Roommates Pt. 01 free porn video

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Clara had just gotten out of a bad relationship. She had been staying in her exes house for a couple of weeks now but knew she had to find someplace else to go and soon. She decided to start looking on the on line classifieds. Her part time job was never going to pay for an apartment of her own so for the time being Clara decided to see if anyone in the area was looking for a roommate.

Clara found a girl who advertised a two room house with one bedroom for rent. From the pictures the place looked perfect. The rent was only four hundred a month with everything excluding food included. It seemed almost too good to be true but still Clara figured it wouldn’t hurt to go check it out. She emailed the girl and almost immediately got a response with a phone number to talk things out. It was arranged that the following weekend on Clara’s day off she would go talk to the girl in person.

In the days following while Clara packed her stuff she continued to text her potential roommate so they could get to know each other a little before she possibly moved in.

‘So you’re really leaving?’

‘Yes Chet.’

‘I’m still not a thousand percent as to why.’

‘Things are way too complicated for me to stick around. I just need to get away to think some things out.’

Chet pressed his body against Clara’s back. He stroked her shoulders then moved his hands down her arms and interlaced his fingers with hers. She tried to pull away but Chet just turned her around and kissed her. As he did this he reached up under Clara’s shirt and fondled her breasts and squeezed at her nipples. Clara let out a sigh and bit her bottom lip as she gave one last ditch effort to resist.

‘I have to finish packing.’

‘Do it later.’ Chet demanded as he pushed Clara down on the bed. He kissed down her neck and lifted her shirt up to kiss her stomach. Clara moaned a little louder and ran her hands through Chet’s hair. Her breath was quickly snatched from her when Chet placed his mouth over her clit and began licking the top of her opening. The vibrating sensations were almost too much and within moments Clara came a decent amount leaving a small puddle on the sheet.

Clara pulled at Chet’s hair motioning for him to climb on top of her. He did and placed a thick hard cock inside her still pulsing and dripping pussy.

Clara had never felt sex this good before. She had never felt so much passion and compatibility between two bodies. Maybe she was making a mistake. Maybe she should stay and try and work things out. But as things came to a close and Chet left to go sleep a feeling of shame and confusion washed over her. She knew it would be best for everyone to just leave.

The house was just as perfect as the ad had shown. The neighborhood was beautiful with every surrounding house looking to be freshly painted and well maintained. Clara walked up the concrete walkway to the red brick house and knocked on the door. She had barely gotten her hand to her side before a skinny blond in leggings and a loose fitting tee shirt opened the door.

‘Oh you must be Clara. My name is Jez come in and see the house.’

Clara hadn’t been greeted by that much friendliness in what seemed like forever. Already she had a good feeling about the whole situation. She was taken on a tour of the house and was lastly brought up to where she would be staying. It was a plain white room with a closet on the wall next to a window that overlooked the backyard.

‘I have to know why isn’t this room rented already?’

‘Well don’t get me wrong,’ Jez started. ‘A lot of people answered the ad saying that they loved the area and wanted to come check it out but they either called saying that they couldn’t come look at it or they found someplace else. Then I had this really creepy sixty year old man that just got out of a divorce and was looking for a cheap place to stay but sorry to say I am not living with someone who’s more than twice my age.’

‘Yeah that’s understandable. So do you have the lease?’

‘It’s down at my printer if you just want to come with me.’

Clara and Jez signed the finalizing documents and shook hands. Clara began moving her stuff in that day. It was a relief to finally be someplace where she could relax.

Clara waited until her next day off to bring the rest of her stuff in and unpack it. She was getting down to the last of her boxes. It was a box of old pictures and knick knacks. As she started hanging the pictures up she came across one of her and Chet along with a group of their friends. Jez was walking passed the room as she saw Clara sit at the end of her bed staring at the photo.

‘You okay?’

‘Oh what? Yeah yeah I’m fine.’

‘Which one is he?’ Jez asked peaking over at the picture.

Clara pointed to the guy in the middle. ‘That would be him.’

‘Eh he’s alright. You want to see gorgeous wait until you meet my boyfriend.’ Jez playfully nudged Clara’s arm and smiled. When she noticed Clara staring back down at the photo she asked, ‘So what happened between the two of you?’

‘It was all my fault really. I wasn’t able to trust him. And he never did anything to make me not trust him it was just my nature. I drove myself insane every time he would leave the house or talk to another woman and finally I just couldn’t take it anymore.’

Jez put her hand on Clara’s leg. ‘Look I know what you’re going through. My boyfriend and I broke up for a brief moment in our relationship too cause we weren’t really sure if we wanted to be together. So we went out sowed some wild oats but in the end we were brought back together. Of course we battled the fact that obviously things had happened when we were apart but we had to face it and get over it. We were back together for a reason and thats what we had to look at.’

‘Yeah I know that’s how I should feel but I can’t train myself to be that. I’m just the type of person that should be single.’

‘Well I guess you know what’s gonna make you happy.’ Jez left the room and Clara hung the picture up on the wall. She finished unpacking and laid down.

The following morning when Clara got up she went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee where she heard Jez talking. A man’s voice followed. Clara considered turning around and heading back upstairs as not to intrude on the conversation. Jez caught a glimpse of her as she was leaving.

‘Clara come here I want to introduce you to someone.’ Clara entered the room slowly. ‘This is Benny.’

Clara looked at the man sitting down at the table. Jez wasn’t kidding when she said he was gorgeous. He was clearly of Italian background with the olive skin and black hair. He had a little visible chest hair peeking through the top of his buttoned up blue tee shirt. His dark brown eyes were enough to make Clara shiver when he made eye contact with her.

‘Oh hi.’ Clara smiled to hide the fact that she was drooling.

‘Nice to meet you.’ Benny shot Clara a smile that was just perfect. He stood up and made his way for the door way. ‘Listen Jez I have to get going but I’ll drop by some time tonight.’

‘You know I’m not gonna be home tonight.’

‘Oh shit yeah I forgot. Well I’ll see you next week.’ Benny gave Jez a quick kiss and smirked at Clara.

After he was gone Clara looked over at Jez. ‘You weren’t kidding when you said he was gorgeous.’

‘Well he is one of the most attractive breed of men that there is. So did you ever think about what I talked to you about yesterday.’

Clara looked down at her phone. ‘Um no but uh I gotta get ready for work and I’ll think about it there seeing as how I’m always bored out of my mind any way.’

Clara raced back up the stairs. Honestly she just didn’t need to hear how she was wrong and that she should change. She had tried to change and it got her no where. She found it pointless to keep beating a dead horse. If she had to stay single then so be it but she didn’t need s
omeone telling her she was wrong for wanting to do so.

The day progressed as normally as it usually did. And it was time to clock out. Clara stopped by the store and picked up a small bottle of vodka and a half gallon of orange juice. She then arrived at the house to see Jez’s car was gone but another car was parked in its place.

‘What the hell?’ Clara asked herself. She made her way cautiously up to the door and peeked inside. She could see that the TV in the sitting room was on. Obviously Jez must have gotten a ride from work by someone. So in Clara stepped into the house and went into the sitting room. She wasn’t prepared at all for what she saw.

Benny was sitting in the chair watching a made for TV soft core porn movie. His pants were pulled down just enough that his dick could be out comfortably. He was so wrapped up in what he was doing that he didn’t notice Clara staring in amazement at his large throbbing member. It was only after Clara’s keys hit the floor that he quickly turned his head and jumped up. He started fixing his pants as he stumbled on his words trying to explain.

Clara herself was a little embarrassed as the image stayed put in her mind and her cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink. ‘I’m gonna go upstairs.’ Clara managed to get out. She raced up the steps stumbling on the first few then finally catching her balance and making it the rest of the way up. She still had her grocery bag in her hands so she decided to fix a nice screw driver. She realized that she didn’t have a cup.

After giving herself a couple minutes to compose herself Clara went down to the kitchen. She grabbed a coffee cup and filled it about three quarters of the way up with orange juice and almost the rest of the way with vodka. She seated herself at the table and took a swig from the cup.

‘Mind if I have one of those?’ Benny asked. He was finding it hard to bring his gaze up to meet Clara’s. She was having an equally difficult time and slid the two bottles across the table toward him.

‘Not a very good first impression.’ Clara finally joked after finishing her first drink.

‘I guess not.’ Benny laughed. ‘I honestly didn’t know you were gonna come home. I like to stay here a lot. I have a room mate too and the only TV and computer are in the same room so it gets a little… hard to find good enough alone time if you know what I mean. You think what you saw was bad though, I’ve dealt with worse.’

‘How so?’

‘I’ve walked in on my roommate getting head. Now keep in mind my roommate is a lesbian so here I am trying not to stare and trying to hide a giant hard on as I make my way out of the room. Also on top of that keep in mind the other girl is a D chested brunette such as yourself and she’s on her knees on the floor wearing nothing.’ Benny finished the last of his drink in a large gulp and began to make himself another. ‘Try explaining that to your girlfriend who’s wondering why you want to visit her so bad.’

‘Why didn’t you just do it yourself obviously you’re good at that.’

‘Something like that can’t be fixed with the other hand handshake. Jez didn’t talk to me for about a week. Of course it kind of slipped out what happened after we had already had sex but, hey I’m a guy what are you gonna do.’

Clara smiled and shook her head as she made her second drink. She was still feeling awkward about what she had seen. But was even more awkward was every time she looked over at Benny all she could picture was his long throbbing member. And the conversation wasn’t helping in the least bit. She tried her best to change the topic.

‘So what do you do for a job?’

‘I work part time in the food service business. I’m actually moving up to the distribution aspect making almost double my pay. What about you?’

‘I’m a cashier at a pet food and supplies store. Its decent pay and I get to work with animals which is one of the main reasons I stay there.’

‘Do you have any plans to move up in the company?’

‘Well I should seeing as how I’ve been there over two years. I’ve gotten offered a manager position like three times before but my boyfriend and I were focused on starting a family and every thing just went out the window.’

‘Why don’t you take the opportunity now?’

Clara smiled. It was nice to have someone listen to her. It was nice to have someone show interest in her life. She simply nodded in response and continued to sip at her drink.

After Clara and Benny had each finished their third drink they were beginning to loosen up around each other. Clara took her phone out and played some songs that she danced to. She flung her hair around and grind against Benny’s leg. She was caught a little off guard when Benny grabbed her and pulled her close. The two stared at each other for a couple minutes before finally pushing away from one another and went to opposite ends of the room.

‘I think I’m gonna go to bed.’

‘Yeah that would probably be best. Maybe tonight I should go to my apartment.’

‘No you’ve been drinking you can’t drive. I have a handle on myself you don’t have to worry about anything.’

Benny let out a sigh and plopped down onto the couch. He watched Clara go up the stairs then clicked the TV on.

Clara couldn’t get to sleep that night. She just lay awake and stared at the ceiling. She tossed and turned for about an hour before sitting on the edge of the bed. She took her phone out and stared at a couple pictures still left on her phone. They were the reminders of how happy she used to be. Her mind drifted to all the good memories. They were soon replaced with all the fights and bad times. She needed to do something to get this off her mind… anything.

Clara peeked out of her room and heard the TV downstairs going. She quietly made her way down the steps and peered over the railing. Benny was resuming his behavior from earlier that day. He had his head back and his eyes closed.

Clara could feel herself getting wetter and wetter by the moment. She reached her hand down and started rubbing the outside of her pants by her clitoris. She bit her bottom lip to stifle any sounds that could come out. She watched intently as Benny stared at the TV rubbing his throbbing member. Suddenly he threw his head back and let out a loud moan as cum came racing down his shaft. He opened his eyes to see Clara fixated on him with her hand down the front of her pants.

‘Shit.’ Clara said as she pulled her hand out. ‘Sorry I couldn’t help it.’

‘Oh don’t worry about it. Hell I’ll even let you finish.’

‘Well there’s nothing to watch now.’ Clara smiled. At this point there was no turning back. Benny smirked back at her and went up a couple of the stairs. He grabbed at the waste band of her jeans. He pulled them down to her ankles and released one of her feet. He leaned forward and lightly licked the top of Clara’s slit. He pulled away for a slight second before flinging himself forward again and pressing his tongue more forcefully into her. Clara grabbed a handful of Benny’s hair. She kept his head in place as he licked the opening and surrounding areas of her wet pussy.

‘Mmmm’ Clara moaned. She could feel the wet soft tongue trace her slit and then just as she was getting used to the sensation Benny shoved his tongue deep inside her and she flung forward releasing his hair and letting cum squirt out and land on his nose.

Benny looked up with a smile on his face. ‘I’m gonna take that as I did a good job.’

‘Don’t stop.’ Clara pleaded as she still reeled from the previous occurrence. Benny resumed where he had left off and moved his tongue in and out of her. In the mean time he ran his hand up the outside of her thigh and played with her clit.

Clara felt her body tense up and she snatched another handful of hair and squeezed hard as a wave of orgasms overcame her. She fell limp to the stairs and Benny picked his head up. He could see the stream of liquid coming on to the step. He lic
ked what he could off of her pussy then stood up. A large tent had re-formed in his pants.

‘What do you say to it being my turn?’ Benny began to unzip his pants and Clara looked up slyly. She reached out and pushed the pants to his knees where they continued the rest of the way to the step.

‘Maybe we should go to my room.’ Clara suggested.

‘That probably wouldn’t be a bad idea.’ Benny pulled his pants up and held them as they went to Clara’s room. They were barely through the door before Clara pushed Benny down and whipped the hard dick from its boxer enclosure. She started slow licking the head and massaging the shaft. She cupped and played with Benny’s balls for a minute then placed her entire mouth around the tip. Benny pushed her hair to the side as he watched.

Clara looked up as she did a few up and downward sucks. She started to pick up the pace and Benny started to sigh. He let his arms drop and fell back on the bed. He caught himself before falling all the way back. Clara slowed herself again then slowly removed her mouth completely. She cupped his balls a second time and slipped one into her mouth. This almost took Benny’s breath away as she got her mouth around the second one. She held them in her mouth lightly massaging them with her tongue.

Benny could feel his entire body loosen up. He was now so in tune with what Clara was doing. Every time her tongue touched his flesh he shuttered a little then gave in. He felt as she licked his balls for a few minutes then move back up to sucking his cock. Then the moment happened where he felt himself ready to cum. He pushed Clara’s head down as far as she would let it go and shot a load into her throat.

Clara smirked as she wiped the excess slobber and cum from the sides of her mouth.

‘Damn.’ Benny stated as he fixed his pants and adjusted himself properly. ‘I don’t think I’ve gotten head that good in a while.’

‘You’re not too bad it yourself.’

‘So I guess I’ll let you get some sleep.’

‘Why don’t you stay with me tonight?’

Benny stopped and let out a sigh. ‘You do know we can’t date or anything like that right? Your roommate is still my girlfriend.’

‘Yeah so. I just want someone in my bed is that so much to ask?’

Benny thought about it for a couple minutes then stripped down to just his boxers. He climbed underneath the covers and Clara climbed in next to her. They lay side by side for a couple minutes before Clara rolled over on her side and Benny pressed up against her. Within minutes they were both fast asleep.

The following morning Clara woke up first. She decided to surprise Benny with a morning blow job which he was more than happy to receive. Only this time Benny had no intention of cumming in her mouth. As she came up after sucking down to the base Benny made her stand up and got behind her. He lined his dick up with her opening and slowly began to work it in. It was so tight and so wet. It was enough to make him want to cum right then and there. He did his best to hold it in as he moved in and out of her. But Clara seemed to be making it as hard as possible. She was getting wetter and wetter by the second and moaning louder and louder.

‘Sweetie I’m gonna cum.’ Benny alerted her but Clara was already in the middle of a climax to respond. Benny pulled his cock out and shot a wad onto her ass.

Clara walked to the bathroom and wiped herself off before beginning to get dressed for the day. Benny watched as pulled a sports bra over her large tits. She slipped on a pair of blue lace boy short underpants and a fresh pair of jeans. The shirt she picked out had an arrow pointing up saying ‘My eyes are up here’ which made Benny laugh at the coincidence.

Clara was of average size. She had curves in all the right places weighing around 120. Her hair was brown and wavy which even though it hadn’t been washed or brushed that day still seemed to curve around her face and frame it perfectly.

‘You’re really pretty you know that.’ Benny said as he made his way toward the door to leave.

‘You already got sex, no need for the flattery.’

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You close your eyes again and keep grinding your wet pussy against the palm of your hand, with your fingers buried deep inside yourself, letting me enjoy the show. Walking past your door, I hear faint whimpering and moaning coming from the bedroom. I slowly push open the door, revealing your naked body, spread eagle across the bed with your hands cupping your smoothly shaved pussy. Your fingers busy pumping in and out of your body, legs bucking from the overwhelming pleasure writhing inside...

Sex With Stranger
3 years ago
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Sex AheadChapter 5

The way young Manley got started fooling around with Patricia Preston wasn't all that different from the way any local eighteen- year-old boy made out with an attractive thirty-six-year-old woman. If you lived in Tuttleville, you'd know there was a lot of that going on. A stranger however, would never realize it. The women of Tuttleville - and the teenage girls too - were rather clanish. They didn't take to strangers. Men from out of town, business men, traveling salesmen and the like,...

4 years ago
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Jimmys Demtigung Jimmys Badetag mit Mama

Jimmy musste wieder 4 Kilometer nach Hause laufen, weil er den Bus verpasst hatte. Er versuchte ?ber das Gras zu gehen. Seine F??e schmerzten bei jedem Schritt von der gestrigen Strafe. Seine Mutter hat kurzerhand spontan eine Hygiene-Kontrolle durchgef?hrt und war unzufrieden.Erst zog sie die Vorhaut des Jungen so weit zur?ck, dass sie zum rei?en gespannt war und suchte nach Verunreinigungen. Dann steckte sie ihren Zeigefinger in den Anus des Jungen und pr?fte es ordentlich nach R?ckst?nden. Let...

1 year ago
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Big And Beautiful

It allstarted my Junior year of high school, on the end-of-the-year band and choir trip to Washington, DC. I was seventeen, with short black hair, and a dark complexion. I was on the heavy side, okay, I was huge. But I wore my weight with pride, I didn’t want to be a teenie tiny stick. I was proud of my curves, and the weight brought with it a large ass and size D boobs. If you ask me, that’s nothing for guys to turn away from. Unfortunately, I went to school with all the guys that did. I’m...

2 years ago
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Bachpan mein pataya8230

Hi iss reader it is my 1st story on iss main pichhle 2 saal se rojana iss ki kahani parhta hoon. Pehle main apne baare mein batata hoon. Main varanasi ka hoon, mera naam kuchh aur hai lekin mere dost mujhe harry bulate hain. Mera land ka size 8 inch hai aur meri hight 5’8 inch hai. Ab main kahani shuru karta hoon ye un dino ki baat hai jab 12th statnderd mein parhta tha mere saath kayi ladkiyan parhti thi unmein se ek thi gulshan jo mere ghar ke saamne rahti thi.wo dekhno mein thoi sanwli thi...

2 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 3

Gordy I woke up with Weena literally all over me and an urgent need to rid myself of last night's beer. I looked at the clock. It was 7:10. Time to get up anyway. I eased myself out of bed — Weena mumbled something unintelligible. Once in the bathroom, I figured I might as well get ready, so I started to shower, too. About 90 seconds later, someone joined me. "Need help?" the voice asked. "O-o-o-h boy!" I responded. And turned around to hug and kiss my mate. After a few minutes, I...

2 years ago
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suzi and david continue

Suzi was sitting at her dressing table teasing her husband's cock ,she giggled when it jerked under her touch , "little miss cocky is a bit lively today Jayney she laughed David blushed "yes Miss it's been almost 3 months since my last milking " "Has it really? doesn't time fly when you are having fun" she mused.David gave out a small gasp as his wife's thumb rubbed over the tip causing a drip of clear precum to ooze out he was so close so near. Suzi dropped his cock and stood up "let's...

3 years ago
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Hayden Panettiere Kristen Bell

Story: Kristen stood there, covered with cum on her face, nude as well as Hayden stood there looking at her as if she wanted something from her while both Jake and Derek are sitting down on the couch, completely tired as they fucked Kristen like crazy. All four were being silence as each one was waiting for someone else to break the silence. “So… was your birthday, Hayden?” Kristen asked, breaking the silence.“Good, very good” Hayden told her.“So… now that you’re here, what do you want to...

2 years ago
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Thats a Good Slut

You look at yourself in the hotel mirror, hardly believing that you’ve been able to arrange a night in the big city sans your husband, but here you are, dressed in your slinkiest lingerie, wet to the extent that you're about to leak. He's going to be at the door any minute and you haven’t even laid eyes on him yet; the cop. Sure, you’ve seen a picture, but they never tell the whole story. You’ve talked on-line and on the phone, his voice is sexy as hell, so is what he said he was going to do....

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Enjoyed with teenaged boy

Dear viewers main bahot dino ke baad apna experience likh raha hoon. Mujhe hope hai ke aapko pasand ayega. Main apni age ke 25 saal mein hi ake sodomite mujhe bottom sex excitement ka crazy bana dia tha tab se main sirf bottom ke lye hi sex participate karta hoon. Who mera permanent partner bana hua tha jab bhi mujhe gaand marwane ki ichha hoti uske ghar jaakar apni gaand ki masti ko thanda kar leta tha. Yeh 5 saal pahele ki baat hai jab main 45 years ka tha shaam ke waqt tha, main homosexual...

3 years ago
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Honor Thy Mother Thy Father Ch 18

Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: This is a Novel. 79. Planning If there is one place a man does not want to be, it is in the middle of a bunch of women planning a wedding. In this case we have three well-to-do men, marrying three totally different women....

2 years ago
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Rich's hiring me was more than his version of helping the poor. I did have some electronics knowledge. I could easily handle a multimeter, a signal tracer and other assorted electronic test equipment I needed to do the job. Plus, I knew Rich for about a dozen years, having met him in grammar school. He knew me for a dozen years and still talked to me, so that was a good start. The job was also good for me in other ways. I was out on the road all day, which I enjoyed. I liked the freedom of...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Ava Koxxx Horny British Babe Fucks Masseuse

Busty sex goddess Ava Koxxx is back on DDFBusty in a raunchy 4K premium porn scene that will have you spurting as she’s squirting. The big tittied vixen lays herself out on the massage table for Max Deeds to work her kinks out, but what she really wants is to get kinky. While the masseur’s hands are slipping all over the British babe’s big tits and curvy ass while oiling her up, his fingers slide inside the tattooed babe’s shaved pussy probably by no accident. After...

2 years ago
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The Mirror CrackedChapter 4

"Ah there's nothing like a night time glide over the city," Brooklyn said while banking right... riding the breeze. "Yup," Broadway voiced from where he was gliding along side of Angela. "One more sweep of the area and we can head back to the castle." "Oops! That reminds me, I have to make a quick stop at the Doughnut King, and pick up some goodies for Delilah and Tammy," said Argent. "You want someone to go with you?" Angela asked. "Thanks, but I can handle a doughnut run on...

2 years ago
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Cat Vs Human Fight For Control

I think that my cat probably knows everything that goes on inside the house, and maybe in the whole neighborhood. It wouldn’t be a far stretch to imagine that she knows everything that’s going on everywhere, at every second of the day. Sometimes I look into those big green eyes of hers and she seems to smirk at me, as though saying, ‘I know something you don’t know.’ So when I see confusion in her eyes, I truly worry. I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth, and the little pitter-patter of...

4 years ago
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Blackhawk Hall Ch 06

"The elf mongrel is in the Hall, and the half-breed moved on to fort up in the inn once they broke the charm over our dupes," Cordell reported. Garvin, self-appointed Governor of Darius, frowned. "They moved forward after the attack? How much does that change things?"Cordell shrugged. "Not much, really. They will be here tomorrow unless we throw everything we've got at them to slow them down. It's all a matter of what time.""The clerics are ready?" Garvin asked.Cordell nodded. "They're in...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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The Classroom

She walked in class, late, and quickly found her seat. When she finally looked up, he was staring at her and she wondered if he could tell what was on her mind. She tried calming herself down by telling herself that he could not read her mind, yet every time he looked at her, she felt his eyes probing deep into her heart and undressed her with his hidden passion. What was worse was that she almost wanted it, welcomed the feeling. She kept her mouth shut all class, in fear of saying what was...

3 years ago
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Dracula and his Marvel Harem

It was a cold Night in Gotham. The snow was falling on the City and covering it in a soft white. Most of the Citizen stayed at home and only if it was necessary some of them left the warm homes. But some other used these night to make some Money. One of these Persons was Cat-Woman. She was on her way to the Gotham Museum of History. Her Contacts had informed her that they showed some ancient relicts from Transylvanian and one of these Artefacts was a Diamond that was called “The Cat”. It was...

2 years ago
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Une chaude prof asservie

Une chaude prof asservie 1 Hot teacher enslaved 1 Coulybaca / Auteur inconnu    Madame Lucy Harper, du haut de ses 43 ans ?tait fi?re de ses formes acad?miques. Faire classe ?tait sa vocation ! La semaine pr?c?dente elle avait pris un de ses ?l?ves ? tricher lors d'un test sous les sifflements admiratifs de ses condisciples lorsqu'elle tourna le dos. Elle avait l'habitude de ces sifflets d'admirateurs m?les lorsqu?elle se d?hanchait devant eux en rentrant chez elle. Il n'y avait pas de miracle, son 95 c faisait t...

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One fun afternoon

Every so often I get in the mood to read some of the sex stories on this site, posted by others. It always seems to make my mind drift off to some of the experiences my wife and I have enjoyed over the years. We are both bisexual and for a while we belonged to a swingers club. Obviously that made for some really fun and interesting times. Being completely uninhibited, we've always had the attitude of just letting go and enjoy. As I was reading some of the stories others have posted in this...

3 years ago
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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Satisfaction Guaranteed By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 "Tim, I just got a phone call from Kelsey and she may have a job for you," stated Sean Clarke as he entered the kitchen. His roommate, Tim Howe, glanced up from the stove. "Really, what is it?" Sean reached in the...

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New Start Rays StoryChapter 15

"Daddy, why are you sleeping in the study?" the little boy asked. Ray expected the question would pop up. They were young, but they were not stupid. They were anything but stupid. Normally he was not at his best in the mornings. But for some reason he was startled awake yet again. He really thought he was dealing with the anger and the stress pretty well, but these startling surges into wakefulness had him worried. So he was sitting on the couch thinking when Tim walked into the...

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Hitching a Ride to Slavery

Hitching a Ride to SlaveryPart 1BydidmakerCharlie put the large truck in park and turned of the ignition. It sure was good to be home again after a few weeks on the road. The house and yard looked pretty much the same as when he left since he lived alone. I climbed out of the cabin and onto the driveway. He paused and wondered if he should wake his passenger  and let her know they had arrived, but decided against it since she could probably use the rest while he sorted out the mail and other...

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Vice is nice but

The raucous sing-song of squeaking springs vaguely filtered into my sub-conscious as I slipped in and out of a light, restless sleep. A slight breeze gently ruffled the curtain at my bedroom window as it tried to relieve the oppressive heat that had built up during the day. I glanced at the clock beside my bed. 5:30. Still a couple of hours before I had to get up. I turned over, trying to get back to sleep but the bedsprings seemed to get louder, more insistent. Soft, hushed sounds drifted from...

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Seducing my stepsister

My name is Ryan, and I'm twenty-five. I have black hair, and brown eyes. I have a stepsister named Kate, who is twenty-seven, and she just got divorced. She caught her husband cheating, and she was devastated. She came right to me, because she had no one else to go to. She cried in my arms constantly, and I had no idea what to do or say.We had been close ever since our parents introduced us, so she didn't waste a lot of time asking me if she could move in with me. Sadly, we both lost our...

1 year ago
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The CatalystChapter 7 Work to Do and Friends in the Making

There I was, sweetly dreaming with my red haired, rough riding, sweetheart. I had one hand on her sweet, perfect breast, spooning her soft body and inhaling the sweet fragrance of her red hair. Then all of a sudden ... Sweet Mother of God! ... all hell broke loose! Greg was hollering in what sounded like a drill sergeants bark. “‘Up and at ‘Em’, ‘The Day’s a Wasting’, ‘We’re Burning Daylight!’” Behind him I heard Mary singing, “We got the coffee brewin’, and breakfast cookin’ and you two...

4 years ago
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The Newest Slave

The Newest Slave by captv8td [email protected] 1This was turning out to be her favorite place to shop.  The quality of the merchandise was superb and she had been very pleased with her previous purchase.  That wasn’t always the case when she bought high value items.  It was not uncommon for her to select a new car, only to change her mind shortly after it was delivered.  She had moved her family twice because the homes she selected turned out to be disappointing once they moved in. ...

3 years ago
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Daddys Sweet Lil PUSSY Cat Pt 1

As I head up the stairs I think how much she reminds me of her Mother. She has the same long legs, the 36d breast, the small waist. She has her own deep dark red hair and dark green eyes. Her lips are perfect and I am sure she drives the boys crazy in school just walking down the hall. I get to her door to find it ajar and she is standing by the bed and drops the towel she had wrapped around herself. She turned around and I got a look at her beautiful breast, firm and standing...

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What Do You Say to a Naked Niece Part Three

During our time apart, Emma texted me almost daily and was quite expansive in the topics she wanted to discuss. Everything from world events to homework to music and dating advice was fodder for conversation. The latter of which always gave me pause and even a touch of jealousy. I know she needed to lead a normal teenage girl’s life, and dating was a core requirement. And even though she assured me that her dates were just for fun and as a way to get out of the house, it was an uncomfortable...

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Tifa at Don Corneos

Tifa stepped out of the carriage onto the streets of Wall Market. Her gaze looked up from the street onto to Don Corneo’s palace. Two of Corneo’s thugs stood watch at the door. Their eyes immediately turned on Tifa, and gazed at her as if almost in a trance. As she approached the door, she could feel the thugs mentally undressing her, as if her clothes were falling off behind her with each approaching step. Obviously her choice of attire had the desired effect. Good…that is exactly what she...

1 year ago
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Strike 2016

The Time To Strike It seems like a strange thing to look forward to, but when the news came down that we as a union might strike, I got very excited about what I could do with the time off. Some of the events that happened I could never have dreamed of, but I am so happy that they did happen that I felt the need to write my story. A little background on me. I live in the Albany, NY area. I am a 30 something year old male named Bob, who for the most parts is known to be one of the...

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Andis new life

The car spun out of control on the unexpected patch of black ice and plunged down the ravine. By the time the emergency services arrived both passengers were unconscious. They were admitted into hospital and placed into induced comas. The authorities had a puzzle on their hands trying to identify the couple. Both were British and initially they were both believed to be women but the taller one turned out to be a man in female clothing What were they doing in this isolated part of rural...

3 years ago
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VacationChapter 51

Day Fifty-one - Tuesday I awoke, spooning with Sue, hugging her round pooky bubble butt into me. The clock said five thirty, so I should go back to sleep. Sue's still having her monthlies so I need to take it easy on her. A rush of thoughts ran through my mind. I need to call my sister and brother to tell them I'm married. When I tell them I have a place in Tampa, Florida, they might even come down to visit. We have the room. All we have to do is finish furnishing the other...

2 years ago
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Sapnas special treat

Last week I got a phone call from Sapna telling me how horny she was and how she wanted me to come over to her apartment and do something about her condition. Having nothing better to do, I told her I would be right over. We have been together a few times and there are very few things that are more fun than alleviating Sapna’s feelings of horniness. Although not attractive in the conventional way, she is extremely sensuous so we hugely enjoy making love together. That day was no exception....

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