A Sense Of Symmetry Pt. 07 free porn video

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Dani slipped her feet into her sneakers and went outside. She had to make sure that the crash she had heard really had been the one in her dream, and not an accident on the road outside. She found just what she had expected to: nothing. When she went back to the house, Jason was standing at the door. ‘What are you doing?’ he demanded. ‘It’s the middle of the night!’

‘I-I thought I heard something,’ Dani said.

‘Dani, it could have been a burglar or something! You don’t just wander around outside in the middle of the night! What if someone attacked you?’

‘I thought I heard a car accident. I don’t think an accident victim would be inclined to attack me.’

‘I didn’t hear anything,’ said Jason.

‘There was no accident,’ Dani replied. ‘I had a nightmare, and what woke me up was a car crash. But I guess it was a crash in my nightmare, because there’s nothing outside.’

Jason put his arms around her. ‘Why didn’t you wake me up if you had a nightmare?’ he asked.

‘Because you always tell me to wake you if I have a nightmare, and you never wake up.’

‘Well, do you want to talk about it?’

‘It was about Ben,’ Dani said, going to the couch. ‘About his accident. I dreamed that Julie ran him off the road.’

‘You know that isn’t what really happened,’ Jason said.

‘Yes, I know. But I also know that when I have dreams like that, there’s usually some truth in them somewhere. Maybe Ben had the accident because Julie was trying to take Sean away from him again, and he was thinking about that instead of his driving. Plus, in the dream, he said, ‘Julie took me away. You let her do it.’ Maybe it’s a warning that Julie is going to fight us for custody of Sean.’

Jason had always accepted that Dani seemed to have some kind of psychic ability, and he usually didn’t argue when she said things like this. But at this time of night, he was considerably less tolerant than usual. ‘Dani, you’re getting obsessed with this whole thing,’ he said. ‘I’m going back to bed. You coming?’

‘In a minute.’

‘Fine. Whatever.’

He stomped back upstairs. Dani curled up on the couch, hugging herself. The nightmare had been too realistic for her to dismiss. When he was alive, Ben and she had had almost a telepathic link. One of them would think of the other, and the other would phone, one of them would need help, and the other would show up already knowing the problem. Why couldn’t that link have survived Ben’s death? If Ben was in Heaven, and was worried about Sean, why couldn’t he try to contact her to warn her about Julie?

Dani woke the next morning still on the couch. She had had no more nightmares, but she knew as soon as she woke that her interpretation of the one she had had was correct.

* * *

‘Legally, she does have a case,’ Martin Franklin told her later that morning.

Dani had called Franklin as soon as his office was open. At her insistence, he had made a time to meet with her. ‘I thought she lost custody because she was an unfit mother,’ Dani said.

‘That’s right.’ Franklin shuffled some papers on his desk. ‘But that was over a year ago, and her circumstances may have changed. With Ben gone, Julie is Sean’s only biological parent, and if she can prove that her parenting skills have improved- say she’s gone to parenting classes or something- the court would most likely give custody to her because she is Sean’s mother.’

‘Is there anything we can do?’ Dani asked.

‘Pray very hard that Julie decides not to fight you. And if she does sue for custody, give me a call. I’ll be glad to help you.’

‘Thank you, Mr. Franklin.’

Sean and Anna were in the yard, pelting each other with fallen leaves, when Dani got home. Neither of them was wearing a coat. ‘Anna, where’s your father?’ Dani asked.

‘In the house. He’s sleeping.’

‘Does he know you two are out here?’

Both children looked guilty. ‘No,’ Anna admitted.

‘Then I guess you’d better go to your rooms and sit on your beds till I come in to talk to you. Has Daddy been up at all?’

‘He gived us breakfus,’ Sean said.

‘He swinged Melanie,’ Anna added. ‘Then he laid on the couch and he went to sleep.’

‘Okay. Get inside, now.’

Jason woke up when the kids slammed the door. ‘What’s going on?’ he asked groggily.

‘Our older daughter and our son were outside with no coats, throwing things at each other,’ Dani said. She deliberately neglected to mention that the ‘things’ had been leaves.

‘Well, where were you?’ Jason asked angrily. ‘I got up and you were gone.’

‘I left you a note. In fact, I left you two notes, because when I only leave you one, you never see it.’

‘Where did you leave the notes?’

‘I left one on the kitchen table, and the other one taped to the bathroom mirror.’

Jason went and looked on the kitchen table. Sure enough, covered with milk and mashed bananas, Dani’s note was there. ‘Okay, you left me a note,’ he said. ‘Sorry I got mad. So where were you?’

‘I went to see Martin Franklin. I wanted to see what our chances were if Julie did sue us for custody.’


‘And, not good. If we can’t prove that she’s unfit, she’ll automatically get custody because she’s Sean’s biological parent.’

‘We’ll do everything we can,’ Jason said helplessly.

‘But it probably won’t be enough. That’s what I was trying to tell you about my nightmare last night.’

‘I know. And I know that your dreams usually mean something. But can’t your subconscious be wrong this time?’

‘I don’t know. I hope so.’

‘Mommy! Can we come down yet?’ Anna called.

‘You and Sean better be in your own rooms!’ Dani replied.

There was a scurry of movement from upstairs as whichever child had been out of their room ran back. ‘We are!’ Anna called a moment later.

Dani and Jason looked at each other and laughed. ‘What are they being punished for, anyway?’ Jason asked.

‘I told you. They were outside with no coats on, throwing things at each other. And since you were asleep, and I wasn’t home, they obviously didn’t have permission to be out there.’

‘We come down?’ Sean called.

‘No, Sean, not yet!’ Dani replied.

‘Anna, stop getting Sean to do your dirty work!’ Jason added.

‘It isn’t dirty work! I’m clean!’

‘Me, too!’ Sean said.

‘You’re right,’ Jason said to Dani when they had finally stopped laughing.

‘About what?’

‘We can’t let Julie take Sean. We wouldn’t have as much to laugh about.’

* * *

That night while Jason was at work, the call finally came. The phone rang at quarter to ten. Dani, who was getting ready for bed, almost didn’t answer, she couldn’t imagine who would be calling her that late. Then she realized who it must be, and picked up the receiver. ‘Hello?’

‘Is this Dani Sheridan?’


‘Are you happy now? You always wanted to get him away from me.’

‘Who is this?’ Dani asked.

‘You know Goddamn good and well who this is.’

‘Yes, I do. How are you, Julie?’

‘How can you even act like this?’ Julie demanded.

‘What do you mean?’ Dani was beginning to think, from the sound of her voice, that Julie was drunk.

‘Like you don’t give a shit. You weren’t happy with taking Ben away?’

‘You left Ben for another guy, Julie. I never took him away from you.’

‘You always wanted what I had. You aren’t getting away with it, bitch.’

‘Julie what are you talking about?’

‘I’m talking about, you have my son. And I want him back.’

‘Good luck with that.’ Dani hung up.

* * *

To Dani’s relief, the rest of the weekend passed with no further contact from Julie. On Monday morning, Dani went back to work, warning Jason to be careful answering the phone. ‘I don’t think she’d threaten me,’ Jason said. ‘I’m not the one she had it in
for when she was with Ben.’

‘That’s comforting, Jason,’ Dani said sarcastically.

‘I was trying to make a joke,’ Jason sighed. ‘Seriously, if you’re right, she was drunk when she called you, and that’s probably why she was making threats. If she really wants custody of Sean, she must realize that she’s going to have to at least act sane.’

‘Who wants Sean?’ asked Anna.

Dani and Jason hadn’t realized that Anna was listening. Dani felt that Anna deserved a truthful answer, but she didn’t have time to explain at the moment. ‘It’s kind of complicated, Anna,’ she said. ‘You and I’ll talk about it when I get home.’

‘Okay,’ Anna agreed.

Jason walked Dani out to the van. ‘Are you really going to tell Anna what’s going on?’ he asked.

‘I’m hoping that she’ll forget by the time I get home. But if she asks again, I’ll tell her. Not the whole story, just something about how Sean’s Mommy and Daddy didn’t live together, and Sean lived with his Daddy, and now his Mommy wants him to live with her.’

‘I guess that won’t be too hard for her,’ Jason said. ‘I just hope you know what you’re doing.’

‘So do I,’ Dani said.

* * *

Dani had some trouble at work that day. Her mind was on Sean, and she made several mistakes on order forms. Finally, her supervisor took her aside. ‘Dani, you’ve shown yourself to be a good worker,’ he said. ‘I’m assuming today is just a fluke. But if you keep up this way, we’ll have to let you go. This is a temporary job, but it’s an important one, and we can’t afford mistakes like the ones you’ve made today.’

‘I’m sorry,’ Dani said. ‘My mind’s somewhere else today. I’ll try to do better.’

‘Like I said, I’m assuming this is a fluke. Whatever’s on your mind, I hope the situation improves. But right now, you have a job to do, and that’s where your mind needs to be.’

Dani went back to her phone. Although she still found it difficult to pay much attention to her job, she managed to get through the last hour with no problems.

When she got home, Jason was pacing. This was usually a bad sign. ‘Where are the kids?’ Dani asked.


‘What’s wrong?’

‘Rebecca Perry called. I asked her who the hell she thought she was, taking Sean to see Julie without telling us. She said she didn’t need our permission. When I told her that since we’re his guardians, she sure as hell does need our permission, she said, ‘Well, that won’t be the case for long.’ Then she hung up on me.’

‘Julie didn’t call, did she?’

‘No. If she had, God only knows what I would have done. But I think you were right, Dani. I think we are going to have a fight on our hands.’

‘I know,’ Dani said. ‘Will you do something for me?’


‘Pray with me?’

Jason nodded, and Dani took his hands. ‘Heavenly Father, we thank You for sending us Sean, and for giving him and us the strength to deal with the loss of Ben. We ask now that you let Sean stay with us, Lord, that if it’s Your will, we keep custody of him. And if that isn’t Your will, Lord, then we ask for the strength to deal with that. Amen.’

‘Amen,’ Jason said. ‘What do you mean, if that isn’t His will?’

‘I don’t know,’ Dani said. ‘Just covering all the bases, I guess.’

‘Well, if what Shannon told us about Julie is true, she won’t get custody. What do you actually know about Julie, anyway?’

‘She looks a lot like you,’ Ben said when Dani asked about Julie.

‘A lot like me when I was thin, you mean.’ At five months pregnant, Dani had already put on thirty pounds.

‘You’re having a baby. You’re supposed to gain weight, so don’t start that shit. Anyway, she reminds me of you in some of her actions and things she says.’

Does anyone else see anything Freudian in this? Dani thought, but she had kept her mouth shut. ‘Anything else?’

‘Keep quiet about this. She has some problems with drugs and alcohol. I won’t let her do it around me, since I’m trying to stay clean, but I think she’s still into it. I told her I won’t stay with her if she keeps it up.’

‘Then why are you still with her?’

‘Because I think I can change her.’

Obviously, Ben’s attempts at changing Julie had failed. ‘I don’t know much,’ Dani told Jason. ‘Just that she’s always been kind of a partier.’

‘She sure doesn’t sound like someone I’d pick for a mother.’

‘Me, neither. So, are you a little calmer now?’

‘Yeah, I guess. You can bring the kids down, if you want.’

‘Did they have lunch yet?’

‘Yeah. Melly’s due for a bottle in half an hour.’

‘That’s plenty of time,’ Dani said.

‘For what?’ Jason asked.

‘To see how sturdy that couch your parents gave us is.’

The loving had its desired effect: it calmed Jason down and took both their minds off their problems for a little while. Afterward, they let the kids come back downstairs. Dani sat on the couch, watching them play, while Jason got ready for work. She couldn’t keep her eyes off Sean. Despite what she had told Jason, she knew now that they would lose him. The feeling she had had when they first met the Perrys was stronger than ever. Dani tried to convince herself that she was just getting carried away with worrying, but she knew she was lying to herself. The question was, how much time did they have left before everything came crashing down?

* * *

Dani called Phyllis that night after the kids were in bed. ‘I just needed to talk,’ she said when Phyllis answered the phone. ‘You’re the one I think is most likely to understand.’

‘That’s fine,’ Phyllis said. ‘What’s the matter?’

Dani told Phyllis about the phone calls from Julie and Rebecca. ‘Phyllis, I don’t know what I’ll do if the court takes Sean away from us. Losing Ben was hard enough, but I think this would be worse.’

‘First of all, you need to settle yourself,’ Phyllis said firmly. ‘Now, listen to me. Even if Julie did get custody, the court would probably give you visitation, at least to make things easier for Sean. If they don’t, maybe you and Jason could work something out with Julie on your own. I don’t think God would put Sean with you just to turn around and take him away again.’

‘The Lord works in mysterious ways,’ Dani said bitterly.

‘Maybe so. But He looks out for His children. Have faith, Dani. It’ll all work out.’

* * *

That was what Pastor Matt said when Dani called him the next day. ‘All of us have gotten to love that little boy, just like we do all the children at church,’ he said. ‘Sean’s part of our church family as well as part of your family. We’ll pray that things come out all right for you.’

‘Thank you, Matt,’ Dani said. ‘I’ll keep you posted on what happens.’

She hung up. ‘Why did you call him?’ Jason asked. He had only been going to church since Melanie’s birth, and it was sometimes still hard for him to accept the idea of turning to the church for support.

‘Because prayer might help, and we can use all the help we can get,’ Dani replied.

‘Nobody called today,’ Jason pointed out.

‘They will.’

Jason threw the TV remote across the room, startling Dani. ‘I’m getting sick of this gloom and doom! Dani, why can’t you stop talking about this!’

‘Ignoring something-‘

‘Doesn’t make it go away, I know. I know that! But I don’t want to think about losing Sean! I don’t want to hear about it! So can you please just shut up about it for five lousy minutes!’

‘Jason mad?’ asked Sean.

Dani and Jason stared at him. A moment ago, he had been outside. ‘Jason’s not mad at you,’ Jason said.

‘You mad at Mommy?’

‘No, Sean. I’m not mad at Mommy.’

‘You yelling,’ the boy pointed out.

‘Yes, I am,’ Jason agreed. ‘But I’m not mad at Mommy. I’m mad about something that happened. Sometimes when grownups get mad, they yell at someone even if that isn’t the person they’re mad at.’

‘Like when
you got mad because your truck broke, and you yelled at Melanie even though she wasn’t the one who broke it,’ Dani added.

‘Oh,’ said Sean. ‘Don’t yell no more, Jason. Mommy didn’t break nothing.’

Jason smiled. ‘Okay. I won’t yell anymore.’

‘Did you need something, Sean?’ Dani asked.

‘I need go potty.’

‘Go ahead,’ Jason said. As soon as Sean was out of the room, he told Dani, ‘I can’t deal with having to explain this stuff to him, Dani.’

‘I’m sorry,’ Dani said. ‘I’m just so worried about it. I want to talk about it, because I hope that talking will make me worry less. But it doesn’t work.’

‘I know,’ Jason said. ‘I’m sorry I blew up at you. Forgive me?’

‘Of course I do,’ Dani said. She gave him a hug.

‘That better,’ said Sean, on his way back outside. ‘Yelling not nice. Hugging nice.’

‘Then I guess we’d better hug you,’ said Jason. He handed Sean to Dani, then put his arms around both of them. ‘Sean sandwich!’

‘What about me?’ demanded Anna, who had come in looking for Sean.

Jason picked her up and held her so she and Sean could hug each other. ‘Sean and Anna sandwich!’ Anna said.

‘What about Melanie?’ Sean asked.

Dani put him down and got Melanie out of her bouncy seat. She handed her to Jason, and picked Sean up again. Sean reached over and put one arm around Melanie’s shoulders. ‘Melanie sandwich!’

‘Tossed salad!’ said Jason. He jiggled the girls, then pretended to fall. He gently tossed Melanie into the air, then set her down and tossed Anna. Then he did the same to Sean. All three kids dissolved into giggles as Jason tossed them again and again.

Dani watched, a smile on her face. She blinked to keep back the tears that were threatening. How much longer would they be able to have times like this together?

* * *

It was a strange separation. Ben’s body, battered almost beyond recognition, hung out the window of his station wagon. Ben himself, however, slowly walked to where Dani stood. ‘Did you see?’ he asked.

‘Did you bring me back here?’ Dani asked. ‘Or did I do it myself?’

‘Six of one, half dozen of the other. You know we were always two sides of the same coin.’

An oversized quarter slowly flipped through the air. ‘Heads you win, tails I lose,’ Ben said. ‘But both of us lose if Julie wins.’

‘Is this real, Ben?’ Dani asked.

‘Reality is in the mind of the beholder.’ It had always been one of his favorite phrases. ‘That’s something you’ll have to decide for yourself.’

‘Who really caused your accident?’

‘Don’t ask what you already know, Dani.’ He looked around, appearing to listen to someone or something. ‘I have to go now,’ he said. ‘Sean will be all right. So will you. Just maybe not the way you think.’

‘If Julie-‘

‘Don’t ask what you already know. I can’t stay. You need to wake up now.’

Ben’s voice faded with the last sentence, and Dani was awake.

It was three a.m. Dani made her circuit, then fixed herself a cup of hot chocolate. She doubted she would be able to sleep again that night. She sat on the couch and turned on the TV, but all that was on at that time of day were movies she didn’t want to see and infomercials, so she turned it off again. She wanted to keep her mind off her dream, but evidently someone had different plans. ‘All right, Ben,’ she said softly. ‘Tell me what to do.’

She wasn’t really expecting an answer, What happened next almost convinced her that if she wasn’t still dreaming, she must be going insane. The phone book was lying in the center of the coffee table. Although Dani didn’t even touch the table, the book suddenly fell to the floor, landing open and face up. When Dani bent to pick up the book, the first name she saw on the open page was Martin Franklin’s. She replaced the book on the table. As she did so, the alarm clock radio, which was in the kitchen because Jason had been trying to fix it, came on with what seemed to be a newscast. Dani heard two words: ‘Pre-emptive strike.’ Then the radio fell silent again.

‘You’re right, Ben,’ Dani said aloud when her heartbeat had slowed to normal.

* * *

When Jason came downstairs a few hours later, he blinked to be sure he was in the right place. Dani, lacking anything to do after the ‘message’ from Ben, had cleaned the entire downstairs. She had even mopped the kitchen floor and vacuumed the living room, two chores that were usually left to Jason. ‘What happened?’ Jason asked.

Dani finished drying the dish she was holding and put it in the cupboard. ‘I’ve been up since three. I didn’t have anything better to do.’

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An unexpected turnHe was dressed in his impecable suit,going to join his male friendsin their meeting point bar and was late as usual.After several circles around the block, he thought he had finally spotted an empty spaceand started  parking his huge offroad car. Suddenly, out of nowhere, with a shift manoeuvresomeone else has taken his spot! HIS spot! Furious, he rode on the pavement,  got out of the carslamming his door and by almost running  went to ask from explanations. Then he saw Her...

1 year ago
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Ahead of the GameChapter 13

Upon entering the cave, the first thing Jeff noticed was the man seated on a huge ebony throne. With his flowing red hair and blazing black eyes, his appearance was enough to cause the faint of heart to tremble in terror. Jeff stared at the man, more out of curiosity than fear. Even though he suspected the true identity of his host, Jeff knew the strange man could have already killed him if that had been his intent. "Come in, young man. I have been expecting you. Poseidon told me you were a...

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A Paladins TrainingChapter 9 Priestess

all characters are over the age of eighteen ***ARAN SUNBLADE – Somewhere in the Karvani mountain range, Western Ekistair*** Aran had just taken his third step into the pitch black tunnel when the rumble of grinding stone signaled behind him. He turned to see the archway closing, taking with it what little daylight penetrated the persistent darkness. Unable to see whatsoever, he gritted his teeth and moved forward, his booted feet treading carefully and his hands outstretched to feel for...

1 year ago
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Friends mother and maid

Hi this is Jairam 26 year old from Hyderabad, India. I’m average guy without any bad habits. But I’m very interested in sex right from my childhood, you know what I mean. I was more attracted to the boobs and belly buttons. The story which I’m going to write is not a real story. The story is about my friend’s maid and her mother Sunita. Sunita was not very beautiful, but was having good amount of flesh at the right places. She is 42year old with 38, 27, 38 measurement. I was very close to...

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RuneswardChapter 31 Repercussions of Failure

The man calling himself Arlade Tinsto remained half-sprawled where he had collapsed, the upper half of his back resting uncomfortably against the front of his hard, wooden desk. Thick dust blew around in the wind of his passing, filling his nose and mouth with the dry taste of dirty cotton. Even without the dust, there was an air of disuse in the room, the dry air of a room long forgotten. Only the sound of his ragged breathing broke through the utter silence. Though there was no light, his...

4 years ago
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How to Give the Perfect Hand Job

Sex means more than intercourse; exploring all the different variations enhances your sex life and keeps it from getting stale. Masturbating your partner can be very exciting for both of you. So read on and learn how to let your fingers do the walking.Mutual masturbation can be a thrilling experience, but first, we need to study the basics of manual technique. Most men feel women aren't skilled at handling penises. Their grips are too limp, lacking conviction and exuberance. They seem afraid to...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 776

These group is compliments of the Web magician Some of the artists of the 60’s are revising their hits with new lyrics to accommodate the baby boomers. They include: 1. Herman’s Hermits ... Mrs. Brown You’ve Got a Lovely Walker. 2. The Bee Gees ... How Can You Mend a Broken Hip? 3. Bobby Darin ... Splish splash, I Was Havin’ a flash. 4. Ringo Starr ... l Get By With a Little Help From Depends. 5. Roberta Flack ... The First Time Ever I Forgot Your Face. 6. Johnny Nash ... I Can’t See...

2 years ago
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We are in bed together. I am lying on my back with you on my right, lying on your side facing the window. We have come away on holiday together and have found ourselves in a double bed instead of singles as we expected. My heart is racing so fast I can almost feel it beating out of my chest. Every time I shut my eyes all I can hear is my heart banging in anticipation of what I am going to do next and what your reaction will be. Reaching across, I put my hand on your hip and slowly start to draw...

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The first time

After my first sexual encounter which in sadly didn't involve full sex I was more keen than ever to have a cock deep inside me.Friends and I often visited the local fast food restaurant, my mate jokingly flirted with a guy who worked there, he was far older, maybe twice our age, but we had a laugh.Leaving the restaurant one night he was in the car park getting into his car, my mate asked him to give us a ride, he agreed and suggested I sit in the front with him, my mate in the back, he took us...

First Time
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Spizoo Destiny Cruz Naughty Schoolgirl Destiny Cruz Teases And Fucks Her Professor

Stunning blonde with gray eyes and supple lips, Destiny Cruz, teases her professor, Robby Echo, into banging her hard. She especially didn’t wear any panties just for him that day to show how horny she is for him. The sight of Destiny’s slender body is simply too much to resist. Robby can’t help but be aroused as Destiny strips in front of him. Not able to resist the urge any longer, the lucky professor showers Destiny’s body with passionate kisses before having a blast...

3 years ago
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Vasanthi athai

Hi this s Chucky. I m 6′ tall and havin Brown complexion and athletic body. My cock is 5″ long and 1 inch thick. I have fuckd a few gals. But this s an experience which was my memorable one. I m studyin in coimbatore in a college. This happnd jus a couple of months ago. I went home to chennai and my family consists of dad, sis, mom and bro. As it was summer holidays they all went to USA for tour except my bro he is working there. I was alone at the house for the summer as i had exams at the...

2 years ago
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Anna Saves the Compant Ch2

When Anna opened the door to leave the bathroom, she noticed Mr Davies had left. In a slight panic she looked around the room and found he had left her a note.Dear AnnaI know tonight seemed cruel of me but I couldn't resist. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I just simply couldn't turn down the offer once I had seen you. I have signed the contract and will keep to our agreement.Yours sincerely Alan Davies."Turn down the offer?" she said out loud to herself.Anna sat...

2 years ago
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The Home Chapter 10 and 11

Sherry was asleep on her stomach so I got to look at her perfect ass as I began stroking my cock. I’ve always liked to masturbate, especially later in life when my wife lost interest in sex. One of my big fantasies is having women watch me jack off but I only managed to do it a few times online. I wondered how Sherry would react if she woke up but I didn’t really care because I was too busy looking at her ass while I stroked my raging cock. I was taking my time and enjoying the view but I...

2 years ago
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Dance in the DarknessChapter 4

Kassidi grunted as they loaded the last of the lumber into the van. "Let me put up the cart and we'll leave." Brian said. "Cool." As Brian took the cart back she got in and took a much needed drink from her water bottle. "Where to now?" She asked when Brian got back. "Winterton. There's a store I want to check out." The rustic appearance of the feed store amused Kassidi. She just knew some real shit kickers worked here. As they grabbed a cart, Kassidi heard peeping from a...

3 years ago
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First time cock in the ass and facial

So here it is at last. Having always been straight and I really do love the feel of a woman and a nice juicy hot pussy, but I have always enjoyed having my ass played with and as you can see from my uploads I love having my ass fucked a lot. Up until recently though this involved only me fucking myself or girlfriends rimming, fingering or using toys to fuck me. But I had been thinking lately that it was about time I found out what it was like to feel a real cock fucking me, cumming in my ass...

3 years ago
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Clothing Control

You look around your room for the first clothes you could find, a blue t-shirt and green pants. Your girlfriend, Katie, had just shown up to your apartment and had planned on going somewhere with you, but you just woke up and are scrambling to get ready. You quickly pull on a pair of boxers, green chinos, and a blue t-shirt and head out to the kitchen where your girlfriend is sitting. “You’re going out like that?” Katie looks you up and down, “it doesn’t even match” “It doesn’t matter” you...

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Portsea Fantasy

The clouds begin to disappear after the rain and let the sun dry the humidity to make it a splendid day typical of summer in Melbourne. The wet road is steaming as we drive towards Portsea along the Esplanade hugging the Peninsula coast. The yachts on the bay seem to be greeting us as they weave their way through the choppy sea. Left and right they sway and left again as they salute us with their sails of red white blue gold and some green. They compete with the surf boarders and the jet skis...

4 years ago
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Wild Family PartyChapter 8

After returning the clothes she had borrowed from her mother's bedroom, Kim, back in her own nightie, crept down the hall and into her own room without being seen. She wore a big smile, for she had never been happier in her life. And she owed her happiness to her uncle, who had just popped her cherry and had promised to fuck her again in a day or two. Blissful sensations were still rippling through her little pussy when she closed the door behind her and tiptoed toward her bed. "That you,...

1 year ago
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George Isolde etc Chapter XVI

Chapter XVI While they were sitting out on the porch, George started having second thoughts again. He was sitting in one of the rockers, with his feet up on the crossbar, and suddenly sat forward, and planted both feet on the floor. He stood up and turning, said over his shoulder, “I gotta got to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” He went through the front door and down the hallway. After he left, Isolde said to Terry, “I think he is having some approach-avoidance issues with this whole...

4 years ago
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Something Old Something NewChapter 2

“Come on, I want to take a shower and watch some movies,” Priscilla moans. “Alright,” Clarissa puffs. “Let me get my keys.” She slips the keys into the door and Priscilla pushes past her and shoots upstairs. “Hey! What’s the rush?” she calls after her friend. “Sitting in that car mashes sand into my crotch,” Priscilla cries. “I’ve got to take a shower.” Clarissa laughs. “There wasn’t that much sand there.” Priscilla laughs herself and says, “It was enough.” Clarissa heads for her room to...

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The Pool

The day had been hot and we were relaxing by the pool, thinking about starting the BBQ soon when your friend Steve stopped by to talk about the new truck he had bought. He was a tall well-built guy, dark hair with a pair of lovely brown eyes. I was a bit uncomfortable as I had taken my top off and was lying on my stomach with the briefest of bottoms on, I was a bit trapped as even reaching for a towel would be showing more than I wanted to. I closed my eyes and listen to the drone of your...

1 year ago
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Pour sauver son mari Time served Part 1French

R?duite ? l'?tat d'esclave Pour sauver son mari Chapitre 1 Auteur : Bedo Email : [email protected]   -      "Que t'es -t-il arriv? qu'est ce que ces marques sur ton visage ? ..." demanda-t-elle affol?e.-      "Oui " r?pondis-je m'asseyant tout penaud ? ses cot?s...? J'en prends plein la gueule...? Les gardes les laissent faire...... Il regardant, certains s'en vont lorsque ?a d?marre...... Encore 32 jours et je pourrai sortir....... Tu dois m'aider ch?rie......"-      "Je ne crois pas pouvoir le faire.....

4 years ago
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Reginalds DisasterChapter 14

“Oh. You mean Daddy is already on the case?”’ “Didn’t he tell you? I must point that out to him, but he has had a lot on his mind.” “Sorry to have bothered you, Jenny. I should have thought of this claim much earlier.” “Not to worry, Freda. These things happen. Life is never simple, is it?” As she spoke, there was a crashing sound as the glass in the office front door was smashed. Without a word, Jenny cut off the phone and dealt with what faced her, leaving Freda out of it, astonished...

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Chithi Ennum Kaama Thagam 8211 Part 2

Kalluriyil chithiyai oopathu pondru ninaithu kalluri toiletil kai adithu vittu veetirku sendru paarthaal chithi veetil kidaiyaathu. Amma idam chithi enge amma endru keten? Amma atharku aval veetirku sendru irukiraal. Varuvatharku oru vaaram aagum endru sollinaargal. Enaku miga varuthamaaga irunthathu, indru chithi en sunniyil kai vaithu irupaal endru kanavu kandu kondu irunthen. Chithi aval veetil yaarum ilai enbathaal angu sendru irunthaal, athu matum ilamal sontha kaarargal yaro varugiraargal...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Whitney Wright Paige Owens Victoria Voxxx A Test Of Loyalty

Nadia (Paige Owens) chats with her fiancee, Tara (Victoria Voxxx), who is browsing on her phone like always. Because Tara is so sociable, it’s often cause for arguments, and today is no exception. Nadia is suspicious that Tara is cheating but Tara assures her for the millionth time that she can trust her. They’re going to be MARRIED soon and Tara claims she’d NEVER hurt Nadia like that. Even so, Nadia’s insecurities nag at her as her imagination runs wild… A few...

2 years ago
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Perfect Lap Dance

Story is graphic and contain murder.I crash landed on the motel bed thinking to myself how this bed had more sex then me my entire forty-three years of living. Firmly grasping her waist, I forced her down unto my lap where she continued to flail around. She whispered something pleading and breathless into my ear however I paid it no attention for I was intent on what I set out to do. Murder.Her hands pushed against me in resistance but I over powered her.Please... let me go. I will do...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 57

"This is lame," Joy muttered. She had been impressed when Regan and Andy had walked out of the house completely bare. The pair hadn't immediately jumped into the water, either. They had walked to a building and brought out seven towels, something no one else had considered. They put them on a lounger and walked down the stairs into the shallow part of the pool. The others had moved to deeper water and everyone was up to their neck. In fact, 20 minutes after Andy and Regan had joined the...

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How Long Can You Resist Ch 04

Author’s note: I apologize for taking so long to get this story to you. As a college student (approaching graduation!), life tends to get in the way of leisurely writing. Please bear with me. I am working fastidiously on chapter 5. * ‘And so the young master returns.’ Gerard started, looking over his shoulder at Henry. He had just returned home and was busying himself setting Lucifer up for the night. ‘Yes, Henry,’ he answered. ‘And you are quite stealthy for an old man.’ Henry chuckled,...

2 years ago
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She was the one just not at the right time Part 1

Her flight landed, and it would be about 30 minutes before she would get to the Palazzo. I had a limo waiting for her. She arrived and was very happy to see me. I could tell she had some wine on the plane in her first class seat. We weren't rich, but she was going to get treated like a queen. We kissed and hugged, and I took her bags and we headed to the room. It was fairly late, and I could tell she was tired. We talked on the way to the room about her flight, and what I had...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Skylar Madison Classy Blonde Passionate Sex

The blonde Skylar Madison is eager to have a black cock to suck, lick and put that cock in her pussy very deep. With her dreamy blue eyes lying on a white sofa, she caresses her body, her pussy and shows her desire inviting that great Bobby’s black cock to suck and lick it while Bobby rubs her clitoris and goes down to her pussy to lick it. She sits on the sofa with her legs up and he introduces his big cock very deep and very hard into her pussy. Now she is placed in a doggy position and...

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A Bet to Lose Chapter 17

Richard woke up the next morning to the feeling of Susie unzipping his pajamas. She untaped his diaper and began to rub his penis slowly, and then she moved down and gently took his rapidly hardening length in her mouth. He rolled his eyes back, the rest of his body seemingly placid, his mittens over his head and quietly suckling on his pacifier, and she withdrew her mouth and climbed on top of him, sliding his whole, uncut length inside her with a single, smooth motion. She was...

2 years ago
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Being A Black Man Has Its Advantages

Simply stated, I am a black male in my mid 30's. Growing up, I had similar experiences that black males have while going to school, pressure to join other black gangs, harassment from white males and often their parents. I learned the lesson of using both of my ears, let it one and out the other. I kept a low profile, stayed pretty quiet in my school and in the neighborhood. But being low key turned out to match what I am told are my attractive looks, at least to the female species.There is...

4 years ago
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Pia and I slept with Daddies old friend

We were without doubt two Scandinavian beauties, two young girls with clear skin and long tresses of blond hair, separated by two years in age, both long limbed and physically athletic, sweet smelling and tomboyish to behold, two girls in the care of their divorced father, borne from a woman known for her sexual exploits with other men, a father with a hatred for his cuckoldress wife and her beautiful daughters.My sister Pia was changing, her body that is. I was envious of her breasts, her...

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Moving in With My Sister and Her Husband

I recently moved in with my little sister and her husband. I was in the process of seeking a divorce and needed a place to stay. My little sister doesn’t look that different from me, We are only 14 months different in age. We both have our mother’s athletic, but small-breasted, body. However, the similarities are only skin deep. My little sister is deeply religious and conveys a constant “holier-than-thou” attitude. I prefer to enjoy life. I flirted with Tom the entire time he dated my sister....

1 year ago
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Tip Of My Penis

Reddit TOMP, aka r/TipOfMyPenis! I must admit, I was slightly nervous about reviewing this site. I, for one, don't wanna be looking at dicks, even if you do! I got it completely wrong though and took things far too literally. Tip of my penis is actually for things you wouldn't want your mother to see. Fair enough, let's get into the content!Reddit is a sharing social media site that's perfect for porn. I'm not sure if it was intended for that use, but it does a pretty good job of it! It's free...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Casey pt 1

It had been just like any other normal day, I went to school, rode the bus home and went to Brittany's. It was more towards the end of my sophmore year and we were going to state in baseball thanks to that god Casey. Me and Britt sat in her living room, her parents were still at work and wouldn't get home untill about 7pm. I listened to her talk about her boy troubles and which guy's she liked and which one's she thought were cute. She had always gone for the big, buit-like-a-bear...

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Submissive Ssters 9 Sexy Sports

I invent some sexy sports cunny cunts competition for my mighty hot & horny moms with their bigger belliesI invite them to contest: to compete at the beach in , a theatre of my own dirty designI invent the best possible positions for my two cameras and carefully mark out circles at one-meter distancesI invite first lusty Louise as my first bride of them all to take the stage for her first far-piss, after her half a litreI am referee, while Benjamin weathers their waters, to measure exactly...

2 years ago
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Experience With An Old Crush 8211 Part 2

Hope you guys enjoyed part one. Send any feedback you may have to my email Any women interested in a casual fling are free to email me as well. So last time we left off lisa just started breaking a sweat. I wasn’t ready to let her rest yet, and I could tell she still wanted more. It was a real turn on making her cum so much. She used to be an athlete, so her body could take the intensity. So even though she came twice she hardly broke a sweat. I was losing patience. I wanted to fuck her, but I...

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A Necessary Cuckolding Part IX

Dawn “Look, I’m going to have to put some panties on,” Dawn told Bradley as they returned to the kitchen to cook dinner.“Why?”She turned to face him and parted her legs slightly to show him his creamy, glistening cum slowly making its way down the inside of her thighs.He smiled. “Have you any wipes?”She nodded.“Tell me where they are and I’ll get them for you.”“I have a pack on my dressing table upstairs.”He turned quickly to leave. “It’s second on left at the top of the stairs.”“I’ll find it.”...

4 years ago
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Helen Space SlaveChapter 13 Available

The aircar landed, but in the dark she couldn't see much of the surroundings. Hugo's house seemed to be quite small and set in a small valley between some low hills. As usual on Csadia, nothing grew, and apart from the breeze, there was no sound. Hugo ushered Helen into the house and she realised that it, too, was very still, as though there was nobody in the building but them. When she remarked on this he replied, "No, we are quite alone here. I only have two staff, Dina who keeps house,...

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