A Midsummer Night’s Nightmare free porn video

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After 20 years since I had become a Teacher I was once more feeling that my career choice was worthwhile. I have spent the past fifteen years since my recovery wondering if I had made a wise choice, of sticking it out when my heart was wanting to give it all up and let me slink off into the underbrush of life, never to be seen again. This anticipation of this year, this class, had revived the enthusiasm with which I ventured forth to my first teaching job.

It was a large country high school halfway between Sydney and nowhere, and I, newly graduated, was the new addition to the English department.

‘Welcome my boy.’ He was a bluff man, Henry Rawlings, the Principal of this school. Large in stature and personality, he ruled the students and teachers alike with a sort of benevolent despotism. His word was law, but at the same it was not always draconian. ‘Have you had any experience with drama?’ He looked up from my dossier with the answer to his question already known.

‘Yes I’ve had some experience at high school and Uni.’

‘Good, good.’ He stopped speaking, his face told me that he was deep in thought, but I got the impression that what he had to say next was already prepared. ‘Part of your duties will be to produce a play, not just any play, but Shakespeare, in your case, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’ Whether you produce an up-dated version, or a traditional production, is entirely your decision, but if you want to travel down the traditional path, by all means do that. I am giving you free rein to produce something spectacular. It’s for our annual drama night. There is one stipulation. . .’

‘And what might that be?’

‘When you are casting, you do not need to audition for the role of Titania, I have the perfect student for the role, Saskia Lewis.’

‘Oh, so she has had acting experience?’

‘No, not that I am aware of. This is non-negotiable.’

I guess that, in my enthusiasm for my new job, I was deaf to the warning bells.

‘Come, I’ll introduce you to the English faculty.’ He strode out of his office leaving me with no option but to follow. Any thought of walking beside him was lost in the speed with which he swept down the corridor. He thrust open a door and I followed him inside to be greeted by several teachers seated around a large table strewn with papers. ‘Ladies, gentlemen, let me introduce you to . . .’ He snapped his fingers at me in some sort of signal telling me that he had more important things to remember than my name.

‘Dylan, Dylan Smith. . .’

‘Thank you. Dylan Smith. This is his first posting so be gentle with him.’ With that he turned on his heels and exited the room.

‘Ah, fresh meat for the slaughter house.’ Not the most encouraging of introductions I would have thought.

‘Pay no attention to Bruce, he’s been around far too long but refuses to retire. He’ll probably die on the job, leaving nothing behind but the memories of his cynicism. I’m Maureen Roberts, and you saved me from spending another year as the youngest teacher on the staff. I suppose that Henry has already lumbered you with producing the Shakespearean play this year. Which one has he chosen?’

‘He’s chosen ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. He told me that I had free rein and I’m not limited to the traditional interpretation, I guess that’s a plus.’

‘Don’t you believe it. What will happen is that he will wait until the dress rehearsal before he tells you that it has to be done in the traditional way, or not at all.’ Maureen said. ‘Last year it was my turn, I thought that I’d do a modern interpretation of Romeo and Juliet, you know modern clothes and stuff like that. We even modernised the script. You can only imagine my panic when he told me that it wasn’t to go ahead unless I changed everything back to the ‘proper version’, as he put it. I came so close to telling him to stick his play right up his fat arse, but then I realised that my chances of getting another job, with the reference that he’d give me, were somewhat south of a snowball’s chance in hell.’

‘He’s told me that I needn’t audition for Titania.’

‘Who has he chosen? Wait, let me guess, that precious little princess Saskia Lewis?’

‘Good guess. I don’t like the idea of being told who I can and can’t cast in this production.’

‘Good luck with her, you’ll need it.’ Bruce cut into our conversation. ‘I had her in her first year, and I gave her an ‘F’ for an assignment. If I could have given it a ‘G’ I would have, a pile of excrement disguised as an essay. Daddy complained to Henry, and I was ordered to give her an ‘A+’. Henry has been sucking up to Daddy Dearest ever since she started here, and Daddy has obliged with several substantial donations to school projects.’

‘I hope she can act.’ I said, almost under my breath.

‘If throwing a tantrum is required, you’ll have no problems with her, it’s got that way that none of the teachers want her in their classes. If you ask her a question and she gives the wrong answer, and you have the unmitigated gall to tell her so, her hissy fit acting skills come to the fore.’ Bryan said. Bryan was another of the teachers who had experienced the full force of her disapproval.

‘When’s the next train out?’ I asked.

‘I hope that you’re joking, if you leave here you can kiss your career good-bye.’

‘Then I’ll just have to grin and bear it. Wish me luck, I have a class in five minutes.’

‘Do you want us to call an ambulance now or can we wait until one’s necessary?’ Bruce asked.

‘I sincerely hope that this is all a part of some weird initiation ritual that you go through with all the new teachers.’

‘There’s only one way to find out.’

My first period with the senior class was a learning experience for me as well as the students. ‘Good morning, my name is Mister Smith, in class you will address me as such, away from school you may address me as Mister Smith. . .’ I had to cut in before the class smart arse had a chance to respond. ‘No, seriously, outside the school environment you may call me Dylan. In this class you will behave as serious students, you will give me your clear and undivided attention, and I will give you the benefit of my knowledge on the subject of English.’

‘That’ll take five minutes, what do we do with the rest of the time?’ Matthew MacIntyre, known to all as ”da Boss”, and the student that I’d been warned about, smirked and looked at his fellow students to gauge their reactions. There were self conscious smiles from most of them, as if they were supposed to go along with his interruption, but were unsure of my reaction. They were waiting to see how I would react.

‘So you’re Matthew MacIntyre, ”da Boss” I’ve been told, I am fully aware that your attention span rarely exceeds five minutes, unless the topic is Mathew MacIntyre that is, so I am prepared to make allowances for that. I will teach this class as if you do not exist on the understanding that, as far as you are concerned, I do not exist. From time to time you may pick up snippets of knowledge that will assist you in your chosen career of working in Daddy’s farm machinery business, where your lack of education will go un-noticed. Should you, at some time in the nebulous future, aspire to gain further knowledge, feel free to join us. That goes for everyone else in this class, I encourage you to participate, ask questions, comment on what is being taught, and on the rare occasions when I make a mistake, correct me.’ I paused to wait for the expected outburst. For some reason it didn’t happen, under the expectant gaze of the majority of the class, he remained silent.

I was now on my guard. From experience I had found that the best way to counter bullies was to show them that you weren’t afraid of them, no matter how hard it was to conceal your fear, and believe me there had been times when my anal sphincter was pulsating at a rate of knots. (Okay, I know this is a mixed metaphor and ‘knots’ refers t
o speed over water, but in this context it refers to very fast). I had also come to realise that, if he could get his ‘gang’ behind him, there would be indirect confrontations, slashed car tyres, keyed paint, expensive property damage, the blame for which would be difficult to prove. He would get someone else to do his dirty work for him, because underneath the bravado, most bullies were cowards.

‘Right, I now know which of Shakespeare’s plays we will be studying this year, so, in the time leading up to, firstly the casting process, I want you all to read Act 1 of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream for next week, and we will discuss the major characters and what message Shakespeare is telling us. I will give you a hint, this is not a romance as such, even though there are several couples involved.’

‘This is so old fashioned, why do we have to study this?’ Stephanie Baxter asked.

‘It may be old fashioned, but it, like other of Shakespeare’s plays, can be seen as a reflection of modern life.’

‘Bullshit.’ ‘da Boss’ had been listening, despite his staring out the window.

‘There have been several films that have been based on his plays. . .’

‘Yeah, name some.’

‘West Side Story is one. It is the Romeo and Juliet story set in New York. Then there was the Musical ‘Kiss me Kate’, that was based on the ‘Taming of the Shrew’, there have been films based on ‘King Lear’ and ‘Othello’, even operas based on his plays, so you see there is nothing new in presenting a ‘modern’ take on this play. Now, as we work through this play, I want you to think about which part you want to audition for, and why. To get the part you will have to come up with a compelling reason for your choice.’

There was a general buzz around the room, interest was being shown by all but Saskia and Matthew, she because she just knew that she would get the lead female role, and he because he couldn’t be seen to be interested, that would be so un-cool.

‘Right, having got that out of the way, we move onto the novels that we will be studying. I do not have any choice as to which ones we will be looking at, the gods that set the curriculum have made that decision on your behalf. The main novels are favourites of the examiners, Hardy’s ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’, and Xavier Herbert’s ‘Capricornia’. We will be studying two differing styles and genre of poetry, Keats’ romance poems, and Bruce Dawe’s contemporary Australian poetry. You already know the Shakespeare play that we have to study. Now in the Matriculation (as it was then) exams you will be prepared, the emphasis is on the ‘will’, to write essays on each of these topics, as well as a comprehension paper.’

There were collective groans from the class. Tess and Keats were just not cool as far as they were concerned.

‘Now, in preparation for this, I will be teaching you how to write essays. There are a couple of very important factors in your essay writing, and they are, structure and content. You will structure your essays in three parts (again the emphasis of ‘will’). One, you will briefly answer the question, then you will fully expand on that answer, and finally you will summarise your answer. To put it succinctly, say what you’re going to say, say it, and say what you said. As for the content of your answer, I don’t care what you say, just as long as you answer the question and you justify your answer. We will be addressing the major themes in each topic, you will be encouraged to further your research, use the library to access information, not only on the topics, but the authors. Ask yourselves, ‘why did this author write this, what is the background to this author’s writing in general, and this work in particular.’ It is only when you find the answer to these questions, that you will be able to write an essay on them fully and competently. Do that and you will get an ‘A’.’

Most of the class were deep in thought, could I seriously expect that they could get an ‘A’ if they do as I suggest? The exceptions were Saskia Lewis who was of the opinion that she could achieve that grade without trying, and ‘da Boss’ who quite frankly didn’t give a toss. This could prove interesting.

‘Now, for next week you will write an essay, and not just any essay, it will be an auto-biographical essay. In it you will tell me something of yourselves, what do you like to do, even what you hate to do, and explain to me why you do these things. I want to be able to see what is going on in your lives, what makes you tick. I want five hundred words, and you will hand them up next week without fail. Do I make myself understood?’

There were the expected groans as I packed up my books and prepared to leave the classroom.

‘Tomorrow we will make a start on ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. I want you to read Act 1, scene 1 and be prepared to discuss what you think. I’ll see you then.’ Exit stage right (through door).

From the very first introduction to a Midsummer Night’s Dream, where we dissected Act 1, Scene 1, there was an enthusiasm for the play that surprised me. The class, with a couple of exceptions, no prize for guessing who, began to change their minds about the relevance of the play to today’s life. It had morphed from the dull and boring scribbling of some ancient author, to something that was actually interesting.

So great was their enthusiasm that when it came time to cast our version of the play, there was competition for most of the positions. The girls, in the knowledge that Saskia was Titania, fought over who would play Hermia and Helena, and to a lesser extent, Hyppolyta, while the boys scrambled to play Oberon and the mischievous sprite, Puck, the romantic Lysander, and Demetrius, who loved in turn Hermia and Helena. There was slightly less enthusiasm for Bottom and his fellow artisans, until it was pointed out the importance of their role in the farcical side of this story.

Rehearsals were arranged for Thursdays after classes, and I would love to have said that all went well. Unfortunately it did not. Saskia, beautiful Saskia, could not remember her lines, and had the acting ability of a statue. In desperation I chose Melinda Barrett to be her stand-in. In an effort to interest ‘da Boss’, I cast him as Oberon. He balked when I mentioned that Oberon was the King of the Fairies. ‘If you think that I’d be seen dead playing a poofter, forget it.’

‘But Saskia is Titania, his queen, wouldn’t you like to be with her on stage?’ I was hinting that I knew that he and Saskia were regarded as an item, and there were rumours that they had progressed beyond first base.

‘Is there a sex scene, do I get to screw her?’

‘You wish.’ Saskia told him, more to convince the rest of us that the rumours were untrue. We remained unconvinced.

‘There is no sex scene, but the relationship between the two has to be portrayed as an intimate one. Do you think that you could manage that?’

‘At a stretch, maybe, but we will need to rehearse it in private.’

‘What and when you do outside this class has little to do with me, just as long as you learn your lines and know when to speak.’

As rehearsal progressed the two of them appeared less and less. ‘They are rehearsing in private.’ I was told. This eventuality actually fitted my plans perfectly. Melinda took over the role of Titania, and the cast was sworn to secrecy.

‘How is the play progressing?’ Maureen asked me during the lunch break.

‘Fine, it’s looking great, and we have the woodworking and art classes working on the scenery. I’m hopeful of it being a success.’

‘What about princess Saskia. Are there any problems there?’

‘No, no problems with her. I even cast ‘da Boss’ as Oberon.’

‘So I’ve heard. That was a bold move, and I hope that it doesn’t blow up in your face.’

‘Can you keep a secret?’

‘Yes, what is it?’ She had every right to be curious.

‘The reason that I have no problem with Oberon and Titania is that I have cast two other students in t
hose roles. Even at this stage in rehearsals they are word perfect.’

‘But how are you going to get around the fact that Henry wants Saskia as Titania?’

‘This is where the secret comes in. The dress rehearsal is a week before the production’s opening. For that we go with Saskia and ‘da Boss’ in those roles. It will be a total disaster, Saskia will chuck a tantrum and walk off, followed by ‘da Boss’, and Henry will call it all off, demanding my head on a platter. I will then tell him that the show will go ahead with the understudies taking over those roles. He will then announce that the ‘modern’ take that I put on was not what he wanted, and that I will have a week to get it right. A week later the show will go on as he requested, and it will be a success.’

‘How do you intend to pull this off?’

‘It could not have been possible if the Woodwork and Art teachers didn’t hate Henry as much as the students in those classes hate Saskia and ‘da Boss’. The scenery is double sided, one side modern, while the other is traditional.’

‘But what about the costumes, just how will you manage that?’

‘Next Saturday the class is going on a field trip to Sydney to see a production of ‘a Midsummer Night’s Dream’. We will leave early enough to allow time to visit a costume shop for fittings. I have spoken to them and they will do the fittings and the costumes will be ready in time for opening night. My brother will pick them up and deliver them.’

‘You have put some effort into this, but why?’

‘It’s my way of getting the better of Henry while leaving him with no recourse, no way of punishing me. After all, the finished product is what he asked for. The only downside is that Saskia will not be basking in any glory. And there is another secret. I have been taking two photocopies of the assignments that she has handed up so far, and giving one of the copies the grades that they deserve, while grading the originals as Henry requested. When it hits the fan, none will stick on me, because I will take the other copies of the papers to the Area Supervisor and get him to arrange an independent assessment.’

‘I think that you should get her other teachers to do the same. The combined weight of the evidence will leave Henry with no wriggle room. Leave that side of it to me. I’ll let you know when they are all on side.’

The teachers were all onside by the end of the day.

What was a singular act of rebellion soon generated into a massive upsurge of resistance to Henry’s despotism. The reason that this remained hidden from the general school population was our desire to succeed.

My biggest concern was with Melinda Barrett. It became obvious to me that she had a crush on me. She was always the first to offer help with anything to do with the play. She was always the first to answer any question I had of the class, and she was almost always right. It came to a head on the bus trip to Sydney. She managed to grab the seat next to me on the bus and, as we talked she would touch me. Don’t get me wrong, there was nothing intimate about the contact, nevertheless it made me feel both uncomfortable and flattered. I realised that I had feelings for her, feelings that I could not allow to develop, feelings that I must fight, feelings that a part of me didn’t want to fight.

It was dark on the trip back from Sydney and the kids were tired, and most were asleep. Melinda sat next to me again and, as sleep took over from the adrenaline of the day, she slumped against me, her head on my shoulder. I know that I should have moved it, the cautious part of me wanted to, but there was another part of me that just couldn’t.

I felt her stir as we approached town. Her hand rested on my thigh and she mumbled in that half asleep way. I could just make out her words, ‘Dylan, I love you’, before she slipped back into sleep. Should I acknowledge her, should I respond in kind? I chose instead to ignore her.

I shook her awake as the bus pulled into the school grounds. ‘We’re back,’ was all that I said to her. She realised that her hand was on my thigh, ‘Sorry Mr Smith.’ I was glad that her hand was far enough away from my erect penis that she didn’t feel its hardness, because that would have been just too hard to explain away.

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E066 Donalds nightmare

Donald’s tears stop by the time they get back to the house.  He is a little embarrassed that he had shown his emotions and cried in front of Emma, but she is acting so kind and understanding right now.  He hurries her to her bedroom, throws off his tuxedo, and helps her out of her cloak and shoes.“Emma lets go take a hot bath, I want to clean you of all this, and as we do I will try to explain,” he tells her.Emma turns and holds him tight for a few minutes, stroking his head and back, kissing...

Love Stories
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Debt and its High Price 7 Ellas Living Nightmare

Introduction: Please remember to read up on the series as I dont want anyone to be lost on the plot. Also I do not condone real rape or slavery but fantasy is always fun to play with. Not for the person looking for a soft sweet sex story. Kali awoke in a large bed chamber. She kept her eyes squinted so as to access her new surroundings. She knew she still had the heavy chain attached to her collar. She groaned when she realized she was naked laying on a marble floor. She slightly tilted her...

3 years ago
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First Class AC Nightmare

Let me introduce myself. I’m Upendra Dubey, I’m working as a senior sales manager in a MNC, since last 3 years. Recently my family persuaded for marriage. I’m the youngest in the family. Two elder brothers and two elder sisters. My father along with my brothers and my brother-in-laws all are of very dominating nature. This lead to make me a coward in the family. Slapping and kicking are common habits in my family culture, especially for me. Which made me a coward by nature and character. Though...

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My Worst Nightmare

My Worst Nightmare by SONIA =========================== (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) This story is one I keep going back to as as theme because this is my dream if only it happened just like this ....... My worst nightmare had happened. My wife, Lorna, stood at the door to our bedroom with a look of horror on her face and her eyes welling up with tears. "Oh my God," she said, turned and hurriedly left the room and soon after I heard the...

2 years ago
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Daniels Nightmare

Daniel's Nightmare This is a simple sissy story of forced sissifcation and humiliation. No real sex involved but alluded to. May be downloaded for personal pleasure any other use forbidden unless approved by author. Like a couple of my other stories, one of Daphne's drawings inspired this one. Comments appreciated but you have been warned of the nature of this story. Comments may be sent to [email protected]. By Cheryl Lynn "Mom I don't want to go to Aunt Margaret's for the...

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Mrs Masons New Nightmare

Mrs. Mason's New Nightmare. This is an original story based on the characters in "Slumber Party Nightmare". When I first read and rewrote that story I didn't think that those characters deserved what happened to them. So when I wrote another story using the Mrs. Mason theme I made sure they did deserve it. Years later I don't think it matters anymore for these type of stories. This is my first original story written a long time ago. You will notice a lot of the same themes as the...

3 years ago
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NIGHTMARE Chapter 1 My name is Jason Conners, or at least it used to be. I had the perfect life. I was 6'2" with sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and from what I've been told, a movie star face. I was 18 with the whole world about to open up for me. I was the star quarterback of my high school football team with tons of full ride scholarships being offered to me. My parents pretty much made sure that I had everything I needed and most of whatever I wanted, but what really made my...

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Fantasy Come Nightmare

Fantasy Come Nightmare I walked in my flat where I lived alone, I took off my fleece and workboots and put them in the cupboard. I stepped into the bathroom where I stripped out of my filthy work clothes and got in the shower. I washed away all of the dust and muck I'd collected from a hard day on the construction site before I got out the razor and shaved away the hair from my legs, chest and armpits. This was a regular thing so it was more like stubble than regular hair. I got...

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Neighbor Girls Nightmare

NEIGHBOR GIRL?S NIGHTMARE NEIGHBOR GIRL?S NIGHTMARE Devin was basically a born troublemaker. The 17-year-old was always having problems at school and was a pain on his parents at home. By contrast, his younger stepsister Katie was an angel. She was in high school English and math despite only being in 7th grade. Her success only fuelled the rebellious streak in Devin. When Devin arrived home from school on Friday, he saw his family packing for a trip. ?What?s going on? Where are you...

3 years ago
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Bong Beauty Shreyashis Nightmare

This story is absolutely a work of fiction, written only as per the author's imagination. Resemblance to any character or incident is purely coincidental and unintentional. This is only for adults and the author do not support any relation of incidents to reality.Story:Shreyashi always knew she was a beautiful bengali girl. All through her adolescence she was aware of all the male attention she received and her figure only augmented the fact that she was beautiful and desirable or perhaps...

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Beautiful Shreyashis Nightmare

This is from the original author of this story. This story is absolutely a work of fiction, written only as per the author's imagination. Resemblance to any character or incident is purely coincidental and unintentional. This is only for adults and the author do not support any relation to reality....

2 years ago
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Municipal BlondesChapter 3 Nightmare

I HAD HAIR. Lots of hair. Long beautiful blond locks like Angel’s. And I had hair under my arms. I couldn’t even imagine shaving. And hair on my legs. And on my pubes. I couldn’t help but run my fingers through it. I wanted to spend all day brushing it and shaking it back and forth like a wild animal. Long beautiful hair and it was all mine. Dreaming But I couldn’t reach my hair. My hands were tied behind my back. I was sitting naked on a straight chair and Bradley was mocking me. He...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Night Turns into Femdom nightmare

Fantasy Night Turns into Femdom nightmareBackground Chapter One          Annie & Eddie had been married for about 18 months.  Annie was a 31 year-old stunning brunet who was 5’10? tall, 135 pounds - in all the right places.  She had a classically beautiful face, firm 36 D breasts, lovely nipples and the sweetest tasting pussy Eddied had ever known.   Eddie was a successful 50 year-old, married once before without children.  He was 6’2? tall and was in reasonable shape physically.  He considered...

3 years ago
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Ultimate Nightmare

The plain manila envelope Jason Tendell carried in his hand felt like it weighed a ton. With his world teetering on the edge of complete and utter collapse, the contents of that package felt like a huge millstone around his neck... and life. Just twenty-seven, his life had been nearly perfect to this point. It was on a path that most would envy and some would kill for. He had already made more than enough to pay off his home and still afford several fancy toys. As Financial Analyst for a...

2 years ago
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Parent Teacher ConferenceChapter 9 The Debriefing of Dreams Nightmares

The three of us sat and talked for what felt like hours. I told them how I was a teacher back on Earth and they shared stories of the all the worlds they had visited. The food we ate was like nothing I'd ever tasted before. They ordered different items, almost like several sampler platters and I tried everything. Some of it I really liked, some, not so much. Other creatures joined us and they too would share stories about space travel and the different worlds they had seen. It seemed I was...

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Rabbi Hershs Nightmare

You are standing at the edge of a cliff, looking out over the world. From here you can see every fault, every sin, every transgression. It is like a voice in your ears, whispering, drawing your attention to every miniscule detail, ever imperfection. As you stand, listening, your attention is drawn to a run down apartment somewhere in the middle of phoenix. A young man is huddled in the corner of his closet, crying quietly to himself. His fingers are raw and bleeding where he has chewed at them...

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Helenas Nightmare

Helena slept heavily, her long blonde tresses dangling over the edge of the bed as she sprawled across the double mattress. A groan escaped from her lips as she woke uncomfortably, the feeling of a weight pressing down on her stomach and ribs disturbing her. As her eyes flickered open it seemed, in the gloom of her bed-chamber, that a small creature was perched on her torso, its eyes glinting. Eyes suddenly wide open, she shot upright. The vision of the creature disappeared. She...

4 years ago
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My Perfect Weekend Turns Into My Nightmare

My Perfect Weekend Turns Into My Nightmare I nervously approached the door. Pause before knocking. I know as soon as I knocked I was committed to a weekend of humiliation and pain. Still I go ahead and knock timidly on the door, a few seconds go by, and I considered turning and running. The door swung open, too late to run now. In front of me is a man, slightly shorter than me, slim build with a head of receding short black hair. He looked in his fifties but is probably about forty. “Yes” he...

2 years ago
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Wedding Dress Nightmare

Introduction: Wife and husband decide to have sex while she wears her best friends wedding dress. Bet you cant guess how this ends! Wedding Dress Nightmare Daniella was getting married tomorrow. My wife Kim was the maid of honor and we were staying in the same hotel as the reception. The girls were all doting on Daniella and the boys were all out getting shitfaced with the groom. Kim had just about had it with all of Daniellas ridiculous indulgences and escaped back upstairs to our suite. I...

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Undead Nightmare

Welcome to Undead Nightmare, a zombie apocalypse survival story. This story will take place in a generic fictional city infested with hoards of undead. This story doesn't have an erotic focus, but it may contain a few sex scenes. Though they will likely be fairly short. To begin the story, select a character.

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My Perfect Weekend Turns Into My Nightmare

My Perfect Weekend Turns Into My NightmareI nervously approached the door. Pause before knocking. I know as soon as I knocked I was committed to a weekend of humiliation and pain. Still I go ahead and knock timidly on the door, a few seconds go by, and I considered turning and running. The door swung open, too late to run now. In front of me is a man, slightly shorter than me, slim build with a head of receding short black hair. He looked in his fifties but is probably about forty.“Yes” he...

4 years ago
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watching your wife have sex with another man is not all it's cracked up to be.My wife and I have been married to each other for almost 5 years now, I am 35 and she is 30. My wife was a virgin when we got married so she had never been with another person before. We had actually met at my brothers wedding, she was a bridesmaid, and I was my brother's best man. I guess my fantasizing about watching her have sex with another man started when we met and I read story after story in the Penthouse...

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This is to let all of the husbands out there know that watching your wife have sex with another man is not all it's cracked up to be.My wife and I have been married to each other for almost 5 years now, I am 35 and she is 30. My wife was a virgin when we got married so she had never been with another person before. We had actually met at my brothers wedding, she was a bridesmaid, and I was my brother's best man. I guess my fantasizing about watching her have sex with another man started when...

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The Vacation Nightmare

The Vacation Nightmare By Margaret Jeanette Jason Barrett woke up at his usual early time. It took him a minute to realize that he was at his sister-in-law's house. His wife Sharon was sleeping next to him. He knew she wouldn't be up for at least two hours yet as she liked to sleep late when she didn't have to go to work. He wondered about the headphones on his head. He didn't remember putting headphones on. He got up and padded to the bathroom. He knew no one was up yet so he...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy Can Become a Nightmare

A Fantasy Can Become a Nightmare It had taken months of planning for Chris to get everything ready for the fantasy of his life. It would something he had only dreamed of doing for a long time. The timing had to be right and this time it was. He would have the house to himself for a full week, and be completely undisturbed. Chris had been into self bondage for years and cross dressing was part of the humiliation he enjoyed forcing himself to endure. He had always been a control...

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Initiation Nightmare

Initiation Nightmare by Silvy Richards Having just turned eighteen, Paul was nervous about the up coming weeks ahead. School was starting tomorrow, and he was finally starting college. His new school was not only just a blocks away, but it was also the same college that his mother and father had attended, and eventually ended up meeting. But there was more to it than that, much more. Not only did his parents graduate there, but Paul's grandparents also...

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Johns Living Nightmare

John's Living Nightmare By Daphne Xu Copyright 1999 It was time to head off to school -- School, where everyone bugged him and picked on him. Reluctantly, John finished his last bowl of cereal and took his dishes to the sink. He scraped them before putting them in the dishwasher, as Dad always told him to. He stepped into his boots, put on his coat and gloves, slipped his knapsack over his shoulders, and said goodbye to his mother as...

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Samanthas Dubai Nightmare

Samantha’s Dubai NightmareSynopsis: A petite, gorgeous 19-year-old blonde American gets lured into working for an escorting agency in Dubai. Once there, she is quickly sold into slavery and forced to pleasure her owner in the most terrible of ways.Chapter 1: An Offer Too Good to Refuse        ?So,? Malia Jackson said, leaning forward and smiling at the young blonde across from her. ?Have you thought about what Kyle told you? About the Dubai gig??        ?I have, I don’t—I’m still not sure...

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Kenyan Customs Nightmare

Kenyan Customs NightmareShabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] Most of the people were black. The blonde woman and her husband were conspicuous as they waited in line in Customs at the Nairobi airport.  She was attractive, dressed in a halter top and a short skirt.  ?Your passports, please,? the man behind the desk said. ?What is the purpose of your visit,? he inquired??My wife and I are visiting colleagues.? The officer examined their passports as they waited for their luggage.  The...

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Lindas Medical Nightmare

Linda?s Medical NightmareBy the Bitchfinder GeneralPart OneFor the next couple of days things went quiet. Michelle managed to control herself and behave properly both in class and in a counselling session she had with Linda. Hoping the troublesome student had learned her lesson, Linda relaxed.Then her world was turned upside down. Under the terms of her contract while she remained on her three months probationary period she had to go through a monthly medical assessment. With her somewhat...

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African Nightmare

African NightmareThis story takes place in Nigeria. The year is 1968 and the country was in the midst of civil war. The Ibo’s, a tribe that lived in the eastern region on Nigeria had broken away following the assassination of the Nigerian Premier. The Ibo’s called their territory Biafra and as this area contained Nigeria’s oil reserves tensions were running high. In the north of the country Fiat the giant Italian car and engineering company were building a dam on the river Niger. It is in this...

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Vacation Nightmare

VACATION NIGHTMAREby novelist 3000   ??????????? Kristi Ambrose and her sister Annie stared out the hotel window in complete shock.? Overnight there had been a bloody military coup and the country was in a state of total upheaval.? Unexpected though it was, the turn of events underscored Kristi?s earlier fears about vacationing here, but she had promised her younger sister months earlier that they would get away for awhile.? Internet research revealed Palmas as the best value in a...

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Maliias Nightmare

Maliia's Nightmare By Maliia Kanaulahu From Maliia's Website at Maliia.com All Rights Reserved My name is Maliia. I am half-Polynesian and half-Caucasian. My story beginsat the start of my freshman year in college, and as an eighteen-year-old girlaway from home for the first time; I was both excited and nervous. Not beingfrom a wealthy family, I was like many college students in that I did not havea lot of extra money for frivolous expenditures. I was also really nervousabout who my roommate...

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Reunion Nightmare

Reunion Nightmare by Cindy Johnson [email protected] Free Audio MP3 version available Positive reviews welcome ?? Oh God, no. Please tell me she didn't just bring this up in front of the entire family, and my wife. My stupid, drunk sister spilled our family secret, and now everyone is looking at me giggling. It was our semi-annual family reunion. The entire family comes to Chicago to meet every two years from all over the country. We usually have over 50 people attend the...

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