VIRUS SURGE: Jake's Log. free porn video

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Jake Merkin, August 25 2015. 8:52 pm.

“It’s been several weeks since Lilith and Eva met their tragic end. What remains of them and the women whom were placed within the testing site, is a semi-solid mass of onyx like material. We have discovered that inside that mass is a new lifeform. One which the military hopes will become their perfect ultimate weapon. Since the day of the incident, teams of various researchers have tried and failed to open the mass. I believe it to be a semblance of a chrysalis. The creature inside whatever it may hatch to be will no doubt hold the abilities and power of its mothers. As such she which I have learn is in all actuality a female, will be beyond anything I have learned from Lilith and her unique capabilities. My fear however is what the military plans to do with this new being. While they in fact have failed to open the chrysalis they did however, manage to remove several tissue samples. The tissue itself is alive and responds to everything around it. If threatened it becomes a solid structure harder than diamonds. That being said the samples were remnants from the early stages of the cocooning process.” He pauses a moment to lean back in his chair and observe the footage from the testing site, before looking to the other monitor which keeps constant vigil on a new subject in an isolated chamber.

“from those samples the military has engineered several new subjects. Out of the dozen which received the new strain, only a handful survived the integration stage. The lab now has several promising assets and these ones to my own eyes appear very unstable, Both mentally and on a cellular level. Gods help us if one of them becomes a threat.”

Jake peered closely at the new subject and shook his head slightly. “As with Lilith I have been assigned to look after and study one of the new subjects. Once more it is a female. She is in her late teens and has a rather short temper. From the few interactions which I have had with her I can tell that she finds my company to be… I believe she sees me as a potential sexual partner. I also believe that to be the affect of the strain which now has only just begun to stabilize her cells. Even though I am in contact with her I have not felt compelled to enter her isolation chamber. I don’t trust her intentions toward me, nor toward anyone else that deals with her. Yet I feel that she is less of a threat than the other four subjects. Out of the five only two are female. The males have augmented features such as increased muscle density and stronger bone structures. Their minds while still that of a teenager have taken a turn for the worse.”

“they are aggressive and have made several attempts to break free. One subject even managed to lure a female researcher inside his chamber and breed her for several hours. Over the course he mutated into a horrific creature. Much like the Gaia being he impregnated her and made her into a mindless sex slave. Since the military decided to take no action to save the woman. Several offspring have been birthed and are now growing at an alarming rate. They mutated pair continue to mate without need of food or much of any other nourishment apart from the woman’s breast milk. I have several thoughts about how the military will deal with this situation, but none of which will be voiced here.”

Once more he paused to look at the monitor with his new charge. Indeed, she was a lovely young woman, shoulder length brown hair, green eyes and a smile which could entice even a prudish woman. “Returning to my charge, she can be rather hard to read at times. Others she is like an open book. This could mean that her mind and body are in a state of hormonal imbalance. Much like a second puberty due to administration of the mutation strain. If it resembles Lilith’s time period than I will have to stay outside of her chamber for several more months. A fact which I’m sure will cause her to become violent for the duration. End log twelve.”

Entry log 22
Jake Merkin, October 15 2015. 10:05 pm.

“I have come to understand a great deal about my charge. She is not just a test subject to me anymore. Course I doubt that I ever saw her as such. Last week after entry log twenty-one her cells stabilized after she underwent a drastic mutation on the cellular levels. She became stronger, faster and more attuned to all five senses. Her muscle tone increased as did her regeneration abilities. She now heals almost instantly. Her regeneration also allows her to fully regenerate a lost limb. a test which the military forced upon her and forced me to watch. It was beyond cruel what they did to her. Strapping her down to a table and cutting off her arms and legs, even going so far as to remove several organs. I was thankful that they had at least sedated her before all this. but still to watch as they butchered her body… I know that I was screaming at them to stop, thrashing around wildly to get free of the men who held me back. Well to my relief every part of her that they removed had regrown within only a short amount of time. She was whole again by the time the anesthetic wore off. Not even a scratch remained on her creamy skin.”

“Several days after that I marveled at her sudden increase of appetite. She ate for nearly six hours’ straight. This I’m sure was to recover all lost nutrients and to rebalance her body’s natural state. The following day I decided to risk my well being. I entered her chambers. At first I was hesitant but soon came to relax. When I greeted her inside of her domicile I was met with a pleasant smile and rather long lasting hug. I’m sure she also used that hug to get a deep intake of my natural scent. Upon stepping away from me her eyes held a lusting hunger and her swaying hips confirmed my suspicions of her wanting to mate. We soon sat down and began to talk normally as we had always done. This time however, she inquired about something that took me by surprise. She questioned me about sexual activities and what I found to be sexually desirable in women. I answered her honestly and she seemed delighted that I was being open with her.”

“After talking for several hours and when we were finally comfortable with each other did things take a turn. She moved onto my lap and looked me in the eye. She proceeded to ask me several personal questions and once again I answered honestly. That was when she smiled and suddenly her lips were pressed to mine. While my mind was against this my body was frozen. Then came something I didn’t believe possible. I watched as her body swayed in a seductive rhythm, she stripped off her clothing until she was stark naked. Still try as I might I could not bring myself to move even an inch. In answer to my confused look she told me that she could change her saliva to a paralysis liquid. How she figured that out was beyond me since none of the security cameras ever caught her paralyzing any of the other researchers.”

“slowly her hands began to remove her clothes revealing her enticing body piece by piece. Once she was naked she moved toward me licked her lips and kissed me once again. From that I assumed that her paralyzer was a temporary effect. Or she just wanted to kiss for the sake of it. She then turned her attentions to my pants and busied herself with freeing my dick. Needless to say she got me erect and then had her way with me… For several hours.”

From that day on the daily routine of Jake and his charge changed. After tests were done to the girl, Jake would take her back to her chambers and the two of them would fuck until they had lost every once of their stamina. This was to be his new life, the lover and caretaker of Aura. Over the course of the next several months Jake had all but forgotten about the chrysalis and hade returned to his previous self. While he still recalled his time spent with Lilith he knew that what he had now made him happy. Shortly after the birthing of Leola, Aura inform Jake that she had become pregnant. The pair were happy yet they feared the worst for the child growing in Aura’s womb. Should the military get their hands on it the child would sure be used for experimentation and become another weapon for the power hungry generals. The months went by slowly allowing Jake and Aura to make plans for the birth of their child. They however soon discovered an unforeseen anomaly with the growth rate of their child. It had been four months since Aura announced the pregnancy and yet she held no visible signs of the child growing within her.

Jake ran several tests on both Aura and their child to uncover the reason behind this anomaly. It took a few weeks and several days of sex to discover that the child needed to receive DNA from both parents to grow. Meaning that if they wanted their child to continue to develop they would have to have sex in order for it to gather the needed genetic structures to grow. Now it seemed that without attaining the genetic materials from the father the child would stay in a dormant state, neither living nor dead but trapped in between.

Jake’s resolve came to him after a long day I watching Aura undergo the most severe testing he had ever seen since he was recruited into the lab complex. They way the military had used and tortured Aura drove him to the brink and he even went so far as to punch the commanding officer in the room in order to get the tests to stop. Thus began the plans to break Aura and the other subjects out of their cells and let the creatures deal with their captors. But first he had one more thing to do before setting it all in motion. He had to meet with the newborn being Leola and see if she could help him and Aura break out of facility.

For next Several days Jake put his plan into action. He wrote counter programs into the security system, rewriting the safeguards and limiting access to other personal, centering mostly on the military’s lackeys. At the same time giving his key card access to every level of the facility. He also began testing the compatibility of his blood with some of the newest viral strands. Most of which ended in failure, however three strands merged with his DNA almost perfectly. Using those samples, he was able to create a program that allowed him to discover the abilities that would be unlocked from each strand.

Each individual strand held various advantages yet were left weak against many things. So using the last of his samples he had the program run the simulation of him injecting all three strands, over then course of several weeks. He had the program randomized the sequences of the injections to optimize the most efficient methods.

As it turned out his body could only handle two of the strands merging with his body. So he decided to use Viral Strand X-23 and Strand C-24 their results suited his needs and appeared to be more efficient for the tasks that had yet to be overcome. Thus began the second stage of Jake’s plan.

Over the course of the next month Jake had fully rewritten every protocol. The X-23 virus had fully merged with his DNA making him more alert and agile. While not physically improving his mental capabilities had greatly increased. His thoughts were not far superior to any scientist stationed at the facility and could easily solve and formula that eluded the others. Of course he did act as if the gene sequences had stumped him for several hours before having a sudden ‘epiphany’ thus allowing him to write out the solution. Other such things happened around the facility, and on his time of he would sit in front of a security camera while pretending to read up on the many scientific equations, just to make it look like he had not suddenly become genius by some random event.
Everything was falling into place Jake had memorized the schedules of the guards, took into account the time delays for the elevators and doubled checked the worm program he had implanted in the security systems. The cameras would be shut down and the lower levels of the complex would be sealed off to act as a diversion. Every other level starting at Aura’s chambers would be under his control.

More times passed and Jake, now content with his plans all set decided to get the final piece to move. Once this person made their choice, he would either have to rethink his plan or it would mean checkmate for this facility and all within it.

He was nervous walking down the long hall, his thoughts were all jumbled up and his practiced speech had left his mind. He had to convince this person to aid him or else all this planning and scheming would make this escape nigh impossible. Reaching the door, he opened it to find not a soul within. With a slight sight he shook his head and turned to leave, but stopped and gazed upon the room. With quick nod the moved inside the room and took hold of a chair moving it into the dark corners of the room. Thus he waited after several long minutes he moved around the room and found several incense sticks, shrugging slightly he placed one on its stand and lit it. He then turned out the lights and sat down in the chair.

It was not long before the door opened and female voice called out into the dark room. “Doctor, are you in here?”

Jake smiled and stood up. “Doctor yes, but not DR. Grantt, I am Dr. Merkin.” He called back before turning the lights back on. Thus began a light conversation between the two and Jake was working up to the point where he needed to ask Leola if she would be willing to help him. Unfortunately for him the alarms sounded. “Well it seems one of the pets has escaped their cage, shall we go and assist the good soldiers in capturing it?” Leola said as she turned to Jake.

“No. Stay here and do not leave this room no matter what you hear. And I mean it Leola; this alert isn’t something that needs you. Please stay here and wait for me to return.” Jake said as he rushed out the door. Moving down the hall slightly he saw on a monitor what all the fuss was about. Two of the male mutations had escaped their cells and were not reeking havoc in the facility killing the male soldier and scientists while capturing and sedating the women. He ran back to Leola’s room with a dreadful urgency. “Lock the door and hide.” he said before taking off down the hall.

He had to hurry he had to get to Aura before one of those damned monsters found her. He passed running soldiers and fleeing staff along the way none of whom cared about what he was doing or why he was heading toward the female specimen research quarter. As he neared Aura’s room he found more defiled corpses littering the halls, the poor fools had tried to stop the rampant experiment and died in a most gruesome way. Among one of the bodies was a Remington Model 870 pump action shotgun. With a quick nod Jake grabbed the gun and continued on down the hall.

Even with all his clearance and overrides in place it still took Jake nearly twenty minutes to get to Aura’s chamber. Luckily for him he did not come into contact with any hostile forces. Upon reaching his lover’s room he found her curled up in a corner with her arms wrapped around her stomach. “Aura! Time to go, its early but this will be our only chance to get out of here.” He said while running over to her. Kneeling at her side he placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her head. “Come on, let go.”

The pair fled the room and made their way up the levels, they passed more dead troops and researchers along the way. It seemed that the experiment was winning the fight and that meant it would be higher risk to escape without it detecting them. They rushed through bulkhead doors and airlocks, each level had different security measures in place and they hit every one of them. Finally, they came to the last level of the research labs, what they found was a strange sight. A hulking mass of muscled humanoid with tendrils whipping about on its back fought against a feminine figure of pure black. “Jake… what’s going on? Who are those two and how go we get out?” Aura whimpered as she clung to her love.

“We have to wait…” was his answer as he watched the two battle.
Alright well here you go my dear readers This took me longer that I had originally planned, but hey I do happen to have a life and a job so not much can be done about that. I would like to thank all of you for reading and I truly hope that this sated all those questions about why I brought Jake back into the story after the death of Lilith. As some of you may already know I did in fact change the scene where Jake contacted Leola, Originally Jake was supposed to be dying from some illness and was a mere shadow of how he once was. However, due to my strange nature with plots and character development I decided on a longer and more vital role for the young scientist to play. Now I will not give away any snippets as to my plans for this enrapturing tale of morals and the lessons hidden within it. Thinking back on it now not sure if I did place some minor lessons in the story… Anyway, chapter four is still in progress and I’m debating on how long it should run for. Let me know what you think in the comments below and once again thank you for reading my work and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

I realize that sounded like a quote from the youtuber Markiplier and I don’t care. Okay seriously I need five thousand words to post this story and honestly I’m just rambling at this point seriously you don’t need to read anymore of this crap its pointless and has not value whatsoever. Why are you still here go away, back to your lives go do something clever or naughty or fun? Just remember it should be harmless and in all good fun. Okay then what else can I put in here to round this little chapter off? Oh wait I know this should work. Just random thing I did several months back out boredom and when I was at a loss on how to proceed with this story.

If anyone is still here reading this enjoy. ^_^

Gotcha!!! Thanks for your time have a good day, or night!!


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Coronavirus With Kelly

It was Friday, March 27, 2020. Things were starting to get crazy with COVID-19. Kelly had been working from home that entire week. I was deemed “essential” and was overwhelmed at work trying to deal with a fast-moving situation. My stress level was beyond high. Intimate relations were absolute last on my list of things to worry about.When this whole thing was just a Chinese problem, we had begun a remodeling project of both of the bathrooms on the main floor. Several guys in the trades had been...

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*10 days later* Dr. John Redmond took his place in front of the awaiting crowd. Sorting his papers, he gazed into the audience of cameras and microphones, the media ready to catch his every word and move. Never before had he been requested to do this. "Good afternoon, I am Dr. Johnathan Redmond of St. Rita's Medical Centre. I will be speaking to you today about the recent outbreak of the HS1F1 Virus, or Homovirus, as the media are referring it to." The young doctor turned the page, looking back...

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Coronavirus Takes A Different Toll On Me

Things unravelled quite differently, for me, in the past three days. I have been quarantined, have experienced panic and movie-like situations, and also had my first sexual experience. It has been quite eventful and exciting, although I feel guilty for the deeds I have done. I want to share my experience with someone but it is too dark a secret to tell to anyone. So, I am writing this story to the community here. This is my first story, so please let me know your response. It all started around...

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Coronavirus and me and Dad

I found love closer to home than I could possibly imagine and not in the way I ever thought possible, I have a very good job, my parents did everything they possibly could to help me, denying themselves holidays, using their savings to help me so failure was not an option for me and how do you repay that kind of commitment, March this year we thought mum had caught a cold but it wasn’t, it was this coronavirus, she died in hospital a couple of weeks later and me and dad were devastated along...

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Coronavirusthemed porn is a thing

COVID-19 has affected virtually every aspect of our lives, so why should the way we watch porn be an exception? Not only are we watching more of it, but it’s all about hazmat suits, masks and gloves.In an article posted on Psychology Today, Dr. Martin J. Lehmiller writes that the virus has given porn consumption rates a boost. He refers to Pornhub — a free video sharing and pornography site — which reported a steady increase in March since lockdowns around the world began. In fact, on...

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Amateur Blogs

AmateurBlogs! Truth be told, most old folks are unable to keep up with the latest technology especially social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and what have you. If you would love to argue about that tell me how many videos have your old folks uploaded on snap chat? amateur blogs is an old school social media platform that not only allows old girls and boys to interact but also allows them to share erotic content like nudies. I am sure old fuck boys...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Becoming Daddys Good Girl 5 Good Girl Flogged

Chapter Five: Good Girl Flogged By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I trembled as I rode beside Daddy in his truck. I squirmed, wearing only my terry cloth bathrobe, the pink cloth caressing my naked body beneath. I bit my lip, my stomach nervous. Today was the big day. Today I would prove to Daddy I was his good girl. His submissive sex slave. A week ago, he showed me a gold-chain choker with a unicorn charm dangling on it. We were at the mall with my BFF Sun. The two of us had remote...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 5 The Gynecologist

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Meeting Helenas gynecologist

Meeting Helena’s gynecologistFriday afternoon my girlfriend Helena asked me if I could go with her to meet her gynecologist. She had an appointment after office…She told me I would like her gynecologist Doctor; she was a woman; a lesbian one, very beautiful, with a nice smile and a killer body.But when we were there a male Doctor called Helena from an examination room. My girlfriend asked for her own usual gynecologist, but this kind young man said she would not be available that day."Mrs....

2 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 20 Logistics

July – Year 1 Logistics. Not a word that anyone would normally use when describing the ins and outs of marriage, but I have suddenly found myself having a very robust internal discussion over logistics. When you are married, you go to bed with your wife; you play with your wife; you have sex with your wife; you sleep and wake up with your wife. Now I have two wives. Logistics. “Paul, you look like something just hit you between the eyes.” Lynn looked up during a break from making out with...

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resurgence of chaos

Hunters name- crestures used Shadow - warriors/dragons Khira - light warriors/winged beasts Drake- dragons Anubis- dark beasts, beast warrior Locke- gate guardian Christiana-fairy/insect Kara- fire/water Dragons Pyro Surge Tiger Silver Ice Chaos Storm Demons Infernos Hydra ‘The fallen one’ Cryos ‘Sealer’ Chromos Vulcanos ??????????????- unknown Human? Ash-pokemon (pikachu, charizard, staraptor, lapras, scyther, heracross) Tai-digimon (agumon, warp...

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Resurrection The Resurgence

“A man does what he must in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures. That is the basis of all human mortality.” Winston ChurchillI have been in the room for three days. Observation, I am told, but I feel fine or so I thought.Casey, my night nurse, strolled into my room. She always came to see me for a few minutes before her shift started. I gazed slowly up and down her frame. She had the curvy hips of a woman that was meant to breed, orange sized tits and...

Love Stories
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A Marvellous Draconic resurgence

In a hidden cave system a group of elderly men and women have gathered for a meeting a few coughing obviously there health is not doing to well. One of them holding a golden staff with a dragon encircling it approaches. "I welcome you all though it saddens me to see fewer and fewer of us everytime we gather that is why I propose a new plan." The Grand-Elder informs those that have gathered. "And what is that you're proposing?" Another elder asks. "For us to continue our species and ensure us...

4 years ago
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Alfie and Blatt Resurgence

(Back in 2003, an erotic writer named FINC released a story about two aliens, and their sexual exploits with a human female named Becky. It was one of the first erotic stories I had ever read, and it always stuck with me. I adored the concept, and the characters. This is my tribute to that story; and a chance to continue their adventures. Feel free to search for the original story, as it can still be found on other sites.) First, let's describe our two main aliens. Alfie and Blatt. More...

2 years ago
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Julie A Brief History Of A Housewifes Resurgence Episode 1

Julie chose not to wear underwear that day, this was the first sign that something was changing. You see we all know that life is a struggle, sometimes events challenge us on a daily basis and this can lead to a version of ourselves developing that we simply don't recognise and that's why we have to act to stop the rot and find that person lurking inside.That Tuesday morning Julie had seen a stranger staring back at her in the bathroom mirror. Her first port of call was to dye her hair, she dug...

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Presurgery fun

So. I had back surgery the 2nd of May, was supposed to be there that day but my dr called me and had me come in the night before.I forgot i was wearing my black baby doll under my clothes, what follows is my last sexual encounter in over a month now.i got to the hospital and they took me into the surgery prep area to start with, and it was then and there i remembered i had my black baby doll on, and nowhere to hide it so i just went with it. and by that i mean i stripped down to it right in...

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Plastic Surgeryholics

Plastic Surgeryholics By Leticia Latex (formerly BlowMuP) (c)2002 "So...? What do you think?" asked Amber as she walked out of the surgeon's office. "I love them and I can't wait to try them," answered Mike as he reached out for her. A wicked smile formed on her full lips, "Try them? Michael Fraser, you perverted little tease!" she said. Amber Fisher and Mike Fraser had found in each other a common passion for plastic surgery. Their combined salaries allowed them to start...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 24 The Surgeons Wife

A heavy snowstorm swept over the central mountains on November 15, putting an end to travel, foraging, military drills, and just about anything else that involved extended activity outside. The Defenders congregated in the bathhouse and the kitchen, the only two buildings that were adequately heated. Isauria and Danka spent much of their free time sitting on their bed, wrapped in blankets while Isauria practiced writing or doing arithmetic problems. There were not many books in the...

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New Order New OpportunityChapter 11 The Dangers of Resurgent Males

Constable Margery Dennis scowled at the mess in the room. The woman sobbing beside her was distraught; her house ransacked; the man she thought was hers, and locked in chastity to her, gone. It was a common enough occurrence, Margery knew. The woman had thought she could keep a man with only the most rudimentary security. Too often it ended like this. She looked at the cage he had been kept in. It should have been strong enough but it obviously hadn't been. He had burst out of it somehow,...

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Dark Fantasy Trilogy

Dark Fantasy Trilogy: Prelude To A Dream "To sleep, perchance to dream..." There is a fringe group within my local BDSM club scene known colloquially as 'The Roundabout Gang'. This group of twenty or so men and women, besides being members of the BDSM club I belong to, are also members of a swinger's club in town. When they attend functions at the BDSM club they will arrive en masse later in the night and don't usually mingle much with other members. Ever since it was first pointed out...

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The Geologist

My name is Alicia. I’m a geologist and I’m here in Colorado to find a new pocket of Rhodochrosite. Also a Microcline called Amazonite, a beautiful green and white mineral, and gold, silver or anything else of commercial value. I head the Geology Masters program at Stanford, in California, but I keep my eyes open for everything, even on a personal expedition like this. One of my grad-students came along for the field experience. Carla is twenty-six and after her masters degree. She’s from...

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Stripped Bound and Flogged

Sir had taken his slave and slut, Marta, to a French bistro for supper. She wore a skirt that flashed her naked pussy whenever she walked, plus high heels, her dog collar, and wrist and ankle cuffs – and nothing else. She was seated at a banquette next to Sir, with her dress pulled up so she was sitting on her bare ass, and her pussy completely exposed while he fingered her. While waiting for dessert, Sir turned on the vibrator in her butt plug, then ordered her to put an enormous dildo into...

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Chapter 13 Stripped Bound and Flogged

Sir had taken his slave and slut, Marta, to a French bistro for supper. She wore a skirt that flashed her naked pussy whenever she walked, plus high heels, her dog collar, and wrist and ankle cuffs – and nothing else. She was seated at a banquette next to Sir, with her dress pulled up so she was sitting on her bare ass, and her pussy completely exposed while he fingered her. While waiting for dessert, Sir turned on the vibrator in her butt plug, then ordered her to put an enormous dildo into...

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Becoming Daddys Good GirlChapter 5 Good Girl Flogged

I trembled as I rode beside Daddy in his truck. I squirmed, wearing only my terry cloth bathrobe, the pink cloth caressing my naked body beneath. I bit my lip, my stomach nervous. Today was the big day. Today I would prove to Daddy I was his good girl. His submissive sex slave. A week ago, he showed me a gold-chain choker with a unicorn charm dangling on it. We were at the mall with my BFF Sun. The two of us had remote control sex toys inside of us, a vibrator in my pussy and a butt plug in...

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From the Night Porters Logbook

If those noises had been coming from Flat 83, I wouldn't have been so surprised (Irish hooker who'd been warned several times.) Or the ones who'd just moved into Flat 52 (young newlyweds, God bless 'em). But Flat 17...This was the golden couple. He'd made it big in textiles. She'd been a world-class model. Together, they were the toast of every dinner-party circuit. And he was currently away in Russia on a long business trip...After a year or two as Night Porter in a luxury block, you develop...

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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake EPILOG

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...

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The Stepsister Part 20 Epilog

~~Start of Part 20~~ We all wake up about the same time and I run into the bathroom and get out of the ladies’ way so they can get ready for the day. Sis and Mandy have to go into their part time jobs again today, but their managers were cool enough to give them time to help earlier in the week. They get ready and file past me and Becky and give us both hugs and kisses and say, “Be back around 4pm, have a good day you two!” I look over at Becky and ask her, “What would you like to do today...

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brasilianische Uumlberraschung Teil 5 Epilog

*** Epilog ***Es mag manchen überraschen, doch die erzählte Geschichte hat sich so wie geschrieben tatsächlich zugetragen.Das ist jetzt 28 Jahre her, so dass ich natürlich nicht jedes einzelne Wort erinnern kann.. Doch die wesentlichen Inhalte entsprechen der Wahrheit... zumindest der die sich mir eingeprägt hat.1988/89 war vieles noch anders und auch die heutigen Ansteckungsgefahren waren nicht so im Fokus wie heute. Grundsätzlich hatte ich aber großes Glück diesen ungeschützten Sex überlebt...

2 years ago
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Patriot Games Epilog

An Epilog. Rose had recently been moved up to CEO by the board. Mike was forced out after another sexual harassment suit. Daisy, decided to keep his semi working male paraphernalia, and stayed at home to raise the girls; Rose was able to devote her full energies to the business, except at home where she expended all her energies making Daisy a happy and satisfied housewife. At work, things really took off like a rocket. After, endless nagging, Rose had relented and promised Daisy...

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