Becca B. Part 2 free porn video

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If you missed part 1 of my story you can go here to read it. I forgot to mention that this is my first attempt at writing. (

As we lay on the floor recovering with light kissing and rubbing she said “that was the best cum I’ve had in a long, long time”. First of many I said but we need to discuss things before we get somewhere we both do not want to be. “What do you mean?” she asked. Let’s just make sure we are on the same page about our relationship/friendship going forward. I know you’re not looking for a relationship right now and I’m not sure I want one either, “Yes on the first statement and why on the last one, you’re young handsome and working your way up in a major company. (She started kissing my neck distracting me but making me feel so good) Yes and that’s why, I don’t need any distractions or drama from some girl wanting a free ticket out of mommy and daddy’s house just to get out. She laughed at that comment and said “I guess some things don’t change. “ She said you’re right; I’m not ready for anything that resembles a relationship.” We are both adults and we can enjoy adult fun can’t we? Yes we can, I said. With that I smacked her on her ass and rolled her over gave her a big hard kiss and said I need a drink, want one? I have beer, water, some red wine that that a rep. gave me and probably some sodas. She said “I’ll have a glass of wine, Thanks”. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a towel and looked back through the doorway and threw the towel for her to clean up with. I walked back into the living room and she was sitting on the edge of the couch removing her stockings, She stood up reaching down to get her blouse to put back on and I said wait, She said she was a little cool and I could tell she was being a little modest as well. I said I have a shirt you can wear. I went into my bedroom and got a old lounging T-shirt that I wear and gave it to her. She was holding her blouse up to semi cover her chest and pussy. I turned my back to get a big draw of beer and to give her some time to put the shirt on. I pulled my easy chair back to its proper location and grabbed my boxer briefs and put them back on. I sit down and asked her to sit with me. She was hesitant, be she did. I leaned back and she adjusted herself where her legs was hanging over the right side of the chair arms and she leaned into me with her right shoulder and looked at me and said ‘this is nice”, Yes it is I responded as I handed her the glass of wine and I reached over to get my beer and she took a sip and I took another big gulp of beer and I sat it back down and grabbed the remote turned the TV on just to have something going on in the background. I sit the remote down and she gave me her wine glass and I sit it down, I placed my right hand on her thigh and she looked into my eye and I kissed her and she responded back and when we broke I kissed her on her neck and she let out a sigh of passion and was enjoying as much as I was. “This feels really nice” she said, I didn’t stop and moved back to her lips and we enjoyed a long but passionate kiss.
After the kiss I asked her, what do you like? “What do you mean” she asked, I said what do you like sexually? I could see her blush, and she said “my sex life wasn’t much to talk about, She said that her sexual experience from Tim was a little petting maybe give and receive two to three minutes of oral and maybe 5 minutes of actual fucking in the dark. I could feel her embarrassment, I said don’t feel embarrassed that most marriages fall into a routine. She said at first it was great but she was so naive and that later in the marriage that when she felt like she was missing and wanting more but that Tim would have nothing but the same ole same ole or so.”Maybe you can wake my passions up” she said. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and stood up and asked where the bathroom was that she needed to go. Down the hall, first door to the right. I watched her walk and it was the first time I got to see her shapely ass looked like, I was full and nicely shaped and with the right amount of wiggle. I said nice ass and she lifted my shirt and smacked herself on the right cheek and said you too with that she went into the bathroom.
I took a sip of my beer and picked up the remote to turn the TV to some type of a music station and she walked out and up to me and she said “stand up” I looked at her confusingly and did as she asked, She give me a quick kiss and squatted and had my underwear off before I realized what was happening. She placed her hand on my chest and firmly pushed me back down and said “I need to practice, a lot” and she grabbed my dick and lightly stroked it as I scooted to the edge of the chair and took my soft to stiffening cock in her mouth and the warmth of her mouth was all it took to get me hard. She put her had at the base of my cock and pulled her head back to just the head and she ran her tongue around the edge, I couldn’t help but to raise my hips to shove my dick back into her mouth to get her lips and tongue away from the sensitive area of my cock. She pulled back to the head and again wrapped her tongue around the head and I had to sit down and it pulled my cock out of her mouth she made a slurping sound as my cock came out of her mouth and I said “Damn! That felt so good. She moved her hand that was on the base of my cock and grabbed the saliva and was working it into my cock and she said you have a nice dick and it tastes sweet too. I blushed then and said I could let you do that forever and she said “that wouldn’t be fair to me” and started sucking again. This time she knew my sensitive spot and she would bob her head up and down and every seven to ten head bobs she would suck to the tip and swirl her tongue around the head and would drive me crazy. I was sweating and trying my damnedest not to cum. I knew it wouldn’t last long so I pulled her and give her kiss and stood her up and I removed the shirt she had on and we embraced again and this time I placed my left had on her tit and she released her lips to get a sigh and to catch her breath I ran my tongue up her throat and kissed my way down to her chest then to her right tit and I licked her nipple and ran my tongue around her areola and sucked her tit into my mouth and she pressed my head tight against her tit wanting me to take more in my mouth as possible. My right hand was kneading her left tit and nipple and I switch sides with my mouth and she reached down with her right hand and held my cock and squeezed it as I was going back and fourth on her beautiful tits. It was my turn to push her down in the chair, She let out a little squeal as I scared her. I reached down and grabbed her by the ankles and pulled ass to the edge. I noticed that her feet were small and her toes were panted the same color as her hands and with the same perfect tailored condition. I placed her right ankle on my shoulder and I grabbed her left ankle and I placed my tongue on the bottom of her foot at the top of her heel and to the bottom of her arch. I licked in one stroke length to the tip of her toes. She pressed her right ankle into my shoulder to get some leverage and arched her back and let out a long moan and came back down. She said with heavy breath “my feet are so sensitive and that I almost came when you did that, “I then took her big toe in my mouth and sucked it and she pulled it out real quick and said “Oh God!” I Knelt down and her legs was resting on each shoulder and I bent down and kissed the right side of her inner thigh and again she let out another sigh and I made my way to her treasure. Her scent was most pleasant scent I have ever smelled. I took my hand and lightly rubbed her pussy and she pressed it against my hand and I placed my middle finger just inside her folds and she arched her back and let out a moan she tried to get my hand deeper when she relaxed her back. I kissed her left pussy lip then the right and I inhaled as much of her scent as possible. She was grinding and pushing against my mouth trying to get me to go faster and harder. I spread her lips exposing her pink pussy and I kissed her opening and then I puckered my lips sucked in her juices straight from her pussy. She tasted like fresh sweet honey and I couldn’t get enough of this woman. I stuck my tongue as deep as I could and was lapping her as fast as I could. All this time she had her hand on my head pulling me in as tight as possible, she moaning and arching her back to feeling of my tongue and mouth. She reached down and spread her lips giving me the clue to start working on her clit, I placed my tongue at her opening and I licked to the left side of her clit, she moaned in agony when I stopped short of her clit. I then did the same thing to the right side of clit and this time she pressed hard into my face wanting me to stay there. I pulled back and she said in a low voice, I need it now, please suck my clit. I again placed my tongue at her opening and licked all the way up to her clit and when I reached it I pressed my tongue hard against it at the same time I stuck two fingers in her pussy. She dug both feet into each of my shoulders and arched her back as far as possible. She was soaked through and through ,I never took my tongue off of her clit, She lowered herself back down and I started working my tongue up , down, around, and sucking her clit while I pumped two fingers into her willing pussy, I could feel her muscles grabbing my fingers and I could tell she was close. I asked her was she ready for my cock and she said”Oh yes, Please fuck me! I gave her clit one more circle and I raised up and rubbed my cock up and down her slit and patted her clit with the head of my dick and she again said put it in, Fuck me, I need it so bad. I placed the head at her opening, I stopped and looked into her eyes and she looked back, I eased just the tip into her and she started breathing heavy and we never left eye contact I pushed the head just past the opening and she had a look of relief and passion and I kept pushing and she wrapped her legs around me pulling me as I was pushing and I reached the bottom of my shaft and I gave a little extra push and she let out a loud moan and held me tight and I could feel her pussy muscles gripping my cock trying to pull my cock off. She was so hot and so wet I didn’t want to move. She was actually fucking me with her pussy muscles. I pulled back to where the head of my cock was just inside her pussy and she was trying to pull me back inside and I rubbing her clit with my thumb and I started pushing my cock back into her fiery pussy with a slow but steady motion and I stopped halfway and I pulled out completely , I grabbed my cock and it felt like it was on fire it was so hot and I placed it onto her swollen clit and she let out a loud moan and said “It’s so hot.” I left my cock rubbing on her clit and the outside of her pussy and pulled her up to me and we kissed hard, fast with a starving attitude, We broke our kiss and she said” Please fuck me” I leaned back and grabbed my soaked cock and this time I put it to her pussy opening and with one hard fast push I buried my cock to the hilt, she arched her back and pressed her feet on the floor and said “YES!”. I started fucking her with a hard but not fast motion and she was grabbing my side ,my neck her tits, she would rub my chest while we both were moaning and grunting with pure pleasure. I started to pick up the pace and I was sweating and it was dripping onto her stomach and she reached up with her hands to wipe the sweat off and rubbed it onto her tits and I could feel her pussy to start to spasm and grip my cock and she said” I’m cumming I’m cumming “and I started to go faster and harder and she was bucking and grabbing my sides real hard and trying to pull me inside her and I couldn’t hold out much longer and I could feel the pressure building as my nuts started to draw and I said I’m going to cum and she wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me tight and I let loose my first jet and I could feel her pussy muscles to start milking my cock as she started to cum again as I sent several more shots of cum deep into her pussy. After what seemed like every ounce of fluid of my body shot through my dick I was so lightheaded I fell forward onto her chest and face was nestled into her cleavage, I cupped her right tit and kissed and sucked her nipple into my mouth she let out a sharp moan and pushed my head back a little and said “Oh my God, I’m so sensitive”, when she did that her pussy muscle pushed my softening dick out of her pussy. We stayed like that until we got our breath and she reached over and gave me what was left of my beer and I chugged the last 3 swallows down and I reached for the towel that I gave her before and she used it to wipe my dripping cum out of her pussy and I grabbed her hand pulled her up and led her to the bed room where we laid out under the ceiling fan to cool off and to regain our strength. I was on my back spread out cooling and she was resting on her side with her head on my arm with one leg drooped over my leg her hand would switch up between holding my cock and balls. Out of the blue she said “I want to watch a porno movie, do you have any?” I said no but I know where to get some. “I’ve never seen one and I want to watch and learn and try about the sex I’ve missed in my life. I said that I was willing to get her anything she wanted but I know of a place we could go and have the privacy we both needed. I said that we could go tomorrow afternoon that it’s about an hours drive and it also has more than movies, It’s an upscale private type of store and it also has toys, clothes and even has marriage counseling for sexual advice. She was excited and said she couldn’t wait. We laid there for about 20 minutes kissing, snuggling, and talking and she said “I’m hungry, what do you have to eat?” I chuckled and said not much; remember, I’m a bachelor and that I could go get us something. “Nonsense she said, I use to be a house wife I can make a meal out of cardboard and noodles and laughed. But first I need to shower, I pointed to the master bath and I said I’ll go get your bag, It’s still in the car.
I went and retrieved her bag and put it on the bed and she was already in the shower and I peeked in and told her that it was on the bed and she thanked me and said”join me.” I said that I probably get it up so quick after cumming twice in so little time and she said she giggle and said that she probably knew that. With that I kicked off my gym shorts and stepped into the shower, she was lathering up her legs and washing them when I moved in behind her and cupped her wet soapy breast and she turned her head and we kissed and it was so nice as the warm water ran over us, I broke the kiss and started to rinse off to wash, We switched places, I washed and she rinsed and she wet her hair to wash, she flipped her hair back and looked up at me, she looked more sexier that I have ever seen her before. Her hair, the way it laid back and with her natural glow and the water running off her made me never want to forget that image, She said “what’s wrong,” I said you are the most sexiest woman I have ever seen, She blushed and said “thank you very much” and she cupped my balls and kissed me deeply and it made my dick stir alive again and she pulled back and said, “I thought you couldn’t get it back up so quick.” I said you got it up but I doubt it could finish strong, she laughed and said “well let me see what I can do, just sit back and enjoy. She put some soap in her hands and begin lathering me up, She was massaging my balls and pumping my slick dick with her soft hands and I was rubbing her ass, tits, and every now and then she kiss me and lick my nipple . It didn’t take long and I let her know I was about to cum and she knelt down and pointing my dick at her tits and said” I want to feel your cum on me again.” I said I’m cumming as she kept pumping , I would be lying if I said there was a huge amount but it was just a small amount but when I came I swore it felt like it was just was much as I did when I filled her pussy . I looked down watching the mature beauty concentrating on my cock and I was in awe, She rubbed what little cum came out with the head of my dick into her hard nipples. It was my turn to pull back due to sensitivity. She looked up and said “I do believe it’s empty now and she gave the head of my dick a kiss and told it thank you. She stood up washed the cum off of her tits and washed her hair and we both finished quickly as we were running out of hot water. We dried each other off and I pulled on a pair of gym shorts and a tank top shirt as she finished her hair. I went to the kitchen to grab another beer and to reminisce to what just happened. About halfway finished of my beer she came walking into the kitchen wearing a Tight white sleeveless shirt and a pair of tight short black leggings. She looked absolutely hot. She said lets see what we can find for dinner.
I actually had enough stuff for her to whip up a nice meal that consisted of a salad and chicken spaghetti. It was a wonderful meal compared to my normal eating out of can or box meal. We gathered the dishes and cleaned the stove and table of and loaded the dishwasher and I said I’m ready for desert. She stated she was stuffed and I said not that kind of desert. She looked at me with a thinking look and I picked her up and sat her on the edge of the table and kissed the side of her neck and raised her shirt off took a nipple into my mouth and kneaded the other one in my hand and she was moaning and pressing her chest to my wanting mouth, I reached the top of her leggings and peeled them off and laid her back on the table and spread her legs. I pulled up a chair and It was just the right height to sit down and have her pussy at mouth level. I scooted forward and pulled her closer to the edge and I started kissing the inside of her legs up to her belly button down to the inside of her other leg then back up to the small hair patch above her pussy and I licked the edges and down to her lips. I started planting small kisses to the outside of her pussy and slowly breathing hot breath on and around her pussy. She was moaning and rolling her head back and forth and kneading her own tits. I spread her pussy and sucked on her pussy lips and lightly kissing her hooded clit. I moved back and forth from lips to light kisses on her clit, she was moaning and telling me to suck her clit. I said to spread her pussy for me. She reached down with both hands and spread it nice and wide. I licked my way from her thumb down to the top of her pussy and inhaled a deep breath of her sweet scent and plunged my mouth over her clit and used my tongue to press her clit hard against her body and she let out another deep moan of pleasure and at the same time I inserted two fingers into her pussy and she drew her legs up and spread them as far as possible and giving me full access to her body. I started sucking and licking her clit with all my might, I would suck and use my tongue at the same time then I would break suction and just use my tongue then I would finger bang her with different speeds and intervals. We went at this for about ten minutes and I could tell she was close as her pussy started grabbing my fingers and she said she was going to cum. I broke suction with my mouth and started rubbing her clit with my thumb and I plunged my tongue into her pussy and started tongue fucking her. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me deeper into her pussy and yelled that she was cumming! I kept going and letting her sweet nectar coat my tongue. She was bucking and breathing hard but I kept forcing my tongue as deep into her pussy as far as possible. She was holding my head and I was not about to stop. I could feel her pussy muscles starting to spasm again and went as deep as I could while my thumb was working her clit and she started bucking and grinding my tongue. I could feel her wetness expand as she was calling out my name; she finally said “stop! Stop! I can’t take it anymore.” I pulled back walked around and bent down to kiss her almost as deep as I was in her pussy and she kissed back with hard breathing and totally spent. I helped her off the table and almost had to carry her to the couch and she laid back and I went to get her a bottle, Her head was thrown back and she was trying to catch her breath, I opened the bottle and let a little bit of cold water spill onto her chest and she let out a sharp gasp and said”pay backs are hell” and got a sip and sit it on the end table. I said want me to get your shit or blanket? I guess her modesty left as she waved me off while getting another sip of water. I knelt down and said that was the best desert I have ever had and she said “that was the best lickety –split I have ever had. I busted out laughing and she said “what’s so funny?” I said I haven’t heard it called that before. We both laughed as I picked up her legs to sit under them. It was still early evening and we talked until it was time to go to bed.

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Beccas Boning

I was ready to hit my bed. I changed into gym shorts and a threadbare t-shirt and flopped down. Still addled maybe from the mushrooms I ingested earlier and despite all the beer I'd drunk I didn't pass out immediately. I had lain there about ten minutes when some one came into the room in the dark and lay down on the bed beside me, immediately wrapping her self around me in the spoon position. It was not my girlfriend. It was our friend Becca. A geeky girl, tall and slim with short black...

3 years ago
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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

2 years ago
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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

4 years ago
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Rebeccas new friend

Introduction: Rebecca surprises me with dinner and a Bill I was on my way home from work when Rebecca called me and told me she had a delightful surprise for me. I was thinking she made me my favorite dinner, but then I laughed to myself because Rebecca rarely cooks. She is a strong and independent woman, a tom-boy maybe, but definitely not a homebody. When I arrived home, I walked in and Rebecca was wearing her pants and blazer with a purple silk blouse underneath. She was also a corporate...

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Rebeccas Sex Ed

The next few days had dragged on forever. Violet had let everyone know about our sexual encounter and I was the talk of the school, if only for a few days. “Dude! Get out of this slump and get some practice. Moping around isn’t going to help you,” my best friend Rich said. He had been on a sexual rampage and had already fucked 4 different girls in the 7 days we had been at school. “And who is going to let me practice on them after that debacle?” I responded indignantly. “I will,” answered...

3 years ago
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This story was written as a contest entry for another venue. Each participant was given the same beginning paragraph. I hope you enjoy Beccah’s story.The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one electric candle burning in the kitchen window....

1 year ago
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Rebeccas Garden

Becky and I had celebrated our eighteenth anniversary in April…if you want to call it that.   There wasn’t much of a celebration.   We had grown so distant that neither one of us seemed to care anymore.   She had submersed herself in her work.   I was between jobs looking for employment in another town not really caring if I had to commute or even relocate.   We had little time for each other.   Little did I know, it was all about to change dramatically.   Her birthday had come and gone while...

2 years ago
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Rebeccas Homecoming

You feel something vibrating against your leg and freeze, momentarily enjoying the pleasant sensation. Realising your mobile phone isn’t stopping, you reluctantly reach inside the pocket of your trouser suit and pull out the device. As you open the home screen of your Apple smart phone, you see an e-mail notification. The message is from me and your curiosity is piqued. You decide to steal a quick glance, despite being in an important business meeting and don’t really have the time. Your...

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Rebeccas First Time

My name is Rebecca, but my friends call me Becca. I am seventeen years old, and the only virgin in my group of friends. All my friends ask if I have ever been fucked, or had I ever sucked someone off before. I reply by shaking my head for no, and they all laugh.  Today, I’m meeting my boyfriend, Raphael. He is so perfect, with his short blonde hair that seems to frame his face and his green eyes that stand out. I can hardly breathe just thinking about him.  That’s when I see him. He’s sitting...

2 years ago
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Rebeccas Sex Ed Part 2

Christine laid there, legs spread with her sweet juices rolling down her pussy. I climbed on top and kissed her. From behind me Becca grabbed my cock and directed it towards Christine’s hole. I slid right in because she was so wet. I began to plunge into her, starting slowly, but inserting my full length deep inside her pussy each time. I sped up and Christine began to moan as she grabbed my back. Christine was warm, wet, and tight, I could feel my cock pulsing inside of her, set to blow. Becca...

4 years ago
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Introduction: Sometimes its hard to go home. This story is my entry to the Calling All Writers contest. For reasons of my own, I am not allowing comments to be made here. I will establish a thread in the Sex Stories Forum, for those registered users who wish to make a public comment. You can also feel free to pm with your comments and critiques. Thank you for your consideration. I hope you will enjoy – Beccah. The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around...

1 year ago
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Rebeccas Sehnsucht

Mein Name ist Rebecca und in meinem bisherigen Leben habe ich immer gewusst, dass ich lesbisch bin. Das erste Mal verliebt habe ich mich mit dreizehn. Damals war ich noch verwirrt, denn meine Gefühle galten einem Mädchen aus der Parallelklasse. Leider hat sie meine Gefühle nicht erwidert - jedenfalls habe ich das vermutet, denn geoutet war ich damals noch nicht. Die ersten sexuellen Erfahrungen habe ich erst mit siebzehn Jahren gesammelt, als ich gemeinsam mit Freundinnen auf einer Party war....

2 years ago
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Rebeccas Insel

Der Tag begann wie alle anderen. Rebecca schlug die Augen auf und sah durch das Glaslose Fenster ihrer Holzhütte das der neue Tag wohl nicht besonders schön werden würde. Die Sonne wurde immer wieder von Wolken verdeckt und so kam es das nur selten wärmende Strahlen die Erde trafen. Rebecca sah dies als Zeichen das in den nächsten Tagen wahrscheinlich ein Unwetter über die Insel ziehen würde. Ihre Hütte war zwar stabil gebaut, aber bei einem Hurrikane würde sie wohl besser Schutz in einer der...

1 year ago
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Rebbecca the Slut 2 The new Slut

Rebbecca stood naked, glancing out of her massive full window, with a view of New York traffic (and N Y traffic had a great look at her too.) Sure, it cost a lot of money, but fucking and sucking businessmen on a regular basis is an easy way for quick cash. Plus, with her phone number right on her window (she was standing with a hyphen mark right between her thighs) she would be able to find more "Potential Buyers." Rebbecca was a sex goddess. She had inhuman MMM tits which weighed as much as a...

3 years ago
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Ribecca Debra and Jessica

At last the day arrived when her mom would take her to aunt Ricky.She was super excited. She loved going to her aunt Ricky's. She was a bit older than mom, which made her just over forty. Unmarried, she lived alone in a nice apartment in the next town, about an hour's ride from Jessica's home. She was quite different from her mom, much more a free spirit, given to wild colors and extravagance, always a fun person to be with, always with a quick joke or a smile for Jessica. She had always been a...

4 years ago
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Rebeccas training

Rebbeca’s Awakening Pt 2 Leaning forward I placed my hands on the sides of her head and pulled her up to face me kissing her deeply I pull her up on the couch and start working down her neck kissing nibbling and using my tongue fondling her nice titties working my kisses between them tweaking her nips her back arches she moans then gasps continuing down her body. I spread her legs kiss all around her mound her breath speeding moaning lowder I nibble the inside of her right thigh gently first...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

3 years ago
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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

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Rebecca and the school janitor

Richard Cherry whistled softly to himself as he moved along the deserted hallway of local Elementary School. He'd been working there for fifteen years now and he never got tired of his job. It wasn't so much that he enjoyed being a janitor or cleaning up after all the spoiled teachers who mocked him. Richard enjoyed the fringe benefits of being an elementary school janitor, the chance to spy on all the sexy teachers. He would never touch any of the them, but he enjoyed looking! Richard smiled...

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Rebeccas Secret Ch 03

Kate stood before me, dressed in only a burgundy bathrobe, with her back to the door. She looked up at me as if waiting for me to say something, as if I was the one who needed to provide an explanation. Rebecca, meanwhile, stood behind me, using my body to shield her from Kate's eyes, not that it made a difference now. Kate had plenty of time to see all there was to see."What are you doing here?" I asked sternly."Well, I . . ." she hesitated."I'm already pissed off, Kate," I told her. "Unless...

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Rebecca in trouble

"Rebecca, will you hide this dope in your overnight bag and take it down to Brazil when you meet Mom and Dad tomorrow?""Are you crazy, I am not going to get caught for you," said Rebecca. Rebecca's brother David had been trying to get Rebecca to take his dope, when Rebecca joined their parents in Brazil this week. Their parents were already in Brazil, where their father had taken a new job. They had left the week before, with Rebecca to go on Saturday with David. Since Rebecca finished school...

2 years ago
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by Gail Holmes Rebecca and her father were very close, she’d could never remember her mother, she and her father had separated when she was very young, but it never bothered her not having a mum about, her father seemed to be well educated in all aspects of the female. Although as far as Rebecca was concerned she’d never known her father to date or even see another woman. They’d lived in the Cotswold, a part of England that was much loved but tourists and holidaymakers. Her College years...

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Rebecca in trouble part 5

Rebecca began to scream again from the fresh pain. The Judge changed the angle of his cock each time he drove into her asshole, maximizing the pain that Rebecca would feel from the anal ****. He thrust in and out, forcing her to accept his cock deep into her. He fucked her ass for over 10 minutes, forcing groans and screams of pain from Rebecca as her asshole clung to his cock. He finally thrust deep into her ass and shot his hot cum into her, to mix with the Commander's.The other guards jumped...

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I work at a large restaurant chain in their construction division. I spend my time co-ordinating the construction and remodelling of the stores in our chain. Part of my job includes travelling to locations where restaurants are being built, and ensuring that nothing goes wrong.I was recently in another town, and on my first night in town I hooked up with Chantal, the woman who worked behind the counter. She was an aspiring architect, and so we discussed the construction industry at length over...

2 years ago
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Rebecca Do My Bidding CH5

This was going to require a little thought, but it would definitely lead to a lot of fun. I sat down in my chair and pulled open my desk drawer while I compiled the commands I was going to give them. “Rebecca,” I said as I pulled the two pool balls out of my desk drawer. “Hand these to my sister and ask her politely to stick these up your pussy.” Rebecca stretched out her hands and I placed the two pool balls in her palms. “Karen, you will do what Rebecca asks you to do while we are here...

4 years ago
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Rebecca George Begin To Swing

We met them a few months ago while visiting my step-daughter and her family. Bob and Amy were a new couple in their neighborhood and were rumored to be swingers. My wife and I had more than a few dalliances with others in a group setting, such as threesomes and moresomes, but never actually swapped partners away from each other.It was a long-held fantasy of mine to take another woman with her partner's consent while knowing that he was taking my wife in the next room. My wife and I were very...

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Rebecca Lord

The offices of Marley Johnson Associates were unremarkable. The street they were in was nothing out of the ordinary; the small English town that surrounded the offices was similar to many other prosperous towns up and down the country. Marley Johnson was a medium size accounting firm. Business was good and as such the well-known local firm had no problem in recruiting local staff. One of those was Rebecca Lord, director of Personnel Recruitment. Rebecca hadn’t gone to university, one of the few...

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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

4 years ago
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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

3 years ago
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Rebecca in trouble part 2

Rebecca trembled as she lowered her arms from her breasts. She laced her fingers behind her neck and thrust her breasts out for all of them to see.There was a murmur from all as Rebecca's breasts were bared to them. Although she was very young, her breasts were big, yet firm. They defied gravity by pointing out. Her nipples were large, and because of the fear, had hardened to points."You have magnificent tits, Rebecca. We are going to enjoy them immensely in the days to come. We have great...

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