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Pana nu de mult nu o cunosteam pe vara-mea, Sandra. O vazusem prin poze, ii stiam pe ai ei, dar nu ma intalnisem niciodata cu ea. Eu eram a XII-a, ea era in anul II la Drept si era draguta foc: avea parul lung, negru ca pana corbului, dar il tinea de mult ori strans la spate; ochii ei erau de un verde atat de clar, incat ziceai ca erau pietre pretioase; Sandra era destul de inalta, cu niste forme savuroase, voluptoase si zambea mai tot timpul. Evident, imi era rusine sa-mi recunosc ca imi parea...
E o dimineata calduroasa de vara, iar eu cu mama mea Irina, ne pregatim pentru a merge pe plaja. Cu cateva zile in urma am hotarat impreauna cu cei doi tovarasi ai mei, Florin si Adi, ca vom merge Sambata la plaja, impreuna cu mama mea. Florin are 16 ani, iar Adi 15, e de-o seama cu mine. Dupa ce ne-am imbracat, am luat geanta cu prosoape si am coborat in parcare, la masina, acolo unde ce-i doi prieteni ne asteptau. Mi s-a parut ciudat felul in care amundoi imi priveau mama, mai ales Florin se...
She walked to Wayne’s office he had a friend called Mea that he wanted her to meet. When Janice entered Wayne’s office he was by himself, he smiled and gave Janice a quick kiss. “Mea is delayed but he is bringing a few friends with him, for you to meet" he said and continued “I am going to show you want I am really like" he smiled at Janice. He picked up his phone and called Ruth and asked her to come to his office, she was a friend of Janice’s who worked also worked at the office. Ruth...
Era prin 1985 pe vremea comunistilor. Aveam 16 ani si inca nu cunoscusem nicio fata. In acele vremuri abia aparusera aparatele video la noi. Nu era usor in acele vremuri sa procuri un astfel de aparat si mai ales de filme. Se obisnuia sa ne strangem mai multi la cineva acasa sambata seara sa vizionam filme. Cine a prins acele vremuri stie despre ce vorbesc. In acele vremuri aveam un grup de prieteni, iar unul dintre ei avea un aparat video si sambata ne starngeam cu totii la el acasa sa vedem...
I was walking down the sidewalk on my way to a Halloween party. I had been torn between going as a Cowboy with the two gun rig or as Harry potter... I compromised I was wearing Harry' s Black robe including the wand up the sleeve. To compliment this outfit I had my two gun rig around my waist and wearing my Cowboy Hat and boots with pointy toes. I know I looked silly but maybe I would win the prize as the most absurd. If they asked what I was I could tell them I was the Western...
Chapter # 6 Off To See The Wizard Kirk had arrived at school this morning still brooding about yesterday's news from Bob Glass about his sister's decision to go to the prom with the weasel. Now, something else had happened to upset his happy universe, something he couldn't quite get his mind wrapped around. Bob had come and damn near attacked him. Worse he had done this in front of everyone! Well, everyone important anyway. The others looking on could...
SRU- Interview with the Wizard By Mr. W Thought this might be an interesting story. Please forgive me if I've taken a few liberties with the material. This story is dedicated to all those who have written SRU stories. I couldn't have done it without you. "Good evening, Channel 16 viewers." The announcer said. "This is Kenneth Kain with an exclusive interview." Kenneth Kain is the seasoned reporter on Channel 16 news. He is 50 something, short black hair, now graying at the...
This story is conceived as one of many possible origins for the Spells-R- Us wizard. Bill Hart created both the wizard and the Spells-R-Us universe, and only he can ever state with any definitive authority what is "true" about the wizard. This story is merely written as a fun exercise to explore the world of Spells-R-Us. It deliberately contradicts other "what if" tales in an effort to firmly establish the non-canonical nature of this and other unofficial Spells-R-Us stories. This may...
A Halloween Fairytale Story There was once a Prince, handsome by all accounts. Possessing all of the manly attributes that a Prince should possess, all that is with the exception of one. In spite of this the Prince possessed a penis no bigger than his thumb, and testicles no larger than marbles. Now it came through word of mouth, there lived a Wizard in a certain location with the power to grant wishes. After searching for a year the prince was resting after bathing in a stream that ran through...
GayWrong Wizard by Paul G Jutras Sam Hoseman always believed there was a microscopic truth in everything fiction. When he started reading stories on the Internet about a traveling wizard who changed men into women, he decided to spend his summer vacation looking for him. Then he could start summer off as the woman he always meant to be. He was traveling through the sandy desert of the middle east when he saw an odd little tent with a sign written in English instead of Arabic. A sign...
The next couple of days were spent in interviews. The officials had set up interviews with all the crew available, and they were each waiting their turn. No one was happy with many of the questions the new arrivals were asking about Lee, Kyle, the Captain and Sean. The dinners had turned back into more sedate affairs, and Sean had even relented and moved the van Holton’s to a double room. A casual chat with Mark van Holton had reassured him they were not here to railroad them. They were...
I don't know if you know anything about wizards or not, Harry Potter has a lot to answer for, tales of his broomsticks and wands and all the other misinformation. Let's start at the beginning with things I have learned over the last few months, how do wizards come about? Well its all down to the genes, long ago we used more of our brains than we do now, but over the thousands of years these genes have been diluted. It appears that non magic genes are more dominate than magic genes are. It the...
I woke, stretched and yawned. I sighed. Another day of spell casting for the city was in store for me. No, come to think of it, today was Seventh day, so I worked the mid-shift. I hated the mid-shift. Still a wizard had to do what a wizard had to do. I spent a little time cleaning up, and glanced at the clock. It was five minutes to eleven. This meant I had a few hours before I had to report to watch command and get started on the days spell casting. Probably glyphs of warding again. The...
How To P*** Off A Wizard By Bashful "DANNIE!!!!!!!! Get in here, NOW!" The pretty young apprentice sorceress ran into the back room of the SRU store. Currently the store was parked between realities while the old man worked on his taxes and Dannie practiced some spells. "I've told you to leave my computer alone. If you want to surf the net, buy your own," the Wizard growled. "How, you don't pay me?" she said. "Never mind, what the hell is this thing that you downloaded?"...
A beautiful October evening. Fall is in the air. My bestie, Erica, and I go to the Fall Festival every year and have since we were kids. We go primarily to eat everything that is deep-fried fried and sweetened. Which is practically everything.We enjoy looking at the fall leaves and pumpkins plus the smell of fair food amid the cool, crisp weather. Sometimes we go on the hayrides or some other activity offered. Each year seems a little different and this year was no exception. After marveling at...
HorrorEdited by Bird Dog I was chosen by the wizard Demitre when I was six. As his apprentice, I had to learn the thirteen languages that made up the mage tongue. I also had to learn my numbers, and then there was the hard stuff. I had to learn about nature and the elements and the gods and the planes and ... I could go on for a very long time. I was ten when I decided on my own to summon my staff. It involved days of preparation and hours of drawing out the correct symbols. I was asking for...
Carmen Dominguez - Thursday, June 19th, 2015 My cell phone vibrated. It was Matthew. I excused myself from the morning meeting; Olive had this under control. My job was keeping the taxes above board, especially when He had needed a withdrawal, this was fundraising. I could feel my whole skin tingling and my smile tugging up at my lips. God, I felt like a puppy hearing its owner's car pulling up. I wondered what he'd call us? I was so used to slut, to whore, to slave that these last few...
It’s not my fault, it really isn’t. I know that it’s not my fault but there is a wide chasm between knowing something and feeling something. It’s something that people who’ve never experienced that gap between reality and realization can never truly relate to but that doesn’t make it any less true. Saying that it’s not my fault, looking at the facts none of it helps because I should have been better. I guess now would be when I tell you what’s not my fault and what a horrible human being I am....
Maximá & me is a sexy story about two celebreties: Maximá is on almost all covers of mass media magazinesMaximá & me is a sexy story about real love between two celebreties, despite clear class borders between us!Maximá relaxes with me at the party where we meet: https://nl.xhamster.com/photos/gallery/3768150/63150936Maximá makes it to my Queen in public, no-one knows she is in private my slowly subjugated sexy sweetheart!Maximá makes it to my Queen in public, only because she sees me,...
The Wizard I'm pacing up and down the mall, Searching for his magic shop. This is my sixth mall today, Desperation and despair filling my heart. Why won't his shop appear?, Those who do and don't need him he appears to. But why not me? Is it because I don't want it enough, Or because I'm not trying...
Note: Jenny North suggested this story to me and she had a LOT input on it. The Picture that does with it can be found on her great site. The Affairs of Wizards By Eric In a mansion in Beverly Hills a very urban man was looking skeptically at a very attractive young man and woman. The man seemed ill at ease and the woman's her make up was a little 'off'. The man kept squirming in his chair. It was the woman who took the lead. She spoke: "Mr. Madigan, I understand you are...
Saturday, July 9 2016 Palos Verdes, California Meagan hopped the three steps down as she exited the small metro rail car, then took time to count her shopping bags to make sure once again that she had them all and waved to her friends still on board, "See ya Monday at swim team practice!" They all waved goodbye as the smaller metro car pulled away to finish up its trip going towards the harbor and ending at Fort Mac's huge metro station that connected to the rest of LA and the...
At sixty I was not moving as fast or as nimbly as when I was younger. At least my mind was still sharp and clear which a lot of others could not say. I had been and done a lot over the years. I was a farmer and a rancher, a carpenter and an electrician, a soldier and a mechanic. I have been a clerk and a cook, hell I was even a fireman for awhile. What I was now was late and walking through an alley. I stopped in the shadows when I heard the roar and crashing explosion. There was a flash of...
Lindsey and Meagan Part 1 Ever scene Lindsey and her friend Meagan were little they always loved video tapping one another doing silly things. As they got older those silly things started to change and become sexual. It started with just blowing kisses at the camera or shaking their little butts in bikinis. But once they turned 15 and started high school, things only got even more sexual. Meagan is 5'4 and no more then 100 lbs. Because she is a cheerleader her body is perfect. She has...
As Debbie was painting, Peter broke the normal rule about not talking. "I hope this doesn't bother you Mrs. D., but I didn't know anything could feel as good as cumming all over your daughter's tits did. How much do you think I shot?" "I'm not sure," Debbie admitted. "It looked noticeably larger than even the massive orgasms you had after the naughty school poses. I can hardly wait to take a closer look at the video in slow motion." "Those were really powerful, but nothing...
I was standing at the bar next to my wife when Don showed up. I laughed and accused him of being late. He threw up his hands in mock despair. Meagan just frowned at me; she seemed nervous. "Whatcha drinkin'," I said to the new arrival. "And where's Bert?" Bert was Bertha, a pretty, big breasted German girl ten years any of our junior. "A beer will be fine," he said. "She's at home. Got a bug of some kind." I nodded, Meagan had had the same thing a week earlier and had had to stay...
"Oh my word Mrs. D., who picked out that shelf bra Meagan was wearing tonight? It damn near drove me insane with lust for your daughter." "I picked it out. I knew it would drive you crazy, but I wasn't expecting it to nearly incapacitate my male model." "There is no nearly about it. I'm completely helpless right now. I've been fantasizing about bending sweet Meagan over a desk and fucking her silly ever since she walked up the stairs." "Do you want me to paint you pulling your...
"Hello, Mom? Why are you calling the house from your cell phone? Aren't you in your art studio with, um, the hunk?" "Yes, Peter is still here, but he's getting dressed. I mixed up some awesome colors for his painting, but it's finished now." "So why are you telling me this?" "Because I think those colors would be awesome for a painting of you too, but they're water based. They'll dry quickly, so you need to get down here in a hurry." "But I didn't agree to pose...
I want to take this time to thank my wonderful friend Agena, for all of the help he has given me over the past year and now for all of the hard work he has put into editing this story. Thank You. My name is Meagan Dartmyer. I decided to write my story as a warning to all of you out there that think you are indestructible and untouchable because of your so called social status or because of you or your husbands financial success you think you can do anything and get by with it. I'm here to...
I met Brian’s father when he was Brian’s age and except for a few mistakes had only ever been intimate with him. I was always a bit shy when I was younger and never realized it was possible for a much better sexual existence until this morning. As I floated in the pool hoping Brian would return from his friend Joey’s soon, I could still feel and see his cum draining from my pussy. My smooth pussy lips were red and swollen and even the mild lapping of the water as I floated charged my...
The Trailways coach bus pulled into the New Paltz Bus Terminal on Main Street. Since I’m not normally a long-distance bus rider, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised to find that in comparison to airplanes, in which every available seat is filled and people are crammed together like sardines, the bus had seats with plenty of leg room. I surely appreciated that. Also, in direct contrast to airports where I always found myself waiting in long lines to clear TSA security,...
Straight Sex"So is Peter coming over to pose tonight?" Meagan asked on the Tuesday after the shopping trip. "How's your load of homework tonight?" "Not too bad. I think I can get through it all without too much trouble." "Can you get through it if you're posing?" "Well..." "I'll tell you what. Go put on the clothes I've got out for you to wear, then try to power through your homework as fast as you can without being sloppy. If you've made good progress, I'll call Peter over after...
"Is Peter coming over to pose tonight? I hope he is, because I've got the most awesome idea for a pose ever!" "I don't know. I didn't hear from him at all yesterday; he must have been studying for an exam." "Well, text him again Mom. Tomorrow is Friday night, and that means naked posing time!" "Alright, alright," Debbie said as she sent Peter another message. "Now, let's hear this awesome idea of yours." "OK, now don't say no until you've heard everything. I want you to...
Peter picked up the rag that had been thrown at him while remaining on his knees. He put one hand on Meagan's round ass as he started wiping his cum off of Meagan's legs. Debbie was working on her daughter's lower belly, trying especially hard to wipe off any of Peter's semen before it seeped under the hand guarding Meagan's pussy. "I can't believe how much cum there is to clean up!" Debbie said in amazement. Without thinking, she added. "I've never seen a cock cum like that...
MeaganI had befriended Lois at the gym. She was an attractive woman who did hard workouts. We had first chatted when working out together with the trainer. Neither of us really needed him but it is always nice to get some new perspectives and input as to our own individual routines. Lois could have been every bit the vaseline, glamour cover girl if she had been taller. Standing five-four in pumps hadn't exactly worked in her favor as to enter into that line of work. Still, there was no denying...
I give my brother my virginityI fell in love with my brother when I was in the eighth grade. I've always loved Matt, but when I was thirteen, I fell IN love with him. At the time when I reached puberty, and my hormones kicked in, and all the other girls my age were going goo-goo over boys in our class, all my dreams and fantasies revolved around my brother, who is two years older than I am.I had just started my senior year in high school, when on September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center was...
I’m feeling a certain sense of Déjà vu as I enter the Medical Building. It is a familiar scene. A usual routine with me. Every eleven weeks I make an appointment to get my Depo Provera, my birth control, shot. After my first shot in September 2004 I discovered something about myself that I had never realized. I found that the whole process of getting the Depo shot made me incredibly wet and horny. It was the beginning of a fetish that not only continues to this day but has grown beyond just my...
MasturbationI had really spoken the truth to Susan. I did have a tee time that day. Once again I posted a personal best on a local course and collected a few bucks from my doubting fellow players. As I was having a snack after the round I began reading a golf magazine I had found in the clubhouse and noticed an ad for the upcoming US Open qualifying. I looked the ad over and discovered that the application period would still be open for another three weeks. I also noticed that the Open is truly an open...
The Fuckmeat Gene ?what are you doing on this transport fuckmeat?? Sarah gasps as the older man sat beside her. His hand going straight down her low cut blouse to grab her Double D tits. His touch made her moan, and he chuckled at her reaction, ?Now, now cunt, you know I can’t fuck you on this transport?yet. Its outside of the meat region and there is a minor present. But as you are a slut I can do other things until we reach the region.? Sarah gasped again as he grabbed her nipples, flicking...
Debbie met Peter at the door, and quietly ushered him down into her studio. Only when they were both downstairs did Peter speak. "So has Meagan come out of her room yet? It's been a week now since the accident." The accident was how Debbie and Peter had taken to calling the series of events that started with Peter cumming all over Meagan with an orgasm that started without even a finger of pressure on his large cock and ended with Meagan masturbating herself to orgasm in front of Peter and...
"Peter, I've got great news. I got Meagan to watch that video of you cumming in my studio after she walked in on your session!" "How is that great news? She's never going to speak to either of us again!" Peter wailed over the phone. "No, no. It is good news; trust me. The play count on that video is forty-three plays higher than when I left it for her." "What? What the hell was she doing watching that video that many times?" "Probably the same thing you were doing when I made...
Peter and Meagan were facing each other at just a slight angle while sitting cross legged on the floor. They were both naked, although Meagan had wanted to wear either a sports bra or yoga pants. It would have driven Peter wild, but Debbie didn't like the way a sports bra would have concealed Meagan's breasts. "Now remember, even though I'm going to be painting you two, the primary goal is for Meagan to learn to control her breathing. And maybe learn to cum a bit more quietly," Debbie...
Hopefully, most of you who have arrived at this story have already read “Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand I and II”, so I won’t belabor the principles behind my Streams of Fuckmeat. I’ll just give a bit of an introduction here, and talk briefly about Thai women before diving in to Fuckmeat Stream Three. Work in international corporate and governmental consulting has placed me in the position to have fucked eight hundred three women, spread out over 46 countries worldwide. In five of those countries...
Despite having been out with Ryan until after 2:30 A.M. that morning and despite having received a thorough, quite painful paddling from my dad when I returned home late, I woke up early that morning as the sun rose above the horizon and its rays showed through the thin curtains that crossed my bedroom window.I looked at the clock. 6:55 A.M. the red digits read.I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. As I sat up, a twinge of uncomfortableness overwhelmed me. My ass was still a bit...
ThreesomesI glanced at my watch. Two-thirty A.M. “Shit,” I thought to myself. “Hopefully my dad is asleep.”“Why?” Ryan asked.“You know my dad Ryan. He’s never liked you first of all and its way past my curfew.”“Curfew!” exclaimed Ryan. “You’re 18 years old now Meg, and you’re in college now. What’s with the curfew?”“Ryan, you’ve known me long enough to know my dad. ‘My house, my rules’ he always told my older sister when she complained about the rules that still applied when she got home.“Rules,”...
SpankingThe credit goes to The_Cow From lushstories.com Link to site: http://www.lushstories.com/stories/incest/meagans-desire.aspx Now for the Story. Meagan picked herself up off her bed. Her breathing was still heavy, but it was slowing down considerably. She picked up a hand mirror and glanced in it. The redness was leaving her pretty, youthful face. Bending down, she grabbed her underwear and short shorts and pulled them up. "Meagan?" came a call from outside the room. "What?"...
Monday, July 11 2016 6:25AM Palos Verdes, California Doris stripped off her sweater in one long motion while she ran down the few steps to the pool's level and leapt into the pool in a very practiced motion of a swimmer of her skill. Her body flew to the far deep end of the pool and its deep bottom twelve feet down under the surface. There she wrapped both arms around her daughter's still body in a quick motion and kicked off the bottom back towards the surface. Meagan felt as...
Tuesday, July 12 2016 6:50AM Palos Verdes, California As Bruce continued changing into a human, he snatched a towel from under David's boogie board and dropped it on his lap, "That's better, it's best not to get arrested on my first day...besides your GG'ma would turn me into chum!" he laughed to the teens. "So you are my mentor...Bruce is it?" Meagan asked, while watching that tail of his was still very much there, even though he could pass for a human...except for a now much...
As Peter stared at Meagan, he thoroughly appreciated Debbie pulling the covers down so he could see both of Meagan's heavy jugs. It smelled like toast and bacon were being prepared in addition to his eggs. The smells must be telling her it was time to wake up, because she was starting to stir. Peter smiled as the gorgeous teen's movements bared more of her body to his gaze. "What the..." Meagan started as she opened her eyes. Once she realized it was Peter with his cock fully hard in her...
"Well, I think that finishes up the first painting," Debbie pronounced. I'll let you take a look if you dry off really well first Meagan. I don't want you getting the painting wet." "Fuck! Between the cold water, starting at Peter, and seeing that mirror coated with a glorious amount of his jizz, my nipples are so hard they feel like they're going to explode! Can I go watch one of the videos of Peter cumming and try to get some relief?" "Your nipples are incredibly hard," Debbie...
If rough, brutal fucking is not your thing, stop reading. If it is, continue. The story might even give you a hard-on.I'm a fit, good looking guy, with a big fat cock. I'm a nasty fucker though. Don't give a shit about the fuckmeat I'm banging as long as I am enjoying myself, and guess what. Every cumdump I've fucked, and there's been very many, has cum multiple times on my dick! These whores just need to be treated like shit in order to cum.Just picked up a piece of FUCKMEAT the other week,...
Four years ago, I decided to apply my experience devising strategies for businesses worldwide to develop strategies that would bring me streams of fresh Fuckmeat in the countries of the world whose women I most enjoy to fuck. Head and shoulders above the crowd of nations is, of course, Thailand. Thai women are undisputedly the world’s most beautiful, and are also by far the most satisfying sexual female creatures on earth. I have worked in Thailand several weeks a year for years, and decided...
He groaned again but she didn’t seem to notice, just kept prattling on and on about how excited she was for this opportunity. He held up his middle finger but she cheerfully continued her one-sided conversation. ‘Sharon, for the love of God, shut up!’ he finally said. ‘Fine,’ she huffed and pouted. ‘They said you were a real meanie pie. I’ll just read then.’ With that, she pulled out her Braille book and quietly read to herself. He signaled to the flight attendant and bought another scotch...
he says....being having some nasty thoughts involving you. nothing much nice. just you, as a non-willing participant. for example, right now, i could see you fastened in some way....hands in like stocks....feet trapped too in some way. i come up behind you. while there might be buttons and clasps, i just want to use you. so i tear or cut-off relevant pieces of clothing. you can turn your head, maybe, but with hands and feet trapped behind these boards of wood. you cannot...
‘Card, please. Welcome back, Frank.’ ‘Mike, you know me by name’, said Frank. ‘You know I don’t drink, I’m here for your arcade games. Why do I have to show my ID?’ The bouncer looked at him. ‘I get paid to make everybody show an ID. You too. You didn’t lose your ID again, did you?’ Frank sighed. ‘New year, new ID.’ He produced his new student ID. He was a senior now. Mike had let him in since he was a sophomore, on his brother’s old ID. Mike didn’t worry nearly as much about the validity of...
Here's the latest installment of the Bad Wishing series. This story was inspired by a picture sent to me by Steve Zink, and my thanks to him. Pay attention, folks, there's a new character in the Bad Wishing universe. Now, onto the boring stuff ------------------------- DISCLAIMERS ------------------------- This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered...
[My last story was too sweet, so I wanted to do something dark and gross. Well, dark and gross for me at least. Enjoy!] Snowflake and the Oatmeal Switch by Rohmer Fan Everyone told me that Philip was a bad influence on me. I knew that they were right and that he was mostly just using me for rides, but he was funny and I had a good time when he was around. We had been hanging out now for a little over a year. Today was just like any other day after school and we were heading back...
Short Story #24 From the imagination of Chase Shivers July 10, 2018 Main Characters: Meadow, Female, 18 - Nursing assistant and nursing student, granddaughter of Grandpa Clark - 5’6, 135lbs, tanned beige skin, dirty-blonde hair usually worn in a loose bun Grandpa Clark, Male, late 60s - Grandfather of Meadow, widower George Barnes, Male, late 60s - Terminal patient in a care facility Meadow had gone into nursing to help people. At least, that was her goal, anyway. Only eighteen, she’d just...