MY COLONOSCOPY (Humor) free porn video

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Dedicated to fellow writer Clarise.

Dear reader, this non-erotic short story is my first attempt at writing humor. If you want a little chuckle read on and then leave a comment to let me know what you think of my effort. If you are looking for something a little more sexually salacious, you might want to look at another offering and then come back when you are in the mood for humor.

In support and in solidarity, I dedicate this story to my friend and fellow writer, Clarise, who recently had one of her stories deleted.

My Colonoscopy:

by Hardrive

After several weeks of complaining about stomach discomfort and constipation, my wife Rita got tired of my belly aching and called her fudge-packing brother for advice. That made a lot of sense. After all, who better to ask about asshole problems than your queer brother? Woops, did I say queer? I meant to say Homo-American. Anyway, Rita said her brother recommended I go see a gastroenterologist for a full evaluation.

What? I asked, An ass-hole-enter what? That doesnt even sound like a real doctor. Its probably some kind of voodoo fag doctor.

No, you homophobic ignore-anus came Ritas cynical reply. A gas-tro-enter-ologist, is a doctor that specializes in disorders of the digestive system. My brother is a well regarded general practitioner and if he says you should have a full evaluation of your intestinal track, thats exactly what youre going to do. Its high time someone looks up your stupid ass to see what kind of problems youve got brewing up there.

Oh, really, I said, mocking her sarcastic tone, Since you insist I need to have my colon examined by a doctor, I guess youre finally ready to admit youve been wrong about me all these years. Ritas perplexed expression indicated that she had no idea what I was talking about, so I explained. Youre always saying that I have my head stuck up my ass. Rita nodded in agreement. Well, I said with a smug smile, if my head was really up my ass why would we need to hire a doctor to see whats wrong&hellip, I could see it for myself.

I thought that was hilarious, so I slapped my wifes butt and did a little victory jig while laughing my head off. Rita wasnt amused.

Oh, you cant take it when I get the upper hand. I started to mock her. You think you and that fairy brother of yours are so much smarter than me. Just cause I dont have a fancy college education dont mean that I cant tell when youre trying to pull my leg. There is no such thing as an ass-hole-enter-whatever, So, go ahead and make an appointment with your made-up doctor. I dare you. Rita just gave me an icy stare, smiled and walked away.

A week later we were sitting at the doctors office listening to him explain why I needed to have a colonoscopy. I told the doc Ive never heard of a cola-ass-copy and had no idea what he was talking about. The doctor picked up a book with full color illustrations and used it to thoroughly explain the procedure. Pointing to the interior of the large intestine he indicated the areas that he wanted to examine and photograph.

Nodding thoughtfully, I pretended to understand what he was talking about and asked a question or two that was intended to display my advanced knowledge of medical terms. Will you be using an x-ray camera or an MIR to photograph my inners?

The doctor smiled. No, we use a flexible hose to guild a miniature camera through your anus and into the full length of your large intestine. Then he showed me a picture of a little camera attached to a very long black hose.

Hell no! I said to myself. I wont even let my family doctor check my prostate, so there was no way this joker was going to shove a big old hose up my ass. Looking around the office I spotted the door, popped up out of my seat and began to vigorously shake the doctors hand while I thank him profusely for wonderful presentation. The doctor seemed confused and tired to interrupt me several times but I just continued to pump his hand while backing up towards the door. My plan was working just fine and I actually got to openthe door open and had one foot over the threshold before my wife decided to intervene.

Now at this point Id like to pause to give my male readers some advice. Never marry a stout, red headed woman of Italian-Irish descent. That combination gives them a split personality that makes Bruce Banners transformation into the Hulk look like a mild eccentricity. In public she tries to maintain the illusion that she is the devoted wife and Im the boss in our relationship&hellip, but in reality she calls all the shots and only lets me do what she wants me to do.

In public she always agrees with me but she uses a code to let me know what she really wants. Whenever she smiles and says Yes dear while putting the accent on the yes but elongating the dear, that means that if I even think about doing what I want, shell make my life a living hell. And let me tell you, when my wife says living hell shes not talking about Dantes little cake walk through the seven levels of the fiery pit. Shes talking about providing me with my own personal apocalypse. Believe me, when it comes to pursuing a vengeful agenda, my wife puts Captain Ahab to shame.

In this case she was determined that I was going to have that colonoscopy, so she moved quickly to intercept me at the door. Putting her arm around me in a very loving way, she smiled at the doctor while she worked her hand under my coat and up to my neck. Putting me in her version of the Vulcan death grip, Rita paralyzed my body. When the doctor noticed that my expression suddenly went blank, he asked if there was something wrong. All I could do was move my head left to right as Rita manipulated the back of my neck. When he asked if he could schedule my procedure, I wanted to say hell no but I found myself nodding yes. Then, when the doctor smiled and said goodbye, Rita squeezed the nerves in my neck so hard that my pained grimmest looked like I was smiling back.

By the time we left the doctors office, I was feeling dizzy. Leaning against Rita, we walked over to the discharge nurse who gave us the doctors instructions and a prescription for a product called Koli-Kleen. The nurse said I was to drink two doses of Koli-kleen the night prior to the colonoscopy. What she didnt tell us was that using that product was going to be, without doubt, the most gruesome part of the whole procedure.

I didnt know it then but a week after my colonoscopy I did a google search and found that Koli-Kleen is sold in the United States as a prescription laxative, but it was originally developed during world war two by the Gestapo. The Germans called it Magen-buster and used it to get prisoners to voluntarily run into gas chambers they mislabeled Latrines. After the war, the Russians developed the formula into a WMD or Weapon of Mass Defecation. When the cold war ended, the KBG sold the formula to the CIA who used it in Guantanamo as an interrogation aid. It was reported that the CIA had a lot of success getting even the most resistant terrorist to literally spill their guts, but when the UN found it was being used on the prisoners, they banned its use as inhumane and a serious breach of the Geneva Convention.

Considering the nefarious history of this product, it was beyond my comprehension how any Pharmaceutical Company could get it approved by the FDA for sale to the American public. But then I saw the outrages price on the insurance companys invoice and my question was answered.

I was totally ignorant of all that before the colonoscopy so I spent the week prior to the procedure nervously worrying about the big fat hose and never gave a second thought to the hellish experience that awaited me on the night before.

When the time came for me to get ready, I read the instructions. Step one said that 12 hours prior to the colonoscopy I shouldnt take any solid foods by mouth. That kind of confused me since taking solid foods by mouth was the only way I knew how to do that. Anyway, by supper time I was pretty hungry so the wife suggested I try some chicken broth. I love chicken soup but chicken broth was a big disappointment. It is nothing more than hot salty water with a little food coloring. The only chicken youll find in chicken broth is the word chicken printed on the box.

But I digress&hellip, the second step was to try and drink the first dose of Koli-Kleen. I say try because the stuff tastes like industrial grade toilet cleaner. The pharmacist recommended the lemon flavored product but I can tell you right now that the lemon flavoring in that noxious concoction does absolutely nothing to mask its totally disgusting taste. In fact, to this day I still cant look at a lemon without getting the dry heaves.

The instructions warned that After drinking the first dose I might experience some gastric discomfort followed by a loose bowel movement. That was a gross understatement. What the instructions should have said was that after taking Koli-Kleen, my guts would heave, toss and turn like a small boat caught in a typhoon and that shortly thereafter, everything in my stomach would simultaneously attempt to abandon ship through the stern of my little brown boat.

Holy Crap, that stuff works fast. It may not be written on the box but I believe that one of Koli-Kleens chief ingredients is rocket fuel. I say that because when that stuff kicks in, your colon ignites and the full content of your alimentary canal is explosively jettisoned out of your ass with such force that, unless you hold on to the toilet seat, its possible that your body could be propelled into low earth orbit.

Needless to say, I spent the whole night sitting on the toilet and nervously waiting for the many intestinal eruptions that followed. Whenever I felt my gut begin to rumble I shut my eyes, held on to the toilet seat and did a short count-down as my rocket powered ass violently sprayed whatever was in my guts into the crapper.

This went on for hours until my intestines were totally empty and I had nothing more to give. By then it was time to drink the second round of Koli-Kleen, and to my absolute amazement, the process started all over again. I couldnt believe it possible that there was anything left in me to expel, but apparently I was wrong.

My only explanation for this extraordinary phenomenon is that the second dose of Koli-Kleen must have the ability to tap into the spiritual realm, locate my long dead ancestors and channel the festering content of their ancient intestines through my flaming ass-hole and into the commode.

And that leads us to a subject that isnt covered by the Koli-Kleen instructions. Im talking about the smell. Oh my god the smell is incredible.

Lets face it, you cant flush out the rotting content of someones intestine without creating some serious atmospheric pollution. Youre probably going to think Im exaggerating but things got so bad at my house, that I actually saw lines of staggering insects abandoning the residence. I also witness our house plants literally wither and die right before my eyes. Even the plastic plants keeled over. Rita could attested to all this but she barricaded herself in the guestroom, stuffed towels into the crack under the door, and refused to come out until it was time to go to the clinic.

Needless to say, by the end of the evening I was exhausted. All that running back and forth to the bathroom left my legs feeling like the rubbery limbs of a punch drunk boxer, and my asshole like the business end of a blow torch. That night, after pushing several ice cubes up my raw pucker, I finally passed out and slept like a very tired and dehydrated baby.

The next morning my wife got me up at what is known in military time as oh five hundred hours. The oh stands for, Oh my God, I cant believe its still dark. Anyway, when we arrived at the clinic we thought, since they wanted us there at the crack of dawn, that they intended to begin the procedure right away. We were wrong. Instead they had us filling out forms for hours. The frustrating part is that they had me answering questions Ive already answered hundreds of times before. What the hell do they do with all that information? Obviously they dont keep it or they wouldnt need to ask the same dam questions over and over again.

When I was finished with the questioner the nurse brought in the consent form and asked me to sign. After looking it over I told her that I couldnt possible sign it. She asked me why and I told her that just over the signature line there was a statement that said that I understood and agreed to all the terms, conditions and provisions stated therein. The document was twelve pages long and written in a Pig-Latin dialect of legalize that was so convoluted and incomprehensible that even my lawyers lawyer couldnt have understood it.

The nurse looked at me and smiled. Then she told me I could take all the time I needed to read the consent forms and I didnt have to sign them until I fully understood what I was signing. However, she quickly added that if I didnt have the form signed within the next five minutes she would have to reschedule my procedure.

Thats all she had to say. It took me about five seconds to sign the release and hand it to her. There was no way I was going to reschedule the colonoscopy knowing full well that I would have to go through the same gut-draining pre-procedure I went through the night before. I think the clinic counts on that reaction and thats why they ask you to sign the consent form after youve had the Koli-Kleen experience.

A half hour after I finished the paper work, a very fruity looking male nurse named Hector, came for me. He gave my wife a wink, put his hand on my shoulder and walked around me without taking his hand off my body. Then he asked her a question in a very swishy Spanish accent. Is this jew hombre? My wife nodded while trying to contain a very smug smile. Hector returned her smile and said, Ay que Lindo. And they both began to giggle as Hector put his hand through my arm and walked me down the clinics main corridor. Don jew warry lindo, he said as he snuggled up to me. I will take berry good car of jew.

Looking over my shoulder I made eye contact with my wife and with a sorrowful and plaintiff gaze I pleaded for her help, but Rita just smiled. It seemed to me that she was enjoying my predicament because all she did was hold up a box of Kolie-Kleen and gave me a looked that seemed to said&hellip, are you sure you want to reschedule the procedure?

It was a long and uncomfortable walk to the prep-room, and when we got there Hector released my arm and handed me a plastic bag. He instructed me to go into a little room that had a curtain instead of a door. He asked me to take off all my clothes and put them in the bag. Then he handed me one of those hospital gowns. You know&hellip, the kind that is designed to strip you of all your dignity and make you feel more exposed and venerable then youve ever felt before.

After putting on the gown I noticed that my ass was hanging out of the back. Try as I might, I couldnt stretch the cloth to cover my exposed behind. Thats when I saw Hector peeking through the curtains. The pervert was staring at my ass but when he saw me looking at him he smiled and asked if I was ready. Then he pushed a wheel chair into the room and with a big grin he patted the bench and told me to put my cute little tushie into the seat.

There was no way I was going to turn my bare bottom towards that flaming fruitcake so I just stood there looking at him. Thats when Hector decided to come around from behind the chair to help me get into the seat. It was more likely that he wanted to help himself into my seat, so as he approached, I clutched the back of my hospital gown and slowly backed away. Hector kept advancing and I kept retreating so we went around and around that wheelchair until I finally saw an opportunity to safely sit down.

The fruity nurse laughed, his very girly laugh, and called me a crazy gringo as he pushed my wheelchair into another room. There he tied a rubber tourniquet around my arm and tried to put an I.V. needle into the back of my hand. It only took him five tries, and while I would have normally fainted after the second attempt, there was no way I was going to allow myself to pass out while I was alone in the room with him. This was especially true after he started talking about the procedure. With a faraway and dreamy look in his eyes, he described the length and girth of the hose the doctor would be using&hellip, and then he said, El doc-tor wheel eput it in jew ass nice and eslow. He wheel go in deeper and deeper. Ay bandito, Itz so beautiful I juice want to ecry every time I thing about it.

If I had any doubt about Hectors sexual orientation, after listening to him describe the procedure, all my doubts were gone. Hector was what I called a real Granola Bar, flaky, fruity and nuts.

listen up, Hector. I said with my most manly voice. There is no way that I am going to have sex with you.

What? Hector said with a genuine look of surprise. Giving me a very stern look and with a very indignant voice he continued. Is dat what jew ting? Will jew are so rung. Having sex wit jew is da last ting on my mine. DA LAST TING! No senor. First jew will half to ax me to dinner, and den to a show and den after dat&hellip,.

Read my lips Hector&hellip, No Way!!!

Hector looked disappointed so he changed the subject and asked me if I had taken the Koli-Kleen as proscribed. My revolted expression and the cold shiver that ran up and down my spine leaving my puckered face quivering with a look of pure disgust, told him all he needed to know.

O I si, no juan etoll jew? The blank expression on my face let him know I had no idea what the hell he was talking about, so he went on. Jew can etake un poco de Tequila before jew drink that sheet. Dat ehelps it ego down mucho more ezy.

As soon as I figured out what he was trying to say, a light bulb went on over my head. What a great idea. I had a fully stocked bar at home and would have gladly downed a bottle of good Iris whisky if I had known it was okay to drink before taking that Koli-Krap. But then I started to imagine myself drunk and stumbling around the house, squirting and dripping all over the rug and the furniture. There was no way Rita would have cleaned up after me, and knowing her, she probably would have had no alternative but to shot me, torch the house for the insurance money and move down to Florida.

As Hector wheeled me into the procedure room I looked around nervously and saw the doctor and anesthesiologist standing there, but no sign of the dreaded Big fat hose. No doubt they planed on bringing it in after I was asleep. That sounded like such a waste of Anastasia. Not because I was so brave that I didnt need it, but because all they would have had to do was to show me that big fat hose and I would have passed out on my own.

Before putting me under, the doctor had me roll over on my side, pull up my knees and count backward from a hundred. As I started to count I heard someone, standing behind me and singing with a swishy Spanish accent. To my great horror I realized it was Hector. He was standing behind me while he sang I fee pretty from West Side Story. Oh my god, that raving queen was going to be in the room while I was laying there unconscious and my naked butt exposed.

With my last once of strength I looked up at the doctor and with pleading eyes begged him. Please shot me now before I pass out from the anesthesia, but no such luck. The room went dark and the next thing I knew I was waking up in the recovery room, still feeling high from the drugs they gave me.

The first thing I saw was my doctors smiling face. He looked down at me and asked how I felt. I told him I felt great except for a little discomfort around that place where the sun never shines. That reminded me of my last thoughts before going under so I reached up, grasped my doctor by the collar and pulling his face down close to mine. In an almost threatening tone I asked him, Did you leave me alone with Hector at any time during the procedure? The doctor looked puzzled but he assured me that he hadnt. When I let him go the doctor said he had good news. My colon was fine and there was no evidence of any malignancy.

Thanks doc, I said. Then I asked him to do me a favor. Please tell my wife&hellip,

Ive already given her the good news. The doctor interrupted.

No, not that. I said, as I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down close to my face again. I want you to let her know that youve performed a very thorough inspection of my entire intestinal track and looked into every nook and cranny of my colon&hellip, Got that? The doctor nodded that he did. Okay, then I want you to tell her that youve found absolutely no evidence that Ive ever had my head up my ass.


If you liked this story please give it a positive rating and leave a comment. Thanks…. Hardrive.

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From Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, I woke up in pain several times through the night. I had been crying so much my eyes felt sore. My throat was dry and my mouth tasted awful. My chest hurt from Clara’s punishment and my own desperate sobs. I was hungry and faint after eating almost nothing for the entire weekend. My thoughts went in circles. I was worthless. Things like this didn’t happen to normal people. I deserved it for being so weak and allowing it. I hadn’t fought back. I was a...

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Thunder and LighteningChapter 24

Having delivered their message to the two boys, Mr. Atkins turned and started to walk away. Robert Benson came out of the house and stared at the back of the old man. He shouted, “This is my fucking neighborhood and I’ll kill you if you fuck with me.” Jerry turned to stare at the greasy little man as his muscles tensed making him look even larger. There was raw unadulterated hate in his eyes as he stared at the slimy bastard. Robert looked at him and snarled, “Your lease is...

2 years ago
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Im Not Gay But

I didn’t have sex with a man until I was 45. I’d thought about it, of course--what straight guy hasn’t? My wife Maya was bi, and had never tried to hide it. An executive with a big company, she traveled a lot, to meetings and conventions, and when she was away she had sex with women. It was easy for her. She was dark, built, with big knockers, and a smile that would melt any heart. She met women in restaurants and shopping malls. Often they were married, and unaware of any lesbic tendencies,...

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Jill Kelly Goes to Prison

Authors note: I was only planning on posting two chapters to thisstory, but I've been asked to fill in the time between the two, so I will. This chapter picks up right after the First chapter. I call it, "Jilljoins the club." Jill Kelly Goes to Prison CH. 2 (Jill joins the club) By Deputy Duffy Tired and on the brink of exhaustion, Jill pulled into the drivewayof her Connecticut home. It had been a long drive from Vermont, which cappedoff an even longer day. She drew herself a hot bath...

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My first time as a sissy

As you seemed interested in my first full on gay experience, I thought I would describe it for you in more detail. After my split up with my girlfriend of 3 years I was quite upset and found myself going to the pub more frequently than before. One Friday lunchtime I got chatting to Andy who used to pop in occasionally either with his girlfriend Fiona or on his own & today he was single. I would have been just 21 & he was in his late 20’2.We chatted about this & that & eventually...

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Speaking With Your Demons22 A Shot in the Dark

“I’ve been so caught up with the study, I never got a chance to ask,” Tracy said, as she accompanied Abe and the others home from the university, boarding the Link Rail. “The administration is fielding thousands of new applications for admissions, most from already established professionals with successful practices. Rather than leaving them dangling, they’re pressuring me to finish up quickly so they can let everyone know where we officially stand. So what happened since the dramatic...

3 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 6

Finals started on Wednesday, so Julie and I spent Sunday afternoon at her house studying for finals. I helped her with Geometry and History while she helped me with Biology. We also studied Deutsch together. Tuesday afternoon Julie and I made love once before getting back to the books. We both wanted to do well on the finals, so we kept our hands to ourselves while we studied. My finals in History and Biology went well. I thought I had a good chance to get A's on both of them. Football...

1 year ago
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HotMILFsFuck Eva Alvarez 04142021

“I’m a chef all day, every day. It’s what I like to do… And I LOVE seeeexxxxx,” are the seductive and sensual phrases that pass over 33 year old Eva Alvarez’s luscious lips in her submission video to us. Wow! And who could resist a hot MILF that loves sex and cooks? I can just see her now standing at the stove with just an apron on and that perfect, and I do mean really perfect, ass peering out just begging to be slapped, kissed, and spread wide, revealing those wet pussy lips anxiously...

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Rekha in lust

Hi… dear friends.The names of all the characters in this incident have been changed already due to privacy reasons. This story is about me, Ratan and my lustful bhabhi, Rekha. I am a resident of New Delhi. My cousin brother from Bangalore got married in 2010. He got home a beautiful bhabhi of 27 years.Let me give a brief intro about me first. I am 25 years, 5ft 7 Inches, Wheat complexion with a beautiful shaft of 8 inches. Bhabhi was also 5'7 with boobs of 36 C and a lovely Ass. She was in her...

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Unnatural Urges and Desires Part 2

Today was the third birthday that Sam was celebrating since the last time he had real contact with Hermione, his ex wife, in a social setting. It has been two years since she has try to make any direct social contact with her ex-husband. On the first birthday after the divorce Hermie sent him a birthday card and left a voicemail. At that time all of his yesterdays with her meant nothing to him so he erased her message without listening to it and wrote return to sender on...

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Susie and The Chair Part I

Susan was sitting on her couch in a silk bathrobe that conformed to her gorgeous body when she got the call. All he said was 'It's your turn for the chair, Susie. Be there in an hour.' Susan was quick to get off the couch and head to her closest. Her lower regions heating up in anticipation. She pulled out her special trunk, the one she kept for him. She pulled off her bathrobe revealing her firm B-Cup breasts, smooth flat stomach, athletic tight ass cheeks, and her soft creamy complextion. She...

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Caught Lying

“Hi Girls, did you get to the shops?” I looked at the two girls. Jessica, my 23-year-old older sister. Caroline, also 23 years old, a friend of my sister. Caroline has one of those do as I say types of voice, but both girls have strong personalities. A real handful at times. Both slim with long dark hair, both dressed today in vest tops, very short or even non-existent skirts, and bare legs and as always when in the house, shoeless. I hoped I would get away with what I had done. Why shouldn’t I...

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Pallavi Ki Katil Jawani

Hi, I am Mickey n mai Indore se Hun, Mai ISS ka regular reader hun, mai average hieght health ka hun aur ab mai part time gigolo ka kaam karta hun, Lekin mai apna pehla sex experience share karne ja raha hun, ,, baat college k dino ki hai mai sirf 18 saal ka tha , meri class me waise to kai ladkiyan thi lekin ek ladki pe sabka dil ata tha, Uska naam tha pallavi., wo bohot fair thi aur uska figure bhi bahuit sexy tha. uspe college k almost sabhi ladke marte the,. meri kuch female frnds k same...

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A ride to work

A filler, I'm a 25 male Indian tall average looking guy with, as luck will have it, a super hot Indian girl as my girl friend. She is 5 6, very fair, with long legs, sexy boobs 32 B( although i think she should wear C), and a mind blowing ass!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Both of us are working in the one of the big cities in India. Both of us live with our parents about 20 miles from our offices. I pick her up in the morning and then drop her back on my way as we live...

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He Won

It took a couple hours, but the phone finally vibrated in her pocket. The quick two second shock moved through her hips and up her spine, into her breasts, causing her nipples to harden. She knew who it was before she even reached towards her pocket.  A few minutes later, she pulled the phone from the rear pocket of her skin-tight jean-shorts, and hit the power save button. The message icon said ‘1’ and she clicked the little green icon open. It was from him, and all it read was ‘What time,...

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Doris Fucks Lucy

He is, however, very careful about these activities. He does not want his wife damaged, of course, but also he does not want her to remember anything afterwards. He used to do this by getting her very drunk, sometimes with a little help, but now he has a better way, a friend in the shape of Joe, a retired stage magician, who can use hypnosis on Doris leaving her with no memory of what has taken place. Jack was waiting for me to come home one evening, and came out to speak to me. He said that...

1 year ago
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She Never Chose Us

THIS IS A BURN THE FUCKING BITCH STORY IN RESPONSE TO: "SHE CHOSE ME" BY DeYaKen. Wonderful writing but what a fucking wimp husband! You should read the story now so you see what is happening here. If you have already read it then you know the wife is already dead so how do I burn the bitch down? I will give you a hint: "His Highness Oliver Cromwell, Lord High Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland." Now my story: While some people will look at life through rose colored glasses,...

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A Free Use World

You wake up to a loud sucking sound and open your eyes to see your neighbor taking your cock deep down her throat. You sit still for a minute until you groan from the pleasure causing her to look up at you. "Hey John, didn't know you were awake. Let me finish here and I'll let you up." she says, pulling your cock out of mouth to speak. She sets your thick cock on her face, and your dick runs all the way up her face and a few inches above. "I still don't understand how cocks can get this big,"...

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Sheryls StoryChapter 9

The first week in my new home was like a dream come true. It began on the first night. With my clothes put away, I joined Greg and Sophie at the dining room table. He had showered while I had been busy, and Sophie had prepared a light snack and something to drink. We sat together quietly; there was no need for conversation, each of us happy with how things were. Sophie broke the silence as she got up from the table. "I need a shower before bed." Her eyes silently asking if I would like to...

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Cheerleaders Fun and Games Chapter 1

This is not my story,found it online and thought to share it with everyone!Enjoy!Cheerleaders' **** and Torture Chapter One It was a crappy night out, raining, cold, all and all miserable. The funny thing is, I wasn't even supposed to be at the shop. It's my garage, but I have a guy that runs the place for me, and I usually sit at home "managing" from a far. It's a good life, I can't complain. I was sitting at the counter watching some of the Monday night football game. I was in the shop trying...

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My Sugar DaddyChapter 4

Natasha watched Jack's face and then glanced at the doctor, because for a moment, it looked like Jack was about to pass out. The doctor walked over to Jack, put his arm around his shoulder and asked, "Jack, are you okay?" He looked at Natasha then at the doctor, sighed, swallowed hard, and with a quiver in his voice responded, "Yeah, I think so. Did I hear you right Natasha, you're pregnant?" Natasha's eyes lit up and her whole face beamed, "According to the doctor I am. I hope...

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My visit to my Masis house

100% fiction! Hi my name is karan I'm 19 years old and this is my incest story. One evening my Masi called Priya came over to my house to eat dinner. My Masi is a widow and at the age of 42 she is a hotty her boobs are enormous which was noticeable at the table when we were eating. she had come there In a mini skirt and high heels and a very tight low cut top in which her cleavage was very exposed. My Masi Priya never had any children and she said to herself that she would not get married again...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Pastime Chapter Two

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you wish to publish or adapt this work outside of this license, please contact me for options. The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright © 2013-2016 Sam Dynes. All rights reserved. During breakfast the very next morning, our grandma had casually asked...

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NuruMassage Alison Rey My Familys Secret Part Two

Step brother Dylan Snow is scrolling through inappropriate photos he secretly took of his hot teen step sister Alison Rey. Thinking he’s alone at home, he wanders into her bedroom and notices a big blowup mattress and a bowl full of lube. He touches the slippery liquid and bets it would feel great on his dick. He whips out his cock and starts stroking it while ogling the photos before he notices he has company. Alison walks in and catches him doing the unthinkable. The sight of her step...

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Five On Her

The experience I wanted to share is about my friend's wife Britney(not her real name) who's always been a flirt and a cock tease with me and several other guys in the past, but we never imagined she would go as far as she did one night about 10 years ago when we were all just fresh out of high school. She invited herself over to a friend's house where 5 of her husband's friends, including myself, were just hanging out drinking beer all gathered in the basement taking turns shooting some pool....

Group Sex
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I Fucked My Neighbor

Hi for all the iss readers. I am 2nd year Pu student my friend gave me this site. It is my first experience in life of sex.iam 5.6’feet tall, natural body, brownish in color, then I am good at my studies. This story took place before last week. Her name is asha, she is married having a child named tanushree[tanu]she is a fair white in color her body structure is 30-28-32. She has well developed boobs &nice rounded ass&her legs are so soft like cotton. My dad &mom are interacts marriage so I am...

1 year ago
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It began when my sister Inci and her son Naim came to stay with my wife and me for a week. Although older than me at 49, Inci was still an attractive woman who looked 10 years younger thanks in part to her slim figure (despite having three children). She was married to a successful businessman although they didn't spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours her...

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let him in

Dana Brooke had worked up a good sweat tonight. her biceps,triceps, quads and glutes ached in a good way as she put away her weights and headed for the shower. Dana sighed as the warm water ran across her skin and flowed down the deep cleavage of her massive breasts. after a few minutes lingering under the water, Dana dried off and pulled on a grey sports bra,squeezing her massive tits into the tight elastic fabric. she pulled on a thong and a tight pair of blue jeans. she had just finished...

3 years ago
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Mom After Mom Season 3 Part 2 The Girl Next door

Me – “Yes tell me…” Lady – “I am Shweta. Sister in law of your neighbor, Arpita” Me – “Please come in.” She just entered and handed over the sweet box to me. Shweta – “Bhaiya has just opened a new business. It worked out and he is happy. So Bhabhi asked me to give you these.” Me – “Oh thank you and wish him congrats on our behalf.” (Di moved and stood beside me) Shweta – “Actually he hosted a function this evening to celebrate his success. Please come and wish him personally” I looked at Di...

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Uncharted Territory

Of all the activities that Cal Markus imagined he'd be doing on his summer vacation, this was not one of them. Here he was in his longtime friend John's attic wearing an almost sheer pair of black silk panties over a pair of black crotchless pantyhose and seated in front of a large lit makeup table as his friend was busily bustling around the room depositing items of makeup on the table.The sensation of the silky panties against his skin was unbelievable as was the sight of his cock pushing...

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Millies Night Out From Hell

The night had finally arrived, it was the employee of the year party and awards night and everyone was excited. The top ten employees from each franchise had been voted by the company directors, and were being whisked away for an all expenses paid night out, at a swanky club in Liverpool. Last years event had been a raging success, and Millie Stone was delighted to be attending. She was only just 18, and had only worked at the company for about 8 months, but she'd obviously made an impression!...

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Andrea And Monique

‘Rene and I broke up’ Monique told me as she stirred hercoffee. I was checking my make-up and nearly smearedthe lipstick all over my face when she said this.I never did like Rene for her: Beautiful and handsomeyes, but too involved with his own good looks. I can’t bearthat type but, then again, Monique and I are different in somany ways. She rarely wears make-up while I prefer abolder look. Her high cheekbones, lovely slanted eyes,whiskey lips and sandy hair come from a Chinese motherand Dutch...

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Just Babysitting

Everyone says that your high school years are the best years of your life. For me, that’s only half true. High school sucked on so many levels. People either loved you, or they hated you, usually for the most pathetic reasons that most often came from a spark of jealousy, therefore causing rumours to spread. There was the fear of busting your ass, only to walk away with a mark that would honestly get you nowhere in life, and finally, teacher’s found any excuse to be on your ass. For me, this...

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AnimeCon Harem Pt 04

Outta luck after all, huh. Raven locks of hair swept down over one of the scene girl’s eyes, and Kelly blew that fringe of her bangs up with an annoyed puff of her lip. Fuck.She resentfully kicked at one of the discarded pamphlets littering the main lobby as she surveyed the aftermath of AnimeCon’s first day. The skylights had long since fallen dark and the tempestuous sea of convention attendees, once hundreds thick, had since dwindled down to bare dregs. Scattered groups still wandered about,...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 9 First Lesson on Cultivating

After a short time of cleaning up the lab, with James choosing to avoid contact with anything remotely suspicious looking, his body finally began to calm down and he and Skay returned to the courtyard. In the paved courtyard was a handful of odd gadgets like strange looking cameras and metal antennae on tripods, which seemed very poorly wired together with a mish-mash of bizarre electronics sticking out of them and connecting to a single advanced looking laptop on a wooden desk running some...

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My Hobby

My hobby, like any other hobby, requires practice to get good at it. I also follow a few simple rules and enjoy it more than any stamp-collector could, and as passionately as any golfer enjoys their time on the greens. My hobby is exhibitionism.Since I live in Korea my preference is to whack off in front of high school girls. Their skirts and bobby socks are a total turn on, and many of them have outstanding legs. Personal etiquette demands that I don’t jerk off in front of any skinny or shy...

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