Counter Ops Ch. 01 free porn video

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Washington DC-4:30 am August 28: As he entered the room he scanned across the walls, just as he had learned at the academy. Left to right, up than down, it was clear as usual, but he needed to take these precautions, his life depended on it. The room was no bigger than a jail cell, and contained only a chair, and a steel desk with a laptop on top of it, it wasn’t even really a room at all, just a storage container used at commercial facilities. He sat at the desk, and turned on the laptop. The room was a dead drop, and the computer contained all the information he would need. He entered his user name, and password. Hitting the enter key would be the last thing he ever did, when he hit the key, it closed a circuit in the computer which armed a block of C4 taped to the chair. No last thoughts, only an explosion in the down town DC area.

Langley, Virginia: Kevin Carter walked through the doors to the CIA building in Virginia. He was slim, about six feet tall, with no real distinguishing features, today his average frame was held up on wobbly legs. He was fresh out of the academy, and had been assigned to the counter-operatives department. It was the department most known around the world, maybe only five percent of all employees worked in this field, but they accounted for most of the CIA’s news stories, good or bad. Carter wondered of all new agents felt this nervous their first day. He had already lost his breakfast this morning before driving in to work, and thought he might chuck again, except there was nothing to come up. He walked up to the guard and swiped his card, with a relief it worked. He wondered why he was so relieved it worked, had he thought he had a fake card, or maybe he would have swiped his Visa by mistake. He shook his head clear of the thought and got into the elevator to take him to his floor.

Police swarmed the blast area, along with the FBI, and ATF. The police had shut down traffic three miles outside of the blast radius, and had secured the area first. When the FBI arrived they quickly took over, and made no effort to hide their disdain for how the regular cops may have already contaminated the evidence. ATF showed up, but was only playing a support role. The CIA wasn’t notified yet, since there main concern is the rest of the world outside of the US borders. The FBI was the major homeland terrorism investigative unit, and a bomb in the middle of DC qualified as a terrorist hit pretty quickly. The bomb wasn’t large but it had done the job. Fragments of nails and marbles were being found in bits of bones, since the initial blast had pretty much burned off all the skin, the skull was still a little moist, but it was also found fifty feet away from the body. It was a basic shape charge, that from the looks of it had been victim triggered, from the laptop. It had all the markings of an amateur bomb maker, and a skilled technician. The feds had managed to run partial dentals, and a tiny bit of traceable DNA, from the partially charred skull, and that was enough to get a hit on a Michael Young. The problem was Young was a CIA agent, which meant now the feds had to bring in the CIA, and they hated that fact. The two Agencies were rivals on the same side. Luckily they focused on two different areas of the world. Homeland belonging to the feds, outside the borders went to CIA, but when the two did work together, often times they clashed, with two different sets of SOPs, and Operational tactics. As soon as the CIA was contacted, so was an EOD team to come and look at the device.

EOD had already inspected the device, when the CIA team arrived. The explosive was less than a brick of C4 explosives, more than enough to do the job, they had been wrapped with marbles, and nails, a classic mark of an IED in Iraq, or Afghanistan. The C4 was wrapped in det cord, and linked to the computer, EOD guessed that the device was already armed, and that the bomb exploded when Young hit the enter key. The bomb itself was easy to make, but the setup, while not entirely intricate, was more advanced than EOD, CIA, or the FBI cared to see. While EOD was briefing the lead CIA agent, a motorcade pulled up, and out of a black SUV stepped CIA Director Welch.

‘Special Agent Han what do we have?’ Asked Welch.

Han who had previously been the senior agent on scene was beside himself that the director would be taking personal interest in this case, he seemed to be too busy to be pulled out of the office even if it was a bomb in DC, no major landmarks or important people had been hit.

‘Sir we have an amateur bomb, with advanced wiring, its nothing we haven’t seen before, but it’s still unsettling.’ Han wasn’t an expert in explosives, his main field had been ballistics, you put him in a room with 5 gunned down bodies, and he could tell you where they were shot from, who died first, from which rounds, and the distance from which they were fired.

The director started up. ‘Agent Han, Agent Young was involved in a highly sensitive case, and we believe there may be information on the laptop that may help with this case.’

Han cut him off ‘Uh sir the laptop…its gone we have a frame, and maybe some screen, there was about one brick of C4, so whatever was on the drive is gone, and our best techs say there is no possible way to retrieve info off a drive that damaged.’

Welch looked unpleased but he silently agreed with Han, he didn’t know what to expect them to be able to do with a blown to shit computer. Han directed him to the blast site, and watched as Welch walked over and lit a cigarette, but before he could take the first drag, a 7.62 sniper round crashed into his skull sending his head flying back giving a sickly impression of whiplash, the sound of the shot caught up with the round and echoed in the surrounding area. Welch lay dead in the street as the other agents panicked, not knowing what to do. CIA agents with M4s jumped out of the other SUVs in the motorcade that had pulled up, and ran to drag Welch’s body behind cover, another shot rang out and this time an EOD technician went down grabbing on to his throat. Agent Kerry was in charge of the ERT element from the motorcade, and had placed where the shot had come from, judging by the second shot it was from a building four blocks down the street. A muzzle flash confirmed his suspicions, but the round traveling from that muzzle found a third victim, and sent him to the ground with a hole in his head as well. ‘Damn this motherfuckers good’ Kerry thought to him self. With a wave of his arm his team was following him down the street, moving from cover to cover. More shots rang out, but Kerry didn’t look back to see if any damage had been done, this guy was skilled and probably wouldn’t be wasting rounds, so Kerry just assumed the worst. Finally his team reached the building unseen, and stacked up on the back door, he only had five men with him, so he’d leave two outside for security, and take the other three with him into the building.

After Kerry had checked the door for a trap and made sure it was safe, he opened the door and the four men poured into the room within three seconds. Silence was key, and since no one knew they were here they could get the drop on whoever was here. Another shot from upstairs, training took over. They cleared the first floor quickly and quietly than moved up to the second floor. Kerry had his team stack up and again they piled in, this time Kerry saw a man in his way lift up a rifle. Before he could bring it all the way up six rounds had been put into the man’s chest, as the man fell backwards his finger hit the trigger sending a burst of rounds into the ceiling, he hit the ground and just laid there in his own blood. As his team started to stack up on the last room, rounds started coming out of the door. The sniper had heard the shooting and knew he was trapped. One of Kerry’s men caught a round in the leg, but managed to crawl out of harms way, and was even able to pull security on the stairs incase they had missed one downstairs. Kerry squatted down aga
inst the wall getting low, when he was ready, he spun around into the room charging the man with the rifle the man behind Kerry came in high and together. As kerry drew up his sights on the shooter, he could feel a round from the long rifle pass by his ear, that was all he needed and unfurled a barrage of lead into the shooters torso, the two put thirteen rounds total into the body.


Back at Langley Carter had already received his briefing, just the usual things OPSEC, and SOPs nothing new to him, before he had joined the CIA Carter had been in the Army’s SOG 5. He had spent most of his career at Bragg, doing missions out of South America and Mexico, mostly drug cartel related missions. He was disappointed he’d never gotten a chance to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan, but he still had his share of excitement. Several missions had been tense, and he had been involved in a hostage rescue that turned south, leaving five innocents dead, and his team leader without a lower body. Somehow he had gotten out of his six years unscathed, and with no regrets. He had read about how veterans had come back regretting what they’d done, and fell in depression. This wasn’t him every life he had taken was worth it. But this new job was going to be different than anything he’d ever done. In the army even in Spec Ops, you work with people you can rely on, here in the CIA you were all alone, sure you may have support, but you go out on missions alone, it took a different level of awareness, and heightened security.

Kevin’s phone rang, he let it ring a couple times, than picked it up. ‘Carter’.

‘Kevin its mike,’ Mike was Kevin’s station chief in charge of field ops. ‘Look at CNNs website quick. There’ll be a brief in ten.’ A click ended the conversation.

Kevin turned on his laptop issued to him by the Agency, and turned to The main story’s sub line read. ‘CIA’s director and six others gunned down, one killed in explosion.’ Kevin couldn’t believe what he was reading, his boss’s boss was dead, meaning that momentarily the CIA was without a leader, that wouldn’t last the rest of the day though he figured. The story indicated towards Middle Eastern terrorists, but since no official report had come in it was all speculation. The way it read out it sounded like an Iraqis ambush, from what his buddies in the 7th SOG had said. First use an IED, than small arms fire. Carter closed his laptop, and left it on his desk, reached into the drawer and pulled out a SIG P227, and put it on his hip, hiding it with his suit coat. He like the sig, because of its reliability and stopping power, depending on which barrel he had put on, he could put a 9mm, a .40, a .45, or a .357 round through the weapon. He walked out the door and towards the brief room, where he hoped he would get thrown into the mix quickly.

The briefing room was packed full when Carter walked in, despite its size it was remarkably unglamorous, with a projector on one side and a screen on the other. The smell of coffee filled the room, as the coffee maker churned away. It was eerily quiet in the room, and the recent news made the mood somber. Michael Simpson was sitting at the head of the table his head buried in files reviewing the day’s events and time lines. Simpson had been at the agency for 18 years, and had risen through the field operations department, and now he led the section at Langley, despite his seniority, his field background kept him grounded and instead of sir or Mr. Simpson he just went by Mike. He was pretty tall, and his age and inactivity had made him pudgy, but he was still in decent shape. On his right hand he was missing his pinkie and ring finger, he had lost those two fingers on an operation where he had been captured, and even though he hated the FBI he owed his life to them. He may have lost two fingers but he always thought about how much else he might have lost if the FBI’s HRT team hadn’t saved his life that night in Texas border town. Other than those two fingers he had survived nine years as a field agent operating all over the world, in some hairy missions. Finally Mike rose up from his seat and switched on the projector, and a picture of Young, and the blast site where he was at came up on the screen.

‘Alright everyone this morning at 4:30 Michael Young was at an Agency drop site, when he was killed by a brick of C4,’ He clicked the mouse and the picture of the device now filled the screen. ‘The FBI originally responded, but contacted us when his identity was confirmed, EOD also responded and confirmed the facts about the explosive device. Young had been working on a classified mission, everyone’s clearance has been upgraded to see the details of the file when this meeting is over, but it is still considered classified. Young had been working on infiltrating a cell of Al-Quada under the alias Mohammad Alim Yousef, his Pakistani background, and fluency in Arabic allowed him to succeed up to this point, but his infiltration had not yet revealed any sensitive info on any upcoming Al-Quada attacks. We do know that the cell’s leader goes by the name Ali Zakari from Saudi Arabia. Zakari’s file is thin, as the Saudi government has been slow in cooperating with us, but we do know he has been a key part in many attacks specifically in the USS Cole attack, and other embassies around the world. We think Young’s cover may have been blown by a mole, but at this point it’s all speculation.’ Mike took a pause as he took a drink from his mug, and flipped the picture to Zakari. Zakari was an unremarkable man, fat, and losing his hair, he looked about forty something, he was clean shaven and a scar under his lip was the only identifying mark on his face. Carter flipped through his file, and saw he was educated in Europe, and spoke fluent English, Arabic, and French. That wasn’t surprising though many of the terrorist leaders spoke many languages, and were well educated. Mike picked back up again.

‘Alright more details on Young’s assignment will be provided when the time comes. CIA director Welch arrived on scene at about 8:15, shortly after he was gunned down by a sniper using a dragunov rifle. Two members of EOD, two CIA agents, one FBI agent, and one ATF agent were also killed by the shooter, Agent Kerry’s ERT team assaulted the building and killed two men,’ Another click brought up two pictures of the two men in the building, their bodies were bloody, and the pictures showed that the ERT had put some serious lead into the bodies. ‘One member of the team took a round to the leg, but he’s recovering in the hospital. The shooters were Middle Eastern with American citizenship, suggesting that maybe the cell Young was infiltrating has made its way to America, we wont know because Young was killed before he could upload his data to us. Whatever it was he needed to get to us, was important. He had called an emergency drop, it was hasty, meaning more people than usual had knowledge to its location.’ Mike took another drink. ‘Alright well that’s all for now, any questions?’

A brunette woman raised her hand.

‘Yes Jan.’ Mike said pointing to the brunette.’

‘Ya Mike any word on who will be the new director?’

‘Uh there saying for now Harry Suthers, our division chief will be taking over, but they are looking to see if another candidate pops up. Any others?’ No one else raised their hand Suthers had been with the agency for over 25 years and was probably the best choice for the job he had a background in field work, and analytical work that would translate well into the director’s job. ‘Alright everyone get back to work and let’s try to catch a break in this case.’ As everyone got up Mike got Carter’s attention. ‘Hey Carter stay after for a minute.’

Clark walked over to where Mike was sitting and took a seat across from him.

‘What’s up Mike?’

‘Kevin I know you just got here, but I’m thinking about sending you out in the field, with a team.’ Kevin’s heart shot at the chance to get out, but he didn’t give any outward indication of his excitement. ‘What do you think?’
Mike asked.

‘I’m ready if that’s what you’re asking.’ Carter said slowly, carefully contemplating his words.

‘Good Mark Fisher is heading up a team that’s getting ready to go over to Iraq, and from there where ever the leads take them. Its not undercover work so you won’t need a cover, but the team will still be handled by me. I’ve already talked to Fisher, and he’s got a spot for another shooter on his team, you’ll be the fifth member of the task force. Go home tonight and in the morning you can report to him, you’ll need this.’ Mike slid a key card across the table. ‘It’s already got your security clearance, and fingerprint accesses on it, in the morning go down to the basement level, and you should be able to get into the team’s ready room. Until than go home and get some rest.’ With that Mike got up and left the briefing room, leaving Carter alone.

Later that night Carter lay on his couch pouring over the detail in the files Mike had given him on his team. The teams leader was Mark Fisher, a black man tall and built, he had served with the 101st in Desert Storm, and had been a member of SF until 2000 when he joined the agency. He had been on missions all over the world, Kosovo, North Korea, Africa, Germany, China, and some incidents in America. Fisher’s team wasn’t exactly a covert team, they identified problems, and eliminated them. Fisher’s number two man, Don Mars, was the demolition man. Mars had been through the EOD School, even though he wasn’t military, making him almost a subject expert, on any kind of explosive from a pipe bomb to a nuke. Salim Wilson was the team’s interpreter for the mission, born in Israel, he knew English, Arabic, and Farsi. Wilson had also served on the Israeli Special Forces, when he was 17. After he was kicked out he came to America and become an agent. The team’s medic was Sarah Joannas, she had black hair, and the most steel gray eyes he had ever seen. Joannas ‘ father had also been in the agency, and when he was killed during an operation, she dropped out of college to pursue a career in the same field. Carter figured he’d be a shooter as Mike had said, that was his specialty with anything from a Glock to an AT-4 he was an exceptional shot. He had been trained on all American weapons, and most forein weapons including the AK-47, G36, G3, Dragunov, RPG, RPK, and the FAMAS to name a few. In his military career he had never qualified lower than a 39 out of 40. Cater reached into his pocket and fished out a pack of Camel lights, and took one out, put it in his mouth, and lit it, the bright red cherry was the only light in the room, as Carter turned out the lights, and relaxed on the couch. His lack of sleep was catching up to him it had been a long day, and he was sure more were to follow.

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Some mistakes cant be fixed MISTAKES… Some mistakes can’t be overcome…. I came home at my normal time on Friday and was surprised Susan, my wife wasn’t home yet. I got off at five o’clock and was always home by five thirty, every day. Susan got off at four and was home before me all the time. I assumed that she was going out with her coworkers after work. She did that a lot on Fridays. But she almost always told me she was going before she went. I started dinner...

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Hi I'm Lena. I'm a young latino. I am 5ft6in. I have a size 34D in chest and am thick yet my weight is 150. One day I was sitting on the stairs of my apartment reading a book. I was wearing low cut shorts and a tight tank top. Slight presparation was on my brow and glistening on my chest. Some guys I knew from school were walking by. They were chatting about some game that had happened. Rico a sexy basketball player caught my eye and winked at me. I just smiled. The next day I sat outside I had...

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Of Literature and Lollipops

One student grunted in agreement, whilst the majority had their eyes trained on the slowly ticking clock above the door. They were already practically out of the classroom even before the bell rang. I sighed, setting a stack of ungraded papers on my desk and pushing my glasses up habitually. "Monday. No excuses," I reminded them, trying to convey the seriousness of this assignment to them. A few met my glance and nodded absently, their eyes flickering suggestively towards the...

2 years ago
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Little Lola Loves Lollipops

Little Lola is a delightful little girl with such a sweet tooth. She is my young step daughter. The poor little girl never had a stable father figure in her life until I came along. Her mom, my wife Gina, is a stripper, a drug addict, a slut, and an unfit mother, but I love her. I am a chemist with a regular job in the research and development division of one of the major pharmaceutical companies. I am also a Libertarian. I don’t think the government should interfere in matters relating to...

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Sucking Lollipops

“I dreamt about you again last night!” I tell you. The part I fail to mention is that it wasn’t a dream about us sucking each other dry, it was a sweet dream with no real objective, we were just together in it and we both had smiles and a moment between us, the kind of moment that inspires stories. “You filthy minx,” you respond light heartedly and I smile because you’re allowed to make your assumptions because tonight I do plan to dream of us being filthy rude and delicious. “Come here,” you...

Love Stories
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The Raindrops

The raindrops fell softly on the window sill on the other side of a thin pane of glass. The pitter patter of the each drop echoed off the items that filled my room. When I closed my eyes and listened quietly I could hear the raindrops play the rhythm the world moves in time to. The sound was intoxicating. I took a deep breath of the fresh air coming in through my window. The rain had scrubbed the air clean and it tasted like a drink from a clear fresh water spring. The air in my room was just a...

3 years ago
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Counter Ops Ch 02

Washington DC-6:00 am August 29: Don Griffen walked out of his Georgetown townhouse, and stepped into his Mercaides CLK, and backed down the driveway. For the past 3 years Don had been one of Texas’s senators. He was up for re-election this year, so he was blazing through the campaign trail. He stopped his car at a starbucks down the street, this was a part of his routine, He had been in the Army several years, and had made it to Major, before he retired right after Desert Storm, so routines...

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Countertop Romance

Spring break, and suddenly the streets are full of sexy little numbers newly released from school and eager to show the world what they’ve got. Sugar and spice and all things nice for the most part. And the niceness of it: the shiny-haired, clear-skinned, smooth-limbed innocent perfection of it the unknowing knowledge of their little gaits and glances, their total self-absorption and god knows what womanly wickedness going on underneath. It fills the dirty old onlooker with something darker and...

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I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS STORY I WAS SENT A refreshingly brisk breeze entered the quiet hospital room. A girl dressed in a school uniform dashed straight to her grandfather's side. The girl plopped her young ass into the sitting man's lap, kissed his cheek, and rattled off questions, "Hi Pops, how are you? How's Grammy feeling? Don't you wish she'd hurry up and get to feeling better? How long has she been asleep?"Pops smiled and hugged his precocious granddaughter. Katie always brought a joyous...

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Photo Op

Photo Op By Cal Y. Pygia Stanley Lewis pulled his Toyota Corolla into the Arco gas station, parking behind the red Mustang convertible. The driver, a leggy blonde in a mini-skirt, was refueling her vehicle. Stanley had been driving all morning, having started in Kingman, Arizona, completing the final leg of his trip from Farmersville, Kansas, to Las Vegas, Nevada. He was hot. He was tired. He welcomed the opportunity for a little rest, especially when such a gorgeous babe...

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Whoops Whoops  ??????????? I was on my way to a local dominatrix, I finally got the courage to go and try it out for my first time.? I?m six feet tall dirty blond hair, blue eyes and stay fit by working out and playing basketball on a regular basis.? I would say I?m barley above average with in the looks department.?  I walk into the building and see a gorgeous lady sitting at the desk I walk up and start talking to her bout my past experience, which have only been being tied up by old...

4 years ago
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Around The World In 27 Hops

Prologue I was standing next to my bright blue baby, all 12,000 pounds of her. Capable of 440 knots running flat out, she cruised at 227 knots. 41 feet long, 33 feet wide and 15 feet tall, she had a Pratt and Whitney radial engine that cranked out 2,300 horsepower. My hand slid over the cool metal of her belly. I was smiling. She was mine now. I had just signed the transfer of ownership, the money had been wired to an escrow company, and I was ready to fly her home. She was an F4U-4 Corsair,...

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Shootin Hoops

The doctor sat Carol down in a comfortable chair, took a deep breath and then started to explain his diagnosis. Unfortunately, he said, her tests were all positive and she had an advanced and very aggressive case of ovarian cancer which meant that she probably had less than six months to live. He had a sad look on his face, told her how sorry he was, and then he referred her to an oncologist for further treatment. After hearing his diagnosis Carol was devastated and she drove home and cried for...

3 years ago
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Whoops By Nom Declavier Samuel sat on the exam table, feet swinging in the air, clad only in the customary examination gown, his lack of skills of working his hands behind his back is evident by the generous butt crack he is displaying towards the wall. Leaning forward with his hands on the exam table corners, he's been patiently waiting for the doctor to return. The door swings open and Dr. Robert Woopner glides in. For the reputation that proceeds him, one would think he's an...

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Lockdown Daughters Story Synopsis

During lockdown I got very frustrated and the only sexual satisfaction I was getting was from Patch licking my pussy through my knickers. This had to happen before I went to bed because Patch wasn't allowed to sleep in my bedroom, he always had to sleep in the kitchen. I have got this changed, and Patch is now a regular sexual partner in my bedroom. He often licks my wet cunt which I now offer to him, whilst I enjoy wanking him off, gathering his cum in to a glass which I then drink. I am...

2 years ago
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Sucking Lollipops

“I dreamt about you again last night!” I tell you. The part I fail to mention is that it wasn’t a dream about us sucking each other dry, it was a sweet dream with no real objective, we were just together in it and we both had smiles and a moment between us, the kind of moment that inspires stories. “You filthy minx,” you respond light heartedly and I smile because you’re allowed to make your assumptions because tonight I do plan to dream of us being filthy rude and delicious. “Come here,”...

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Matthew had been watching her come into his store everyday for months now. She would come in and buy a soda pop, and sometimes candy, which she would eat while they talked. He never really cared what she was saying, but the way she said it, her voice and the way she looked at him, was stunning to Matt. The young girl, a sweet 15-year-old brunette, made Matthew crazy. He liked it. Never had he found somebody who interested him as much as her in all his 38 years. All the women he knew just...

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Dexters RenaissanceChapter 3 Sunshine and Lollipops

For the first two weeks in the Caribbean I was in paradise. Brilliant, hot sun, azure blue sea, cheap booze and fresh seafood. I acquired a straw hat, a pair of sandals and some Bermuda shorts that passed for dress wear on this island. It took me a couple of days to find a place to live. I had been advised that Sint Maarten was the cheaper place to reside. It made sense to live there anyway, since the airport and our construction site was on that side. I found a small, three-room flat above...

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Counter Strike

COUNTERSTRIKE by Lana B. FORWORD This is a sequel to my story "Transformation Retribution." Enjoy. A word of caution: this story contains an act of graphic violence which is not gratuitous. It advances the plot and is depicted in a manner consistent with the nature, ideals and moral code of the character who perpetrates it. If you find violence objectionable please read no further. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. PROLOGUE Dr....

3 years ago
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Counter Surveillance

Originally created in 2004, I have edited and hopefully improved this tale. “He seems to be in there a long time,” Edith Ward murmured to Henry, as she hovered near the bathroom door. “Leave him, just settling in and a bit nervous dear. He’s been into town and got some things, since he arrived this morning, just finding his way round.” “Hmm. He did look a bit peeky when he came back. Wonder if he’s OK, not ill or something. But he has stayed with us before,” she whispered, standing near the...

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Puss and the Cops

A storm had blown up and waves were rocketing against the Seal Beach Pier. It was about ten at night and the surfers were out in force. I caught a big one and lost my bikini top in the process. It would probably turn up in the morning on the beach with all the other debris. It didn’t take long for the Huntington Beach police to fly overhead in their copters. “Out of the water. Now!came their voices booming out of their bullhorns. They turned spotlights on us, as though that would make us quit....

Oral Sex
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Photo Op

Photo Op by Nylon Disciple For me it was the start of a do nothing much Saturday. Not so for my mother. She was busy trying to make a pair of high heels look good. Thus make them desirable. Thus after all was said and done. Make them look rationally priced. I on the other hand, was not posed with such dilemmas. While she wrung her hands over things, I laid on a blanket on the studio floor with my laptop. Messing with a young boy's wet dream of a program. In a nutshell, you took...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Seven PostOp

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Seven - Post-Op Linda slept fitfully with occasional intense dreams of her body being mutilated by faceless PVC clad zombies. Her fitful slumber was no doubt influenced by the medical procedures completed on her by the mysterious doctor and Mistress Beth. Linda was uncertain how she would be able to return to her male form with these new breasts. In addition to the breast augmentation there was the unknown work done to her groin. ...

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A Stroll to the Shops

A stroll to the local shops lead to excitement beyond my wildest dreams.It was a nice sunny day, my wife Hannah was dressed in a lace top and very short pink cotton mini skirt. I'd been horny all morning watching her around the house and garden, showing of her ample cleavage from her 34D tits and shapely legs. I was about to suggest a bit afternoon fun when Hannah announced she wanted to pop to the local shops," we need some milk and i could do with a birtday card for Tiffany she offered "....

2 years ago
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Flavored Pops

Flavored Pops by Boredsitting This is a little, weekend story for those who like my style of writing. There isn't much of a plot on purpose - my plots take more planning. I'm trying to go back to the original concept of a token changing a person without their knowledge or permission but loving every minute of it. I'm trying to put together a long, character-driven story called The Student. It's going to be some time. Life and responsibilities seem to get in the way. Sorry if...

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Now thats an Oops

Now That's an Oops! by Maggie Finson "What?" Bobby questioned his friend Gerald. "I really think you should re-read that spell, uh Bobbi." Gerald responded a bit distractedly. Still buzzing from the numbness caused by the spell that was to change him from a nerd to a girl magnet, Bobby began to get an uneasy feeling as his friend continued staring with open mouthed - lust? "What are you staring at?" Bobby demanded, then clapped a hand over his mouth in horror at the...

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Can all mistakes be overcome????I came home at my normal time on Friday and was surprised Susan my wife wasn’t home yet. I got off at five o’clock and was always home by five-thirty. Susan got off at four and was usually home before me.I assumed that she was going out with her coworkers after work. She often did that on Fridays, but would let me know beforehand, so I wouldn’t worry.I started dinner and set the table, before beginning to prepare dinner for the two of us.Dinner was ready about...

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i knew this was going to be a good day, right from the start... PING! morning glory, i start stroking my cock hard and ferociously, slapping my balls. then i hear the voice of a deprived sex deamon... 'rebecca'. so i lept out from my bed and towards the window, and when upon opening it i catch a glimpse of her. her hair blowing in the wind, her lucious feet and black painted toenails and her and her tight ass suffercating in her tight short jeans. as i continue to stare, she see's me and smiles...

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Red Lace and Raindrops

She poked absentmindedly at the ice in her drink with a tiny little straw. The ice dipped below the orange colored liquid and quickly popped back up. She pulled out her cell phone. No messages. 10:28pm. Her friends were supposed to meet her at 9:45. She sighed and put her phone back in her small yellow purse. She often worked late and rarely had the chance to get out for a drink with her friends. And, as luck would have it, all her friends were, apparently, flakey. She glanced around the bar....

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 183 Bad Coffee and Bad Cops

The Smiley thing had turned out to be a simple raid from start to finish. We had worked for weeks gathering information. After making elaborate plans, it all come down to a stungun and a can of pepper spray. That had to be like the raid that killed Ben Laden. Some poor bastard worked his ass of for years to find the prick. The special operations guys plan and plan, then plan some more, they rush in to snatch and extract him, In the end, it was a bullet that cost less than a buck, which wrote...

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Encountering My Biggest Dream

Hello, guys, I was a bit busy at work these days and couldn’t come to write about my aunt Bethesda. Well, this story is not about her. This encounter I had was different. There is this girl who I met. She looked Japanese or Chinese I think. She came first time to my office and was looking for something. You know how wonderful and sexy they would look. So this particular girl was finding someone and to know she had approached me directly. I didn’t know what to think of, as she was asking I was...

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Encountering Bhabhi 8211 Episode 1 8211 The Start

I was 18 since the first time I saw her. Her name was Nisha. She was a housewife. Her husband was busy in his office tours. I Live in Mumbai at Saiprasad Heritage. From the starting I always imagined her in my dreams. But I was always wondering about a real fuck. Then I started thinking about an idea how to get her. One day I saw her clevage when she called me and my other friends for dinner for her sons birthday. Since then I started masturbating about her. One day her husband was out for some...

2 years ago
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Encountering Amanda

It was the most bizarre encounter I'd ever had. And, it was the most erotic. I was on one of those long drives. You know, point A to point B, not really in a hurry, but a good six to eight hours of driving. I had a set of tapes, mostly old stuff, so I wouldn't be completely alone when the radio stations faded out. I thumbed through them, picked out a compilation of old-time summer songs and popped them into the player. Just as the first beat started, I saw the white car in my rear view...

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