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Voice of Hope

The plane touched down at sunset, skidding hum-bump on the black-streaked runway. Helen looked out with total disinterest at the grey and black, where only the rooftops and control tower still held color, washed in a beacon of red. The man beside her finally relaxed and loosed his grip on the armrest. Now that he felt sure he would survive the trip, he broke his five hours of pained silence in an attempt to play it cool. Helen was having none of it. She gave him a non-committal sound within...

2 years ago
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Late Night Movie with Mum Part 2

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. "Damn!" I thought to myself, forgetting about the fact I had my alarm still set from yesterday. I didn't turn it off for the weekend. I rolled over in my bed reaching over to turn it off. That's when last night came flooding back to me, I was naked in my bed and my mother was no where to be seen. Immediately I felt my stomach drop and worry wash over me. "Had she regretted it? Did she hate me for it? Did she think I got her drunk? Was she...

1 year ago
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Change Happens Part Four Whats Normal

I loved my early morning runs, not the one on the treadmill that will happen later, no, these early mornings just before the sun comes up. A slight chill in the air, the only sound was coming from the birds and my feet hitting the concrete. I loved the feeling of being alone, just me, and the birds. I never wore any of my earbuds or listened to any music on the mornings like this one. I felt my heart racing as I ran up and touched my marker, a light pole six miles from my house. It wasn't...

2 months ago
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Another day at the garage

 Another Saturday here at the garage. I’ve been running these departments for what seems like forever now. Every day, the same thing. Cars line up to get fixed, we try to fix ‘em, no one’s ever happy. 730am it starts, 7pm its over. Back for more. Saturday’s are the worst – talk about tedious – it’s just babysitting. Could be home doing a lot of things that aren’t this…but that check keeps coming in and, in reality, after 25 years, what else do I know how to do? Not much – it’s been my only job...

1 year ago
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Naughty weekend

I wanted to write about a great night out I had in Glasgow, a city close to where I live. Me and a guy I was seeing, Chris, were visiting Glasgow to enjoy and show and go for a night out. We had booked into a great hotel, our room had full length windows which overlooked the city. We were both looking forward to a good time. We enjoyed dinner and our show then returned to the hotel to freshen up and change before our night out. I changed into the shortest tightest purple dress you can...

2 years ago
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Meeting Miss Kitty

I unlocked the door and stepped into the living room. I swung the door closed with my foot as I dropped my briefcase on the couch and began to peel off my jacket. I dropped my keys on the stand by the door and tossed my jacket onto the back of the couch. I moved quickly to my office down the hall, anxious to begin my evening. It was the first time I was going to see her. Yeah, we had shared plenty of pictures and had several very naughty chats. I felt I knew her quite well, but this was our...

2 years ago
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Silverfish Ch 02

The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...

2 months ago
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Men From Mars Women From Venus

Ok on the subject of men. Yes they are from Mars. They speak another language and we can’t live with them and we can’t live without them. I have found, and most women friends I talk to say the same, that if you are mad about a man and you love him, treat him like a king, admire him and appreciate him and accept him for himself, he in turn will reward that love with hankering after another woman who treats him like shit, who doesn’t appreciate or accept him. On the other hand if a man, who you...

1 year ago
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Kurts Date with Cheri

This story is written for A Horse With No Game! ***** ____Mrs. Felicia Donner lay upon a steamer chair, beside a small table littered with empty margarita glasses, and cursed the sun. The ultraviolet penetrated her eyelids, burned its way down her optic nerves, and set the ethyl alcohol in her capillaries to a boil. She felt like her head would split in two and spill her brains all over the bluestone deck. She had been out here at poolside all day long, working her tan to the point of...

2 years ago
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Story of Strength

I knew, as I opened the door to the nightclub where I worked, that as soon as Kari saw me, she was going to freak. I was right. ‘Oh my God!’ Kari exclaimed as soon as she saw me. Since she was in charge of the seven dollar entrance fee she was always right next to the door. ‘What the hell happened to your hair?’ The truth: my father. He’d come home (drunk as usual) taken a look at me and snapped. I was use to the moods, I had been dealing with them for many years. This time however…not...

1 year ago
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Growing Up prologue

And like many of these stories go...there was a boy. Ryan. Ryan was perfect. He wasn't a pretentious jerk or an asshole jock. He was friends with practically everyone and was friendly to the kids that were labeled outcasts. He was on the soccer team, played guitar, interested in physics, raced motocross...just an interesting guy! He had gorgeous blue eyes, and hair that he colored or cut into crazy styles (like I said it was 2004). He just didn't care what people thought. It was typically...

9 months ago
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In Dreams Ch 02

Regaining my composure I walked back to Ottilie’s room. ‘See Ottilie he’s here, Taylor only went to the loo.’ Sylvia was saying to the comatose Ottilie as I entered the room. ‘Ottilie, Ottilie,’ she repeated, ‘Taylor’s here now. Ottilie…’ ‘It’s no good, she’s gone again by the look of it.’ Sylvia said with tears running down her face. The nurses and doctors fussed around Ottilie for a few minutes but very soon most of them left except a staff nurse who took Ottilie’s pulse and temperature...

1 year ago
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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 7 The Naughty Classroom

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Seven: The Naughty Classroom By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 James Davies Myles Waller strolled up to me, tie loose, a big grin on his friendly face. “Hey, James, my man.” “Hey,” I said, the other students of Rainier Christian College streaming around us, heading to the cafeteria or other parts of campus during the lunch break. “What's up.” “Wonder Woman,” Myles said, pausing before me, his voice low. I sighed. Another guy wanting me to...

1 year ago
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The Widow Ch 08

Passion in James County XII The Widow By D.C. Roi Chapter eight Greg Atkinson awoke and looked toward the bedroom window. He knew it was early because the sun hadn’t come up yet. He turned his head, gazed at his wife Abby’s lovely face on the pillow next to his, and marveled how stunning she was. He said a prayer of thanks that she was lying there next to him. He didn’t want to waken her so, very carefully, he pulled back the covers, and studied her unadorned body. Her long, lean legs...

1 year ago
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4 mothers on Blank Street0

Chapter 1 - Peter & mom Sharon The backyard featured an enclosed inground swimming pool , so Peter was lying on a lawnchair getting a wicked blowjob from Sharon, she was a thin blonde 49 year old with big tits & a fat round ass . Wearing a lime green bikini & short heels , she was deepthroating her son/master's man wand. This was her first responsibility , it was to keep Mr. Pete as she called him now satisfied. Her husband Harvey , Mr. Pete's stepfather only got the sloppy seconds . ...

2 years ago
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Agent of Lilith Chapter 14

Lilith's words hit James like a punch to the gut. The severity of the situation suddenly apparent, he hurried to bring forth his magic as quickly as possible. But he was too slow. As James reached inward and channeled his power, great golden chains materialized from the ground beneath him. They launched themselves at him like snakes and coiled around his neck and limbs, forcing him to the ground and forcing his magic back inside him. James screamed in agony. The chains were white-hot, and...

2 years ago
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Roberts First Time

My friend Chase lived on a 10-acre farm plot. It was back off from the main road in the woods. No one would come back there, and no one would hear us throwing down unless someone specifically called the cops. Even then, they’d have to either break the lock on the gate or get Chase to come open it. Chase’s parents were old rednecks and likely to throw down with us rather than get upset about anything going on. We had planned it out. We would keep it small. Hopefully more girls than guys. We...

1 year ago
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Path of Evil Ch 05 Pt 01

This was inspired by the Path of Evil Module for NWN2—little besides character names and abilities are used. ***** The story thus far: Thurlith has gotten rid of the village’s abusive guardians, which earned him no friends, as the villagers are terrified of what will happen without their guardians. With Jorra…busy recruiting the tavern wench, he turned his attention to the ‘leaders’ of the village. The leaders were a motley bunch of old men and women, distinguishable from their colleagues...

3 weeks ago
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Simple and Romantic Remedy

It’s hard when you’re nineteen and you’ve never had a girlfriend and a painful series of rejections has left you with a bout of depression which seems to be impossible to overcome on your own. Mom had eventually found a well known, although somewhat controversial therapist had who recommended daily oral stimulation to overcome feelings of depression, anxiety and rejection. Professionals were expensive and my parents were already paying the therapist, so mom’s thriftiness had gotten the best of...

2 years ago
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Carcasonne Ch 04

Carcassonne, Chapter Four – To Hell and Back © Bad Hobbit Rodrigo arose early the next morning, and made straight for the battlements. Less than ten minutes later, he returned, breathless. ‘Don Carlos,’ he called, urgently to me as he burst in through the bedroom door, ‘the signal!’ We had passed the night before we arrived in Carcassonne at a small, rather humble auberge in the foothills of the mountains, which stood atop a cliff with an impressive view of the citadel. From there, the road...

9 months ago
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Homegrown Fucking

I sat alone, semi-aware of my surroundings while I thought about my discovery. I didn't even know Delia was seeing a boy, she never acted like she was dating, she doesn't spend any time on the phone or texting any boys, all her time was spent with her friends, girl friends. Who in hell fucked my daughter three times? Did I just discover something recent or has she been screwing for a while? Was she being careful? That was the question that finally rose to the surface of the confusion and...

10 months ago
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Cold Steeleand Ice

Another adventure with Matt Steele There are no descriptive sex scenes in this story. Constructive comments, critiques, and emails are welcome and very much appreciated. ******************** ‘I thought you grew up in the country,’ Abigail Stewart said laughing at her companion. She pulled her horse to a stop next to a small spring seeping from under a crumbling granite wall. The small dell was surrounded by large trees, oak and hickory, and the ground was covered with vegetation, moss grew...

1 year ago
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Coal Miner Pt 02

You may want to read Part one before reading this part. Again, thanks to my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan for making my stories a much better read. Chapter 2 Brenda Speaks I need to let everyone know how stupid I was. I had a wonderful man that I truly loved, in fact, I still love him but I know I’ll never have him again. We’ve been divorced nine years now. It all happened because I thought I could go back in time and live a couple of college days over again. I’m such a stupid woman. To...

2 months ago
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I Thought We Were More Ch 02

‘So let me get this straight.’ Fred asked looking at Jacob from across the table. ‘She basically jerked you off using her pussy.’ ‘Yes.’ Jacob said meekly through his hands which were cupped over his face. ‘And the part I find hardest to believe is why you are sad about this whole thing. She just did you a favor.’ ‘Oh yeah!’ Jacob said looking up suddenly from his palms. ‘What favor was that? Was it making me feel like I was just a part of her little game? Or maybe it was the favor where...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Industries 06

The captain’s voice came over the cabin annunciators of the TWI Gulfstream G4. ‘Sir, the tower just informed us that the air hostess’s car has passed security and she will arrive shortly. However, we’re late and have missed our takeoff slot. We are at ground stop for at least an hour. We will try to make up the time inflight but no guarantees.’ GODDAMMIT! Sheldon was angry. Krista had arranged Svetlana, his host national guide and interpreter, to accompany him on this trip to Sweden. He...

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Paying For College Ch 02 The Initiation

She led Mandy back up the stairs, and into the west wing of the mansion. They went through a door that led into a long hall with four doors. Each door had a name tag on it, Cassie, Amber, Jeanie, and the newest one, Mandy.Stopping in front of Jeanie's door, Cassie waited for Mandy to open it. She helped Jeanie into the bedroom and helped her lay on her bed. Jeanie's eyes closed and she fell asleep.  Cassie caressed her on the head, then led Mandy out of the bedroom. She pulled the bedroom...

1 year ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 6

ZANDER “Yavara, it’s way too easy for me to get through that head. You need to either defend or counterattack; not try both.” Prestira lectured Yavara as the dark-elf collapsed on the floor, her chest heaving. “Can you explain to me how I’m supposed to defend against that?” Yavara gasped as she pulled herself up. “I told you, when you feel me manipulating our connection you need to block my advances. If you feel me up here,” Prestira placed her finger on her forehead, “that’s where you...

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Moth Ch 030

Submitted to literotica.com by the author. * Keme saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Without turning his head, he moved his eyes to get a look. It was that kid again, the one that couldn’t tell nightmares from visions, Vumanesco. Keme moved his eyes back to the target and released his arrow. That annoying kid had been fluttering about since early dawn. He kept approaching him only to sneak away. At one point he had come close enough to speak, had said something completely pointless,...

1 year ago
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Chapter 1 Early Morning Sex

Smiling up at him, Fallon slowly eased back her head, instantly feeling the loss of his maleness from her mouth and throat, his still-hard shaft flopping back wetly onto his belly. The purple head of his cock with its foreskin pulled back contrasted with the fuzz of red hair on his chest and pubes. Fallon wiped a stray dribble of cum from the corner of her mouth slipping her finger between her lips and savouring the taste of Jem’s cum. She watched him breathing heavily, her bright blue eyes...

3 years ago
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Maxines New Life Ch 13a

101 A Pain In The Ass I rented the unit to Cheryl under her own name. I was assured that the payments would be coming from an account she controlled. Johnathan Hunter also assured me that he would not be staying in the unit more than 72 hours at any one time, ever. If that did come to pass, he would allow me to add his name to the lease. He also understood that if I was ever questioned by the police, I would explain the circumstances of the rental. I was still up in the air about the daughter...

1 year ago
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Alone for the Holidays

Thanks for ‘Techsan’ for his editing of this story. * Here it is the afternoon of Christmas Eve and I am sitting all alone at my kitchen table with a bottle of Jim Beam and my gun. I’m not a big drinking man but I did get the Jim Beam whiskey to build up my courage to do what I’m about to do. You see, this is the first Christmas I would be spending by myself in my sixty-four years of life. My wife of forty-two years died three months ago leaving me alone. Not everyone has Happy Holidays. I...

1 month ago
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Meat Princess

The few friends I had and I fantasized a lot back in those days, about getting out of the dust and into the world where there was some life. I grew up in a place so isolated and dull that you've probably already forget the name of it, so most of the time if any of us locals wanted something we had to just sort of pretend we had it; the internet, computers, video games, movies that weren't older than us, girls... especially girls, actually. Now, don't get me wrong it's not like...

8 months ago
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A Dark Spot on the Sun

It was a decision I didn’t understand, but one that I would never think to question at that time in my life. Like most any other baseball player I simply shuffled through the dirt and moved from my familiar position at shortstop over to third base. Physically I only moved about thirty feet from my normal spot on the field, but as accustomed as I had grown to shortstop, the new territory could have been the back of the moon. I had been enjoying the best year in my little league career up to...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 3 Daughters Incestuous Surprise

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Daughter's Incestuous Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – September 2037 It was my first day of college and I was horny. I had my suspicions why, my hand rubbing at my belly as I snuck through the hallway. My heart beat fast. I felt so wicked. I should be in class, but... It was all so boring. There were better things to be doing than sit in class. I had this itch in my pussy...

2 years ago
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Sales Weasel Run Amok

The office was strangely quiet and the silence slowly penetrated Stacy Lancaster’s mind. She lifted her head to look around, wondering where everyone was. Checking her watch, she realized that she had worked through lunch. Again. Sighing, she returned to the task at hand. There were a couple granola bars in her desk, she’d scarf them down in a little bit. Still, it was really, really quite. There were usually plenty of stragglers still around during the lunch hour. Some nagging thought of...

6 months ago
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Incestia 2

[the last of the bi theme for awhile] _____________________________ Judge Ciro T. Nikolai was seated behind a huge desk as Avan Volka and his young nephew Caci entered the judge’s chamber. Nikolai was a gruff sort with hard eyes and a wrinkled and stern face. He motioned for Avan and the boy to be seated on the opposite side of his desk. “Volka,” he began, “I have here a Grant of Immigration and since their father can’t answer for himself, your signature will suffice.” The judge raised...

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Skinny Dipping With a Friend Pt 01

I had gone on a five day kayaking trip with two longtime female friends. We kayaked the first two days on a couple of rivers, enjoying the solitude of the national forest. The third day one of the friends didn’t want to go because of a sore back, so we went with just two of us on a nice secluded river. We stopped along the river for a bathroom break, and I jokingly asked my friend if she had ever gone skinny dipping. She said she did a couple of times with her husband and some friends, and...

1 month ago
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Glenn stepped into the darkened bar, pausing to let his eyes adjust to the low lighting. Two men stood up at the bar, talking and pulling on tall bottles of beer. The bored bartender was absentmindedly polishing and stacking glasses. Off to the side sat a couple, leaned in close, young. New and budding love surrounded them, they seemed oblivious to all around them as their hands and fingers brushed across the tiny table. Glenn ordered a glass of red wine, the bartender’s practiced hands were...

2 years ago
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Snaggletooth and the Copper Lollies

Prologue: This is the retelling of a retold story and I am telling it from the best of my memory so there is sure to be many errors and omissions. How much is true and how much fantasy I cannot say and so gentle reader I’ll let you decide on its validity. This tale harks back to an age where men worked, the women were at home, and royalty stayed in their castles. Speech was not filled with idiomatic metaphors and the world was not concerned about politically correct terms and ideas. I was...

7 months ago
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Club Slut Redemption

Cheater! You cheated on him and he left you. You deserve what he did to you. He probably thinks this last year and a half was just a joke to you. Her eyes welled up, but she fought back the urge to cry and shook her head to clear her thoughts. “Come on Sweets!” her friend, Trinity, called. “You’re holding up the procession! Let’s go!” Quickly putting on her best fake smile, she allowed Trinity and her other friends to drag her out to the dance floor. The four girls danced loosely...

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Kirsten My New Life Coach

Week OneThis past Friday, June 4, I was surfing through Craig's List ads and saw an add asking for a fellow Life Coach student to work with for training purposes. I initially put it off and did not respond but really glad I changed my mind. I emailed giving a brief summary of my background including a Master's Degree in Counseling. I also included that I'm certified in Reality Therapy and Choice Theory. I closed with my name and cell phone number.I received a text message response from...

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My Life in a Year Ch 02

January 4th, 2005 Dylan Montgomery stood in front of the Washington monument, a pamphlet in hand. There weren’t too many people out in Washington and it seemed to Dylan it was because of the temperature, which was hovering around 30 degrees. He drew his scarf closer around his neck and walked towards the line waiting to get in. There was a group of school children that to Dylan looked to be about 12 or 13. A harried looking teacher tried in vain to keep order, but the adolescents seemed more...

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The Summer Visit 1

I wasn’t too surprised the first time I saw Jimmy with his head between his sister Jane’s legs. In the three days they had been here it had become obvious that he was completely besotted by her. From what I had worked out, she used him as her personal slave, making him not only fetch and carry for her, but using him to satisfy her sexual needs. Which did not include fucking her ‘as she wished to keep her virginity for Mr Right’. In return she would occasionally suck his cock or allow him to...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 6 Discipline

Joseph had not slept in close proximity with a woman since his wife's passing several years previous. He had hooked up with a few lot lizards but it was just for quick sex and he wasn't sure he could even remember their names. He wasn't sure how young, this young lady was but he was sure any man would find her attractive. He of course had not been with a young woman sexually or even physically in years but it wasn't hard to remember how attractive their smooth skin, tiny waist, wide...

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Life on the Ranch pt 3

Bzzzz! Bzzzzz! Bzzzzzz! Uhhhhh, I’m so exhausted. I can barely find the strength to shut my alarm off. 4 AM came quickly, my body aches from all the strain of being Amanda’s fucktoy. I force myself up. Ahhhh, my ass hurts like never before. I shudder at the memory of last night replays in my mind. What more does Amanda have plan for me? How much more can I take? Will she ever stop? Doubtful… She’s never going to stop… How can someone so beautiful be so cruel? My eyes start to water as I begin...

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Tale of the Gun Bunnies Ch 03

Ladybug, armed with the knowledge of her grandfather is currently looking to hunt down and kill her friend’s corrupted personality. To destroy a side of her that imagines herself as something greater, part of a master race destined to rule the world and crush anyone opposed to her commands. At this point of the day, most of the guards were eating, while a handful was manning watch towers and key choke points. Two guards turned the corner, laughing about the Jew bitch they ran a train on...

2 months ago
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Flexible Morals Ch 05

This was easily the finest room that Malik had ever been in and for this reason he was suspicious. Ordinarily, a man in his line of work wouldn’t expect to do business in such a well-furnished space. He could feel his boots sinking into the carpet beneath him. It held an unnatural softness, yet there was no place else to stand. The desk, behind which his would-be employer sat, held a similar flair to its design. The corners were carved in a way similar to the figureheads that one might see on a...

11 months ago
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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 01

The following is a sequel to ‘Vegas’. You may gain more enjoyment by familiarising yourself with that story before reading on. CHAPTER ONE: ONE YEAR LATER Daniel sat quietly at the final table, waiting for the television formalities to be completed. It would soon be time to resume play from where they had finished the night before. It was the last tournament before he defended his Main Event victory last year. He had been desperate to put on a good show. As one of the last five standing,...

7 months ago
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Online News

‘Vito, did you see my newspaper?’ ‘Newspaper? Yeah, I used it for the cat box.’ ‘Cat box? That was today’s newspaper. I didn’t read it, yet.’ ‘You don’t need no stinkin’ newspaper, Joey. Listen, c’mon look over my shoulder at my computer screen.’ ‘Don’t need no newspaper? How am I supposed to enlighten myself and keep up with current events as they become current?’ ‘The computer, look at the computer.’ ‘The computer?’ Joey looked at the monitor over Vito’s shoulder. ‘What are you doing...

1 year ago
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My Daughters Best Friend

My daughter had graduated high school, was tired of working menial jobs and was going off to college. She has a close friend that wasn’t going to go to college and she asked me if I would be willing to give her a job. Well seeing as how I already have 10 employees, I didn’t really need another one. She played the spoiled daughter part well and begged and pleaded with me until I finally gave in. I guess I can use an office assistant to do some menial work around the office. I told her to have...

5 months ago
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The Pink Ladies

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

2 years ago
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My Sisters Boyfriend Part 5

On the way home I thought hard about what had happened these last few weeks. I realized that what I thought of as a summer fling had become something more for Jason. The way he’d kissed me just now -- the way he often kissed me when we weren’t in bed --  suggested that he had developed serious feelings for me.Did I have serious feelings for him? Did my feelings for Shana leave room for any?  I kept thinking about those questions over the following days.  There was no doubt about the strength of...

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His Eighteenth Birthday

Julie and Christopher Jenkinson continued their mother-son incestual relationship which, apart from much love making, sometimes included Christopher getting spanked. He now spent a lot of his time, when indoors, dressed in female clothing whether it be some selected from his mother's wardrobe or items that he had acquired himself.His sister Catherine, who was now aged nineteen, had moved to another town having previously flat shared with a female work colleague. Catherine had no idea about the...

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Softly She Treads Ch 03

V. He saw no sign of her for days after his outburst, neither food nor drink was prepared or brought for him, the fire was not stoked and no outline of her appeared upon the pile of rocks, though the weather remained fine. Hester struggled to supply his own needs, a fact which added further shame to that which he already felt for his outburst. He took to the woods, collecting mushrooms and berries, clumsily digging up roots and struggling to cook them into anything barely edible that could...

8 months ago
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And His Heart Melted

A word of warning before you proceed any further. These pages contain works of fiction, the religious nature of which may be offensive to some readers. Please use this site responsibly. By proceeding further you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age, and that the viewing of such material does not violate the immoral standards of your community. * * * * * And His Heart Melted Part I 1 — The Idea ‘John?’ ‘Yes, Angie?’ ‘You’re a virgin, aren’t you?’ ‘Yes–yes I am.’ They were...

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Stop Teasing Me

 It was a Saturday morning. As usual, I woke up accompanied by a rock hard morning boner and feeling super horny, but no wife in sight to help me get rid of it. It had been a few days since my wife and I had the opportunity to have some alone time. Should I quickly rub one out? Or would we have time today to sneak in a quickie?I just never knew what to do. I decided to wait, it’s always better when you have someone to help release the tension, but I needed to keep busy. I made everyone...

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Deja Vu Christmas

‘That’s what I saw on the TV news just now. So maybe you’d better . . .’ ‘It’s Christmas Eve, Stella,’ Nadine answered, the stubbornness in her voice almost palpable. ‘Those guys were really cute, and I’ve never skied Winter Park before. Gotta do something to get out of here.’ ‘Yeah, well, if the snow really hits up there at Berthoud Pass, there wouldn’t be any skiing, they wouldn’t find you ’til spring,’ Stella said. She was fiddling with the crooked plastic Christmas tree in the corner of...

2 years ago
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Chosen Ch 04

‘The bell, and book and the candle all have this in common. They speak, they do not listen. The bell rings, the candle has a tongue of flame, the book is made of words. They call, they enlighten, they instruct and demand and declaim, but they do not bargain. It is not coincidence that all were used in the pronouncement of excommunication. The bell is rung, and falls silent, the candle is extinguished, the book is closed with a snap. You will no longer be called to worship, shown the light or...

8 months ago
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Every Other Sunday Pt 02

‘Are Jackie and Tom coming to the barbecue?’ ‘Yes, Mike, turn your head and hold still.’ ‘Will they bring Eddie and Stevie?’ ‘Well, of course, they’ll bring the boys. Hold very still, now. I’m going to trim your sideburns.’ Whenever Jackie and Tom come to our house, it’s like having a cyclone land in the driveway. They have strollers and high chairs and Tom is rushing around and talking really loud. This is funny, because all the kids and noise at our house used to drive him crazy before he...

1 month ago
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Never to be seen again

I got up and walked around, there seemed to be some activity in one of the large rooms, three guys standing at the door, two guys inside one guy who looked quite handsome, from the back, was sucking some guy, they were on the bed, the cute guys ass for all to see. I continued on, I was not one to watch I liked to be a participant, when I came around the next time the hall was empty, the door was ajar, the handsome guy laying in his bed with only a towel to cover his sexy parts, he really was a...

1 year ago
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My buddy Nates Hot Mom

I have no clue as to why, but I had a hot dream about Nate’s mom the other night. What’s funny about this is I don’t normally remember my dreams, plus I’ve not thought about her in YEARS. I don’t even recall thinking of her as hot back then, even as horny as I was in those days. I had a hard-on for just about every single girl whose name I knew that was even remotely attractive back then, but moms were just off my radar. It ...

1 year ago
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What Was I Thinking Ch 02

What was I thinking? I’d gone out with Charles the night before planning on dinner and either a party or a movie, ending with me heading home alone. Instead, I woke in the morning naked with Charles’s arm draped over me. His eyes were already open, and he smiled when he saw I was awake. ‘Good morning, sexy.’ ‘Morning.’ I gave him a peck on the lips. ‘How are you this morning?’ ‘How am I? Hmm. I’m waking up with a hot, naked woman in my bed. I think I’m pretty good. Did you sleep well?’ ‘I...

11 months ago
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Bitchin Betty Ch 04

Diego sat with his chin in hand, playing idly with the two-day old stubble on it. They’d been hurtling through space on a very specific course, but what that course was he didn’t know. Betty would chatter to the navigation computer every now and then and there would be a slight adjustment in the flight, then it would continue for hours with no excitement. ‘Are we there yet?’ No, stop asking. We’re still 6 hours away from Arden. Diego yawned and turned onto his side. Something was digging...

2 years ago
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The Secret Cheerleader Vote 6

“You WHAT?” Bella exclaimed. “When?” Bella was shocked at what Stephanie had just said. She slept with Zane? Stephanie had been dating the same guy since freshman year. They’d had a few little episodes where they broke up for a month or so, but they always would get back together. For her to just randomly sleep with Zane was totally unbelievable. “Last week” Stephanie answered. “I was trying to corner him and find out what the hell his deal is and things just, happened.” “And so you slept...

7 months ago
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In Ihren Augen

In Ihren Augen (German for In Our Love) The day began as all the others did: gray and dismal, without a ray of warmth or pool of sunlight to be seen. Breakfast had come and gone, bringing much-desired pots of coffee and orders for me to supervise the unloading of the noon train. My chunky black boots crunched on the ash-laden ground as I trudged for what could have been my thousandth time to the train platforms. I traveled alone, with the exception of two or three workers who, having seen a...

4 months ago
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Little House

The spirit is waiting for her to catch up and tap into it. Michelle Johnson, a highly intelligent, overly sensitive, natural thirty-three year old beauty walked out of the church she grew up in remembering the service that just took place in it. It reminded her of the services she attended when she was a child – full from top pew to bottom pew with individuals searching for something they believed was found every Sunday and during revival week. ‘Praise the Lord, Sister Michelle,’ Deidre...

5 months ago
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Step Daughters Desire chapter 12

Janis, Monique, Elise and Sandra acting as run-away slaves are hiding in the woods behind the compound of the estate attempting to avoid capture by the slave hunters from the security unit. Mean while Kim Li is in the play room with Master. She is moaning and screaming while her movements are restricted by the tight rope around each tit and tied to the three foot spreader bar above her pulled tight by the hoist controlling the spreader bar. Her arms are tied behind her at the wrist and elbows...

2 years ago
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A Matter of Perspective

Perfect… just perfect! Liz ran up the steps to the second floor bathroom with a plunger in hand. What else can go wrong? At least the darn thing wasn’t actually overflowing, thank heavens for small favors. Liz had been planning today’s family reunion for the past year. She thought she’d planned everything so well that it would run like clockwork but Murphy’s Law had prevailed. ‘Why did I ever get the idea of a family reunion?’ she wondered aloud. It had started four years before when Liz had...

9 months ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wishes Pt 02

((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! This is the second part of three covering Batgirl’s experiences after the ‘Wins’ series. As before, it’s best read after Part 1, but just as a quick summary… Batgirl has just about recovered from her traumatic experience with Batman (see Batgirl Wins), and has surprisingly been reconciled with Catgirl again, just as danger threatens from another quarter when Catwoman receives a dire threat from a...

2 years ago
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Coming Home to Visit Pt 1

In the shower, another night of terrible sex with a husband that doesn't even know what a clitoris is. She prefers the guest shower because it has one of those pulsing, removable shower heads that get into... *moan*... all the right places. She plugged the bathtub and sat in the hot water as it slowly filled from the shower head in her hand. Laying her head back, she smiled at the dark, empty room, loving the idea of leaving the lights off. Spreading her legs, she let the water pressure...

1 year ago
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The Wedding Surprise

The wedding is the usual thing. It’s a boisterous party atmosphere in a large darkened hall. People are dancing, drinking, and partying as expected and having a great time. We are seated at a table with older, similar couples, with the exception of a single, black male guest. We don’t know any of the people at our table, which is rare, but not an issue. We always make the best of it. Our table is a rectangular one located in the far back of the hall, where it is even darker and secluded. We...

2 years ago
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I was utterly devastated. I walked into the house, put my keys on the foyer table on my way to the kitchen, grabbed a glass of wine, walked up the back stairs to the master bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. With tears running down my face, I slowly stripped. I walked into the bathroom and filled the antique claw-foot tub with water as hot as I could stand it, adding a few sprinkles of bath salts and some baby oil. I lit the candles scattered all over the room, remembering the last time...

2 years ago
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This story is a rendition of a dream I had some time ago. For some reason I keep returning my thoughts to it. The tale is frightening, and the dream was more than horrific. I do not make any claims toward the character of Mephisto, who he is, his origin, or even what the actual word means. I cannot explain why the word Mephisto comes to mind when I think of the character, but it was very clear to me that Mephisto was the word that was supposed to be used to identify the character. I would...

4 months ago
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Predatrix Three Things Fall Apart

“DAN WHAT THE FUCK!” Maria jumped off his cock and meekly tried to cover herself with her hands. That was a futile enterprise, though. Her breasts were solid double Ds. Plus, Ashley had seen whatever she had to see. “Baby, what are you doing here?”, Dan stammered as he got up, not bothering to hide his erection. The clear picture of guilt on his face confirmed what Ashley hoped for: he hadn’t seen the images Jane sent him yet. He was just screwing his secretary – not taking revenge. This...

2 years ago
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Red Barn Wanking Club Part One

Following on from my previous story Louisiana Lessons Part Three in which: “Tell me about this Wanking Club” I asked. “We meet about once a week on a Wednesday night at an old barn on a friend’s farm” he said “there are about 6 members and we are all 16 years old, we enjoy communal wanking and showing off our erect cocks. The objective is to teach each other ways and means to stretch our cocks to greater lengths and thicknesses. This is all measured and recorded something like Weight Watchers.”...

1 year ago
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Undercover Milf Ch 02

Laura waited until the afternoon of the next day, then she drove down to her son’s school and found a place to park. The spot she chose was out of plain sight, yet gave her a view of her son’s school parking lot. Her son, Teddy and Matt were walking toward a red minivan, a large heavy set gentlemen got out of it. The four of them stood in the parking lot for several minutes and laughed as they talked, then the boys got into Teddy’s car and the large man got back into the van. They pulled out...

2 years ago
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The Strip and Fuck Club Ch 05

With the weekend’s business concluded, Ned returned to his own matters. In addition to Katharina, he had bargained for another swap, the Asian doll that had really sparked his spirit. He had been unable to schedule another play session with her but had traded for her contract anyway. It was now time to really analyze his investment and she was waiting for him at the pool. Kiki was sipping a fruit drink under the arbor shade next to the pool deck. Dusk was settling in and the underwater beams...

2 years ago
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With Help from Michael OLeary Pt 08

Chapter 37 First Public Offering Michael had to stop to see Mr. Foley before he could see his beloved Gabriella. He knew that if he put off his financial problems any longer his worry over them would preoccupy him and ruin his first visit with her. He hated asking Mr. Foley for any portion of the lottery money, but the idea of asking him for a loan eliminated the guilt, a loan that he would pay back with interest. What else was he to do? He had no other alternative. The credit card company...

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The Strip Ch 02

This is a rewrite of ‘Vegas’, combining both Books. While maintaining the theme, it offers a completely different and fresh take for the main characters. Grateful thanks go to the best editor in the world – thesoundandfury – not only for his editing, but also for the constant encouragement, suggestions, and for helping me to become a better writer. Chapter 2: Vegas Awaits Tonight was the night. Three seats at the World Series Main Event were on offer, together with two ‘consolation’ prizes....

11 months ago
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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 06

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...

2 years ago
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Reunion Ch 6

The next morning, I woke up alone. Both girls were gone. I went downstairs to find the house empty, and the Ferrari was gone. Cindy's car was still in the driveway. So I knew that she hadn't gone home yet. I fixed up a pot of coffee, and took a cup out onto the back deck to have a cigarette. I was really enjoying the peace and quiet. It was a big difference from living in L.A. I finished my cigarette, and first cup of coffee. I had just poured my second cup when I heard the door...

10 months ago
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What Was I Thinking

What was I thinking? I’d never been out with Charles before, not officially. We’d met at a meet and greet thrown by people on a chat site we both belonged to, one of those adult friend things, and had hit it off. But I’d left with someone else that night. It had only taken a few days after that, though, for Charles to talk me into giving him my IM handle and my phone number. And it hadn’t taken long for a friend of mine to catch on that he and I were flirting in the chat room, and to ask him to...

2 years ago
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Lindsey An unlikely Romance part 3

It was the morning after the pool party. I woke with a pounding headache. I had drank my self to sleep running the nights event through my mind. I just had a beautiful young lady alone, and nearly crossed the line. I was a married man, and she was only seventeen. The next few weeks I tried to make sure that one of the band mothers was there to give her a ride if she needed. That worked fine, and I also made sure the boys rode with me, just in case. Then the end of marching band season, came...

9 months ago
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Wonderous Age of Womanpart 2

˝At least you're honest. But also weak. Are you sure you like the contents of those videos on your computer? Follow me.˝, Diana says firmly, then turns around, while the confused scientist goes behind her, showing some clumsiness in getting around the desks. Once she came over to the knocked out grunt, she spoke again: ˝Watch.˝ Her tone of voice was sort of cold. Then, she picked the man up quite easily, holding him up above her head. Colin knew he wasn't dealing with a human being, at that...

2 years ago
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If things had been different Ch 10

At 5'1" Sarah was small and compact and kept herself in good condition spending most evenings in the gym, as she didn't really have much else to do in London. She was in the UK for a year's attachment to the company's English branch to learn corporate & labour law from a different perspective. Sarah was not really a mixer and didn't really understand the local culture, so she had become a bit of a 'gym rat.' The exercise gave her a chance to reflect on her work, and heading to the gym...

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The Twelve Tables Ch 25

Authors Note: Thank you to everyone left comments or sent me feedback about previous chapters of this story. Thank you again to Margaret who proofread for me. ~ellie ***** The Donati men sat around the big table in the Athenaeum listening to the sermon of the family priest as he retold the biblical story of the twelfth night and the epiphany the following day that the Son of God had been born. ‘Like that baby, your ancestors were born the sons of men with no name, no prestige, no power. Men...

1 year ago
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Whispers of Erotica Ch 01

Our evening meandered along, light music in the back ground, the room lit from two large standards, one in each corner away from us, creating the ambience of intimacy during our meal. Our chat light and general, nothing heavy just two friends chatting about their lives and local events. Her attire functional, pink jumper, trousers and slippers. Her hair as always cut short and with a rich perm creating flowing waves of radiance. Not too much make-up, just enough to give her confidence in her...

7 months ago
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Workout 02

It was Monday evening, and as I parked my car, and got out to walk into the gym, my ass hole veritably throbbed with the memory of our encounter last week. I had mixed feelings about doing anything more with Jim, I was afraid of getting hooked on his cock, and I wasn’t sure he wanted a repeat performance. But, my throbbing asshole and tingling balls over ruled my conscious thoughts, and here I was. Eagerly anticipating… what? Maybe he wouldn’t be here tonight. I opened the door, entered the...

2 years ago
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Virtual Slavery Prologue

Prologue The image of a naked woman fills the notebook computer screen. She is on her knees, seen from behind and to her right side. Her asshole and dilated shaven sex are clearly visible. The upturned soles of her feet. The side of one white breast flattened against a burgundy bedspread. Her face, but for one startlingly blue eye which seems to be staring not at the bedspread an inch away but inward, is hidden by outstretched arms and a sweep of black hair. The arms extend to wrists bound...

2 years ago
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Wolf Creek Ch 15

In many ways, the six years Ada spent with Stanfield in diplomatic service in tropical Kuala Lumpur were the happiest of her life. As rich and official Americans they lived like royalty, and every whim was seen to by someone else. Although they were physically closer to the gathering world war than anyone in the United States was, in terms of its effect on their lives, they were as far away from trouble and concern as they possibly could be. Still though, Ada had some reason to regret that she...

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Chapter 1. His footsteps echoed through the uninstalled halls of the Art Gallery as he walked towards the showing room. It was quiet. It was hard to believe that just a few hours ago, this place was buzzing with people for the unveiling of a new collection. In this collection was his target. A painting estimated to be about 70 years old from an unknown artist. The gallery purchased it for 60 million and would probably pay double to get it back. Which is why he knew she’d be after it. After...

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The Strip and Fuck Club Ch 02

Ned and his daughter Karen entered the mansion’s in-house mini-studio where Ned often interviewed potential stripper employees. It was just a few cushioned chairs arrayed before a low wooden dance platform. It had a modest sound system and a simple set of stage lights. The stage was dark and quiet as Ned and Karen settled in. A light flute tune added ambiance as the stage slowly lightened to reveal a colorful heap of clothes center stage. The fabric pile rippled from underneath to the beat of...

5 months ago
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Questioning The Limits

It had only been a week since the incredible experience in the industrial estate. I had spent the week once again in a roller-coaster of emotion. I found the experience turned me on incredibly, and actually wanked to relieve myself daily over the thoughts.But then, I also questioned the experience. How did we go from a cheeky masturbating drive in the car, to watching my first wife exposing herself voluntarily? Then, me encouraging her and her willingness, to fuck not one, but three strangers....

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Vanished Ch 17

“You’re an uppity bitch, aren’t you? You think you can just do as you please. Even when you’re told not to. You still do what you want. Haven’t you learned anything yet, you slut?’ My Master growled clipping his words as his eyes narrowed to slits, his nostrils flared, his lips curled cruelly. He looked like evil personified. I hated him with every fiber of my being. His breathing was fast and shallow as he grabbed me by the hair pulling me off his bed. He held me suspended by my hair as I...

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Sex Surrogate

Ch1 Splashing water over my face and staring into a large bathroom mirror, tired from the long evening I had last night where I had a conference of over one hundred guest in which I talked to them about my job. No I wasn't a call girl, I've never stripped, I've never worked in a brothel, and I don't do advertisements. I'm basically a psychologist who helps out men, women, and also couples with disabilities to perform during sex. As a sex surrogate most of the time I teach intimate...

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The Worlds First Futa 06 Futas Beauty Pageant 3 Futas First Naughty Award

Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Award By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So I think everyone in the audience and watching live around the world is interested in who won, Becky,” Adelia, the talk show host interviewing me, asked. “Which one of the three finalists impressed you the most?” “Well, it wasn't an easy decision,” I said. “All three of them blew me away with their talent portion of the contests. They were all so eager to win and be crowned Ms. Bred 2019. Their...

2 years ago
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Adult Star in the Sky

Most adult film stars love the attention. They like being recognized when they go to the grocery store or the pharmacy. They enjoy having men and women come up to them in the street and ask, ‘Aren’t you so and so.’ Ironically I’m the complete opposite. As a veteran of 75 adult DVDs and my own web site, I’m still shy about my work and I hate to be put on the spot.I needed a break from my monotonous schedule so I decided to use my available frequent flyer miles and take a trip to Hawaii. My...