geiler Sex mit nem reifen Bauern
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Die 10b aus einer Oberschule in Berlin fährt zur letzten Klassenfahrt...
Danach werden sich ihre Wege trennen:
Einige wechseln die Schule und machen ihr ABI und andere beginnen eine Ausbildung.
Doch hier wollen alle noch einmal die Sau raus lassen!!!
Bei uns in der Nähe gibt es leider kein passendes Lokal wo man Pissspiele machen kann oder gleichgesinnte zu treffen.Aber jeden letzten Freitag im Monat findet in Mannheim im Jails ja die Pissparty statt. Und ab und zu wenn es mein Arbeitsplan erlaubt fahr ich gern dort hin um ein bisschen Spaß zu haben.Ein Freund von mir ist ne Mega-Pisssau die nie genug bekommen kann. So hole ich ihn immer ab und wir fahren rüber nach Mannheim für ein bisschen Spaß. Bei so einer Gelegenheit , es war ein...
Ich erwache aus einem traumlosen Schlaf, als ich meine Augen öffne blicke ich mich in dem mir fremd erscheinenden Zimmer um. Einen Moment bin ich verwirrt. "Wo bin ich, was mache ich hier?" fragt sich mein schlaftrunkendes Gehirn. Nach weiteren Sekunden des Sammelns finde ich langsam zur Realität zurück. Dieses fremdwirkende Zimmer, ist mein neues Zuhause. Spärlich und altertümlich eingerichtet mit einem alten Holzschreibtisch und einem noch älteren Bett, wirkt hier nichts jünger als 30 Jahre....
Seit wir uns im Herbst in einem Café kennengelernt haben, trafen wir uns regelmäßig. Manchmal verging ein Monat, manchmal nur eine Woche. Und auch wenn wir uns sehr gut unterhielten und unseren Austausch zu schätzen wussten, war doch von Beginn an unsere körperliche Anziehung ebenso wenig zu übersehen. Aus irgendeinem Grund hat jedoch keiner von uns bisher ein Wort darüber verloren oder irgendwelche Anzeichen gemacht, dass es an der Zeit war, uns näherzukommen. Bis gestern. Was auch immer...
Ich bin Fotograf und meine Leidenschaft ist es gefesselte Frauen zu fotografieren. In meinem Keller habe ich mir eine Werkstatt eingerichtet, in der ich immer wieder Gegenstaende konstruiere, an denen ich meine Modells fesseln kann. Als ich letzte Woche wieder mal in der Werkstatt arbeitete klingelte es an meiner Haustuere. Es war meine Nichte Melanie. Sie frage mich, ob sie in meinem Pool ein paar Runden schwimmen doenne. Ich erlaubte es ihr. Da ich aber meine Arbeit beenden wolle, ging ich...
"Kommst Du vorbei? Wir können es uns gemütlich machen und ein bisschen TV schauen." schalt es aus meinem Telefon. "Okay, hört sich gut an. Mach mich nur kurz fertig. Soll Ich was mitbringen?" frage Ich. "Nee, brauchst nicht. Gute Laune und Du, dass reicht. freu mich" wieder mein Telefon. "Gut, bis gleich" sage Ich und lege auf. So erstmal unter die Dusche. Klamotten aus, T-shirt weg, Hose aus. Tut das gut. Wasser marsch... Mein kleines Vötzchen sollte ich auch noch kurz rasieren, man weis ja...
Group SexEs war Samstag Vormittag , ich war gerade dabei die Garage auf zu räumen , da überkam mich die Geilheit . Ich hatte die ganze Woche über viel gearbeitet .Immer spät nach Hause gekommen und meine Freundin kaum gesehen . Also auch die ganze Woche keinen Sex gehabt . Sie musste heute noch arbeiten . - Pflegedienst Frühschicht - .Ich schrieb ihr eine WhatsApp , sie möge bitte viel Mineralwasser auf der Arbeit trinken . Ihr müsst wissen , wir sind NS-Liebhaber . . " Mach ich " schrieb sie zurück ....
Die glänzende Eisenstange surrte, als David sie aus der angenähten Befestigung seines Wanderrucksacks zog. Langsam ging die Sonne unter über den leeren Bauwerken der Stadt. Er rollte seinen Schlafsack aus und ließ sich auf dem Dach des gewaltigen Miethauses nieder. Die sommerlich warme Nacht erlaubte es ihm, draußen zu schlafen, um das Geschehen in den Straßen zu beobachten. Und möglicherweise liebte er es auch einfach, in die Sterne zu schauen und den Wind auf der Haut zu spüren. Es verirrten...
Um zu erfahren wie ich auf diese Idee gekommen bin und als Leitfaden für Mitautoren bitte das "Zur Geschichte" lesen. Für die ganze Story, einschliesslich dem Lebenslauf des Handlungsträgers bitte die "Vorgeschichte" anwählen. An deren Ende geht es dann mit der eigentlichen Story weiter. "Batgirl's Vernichtung" springt gleich zur eigentlichen Story, aber es fehlen einige wesentliche Informationen für den Leser. Allerdings kürzt es den Weg ab und man ist gleich in der eigentlichen Geschichte...
hi ich muss dir unbedingt erzählen was ich heute nacht erlebt habe. das ganze war ganz spontan, was es noch aufregender machte!angefangen hat alles, als ich und zwei kollegen in einer bar ein paar bierchen tranken. dabei fiel mir immer wieder auf, dass eine frau zu uns rüber schaute und mich anlächelte. zunächst ignorierte ich das, da ich dachte sie schaut jemanden neben uns an denn sie war einiges älter als ich, bestimmt gegen die 50. ausserdem sass sie mit zwei männern und einer weiteren frau...
Die Frage stellt sich mir nicht mehr. Ich darf allen Lesern mitteilen. Es funktioniert garantiert. Dabei ist es nicht eine Frage von Ort oder Zeit, nein höchstens eine Frage der Stellung. Da ich ein BBW Liebhaber bin, was soll ich nur machen ich liebe dicke echte Titten und dicke echt fette Ärsche, in deren Hautfalten man Titten, Bauch und Gesäßfalten ficken kann, ist die Durchführung des Vorhabens „lass uns zwei Schwänze in einen Arsch stecken“ viel einfacher. Allen schlankere Frauen zur...
"Ich werde es nehmen." Martis Augen öffneten sich weit und sie schüttelte den Kopf. "Nicht! Was, wenn du erwischt wirst?" Es war eng in der Umkleidekabine. Marti seufzte. "Erzähl mir nochmal, warum ich mit dir befreundet bin." Karen lachte. "Weil ich Spaß habe. Außerdem denke ich, dass die Verkäuferin mit uns zur Schule geht. Sie würde uns wahrscheinlich zulassen, dass wir sie nehmen." Sie betrachtete sich selbst im Spiegel. Karens langes blondes Haar war nach hinten gestrafft. Ihre blauen...
InterracialDie Zeit in der Bahn verflog. Julia schrieb in feiner Handschrift über ihre letzten Monaten. Sie schrieb darüber, wie sie Dina, ihre Nachbarin bewundert hatte, wie sie mit ihrem Schreiben ins Stocken, mit sich in Zwiegespalt geraten war, wie der Auftrag durch Professor Sebag authentischer zu werden, sie ins Rotlichtmilieu geführt hatte, ohne dass sie sich für das Rotlichtmilieu bewusst entschieden hätte. Nein, es hatte sie eher dorthin gezogen. Die Nacktheit, die Unvermitteltheit, die Rohheit...
Buffy konnte es kaum erwarten, wieder ins Schauspiellager zu kommen. Sie war jedes Jahr hingegangen, seit sie zehn war und sie liebte es. Es war draußen in der Natur, was sie mochte, weil sie ein Stadtmädchen war, aber, was sie am meisten mochte, war, dass sie Freunde dort traf, die sie sonst nur selten sehen konnte. Eine von ihnen war Megan, die eine besondere Freundin war. Sie hatten vor drei Jahren zusammen im Schauspiellager gelernt zu masturbieren. Sie waren in diesem Jahr Zimmergenossen...
TeenSonntagmorgen. ich liege noch in meinem Bett, spiele mit meinen Fingern zwischen meinen Beinen, wie immer morgens, aber eher aus Langeweile. Ich hatte noch nie einen Freund, aber chatte regelm
Mein Leben war eingefahren und eintönig geworden. Ich ( Frank 55) hatte nicht nur Probleme in meinen Job als Hausmeister, auch in meiner Ehe hing das Segel schief! Nicht das meine Frau ( Helga 33 ) mich nicht mehr geil machte, aber sie hatte kaum noch Lust auf Sex und ausser alle 14 Tage eine kurze Missionarsnummer, war bei ihr nicht drinnen. Am Anfang unserer Ehe hatten wir natürlich viel regelmässiger miteinander verkehrt, aber Helga verlor schnell das Intresse und die müden Ficknummern mit...
Friday afternoon found me washing the Pantera. Mom had gotten it into her mind that tonight was a big deal and had gone all out. Yesterday, she made me come straight home after school. She had taken me first to get a haircut and then clothes shopping. I hadn't realized that when women go shopping for a new outfit they buy from the skin out. She insisted I buy socks and underwear (Fortunately, she didn't make me model them.). Then we went to an actual men's store and purchased a suit. She...
When we started out, I swear that one of the first things I thought of was a circus parade. And I was one of the clowns! Atrina had insisted I wear some sort of dress uniform that she had come up with. I felt like a character out of a Walt Disney cartoon the way I was dressed to the nines. She swore that I looked elegant in my outfit, but I just felt gaudy. Oh, well, she knew a hell of a lot more than I did about the local fashion scene. I think that it was the red cape along with the golden...
Dear friends, this is part 2 of the sexual adventure with my manager at her house in Bangalore when her husband was away on travel and her daughter went with friends to Mysore for a trip. We had met on Saturday morning and had sex on the living room sofa, kitchen and finally in her bedroom. Do read the details in the first part of the story. We were sleeping together. I am a light sleeper when I am not at home and so woke up a couple of times to see the naked beauty in slumber next to me. But...
Gary was bored from the flights all week and when he finally checked into the Marriott in Atlanta he was anything but tired, he wanted some action. After hastily unpacking he called the concierge and arranged for a cab to pick him up. A few minutes later he stepped into the cab. The driver was a woman, probably in her 40’s. She asked, “Where to, sir?” “I’m from out of state and I just want to hit the closest bar. I may not score but I don’t want to be far from the hotel if I do,” he replied.
B.t.V.S. - First Kiss 4 – Fillow #1"Look, Red, all I was saying is B needs to chill out, okay? I ain't no leader," Faith grumbled as she paced back and forth in Buffy's room. Willow was sitting on the bed, watching."Buffy's been going crazy with everything, Faith. No one wants to listen to her anymore, because we're not getting anything done and we keep losing Potentials. We need to make some headway if we're going to have any chance of beating the First. You can help us with that. Buffy just...
My partner comes home from work and expects a few things. There are days where she's had a long day and she'll just text me in bold letters LONG DAY. If She texts me like that then when it's about 10 minutes before she's about to get home I make sure that there's an ice cold glass of chocolate milk out, along with her foot wash/massage with water that's just barely under what she can handle, and when she's part way through her dinner i draw her a bubble bath. If She texts LONG DAY I NEED...
Hi everybody,I'm a 32yo guy living in Romania. As a former communist country, sex was a taboo here before the 90's. In the early 2000's my great aunt passed away and I went several times at her house to gather some stuff and trash everything else that I dind't need.After going into her stuff I've found a wooden box with a nice key inside (by the design I guess it was made before WW2). When I've opened I was shocked (in a good way to say so...)...Inside there were a lot of pictures (mostly...
Bill looks around trying to spot his wife. He is very nervous and becomes much stressed when he doesn’t see her. The poorly lit bar was very crowded with the after work happy hour in full swing. He decides to walk through the place to see if he could find her. Just then his cell phone rings. “Hello”, he answers. “Hey Honey, I am at the far end of the bar.” Brenda, his wife, says to him. “OK, I will be right over.” He answers as he hangs up his phone. He makes his way through...
“I remember there being more people here,” Sarette said as she and Katrin wandered through the market stalls. “You’ve been to Lanport before?” the other woman asked. “Once, years ago.” Her parents had taken her so she could see the ocean. “Well, it’s cold and wet today. It’s not a surprise that the market’s quiet.” Sarette hadn’t considered that. She hadn’t even noticed it was raining, and the temperature would have to drop much lower before she’d be bothered by it. Cold rain was a fact...
I lick my fingers and bring them down to my longing pussy. In circular motions I rub my clit as my head tilts back and I moan. Where I was only some what wet before I started, now I’m soaked and not just from the sensations I’m giving myself, but by fantasizing of my ghost hunting partner, Trevor. I had met him years back and while I had started talking to him because of my attraction to him, I learned that he, like me, was very interested in the paranormal. A few months later, we joined...
As she sped through the night toward her destination, time seemed to stand still. She cursed the traffic and slow rain that impeded her progress. Her pulse raced and blood pressure soared at the seemingly infinite number of red lights that all appeared just as she approached them. She was thirty minutes late and could feel the precious little time she would have slipping through her fingers. She could also feel the tingling dampness that was the precursor of what she hoped would soon...
Two of the women were particularly skilled in basket making, so Doug assigned them the job of making the casings for the bombs. He wanted the baskets to be as strong and as dense as possible, so the women made them as double layered containers. There was no need for them to be spherical; the trebuchet certainly didn't care! The structure they came up with was a nearly cylindrical, truncated cone. There was a flat bottom and a flat top, and the fuse was run out the top. The casing was lined...
Austrian/Hungarian women must be the smartest beautiful women ever made for man-kind. Not only that but being Catholic, reared in private schools run by Nuns make them incredibly receptive to any man's wishes. My little sweetheart was not more than 5'1", long straight hair almost to the floor, smart as anyone I've ever met, and possessing a libido unsurpassed by any nymph that I've every met. Since moving from St. Louis to live together for the first time after sharing most of our times...
“Okay, I’m ready Sexy bum.” Kathy shouts from her bedroom. I stop stroking my now stiff cock and walk up the stairs. I could barely contain my excitement. I am smiling from ear to ear and my cock is just throbbing to the touch. As I get to the top of the landing I can see right into Kathy’s bedroom and there she was in all her glory. She had red stilettos on and nothing else. Kathy stood in front of the bed bent over with her sexy bum sticking out. The closer I got to her I start to see that...
Since I have been at the high school, I have always had a crush on Josh. He was perfect. He is popular, a cheer leader, and good looking. Everyone wanted to fuck him! I really did. It was after school and I was staying after for Art Club. Mrs. Bazzle the art teacher said we could walk around school and take pictures. I was walking around the gym when I spotted Josh. He was practicing for cheer leading. He spotted at me and winked. Josh was a senoir, I was a freshman. It would be kinda weird for...
GayI suggest you read chapter one first to begin to find out what is happening.We talked a little more about things over supper and she opened up even more about her favourite fantasy. She just had this dream of having some young girl at her mercy and doing whatever she liked to her. Apparently, she’d dabbled with playing with other women in her youth and quite enjoyed it although she was at pains to point out that I totally satisfied her and since we had watched the video together her fantasy now...
Andy and I, as part of our training mandated by Uncle Bert and given by Madame Delilah who ran the best call girl service in the country, had been playing whore-john on the streets of San Francisco. Andy was dressed like a street whore, not a classy call girl which is training we did with Rebecca, but a cheap whore: tank top, super high heels, super short skirt, way too much makeup, and chewing gum popping like machine gun fire. When she was propositioned by a movie star (no, I will not...
Lilly has done a fair bit of experimenting since she’s been at college. Her parents have made her get a tutor due to the fact her grades aren’t what they should be. She couldn’t be happier – he is so hot and she finds it hard to concentrate when he’s around. The problem is, her mom is always hanging around, giving her no opportunity to tell him how she feels – until now. With her parents gone for the entire weekend, this is the chance she’s been waiting for. When he arrives for...
xmoviesforyouThe winter in the mountains had been harsh that year.Greta still clung to the belief that everything would work out if they just remained patient and let the winds of fate decide their future. Hans scoffed at the idea just like he had rejected the inclination to trust the dreaded witch. He loved his adopted sister more than life itself but sometimes she was so irritatingly “good” that he left her to her cleaning in the tiny hut and he visited the Gypsy girls in the nearby camp next to the...
IncestAm besten ich schildere ich euch die Situation in welcher ich meine eigene Tochter beim Sex mit einem Jungen erwischt habe. Meine Tochter ist vom Erscheinungsbild her ein "Engelchen". Sie war noch nie verhaltensauffällig, aufbrausend oder besonders an Jungs interessiert. Sie war immer sehr schüchtern, pflichtbewusst und respektvoll. Sie hat eine kleine Brust und weibliche altersgemässe Rundungen am Gesäss. Die Hosen passen nicht mehr. Die Haut ist fettiger und sie bekommt sogar einen leichten...
So I climbed up the cement steps toward the three men who were sitting back in the shade of the pavilion roof. I was aware that my knee hurt and worked hard for it not to show. The one in the middle was short, smooth-faced and looked about twenty years old. He had a lot of slicked-back hair that enveloped his ears, and wore frameless sunglasses and a watch with a dial made from a silver dollar. The other two appeared to be twice his size and age, but they were very deferential to the younger...
I am sitting at the bar having a cold beer when I see you come in. You catch every guys attention because you have this sexy short tight skirt on and a tight low cut blouse that shows your nice soft rounded tits. As soon as I see you I know you are one of those cock teasing ladies. I keep an eye on you and watch as you flirt with the guys, bend forward so they can see those nice tits, drop things so you have to bend over to pick it up and show off your nice shapely ass. As I watch you I get...
True story from a few years back I found it on my other profile page, hope you enjoy Had a wonderful experience with a guy I wanted to share with you all..... It started with a text saying he would be round at 8, what should I bring? I replied condoms and something cheap fizzy and pink..... just like me xxxI spent a good hour and a half getting ready for him I bathed and moisturised my whole body with soft smooth body butter. I slipped my smooth white stockings onto my long luscious legs, and...
If you may recall, many months ago (and in one of my other reports) I had let my suck buddy Dave rub my arse hole with his hard cock, and cum over my back, which excited me greatly, but never felt the desire to let him enter me. Since then, I have had that niggling feeling of wondering what it would be like to have him deep inside me. I tried a couple of times to get some idea by using a courgette, trimmed and shaped to look like a cock, which had, shall we say, pleasing results, but my...
I got off work at 3PM and headed home. I picked up a late lunch and drove to my Apt to eat, then take a nap. I unlocked the door and went in, throwing my keys on my desk. I ate at the kitchen bar and read the mail. I decided to lay down for a little while and walked to the bedroom. I took my medical scrubs off and my bra. I lay down half nude, with my big tits out in just panties, and turned on the laptop and surfed social media and got bored after a while. My mind turned to sex, as it often...
New face Alex Blake is here today to show you her absolutely mouth-watering pussy. The petite babe gets fucked hard by Peter Green in this delightful hardcore masterpiece by the DDF Network. Get ready for some intense teen action and get your boner ready for a fountain of cum all over this young babe’s shaved pink pussy! The brunette and brown-eyed beauty relaxes by the pool and gets horny all of a sudden. Alex Blake rubs her pussy and takes her bikini top off, showing us her small...
xmoviesforyouEver since I began dating my wife when we were teenagers in High School, I had this thing for her mother Sophie. Sophie reminded me of the actress Angie Dickenson who lives and breathes sensuality. Every time I was around her I would get a raging hard on and would end up masturbating later thinking of this hot sexy lady. Fucking her became my biggest fantasy. Erica my wife was a hot little minx that loved to fuck and suck which should have been enough for me, but I could never get Sophie out of...
BisexualI wasn't sure where my night was heading."Was that all planned?" I asked Kay as we drove away."No," she said. "I organize and plan for school and work. When I have fun, I just let things happen.""Did you know that would happen?" I asked her."No," she answered. "As I said, I just let things happen. It's not the first time I've done something similar. The mood just caught me. I just let things happen."We drove a bit farther in silence."So have you fucked all those people before?"...
Threesomes"I hate you," she hissed."Liar," he growled, nipping her ear. "The soaked panties in my pocket indicate otherwise. The same panties that, may I remind you, you willingly handed over. Besides, you know you want me just as badly as I want you.""Willingly?" she snorted. "I don't recall having much of a choice.""There's always a choice, my dear.""Fuck you!""That can be arranged, but only after I've thoroughly fucked you, Bella.""I've asked you not to call me that. I'm not your...
ReluctanceAali Kali lies in her bed. She’s browsing online on her laptop when she happens upon something interesting. Dovefucking? What the hell is DOVEFUCKING? she wonders aloud as she stares at the screen, clearly intrigued. Thinking for a moment, she types on her laptop. ‘What is dovefucking?’ she says slowly to herself as she types. Her eyes widen as she reads the results. She looks a little freaked out for a moment, but then her features soften as if to say ‘this is weird,...
xmoviesforyouNovember 17, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written November 18-19] We had a light practice, doing only the typical warmups, laps, and rondo. Coach had all of us adjourn to the locker room where we discussed the start of the state tournament tomorrow. We’ll be playing in the southeast regional, as will Petaluma, which got one of the two regional at-large entries. Fortunately, the draw does not have us in the same side of the bracket. The only way we could meet them would be to play them in the...
Isabella plopped down in front of her dressing room table while struggling to pull on her panty hose! “I just gotta lose some weight.” She said with a sigh, “I’m gonna die young if I don’t!” After finally getting them on and adjusted correctly. She stood up and slid her 42DD bra over her shoulders while harnessing her huge boobs in her custom made bras. She stared at herself in the mirror, seeing her dark brown mid-shoulder lenght hair, her azure blue eyes for several seconds, until the tears...
Love StoriesSuresh turned his back to the wall against and stared into space, his chest heaving, his erection throbbing, his mind in a daze. He had found out. She had told him everything. Now it was up to him. He felt drugged and heavy and useless and, at the same time, strangely aroused. From the bedroom, he could hear their rising cries, the sounds of their bodies slapping together, flesh on flesh, flesh in flesh. He went back to the window. Inside, Michael was fucking her rapidly, furiously, his...
Dad turned the car down a dirt road and into a field surrounded by trees. He killed the engine, then turned to me and sighed. He'd been acting strange the whole ride."Well, son, I guess you're wondering why I brought you out here." I had a pretty good idea: the dreaded sex talk. He scratched his stubbly chin. He seemed like he didn't know how to begin."Shit," he said, looking out the window. He'd lost his nerve. "You know, I used to bring your mother out here when we were in high school." He...
Me and Carrie got together about 4 years ago. We met each other on an adult dating site.After we both got divorced, from other people, we agreed to give it a go together.Carrie has two k**s, one lad, aged 25 and one lass, 23.The first time I met her daughter, Julie, she was a bit off hand with me, understandable as she thought I'd split her mum and dad up.All I remember from the first meeting was that Julie was slim and her perky tits showed well through her thin t-shirt. She has lovely thin...
Though it irritated Karen, I had everything packed and moved from Grandfather's apartment to Roselawns. I leased his apartment to Exxon for its new CEO. The yearly lease was one third of what Grandfather had originally paid for the whole building, but what I wanted was to make a mental change from Grandfather's to Roselawns. I wanted the Jenkins Bank to take over most of our building on Wall Street. By the time I passed the bar, I planned for only Jenkins and Jenkins' rainmakers to occupy...
I'm a cop, actually a member of the California Highway Patrol. Been a chippie for almost ten years. My parents died in a car crash, leaving my little sister Debbie and me, Steven to live in the house we grew up in. We live in Eureka - it's just 50 miles south of the Oregon/California border on the coast having a population of less than 30 thousand people. Closest bigger city is Redding, with just over 90 thousand people. Her name's Deborah; she's 23, out of college and out of a bad...
Jade Amber hear’s her boyfriend’s friend Peter talking on the phone to her man, and through eavesdropping she learns that her boyfriend is fucking another woman! She’s not down with that, and she tells Peter that it’s officially over with him. Peter makes like he’s going to leave to eat a pizza, but Jade isn’t having any of that. No, instead, she keeps him over and gets her mouth all over his sausage! No idea why he’s at her house in the first place, but it’s a good thing for everyone that he...
xmoviesforyouA letter from a broken toy To whom it may concern: I really don't even know what to call you. I have done such a masterful job of blocking your name from my conscious mind that I am not sure of it anymore, and you might not even remember mine, but I was one of your toys, all those years ago. Only God and you know how many of us there were. I do not know if I can do justice to the havoc you have created in your search for self gratification. But I must try, if only for my own peace...
INTRODUCTION You are about to participate in a story that will involve you in intrigue while at the same time offer you an opportunity to experience, if you so desire, a variety of erotic encounters. The narrative takes place in Paris, France. It is during the late 1800's, a time which will come to be known as "La Belle Epoque"---an era when Paris overflowed with artists and writers, actors and singers, bourgeoise and nobility, financiers and landowners. Although the characters at the maison...
Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter thirty When Greg woke in the morning, he was alone in bed. Afraid Abby had left, he sat up, then he heard his bathroom door open. Moments later, she appeared in the bedroom, wearing one of his shirts, which dangled almost to her knees. Her hair was a bit tousled, and when she saw that he was awake, she smiled and flushed a little. Greg thought the blushing only made her look more beautiful. ‘Good morning,’ he said. ‘Good morning,’ Abby...
MFGaryI can’t believe that I am sitting here, in this restaurant waiting for a woman that I have never met, or even seen a picture of. To tell you the truth, until six hours ago, I had never even heard of Amanda. But let me tell you a little about how I wound up here. My name is Gary Setzer and I work as a Sales Representative for a major manufacturer. I am originally from Columbus, Ohio, and lived there until about 8 years ago. However, my job requires me to make business trips to...
My wife and I had been married several years when, looking to ad some spice to our sex life, we began experimenting sexually with other people. Our first experience was with a handsome, Hispanic police officer, whom she seduced in our apartment one night after she’d had enough booze to lose her inhibitions. That night, I discovered how incredibly exciting and stimulating it is to watch my beautiful, blond wife fuck another man. We both enjoyed it so much that we invited Officer Franco back for...