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2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 5

Like clockwork, I drifted out of sleep just as the sun started coming up. I was lying on my side and realized I could feel a body against me. I guessed Zoe had changed her mind after all. I reached an arm across her stomach and pulled her to me. It took about ten seconds for something to register. Everything felt different. One, stuff wasn't where it should be. My arm was much closer to her waist then it should have been. The hair was coarser and shorter, and the body pressed against me was...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 6

For the first time in days, I woke up all alone and decided I preferred to have company. There is something soothing about waking up cuddled next to another person. After breakfast, I reminded Margret I had football practice that afternoon, and that I would be home late. Then I headed over to Zoe's house for breakfast. At some point, it became assumed that I would eat breakfast with them every day. I wasn't sure I knew when that happened. Breakfast went pretty fast and we headed off to...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 7

I woke up the next morning, and felt the telltale signs that someone was in bed with me. I opened my eyes to find Zoe lying in my bed, her head propped up on her hand, staring at me. "Morning, sunshine." "This is pretty early for you, Zoe." "Yeah, I had to set an alarm to get up. But I wanted to make sure I was here to give you your reward." "Do tell?" "First, go brush your teeth. You have 'morning breath.'" I hurried and brushed my teeth and got back into bed. I was...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 8

Zoe was really quiet the next morning. We didn't say much to each other. I won't lie. I was starting to get nervous. I had thought the trip to Dr. Snider's went well, but clearly, there was some blow-back. We ate breakfast in silence and I excused myself to go home. It was Saturday and I could tell Zoe wanted some alone time. As soon as I lay down on my bed, Tina burst into my room. She was clearly in a good mood. "You won't believe what happened, yesterday." I sat up as I asked,...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 9

I woke up earlier than usual, the next morning. Hair was covering my face and making it a little hard to breathe. I instantly recognized the soft, gentle scent of Zoe's hair. She is a pretty light sleeper. So, as usual, she woke up when I started to try to get untangled from the arm and leg gripping me. I received a sweet kiss and a grimace. "'Morning breath, ' but totally worth it." I hopped out of bed and pulled her with me, "I have just the thing for that." Seeing the coast was...

1 year ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 10

I watched Zoe finish practice and did my homework, anticipating the call with Josh later that night. Walking out to the parking lot to find Mrs. Bell, we heard a shout. Out near one of the cars partway back in the parking lot, I saw Tami pressed up against a car with Jake Masuko pawing at her. It was clear she was trying to push him away. I dropped Zoe's hand and sprinted towards them. When I shouted Tami's name, Jake backed up. Seeing me he practically bristled, his hands balled up into a...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 11

The next afternoon the gym started filling up. I had to walk the coach through my plan, before he would agree to the meeting. He made some suggestions, but otherwise agreed to what I was going to do. When it seemed like everyone who was going to show was in the gym, I stood up a few steps on one of the bleachers. There were a lot of kids I knew, and even more, I had never met before. I wasn't used to this kind of public speaking in front of a group, so I was pretty nervous. The two groups...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 12

"Okay, I know you are a bit stunned. Here is what's going to happen. We are going to make out for a little bit. Then, I am going to teach you about women." Clearly, my brain was still foggy as comprehension was slow in coming, so I said, "Huh?" "I am going to teach you about women. About a woman's body and about how to please a woman." I started to stand, "Vicki, we can't do this. It wouldn't be fair to Zoe, and it really wouldn't be fair to you. You deserve to be with someone...

1 year ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 13

I was up early the next day to get my run in, and get to work. So far, work had been really fun. Today would be my first long day at work. I had spent the last several days I worked with Mr. Farber and his team, watching them work on a bearing assembly. They had let me watch them take it apart, had showed me how to read the design blueprints, and assigned me a ton of reading. For most people, reading about bearings may not sound interesting, but that's because most people haven't looked...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 14

I woke up in the morning to the now usual sensation of another body against mine. Peeking, I found Vicki had made her way through my window at some point. Similar to when Zoe joined me, Vicki was up against me, with a leg and an arm thrown over me. The one big difference however was that while Zoe wore shorts and a t-shirt, Vicki apparently slept naked. She also seemed to be a much deeper sleeper then Zoe, as it took a little bit for me to wake her up. "Morning, sleepy head." "Zoe was...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 15

Neither Vicki, Zoe, I or the teacher spoke as we walked to the front office. We were seated in the outer waiting area, and were instructed to sit silently. About fifteen minutes later a female uniformed police officer came in, and walked back to the principal's office. After ten minutes, both came out and asked for Vicki. Twenty minutes later, they changed her for Zoe. I just sat as people slowly built up in the office. While Zoe was in the office Margaret, Mrs. Bell and another woman I had...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 50

When we got back home from D.C., everyone was excited and wanted to find out what happened. Sadly there wasn't much I could tell them. I got Marcus, Jonathan, Charles Green, and an exceptionally skeptical Ted to get in contact with Mr. Baxter. I wasn't holding my breath about that, however. He seemed pretty sincere, but they had sent armed gunmen after us, so 'sincerity' didn't really count for much. I checked in with Alex to find out if there was any news about Margret, as well....

4 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 51

Jonathan called the next day, just to let us know he still didn't know anything. It was nice of him to call, but it didn't keep me from feeling like we were in limbo, waiting to find out what happened. For a full week Emily went 'radio silent', with no real news coming from anywhere, not even from Jonathan. It seemed likely the DA would decline to prosecute her for the death of her father, citing self-defense; but he was still considering the investigation, and hadn't made a decision...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 38

When we got home from school the girls went into prep mode, tonight was my date with Vicki, and Zoe's date with Tami. I had a pretty good plan for Vicki and what we were going to do, tonight. I was really looking forward to it. I stopped Vicki as she was following the other two up the stairs, "Dress casually. We are going to be doing stuff, outside." She turned and looked at me with a smirk, "What are you planning?" "You'll see," I said as I turned her around and swatted her...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 39

The school day ended, eventually. Somehow, my accelerated classes had all been moved to the afternoon for this semester, which meant I couldn't zone out like so many kids do in classes just after lunch. Not that the subject matter was all that hard. I was finding it easier and easier to grasp concepts, and my reading speed was still slowly accelerating as time went on. I wasn't sure where the changes would end. I had discussed this with Alex, Mom, and the girls after one of our family...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 40

The next morning I was up and ready by the time Megan came to pick me up. Andrea was already in the car and we were both dressed in running clothes. I was pretty calm, since honestly I was running this thing more out of support for Andrea than for myself, but she was keyed up. She started to go into our running strategy for the race, something we had gone over many times. I cut her off after about five minutes. "Andrea, it's ok. You can do this in your sleep, you're just nervous. You need...

1 year ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 41

The next morning felt strange. While I had occasionally woken up alone, most notably when I was recovering from the gunshot, there was a stillness to the house I wasn't used to. After my morning run I just walked through the empty house, looking in each room and feeling the absence of everyone. To avoid becoming morose, I ate a quick breakfast and headed to the office. The previous week Marcus indicated we were very close to having a prototype ready, and Ted had already worked his Pentagon...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 42

The weekend dutifully rolled by. The beginning of the week following Christmas was the same as it had been, the previous week. Our test of the drone wasn't until Tuesday, and I didn't want to get in Marcus's way as he worked on the final touches for the demonstration. I did talk to Ted, briefly. He had been out to the range just before they shut down on Friday, and had watched some of the action. He said everything was looking right on track. Marcus had made a few more modifications, but...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 43

The words took some time to sink in, as her brain was still fogged with sleep. As they did, Emily began to slip into panic mode. "Oh my God, Cas! I am in so much trouble! What am I going to do? I can't go home!" "I don't think we have a lot of choices. If you don't go home, they will call report you as missing." "You don't understand ... My father..." I pulled her into a hug, "I know." She pushed me away, "No, you don't know. He gets mad when things aren't just right. He...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 44

I woke up well before anyone else in the house. My brain was still working on what Tami had told us the night before. I had some ideas on how we could intercede and help Judy, but I didn't want to go off half-cocked. I had already gone into the situation with Emily's dad ill prepared, and there was a chance my choice of actions could blow back in my face. I didn't want to set up any more time bombs for myself. I spent a longer amount of time than normal for my morning run as I worked out...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 45

While it would still be some time before we would hear back from the private eye, everything else was looking up. Tami was even coming out of her funk. Between the other girls and myself, we had convinced her to trust us to protect Judy. Thankfully, she finally accepted that. While she was still very angry at her family, she at least wasn't taking it out on the rest of the world. There was also a lot to keep her distracted. Besides our school workload increasing as the second semester...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 46

As soon as Tina and Judy headed out the door, I made my way to the phone. I knew the girls were as concerned about her as I was, since they all stood around and listened to me making my call. "You know, Caspian, you are starting to rack up quite the bill," Jonathan said with a laugh when he picked up the phone. He must have gotten caller ID and recognized my number, which wouldn't be surprising considering how often I seemed to be calling. "Probably, and it's all totally worth it," I...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 47

After having stuff happen on what seemed like a daily basis, the following several weeks were filled with the agony of waiting. We had to wait to see what, if anything, was going to happen to Steven Mertz. While I had gotten the impression from officer Jawarski that the situation was getting taken care of, it was impossible for us to know with any certainty; but going back to her again for more information, was something I wanted to avoid at all costs. Carter Talmon was looking into both...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 48

None of us wanted to remain in the same area with the two inert bodies lying in the hall, so Jonathan and Marcus led Ted to the front reception area. There they could call the police and bandage Ted's arm. I stopped for a moment to collect the two guns, on the off chance the guy I struck on the head woke up. I had just picked up the second gun when I noticed a green card sticking out of the back pocket of the second man. I knew I should leave the scene to the police, but my curiosity got...

4 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 49

We all just sat, awkwardly, for almost an hour. At one point, we tried to watch TV to take our minds off what was happening at the hospital, but after about ten minutes of no one even glancing at the screen, we shut it off. Eventually, the phone rang. Mom, who was closest, grabbed the handset. She listened intently for a few minutes then said, "Oh, dear. Ok, I'll be right there." As soon as she hung up we all started talking to her at once, but she ignored us and grabbed her keys. On...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 16

For the rest of the week, the story of my fight with the guys from Jake's crew flew around school. It actually managed to displace the previous gossip of my dating Zoe and Vicki. Every morning, I met the team for our run. By the middle of the week the group included half the cheerleaders, several of the players from varsity, and even a few kids from the basketball team. They said they had heard of our workouts, and wanted to be in better shape when their season started. Only two of the...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 17

School, the next few days, started off pretty smoothly. If only my life out of school was less troublesome. I knew I had an uncomfortable conversation coming at the dojo on Tuesday, and I was quietly dreading it. My instructor doesn't come in on Sundays, and I work on Mondays, so Tuesday would be my first chance to talk to him about my fight. I hadn't mentioned it to my instructor after the first fight, but I knew I would have to talk to him now, about what was happening. I hadn't ever...

1 year ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 18

We arrived at Zoe's house a little later than most everyone else, mostly because Vicki decided she wanted to fool around in the shower while we were getting cleaned up. I wasn't sure why, but Vicki was being exceptionally feisty all evening ... not that I was complaining. The house was really decorated. There were balloons tied to the mailbox, and a big banner that said "Happy Birthday Zoe" hanging down, right as you walked into the door. More balloons, pretty much all pink, were...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 19

My pleasant slumber was cut short when a pushing on my side brought me awake. I found that the girls had piled on me at some point in the night and we had worked ourselves into a jumbled mass. Zoe was trying to get my leg off her, and she looked a little frantic. "Cas, get off." "Are you ok Zoe?" "No, I feel really queasy. I need to get to the bathroom. NOW!" That last was said in a yell when I didn't move fast enough. As soon as a path was cleared, she bolted for the door. By this...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 20

My mind was in a cloud by the end of the day. I hadn't really even paid much attention in any of my classes. My brain was stuck on Josh. I just couldn't believe he had cheated. He had always been such a stand-up guy that it seemed outside of his character. More than that, I didn't buy his contrition. There was an entitlement to his thinking that he couldn't seem to get past, even now. I was really worried for him. If he didn't snap out of this way of thinking, he was going to end up...

1 year ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 21

I spent a long time during the night, lying with my eyes closed, plotting out my next moves. I knew whatever was happening was bigger than anyone had discussed yet, mostly because I could feel something happening. The biggest tip-offs were my planning and concerns. I had always been aware of my own intellect, but ideas, thoughts and understandings were coming much faster than I had ever experienced before. I could literally feel the difference in my mental abilities, and it was scaring me a...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 22

The next morning, everyone was gone ... including Mrs. Bell, who’d had to go to work. I was mobile enough that I could go get something to drink or go to the bathroom, but I was still supposed to lie down most of the day. It was still a little before lunch, and I was just finishing reading Marks’ Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers ... a title I found amusing since it sounded like I was reading a book owned by someone else ... when the doorbell rang. It rang twice more in the time it...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 23

After Doctor Chang left I was in a funk, lost in my own head. Thankfully, the girls were very understanding. They didn't leave me on my own, but also didn't intrude on my thinking. I sat in one of the more comfortable chairs in Zoe's room and stared off into space. The girls spread across the room, doing quite things to let me have solitude to think but refusing to leave me alone. Tami and Vicki lay on the bed next to each other, doing homework while Zoe sat on the floor, leaning against...

4 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 24

Sunday morning Vicki, and a slightly hung over Tami, had to head back home. They left, but only after they made Zoe promise to take care of me. With a wicked grin she told them she could handle me, no problem. I gave both girls long goodbye kisses, even though I would see them at school the next day. I hid upstairs while their parents picked them up. Better to keep my being at the extended sleepover as much under wraps as possible. Sunday flew by quickly. We spent the day in our room. Zoe...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 25

When I got home, my first call was to Mr. Colleta. Although it was late, he was still at the office. "What can I do for you Cas?" "I had a couple of questions about this settlement thing." "Okay, shoot." "How sure are we that this is going to happen?" "Positive. I have already have the first draft of the contract. We are working it out, now. We should be able to sign everything in the next week or two." "And what happens with the money, when we do that." "Well, at first,...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 26

As the week progressed, the girls felt better and got back to normal, just as Zoe had. I, however, started to withdraw from them, and from Mrs. Bell at the same time. I still went to classes, and started showing back up at the morning runs, afternoon workouts, study sessions and football practices; but I wasn't really focused on any of that. I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts and feelings of guilt. Once Doctor Chang laid it out, it was clear I had done something to the girls. Not just...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 27

With all the excitement from the previous few weeks, I was happy that the week following our mini-vacation was fairly calm. Coach was really pushing me in practice, to get me up to speed with the rest of the team. Honestly, I was looking forward to playing in my first real game, that weekend. It did help to keep my mind off the fact that Mrs. Bell and Doctor Chang would be sitting down with me and the girls, to go over what they had learned over the weekend. That isn't to say nothing...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 28

When the girls finally fell asleep I continued to stare at the ceiling, thoughts bouncing through my head. The big question I kept coming back to was, what now? Now that I know what I am, what do I do about it? Do I continue on with my life as if nothing is different? On the face of it that was the easy answer. Just continue being a teenager, go off to college, and get a job. Be one of the masses. But the more I thought on that, the more that idea started to unravel. There was a...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 29

The next week didn't seem like it was going to be any slower. I had the first company meeting on Wednesday, another game on the weekend, and a meeting with the financial guy Jonathan had set up for after school on Monday. Monday was already going to be pretty tight. I met with Mrs. Runkle, and introduced her to the girls so they could take the aptitude test; but I couldn't stay to find out how they did. Mrs. Bell was already waiting to take me to the meeting with the financial guy. Since...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 30

Zoe, Vicki and Megan showed up before Mrs. Bell got back from her tests. Zoe once again threw herself into my arms. "She is really going to be okay?" "They think so. Doctor Chang is plotting how to keep her miraculous recovery a secret, but yeah, she said she thinks the tumor will go away." Megan still looked a little shell shocked. "So they just gave her an injection of your blood and it removed the tumor." "Yes." "Why aren't you out there helping other people or over at the...

1 year ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 31

I felt a nudge against my shoulder. "Cas?" "Huh?" I didn't open my eyes. I had been having a great dream that involved three beautiful women. I was in that semi-conscious state where you can almost remember what was happening and tried desperately to cling to the dream. "Cas." I let out a sigh and opened one eye, "Yeah" Vicki stared back at me with her ice blue eyes. "Everyone is here. It's time for the family meeting." I sat up and noticed I was the only one in bed. Both...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 32

She said they loved me. But, knowing what I know now ... about the changes that are being made to their brain and the changes that happened to Alex's base personality ... can I rely on that? Do they actually love me, or is it something that I did to them? The very idea that I had forced my girls to love me, tore me up inside. For my part, I can say that I loved each of them. I didn't want slaves to my biology. The worst part was that if they weren't forced to love me because of some...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 33

Alex drove Vicki and me home, since the girls had already made arrangements to stay with us ... or, rather, with Zoe ... following the homecoming dance. No one talked in the car, although I could tell it was more Vicki giving me space to think, rather than her being mad at me too. When we got home, mom pointed me at a chair at the kitchen table. "Vicki, the girls are already upstairs. You head on up and let me talk to Cas for a minute." Vicki patted me on the back once then headed up to...

4 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 34

The big day rolled around and I was nervous, standing in front of Vicki's door holding Zoe's hand. Vicki's mom had seen the two of us together, but knowing that we would be eating, with our unique relationship out in the open, was nerve wracking. Now that I knew Tami's family was a problem, I had started considering the possibility of other obstacles in the way of our relationship. I was a worrier by nature, and the thought of giving up the women I loved tied me in knots. "It will be...

1 year ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 35

The week after Thanksgiving progressed quickly. I talked to Marcus and Ted several times throughout the week to get updates on how the build out of the prototype was going. At one point Ted actually had to tell me to calm down and let them work. He reminded me that Sunday meetings were when we did updates, and every time Marcus had to stop and give me the rundown on the project, was time he couldn't be actually working on it. He had a point. I was letting my impatience show through. The...

3 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 36

I pulled my notebook closer towards me, to glance over my notes one more time. I didn't really need them, but I wanted to wait a second to gather my thoughts before diving in. "The last time we all sat down together, I said I wanted to get the world ready for us. It is going to take time for our genetic line to propagate, and if we are going to be the next stage of evolution, we have to make sure the world is ready for us. As I said before, the world is a screwed up place. If it takes five...

2 years ago
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Destiny s RoadChapter 37

I stared at Zoe for a minute, my brain still in a post-coital haze, letting the words sink in. Once they did, I managed to snap back into reality and reached for the dangling phone receiver. "Hello?" "Cas, it's Judy. Tina needs help." "What's happening?" "She is acting strangely, like, not all there. Steve dragged her into a bedroom with some guys, and locked the door." "Where are you?" She gave me an address that was on the other side of the sub-division. "I will be right...

2 years ago
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My Wife the Womanizer

© 2002 "Come down to the basement honey, I have a surprise waiting for you," my wife said. She looked stunning, dressed in a black merry widow, with stockings and heels to match. I loved it when she wore sexy lingerie, which unfortunately wasn't very often. I followed her through our very expensive house, but all my attention was focused on her lovely ass swishing back and forth. I was a very lucky man indeed. I had a beautiful wife, who just so happened to be rich, and a house you...

1 year ago
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Accidental Womanizer

CHAPTER 1 Two and a bit years after graduating with a master’s degree in environmental design and still without employment, Fletch (Fletcher) Halifax’s life received a lift. He went to church with his mom who introduced him to Mrs Thelma Cox. Sylvie Halifax had nagged at him for years to take her to church without success until this Sunday. Fletch had awoken without his usual Sunday morning hangover and sense of abandonment. The previous night he’d scored with Polly Westhaven whose husband...

3 years ago
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Tiny s Tavern

The year is 2483. It's been 500 years since a nuclear war broke out between the United States and Soviet Union. The tragic event was triggered by human error and the Able Archer 83 exercise between the NATO nations. Already on-edge, the Warsaw Pact-locked countries reacted violently on the third day of the exercise when it seemed they were going be to facing an immediate invasion from the Western super powers. Missiles were launched and retaliation was due. The world burned for hundreds of...

1 year ago
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As strange as it may sound to some, my best friend is a lesbian. I'm a divorced, thirty-two year old male that flies a helicopter for the Washington State Police. Denise is the twenty-eight year old paramedic/observer that works with me every day. Both of us are sworn troopers and both of us have done street time of course - it's a departmental requirement - but, due to the specialty skills we possess, we found ourselves fast-tracked through the mandatory patrol time and put as quickly as was...

1 year ago
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DestinyChapter 12

Mom drove us to the ice cream store where we found a booth with privacy. She said, "What we talk about is just between us right now. We'll tell the others after I've done my homework. Basically, my plan is to McDonald-ize the Dial-A-Meal Corporation. If they don't agree to my plan, if I think it's right, I will seek financing and go into competition with them." I must have looked completely lost. She laughed. "Okay, now Dial-A-Meal pays regular wages and benefits to the sales staff,...

2 years ago
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The Teenies Welcome to Womanhood

I've been a daily reader of the stories on Fictionmania.tv for well over 5 years now. I wrote this tale as a way modest way of giving back to the community that I am absolutely in love with. I never thought it would be so much fun to write this story, and I enjoyed it so much two sequels were spawned before I finished. I hope you enjoy it. I would be grateful for any feedback! Thank you reading my story, and especially thanks to the all the great writers here! THE TEENIES: WELCOME TO...

2 years ago
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Tiny Dancer and Daddy Danseur

"Dance for me, Princesa. Pirouette, tiny dancer." And I twirl around the room, doing penchés, retirés, and Arabesques, giggling and spinning for my Daddy. Loving being his little one and dancing to please him. Pleasing him in every way I can. My arms are lifted into the second position and I go up on pointe. But I glance over along my arm, then cry out. "Daddy! Please, help me, Daddy. It's gone!" Shaking myself awake I reach over. Trying to touch my Daddy. I shiver with fear that he might...

3 years ago
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Tiny Cock 2

My wife and I have been married for ten years, and we have two kids. Up until a week ago, everything was perfect…A week ago my wife came home from work, and had me delay supper so we could have sex. Her pussy was full of cum. She told me about her new boss and his eight-inch cock, and how he had screwed her on his desk, and how great it was. She wanted to do it again. I told her she’d have to get permission.She just called, and asked if she could bring her boss home, so that they could fuck...

4 years ago
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Tiny Dancer

She looked down and I watched her eyes widen in surprise. She had the loveliest eyes, bright blue, blue enough to even be seen in the limited light of the club. She flashed me a dazzling smile. “You sure about this sugar?” she said with a voice as sweet as her affectation. Sure about what I thought to myself as I watched the light behind her explode her hair into a golden halo. Am I sure I can keep from falling off my chair? Am I sure I want to taste those sensuous lips just a foot from...

4 years ago
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Tiny Tits Tight Twat Lessons and Confessions

We’d been hooking up for a few months now, and were keeping a pretty good schedule. Once a week, sometimes twice, when my delivery route took me close by, I’d drop in to bang her willing cum-hole. Occasionally I had enough time to get her to orgasm, but she seemed just a little more eager for it when I made her wait until Friday night.Sunday afternoons, we had even more time to play, but I still hadn’t wormed any sexual fantasies out of her. She had complied with a few of mine and I was going...

Straight Sex
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Tiny Tits Tight Twat lunch break

Monday promised to be another hot day, in more ways than one. After a day of rest, I was looking forward to more tight juicy twat tonight after work. After drilling her well into Saturday night, we were both feeling pretty worn out, not to mention tender in the privates. So we agreed to not hook up again until Monday evening.My UPS deliveries took me nearby her house shortly after noon. Well, not too far from her house. I was ahead of schedule, and entitled to a lunch break anyway, right?She...

Quickie Sex
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Tiny BubblesChapter 2

Adam awoke to the sound of the shower, and a glance at the clock told him he wouldn't have time to ask Stacy about the events of the night before. Or to eat breakfast, for that matter-- his scuba lessons were only fifteen minutes from now. He grabbed his swimsuit off the towel rack, poked his head into the shower for a kiss and a farewell, and high-tailed it out to the beach where the instructor and the other two students waited. After gearing up and half an hour of safety training and...

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Tiny CoerciveChapter 2

Master's Bedroom. Sandra lit a lamp turning the wick to a soft glow and then lit two candles on the opposite wall, leaving the drapes closed before waking her master and madam. "How can I pleasure my master this morning?" She curtsied deeply smiling seductively and then presented her body, swaying her hips, flaunting her curvaceous full figure in the soft flickering lights. Opening his eyes, blinking and stretching, taking in his servant's luscious flesh; he considered the pleasures of...

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Tiny CoerciveChapter 3

They comforted each other on the mattress, Sandra kissing Olivia's tears away. "Oh Sandra, I feel so good now." "You don't feel the pain." "Not when you hug and kiss me; it's strange my cheeks are burning but when you kiss me it goes away." "Well that what hugging does when you like the person you're with." "Like, is not the word Sandra." "What word would you use then Olivia?" She hugged her mentor tight and kissed her warmly. "Love," she whispered shyly, kissing her...

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Reflections of a Womanizer

So I eliminate names and numbers from my black book. My black book now contains the names and numbers of women 26 to 40 that hunger to be in my lair. These women are frustrated both emotionally and physically with men, they have dated and attempted to have a relationship with. They know entering my lair requires commitment to multiple animalistic sessions, but the results are multiple orgasms and sexual euphoria. After the sessions they are emotionally and physically satisfied, their bodies...

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Jack Hakwens Space Ranger and Womanizer

The blue sun reflected off a lone man's visor as he sat on the top of a mountain, his mech-suit adapting to the planet as it's wearer of it enjoyed the early sun rising into the sky like a Phoenix. It was always a lovely site as he relaxed. Reminded him so much of home. "Jack? Jack, are you there?" a female voice said into the intercom in his helmet as a small screen appeared to the side. The voice belonged to Rose Maria McDowell, a fellow ranger like him and the one under his command. She was...

4 years ago
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DestinyChapter 9

All seemed to be in order. I gathered Amanda and Charlene and took them to my room. "Charlene has a killer suit that I want you to try," I said to Amanda. "I like to go down looking good and have them panting. You guys will give them a thrill." I wanted Amanda to feel comfortable naked among the girls. I also wanted to see all the body under her suit. "You're expecting me to ... I mean, uhm be one of the girls?" she said. "Let's get naked and take a shower. My bathroom is...

2 years ago
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DestinyChapter 15

When the night of the ball arrived, Dad had arranged for Tyler to drive them. He said that he planned to have drinks and wine with dinner. Since they wouldn't be out late, it wouldn't be much of an inconvenience for Tyler. From his description of it, I think Tyler considered it to be an honor. I decided to ride with them to the hotel and then let Tyler get up and retrieve them when the time came. I helped Mom get dressed in her new gown, elegant with side splits, and glorious cleavage. She...

1 year ago
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Blind Date with Catwoman

“Oh come on.” You mutter as you cancel out the call you were dialing at the sound of the doorman's buzzer in your apartment. Shoving your cell into your coat pocket you hold down the answer button on your digital intercom and answer, “Yes?” “Dr. Anderson, a Ms. Kyle to see you, she says you have date.” “I thought her name was Novak.” You wonder to yourself, “and she is over an hour early.” “Dr. Anderson, are you there?" The intercom interrupts your pondering. "Should I let Ms. Kyle in?” “Yes,...

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I Fucked Catwoman

5 years into being neighbors and wondering if she's into sex, is she gay? hell, I don't know. I decide to write a note and put it on her door with my phone number to ask her to call or text me. I had no idea if she would but it was an icebreaker. I did it on my way to work, hoping for but not expecting a reply. To my surprise, I get a text asking what was up. I ask her if she wanted to come over for a beer so we could talk. She said ok... I never expected that. I didn't know what she was...

2 years ago
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Womanly By Lesley Renee Charles Chapter 1 Kyle Goodman strolled into his high school, in a relatively good mood. He was joking with his friends and clowning around when a strange black haired girl bumped into him. This set off one of his infamous tirades against women. Kyle was very misogynistic as a result of his mother leaving him with his extremely misogynistic father. "Watch where you are going, bitch." "Excuse me, show a little respect for others, Kyle. You need to...

3 years ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 1 Boats

It had to be done, and there was no delegating this one. Captain Tweedledee had to die. Who the hell knew what Bossie would do, but it had to be done and screw the med-tubes. That was another thing. Boats had once heard a tech claim that with a head and a short enough time after death, a med-tube could re-grow a body and save just about anyone. So, no head. Tweedledee was no coward. Certainly not. He was a narcissistic, brutal, power-mad, sadistic, Caligula. He was a worse than unfit...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 2 Genevieve

“Genevieve, What the hell mess have you got yourself into?!” Boatswain Genevieve Arthur knew Captain Pierce Masters, formerly Number One of the Bunte Kuh, was really upset and worried. He only called her ‘Genevieve’ in the heat of passion, sexual or otherwise. She answered carefully, “Just following orders, Sir. Bossie can verify that Dreck, err Captain Dreck, called ‘No quarter,’ so I gave none.” She added, “He gave no additional instructions, so I followed his standing orders to the...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 3 Cadet Vivie

Vivie came awake crying. She was in a casket of some sort and the lid was rising. In the opening appeared a vaguely familiar face that changed from smiling to an expression of concern. Sitting up, Vivie realized that she was naked, not that it bothered her. It was just a fact. She sniffled, then decided that she needed to ‘man up’. “Welcome back, Missy, I’m Gunnery Sergeant Sam Anderson, and I have something of yours,” said the towering figure. “You and your baby toad-sticker saved my...

2 years ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 4 The Kitten Shows her Claws

Vivie stood at parade rest with Sergeant Johns and watched the stream of humanity exit the portal. She decided she needed practice to switch between family, Melody mode, and duty, Sergeant Johns mode. If she was to live up to her volunteer status, she couldn’t slip, not even once. The process of acquiring and assimilating new volunteers, their concubines, and their dependents was both exciting and heart breaking. Relationships and families were both newly starting and suddenly sundered. It...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 5 Building Vivie rsquo s Family

In the morning, Vivie woke with two warm bodies cuddled, one on each side. Parenting was a skill she’d need to learn, but this awakening was very nice and a welcome introduction. When she felt stirring, she nudged the pair to full awareness, and herded them into the ensuite to share a shower. The twins, accustomed to sharing a bathroom for morning ablutions, took Vivie’s presence in stride. The three-person shower proved interesting and stimulating. By the time they were out and dry, Vivie...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 8 Inkie rsquo s Growing Family

Inkie no longer had concubines. Her originals had either matured into volunteers or left with those who had. Most of the time, they all traveled with her. They were members of her band, after all. When her itch needed scratching, and self-stimulation with Helva just wouldn’t do, she could reach out. They weren’t friends with benefits; she was the friend with benefits. Her family was Helva and her growing children, Dinky and Armand. Vivie had a plethora of extended family, and she was fond of...

1 year ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 9 Fishin rsquo In Neverland

Sam had planted an idea. Vivie was fishin’ in a different kind of honey hole, and she wasn’t after fish. She and Jennifer were sitting on a bench in a park, each with a bag from Subway. They were dressed down in faded jeans, tee shirts, and worn sneakers. Helva’s drones had indicated that the park was frequented both by runaways and pimps on the hunt for those runaways. Jennifer had started training in martial arts the day after she became Vivie’s dependent, and now was Vivie’s preferred...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 10 It rsquo s Not All Academic

In Inkie’s view, the ‘contest’ was a huge success from the start and a royal pain in the ass. Submissions rolled in. Good ones. But also, far too many pedantic, repetitive propositions that wholly missed the point of the contest. There were also a plethora of submissions from psychologists and similar professions that proposed to analyze ‘aliens’ to understand their aversion to violence. That was more than a little troubling. Had they guessed the intent of the symposium? In short, the Pareto...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 11 Couldn t Never Happen

It shouldn’t happen. It couldn’t happen. It did happen. Helva’s almost panicked voice rang throughout. Inkie woke slowly, barely aware for some extended time. She couldn’t see or hear, and she was breathing through a SCUBA-like full-face mask. Her wrists were fastened together as were her legs at the ankles. After a while,...

4 years ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 12 Meetings

Personally present in Vivie’s pod were Vivie, Inkie, Wendy, Gunny, and Melody. Avatar-holograms for Captain Pierce Masters, Helva and, Bossie were arranged across from those physically present. Ostensibly there as hostess and gofer, was June – Mom – the sometimes concubine of Gunny or Melody or Vivie as whim and occasion suited. In reality, she was there as an eavesdropper and a consultant, again as the situation suited. It was almost too funny; June had been instructed to chime in whenever...

2 years ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhEpilogue

Vivie and Inkie had their heads together giggling. They were surreptitiously watching Wendy through her process of setting up her cadet corps. This was both high entertainment and even higher instruction. Wendy started by brainstorming with her lost kids and included Helva and Bessie. They decided that they would need at least one experienced scoutmaster/leader for each ship and many more for the Harrad colony. Well, then, what should they look for and how would they know it when they saw...

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The Policewoman

I was lounging on the couch in my media room, watching NASCAR on the big screen. There was a commercial on right now, and my mind was wandering. A knock on the front door brought me back to reality. As I approached the front door, I heard a radio squak outside. I tried to peek through the sidelight glass, but it was frosted, so all I could see was a shadowy form close to the door, and a flashing coloured light in the background. Police? Why? I cautiously opened the door. The officer had his...

1 year ago
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Mark s Coerced Womanhood

Mark's Coerced Womanhoodby Denise CChapter 1: Mark and EmilyMark's life was boring. After graduating from College, he found a job as a loan officer at a bank in Sacramento. An average looking guy, he was naturally shy and struggled at relationships with women. But five years later, he was doing well at the bank. Promotion seemed near and, if he could find the time, he was about ready to upgrade from his apartment to a small house. His sex life, however, was not as good. Mostly, it consisted of...

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My Passage to Womanhood

My Passage to WomanhoodVolume One?My Beginnings?ByClare PenneAn FDC PublicationContentsPreface........3My Beginnings........3Introduction........4Chapter One........8Initiation & Sexuality........8Chapter Two........15Giving Myself to Hannah........15Chapter Three........21Hannah Introduces Me to Dana........21Chapter Four........32Our Trip to the South of France........32Chapter Five........41My First BDSM Training Begins........41Chapter Six........52The French Sejour...

2 years ago
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Uncle HarryChapter 5 Wednesday Cassie s First Day as a Real Woman

The next morning I woke up totally refreshed. I lay there for a few minutes reflecting on the events of the last few days and thought to myself just how lucky I was to have had this opportunity. Finally my full bladder pushed me out of bed. After relieving myself, I went out to the kitchen and made some coffee. When it was ready, I went and sat where I could look out the window at the lake. The quiet morning view was wonderful. Soon I heard sounds behind me and as I looked up my dear sister...

3 years ago
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Destiny of a housewife

I created a dominant profile in a BDSM site and with my pictures. I didn't get lucky for around 2 years, in the mean time I used to go to BDSM munches and had a couple of one-night stands but haven't had a steady relationship. I had a message in my account in the BDSM site with a heading Sir, and it was a simple message - that she wants to get to know me. I saw her profile she was 42 and married. And her profile said she is a masochist and she is looking for a monogamous relationship. I was...

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Destiny in Sweetwater Ch 01

The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission Happy reading and remember to vote if you liked it! Chapter 1 Emy looked out of the dusty window of the diner she was sitting in and didn’t even hear the...

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Destiny Islands Harem

I woke up on the Destiny islands to see seven insanely hot women all wearing bikinis "Hello are you okay, i'm Aqua" Aqua had dark blue hair and pale white skin, almost as pale as my own "I'm Larxene" Larxene had short blonde hair and a very slight tan "Hi my name is Namine and these two are my twin sisters, Kairi and Xion" Kairi and Xion waved at me Namine had long blonde hair she looked absolutely beautiful in her bikini her skin was even more pale than mine Kairi had shoulder length red hair,...

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Your alarm interupts yet another deep and peaceful dream. You frantically search for your phone on your wooden bedside table to switch off the repetitive alarm sound blasting into your ear. You turn it off and sit up in your bed, the sunshine seeping through the curtains, nearly blinding you. You stand up and stretch your muscles, still half asleep. You get ready for your boring office job as you usually would, take a shower, get dressed, breakfast, brush your teeth and out the door for 8am. As...

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Destiny Legacy of a Spellbinder

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder By D.A.W. Author's Note: As this is the third and final story in my Ragnarok Rising trilogy I highly recommend reading 'Incompatible' and the revised version of 'Transfigured' before proceeding further. I've posted a glossary of terms (including the days/months and their English equivalents) to go along with these stories, it can be found at Bigcloset Topshelf, Fictionmania, & tgstorytime. Originally, this story was posted as a serial, but...

1 year ago
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Destiny Manifested

Late afternoon Friday is supposed to be the apex of the week. Sure, sure, nothing like a Saturday night to be hot hot hot, fun fun fun, wild wild wild. Saturday night is the week's orgasm, but isn't the ecstasy of sex all in the build-up, the anticipatory thrill? What's best about Christmas, sitting around in the glut of torn wrappings next to a dying tree, or the visions of the night before, the glamorous pine growing from the mound of brightly clad packages? Everyone thanks god for the...

3 years ago
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DestinyChapter 3

The next morning, I picked up Charlene for school. She had a nice smile going. I asked, "How was your day?" "Don't tell secrets, but did he say anything after I left?" I did not have the heart to tease her and make her squirm. I rarely saw her so uncertain. I touched her arm. "Yes, he did. You tempted him, but he was concerned." "Let's see. I'm your best friend and I'm too young. Did I miss anything important?" "You're batting two for two. When I realized that you had a...

4 years ago
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DestinyChapter 13

Melanie resumed, "Okay, you asked for it. We've all had wine. I want to tell the story without it ever getting outside this tub. I think I can trust you, but would you just nod if you agree?" After seeing the nods and my whisper to her about our rules about privacy, she said, "I left off where he had his strong body between my legs with his hand on my panties, which were my last defense. I have to tell you that in times past, I thought he was very sexy. So, I was in conflict. I knew that...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Womanhood

Welcome to womanhood I woke shortly after dawn so that I could shower and get myself ready for work. Moving to the door of our bedroom I looked at my lover still sleeping, a contented smile on her face. As well she might be should be contented as we have made love for three hours the previous night. I picked up the strap on that she had used on me and took it with me to the shower so that I could give it a clean. Under the hot water, as I washed my large 36 D breasts and shaven...

2 years ago
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Allison s Endeavors to enter Womanhood

Foreword Allison McCleary was a very lovely young female. She was brown of hair, green of eye, long of limb, very shapely and a virgin! This was something that she was hoping to remedy in the very near future and had been making plans towards that goal. Allison was a late bloomer. An ugly duckling until she finally started to blossom mid way of her senior year in High School. She was still turning into a Swan when she graduated. She had been very active in many of the school activities but...

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The Slutty Saleswoman

Chapter 1 – Hard times in suburbia Rodney and Janet had been married for over 15 years when he got laid off from his position as a middle manager at a bank. Though he still felt young in his mid-forties Rodney had a hard time convincing prospective employers that his skill set was up to date. Janet had worked in sales on and off over they years, so the couple decided that Janet would go find a sales position while Rodney enrolled in some night classes to brush up his skills. She was offered a...

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The saleswoman

Hello all ISS readers! I am back again with a hot sizzling story. As u knows me I’m Abhishek Singh 18 male living in Delhi near mother dairy of pandav nagar. I will hope that u will enjoy the story. Mail me any comments, queries or anything on or It all started as a bit of a joke. I was picking up my E-mails on my home P.C, when the doorbell rang. It was my wife’s friend Jill, she had come to see Jane my wife. I let her in and took her through to Jane who was in the lounge. Jill had just got...

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Successful Businesswoman

“It’s a man’s world and it’s tough to be an independent woman” some say, but I tend to disagree. My name is Samantha, before I prove my point, let me tell you few words about myself. I am thirty seven years old, but remain in a perfect shape; I eat well, exercise regularly and use all the latest cosmetics that supposedly stop the process of aging. All these efforts combined managed to slow it down for almost my entire body, so that I can pass for a twenty-five year old. Almost in that case...

Group Sex
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Unforgettable Sexperience With A High Class Businesswoman

This is Karthik chowdary aged 25, young , energetic, 6 ft tall and handsome. I’m from a rich family background and currently working as an engineer a reputed software firm. Any one who is looking for a genuine one night stands and anyone who wants to explore their sexual fantasies get in touch with me at I’m not an escort, this is for ppl who are kinda looking for mutual benefits. So, let’s get into the story. I am a guy from a rich orthodox family earning a great salary with a nice job in...

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