Summer Experiment, Chapter 6 free porn video

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Summer Experiment Chapter Six Frankie went in the house to freshened up. He wrote a note to Helen telling her where he'd be and how he was meeting Mary for drinks and dinner. He figured that chances are she would join them if she wasn't too tired or it was too late. Frankie slipped of his turtleneck and skirt. He went into the bathroom. He rinsed his face. Afterwards, he changed his earrings to large silver hoops. He didn't plan to change his outfit because he liked the sexy look of the short skirt and turtleneck, but figured that a large silver necklace and some silver bracelets would jazz up his simple outfit. After brushing his hair out of the ponytail, he freshened his perfume and his makeup. He figured that since it was Happy Hour, a little nighttime makeup wouldn't hurt so he added a little more mascara and blush. Feeling sexy with his long hair fluffed out and his bracelets jangling, he strolled out to the local pub where he had arranged to meet Mary. As he walked through the doors, he spotted her immediately. She was holding a stool for him. That was good because the room was filling up with professional people looking for drinks. Frankie smiled and they air kissed. She gave him a big hug telling him how beautiful he looked. Mary talked in his ear telling him she loved his outfit. She asked Frankie if he was ready to have drinks on the house because these guys were ready to buy them a round. When Frankie turned he realized that the two guys standing close in suits were waiting for his attention. Mary held his arm and told him that they'd never know he was a man and to relax and enjoy the moment. She assured Frankie that no girl in there was any prettier than he was and the guys were lucky to have beautiful women to flirt with. Mary introduced Frankie and told the men that ?she' worked at the college, too. Frankie smiled. He was a ?she' to these guys for real. Frankie shook each of their hands remembering to talk softly and hold back. He knew that the less he said, the better. And anyway, men like to talk about themselves more than they like to listen. Frankie smiled a lot and said little as the two guys, named Todd and Bruce, crowded in and tried to make small talk. Frankie was smiling and sipping his drink. Too quickly, the first one was finished and Bruce made sure another appeared at his elbow. As Frankie sat on the stool smiling and sipping, he felt the drinks going to his head. He knew he was drinking too much, too fast. But it was just Bruce and Frankie chatting. Bruce was an investment banker and was glad to make sure Frankie's glass was kept refilled. Frankie smiled and asked the occasional question, concentrating on his martini. Bruce was tall and handsome. He was in his thirties and had played sports in college. He had a nice smile and was attractive. Frankie tried to keep him talking. He noticed that he had on a nice aftershave and was awfully broad chested. He had large hands. Frankie chuckled when he thought about what they said about the size of a man's hands. Bruce asked him what was funny and Frankie took Bruce's hand comparing to his own which was much smaller. "I thought I had large hands, but yours are huge. I was just thinking about the old saying about the size of a man's hands." As the words came out of Frankie's mouth, he was thinking that he had better watch what he was saying. He was flirting with this guy and didn't want to give him the wrong impression. Frankie had no interest in guys and just cause he was wearing a dress didn't mean he was ready to hop in the sack with the first guy that bought him a drink, well, drinks. Bruce held Frankie's hand between his two hands. He noticed the wedding band and the cocktail ring that Helen had given him. "Hmm, are you married, Frankie?" Frankie nodded as he finished off the second martini. Bruce took the glass and held it up to get the bartender's attention. Then he leaned over and whispered to Frankie. "Does your husband have big hands?" Frankie laughed out loud thinking that was the funniest thing Bruce could have said. He shook his head no. If Bruce only knew that Frankie's husband's name was Helen. When Frankie looked around, he noticed that Mary had disappeared. He wondered where she had gone and noticed that Todd was also missing. Time seemed to blur and stand still. With the buzz of the martinis flowing through his bloodstream, Frankie was pretty comfortable until it registered that Bruce, had his hand resting on Frankie's padded ass. Frankie had been oblivious to Bruce's touch until the large hand caressed Frankie's back and then returned gently to his bottom. Frankie suddenly knew that he was drunk and this whole situation was headed towards trouble. Bruce kept smiling and talking to him as if his hand belonged to someone else. Frankie felt like a deer caught in the headlights. With his third martini almost gone, he had been getting way too comfortable in the noisy crowd. But now, fear entered his mind. This stranger was touching him, buying him drinks, and smiling at him. This guy, handsome as he was, was still a large, muscular guy who thought that Frankie was a woman. After a long, rather taxing day, Frankie was enjoying the alcohol buzz, but knew that the touching was going to lead him to trouble. He didn't want to be fondled. He had no desire to be handled. The pads on his boy butt gave him nice curves but made Frankie's desensitized bottom completely unaware of Bruce's fondling. He had no idea how long it had been going on and the idea that a stranger had been intimate with him freaked him out. The only thing keeping Frankie from running was that he was sloshed. The alcohol infused courage was making him bold. Grinning lopsidedly, Frankie placed his hand on Bruce's chest. Focusing on his painted nails, Frankie leaned towards his hand and Bruce. Frankie liked the way his plum colored nails looked against the man's dress shirt and felt his strong chest against his hand. He looked him in the eye said, "take your hand off my ass, please." Bruce's grin was a bit feral, but still nice. "I will if you give me a kiss?" Without waiting for a response, Bruce kissed Frankie hard on the lips. When Frankie went to protest, Bruce's tongue probed his mouth. Frankie's hands went to push the man away but found the larger guy was too large and too strong to force. He found himself inside the man's arms, too weak, too liquored up to protest. Frankie blushed with embarrassment realizing that he had not stopped the man's advancements at all. Now Bruce was assuming that Frankie was enjoying the fondling. Frankie wanted to bite the tongue that was probing between his lips but knew that would lead to trouble. Instead, he tried to count to ten as he pushed as hard as he could to extricate himself from Bruce's embrace. When Bruce finally stopped, Frankie saw Mary coming back. She had been dancing with Todd in the other room and the two of them were smiling. Frankie hoped she had not seen him kissing the guy. Frankie excused himself and dragged Mary with him to the ladies room. Mary was grinning from ear to ear as she hugged and kissed him as they walked together. "Oh, you look so beautiful, Frankie. I can't begin to tell you just how wonderful you look." Frankie kissed her back and thanked her. But immediately told her his big problem about the large guy and his padded butt. Mary laughed so hard tears were streaming out her eyes as they got their chance at the mirror in the ladies room. Mary gave Frankie some suggestions and after several, he nodded and made his plan. Obviously, he needed to lose the guy and nip any plans he had to go further or the guy would think Frankie was his for the price of a couple of drinks. When they returned to the bar, the guys were all smiles as Bruce tired to kiss Frankie on the lips again. Frankie placed a flat hand on his lips and smiled. He gave the guy a peck on the cheek and leaned over and whispered in his ear that while he was having fun, it was his time of the month. Frankie told Bruce he was feeling crampy and nauseous. Bruce took the news like a good sport and within ten minutes, the guys departed looking for more available women. Their departure gave Mary and Frankie a chance to talk and find a booth for a light dinner. They were seated for a few minutes, when Frankie's phone rang in his oversized purse. He was pleased to see that Helen had called and within a few minutes, Frankie told the waitress they would be joined by another woman. Frankie even placed an order for Helen. About ten minutes later, Frankie saw his wife and stood waving to get her attention. As she walked over, Frankie felt a sense of relief. The last couple of hours had hung heavy over his head and he was relieved to see his wife and return to normalcy. Mary had met Helen once or twice before. As Frankie kissed his wife, he realized that his mannerisms were all guy. He had stood, pulled out her chair, leaned over and kissed her and helped her with her coat. He stood there dumbstruck. He was acting like a man and suddenly he was caught up in his own world of what should he have done? It was becoming a problem for Frankie. He found himself lost in his own actions that were so ingrained that he didn't really understand what his motivations were. He was a sociologist. He studied people and their culture. But when it came to himself, he was floundering. What should he have done when his wife came in? He thought about what another woman would have done. They could have air kissed; they could have hugged. What would two lesbian lovers have done? He would need to think through the situation. The good news was that no one else seemed to notice his behavior or just how quietly he was sitting there lost in his own thoughts. Helen and Mary were deep in conversation like they were old friends. Frankie was listening and realized suddenly they were talking about him. Mary was saying how beautiful Frankie was and how she always suspected he was a woman inside from the day they met back at the college five years ago when he was a grad student and Helen was sharing the story of the bar when he was in drag. "He's gotten so much better at dressing, he's much more polished." Helen turned and smiled at him. She patted his hand like he was a pet. "Do you pick out his clothes?" Mary talked around him like he wasn't there. "Oh no. He has a great sense of style and he accessorizes perfectly. I'm not shopper. Me, I'd be happy in sweats and sneaks. Of course, he is a great homemaker too. He does all the cooking and cleaning, too." Helen was smiling at him as she told all. Frankie watched as the two women went on about him. He stirred his martini and took a large swallow. He was going to stay drunk, after all it was Happy Hour or the dinner hour, or something. Because he was done teaching for six weeks and in a few days he was going under the knife. "Frankie, I was just telling Mary about your surgeries." "Huh? Surgeries? More than one?" "Well, the doctor is doing two things at once." Mary squeezed his hand. "I'm so excited for you." Frankie shook his head. "It's only a nose job." He rubbed the bump on his nose. Mary laughed. "For a minute, I thought you were going in for the big one. You know." She gestured with one long polished nail down between her legs. Helen grinned. "He's not ready for that yet, give him time." Frankie was startled. They were talking about gender reassignment and Helen was saying he wasn't ready for that yet? Frankie looked at his wife in shock. "Helen, do you think I should become a woman?" Helen touched him arm. "It's whatever you want, Frankie. It's what ever will make you the happiest." Mary interrupted. "Would you two still stay together, after Frankie becomes a woman?" Frankie shook his head. "Nobody is becoming a woman here. I'm just experimenting on the other side of the fence in order to write the book. I'm not doing anything to change myself." Helen smiled condescendingly. "Of course, you're not, honey. Those pills are just part of the experiment, the same as the cosmetic surgery on Friday." Mary was a little loud. "You're taking hormones? Wow!" Helen nodded. "He's just trying them out. Those and a testosterone blocker." Mary put her hand up to her mouth. She looked at Frankie, smiling devilishly. "Does that mean you can't get it up anymore?" Frankie felt totally humiliated as he gulped the last of his drink, waving to get the waiters attention. "Uh, well?" Helen patted his hand. "There are plenty of ways to satisfy each other without an erection, Mary. We are doing just fine, aren't we, sweetheart?" Frankie would have rather have been anywhere else but sitting at the table. He was shocked that the conversation had turned so personal. He wanted to tell Mary that he could still make love to his wife but the truth was that he wasn't able to stay erect enough to penetrate anymore and when he did have an orgasm, he wasn't fully hard. Helen hadn't seemed to mind the changes and if anything, she seemed to enjoy taking a more dominant role in initiating and leading their lovemaking, especially last night. Up until now, nothing had been verbalized and Frankie was humiliated at the topic being shared so publicly. Mary chuckled. "Well, welcome to the club, Frankie. We women have lots of tricks up our sleeves in reaching satisfaction." Frankie was trying hard to take it all in. He was having trouble keeping up with the conversation now. Losing fifteen pounds in less than four months had cut his resistance to alcohol. He was drunk and a little overwhelmed and after the incident with Bruce groping and kissing him. And now all this discussion over his future surgeries and his wife announcing his impotence to his secretary, well, all he wanted to do was go home and go to bed. Instead, their meals arrived and Frankie tried to find solace in a green salad with the dressing on the side. He knew it would leave him hungry but he also knew that he wanted to fit in a size six dress too. He found his mind wandering. He was not much of a man anymore and unable to understand how to behave like a woman either. He felt like he fit nowhere. He was slowly unraveling. A man wouldn't take hormone blockers and allow himself to become impotent, but then a man wouldn't take such satisfaction in dressing up in high heels and dresses. Frankie was becoming aware that he certainly didn't know how a woman thought or behaved. Assuming that women were simply men with vaginas was turning out to be na?ve thinking on his part. It seemed that women had their own set of priorities and values and women behaved differently than men. When Frankie would dress up to go to a gay club to dance and swish around all night, no one remarked how he should or shouldn't behave. It was all fun and games and Frankie could just escape the pressures of life by setting his hair and putting on lipstick. Now, with his going out in public and trying to fit in, he realized that he had to understand behavior and know a lot more about what he was doing. He was fine when he was on his own ground. Interviewing people was a thing he was trained for, but acting like a woman, knowing how to behave like a woman, thinking like a woman was not something he was trained at doing. He was stumped, he was also drunk. He stopped eating and sat there. His wife looked at him strangely. "What?" "Mary said you were flirting with some guys and one of them was pawing your ass. Is that true?" Frankie tried to explain how he didn't realize that the guy was grabbing him because he was touching his pads until he put his arm around his waist. "What did you think? Did you like it?" Frankie shook his head no. "No, I was taken off guard and a bit frightened." Mary nodded in agreement. She giggled. "He dragged me into the bathroom and wanted my advice on how to dump them. He was a scared little girl." Frankie looked at Mary. She was also drunk. "I did okay. The guy left. It was cool." Helen looked him in the eye. "You should have given him your number and so he could ask you out." "Ask me out? You're kidding." "No, I'm not. If you really want to find out about being a woman, you have to be with a man." Frankie listened. He shook his head. "I don't want to be with a man. I'm not gay." Mary giggled drunkenly. "Gay? You're sitting here looking beautiful kissing your wife, Frankie. The two of you will make a great lesbian couple." Helen told Mary, "he needs to experience it all. I think he needs to have more than a kiss from a guy. I think he needs to see what power a woman has with a man." She turned to her husband. "If you're going to learn to be a woman, you've got have a boyfriend." Both Helen and Mary agreed and talked on about finding the right guy for Frankie. Frankie was appalled. He stood up and clung to the chair to keep from wobbling. "This isn't what I want. I don't want some guy pawing me. I love my wife and I want to be with her." Mary laughed. "So you're a lesbian, then. That's okay, Frankie, there is nothing wrong with that at all." Mary thought she was hysterical and laughed at her own joke. Frankie remained standing. "I want to go home. I'm tired and a little bit tipsy." Helen waved her hand at Mary and she stood. She took Frankie's hand and turned back to Mary. "I've got to take my wife home, Mary. It's been fun. You take care." Mary laughed. "Your wife. Yeah, Frankie is your wife, isn't she. I understand that ring on her finger now." She turned and hugged Frankie. "You be good, honey. Take care of your little self and I'll come visit you when you're recuperating. You're beautiful, honey. I knew you'd make some wonderful person a great wife long ago when I met you." Helen and Mary had good laugh as they left the restaurant. Frankie barely made it home before he had to run to the toilet and hang on while he emptied his stomach of the salad and the drinks. He felt terrible. As Helen held Frankie's hair while he threw up, she reminded him that a hangover was caused by dehydration. "Just remember to drink fluids when you wake up in the morning, or afternoon." This is the end of Chapter Six. To those people who have emailed me or written constructive criticism in Fictionmania, thank you very much. Attached is a link to my Yahoo profile which lists my mirrored web sites and my email. Thanks

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Star trek enterprise the experiment

Captain’s Log: May 15, 2153. We are studying a Class 4 red giant. The crew is enjoying some down time and relaxing, except for my communications officer Ensign Hoshi Sato. I ordered Ensign Sato to sickbay and report to Dr. Phlox.Hoshi walked into sickbay and looked around, when she didn’t see anyone she said, “Dr. Phlox, are you in here.”Dr. Phlox walked out from behind a curtain and said, “You’re up late Ensign, shouldn’t you be in your quarters resting?”Hoshi looked at Dr. Phlox and said, “I...

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The Experiment

The Experiment By Vivian Bird Kelly was terrified as he and his wife Allison entered a fashionable Los Angeles restaurant. It was quite understandable for him to be terrified since it was the first time that he was outside their house dressed entirely in female clothing. Not only was he clad in delicate lingerie underneath his dress, but his face was fully made up and his pierced ears held long, crystal earrings....

3 years ago
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Gender role experiment 2

Gender role experiment 2 I was trying to find Linda. A blonde guy about her hight walked toward me, and I looked into his eyes, hoping to recognize her. No, it wasn't her, and, of course, the guy got my stare as an invitation. "Linda, right?" he asked stepping to me, and I rolled my eyes. Thanks to my boobs size, all campus learned my name. Sure the guys were betting who is going to score me first. "You are new here. I can show you around if you want?" he said with a smile, and...

4 years ago
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I guess it was somewhat of a fluke. A combination of my situation and the internet. At least that's how I explained it to myself. My interest only occurred after eight years of marriage. Well more accurately, after my wife and I stopped having sex after six years of marriage. I know that seems unusual, perhaps even a fatal flaw that should have signaled our marriage was over. But the truth is, we were both happy that way. Donna had never been a highly sexual person. She hadn't dated a...

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The Ball Boy Experiment Chapter 1 TryOuts

A few of his co-workers greeted him as he navigated the soon-to-be-crowded hallways. Idle conversations, casual greetings. Mostly just pleasantries. That was good. Ryan was in no mood to have a lengthy dialogue right now. Nearing his office, he passed by his closest friend, Mike the Janitor. He was sure to want to talk about his weekend, or some other bullshit. "Hey, Mike", he said to Mike. 'Jesus, don't let your voice crack so much.' Mike responded with a curt "Hey", before turning...

4 years ago
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Sweet Smell of Lust A Young Mans ExperimentChapter 2

David's home life had become every teenage boy's fantasy. To screw two attractive women at his discretion. In fact, his newest interest was to watch his mother and sister eat the others pussy. This was often a preliminary to his joining in. And as long as he had "Toilet Water" about to reward the ladies, before or after the sexual session, there was little he could not do with their lovely bodies. About the house, the two women wore skimpy whorish clothing or nothing. The two sets of...

3 years ago
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Summer Experiment Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Frankie sat in the hot bathtub, bubbles everyone, a neat bourbon in hand. He was trying to escape into a drunken stupor. As he drank, he was fascinated how his new breasts floated in the water. He toyed with the nipples, watching them grow hard and erect. Frankie wanted nothing more than to drink enough to fall sleep, but it wasn't happening. His mind kept racing, visions of Todd's face kept scaring him half to death. Using a washcloth to soap himself everywhere, he...

2 years ago
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Experiment Eleven

Experiment Eleven By Walter Ego Captain's personal log. We reached the Baldec system ten standard days ago on a mission to investigate the apparent loss of several independent mining ships. I've come to understand why independents have been attracted to such a far away system. Baldec has a dense asteroid belt and ship's scans have already come across several formations that would set the entire crew up for life if we had the wherewithal to haul them back to Earth. Central Control can...

4 years ago
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The Caribbean Experiment Chapter 2

I woke before dawn the next morning refreshed and feeling a renewed sense of confidence, energy and excitement.  I got out of bed, leaving Jacque to sleep in and fixed a large cup of coffee then made my way down to the surf.  I was making it a habit of enjoying a short morning stroll on the dark beach, naked, with just my cup of coffee after dropping off our beach chairs to save our spot for the day.  The water pouring over my feet and ankles with each wave and the cool morning breeze flowing...

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The Experiment

Introduction: The Experiment: Part 1 covers the initial experimenting between my friend Ben and I. Preface: Hey all, Im biboy1213. I began to experiment with guys at around 13-14 and with girls at 14-15. I now know that I am bisexual, being turned on by both men and women alike. I can say however, that I am more emotionally attracted to women than I am to men, but sexually, Im the same. I really dont see myself dating another guy. Anyways, I love sexual things, situations, experiences, and...

1 year ago
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Ariannas Experiment

The next day Arianna had a light day and by noon she was in the Engineering School’s machine shop. She waited for the technician to be wrapped up with two undergraduates. Arianna stood there at her petite 5’2”. She’d worn jeans and sneakers since those were required in the machine shop. As Mark finished talking to two freshman engineering students he noticed Arianna standing in the shop’s doorway. He’d seen the little cutie before but didn’t think he’d ever interacted with her. He tried not to...

1 year ago
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The Parallel Universe Experiment

The Parallel Universe Experiment ***** Dr. Andrew Bell has discovered a way to set up a boundary to a parallel universe, in which he is female. He decides to cross the boundary and explore. What could possibly go wrong? ***** By the time I was in my late 20s, I was pretty pleased with how my scientific career was going. I had completed my Ph.D. in physics by my mid-20s, and was proud to have the title "Dr. Andrew Bell." And then, I was lucky enough to get a job at the same...

4 years ago
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The Caribbean Experiment Chapter 3

“What do you mean you have to go back to Paris?!  Jacque!  Your damn CEO can’t do anything without you, and now he is going to ruin our holiday!” I yelled as I slammed the patio door and stormed out to the pool.  Jacque trailed behind me meekly with what would be his attempt to mollify my anger.“Jean; it will only be for a few days and I will be back on Monday. Jim has promised to make this up to me and he feels bad about it.  There is just a major issue with the Board of Directors that he...

2 years ago
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Sex ExperimentChapter 3

"Hello, Stan! This is Helen Randolph... I... What? Oh goddamned answering service! Tell Stan I need an extra appointment this week. Yes, tell him I'm coming today whether he likes it or not!" Helen slammed down the telephone and went to her mirror again. Her nervous fingers moved through her hair as she tried to cope with the facts of the night before. "This is it!" she said to herself. "I can't take any more. Something has to give!" "Yes, this will do fine!" Adam Randolph was...

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Submission Experiment

Allie yawns groggily. She can't remember the last time she slept that well. Not that she'd been having trouble sleeping or anything, but she was feeling strangely refreshed this time, more so than usual. It took her a second to realize that her alarm clock hadn't rung. She let out a sigh of relief. Thank god. She didn't have to get up yet. In that moment, getting out of bed and going to work seemed like it would be the end of the world. Especially when her bed was so soft, and her blankets so...

3 years ago
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A girl at party finds herself the subject in an experiment that turns her from a virgin to a slut

Brittany was having a good time at the party until this egghead guy came and started talking with her. She was not even really listening to him. He was going on and on about pheromones or something. “Do you want a beer?” his question finally got her attention. “Sure!” anything that would get him out of her face even for a few minutes was welcome, and if he did come back, then at least she would have a beer. Sure enough, he did return shortly with one of those plastic...

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The Adrian Dane Kenny MD intimacy experiment of

Correspondence to: Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.Jamway Hospital and Jamway Research Firm270 Huntington Avenue, #513Boston, Massachusetts 02115United States of [email protected]@post.harvard.edu617-697-0732An experiment on a sexual partner by Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.The Kenny intimacy experiment of arousal, pleasure and erogeneityObjective: To learn about the erogenous zones of a sexual partner.Partner: Elle. A white caucasian woman who I met on tinder. She lives in the back...

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Dr Stevenss Experiment

Intro: Intro:?Amanda?s problems started because she was a very gorgeous girl, she didn?t have any girl friends because they were all jealous of her, so she was lonely and would hang out with the boys.? Until one day she was surrounded by a bunch of boys, the boys in front of her grabbed her large breasts, and the boys behind her, well of course they pulled up her skirt and grabbed her ass.? After that all the girls in school said she was a whore, and a slut, they made fun of her and...

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The Experiment

The contract was written plainly, clearly, and with no hidden small print.Liz Bradley agreed to take part in the experiment for a large sun of money. If she signed it, she would be given a single injection, and once done, the process would start, and could not be stopped. She would spend a month at Pyro-Tech’s research lab, being monitored for any changes or side effects, and after that she would be free to go, unless something had happened that warranted further research.It was plainly...

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My name is Richard Baron, with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, hopeful for a master’s degree, eventually. I always wanted to make some fantastic discovery that will change the world, and possibly make me some money at the same time! The University I go to is in the same town I grew up in and my parents allowed me to create my own Chem lab using half of the family garage. Dad doled out the money I needed. He was a big wig in the Financial Services industry. He made money in the World Stock...

1 year ago
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The ExperimentChapter 4

Emma never got as far as the Barrier Reef. After two days in Sydney she heard from the Professor. Would she return to take part in a final elimination? All her expenses were to be paid, including a flight back to Australia should she not be finally successful. She knew perfectly well that she would be successful. In his message, the Professor told her she had passed all the medical tests with flying colours. Much of the three days had been passed in completing several arduous physical...

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Gender role experiment 7 FINAL CHAPTER

I was playing with one of my nipples turning the ring left and right and stretching it slightly. Thanks to all the medical procedures I was getting, my piercings were already fully healed. It was possible to remove the rings, but I was not sure I want it to be removed. It was kind of fun. The doctor gave me a lecture about how lucky I am the new technology was developed. Just a year ago the operation would be much more difficult, and the recovery would take months and not days. The next...

2 years ago
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ExperimentChapter 3

The next day was time for another confessional session with Kathy. Father John was going to make arrangement for another priest to listen to Kathy but never followed through with this. Today, he was very nervous about the confession. He was feeling particularly horny today for no apparent reason. He already had an erection as he walked toward the confessional and used his notebook to hide the budge under his robe. Kathy arrived on time. She continued to feel very mixed emotions about her...

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The Horse Experiment Revised

"I bet you are wondering why you are here", he says. His sister and him don’t respond. "You are here because we are doing an experiment and you were chosen because of some certain qualities…" "But we are only 16", Matt pleads. The man continues, "This experiment will hurt, I will tell you that, but when it is over we will have created something miraculous." He then walks over to Matt and says, "We will start with you." Then he opens his bag and takes out some lube...

4 years ago
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Science ExperimentChapter 2

“I’ll describe what we’re going to do and then we’ll go for it and make adjustments. You have to last so we can’t just keep going. If that means my part of the experiment only lasts 30 seconds then that’s the way it goes cause if you pop your cork too early, you’re not going to be any good to us.” Enough talk, I thought, I stepped out of my boxers and walked naked to Lori, my dick leading the way. I heard a couple of appreciative comments so I did a runway spin, my dick flopping around...

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The Cuckoos Progeny12 A Risky Experiment

Theo helped carry their luggage into their room. “If you’re worried about spending cash, you’re free to stay with us tonight,” “Nah,” Al said, tossing notebooks filled with his daily scribblings on the bed. “You and Etta have too much to arrange.” “The hell with that: we’re too excited. You don’t understand what an opportunity this is. You represent talents we’ve never witnessed in any living thing. We don’t even have any explanations for why they occur. I mean, forecasting the future,...

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Sweet Smell of Lust A Young Mans ExperimentChapter 3

Virginia was obviously not happy with her sister joining David's growing harem. In fact, she would attempt everything to seduce David before his attentions focused towards the young teen, as they often seemed to do. Every seductive move and action she attempted, often to success. Only when the scent was upon her, did all her reasoning leave and she, again, became her boyfriends slave. Samantha, on the other hand, could not get enough. Fawning over David and instantly doing whatever he...

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The Experiment Part 2

-Jake “The Experiment: Part 2” I’m an average looking guy, 5 foot 9 inches, black hair, dark brown eyes. I’m Colombian, but in all actuality if you looked at me you’d swear I was white. I often get Italian before anything else. I have a pretty fit body, and given all the running from the sports I play, pretty damn good looking legs – toned and muscular, and a pretty nice muscular ass to go along with it. I’m able to say that I can score with most girls if I really wanted to, but I don’t...

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The Biology Experiment

The Biology Experiment by Miss Anonna I woke up in quite a steamy mood. Was it an erotic dream or just a feeling deep down in my pelvis? I wasn’t sure but a quick glance at the calendar made me realize I was probably ovulating. I slowly got out of bed and headed for the bathroom one slow step at a time fantasizing of a good soak in warm water and bath salts. The warm water sucked me into the tub one leg at a time and then my whole body followed, shrinking into the depths while I watched the...

1 year ago
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The Biology Experiment

The Biology Experimentby Miss Anonna I woke up in quite a steamy mood. Was it an erotic dream or just a feeling deep down in my pelvis? I wasn’t sure but a quick glance at the calendar made me realize I was probably ovulating. I slowly got out of bed and headed for the bathroom one slow step at a time fantasizing of a good soak in warm water and bath salts. The warm water sucked me into the tub one leg at a time and then my whole body followed, shrinking into the depths while I watched the...

Oral Sex

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