Da Fertility Experiment (XSANDY.DE) free porn video

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Dr Rachel Addison woke up after a good night's sleep, excited about the day ahead. As one of the world's foremost experts in both male and female fertility, Rachel was very busy at the research lab that she ran, especially over the last few years.

Her newly developed female fertility treatment, ADIFEM, was currently undergoing final clinical trials with great results. She was fighting off interest from a number of large d**gs companies who all wanted to take the product to market. Progress on her male treatment, ADIMAL, was also going well.

Rachel jumped out of bed sprightly and walked over to her on suite shower, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She paused for a minute to contemplate her reflection. At 41 she was far from a spring chicken, but still felt she looked good for her age. She had a not unattractive, "girl next door face" with just a few wrinkles and laughter lines. At 5ft 4 she wasn't too short and her bobbed brunette hair wasn't showing too much grey yet.she looks like girls at "|www.XSANDY.de|" She glanced down at her sleeping attire and gave a sly half smile. Rachel had recently swapped her old fashioned, sensible sleep suit for a tight white tank top and lacy French knickers. She had to admit that they showed off her body pretty well and she looked good for an older gal. She had long shapely legs, a curvaceously meaty backside and through her stomach could never be called flat; she was far from fat, with a nicely plump little belly.

She bent over slightly so the tank top gaped open a bit to show a little more cleavage than would be decent in polite company and her sly smile widened. Rachel had never been lacking in the chest department since she hit puberty, but things had changed a bit in that department over the past few years, since she had developed ADIFEM.

She had always been focussed heavily on her career, and was so sure of the potential of her new fertility d**g that she had started human trials earlier than she really should have. She would never put another person in danger however, so her first test subject had been herself. She was delighted to find that the d**g had successfully increased her fertility to that of a woman twenty years younger, at least based on all the tests she had done. This would be a huge benefit to woman who wanted to become mothers later in life, or even younger women with fertility problems. However the d**g did have two slight side effects.

Firstly, prolonged use of the d**g was well known to increase breast size on most women who took it. The d**g was certainly not a boob job in a bottle, but could often boost a woman a cup size or two depending on the time of the month. Also, rather unfairly, the d**g appeared to give even more of a boost to woman who had larger breasts to start with. As Rachel had been using ADIFEM every day for 3 years she had seen the largest effect, with the d**g taking her already ample 38DD rack up to a full 38E or even close to an F cup during the time of the month when she was most fertile.

Rachel slowly turned side on and inspected herself in the mirror. This was that time of the month and her boobs looked the full 38F today. At 41 her boobs were never going to be perky, especially braless in the tank top, but she felt they looked very good for her age. Looking at her body in the mirror started to make her feel a little horny, and she felt the beginnings of dampness in her lacy white French knickers. Though it seemed rather narcissistic, Rachel had stated lusting after her own body ever since the d**g induced changes stated to kick in. This was the other side effect of ADIFEM, a fairly significant increase in female libido, often for both sexes.

Rachel had always had a healthy sex drive, but taking the d**g had increased it massively, almost to the point of distracting her from her work. She had never had the time for a boyfriend or marriage, much less c***dren, but the increase in her libido had left her needing the services of a large number of sex toys and, occasionally, paid male (and sometimes female) company. The sex workers she paid for sex were always amazed a woman like her needed to pay for it, but Rachel found it cleaner and less complex than actually having a relationship. Also, due to her increased fertility, Rachel had to be very careful with birth control, using a diaphragm herself and making sure the men all wore condoms, as well as not actually letting them ejaculate inside her.

This was because ADIFEM neutralised the effects of all hormonal birth control methods, including the morning after pill. This was obviously not a problem for the women taking to d**g to try and have c***dren, but was a huge problem for Rachel who most certainly did not want to fall pregnant.

Unfortunately her increasing sex drive was making it harder and harder to be sensible during these encounters and the last time she had had sex with a man, about 3 months ago, she had lost control of the situation and the man had actually started to cum inside her before she realised and forced him to pull out. Thankfully he was wearing a condom and she had her diaphragm in, so no harm was done. However, she had been scared enough by the encounter to stick to sex toys, and female "friends" ever since. However they weren't really cutting it anymore. As much as she enjoyed female "company" it was just a lot better for her with a man. She knew she would probably have to risk having proper sex again before too long, as sexual frustration was beginning to affect her work.

She knew she should probably stop taking ADIFEM now it was past the full clinical trial phase, but she was still interested in the long term effects, and secretly also enjoyed the side effect, even if she would never admit that to herself. In fact she had recently increase her dose to two tablets a day just to check for any more side effects, (at least that is what she told herself anyway)

As she admired her luscious, mature body, Rachel felt herself get more and more aroused. She quickly stripped off her skimpy nightwear and jumped into the hot shower. Soon she was lathering herself up in foamy shower gel and paying particular attention to her neatly trimmed pussy and big boobs. With no support, they sagged to the bottom of her rib cage but still felt full and soft in her hands. As she got more aroused Rachel brought each large brown nipple to her mouth and gave them a little suck. This turned her on even more and before she knew it, Rachel was lying back in the shower cubicle with her legs wide open, pointing the shower jet directly onto her large, engorged clitoris. After less than a minute she felt the twinges of pleasure build to a climax and came so hard she almost passed out.

With her voluptuous, mature body temporarily satisfied, Rachel quickly got ready for work. Due to her impromptu masturbation session she was late and had to dress quickly. Firstly, she pulled on a black half cup plunge bra, then a pair of small black lace panties.

When she updated her nightwear Rachel had done the same in the underwear department, throwing out all her old boring undergarments and replacing them with sexy push up bras and sheer lacy panties. She enjoyed knowing that under her sombre professional work clothes she was wearing underwear that would be more at home in a strip club.

The panties were of very thin lacy material and the back barely covered the succulent globes of her ass.

The bra was a 38E Zlote Oko plunge by Ewa Mischalak. Today it felt a little tight due to her increased boob size but looked really good. She adjusted her big boobs in the bra till they felt comfortable and her large nipples were concealed inside the half cups. Clasping her hands along the sides of her chest, Rachel looked down at the cavernous cleavage the aggressive lift of the bra created.

"Thank goodness for push up bras," Rachel thought. "My boobs look amazing in this thing. You would never know they were 41 years old."

She pulled on a white blouse, cardigan and knee length skirt to make herself look like the professional woman she was. A pair of dark rimmed glasses and very subtly applied make up completed the picture.

After quickly eating breakfast Rachel went to take her increased dose of 2 tablets of ADIFEM, but for some reason decided to take three instead. She was not sure why she did it but couldn't spend too long thinking about it as she was running late already. Rachel then left her house for the short walk to her nearby lab.

As she walked to work the erotic thought of earlier were forced to the back of her mind as she concentrated on problems at work. While ADIFEM was sure to become a huge success, she was having a little more of a problem with her new male fertility d**g ADIMAL.

She has developed a really good base d**g which not only increased male sperm production by a factor of 10 but also increased ejaculate volume by a similar amount and allowed the subject to ejaculate multiple times in close succession. However there were three main problems. Firstly she had not got the correct dose figured out yet, as computer and a****l models could only take her so far. The d**g was also ineffective if taken orally or intravenously. For maximum effect it had to be injected directly into the base of the penis, which, while not a deal breaker for men desperate to be fathers, was far from ideal. Thirdly, and most importantly, she needed a male test subject. Her experiments with ADIFEM on herself had been massively helpful to her, but that was certainly not possible this time. However a lot of those problems were about to be resolved, and this was the reason she was so excited walking to work this morning.

Chris was her new post graduate student who had recently completed his undergraduate degree in biochemistry and was now working with Rachel towards his PhD. He had worked with her in the past during his degree and they got on really well. Chris had helped her with a lot of the early lab work with ADIMAL and was almost as invested in the project as Rachel herself. When it became obvious they needed a male test subject he had, rather nervously, offered to do it himself. Rachel had half-heartedly tried to talk him out of it, but was secretly pleased he had agreed to do it. His participation would move the project on significantly, and also avoid having to bring in anyone else when secrecy was paramount.

When Rachel arrived at the office she found Chris already there and busy setting up the lab for the day's work.

"Hi Dr Addison," he said as she walked in. "You ready to make new discoveries today?"

"Always Chris," she laughed.

Chris was a little taller than Rachel at just under 6 foot, with sandy blonde hair and an infectious smile. He was also quite well built, though a little skinny for Rachel's taste. Not that she had even really looked at him that way. He was half her age at 22, and she was sure he must have a girlfriend his own age, though she had never seen him with anyone and he had never mentioned one.

"Are you sure you are happy to go ahead with this Chris," Rachel asked once again. "We can always find another subject, though with ethics and all that it may take a while."

"No bother Dr Addison," Chris replied. "I trust you 100%, and as you were willing to test ADIFEM on yourself, it is only fair I do the same."

"Well if you are sure, it will be a huge help," Rachel said gratefully. "Why don't you get ready just now, I prepared the syringes last night so we are good to go immediately. Have you done the prep work we spoke about yesterday?"

Chris smiled a little bashfully.

"Yeah, I have shaved all my pubic hair off like you asked. It felt a little strange doing it but I understand we can't risk any possible contamination or infection at the injection site."

"Good," Rachel replied as she brought a box of five large syringes out of the d**gs cupboard. "Get up on the table and we will get started."

Chris nervously started taking off his clothes as Rachel watched, trying her best to look professional.

"He really isn't that bad looking," She thought as he stripped to his boxer shorts. "Not the most buff man I have ever seen, but certainly no stick insect either."

Chris felt ridiculously uncomfortable standing in front of her in only his boxer shorts. Though he was 110% committed to the project, it not for the reasons Rachel thought. In fact Chris was in love with Rachel and had been from the moment he met her as a 1st year undergrad student. He had always had a thing about busty older women, and Rachel was his wet-dream that came true. Despite her business like work attire Chris could see she had a killer body under there, particularly in the boob department. He had not been with a girl since the day he met her, as all the younger girls he knew couldn't hold a candle to Rachel in the looks, personality or intelligence department.

He tried everything possible to spend time with her during the day at work, and at night would spend an unhealthy amount of time on her social network pages looking at pictures of her while frantically masturbating to her images. As a professional scientist and lecturer Rachel was careful what pictures of her appeared online, so any chance of bikini pictures was nil. However she had posted one picture of herself in a low cut black evening dress from a Christmas party a few years ago, and Chris thought he must have blown about a gallon of cum looking at that picture over the 4 years he had known her.

Indeed all the sperm samples that Chris had provided as controls for the experiment had been extracted while looking at pictures of her. The samples had all shown a slightly above average sperm count, which Chris was quite pleased with. He just wished he had been depositing the samples inside Rachel rather than a sample bottle.

It was this obsession that led to Chris working on the project with Rachel and, ultimately, had led to him standing before her in just a pair of boxers.

Summoning up some courage, Chris pulled off the last garment that was maintaining his modesty and climbed on the table. His cock looked about average in size, around 4 inches in its flaccid state, with his shaved balls tucked up underneath in the cool temperatures of the lab. Rather irrationally, Rachel couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. However as the men she had been with lately were all professional sex workers she knew she was being unfair comparing this very normal, healthy boy to them.

"OK Chris," She said cheerily, trying to break the uncomfortable atmosphere that had sprung up. "I am going to tie off you genitals first to make the injection easier."

Rachel brought out a small rubber ring with a toggle on one end, and before Chris even knew what was happening, she slipped it under both his cock and balls, tightened it up snugly. The ring slightly restricted the blood flow out of the penis, causing the large blood vessels to stand out more.

"Dr Addison!" Chris exclaimed. "You didn't say anything about that!"

"Sorry Chris," Rachel apologised. "I only realised myself last night that we need a way to control the blood flow during the experiment, as I expect the d**g to have a similar effect to Viagra, causing at least a partial erection. The ring will also make it easier for me to find the right vein. Hope you don't mind."

"That is fine," Chris conceded. "But no more surprises, OK?"

Chris felt horribly exposed with his cock and balls tied up in front of the fully clothed object of his desire; however it was too late to back out now.

Rachel raised the first syringe and lined it up with the largest vein at the very base of his cock.

"We will start slow with 5 ccs and see how you respond," Rachel said. "This will be a little sore at first."

With that she inserted the fine needle into his cock and injected the first quantity of the d**g. Chris felt a brief stab of pain but then not much else. After waiting a few minutes nothing appeared to be happening.

"Good," Rachel said happily. "There doesn't appear to be any immediate adverse reaction. How do you feel"?

"OK I guess," Chris replied. He was not sure what he had really expected to happen, but nothing appeared to be amiss. "I think you will be ok to carry on with the full dose."

Rachel nodded and carried on injecting the rest of the syringe into the base of his cock. Then she tightened up the cock ring under his balls slightly and stood back.

Still nothing happened.

Rachel was slightly confused by this. In all her tests so far one dose of the d**g had caused at least a partial erection in the a****l and computer models, but Chris's cock was still flaccid. Why was the result different in humans?

"Not sure why we haven't got a response Chris," She said. "I thought that would be a large enough dose."

"If you want to give me another one carry on Doc," Chris said. He wasn't particularly keen on getting injections into his penis, but would do anything to help Rachel.

"Ok, if you are sure" She said, and gave him another full dose from a second syringe.

Still nothing happened.

"I don't really know what is happening Chris but I can't risk giving you more," Rachel said with a disappointed tone in her voice. "It looks like we are back to the drawing board."

"Perhaps one more dose will do it Doc," Chris implored her. He could see how upset she was and wanted to do all he could to help. "I'm game if you are."

Grudgingly Rachel agreed and injected a third full dose deep into his cock. With the third dose Chris felt a slight stirring between his legs but still no significant response.

Just as they were about to give up Rachel had an idea.

"What if the d**g only has its effect during a state of sexual arousal? Perhaps you need to be in a sexual situation for the effect to appear. This lab and my company are hardly conducive to that."

Chris almost laughed out loud when she said that. The lab and the situation may be far from sexual, but her company was the exact opposite. Slowly a plan began to form in his mind, but it was risky and would require timing and finesse to carry off. It could wreck everything if it went wrong but it was worth the risk.

"You could be right Doc," Christ replied. "This isn't a very sexual environment at all. Perhaps we can change that. I am sure it will help."

"OK," Rachel said, a little nervous herself now. "If you like you can have a look on the internet and I am sure you can find something online to help you out."

"I don't think that will do the job Dr Addison," Chris answered, desperately trying to keep a straight face and his voice even. "I think the main problem is that I am naked and you are fully clothed. I am probably feeling subconsciously intimidated by such a dominant female figure which is holding me back. Perhaps if you take off your lab coat and cardigan it will help to make things less formal and relax me a bit."

Rachel was a little shocked by the suggestion, and any other day would probably have seen it for what it was, a blatant attempt at a sexual proposition. However she was so focussed on getting the formula to work that she would have tried almost anything. She also had no inkling that Chris was so attracted to her, as she had never thought of him in that way before.
"Well if you think it would help we can certainly try," Rachel said as she slipped off her lab coat and unbuttoned her cardigan. "I'm not sure this will do much though."

However as soon as she said it, she was surprised to see the beginnings of a reaction from Chris's penis. It began to twitch slightly and seemed to grow about half an inch or so. The reason for this was that Chris could now see the dark outline of her black plunge bra under her white blouse, as well as giving him a better idea as to the generous size of her bust.

"I can feel something happening Dr Addison," Chris exclaimed. "I am sure if you take off your blouse and skirt as well it will help even more."

"I can't do that Chris!" Rachel said in shocked tone "It wouldn't be professional and in my position..."

"But I am completely naked, and you would still have your underwear on," Chris countered. "Come on Doc I really think this would help a lot. Look at the response from just taking off your cardigan."

Rachel looked and sure enough his penis had swelled up to a more respectable size, about 6 inches in her estimation. However it still wasn't hard, so they couldn't do any further work just yet.

"OK Chris," She sighed reluctantly. "We will give it a try." She now wished that she had worn less sexy underwear to work, but then again she had never expected to be stripping off in front of her co-worker.

Rachel turned round, kicked off her shoes and undid the zip on the back of her skirt before letting it slip down her legs and stepping out of it. From behind Chris could now see the full length of her long shapely legs, as well as the creamy globes of her ass where they peeked below her blouse. He couldn't believe that his professor was wearing panties that were barely more than a thong!

There was now a fairly major reaction happening between Chris's legs. His penis has swelled to around 7 inches, which was normally his full erect size, but this time he still felt only half way there.

"Oh yes Doc, it is working," Chris shouted jubilantly. "Keep going, lose the blouse as well!"

Rachel looked round and was delighted to see a definite response from Chris's cock. She quickly unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off before turning round to reveal her bra covered chest to Chris in all its glory.

"Oh yes, yes, yes!" Chris moaned as he gazed at what seemed like acres of creamy white boob meat crammed into a tight plunge bra that seemed a size too small for her. He also took in her cute little belly and the tiny lace panties that barely covered her pubic mound.

Rachel came closer and subconsciously lifted her hands up to adjust her bra covered boobs, pushing her bulging mounds of mature flesh up and out of their wire and lace prison. Chris was sure he could see the edges of her areola peeking out from the edges of the straining bra cups.

"Wow Chris this really is working," Rachel gasped.

His cock was starting to rear up to a half erection without even being touched. He was now up to around 8 inches in length and had gained about 2 in girth as well. His testicles had also swelled up and were now much more noticeable, hanging loosely under his penis. Rachel looked at Chris's face and was a little annoyed to see his eyes glued to her boobs and a dreamy glazed look on his face. She knew she should be offended, but part of her was flattered that her 41 year old body could still have this effect on a young guy, even one she had dosed with a fertility d**g. In fact she was even feeling a little turned on by the situation as she began to feel slight dampness between her legs.

"I think we might be able to get a sample now Chris," Rachel said, trying to bring Chris back to the task in hand. "Do you think you could produce one now?"

"I can't cum om command Doc," Chris laughed as he reluctantly tore his eyes from the splendour of her bra encased chest. "In face it might be better if you helped to extract the sample so it doesn't go everywhere."

Rachel was taken aback by the suggestion. Did he want her to wank him off! Her first thought was to refuse his request. However on further thought it might be better if she did it as it would allow a closer examination and better control of the subject. She also was beginning to feel more than a little excited by his now fairly hard organ and wanted to see how much bigger she could coax it.

Slightly tentatively Rachel took the swollen rod of flesh in her hand and slowly rubbed his foreskin up and down over the angry looking purple head. The second she touched it is seemed to grow about another inch and was now well over 8 inches in length and starting to get very hard.

"Oh Doc, that feels great." Chris moaned, as he threw his head back and lifted his pelvis off the table in an attempt to increase the pace of her stroking. "Keep going and I will cum in no time, I am close already."

It was true. Rachel could feel his organ swelling and pulsing in her hands and knew he didn't have long. With her other hand he reached down to feel his testicles which also seemed to have swelled up around 50% and were starting to churn uncontrollably.

"I think you have a nice load for me in here Chris," Rachel said, surprising herself with the slutty talk. "Give me a nice big sample."

This seemed to push Chris to another level and the churning and pulsing increased exponentially.

"Get ready Doc, I don't have long." He gasped through gritted teeth. Chris was a little ashamed just how quickly he was building to orgasm. He was not normally a premature ejaculator, but the d**g and the fact it was Rachel masturbating him was pushing him to the edge far too quickly for his liking.

Rachel increased the frequency of her stroking with her right hand, while holding up a large laboratory beaker with her left to catch the sample. From the size of his balls she was pretty sure it was going to be a very large sample indeed.

Finally, after only a few more strokes, Chris began to moan uncontrollably and Rachel felt the twitching and pulsing from his cock and balls grow to a crescendo. Then suddenly he erupted, spurt after spurt of thick, white sperm shot out of the swollen head of his cock and into the beaker, which she was amazed to see was soon half full. After about 6 large spurts the flow began to slow a little but only after about 10 did Chris fall back onto the table, exhausted.

"Oh wow Doc, that was the most intense orgasm of my life, and the most cum I have every produced," Chris panted. "Your d**g really works."

"Well, we will have to see about that," Rachel replied as she took the sample to the microscope, made up a slide and looked through the eyepiece. "You certainly have the quantity, but what about the quality?"

She was amazed by what saw. The number of live motile sperm in the sample looked about 3 times that of Chris's original sample, which had been pretty decent anyway. The d**g would be life changing for men with low sperm counts, and finally allow them to father c***dren, but for someone like Chris with a healthy sperm count it pushed his fertility through the roof. He could probably knock up a 70 year old with what he had just produced.

"This is great Chris," Rachel said excitedly. "The experiment has worked better than I could ever have anticipated. This will be career changing for both of us."

"E,h great Doc," Chris replied, sounding a little worried. "However I still have a little problem over here."

Rachel turned round and was surprised to see that Chris's erection had only gone down slightly after his orgasm. He was still around 8 inches in size and his cock looked very red and uncomfortable.

"Don't worry Chris, I did expect this," Rachel reassured him. "One of the side effects of the d**g is increased length of erection and multiple orgasms. Also the 3 doses I gave you may have been a little too much."

"Well, can you help me out again Doc," Chris pleaded with her. "My balls still feel really full and that first orgasm just seems to have made things worse."

Rachel laughed. Now she knew the d**g worked she was much more relaxed and was actually beginning to feel a bit horny herself. The dampness between her legs had increased to a small wet patch. Suddenly the realised that the overdose of ADIFEM she had taken that morning was reacting with the scent of Chris's ADIMAL laced semen, increasing her own sex drive to levels above even its normal high level. She knew she was losing her professionalism rapidly and would soon be in danger of becoming controlled by lust.

"I have to be careful here," Rachel though to herself. However she was also feeling quite playful and wanted to fully test out her new ADIMAL fuelled sex toy.

"OK Chris, I will give you a hand," She replied in her best low and sexy voice as she sauntered over to him. "How about we raise the stakes a bit? I want to see just how big you can get, and how big a sample you can give me.

Then to Chris's complete surprise she reached up and clasped her huge boobs with both hands pressing hard and forcing about half of her creamy mature flesh out of the skimpy plunge bra, exposing the edges of her areola. Immediately Chris felt his cock start to fully harden again as he gazed at her wonderful chest.

Then Rachel reached up and slowly slipped the straining bra straps down of her shoulders before lifting her arms out. Now her tight, bulging plunge bra was only held up by the tension of the clasp behind her back. With a sexy smile at Chris she slipped both hands round her back and flipped the clasp open. The straining cups fell away, revealing her magnificent chest in all its glory. Chris's cock gave a huge twitch and it rose up to an even larger erection than the first time. He was now close to 9 inches in length, with an even greater increase in girth.

Rachel's breasts were everything he had dreamed about for all those years. They were pear shaped with large areolae and big, hard, brown nipples. Her skin was a creamy white with a s**ttering of light brown freckles. Chris reckoned they were at least an E cup and due to their enormous size they sagged quite a bit now the bra was off. However, for a 41 year old woman you had to expect that. In fact the sag made them look even better to Chris, with his love of busty matures.

"I see you really like these," Rachel said playfully, as she lifted and massaged her boobs with her hands, before bringing each big brown nipple to her mouth and giving it a quick suck. Then she climbed on the table and scooted up so her heavenly chest hung just above Chris's now fully erect and twitching penis.

Then without another word she pressed her enormous tits together to form a wonderful prison of freckled mature boob flesh and clamped his cock in the middle. Chris felt his entire body shake as his cock was enveloped in her soft, hot cleavage and Rachel knew she had found his weakness.

"You really like this don't you Chris. My boobs are so big and soft, not bad for a 41 year old are they?" she moaned softly. "I can feel your cock getting bigger and bigger. I can feel every twitch and throb of your heavy sperm filled balls. I bet they are still full with all that ADIMAL I pumped into you. I want you to spurt a big load of cum all over my tits. I am sure you can produce an even bigger load than before."

Rachel was surprising herself with all the dirty talk as she had never done that before. The rational side of her brain told her that the cum that was already leaking from Chris was being absorbed by the skin of her chest, and the ADIMAL in his semen was reacting with the excess dosed of ADIFEM she had taken that morning, pushing her sex drive into the stratosphere. All she knew was that it felt amazing.

Rachel began to slowly slide up and down, rubbing his cock between her heaving boobs. When the sensitive throbbing helmet of his cock emerged on every few stroke she lowered her mouth and gave it a quick suck, which almost sent him over the edge each time she did it.

"Oh, Ah, Doc slow down," Chris gasped. "Your tits are too good. I won't last another 30 seconds if you keep this up." Chris couldn't believe the effect she was having on him, and was mortified that he wasn't even capable of lasting 1 minute under her ministrations.

Rachel just gave him an evil smile and increased the pace, pushing her boobs tighter together and increasing the speed of her up and down motion.

"Oh Doc, please slow down I can't hold on, If you don't stop I will cum all over you!" Chris pleaded once again. His cock still seemed to be growing and must have been over 9 inches as it slid in and out of the soft heavenly valley of her boob flesh. He felt his balls begin to throb and churn again, as did Rachel, but instead of stopping and moving away she just pressed even harder and moved even faster.

This was more Chris's poor d**g stimulated cock could take. With a cry of anguish he felt the first uncontrollable pulse from deep in his balls as they tensed up to release their second load of super potent seed. He felt cum ripple up through his quivering member and exploded through the swollen tip, all over Rachel's face and tits. Instead of moving away, Rachel kept on squeezing him, as if to wring every last drop of cum from his now enormous balls. His orgasm seemed to last even longer this time, with over 12 huge spurts of semen bursting from him and completely covering Rachel's chest in his seed. As his orgasm subsided Rachel even opened her mouth and caught the last few spurts on her tongue.

Rachel was delirious with lust. Her lacy panties were a sopping mess with her vaginal juices and her clitoris felt on fire. She thrust a hand down the gusset of her panties and started rubbing frantically, but it wasn't enough. The ADIMAL infused cum that coated her tits and was now in her mouth caused a chain reaction in her own d**g augmented system. But it still wasn't enough. Now completely out of control she jumped up and frantically searched through one of the drawers in the lab.

"What are you doing Doc?" Chris asked as he collapsed on the table and tried to recover from his monumental climax. He was amazed when Rachel brought out a pack of 7 ADIFEM, which should be a week's supply, and popped all 7 into her mouth at once. With the 3 she had already taken that morning she now had 10 times the recommended dose in her system.

"Doc, what are you doing, this is dangerous, that is too big a dose," Chris warned. "We don't know what that will do to you."

"I NEED MORE!" Rachel screamed and jumped back on the table. Chris's penis was still hugely swollen at around 9 inches and still hadn't really gone down after his second orgasm, but it still wasn't enough for the now lust blinded Rachel. To Chris's horror she reached under his massive balls and pulled the toggle on his cock ring as tight as she could. The veins at the base of his penis bulged out and before he could stop her, Rachel grabbed both the two remaining syringes of ADIMAL and injected both deep into the base of his cock at once.

"Doc what have you done!" Chris gasped in horror. However he didn't have much time to think about is as the d**g kicked in instantly and he felt his cock begin to expand once again, as a feeling of lust like he had never felt before hit him like a tidal wave.

"Oh yes, bigger, bigger I need it bigger," Rachel moaned as she began rubbing Chris's cock again. It was now around 10 inches and growing fast. "Please get bigger, I need more" With that she locked her lips round the swollen helmet of Chris's now monstrous penis and began sucking any pre cum and semen that was still there from his last orgasm into her mouth. When she had got all of it, she released him from her mouth and started to frantically tit fuck him again, even harder and faster this time. She was desperately trying to increase his size even further, force him to yet another orgasm and extract even more semen. And it was working.

The overdose of ADIMAL was causing Chris to lose all sense of control. He looked down at his cock which by now was close to 12 inches size with his balls the size of large plumbs. Even with her enormous tits his cock no longer looked dwarfed by them as she thrust it in and out of her hot and tremulous cleavage. He knew he had another, even bigger, load bubbling away in in his balls, but he didn't want to blow it impotently on her boobs again before he had the chance to actually have sex with Rachel.

In an attempt to take some charge of the situation Chris grabbed Rachel by the shoulders and pulled her face close to his so he could give her French kiss, the first time he had actually kissed her in the entire encounter.

"Doc, please let me have sex with you properly," Chris pleaded. "I really need to get this big cock inside you. I know you would enjoy it too." Chris reached down and stuck his hand inside Rachel's now soaked panties, searching for her clit. It wasn't hard to find. Her pussy lips were shaved and her clitoris felt hot and very bloated under his probing fingers. As he made contact he felt her whole body quiver, and he knew she was close to orgasm as well, despite him not touching her until now.

"I would love that as well Chris," Rachel moaned in response. "It would be too dangerous though. We are both so fertile just now and I can't risk getting pregnant."

Even in Rachel's d**g induced state the fear of pregnancy still cut through. At 41 she had no plans for c***dren now or in the future, even with access to her miracle fertility d**g. She was so focussed on her career she had never even really thought about it.

"I will use a condom Doc," Chris said, trying to reason with her. "When I am close I will pull out and cum on your boobs like before, or in your mouth. Please Rachel I really need this."

This was the first time Chris had ever used her first name, and somehow this made a difference to Rachel. She wasn't happy about having sex without her diaphragm in, but if they used a condom and he pulled out then that should be ok. In the end her rampant, d**g fuelled desire got the better of her.

"OK Chris, but you have to pull out before you cum." She said reluctantly. "With you being so big now I don't know how well a condom will hold up."

Chris could not believe what he was hearing. This was really happening. He was actually going to fuck Rachel. Well, more likely she was going to fuck him if their sexual encounter so far was anything to go by. He reached for his discarded trousers and removed a condom from his wallet. He struggled with the wrapper with trembling fingers before carefully removing the thin latex disk.

Rachel was slightly worried to see he had a durex invisible extra thin condom, and not the extra strong double thickness ones that she always used. However beggars cannot be choosers, and as long as he pulled out it would be fine. He had already ejaculated twice so surely he couldn't have much more in there?

Rachel took the condom from him and placed it on the on the tip of his now 12 inch weapon. She struggled to squeeze it over the bulbous swollen helmet and had to spit on it to provide enough lubrication but after that, with a few strokes, she had the thin, straining latex sheath rolled down all the way to his balls.

Rachel sat on the table beside him, looking at his enormous, potent weapon, wrapped up snugly and (hopefully) safely. The condom looked very thin and fragile, moulded to every vein and ridge of his throbbing manhood, and she still had her doubts about it, but before she could say anything Chris lifted her on top before grabbing her now ruined and sopping panties and ripping them off with one swift stroke. Her pussy was neatly shaved with only a small landing strip of hair. The lips were meaty, succulent and very wet. At the junction of pussy lips her clitoris was huge, standing out about 2 inches, and looked very inflamed and angry. All in all, it was the best looking pussy Chris had ever seen, and he couldn't wait to get inside it.
Chris lined up the sheathed helmet of his cock with the dripping entrance to her pussy and let her weight sink down onto him until the head had fully penetrated inside her pussy lips. He intended to take it slow to begin, with due to his new size, but Rachel had other ideas. She began sawing her pussy up and down across the head of his cock while at the same time she reached down and began massaging his swollen ball again. She still seemed to be trying to increase his size even more and it was working. He now had to be over 12 inches in size with no end in sight.

"Oh yes Chris," She sighed. "You are so big, the d**g worked so well. This is going to change the world." With that she pressed down hard with all her weight and sank down onto his colossal member.

Her pussy felt even better than Chris has expected. Even with the condom stretched tight over his shaft he could feel every bump and ridge of her molten hot tunnel and it was all he could do not to cum instantly. She had managed to get around 8 inches of him insider her but was now starting to struggle a bit.

"Oh Chris, you feel really big," She moaned. "I don't know if I can fit all of you inside me."

That wasn't going to stop her trying however, and she wiggled about with her hips and in the end forced another couple of inches in before she felt the inflated head of his cock press against her cervix. Still "10 inches is pretty good," she thought.

With his cock now firmly inserted, Rachel began to rock back and forward slowly, gently pulling in and out at the same time, but only by an inch or so. She felt his thick shaft rubbing against her obscenely swollen clitoris and knew she didn't have long before she reached her own climax.

Chris was screwing up his face with intense concentration as he tried to control the unfamiliar organ that pulsed between his legs. Rachel wasn't making it easy for him as she grabbed both his hands and moved them to her boobs, forcing him to rub her swollen, saggy orbs and now rock hard nipples. Her big brown buds were so sensitive, and as he rubbed them Rachel was sure her tits were growing even bigger. She looked down at her bulging cleavage and was sure she must have gained at least another cup size in the last few minutes.

"It must be the overdose of ADIFEM I just took hitting my tits," She thought. "I have never taken so much before. I hope these changes aren't permanent or I will have to go bra shopping again!"

The ADIFEM was also hitting her clitoris and ovaries and she knew she was very close to a huge orgasm. Her clit had swollen to 3 times its normal size had was now very visible to her as she rode Chris harder and harder.

"It's like my own little cock," She thought to herself as she sawed the hard, bloated nub of her clit against the base of Chris's erection. Little pulses of pleasure were sparking from it and running all the way up her body to her swollen nipples as he roughly massaged them, sparking further spasms of pleasure from them in turn.

"Suck my boobs Chris," She moaned, bending down and forcing her expanding chest into his face. Chris tried his best but was soon suffocating with the sheer size of her expanding milk jugs, and had to cum up for air.

"Oh Rachel I am sorry, I don't think I have long," He said frantically. "You need to slow down a bit or I might blow again."

Unfortunately Rachel was now delirious with lust. Her own overdose of the fertility d**g had reached full effect and she was teetering on the edge of orgasm, with the little spasms of pleasure coalescing into a wave that was now affecting her whole body. Instead of slowing down she sped up rocking back and forward, in and out with increasing frequency, driving herself to her long awaited peak.

"Doc, I am serious," Chris screamed out. "You have to stop now or I am going to blow, please, I can't cum so soon."

Chris was deeply ashamed by his lack of stamina. He had already had two monstrous orgasms, but still was unable to hold back for any longer than a few minutes inside her. The second 2 doses of ADIMAL had reached full potency and his balls felt on fire as the produced wave after wave of potent, fertile sperm which were backing up painfully in his ridiculously engorged balls. He remembered that he still had the cock ring on, pulled to its maximum tightness, and only that had stopped him form cumming already. But it was fast becoming more of hindrance than a help as it blocked and blood from leaving his inflamed member, causing it to swell even more in a self-feeding cycle. Chris looked down and saw his cock was now about 13 inches in size, but somehow Rachel was able to take almost all of it into her quivering, pulsing sheath that felt like it was going to explode itself.

"Oh no, no, no, you have to stop Doc I only have seconds" He shouted in a last ditch attempt to prolong their intercourse. However Rachel just grabbed his face and kissed him deeply as she sped up further, finally hitting her own, long awaited orgasm. Her pussy began pulsing rapidly as her orgasm really got into its stride and her vaginal muscles clamped down tight on his cock making it completely impossible for him to withdraw

"Ahh, Ahh, Doc please, I- I can't hold on any more, I am cumming!" Chris moaned with pleasure, pulling his lips from hers in the middle of their passionate kiss Chris knew he had lost the battle as he felt his now enormously swollen shaft growing even thicker inside her, stretching her pussy ever wider as she thrust herself on it again and again, taking the full length inside her mature fertile body.

"Just do it! I'm cumming!" Rachel cried, her back arcing and her tits flailing about uncontrollably as she thrust her quivering, orgasming pussy down onto Chris's cock. Her rational mind told her she should get off his right now, but she was too far gone to listen.

"He is wearing a condom, it will be fine," she thought as her whole body pulsed and quivered in the throes of the most intense orgasm of her life.

Then it happened.

Chris's thick, 13 inch member swelled even thicker as his orange sized balls pulled painfully tight against the base of his shaft. The pressure was too much for the cock ring which burst with an audible pop, and with this last barrier to orgasm removed Chris knew his time had come.

His gargantuan penis pulsed uncontrollably inside her as all his defences collapsed and he could hold on no longer. The first spurt of potent, fertile semen tore through him, forced deep from within his swollen balls, up the full length of his 13 inch shaft, and out of his painfully sensitive helmet into the condom. This single first spurt, completely filled the condom's reservoir which was designed for the ejaculation of a normal penis, not the d**g fuelled freak between his legs. The thin flimsy latex barrier swelled like a balloon with the sheer quantity of white hot seed being ejected from his distended, swollen balls. And that was just the first spurt. Time after time after time, his titanic testicles pulled tight, pumping spurt after spurt of boiling hot seed into the straining latex barrier, the first 4 spurts alone more than enough to overflow the beaker he had only half filled earlier, and he was just getting started.

Rachel's vagina was pulsing more and more as she rode the most intense orgasm of her life. She felt Chris start to cum, and knew she was in extreme danger if the condom didn't hold, but she was consumed by the explosions of pleasure emanating from her clitoris, flooding her pussy and womb and finally sparking out of her big brown nipples. Knowing that Chris was cumming seemed to drive her on even further, taking her to an even higher plateau of pleasure.

Her spasming pussy squeezed tighter and tighter around Chris's mammoth cock, sheathed in its now impossibly thin latex protector. The combination of the gallons of cum flooding the tip and the pressure from Rachel's' pussy was far too much for this last barrier between them. The ultra-thin condom had never been designed for this kind of punishment.

Finally as the walls of her pussy squeezed even tighter, the condom gave way, exploding like a grenade inside her, covering every millimetre of her mature, fertile pussy with Chris's molten hot and highly potent seed. Chris felt the condom burst spectacularly, and with the sensitive helmet of his cock now directly exposed to her molten hot depths, his ejaculations intensified even further.

"Rachel, the condom has burst, you have to stop," He shouted frantically. However Rachel was too far gone to care, and just thrust his face hard into her heaving boobs, forcing him to suck on her big brown nipples and stopping him from saying anything else. The ADIMAL saturated cum now being deposited directly into her core had set off a chain reaction with the ADIFEM overdose that had now overwhelmed her ovaries and womb. At this point the only thing in the world she wanted was to coax as much potent cum from her lover as possible. With that is mind, she reached between their heaving bodies, found his overexerted balls and began to squeeze them, trying to force more and more seed from them into her depths.

It was working, as spurt after spurt of creamy white semen pumped from the engorged helmet of his cock and sprayed directly onto her cervix. He was now so big that the tip of his cock was pressed hard against her cervical opening, so his whole load began to flood her fertile womb. As she squeezed his balls rhythmically she forced them to carry on pulsing time after time after time as the, 8th, and 9th load of cum sprayed into her molten hot, unprotected womb. Instead of reducing, each load seemed even bigger than the last, and now even a single ejaculation was enough to fill the laboratory beaker. As Christ spurted deep inside her, Rachel felt her titanic orgasm intensify even further. The pulsing of her vagina muscles increased in intensity, pumping the unstoppable wave of potent seed towards the fertile eggs in their owner's fallopian tubes. However after the 11th spurt Chris was producing so much cum that he had filled her womb and pussy with the thick gooey liquid and soon it was leaking out between their bodies as they continued to thrust against each other, like a pair of mating a****ls.

In total Chris produced about half a litre of super potent cum during his earth shattering ejaculation, a full 21 spurts. As the last spurt pulsed from Chris's rampant cock, and the last spasm of Rachel's orgasm subsided, the two of them collapsed. They were breathing heavily and sticky with sweat, softly moaning and groaning with the last frizzes of pleasure sparking through their bodies.

They were both totally exhausted by their d**g fuelled encounter, but found enough energy to kiss deeply once again, enjoying a tender, loving end to such intense coupling.

When the kiss ended, Rachel smiled down at him, and slowly pulled her hips off his still painfully hard cock, still around 10 inches in length but, thankfully, finally softening a little. However she gasped in horror when she saw the remnants of the shredded condom, now merely an impotent ring around the base of his softening penis. His fearsome weapon was covered in hot jizz and as she withdrew what seemed lo her like a gallon of the stuff poured from her pussy, covering his cock and balls with the evidence of his love.

"Oh no Chris what have you done," She screamed angrily. "Look at all this cum. The condom has burst inside me and you didn't pull out. What are we going to do now?" They both knew the morning after pill wasn't an option and with them both high on fertility d**gs, and her at her most fertile time, pregnancy was close to guaranteed.

"Come on Doc," Chris said defensively. "I remember their being two us involved in is, It was you that overdosed us both with the d**gs, and I did give you plenty of warning I was about to cum. At least we know the d**gs work, and if you do get knocked up it will prove your formula is a success."

"But I didn't want to get knocked up myself!" Rachel retorted with a sullen pout. "I don't know anything about babies, and what will this do to my career?"

"Doc, once we get these d**gs on the market I think both of us will be very safe in our careers, baby or no baby," Chris said soothingly, as he gently stroked her shoulders. "I think it might need a little refining though as the side effects are a little too extreme, especially at the doses you gave us."

Rachel was still very annoyed, with herself as well as Chris, but she didn't pull away, letting him tenderly caress her naked body as they basked in the afterglow of their encounter. After a while she felt her anger abate a bit and began to return his caresses. She gently ran her fingers over his legs but when she gently caressed his cock she was amazed to feel it pulse and throb again. Rapidly re inflating to its full, erect 13 inches under her touch.

"Eh, Doc, it is happening again," Chris said, starting to get really worried now. "What do we do?"

Rachel smiled rather nastily at him.

"I think you know the answer to that," She replied lustily, kissing him again as she guided his re invigorated cock back into her abused, but still unsatisfied pussy.

In total Chris came 9 times that day, with each load seemingly bigger than the last. Rachel milked him time after time with her tits, mouth and pussy, with him blowing another 3 of his huge loads deep in her fertile depths.

Finally the d**gs wore off and both started to return to normal, though Chris was left with an 8 inch cock permanently. While Rachel was stuck with 38G boobs which required yet another wardrobe change.

Unsurprisingly, Rachel soon found out she was pregnant, much to the surprise of her family and co-workers, especially when they learned who the father was. However she had kind of got used to the idea by then and actually enjoyed motherhood a lot which was just as well as she and Chris went on to have another 4 c***dren together.

As far as her career went, both ADIFEM and ADIMAL were huge successes and made them millionaires. Obviously they had to tame some of the more extreme side effects for the commercial variant. However they still kept a small supply of the original formula available, strictly for their own personal use.

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Submission Experiment

Allie yawns groggily. She can't remember the last time she slept that well. Not that she'd been having trouble sleeping or anything, but she was feeling strangely refreshed this time, more so than usual. It took her a second to realize that her alarm clock hadn't rung. She let out a sigh of relief. Thank god. She didn't have to get up yet. In that moment, getting out of bed and going to work seemed like it would be the end of the world. Especially when her bed was so soft, and her blankets so...

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A girl at party finds herself the subject in an experiment that turns her from a virgin to a slut

Brittany was having a good time at the party until this egghead guy came and started talking with her. She was not even really listening to him. He was going on and on about pheromones or something. “Do you want a beer?” his question finally got her attention. “Sure!” anything that would get him out of her face even for a few minutes was welcome, and if he did come back, then at least she would have a beer. Sure enough, he did return shortly with one of those plastic...

4 years ago
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The Adrian Dane Kenny MD intimacy experiment of

Correspondence to: Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.Jamway Hospital and Jamway Research Firm270 Huntington Avenue, #513Boston, Massachusetts 02115United States of [email protected]@post.harvard.edu617-697-0732An experiment on a sexual partner by Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.The Kenny intimacy experiment of arousal, pleasure and erogeneityObjective: To learn about the erogenous zones of a sexual partner.Partner: Elle. A white caucasian woman who I met on tinder. She lives in the back...

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Dr Stevenss Experiment

Intro: Intro:?Amanda?s problems started because she was a very gorgeous girl, she didn?t have any girl friends because they were all jealous of her, so she was lonely and would hang out with the boys.? Until one day she was surrounded by a bunch of boys, the boys in front of her grabbed her large breasts, and the boys behind her, well of course they pulled up her skirt and grabbed her ass.? After that all the girls in school said she was a whore, and a slut, they made fun of her and...

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The Experiment

The contract was written plainly, clearly, and with no hidden small print.Liz Bradley agreed to take part in the experiment for a large sun of money. If she signed it, she would be given a single injection, and once done, the process would start, and could not be stopped. She would spend a month at Pyro-Tech’s research lab, being monitored for any changes or side effects, and after that she would be free to go, unless something had happened that warranted further research.It was plainly...

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My name is Richard Baron, with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, hopeful for a master’s degree, eventually. I always wanted to make some fantastic discovery that will change the world, and possibly make me some money at the same time! The University I go to is in the same town I grew up in and my parents allowed me to create my own Chem lab using half of the family garage. Dad doled out the money I needed. He was a big wig in the Financial Services industry. He made money in the World Stock...

1 year ago
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The ExperimentChapter 4

Emma never got as far as the Barrier Reef. After two days in Sydney she heard from the Professor. Would she return to take part in a final elimination? All her expenses were to be paid, including a flight back to Australia should she not be finally successful. She knew perfectly well that she would be successful. In his message, the Professor told her she had passed all the medical tests with flying colours. Much of the three days had been passed in completing several arduous physical...

2 years ago
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ExperimentChapter 3

The next day was time for another confessional session with Kathy. Father John was going to make arrangement for another priest to listen to Kathy but never followed through with this. Today, he was very nervous about the confession. He was feeling particularly horny today for no apparent reason. He already had an erection as he walked toward the confessional and used his notebook to hide the budge under his robe. Kathy arrived on time. She continued to feel very mixed emotions about her...

3 years ago
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The Horse Experiment Revised

"I bet you are wondering why you are here", he says. His sister and him don’t respond. "You are here because we are doing an experiment and you were chosen because of some certain qualities…" "But we are only 16", Matt pleads. The man continues, "This experiment will hurt, I will tell you that, but when it is over we will have created something miraculous." He then walks over to Matt and says, "We will start with you." Then he opens his bag and takes out some lube...

4 years ago
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Science ExperimentChapter 2

“I’ll describe what we’re going to do and then we’ll go for it and make adjustments. You have to last so we can’t just keep going. If that means my part of the experiment only lasts 30 seconds then that’s the way it goes cause if you pop your cork too early, you’re not going to be any good to us.” Enough talk, I thought, I stepped out of my boxers and walked naked to Lori, my dick leading the way. I heard a couple of appreciative comments so I did a runway spin, my dick flopping around...

2 years ago
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The Cuckoos Progeny12 A Risky Experiment

Theo helped carry their luggage into their room. “If you’re worried about spending cash, you’re free to stay with us tonight,” “Nah,” Al said, tossing notebooks filled with his daily scribblings on the bed. “You and Etta have too much to arrange.” “The hell with that: we’re too excited. You don’t understand what an opportunity this is. You represent talents we’ve never witnessed in any living thing. We don’t even have any explanations for why they occur. I mean, forecasting the future,...

1 year ago
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Sweet Smell of Lust A Young Mans ExperimentChapter 3

Virginia was obviously not happy with her sister joining David's growing harem. In fact, she would attempt everything to seduce David before his attentions focused towards the young teen, as they often seemed to do. Every seductive move and action she attempted, often to success. Only when the scent was upon her, did all her reasoning leave and she, again, became her boyfriends slave. Samantha, on the other hand, could not get enough. Fawning over David and instantly doing whatever he...

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The Experiment Part 2

-Jake “The Experiment: Part 2” I’m an average looking guy, 5 foot 9 inches, black hair, dark brown eyes. I’m Colombian, but in all actuality if you looked at me you’d swear I was white. I often get Italian before anything else. I have a pretty fit body, and given all the running from the sports I play, pretty damn good looking legs – toned and muscular, and a pretty nice muscular ass to go along with it. I’m able to say that I can score with most girls if I really wanted to, but I don’t...

1 year ago
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The Biology Experiment

The Biology Experiment by Miss Anonna I woke up in quite a steamy mood. Was it an erotic dream or just a feeling deep down in my pelvis? I wasn’t sure but a quick glance at the calendar made me realize I was probably ovulating. I slowly got out of bed and headed for the bathroom one slow step at a time fantasizing of a good soak in warm water and bath salts. The warm water sucked me into the tub one leg at a time and then my whole body followed, shrinking into the depths while I watched the...

2 years ago
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Summer Experiment Chapter 18

Summer Experiment Chapter 18 Frankie always enjoyed road trips. In the past, every time they went out to the Hamptons, they rode the train or the bus. Being a true New Yorker at this point, Frankie rarely thought about driving. Helen drove just like she doctored, steady, carefully, and with patience. The speed limit was sixty miles an hour and they cruised along at sixty- two miles an hour in the right lane. Helen's driving didn't bode well with the surrounding New York...

1 year ago
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The Biology Experiment

The Biology Experimentby Miss Anonna I woke up in quite a steamy mood. Was it an erotic dream or just a feeling deep down in my pelvis? I wasn’t sure but a quick glance at the calendar made me realize I was probably ovulating. I slowly got out of bed and headed for the bathroom one slow step at a time fantasizing of a good soak in warm water and bath salts. The warm water sucked me into the tub one leg at a time and then my whole body followed, shrinking into the depths while I watched the...

Oral Sex
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Gender role experiment 4

Professor Gilbert took a long look at her male colleagues. All of them were trying hard to look open-minded and progressive; all of them supported the experiment. But in her heart, Gilbert knew that even her colleagues are nothing but male chauvinistic pigs, ready to attack her any moment. He saw them cringe when she described all the details of giving breast implants and additional cosmetic procedures to her test subjects forcing straight students to become centers of male attention....

1 year ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 18 The Experiment

Tani entering the nursery was greeted by a smiling Tes, "Good evening are you ready to see the kids?" Tes asked. As they strolled together to look in on the lively playful children Tani looked at Tes and asked, "So what do you want to talk about Tes?" Tes snickered, "You were never one for small talk were you Tani? I must tell you of an experiment I am currently undergoing, actually just started." Tes began tell Tani about it in detail. She told her that she had been impressed with...

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Tercer Experiment

Dr. Tercer heard his office door open. The two women he had been expecting where here. They would be pivotal for his experiments. He got up from his desk and approached the two ladies.There was a tall red head, she had a very cute face and a button nose. She was kind of boney, lanky and she was at least six feet tall. He knew she was quite intelligent and interested in his experiments and had been following his work for a while. He decided to address her first. "Hello, Catherine. We've...

4 years ago
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Summer Experiment Chapter 25

Summer Experiment Chapter 25 By the time Friday night rolled around, Frankie was feeling pretty good about herself. She was felling closer than ever to Mary. They had talked and talked and each time she unburdened herself, Frankie felt a little better and a lot wiser. Mary was helping her get a handle on her emotions, which seemed to be taking her on a roller coaster ride. Frankie admitted to herself that she had blundered through the past couple of weeks, making a mess of...

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The Experiment

The Experiment by Pippa © I had been out clubbing these last few weeks, trying to screw my name into the record books after the break-up of my marriage. I had been lucky on this last occasion and had met twin sisters. They were both extremely beautiful, 5'4" tall and exuded an air of permanent sexuality. Claire was the youngest by about six minutes, she was a real tearaway and, seemingly up for anything. Rachel however, although extremely pleasant, was much more...

1 year ago
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All Grown Up Interlude Jennys Experiment

Jenny walked into the student housing “pod” ready to be disappointed. She was away from home for the first time, and would be living with three strangers, but at least not her tomboyish tween little sister Kelly. Each student would have their own bedroom, complete with study space, and one common room, with a tiny kitchen at one end, and a bathroom at the other. Despite assurances by the colorful brochure, she had noticed the pictures of the unit itself were all drawings, which inspired very...

3 years ago
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Alexa Chapter 1 The Great Experiment

Alexa Chapter 1: The Great Experiment I couldn't wait to be done with classes. Even though it was only Thursday, I was done for the week. I had set my schedule up so I had no classes on Fridays, which I had hoped would set me up for some great long weekends of partying. I was wrong. My two closest friends and roommates had dropped out of school during the summer semester, one because of money, the other because of grades leaving me all alone in this three-bedroom apartment. I was...

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The Hypnosis Experiment

The Hypnosis  ExperimentChapter 1   It was the first girls night out Casey had done in several years. This was her first night out at this club or any club for that matter since the first couple years of her marriage to her husband Rick. They worked as a team in the real estate business. A husband and wife team. Although she loved her husband immensely, things were getting a bit stale in their marriage lately. For whatever reason, Rick spent lots of time online checking out these porn sites....

1 year ago
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The Ball Boy Experiment Chapter 2 Team Meating

He was laying in her bed, pants strewn across the floor nearby. For the first time in over 2 weeks, his girlfriend was giving him head. Ally looked up at him wordlessly from between his legs, and kept working at him. He'd asked for a quick BJ before the two of them left for school, which she'd agreed to, under the condition that it was indeed, "quick". Jake, however, wanted to make the experience last. Ally'd been giving him major blue balls, lately, and he was trying to milk the...

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Drinking experiment

I am going to document this story as it happens. I am going to conduct an experiment and if it works it should make for a good bit of reading. I am sitting at my computer typing this drama as it unfolds. I have everything I need in front of me and I am about to start. I have a full bottle of Tequila gold and will take a shot every sixty seconds and here goes the first one. Now while I wait I will tell you about myself. My real name is Sharon L. Parker and I am an author. I have written a few...

2 years ago
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A Sexy Experiment

Dan Lesterman was just your average 23 year old guy, his childhood friend Jessica Waters was a quirky scientist who loved to pester him. There was something about her, she was the same age of course, 5'4 with B cup breasts and an ass you just want to spank. Dan was like pudding in her hand, always eager to please her, doing any favour she asked of him. They slept together once, but it was just an experiment to her, to see what it was like first-hand, she didn't have much interest in him. Dan...

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The Futa Experiment Part 1 The Secretary

Bianca sat in bed, absentmindedly scrolling through her social media feeds on her phone, whittling away the hours of the early morning. She didn’t have any plans for today, and tried to find some entertainment in the postings of others. One of her friends, Amy, posted a picture of herself in a skimpy swimsuit, captioned “missing the summer sun.” Her cleavage drew Bianca’s attention and she began to imagine those huge tits exposed to the warm, summer air, glistening with sweat. Her girl cock...

2 years ago
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Das erotische Experiment

Hallo Freunde von Fictionmania und Transgendered Stories, hier meine zweite Geschichte die wie ihr Name ein Experiment ist. Alle Personen berichten aus ihre Sicht den Fortlauf der Geschichte. Die Geschichte konzentriert sich darauf, den Leser die Moeglichkeit zu geben in die Rolle jeder der drei Personen zu schluepfen. Was fuehlt mein Gegenueber gerade ? Was denkt er gerade ueber mich ? Wer hat sich das nicht schon mal gefragt ? Ein Experiment, wie bereits erwaehnt. Ich...

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Summer Experiment

Summer Experiment Chapter One Frankie felt the agitation building in his body simply talking on the phone to his wife. He missed her terribly. She was hours away and he was feeling so down about being alone. And she was bringing up the same old thing all over again, sex. He didn't like the topic of sex. It made him feel nervous inside just talking about it. It was awkward discussing their sex life or lack of it and it was even worse to do it while his wife was on a speakerphone...

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Experiment 1

Experiment # 1 John stopped at the mirror by the front door, and checked his outfit one more time "Hair - check. Makeup - check. Blouse - check. Skirt - check. Hose - check. Heels - check.. I guess I'm ready." He sighed, and walked out the door, and headed toward school. As he walked he thought about what made him want to try this experiment. It had started because he had read a story in English class about a man who felt like he had been fading from view to the point he was...

4 years ago
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I Big Banged the Theory P1 The Amy experiment

CREATED BY BIGHORNYCOCK123Dr Amy Farrah Fowler was sat at the bar as i strolled in for drink, and after ordering one myself, i glanced her way and realised who she was."HI there! Are you Dr Amy Farrah Fowler the Nobel prize winner?" i asked."Yes. Yes i am!" she replied smiling back at me."Wow! I've never met a Nobel prize winner before! You must be really smart?" i then said smiling back at her."Well, the Nobel prize win does kind of suggest that!" she replied back with a grin."And your...

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