Emergency Accomodations_(1) free porn video

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“I’m sorry sir but with the unexpected flooding in Dentonville we opened our rooms as emergency accommodations, it is our policy to help in such situations. We let families have the suites.”

“Then what the hell about us, am I supposed to shack up with my sister?”

“Sir, we have only this one room left and if you don’t take it I doubt you will find another in town tonight. It does have a fold away couch, one of you can sleep on that.” The reservations clerk softened the offer by adding “We won’t charge you sir, you two can stay the night and you need not pay.”

I looked at my older sister “What do you think?”

“I think I’ve been in the car too long, take the room” she growled.

Shelby gathered her two bags then led the way to the elevator “What floor?”

I looked at the number on the key card “Eight.”

It was a typical cheap hotel room. Long but narrow, the bathroom to the left just inside the door then a few steps into the main room. The queen bed was prominent against one wall, a chest of drawers with a flat screen TV on top against the opposite wall at the foot of the bed. A two-cushion sofa and one hard looking easy chair with square arms were positioned against the bank of windows that gave us a stunning view of a freeway bridge behind the parking lot. A small computer desk was wedged into a corner next to the bed.

Shelby dropped her backpack to the bed, an unspoken claim to that territory then pulled out her travel bag and headed for the bathroom, “I need a shower.” She paused, looked past me to the sofa and said with big sister authority “You get the foldout.” I thought that I should remind her that she is considerably shorter than me so she would fit better on the small bed but the look in her eyes conveyed that she would take no debate. I wasn’t up to arguing with her so I just nodded and commenced to pull the cushions off and toss them into a corner.

Shelby and I were driving to a family reunion 800 miles from where we went to college. We had reserved a two-room suite for the one night on the road for both directions of the trip. At twenty-three my sister was just three months from earning her Business degree, I am sixteen months younger so I was a junior.

I unfolded the little bed that had a mattress about one inch deep. Two pillows from the big bed and a blanket from the four-hanger closet completed my sleeping arrangements. I was going to have to sleep in a fetal position to keep my legs from hanging over the edge. I got on the large bed turned on the TV and waited my turn for a shower. She came out of the bath followed by a puff of warm, humid, feminine scented air. She wore a towel wrapped around her wet hair but below that only a red spaghetti strap tank top that exposed most of her midriff and panties. She caught me looking at her and said “I didn’t bring a night gown, don’t look.” I forced my eyes from Shelby’s very alluring figure, she pulled out a hair dryer while I went for a shower.

When I stepped into the stall I noticed a dark colored clump of something circling the drain and cringed because I thought it was moss or mold, I mean the hotel wasn’t the best. I closed the drain so the glob wouldn’t go down before I looked at it. Carefully I pinched it in my fingers and that is when I realized I was looking at a wad of brown curly hair. It was too long and curly to be from legs so I guessed it was pubic hair. My sister had shaved her muff while in the shower? Holy crap! When it dawned on me I had a pinch of my sister’s pubes my cock started to inflate. Not a lot, but with heightened awareness that a female was nearby. I opened the drain and let the mat of hair go. As it washed away my mind’s eye envisioned Shelby with one foot on the wall of the shower stall while carefully trimming herself with a razor. I added shave gel to the vision and watched her shave away the ragged ends of her cunt hair while creamy white foam streamed down the inside of her thigh. By the time I imagined her exploring her pelvic area with two fingertips feeling for stubble my prick was half an erection. The final thought of my quick fantasy was to wonder why I found the hair. Did she shut the water off before it washed down the drain on purpose? Did she leave it for me to discover? That idea finished the full construction of my erection, I took a little extra time washing my cock and nuts while thinking about what I found.

I stayed in the bathroom until my erection withered to a prick again. I slipped my boxers on then I too went back to the main room in just my underwear. Shelby was lying on her right side on the bed and when she saw me she pulled up the sheet to cover herself but not before I got a good look at her. Again my imagination went berserk, I had the impression her position was staged and she purposely pulled the sheet over moments too late; she could have pulled it up when she heard the door open. She watched me wordlessly as I went past the bed to the cramped foldout. “Want to watch TV?” I asked while my eyes roamed up and over then down the form of her body from neck to feet. She had kicked the thick quilted cover to the end of the bed so it was just the thin sheet over her. She was facing away from me so her ass was the prominent feature in view.

Shelby snuggled into the pillow she was hugging “No, turn off the light, I want to sleep.” In order to kill the lights I had to get up and cross the small room. My sister lifted her head to watch me rise from the foldout bed to go hit the switch. It seemed to me her eyes leveled off at my groin as I moved around.

The ambient light from the city outside the window lit the room enough to see without stumbling into anything. I climbed onto the sofa bed and curled up to keep my feet from hanging over the sharp edge at the end. The room was silent except for freeway traffic that created a low murmur of background noise. I lay in the dark quiet and began to think about Shelby. I could hear her shifting slightly on the bed, the sheet rustling, the fragrance of her after bath powder lingered in the air and the persistent imagery of her shaving all began to work on my libido again. Sister or not, she was an enticing female and I was getting hard.

I rolled to my back and pulled my knees up so my feet were on the bed. I was getting warm so I pushed the blanket down until my upper body was bare. My prick had swollen enough to play with so I fingered it slowly while thinking of where it could be more useful. I wasn’t masturbating, I was entertaining myself as I thought about fucking Shelby. I’d never before thought of my older sister as a sex partner, but then, I’d never been alone with her in a hotel room before.

My nuts got harder, my cock filled to capacity. I looked at Shelby’s outline under the sheet and she didn’t look natural. To my filth laden imagination she looked tense as if she were anticipating, awaiting something. The longer I handled my erection, the longer I looked at Shelby, the longer I lay on that thin hard mattress, the more I thought about moving to the bed. I was rationalizing; there was plenty of space, she was on the far edge so I could lie next to her without touching her. I could turn away so we were back to back that way she wouldn't discover my hard-on even if she turned over. Like a thief in the night I rose silently then carefully eased onto the bed next to Shelby. My heart was slamming, I felt hot as I settled into a pillow, I expected her to protest, to send me back to the kid sized sofa bed but she remained still and quiet; asleep? I lay facing away from her with my legs stretched comfortably but my boxers were tented a fucking mile. I pulled my erection through the pee hole so it poked over the edge of the mattress, my heart was crashing, the rush of blood made my ears ring.

I couldn’t get my mind cleared of my sister. She was lying only inches from me wearing just lingerie, bathed, powdered and smooth shaven. I was shaking mildly, I wanted to turn on the air conditioning to cool off but didn’t want to leave where I was, if she was asleep she couldn’t object to me being on the bed so I didn’t want to chance waking her. I turned my head to look at Shelby but I couldn’t do an owl like 180 head turn so I carefully rolled over to my other side facing her. There was still a lot of empty bed between us so I could lie there and be sure not to touch her anywhere. As I examined her form under the sheet she pulled one leg up so it was bent at the knee which caused her ass to move in my direction. When she was done shifting her butt was even more prominent and the leg was uncovered from foot to hip, the hem of pale blue panties curved over her thigh then under the sheet. The sight of my sister’s leg shot a surge of vibrations through my groin, I almost groaned from the intensity of them. My nuts were aching.

Everybody on this Earth is going to die. We all know it, we don't really want to think about it, but it is inevitable. The big question is always ‘when’? Lying on the bed next to my sister I made a decision, if I was going to die then I couldn’t pick a better time. I carefully eased closer to Shelby then put an arm over her waist with my hand resting on her stomach; if she woke up and killed me, I guess that would be my ‘when’. She didn’t move and I was still as a statue while my hand and arm rested on her soft skin. Well, most of me was still, my balls were churning, rapidly brewing even more lust for her, my heart was bruising against my ribcage.

Emboldened by a lack of protest I slipped my hand up under the top then paused when my fingers pressed on the underside of a breast. She remained still so acting with hormone driven courage I cupped the breast lightly. The mound filled my palm and as my fingertips moved over her skin I felt her nipple stiffen. Oh-my-gaud! She reacted to my feeling her up and it wasn’t rejection...…...! Encouraged by the reaction I pressed my luck and her tit even more. I could feel my own pulse in my neck while I felt Shelby up. I quickly succumbed to temptation and got more active by stretching my fingers to caress the other nipple. It took no time at all to be paying attention to both breasts. When I felt both nipples standing tall I knew I couldn’t stop until I seduced her, asleep or not.

I played with Shelby’s tits for a couple of minutes then took another breath of bravery and eased closer to her. When my erection touched her ass I shifted until it was lodged along her butt crack. I bumped my hips giving myself a thrill then moved my adventurous hand from under her top to the flat of her stomach. The skin under my fingers was growing warm, the temperature of the air around the bed was increasing as I heated up even more. I moved my hand to her hip then tugged gently to get her even closer. Her back bent slightly and the pressure of her butt against my cock increased, I bumped again, rubbing on her. My hand eased over her hip then down her pelvis until I was touching the top of her slit through her panties. When I stroked her sex with my fingertips her body jerked lightly and her legs moved far enough apart I could put my hand over her sex.

I don’t know if she was asleep when I got onto the bed but I sensed she was awake as I caressed her. She began to move in sync to the feel of my hand, her head rolled back stretching her neck then Shelby reached between us and gripped my erection. As I rubbed her through the thin material of her panties she began to stroke my cock. Even as warm as I was I felt my sister heating up.

We lay like that for a few minutes, she squeezing and pumping my erection while I played with her pussy. When she moved her hand to slip her fingers under the waistband of my shorts I did the same for her. As she contacted my balls directly, I slid two fingers over the soft fleshy lips of her vulva then bent a finger into her. For several minutes she and I did nothing more than use our hands to raise our levels of desire. She was smearing the bubbles of pre-cum over the length of my cock as I pressed on the hood that hid her clit. When I touched her there it stiffened like a miniature hard-on and she whimpered a soft sound of pleasure. I concentrated on turning Shelby on and she responded by undulating her back, rolling her ass against me. It took maybe three more minutes until she froze solid for a moment then gasped a deep breath and quivered in silence. When she climaxed she gripped my cock so hard she left fingernail indents. It was an awesome feeling.

She turned her head to look at me with wide inviting eyes and the hint of a smile on her lips, I pulled on her shoulder so she rolled over to face me. She put a hand on my cheek and caressed my face then kissed me. The kiss was gentle, soft, and full of permission which caused an explosion of need in my balls. I wrapped her up in my arms and pulled her into a full body hug. She and I lay quiet like that until I bumped her groin with the erection trapped between us. She kicked the sheet off completely then sat up to pull my shorts off. When I was nude Shelby again held my cock but this time she was exploring it with her eyes as well as her hands. Since she was sitting next to me I took the opportunity to pull her top off. After I tossed it to the floor I pushed her back to the mattress then took her panties down her legs and dropped them to join the top. I moved around until her breasts were within reach of my mouth then began to kiss, lick and suckle her tits. She relaxed back on the bed again and let me pleasure her.

Seducing my sister may have been one of the most intoxicating things I had ever done in my twenty-one years. She was soft, sexy, pliable and the fragrance of her fresh from the shower only heightened my desire. As I felt, caressed, massaged and fondled Shelby she was getting more feral. She was moving fluidly, sipping short gasps of air as I worked on her from face to ankles. After several long minutes of turning my sister on I stretched lengthwise between her legs then paid attention to the focus of my desire. She hadn’t shaven all of her hair, she had neatly trimmed the edges and thinned the mat. I put my nose in her pubic hair and inhaled the scent of her musk mixed with perfumed powder. I kissed her slit while fucking the bed. I nuzzled her thighs, licked the crack from anus to clit then turned my tongue loose on her. I lapped Shelby and she got even more limber, taking quick sharp breaths while rolling her nipples in her own fingers. She lifted her legs and wrapped them over my back so my head was trapped between her warm smooth thighs, she wasn’t going to let me go until she climaxed again. I managed to get a hand under her ass and caressed her anus with my middle finger. Shelby arched off the bed and began to quake, her legs were shaking, her arms shot out to each side then she slapped the bed when I jammed the finger in her butt. She never made a sound louder than a soft wheeze. When she stopped moving I pushed up and her legs slid boneless from my back.

I got to my knees between her wide spread legs then took her hips and pulled her close enough I could put my erection in her. She reached for me and held it in place while I pressed forward. Her orgasmic juices were flowing so Shelby’s hot wet body welcomed me with no resistance, no friction. I pushed into her until our pelvic bones meshed. Shelby lifted her arms, put her hands on my chest and looked into my eyes as I fucked her slowly, passion and desire flowed as an electric current between us. We stayed in that position for a few minutes then I pulled away and laid behind her. She lifted her leg to give me access then I entered her again. Spooned against her like that freed my hands to feel her body and tits. I fondled Shelby as we coupled gently, our hips were rolling with a relaxed rhythm, my erection sliding, not slamming in her, the slow easy pace only heightened the pleasure of sex. She was purring; each time my balls pressed against her pussy she rolled her back like a cat enjoying the stoke of a hand. She reached over my head and pulled it down until my lips were on her neck. I licked her skin then started kissing the nape of her neck which caused her to shiver against me. I worked my mouth to her face then she turned to me as far as she could and we started making out, our tongues quickly joined the ritual. She rolled to her back and lifted her near leg so I had more ease to fuck her and we could neck without stretching. My hand went to her breast, my tongue explored her mouth and my cock pressed even deeper.

Shelby broke the kiss then said the first thing since I got on the bed with her, “Cum.”

It was magic. Just that one word uttered as a whisper caused my cock to clench and my body to jerk. I held back just long enough to see her eyes roll up as she took a long deep breath. Shelby started vibrating from feet to head when the end of my erection shredded and I surged into her repeatedly. She went stiff as a board, arched her back and emptied her lungs in a rush of soundless air. Again, she had a totally silent orgasm.

We rested for a few moments bonded by my relaxed prick in her. She pulled off, rolled away from me then cradled a pillow. I went to my back and enjoyed the afterglow of good sex as we drifted to sleep.

I woke up slowly to the sensation of another growing erection. As I came more awake I became aware of a hand caressing my thigh and it wasn't my hand. I turned to see Shelby on her side facing me, smiling as she moved her hand to my nuts. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t need to. In seconds she had what she wanted, my cock stiffened rapidly and she shifted her fingers from my balls to my erection. When I was man enough for her she crawled over my lap, guided my cock to her then started rolling her hips. I glanced at the bedside clock and saw that it was 3:04 AM. She fucked me with more energy than the first time but it was still a totally silent affair. We shifted around screwing with the passion of lovers until she lay with her face on a pillow, on her knees, her ass high in the air. The orgasm building in her womb burst like a pricked balloon. Her cunt flooded with her cum which sent the message to my balls. I came into Shelby as she quivered in silence. My cock fell from her when I leaned back and her pussy started oozing semen. She cupped her vagina then looked at the mess on her fingers. Shelby wiped her hand on the sheet, rolled to her side and closed her eyes. We were done and she was ready to sleep again.

I was first up that morning and had two paper cups of bitter hotel coffee ready when she roused. She got off the bed unembarrassed while I looked at her complete nudity in full light. My cock stirred as she stretched then mumbled “Morning.” I thought she might say something about what we’d done but without comment she went to pee and clean up. 40 minutes later we were back on the road to the family reunion. By some mutual, unspoken agreement, we didn't talk about what we did, we didn't reminisce, make excuses or confess our feelings. It was as if we had spent the night alone, in the two beds. Three days later we stopped at the same hotel, got the suite we reserved then spent the night in separate bedrooms. I was kind of hoping she would come to me but she didn’t and we didn’t. We were lovers that one night, no more.

Eleven weeks after our trip she came to my dorm room, she was graduating the next day so her room was empty and she was hanging with me until our parents showed up. It had been a long day and she was tired so Shelby came to lay on my bed with me. She napped on a pillow for about an hour then woke up. She picked up her head, put her lips next to my ear and said softly “We should have been careful, I’m pregnant.”

My sister kissed my cheek then got up to leave me in stunned silence. When she opened the door, I found my voice “Shelby.” She turned, “Could it be someone else?”

It was a straightforward question so she gave me a straightforward answer, “No” then closed the door after she stepped through it.

Shelby graduated the next morning and by early afternoon was on her way home with our parents. I still had a few days of finals left so I would leave in eight more days. For those eight days my hours were not only spent cramming for tests, my mind was full of my sister. I could have sent her text messages or emails but I didn't, she hadn’t sent me any either. For those eight days I wondered what the hell we should do about her carrying my baby. More to the point, what she should do? There were only two options, go to term or not, but the choice wasn’t mine.

Chapter Two

“It just never occurred to me that you could knock me up, I mean you’re my brother, that’s not supposed to happen.”

I watched her picking at the salad in front of her, I had been home two days and this was the first chance to get Shelby alone so I took her to lunch. “Yeah, well I didn’t offer any safety measures either, I’m sorry Shelby, sorry I did this to you. Are you okay?”

“Of course. And don’t worry, I’m fine with you too. It was an accident, not the first time we’ve banged each other up.” She paused then laughed brightly “Banged each other up, now that’s funny, you banged me up too well this time.”

“You don’t seem to be upset about this, how do you really feel, is your good mood a denial against what is happening.”

She shook her head, “Look, what’s done is done, we can’t change that. I got horny, you got horny, we fucked and I got pregnant. Shit like that happens all the time, maybe not with siblings so much but I’m not going to go into a depression or jump off a goddamn bridge just because I'm carrying my own niece or nephew. We had a good time and now I have to figure out how to deal with the result.”

As I sat there and studied my sister I began to reminisce and my fucking cock started firming up. I was thinking about that night and decided it was time to clear the air so to speak “What happened, I got turned on for you but you didn't club me in the head or chase me away. Why?”

Shelby sat back in her seat pushed the salad plate aside and laced her fingers together. She glanced around to see if any strange ears were near then back to me. She leaned over the table toward me, her large hazel eyes locked on mine and she started “When you were arguing with the clerk over the room I had a flash vision, you and me forced to share a bed. It shook me up, not because sleeping next to my brother would be repulsive, but just the opposite; my thoughts were pure erotic. What would it be like sleeping with my brother? When we got to the room and I saw the bed I felt another rush; I saw us. I saw you lying with me and knew I wouldn’t say no if you hit on me. I got turned on for you.”

“So, the hair in the shower, the skimpy top and panties, those were clues?”

Her eyes smiled “Did they work?”

“You got fucked didn't you?”

She smirked “Only too well, but I'm not sorry. It was a good night, maybe it was the perversity of what we were doing but I got off like crazy. It may have been a first date, but it was a good first date.”

The pressure of my swelling cock reminded me it was time to leave this thread of conversation so I pushed past that night “Now what?”

I saw her tense in the chair, “I don’t care to have an incest baby so I think I should end this, what do you think?”

“Why you asking me?”

“Because you’re the father, if you want me to carry it I will.”

I stared at my sister for several seconds, that she cared enough for my feelings or beliefs made me swell with respect for her and because I respected her I couldn't let her fuck up her future. “What do you need from me? I have some money.”

She relaxed, allowing the tension to ebb, “There is a clinic is in Culver City, can you take me next week?”

We left the day before her appointment; the trip was over a hundred miles so she didn't want to leave the same morning. Shelby had made reservations for a motel and when we got there she went in to register while I sat in the car. She came back “Room 34, down there.” I pulled around and parked in front of 34. When she opened the door the first thing I saw was a single queen-sized bed.

“Another fold out sofa?” I asked.

My sister dropped her pack on the bed, turned to me then put her arms around my neck and pulled me close, her tits were mashed on my chest, her groin rubbing on mine. She lifted her face then kissed me gently and offered “I thought we might have a little more fun before I do this.” She smiled broadly “You already made me pregnant so we sure as hell don’t need to be proper or Victorian now.”

There was no intense passionate need to have sex as soon as the door closed, we weren’t hot heedless lovers so Shelby and I left the room to get some dinner. Yes, I wanted to fuck her but ripping our clothes off wasn’t what we needed or felt. Our desire was more casual, simmering, waiting for the right moment.

We found a small diner and settled into a booth near the back so we could talk without neighbors. The conversation quickly became intimate as we talked about our past. “You remember Mark Sodel? He used to come in my window and spend the night with me. That’s when I learned not to make any noise when I have sex. You were next door and Mom and Dad were across the hall and I didn't want you all to hear.”

“Mark? Then you must have been what, seventeen?”

“No, sixteen. When I was seventeen it was Jerry Carmo. We screwed like crazy in the back of his pickup, he had that shell on it and inside was like a bedroom.”

“Did you make noise?” I asked jokingly.

“No, and that bothered him, he wanted to hear how great he was as loudly and wildly as I could but he wasn’t really that good. I kept waiting for him to ask what would make me happy but he was too self-centered. He thought five minutes was the best fuck a girl could ever get. I finally got tired of faking it so he would get off me and went searching for a new boyfriend.”

“What does make you happy?”

Shelby’s eyes were smoldering “Why don’t you take me to bed, I’ll tell you.” I called for the dinner check.

We were lying fully clothed face to face on the bed. Shelby and I mused quietly while I opened blouse buttons, bra straps and zippers. When I freed her of a piece of clothing she would make me pause long enough for some sensual necking and caresses. It took me twenty minutes to strip her to nothing then she waited and posed while I rolled to my back and shed my clothes. By the time we stretched out together naked we were both ready to fuck. She was on her back so I rolled to my side, lifted her near leg then as we locked eyes I slipped my erection into my sister again. As with the first time we did this we didn’t erupt in a frenzy of passion or an overheated destruction of the bed. We were quietly talking as our bodies gently meshed and moved together. Shelby was telling me “I like it slow like this but most guys don’t understand that. They climb over slam in then start banging so hard I get pushed up to the end of the bed and my head starts bumping the headboard.” She grinned broadly and said with humor “Fucking like that gives me a fucking headache, literally.”

“Have you ever been in love?”

“I loved Mark. I was sixteen, he was my first boyfriend and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. I was devastated when we broke up. After him I think I loved Allen but he dumped me for a long-legged noisy bitch. He told me that they had sex in a car and she got so loud people on the street stopped to watch. After he left I was surprised I didn’t feel shit on, I thought about what he and I had then realized he was kind of selfish with sex too. I was beginning to learn what I wanted, what would feel good so I went looking for another boyfriend the next day, someone who could keep me entertained.”

I shifted down the bed slightly which changed the angle I was in her, she arched her back then moved her legs further apart. I put a hand over the junction of her legs and pressed on the nub of her clit, it reacted by swelling, she reacted with a deep sigh and a shudder. “So, if you don’t get what you need you don’t take them to bed anymore?”

“Sometimes I’ll let some guy that didn’t excite me a lot come back but only if he is sexually mature enough to listen to me, not take what he wants. If a guy can learn to make me happy then he’ll be happier with me. I’ve had three long relationships because the sex was good.”

“And me, do I make you happy?”

She looked at me, her eyes crinkled with mirth “Where is your prick right now?”

“Deep between your legs.”

“That’s right dear brother, and it’s there because you made me happy the first time we did this.”

“Yeah? Not only that, I made you pregnant.”

Shelby nodded and said soberly “You know what, when I got up that morning I knew what happened. I don’t know why but I felt it, my intuition was working and I knew for sure you connected with me, I think it was the second time. It was the strangest feeling but I wasn’t mad, scared or worried, I just sort of accepted it; kind of like ‘Huh, I’m pregnant’.”

Talking about impregnating my sister was beginning to raise the temperature of my balls to the boiling point. I pulled out of Shelby, rolled her to her stomach then mounted over her back. She spread her arms and legs wide, closed her eyes then we concentrated on the enjoyment of what we were doing. She was rolling her back while I pumped my cock. She compressed her lips, closed her eyes then all conversation stopped as I fucked her. I pushed up and watched her ass bounce while my groin rolled over it, she bent her legs at the knees until her calves were pulled up against the back of her thighs. I put my lips on the nape of her neck, the final act that tripped her orgasm. Shelby went stiff, slammed her feet back to the bed and arched her hips, inviting me as deep as I could get. While my sister convulsed in silence my cock relented and I again sent legions of sperm into her womb.

Thirty minutes later Shelby was astraddle my lap rolling her hips, sliding on my second erection. She leaned down and kissed me with a hint of tongue and a lot of passion. I reached between us then searched for her clit with my fingers. When I started massaging it she moaned into my mouth then cramped with a series of climatic seizures. I held off while she convulsed then as she relaxed she slid off my lap and down until she could pay attention to my cock. She put her mouth over me then pressed down until I could feel the back of her throat. Shelby worked on me with her mouth and a hand until I had to warn her “Shelby -------uh----- almost.”

She didn’t back off, she rolled her eyes up to mine, smiled around the shaft then sucked the semen directly out of my balls. When I was done groaning and pulsing she moved back up beside me and rested her head on my chest. “I like sex with you” was the last thing she sighed before her breathing eased into sleep mode.

She hadn't found a job yet and I was on a break so we spent the next few weeks in our parents’ home, we were a family again. Shelby was catching up with her high school friends while looking for work, I spent my time loitering in the back-yard sipping beers with our dad and a couple of my buds. Since neither of us were dating anyone we hung with each other but we didn’t jump into another bed after the visit to the clinic. When we did go to the movies or clubbing I felt a lingering lust for her but was sure our sexual past would remain in the past. Shelby and I were siblings; we were family, not lovers.

The day before I needed to leave for my last year of college we were at a local theme park when she put a hand on my arm and stopped me in front of the roller coaster. She pulled me around to face her, looked up into my eyes then asked “Tony, why haven’t you hit on me again?”

“Huh? I thought we were done, you wouldn't want to after the scare.”

We stood still as the crowd parted around us “I told you I don’t like aggressive self-centered men who treat women as objects but I don’t mind aggressive men who treat women as women.” She paused, looking directly into my eyes “I like the way you treat me but you could be more aggressive.”

I put my hands on her cheeks to hold her face still as I bent to kiss her. When I pulled back I asked “You want to get a room with me, there are motels on every corner around here.”

Her answer was a tease, a question “And what would you do with me in a motel?”

I smiled into her eyes and told her “I’ll fuck you until you pass out from exhaustion.”

I spoke loud enough that some guy walking past us looked up sharply, checked out my sister then smiled enviously at me. Shelby glanced at him, blushed red then stepped into my arms and whispered into my ear “Let’s go."

“We need to stop at Walgreen’s to get some rubbers.”

Shelby took my hand and led me out of the throng, “Don’t need to, I’m okay. You can fill me up until my eyes turn white and we won’t be taking chances.” I didn’t know that some weeks after the procedure at the clinic my sister opted for birth control by IUD. Shelby had hinted she wanted me to be aggressive but it was her taking the lead. I didn’t mind.

The first two times I fucked my sister I was cautious, slow in my approach but as soon as the motel door closed I dropped to my knees then put my head under her skirt and inhaled the fragrance of perfume mixed with the sensual musk of her body. My cock which had been firming up, swelled to capacity as I put my lips at the top of the slit under the panties. I kissed Shelby there then licked her pussy through the cloth. She fell back to the bed with her knees bent over the edge, my mouth still on her. She moved a hand between me and her then with two fingers pulled her panties to the side exposing herself for my attention. I kissed, licked and probed her with my lips and tongue until she began to vibrate. Shelby grabbed a pillow and covered her face as she orgasmed, her thighs were shaking, vibrating against my cheeks and ears when she came.

I leaned back from my prone sister, she moved the pillow from her head and looked at me with soft warm eyes, “Wow” was all she said. She pushed up to her elbows and looked at the tent in my pants. Shelby got off the bed, kissed me lightly then we undressed completely.

The first time I had sex with her we were subdued, coupling without passion, it was enjoyable but sedate. The second night with her was more animated, we were not being shy but still reserved in what we did, how we screwed. But that third time was different, Shelby bounced onto the bed, dragged me by an arm to join her then got up and over me so she was sitting on my chest with my arms pinned to the mattress. She squirmed her butt up my chest until her crotch was pressed on my chin. I could feel the warmth of her racing blood as she radiated lust “If you want to put your dick in me again you’ll have to wrestle me down.”

The challenge was answered in a heartbeat. I arched my back which flipped my sister off, she fell next to me and I rolled to face her. We started wrestling, tickling, teasing, laughing, fondling, necking and touching as I not too gently assaulted her. After several minutes of heating her up I moved around until my mouth was over the junction of her legs then kissed her crotch. Shelby’s left leg shivered and her stomach contracted at the first touch of my mouth then I got serious about turning her on with my lips and tongue again. I would never tire of eating my sister.

The scent and taste of her assailed my senses and turned my prick to hot steel, my nuts were high and tight while I humped the mattress between her legs. I focused all my lust on licking and kissing her. She was flowing, I lapped the erotic tasting fluids from the crack between her thighs. It was when I rubbed the end of my thumb on her anus that Shelby pulled up her legs then began to vibrate with the shocks of her second orgasm. Her clit swelled and extended from its soft skin hood so I captured it between my lips and sucked on it which caused her to crest over a series of orgasmic peaks. Shelby gripped my hair and forcefully pulled my head up, my mouth off her, when she was done shaking and gasping I rolled away, her tits were bobbing as her chest heaved for cool air. She rolled her head to me and panted “My god, Tony, I never felt anything like that ever. What is it about you that makes me so damn hot?”

“I don’t know, maybe because we aren’t supposed to be doing this? Fucking your brother is supposed to be illegal, evil, vile and totally perverse.”

She evaluated my words for a moment then replied “Yeah? Well it’s fun being totally perverse with you.” She lay quiet next to me a little longer then pushed me to my back then sat over my legs. She sat up straight and studied my cock while she pumped it with fingers. She looked up at me, her eyes sparkled through long curled eyelashes. Her body angled down until her face was over my groin. She glanced into my face, smiled almost bashfully then put her lips on the end of my hard-on. She licked it gently then parted her lips and ducked her head, my cock slid over her tongue into her mouth. She started moving her head slowly wetting my cock, I lay back on a pillow and mellowed. My hands went to her hair instinctively but I didn't apply any pressure, I caressed her neck and back. She took more of my dick in her mouth and I felt her cup my balls in a hand. She lifted off my erection momentarily looked at me to judge my reaction then started again with more enthusiasm. She bobbed her head a few times then started sucking as my erection rapidly filled with a load. I stretched my hand down to caress her butt then began to stroke her anus again which caused her to shiver.

I watched her long yellow hair tossing as her head moved up and down, her mouth was wet and hot so it didn’t take long before I had to say “I'm close girl" but again she didn't stop. She was determined, taking more of me into her mouth she started sucking harder. The first rush of cum splashed over her tongue, the convulsion so strong I reacted by plunging my long finger into her ass. I watched her eyes grow wide with some unidentifiable emotion as her body jerked. I fired another liquid bullet then she could take no more, she raised her head and watched as I squeezed more rounds over her hand. Each time I pulsed I flexed the finger in her ass causing her eyes to flutter, her breath to catch.

She sat straight up next to me which caused my finger to slip from her butt. Semen dripped down her chin and splashed on her left tit but she didn’t seem to mind. After a few moments I saw her throat move, her eyes glistened as she wiped the cum off her chin. She looked at the mess on her hand and my stomach and commented wryly “Jesus you cum a lot, no wonder I got pregnant.”

The oral sex was just a prelude to a long hot night with my older sister. I was going back to school the next day and she was looking for work and her own place to live. Our paths were diverging so Shelby and I acted as if this were the last time we would be together like that. The blow job only whetted my sexual appetite so when I proposed ‘Let’s break some more fucking laws’ my hot sexy sibling screwed me three more times before the sun rose. I was so tired from sex all night that I had to pull into a rest stop for an in-car nap later that morning.

Chapter Three

I went back to finish my degree, Shelby found a job and an apartment in Asheville, about 180 miles from our parents. We corresponded by email, text and occasionally by phone. We resumed our normal family relationship; the sexual interludes were relegated to history. Even though we weren’t screwing any more I used my memories as stimulation when I took matters into my own hands. After jacking off while thinking about my sister my nuts would relax in total satisfaction but my cock would stay half hard until I slept it off. Sometimes my girlfriends’ cries of passion weren’t even enough to lure my thoughts from Shelby. Twice I asked a girl I was fucking if she could climax quietly; they tried but couldn’t. I kind of missed sex with my sister.

I graduated, found a job nearer to home than Asheville and settled into a routine life. Shelby and I would go to our parents for birthdays and holidays and once in a while I drove to Asheville to visit her. Those visits were strictly platonic, we didn't jump into her bed to satisfy some base urge to commit incest again. We had separate lives, we were becoming long distant relatives.

I opened my mail one day to find a wedding invitation from Shelby. I knew she had been dating Kevin for over two years, I had met him several times when we got together. Our mother went into “Oh my god! She’s getting Married!” mode while dad and I toasted the couple with a brew.

The day arrived, Shelby was getting married. She was radiant, beautiful in her wedding dress. The floor length gown flowed in waves of silk and lace from a high neck to the broad flared skirt that hid silver heels. The back of the dress swept back as a train laden with pearls and opals that shown soft in the light. Her long golden hair cascaded in waves to the middle of her back, it was wrapped with lace ribbons and sprinkled with pearls. She stood still as the bridesmaids made final adjustments, she was minutes from getting married to Kevin. I had been hovering near her the entire time she readied to marry.

I was allowed in the dressing room because I was the wedding photographer. After college I had set up my own studio for photography so I was shooting my sister’s wedding as a gift to her and her new husband. I’d been present with my cameras since Shelby began the long process of getting ready for the ceremony. I had images of her from the moment she stepped out of her street clothing to the time she was fully made up and decked out as the radiant bride. Rachel, her best friend, who knew I was her brother objected at first but was finally convinced that as a professional photographer paid to take pictures I'd seen many brides in panties and bras before so my presence was okay. That was true, it was an aspect of my job and I was usually ignored as part of the decor’. I was used to snapping photos of not only brides and bridesmaids, but models, male and female, in many stages of undress. What was not normal is that this beautiful shapely bride and I had an amoral sexual history and I was reminiscing as I took pictures.

Just like most brides I took photos of, Shelby was conscience of the camera for the first few minutes but gradually accepted my presence and started to ignore me which is the best way to get a more natural look in the pictures. As I moved around the room taking pictures of her I started getting turned on. I had several times been in dressing rooms with semi-naked brides but this was the first time I’d ever gotten aroused even though she was doing nothing to entice me. Taking pictures requires much time looking through the lens of the camera. I could zoom in and focus at the touch of a button so my unprofessional self was taking a lot more time than necessary viewing her; tits, ass and face all fell under my lens on the pretext of setting up another shot. My cock was slowly gaining weight as I took photos from various angles, asked her to pose in various positions. Even as I took them I knew that this was a photo gallery I would be reviewing many times in the future.

She was wearing a garter belt over white satin panties and sheer white hosiery held up by the garter with a matching lace bra when the bridesmaids sat her in front of a vanity and began to prepare her hair. Rachel and two more young women fussed with Shelby’s locks for 30 minutes until she was finished with ribbons and pearls. During that time our mother came in to critique the work then gave me an evil eye “Do you have to be here?”

“He’s the photographer mom, don’t get your girdle in a twist.”

“But in your state of dress dear shouldn’t he be out of the room?”

Shelby looked up at our parent “Oh mother, quit living in the 19th century, it’s fine, it’s okay.”

“It’s bad luck to let him see you before the wedding” mom countered.

“It’s bad luck if my future husband sees me, not my brother. Go away now, I have to get ready.” Dismissed by her daughter our parent threw me another eyeball dagger then huffed out of the room.

I told Shelby “She’d really have a hissy if she knew the family secrets.”

Rachel looked up to listen to the conversation, a question in her eyes as my sister responded “Yeah, but some skeletons will stay in the closet forever.”

After the hair was done the three women helped Shelby into her dress, it took another 25 minutes to get the ‘look’ just right. I was clicking shots the entire time. When my sister finished dressing for her wedding I took her to a room where I had set up a studio. The bridesmaids vanished to get ready so I was alone with Shelby. When the door closed I tried to pose her for a portrait shot but she resisted my hand on her shoulder “Wait, there’s something I want to do before I get married.”

“What’s that?”

“I want you to fuck me.”

I was stunned, “What!?”

She stepped close and repeated as a whisper “I want you to screw me. You have a problem with that?”

“When? Right now?”

Shelby smiled then stepped to a corner of the room, lifted her skirt, unhooked the garter from the stockings then pulled her panties to the floor. She nudged them away with a silver shoe then came back and sat on the tall studio chair. She spread her legs, lifted the long white dress to expose herself then said “Right now.” I was looking at the junction of her legs, my prick swelled to X-rated in seconds.

“You shave?”

“Kevin likes me that way, he likes to think he is sticking his dick into a younger girl.”

My erection was jerking with lust but I had to remind her “Shelby, this is your wedding day, in a few minutes you’ll be a wife, this isn’t something we should be doing now.”

“Tony, put the camera down and come here.”

Hey, she was my big sister, I almost never argued with her so who was I to object? I set the camera aside, opened my pants then stepped between Shelby's wide-open legs. The chair was tall enough that her hole was at the right level for me without bending my knees. Before I penetrated her she cautioned me “Lock the door.”

With my pants resting on my ankles I shuffled the few feet to the door, locked it then shuffled back. My erection was swinging left and right as Shelby watched it with amused eyes. When I was close enough she gripped my cock and pulled me into place. The end of my erection brushed on the smooth-shaven skin of her body and I damn near groaned out loud. Her pussy lips were open far enough I could see the where my cock was about to enter, she rubbed the head of my shaft up and down her crack twice then centered it for me. I pushed into her until my nuts were resting on the seat of the stool. Shelby lifted her legs; the silk stockings caressed my hips while her ankles were crossed behind me. My sister looked into my eyes and said “Don’t try to get me off, I just want you to cum and we don’t have a lot of time.”

As my erection slipped in and out of the warm inviting hole between her legs I asked “Why this, why now?”

She shifted on the chair for a better position “Kevin came to my place drunk after the bachelor’s party and went to bed with me. I sucked his cock then let him fuck me. When he was done he passed out, I was still horny but he was done. The next day I was having lunch with Rachel and she told me what Melvin said to her, that he and the other guys at the party paid two girls to screw the groom. I gave him a job after he had his dick in two whores and now it’s time for payback. Hurry up.”

My balls were slapping her cunt as I asked “You know this and still want to marry him?”

Shelby looked at me as if that were a stupid question, “Of course. He was drunk. It’s not like he was cheating on me, those girls were part of a pre-marital ritual but he let me blow him after, that’s what pissed me off.” I reached under the long skirt of the wedding dress, grabbed my sister’s hips and concentrated the feel of her hot wet pussy. Since I had her permission to get off without worrying about her feelings it took me only a few more moments to fulfill my sister’s wish. My balls clenched, my cock convulsed and I saturated the bride with a private wedding gift. I stepped back and when my erection slipped from her hole I saw my semen ooze from her to a puddle on the seat. Shelby gave me a delighted smile then said “Now he’ll be getting sloppy seconds on his wedding day.”

Other than the awesome feeling of screwing her again my only thought was ‘She just fucked for revenge and he likes to think he’s screwing a hairless young girl. How in hell long is this marriage going to last?’ “Are you going to tell him?”

She stood from the chair and put a hand between her legs then pulled it back up, her fingers were coated with fluids. “No, he won’t know, but I will.” She looked at the mess on her fingers “Tony you cum more than any guy that ever screwed me, this is perfect.” She paused to look at me “It’s too bad you live so far away.”


“Why?” She lifted her sticky fingers so I could see them “You have to ask why?”

I bent to pick up her satin lingerie’ and offered them to her. Shelby took them from my hand, wiped her fingers clean then stuffed them into my pants down my underwear, over my prick, “I’m not putting them on, I’m going drip while I get married.”

Twenty minutes later as Shelby was giving her vows of faithfulness I was flirting with Rachel. I knew from experience that weddings always put bridesmaids in a receptive mood. Rachel looked receptive but moments later when I framed the picture of my older sister and her new husband kissing to seal the pact of marriage, I was thinking that Asheville North Carolina might not be a bad place to open a studio.

Chapter 4

Shelby’s lifelong best friend Rachael became my lover. She still lived in our hometown so we slipped into an intimate relationship much to the delight of my sister. Rachel tried a few times to bring up the subject of the skeletons in Shelby’s closet, she was curious about the snippet of conversation my sister and I had just before her wedding. I stalled at first then lied when I told her I had seen my sister naked when I caught her screwing her boyfriend in mom’s bed. I’m not sure Rachel believed me totally but I stuck to that story, I even told Shelby so if Rachel ever asked, she could tell her the same. I never forgot what Shelby and I did twenty minutes before she got married and even though we didn’t talk about it whenever we got together my libido was on alert. I also kept hearing the persistent echo of her words “It’s too bad you live so far away.”

About 15 months after the wedding Rachel and I were visiting Shelby and Kevin when I came across a real estate ad for a photography studio in Asheville. Interested, I spoke to the owner, he wanted to retire from the business and the money would help him and his wife move to Belize. When I told Kevin and Shelby about the studio she became animated, alive in a flirty sort of way. She wasn’t obvious in front of my girlfriend or her husband and she didn’t say anything overt but I got the message loud and clear. If I moved to North Carolina, there would be rewards. On the 5th of August I opened my studio on Rankin Avenue in Asheville. After a long agonizing period of uncertainty Rachel decided she couldn’t move from her home and we broke up.

The first day of my grand opening my sister and brother-in-law stayed at the studio helping me greet the throng of customers, all six of them. As the days became weeks, I began to get more and more clientele because the word went out that my photo portraits and events photography were quality work.

I’d been living near Shelby for four months and in all that time we didn’t jump into a bed. We spent a lot of time together, clubbing, grilling or hiking in the mountains but our relationship was as brother and sister should be. Kevin and I would never be best friends but he was acceptable as Shelby’s husband so we got on well enough. I met a half black girl named Lonnie, a tall slender twenty-something with awesome basketball shaped ass cheeks and eyes as dark as the universe and deep as a mystery. She had come to my studio to build a portfolio so she could get into modeling. Since there would be semi-nude poses for pictures I asked Shelby to come in and chaperon Lonnie. It was my practice to have another female present when I was shooting pictures of semi-nude girls because I’m too wary of some bitch screaming sexual abuse after a photo shoot.

After Lonnie left that first day Shelby asked me to take some pictures of her. Pictures that she would give Kevin as teasers and reminders of what he had. When I agreed she said “I have to go shopping, I’ll be back in an hour.”

She came back carrying a decorative paper shopping bag then stepped into my studio where she started taking her skirt and blouse off. I stood aside and watched my sister strip fully nude then pull a pair of white lace panties and matching bra from the bag. My cock reacted to my naked sister and for the first time in a long while I was thinking the time was right to fuck her again. “You better be careful Sis, you’re easy prey for the beast in my pants dressed like that.”

She paused with the lace lingerie’ half way up her legs and looked at me “Not now, you have to take pictures.”

‘Not now’ – A surge of anticipation swelled me until my pants were too tight. When Shelby finished putting on the bra and panties she raised her arms over her head and posed “What do you think?” Shelby was 28 years old but neither advancing age nor gravity had begun to define her body. My sister was as hot then as she was the first night we spent in the hotel. I stood staring at her charms, she had bought a pair of crotch-less panties and a bra that had sheer lace across the front of the cups, her nipples jutted proudly against the transparent bodice, it looked like they were bare.

“I think you’re going to melt my camera, Kevin will have a permanent boner looking at the pictures. I see you still shave your pubes.”

She smiled and moved her eyes to my pants “Is that going to be permanent too?”

I was on the verge of raping my sister so I had to deflect my thoughts “Move to the settee and pose how you think you should.”

Her eyes glinted with mischief as she teased “You pose me, if I remember right, you’re very good at that.”

For the next 35 minutes I adjusted and moved my sister in modeling postures, taking pictures of her. I had her cup her tits in her hands, holding them so the nipples behind the see-through lace were the focal point of the picture. One knee raised, foot on a settee cushion so her pussy peeked through the split crotch of the panties. On her hands and knees, ass to the camera, looking over her shoulder, long blonde hair cascading to one side covering half her face while her hairless vagina pouted through the slit in the panties. My balls were so fucking swollen I could hardly walk. She was still in the hands and knees pose when I set the camera down “I’m done Shelby, you can get dressed now.”

She looked at me for a few moments then offered “We’ve waited long enough Tony.”

My heart lurched as I unleashed the rabid animal from my pants and stepped up behind my sister. We didn't need any artificial jelly to slick us up. Shelby’s slit was glistening with lust, my erection was pumping pre-cum by the quarts. I put the head of my hard-on into the hot dilated hole between her thighs and pressed in until my groin dented her ass. Shelby arched her back and gushed softly “Oh damn you feel good, I’ve missed you.”

I had to concentrate on slow fucking my sister, that’s how she likes it so even though she and I coupled tenderly, softly, she was getting hotter, more turned on. She pulled away and went to her back on the floor next to the settee, I moved to cover her then penetrated her again. Shelby and I made out like new lovers while fucking. I molested her tits, she pulled her knees up to her sides then jammed her two middle fingers in my ass then helped me fuck her. I went to my back and pulled her up and over so I could caress her clit while she rocked on me. It took only moments more until she sucked in a long breath, her eyes locked on mine then she started vibrating. The invitation to cum was in her gaze so my cock convulsed and I pumped all the lust I had stored for her deep into her womb. Shelby still kept her silence when she orgasmed.

We were lying on our backs on the floor staring up at a poster of Data looking down on us with one eyebrow cocked up. Shelby turned her head “That’s an odd picture to have up there.”

“You just noticed?”

“I don’t usually crane my neck to look at what stores have plastered to the ceiling.”

“He is totally nonjudgmental, I can do anything I want in here and he will never say a thing.”

“What the hell do you do here?”

“Besides smoke pot and screw my big sister, nothing sinister.”

Shelby smiled softly, kissed my cheek “When those pictures are ready let me know, I want to give them to Kevin on our anniversary.”

“What’s he going to say when you show him slutty pictures of you taken by me?”

“I’ll tell him they are selfies” she snuffled. Shelby stood then pulled off the sexy lingerie’. Ten minutes later she was dressed and ready to go, as she readied to return to her husband she said “Hey, let’s not wait so long to do this again.” She turned to leave but I stopped her with a hand on her arm then pulled her close. As our lips met in a soft kiss I slipped a hand under her skirt then caressed her with two fingers. Shelby moaned into my mouth then let me lead her back to the settee. I had no intention of waiting another twenty-one months to fuck her again.

The second time Lonnie came to my studio I asked her out, the fourth time I seduced her on the studio furniture. Shelby chaperoned the first two times Lonnie was there then volunteered to be my full-time studio assistant; at least that’s what she told Kevin. She came often to help with appointments, chaperon the women who came alone, and fuck me. Shelby and I romped all over the studio once or twice a month while and Lonnie and I romped all over a bed damn near every night. Once I asked my sister “Why do you cheat on Kevin with me, are you tired of him?”

She paused to think then rationalized “I don’t feel like what we do is cheating. You're my brother so what we do is sort of like recreation. I step out, have a good time then when I get home I don’t feel guilty or have to be afraid that some bastard is going to show up and challenge my husband. If you call and Kevin answers my phone, it doesn’t worry me, it doesn't cause him to get suspicious. You and I have great sex and if Kevin doesn’t get me off properly I have you to take care of me. I’m not cheating on him” she repeated.

“I’m recreation?”

“Oh yeah,” she whispered into my ear, “Adventure Land” then bent over my lap.

Over the next few months Lonnie and I became a serious item. Shelby and I continued our off and on incestuous affair and my business grew. One night after charring steaks on the backyard grill Kevin and I were enjoying a joint and the women were in the house when he asked me “Tony, can I get you to do me a favor but not let on to Shelby?”

“Maybe, what’s up?”

“I have a friend whose daughter wants to be a model so I thought you might set her up with a small portfolio, kind of a starter to show agents or someone.”

“Is there a catch, why can’t Shelby know?”

“First, they don’t have much money, I'm asking you do donate time and pictures, kind of pro bono work. And second, Shelby isn’t too keen on the family, she thinks they are socially corrupt.”

“Socially corrupt?”

“Yeah, the husband goes to jail about every two weeks and the wife sips too much moonshine but their girl has dreams to get out and she thinks modeling will lead to acting, fame and fortune so I'm asking if you can help.”

His request was reasonable, I could help her and if he didn’t want my sister to know I could keep the secret, after all, I’d been keeping her secrets since they day they got married. “I can open the studio next Sunday for a couple of hours, bring her by about 11 we’ll see how well the camera likes her.”

“Thanks man.”

They came in the door and my first impression was that the girl was too fucking young to be hanging around my brother-in-law. She was pretty for sure with raven hair and bold blue eyes and a face full of innocence. She had put on makeup but I could tell it wasn’t something she did every day. The eyeliner was a bit heavy on over her left eye, blushed cheeks blushed too much and her lip gloss was too bright and unevenly applied. She looked like a cheap Chinese doll with round eyes. I pulled Kevin aside “How fucking old is she?”

He looked toward her then back to me and said loud enough she could hear “Eighteen, she just looks younger, she has good genes.”

I turned to the girl “Hi, what’s your name?”


“How old are you Charity?”

Her eyes darted to Kevin then back to me “Eighteen last week.” Her eyes, her pose, her voice all betrayed her, I was thinking eighteen in a few years maybe. I relented, it didn’t matter how old she was, a lot of girls in their early teens or even younger came in for a folder of pictures. But usually with parents hovering near, not with their 30-year-old married male neighbor.

Charity was carrying a bag which I assumed was clothing “Do you want to change?” She nodded. “Okay, the room is back there.” Just as she turned toward the changing room

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"What is your address?" "Our address — Oh my god — what's my address? — 15773 Bullock Avenue — please — there's so much blood - Hurry!" It was Thursday at noon — David and Mary left for Phoenix Arizona. Steven and Julie couldn't wait to have the place to themselves. On the kitchen counter, was a printout of 12 phone numbers, a combination of family, Dad's cell and the police and fire departments. They also were left a crisp one hundred-dollar bill. The home phone rang, surprising...

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EmergencyChapter 5

"STEVEN — WHERE ARE YOU?" Julie screamed, now up and walking, after being cleaned up. The police arrived. They took the gun from Mary, put David's dead body on a gurney, and whisked him away. "JULIE, are you all right?" her brother asked carefully walking back into view. "Daddy ... our father ... is dead!" The kids took a shower and got their suits back on. They went out and waved good-bye to Jeff and Jo. It was scheduled for them to come back on Saturday for dinner with the...

4 years ago
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EmergencyChapter 7

"I just killed my own husband because he was threatening to kill our son," their mother explained to the policeman. He thanked her and left. "What were you thinking sleeping together - much less in our bed?" "I guess we weren't thinking, Mom," Steven said. "How long has this 'love' of yours been going on?" "Less than four days - we've been safe," Julie said still in tears. "What did you tell the cops, Mom?" Steven asked. "That my husband was threatening to kill my son,...

3 years ago
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Emergency AccomodationsChapter 2

Shelby graduated the next morning and by early afternoon was on her way back to our home with our parents. I still had a few days of finals left so I would leave in eight more days. For those eight days my hours were not only spent cramming for tests, my mind was full of my sister. I could have sent her text messages or emails but I didn’t. She hadn’t sent me any either. For those eight days I wondered what the hell we should do about her carrying my baby. More to the point, what she should...

2 years ago
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Emergency AccomodationsChapter 3

I went back to finish my college degree, Shelby found a job and an apartment in Asheville, about 180 miles from our parents. We corresponded by email, text and occasionally by phone. We resumed our normal family relationship, the sexual interludes were relegated to history. Even though we weren’t screwing any more, I used my memories as stimulation when I took matters into my own hands. After jacking off while thinking about my sister my nuts would relax in total satisfaction but my cock...

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Emergency AccomodationsChapter 4

Shelby’s lifelong best friend Rachael became my lover. She still lived in our hometown so we slipped into an intimate relationship much to the delight of my sister. I never forgot what my sister and I did twenty minutes before she got married and even though we didn’t talk about it, whenever we got together after that my libido was on alert. I also kept hearing the persistent echo of her words, “It’s too bad you live so far away.” About 15 months after the wedding Rachel and I were visiting...

1 year ago
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Emergency AccomodationsChapter 5

“Where are you going?” Lonnie asked. “Our dad is sick so Shelby and I are driving home to sit with mom until dad recovers.” “Is it serious?” “For mom anytime any of us gets sick, it’s serious. That’s why we need to go, mom will be frantic with worry so my sister and I need to be there for her.” That was the conversation I had with Lonnie after Shelby convinced me to spend some time with her. My sister might have settled for a few hours in her own bedroom but I decided that she needed to...

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Sheltered accomodation

In the summer off 2009 i was doing some contract work for a local authority based here in the north west.It was a tuesday afternoon and was called out to do a small electrical job in the local sheltered accomodation block i know the block well as i live local to it its full of retired ladies and gents,and occasionally have seen some of the ladies walking past and secretly thinking i would love to bang that..it was mrs taylors i was going to see i rang the buzzer and she let me in,she answered...

4 years ago
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Vixen Accomodates

Shortly after school began for her second year at Seaside U., Vixen established an interesting and pleasurable relationship with the college dean. He was a distinguished-looking man in his mid-forties with a shrewish wife and three demanding children. His Friday afternoon assignations with the lovely sophomore became the highlight of his busy week and a way for him to find relief from the pressures of his home and job. For Vixen they were an exciting duty as well as a joy for the dean was a...

1 year ago
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Rugby Players find accomodation

It was not the sort of occasion when you would expect anything exciting to happen. I had this job for the summer vacation which meant I had to travel around doing interviews all day and staying in Guest Houses each night. So it was evening and I had just found this B&B. The landlady had shown me to a twin room which seemed fine. I was relaxing in the garden at a table with a parasol and enjoying a cool drink while she chatted to me about the problems of running the place. Presently we noticed a...

2 years ago
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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 5

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 5 Amanda thought about the previous days events as she sat in the waiting room at the therapist's office. Nicholas' appearance at the ballet school caught quite a few people off guard. Madame Ruth mistook him for a girl. Some of the girls in class were really surprised, but the parents were even more shocked. Most actually were more understanding. He wore girls clothes until he could get boys' dancewear. Most of the girls were very nice to...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 6

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 6 "First position, ladies and gentleman," Madame Ruth said at the beginning of the ballet class. Nicole's boys' dancewear had not come in. She was still wearing a pair of Amber's tights and a leotard. The class was bliss for her. She wasn't wearing the earrings. For all everyone knew in the class, except Amber, he was still Nicholas. "Demi-plie, releve, demi plie, grande plie," Madame Ruth said as the music played. The words were foreign to...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 7

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 7 Nicole looked at herself in the mirror, almost gawkingly. "Why does this have to show so much?" she thought while staring at herself wearing the bikini she was going to wear over Sam's. She taped down her "privates" so she could look like as much of a girl as possible. But that wasn't the problem. She didn't realize the bikini bottom didn't cover...well...all of her bottom. She still had, in her opinion, too much flab on her belly. And don't...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 15

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 15 Amanda tried to keep from laughing as she watched her mother try to teach Nicole and Amber lessons about poise and grace for the pageant. She had to admit she wasn't the pageant type, but Nicole and Amber seemed to enjoy their preparation. The sight of both of them walking around the house with books on their heads was a bit funny. It was also a bit priceless. She reached for her camera and snapped photos. "One of these days they'll kill me,"...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 3

Emerging from the Cocoon "This is your room, I hope you like it," Amanda told her brother as they brought his things into his room from the car. "I didn't know how to decorate it. I didn't know what you like. I want you to do with it what you wish." Nicholas looked around the room. It was light blue. Sitting on the dresser were four pictures in frames. One was of him and Amanda during her last visit to see him. He was only four and she was pregnant with Amber. There were photos of...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 4

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 4 "Mom, can we go outside to twirl the baton?" Amber asked her mother as her birthday party entered full swing. "Sure," Amanda said, thinking the house would become a little quieter. The mothers at the party needed a little break from the giggling and the yelling of girls from preteen age on down. She had a house full.. She took particular interest when Nicholas came bounding down the stairs with Sara Lewis and Meredith Baker, two girls his age who...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 8

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 8 Screaming, weeping, sobbing. Those were the noises Amanda heard coming from the bathroom. Amber and Kayla were already in bed. Nicole was taking a bath. Amanda rushed into the room to see what was the matter. "It's ugly, it's ugly," Nicole said, pointing to her private parts. "I want it off, mom. I want it off. It's gross." Amanda struggled to find the words to say. She sat on the edge of the tub and put her arms around Nicole, who was...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 9

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 9 It was a phone call Amanda feared would come. She just didn't expect it so soon. Nicole was in the school nurse's office. She had been beaten up. Amanda rushed from her office. She tried her best to do the speed limit, but she ran a red light getting to the school. "Your brother is in the room right down the hall," the school secretary said. She found Nicole with a fat lip. She appeared to have a black eye. "It looks like you have a...

4 years ago
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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 10

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 10 It was the first time Nicole went to therapy dressed as Nicole. Dr. Dornan had requested it. She looked like a typical pre-teen. She wore faded jeans and a tank top, with the straps from her training bra occasionally showing. She also painted her nails and wore her butterfly earrings. "You look really nice," Andrea Dornan said. Nicole blushed. "Thank you." Andrea asked Nicole about her nightmares. She admitted she still had them, although...

2 years ago
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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 11

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 11 Amanda helped Nicole carefully fold her clothes into the suitcase. "The last time we rode on a plane was the trip back from Boston," Amanda said. Nicole remembered the trip well. She was leaving a nightmare of a life behind. She was scared. She had no idea what her life ahead would be like. It turned out to be her great escape. This trip seemed to be almost as scary. A conference for transgendered children and their families was...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 12

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 12 "Mom, can you come here a minute?" Nicole said as she struggled to latch on the bra strap. "What's a matter, need help?" Amanda asked. "Yes, I do," she before Amanda hooked it up. "Nervous about your first day?" Amanda asked. "A little," Nicole said as she tried to brush her hair just right. "I'm sure it will be fun," Amanda said. It was going to be a bit liberating. She could openly be Nicole. But she still had butterflies. Nicole...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 13

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 13 "What does this all mean?" Amanda asked her attorney, Bob Nichols. "Apparently, your father set up a trust fund for Nikki like he did for you," he said. "Your stepmother, did, too. The Lancasters were able to dip into it when they had custody of Nikki. They can't now, so they want they want Nikki back." Amanda was enraged. Money was not even on her mind when she took custody of Nikki. She knew there must have been money for her, but she...

2 years ago
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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 14

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 14 "Hold still," Amanda said as she tried to do Nicole's hair. "Ouch," Nicole said as Amanda worked to get her hair up into a bow. "Oh come on, sweetpea," Amanda said. "I think you're worse than Kayla." Amanda was just glad Nicole's hair was finally getting long enough to do things with. "There, we're done," Amanda said. "Tell me what you think." Nicole couldn't believe it when she looked in the mirror. She looked nice, fancy even. She...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 16

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 16 Nicole started at herself in the mirror. She wanted to make sure the makeup looked just right. She turned in a circle with her costume. It looked nice enough, although she wasn't entirely pleased with the body in it. Since she wasn't a "genetic" girl, she knew her breasts were going to be flat without help. They wouldn't start to develop until she started taking estrogen, at least that's what Andrea, her shrink, told her. Even then,...

1 year ago
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Emergent Realities

EMERGENT REALITIES Women have flare Below their waists, Allowing a fullness And a rotundity Of buttocks Which cleaves the heart In two and makes us want to Cup and squeeze and fondle; They smile at us, Clearly an invitation, But speak of sexual harassment When we clutch the tight, Compact globes with which They test the staunchness Of our philandering souls. Her stance shows The side of her left Breast, the blunt arc Of her belly, And the full moon Of her...

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EmergenceChapter 3 A Lover A Dreamer Thatrsquos Me

That Friday, above the regular din at the Rage, Karen said, “We were starting to think you weren’t going to show.” Sitting down beside her, I explained, “I had some things I had to take care of before coming tonight. Where’s Jon?” Carl snickered, “Probably collecting beer bottles.” Jenny explained, “He’s working on something for school, but he said he’ll try and make it.” Despite the steady and strong flow of the crowd’s emotions, I had my empathic senses focused on just the people at the...

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EmergenceChapter 5 A Pickled Matter

On the last day of regular classes, I had a test in my Political Science class, a class where the tests were more like essays than simple questions and answers. I also had a final for that class the following Tuesday requiring another set of short essays. Is that stupid or what? I can’t tell you how tempted I was to correct that injustice. Granted, Political Science wasn’t my favorite class. Why I thought it would be similar to the morals class I took four years ago at Crow Academy, I didn’t...

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EmergenceChapter 1 Starships and Queens

Joey was weaving through an asteroid belt made of cotton candy when a distant electronic chime gently brought him out of his sweet dream. “Alarm off,” Joey muttered as he rolled onto his side. Twenty minutes later, Joey suddenly snapped his eyes open and gasped, “Shit. Computer. What time is it?” “The time is oh six hours, forty-eight minutes,” the female voice instantly replied. “I still have twelve minutes then,” Joey said with relief, and then proceeded to stretch. After letting out a...

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Emerging from sleep

Rubbing my eyes, trying to understand was it real or a dream. My mind is filled with joy and excitement as I lie still with my head in my pillow. A warm glow heated the blankets where I lie, with a tingling sensation poring down my entire body. My breathing slightly faster than normal, with sweaty palms. My thoughts flashing back over and over again. The moaning that echoed through out the room, the shuddering of a warm soft body, and an occasional jerking motion. Holding tightly to your hips,...

2 years ago
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Emergence of a Butterfly

Sexy looking Danni Hartley re-read the rejection slip in dismay: ‘Readers of hot romance today expect something connected with hot sex to occur on every few pages. Your MS is beautifully crafted but alas the hero only had sex on page 121.5 of the 313 pages and the poor heroine, from what we can make out, is going on her honeymoon a virgin. But hey, thanks for your submission.’ Danni didn’t dare show the response to her husband Tim. Her mom Alice read it and clucked, ‘There I said you weren’t...

4 years ago
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It was early morning on a Monday I was already running late getting into the office. I knew I was going to be late so I called it and informed my office I be late. As I drove into the city where I worked I stopped and got a Danish and coffee. As I headed back onto the highway and as I got don the road some I noticed a car on the shoulder with its hood up. As I past I noticed it was an elderly woman by herself. I immediately pulled over and started backing up to her car. I got out and approached...

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Emerging from the Cocoon

Chapter 1 It was a long flight from Seattle. It gave her time to do a little soul searching. How would accepting her half-brother into her home change her family's life? She hadn't seen Nicki, as she once known him, since he was four. That was eight long years ago. She finished college early, was about to become a mother for the first time and was seeing her father, who was dying of cancer. She enjoyed playing with her brother, a blond-headed cherub with curly hair who reminded...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Amanda found the Lancasters a very cold couple. Their personality seemed to fit the stately home in which they lived. She held her peace and was as polite as she could be as they spun tales of what a burden Nicholas had been on them. It angered her every time they talked about punishing him for crossdressing or acting like a girl. How was she going to handle it?, Madlyne Lancaster asked her. "I don't know," she said. "I intend to act in his best interest. We'll cross...

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Emergent Behavior

This is heavily based on a story I started on another site. The pacing was slow and plodding so I'm trying it again here. I have not abandoned my Sindara story just yet, a new chapter will added this weekend. SEXPO was always the biggest event of the year for the adult industry and the presenters spared no expense for the Tenth Anniversary in 2065. Ads were shown months in advance and the presenters apparently went out of their way to hire the most extreme and corny-sounding announcer for all...

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Emergence of a Slut

My name is Myra and I proudly admit that I am a cum loving slut. I love sex with both men and women but I especially love to have men cumming inside me or on me so I can scoop it up and lick it off my hands and fingers. Of course, being a cum lover, my favorite place for a man to cum is in my mouth. No matter where they originally put it into my body, I usually gather it up and swallow it. There is nothing hotter, for me, than the feel, taste, heat and sensation of cum in my mouth and on my...

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EmergenceChapter 1 Suzirsquos Toys

As I pulled up to the curb in front of the apartment building which would be my new home, my heart was pounding out of anticipation of my surprising Joey and Suzi. I was actually surprised I had reached this far without either of them picking up on me, and took a moment to congratulate myself for my idea working. Basically, whenever Joey wanted to form a share link with me, I had to consciously will my lifeforce to mix with his. After we had gotten good at doing that, we experimented with...

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EmergenceChapter 2 Fitting in Again

Have you ever been awakened by a brilliant flash of light in the middle of the night? Sure, everyone has been woken up by thunder, but what about the flash before the boom? Well, about two weeks after settling into my new home, I was awoken one morning around five by a brilliant flash. Only it wasn’t a flash of light, but of telepathic energy. After Sarah’s unannounced testing of my telepathic strength, I guess I was a little jumpy about strange surges of telepathic energy around me. And...

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EmergenceChapter 4 Phantom

I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and eager to start classifying the different symbol groups I was getting a feel for and arrived at the old admin building around eight o’clock. As I walked down the hall towards the stairs, a door just ahead of me to my right opened. I must have been just a few seconds later than the last time I showed up that early. This time, I saw the cup of coffee momentarily float in mid-air before it plopped to the floor as the familiar “SHLING” sound filled...

1 year ago
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EmergenceChapter 1 Family Surprises

Finals and the funerals of the seven who died dampened my spirits the week after the Pickle attack. Joey insisted he go to the funerals despite never having met any of them personally, except possibly to test them with the coin that they had died for. Suzi and/or I went with him, but we each separately couldn’t make one due to conflicts in final schedules. Sarah went to all but two, and several other people from the Group made it to them as well. Like I said, it dampened my spirits, and when...

4 years ago
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EmergenceChapter 2 The Harrison Group

I suppose it shouldn’t have been a surprise to find the Group fighting off another voice after all the attention Central State had received about the deaths and the cover up. But I hadn’t expected it, and quite frankly, I was annoyed by the fact I had to drive around the campus the long way just to stay out of the way. By the time I reached my apartment, I had realized there was more than just a single voice involved in the attack. In fact, as I studied the scene from the roof of the...

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EmergenceChapter 3 Beyond the Boundaries of Sex

The week following the attack, Brad visited for a week to check out Central State and to get a break from his parents who were irritating the hell out of him. I suppose that was only normal, for he was the first child of the household to have lived on his own for nine months and then return to find his freedom reduced. I suspected Sandi’s refusal to have sex with him also had a hand in his frustration with home life, but I was a bit surprised to find he hadn’t gotten laid since his porn...

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EmergenceChapter 2 Sir Eric Roberts of Atlantia

“Master?” Sir Eric Nicolas Roberts, Viscount of Atlantia, sighed, then mumbled, “Hmm?” “Is the Queen’s castle much further?” His Excellency opened his eyes and looked down from his horse at his fourteen-year-old squire James walking beside him. “Do you see it yet, squire?” “No, Master, I do not,” he said just before he clumsily stumbled. “Are you tired, boy?” “No, not tired. My left shoe has a hole in it, Master, and I keep getting pebbles in it.” Eric commanded, “Hop up here,...

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EmergenceChapter 3 For the Love of the Queen

Feeling the familiar warmth and weight of Suzi lying on top of him, Joey didn’t move when he first awoke. But when he opened his eyes and found himself back in the royal bed chambers, he decided he needed to after all. “Suz,” he said gently, rubbing her naked back. “Wake up, Suz. The dream is back.” “Hmmm?” she said sleepily, then smiled and stretched as she pulled herself up to give him a kiss on the lips. “Morning to you too,” Joey said tenderly. “Is the Queen the Queen, or herself...

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EmergenceChapter 4 Virtual Timality

Eric awoke to the sounds of static coming from an old black and white television set. Sitting up, he realized he was in his dad’s parents’ living room, and as he took the room in, everything appeared to be the way he remembered seeing it the last time he had been there. Everything except for the television set. As Eric stood up, the static faded into a picture of a little boy sitting on a couch playing with a four-inch high Red Indian figurine. The couch looked as dated as the TV Eric was...

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Pleasing my Boss and her clients

I suddenly opened my eyes and looked around the penthouse.Then I thought about the last two hours I had been there.My Boss Barbara was naked as I was and both of us had a huge black cock buried deeply in our assholes. My Boss was screaming wild in pleasure; but I was feeling that thick cock was hurting me…The black man pumping my anus was in his mid forties; but his hair was turning grey. He was a handsome man and he had a very nice hard cock. I felt him very deep in my poor anus. I cried and...

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First time with a Guy

A Young Chubby Straight Lad has his first gay experience I had always been a little curious as most young men are even if they admit it or not. Tall for my age i stood around 6 foot tall even at the tender age of 18.At this time i hadnt had much luck with girls, id lost my virginity of course but i wasnt very experienced overall. I started a new job and i was getting along well with everyone and working hard, i had noticed the boss's extra interest in me.It started off as innocent accidents,...

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Whats in my ass

A/N: This is a fun/dumb story that shouldn't really be taken too seriously. Edit: I made some edits to the story in order to make it make a little more sense. Edit 2: I made some changes to the premise to allow for more options and interesting plotlines. In a world similar to ours, a strange law has been passed: women can't wear anything on their lower half, and men have the right to put anything they want in a woman's ass at any time. The only regulations to this are: The object must not be...

3 years ago
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Mene Or Meri Gasti Behan Shelly

Hello, mere dosto kaise hain ap sab log main apka apna raj jo punjab se hu aj fir apke liye ek nayi story le kar aaya hu jise pad kar apke lund esse khade ho jayenge ki muth marne ke baad bhi nahi bethenge or chutain bina lund liye nahi rah payengi per sabse pehle main ap sab logo ko thanks karta hu jo ap meri stories ped kar muje main kar rahe hain or mera or meri pyari gasti behan shelly ka hosla bada rahe hain aj main apke liye ek nayi sachai le kar aaya hu jismain mene or shelly ne mil kar...

1 year ago
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My Moms Sexy Body

There's only one thing that I am not looking forward to seeing my mother. Let me explain; I love my mother and we have a great relationship. I enjoy spending time with her as much as I do with some of my own friends. But recent events have kept me from fully enjoying seeing her upon my return. I was excited to get home for the summer after finishing my junior year of college. I have a great job by the pier lined up where I can spend most of my days watching hot babes in bikinis tanning on the...

3 years ago
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Swedish Bikini Model Exchange Student

Kjerstin Sukken is 18 years old, 5'9 with pale skin, ice-blue eyes, long blonde hair and the lean build of a model except for a pair of perky all-natural D breasts that really fill out a bikini top. She was raised in a middle-class lutheran family in a small town in the south of Sweden and loves basketball. After a year at a technical college, she successfully transferred to a state school in the USA. She would like to join the basketball team, but there's only a men's team. She's invited to...

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