Apollo s War
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Please allow me to introduce myself. The name is Jack. I am a young black man living in the USA.
I’m what you call a bit of an activist. I hate to see people get wronged. Especially men. If you ask me, I think that men are being stripped of their rights in this country. A guy sleeps with a bitch one night and she can do a lot of bad things to him. She can go around and holler rape, even if they had consentual sex. The courts will listen to the bitch because they are pussy-whipped. The poor bastard might end up locked up. Even if the courts find out that the bitch was lying, she ain’t gonna do no jail time. That’s why I hate bitches and the justice system that caters to them. The system opposes males and it’s dead set against black males. That’s one of the reasons why I also don’t like cops.
Take domestic violence cases for instance. Common sense would tell that if a man can be violent, then a woman can be violent too. I have seen many violent women in my day. Some of them were a lot more violent than the men. The police don’t see it that way. I ain’t the kind of guy who is gonna beat on a woman just for fun. That ain’t my thing. I don’t even beat on men just for fun. If a guy tries to hurt me, he’s gonna get what’s coming to him. If a girl tries to hurt me, she’s gonna get it too. I don’t play political correctness when it comes to my life. I don’t buy into that chivalry and pro-feminist bullshit that is drilled into the heads of young men. I respect the dudes and the bitches as long as they respect themselves. How in hell am I gonna respect some crack whore or a drunken guy stumbling down the street? They are the decay of society. Looking at them makes me sick. Especially the women. There are so many programs and services that help women these days. There aren’t many that help men. When I see a bitch in trouble, I think she brought it on herself and I don’t feel the chivalrous urge to help her. Call me a woman-hater or whatever. I don’t care.
In my book, men and women who are worthy of respect don’t do crimes and they don’t do drugs. They go to work. They take care of business. They don’t mix with the filth of society. There aren’t that many people like that left. Those were the people my daddy taught me to respect. I try to help the fellas when I can. The system is set up against men, in my opinion. If you don’t believe me, open your eyes. Can you count the number of men who get screwed over in divorce settlements? Far too many. Can you count the number of men who get screwed over by the system and the bitches when it comes to child support settlements? Too many. Can you count the number of men who are locked up, falsely accused and convicted of rape? Far too many. I know that females lie. Apparently, judges and prosecutors don’t know that. Cops don’t know that either. I hate cops. I hate judges. I hate prosecutors. I hate the justice system. It doesn’t deserve its name. Justice should not be gender-biased. It’s not supposed to work that way.
Some might agree with me. Others might consider me a real bastard. I don’t care. I don’t like misandrists. Those man-haters who make the life of the western male far more miserable than it has to be. I don’t understand why more men don’t stand up and oppose the misandrists. The misandrists are destroying families. They are ruining the lives of men and boys. We have let them run rampant for far too long. How many more men need to get locked up on false accusations? How many families need to be shattered? How many innocents must be lost. I am an angry man. I feel outrage and I am not afraid to express it. Far from it. Some things just aren’t right and you know it.
I have gone many places in my life. I used to volunteer at a place which helps gays and lesbians. I had my reservations about working there but I learned a lesson. Gays and lesbians are people just like us. Straight men don’t need to fear gays. Gays are our allies in the War against Misandry. I think that all men, straight and gay, need to unite against Misandry. The misandrists are coming for us. They hate all men and boys. They don’t care if you are black, white, Asian, Latin or whatever. They don’t care if you are straight, bisexual or gay. They want to hurt you. I see many men siding with the misandrists. The misandrists hate men and they get the power to hurt men by pretending to defend women’s rights. The misandrists aren’t trying to help women. They hate males. They hate the family. They hate our society. They want to change it into a nightmare.
There are misandrists everywhere. They are at the office. They are in court. They are on the street. Too many of them are in positions of power. They want to crush men. All men ask is fair treatment. Misandrists have no concept of fairness. Men should beware of them. Misandrists have violent attacked, maimed, killed and destroyed men. They get away with murder because they ‘play victim’ in court. Judges and juries fall for it. Men need to adopt a heart of steel when dealing with misandrists. Don’t trust them. Don’t tell them your secrets. Don’t date them. Don’t marry them. War your fellow man about them. Stick up for your fellow man when some misandrist attacks him. Stand up for your male friend’s rights when some misandrist falsely accuses him of domestic violence or rape. Stand up for your male friends because if you don’t, they will not be there to stand up for you when the time comes.
There are things that need to get done. The laws are biased against men. Domestic violence assume that men are always the perpetrators and women are always the victims. That is not always the case. There are many, many violent women out there. There are also men who get abused both mentally and physically by their wives, girlfriends and female relatives. It does happen. Those men are men like you. They aren’t weak-looking. They are men just like you. They go to work. They pay taxes. They have fun. They play sports. They read the newspaper. They watch ESPN with you. They go to the gym with you. They seem like regular men. Why? They are regular guys. Any man can get abused by a woman. It’s not a question of size or strength. Have you ever seen an angry woman attacking a man? It’s not funny. It’s damn scary! Guess what? Almost a million men suffer this kind of thing daily. It’s sad but true.
What can you do about it? What you can do about is open your mind. When you hear your neighbor and his lady arguing at night, you need to do some thinking. You may think that the lady needs help and that the man is abusing her. You might be wrong. The lady might be attacking the man and abusing him. She might be trying to kill him. Or their children. Or the family pet. The police will come and arrest the guy. Guess what? Maybe the guy wasn’t guilty of domestic violence. Maybe the girl was the violent one who attacked and hurt him. Maybe she is the one who should have been arrested. Cops need to be made aware of this. Male victims of domestic violence need help too. It’s not only women who get abused. I don’t trust most cops because of their misguided chivalry when it comes to domestic violence. I also think that it has to do with their training. They are trained according to misandrist rhetoric. Misandrist rhetoric states that only males can get violent and that females are saints. Misandrist rhetoric is a flat out lie.
I have yet to mention Father’s Rights. This is not something to forget. Do you know how many fathers are denied the right to see their kids? Too many. Do you know how many men are paying child support for children that are not theirs? Too many. Men need to stand up for their rights. March down the halls of congress and make sure that those overpaid liars in fancy suits do what is right for once. Fathers are denied their rights. Men are denied their reproductive rights. Fight for them. Write letters. March in the streets of your city. Demand change! Men deserve reproductive rights too. You have all heard of the issue of abortion. They want to give the mother all the rights pertaining to a child
‘s life or death. What about the father? Doesn’t he deserve the same rights, too? No? I thought we lived in a world where gender equality was important. The father should have the same rights as the mother when it comes to abortion. Anything less is unconstitutional.
There is another alarming issue that I have not yet mentioned. On average, the number of males attending and completing college is decreasing. Males are falling behind in education. This will affect tomorrow’s work force. Men need to do something about this. The gap is widening. There is a gender gap alright. Men are making less than women because the number of men attending college is far less than the number of women attending and completing college. Something needs to be done about that. There needs to be more programs and more help made available for men in the area of education.
Another issue is disparate sentencing based on gender. How many of you know of female teachers having sex with underage male students? There are a lot of those out there. Guess what? When an adult female has sex with an underaged male, it’s called rape. Females who commit rape should go to jail. Males who commit rape get jailed. Why is it that so many courts are letting female perpetrators of rape and sexual abuse get away with such a crime? The men and women on those juries should be ashamed of themselves. They are letting a criminal get away with a crime simply because of gender. This is not right. This is very wrong. Justice should not be gender-biased. It should be impartial and for the good of all. Men need to do something about this. Make no mistake about this. If a man has sex with an underaged female, it’s considered a crime. If a woman has sex with an underaged male, it should be considered a crime too. Gender bias is wrong. It has hurt too many men and boys in the past.
Men of the world. You have seen the truth in my statements. You need to stand up for your rights. These are real battles that need to be fought. This is something that affects all men worldwide. It doesn’t matter if you are black or white. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor. It doesn’t matter if you gay, bisexual or straight. If you are a man, or if you are a person of either gender who cares about a man, you need to know these things. There are places where you may find help. There are activists who need your help in fighting for what is right. This is the single most important issue of all time. If this problem doesn’t get solved soon, then men and boys have no future at all. Gender Genocide is the next step in the ruthless agenda of the Misandrists. Unless they can be challenged and defeated by the might of good men, and the women who love them.
I am Raj and any comments, feedback is welcome to incident is about my wife’s beautiful friend and of course me. Let me start with some background. This happened few year back when I was in Singapore with family. My wife as well use to work off and on when she feels like. We had a maid so that she can work when she wants. My kids were in UKG and we decided to give them some basic Hindi knowledge. Though we weren’t sure if we are ever returning back to India if this Hindi knowledge is going to...
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Let me start off by saying this is a true story that I have personally experienced. Everything here is true and nothing has been made up except for changing the names of everyone involved for privacy reasons. This story contains every man's dream as well as every man's nightmare. I hope you enjoy! Let me also start off by telling a little bit about myself. I am in my mid 30's and have been a police officer since I was 21 years old. (Yes, cops are just as sexual as the rest of you...
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The previous installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 WITCH CHRONICLES 006 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 WITCH CHRONICLES 007 - Dark Beginnings WITCH CHRONICLES 008 - Prelude to War Now,...
Guys and girls and this is Rahul here from Mumbai, aged 28 years and this is a story of my Junior College days. I had a big time crush on one of my school girls. Her name Mansi Bhatia. A gujju to the core. She stayed in Andheri. Any young and lusty females feel free to contact me at rahulkhanna311 @ gmail.com. It was after my FYJC exams that i proposed Mansi. She asked me for a few days to answer and finally her friends coaxed her to say YES. That was the best day of my life. Mansi is 5’4″...
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(This story is both a companion piece and a sequel to ‘My War’ by LeapYearGuy and is written with his permission. My thanks to him for very graciously allowing me to use his characters from his moving and poignant story. Although the original story is somewhat covered by PFC Kent, the original should definitely be read to get an understanding of the characters and how they ended up where they are. By the way, ‘REMF’ is a Vietnam era term used to refer to a ‘Rear Echelon Mother Fucker’, someone...
‘I hate this place.’ ‘I hate that you’re such a brat,’ Danielle said to her little brother. ‘Why do we have to go? Ma-mère doesn’t even speak English,’ he whined some more. ‘She does, too.’ She reached over and smacked him just because she could. ‘You’re just too stupid to understand her.’ ‘Dani, don’t antagonise your brother,’ her mom scolded from the front seat of the mini-van. ‘They don’t even have a Playstation!’ Good God, just shut up! Danielle thought to herself. Before she said...
"I hate this place." "I hate that you're such a brat," Danielle said to her little brother. "Why do we have to go? Ma-mère doesn't even speak English," he whined some more. "She does, too." She reached over and smacked him just because she could. "You're just too stupid to understand her." "Dani, don't antagonise your brother," her mom scolded from the front seat of the mini-van. "They don't even have a Playstation!" Good God, just shut up! Danielle thought to herself....
‘Hey Sarge, man, I gotta go,’ the sweet young PFC said with some urgency. Looking over at her from my station in the passenger seat of the deuce and a half, I asked politely as not to break any regulations, ‘Well sweet cheeks, do you need me to hold your hand? If you gotta go then I’d advise you stop the truck and go,’ ‘But… but there isn’t any privacy, where am I supposed to go?’ she asked holding her crotch. She couldn’t be fucking serious could she? ‘Look baby cakes, we’re in a combat...
It is very tempting to bury yourself in a single cause once you are in the White House. The stuff that lands on your desk is important, life and death matters in many cases, and you can spend every waking hour micromanaging pieces of the job. Obviously, war is the most important thing, and it is very tempting to put all your time in on this. Not all Presidents can keep from doing this. Roosevelt lined one of the downstairs rooms with maps, giving it the still current name of the Map Room,...
Hi everyone, this is ishan again going to continue the 2nd part of “Uncle fucked mansi”. For those who didn’t read the part 1 please read it first (uncle fucked mansi-part 1) then continue this part. So coming to the story. As uncle’s blowjob session was interrupted by the door bell, uncle was left disappointed. Mansi was asked to open the door and let in her parents as the maid had left. After getting freshened up, they all met at the dining table to have dinner together. Her parents started...
Hello friends…. I have been following ISS for a very long time and enjoy the stories and comments here. Presently I am living near RAIPUR Chhattisgarh. This story happened to me when I was very young (18 years old).. Against all the claims of the ISS story writer I am a 32 year old man of average built 5-5” and have working tool of 5.5 Inches. I have a pleasant smiling appearance and an average body (although I had no interest in providing these details but I do understand while imagining some...
IncestHi to all friends and readers of ISS and ye meri pehli story. I hope apko pasand ayegi. Ye meri aur mansi k pehli chudai k kahani h mansi mere se 3 saal badi h vo mujhe apna bhai manti h apr mai to use mansi ka figure kuch khas nai h par ha uske boobs acche h. Story- ye baat 1 saal pehle k h jb mai delhi gaya tha college mai admission lene. Vaha pe mai sbse pehle mansi se mila jo k meri senior thi usne hi mujhe help k sb arange karne mai admission se le k flat dhudne mai maine Ek 2bhk ka flat...
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Hey, guys, this is arav, once again I am here to share my further experience after a long time with my gorgeous, bold, beautiful girlfriend Mansi, Please read the previous 3 parts for more pleasure and excitement and also do likes and comments. This is a continuation of the third part and I began with that horny evening, As this part is most exciting and hornier please read as whole to enjoy. After that evening we again busy in our exams schedules because every weekend we had back to back exam...
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SpankingHi, friends, this is a continuation of my previous stories in which I share my further experience with my gorgeous chubby neighbour mansi with whom I am deeply in love so as she,u people already know her age, figure, and our sessions.If don’t know please read previous two parts for more enjoyment and excitement. Guys this is a hottest session and I want to share every moment so please read fully you all will enjoy after reading full Please read whole As we all know that after defloration and...
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This is a true story of what happened to me during my time at secondary school between 1987 and 1994. In 1986, if my memory serves me correctly, corporal punishment in schools was banned. However, that didn’t seem to stop teachers at my old school – and may I add – completely female teachers – from using it on occasions. I remember an incident in a Drama lesson at the school. We were all in PE kit of t-shirt and shorts and had been instructed by the teacher, a tall, blonde lady called Mrs...
SpankingSummer in England, 1945.I paused to take it all in and let peacetime wash over me. At last, it felt real. An American bomber named Enola Gay had ended it all after six years of madness and slaughter.I lit a cigarette, watching the train huff and puff slowly out of the station. Looking out over the station car park, everything was green. Peaceful, too.Picking up my case, I meandered into the street. I was a fifteen-minute walk from home and there would be no Stukas with their insane, banshee...
HistoricalI was among the first of our soldiers to march into Berlin, I didn't expect to be welcomed with open arms, but what we were greeted with was worse, far worse.It was total apathy; these people had endured everything over twelve years of tyranny, twelve years of being careful of what they said or who they said it to!Occasionally, we saw bodies still hanging from lampposts where the last few fanatical S.S. men had hanged them or dogs gnawing at the rotting corpses lying in the streets. The dogs...
HistoricalI joined the British Army at the age of 16. I joined my adult regiment in October 1986, during the last throws of the cold war. My first regiment was based in the UK; however, the regiment was due to move to Germany towards the end of 1987. Before the move I was informed that we were going to deploy to Kenya for three months, we were flying out of the country on the 26th of December. I could not believe it; I travelled quite a bit as a k**, including living in the US and Australia, and whilst...
I knew it was coming, all males were conscripted at the age of eighteen. Only this year there were not as many males so they had lowered the age. In our system men were conscripted into the military for five years. If they survived the men received grants for a family and land. Only they not only conscripted me they took my only sister. She committed suicide after she was gang raped by the cadets that were to train her. Training for conscriptees was mostly just teaching us how to point and...
Before Dawn, 23 March 2004 Forward Operating Base Chosin, Babil Province, Iraq “But let us forget warfare, again, for a little while. My name is Marcus Randal, and I have been wondering what your name is since I laid eyes on you.” I said. She looked into my eyes and said, “Marcus Randal. Oh my. I have never fucked a man before I learned his name, even if I forgot it later. I do not think I will ever forget your name. I hope you won’t forget me. I am Lance Corporal Loni Hellström.” “Your...
'The Leader' looked out over the city, and smiled. It had taken many years to ensure that the city fell, and the inhabitants would come to worship him as a saviour to the people, and the plan had worked well. A cough behind him, he turned to face his second in command - Darius. This was a man who knew exactly how far he could go before the leader would stop him, and had many times with just a word. Darius spoke in a mocking tone -"They await outside Leader, a delegation to announce...
Chapter 1 : Homecoming It was Saturday the 15th Dec 1940 at about 07.30 in the morning when Lt Tony Nash RNVR wearily trudged homewards, he was feeling dirty and tired after traveling nearly all night from Portsmouth Harbour Station to London Waterloo, and then on to Stratford underground station, the nearest station to his home in East London. The underground railway platform was full of people still sleeping on the platform or, just beginning to wake to face a new day of queuing for food or...
Erotic FictionAbout a month ago the wife and I went to a dress up birthday party for her sister in law. She wore a formal gown and I wore my best suit. The wife, Stephanie is a true MILF. At 48 she always turns heads. She is 5'6, 160lbs of shapely woman, she wears a 32KK bra and has long legs and a juicy ass. She definitely has the Jessica Rabbit figure going on. Her blonde hair and green eyes and perfect smile catches men's attention everywhere we go. Her tits are huge and she is proud of them.As we...
After about ten minutes, I heard footsteps on the stairs as the women made their way to the bedroom. They made their way along the landing and walked into the room, standing and looking at my already red and bruised bottom which was facing them as I lay face down on the bed. Elaine placed my clothes on the chair in the far corner of the large room.“That’s a well spanked bottom, Auntie Pauline.” Kirsty laughed.I then felt Pauline’s cool hands rubbing my bottom gently. I pushed my hips down...
SpankingPeople think being The Porn Dude involves nothing but jerking off to taboo anal movies and explicit voyeurism hentai, but the world of pornography is so much wider-ranging than that. Today, for example, I spent the day shaking my dick at an adult video game about a dark magician trying to corrupt my sister. Normally, I’m fine with any kind of sister corruption that goes on in adult entertainment, but in Vixen Wars, you fight alongside sexy broads who want to hook up, so maybe the trade-off will...
Best Porn GamesHello indian sex stories dot net readers , friends, I’m Andy back again after 1 year with a very fresh & new story happened in my life. I had posted my sex saga with my maid Karuna in 3 different stories. After I left my house, I did not get any touch with Karuna. But to my luck, I found my new crush. Her name is Aishwarya (Name changed for privacy). Aishwarya is my brother in law’s wife. She was a great fan of Aishwarya Rai & always used to compare with her many times. Her age is about same as...
A short story of one officer’s last battle and the aftermath. “The galaxy is a very unfriendly place.” I was remembering what my number one drill instructor, sergeant Crabs had said on my first day of basic training. You know what? He knew just what he was talking about. I have learned that the hard way over the last 10 years. You see I am Major Mike Miller, Sardonic space defense forces. And this is the story of my death. Well for all that is practical it was my death and then again in a way...