geiler Sex mit nem reifen Bauern
- 4 years ago
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Die 10b aus einer Oberschule in Berlin fährt zur letzten Klassenfahrt...
Danach werden sich ihre Wege trennen:
Einige wechseln die Schule und machen ihr ABI und andere beginnen eine Ausbildung.
Doch hier wollen alle noch einmal die Sau raus lassen!!!
Bei uns in der Nähe gibt es leider kein passendes Lokal wo man Pissspiele machen kann oder gleichgesinnte zu treffen.Aber jeden letzten Freitag im Monat findet in Mannheim im Jails ja die Pissparty statt. Und ab und zu wenn es mein Arbeitsplan erlaubt fahr ich gern dort hin um ein bisschen Spaß zu haben.Ein Freund von mir ist ne Mega-Pisssau die nie genug bekommen kann. So hole ich ihn immer ab und wir fahren rüber nach Mannheim für ein bisschen Spaß. Bei so einer Gelegenheit , es war ein...
Ich erwache aus einem traumlosen Schlaf, als ich meine Augen öffne blicke ich mich in dem mir fremd erscheinenden Zimmer um. Einen Moment bin ich verwirrt. "Wo bin ich, was mache ich hier?" fragt sich mein schlaftrunkendes Gehirn. Nach weiteren Sekunden des Sammelns finde ich langsam zur Realität zurück. Dieses fremdwirkende Zimmer, ist mein neues Zuhause. Spärlich und altertümlich eingerichtet mit einem alten Holzschreibtisch und einem noch älteren Bett, wirkt hier nichts jünger als 30 Jahre....
Seit wir uns im Herbst in einem Café kennengelernt haben, trafen wir uns regelmäßig. Manchmal verging ein Monat, manchmal nur eine Woche. Und auch wenn wir uns sehr gut unterhielten und unseren Austausch zu schätzen wussten, war doch von Beginn an unsere körperliche Anziehung ebenso wenig zu übersehen. Aus irgendeinem Grund hat jedoch keiner von uns bisher ein Wort darüber verloren oder irgendwelche Anzeichen gemacht, dass es an der Zeit war, uns näherzukommen. Bis gestern. Was auch immer...
Ich bin Fotograf und meine Leidenschaft ist es gefesselte Frauen zu fotografieren. In meinem Keller habe ich mir eine Werkstatt eingerichtet, in der ich immer wieder Gegenstaende konstruiere, an denen ich meine Modells fesseln kann. Als ich letzte Woche wieder mal in der Werkstatt arbeitete klingelte es an meiner Haustuere. Es war meine Nichte Melanie. Sie frage mich, ob sie in meinem Pool ein paar Runden schwimmen doenne. Ich erlaubte es ihr. Da ich aber meine Arbeit beenden wolle, ging ich...
"Kommst Du vorbei? Wir können es uns gemütlich machen und ein bisschen TV schauen." schalt es aus meinem Telefon. "Okay, hört sich gut an. Mach mich nur kurz fertig. Soll Ich was mitbringen?" frage Ich. "Nee, brauchst nicht. Gute Laune und Du, dass reicht. freu mich" wieder mein Telefon. "Gut, bis gleich" sage Ich und lege auf. So erstmal unter die Dusche. Klamotten aus, T-shirt weg, Hose aus. Tut das gut. Wasser marsch... Mein kleines Vötzchen sollte ich auch noch kurz rasieren, man weis ja...
Group SexEs war Samstag Vormittag , ich war gerade dabei die Garage auf zu räumen , da überkam mich die Geilheit . Ich hatte die ganze Woche über viel gearbeitet .Immer spät nach Hause gekommen und meine Freundin kaum gesehen . Also auch die ganze Woche keinen Sex gehabt . Sie musste heute noch arbeiten . - Pflegedienst Frühschicht - .Ich schrieb ihr eine WhatsApp , sie möge bitte viel Mineralwasser auf der Arbeit trinken . Ihr müsst wissen , wir sind NS-Liebhaber . . " Mach ich " schrieb sie zurück ....
Die glänzende Eisenstange surrte, als David sie aus der angenähten Befestigung seines Wanderrucksacks zog. Langsam ging die Sonne unter über den leeren Bauwerken der Stadt. Er rollte seinen Schlafsack aus und ließ sich auf dem Dach des gewaltigen Miethauses nieder. Die sommerlich warme Nacht erlaubte es ihm, draußen zu schlafen, um das Geschehen in den Straßen zu beobachten. Und möglicherweise liebte er es auch einfach, in die Sterne zu schauen und den Wind auf der Haut zu spüren. Es verirrten...
Um zu erfahren wie ich auf diese Idee gekommen bin und als Leitfaden für Mitautoren bitte das "Zur Geschichte" lesen. Für die ganze Story, einschliesslich dem Lebenslauf des Handlungsträgers bitte die "Vorgeschichte" anwählen. An deren Ende geht es dann mit der eigentlichen Story weiter. "Batgirl's Vernichtung" springt gleich zur eigentlichen Story, aber es fehlen einige wesentliche Informationen für den Leser. Allerdings kürzt es den Weg ab und man ist gleich in der eigentlichen Geschichte...
hi ich muss dir unbedingt erzählen was ich heute nacht erlebt habe. das ganze war ganz spontan, was es noch aufregender machte!angefangen hat alles, als ich und zwei kollegen in einer bar ein paar bierchen tranken. dabei fiel mir immer wieder auf, dass eine frau zu uns rüber schaute und mich anlächelte. zunächst ignorierte ich das, da ich dachte sie schaut jemanden neben uns an denn sie war einiges älter als ich, bestimmt gegen die 50. ausserdem sass sie mit zwei männern und einer weiteren frau...
Die Frage stellt sich mir nicht mehr. Ich darf allen Lesern mitteilen. Es funktioniert garantiert. Dabei ist es nicht eine Frage von Ort oder Zeit, nein höchstens eine Frage der Stellung. Da ich ein BBW Liebhaber bin, was soll ich nur machen ich liebe dicke echte Titten und dicke echt fette Ärsche, in deren Hautfalten man Titten, Bauch und Gesäßfalten ficken kann, ist die Durchführung des Vorhabens „lass uns zwei Schwänze in einen Arsch stecken“ viel einfacher. Allen schlankere Frauen zur...
"Ich werde es nehmen." Martis Augen öffneten sich weit und sie schüttelte den Kopf. "Nicht! Was, wenn du erwischt wirst?" Es war eng in der Umkleidekabine. Marti seufzte. "Erzähl mir nochmal, warum ich mit dir befreundet bin." Karen lachte. "Weil ich Spaß habe. Außerdem denke ich, dass die Verkäuferin mit uns zur Schule geht. Sie würde uns wahrscheinlich zulassen, dass wir sie nehmen." Sie betrachtete sich selbst im Spiegel. Karens langes blondes Haar war nach hinten gestrafft. Ihre blauen...
InterracialDie Zeit in der Bahn verflog. Julia schrieb in feiner Handschrift über ihre letzten Monaten. Sie schrieb darüber, wie sie Dina, ihre Nachbarin bewundert hatte, wie sie mit ihrem Schreiben ins Stocken, mit sich in Zwiegespalt geraten war, wie der Auftrag durch Professor Sebag authentischer zu werden, sie ins Rotlichtmilieu geführt hatte, ohne dass sie sich für das Rotlichtmilieu bewusst entschieden hätte. Nein, es hatte sie eher dorthin gezogen. Die Nacktheit, die Unvermitteltheit, die Rohheit...
Buffy konnte es kaum erwarten, wieder ins Schauspiellager zu kommen. Sie war jedes Jahr hingegangen, seit sie zehn war und sie liebte es. Es war draußen in der Natur, was sie mochte, weil sie ein Stadtmädchen war, aber, was sie am meisten mochte, war, dass sie Freunde dort traf, die sie sonst nur selten sehen konnte. Eine von ihnen war Megan, die eine besondere Freundin war. Sie hatten vor drei Jahren zusammen im Schauspiellager gelernt zu masturbieren. Sie waren in diesem Jahr Zimmergenossen...
TeenSonntagmorgen. ich liege noch in meinem Bett, spiele mit meinen Fingern zwischen meinen Beinen, wie immer morgens, aber eher aus Langeweile. Ich hatte noch nie einen Freund, aber chatte regelm
Mein Leben war eingefahren und eintönig geworden. Ich ( Frank 55) hatte nicht nur Probleme in meinen Job als Hausmeister, auch in meiner Ehe hing das Segel schief! Nicht das meine Frau ( Helga 33 ) mich nicht mehr geil machte, aber sie hatte kaum noch Lust auf Sex und ausser alle 14 Tage eine kurze Missionarsnummer, war bei ihr nicht drinnen. Am Anfang unserer Ehe hatten wir natürlich viel regelmässiger miteinander verkehrt, aber Helga verlor schnell das Intresse und die müden Ficknummern mit...
Yes, just like that of a banshee indeed. Just as long as I do not ever meet one of them; bad news and all of that, not to mention how awful their singing is… In the inn’s heated bath, actually a small pool, she eased in a short swim from side to side; always she alternated her strokes, one way on her stomach, the other on her back. At least until she heard the young serving lad splash into the water; so stunned was he, like most hormone raging teen boys, by the sight of her bared...
Legend of Atlantis By Innocent Guilt "Children I think it's time that I tell you a story of your past and where you come from." Sandria gathered her two kids around the campfire. "Mommy, what story are you talking about?" Richey asked. "I'm talking about a great city that cried out in pain and lost everything in one final battle." She stared into each of her children's eyes as she spoke. "For many years people have searched for the lost city of Atlantis. They claim that...
Another cigarette. Another cup of coffee. Craig laid there on the bed catching his breath. Even after blowing a big ass load in my mouth his cock never really went down. That’s one good thing about fucking teenagers. They reload pretty fast. Looking around I noticed that the men were all naked now and one of the other women had left. The one still there was the first one I had met and she was on the floor happily getting a cock rammed up her ass. Seemed to be taking it pretty well too. I had...
I had heard about swinging since I was a teen in high school, but had no idea how prevalent it was. I was intrigued with the idea and was determined to find out more about it. I started doing research on the internet and found websites dedicated to the swinging lifestyle. My favorite was joined the site and would visit it early in the morning while my wife Monica was still sleeping. When you joined, the first thing you did was create a profile complete with pictures. I did...
SwingersMark,was suckling on Tina's nipple.His dick snug,in her tight cunt.She,felt her,stepdad Robert,lube her puckered anus down.Tina astride,Mark,riding his delicious cock,placed her hands firmly on his chest.Awaiting the pending onslaught on her ass! Robert,eased his uncircumcised prick into her butt.As the knob sunk home.Tina, mewed and clenched it with her spincter muscle.Robert,looked up at the ceiling and opened his mouth,groaning with appreciation!He sunk his dick into his...
Hi this is vicky(name changed) and this is about a story of my first sex experience, some information about myself, I am a 18 year old guy from chennai and I am tall and very lean and my cock size is 6 inches and I watch lot of porn, but had sex with nobody, hence this was really a exciting experience for me and I hope this only continues, this incident happened to me last week.I hope everyone knows how tamil aunties are, they have some of the big asses around.Recently a new family a moved into...
[ For this story to make any sense you need the background, IMHO. The story ‘Consequences, Marie’ is the background. There is sex in this story. There is incest (father-daughter), exhibitionism, FFM, FF and group sex.. but they aren’t the story. The relationships are the story. Your votes and comments are encouraged. Please vote and please comment. I honestly want to know what you think. ] In the morning we (Janice and I) sat in the kitchen and ate breakfast as we talked. I called Elaine and...
I suppose you should know a little about me. Well, this journal is intended to be stories about my past. I'm 28 years old now. I'm gay. I like a dominant man, and I figured that out when I was 18. I'm still horny as all hell...just like I was as a kid. I didn't know what I liked or didn't. At the time, I didn't know I was gay. But, even then, the word penis turned me on. I always wanted to see another guy's penis. I didn't have that opportunity until I was 18. I had decided not to...
I've been at my new job for about 6 months. It's a new/old job as I had been the Building Chief for 4 years ten years earlier when it was Occupied by the Social Security Administration. I left before they moved out and worked for a few more years until I retired at 55. Getting called back was un-expected but the Building was Empty now and privately owned. It's a 1.4 Million Sq. Ft. Complex on 17 acres that has 2 five story office buildings connected by a bridge and a 17 story tower!After I had...
Synopsis: After several decades of reducing the number of motorist speeding the Danish government comes up with a humiliating Synopsis: After several decades of reducing the number of motorist speeding the Danish government comes up with a humiliating idea of how to punish people in a way so they stop speeding forever. Hopefully it remains fiction. In the parliament It was the year 2015. The politicians met once again. Everybody has thought about his or her failure. For year the...
When they say you marry your wife, you actually marry your wife’s mother, I know now that is a true statement. It wasn’t until my wedding day that I started imagining myself with my mom to be. Her name is Jen, she is 53, 5’9 and 140 pounds. She has long light brown hair and has medium sized breast, with big nipples. You can see them through her shirts. She is in average shape but looks great for 53 and for raising a family of 4. During the reception she looked ravaging in her slim...
It had been a while since I had a happy ending massage, so I called up my usual parlour and asked for the girl who I normally see. I was informed that she was no longer working there, but there was a new girl. I was told she was an 18 year old student, very petite and British. I booked to see her for half an hour, got ready and headed there. When I arrived I was told to go in to the massage room, strip down and 'Candy' would be in soon to see me. A few minutes later Candy walked in and I...
Stephen Nervously I parked in front of the Blythe's large house. Jenny had been several times before and knew what to expect but I'd kept myself away from social occasions for obvious reasons. Two other cars were in the drive; one I recognised as Clarissa's and the other Jenny said, belonged to Howard's sister, Mary Chatwin and her husband Costain. "Her two twin twenty-year old daughters, Marika and Katrina, may well be with her. They're doing arts courses in Edinburgh so they're...
So this is the story of my first experience with a black man. By this point in time in my sissy/trans life I have been with a variety of men. White, Hispanic, Asian...but never black. And It’s not like I didn’t have a lot of opportunity for it either. I would say a large % of men in person and online that hit on me or chat with me are black. I think that has something to do with me being white, since it seems that black guys want to use and fuck white bitches more than other ethnicities. Just a...
Intha anubava suga nilai niraiya pengaluku udhaviyaaga irukum, neengal aangal pengalidam ena ethir paarkiraargal enbathai anaithaiyum neengal therinthu kolalam. Pothuvaaga aangal avargalin siru vayathilr sunniyai pidithu vilaiyaaduvaargal. Avargalin sunni sariyaaga 10 vayathil irunthu valara aarambikum pengal kuthiyil oothu udal uravu kola. Naan oru aanaga en kathaigalai ungaluku sollugiren, en peyar ashok vayathu ippozhuthu 30 aagugirathu. En kaama anubavangalai naan ungalidam pagirnthu kola...
When I got back up to the flat, I discovered that our petite Welsh flatmate was on her own; Sian and Malcolm were still off walking somewhere, taking advantage of the long Bank Holiday weekend and the fine May weather. She joined me in the kitchen as soon as I put the kettle on, seeming very pleased to have some company again. “Vee, Julie’s staying in Reading and coming back tomorrow – could you please take notes for her in the ten o’clock lecture?” “No problem, Jon!” “Thanks!” She...
So let's get some of the expectations and guildlines out of the way first. Rules: have fun. That's it. OK now that we have that out of the way let's move on. What follows is the tale of the newest superhero in the [insert universe here]. We're going to make an all original character. The writers get to come up with the details, so submissions are welcome! But the first name, lastname, and alias is of the character we are going to follow. Being say Cyclops or Batman is for another story, but if...
Stephen Between mouthfuls I glanced at her. By Helen's standards, yes she was fairly slim but I she definitely wasn't skinny and certainly she had more flesh on her bones than most of the other girls on the course. In a way she was attractive enough but her overly red hair and excessive blackening of her eyelashes put me off. "Don't judge people by their appearance," I told myself, "That's what they do with you." I guessed she was about 5ft 3" tall and had smallish breasts although...
"Hello there, Welcome to Tay's is there anything I can help you find," Tay heard Jess say to someone. "No, I'm just looking." She heard the man reply, the voice was kind of familiar, she thought as she continued with her books. You'd think that the company would send some each week instead of one shipment a month, but no, they could only do one shipment a month, since the new magazines and new books all came out around the same time, Tay supposed it made sense. As she continued...
Justin loves parties. Good looking with a solid build, my husband is in his element meeting women and having them fawning over him. I don't mind — I enjoy the attention I get from men.I confess I was both surprised and amused that Justin seemed taken aback by my dress as I prepared for our latest party night. Okay, it revealed a bit more flesh than usual but I had a nice body for my age so why not flaunt it? Justin made a few comments but I simply told him to remember who I would be coming home...
Clara Trinity is trying out a new promotion for the Kinky Spa today, she calls a client at random and offers them a free massage. Today she got lucky, the client she called got bailed on by his wife so he’s in the perfect mood to come in for a rub down. She wastes no time getting to business, she disrobes and covers them both in the nuru gel and starts rubbing their bodies together. It doesn’t take long for the rubbing to get his cock hard, and she decides to give him the full...
xmoviesforyou"So, when are you going to tell me the rest of the story, Pap?" I asked. I looked over at Mom and she was smiling. "Well, Jase, me and your Mom ain't able to take on four kids at our age. We don't have enough food to feed them for the winter, and we don't have enough room in our wickiup for them to sleep. We were wondering if you all could take them in." I looked over at Millie and she was nodding just as Tess said, "Of course we'll take them in, Pap." It was almost time for...
I felt my anxiety float out of my body with that admission. “Ok, Mary, your safe word is also Avocado. Or should I call you Xena? That does seem appropriate. Do you have anything else you want to say at this time, Xena?” “No Sir, not at this time.” My little scene was all laid out. Pet and Leia had gone back to licking each other. Diana was tied up like Leia had been earlier with her legs spread. This time Laura was above her, scissoring her crotch against Diana’s. She had also...
Harry was forty when Salli and he met and married. She was twenty five, newly out of uni and struggling to make a living in the business world. Harry hadn't achieved a higher education; he hadn't had the time, the patience or the need. He had been orphaned at twelve and his inheritance from his parents was a house and a very large cash sum including two very large life insurance policies due to mature when he turned eighteen. The relatives from both sides all thought they knew best, and...
Hello everyone this is my first story.please leave feedback on how i can improve so i can write more an better thank you. She went outside 4 a ciggerette.she looked in her bag pulled out her packet of ciggerettes and took 1.took her lighter and lit it she put her ciggerettes and lighter back in her she looked up she glanced and saw a man,tall,shaved head,broad soulders.he asked her for a light she stuttered saying yes.Rumiging in her bag she found her lighter flicking it alight the...
Hey. Thank you for your responses. I’ll write about what happened after my experience with the old man and the auto guy. I was returning home the next day and i got a call from the auto guy telling me that he’ll pick me up from the bus stop. I waited for him and he reached there in about 5mins. I got into the auto and he said we’re going to that same house again and that he forgot the keys, so we’ll do it outside on the shed. I nodded to it. We reached there in about 20 mins. I got out of the...
We stayed outside for most of the night and got very, very drunk.Daddy proved to be almost inexhaustible by screwing Rosita after watching me eat her mother and it seemed as though I'd turned Rosa into a lipstick lesbian. We sat together and watched as daddy plowed into her daughter, she kept on nibbling my neck gently and whispering about how nice it had been to feel another woman's mouth on her cunt."Most women have got it within themselves to be bi-sexual," I said as I cupped one of her...
IncestCheryl remembered all about her sister Katie’s roasting, partly because she was there at the beginning and through the run-up and partly because, being close sisters, Katie had told her all the details involved in her tenderizing process. When Katie was thirteen years old, and Cheryl fourteen, the family attended together the spit-roasting of the daughter of family friends, a seventeen year old named Allanah, whom Katie and Cheryl knew but only slightly. There had been much discussion about...
Mera naam rafiq hai. Main Rixa chalata hoon. Meri rixa mein Rekha naam ki ek aurat roj aati jaati hai.Rekha ek highschool mein teacher ka school uske ghar se kareeb 6 k.m. Door hai isiliye vo roj mere rixa se apne school ko jati hai.Rekha ek dubli patli aurat hai aur mujhe dubli patli aurate achhi lagti hai. Aaj me is kahani ke madhyam se aapko meine kese Rekha aur badme uski 18 saal ki beti ko chuda vo batane ja raha hu. Me dikhane me kafi achcha hoon aur mera lund bhi kafi bada hai....
Introduction: surprise sex, non-consent but not really Lisa was walking home from school one sunny afternoon. She was thinking about what colleges she was going to apply to. She was a tiny little thing, as most gymnasts are. Small frame and flat chest. She got made fun of a lot for having a flat chest, she tried to stuff but it was pretty clear it was fake. So it was no surprise to her when a car full of guys drove by her and yelled some less than polite comments about her chest and her sexual...
We have had the same mailman for about 4 years now. As most of you, I never really paid all that much attention to him.I have been semi-retired for a couple months now. Wife still going to work mon thru fri. So I usually walk outside and take the mail from him. Normal greetings and pleasantries.I have also been really spending a lot of time riding my dildos while alone during the day. Started playing in the cam rooms and recording some of my playtime. Have been getting bigger and...
To dosto pichle part mai maine bataya ki kaise neha aunty aur maine quick fuck kiya. Ab mai unko aaram se chodne ke liye betaab tha. Jaise mai sex ke baad ghar pahucha maine neha se kaha ki mujhe lamba sex karna hai properly aise jaldi jaldi me nahi wo boli ha mujhe bhi lekin thoda time ruko.Maine bola kahi bahar ja ke hotel me karte hai na sex wo boli nahi wo risky hota hai.Kisine dekh liya to. Aur police bhi raid maar sakti hai. Maine kaha baat to sahi hai lekin aise nahi kiya to kaise karege...
Hitch turned the fresh droppings over in his fingers. Still warm. He peered up the game trail through narrowed eyes, ears listening for any sound of the deer he'd tracked since the night before. Hearing nothing, he dropped the scat and rose from his crouch, exhaling vapors into the cool morning air. He was many miles north of his usual hunting grounds. Since the previous fall, deer had been difficult to track down. Where there had once been bounty, he found only scant signs of their...
Nothing out of the ordinary, it was a Halloween like any other Halloween with me visiting my son, Joey, to spend some quality time with him, his wife, Patty, and my grandc***dren. Normally, I vacation with them for a week every summer but, this time, his wife, Patty, asked me to come again over the Halloween weekend to see the k**s in their costumes and to take them trick or treating. Since Halloween was my son's birthday anyway, it was a way for me buy him a birthday gift there, instead of...
JoannaHungover from the night before, Chris stumbled out of the shower and headed downstairs towards the kitchen, in search of orange juice. If nothing else, the OJ would quench his first - even if it could do nothing for the pounding in his head. The living room had been a tip the night before, at least, that was how Chris last remembered it. At some point in between then and now, the s**ttered bottles and empty cans had been scooped up. Good, Chris thought dimly - perhaps we can sort this out...
People will read my writings and say, I am bold and perhaps a little outspoken, daring to speak about the unmentionables, the dark secrets of the really good sex, only good, because its against the laws of nature. In cooking parlance, what makes a chef better than a good everyday cook?Is it the ingredients he or she uses, or their technique and obedience to the rules, that separates them from your mothers kitchen?Sex is like that. There were times when men fathered c***dren in their pants, in a...
1. The first time I saw him we were reaching to squeeze the same orange. I hate buying oranges that look so delicious and then taste like damp, bland fiber after you've peeled them. Our eyes met. His were shining out of a dark, rugged face and so damned blue, I could have drowned in them. I realized I was staring and made myself look down. "Excuse me." he said, "After you." Those were the innocent words spoken but I had suddenly felt as if he had said, 'Take your clothes off. I want to fuck...
FetishTuesday morning started out like any other day for Doug. His alarm clock woke him up at seven o'clock; he showered, ate a light breakfast and was out of the house by 8:15. He felt much better about his decision to resign than he did yesterday and actually started looking forward to telling the Board of Elders of his decision to resign. Up until two weeks ago, his life was just like anybody's life. He got up, went to work, did what he had to do and came home. Now everything had changed. His...
By : Nextgen Hi dosto, Myself Ajay mai delhi se hu. Mai iss ka regular reader hu aur ye meri pehli story hai.jesa ki ap sab jante hi hai ki yha kafi sari kahania kalpnik hoti hai to aj mai b apko ek kalpnik kahani sunane ja rha hu pasand aye to mail jarur kijiyga. Kirti ek 21 saal ki sex bomb thi jo ki Delhi k ek jane mane hospital me nursing ka kam krti thi.uski figure aesi thi ki kisi 80 saal ke buddhe ka bhi lund khada krde uski figuri khi 34-26-36 ki rhi hogi.rang bilkul gora bilkul dudh...
Hi. My name is Steve. My boyfriend’s name is Sean. I’m 25; he’s 23 but looks younger. I’m a big guy: 6’2” and 210 lbs. of mostly muscle. I work out a lot. Sean is about 5’7”, 140 lbs., slim but with little muscular definition. I act straight. Sean isn’t effeminate, but no one who meets him would be surprised to learn that he’s gay. To see us together, anyone would assume that I am the dominant one, and outside of bed, that’s pretty much true. But sexually, he is the top and I am...
March 28, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “This day belongs to you, Kara!” I said when the three of us woke on Thursday morning. “Happy birthday!” Jessica said. “Thanks,” Kara replied happily. “I think I’d like an amazing birthday fuck from our husband, and then a nice loving shower with my wife!” Kara said. “Do we have enough time?” I asked. Jessica giggled, “I set the alarm for thirty minutes earlier!” “Then let’s not waste any of it!” I said pulling Kara to me. Kara’s squeals as I plunged...
Day Six I was awake before the alarm, spooned between two lovely ladies. Outside, the rain seemed to fall heavily on the trees, and there was a strong wind blowing. Lauren moved against me and opened her eyes. She kissed me gently when she saw my eyes were open, and I kissed her back. A hand on my cock told me Suzanne might be awake. I turned my head and found her looking into my eyes. “Kiss me,” I said quietly. She moved closer and kissed me as Lauren’s hand joined Suzanne’s. “He seems...
An old man in Mississippi was sitting on his front porch watching the sun rise. He sees the neighbor’s k** walk by carrying something big under his arm. He yells out "Hey boy, whatcha got there?" Boy yells back "Roll of chicken wire." Old man says "What you gonna do with that?" Boy says "Gonna catch some chickens." Old man yells "You damn fool, you can’t catch chickens with chicken wire!" Boy just laughs and keeps walking. That evening at sunset the boy comes walking by and to the old man’s...