and now it was coming up for her birthday, and she really wanted a threesome too, but with another guy!I happily replied back, and after a little chat, we organised a day to meet, and promptly on that day, my doorbell rang right at the correct time, and i eagerly strolled towards it eager to say...

1 year ago
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I check to see if anyone is in the bathroom, and then grab a stall. I pull off my clothes and look at myself. Yep, those are definitely breasts. Like, they're not huge, but they're large enough to fill my hands. Large enough that they're hard to hide without something baggy on. I lean forwards and confirm what's going on between my legs. There's no doubt about it. Physically, at the very least, I am no longer a man. I slump on the toilet, suddenly exhausted. I don't really...

2 years ago
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Cena de navidad II

Salimos del aparcamiento y tras callejear un poco coge la autopista. Configura el coche a velocidad de crucero, abre su abrigo y acerca mi mano a su coño. Aún está llena de mi semen y los dedos la penetran fácil. Intento alcanzar su clítoris pero me obliga a mantener los dedos en su interior empapándome más y más hasta que se escucha el chapoteo de nuestros fluidos. Entonces, me agarra la mano y me la hace chupar. Siento nuestro olor en la nariz, y el sabor de nuestros jugos ácidos y dulces a...

4 years ago
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The Old Shenandoah

Bob invited us to go out to the Shenandoah Valley to camp out on a private property that he had access to. Gorgeous country, huge farm with deserted buildings behind locked gates, about half a block off the river. There was also a natural spring where we'd be camping in total privacy. Sounded great, and the next Saturday morning, before sunrise, we were off in a two car convoy, headed for the Shenandoah. Bob and I rode in one car for the first part of the trip. When I mentioned that Mary was an...

Wife Lovers
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Taken by Surprise 3 No more Surprises

Treva lay next to him, his head resting on her breasts as he slept lightly. He was different from the others, there was no doubt about it, she thought. He actually seemed eager on their latest adventure, even kissing her when her mouth was full of his cum. That had surprised her. It wasn't an action triggered by lust, by the heat of the sex. No, he wanted to kiss her at that exact moment. She was sure of it. Perhaps he was just acting on his desire to be with a man by not actually being with a...

2 years ago
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So Just Imagine I Am With You

I would order you to remove all your clothes stand feet apart and with your hands on your head as I come up behind you and whisper in your ear, that my slut is looking particularly horny tonight. I drop my hand till its resting on your arse and slowly trace your left leg down the back to your ankle before feeling your lower calf muscle then slowly trailing my finger tip up the inside of your legs until I am almost touching your cunt, my hot breath now wafting over your ass cheeks, I take my...

3 years ago
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1994Chapter 15 Moving on

Karen had invited me to her girls' softball practice for the stated purpose of meeting some of her single ballplayers, but I don't think that was the reason at all. She didn't introduce me to her team, and accused me of disrupting the practice. During our brief conversation, she made a point of telling me to forget about the three remaining pips. She became provoked when I differed with her. One minute she was telling me to leave and the next she was saying that she needed a mixed doubles...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Man with a smalltiny cockpenis

Intended for the person who believes and knows for a fact he has a small penis. You are not ALONE.......................................................................I’ve been married for more than 2 years now. I consider myself to be really lucky to have a loving and supportive wife. She backs me up on everything whether it may be a crucial decision for my career to as simple as picking the right toaster at Walmart. She is more than what I deserve as I am not the perfect husband, I have my...

2 years ago
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Sunshine invasion

Ashven was waiting in the abandoned school, not having found anything of interest during her patrol. She was sitting in the cellar, uncertain wether to leave or to stay, torn between her fear and her lust. Three days ago, she had faced Zargal, an alien terrifying the city and she was unable to forget the savage rape she had suffered. Now here she was, sitting in the pale light hoping he would return to fuck her once more. She had promised the city council to rid them of the beast but that...

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Hooked from the Start

I was 30 years old and had been married to my first wife for about 6 years. Unlike our courtship and the first year of marriage, our sex life had fallen off gradually but steadily until it was only missionary-style on Saturday nights, it seemed. I loved her, but I had (and still have) a huge sex drive, so I needed more.The internet was in its infancy at the time, at least in my area of the world, but it didn't take me long after we got our first computer to find porn. It started off as "normal"...

4 years ago
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Sally And DukeChapter 5

A few minutes later when she had sufficiently recovered her senses, Sally Denham sat up. Both men, she observed, had cleaned themselves up in a small adjoining powder room and she now walked with all the dignity she could muster into the little tiled enclosure to wash her face and try to make herself presentable enough to leave the bank. She came out of the room and began to dress silently. "Here," John Blodgett helped her with the zipper of her dress and Quigg collected her shoes and...

1 year ago
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Fucked Mature Aunty In Pune

Hi dosto ye mere second story hai ki kaise mene apni ek mature reader ke saath enjoy kia.Par please dusre readers se request hai ki details nai maange.Me aapko batana chahuga ki ye ek bilkul sacchi story hai.Thodi badi story hai par sab girls ko definately wet kar dega.Bas names change kar die hai.Mere email id hai Mene iss pe kai stories padhi hai.Bohot si fake stories lagti hai qki kisi girl ko sex k lie seduce karne easy nai rehta.Aisa nai hai ki girl ko need nai rehti par unko apni secrecy...

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