Fool’s Gold Ch. 05 free porn video

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Anne slowly got to her feet and started to walk back to her house. I watched her back for a second before stopping her.


At the sound of my voice she half turned reluctantly.

‘Why now?’ I asked softly. ‘It’s been over four years. Why did you decide it was finally time to apologize?’

Anne opened her mouth to respond, and then shut it with a snap as words failed her. She slowly turned the rest of the way, and moved back towards the bench. She sat down again with a thoughtful expression.

‘I’m not sure.’ She started slowly. ‘It’s complicated. In some ways it just didn’t seem appropriate until recently. Either I wasn’t ready to tell you, or you weren’t ready to hear it. I’ve tried to get up the courage to tell you this a half dozen times, but something always came up to stop me.

‘Right after the separation, when you told me to get out, I was still trying to blame you for my troubles. Even when you rubbed my nose in my behavior, I still kept on trying to find some way to shift some of the blame. I hate to admit it, but I wasn’t ready to apologize then, because I still hadn’t accepted responsibility for what I did.’

Anne smiled ruefully and said, ‘Besides, what was the point? It seemed pretty clear that you and I were going our separate ways. As long as we could be civil to each other when it came to the girls…’

Anne shrugged. ‘Anyway, the lack of an apology didn’t seem to be bothering you any. From the little the girls told me, you seemed to be adjusting well.’

Anne stopped her narrative and turned to face me with an intent look on her face. ‘You’ve got to understand, Bill, it took me a long time to realize exactly what I had thrown away. The longer we were apart, the more I regretted my behavior. How’s that song go? ‘You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.’ I never realized how good of a man you were until I’d lost you.

‘Every time I dated someone, I kept comparing them to you. You were the standard that they had to meet.’ Anne snorted sardonically. ‘Problem was, it was a damn high bar for the guys to meet. The more I looked, the more I realized how precious our relationship was, and how hard it was going to be to replace it with something that could even come close to matching it.

‘It wasn’t until I saw you on that date that it really hit home. I couldn’t believe how jealous I got when I saw you kiss her, and look at her the way you used to look at me.’ Anne blushed in embarrassment. ‘That was when I realized that I still was in love with you. You were the man that I should have been with.

‘That was why I wanted you to know about Alan. I think I had some crazy dream that you would come back to me. But even then, I wasn’t ready to face what I had done to you. If you had asked, I’m sure I would have told you I was sorry, but I was still mostly thinking about me, and how nice it would be if we could go back to where we were before I screwed things up.

‘By the time we went to Florida with the girls, I was really beginning to dream that we might reconcile. I could tell you were still hesitant, but I thought I could overcome that. I realized that sooner or later we would have to talk things through, but I was hoping to put it off, until we back together again. Maybe get some counseling or something.

‘It was Jean that really opened my eyes, though.’

A cloud of sorrow passed over Anne’s face as she remembered back.

‘It’s funny. Until you started to get serious with her, I never really thought about losing you forever. As long as you were just playing the field, I thought I had some chance of getting you back.

‘When you told the girls about proposing to her, I finally had to recognize what I had done. The girls told me how much Jean reminded them of me. Hell, I ran into your cousin Grace. She got a kick out of telling me how she mistook Jean for me.

‘Up to that point, I was hoping for reconciliation, because that was what I wanted. I wanted you because you were the best guy for me. I didn’t stop to think about the other side of the coin, whether I was the best woman for you.’

Anne face screwed up in total misery.

‘Jean rubbed my nose in the fact that I was the reason we didn’t get back together. How do you think your dating her looked to me? One day things are looking up for us to get back together… and the next thing I know, you are replacing me with someone who could be my twin sister. It made me realize that you rejected me because of what I had done.

‘That’s when I really started to look at my behavior. I started to think about what I had done, not just from my perspective, but also from how you might have viewed it. I didn’t have the luxury of excuses and justifications, anymore.

‘When I figured it out, I was ready to apologize, but the time didn’t seem right. I was trying to deal with the girls, and you didn’t need extra grief, either. You had enough troubles with Jean.

‘After that… well, I wanted to give you some time after you and Jean broke up.’

Anne smiled sardonically.

‘I didn’t want you to think I was trying to catch you on the rebound. I decided to hold off for a while, and just be your friend, to let you set the tone.’

Anne looked embarrassed.

‘As for why I told you today? For that, you can blame the girls. They were the ones that convinced me that it was time to apologize.’

At my look of astonishment, she grinned.

‘Yes, the girls. They’ve been after me to talk to you, since Thanksgiving. They kept on telling me that you’d never forgive me for what I’d done, until I apologized.’

‘How’d they find out?’ I asked in a bemused tone.

This was the first indication that I had received that the girls knew of the affair. I had never told them the full reason behind the divorce, and I had always assumed that Annie has been equally as circumspect.

Anne blushed in embarrassment.

‘After you and Jean broke up, I guess I got a little too nosy with the questions I was asking. I started to pester the girls about what you were doing, and with whom. The girls finally confronted me about it. They hounded me until they got me to admit that I still loved you, and wanted for us to get back together.’

Annie blushed as she realized what she had just admitted. Anne’s blush deepened as she rushed to continue.

‘I don’t think you realize how angry the girls were with you over Jean. Just when they thought that we might be willing to try to reconcile, you pulled the rug out by falling in love with someone else.

‘When the girls found out that I wanted us to get back together, they jumped to the wrong conclusion. I was hoping for reconciliation, they wanted us back together, you were the only one that wasn’t willing to try. They were still upset over Jean, and they started to view you as the bad guy. They jumped to the conclusion that you must have been the one who caused the divorce. You must have been the one to blame.

‘I heard the girls talking one night, and I knew that I had to tell them what had happened. I couldn’t let you be blamed for my stupidity. So I confessed the whole mess to them, so they could know whom to blame for the divorce. It took them a while, but they forgave me for my stupidity. They convinced me that the only chance I had to win you back was to apologize to you. Maybe then you could eventually forgive me too.’

With this final admission, Anne stared defiantly into my face. The challenge was obvious. She had said her piece. Now it was my turn. It was up to me to decide what happened next. Out of some perverse sense of justice, I decided that I needed her to say the words that she had implied so clearly.

‘So, what is it that you want Annie? What are you asking me to do?’

Anne looked at me as if I was daft. She bristled for a second, but then caught herself, and looked me in the eye with a rueful grin.

‘If you
had asked me that question about a year and a half ago, when we were down in Florida, the answer would have been easy. All I wanted then was a second chance.

‘But now, I realize it’s not that simple. After the way I treated you, I don’t know if it’s possible for you to give me that chance, let alone whether I deserve it. I’d still like to ask you for a second chance, but even more, what I’d like is for as much of a relationship as you can give me. Whether its friends, lovers, whatever, I’m asking you to give me a chance to make it up to you.’

For the first time since the divorce, Anne grabbed my hand and held it between hers as she stared at me intently.

‘Bill, I promised myself that I wouldn’t pressure you. I know that I gave you a lot to think about tonight. All I ask is that you remember everything we’ve talked about.’

With that final comment, we got up from the bench and started the walk back to the house. I had a feeling that my mind would be busy for a while trying to make sense of everything that I had just heard.

I’m no idiot. I had been a supervisor long enough to learn a few truisms about human behavior. I assumed that Anne hadn’t told me everything. Hell, even if she believed every word of it, I had to assume that at some level, the story had been slanted in her favor.

Even when you tried to be hard on yourself, it’s natural to assign yourself better motives or justifications. Subconsciously you try to slant things for your benefit. Sometimes the easiest person to fool is the one that stares back at you when you look in the mirror. There was no way she had let me know everything that had gone on. So I wasn’t about to take Anne’s explanation completely at face value.

When we got back to the house, it wasn’t difficult to figure out that the girls knew what had happened. You could tell from the way that they kept staring at Annie that they were dying to get her somewhere they could question her. Every look they shot me was filled with speculation and ill hidden curiosity. I had a feeling that as soon as the girls got one of us alone, the inquisition would start.

I didn’t stay much longer that afternoon. I said my goodbyes after making arrangements to pick the girls up next weekend. It worked well that it was Anne’s week with the girls. I needed a chance to think things through, before I faced the pressure I was sure they would exert for Anne and I to get back together.

Maybe Annie had been telling me the truth when she said that she wasn’t going to pressure me but I wasn’t about to expect the same consideration from my girls.

I didn’t get much work done that week. No matter what I decided, my life was about to change again. The difference this time was that I was the one calling the shots. I needed to figure out what the best course of action would be for me.

Naturally, I talked with Laura to get her thoughts and advice. What was unusual was that my normally loquacious twin was reticent in telling me her mind. Oh, she listened to what I had to say and was willing to be my sounding board, but she flat out refused to give me the advice I sought.

‘Junior, the only piece of advice you need is something you already know. You’ve been spouting it for months,’ Laura stated with a grin. ‘You’d be well advised to do what Anne suggested. Think about everything Anne has told you. Not only her explanation, but also everything she has said over the past few months. You need to make up your own mind about what to do, and do it for the right reasons.

‘Just promise me that whatever you decide, it’s based on what you want, not what other people expect or want. Do what’s best for Bill. Don’t let anybody or anything make up your mind for you.’

‘Anything? What are you talking about?’ I interrupted.

Laura shook her finger at me in a mock scold. ‘Think about it. You’re going to have Sarah, Lacey, Anne, your former in-laws and god knows who else telling you that you should forgive Anne. On the other hand Joe and some of your other friends are going to be telling you not to do it. Chances are, everyone is going to push your buttons to get you see things their way.

‘On top of all that, don’t forget your stubbornness and your hurt ego. I know you better than you know yourself. I know how hard it is for you to let go of a grudge, at times. Anne hurt you when she walked out, but that can’t be the only thing you think about. You need to decide whether it’s possible to get past that. Don’t let your injured pride take control. Look at everything.

‘Thing is, the only person who can tell you if it’s the right thing to do is the one living inside your skin. If you are not happy and committed to the decision, it’s going to get real ugly, real fast. So, take Anne’s advice. You know what is entailed and the pluses and minuses with Annie. Think it through, and make your decision for the right reasons. For once in your life, think about yourself first.’

With that piece of advice, Laura shut up and refused to say more. I guess there really is a first time for everything.

By week’s end, I was still nowhere near a decision. I had stayed away from Anne that week, forgoing our now customary family dinner on Wednesday. It wasn’t that I was angry, or that I hated her, I just didn’t want to see her until my mind had cleared.

I’m not normally indecisive, but this was a big decision.

My feelings towards Annie were complicated. I could tell I still loved her, if only by how much her story hurt. Spider Robinson once opined that the opposite of hate was not love, but like. The true opposite of love is apathy. If I had lost my love for Annie, then her story would not have bothered me. I simply wouldn’t have cared, anymore. Because I still loved Annie, she had the power to hurt me. And, if I was honest, I still had the power to hurt her.

The question I needed to answer was whether I could get over my anger and hurt, and whether I could get over her rejection of me. After four plus years apart, it wasn’t the affair that bothered me as much as it was what it led to, her decision to leave. I was bothered by her decision to give up and not fight for what we had once had.

That was the cause of my dilemma.

Did I want to give Anne another chance to hurt me? More importantly, could I trust her enough not to abuse that power?

I’m not saying that the thought of Anne having sex with Johnson or any other guy thrilled me, but that was over four years ago. If we did get back together, I instinctively realized that we would have to treat it as if we were starting over, in a new relationship. If we tried to pick up from where we had ended, or tried to hang on to jealousy over the people we had slept with during our time apart, it would doom any new relationship before it began.

As for Johnson, I wasn’t about to forget about the affair. Annie wouldn’t forget either. We both needed to remember, in order to avoid similar situations in the future. I wanted us to remember the affair, and all the mistakes that made it possible.

I didn’t think forgiveness was an issue either. It was no longer necessary. Anne and I had been apart for over four years. The longer I thought about it, the more I realized that Annie had already paid the full price for her failings.

I was also concerned about the potential consequences of a failed reconciliation. Annie and I had redeveloped a friendship that was getting quite comfortable. It allowed us the ability to do things together with the girls, with some semblance of being a family unit. I seriously doubted that any type of friendship would survive, if we tried and failed to reconstruct our marriage.

It was the age-old dilemma.

Did I want to risk what we already had, on the substantial risk that we could successfully get back together?

By the end of the week, I had reached some conclusions.

I wasn’t going to avoid Annie.

At the very least, I wanted her back in my
life as a friend. As for starting anew, my concerns remained. I was willing to try for more, as long as we took it ‘slow and steady’. I didn’t know how long it would take, but we could only build a new relationship, if we took it step by step.

Anne had suggested as a solution, that I give her as much of a relationship as I could offer her. She was right, but that only addressed part of the issue. We needed to find a comfort level we could both enjoy.

That Sunday, Anne attempted to avoid me when she brought the girls over. When she drove up, I had a feeling of déjà vu. It reminded me of the first few months after the divorce.

Anne didn’t get out of the car, or make any move to come in. If anything, she did everything she could to minimize her presence as the girls got out of the car and ran into the house.

I could see her watching me as I stood on the steps, but she kept her distance.

I made ‘the first step’, by going out to her car and asking her in for dinner. She looked at me in surprise, but quickly accepted. A look of anxious anticipation crossed her face as she realized that she was soon to learn my decision.

I was expecting the third degree from Sarah & Lacey, but it never materialized. They gave me a quick hug and departed to the family room to watch TV. To say I was surprised would be an understatement, but I shrugged and walked with Anne into the den. I wanted to talk to her first, but I also wanted to talk to the girls too. My decision would affect all of us and I wanted them to realize this.

My conversation with Annie didn’t take long. I just wanted her to understand what I was going through. I told her about my fears and my desire to take it slow. She was touched by my reluctance to risk what we had already developed but had a little difficulty understanding my concern.

‘Annie, we have to remember that neither of us are the same persons we were four years ago. We’ve both had a lot of experiences, both good and bad, that have changed us. I learned my lesson with Jean. I don’t want to jump into anything.

Anne flushed at my reminder of my aborted relationship. It was a good reminder to me, that she had issues to deal with, too.

‘See,’ I continued, gesturing at her reaction. ‘It’s not just me. This isn’t just a case of my getting past your affair. You’ve got to come to grips with what I’ve done since the divorce, too. I’ve changed in ways that you may not know. There’s no going back to where we were. If we get back together again, it’s going to be a fresh start. Neither of us can expect the same old, same old.

‘For example, let’s talk about sex,’ I said. I wanted to try to shock her a little bit. ‘If and when we do get back to a sexual relationship, there are some new things I’d like to try with you. I’ve tried a lot of new things since the divorce, and I’m hoping we can do them together.’

Anne blushed. Our sex life together had been active, but it had never been that daring. Oral sex had been mostly foreplay, and anal play was a non-starter. We had mostly relied on a few standard positions we knew we both enjoyed. Annie and I had made love as a method of getting close to one another. We had enjoyed our lengthy cuddles, as much as actual sex.

Since the divorce, I had broadened my sexual horizons. If I did get back together with Annie, I planned on exploring her horizons as well. I always wanted a chance to explore her fantasies. Just as long as they didn’t involve ‘swapping’, or another guy.

‘Annie, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I also don’t want to place you in a position where you feel you have to do things, just to please me. If we try to reconcile, we both have to careful to do it for the right reasons. If I force you to try something and you go along from some sense of ‘making it up to me’, then you could end up resenting me later. We need to be open and up front about what we want.’

Anne reluctantly nodded. I could see the wheels turning in her head. She had approached the reconciliation as addressing only my issues and concerns. How she could make her affair up to me. Now she was beginning to realize that she needed to consider her own feelings as well.

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All that Glitters is not Gold by Jennifer The arid equatorial sun beat down on me like a sledge hammer. Sweat was pouring down my back. God . . . it must have been over 95 degrees out here with a humidity to match, but hey, what else should I expect from some damn `third world' jungle. After days of hacking through underbrush and hours of digging, the edge of what appeared to be some sort of metal object became visible. Dropping to my knees, I began to wipe the perspiration from...

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Fools Errand

fantasy era story, if you don't like this kind of stories.. please do not read futher... Thanks!Part 1.The Matron of House K’lers needed rare and precious herbs for her rituals andPriestess Zara got the assignment to find it. She had to get it done fast, orshe would be punished severely if Matrons ritual was ruined. Zara had to put herown acolytes to seek information about the location of the herb. Luckily heracolytes did find some clues of the location of that rare herb and gave theinformation...

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As I lay in bed that night, at a hotel a long way from home, it all came back to me like a bad movie I couldn't turn off. Over the previous 15 years, I had never forgotten what had happened, but I had managed to suppress it and not dwell on it. But earlier that night, it had been forcefully thrust back into the forefront of my conscious thoughts... I was shaking all over, except for my hands. They were rock steady as I held the pistol inches from her head while she slept in our bed. She...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 8

John, Suzy, and I had set up a watch schedule when we planned this little adventure. John would pull the first watch. Staying awake until midnight. Then he would wake me, and I would cover it until 04:00 when I would wake Suzy. She would have the 04:00 until sunrise watch. This gave her the time to set up breakfast for the group. Usually, the midnight to 04:00 was the killer shift. My solution was to patrol the area. I wouldn’t just sit and watch the stars. I would get out and about. I would...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 9

That morning, after breakfast, Doc decided that we would start putting the trail cams into place. I followed along. Supposedly for their protection. After all, there are lions and tigers and bears out there, oh my. In reality, I was curious about where their thinking was. There had been some controversy when I announced that Chuck was no longer working for the professor, but was the sole property of Suzy. And if you have a problem with that, talk to her. Nobody did. However, Vincent...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 10

Vincent had been standing there, absorbing what I was saying about cameras. “Ok, Vince, show me what you’ve got.” I think that calling him Vince was the most startling thing that had ever happened to him. His face at first was shocked and then slowly changed to ecstasy. Could it be that this was the first time in his life, somebody went beyond friendly, to friend? This can be an eye-opener for a lonely kid. His face broke out in a huge smile, “Well, Matt,” there was a slight hesitation, and...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 11

Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t spend all of my time shooting down the professor’s ideas. I did spend a lot of time following along behind and observing what they were up to. I don’t know where my thinking was. Maybe I thought I could learn something. If I did, I couldn’t tell you what it was. Most of my time was spent keeping an eye on things. Making sure nobody wandered off a cliff, or fell into the river. It wasn’t dull, really. But after a couple of days, it got routine. Suzy asked me one...

1 year ago
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Fools in ParadiseChapter 12

We had been in the high country for a week, and our project was coming to an end. All of the equipment had been collected and cleaned, packed, and was ready to go. After our final supper in the field, I asked the group if they had any questions or complaints. Everybody looked at each other. Finally, the professor spoke up. “Mr. Reynolds, how would you have done this? How would you plan and execute a project like this, gathering evidence of the animal called sasquatch?” I knew that this was...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 13

As with all good things, we came to the last day of our little adventure. We had spent most of the morning packing the gear and cleaning up the camp. While I’m not one of those zero impact folks, I do try to keep everything to a minimum. So that includes a good police call for the camp and surrounding area. For some reason, this irritated Edgar. He said that he wanted to get something called b shots and footage at a meadow not far away. And then tried to feed me a line about morning sun and...

4 years ago
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Fools in ParadiseChapter 14

At the crossroads, we stopped. I double-checked on Phillip and made sure that we hadn’t missed anything. He was doing fine, apologetic as hell, but medically he was fine. Edgar? Well, I wasn’t sure how the rest of his life was going to work out. I think that it was a fairly safe bet that his plans were ashes. I also checked in with Chuck. I could see that he was now a young man with a plan, a goal. I hope that he could convince his family. I asked him what his plans were. “Well, Mr....

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Fools in LoveChapter 4

Imagine a little girl, a precocious happy pretty little girl, in her very own backyard on her very own tricycle pedaling round and round on the gravel driveway where her daddy parks his car. It’s late March and the wind is howling. It’s that time of year, one of the waning days of another cold dark winter, and ‘the old man’ wasn’t quite ready to surrender his icy grip to the warm embrace of spring. The little girl, a raven haired emerald eyed beauty has on her heavy wool coat, knit mittens,...

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Fools in LoveChapter 5

Maureen had tried to stay awake. She wanted to consummate this relationship. She wanted to possess this man. She loved this awkward, lanky, boat building, chicken frying, nose punching young man. She thought about the punch in the nose for a second. That was quite a surprise. Nobody saw that coming. Yeah, Cal had become all she thought about, or cared about. He’d become her obsession. Just exactly when she knew he was the right one; the one for her, she couldn’t say. It had to have been that...

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Fools in LoveChapter 6

Maureen and her mother held each other, arms over shoulders, as they waved good bye to Cal. It had been a long day for both, but another event was still in store for the younger woman; an event she for which she was totally unprepared. Cal had asked Maureen to marry him the night before at the Olive Garden. Maureen had said yes but no too; she’d played a silly trick on him about being a virgin; saying she couldn’t marry him until he lost his cherry. He’d given it up to her later that very...

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Fools in LoveChapter 8

Cal had Maureen’s right hand in his left. He led her back to the bedroom. He wasn’t wearing anything. She was wearing the same cute little nightie she’d worn earlier. It just covered the very tops of her thighs, then it plunged low in the front giving him a scenic view of her large breasts. He wanted to make love some more; but he wanted to do other things too, he wanted to keep talking, he wanted to cuddle, he wanted to fondle those deliciously soft but firm orbs, he wanted to feel himself...

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Fools in LoveChapter 9

Cal helped Maureen into his grandfather’s car, and they sped off toward the hospital. Maureen used her cell phone to call the hospital and get confirmation about Jared. Yes he had been brought to the hospital. Yes he had dropped something big and heavy on his foot. Yes it was broken, and yes the hospital, owing to Jared’s advanced years intended to keep him overnight. Otherwise he was doing quite well. He was alert, feeling bearish, and angry with himself for being stupid. Maureen shared the...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 2

I was mucking out the barn. Not a job I enjoyed, but necessary. Suzy had announced at breakfast that today was a cleanup day, and the division of labor, outside was mine. Inside was hers. She also made sure to clarify that the barn and specifically the stables were outdoors. I’d seen a movie once where the star said that he didn’t mind the fragrances of nature. He also didn’t have to clean those horse stalls. It was just after 13:00, and I was finishing up. I was looking forward to a short...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 4

The day before the film crew was to set out from Elk City, Suzy and I locked up the cabin, loaded up the stock, and headed down to Elk City. The plan was that we, Suzy, and I would keep an eye on how they behaved on the trail that first day. Then after setting up camp, we would introduce ourselves. The plan also included that we make a dramatic entrance, something boffo as they say in movies. I don’t know if that was necessary or not. I thought it was stupidly funny. We arrived at Elk City...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 5

One of the things about so-called civilized folks, you know who I mean. The Broadway theater crowd, 3-piece suit lawyers, and society debutants. Put them into the primitive world, and they are clueless. They don’t see, don’t hear, don’t smell. Suzy and I got right up on their lunch resting spot and wasn’t seen by any of them. And I’m rather sorry to say, even John missed seeing me. He spotted Suzy and gave her a high sign. But he missed me. After lunch, they hit the trail again. I found it...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 6

Once Suzy and I had checked the camp and made the changes we thought were needed immediately, I introduced Suzy and myself. Then we started getting to know the others in our party. The older grey-haired gentleman was professor Walt Burroughs, Ph.D. from Idaho State University. He was a cryptozoologist and claimed to be the foremost expert in sasquatch research. He had written a dozen books and twice as many articles on the subject. He had also consulted on several tv documentaries about...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 7

After what I had hoped was a suitably impressive command speech, I looked at each of the group. More to enforce my leadership than anything else. As I squatted down by the fire, I started Chuckling. “So, bigfoot, eh? What makes you boys think you can track, let alone catch Mr. Fuzzy?” As the apparent leader, professor Burroughs was the first to speak up. “Mr. Reynolds, if you’re going to tell me that you are a disbeliever, I expected that before I even contacted Mr. Wadsworth. Most people...

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STARTING YOUNGGoldilocks, yes she had hair like that, absolutely right, down to her navel. But who was she really?Photographing her, painting her. Reaching under her short little Catholic skirt and touching the silk of her naked thighs, I thought of all that, too, I have to admit. I thought of kissing her, seeing if her face was as soft as it looked - baby flesh.Yes, it was there from the start, especially once she gave me the age-old inviting smile and her eyes became, for a moment, a woman’s...

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Striking Gold

by Zvogel For my last birthday Maggie surprised me by telling me she will fulfil one of my fantasies, she’s arranged a for a portfolio of studio photos of her, you know the usual type, given a makeover, dressed in a sexy dress and posed in provocative poses. As it 's my birthday treat, if she has the bottle, some topless pics as well, I dropped her off at the studio. “Pick you up in an hour, enjoy your self, Love you .” I say. She smiles back at me and blows a kiss. The first...

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Candice strikes gold

I was given the name Candice and I'm happy with it. Anyone who calls me Candy gets what's coming to her. Unless it's a boy. Boys I forgive everything.I love boys. I knew it long before I left St Ursula's, even though I'd hardly spoken to one and had never seen one at school. If the teachers had their way, we'd be taught there was no such thing as a boy. But I just knew, lying in bed, that the cosy, tingly sensations and honey moisture I woke up to had something to do with boys. After all, the...

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The Ecstasy of Gold

As America expanded Westward, there was rapid change. The new frontier brought with it new challenges, new hardships and new possibilities. Away from refined "polite" society, where anyone looking for a new start could try to make something of themselves, a thousand thousand stories were written. Most of these stories were lost amongst the chaos of the time. Your name is Linda Hart, a.k.a. the Lonesome Kid. This is your story. Born as the only daughter to Texas ranchers, you've been around men...

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A Heart of Gold

Note from Enbreeze, the creator of the story's universe. - Yes, this is another universe I'm setting up. There are so many authors with new universes nowadays. None of 'em are ever going to live up to Spells R Us of course, but they make a valiant attempt trying. You can take this story or leave it; I'm going to continue writing for Hero Ine and her flower girls for as much as I need it, regardless. But if you ever want to write for it, you are welcome if you can follow...

4 years ago
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Silver to Gold

Standing before me silently stroking your erection to life with one hand and guiding my mouth to you with the other I begin a course of kisses at your navel meeting your swollen dick rising over your belly competing for my attention. I linger slowly over the glistening head and a deep pleasurable sigh escapes you while you penetrate my mouth and watch me swallow the shaft on the cushion of my tongue, wetting the entire length sliding it easily between my lips. I look up into your eyes then...

Straight Sex
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Cherokee Gold

“Well, here we go, I thought,” as we headed out for another day’s walk. I grabbed a light jacket and a leash. My canine companion, Buddy, needs his morning walks. Buddy is a rescue, a 6 year old 75 pound American Staffordshire Terrier. You’ve seen the bumper stickers: “Who rescued Who”. It really is a good question. Oh, I’m Dave Jacobs, 65 and retired. (You might remember reading about me being involved with some idiots who shot up a local mall). It was beautiful spring day here in Peachtree...

2 years ago
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Heart of the MountainChapter 10 Heart of Gold

“Stop!” Iden shouted, the Paladins turning to look back at him. He had arrived just in time, one of the knights was pointing some kind of ornate spear at Isabelle, her massive body entangled in a shimmering net that looked as if it was woven from fine silk. They hadn’t been exaggerating their capabilities, they had defeated the dragon handily. Her burning eyes met his, but it was hard to gauge what she was feeling. There were two knights with crossbows standing near the entrance to the...

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You are heading home from school, cutting across old man Peterson's fields as you always do when you look up in time to see the glowing meteorite plummet towards you. Then darkness swallows you. You wake in a seemingly strange room, but your wits soon recover and realize that you're in a hospital and fumble for the nurses call button. The nurse who answers your call is Cyndi, or so the ID badge over her 36CC breasts reads. "Oh my goodness you're awake!" "How long?" You ask, your voice sounding...

Mind Control
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Noch vor drei Jahren haben mein Mann, mit dem ich damals noch nicht verheiratet war, und ich in einer kleinen Mietwohnung in Bahnhofsnähe gewohnt. Wir beide hatten miese Jobs und konnten uns nichts besseres leisten. Aber mit viel harter Arbeit ein bisschen Hilfe des Schicksals, habe ich es geschafft mit meinem eigenen Unternehmen ein kleines Vermögen zu verdienen und so dürfen wir heute eine Villa am Stadtrand unser eigen nennen. Dahin bin ich gerade auch unterwegs. Ich habe es geschafft, einen...

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Menka8217s Virginity And The Village Goldsmith

My name is Menka. I want to share how my virginity was taken by my lover, my village goldsmith. It was an age of innocence and now I can share, as I have nothing to fear. I’m 23 now and pregnant with Bheema’s child. I turned into a woman after he fucked me and released the juices of my virginity. I want to share my day to day experience with you (the readers of iss). I’m a village girl and have studied English medium till standard 5. After that, my mother removed me from school and trained me...

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Silence is Goldwyn

I checked the time on my phone, shut off the car, and headed back into the laundromat. The place was empty, as it usually was. The motel at the edge of town opening the 24-hour laundromat suited me perfectly. I didn’t have to deal with anyone and never had to wait.Once I transferred all my clothes from the washers to the dryers, I headed back out to my car. It was way more comfortable than the plastic seats inside, and I was parked close enough to use the free wi-fi.With about five minutes to...

First Time
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Ladyboy Gold! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Tonight’s sexual entertainment is full of beautiful ladies, and uh, hot boys? Sorry, no. I’m still a little fuzzy from all the Everclear and Cialis last night. LadyboyGold is a premium site that doesn’t specialize in ladies or boys, at least not in the traditional sense. I’m sure I don’t have to explain that to somebody browsing my list of shemale sites, though.LadyboyGold claims to be the number-one reviewed TS site in the...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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An Unusual Visit And Its Not Goldilocks

I’m a fairly tidy person; I always have been. I never got fussed at for not picking up my clothes or keeping my room straight. As an adult, I became more so. I’m not manic or fussy about it, but ‘everything has a place and everything in its place.’ That may be one of the reasons I’m a good software engineer. That was the opinion of a girl I lived with in college. It was also the reason she moved out. It’s the main reason I noticed that things would be moved slightly or something like a...

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Introduction: Things go from bad to worse when an orphaned 17-year-old takes shelter from zombies in an empty house. Technically fanfiction (The Last of Us), but I dont think you have to be familiar with the game to enjoy the story. Written for a friend. The house is empty but not dusty. Something tells you not to mess with it, but youre exhausted and starving, and it doesnt make sense not to rest in the only shelter for miles away. You move the furniture in front of the doors and take your...

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