Worked Up free porn video

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“Who the fuck..” She yawned, “Invented four in the fucking morning..” she growled the words to herself as she walked, the road lit by streetlights in the absence of the sun, towards her local gym, her in-ear headphones playing some tunes that were too upbeat to match her dour mood.

Andrea’s fitness was her life, it was as important to her as eating and bathing, more important to her even than sleep or sex, as evidenced by her increasingly early excursions to get her workout done and her depressingly long dry spell.

When she had joined the gym a couple months ago after moving into the area she had started at a respectable eight in the morning, giving her time to wake up beforehand, time to enjoy herself, time to complete her workout and time to get on with her day.

But then, of all things, the bullying had started, not bullying or shaming about her body, because she was fit, and she knew it, her body strong and lean, muscles toned with gorgeous definition, no, a different kind of bullying altogether, one she had never expected to encounter.

The so called bully, a little slut called Sky according to the sign in sheet, must have, somehow, found out about Andrea’s secret extra 'package', maybe glimpsing it in the changing rooms, because, for some fucking reason, she seemed to take absolute delight in torturing Andrea with her own cock.

More and more often she had come in to find this Sky doing her own ‘workout’, always close to wherever Andrea was, and always seemingly focused on making her as aroused as possible.

There was quite a contrast between the two of them, Andrea was a tall woman, standing just a little over six foot with a strong build, light skin, bright blue eyes and long luxurious blonde hair. Her breasts were a modest c-cup and she focused on maintaining her definition and general level of fitness through her workout routine.

Sky, however, was maybe a little over five foot, her hair long and black, often tied back into a bun or ponytail, her skin was a warm honied caramel likely hinting either way too much time in the tanning salon or a racial heritage she couldn’t quite place. Her eyes were a dusky brown and always seemed more than a little bit teasing when she was caught looking Andrea’s way.

Sky’s workout routine seemed completely void of strength and fitness routines, instead, it seemed to exist to show off her goods. While on the whole Sky was a generally slender woman with a noticeably flat chest, she lacked the muscle definition that Andrea’s form boasted. Instead with Sky, all eyes were drawn downwards to her key feature, her finely sculpted booty that was the purest definition of thicc. It seemed to Andrea that the majority of Sky's workout was focused on either enhancing or showing off that particular asset.

Andrea smirked and snickered slightly to herself as she walked, letting out a sigh at her own mental joke. “Heh. Ass-et.”

As she arrived at the gym, the third day she had come in at this time, she found herself feeling a little more awake and cohesive. She used her membership card to gain access past the magnetic lock to the all hours gym, letting herself in and putting her name down on the sign-in sheet before making for the changing rooms. There were no staff on at this time, hell, chances were with the clock only now starting to approach five am she’d have the gym all to herself, at least for the first portion of her workout, which suited her just fine.

She stepped into one of the changing booths, even with the place as quiet as it was she still hid herself away when she changed for fear of her additional package being seen, again, anyway. She already seemingly got into enough trouble with it with only Sky, somehow, knowing about it.

She stripped down, admiring herself in the mirror as she did so, looking over her flawlessly defined body which she worked so hard to keep in mint condition. She was proud of herself in all honesty, and why shouldn’t she be? This had taken real work to achieve. She pursed her lips some glancing down, eying the thick, sleeping python resting between her thighs atop two heavy, smooth balls. Well, almost every impressive aspect of hers had taken real work to achieve. That bit, in particular, was god's gift, or curse, depending on how badly in the way it was getting.

She changed into her gym gear, a loose pair of shorts, which, while baggy and ill fitting, served to hide what would otherwise have obscenely bulged for all to see. She pulled out a tight sports top that fixed her full breasts comfortably to her chest, stopping any awkward bouncing or shifting that would distract her.

She made sure her long blonde hair was tied back into a tight little ponytail and smiled to herself. She looked good. She felt good. And that cock teasing little slut Sky was likely still wrapped up in her own bed, miles from Andrea.

Locking her belongings away into one of the lockers she strode energetically onto the main floor of the gym, mentally hyping herself.

Excited to get started, the room was lit from above by a multitude of bright lights, she admired how clean everything was, how well ordered and most importantly, how vacant the whole place was.

Andrea smiled brightly and put her hands on the curves of her hips, surveying the perfect scene before her. It had required sacrificing her sleep to achieve this, but it was perfect.

Listening to her music and finding those same upbeat tunes more to her liking now, she started to stretch her body, getting ready to start.


Sky yawned demurely and stretched his arms out above his head in his bed, blinking lazily as he stared into the darkness of his room, feeling the warm embrace of his bed hugging him. He let out a soft sigh and rolled over, laying on his stomach and burying his face into the pillow.

He wanted to get some more sleep. Sleep was the only place these days where he really felt at easy. Not constantly over thinking or worrying, or realizing just how alone he was in his empty little apartment.

He squirmed about in his bed, shifting positions and trying to get comfortable, but it didn’t matter. He was awake now and no matter how hard he tried, he knew he wouldn’t get back off to sleep.

He sat up slowly and sniffed, flicking on a light and looking around his empty bedroom, running a hand through his long dark messy hair. His room had precious little personality to it, it was just functional, a place to sleep.

Lazily, he swung his legs out of bed and stood slowly, padding barefoot through to his bathroom, taking his phone with him and setting up his Spotify to play some tunes. The bathroom was unpleasantly chilly, but at least his friend had let him use their Spotify premium, he didn’t have to put up with their adverts as he went about his morning routine.

He looked at himself in the mirror, frowning some. He hated himself, he really did. He was so soft and feminine, his face round and girlish, his eyes big and sultry, his lips full and attractive. He didn’t even have to shave to keep his face baby smooth.

He was wearing a t-shirt and boxers, his usual night time get-up, the shirt clung to his slender frame, hanging loosely over his narrow waist and hourglass figure, his boxers flaring out to incorporate his wide, flared hips and his huge, plush ass.

It was because of this awfully feminine figure that he had started going to the gym on a daily basis, an effort to bulk up on muscle, slim down on some, well, one, very specific area of body fat and generally achieve the masculinity he craved.

It had been over a year since his last girlfriend, a girl he had loved with all his heart but who had, he had discovered, cheated on him with a multitude of ripped, muscled dumbasses who, in her words, could be the man she needed under the sheets, something he had apparently never been for her.

But the gym so far had failed to show any results. He didn’t exactly know what he was doing, but what he assumed would be common sense wasn’t working.

Every single day he did exercises that he thought would target his ass and thighs, barbell squats, lunges, hip extensions, deadlifts.. But no matter what he did it didn’t seem to result in his ass shrinking. In fact, either his boxers were getting smaller in the wash or his exercises were having the exact opposite effect that he had intended, which made no sense to him.

He turned on his shower and took out a hairbrush, running it through the length of his hair as he watched his reflection start to steam up, which was inconvenient, but at least the steam fought away the rooms chilliness some.

He knew his long hair was another girly feature which he disliked, but he also knew it was beautiful, long, lush and vivacious. It was one of the few aspects of himself that women seemed complimentary of, and that alone made it worth maintaining.

He stripped out of his pj’s and set the brush down, stepping into the shower and adjusting the temperature until it was only just a little shy of being hot enough to hurt him. He let out a soft little purr as the heat of the water burrowed into his body, feeling the hot water strike him, forming little rivulets that trickled down over the contours of his curves, following his smooth silky skin.

It couldn’t have been any later than five am as he languished in the heat of the shower, soaping himself and washing his hair.

He worked part time as a barista at a cute little local coffee shop, it allowed him to meet all kinds of people from all walks of life, he had hoped, when he got the job, that it would be an excellent opportunity to meet with and flirt with some cute coffee loving girls, but more often than not it was the male customers who flirted with him, many of them not even realising that they were not in fact being served by a sweet little caramel skinned girl, but a boy. The number of times he’d been asked with a wink if he’d add a shot to caramel to their coffee made him wince.

There was one woman in his life, however, sort of. She was a bright part of his day that made him feel happy to be awake. The woman in question was just divinity given a body, taller and stronger than Sky, with beautiful blonde hair and the most amazing blue eyes. And he wasn’t sure if she even knew he existed.

Ever since he had first laid eyes on her in the gym, Andrea, as the gyms sign in sheet had betrayed to him, had been the focus of his imagination during his more lonely nights. When he was curled up on his sofa, alone with his laptop, he had imagined what it would be like to have her there beside him, and when he went to bed his thoughts turned much lewder, fantasizing about what they would do together under the sheets. He loved the idea of topping her, despite the clear strength difference in her favor, making her scream his name in the throes of passion.

He shivered a little. The last few days he had gone to the gym she hadn’t been there and he was afraid she’d found a different gym or a different schedule. He hadn’t actually gotten the chance to speak to her yet.. He’d meant to lots of times! But every time he’d gotten close to her in the gym she had left suddenly, like she was avoiding him.

Part of him thought he knew why, there was no chance that a woman like Andrea would be interested in a boy like Sky. But he couldn’t let himself really believe that or what was the point in trying?

He stepped from the shower and began to towel himself off, enjoying the music as it played. Maybe today he would get lucky and she would be there, maybe, even, he would be able to overcome his anxieties and speak to her?

Sky used his hand to wipe away the condensation on his mirror, blinking as he eyed himself, a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Uh.. Hi.. My names Sky.. Would you like to maybe get a cup of coffee with me?..” His voice was weak, soft.

He cleared his throat and squared his shoulders, “Hey! Fancy a coffee?” Now his voice was a mockery of a tough guy.

He deflated and sighed. He’d think of something, if she was even there.

He dried himself off and got himself dressed, pulling on a little backpack with his gym gear in and gave his sparse apartment one last glance over before setting out into the cool of the early morning, making his way to the gym.


Andrea was about half an hour into her workout and was feeling empowered. The music was perfect, the gym was hers and she could feel the familiar burn in her muscles that told her she was making progress, it was addictive, the sensations coursing through her body as she worked out, her skin glistening with a thin sheen of sweat as she lifted weights and controlled her breathing.

While the super early mornings sucked, it was wonderful it to have the gym all to herself, it was worth more to her, she knew, than the sleep she was losing.

She caught movement out of the corner of her eye and she knew right away that it would be another patron of the gym, no real upset or surprise, she might’ve gotten here first but she didn’t own the place, people would likely start trickling in sooner or later. Nevertheless, she glanced towards the newcomer casually before looking back to her equipment.

She hesitated, doing a double take.


The girl was unmistakable in her t-shirt and tight pants, Andrea felt her heart sink and her anger rise, she just wanted to work out in peace without this little walking disaster spoiling the most sacred part of her day. How early would she have to get up to avoid her?

Andrea felt her face flush with frustration as Sky’s eyes lit up with recognition upon seeing her. She turned her back on Sky, trying to ignore her and simply get on with her work. She wouldn’t have another workout ruined by this harlot.

Sky couldn’t believe his luck when he had spotted her name on the sign in sheet! She was here and it was just the two of them, he was alone with her. He bit his lip and checked his hair, which was pulled back into a neat little dark ponytail of his own. She had noticed him noticing and Sky realized, feeling a familiar pang of anxiety, that as soon as she had noticed him she had turned her back on him.

Regardless, he wouldn’t get a chance like this again. Steeling himself he started to walk towards her. He swallowed, stomach fluttering with butterflies as he moved up behind her, standing just a few feet away. “Um..” his voice was shaky, weak, everything he hoped it wouldn’t be. “..Do you..” he paused, noticing something.

She had her earphones in, she couldn’t hear him. He felt his heart sink a little and his confidence drained away. As he watched the outline of her muscles shift as she lifted weights he couldn’t help himself, he saw her for what she was. Possibly the most beautiful and sought after woman he’d ever seen. What would a woman like her ever see in a person like Sky? He stepped away from her, ashamed for even thinking he would have a chance. He turned away from her to hide the embarrassment, frustration and upset clouding his expression and started his own stretch routine, trying to suppress the thoughts of failure filling his mind with exercise.

Andrea completed her set and glanced over her shoulder, her eyes narrowing into a scowl as she spotted Sky. Out of all gym, the girl had decided to do her stretches barely ten steps from Andrea.

Andrea watched as Sky, the teasing little bitch started to show off her lithe, supple body. Sky bent over, sliding her hands down over the top of her thighs, across her knees then down her shins to touch her toes.

Andrea bit her lip as she stared, helpless, unable to tear her eyes away from the excellent display. The girl’s ass pushed up against the skin tight trousers, that thick, bubbly dark skinned ass just trying to break out from the prison of her pants.

She hated Sky with a passion. She wanted to work out. To do her routine. But now this slut was doing her bit, teasing her up, getting her hot and heavy. And for what? Just to piss her off? For fun? It infuriated her.

Sky glanced over his shoulder towards Andrea and watched as she looked away from him. Had she been watching him stretch? Checking him out? He felt a renewed hope surface in his chest and he bit his full lip, maybe if he showed her how strong he could be, how persistent in his goals he was? She had seen him there quite a few times, doing his very best to work off the weight on his ass and build up his muscle mass. Maybe she recognized that? Saw potential for a more masculine figure?

Andrea shifted from machine to machine, ticking off boxes in her head as she went about her list of what to do when. But her attention was split and a new but familiar problem was growing, swelling..

She watched as Sky started to do deadlifts with a barbell, the girl was no professional, clearly, she was just in this to build up her perfect ass, the perfect ass that shifted wonderfully with each step of the lift, demanding Andrea’s attention..

Sky was sure every time he glanced towards Andrea he caught her just on the verge of looking away. Like, she was watching him workout? And was that a blush on her cheeks? It was!

Sky felt a new surge within him, electric, he felt confident! She was watching him! And seemingly, she liked what she saw! With the two of them alone, he knew there would never be a better opportunity than here and now for him to introduce himself to her. Just a few more sets then he would approach her, introduce himself. Gods this was real, really real.

Andrea was absolutely fuming. She had been caught staring at Sky half a dozen times already, and every time she was caught Sky just seemed all the more keen to show off, to tease her up, to embarrass her further.

Her cock had gone from being a distraction to being a problem, a big problem. Her shorts, while baggy, could only do so much. While they did manage to hide the bulge produced by her big softy, as it was right now, it wasn’t quite so soft.

She glanced towards the equipment that, normally would be the next item on her workout checklist, the bench press.

If she laid down on that, right now, she could’ve flown a flag from the tip of her pole. Her shorts so tented it would be more akin to a gazebo.

She shook her head, her frustrations boiling over as she stood, storming away towards the changing rooms. She was done. Done with her session, done with Sky and done with this whole damn gym. She couldn’t work out in peace here, that teasing little bitch was constantly just harassing her.

Sky glanced back around towards where Andrea had been, biting his lip a little and feeling a sudden pang of worry spring through him as he noticed the spot where she had been was now suddenly vacant. Looking around with wide eyes he spotted her, her back to him as she walked briskly towards the changing rooms.

Sky’s mouth fell open in silent panic as he realized she must be done with her workout, finished for the day. He glanced around, frantic and uncertain. This was his chance, he was sure of it, if he let this one slip, he’d never again muster this level of confidence.

He swallowed, mouth dry as he set down his barbell back on the rack and after debating internally with himself for a few long, agonizing moments, walked quickly after her.

She had gone into the female changing rooms, he could hear her even, moving around as he paused, hear a locker open and shut. She was alone in there, he was almost sure. She’d been looking at him.. So surely she wouldn’t mind if he just.. Poked his head in? Said hi?..

Sky clenched his fists, fighting back his nerves as he stepped into the locker room.

There she was. Her back to him as she stood in the archway to the women's showers, she glanced over her shoulder and froze, locking eyes with him.

Andrea stared at the girl, she usually waited until she got home to shower but it was quiet enough with no other patrons and she needed the relaxing heat of the water to relieve some tension. For that matter, since she wouldn’t be back here she didn’t even give much of a fuck if someone did come in and see her sporting a tent. What would it matter now?

At the angle they were stood at now, however, Sky couldn’t see her erection, pointed towards the showers as it was and obscured by the towel she had wrapped around her breasts, nude beneath, a bottle of soap in one hand, all he saw was the beauty of her form.

Andrea narrowed her eyes some, the girl had followed her in the gym, followed her to the locker, now what? She turned away from Sky, stepping into the shower, her voice flat, she was just so frustrated she couldn’t even muster venom for her words, defeated, “You going to follow me in here too?..”

Sky blinked and watched as Andrea stepped into the showers, putting a towel on a peg just inside the white tiled room. Had… Had she just invited him to join her? Seriously? She had seen him and not thrown him out of the girls changing room? Her words could’ve been sarcasm, a voice of doubt said in his mind. But. That had sounded inviting, and she had been checking him out, of that he was certain!

He could hardly string a thought together let alone a sentence, they were alone, just the two of them in the building, they clearly, in his mind, both found the other attractive, if she wanted him in the showers with her.. How could he not?

Andrea stood under the water, sighing as it streamed down over her water, the hot water dripping off the hard shaft of her raging cock. It would take a while to go soft, she knew, but without Sky’s perfectly sculpted ass practically bouncing in her face maybe..

“Um.. Hi.”

Andrea rounded on the voice, standing there in the arch to the showers, stood fucking Sky, she couldn’t believe it. She had already given up on this gym, but even now she couldn’t escape her harassment.

“What the fuck do you want?” She snarled, throwing her hands up in an exasperated gesture finding herself dangling at the end of her tether, looking down slightly at the smaller girl. Bizarrely the girl had wrapped her own white towel around her waist, not around her chest. Not that she could really blame Sky for that, the poor thing had a completely flat chest.

Sky looked at her with wide unblinking eyes, shocked, all his plans in a single second falling apart. She wasn’t happy to see him, she was absolutely livid, he could see that written plain as day across her otherwise beautiful features.

And that wasn’t the only thing he could see. The phrase ‘packing heat’ didn’t do justice to what was between Andrea’s thighs. She had a monster of a cock where her womanhood should've been, it was huge! True, its size was relevant to her own significantly larger and buffer frame, but close up with them both standing, the height difference between the two of them was made suddenly very prominent.

“Nothing to fucking say? You teasing piece of shit? You know, I used to love coming here until you started following me around!” she ranted, glaring angrily, feeling her heart race in her chest, it felt surprisingly good to release her pent up frustration, “Every fucking day showing off that ass, working me up till I have to fucking leave! Well? Say something!” She took a half step forward, poking him in the chest with a finger.

Sky took a step back as she prodded him, shocked, he felt on the verge of tears, how badly had he fucked this up? How badly had he misread her? All this time he thought he had a chance, but now he realized, just like everyone else she hated him, hated him for his feminine body, “I.. I’m sorry..” he said, so weakly it was almost a whisper.

He turned to leave wanting to run, wanting to run home and hide under his covers, but he felt fingers against his lower back, a hand gripping his towel.

Andrea laughed a little, “Ooh, no you fucking don't. You’re fucking sorry? You make my life hell and you’re fucking sorry? Like that makes everything okay? No, you know what, no!” She tugged Sky towards her and turned. The move pulled him off balance, making it easy to shove him up against the coldness of the shower wall, causing him to gasp in surprise! Andrea felt the last of her usually stoic control ebb away.

She yanked the towel from him and threw it down to soak on the floor, she stepped in close and pinned him between the solid hardness of the wall and the solid hardness of her body.

Sky’s hands pressed against the wall as he tried to push back but she had him pinned, one hand tangled in his hair, holding him, he felt absolute confusion and distress, what was she doing to him? What was she going to do to him? He felt the warmth of her hot, water slick skin against his back, her breasts pressing against his shoulders and, oh god, he felt a thick log pressed up against one of his ass cheeks, grinding into him.

“Maybe you should try saying sorry again?” She mocked, past any point of caring, this slut had pushed her too far and now she was pushing back, using her body to pin the squirming Sky, one hand wrapped in the sluts luxurious dark hair she moved to squeeze a hand between his stomach and the wall, sliding it down to grab her pussy, to-

“Fuck! You’re a boy?!”

Insult to injury. After everything that had happened in the last two minutes, it still stung deep down at the realization that she had thought, up until this point, that he was a girl.

“Y-yes..” he admitted, not sure what to say, not sure what to do, unable to move, unable to escape.

There was a pregnant pause, Andrea re-evaluating Sky as he wriggled, pinned against her, panting soft and panicky like a cornered doe, he was a he. But he was still Sky, the show offy little gym sesh ruining slut who happened to be the most gorgeous piece of ass she’d ever encountered.

Same plan, new destination. She moved her hand from his hair to his mouth, clasping her strong hand over his full lips and mouth, it was only then, in the moment that Sky realized he couldn’t scream, he decided to try, realizing the severity of his situation. It was pathetic and muffled, barely a squeak drowned out by the hissing of the shower. Even if someone was in the locker, they wouldn’t hear it, they were alone unless someone decided to shower, but she didn’t give a fuck anymore.

She squeezed a dollop of soap into her hand and dipped it down between their bodies, Sky squeaked and squirmed, his legs kicking out weakly as he felt her hand, strong and eager, slide between his bubbly cheeks.

His eyes went wide in a sudden panic as he felt her finger, slick with improvised lubricant slip between his round full cheeks and sink into the hot ring of his asshole, he arched his back as best he could, trying to get a scream out past her hand as she began to work her thick finger in and out of his ass, finger fucking him, preparing him.

“Fuck you’re tight..” She growled into his ear, her face pressed against his as she worked him over, “Have you ever been fucked up the ass before baby?..”

He shook his head as best he could, eyes desperately wide, looking around frantically, tears rolling down his cheeks, the droplets lost in the water of the shower as he squirmed.

“No? Pfff the amount of fucking work and exercise you put into making your ass bigger you’d think you spend every fucking day bent over with a cock in your ass.”

His eyes rolled back as she introduced a second finger into his stretching hole, fucking him still, her movements fast and frantic, her huge cock pressing into the softness of one of his bubbly cheeks, rubbing against him. In a single moment of clarity, her words registered. His exercises had been making his ass bigger, not smaller, another failure.

“Well don't worry honey, you’re going to be a fully fledged butt slut when I'm finished with you..” she promised, pulling her fingers from his ass, starting to liberally apply a coating of soap to her cock. It wasn’t ideal, but it didn’t need to be. She wasn’t trying to be a polite lover after all.

He whined into her hand as he felt her shift, her cock moved, her hand now wrapped around its slick base of it as she guided the massive mushroom tip between his two perfect globes of flesh.

Panicking and crying into her hand he pushed back with his hands, pushing against her abs to try and dissuade her, his hands, soft and silky smooth, so weak that his struggles went practically unnoticed by the powerful sex-hungry shemale.

She bit his ear, her breath hot against his skin as he felt the tip of her meaty cock find its mark, straining against his hole. The pain was excruciating, it felt like he was being torn in half, unable to escape her as it tried to force itself into his minimally prepared ass.

“Fucking.. Take it, slut..” she hissed, biting him again, this time in the delicious skin of his neck, leaving a hot little love bite as she sucked on his silken skin.

It wouldn’t go in, wasn’t fitting, but the pain inside of him was mounting, getting worse, not better. He had to relieve the pressure, had to get her to stop!

He leaned up on his tip-toes, trying to escape the prying cock as it pushed against his giving asshole, but without realizing it, he gave Andrea’s cock exactly what it needed. With the angle corrected, her cock was able to begin its long march forward, the ring of his ass stretching out to wrap snugly around the tip of her now intruding cock.

She moaned loudly, her voice drowning out the cry of pain and distress that bled through her muffling hand, she was conquering her demons, one inch at a time. With her cock on its mark, she released her own length, her free hand moving then to sink into the soft flesh of one of his doughy cheeks, massaging, squeezing, kneading it between her fingers as his struggles intensified, but never being anything more than useless and pathetic.

“Ohhh fuck you little slut.. That feels so fucking good.. Fuck you’re so hot.. So fucking hot..” She panted as she worked her hips forward, wanting to feel more of his tight love hole around her needy pole. She started to thrust, shallow and sharp, trying to punch her cock deeper into him, where it now belonged.

Sky’s mind was completely blanked by the pain, the sharp stabbing was intense, his every sense overwhelmed by a new portfolio of sensations devastating his body, the physical pain, the mental and sexual vulnerability, he was being used for her pleasure, regardless of how he felt about it. And how he felt about it was a hot mess.

Despite the pain, the abuse, his cock was hard, pressed against the harsh coldness of the shower room’s tiles, being forced to slide up and down against the slick surface as her cock punched deeper and deeper into his body.

She bit her lip and moved a hand from his ass around the curve of his hip to grip his thigh, giving her more leverage, “Just.. Fucking.. Take it..” She grit her teeth and slammed her hips forward. He couldn’t even make a noise as he felt it, felt every single inch of her massive, veined cock sink into the heat of his accommodating ass, felt the entirely alien sensation of the foreign member filling him completely, able to identify every single pulse, every twitch within him.

Andrea was in heaven. This was just absolute perfection. Sky’s ass was everything she’d thought it would be and more, not only had it managed to take her entire cock, but it was milking her cock, squeezing, pulsing, like a fist wrapped around her steely length as it tried to expel her.

He was weak at the knees and she felt it, knew the only reason he was still standing was her cock and body holding him up as they pressed him to the wall. She started to move, in no mood to take things slow she drew her cock out and slammed it back in, eliciting a gasp from her new toy as her muscled body bounced against his plush spongy ass, causing it to ripple with each new thrust.

She settled into a devastating rhythm, using him like the onahole he was to her, a tool to sate her lust, enact her revenge and drop a thick load all at once.

He grunted and gasped, drooling from his mouth, his saliva dripping from her fingers as she pounded him, loving every inch of his sweet caramel hued body, the exoticness a huge turn on for Andrea in of itself.

She’d never felt like this before, never been with a boy before sexually, let alone one like Sky, so wonderfully feminine. She knew that she needed a boy like this in her life on the regular now, a fuck toy for her desires, too often she ignored the needs of her massive cock, letting it wilt and vanish. In the heat of the moment it just felt too good, she promised herself that after this she would give her cock all the attention it wanted from here on out, especially if it was going to feel just this fucking good.

“Y-yeah you little slut.. I’m going to pump so much fucking cum into your ass.. Breed you like a bitch.. You want that, I fucking know you do..” she panted in his ear, her skin slick with water and sweat, his ass the only thing in her world, she wasn’t being quiet anymore, she didn’t care if people even caught her now, she just needed to cum, just needed to finish.

She tilted her head back and panted hard, her hand slipping free of his mouth, instead forcing two fingers inside of his mouth, feeling her fingers dance over and push against his hot slick tongue as she gripped his head, he was too far gone to scream anyway. Holding him, fingers in his mouth as she pounded his ass, she felt a rise in her balls, a sensation she hadn’t felt in far, far too long.

“Oh.. Oh fuck.. Yes! Fucking take it you fucking.. Ah!” she cried out suddenly, grunting as she slammed her hips forward, sheathing her sword in her conquest as her cock erupted with what felt like months worth of pent up cum.

She jerked her hips against him as he gasped, panting around her invading fingers as he stared blankly at the wall in front of him, seeing stars but helpless as he felt her cock twitch and spend it’s load, cum shooting into cum, leaving a massive hot deposit in him as she fulfilled her promise, ‘breeding’ his sodomised little love hole.

She pinned him tight to the wall as she drained every single drop of cum from her balls and every iota of pleasure from her body that his used ass could draw from her. Her breath was coming hot and heavy, this had been without a doubt the best workout of her life.

Feeling exhausted and satisfied she took a sudden step back releasing the caramel skinned, turned out little butt slut.

Sky let out an exhausted whimper as she untangled herself from him, their bodies coming apart, his left to slide down the wall. He knelt on the floor, his chest, hands, and face pressed into the wall, his cheek warm where it pressed against where just moments before, he had himself cum. That in itself raised so many questions he couldn’t even begin to think about answering.

Andrea stood there, her cock softening slightly between her thighs, a smirk on her lips and her hands on her hips as she panted, recovering. She watched as he lay there, spent and panting, his perfect thick ass on display, cheeks parted, his hole open slightly, a few thick strands of white cum dripping from his abused hole to mingle with the water on the shower floor.

“F-fuck that was good.. Got.. Got anything to say now? You little slut?..” she grinned, playfully, satisfied and sated.

He looked over at her with half lidded eyes, struggling to focus. He saw her beauty, her strength, her power. A goddess of sexuality, albeit one with a short fuse and a thick cock. And he saw something in her eyes he never saw in anyone else's. Desire. Lust. An attraction, for him.

He bit his lip and swallowed weakly, “..C… Coffee?...”


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Hot Sex With A Big Girl

Robert Engle was a single successful guy.  He lived in a spacious townhome.  He dated a sexy, bodacious blonde who loved him.  The only problem with her lately was she wanted to get married.  Her friends were all getting married and she wanted to be engaged.She was always up his ass about getting engaged.  She even stopped giving him sex which irritated him to no end.  He was tired of dealing with her and went on a hunt for sex. He had the gorgeous girlfriend with nice tits and a great ass.  He...

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The DreAMerS part 2

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Mike and Kates First Time

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It was Solstice Eve, and Queen Genevieve had a headache. It had been a long day and she wasn't really looking forward to the long tedious evening of celebrations that the Winter Solstice always turned out to be. The festivals and late night feasting were always tiresome, all the peasants and noise that the celebrations brought into the castle grounds, her head pounded with a sharp pain at the thought. The King had opened the castle to an even wider range of people this year. Her husband's...

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The Contest

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Brick House Pt 07 Ch 08

All content copyright 2012 Ted Szabo * It was around one AM when Kate and I returned from the party, striding arm in arm up the sloping concrete walk in front of building eleven as my decrepit car’s engine, thoroughly lined with carbon deposits, continued to cough along for a good ten seconds after the ignition was switched off. One of the student organizations had thrown a formal soiree and both of us were in evening wear—me, a rented tuxedo and her, a little black strapless dress with the...

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I like IT IT Makes Me Feel Dirty in a Good Way

Written by Stifflittlepoints Jason was the respected cousin that the Martin’s loved almost like a son. The holidays were over and he still had a couple of days left staying at their house. His parents had decided to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary and go on a Caribbean cruise. He said goodbye to the Martin’s, who were going to visit close friends for the entire day. That left him home alone with Lily, who had just entered high school as a 9th grader. She could have physically...

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Once a Jolly SwagmanChapter 5

Adele missed Friday's school and rang Mary from her home Saturday morning, very early. When her mobile rang, Mary had her throat, full, of urinating me and I looked at her phone and it said, Adele ringing. I answered, hoping I hit the right buttons, as I haven't had a lot of experience with this technology. I had never actually talked on a mobile phone before either. "What, Adele?" "Can I speak to Mary, please Sir?" she whined, she didn't sound happy. "No, her mouth is busy on me...

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I have always been a smart kid with a love of weapons and learning. I was fifteen when both my parents were killed. My uncle filed papers with the court to become executor of their estate. Even though they had named someone else he was named by the court. Of course there were things he could not change like the quarterly audit that was done and sent to me. I was sent to a military academy on Griffin which was in another solar system. Because I was going to a military academy my grandfather...

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1 year ago
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Lost FoundChapter 18

Traffic was light on Route 322 until I crossed the Susquehanna River. I crawled around Harrisburg in bumper-to-bumper traffic until I passed the turnpike. I-283 and Route 30 were busy, but moving well as I headed around Lancaster to my home. I pulled in front of my house a few minutes after five o'clock. Mom's car and Andy's car were both in our driveway. I parked on the street in front of my house. I headed in the door and found the living room was deserted. I followed the smell of...

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Jennifers Journey Becoming the Perfect Housewife Part 9

Jennifer's Journey - Becoming the Perfect Housewife, Part 9 The Last Friday of February When Friday came around again, I resolved to put an end to the nonsense that I had let get started the week before. I admitted to myself that it had been thrilling to be the object of Mark's attention, but this had gotten crazy. I would straighten everything out over lunch. But it was true that I had thought about Mark a lot during the past week. How could I avoid thinking about him? After...

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PROXY Players: Wentworth Family: Julie, Oldest Sister, 30; Joyce, Middle, 25; Janet, youngest, 23; Jeff (AKA Jenny), Bother, 18; Ms. Abigail Albright, or Abby, the housekeeper; Mr. Harold Peabody, a venture capitalist and step father to the Wentworth girls - divorced; Synopsis: Ever wonder what it's like to be a little rich girl? Neither did Chad until the Wentworth sister's, taking a line from the Godfather, made him an offer he couldn't refuse. He had two weeks to get into...

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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 43

The caves were well hidden from anyone looking for them from the direction of the lake. There were three in total and they were all situated in a cluster hidden behind a large flat boulder and obscured by a grove of tall oak trees. We approached them with care. The first thing we did was look about for any sign that they were occupied. Unfortunately, the rocky ground and the fact it was covered by fallen leaves proved a detriment here. There was little in the way of bare earth near the...

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HandsOnHardcore Roxy Sag BDSM Fantasy Comes True

Ravishing Russian Roxy Sag is your BDSM fantasy come true in this Hands On Hardcore S&M themed threesome masterpiece. The tiny-tittied temptress is forced to gratify and satisfy the needs of Willy Regal and Nikolas when they lead her into the livingroom by her BDSM collar, blindfolded, and about to be bent over and pounded in both holes. And this little sexy and glamorous nymph was born ready to fuck and suck. Enjoy the many talents of the temptress in this 4K premium porn event as she...

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Game Night Changed My LifeChapter 22 Home Coming

There was still plenty to be done before Homecoming. I needed to call the girls that Mary had talked to and see what could be done about Randy and some of his sophomore buddies, and to determine what they had been doing to exploit girls at parties. Over the course of several nights during that following week I called the four girls that had agreed to talk to me. They were all pretty apprehensive at first, but after I explained to each one of them that I had found out about it because it also...

2 years ago
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Concupiscent CongregationChapter 15 Colette Quits

The two sisters who comprised Lieutenant John Flett's little harem were both now visibly pregnant although their bellies were not yet large enough to make missionary position sex uncomfortable. In fact with his predilection for plump women his wife's and his sister in law's rotundity added to their sex appeal. The holiday season was over and the policeman was not completely happy. He was certainly being well serviced sexually but since their licentious threesome on Christmas Eve he had...

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