Charlottes Vacation
- 4 years ago
- 37
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The following day Charlotte woke up with an excitement she had never felt before. Charlotte never minded going to work - it was just something you did and there was no point in making a fuss about it. But today was different; today she was genuinely excited about going to work!
She went to her desk and began clearing things out. She had brought a couple cardboard boxes to work with her to put everything in and make it easier to move. She turned in the work she had been doing to her supervisor so the next girl could pick up where she left off and then she went around saying goodbye to the girls she worked with. She wasn't leaving the company but she didn't know how often she would be able to get down here to visit. They were usually too busy for idle chit-chat and she didn't know yet what her work schedule would be like either.
Before she left to start taking things upstairs one of the girls Jennifer, came up to her. "Now Charlotte you know we can't let you go without a proper sendoff so we got this cake for you," she said. A couple of the other girls wheeled out a small sheet cake decorated with Goodbye and Good Luck Charlotte written on it.
"Oh how sweet of you all!" she said. "I think I might just cry!"
"Well it isn't every day one of us gets a chance to hobknob with the top executives here much less the boss himself!" one of the girls said.
"Yeah, just don't forget where you came from! Come down once in awhile and tell us what life uptown is like!" another girl said as everyone laughed.
"It was wonderful working with all of you. I'm going to miss the gossip and chatter we had... I'm going to be up there pretty much alone - only the receptionist is up there and I don't know her much at all. I'm going to miss you, girls! I don't know what my work schedule is yet, but maybe we can get together on our lunch breaks and you can catch me up on the goings-on around the pool here. And if I have any news of upcoming changes or anything I can share I will be happy to," Charlotte said.
And so with kisses and hugs all around, she loaded the two boxes of her things onto a cart she borrowed from the mailroom and headed for the elevator to head upstairs. She turned around to wave goodbye and then pushed the cart into the elevator and headed upstairs.
The elevator opened and Charlotte wheeled her cart and her belongings off the elevator and headed toward the door to Mr. Peckerwood's office.
"You must be Charlotte," the receptionist said coming around her large desk. "My name is Angela. I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to meet like this before on one of your visits, but I wasn't sure who Mr. Peckerwood was going to hire for this job."
"Hello," Charlotte said shyly.
"He's been called to another appointment, but he left word for me to show you to your desk and help in whatever way I can to get you settled in. Let me get the door for you," Angela said. She held the door for Charlotte and then showed her to her new desk.
"Oh, my! It's twice the size of the one I had downstairs!" Charlotte said.
"Well, I will let you get your things put away and afterward come out to my desk and I will show you the break room restrooms and other things up here," Angela said.
"Okay, thank you, Angela," Charlotte said. She seems nice...maybe I will have someone to talk to up here after all! Charlotte thought to herself.
After Angela left, Charlotte busied herself getting her desk set up the way she wanted it. She put her mom's picture on her desk right where she could see it. She put the other things on her desk as well - the pencil cup her niece made in art class for her, her regular desk items, and she pulled the phone closer so she could reach it easily.
When her desk was the way she wanted it, she walked around the large office getting acquainted with where things were. She went to the filing cabinet to see how the files were kept, she went to look over Mr. Peckerwood's desk. She took a quick glance through his appointment book to see what upcoming things he had already scheduled. Then she went over to the closet to check it out.
There hanging on a hook was his coat. She couldn't help herself - she took a long deep sniff, inhaling the scent of him... his cologne, the wonderful smell this man had all on his own. It made her damp to know that she was now his and that she would be getting him regularly.
She went out to see Angela and the two took a quick tour of the fourth floor. Anglea showed her where everything was and introduced her to some of the people there. Then they went back to the office and Charlotte, not having any work yet, sat in the reception room with Angela and they got to know each other a bit. About that time it was lunch and so the two decided to go to lunch together so they could talk more.
The girls sat and talked about everything - where they were from, growing up, how they came to work at Silver Hills, and other things. They found out they had a few things in common, including the fact that they once lived less than five miles away from each other! Eventually, though the talk turned to work and Charlotte's new job.
"You're gonna love working up here, Charlotte. Mr. P is a wonderful man to work for," Angela said. "Oops! Don't tell him I called him Mr. P - he doesn't like that. He'd turn me over his knee if he found out I called him that!"
"H-he spanks?" Charlotte said incredulously.
"Oh yes... but only for little things like calling him Mr. P or something. And then he only spanks certain people. Like you and me and maybe a couple other girls. You have to be special to him to get a spanking," Angela said.
Charlotte leaned forward obviously wanting to know more.
"Okay, the last time I got a spanking, I accidentally broke his coffee cup trying to carry too much. He had told me I should make two trips, but I didn't listen. Anyway, when I broke his coffee cup, he called me into his office and made me stand in front of him while he scolded me. I felt terrible about breaking his cup - Mr. Peckerwood loves his coffee. After a good tongue lashing, he made me hike up my skirt and lay over his knees. I was wearing panties that day, so he rubbed my ass over my panties for a bit. I was already getting wet - I knew what was coming... this wasn't the first time I was in this position with him!"
"Oh my!" Charlotte gasped.
"He pulled my panties down and off me, and made me stuff them in my mouth. He said it was to keep from alerting the whole building with my screaming. Then he began spanking me. He spanked me and spanked me and I got wetter and wetter as he did. By the time he was done, my ass was red as an apple and my pussy was dripping. He saw that and he finger-fucked me to a screaming orgasm! Not just once either - he made me cum three times! I hadn't made much more than a whimper during the spanking, but I made up for it with the fingerfucking! That's one thing about his spankings - you feel terrible in getting one, but afterward, he makes you feel sooo good!
Charlotte couldn't believe what she was hearing! This was not usual business practice!
"Anyway, after the spanking and orgasm, he made me stand in the corner with my skirt hiked up so he could see my red ass. I stayed there until quitting time. The next morning I came in and there was the most beautiful flowers on my desk with a note that said: "You're Forgiven, Love Peter." I came into his office bawling like a kid! I told him how sorry I was, and apologized for breaking his cup and he held me until I quit blubbering. That day at lunch I went out and bought a World's Greatest Boss coffee cup and when he came back from lunch I gave him the cup with his afternoon coffee. He still has that cup and it's the only cup he takes his coffee in," Angela told her.
"Wow!" Charlotte said, astonished.
"Yeah, there are lots of things about Mr. Peckerwood that you probably don't know," Angela said.
"I'll say! When I was downstairs we all looked at the fourth floor as some sort of castle or something and Mr. Peckerwood as a king. We didn't even think of him as human - he was almost a god to us. When I was first called up to see him I was as scared as the Cowardly Lion going to see the Great Oz!" Charlotte said.
"Well, he is a businessman and he has to keep order and a certain respect and discipline. But once you get to know him personally he is a great, great man and you can't have a better boss," Angela said.
"He's not like any boss I have ever had!" Charlotte said.
"How's that?" Angela asked.
"Well, for starters no boss I have ever had ever kissed me or..." Charlotte blushed.
"Yeah, Mr. Peckerwood does get grabby! Hell, he's like an octopus with a cock!" Angela giggled. "A few people have tried to get him on sexual harassment charges on him. But Mr's Peckerwood always makes sure that any groping or anything is completely consensual which takes the harassment right out of the picture. And believe me, you will come to want to be 'harassed' before long!"
"I already do!" Charlotte laughed.
After a nice girls lunch, the two went back to the office and Angela went to her desk while Charlotte went into Mr. Peckerwood's office and her desk. A minute or two later, the office door opened and Mr. Peckerwood came in.
"Good afternoon, Sir. I hope you had a good lunch. I am all moved in and ready to start work," Charlotte said standing up to address him.
Mr. Peckerwood didn't say anything. He merely stepped over the where she was standing put a hand on the back of her neck and pulled her into a deep, powerful, passionate kiss. Charlotte was completely caught off-guard and at first, didn't know what to do but only for a moment, then she melted into the kiss like butter on a warm plate. She moaned into his mouth and her hands went up to cup his face.
But he wasn't looking for tender at that moment. He pulled her hands down and put them behind her back. He wanted her to know he was in charge here. He owned her and he was claiming that dominance now - right from the beginning, he wanted her to be submissive and obedient. And Charlotte fell right in line. She could feel the power behind his actions and she was smitten with being taken like this. She could feel her pussy getting wet as he claimed her and took ownership of her.
Charlotte felt her knees go weak and she was afraid she might fall, but he wasn't about to let that happen. His strong arms wrapped around her, holding her close to him. She never felt more safe or secure. After a few long wonderful moments, he broke the kiss, leaving her gasping for air and completely owned.
"Oh, Sir!" Charlotte exclaimed when she had caught her breath.
"Okay that's the first thing we need to discuss," he said taking her hand and leading her to the chair in front of his desk. He seated her then walked around to his place behind the desk. "Now outside this office and in public or in a meeting, I am Mr. Peckerwood or Sir. But here... this is home and I am Peter. Outside the office, you will be referred to as Miss Sintallie, but in the office here you are Charlotte - if that is all right with you," he said.
"Yes, Sir, that is fine with me. I mean yes, Peter!" she said blushing a bit.
"Good girl. Now there will be other names like slut and whore that I call you when we are... playing. But of course, that is just between us. How do you feel about that?" he asked.
"Oh Peter, I love being called slut and whore and talked dirty to! It's such a turn on! And I know you aren't calling me that to be mean, that it's all in play to make our sex hotter - as if it could!" she said.
"Okay good. I'm glad we got that out of the way. And I'm glad you like what I can do for you - thanks for the ego boost! Now let's get down to your duties and responsibilities here, shall we?" he said.
"Before we do Peter, would you like a cup of coffee?" Charlotte said pointing to his cup.
"I see you and Angela have been talking! Yes please," he said grinning. She smiled and went to get him a cup of coffee, being very careful not to break his coffee cup!
"Thank you Charlotte," he said when she returned. "Now, your role as my personal assistant here in the office will be to take care of all the organizing and administrative tasks, freeing me up to concentrate on the tasks of running this company. Some of your responsibilities will include dealing with correspondence and phone calls, managing and organizing my meetings and appointments, booking and arranging travel, transportation, and accommodations when we have to go someplace, reminding me of important tasks and deadlines. In addition, there are the regular secretarial things like typing, compiling and preparing reports, presentations and correspondence, managing databases and filing systems, and so on," he said.
"I can do all that, no problems there. Once I learn the specifics - the forms, reports, and the database setup, I can take care of all that for you," she said.
"Good," he said, "Now outside the office you will be responsible for some of my personal duties and tasks - such as picking up my clothes from the dry cleaners, making sure I have a cup of coffee, making sure the liquor cabinet and cigars are kept full for our clients visits, and other things... and yes, that too!" he laughed.
Charlotte knew what he meant and blushed red.
"Because of the nature of our work here - investments and securities - we are always under the eye of many people. The FTC, the IRS, the New York Stock Exchange itself, our competitors, and most of all our clients. We have to be very careful we don't tread into dangerous territory in our work.
"One thing that this job demands is absolute discretion and confidentiality. Under NO circumstances are you to talk about, hint at, write down, or otherwise pass on information about one of our clients or their portfolio. To do so is automatic termination - no questions asked, and no excuses given. Even in regular conversation: 'You know Bill and I were talking the other day and he says that such and such is set to take off' - that sentence right there can get you fired. If Bill happened to be one of our brokers, then it could be construed as insider trading - a jailable offense." he said.
"Yes Sir," Charlotte said taking note of the seriousness in his tone.
"Even if he is just the school janitor or a garbageman, if he is a client, it's a breach of trust and you will be terminated. Understand? It's best not to talk about work at all outside this building. The most that should be said would be something like: 'How was work today? Oh, it was hectic, but I got through it.' Do I make myself clear? I have had to let others go because they screwed this up," he said sternly.
"Yes, Sir. It won't happen with me. I hardly talk to anyone outside of work, so it's not like I have a huge group of friends to talk with!" she said.
"Good, because I'll tell you finding a personal assistant that will work with me is not an easy task! It took me some time to get you and I don't want to have to do it again anytime soon!" he said.
"Believe me, Peter, I don't want you to either. I like it here and I am looking forward to working up here with you," Charlotte said.
"Along those same lines, nothing that happens up here on the fourth floor goes any further either. I don't mind if you and Angela trade notes on me, but that's it. I have to remain the boss here and that requires a certain amount of separation in the supervisor-employee thing. I know that the girls in the secretarial pool look on me with fear and all that and I wish it didn't have to be so, but it does. and it needs to remain so. I feel I treat everyone pretty good... as good as I can," he said.
"You do, Peter. The girls downstairs do look at you with awe and respect, but you are the boss of a big operation, and can't be all friends and chums with everyone here - we understand," she said.
"That's good to know. Now in addition to confidentiality, tact and diplomacy are needed. You will be discussing important matters and being able to charm and schmooze with our client is important. We have already gone over the fact you will need to be flexible and ready to travel if need be so we don't need to talk about that.
"I have a good feeling about you, Charlotte. I got that feeling in our interview and I haven't felt anything less yet. I think we can do wonderful things working together. Now, do you have any questions for me?"
"Well, Peter I do have one. You never really told me... um... about the pay?" she said feeling a bit embarrassed about having to ask.
"Oh, I must have forgotten that little detail! And me, the head of a financial institution - see why I need a personal assistant? Well, this job starts off at 50,000 a year, which if I'm not mistaken pretty much doubles your old salary. Plus you will get a 350.00 a day per diem when we travel.
"Now the company gives me an expense account, so the meals and rental car and other things are on the company dime. And if you should decide to share the room with me, that 350.00 per diem is basically just fun money just for the extra time you spend 'on the job'. Does that answer your question?" he asked.
"Oh, SIR! Oh, I knew I would get a pay raise, but I never dreamed it would be DOUBLE! Oh, you don't know what this means, Peter! It's been hard at times making ends meet. I mean you pay well for me being just a secretary - better than most places. But still the cost of things these days; this will help tremendously! Thank you, Peter. Thank you!" Charlotte said, nearly in tears now.
"You are welcome Charlotte. But believe me, you will earn that pay. Unlike your old 8-5 secretarial job being my personal assistant doesn't really have closing hours. The money trade never sleeps - somewhere in the world stocks and commodities are always being traded. So brokers are up at all hours trading them.
"You will be on call from now on. You will have regular hours of course, but you will also have to be available after hours as well. That's why I had to be so specific about finding someone with no romantic or family ties... nothing that would prevent them from the odd hours or spur of the moment travel needs," he said.
"Well you come to the right girl then!" she said. I don't have any problem with working late or on call. I don't have a problem with spur of the moment travel. As I said, I don't have much of a social life and no ties so I'm all yours... Peter."
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OccupationsFred's New Job By S. J. Burton About a month ago me and my wife Mary, had the biggest argument of our marrage. It seems that she was angry at me because she thinks that I don't help around the house enough, and that if it wasn't for her this home would be a pig-sty. I laughed and told her that I thought that it was enough for me to go out to work everyday, without having to come home to even more menial chores. Mary fumed at me about this. "You think that looking after you and this...
Author's Note: Another quick story after far too much time away from writing. I was forced to use my vacation or lose it at work, thus the sudden flurry of activity. I am always looking for story suggestions, especially now that I have time to work on them. For example, this one is for a man who wanted a story featuring a much more willing sissy receptionist working at an auto shop. I hope you enjoy this. Once again, I welcome comments here or...
Little did Chloe know she was being followed, not randomly either. The female in the car following her was 32 years old her looks of a dominatrix. Her breasts were a 36c. Her body very well taken care of. She wore a tight Latex catsuit. Her body was covered every inch in latex. The latex hugged her breasts keeping them lifted and perky. Her ass was even lifted and firmed. She followed Chloe till there was nothing, but black dark roads. She lifted a small box with a red button she...
Jim's New Job by Karen Elizabeth L. (KarenTV720) I was only sixteen when my life changed. I know now that the change was definitely best for me but I had serious doubts during the time the change was occurring. I suppose the biggest problem was that I had no idea of what was happening to me or why. But before I get involved in some deep philosophical discussion let me explain what happened. Liked I said I was only sixteen and in the middle of my junior year in high...
We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...
First Day at the New Job John sat there with his sweaty hands clenched together. His right leg was shaking in a nervous twitch. John looked up at the man sitting across from him; all that separated him and an intimidating man wearing a fine suit was a simple wooden desk. He looked down at his hands trying to figure out the right answer to his question. "God I hate interviews," is the only thought in his mind. About a month ago, John's old company went through a series of...
NOTE: As always, if you are offended by transgendered themes then by all means don't read this story. Thank you to all the wonderful readers and their kind comments. I have many other stories binging around in this twisted head. I'm glad you find them "tit-ilating". Enjoy. LS My New Job By Lord Stormbringer Sam rolled over in bed, pulling the covers over his head. His wife, Sharon, punched his shoulder, demanding that he get out of bed. "What for," he mumbled. "To get a...
Only two weeks left. School would be out and Daniel's Senior year would beat an end, high school was over. He looked forward to some fun and wildtimes with his friends despite his father's continued pushing for him toget a summer job. He looked forward to sleeping late, eating, beaching,cycling and most of all fucking as many different girls as possible. Helooked forward to it all until he came home and found a summer jobs listinghis Dad had left on his bed. There was no getting around it; he...
New job. New life. Chapter 1 meeting Barbara.What was I to do? My girlfriend, Lisa, had left me for a very rich guy that was a client where she worked. I had lost my job 6 months ago due to cut backs in my department. I had lost several pounds because I wasn’t eating properly; as my money was running out. I’d sold all of the hall furniture even the mirror I had chosen for the hall. I did have an interview this morning; hopefully I’ll get this position. I got up showered, had a close wet shave,...
Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...
Charlene left the interview quite happy. She had the job and she couldn't wait to get started. Amy had told her some more about the job and what she would be doing, but more importantly, Amy told her about the dress code and how her boss, Mr. Wiseman, expected her to look and act. Charlene really wanted to please him and show him that she would do whatever is required for her job. She was very grateful for the opportunity and wanted to do her very best. So on the way home, she decided to stop...
Office SexMaanvi and Rupali started to give him food every alternate month as he got stomach upset due to outside food for long and on one fine morning when she went there to give him morning Coffee on seeing his erect 9 Inch cock while he was asleep and she was lured into sucking it and then while bathing she fell in bathroom and Montu Kumar treated and helped her and then fucked her. They were facing problems to find a safe and secluded place for regular fucking afterwards so one day he fucked her in...
Author: [email protected]: 9/9/11Title: The Dream Job Friday 1pm.Mindy was relaxing at home and drinking a soda. She had just got off the phone with the secretary at St. Paul private school. She just accepted a job offer to be the new school counselor, and that was no easy feat mind you. Mindy had 3 interviews, 2 of them with more than one person, and went out of her way to make friendly with those who interviewed her. Mindy even went as far as finding out through word of...
Theron won the great sparta and Queen of Sparta. By doing sexual war with Queen Gorgo. [email protected]
FantasyPortions of this story are true although sadly not all of it. I will leave it up to the reader to choose which aspects of it that they want to believe as fact. Admittedly, not my finest hour. I fell asleep at work and was fired. I don't necessarily feel like it was completely my fault due to certain circumstances but it happened, so there I was out of work, my lease was up, and I had no money whatsoever. I was in pretty bad shape. Naturally I called my mom. Mom jumped on the...
A New Job By Cassandra Morgan 8:45 a.m. The sound was like the echo of a rifle shot, a sharp clap every time the heel of a shoe hit a floor tile. The steps were ominous and mean, like the cracking of a whip. They shouted that someone was approaching, and that world should pay attention. It was the sound of a heel on an office floor, and every step made Paul Taylor feel worse. It was the sound of his heartbeat, beating out of control. He moved into the office of National...
I had a quick look around, Lisa was sat next to her dad, herbrother was on the other chair. The only space for me to sit was nextto Judy, Lisa’s mom. They’d just had a family barbecue and as Lisa’sboyfriend, I had been invited along. We’d all had a bit to drink andnow we were inside continuing the party, having polished off the food.I had been with Lisa for just over three years and was considered verymuch as part of her family. Lisa was a year younger than me attwenty-one with blonde hair, and...
My wfie works at a place with a crazy (but awesome for my purposes) dress code. It requires women to either wear pants and a jacket or a skirt and a blouse. Since their air conditioning isn’t that great, coupled with people using space heaters at their desk anyways, it’s always hot. My wife, therefore, chooses the skirt choice, which also results in her wearing heels or wedges. In the winter it is even better, because if women wear a skirt, they have to wear nylons with them. For a heel/nylon...
I have had a foot fetish for as long as I can remember. In fact, I can even remember around the time my foot fetish started, but that’s a story I’ll get into another time (if I build up enough courage to do so). I’m currently in my late 20s but funny enough, my fetish for feet was pretty strong as a k** and as I grew, so did my arousal for feet. I would find myself staring at them and at times would get caught looking. Like most people with fetishes I was somewhat shy about it and didn’t...
************ Wendy moaned as her husband slowly licked around her pussy. She grabbed the sheets in her ecstasy. An orgasm rising excruciatingly slowly in her. Ian was great at cunnilingus. He practiced often on his wife. Delighting in the way his tongue could give her pleasure. In high school his second girlfriend had made fun of his small penis. She had actually laughed at him when they had sex the first and only time. After that he always tried to start his lovemaking by going down on...
Leo's New Job Produced by Leoroc Written by Verandert Leo angrily slammed the mop to the floor. It wasn't fair. None of it was. He'd been working at this women's clothing store for a week now. Not by choice, of course. When the cops caught him tagging up those old apartment buildings on Reed Street, they hauled him in front of a judge. Leo didn't personally think that tagging some broken down buildings that no one even lived in anymore was worth a court appearance: a slap on...
A New Job By Margaret Jeanette Sue Baeten was on her way home. She was looking forward to a good supper. She had given her husband, Tim, twenty dollars that morning to pick up pork chops for supper. They were on sale at the local grocery store. With Tim being out of work for over six months, money was tight and they didn't get to enjoy top of the line food often. They had to shop the sales. She was getting out of the car when she saw the empty wine bottle. She was angry...
It was my first day on the job, the first day of my year in industry for my degree course and, though it may seem strange, I knew no-one in the company, the job had been arranged by the college. All I knew was the company was a publishing house, I had to report to a Mrs. Fenner and that I was to be working as an editors assistant, my course tutor in 'Reporting' had said that the job would be an eye opener, I hadn't understood the wink he gave when he made the comment. So here I was at the...
THE DA'S NEW JOB Kate Wilson, big city attorney and now New York's newest DA justarrived a few days ago to start her new job. Kate a highly decorated lawyerhad gotten the promotion just a few days after the former DA disappearedunder mysterious conditions. Kate at just 28 years of age and standingat a mere 5ft4 and tipping the scales at 115lbs. The young lawyer was everywoman's nightmare and a man's wet dream she has a well toned body her 34-26-36cshape always gets her the hoots and whistles. ...
EIGHT MONTHS LATER A gentle knock on my door wakes me from my slumber. With bleary eyes, I stare over at my alarm clock- 8:05am. "I'm good, thanks," I yell through the door. Getting up before 10am on a cold December Sunday morning? I don't think so. "Okay," Charlotte replies, leaving me in peace. I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling for a bit before swinging my soft, hairless legs out of bed and padding over to my bathroom. I stare at my cute reflection in the mirror and...
THE FOLLOWING DAY I open my eyes and stare around at the strange room. It's undoubtedly a man's room- very formal, with hardwood wardrobes and chests of drawers lining the walls. For a moment I don't remember where I am, but all of a sudden, yesterday's events come flooding back to me. With a sigh, I throw back the covers and walk into the en-suite bathroom. I smile as I look at the package waiting for me on the counter. the label has a very simple message written on it- 'with all my...
Chapter 1 Michael and Lorraine were a married couple that owned a furniture business with three locations. Lorraine had always been rather domineering, and Michael had grown tired of it. After eleven years of marriage, they finally divorced. They stayed partners in the business, Lorraine remaining at the Eastwick store most of the time, and Michael spending most of his time at their Bridgeton location and the rest at Eastwick. Neither Michael nor Lorraine spent much time at the third location....
VoyeurFIVE MONTHS LATER "Oww..." Charlotte moans as I pull the laces of her corset ever tighter. "Whose stupid idea was this again?" "Yours," I laugh as I give the laces one final pull before tying them in a bow. "I wish I had less imagination," Charlotte laughs as she pulls on the remaining layers of her elaborate Victorian-style ball gown. "Is it at least closed at the back?" "Of course," I say with pride. "If your corset-maker is to be believed, we're both now proud owners of 20...