Sammie Series #1 - Sammie's New Home free porn video

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Sammie’s New Home

1st Story in the “Sammie” Series

By: Sitback

Wayne and Suzanne are a happily married couple with 2 sons (Roy, age 15 and Glen, age 10). They have been married over 16 years and have been together for over 20. While they have fun sexually (doing some really imaginative things together, including openly fantasizing about other people while they are making love with each other), neither has been with anyone else since they met. Wayne and Suzanne also use the internet to “play around” as well. Wayne loves to chat and cam with other women. Most from around the nation and some from other countries. Suzanne has found reading erotic literature a big turn-on for her and has often brought those fantasies into the bedroom.

Wayne and Suzanne are also heavily involved in a youth marching band that their son Roy is in. Wayne, being an ex-member of the band when he was a teenage still performs with them and helps the band as needed. Suzanne oversees the pageantry unit. It was Suzanne’s efforts with pageantry that caused her to become friends with Samantha (Sammie for short), one of the older girls in the unit.

Sammie is a relatively attractive 17 year old girl. She doesn’t quite fit the “pageantry” look (a girl that could fight some weight problems in the future, although she isn’t yet having the problem). She’s on the taller side (5’, 9” tall) with medium length sandy blonde hair (that can actually be any color since Sammie dyes her hair often). She does have one attribute that caught Wayne’s attention almost immediately, Sammie’s breasts are very large and she does nothing to hide that fact with the clothes she wears.

When Suzanne first starting working with the girls, Sammie was real distant and hard to get to know. Over time, Suzanne broke through Sammie’s emotional walls and they became fast friends. Sammie has real trust issues with people, her mother deserting her as a baby and her father not really providing the kind of attention a young girl needs. Because of her low self-esteem, Sammie did camera shows for people when she was 14 and though she trusted the people she was camming for, even that came back to bite her when she found videos of herself on various internet sites. It wasn’t that much better for Sammie around the band, her families name was not the most revered in the bands history (3 family members have been kicked out over the years, including her father). Management of the band even goes as far as holding her family members against her (even though she hasn’t done anything personally to deserve it). Sammie was also having issues with her long-time boyfriend. They had been dating for 3 years and Sammie was getting “tired” of the boyfriend/girlfriend thing. Joshua was a great guy, but the relationship had just reached it’s natural end for both of them and they parted ways as friends.

As Sammie was approaching her 18th birthday she was hell-bent on getting out of her house. The original plan had been to move in with her boyfriend and his family, but with the relationship ending, this was no longer an option. Wayne and Suzanne approached her and offered to let her move into their house with them. They would have Sammie take Glen’s room and make it her own with Glen moving into the spare room. Sammie loved the idea and they presented the idea to Sammie’s father. Sadly enough, Ray didn’t bat an eyelash and immediately ok’ed the idea of letting her move into their house and the plan was to move Sammie out shortly after her 18th birthday.

Moving out was easy. Suzanne knew that Sammie’s living arrangements were 3 large families in a 2 bedroom house where Sammie “shared” the couch with her 14 year old sister Tabitha. Her only possessions were her clothes and her mobile phone. Wayne drove to Sammie's house and helped her load up the car for the drive to her new home. Tabitha gave Sammie a big hug and told her how much she’d miss her. Wayne, of course, let Tabitha know she was welcome over any time she wanted. Unfortunately, Wayne saw a lot of the reason for Sammie’s self-esteem problems when he observed that her dad showed little interest in Sammie moving out. She went over to say goodbye and his response was to mumble “goodbye” and then toss his cigarette butt on the ground and walk back into the house. Sammie was probably lucky that he at least said goodbye to her.

The arrangement worked perfectly. Sammie settled into a routine and the “family” atmosphere did wonders for her self-esteem. Sammie also noticed how loving Suzanne and Wayne were. Not the hugging/kissing all the time loving; but more about how they talked to each other and how open they were with each other. She would often hear them in the bedroom. Suzanne is very vocal during love making and Wayne can be too, although with Wayne, it’s mostly when they are fantasizing about other women or men. Sammie could have sworn she heard her name called out a few times, but couldn’t be sure of that. Sammie also noticed that Suzanne allowed Wayne to spend a large amount of time on the internet chatting with people. Suzanne explained that it’s something that Wayne likes to do (and she admitted that she has done it too). It was felt by both of them that it didn’t hurt anything because it was the internet and neither of them would ever come into contact with the people they chat with in real life.

After a couple of months in her new home, Sammie asked Suzanne about her relationship with Wayne. They had already discussed Wayne's online chatting, but Sammie was curious if Suzanne would ever let Wayne “hook up” with another woman in real life. Suzanne admitted she often fantasized about Wayne fucking someone else and even had someone in mind for him. Sammie asked about hearing her name called out from their bedroom and Suzanne (after embarrassingly apologizing to Sammie) admitted that both her and Wayne have included Sammie in their fantasy’s. Sammie told Suzanne that she plays with herself in her bedroom when she hears them having sex. She has always had a great relationship with Wayne, but she admitted to Suzanne that she has felt a sexual attraction to him for a long while. When she heard Wayne call out her name while having sex with Suzanne, it really turned her on and she has been thinking non-stop about it, and him, since. She was curious if Suzanne would ever consider letting her explore her relationship with Wayne a little further. She explained to Suzanne that she wouldn’t want to do anything to hurt their friendship and would drop it now if it was going to be a problem. It was at that point, the Russell household became even more loving.

Sammie and Suzanne started thinking of ways to “explore” this a bit further. Suzanne, knowing that Wayne wanted to fuck Sammie in the worst way, wasn’t going to be a problem. But they wanted it to be special to both Sammie and Wayne. Having been married for as long as they had, it’s been a while since Wayne experienced the “first time” feeling with anyone in real life. Sammie wanted to have Wayne experience that again. Sammie and Suzanne came up with the general plan.

Suzanne arranged to meet Wayne for lunch at work. While sitting in the restaurant enjoying lunch, Suzanne explained that Sammie told her that she overheard Wayne calling out her name while having sex with Suzanne. She said it made her question what their relationship was and more importantly what it can become. Suzanne looked Wayne right in the eyes and told him, if the situation arises that you can enjoy Sammie in sexual ways, you have my absolute permission. Wayne, taken aback by this a bit, asked if this “was” going to happen or if it was only a possibility. Suzanne told Wayne that she was pretty confident it was going to happen, but to let Sammie initiate any action. This way, if Sammie changed her mind, it wouldn’t change the relationship the family already has with her. Wayne gave his wife a long soft kiss and thanked her for this. Suzanne told Wayne that with any other woman, she’d forbid any kissing as, to her, it signifies more than just sex - It signifies emotion. She told Wayne that she knew Sammie was really special to him and it wouldn’t bother her if he kissed her, even serious kissing. Suzanne admitted that she has fantasized about kissing Sammie herself.

The general plan was to have Suzanne and the boys leave the house and Sammie to “come on” to Wayne. It was made easier that Wayne already had permission from Suzanne, but the question was whether he’d actually catch on to being flirted with. Wayne was never able to tell when someone was coming on to him. As a matter of fact, Suzanne had to literally pull him into her bedroom the first time they had sex with each other. Friday night was yet another High School football game and with Roy being in the school band as well, their plans were set. Normally Wayne goes to the games as well, but Suzanne told him to just stay home and relax that night. She left a 12 pack of beer in the refrigerator for him to enjoy while they were gone. Sammie wasn’t home either as she hadn’t gotten home from school yet. Wayne changed into his comfortable shorts and a t-shirt, opened his first beer, and turned on a hockey game on TV.

Sammie got home about 10 minutes after Wayne had sat down. This wasn’t an accident. She knew Suzanne and the boys were leaving and she was simply sitting nearby and waiting. She figured Wayne would be sat down and enjoying his beer after about 10 minutes because he does the same thing every night after work. She smiled at Wayne sitting in his chair and said she was going to head into her bedroom to change and then come out and keep him company. Wayne, not realizing the plan was in motion, simply grunted his “ok” and went back to watching the hockey game.

Sammie came out in a cut-off t-shirt and a pair of very tight, short, shorts. Wayne noticed right away that she wasn’t wearing a bra either. As he continued to look at her, he felt the blood rising in his dick. She smiled at Wayne and sat down on the couch. She made small talk with Wayne, who was doing his best to pay attention. Unfortunately, he couldn’t take his eyes off her tits or her legs and shorts. Needless to say, he now had a hard-on that would be very difficult to hide if he had to stand up. Sammie, realizing he was probably hard, patted the couch seat next to her and asked Wayne to come join her. He muttered that it probably wasn’t a good idea to do that. She got off the couch and walked over to Wayne’s chair. She put her hands on the armrests and leaned in to whisper in his ear “Your wife and kids are gone on purpose. Suzanne has given you and I permission to do anything we wanted. I want you to make me scream the same way you make your wife scream. And, I want you to scream my name out, but tonight, it’s going to be because you are actually fucking me.” She then reached up and grabbed his chin and slowly put her lips to his and gave him a nice soft kiss. Wayne, now totally turned on, pulled her chin back and returned the kiss. This time opening his mouth and taking her tongue into his mouth.

As they were kissing, Sammie slid onto Wayne’s lap. He immediately began letting his hand roam on her stomach. He was gently scratching across her belly, slowly letting his hand move up under her t-shirt. Since it was a cut-off t-shirt, he didn’t have to go very far under the shirt before his hand found her tits. Even without seeing them, Wayne knew they were wonderful. They were soft and her nipple responded immediately to his touch. He broke off the kiss and told her that maybe they should be on the couch. At that point, they both moved to the couch, but Sammie removed her shirt while she was heading that direction. She laid down on the couch and patted the couch, indicating she wanted Wayne to join her. He looked down on her beautiful body and was simply amazed this beautiful young girl wanted him. He’s thinking that he’s 50 years old, balding, and overweight - what does she see in me. Wayne shook off those thoughts and instead of joining Sammie on the couch, he kneeled on the floor beside the couch.

He again gave Sammie a nice soft sensuous kiss and then started kissing his way to her ears. He loved nibbling on her ear lobes, made even better by her soft moans while he was doing it. He slowly licked his way down her neck to her beautiful breasts. Sammie’s breasts were indeed large. They were 36D’s, the skin was very soft to the touch and they firmer than you would expect large breasts to be. Her areola’s were a light pink color, but very large. Probably about the size of a silver dollar. Her nipples, while not long, were very responsive. The moment they are touched, they get very hard and you can tell by watching Sammie’s reaction, they are very sensitive. Wayne started licking her nipples, but Wayne is more of a nibbler and biter than a licker. He softly nibbled on her nipple, causing her to jump a bit. Wayne stopped and asked if he had hurt her, but she said “No, it’s just that no one has done that before”.

She asked him to take it easy, but to not hold back. Wayne went back to licking her nipples, slowly licking around them and then biting the nipple real quick. Sammie continued to jump slightly, but started to enjoy the bites. Wayne then started licking his way down her stomach heading towards her pussy. As he was licking down, Sammie started to remove her shorts. Wayne asked her to stop, that he wanted to take care of it. He stood over her and grabbed both sides of her shorts and started moving them down her gorgeous legs. Sammie lifted her ass off the couch to assist in getting them off. Wayne deliberately left her panties on.

Once again, Wayne stood over Sammie and took her beautiful body in. He again couldn’t believe this gorgeous young woman wanted him. She was laying on the couch, with an absolute look of lust on her face, in nothing but a pair of extremely sexy boy-shorts. Sammie, through her conversations with Suzanne knew that these were Wayne’s favorite type of woman’s underwear. Her and Suzanne had only picked this pair up yesterday when they were completing their plans for this encounter. Wayne got back down on his knees and resumed his travels from where his tongue left off. Her belly button. Wayne doesn’t have a lot of fetishes, but belly buttons are one of them. He loves to lick around the belly button, and even stick his tongue into it. He also likes to dribble some spit into it, and then lick it back out. And he was doing all these things to Sammie. He is smart enough to realize though, that the belly button only satisfied his fetish. While it feels good to the woman, maybe because it’s unusual, he knows she still needs other stimulation to stay “on fire”. While Wayne is busy licking Sammie’s belly button, his hand is starting to slowly massage her pussy through her panties. Wayne traces his finger along the hemline of the underwear, paying special attention to areas that come in close contact with the pussy and inner thighs as those areas tend to be very sensitive. After he traced her hemline, he began to massage her pussy through her panties. She was already relatively wet, but with Wayne pushing the panties into her pussy while rubbing it, the panties themselves were starting to get extremely wet. Wayne was starting to get really aroused by the smells that were beginning to eminent in the room. He started his slow trek to Sammie's pussy with his tongue.

Once again, Wayne left her panties on and started licking around the hemline of Sammie’s panties. After spending a good amount of time on her sensitive areas, Wayne moved his mouth into the area where her actual pussy would be and licked the panties in that spot. With Wayne now tasting Sammie for the first time and realizing how sweet her pussy juices tasted, it was time for the real thing. Wayne reached up and began to remove Sammie’s panties. Once again, Sammie lifted her ass off the couch to enable Wayne to get them off easier. Now Wayne will usually keep the first pair of panties from anyone he fucks, but Sammie (having learned this bit of information from Suzanne) told Wayne that she bought those panties especially for him and he should keep them as a souvenir. While this took away from Wayne’s planned “demand” to keep them, the smile Sammie was flashing along with the playful look in her eyes, told Wayne that Suzanne conspired with Sammie to make this all happen. At this point, Wayne suggested they head to the bedroom where they have more room.

As Wayne entered the bedroom, he immediately noticed the bed was already pulled back and that candles had been lit. He realized the Sammie didn’t just go get changed, she got the bedroom prepared as well. He also noticed a few rubbers waiting for him on the table. As Wayne took this all in, Sammie whispered in Wayne’s ear that she was on the pill and had recently been to the doctor and was declared “disease free”, so if he didn’t want to wear a condom it was ok with her. She also told Wayne she would understand if he did. Wayne told her there was no way he was going to wear a rubber.

While focusing on the conversation, he hadn’t realized she had started sliding his shorts off. Since he was dressed for comfort, he didn’t have any underwear on under the shorts. Once the shorts were at his feet, Sammie began to feel his dick for the first time. She gently grabbed it and started rubbing the length of Wayne’s dick. She motioned for him to lay on the bed, which he did without Sammie ever taking her hand off his dick. As Wayne got into a comfortable position, Sammie leaned in and kissed the head of Wayne’s dick. After licking around the head a couple times, Sammie began taking Wayne’s dick into her mouth. Now Wayne doesn’t have a long dick, but it is considered thick. Sammie had no problem taking all of his dick into her mouth. She would slide her mouth from the top to the bottom, all while gently playing with Wayne’s balls. Sammie loved giving BJ’s to her boyfriend and became quite good at it. She used some of these techniques on Wayne and it was driving him into outer space. She licked to take her tongue and twist it around his dick as she takes it into her mouth. Now Suzanne knew how to give a blow job, but let’s face it - sex becomes routine after a while and people stay with techniques they know work. As Sammie was continuing her blow job, she moved on top of Wayne so that her pussy was at his waiting tongue.

Wayne enjoyed the view presented to him and just stared for a moment taking in the young pussy in front of him. He slowly extended his tongue and flicked it across the hood of her pussy. Sammie actually jumped at that first touch. He did it again, but this time, moved in and sucked the hood of her pussy into his mouth for a couple of seconds. He released it and used his tongue to slide up through her pussy lips, tasting her sweet pussy juice and continuing up to her asshole. Wayne loved to lick assholes and wasn’t going to not enjoy this with Sammie. He flicked his tongue across her asshole and she sat straight up from the shock. She giggled a bit about being surprised and admitted no body has ever licked her asshole before. Wayne gently asked if she enjoyed it and she answered by sitting all the way down on his face, with her asshole directly on his mouth. Wayne didn’t need to be told twice. He shoved his tongue as far into her asshole as it would go. She moved her ass around a bit, enjoying the sensations she got in the different areas of her asshole. She leaned back down and took Wayne’s dick back into her mouth and started furiously sucking him off. At this pace, it wasn’t going to take long for his 50 year dick to unleash its load. He tried asking her to slow down, but she answered by going even faster. Wayne figured, if you can’t beat them, join them....he then started picking up the pace on licking her pussy. He took his finger and felt inside her wet pussy until he found her clit. He started moving his finger in a circular motion over her clit while pushing it against the pelvic bone to get added pressure on the it, hopefully increasing her pleasure.

Sammie started gyrating uncontrollably as she was nearing her first orgasm. Wayne, not being able to hold back any longer from the blow job he was receiving decided to just let it go instead of trying to stop it from happening. He yelled out Sammie’s name for the first time that he was going to cum. His load rose so fast, she wouldn’t have been able to get her mouth off his dick even if she had wanted to (which she had not intention of doing anyways). He hollered her name again, which was what she’s been waiting to hear and that caused her to begin orgasming as well. As Wayne filled Sammie’s mouth with his cum, Sammie was flooding Wayne’s face with her sweet juices. Now Sammie had told Suzanne that she was a squirter (Suzanne is too), no one bothered to inform Wayne. He was subjected to what must have been two full minutes of Sammie squirting on his face. Wayne, having been squirted on before by Suzanne, was not uncomfortable about being sprayed with female juices so he just laid there and let her flood his face.

As they lay there resting. Sammie admitted that she has never felt anything like that in her life. Her boyfriend was usually only interested in getting a blow job or fucking her, but after he got off, that was it. Wayne told her he was the same way when he was that age. Getting older has taught him that he needed to take care of his lady first and then worry about himself. Sammie smiled and told Wayne that she knew this was going to be fun.

Being 50 years old, Wayne can usually only experience 1 orgasm before his dick was done for the night. Sammie wasn’t buying any of this. She started licking around Wayne’s balls, trying to get his dick to wake back up. After about 10 minutes of this, Wayne’s dick did start coming back to life. Wayne sat up and told Sammie that he hasn’t had multiple sessions in one night in a long time but he knew, after the way Sammie worked on his dick, he’d be able to. Sammie just smiled and rolled over on her back. Wayne moved between her legs and placed the head of his dick against her waiting pussy. Sammie smiled at Wayne and admitted that she wanted to fuck him since the first time she saw him at the band hall. This blew Wayne away a bit and, even though he was ready to fuck her for the first time and it wasn’t the best time for a conversation, asked her why. Sammie said there was just something about him. A look, the way he carried himself, the comfortable way he dealt with anyone around him whether it was a teenager or an adult. And most of all, there was a sexuality to him that can’t be described. She just had to have him. It just worked out that they became friends and she was now actually living with him. Wayne didn’t want to ask, but had to..

”Was this why you befriended my wife and moved in with us?”

Sammie said absolutely not. She loves everyone in our family and this was just a nice added benefit. She then told Wayne that she has the same feelings for Suzanne. Wayne asked if she meant as a family and Sammie said “No, I want to fuck her at some point too - she is so sexy to me.” Talk about turning Wayne on in an instant - the idea of Suzanne and Sammie having sex was each other was too much to take.

Wayne’s dick, while already hard again, went to the next hardness level (guys will understand this). He started sliding his dick into Sammie and didn’t go slow. He slammed it in as hard as he could until his balls slammed against her ass. What he intended to be a nice slow sensuous fuck, has now turned into an aggressive, no holds bar fuck. Thinking of Sammie and Suzanne licking each others tits or licking each others pussies had Wayne so turned on he was fucking Sammie without abandon. Sammie was enjoying the hell out of this. She lifted her feet and wrapped them up around Wayne's upper back. She was in such pleasure having Wayne’s dick slammed into her over and over again. As Wayne’s orgasm was building up, he started calling out Sammie’s name again. Once again, this caused Sammie to instantly start her orgasm. She began flooding the bed again, but Wayne wasn’t going to stop. He kept fucking her until his balls grew tight and he felt his own orgasm coming on. He screamed Sammie's name and unloaded his cum into her already wet pussy. Wayne’s cum just kept coming out. He knew that he hasn’t blew a load this large in years.

Wayne rolled off Sammie and as they lay there on the bed, side-by-side and not moving, they felt a “presence” in the room. They both looked up simultaneously and saw that Suzanne was standing over them smiling. She sat down on the bed and kissed Wayne and then kissed Sammie on the cheek. She told them that she was standing there for a few minutes and heard their conversation and then watched as Wayne fucked Sammie with reckless abandon. She said it’s been a number of years since Wayne has fucked her like that, but she has a feeling it’ll start happening again real soon.

Suzanne then took Sammie’s face into her hands and told her that she has dreamed of having a sexual relationship with her as well. She then put her lips to Sammie's and they gave each other a soft, long, sensual kiss. This action, caused Wayne’s dick to come to life again. He looked at both of “his” girls with a very naughty look on his face. Bet you can guess how the rest of their evening was spent!!!!!!

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Sammi My Sons Vivacious Teenage Girlfriend

It was late November and the metal bleachers at Forester Football field were ice cold. How anyone could sit for hours on them, was beyond me.I went to watch my high school son’s final football game of the season. It was a chilly Friday night and the crowd was sparse and I mean, very sparse. The team was winless for the season, but that didn’t dampen the spirit of the band or the drill team which continued to support their classmates on the field. I sat behind the drill team section, on the cold...

2 years ago
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Sammy Lightyear and the Pixie of Doom

"So what do you have for me, Rob?" Sammy Lightyear asked. She was currently ensconced in a comfortable overstuffed chair in front of her shipping agent's desk. She was dressed like a typical spacer chick; black leather jacket over a black tee-shirt that sported a white skull and cross bones, in her case a well worn jacket stitched with the insignia of the Imperial Fleet on both arms and over the left breast pocket and black denim shorts over tight black hose which disappeared into a pair of...

4 years ago
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Sammi glanced up when there was a short rap on her partly closed bedroom door. She knew it must be her dad; mainly because there wasn’t anyone else in the house, unless someone had snuck in. As she had expected it was her dad, he was standing just outside of her room.“Sammi, can I speak with you?” He asked in his usual gruff sounding tone. “Sure Daddy come on in,” Sammi said cheerfully.“I understand you’re going out tonight,” he said as he stepped into her room.“Yeah,” she said with a smile,...

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Sammy Wayne and the Glory Hole Blues

Sammy Wayne's life was a puzzle and he was having a hard time putting the pieces together. How had he got into this situation? He thought about his situation and his life in general. He tried to see himself as someone else might see him, and found that his life could be compressed into three sentences. A young man still, only thirty-two this year, held a degree in political science and the position of city clerk at the courthouse. He had important friends and lived in a nice house, he wasn't...

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Sammy the Witch and me

This story was made in collaboration between Sammy the witch and me.We took turns in adding to the story as we went. I would like to thank Sammy for all her time and effort she put in. This was so much fun, I didn’t know what she was going to write next. You can find some of Sammy’s other stories on my profile. Sammy the witch and me I faintly heard the sound of the kookaburra’s call as I opened my eyes to see the early morning sunlight softly breaking through the crack in the curtain of my...

3 years ago
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Sammy Dark Magic

We're on a adventure to Onyxia's Lair myself and my Shadow Priest friend Sammy. We have to share a mount because she forgot hers in the stable. but I don't mind, you see i remove my plate armor to make the ride more comfortable. my cocks been pressed into the crack of her ass since the start of our journey. She don't seem to mind she flips her shoulder length black hair as she looks back and gives me a knowing smile. I bet she don't know I want to throw her down on all 4's get behind her and...

2 years ago
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“Are you thinking about it?”Delicate nose cocked, ingénue eyes, the curl on her lips grew.  Such playful insolence expected an answer.  There was only one ‘it’ in our private lexicon.I grinned, raised an eyebrow, “I like what you have done with your hair.”It did not deter her.Sheltered from the winds of change, we basked in the diminished warmth.  Inside, the open kitchen, its copper pans on the wall, hummed with industry.  Happy chitchat competed with café music.  Imbued with a homely...

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Echo studied her hair in the rearview mirror of Hawke’s truck. He hadn’t done too badly cutting it, and it hadn’t taken her long to add a few finishing touches with the scissors. The change was simple, yet drastic enough she barely recognized herself. A sense of exhilaration played at the edges of her nerves. In a long sleeved blouse and oversized shades, Trey could pass her on the sidewalk and not have a clue who she was. She closed her eyes behind the shades and leaned against the headrest....

Straight Sex
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“Echo,” he said. “It’s time to get started.” She had to blink a few times to get focused. Hawke was sitting on the bunk opposite hers in the trailer. He was leaning onto his elbows down on his knees, watching her face even though the cropped T she went to sleep in had ridden up over her left, candy tipped breast. She wasn’t even aware of it until he reached over and gingerly pulled the edge of the T shirt down to cover her nipple. She smiled and closed her eyes again. The sound of her new...

Oral Sex
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She was an enigma on the Pacific Coast Highway, a she-devil as I would later learn, but springtime in California evoked a lazy naiveté in me. The golden coast was full of the promise of summer love affairs and casual encounters. There are the mind-fucks too, but nobody is thinking about the pitfalls and risks while watching the swish of a short skirt over tanned thighs and the smiles that invite you down that gilded path of sexual adventure. I was hungry for it, thirsty for the taste of sweet...

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“Fuck.”Carie tilted her head to the side and repeated, “Fuck.”She observed her lips in the mirror carefully. “Fu-uck.”She frowned momentarily before shaking her head side-to-side, tossing her lengthy cascade of sable hair into a seductive mess. She popped a brow, angled her chin over her bare shoulder, and cast a sultry, flirtatious gaze towards the mirror. Lips rounded, she loosed an aching, swooning breath: “Fu-uhh-ck!”There. Yeah, that was it. That was the “fuck” that never failed to launch...

4 years ago
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The Reverend Tobias Whitmore was perplexed.Not that this was a particularly unusual state of affairs for him, he mused, as his relatively short life seemed to be lived in a condition of relative confusion.As the third son of a minor branch of a noble family with pretensions to faded gentility, he was always destined for the church from birth. This had nothing to do with his character, merely the state of his family’s finances. Bluntly, there was no money to afford any of the sons the leisurely...

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The must of old linen and wood pulp soothed his heightened senses.  It stilled the tingle of anticipation in the pit of his stomach.  Frobisher would be waiting for him, the lecherous crook.  Thick with a stale odour of pipe tobacco, it fired memories of their battles of wits, a long time ago.The gothic styled vaulted ceilings still carried the soot of centuries.  Once a chapel, this vast space had a gravitas and presence that would be all the more impressive if he could see the rest of it. ...

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Marissa Weiss very much enjoyed her mid morning run. On that Monday, her trainers pounded the smooth, black asphalt of this suburban residential street, one of a vast network in her upper middle class neighborhood. Mature oaks, poplars and sycamores spread their generous canopies over lush, well tended yards, creating a forest in the outskirts of Atlanta. The road wasn't anywhere near flat, with hills and dips that challenged Marissa to pound harder. She loved the exertion, her well toned frame...

4 years ago
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The moon was just starting to peek over the distant range when Jake and his men finished rounding up the stray cattle. The skittish creatures rejoined the herd with grateful sounding bays and moos, as if leaving hadn't been their idea in the first place. Jake spat the trail dust out of this mouth and leaned his long, rangy body onto the saddle horn as he watched his men bring in the last few stragglers. A quick count ensured that they had found nearly all of them. Midnight snorted and pawed the...

Straight Sex
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It had been two weeks since I’d seen Mrs. Vandermeer. Two excruciatingly long weeks during which I wasn’t even allowed to touch myself, let alone do something about the terrible hunger she’d set loose within me. It wasn’t too bad during the day. After all, I kept busy with my normal day to day routine; going to school, spending time with my friends, homework and chores, time spend with my family. Not that I didn’t think about Abby at odd moments. I’d be sitting in class while Mrs. Morgan tried...

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Sammy and Tammy

My name is Tammy, I'm eighteen years old and I share a mews cottage in London with Sammy who's the same age as I am.We met at boarding school two years ago when we shared a room, in case you're wondering about us being only sixteen, let me explain a few things about this wonderfully silly country of ours and it's equally silly laws.You see Sammy and I both come from rich families, well all right, mega rich families, our parents are what's commonly known as society people, that is to say that...

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She had the tightest ass I'd ever slid my cock into and she loved anal sex. She had a cute, but sexy squeal as she took it up the dirt road and she had a way of making me feel like no other man in the world could fuck her ass as good as I could. Her mouth was like a vacuum cleaner and her blow jobs were state of the art, but it was her cunt that damned near enslaved me. It felt like hot crushed velvet and she could make her muscles make you think that there was a hand inside her pussy jacking...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e19 Sharon Callaghan 37 from Newcastle

We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E13 Ruby Suddick 25 from Newcastle

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...

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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e9 Meredith Caig 48 from Newport

An establishing shot of a modern looking school – all identifying signage is digitally masked for privacy reasons, but anyone familiar with the area would immediately recognize the stylized architecture of the building. And then our host steps into frame infront of the sign ... Sexy dimples, and big fake tits pushing out of the top of her sexy black PVC mini-skirted business suit, dominate the first impression. We can’t help but stare at those perfect orbs of flesh as they seem to attempt an...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10 E11 Carol Gilley 52 from Newport

Once more we fade in on our darkened ‘bedroom’ set. A rusty old metal bedframe, with headboard and footboard, plus a dirty, threadbare mattress laying on squeaky springs. There are no sheets, no blankets, and no pillows – just stains, mostly caused by our the guests who have appeared on the show this year. We pull back from these stains and turn to the side of the set – looking into the darkness of the unlit depths of the room as a figure approaches, feet clicking, or clomping, on the...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E08 Sophia Brayson 35 from Luton and Gina Howey 31 from Newcastle

We fade in on our regular set – the rusty old bedstead, with the ratty stained mattress, set on a concrete floor in the middle of a dark studio, harshly lit from above by a single spotlight. The bed looks a little different to previous times we’ve seen it, because one end (the foot-end), and its legs, have been removed, leaving a sloping bedframe and mattress. There’s no explanation for the missing ‘footer’ from the bed. There’s a brief pause – then we hear footsteps approaching. Heels...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess12e07 Cora Toney 25 from Newcastle

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a large allotment on a sunny day – lots of small gardens sectioned off from one another, middle aged men avoiding their families – growing flowers, vegetables, or just hiding in garden sheds – and then we’re looking at a large blue-grey Weimaraner ... Watching for a moment as he sniffs around the corner of a garden shed, then turns, cocks his leg, and pisses on it... And then, stepping out from behind the shed, catching a little of that...

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Controlling SisterChapter 4 JP and Lavernersquos son Newtrsquos story

It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 3

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...

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Prelude to new series The Making of a Nympho

My series, ""It Started with Tattooed Eyeliner," tells the story of a horny and kinky guy named Jerry, who has his eyes tattooed with dramatic black eyeliner while his wife is out of town. Having put him through some of the most outrageous punishment humiliations I've ever written (which is saying something in my case), she has now cut a deal with his employer to ship him overseas for a sex change and controversial behavior therapy, which will be described in the upcoming series, "The...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 1

Introduction: This is the first chapter of the third series involving mother Jen and her son Chris. It picks up right where the second series ended, but now back at home after vacation. I originally intended to wait until finishing the other series before starting this one, but I have decided to run both in parallel. Comments and Suggestions are welcome as always. Mom, is that you? Who else would it be? I giggled, slipping inside his covers. Now get your cock out honey, mommys horny! I had...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

4 years ago
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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 4

Introduction: Heres part 4 of the series. There are 2 more chapters for series 3 before it ends. The next series will be a crossover with Lily re-joining them. Chris, honey I whispered, prying his bedroom door open slowly. The lights were off, something that I hadnt expected. It was a little surprising seeing him asleep on a late Friday afternoon. Then again, given how much energy he spent just hours earlier with me, maybe its not! Honey I said a notch louder this time, approaching his bed. ...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesCharley doggy gangbang part 1

End of Series 3 special: Charley Kiefer Part 1 Footage courtesy of British Academy of Television. We see the brightest and best of the British television industry, all dressed up in their best – hair perfect, make-up (for the ladies, mainly), and big smiles. Amongst the familiar actors, actresses, chat-show hosts, comedians, reality stars and general celebrities, we see a face that looks slightly out-of-place, yet still familiar to us ... It’s our very own Charley, in a long, white,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e1 Angelina Dubravka 19 doggy blowbang

With everything that’s been going on in the world in 2020, we at the United Kingdom of Zoo decided that something special was needed to end the year. Rather than a 20 episode series, we decided to really go for it with a marathon 50 episode series. One girl can’t handle that kind of schedule – so we decided to enlist a group of our former guests to share hosting duties on the series ... We hope you enjoy this special opening episode, and the rest of the series, and we trust you will enjoy our...

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MAU Slayers Series One Book One

MAU - Slayers - Series One - Book One By Erin C The following is the first story arc of the MAU - Slayers series. They have been combined and some parts have been rewritten or touched up. Nothing that alters the story in major ways has been changed though. The series is meant to be read on a story by story basis, but this is for those who prefer the long story format. I highly recommend reading Allen W's MAU - The Slayer series. While this is not a sequel to it, it is very much...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e7 Debra Bonds 49

Series 7, Episode 7: Debra Bonds (49), from Milton Keynes We fade in on a selfie-style photograph of two women, hugging close, looking up into the lens. One is the very familiar dark haired, fake looking figure of our former hostess, Charley Ozvik, her bolt-on tits almost bursting out of the top of a mini-dress; the other is a much less attractive, middle-aged blonde haired and round featured woman in a shapeless loose t-shirt and jeans – she’s smiling, a strange smile that shows a lot of...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14E7 Dorothy Agnew 58 from Skegness with Renae

We start today’s show with a montage of shots of life in a caravan park – from the middle-aged couples setting up for a day of reading books and talking about the weather; to kids eating ice-creams; to men comparing the size of their tents; to long-term travellers, set up in a corner of the site (their caravans and cars looking five times older than anything else in the park)... A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “SKEGNESS, ENGLAND.” The caption fades, and we’re...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 3

Introduction: Re-starting my series from before Introduction: This a series that I left off almost a full year ago, but am just now able to continue again. For those who do remember and read it before, Im so sorry for stopping so suddenly and I apologize profusely! Because of work, Ive been gone for a year in a country that has much stricter regulations for internet censorship than I knew about. I never intended to stop, but was kind of forced to (didnt want to even chance it with VPN or...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 5

Introduction: This is the fifth chapter of the series. I missed my deadline by a day, but hopefully everyone still enjoys reading this chapter. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Mhmm! No need to rush honey! I giggled, trying to relax Chris. We have all night after all! I know mom! But youre so fucking hot! I cant help it he grunted, thrusting into my pussy. I pushed his chest again, this time getting his cock to respond and slow down. After Lily left, we had gone right back to it,...

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The Arcade Series Boonga Boonga

The Arcade Series Boonga BoongaBy: Michael Alexander        Any manager will tell you that profit and loss are two of the main aspects of running a business, even a video arcade.  Profit is what you earn after calculating all of your expenses.  Loss is what services or product has left your establishment in the company of someone whose ethical understanding of the finer points of ownership is in question.  Over the years I’ve had lots of experience with the five fingered lift, the conceal and...

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