Gespenst indian porn

3 years ago
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Genmanipulation Teil 1

Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit e...

4 years ago
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Genmanipulation Teil 2

Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit e...

2 years ago
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Wer zuletzt kommt

Jane schaltet den Wasserkocher an, sie hat Tränen in den Augen. Tränen vor Lachen. Sie genießt die Zeit mit ihrer Freundin sehr, die beiden haben denselben Humor und können sich nie einkriegen, wenn sie sich gegenseitig von ihren Erlebnissen erzählen. Während das Wasser zu brummen beginnt, setzt sie sich wieder zu ihrer Freundin auf die Couch. "Aber genug von meinem Chef", sagt ihre Freundin Marie. "Kennst du eigentlich diese nervige Werbung von sexshop300? Immer, wenn sie im Fernsehen läuft,...

3 years ago
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Armin und Lea Teil 9

Es war soweit, in zwei Stunden würde Frau Brehmer mit ihrem Mann vor der Tür stehen. Erhard, Heike und Lea saßen beim Abendbrot, splitternackt wie immer, aber heute war es sehr still am Tisch und die Anspannung war zu spüren, da sie nicht genau wussten, was sie von Frau Brehmer und ihrem Mann zu erwarten hatten. „Ziehen wir uns denn gleich was an?“ fragte Lea. „Nein, nein, wir benehmen uns wie immer. Wir sind Nudisten und verleugnen das nicht. Auch wenn wir normalerweise fremden Besuch...

4 years ago
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Ein M dchen zu sein IV

Ein M?dchen zu sein IV --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Wirrungen und Verwirrungen erwarteten Sven, der inzwischen den Namen Sonja tr?gt. Vom Jugen...

3 years ago
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Ein Urlaub der keiner werden sollte

Ein Urlaub, der keiner werden sollte... ( Katrin...2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Als ich nach getaner Arbeit meinen Arbeitsplatz verlie?, wusste ich damals nicht so genau, was mich im Leben noch so erwartet. Mein Urlaubsantrag war genehmigt worden, von der Gesch?ftsf?hrung und auf die Sp?tteleien, meiner Kollegen, wegen meines femininen Aussehens, reagierte ich schon lange nicht mehr. In meinen Gedanken fragte ich mich immer, was w?re eigentlich, wenn die w?ssten dass ich ein Transvestit, mit T...

2 years ago
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Die Hoffnung ist eine Fata Morgana German

Wir fuhren gen Norden. Wie ?blich zu dieser herbstlichen Jahreszeit Ende September am Nachmittag, die Sonne ging bereits unter, war es ungem?tlich und windig. Seit zwei Stunden, wir passierten gerade die D?nische Grenze bei Flensburg, sa?en wir nun schon im Auto und seit knapp einer halben Stunde ohne Unterhaltung. Davor tauschten wir Oberfl?chlichkeiten und Belangloses aus. Nur ich kannte das Ziel der Reise und den Zweck. Es war f?r uns beide eine Reise ins Ungewisse.Geplant war ein langes Woch...

2 years ago
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Ich w nschte es w re eine Liebesgeschichte

Ich w?nschte, es w?re eine Liebesgeschichte.Patrizia Panther Based on a true story.Wann immer Sie mich beobachten, schauen Sie hinauf. Und wann immer ich Sie beobachte, tue ich das von oben herab. Selbst wenn Sie sich hinter dem Vorhang des Lehrerzimmers im ersten Stock verstecken und auf den Schulhof hinunter schauen und sich unbeobachtet f?hlen, sehen Sie nicht wirklich auf mich herab, sondern haben ein schlechtes Gewissen, bei dem, was Sie tun. Wo immer Sie sich befinden, Sie sind irgendwie u...

2 years ago
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Polizistin wird zur Nutte gemacht

Die junge Polizistin Sina war entgegen der sonst üblichen Regel alleine im Streifenwagen unterwegs. Ihr Kollege hatte sich kurzfristig wegen Magen - Darm - Problemen krank gemeldet, sie dachte nur, hoffentlich hat er dich nicht schon angesteckt und es machte ihr nichts aus allein auf Streifenfahrt zu gehen. Sie träumt so vor sich und ist auf einer Fahrt durch die ruhigen Außenbezirke der Großstadt. Als sie plötzlich auf einer Strecke wo 70 km/h erlaubt ist und sie auch diese Geschwindigkeit...

4 years ago
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Die Falle

Die Uhr im Polizeiwagen zeigte 4:50 Uhr an, als die Polizeioberkommissarin Bettina Zimmermann und ihr Kollege Polizeihauptkommissar Hermann Hagen über Funk zum nächsten Einsatz gerufen wurden. "Die Bande hat bestimmt wieder zugeschlagen, Eichenstraße 24! Die Alarmanlage ist ausgelöst worden. Die sind wohl noch drin im Haus. Vielleicht könnt ihr sie aufhalten, bis Verstärkung kommt. Aber seid vorsichtig!" "Ist klar, Zentrale, wir versuchen es. Ende!" antwortete Hermann. Jetzt, in der...

2 years ago
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Die Schulsperre

Die SchulsperreReiner, 18 SohnGudrun, 38 MutterRenate Borg, 54 LehrerinDer Anruf von der Schule kam überraschend, ich dachte mit 18 werden die Eltern nicht mehr unterrichtet, wenn ich etwas angestellt habe. Ich merkte sofort, dass etwas nicht stimmte, die Stimmung war ziemlich frostig. Meine Mutter rief mich mit meinem vollen Namen ins Wohnzimmer, ein eindeutiges Indiz, dass etwas faul war. „Deine Klassenlehrerin hat mich kontaktiert. Was fällt dir eigentlich ein, dich so zu benehmen? Du...

4 years ago
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Aus Marc wird Marcy 3

Oben im ?berhitzten Wohnzimmer angekommen, streifte Biggi ihre Pumps von den F??en. "Puh, ist das warm!" Dann zog sie ihren Pullover aus und beobachtete aufmerksam Petras Reaktion. Oben nur noch mit schwarzem Spitzen-BH bekleidet, lie? sie sich aufs Sofa fallen. "Du hast recht." Petra zog ihre Bluse auch aus und setzte sich zu Birgit. "Sieht echt super aus, dein BH!", machte Birgit ein Kompliment. "Tja", lachte Petra, "kein Sonderangebot!" "Darf ich mal", und schon strich B...

2 years ago
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Der Club German Deutsch

Der ClubDer Club war richtig gem?tlich. Auf dem mit dicken Teppichen bedeckten Bodenstanden im Halbkreis gem?tliche rote Sessel, etwa 30 an der Zahl sch?tzte ich. Allewaren um eine etwas erh?hte, kreisrunde B?hne mit etwa 20m Durchmesserangeordnet, so dass es nur vordere Sitzpl?tze gab. Zwischen den Sesseln standenauf niedrigen Glastischen Gl?ser, Getr?nke ? unter anderem f?r jeden eine schonge?ffnete Flasche Dom Perignon ? und Knabbergeb?ck. Ich machte es mir gem?tlichund genoss erst einmal ein Glas von ...

2 years ago
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An Unsettled CalmChapter 11

My stomach now feeling better than it had since I was arrested. I decided to check on the 'office'. I grabbed $200 from my stash and caught the subway. I didn't want to accidentally run into that conductor I had glaumed Mabel from. That gink might bear a grudge and try to knock me off! The 'office' hadn't changed in a month, the area was so run-down that the dust wouldn't even get together. I turned the radio on for company and I tried to sort out the last two months. The G-men were...

2 years ago
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A Well Lived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 15 Out of Band

September 17, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “I suppose this is better than personal drama,” Jennifer laughed. “Dad,” Jesse said. “I don’t get it. Why arrest Samantha? Her dad was the bad guy!” “Intimidation,” I said. “You know, like a bully.” Jesse smirked, “There was one at school.” “Was?” Josie asked. “Birgit explained to him what would happen if he bothered anyone ever again.” “Pumpkin?” I prompted. “I just told him that I would turn him into a girl!” she giggled. “By saying WHAT, young...

2 years ago
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Erica Olafson Rise of the Dark One Vol 10 Chapter 20 Augustus

“As much as it was entertaining and exciting even, I think I had enough of traveling and chasing after thieves and all that,” Egill said as he walked through the Burke Doors of the Assembly Sphere next to Alegar and the Narth Representative. The statuesque Saresii brushed over the soft velvet material of the tight mauve-colored catsuit and nodded. “I share that sentiment. I am reaching that age where simple creature comforts and predictable routine activities gain importance, not that we...

3 years ago
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Naked Day Epilogue 5 6

"Nikki said she got a call from Larry David asking about me appearing on that show he has. The one you laugh at all the time, Curb something." "...your enthusiasm. Yeah it's really funny. How? Why?" "Well I don't really know him so I didn't think anything of it. So I hadn't bothered to tell you. But I was having lunch in LA last week, remember I was going down to Rodeo to pick up new bras and stuff?" "How could I forget?" "Yes, so I'm having lunch and Larry and his friend,...

4 years ago
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The Right Fit

I have always enjoyed watching my cock go inside another person's body. It is a unique sensation knowing a part of me was no part of them. I still like how it looks and feels when my bare flesh slides deep into a woman's body. We are physically connected and in special moments.. mentally connected as well. Especially if the two of us are really into each other. I am fortunate to be in an open relationship and get the opportunity to connect with multiple people. I still am amazed that being of...

4 years ago
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Journey of a T Girl Part Eight

I am a trans girl, meaning, I dress and act like a girl, but I still have my cock and balls and my girlfriend Kate, is a lesbian.  I had never been in a long committed relationship with anyone before, and we were thrilled. Kate was a few years older than me and very much the dominant person in our relationship, which was perfect, as I was always very submissive.Most of our friends were her friends, and we would mainly engage in her favorite activities. That was mostly okay, but sometimes I...

2 years ago
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B la Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 1

As Alana pulled the opening of the wormhole over her huddled group, the image cleared and the little group found themselves in the settlement in Mesopotamia. "Where's Elaine?" Tabatha asked, looking worried as she looked around. "And the twins?" Tia wanted to know. "I think they're in trouble," Holly timidly voiced her concerns. Having only met one alien species in her entire life, she had always believed that the Veragos were pretty much as advanced as a civilization could get....

3 years ago
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In The End Everything Burns Part 6 All Her Holes

As Anandi lay half asleep, half awake she ran her fingers through Shyam’s hair affectionately. “My Shyam, my love, my stud.”, she thought to herself. She gave him a tight warm hug that made Shyam raise his head from her shoulder and look her in the eye. She blushed and gave him a shy smile. Shyam smiled back and got off her. “I’ll drink some water and come.”, he said and went to the kitchen. As he rose and walked in his full naked glory, Anandi recalled having seen some white marble statue that...

3 years ago
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More fun with Bunny

After the first time I had sex with Bunny, she became my personal whore for a while. That might see a bit harsh but she loved being called that. The next class we had together after we fucked she kept making eyes at me and blew me kisses. After class she pulled me into a closet and shoved her hand down my pants grabbing my cock. "I've been waiting to suck your nice cock all day" she said while stroking my stiffing cock. "May I suck it for cum?" Of course I said yes, and she dropped down to her...

3 years ago
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Heaven or Hell

Helena was standing outside the quick-mart waiting for her friend. They were planning on going to a movie and then the bar to check out the guys and maybe bring a couple home for some naughty foursome fun. She was running pretty late and Helena was getting impatient. She began to wonder if her friend had hooked up without her. Seems that's how it usually ends up lately. She thought to herself that maybe she should venture out on her own for a change, leave her friend hanging for once. What...

2 years ago
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Real Life Seduction By A Girl

Hi, everyone. I’m new to this Indian Sex Stories. I’m going to tell you my sex story which happened a few months back. First of all, let me introduce me. My name is Sudarshan and I’m from Chennai. Athletic, white, straight men, 23 Yrs of age. For feedbacks, you can contact me at Let me go into the sex story. There is this aunt of mine. She has two daughters, the elder one got married and the other still single. The younger daughters name is Akshaya. My aunt always likes me and so is Akshaya. I...

4 years ago
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When I Was 15 Part IV

When I was 15 IV By Loki Part 4 I was lead to a mirror down the hall and I looked at myself - all manifestations of manhood removed and replaced with a very real looking vagina. I cried and sobbed and looked with pleading eyes at Samantha and Jennifer. How could they do this to me I pleaded. They just stood there admiring their work and gazing at me with contempt. Samantha gave me the thong and told me to put it on, followed by the hot shorts and tank top. Susie handed me...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Leda Lothario Twin Stepbrothers Cum On Ledas Face

When these identical dudes get a hold of some naughty nudes that look a whole lot like their stepsister, Leda Lothario, they need a little convincing to keep it from their nosy stepmom. The chick looks so hot in them that all her stepbrothers want is to sample her incredible curves. She agrees, but only if they keep her dirty little secret. The carbon copy studs whip out their meaty cocks and Leda chokes on them while their stepmom is distracted in the kitchen. The lucky guys spitroast their...

4 years ago
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The Storm Our Storm

What is it about the pounding rain, the thunder and lightning of the storm that brings out the animal in us. Our roof garden patio is open to the sky, the wind and the rain, but not visible from our neighbors. Today, I was working up on it, enjoying the breeze, the fresh air, sitting at our patio table writing documentation on my laptop. The shade from the patio umbrella makes it one of my most favorite places to work, even in a gentle rain.  It was such a day, today. Then the wind started to...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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AdultTime Darcie Dolce Lexi Luna Casting Traps Girl On Girl

So like, check it out… here’s a hidden tape that’s gonna blow your fucking mind. These two beautiful girls came to my apartment one day, thinking this was a legit acting gig. I put up an ad looking for some lovely, talented ladies to work with and they answered the call. When they showed up for the screen test, they were so excited and eager to please. I told them that they were going to be playing the role of newly-out lesbians meeting each other at a party for the first...

3 years ago
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A Daughter s Dream

Tonya was sitting at the dining table with books and notebooks spread out in front of her, studying. Her last exams for the year were coming up the next day, and she was pouring over every subject, determined to do well so she could get into her first choice college. She had a pair of earbuds in, listening to music as she worked. She was wearing a cropped, spaghetti strap tank top without a bra, and the shape of her nipples was clearly defined in the thin, grey material. Her long, dark brown...

3 years ago
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OVERBOARD Chapter 25 Spring Break Hooray

Life went on, Kay with her work at the restaurant on the weekends and her classes during the week. She didn't see or hear anything from Todd, nor did she hear anything about him. If only it would stay that way. My life continued, too, with my work at home and every other week or so a trip out of town to one client or another. The new client in Wyoming was more demanding of my time and after my initial setup visit with them I had to return twice, in what was an unusually short period of...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Skylar Vox Big Tit Office Chicks

Writer Seth Gamble is hard at work on his new novel when his beautiful assistant Skylar Vox comes in to check on him to see if he needs anything. Seth can barely concentrate, unable to tear his eyes away from Skylar’s incredible breasts. Skylar eventually leaves, and Seth does his best to focus and get back to work. But when Skylar comes back in a little later, Seth’s eyes are again drawn to her body. Seth’s jaw drops as he blurts out to her that her tits are AMAZING. He...

2 years ago
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Meri Pyari Behan Soni Ki Chudai

Hi dosto mera naam Ravi hai, ye meri peheli kahani hai, meri umar 28 saal hai, me meri roz ke jindagi se parashan ho gaya tha aur roz aapni patni se sex karke bhi mujhe kisi aur ki chut chaheye thi chudai karne ke liye, tab aachnak se khayal aaya ki meri mausi ki ladki soni jo muje bohut pasand hai, to mene weekend me mausi ke ghar jane ka plan banaya aur patni ko maike bhej diya. Aur phir mene plan kiya aur friday night ko mausi ke ghar gaya, waha meri behan ka abhi abhi breakup hua tha, uski...

3 years ago
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The Wooing of a London Soubrette

Chapter I ‘Well at least it’s better than that place in Innsbruck,’ Grace said matter-of-factly as she peered into one of the bare cupboards. ‘That place was absolutely awful.’ Sandy sniffed the stuffy room as the cupboard swung open and was grateful when Grace closed it again, it was musty and stunk. ‘Yeah, OK, we had to share a bed, but that wasn’t too bad. My feet don’t smell that badly!’ ‘It wasn’t sharing with you that I didn’t like,’ Grace muttered. ‘I actually quite liked that. It was...

3 years ago
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Naruto A New Uchiha with a Harem Restyled Edition J nnin Responsibilities in a War

(Author's Note: this chapter contains characters from Russellbeach's More Chapter in his: Your Naruto Adventures story, of which I am an editor) As he walked to the Academy with Hinata Hyūga on his Arm to speak to Iruka about his new Genin Team, he knew that it was going to be a pain in the as making time for his many girlfriend's and his students, he also had to take into account the New Shinobi World War since Obito declared War on the Five Great Shinobi Countries. He had no clue how to teach...

4 years ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 21 Anne 1

Anne is as attractive as naive, so she easily falls for the tasty trap I set to make her obey meNice naughty sexy suprise seems to happen to her, visiting our exclusive erotic shop for femalesNot exactly as she expected wanting to buy some sex-tools, she is seduced and held captive thereErotic fantasies she had about pretty Petra, even being a bit submissive in her dirtiest dreams!Anne is an attractive slender sexy tender tasty teen blonde beauty her long hair has a reddish hueNice day in early...

2 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 101

“You couldn’t not like someone who liked the guitar.” —Stephen King, The Stand When Livy and I walked into the kitchen, Nanette was sitting at the counter while Donna turned bacon at the stove. Nanette looked at me curiously and glanced back toward Donna. Donna turned from the stove and set plates of bacon, eggs, and toast on the counter for each of us before heaving a huge sigh. “Jacob, you always impressed me as being more mature than others your age, so I’ll say this straight. You...

4 years ago
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Michelle Luka 1

After my ordeal with Sally and Luka I had to get out of there. I couldn't believe what happened. I went straight home and took a long hot shower and went to bed. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't get the images of that afternoon out of my head. Before I knew it, I was getting excited all over again. My hand slipped down to my pussy, as I touched myself, the pain was unbearable; I was raw and swollen. I was scared at first that something was wrong. I remembered a few times before after...

4 years ago
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Ships Passing in Colorado

Jamie Moore is a copywriter for an ad agency based out of San Francisco. In her travels between her agency's office in San Fran and Seattle she was able to keep a man in each city until things got too serious with both and they eventually found out about each other leaving Jamie heartbroken, sorry, cold and alone. Looking for an outlet for her feelings she began to write of her exploits with the two in erotic short stories. Jamie developed many fans that wrote her in praise of her work. One...

3 years ago
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***** Cherry, He was a mountain of a man. Standing six foot six, weighing in at 240 pounds of bones and muscles. Bones and muscles are not uncommon for a man, any man, but this Adonis was the alpha; wherever he went he commanded the room. His size intimidated me, so we didn't hang out much. Actually never. I think he was a model, bodybuilder or something like that. Paid ridiculous amounts of money to show off. Who really knew? I know he was making great money. It's almost a prerequisite on...

4 years ago
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Fat Ass Ass Ass Ass

If you haven't please listen to Nicky Minaj' and Big Sean's Dance (A$$)" before reading this one.=======================================I sat on a chair in a garish living room with golden curtains, red walls, red and green wool run, and 2 LAZboys. There was a small center table that had been moved into a corner to keep the center of the room free and open. The only "art" on the walls was a life sized painting of a naked woman breast feeding a small man or a boy in her bed. There was a bottle...

3 years ago
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Hypnotizing Calypso

This will be my last hypnosis story for a while and for those waiting on the sequel to Control: Who Wants it?, it is coming I just have a number of stories written that I want to post first. The problem is that I want to make sure that the sequel is good enough. Milla sighed as she tried not to be too obvious as she stared at Calypso, the cutest girl she had ever met. Milla was still struggling with the realization that she liked girls, she hadn’t decided if she was going to give up on boys...

3 years ago
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The Sexy Cheerleader

My name is Alice Davis, an unusual eighteen-year-old girl with a rare body disorder, where I was born a girl but have the sex organs of a guy. I have breasts but didn't notice I had a dick until I hit puberty when I noticed what I thought was my clitoris was actually a penis. I know, sounds weird and confusing. My parents told me as soon as I hit puberty, I cried and felt like such a freak. I didn't mind it so much but was rather weird having two balls dangling that bounced in between my legs...

1 year ago
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Alone with him

100% fiction! My mom and dad were going through some troubles with each other and I knew they weren't having sex because I would normally hear them. One weekend my mom is suppose to go out on a business trip for 2 full weeks to try and set up a merger with another firm. So it's just me and my dad for 2 whole weeks. The night my mom left my dad and I ordered some pizza and we sat together at the table. Which is something we don't do anymore. As we're talking I ask him about him and mom and he...

4 years ago
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He was 18 and worked for me

He worked for me on the farm and we had become close. He was a tall slim boy, 165 pounds on a 6 foot frame. He was naturally dark skinned with native american heritage in his family and lacked body hair below his eyebrows. He lifter weights and with his lack of any body fat, every muscle in his skinny body was pronounced and outlined perfectly. One day he asked me to teach him martial arts. "I'm, pretty good at wrestling but i dont know anything else about fighting at all, so unless i can get...

2 years ago
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My Sis Introduced Me To Her Friend And Had A Threesome In Her House

Hi, this is deepak from bangalore here… reading stories from past 2 years and this is my second story here so please forgive for any mistakes.   And any girls and aunty in bangalore who would like to have sex secretly or sex chat can ping me or mail me to   Feedback are appreciated.   If anyone didn’t read my previous story with my sister can read the below link https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/bike-ride-truth-dare-sister/   Let’s get in to the story , as you guys know I’m fucking my...

4 years ago
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Roger and Lori

Roger is looking over his computer, trying to determine what is going on in the company that he is auditing the books. He is doing just fine, as he has done this company in the past. Roger hears a car in the drive, and sees that it is only one thirty. He knows his wife should not be home for hours from work. He quickly saves what he is doing, and hears the doorbell ring as he clears the monitor. He does not want anyone to see the information that he is working with. He goes to the front door,...

3 years ago
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Jane Bound Agent Activate Chapter5 conclusion

Jane Bound Agent activate Chapter5: Conclusion Jane breezes into the offices at Imperium Corporation, smiling happily. Preparing for another wonderful day, at her reception desk. Each day passes by, she is never really able to remember what transpired during the day, but always a warm glow and happy thoughts accompany her home at the end of each day. She sets up her desk and prepares to organize Miss's calendar, and messages for the day, quickly peeks into a small hand held...

3 years ago
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best day of college every

I ran off the stage and hid amongst college grounds on the science lab steps where my drama teachers Nicky and Kirsten eventually found me with my head resting between my knees alone and upset. “James…?” I looked up as Nicky called my name she looked me in the eye and knew I was no happy she somehow knew me better then any other teacher and I love her for it. She asked me to come with her and Kirsten to the office I agreed because I knew I’d have to tell them what was wrong at some...

4 years ago
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Dacoits Wife Part1

I finished making the last chapati and then called everyone for eating. My hands are completely white with flour, I don't even feel the knive cuts now. It has been 7 years since I married Jaggan and moved to this village. Life is very simple and slow here. I wake up 4 am and get ready for a long day. I make food and send my children to school. I take care of the buffaloes. My husband mostly stays outside. His visits are random and filled with day long sex and hits. He blames me for all...

3 years ago
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A night to remember not in the good way

As Kelly Clarkson's A Moment Like This played over the speakers at my prom, my boyfriend excused himself to go to the restroom. I sat down beside Della and Mia as I slipped off my 5" high heels and tried to comfort Della who was crying. "Mia? What is wrong with Della?" I asked Mia. "Your boyfriend Campbell, just came and sat down when I was dancing with Drew and tried to kiss her and he said how she was a complete bitch for pushing him off," Mia said rubbing Della's back. "That douch bag! I...

4 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 50

“So, you are?” I asked the mother-daughter cheerleader pair now. “Sarah and Kay Thornton. My husband is a police officer, Walter Thornton, actually. He was born in the Church of Christ, but converted to Judaism for me. Family cut him off for it, so he went into law enforcement instead of the family firm. Maiden name’s Rothman, in case you wondered. Sarah Esther Rothman. Kay’s our one and only child together, mostly because I miscarried a lot. Sad business, but at least we have our Kay. She’s...

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Backside Foremost

In a single moment, overnight, the world changed, men are now cuntboys and women are now dickgirls. Within an instant, gender roles have been completely revamped and it is difficult to see just how the world will adjust. In the morning everyone will wake up confused and in a panic. The whole world has been turned inside-out, topsy-turvy, inverse to how it once was, backside foremost. Now which world has been changed?

3 years ago
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A Well Lived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 65 Promotions

September 8, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Did you have fun in California?” Jessica smirked when I walked into the bedroom. “I did,” I chuckled. “Thank you.” I went over to the crib and kissed Albert. Birgit was in the nursery with Matthew, and I didn’t want to disturb them. “She came to me to tell me about the guy she met. Kara and I talked about it and suggested that she fly out to San Francisco and surprise you. Given how much she’s helped you since Thanksgiving, it was the least we could...

1 year ago
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Mason s crush The Beginning

“Yea, Chris, I can’t believe we lost, it would have only takes one goal for us to have4 won, that really sucks” said mason, who had just turned 18, “well sorry man, hey me and a few friends are going out to eat, you want to come?” said Chris on the other end of the phone,” I guess don’t really have anything better to do, I will be right over” mason said as he hung up the phone. “Where did I put those keys” he got in his car and left up the road to Chris’s house. Everyone was waiting for him...

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Accidents Will Happen

A small engineering factory, April the first, just after half past one in the morning. Three men are just sitting down, taking a half hour mid shift break. Two are old friends and have worked together for twenty years, the other in his first year of employment. “Every time I’ve looked at you for the last couple of hours, you’re either looking at the clock or your bloody phone, it’s four and a half hours ‘til clocking out time, you on a promise or something?” “No, I reckon it’ll be a couple...

2 years ago
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A Quiet Interlude

As I watch you lying there, naked and trembling before me, I cannot help but become aroused at the sight of you. Though you willingly submitted to the restraints, the blindfold that now keeps you in a state of constant awareness was a bonus you weren’t expecting. I know you were aroused by it though; the soft moan that escaped your lips as I slipped it over your eyes a dead giveaway. I know your body as well as I know my own; every contour, every flaw as familiar to me as my own face. I know...

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One Piece Permission to Freeuse

Yo ho, a pirate's life for me. I mean, when you consume a powerful devil fruit, you basically have a handful of choices in this world, and pirate is the one with the most freedom, not just for you but those around you. My power gives me more freedom than I know what to do with regardless of my path. Right now I'm hitching a ride with a crew that shares my wanderlust, is crazy enough to push forward to anywhere no matter the danger, and awesome enough to make you believe they'll make it there. I...

Mind Control
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My lesbian pyjama party

I thought I would share with you something that happened the other night when I held a little pyjama party at my flat. There was me, my best friend Emma and Laura who is a bit more than a friend if you know what I mean. Emma is straight, but I think she has bicurious tendencies, but as far as I know never acted upon them. I’ve known her right through Uni and though we’re very close, we’ve never got past hugs. Just to tell you about us, so you can get the picture. I’m 21 and got shoulder-length...

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Cuckquean Diaries When The Cat s Away

"Must you go?""I must. Someone fucked up and the Koreans are saying they'll only talk to me.""Mmm-hmm," I smile slyly at my husband, "and this has nothing to do with that time the Korean purchasing manager had to give that presentation to senior management while under her skirt, your cum was slowly dribbling out of her and running down her leg?""Are you accusing our best clients of manufacturing a crisis, just to get laid?" he says in mock-horror, a smile playing across his lips."Well, once...

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Wife fucked by three in one night

We had several friends over for a cook out and swimming. My wife and I do this a lot every summer and most of the friends are single. I'll use their real names , Mike and Eric came over together in Eric's new truck. They are young good looking guys in their early twenties and best friends. My wife and I had only met them once before at Jim's house. As the day went on I noticed my wife was paying a lot of attention to both of them. She was looking very sexy in her bright orange bikini. The...

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The High School RevengeChapter 8

One year later... "Nedia! Come on we are going to be late." Noah said. "Okay Noah I'm coming." She said, as she walked into the living room. She looked around her, happy of what she had accomplished so far in his apartment, their apartment! Noah was sitting on the couch with a book in his hands and on his lap was Nick half asleep and half trying to keep up with the rest of the story Noah was reading him. Seeing the two of them together like that made her sure of what she was going to...

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Sleepover Part 3

I woke up a little late and looked in on the girls, Lisa had already gone but Kirsty was fast asleep on top of the bed, her tee shirt had ridden up and she had no panties and her arse was a delight, she was laying on her stomach with her legs slightly apart. I stood and looked at her for a few minutes and it looked like she was a heavy sleeper as she didn’t stir, I bent down and have each cheek a soft kiss and then pulling her cheeks apart ran my tongue up and down the length of her crack, she...

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My wife and I have an active and adventurous love life, we will both try most things at least twice, so we definitely know if it is something we don’t like. We have the two obvious exceptions and we don’t do any d**gs beyond coffee and alcohol. We have never forced each other to do something either of us is uncomfortable with. We have a book called ‘The greatest sex tips in the world’. Look it up, I’d recommend it.Four or five years ago we had a holiday in the south of France, we’d booked a...

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An Evening to Remember

Working at a lab facility can be nice, but often, when the pressure's up, and your report is due too soon, with too little funding, and too few assistants, it can be a living hell. It's times like these that I like to take a drink. Only one- I've never been much of one for car wrecks or hangovers, not since I wrecked my Dad's old pickup truck when I was sixteen, with my girlfriend in the seat next to me. She was fine besides a broken nose and a mild concussion, but she still hasn't forgiven me...

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From Jenny to Mei Ch 15

She woke before Philip and turned on her side to gaze at his sleeping form. His room, having no windows, would have been totally black if it were not for a Minnie Mouse nightlight low on the wall on her side of the bed. It emitted a lazy light that was just enough to brush his face and shoulders in a soft, golden glow. She thought him perhaps the most handsome man yet born to woman. Not that there wasn’t room for improvement. Mei was a woman and for women the prospect of a man that could not...

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Dee and Frank Just This Once

Back in the day my wife and I moved out to the country during the hippy back to the land movement. We built a house and raised our k**s. We had a large pond on our land and several of our neighbors were also hippies. We would have skinny dipping parties several times a year at our place. It was all good clean fun. Nice to look at other cunts and tits, but my wife and I were very committed and we never fucked around. The other couples weren't into fucking around either.One of the neighbors...

1 year ago
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WTF People

WTFPeople! Not gonna lie, the name of this website is right. The first thing I saw when I got on was an ad that was selling synthetic urine. Yeah, you could tell that I went “WTF” when I read that. And the way that a website is all about first impressions. I don’t’ know how this one will fare with presenting but we’re going to give the website a go anyway. There’s no reason not to, after all, since it’s free and it does offer a lot of free porn content to all its...

Porn Link Sites
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Comic Univers! I like this domain name. It doesn't tell you exactly if you will see mainstream comics or porn, but it is clean and easy to be remembered. Obviously, since you know it is here on Porn Dude that should give you an idea of what you can find. This is where there is a big repository of hot cartoon porn magazines. They are all online and it is really easy to access. It’s a simple design that might remind you of some fresh social networking sites. There are only a few categories which...

Porn Comics Sites
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BEFORE ANYBODY SAYS ANYTHING NEGATIVE, LET ME SAY THAT THIS IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL!Around the time I was 16, my grandfather died and my grandmother moved in with my family. She was about 60, 5'6, a bit on the large size and had really big boobs. The rooms of my house were set up weird. In the hall, there was her room with the bathroom right across, and in her room was a door leading to my room. One night, I got up from my desk to go to the bathroom. I opened my door quietly so I wouldn't wake...

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Fire Emblem Three houses Enf

(All characters depicted in this story are over 18 years old. In this reality war never broke out, so the students continued with their normal education for a few more years) Welcome to fódlan, a distant yet, wonderful land divided into the mighty and powerful Adestrian Empire, the noble and holy kingdom of Faerghus, and the free but divided Leicester Alliance. At the center of all of it, lays the Garreg Mach Monastery, an officer's academy controlled by the church of Seiros, where the newest...

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A new story

Once she got into the whole cuckolding she really started having fun with it and me. One time she had me act as a chauffeur for her night out. And anyone who noticed or asked that would be how she acknowledge me even far as saying she doesn't even remember my name and just calls me driver. As she spent her time between the bar and the dance floor she would which one has the bigger dick as she feel them grind up tight with her. Some of the ones she pass on would give her their numbers in hopes...

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Still Faithful Always Chapter 1

Prologue – from Always Faithful Chapter Six The lady worked in her garden. Her head and face shielded from the spring sun by a straw hat. She wore a chambray work shirt, blue cotton wash pants and tennis shoes. A soft leather pouch that held simple gardening tools hung off her shoulder. She moved from shrub to shrub, inspecting, occasionally using her clippers to trim an errant branch. At flower beds, the woman looked for weeds and dug them out by their roots. The back yard garden she was...

Wife Lovers
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Trafficked Love Ch 2

Angel finished her night at the PD club. But her night itself wasn’t actually done. Rich dropped her back off at the thrift store she was at earlier. He threw her a few bucks that she made earlier. She could use the money for whatever she wanted, usually food or cigarettes. She walked to the McDonalds on one end of the parking lot. The night staff were not surprised by her attire. They frequently had girls come in at all hours of the night, during all times of the year, in even less...

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Heidi s Punishment Chap 3 Making Daddy Happy

Note : This story is completely fictional! A side note: Heidi’s Punishment Chap 2- “The Rules” was added in the Bisexual section accidentally, if you have not read it yet, you might want to. Thank you. They’d been on the road for a couple of days now, when something unbelievable happened. Heidi began to worship her Daddy, the way he wanted. But that wasn’t the strangest part, it happened late one day, on the last leg of their journey to their new home. Daddy allowed Heidi to rest in the car,...

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A Naked Woman Ch 05

The story so far The two lovers find that they are sharing more of their lives as time goes by after that first meeting. The punishing sun beat on us as I pushed back my sun glasses on my eyes and I admired your naked back and buttocks. I loved the way that the sun caught the oil and sweat on your skin and the way it shone a dull bronze. I loved the way your skin tasted and how it felt like spun silk felt when I touched it. The sight, touch and taste of you excited and aroused me. We lay...

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PART - 52 VALENTINE DAY SPECIAL Dear Readers, I hope all of you must have celebrated the Valentine day in a fantastic manner in which I did and I am writing here under about the same. I know that it is a long writing about it, but I do not want to miss any important thing from it in order to provide maximum pleasure to all of you from my sexual enjoyment. I did not mention any unwanted details in the episode and I am sure you will like it. So I start My Valentine Day special...

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Aficionadas part one

Creative Non-Fiction Creative Writing 214 Clara Gould Questions I saw you running in PE class! Your buns are really cute! They make me hot! the note read. Below the message, as a signature, was written: Your Admirer! Peter had waited until almost the end of the class on Wednesday afternoon. He wanted to put off disappointment should a note not be there, and to make the discovery of the note, if present, sweetened by anticipation. He folded the note, slipped it into his left jeans pocket. He...

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An Unexpected Bonus In the Hotel

Today is Rick’s last day at work. I wish he wasn’t moving to Denver. I have to agree with him that there’sno immediate future for us since I’m 19 and he’s 35, but I will miss him. He’ll be busy today, training the new manager, so I don’t bother to dress as provocatively as I might have in the past. Instead of a short skirt, I opt for black jeans. Granted, they are tight, but they don’t show any skin. My white shirt is a tight cotton T with a plunging neckline and thin fabric that only vaguely...

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Amanda My SiblingChapter 3

It wasn't very long after that birthday that things between my sister and I began to get complicated. Nothing bad happened - it wasn't like Mom and Dad caught us screwing each other or anything like that. In fact, the sex between us continued on a regular basis and left both of us completely satisfied. But the relationship between us changed in subtle ways. Amanda began telling me things - things that she had kept hidden deep inside herself. These were things that I would never have guessed...

3 years ago
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8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughters

A favorite new tv show for me is 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughters. Kelly Kuoco, the blonde 16yr old girl on the show is incredible who plays Bridget. One of the early shows was one in which she obviously had on a little tiny string thong panty on under her pants. The sides, just strings were clearly visable as they rode her hips as she wore her low-rider jeans. I can only imagine every inch of her under those clothes and what that little thong panty was covering. I am sure that...

2 years ago
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The Halloween Girls Club

Driving home from work, I observed that the neighbourhood kids were out in the streets plying their "Trick or Treat' trades. It was Halloween, and I let my mind drift back to the times that I had taken my daughter Tasha and her friends on a neighbourhood pilgrimage. That just seemed so long ago now. I was alone. Tasha was now 20 years old and living in her own place. She visited me often, but that's not the same as having her living under my roof. Thinking about those times with her came...

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Sorkana s Rise Combining Forces

Sorkana's Rise, Combining Forces By: Malissa Madison M'gon felt a thrill knowing just how frightened her father was Lomanith jumped between. V'gil had warned her that this would be the longest jump between she had ever made. He had also told her of how it would affect her, energy wise, but that since both Lomanith and Arroth should be fine since they fed the day before. 'This is like the big water back home,' thought Lomanith. 'But I have never seen fish like those," he said of...

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Working Girl 9

Working Girl 9 By Susan Brown. 1 Next morning, I woke up not knowing quite where I was. I had a hangover. My head felt as if it had been stuck it in a vice and someone was turning the screw. I could hear a hammering noise right next to my head. My bleary eyes cleared a bit and I realised that the banging was the clock, ticking next to the lumpy settee that I was lying on. I looked down at myself and saw that I was wearing a short pink satin nightie and then some of it came...

4 years ago
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Sanctuary Series Book 1 White River RevengeChapter 5 Change of Missions

The next day, after talking to Joseph, their Commander gave the go ahead to take on the Beast. Bill, after being released from the care of Dave the Medic, immediately started hunting for Buck. It took quiet a while to find him, since Bill had no idea where anything was. Even though Dave had released him, he was still moving very slowly. A young lady by the name of Betsy had caught his eye and motioned for him to come over. "I understand you're looking for my husband," she said. Betsy had...

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Owners Pride Neighbour 8217 s Envy 8211 Part V

Hi All this is the Hungstud once again bringing you the next part of the story. I am thankful for all your comments and suggestions and inquiries, all i can say is that i am going to write more and more of this series and it will be very exciting for all the people who are reading it. After the last encounter where Anjana and the stud consummated an entire night, and the day after where as per the Stud’s plan, she made her husband taste her pussy full of cum. We continued to meet whenever...

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DecisionsChapter 5

There was a little bit of a challenge at work when one of Paul’s outside salesmen announced that he was going to retire and move to Arizona. After some thought Paul offered the position to Sandra Hagan his inside sales representative who had previously indicated that she wanted the position. Transferring a customer service representative to fill Sandra’s position meant for two happy employees. Filling the customer service representative position would come from the stack of applications he...

2 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 16

Dear Dirty Diary, Thanksgiving weekend all the Huntingdon stores started pushing their winter fashions, so Louise and I went shopping. Even with all the closet space in our new apartment, I had to do some fall-cleaning to make room. I dumped out my pantyhose and tights drawer on the bed beside my relaxing husband. Each pair I got rid of, Doug would pick up, carefully examine, then like an old fart would ask, “What’s wrong with these?” I’d point out the runs in the expensive ones and the...

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Last Night

I lay here in bed and run my fingertips across my stomach.  Its hot in here, but the sensation gives me goose bumps.  I lick my lips.  I’m wet and I’m alone.  Thoughts of last night race through my mind.  My body, begging me to touch myself.  Bring me to that place.  The place my mind and body were last night.  Quivering, sweatting, can’t catch my breath, last night.  Orgasm after orgasm, brought on by multiple partners. Multiple, thick, solid, meat inside of me.  Hands groping, pulling,...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 35 On the road

Leaving the greater Sarasota area we got on Interstate 75 to head north. We wanted to make it to New Orleans but according to Google Maps we would arrive late in the evening. As an alternative we decided to spend the night in Marianna, Florida. We had no pressing schedule so we could take the easy choices. The next day it would take five hours more to get to New Orleans so we could make it just after noon giving us plenty of time to tour the city. We left I-75 and got on I-10 to finally head...

3 years ago
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Down on the Farm 02

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

3 years ago
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Pujabi Lady Ke Sath Enjoy

Hi friends , kaise hoooooo aap sab ,main sam thakur from chandigarh, frnds main iss ka reader hu aur mughe iss ki sabi stories bahut achhi lagti hain , aj main aapko apni real 2nd story share krne ja raha hu, jo june 2014 ki hai. Mughe married ladies k sath sex karna bahut achha lagta hai kyuki wo bahut mze deti hain Koi bhi bhabi,aunty,girl chandigarh,panchkula, mohali,zirakpur ya punjab se koi lady ya girl ( age no matter ) mere sath enjoy krna chahti ho free of cost to mughe jarur mail krna...

4 years ago
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Water RightsChapter 6

I stood looking at my seven new horses, already well satisfied with the trade that Miguelito and Danny, my top hand, had approved. The black stallion stood proudly off to one side as he watched over his harem of sleek mares. Somewhere, down in Old Mexico, there was somebody who was sorely missing all of these fine animals. I looked over at Danny, pretty certain that my own grin was every bit a match for the one he was wearing. "I was thinking of putting the grey with these six mares, and...

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Naughty TimeChapter 3

My mother had laughed the comment off, though I was surprised at my Aunt's obvious referral to my actually looking at mom's tits. It was treated with good-natured humor however, and if anything, I honestly do believe mom was actually flattered a little, knowing that I had. "Well, I need to get down and shower and then get ready to head out," I told them both. Though truth be told, I still had a lot to do in preparing for what I hoped would be an interesting afternoon. I would use the...

1 year ago
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Fucked Chat Friend Pooja Aunty

Hi ISS readers and I am raj from Ahmedabad. I want to share my experience with you all. I am 27 yrs old. I am a average good looking guy. I like mature girls and married women’s. I like to chat with married women’s than young girls. This story about one of my chat friend Pooja and she is 40 but good looking Gujarati lady every day we use to chat in late night till 1 or 2 after that we became good friends. Her husband is a bank manager working in Surat. She has 2 children. One day we were...

2 years ago
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I love sex, that's a given, most men do. My problem is that I like to have different women and am not willing to wait for the whole courtship thing before we make it to bed. I have a friend, a chemist, who dabbles with his trade and has created a drug that makes women very pliant and complacent. He and I were college room mates and shared many women through our college years, there are a lot of pliant women in college, and no drug needed, just some alcohol, maybe some speed. Andy and I spent...

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Crossing the LineChapter 3 Winterhaven

Winterhaven Silence reigned inside the Jeep as Mike and Sam neared the finish of their 5 hour drive back home from the camp site. Things had changed drastically the second morning of the groups planned 3-day camping excursion, having been abandoned by her boyfriend during what should have been the most erotic and sensational experience of their young lives up to that point. With all 4 of their group high on Ecstasy and marijuana, their shared tent had quickly evolved into a temple of the...

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