Sam And Dennis, A Tale From The Girl's Locker Room - Part I free porn video

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Sam and Dennis - A Tale from the girls locker room - Part One - by John Howarth - ©copyright 2001 My Stories may be added to Any Free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] * * * * * * * Forward This story used a Halloween story by Jennifer Adams as the stimulus. This story centers on Sam Smythe and leaves room for someone else to continue with what happened to Dennis. At this time I don't plan to do that part. I have already done a continuation with Samantha and will post it soon. * * * * * Sam and Dennis - A Tale from the Girls Locker Room They say boys will be boys, but sometimes that is far less than true. The tale of Dennis and Sam is a case in point. Dennis was the star quarterback for his high school football team, and Sam was president of the senior class and star forward on the basketball team. They were extremely popular with their male classmates because they were both macho jocks who were expert at putting down the girls with their practical jokes. In just a couple of months they had gotten half the girls in the senior class angry with them. They had gotten into the girls locker room several times doing their panty raids and had posted their trophies on the bulletin board near the main office. They had not been officially caught but few doubted who had posted girls panties for all to see. As if that wasn't bad enough they had posted whose panties, they were on the second raid. The girl's gym teacher was infuriated and had both boys sent to her office during their study hall time. Dennis and Sam considered not showing up, after all they had not been caught and they were just suspects. No one had any proof. For moral support they went in together. Ms Stevens was one gorgeous woman in her own right and this was the first time they had seen her in the schools gym attire. She was one sexy sight in her red shorts and white tank top. The boys stood staring at her. She said, "You boys have become somewhat of an annoyance with your pranks. What have you got to say for yourselves?" Dennis had his usual ear to ear grin as he said, "You don't have a thing on us, you can't prove anything." Sam trying to support him said, "You can't do anything without proof." "Perhaps not, however I didn't call you here to accuse you, I called to give you a warning," she said. "A warning?" said Dennis. "Yes, a warning. The next person or persons who violate the girl's locker room had better be very careful what they do or take. It could have dire consequences. I would think you boys would not want to spoil your promising future in sports for some immature pranks," she said sharply. "We didn't do it," said Sam defensively, after all what could she really do to them. Dennis said, "Is that all, just a warning?" he was almost laughing. She stood making sure they saw all of her shape as she said, "Don't take my warning lightly. It is a very serious matter. Now I have a class waiting, you may go," she said as she turned and walked through the other door leaving them almost drooling at the sight. Dennis sighed, "Boy would I would really like to get into her shorts." As they left Sam was already working on the next plan to invade the locker room. This would be the best yet. He smiled as he headed for the study hall. They did nothing for a few days as their new plan took a little more than just a random hit. They had to plan carefully if they were to do what they really felt they needed to do, and that was to get even with Ms. Steven. Ms. Stevens knew the boys would try to get even and gave them plenty of openings to do their deed. It was on Friday during Ms. Steven's lunchtime, the only time all day she'd be out of her gym clothes, when they hit. They made it safely into the locker room and they easily found Ms. Stevens tank top, sports bra, panties and gym shorts. Dennis grabbed her stuff as Sam looked at the stuff stacked on the benches. He saw the head cheerleader's name on a white T-shirt. He grabbed that pile of stuff. They left feeling quite pleased at their handiwork. While the halls were empty they went and with their usual talent posted everything on the biggest bulletin board in the school. They finished and were away without being seen. Ms. Stevens checked that bulletin board 3 times a day and once was after lunch. As she saw the posted items she just smiled. There would be a big surprise for Dennis and Sam real soon. There was a basketball game at 7 that night and Ms. Stevens waited near the main door where the players usually entered. She saw Sam coming and smiled at him and said, "You really better stop by the bulletin board and borrow some of the clothes. You might need them tonight." Sam just hurried past her without saying a word. He kind of wondered about what she was talking about. Soon he was at the locker room and as he stepped in there was a brilliant flash. For a second all he saw was spots. As his vision cleared he noticed his view of the world had changed just a little. He seemed shorter. He felt a cool breeze on his legs and looked down, He'd been wearing long pants. What he saw made him feel weak. He leaned on the doorframe for support. He felt all color drain from him as he passed out. He woke up in another room surrounded by girls in cheerleader uniforms. He looked up to see Cindy the girl whose stuff he'd taken from the girl's locker room. She had a cross look on her face. " Samantha Smythe, what the hell were you doing in the boys locker room. You know those hot jocks can't keep their hands to themselves. It's a good thing someone spotted you going in there." Sam looked down at himself again. He was wearing the school cheerleading colors in a uniform identical to Cindy's, but instead of that name his had the name Samantha on it. It fit perfectly and he filled it just like Cindy did. He gulped as he heard Ms. Stevens say, "OK girls time to get out on the floor. I'll be out with Samantha in a minute." The girls all left and Ms. Stevens handed Sam a cup of water. "I've got to hand it to you, you got good taste. You took Cindy's stuff from the locker room. If you go by the bulletin board the name on that stuff is now Samantha and it will fit you perfectly." "But I don't want to be a girl?" SHE said in a perfectly female voice. "Oh, it's not permanent, not unless you decide not to change back. When you go home and put on boys underwear your boy bits will come back," she said with a grin. "Alright !!" SHE said. "Don't get overjoyed just yet, there is more to it than that. Yes, you can be a boy again, but instead of Sam the basketball star and president of the senior class, it's now Sam the geek. You are no longer a basketball star at least not on the boys team. And while your mental abilities are the same, You are not president of the senior class," she said. "At least I can still be a boy," SHE said. "In a limited way, yes. but be forwarned, everytime you enter any place related to sports, a locker room, gym, basketball court, football stadium, hockey rink, soccer field, baseball park, and even a car race track, you will become a girl in this form. Hell you won't be able to play air hockey in the arcade or a video game at home if it's a sports title without becoming a girl. You go into a sporting goods store its as a girl. I warned you, and now you will pay the price. Oh and every time you become a girl whatever you are wearing, if they are not girls clothes, will be changed as well and they won't change back. When you leave here tonight you best pick up your gym clothes from the bulletin board as you will need them Monday for gym class. You are in girls gym now," she said. "Is there anyway to become a boy permanently," she said. "No, and you will remain a girl as long as you do not put on boys underwear, and if you reach that time of the month you will be stuck as a girl till it is done. You will match Cindy. And if you were to become pregnant you will never be a boy again. Now get going, you will find you have Cindy's abilities so cheerleading will be no problem." Sam left and joined the other cheerleaders and surprisingly she got right into the swing of things. After the game she went by the bulletin board and took HER gym clothes off of it and headed home. At home it was weird. When she came in his mom said, "How was the game, did they win, and how was your first night on the cheerleading squad." She gave her mother a funny look and said, "Ok I guess, but I rather play basketball." "You are a little short, but the girls team needs help, You could talk to Ms Stevens next week," she said. She went up to her room. She didn't see any change here. She undressed and looked over her body and just for kicks put on the gym clothes just to check the fit." She walked to the bathroom to have a look in the full length mirror. She stared at herself and looked at herself all around. Then she decided to see how her girl bits worked. As she walked back to her bedroom she mused at how weird that felt. She closed her door and stripped naked. For a second she held her breasts then with distaste said, "Nah! I better change back." She grabbed a clean pair of boxer shorts and pulled them on. He felt his lower body and reached into his shorts and yelled, "Yes!!!" with his female voice. He noticed his upper body was still female infact as he grabbed his manhood he felt a tingle in his breasts and his nipples became very firm and erect. He said, "Oh shit." He grabbed a t-shirt and put it on and immediately his upper body became male. He sighed, "That's better." He went back to the bathroom and took a shower and went to bed early. It had been a real strange day. At breakfast Saturday morning his family reguarded him as a boy at least for the moment. He got an early call from Dennis asking if he was coming to the game this morning. He said, "I wouldn't miss this for the world." Sam had visions of him sitting in the stands and watching his best buddy as he became a cheerleader with a shape like Ms. Stevens. Maybe he'd get lucky after the game with his buddy, he was going to enjoy this. He was wearing jeans and a turtleneck shirt. Dennis showed up at 8:30 and they headed for the stadium. Dennis parked the car and they got out. As they turned towards the stadium Sam saw Ms. Stevens at the main gate. For a second he felt a chill. He said to himself., 'Nah! I'll only be in the stands.' As he got close to the main gate Ms. Stevens said, "You forgot your uniform Sam, no matter you should probably have two anyway." Dennis looked at Sam and said, "What was that about?" "Darned if I know, that woman is weird anyway," said Sam. As they stepped through the gate there was a bright flash. Where they stood a second ago there now stood two cheerleaders. Sam looked at Dennis. He saw the name on her uniform and said, "Denise, welcome to the rest of your life." The look on Dennis's face was real strange. Sam began to giggle uncontrollably. Dennis said, "What's so damn funny?" Sam said, "You are." He saw Ms Stevens waving at him to come that way. SHE grabbed Dennis's arm and dragged him following Ms. Stevens into a small building just off the field. Once inside Sam closed the door. Ms. Stevens looked Dennis up and down. "Well Denise, you didn't listen to my warning and now you suffer the consequences. Now for better or worse you seem to be stuck with a body identical to mine. You wanted to get into my shorts, well you get your wish. You can pick up those gym clothes from the bulletin board on Monday morning but now they have your name on them. You will need them for gym class. Now we have got to rush so Samantha will have to tell you the rest later. I hope you are ready and can remember all your cheerleading routines, but of course you will you are the leader of the cheerleading squad." "I am not a girl," SHE said. "Well you better use the girls room if you have any doubts, I assure you, your chest ain't stuffing and if you check your cheerleader shorts there are no boy bits down there. Your sports talents are now in the fairer sex, you might want to tryout for the girl's soccer or volleyball teams. You got about twenty minutes to get the crowd warmed up for the game," said Ms Stevens and she left. Dennis looked at Sam. "I can't do this." Sam said, "You will know everything you need to know and you will be the center of attention. I spent last night cheerleading the boy's basketball team. You can be a boy again but not here and not now." They headed out and joined the other girls and they began to work. It was a cold day and at least working kept them warm. They worked hard and the team won this day. After the game all the girls went into the small building and soon headed home. Sam and Dennis went back to Dennis' car. In the car Dennis said, "OK how do I change back to a boy?" "All you got to do is go home and put on boys underwear and your boy bits come back," Said Sam. "You were a boy earlier so how come you became a girl again?" said Dennis. "When she said your sports talents are all female she isn't kidding. Those clothes won't change back. I now have two cheerleader uniforms. She says if you enter any sports facility, it don't matter what, you will become a girl. She says you can't go to a sporting goods store or even play air hockey in the arcade without becoming a girl. She says if you are at home and play a sports video game you will change," said Sam. "I don't believe that, It's impossible," said Dennis. "She also gave me some warnings. You will not change back to a boy till you put on boy's undies, and if you are a girl 'at that time of the month' you stay a girl till it is done. She said I match Cindy because those were the clothes I took. I'd assume since you got her clothes, you will match her. She also said that if we get pregnant in our girl forms we can never be a boy ever again," said Sam. "She can't do this to us," said Dennis. "It seems like she has done this to us and get a load of this, at home they recognize you as the sex you are and it always follows the sex you are in. The name and the cheerleading everything," said Sam. Dennis gulped. "Has she got no sense of humor." "I think she has a pretty good sense of humor, You said you wanted to get into her shorts. Well it seems you got your wish, Her shorts, her bra and anything else you could imagine. You really are quite a dish," said Sam. "Let's go home and change back then we can test this at the mall. She's pulling your leg," said Dennis. SHE drove to his house and they both went in and up to his room. The room was the same. Sam said. "Before you change back go take a look at yourself in the mirror and maybe use your girl bits while you are there." "Buddy are you nuts or what, the faster I change back the better," said Dennis. "If we go to the mall and we do get changed into girls, you better know how to use your girl bits just in case," said Sam. Dennis stripped ignoring Sam and soon got out a Jockey brief. She quickly pulled the brief on and from the waist down he changed back to male. Sam started to giggle at him, He felt his manhood and he got a strange tingle in his breasts. He had a real funny expression as he felt one of his hardened nipples. Sam gave him a T-shirt and said put this on. Dennis put on the T-shirt and the upper half of his body changed back. 'Ah, that's better," he said. Sam just realized he better get out of there and said, "I'll wait downstairs or outside. We best change alone." Sam went downstairs. SHE got a cross look from Dennis' mom. Samantha said, "I'm sorry, I goofed. I know I'm not supposed to be up there." "I know Dennis is your boyfriend but he is not allowed to take a girl to his room," she said. Sam felt herself turning red. As she sat down she said, "After the game I just wasn't thinking. We beat south county today." "With that sexpot Denise you'll win every game, She gets the guys blood pumping. I'm so glad Dennis selected you rather than that oversexed girl. I hear rumors she's had breast enlargement," she said. Sam said, "I don't really know, She isn't any bigger than Ms Stevens the gym teacher. Denise is taller." She adds, "Have you seen the way Denise dresses outside school. I mean those miniskirts of hers are bad enough but she wears jeans so tight, well I can't imagine how she can get them on." Dennis was part way down the stairs. He was listening to our conversation. Sam said, "I hear they pour her into them. They got to hurt. I can't stand them that tight. I like to leave something to the imagination." Dennis got to the bottom of the stairs and his mother said, "Where are you two going." "Just to hang out at the mall," said Dennis. We headed for the door. We got to the car and once inside Dennis said, "What was that about." "It seems your mother has a dim view of your alter ego Denise. I'm supposed to be your girlfriend in this form. I was playing along to get info. This is getting real bizarre," said Sam. Dennis drove to my house and I said, "You come in and stay down stairs and make small talk. You might learn something." They went in and Dennis sat down. Sam headed upstairs and Sam's mom said, "Dennis nice to see you've picked it up with Samantha again, she likes you a lot you know." He smiled, "She isn't the best in the school but she is enough for me." "If you call that Denise the best, I'll tell you that girl is nothing but trouble," she said. "She's always been nice to me," said Dennis. "She's man crazy, and she's after Sam right now," she said. "I doubt it's that bad," said Dennis. Sam's mom asked, "Where are you boys off to this afternoon." "Just gonna hang out at the mall," he replied. By then Sam was coming down the stairs and he was listening as well. As he came into view his mom said. "Dennis says you're going to the mall, enjoy yourself, but we don't want you hanging with that Denise. If we catch you again you're grounded." "Aw ma she's after me but she's just not my type, I keep trying for Cindy but it's like I got BO or something," said Sam. "Cindy is fine or even that new girl Samantha," said mom. "I haven't met Samantha yet," said Sam heading for the door. In the car Dennis said, "I see what you mean it's real bizarre." "Yeah it's like we are two different people with no connection between them," said Sam. Sam looked at what Dennis was wearing. Tight muscle shirt, skin tight Levis and his normal winter coat. Sam looked at his own clothes, Old out of style flare leg hand me downs from his brothers old clothes and an oversized sweatshirt. He was imagining what their clothes would become if they changed into girls. Sam was thinking hard as they reached the mall. Dennis parked where he usually did near the big sporting goods outlet. Sam got out and said, "I'll meet you in the mall, I'm going this way, I ain't trying that yet." "At school maybe, but no way can she do anything to us out here. You're just chicken," said Dennis. Sam walked with Dennis to the door of the sporting goods outlet and opened the outer door and entered. Nothing happened and he smiled at Sam and entered the inside door. There was a flash and Dennis stood as Denise, wearing super tight jeans, a tight halter top and a red coat with white fur collar and trim. Sam just waved and headed for the mall entrance. Sam was real careful where he went and what he did. He did not find Denise right away. Once as he walked past Victoria Secret and saw Denise in there looking at girl stuff. He said to himself. "Yech!" and kept walking. He managed to avoid changing for several hours and did manage to see Cindy and for some reason she had noticed him, things were looking up. He was on cloud nine when he entered the arcade. Nothing happened, he didn't change. He played a few pinballs and nothing. He watched the air hockey table but it might be hours before he could even get a chance to play. He got more change and sat down at one of the newer four player race track games. He put in the coins, there was a flash and he was Samantha again. He began to play and he did pretty well and was the last player still running. When she finally crashed she had the all time high score. She got up and left the arcade and headed for the rest rooms. She almost made the mistake of going into the men's rest room. She went into the ladies room and rushed as she had downed a large coke earlier and it felt like all of it was ready to come out real quick. As she sat down and let the water flow she gave a big sigh. "I've got to watch how much liquids I drink." The water seemed to flow forever. At last she was done and wiped herself and pulled up her panties, then she thought to check for tags and sizes. She looked and made note of sizes and soon left the ladies room. She checked the wallet in her jeans for money and felt she should do some shopping for girls school clothes. She went to Penney's and Sears and decided she didn't need to spend that much yet. She left the mall and began to walk towards home. She would check Wal-Mart and pick up something for Monday after gym class. She first picked up some undies then went looking at skirts and tops. Most of the skirts were just a tad too short for her taste. She began to look at dresses and ended up buying a nice sleeveless straight almost jumper style dress. She looked at jewelry and bought a single pair of earrings, a necklace and a watch. She headed for home and when she arrived her mom said, "That Denise came by and was looking for Sam. She said she was with Sam at the mall. Did you see the two of them together at the mall." Sam said, ."Saw Sam walking around with some of the kids for a couple of hours, but Denise was not with them. Saw her in Victoria Secret once but Sam was not with her. You know how that girl lies." "Why do you care about Sam anyway?" said Sam. For a second she looked puzzled and said, "I don't really know." "Is dad around?" asked Sam. "Yes, I'll get him if you want," she said. "Please, I'll be right back," said Sam as she went up the stairs. He grabbed a pair of his rattiest T-shirts and boxers and a tattered old shirt and jeans. She went downstairs to find mom and dad sitting on the sofa. She said, "Dad, would you mind closing the curtains and the shade. I don't want to show the neighbors what I am going to show you." Dad got up and closed the curtains and the shade so no one could see in. Samantha sat down, "What I am going to tell you and show you will blow your mind. You consider me as your daughter, tell me about your other children, I mean names and ages and all that." Dad said, "I do not understand why, but you have three older brothers. Paul is the oldest and is married. John is next oldest and he is a senior in college and will graduate this year. Mark is in the second year of college. That covers it but you know it anyway." "What do you know about a boy named Sam Smythe," said Sam. "I assume he must be related somehow, Strikes me as a pretty good kid, but I hear his pranks with the girls will probably get him in trouble. He'd be a better choice for you rather than that oversexed jock you call a boyfriend," said Dad. "Samantha and Sam will never be. And before I go too far, would you prefer to have a family with four sons or three sons and a daughter?" asked Samantha. "We always wanted a daughter, and kept trying till we got one," said mom. "OK let's start this way," she took out the wallet in her pocket. She took out everything that proved who she was. She handed the stuff to dad and said, "both of you read all of these." They read them and handed them back. She took them and put them back in the wallet. She said, "Now I am going to strip naked here in front of you." For a second they seemed shocked as they watched their normally reserved daughter undress. When she was down to her panties and bra she said, "Nothing unusual so far." She took off the bra and let her boobs float free. She slid out of the panties and said, "I want you to both have a close look and if you need to touch me do it. I want you to make sure that there is no doubt that I am a real girl, your daughter." Tenderly and with a hint of fear they checked her out and at last mom said, "All is correct, even the birthmarks are quite correct." "OK I doubt you are ready for this, but when I put on this boys brief and t-shirt I will become Sam Smythe. Do not fear, I can change back," SHE said as she put her legs in the brief and pulled it up. As they watched her body changed from the waist down. She said, "This is wild, I got boy bits down there and girl bits up here, I need to try the top first sometime." She put the T-shirt on and the top half changed and he said, "Now I am your son Sam." They both looked at each other and they looked confused. Mom said, "Son why are you standing in front of us in your underwear." Sam pulled on the jeans and shirt and grabbed the other clothes and went up stairs. He came back down. He grabbed the wallet and looked at all the ID stuff. It had all changed back to Sam. He said, "I want to go back to the mall, for a minute." "You have been grounded, you were seen with Denise today. She told us herself." said mom. "Please, dad, come with me. I forgot to pick up something earlier," he said. Mother said, "We'll all go, I need to get a few things myself." Sam sighed and went and got another coat, this time one that was way too big. They went out to the car and headed for the mall. Sam said, "Drop me at the sporting goods outlet. I will meet you in Sears." Dad said, "If you are not there in fifteen minutes I will come looking for you." He dropped Sam at the door and drove away towards Sears at the other end. Sam went through the outer door then the inner door. She was Samantha again. She headed directly for Sears and found mom looking at girls dresses. She said, "There you are. You in the mood to try on dresses, you've grown so fast you don't have much to wear to school." "I picked up one at Wal-Mart earlier. But sure I think I need everything," she said. As Sam started trying on dresses, dad was lost somewhere in the tool department. Sam spent near an hour trying on all kinds of frilly and pink stuff. He thought he was gonna barf when her mom started looking at pretty underthings for her. She had had quite enough shopping for one night. At last they gathered up dad and headed for the car. Back at the house Samantha took all the clothes upstairs and made room in the closet removing some of the boy stuff to make room for a bunch of dresses. He rearranged the dresser as well leaving the T-shirts briefs and boxers in the top drawer. The second draw got her girlie underthings. Third draw got outer T-shirts and white socks. He had several boxes in the closet and filled them with boy clothes. He went into her parents room and sat down at the phone. He dialed Dennis' house and as it rang he wondered who to ask for. The voice at the other end said, "Hello." "It's Samantha, is.." she said. "Hold on Dennis is right here," said his mom. Dennis in the background said, "I'll pick it up in my room." A short time later he picked it up. "Hello honey." he said. We waited for the other phone to be hung up. At last we heard the click. I said, "Look you son of a bitch, I'm gonna make you pay big time." "Sam what the hell is the matter with you," he said. "What's wrong, That bitch of an alter ego of yours is what is wrong. I've got to stay as a girl, she got Sam grounded. If I want to go out of the house, I've got to be a girl." she said. He began to laugh and said, "Great now I've got a girlfriend, There is a dance next Saturday night, You want to go with me?" "There is not a snowballs chance in hell of me going to that dance with you. Think again, you and that bimbo are the same person. I ain't her boyfriend and you are not my boyfriend as Samantha. You best stay clear of me till you can get that bimbo under control," I said as I hung up the phone. Within a half hour the phone was ringing off the hook. It was the other cheerleaders with rumors Dennis was circulating about Sam and Samantha to try to destroy Sam. At last I was fed up. I looked up the number for Ms Stevens. I dialed the number and it rang a long time. At last she picked up the phone, "You should not call me at home Sam Smythe." I had not said even a word as yet. I said, "Ms Stevens I'm sorry, It's Samantha, It's important." "I never expected you to be spending much time as a girl. You sound troubled," she said. I spent a half-hour telling her what was going on. At last she said, "What do you expect me to do. I can't turn back the changes, spells once cast and all that." "I do not seek you to change my punishment. I can survive that just fine. I need you to do something about Dennis. I don't care what you do to him/her just do something. He'll ruin my life," she said. "I will look at the options and see what is possible. Maybe we can turn his rumors around. That may be the best option. Then she will ruin his own lives. Let me work on it," she said. "Thanks Ms. Stevens," SHE said. "Oh while I make these changes you would be better as a girl. Will you come to school as a girl Monday?" she asked. Sam said," I will be a girl till things change, I don't have good options. I'll be a girl all day Monday." "I will see you at Gym then," she said and hung up. Samantha went back to her room. She lay down on her bed and began thinking about what had happened that day. The way Dennis had treated her bothered her a lot. Dennis had been her best friend since grammar school. After a while she got up and undressed for bed. She took a good look at her body, after all she would be a girl at least through Monday. As she looked in the mirror she mused. 'It ain't so bad really, it was a nice body, and if he had to exist as a girl this was not a bad way to go.' She lay back down and was soon fast asleep. In the morning she got up and pulled on loose jeans and a sweatshirt like she had worn last night. She went down to breakfast and just before she went back upstairs the phone rang. Mom answered it and said, "Samantha, Ms Stevens your gym teacher." Sam took the phone. "Yes Ms. Stevens." "I need to see you today. I'll come over and pick you up in a half- hour. Bring a full outfit a boy's clothes that you plan to keep as boy's clothes. Some rather new stuff and one of your cheerleader outfits and your girl's gym clothes. Tell your mom I am having a practice this morning," she said. "I'll be ready," she said and hung up. She turned to her mom, "She wants to work on some new routines and is holding a practice this morning. She'll pick me up in a half hour, I got to gather some stuff." She went up and got out a small duffel bag and took out both of the cheerleader uniforms and put them in the bag. She then added a full girls outfit and then a full boys outfit and closed the bag. She changed to the nice jeans she wore to the mall yesterday. The old flares were some of her favorites and they looked so good. She went down to wait for Ms Stevens and she arrived right on time. She went out and got in the car. Ms. Stevens smiled, "Don't worry, I think we can fix a bunch of your problems this morning." Sam sighed, "Thanks, yesterday was not a good day." Sam said little more on the way to the house. They arrived and went in. Ms Stevens said, "Sit down and relax, we need to talk before I decide what I need to do about your situation." Sam sat and Ms Stevens said, "I have some very personal questions, some you may not want to answer but if I am to really help you I need to know. First do you like boys?" "What do you mean, girls are supposed to like boys, at least that was how I was bought up," she said. "No, as a boy did you like boys, or was it girls?" she asked. Sam felt herself turning red. "Ms. Stevens if you are asking if I am gay or straight. I am straight." "That is what I have observed since Friday. Did you ever remember Dennis dating any girls?" She asked. "Dennis is macho enough, like most football jocks, he could have any girl he wanted," replied Sam. "You didn't answer my question. Don't make this any more difficult than it already is," she said. Sam considered as she crossed her legs. "Come to think of it, none that I can remember." "Isn't that the least bit curious," she said. "Hey, he does all the guy stuff, I mean the panty raids and all the pranks, Nah I doubt he's gay," said Sam. "Four of the football players are gay. I caught Dennis myself, I thought you were too. I don't seem to recall you dating either," she said. "As a boy I am tall and tall guys have problems with dating. I have been trying but until yesterday no one was paying attention. Cindy noticed me yesterday," she said. "I know, and it appears I made a mistake. The spells I used on you and Dennis were designed to work best if you were both gays. It would have you both loving each other in male/female fashion making both of you normal. It increases the sex drive. But if there is a straight person on one end of the spell what happened between you and Dennis is the result. Unless I make changes, You face being raped by Dennis and Denise. He would completely dominate you and beat you into submission. I have made a grave mistake," she said. "Rape is the feeling I have been getting, and it scares me," said Sam. "Now so you know I cannot make you all boy again. You now have a female part and it cannot be denied. To do so would turn you gay. Your male and female parts seem well ordered and you seem normal in both forms, so we start there. To get you out of harms way I will drop you from the cheerleading squad, but your female form will join the girl's basketball team. No one will notice the change except you and me. You will be less attractive to Dennis and Denise. Get out your cheerleading outfits, I know you bought them both." she said. Sam got them both out and she used her magic to change them into basketball uniforms. Now Ms Stevens said, "You bought both boys and girls clothes. Get them both out and make two stacks on the floor and we will make your life a little less chaotic." Sam checked each item as he put them in their respective stacks. At last she was done. Ms. Stevens cast several more spells. At last she said, "Now things are a whole lot different, first you have more control over your changes. if you are a girl and put on the boys clothes there you become a boy. If you are a boy and put on the girls clothes there you become a girl. You will also be able to do it with your mind but till you get use to doing it, it will be difficult. You cannot do sports in your male form but you won't change like before. In your male form if you try you will be nothing but a klutz. In female form you will have real talent. If you need to be both Sam and Samantha you can split into two forms but, YOU must combine again within 12 hours. If you do not, you will split permanently and the other form will no longer have a link to you and will have it's own life separate from you. If you make the mistake you will be the girl not the boy. If you split at home it will be as twin brother and sister." "Then I can be a boy anytime and anywhere," SHE said. "Yes, but use with caution at least till we know if my changes to Dennis are working. That could take a few days. When Dennis has no more interest in Samantha and moves on to someone else you will know." she said. "And if I decide I want to remain as Samantha, my folks always wanted a girl and never had one." SHE asked. "If you decide that you just need to tell me and I can cast another spell, and it will be as if Sam never ever existed. Once that is cast there is no way back. If you however make that choice all your clothing will change to girl's stuff and your room would be a girl's room. No one would ever know except you and me. Even now Dennis will no longer make any connection between Sam and Samantha," she said. Ms. Stevens took Sam back home and she went up to her room. SHE took out the boy clothes and put them on and became Sam for what could be the last time. He went down and got his folks together to talk. This time it was in the kitchen, not the living room. Sam said, "What I am going to ask is in the category of 'what if?' I want you to be as honest as possible, and do not hold back because you do not want to hurt my feelings. I want the truth," he said. Dad said, "We always try to be honest. You know that." "I know but this is not the kind of thing that anyone would ever expect to discuss," he said. His dad said, "Proceed." "You've had four boys, have you ever wished to have a girl." Mother said, "Many times have we wanted a girl. We hoped you would be a girl but it was not to be." "Tell me your dreams for such a daughter," asked Sam. "All that will do is bring back the hurt. We've taken out our frustration on you often enough because as a boy you were an unwanted child," said mother. "I really need to know, and that means all the hopes you had for a daughter. What would her life be like," he said. Mother said, "Why bring back this pain. Tell me why and maybe it will make a difference." "What I am going to say sounds crazy, and you will not remember any of it. You will think it is all so impossible but I swear every word of this is 100% true. I can't offer any proof that you will believe," he said. They just nodded. He began, "The reason I can show no proof is that if somehow I were able to become a girl while you watch, the second I became female you would not remember me as ever being a boy. If I were a girl and became a boy it is the same story, you would not remember the girl form. As the reality changes, so do the memories." Dad strokes his chin, "And what is your point." "My point is since midday Friday I have been able to be a boy or a girl. I mean a real girl with all the right female bits and all the female feelings as well. If I tell you the female name you will know it and you do have feelings about her, but you do not presently accept her as your child," he said. Dad says, "I'm not sure I want to know where this is going. I don't want a gay son." "Hold it, I didn't say anything about being gay or even of crossdressing. I said a real girl not a wanna be girl. I can prove it is not that. I have girl clothes upstairs and they will not fit this boy body, not even close, and no way would this body look like a girl if I put them on. But let me finish first," said Sam. Mom looked at dad with a spark of hope in her eyes. Dad said, "Please continue." "OK, the girl form is Samantha Smythe, what does that name mean to you?" he asked. "Samantha is a pretty good kid, I hear her grades are OK, She was on the cheerleader squad but she was bumped to make room for that Denise. We were afraid you'd get messed up with her. Samantha looked good as a cheerleader but those girls attract the wrong kind of boys, It may be a blessing she got bumped," said Dad. "Anyway I am your son Sam but I am also Samantha as well. I was a cheerleader at the basketball game Friday night and again on Saturday at the football game. Last night we went shopping at the mall and I was Samantha and I spent an hour in Sears and Penney's trying on dresses you selected mom, but you won't remember it, but we bought a bunch of clothes," said Sam. Mom said, "We went shopping and we bought you some new school clothes, pants and shirts as I recall." "I told you, you will not remember it as it was. You remember a version as the sex I am presently. I'll tell you it's real confusing for me," he said. "So assuming this is true why would you ever seek to be a girl in the first place," said dad. "I didn't seek it at all. You know Dennis, but that memory may not match the current reality, but Dennis has been my best friend since grammar school," said Sam. "You broke off the friendship last year when you found out he was gay," said Dad. "In my reality I didn't find out he was gay till this morning. In the original reality Dennis was the star quarterback for the football team. I was the star forward for the basketball team, before Friday. Dennis and I were also sort of the class clowns, we were always doing practical jokes like sneeking into the girl's locker room to swipe panties then posting our trophies on a bulletin board near the office. We did it twice earlier in the year. We never got caught but the girls gym teacher threatened us saying there would be dire consequences if we did it again," said Sam. Dad stroked his chin, "In a way I'm glad I don't remember that reality, continue." "Well after Ms Stevens threatened us we planned the next raid carefully, We wanted to get Ms Stevens gym clothes this time. We planned our raid for Friday lunchtime, the only time of the day Ms. Stevens was out of her gym clothes. Dennis grabbed her stuff and I took Cindy's stuff. We immediately posted the stuff on the bulletin board. We thought we got away clean," said Sam. Dad seemed to have a cross look on his face, "That is carrying things a little far." "I guess it is and is why we are both being punished. Anyway I came home from school feeling pretty good about myself. I ate with you and headed back to the school for the basketball game against North Ridge. Everything was normal till I entered the boy's locker room to change. I was a player, or at least I thought I was. As I entered the locker room there was a bright flash and when I looked down I saw I was wearing a cheerleader uniform and I was in the body you know as Samantha Smythe. I fainted and when I woke up I was in the girls locker room with all the cheerleaders around me. Ms. Stevens was there as well and she sent the other girls out and she talked to me briefly and told me what my situation was and why. I had swiped Cindy's stuff so I ended up with a body that is the near twin of Cindy. I could not be a boy till I came back here and put on boy underwear," said Sam. "Sounds like Ms Stevens has a real good sense of humor," said mom. "Oh it gets better. I came home and I became a boy. Next morning Dennis wanted me to go to the football game. No way would I miss that, I had to be there to see Dennis become a girl. Ms Stevens told me anywhere I went that was related to sports would force the change to female and I could no longer do any sports as a guy, but only as a girl. She warned even playing air hockey in the arcade or walking into a sporting goods store would change me into a girl. So I figured I'd go to the football game and see Dennis get his change to female. I figured I was safe in the stands, but not so, as soon as we entered the gate there was a flash and we were both converted. Dennis became Denise. That body has the same female bits as Ms. Stevens because Dennis took her stuff. Ms Stevens rushed us to join the other cheerleaders and soon we were on the field with the cheerleading squad," said Sam. "Then what?" said dad. After the game we both came home and became boys again, and went to hang out in the mall. Dennis didn't believe the change would work in a place like the mall. He parked at the sporting goods outlet and went in through the outlet like he usually did. I watched him change from outside and went in the mall entrance myself to avoid the change at least for a while. I saw Denise shopping in Victoria Secret while I was still a guy. Later in the arcade I played a game that changed me into a girl again. I left the mall a while later and stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up a dress for school Monday knowing I could go to school as a boy but as soon as I had gym class I'd be stuck as a girl for the rest of the day," he said. "Then you could only be a boy by returning home and putting on boys underwear, What if you didn't put on boy stuff," said Dad. "As long as I did not put on boys undies, my boy bits would not return. The problem was yesterday Dennis wanted me to stay as a girl to be his girlfriend. You did not approve of Denise who had latched on to me in my Sam form. You grounded me after Denise told you she had been with me at the mall. That was his way to force me to be Samantha his girlfriend. I called Ms. Stevens last night and she met with me this morning agreeing to make some changes. Turns out she thought I was gay and checking Saturday she discovered I was not. I won't go into all the nitty gritty but the jist of things is Dennis and Denise no longer have any interest in me and will no longer remember my two forms. In addition I can change from boy to girl and back a little more easily and the forced changes would stop, however I cannot ever be all boy as it was before. Once the girlie bits were added they cannot be removed. I will never have any sports ability as a boy, I'll be a klutz. As a girl my sports abilities would remain. For short times I can also split into both Sam and Samantha forms but if I remain separated too long the second form breaks free and takes on a life of it's own, and in such a case the real me would be the girl, not the boy. So I have choices to make. Ms, Stevens says she will delete the male bits leaving me as Samantha only if I choose that," said Sam. Dad considered and said, "I don't want you to make such a choice for us. It must be what is in your heart." Mother said, "Wait a minute you say we bought clothes. Why don't you show us." "Come on up and I'll show you," said Sam. They went upstairs and Sam showed them all the clothes and mom looked at each and at last said, "Its like a dream I remember each dress or outfit and I can see Samantha in each of them. "She saw the flare jeans and added, "I can remember Samantha in these jeans. I don't always like girls in jeans but Samantha looks good in those." Sam said, "What I really needed to know was if I became a girl would you be happy with it, or do you really want me as a boy." "Perhaps the best way would be to become Samantha and ask us in that reality not this one," said dad. "I have already done that once and it looks acceptable. I could try it as Samantha for a while to test things. Each time I am Sam now I am not at ease and my maleness seems so awkward and I am definitely not comfortable with it," he said. "It sounds to me like you have already made up your mind," said mom. He looked at them both and said, "Then I guess it is time to say goodbye as Sam." The hugged and they left him. He began to undress and with a tear in his eye he began to pull on the girls panties and the bra that would make him into Samantha. She finished dressing and went downstairs. When she reached the living room she had a real somber look on her face. Dad said, "Why is my princess looking so glum." "I got a lot on my mind, but you can't really help. I already tried once and all I get is mixed signals so I am on my own," she said. He looked a little puzzled. Samantha went to the phone and dialed Ms. Stevens and waited for her to answer. It did not happen, She must be out. She hung up the phone and went and plopped down on the sofa and it looked for all in the world like she was brooding. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. Dad got up and answered it and Sam heard him say, "Yes Ms. Stevens she's here but if I didn't know her better I'd swear she was brooding and that is not like her." She entered and motioned towards the stairs and in just seconds they were in her room. Ms. Stevens said, "I sensed the emotional turmoil and felt a crisis was near and is why I am here." "Ms. Stevens understand I am not angry with you. I am grateful at the choices you have given me. I have the feeling the longer I stretch this out, the more problems and the more questions I will have, Is this correct," she said. "Usually the longer it takes to decide, the more problems there are. The cause is due to the hormone balance in the two forms, it messes up your mind and after a while it gets so confusing it is impossible to separate male feelings from female ones. Sexual urges and things like masturbation can muddy the waters. The sooner you make up your mind the better," she said. "There is really only one choice, and if I consider anything else I am just fooling myself. That choice is simply, I must be Samantha and lose the boy bits that are messing things up. The boy part seems so foreign right now," she said. "Are you sure, remember I can't change it back. Once I do it all your memories will remain but the male feelings will be gone. You will be a girl with all that goes with it," she said. "I am ready and I am sure. Please do it now," SHE asked. She took out her book and opened to a page with a marker. She began to speak the long spell. When it was done, Samantha said, "I don't feel any different." "You won't notice everything right away. Just as a memory the one outfit of boys clothes will remain unchanged. You will find that things like rubbing the crotch of the jeans will not produce a memory of what having male sex is like. Instead it will excite your female senses to think these are boys clothes," she said. "And Dennis and Denise?" I asked. "You need not be concerned about them. I would suggest they will have problems for a time and the way out is what Dennis has wanted to be all along," she said. "And what is that," said Samantha. "It is most likely he will want to be my gym clothes, mainly my gym shorts, and it will be the final wish from Denise, because she cannot have me as her lover." she said. "Oh gross That's enough to make me barf," she said. She hugged me and said, "That response says you made the correct choice. It means you are a normal girl." We walked down the stairs and Ms. Stevens said to my parents, "It is done and cannot be changed but I judge it as the correct choice. She made it herself so I do not require the usual fee." Ms. Stevens left and I looked at dad, "What was that about." Dad said, "She showed us several possible futures for you and most were pretty bad. The one you were in with Dennis would have had you as a male sex slave to him. She said change was possible if we did not wait too long. Last Friday was critical." "I do not like being manipulated," she said. "We do not know the details but Dennis had some kind of control over you, but it only worked if you were in male form. That is why you felt so strange under your male form. Ms. Stevens has been trying to break the control for months to no avail. Have no fear you are safe now. We think Dennis has been controlling you since junior high school. That is why it was impossible to break the control he had. When Ms Stevens discovered the control was broken if you were not male we suggest that as a possible future. You made the choice from your heart and the choice was not forced on you," said Dad. Mother kissed her and said, "And now my princess is free and we have a daughter and you have a bright future." Samantha said, "It just feels so good and right." She goes up to her room and goes to Bed. She sleeps real well. She sits up in her changed bedroom. Every trace of her former life as a boy is gone. The only remaining momento is one outfit of boy clothes and the memories of that former life. She takes a quick shower and attends to her bathroom needs. She pulls on a big fluffy robe and goes down with her hair wrapped up like a turban to eat while she waits for the hair to completely dry. Her dad smiled and said, "Is my princess going to try out for the girls basketball team today." She sighed and said, "I guess, I'm still a little hurt at getting bumped from the cheerleading squad. I mean getting bumped is bad enough, but what really hurts is it was to let that bimbo Denise on the team." Dad smiles and says, "Oh that slut. I hear she a lessie anyway. Loves the boys and loves the girls too." "That ain't what I hear, she's gay and from what I hear she is after Cindy. The last guy she was after was Sam and he didn't want anything to do with her," I said. "Sam was a good kid. I hear he left town because of her. Sam would have been good for you," said mom. "Cindy was pretty upset when Sam left. She was just getting interested in him," I said. "Don't you get messed up with that situation. Getting linked to someone like Denise could give you big troubles," said dad. "I know, I want to get to school early enough to warn Cindy. I'd hate to see her get hurt," I said. "Cindy has always been the one who prevented you from being tops in so many things," said mom. "There are a few things I must do, and you might question them. I have reasons. And they are mostly loose ends from the change. I am your daughter and it came at considerable price. I don't want innocent kids to pay the price for things that had to be done to save me. I owe Cindy that even if she hates my guts," I said. I headed upstairs and unwrapped the hair and began to dress. I pulled on a white long sleeve blouse and the jumper I had purchased at Wal- Mart on Saturday. I put the gym clothes and the basketball uniforms in my duffel and took my books and the class schedule and added them as dad yelled, "Sam if you want a ride I'm ready to go." Samantha added her purse and a hairbrush to the duffel and went down. Dad looked and said, "Your hair is a mess." "I'll finish in the car," I said. We got in the car and I began to brush my hair and by the time we pulled up at the high school I was just finishing. I asked, "Is that better." "Much better," he said as I got out. He drove off as I turned towards the school. This would be a really interesting day. Friday I was a boy and today I am a girl. For a second, chills ran through my body. I began to walk to the front door. Just inside Ms Stevens grabbed my arm and dragged me into an office. She did not seem real happy. She said, "Sam I think I need your help." I looked at her puzzled. "What went wrong." "Dennis and Denise, everything I have tried has failed. The only thing I could do was force split them into two separate people. That about halves the heightened sex drives and will make it easier to deal with them. The problem is what happened when I split them," she said. I felt a shiver again. "What happened." "The problem is while Dennis is now straight no matter what I do he still has his mind set on you. As if that were not bad enough Denise got the gay part and she wants you and is interested in Cindy as well," she said. "Damn, must be whatever control he had over me is stronger than your spells," I said. "I'm afraid so. Do you think you can resist," she said. "I can try but I have another idea. You say there are other gays in the football team. Put them on to Dennis and if you know any gay girls put them on to Denise," I said. "Hold it right there those are the problems I am trying to fix," she said. "OK try this, put the gay girls on Dennis and Put the gay guys on to Denise. That might help the cause and me as well. If Dennis and Denise are so busy they have no time for me it might help," I said. "It might," she said. "Hey how come you gave Dennis and all boy and all girl bodies?" I said. "I split them, by tonight the boy will be out of link with him, Our Dennis will be all Denise. The remaining Dennis will have a life all his own," she said. "Then by tonight you might be able to control the Dennis form," I said. "Might, I am not optimistic. You will still be in danger," She said. "I should survive the day. Let's see how it goes," I said. She let me go and I went looking for Cindy. I was almost late for my first class waiting for her. I finally got to see her between first and second period. She looked real scared and the expression on her face was of horror. Third period was Gym for both of us. I went to Ms Stevens before Cindy arrived and asked if I could talk to Cindy alone and she told me to use her office. Cindy came in and I grabbed her and pushed her towards the office. She was hostile, "Sam, get your hands off of me." Ms. Stevens was close by and said, "Cindy, it would be in your best interest to go with Samantha." Cindy looked furious but followed me. We entered the office and I closed and locked the door. I studied her for a minute before I said anything. At last I said, "Cindy you and I have been enemies but it was your choice not mine. I always considered us equals. I am sensing terror in you this morning. I really do need to know what happened this morning." "I'd rather not talk about it," she said. I sighed and said, "I guess I'll have to do it the hard way. If what happened has anything to do with Dennis or Denise Kenton you really need to tell me right now." She looked awe struck and horrified and burst into tears. "Dennis raped me and Denise did me lesbo while Dennis watched." "Were you a virgin before today" I asked. "I always talked like I was not but I'm so shy with the boys. I was just getting to know Sam when he left. I was a virgin." she said. I held her as she cried in my arms. When she recovered she said. "We need to join the class." "No we don't, it's covered. If this takes the whole period it does not matter," I said. She sighed and said, "What do I tell my folks." "Do not be concerned about that right now. What I need to tell you is very serious so serious it could get us and others out of here for the day. It concerns our mutual problems, Dennis and Denise," I said. "They got you too," she said. "Not yet, but I knew of the problem. Stay here, I will be right back," I said as I headed for the door and went out to the class. Ms. Stevens saw the look on my face and came over. I whispered, "I really do need you." She followed me back to the office. She entered and we watched as she split into two forms and one went back to the class. I looked at Cindy and said, "Magic, just don't ask." I looked at Ms. Stevens and said, "Our friends are starting out real well this morning. Dennis and Denise have both raped Cindy." "Oh dear, we both feared this," Ms Stevens said and sat down at the desk. At last she said, "I am releasing both of you from school today. I want you both to clean out your lockers and your gym lockers of all your property and uniforms. Take all your books. Go home and everything will be fixed by morning." Cindy said, "I lost my virginity this morning, I can't go home and face my dad. You know it will be all over by the end of the school day." Ms. Stevens looked at me. I considered and said, "I'll take her home with me and I'll keep her overnight if I need to. I can deal with my folks." "Good, tell her as much or little as you feel is necessary. Changes in the reality will take care of memories later," she said and wrote out a note to take by the principals office. We went to the lockers and got our stuff and headed for our other lockers and cleaned them out. We went by the principals office and soon were outside heading for my house. It was a good hike from the school but we did not want to stay near the school waiting for the next city bus. It was after noon when we reached the house. To my relief mom was out. We entered and we went upstairs and I changed to my favorite jeans and T-shirt. I offered her jeans and a shirt and she took them. I knew they would fit. The leg length was a little long on her because I was taller. We went downstairs and I worked on lunch. Just as I finished preparing it mom came in. She said, "What are you doing out of school." "Ms. Stevens sent us home. Cindy can't go home tonight and will be staying with me," I said. "I'll have to clear it with her folks," she headed for the phone. She reached the phone and started to dial. I intercepted her and took the phone and hung it up. She looked real cross. I said, "Mother, you ain't listening. Ms. Stevens sent us here. Cindy must stay the night and if her folks call you will say she is not here and have not seen her. Tell them to contact Ms Stevens." "It's about Dennis and Denise isn't it," she asked. I just nodded and she did not bother us further. We ate and went upstairs. I closed and locked the door and said, "Relax, My folks will protect you." "Ms Stevens said you could tell me as much or little as you felt necessary," she said. "I am not going to enjoy this but it is necessary. I have been through so many changes since Friday noon, I am starting to lose track," I said. "If you mean being on the cheerleading squad Friday night and Saturday morning and then getting thrown off to make room for Denise. Boy did I ever make a mistake. I'm the reason you got bumped and I thought that was what this morning was about," she said. I began giggling wildly. She looked at me like I was nuts. When I recovered I said, "Don't blame yourself for that mess, you remember doing it but let me assure you, you never did it. In each reality when things change there are causes and effects. What you remember was to get me away from Denise, you never did anything. It was the result of magic." I got out a pad of paper and a pencil. I gave it to her and said, "You better take notes. It may help you figure out where I have been and where I am going. It gets pretty confusing." She looked at me a little confused. I said, "I am going to go back to last week and I am going to talk about Sam Smythe. What I am going to tell you may not match what you remember. I will be mentioning Dennis as well. What I tell you is what actually happened not the final results of magic done. In the original reality Dennis and Sam were best friends from grammar school on. Dennis was star quarterback for the football team and Sam was senior class president and star forward on the basketball team. I am not sure what happened with that part. In September Dennis and Sam did panty raids into the girls locker rooms. Twice they both posted trophies on the bulletin board." I grabbed a pad and pencil as she said, "I know of the panty raids, In the current story, Sam was the rumored person. The second raid your panties and gym shorts were taken. There was no proof till Friday lunch time when Ms Stevens caught Sam herself and Sam was expelled." "In the original reality Ms. Stevens called Dennis and Sam to her office on Tuesday and warned them both of dire consequences if they hit the locker room again. Both boys denied everything but all Ms Stevens did was give them the warning. Dennis and Sam did plan the next strike and it was on Friday lunch. Sam took YOUR panties and gym uniform and Dennis took Ms. Steven's stuff. They posted the stuff on the bulletin board as usual. This was the trigger for the magic Ms.Stevens had placed on Sam and Dennis." She was making notes and said, "Go on." "You know there was a basketball game Friday night. Your memory will tell you Samantha was a member of the cheerleading squad and she somehow made a wrong turn into the boy's locker room and fainted. That was pretty close. In the original reality Sam and Dennis had not been expelled. Sam, as I said was the star forward on the basketball team. He showed up for the game and entered the boy's locker room. There was a bright flash and when Sam looked down he was in a girls body in a cheerleading uniform. The name on it was Samant

Same as Sam and Dennis, A Tale From The Girl's Locker Room - Part I Videos

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Dennis The Menace 1 Margarets Magic Words

Dennis the Menace I Created by Hank Ketcham Parodied by Ron Dow75 Margaret?s Magic Words In the part of a once small town that was now a part of suburbia, a small boy in a purple shirt (with a blue O) and black shorts, baggy socks and sneakers ran to play with his friend. "What have you got, Dennis?"Joey MacDonald asked the blonde with the cowlick in the blue-and-black striped shirt, red overalls, and running-and-jumping shoes coming out of his walkway to the...

4 years ago
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My Doctor Part I Dana and Dennis

Anne looked over her client list while she sipped on her morning coffee. She noticed that a significant portion of her clientele had started to become single parents, mostly mothers, bringing in their children. While she was single herself, she was not a parent. And at 35 years of age she was pretty sure she was not going to share that with anyone. Anne was striking. Although she always dressed conservatively for her clients, she always wore heels. She always wore a skirt or dress...

2 years ago
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Dennis The Menace Part 5

Dennis The Menace: Part 5 - The sleep Overby Sniper32One Thursday evening, Alice was in her bedroom getting ready for bed, she had just got out of the shower and was sitting naked at her make up table putting on moisturizer, when her son Dennis walked into the room and sat on the end of her bed. He watched her apply the lotion to her elbows and knees. "Mom come over here and lay down and let me do that for you" he said.So she got up and went over to the bed an laid down on it. Dennis took the...

2 years ago
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Exploited Dennis

Dennis Taylor calmly applied his eyeliner and bright red lipstick, the transformation was nearly complete. There were five of the biggest black cocks in the porn industry waiting for his alter-ego Denise in the next room. As he finished getting ready, he thought back to how it all began.It all began five years ago at a party at his buddy Jim's house. As everyone sat around drinking the cheap beer that normally served as refreshment at junior high school parties Jim had pulled him aside. Every...

1 year ago
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Dennis April Lorraine Chapter 2

When Dennis came back to his apartment from his college job, April and Lorraine were both out shopping. This didn't surprise him, of course. What DID stun him was the fact that Jake greeted him in the buff. That sight jolted him back to the memory that he heard his roommate admit to being bisexual yesterday. "Jake, I know that you swing both ways, but I'm straight! Not that I mind you sucking my cock, but meeting me at the door in the nude is a bit MUCH, don't you think? I mean, I doubt that...

Group Sex
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Dennis the gas man

TheGasman came yesterday to mend a fault with the boiler. I showed himto the utility room where the boiler is and he noticed my cask ofhome brew beer. He said he brewed his own as well. I offered him aglass and he said he shouldn’t because he is working but we werehis last job so it should be ok. I poured a couple of glasses and hesaid, “Isn’t your wife having any, I don’t feel right if...

1 year ago
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Dennis April and LorraineChapter 3

The next week found Dennis and the others busy with classes, of course. Final exams were up soon, so they had to study as hard as ever. They had a few quickies, but nothing serious until after finals were over. Thankfully, they were all likely to pass, although Jake would have a C average overall. There was also the matter of finding jobs after they graduated. However, when Friday night arrived and the finals were completed, the four of them were quite prepared for some extracurricular fun...

1 year ago
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Dennis April Lorraine

Dennis Peck was absolutely livid as he looked at his watch. Sarah, his new girlfriend, was 45 minutes late! That does it, he thought. I am dumping her sorry ass today! He walked out of the bookstore, got into his pickup, and drove back to his apartment, quite ready to dump his detestable girlfriend. When he got there, he saw Sarah, sitting on the sofa, waiting for him. "Where the hell were you, Sarah?", Dennis asked her. "Not at that stupid bookstore of yours, that's for sure! I'm sick and...

Group Sex
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Dennis The Menace Part 3 Joeys Mom

Dennis The Menace: Part 3 - Joey's Mom by Sniper32One morning at Dennis's friend Joey's house, Joey woke up and went downstairs to make some breakfast for himself. He then went into the living roomto watch his Saturday morning cartoons and to eat his cereal. He found hismother Rita passed out on the couch. This was quite common as Rita was theneighborhood drunk. Joey found her passed out some where in the house 2-3times a week, so this did not surprise him. What did surprise him was thismorning...

2 years ago
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Dennis and friends

I was weeks away from my first teen birthday and Dennis had promised me something special before my celebration, I visited him on a Saturday morning and was shaking with anticipation. He led me into the living room where he'd previously fucked me and I was greeted by two middle aged men. Dennis introduced them as Guy and Tom, He said they'd been told all about me and couldn't wait to meet.Dennis switched on the TV and put some porno on, a woman on her knees three men around her with stiff cocks...

3 years ago
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Dennis and Janelle

Dennis came back to his room after breakfast to find Janelle still lying in his bed. She had put on her bra by now but her dark legs were still bare. They were crossed over each other as she lay on top of his mattress with the sheets thrown on the side. She looked at him like she’d expected him to bring back food. “I should really leave soon,” she said. “Whatever,” said Dennis. He sat at his desk and turned on his computer. He opened up World of Warcraft. “Um, Dennis? Did anybody ever teach you...

College Sex
1 year ago
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The Education of Dennis

Living 30kms north of Toronto afforded my wife, Jean and I the peace and quiet of the country while still being close to the city. We are both 58 years old and semi retired. Doing consulting work on a contract basis leaves us lots of free time to indulge our many interests. Our home is a 110 year old farm house that we have completely renovated inside and built a huge extension onto the back. Our nearest neighbours are 4kms away so we have total privacy - one of the reasons we purchased the...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E15 Leanne OrsquoDonnell 40 from Worthing with Dennis

We begin this week’s show with a tracking shot along a rocky, narrow beach. The sky is cloudless, but a blueish, dim colour that instantly tells us it’s winter at the seaside. To our left, the sea rolling in to carpet the sand with a high tide flow, then withdrawing slowly. To our right, a deserted playground, and beyond that a seafront road and then 3 and 4 story beachfront apartment buildings. More functional than fancy. A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “WORTHING,...

4 years ago
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Dennis April and LorraineChapter 2

When Dennis came back to his apartment from his college job, April and Lorraine were both out shopping. This didn't surprise him, of course. What DID stun him was the fact that Jake greeted him in the buff. That sight jolted him back to the memory that he heard his roommate admit to being bisexual yesterday. "Jake, I know that you swing both ways, but I'm straight! Not that I mind you sucking my cock, but meeting me at the door in the nude is a bit MUCH, don't you think? I mean, I doubt...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E06 Grace Wong Pei Qing 33 from StokeonTrent with Dennis

We open this week’s show with a dreary, rain-soaked, grey-skied scene ... An establishing shot of a wide street, an industrial district on the edge of a large city. Long car-park/fore-courts, leading back to unexciting, single story industrial units ... Car dealerships, mechanics, etc. A large caption fills the screen, telling us that we are in: “STOKE-ON-TRENT, ENGLAND.” The caption fades as we come to rest on a car rental yard. Signage out front in green and black reads, “Enterprise...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E04 Janette Stone 40 from Harrogate with Dennis

We begin this week’s show with an establishing shot of a large and impressive looking Victorian building. Two stories high, very wide, with tall rectangular windows spaced evenly in the sandstone walls along both floors. There’s something about it that screams ‘school’ even before we see the big sign by the entrance gate that reads, “HARROGATE GRAMMAR SCHOOL – WELCOME”. We turn away from the front of the building and look up the street where we can see the familiar figure of today’s host...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Dennis Stains

I. The Brownie At the end of the year parties at school, everybody gets their pick: either an attic in the woods, a dorm at school, or some sketchy basement. I was happy to choose the sketchy basement of my pal, John, and his girlfriend, Lisa. They had a nice house down the hill from campus. It was June—college for us lets out late—and it was about 95 degrees. The party was obviously going to be crazy. What I did first was drink five beers by myself in my dorm. I walked down to their house by...

College Sex
2 years ago
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My first day with Dennis

It turned out his name was Dennis, and he lived not too far away from my favourite masturbating spot in the fields so when he invited me back to his house, how could i say no?I walked in and he showed me to his living room where he proceeded to put some porn on and wandered off into the kitchen while he was gone i stripped off and laid back on a leather chair and started stroking my cock. On the screen was a woman on her knees sucking two big dicks, i closed my eyes and fantasised about doing...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Dennis to Denise

My Time With Dennis / Denise As many of us are, I was a confused college kid. I was still a virgin coming out of high school and was conditioned by society that boys liked girls and girls liked boys. My first few months were awkward when it came to dating. It seemed if you weren't part of a frat house then you couldn't get dates. This led to many Friday and Saturday nights out with friends rather than on a date. In one of my classes I met Dennis. He stood about 5'7", was slight in...

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Dating DennisChapter 2

I was distracted all dinner. Dennis was, once more, a perfect gentleman. He didn’t comment on my squirming, or the way that I blushed every time he offered me food that even remotely looked like a cock. He didn’t question where I’d disappeared to for ten minutes, or even seem to notice the way that I kept getting lost in his eyes. Before then, I’d never noticed how ... sexy my brother was. I was having all these weird thoughts - if we hadn’t been on a date, they would have been hugely...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Dennis Bries Orgasm or Betrayal

Brie had a habit of pressing her face against my neck during some point usually towards the end of our sessions. But there were also times when she clutched the back of my neck and suddenly I felt her nose bearing down on my Adam’s apple only about two minutes in, so maybe she was just nervous and didn’t know what to do. There was this one time in my dorm room, during a bout of midday horniness that needed some relief. This time was sexy as shit because she was sitting on top of me and I...

Straight Sex
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Sam Sandy

Sam has his SUV packed for the bike trip while he secures the apartment and ensuring all the lights are off. He checks his neighbor Bill's apartment to make sure all is safe knowing Bill is out of town this Friday evening at his son home for a visit. He turns on the security alarm as he closes the door.The overnight bike ride begins in the morning on the other side of town. Sam has a dinner date tonight with a lady friend he met at the gym some months ago. She is a bit more mature than he is in...

3 years ago
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Dennis Gets Tested Part 1 of 2

I sat in the waiting room. Basically, Brie had told me that if I really was as much of a manwhore as she suspected I was in my last year of high school and in the fall (yesiree), then I had to get tested before we had any more sex. She’d actually rebuffed me a day before, my right hand on her bra, my tongue having just been stuck in her mouth, and told me the terms and conditions. Before Brie, I would have just ditched whatever chick asked me this and found pussy elsewhere. I wasn’t sure what...

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Sam and Andy meeting the parents

The next morning I was awake, exercised, showered and on my first cup of coffee by 6 am. I slept so good after last night. I still think it was not real but my sheets and memories tell me different. I was sitting in my room sipping coffee with TV on no volume watching the morning reports hoping I would hear the family wake up and time my exit. I don't know what I am going to say or do ... I just want to see them as a family. Finally I hear some voices and movement... I get closer to...

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DENNIS NANCY a Grated StoryChapter 2

Once they placed their large beach blankets down on the chaise lounges, we helped ‘our girls’ get on their backs. “Ok if I swim while you girls get even prettier,” I said. Nancy giggled and said, “Sure, Denny!” I dived into the pool and swam off my nervous energy. Eventually, I heard another splash happened and I assumed it was my brother. Grabbing me by my waist was Nancy. “Hey pretty girl,” I said, “I thought you were catching the sun. “I could tell they wanted to be alone. Does your...

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Teenage girl in mens locker room1

In some European countries are different rules about how old children may be present in the opposite locker room. Mainly there are problem with too old boys, mothers sometimes bring their schoolage sons with her to women’s locker of swimming pools, because they don't want to let them be alone at men’s locker room. This will lead to little girls and their mothers protest. The foremost thing is that a 10-year-old girl would not want to be with a boy the same age such as after swimming in the...

2 years ago
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Teenage girl in mens locker room0

In some European countries are different rules about how old children may be present in the opposite locker room. Mainly there are problem with too old boys, mothers sometimes bring their schoolage sons with her to women’s locker of swimming pools, because they don't want to let them be alone at men’s locker room. This will lead to little girls and their mothers protest. The foremost thing is that a 10-year-old girl would not want to be with a boy the same age such as after swimming in the...

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Dennis and Brie Part 1

Basically, Brie had told me that if I really was as much of a manwhore as she gathered I was in my last year of high school and during the Fall semester (yesiree), then I had to get tested before we had any more sex. She’d actually rebuffed me a day before, my right hand on her bra, my tongue having just been stuck in her mouth, and told me the terms and conditions. Before Brie, I would have just ditched whatever chick asked me this and found pussy elsewhere. I wasn’t sure what was different...

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Sam And Sandy Date Night

Sandy, a beautiful, hot friend of my daughter’s, had sex with me as a thank-you when I fixed her car. She then agreed to go on a date with me to a fancy restaurant, Gilbert's, and surprised me by joining me in the shower ahead of time, where she gave me an amazing blowjob. I can’t wait to see what Sandy has in store for me next...  Finally ready for their date  Sandy told me to finish up and let her have the bathroom to get ready. I did as asked and went off to get dressed. I knew going to...

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Dennis The Menace Part 6 Alice Meets Henry039

Dennis The Menace: Part 6 - Alice Meets Henry's New Bossby Sniper32One late afternoon, Alice was in the kitchen making dinner, when her husband Henry came in the house though the back door. He through his brief case on the kitchen floor, he then almost ripped the refrigerator door off the hinges when he grabbed himself a beer. "Honey, your home so early and you look upset" Alice said when she saw the look on his face."Remember earlier this week when I told you I was getting a new boss, well I...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Dennis Alpha Alpha Alpha

She dipped downward and buried her face in my neck, while at the same time, amazingly, reaching back with one hand and grasping my cock to make sure it stayed inside her. This time I was being responsible and wearing a condom. It felt very awkward, but for the next minute or so, I got an inch-away view of her thin, stringy black hair with even a single gray hair near the top of her head where it parted. She’d worn her hair in a ponytail when we first met, but that had gone the way of all bad...

1 year ago
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Tale from the locker room

I was a hot blonde senior with long tanned legs and great natural d cups that I loved to show off under tight sweaters with no bra. I had fucked half of the guys at my high school, but Bobby, the high school running back had always rejected my advances because he was dating Jenny, the smart, pretty prude. I tried flashing my tits in his direction at the game. I tounged his teammate and lifted my leg high so that he could see his pal fingering my clit under my miniskirt. He just turned away and...

Group Sex
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Justice The Tale Of Pandora Trask

JUSTICE: THE TALE OF PANDORA TRASK (C) 2020, 2021 by Anthony Durrant "Dorrie! Dorrie! Can you hear me, Dorrie?" a man's voice whispered in Pandora Trask's ear. "Yuh...youh...yeas!" she cried, and the voice whispered again into her ear, "The surgery's pover and your brain is now in the skull of the frozen body we found in the wilds of Northern Europe. You're now in a private room, and will ramain hre for some time while your body and brain knit together." "But what about...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Sams 1000 Island River Run

Introduction: Theres a first time for everything For reasons of my own, I no longer allow public comments, nor do I make them. Feedback is always appreciated, so I hope youll pm me with your critiques. I hope youll enjoy my entry to the CAW8 Challenge. The 1950 cherry red Harley-Davidson FLH motorcycle gleamed in the late June morning light in Bill and Helen OTooles driveway. Sam was strapping a small cooler and a duffel bag to the back. The bright sun was drying the dew from the grass. Sam,...

2 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 6 Locker Rooms Genie Surprise

Chapter Six: Locker Room's Genie Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...

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The affair in the girls locker room

Misty was late,For school again. But this time,She had a ligitimat excuse. ' Dentist appointment ' It was already after ten o'clock. She tried to get her Mom, To let her skip. But Mom had work to do, And no time for Misty's Bull shit. So after her Mom signed her in at the office, With hall pass in hand. Misty slowly made her way, Toward the girls gym. P.E. Was really not her thing. And after all she worked so hard on her hair and makeup that morning. And sweating in a filthy gym, Would fuck all...

3 years ago
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dennis the ceramics shp helper part 2

After Dennis had worked with us for a month, we asked him if he could join us at a convention in Florida. He freaked out and was so excited. I said he needs to get permission. After he got permission, we made our plans and reservations and prepared for our trip.We got loaded and ready to go. We had rented a large van with an extended roof and loaded it up.We decided to drive straight through and then hunker down for a day or two before setting up at the convention hall.We took turns driving. I...

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Waterbury Hills High School Girls Locker Room is Under Repair

Kyle actually did not have to wait for school to start to fully appreciate what a special place Waterbury Hills High School is.   On Friday, Coach Tim called all the boys together to explain the locker room situation during the following week. With just one week left before school starts, the maintenance department was trying to wrap up all the last minute projects.  They needed to do some major plumbing work and repainting of the girls’ locker room.  Therefore, both boys and girls would be...

4 years ago
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Altered Fates Dennis

Altered Fates: Dennis (I know, its not the greatest name, but it works) By Morpheus ([email protected]) Walking home from work, I happened to look down, and saw a small brass colored medallion sitting in the gutter. Curiously, I pulled it out and held it up examining it. When I'd seen it, I'd hoped that it might be worth something, but as I looked at it, I realized that it was only a cheap piece of costume jewelry. Probably for kids or something. I noticed that there was a...

3 years ago
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dennis the ceramics shp helper

We had a ceramic shop for a few years and when we closed it due to a sagging economy, we moved it into the basement.One of the customers asked if her son could help out to earn some money for high school.My wife asked me about it and I said let me interview him and see if he seems like he could be helpfulHe showed up after clases one night and my wife showed him to the basement where we had all the molds and shelving set up. She walked him down the stairs holding his hand. She showed him all...

4 years ago
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Locker Room0

Locker Room It was a cold rainy day but it hadn’t started out that way. I just wanted a quick round of golf but then since the rain hadn’t started yet I went for the extra nine holes. About the sixteenth hole it started to sprinkle and by the eighteenth hole it was raining pretty good. It was a cold rain that chilled you right to the bone. It was quite a trek back into the clubhouse from way out there. When I arrived, almost everyone had left except for a few men that were playing...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Dennis Part 1Janis

My buddy Jason and I sat on a porch outside a house party in November, watching the partygoers exit a house party. We were drinking scotch and coke and I was numerous sheets to the wind. Jason burped.“I’m gonna flunk that test tomorrow,” he said.I watched the legs of the girls wandering outside. A few of them stumbled on the doorstep like drunken high-schoolers (which was basically what we still were, as freshmen ages 18 to 19), some of them were helped out by their equally smashed, wonky...

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The Adventures of Dennis Alpha Alpha Alpha Part 2

“Mmmm,” she said, stirring. “Do you have to go?” “Yeah,” I said. “I gotta go.” I got dressed and we stood in her doorway. “What are we?” Brie asked. I shrugged and walked away. I was chatting up Melissa. She was a blonde with a few piercings, wearing a white blouse and jean skirt. She was in the sister house. We sipped beer as we stood to the side of the beer pong table. “I’ve had enough of Holocaust jokes,” I said. “Anne Frankly I’m just sick of them.” She cackled and bounced her...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

1 year ago
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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

1 year ago
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Sam Falls Even Further From Grace

© Copyright 2002 It is rare for me to revisit a cast of characters, generally once a story is completed I move on to the next. However, in this case there has been such a demand for a follow on story that I felt compelled to attempt it. I'm afraid it is a little long and starts very slow. Scorpio00155 It had been two months since my wife Sam's fall from grace with the man Steve in a night club. That night had been one of shock, guilt and inexplicable excitement for both of us. In...

2 years ago
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The Tale of RolandChapter 7

Rolly and Melanie rode into town the next day and Roland went about trying to secure lodging. "Roland, please let me hang around until you have to go. I promise I won't get in the way of your rescue operation, and maybe there is a chance I can get in trouble, but at the very least give me a few days to feel safe until I have to go back out there." "OK, maybe you can help me out. You know the value of things down here and I need to deal with Crimson Jack's belongings. I have a plan for...

4 years ago
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Theres a Girl in the Boys Locker Room

Wanda peaked through the double doors leading from the gym. The long hallway leading to the boys locker room was dim. Only a few lights were on for security. Good she thought everyone is gone. She slipped through the door and slowly let it close behind her, making sure it made no noise. Slowly she started sneaking down the hall staying along the wall. As if, this was going to keep her hid, if anyone was here. There was a good chance that a five foot five, 90 pound, 18 year old girl in a white...

2 years ago
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Girl in men locker room

Introduction: 11-year old girl going to swimming pool with father and always dressing in men locker. Usually I visited one indoor swimming pool at Sunday morning, because there was not so crowded yet, most of people were coming after 10-11. a.m. As I knew, sometimes there happened that little children, not even school age, who visited swimming pool daughters with fathers or sons with mothers, clothed and washed also in opposite dressing room, because parents didnt want let little child go alone...

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Sameena And Her Big Brothers Cock 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, thanks for the feedback on my previous story. I am so glad that you all liked my story. If you haven’t read the previous story, please do give it a read. After training Varun Anna with a handjob and blowjob, I introduced him to the sexual pleasures. Like any other horny guy, he will want more. That was my idea to cultivate these cravings for sex in my big brother. After our little horny session, I let Anna sleep on the couch naked with a blanket on. I went to the bathroom...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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