The Contest - A Revised Conclusion - Chapter 7 free porn video

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The Contest - Chapter 7 - Suejrz (An Alternate Conclusion) - Mandee Fine I must admit I felt a little awkward that next morning when Judy walked into the kitchen as I was preparing some fresh juice and coffee. It was the first time we came face to face since I found out she had sex with Tom that weekend. "Patti, I see you cleaned our room yesterday. I did forget that that was your scheduled cleaning day but in any event, it is time you knew that Tom and I are a couple in the true sense of the word. Yes - we make love to one another. He is a marvelous lover as well as being so masculine in general. You can see what I mean - can you not Patti?" I didn't know what to say so just hung my head and said nothing. "I know the room was a bit worse than normal and I'm a bit sorry you had to see the stuff that Tom left around. I meant to pick it up before we left, but we were running late and I totally forgot. I didn't actually want you to see all that, but as a housemaid you are expected to clean up things like that, so perhaps I shouldn't be apologizing at all - should I Patti?" "No Ma'am - if you say so. Besides it's ok! I've been embarrassed so much now that one more episode doesn't mean that much. I haven't felt like much of a man or a husband for weeks and this is just one more example." I wanted to confront her, but what could I say or do, especially with me wearing my maid's uniform and my pretty lingerie. I felt so totally inadequate as a male, and very subservient to her in every way. This was just the next step in my complete and total feminization. I knew it and Judy knew it. At least, I felt better to realize that I had a chance for regaining my former life with the resumption of our teaching jobs. I figured that once the summer ended and Judy and I resumed our teaching profession, perhaps things could revert back to something closer to normal. Well, not totally normal since I would have to face Harold and Anne a few times a year. But I would be able to put up with Harold's teasing on so few occasions but so what! They saw me dressed as a maid for a few months. Once I was back to being a normal man with a teaching job - he would mind his manners... right? So - things would quickly be normal by summer's end, even if that only meant me wearing pants and socks rather than dresses and pantyhose. It was a step in the right direction at least. And maybe I'd be the one taking my wife out for a luncheon date instead of she and I double dating with two men. But would Judy really want me back? She has certainly enjoyed her freedom and has taken full advantage of the opportunities that presented themselves, as I was now so well aware of. My dream of resuming a normal life took a strange turn the next evening. After dinner, Harold asked me to join Judy, Anne and him in the living room for a drink. I was surprised by this action since for the most part I was totally treated like a servant and never a guest or an equal. They treated me nicely, but they made sure I knew my proper place, if you know what I mean. Once we were seated, Harold mentioned he had a proposition for both Judy and me. He then explained that his office manager resigned unexpectedly that day. He wanted Judy to take her position at almost double her teaching salary. Anne then mentioned that Maria had called over the weekend and her mother was not doing well and she would have to remain in Mexico to take care of her for the foreseeable future. Therefore, her position was also available. And Harold and Anne thought I would be perfect, especially since I've done so well during these last few weeks. They offered to pay me $500.00 per week in cash. As a further incentive, they said we could continue to stay with them, which would save us a considerable amount of money for rent and utilities. I was flabbergasted and didn't know what to say. Judy was caught off guard too, but I knew she didn't like her teaching job all that much. I wasn't that surprised by her reaction. "Wow. That's some offer. You know it may be fun to do something different. I could use a change and the salary is enticing to say the least. Maybe I should go to the office with you tomorrow to get a first hand look at the job. Patti, isn't this great?" For me the news was anything but great. Any idea I had of regaining my maleness or my wife was fading as quickly as the setting sun. I hesitated being somewhat confused as to what to say. I didn't want to be too assertive given that I was still the maid and I guess had accepted my new submissive position and persona. "I'm not sure Miss - I mean Judy. I mean it's one thing to do this for the summer but quite something else to consider it a full time job. I'm a college graduate and being someone's maid seems like a big step down." Anne looked at me and said, "well, it's up to you, Patti. We'd love you to stay, but I understand if you decide to go back to teaching. I know it's not easy for you to he here in this role, even though you have done an adequate job as our maid. But understand that if you do agree to stay on as our maid - you will be expected to fulfill that role perhaps in ways even more so than you have up to this point. Don't ask me what I mean, as I am not prepared to discuss it until I know that you will be staying." I held my natural questions and I decided to wait until the following day and see how Judy liked the office environment. I said as much to those assembled and I was dismissed and went to bed. As I expected, Judy loved the job and her new office, and she wanted to stay. I found out that night - again with Harold and Anne with us, wine glasses in hand which I served to all. This time I was not invited to drink any wine however. Judy said, after telling us how much she loved the new job, "Patti, please say yes. Please say you will stay too. It will be so much easier for everyone if you agree. Please! You are so good at being a servant and seem to be happy in that role. Besides - we - or rather you - can save money and still be with me as I will be staying here in any event. I am not returning home with you if you decide to go. Harold and Anne would love to have you stay. They told me they think you are a good maid - although you need some further training. So how about it Patti?" I hated when Judy did this to me. Even now I still had difficulty in saying no to her even when I knew it was not in my best interest to do so. However, I also knew I couldn't afford to maintain the apartment on my own. Between my outstanding student loans and my starting teaching salary I was almost bankrupt. I was practically forced to agree to stay on as Harold and Anne's maid. Although living as a full time maid wasn't such a small decision either, it seemed easier than bankruptcy. I seemed to lose my own ability to make decisions and depended on Judy and even Harold and Anne to tell me what to do. So I gave in and agreed. As soon as I said those words, they all looked at each other smiling - as if they knew something I didn't. Anne said, "Patti - please come and stand before me." I rose and straightened my skirt and apron. I placed myself before her folding my hands on my apron. She stared at me and said nothing. I realized then that I had forgotten my place and curtsied to her. She nodded to indicate that I had done right. She then continued. "Patti - I am glad you chose to stay with us and I was sure you would do so despite your misgivings, because I believe that you have found your true calling in life. You are a submissive male who needs a strong hand. I can tell you now that your loss of the wrestling match to Judy was no accident. You chose a strong woman because deep down you realized you needed a strong woman. Judy proposed that match knowing that she could defeat you. But more than that she knew that she needed to bring out your feminine submissive side, which is why she made the stakes of the bet being a maid for the summer. Naturally she described herself in a sexy maid's outfit if she lost knowing the image would tempt you to accept the bet. However, she knew she wouldn't lose. She had been working out for weeks before you went on vacation. Thus, she was sure that you would lose being more a bookworm non-athletic type - and she could then push you to become the feminine/submissive person that she needed you to be - a persona she felt, and I agree, you denied for so long. She wanted to bring that out in you so that she could have her little helper around the house. She hates housework and needed a maid. You were tailor-made for that job - but she needed to 'deek' you into it with the bet, and then forced you to see it through by alluding to 'welching' your bet. Once you didn't resist her at all after she slapped your face, (yes she told us about it), she knew she would be in control. Why do you think she had shoes to fit you that first day in her valise? You know your feet are larger. The clothing was hers - there was no way she could fool you that the whole thing was spontaneous if you didn't recognize the clothing as hers, but she knew that you needed only a size larger shoes so she chanced it." "Your trip here was another part of the prearranged plan - all of which was discussed with Harold and me. Harold thought it would be fun and frankly - he gets off so to speak on 'topping' other males, so he jumped at the chances to see you in women's clothing - so he could have some fun with you. All of his surprise that first day when he arrived home was a superb acting job. Even I was convinced - and we were all acting parts which we had discussed in advance. But my only real motive was to help out a friend. Maria actually found another job closer to Mexico where her family resides and then she can visit more frequently. No one is sick in her family. Judy's seeing you as a maid came up when I was crying in my beer to her about losing Maria. She then suggested that you would be a suitable replacement. I was intrigued and then I got Harold on-board. The rest you know about." I looked at Judy. She smiled a bit smugly at first but then looked more sympathetic, and nodded that what was being said by Anne was true. Anne continued with her monologue to me. "Patti - as you already realize - Judy and Tom are now 'a couple'. He will continue to visit and sleep with Judy as a couple. You are a husband but in name only. As the housemaid - you will treat both as guests by being obedient and polite as you have generally been since you came. You will clean their room as you do our and do their laundry as you do ours. As Judy said - you have been a good maid, but we think you need further training. Too often you revert back to your male persona and we don't like that." "Therefore, we all have agreed on a program to increase your level of obedience and submission. Unless you submit to it - you will find yourself on the street, with letters to your school board showing photographs of yourself as our maid - so that you will have nowhere to go as a teacher. I gasped. "I hope we don't have to resort to that as perhaps one day you can go back to teaching but you do need to obey us as your superiors in this house at this time in your life. Is that clear?" I could only say fearfully, "Yes Miss Anne," and I curtseyed. Harold grinned and said "I expect a curtsey as well when I speak to you Patti as does Miss Judy or Master Tom. Is that clear?" I replied, "yes Master Harold," and curtseyed to him once again. "Continue to hold your skirts out at the side Patti," Anne said, "that is a more servile feminine position for when we are giving you instruction. Do so whenever someone speaks to you after you curtsey." I did as she requested. "Now tomorrow you will get up at 6:30 and assist Miss Judy with her clothing and breakfast at 7:30. She will leave the house at 8:30." "In the meantime, at 8 AM you will go to our rooms and assist Master Harold as he directs you." She giggled at that and looked over at Judy who blushed and looked away. I will still be sleeping in the adjoining smaller room and don't wish to be awakened until 9:30 AM and I expect breakfast in bed - a hot breakfast. Make whatever you wish unless I give you orders the night before. Is all this clear to you Patti girl?" Again I answered with a curtsey. "Now - clear up these wine glasses and the kitchen and then go to bed. We will stay up a while longer." I did as instructed. As I went upstairs - I heard giggling from the two women as they all talked. While lying in bed reading - I heard a knock on the door. It was Miss Judy. She said good night to me and thanked me for choosing to stay with her. She said that mostly my being a maid would be the same as it had been although some changes might occur that I found not to my liking. She hoped that I would be able to adjust as I had little choice now that Anne and Harold were my new employers - and my Master and Mistress. I realized that as soon as I agreed to stay, the changes in my life would continue. Now what was a summertime misadventure blossomed into a new full time career, and a new full-time gender change. Judy and I both had new positions. But she was moving up the career ladder with a higher paying, more prestigious position, while I would continue to be the family maid. We both tendered our resignations. In quick succession, we moved out of our apartment after selling most of our furniture and sold Judy's car since she now had a company car. All of my male clothing was donated to a local charity and we moved in with Harold and Anne. I did ask, "shouldn't I keep some of my male things?" "Why, silly? You haven't worn a stitch of male clothing in months. And you don't have any extra storage space in your room to have male things and all your other clothes and uniforms. It's time for it to go." "Isn't there extra room in the pool house?" "Don't be impertinent Patti. I have a lot of clothing, plus I need space for Tom when he visits." I blushed and curtseyed with a "Yes Miss Judy". "And I expect our room to be kept immaculate young lady! Is that clear?" Again I curtseyed and replied in the affirmative. During these months that I was living full time as a woman, I began to develop some feminine physical traits. I noticed my breasts were enlarged, my nipples were more sensitive and my lower body was changing as well. I also knew my hair was finer and I did not have to shave my legs as often as before. I was sure it was related to those vitamins, Judy insisted I take each day and she confirmed it. Finally the light dawned upon me. "Are those pills female hormones, Miss Judy?" I asked her one morning. "Of course they are silly. That's why you've been looking so feminine. They're working fine, aren't they?" "Yes Ma'am - but it would have been nice if you told me." She looked sharply at me and said "Patti - come here!" I was afraid of her then, but she glared at my hesitation so I walked over to stand in front of her as ordered. Then she lashed out to slap my face. I was stunned and held my cheek. "Put your hand down Patti - you insolent ninny!" "Now that is what Anne meant - reverting to your old male self. You are the maid here Patti - you question nothing we do to you, or for you. You do as you are told - remember that!" "I gave you your female hormones because if I told you, you may have not wanted to take them. And they have made a big difference in your attitude and appearance. You've never been sweeter, but I see that you have a long way to go in the obedience department." She was right. I was sweeter. Those physical changes coupled with the wearing of female clothing and serving as a maid had a very strong impact on my entire demeanor. I was increasingly becoming more and more of a woman and less and less of a husband. The husband situation was made even more laughable each time Judy entertained Tom. Entertaining was how she referred to his frequent visits and their sexual escapades. Judy didn't seem to care that she was flaunting it in front of me and did little to camouflage it. I just couldn't or wouldn't raise any objection, feeling it was not my place. "I am sorry Ma'am. I will try to do better to be more obedient." Well I think you need some help in that department and I will discuss it with Master Harold and Mistress Anne tonight. That night I was summoned to the living room. All were there. The ladies were sitting on the couch on either side of Tom, and Master Harold was standing in the middle of the room wearing only a white shirt and trousers. "I understand Patti," he intoned, "that you had the temerity to question Miss Judy about her giving you hormones. As you know it is not your place to question a superior in this house. You are no longer a husband or a male. You are a simply a servant and need to learn your place. Therefore you are going to get punished." I began to back away a step or two. "No use backing away Patti. Where will you run in your cute heels and dress. Do you think I or Tom couldn't catch you? Now I want you to go before Miss Judy and apologize for you impertinence - with a nice curtsey - and then to Miss Anne for being disobedient - and ask Miss Judy how many spanks she thinks I should give you." I looked at Judy and she just stared back at me angrily. I looked at Mistress Anne and she seemed complacently pleased at the events taking place before her. Master Harold looked impatient for me to obey and said, "I will add spanks Patti if you don't do as I told you." So I took my skirt in my hands - walked to where each lady sat and apologized for forgetting my place and questioning Judy's authority - all with a pretty curtsey. Tom just seemed amused. Each of them nodded and Miss Anne said, "perhaps you will learn your place tonight." I asked Miss Judy how many spanks she wanted me to get and she said, "I believe 50 well placed spanks should be enough tonight." I felt weak in the knees at the thought of 50 spanks. At that, Harold seated himself on an armless chair he had placed in the middle of the room and told me to get over his knee. At 6 feet tall he towered over me so I knew I could not fight him off. I believed I had little choice and went over to stand at his side. He ordered me to lift my skirt and slip. "I will let you keep your panties on this time because it is your first spanking. Also I don't want your sissy genitalia touching me directly." As I lifted my skirt he said, "pretty slip sissy," and grinned at me and at the ladies who tittered and Tom laughed also. With that he pulled me down across his lap. I could turn my head and see the ladies and Tom watching intently. I felt very humiliated with my skirts up showing my panties. Then his smacks began to fall on my bottom. WHAP...WHAP... WHAP... SMACK... WHAP... SMACK... SMACK... SMACK... SMACK...WHAP They sounded like firecrackers and burned me up. I began to cry and beg and kick my feet, but he was relentless in his efforts. I didn't hear him counting but I hoped he was as I twisted and turned on his lap in my efforts to reduce the pain that was scorching my bottom. After what I thought were 30 spanks he stopped momentarily - then resumed with very hard but more slowly delivered spanks. I tried to reach back to block the spanks but he grabbed my right arm and held it securely and then really let me have the hardest spanks I am sure he could deliver. I blubbered and begged and pleaded to no avail. Finally it was over as I lay over his lap sobbing, while he breathed rapidly with the exertion. He let me calm myself a bit before telling me to stand up - but to continue to hold up my skirt and slip and go stand in a corner of the living room. I shuffled off to the corner holding up my skirts and slip feeling humiliated and violated. After a few minutes I heard Master Harold and Master Tom leave the room and then Miss Anne told me to come out of the corner and to come stand before her. I shuffled over to her holding up my skirt and slip showing my pink panties to stand before her - still sobbing. "I am sorry you had to be disciplined Patti but we all felt it was necessary for you to understand your place as our servant. You may lower your dress and slip." I felt grateful to her for that and rearranged my clothing. I quickly held my skirt out to receive further instruction as was insisted upon. Seeing that Miss Anne said, "see how attentive and obedient you are now Patti. See that you stay that way. Now, I must tell you that your punishment is not over yet, although the worst of it is, I guess. Both Miss Judy and I feel that we must punish you for your transgressions as we are your Mistresses. We wanted to establish that anyone in this household has the right to discipline you for poor behavior or slacking off. After all we are paying you an excellent salary and want our money's worth. Are you clear on this point Patti?" I curtseyed and said, "Yes Ma'am." "Good!" She looked at Judy and smiled. Judy winked at her and I felt embarrassed but held my tongue. I had learned my lesson and my place. "Now - as further expiation of your transgressions - I want you to go over to Miss Judy and again give your apologies and then kneel in front of her." I did as instructed. Judy looked down at me and said, "Patti - this has been a long journey for you, but in the main you have accomplished a lot. The last thing you need to learn is to get rid of your male response system - to confront those with whom you disagree. You can no longer do that - is that clear girl?" she said with vehemence. "Yes Miss Judy," I replied still on my knees. "To make that perfectly clear to you - I am now going to slap your face as further punishment and to show you how Miss Anne and I will punish you in future. Master Harold will never slap you as he might hurt you badly. As women - we prefer to slap a naughty housemaid's face when necessary to reprimand her when she has been negligent or forgotten her place. So, now, I want you to put up your face into a proper position so I can slap you. If you do so properly - it will be only one slap. If you duck or try to interfere - it will be more and if necessary we shall call for Master Harold and I can assure you that your next spanking will be in the basement with a strap. Now get that face up sissy!" I was so confused and frightened that I complied immediately. "SLAP." The blow was delivered hard and swift stinging my left cheek. "Now crawl over to Miss Anne Patti - so that she can also slap your silly face." I wept a bit as I crawled over to Miss Anne. She looked a bit sorry for me but said this was all for my own good - and would be helpful in my acceptance of my place as their servant. Then she motioned for me to put up my face. "Slap." She slapped me on my other cheek but with much less force than Miss Judy - I guess feeling that I had suffered enough. I was grateful once again for her small acts of kindness. Then she said, "all right Patti - that concludes your punishment session but it can be a lot worse in future if either of us or Master Harold - and yes even Master Tom when he is here - is dissatisfied with your service. You have seen the strap hanging in the kitchen closet. If necessary you may find yourself skirts up over the back of a kitchen chair receiving correction from me and I won't be as lenient as I just was if that happens, I can assure you. And I won't care who is there at the time. Your embarrassment means nothing to me when I need to correct you on the spot. And you will be sure to thank me for correcting you if I do take the strap to you with a lovely curtsey no matter how much your bottom is burning. So make sure you are obedient and do your job properly. Now get up and go to bed and make sure you don't make a racket. You should move like a church mouse about the house, holding your skirts and acting as feminine as you can, without attracting attention to yourself. No go to bed!" The next morning early, I did what I do best. I cleaned up Miss Judy's and Master Tom's room and went about my chores after serving Miss Judy's and Master Tom's breakfast. Tom left to return home. Judy had me of course doing his and her soiled laundry which she handed me in the kitchen. Talk about humiliation. Here I was wearing panties and a bra and slip and a dress just like my wife and I had to launder and iron, not just her lingerie and outer clothing, but her lover's jockey shorts, socks and shirts as well. That was so embarrassing! I never liked doing the laundry, but accepted it as my lot as the housemaid - a role I found myself adapting to. Then Miss Judy came to me and said, "it's 8AM. You need to go to attend to Master Harold." She blushed a bit, "make sure you are obedient and do as he instructs you. Remember - you are feminine housemaid now and are to do as you are told. Otherwise things could get bad for you. A word to the wise should be sufficient. Now go!" I scurried off to Master Harold's room and knocked gently. He told me to come in and I found him just awakened sitting on the side of the bed. I curtsied and told him that I was reporting as instructed. He said, "very good Patti. Now I want you to stand her before me holding your skirts as you do with Miss Anne and Miss Judy while I speak to you." I complied - feeling rather embarrassed however. "Now I know you have been asked to make a major adjustment in acting as our housemaid and I appreciate your efforts. At the same time you still hold onto too many of your male attitudes and behaviors. Miss Anne and Miss Judy and I all agree that you need new experiences which will teach you how to be a woman. Is that clear?" I wasn't sure what he meant and said, "I am not sure sir," with a curtsey. "It means that the more you have female experiences Patti, the more female you will feel and the less male you will feel. Now I have to use the bathroom - I want you to kneel down beside the bed while I am gone and think about what I have said." With that he rose and went to the bathroom where I could hear him urinating. I still stood there a bit in a trance - not being sure what to do. He emerged from the bathroom and seeing me standing there said angrily, "I believe I told you to kneel by the bed Patti - now do so at once. I don't wish to force you so be a good girl and do as you are told." Again I felt so weak and confused that I did as he told me. Then he lowered his pajama bottom and took it off. Then he sat down on the side of the bed and said, "now I must tell you that when Maria was here, she performed certain duties for me... well to be blunt... she gave me oral sex every morning because I am a horny guy and Anne has reached an age where she no longer likes to perform oral sex. Maria is no longer the maid - you are. So I want you to get between my knees and take my cock in your mouth and pleasure me. I will instruct you what to do and I expect that you will perform to my satisfaction. It will give you an important womanly experience and it will help you to stop thinking of yourself as a male. Now come over and take my cock in your hand girl! At once!" he barked. I responded like a robot to his Master's voice. He was so powerful and commanding while I felt weak and compliant and feminine. I took his cock gingerly in my hand and starred at it. "Now take it in your mouth Patti and suck my cock!" Master Harold ordered. Again I acted like a robot and did as I was told. It was half hard already and quickly hardened as I licked and sucked it. "That's a good girl Patti," he breathed heavily. "I knew you would be a good cocksucker - you are so sissy anyhow. You know you should have been born a woman, but you weren't and won't ever be. The ladies of the house may accept you as such, but to me - you will always be my sissy cocksucker. I want you to know that so whenever I smile at you - you will know that is what I am thinking. With constant practice you will become and excellent cocksucker for me, just like Maria was. I should also tell you - while you are sucking my cock - that at times - I may feel horny during the day and may call you into any room in the house that I happen to be in to get me off. Don't worry that anyone will see you as both Miss Anne and Miss Judy know what you are doing right now, and that you will be doing it in the house as I need it. I am the man of this house and my pleasure should be something you have in your mind as a first priority. If they happen to come into a room and see you serving your Master - well so what. If I am displeased - I will spank you on the spot regardless of who may hear or see. If the girls see you, they may giggle and tease you later - but that is between you girls. You at least know that they are women and know something about serving a man's pleasure, so are hardly in a position to feel that superior - if that is any consolation." I was concentrated on bringing him off as soon as I could and soon he was spurting into my mouth shouting at the top of his lungs, "that's it bitch - swallow that cum - get it all - don't lose a drop!" I did as I was told and swallowed his copious load. I wanted to run out of the room but knew I needed his permission to leave and also I knew if I took his cock out of my mouth too soon he might be angry with me and I didn't want that. He instructed me to be sure to lick his cock and balls so that he was clean and then bade me to get a washcloth to bathe his parts and dry him. "Cleaning is your chore is it not sissy maid?" he teased me. What could I say but, "yes Master Harold." Soon he breathed a snore and said, "pick up my pajamas from the floor and put them in the laundry and then go back to work Patti - I might see you later," he chortled. I blushed as I rose - put his pajamas into the laundry - and went about my chores. I passed Miss Judy on her way out. We both blushed and she said, "welcome to womanhood, dearie." She smiled knowingly and left for the office. But just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, they did just that. It happened the next weekend on Sunday. Tom was there again for the weekend and he and Judy were going out to a very nice restaurant for dinner and dancing. I helped Miss Judy to dress, and Miss Anne as well. They had me running and fetching for them - scolding me for not anticipating what they would need. They seemed to forget that I was not born a woman and still was learning about dressing a woman. Miss Anne got so annoyed that she slapped me hard. I started to cry, but she called me silly girl and threatened to slap my silly face again, so I ran to fetch her what she wanted. I noticed that the slaps were becoming more frequent when either Miss Judy or Miss Anne were annoyed with me. I was becoming fearful when I had to serve the ladies and began to sound that way. "Yes Miss - right away". "As you wish Miss" in a quavering voice - curtseying frequently. They seemed to smile when I did that, and smiled at each other, so I did it some more. When I forgot too often, I found myself visiting Master Harold's room for an over-the-knee session leaving me in tears standing in the corner holding up my skirts with my panties at my knees. So, I tried hard never to forget to curtsey walking through the house and encountering anyone at all, or to hold my skirts when receiving instruction. Either lady would often tell me to lift my skirts to make sure I was properly attired underneath my uniform. They called it an 'undie inspection'. The first few times I felt humiliated, but they convinced me that - after all - we were all women, so a lingerie inspection should hardly be embarrassing, especially when I saw them frequently in their lingerie as I helped them to dress. They never treated me like a male at all, only another woman. Thus, I had to show them my slip and panties and even which bra I was wearing by loosening my bodice. They would smile - compliment me on the prettiness as I stood there holding up my skirt or with my dress open. Sometimes Master Harold would chance by and grin but I still had to hold up my skirts if they hadn't dismissed me. Somehow I got the feeling that such events were planned to teach me humility. Afterwards, I was told to get back to my chores usually with strict instructions about washing or ironing something of theirs or cleaning their rooms or toilets, which I accepted with a curtsey of my skirt. Naturally they all returned home from their night out long after I went to bed, but the next morning, as I was cleaning the kitchen after breakfast, I heard Anne scream in delight when Judy and Tom joined her on the veranda. I went out to see what all the excitement was about and that's when I noticed Judy showing a large diamond engagement ring to Anne. I hardly heard what anyone was saying for the next few minutes, but all I had to know was right there on her hand. She was engaged. She was going to marry Tom. I was totally shocked by this latest turn of events and quietly ran off to my room. I cried. That evening after Tom left, Judy called me to join her in her room. "Patti, I know this probably came as a shock in a way, but in other ways you had to expect something. I mean you know Tom and I have become very close and that we care about each other a lot. I didn't expect him to propose this soon, but he's too good of a catch to let go and I really do love him. Yes, I still care for you, but not like a wife loves her husband. You are now more like a younger sister. And as a housemaid, well..." I tried to interject my thoughts but Judy asked to finish. "I know this is hard for you. It's hard for me too. But even you have to face reality. We haven't been husband and wife for nearly a year now. I don't even think of you as a man anymore, never mind my husband. I mean how could I considering your feminine looks and demeanor. And seeing you in your uniform every day - knowing you are wearing panties, slips, and bras - performing all these feminine chores just made it even harder not to think of you as... as ... well not quite a woman... but let's say a woman-in-training. And now you are growing breasts for goodness sake. You will soon be a woman in most ways that people see a woman." "I've been thinking of filing for a divorce for some time, but wasn't sure how to broach the subject. Tom's proposal just moved it along a little quicker, so I will be filing for divorce this week. This way we can both get on with our lives. I hope we can still be friends, but I can't be married to you anymore. I hope you understand?" I didn't know what to say. I was afraid. I was so afraid. But I didn't want to ruin Judy's excitement. "Yes, I understand. I knew our situation was untenable as a long- term relationship. I know now that you no longer considered me your husband. I mean look at me. Look at what I've become. I feel and look like a woman - a housemaid. What woman would want me as her husband. I knew you and Tom were getting more involved right from his first visit so this wasn't a total shock to me. But I'm scared of losing you entirely and I'm afraid of what my future holds. But I can't stand in your way. I just hope you will take me with you Miss Judy - when you and... Master Tom leave here." "You're being sensible Patti. I knew you would understand. And I've decided that Anne would serve as my matron of honor, but I want you to attend me on my wedding day. I want you to be there in remembrance of what we once were to each other. You are still important to me Patti - but now Tom is my man - you are my maid. You will assist me and prepare me pack for my honeymoon. As to your being our maid when Tom and I leave here, I have to think about that and discuss it with Tom. After all he may have some negative feelings about it and so might I. Besides, it may well do you to stay here with Anne and Harold. It's easier for them than for us to accept your change and to teach you to accept it than it would be for either Tom or me. They can be more objective with you than I could despite my actions towards you recently. I was only trying to teach you to learn your new place." 'Oh dear,' I thought, 'now she wants me to prepare her to marry another man. This is just too much!' I began to cry. Last time we were in a wedding together it was a bride and groom. Now this time it would bride and maid. What could I say? I just couldn't refuse her. I knew I had to agree. "Yes, I will. I would love to be your maid... just as long as I don't have to wear this silly uniform to the wedding." I said as I stood there with my hand on my hips. We both laughed at my little joke and then hugged each other tightly. "Honey, don't you worry. We're going to buy you the most feminine bride's maid dress we can find. You'll look very presentable for the wedding, I guarantee you." Judy and Tom set a quick date for the wedding so the next few months passed in a blur. There were tons of things to do. They had to find a reception hall, a band, photographer, florist, centerpieces, gifts and on and on. Judy had to buy her wedding trousseau, her gown, veil, shoes and accessories. Naturally, Miss Anne had to buy a gown as well so of course the two women were out of the house a lot. I found myself alone often with Master Harold and of course he took those opportunities to reinforce my womanly feelings by serving him sexually. I now gave myself to him as fully as I could as he had been slowly making my rear entrance bigger with dildoes and butt plugs. I wore them during the day but the ladies were kind enough never to mention the more feminine walking I was doing. At this point I felt like his girlfriend given how much he used me for his pleasure. I was a woman completely in my mind. My former male self was only a distant remembrance - as if I had had a transsexual surgery. At one point Anne told me privately that she was grateful to me for taking care of his sexual needs - except for once in a while - given that she had a secret lover. Of course I would never reveal that to Master Harold. As Judy promised I did find a very, pretty, feminine dress for the wedding. As soon as we saw it, we all knew it was perfect. We had our initial fittings that same day and the dresses would be delivered in less than two weeks. During those ensuing weeks I had a lot of time to think and a lot of decisions to be made. With Judy's marriage she would be moving out to a new home with Tom leaving me on my own. That is what they had decided. I felt sad about it but understood how awkward it would be for them. Harold and Anne wanted me to stay on with them and continue working there, but I wasn't quite sure what I wanted. As I thought over my options, staying there seemed to make the most sense. I had no place to live and I had no other job possibilities at the present time. My body was also quite different now as well. The hormones Judy had me take changed my body significantly. I now had breasts, hips, silkier hair and more translucent skin. Outwardly, I had become much more feminine than masculine. I knew resuming a male life in my present condition was nearly impossible. So, I decided to continue working for Harold and Anne as their maid and to continue living in their home. The day before the wedding Miss Judy asked me to help her pack for her honeymoon. After I brought in her two suitcases we started going through her things to decide what to bring. I felt so strange as I helped her decide on what dresses to bring, along with matching accessories and shoes. But even worse was helping her select some of her more intimate items. She wanted to bring a half dozen of her sexiest negligees to surprise Tom with some sexy, exotic looks. She even packed two garters and matching stockings in black and white. I also had to help her decide on some of her bra and panties sets as well. I appreciated the fact that she respected my opinion, but I felt sad knowing Tom would be seeing her in all these very sheer and sexy lingerie pieces. It wasn't that long ago that I was the one admiring her body in her feminine, sexy undergarments. I sighed. That day and the wedding day were as frantic as one could expect. One nice surprise for me was that Mike would be in the wedding party too. When I saw him at the rehearsal dinner I realized how much I had missed him. We spent the entire night catching up on his job and everything else. I looked forward to being with him at the wedding the next day since we were paired up. I'm sure Harold would find that pairing quite amusing. As for the day of the wedding, Judy, Anne and I all dressed at home after having our hair and makeup done at a local salon earlier that morning. Anne and I helped Judy get dressed in her gown before we finished dressing ourselves, but with our hair and makeup out of the way, actually dressing was simple. So there we stood all in our lingerie as I helped Judy and Anne slip on their beautiful gowns. She looked stunning. I had never felt so feminine and womanly as at that moment. I was a woman with other women doing a most womanly thing - preparing a woman for her wedding and honeymoon. I had truly joined the other gender - in my eyes and in theirs. Judy's gown was beautiful. Her bodice was lace entwined with baby pearls that matched her veil. Her satin dress was very full with a long, lovely train that snapped in place. She looked beautiful, as any bride should. I felt almost faint as we took our places. As the organist began playing 'Here Comes the Bride', I took a deep breath and relaxed. Judy looked radiant as she began her march down the aisle to join her handsome new husband. As Judy walked down the aisle I couldn't help but reflect on our wedding just a few short years ago. That day I was standing in Tom's place full of pride waiting for my bride. Today I was standing with the girls in the wedding party waiting to arrange Judy's train and hold her flowers during the ceremony. A few short years ago I was wearing a tuxedo with a flower in my boutonniere. Today I was encased in a flowing dress, with open toed sandals and my toenails nicely manicured. As I saw Judy reach the altar, I could see the love in her eyes as she gazed into Tom's eyes. Anne and I rearranged her train and took her flowers from her. Surprisingly, I felt somewhat envious of her having a man. I felt as a woman feels - jealous of her having a man and me not. My goodness - those hormones really do make changes. I looked over at Mike, and thought how much I would love his attention at the reception. Later that evening, I knew for sure that I was a woman. Being on the dance floor, held tightly in his arms, I knew Mike was all man and I wanted him. I knew that when he took me home, I would invite him into my room and start to pay attention to the manhood I felt pushing into my belly. I knew it was only a matter of time for us to become lovers. I smiled at him, gazed into his eyes and kissed him passionately as we embraced on the dance floor. As we broke our kiss, I saw Judy dancing with Tom. She smiled benevolently at me and blew me a girlie kiss. I knew she meant as a further welcome to womanhood. Then I caught Master Harold's eye and he smiled and also blew me a kiss - and pointed to his crotch. Oh dear! Maybe I couldn't invite Mike home with me - I just couldn't make Master Harold angry or jealous. The dance ended and Master Harold beckoned me as Miss Anne went to talk with Miss Judy - so I excused myself from Mike and walked over to him. He whispered, "follow me a few steps behind." He then proceeded down a hallway and into a single occupancy bathroom. He crooked his finger at me after making sure no one was looking. I followed him in. He locked the door and said, "remember - any room I happen to be in?" Oh God! He wanted oral sex. He took some paper towels and put them in the front of the bowl and said, "get down here sissy - and suck your Master's cock now!" I was long past hesitating at his instructions - no matter what they were. He removed his Tuxedo jacket, took down his trousers and boxers. I did as he bade me to do, kneeling on the wet paper, with my gown raised to my thighs as he sat leaned back on the toilet. As I took his cock in my mouth, he said, "Don't get any girly ideas about Mike, sissy dear. You belong to me now. If you are obedient and suck me well, I may let you go out now and then for dinner with Mike. But your mouth and ass belong to me. So he will soon tire of your not giving him what a man needs and that will be that. If you do decide to disobey that rule - you can be sure I will find out and then you will have more than one trip to the cellar for a good spanking. Is that clear sissy?" All I could murmur was, "oh of course Master!" as I gave him a salacious sucking, which soon resulted in a gigantic orgasm. Apparently the newness of a bathroom in a public catering hall gave him a new erotic thrill, and he came in great amounts down my throat, and on my face. When he indicated that I take his cock out of my mouth and I finished licking his cock and balls to clean him up, I straightened my dress, washed and redid my face and hair in the mirror. He just pulled up his pants, put back his jacket on, and went back to the dance, saying, "enjoy the rest of the party sissy." A few minutes later I returned to Mike, who asked me what took me so long and I could only reply that some of the food and drink had disagreed with me. I now realized what my life would be from now on and what I had become. I would be a sissy housemaid that the women would treat as another female and the Master would use as a female, but would regard me as a sissy male for a long time. I could only accept it and hope for some kind of reprieve in the future. After all, being my Master's sex object, and my Mistress' housemaid couldn't be all bad, could it? I knew that I would see Miss Julie and Master Tom from time to time and that I would be able to serve them too. I did get a warm feeling to know that I had truly found my place as a feminine male housemaid and that if I was obedient and served well, I would always have a place and be taken care of. That felt reassuring. The End

Same as The Contest - A Revised Conclusion - Chapter 7 Videos

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A swapped Life Chapters 1 3 Revised

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Katie judges a kissing contest

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Katie judges a kissing contest

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Katie Judges A Kissing Contest

"So, did you like my pussy?" whispered 16-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his step sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her step brother's head in her arms. She had her answer.Ding,...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 7

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 13

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 14

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 30

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Tanning Contest

Lisa Williams pulled her car into the parking slip in front of the tanning center she'd been religiously going to as a client and now working at as an employee. She turned off the engine and twisted the rearview mirror to allow her to check the face looking back. It was a deep tanned face with striking blue eyes that stared back. She fluffed at the golden blonde curls flowing from her head with her hands and chuckled, not bad for a thirty one year old! I still look twenty! Opening the door,...

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The Contest Winner

The Contest Winner By Nicole Larson “Did you enjoy the show?” the big security man with the headset asked. “I did!” I gushed. “Very much!” And I had. It had been a long time since I’d been to a rock concert, and I wasn’t a huge fan of Cindee’s music, but she had put on a great show. The lights, the songs, the dancing, the insanity of the crowd, it was intoxicating. So here I was, riding an elevator up to the 24 th floor of a swank downtown hotel, on my way to a private meet and greet with...

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The Contest Winner

The Contest Winner By Nicole Larson “Did you enjoy the show?” the big security man with the headset asked. “I did!” I gushed. “Very much!” And I had. It had been a long time since I’d been to a rock concert, and I wasn’t a huge fan of Cindee’s music, but she had put on a great show. The lights, the songs, the dancing, the insanity of the crowd, it was intoxicating. So here I was, riding an elevator up to the 24 th floor of a swank downtown hotel, on my way to a private meet and greet with...

Group Sex
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The Contest

Contest Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Almost nobody could believe it when it was announced, yet I was almost beside myself with joy; I hid it well, but it was there. The club that my parents belong to announced that they were going to award three full scholarships, along with two $10,000 prizes. The catch? It was required that all contestants dress and live as a member of the opposite sex for one year, starting the day school let out then all the way through the following...

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My Contest Winner

My Contest Winner: His Care And Oiling - Part IJust Being in the Right GymI knew joining this gym would be both a joy and torture. The joy is being surrounded by some of the most muscular and hot bodybuilders in the city. Some of them pump and flex wearing next to nothing or, some were covered in sweats that still couldn’t hide all their bulk and bulges. The torture is pure suffering for me. I have a barely controllable passion for studs into their muscles – pumping, flexing, posing, and...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 5

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 5 Paul awoke next morning having not had a dream with his female self in it. He had just dreamt of Kelly and the thought of having her in bed with him. It was of course Sunday, and due to the day out with Kelly, he had a day of homework to look forward to. He found that Joanne seemed more cheerful than usual. Her hair was chocolate brown now, having dyed it for the umpteenth time. She seemed to be growing it out too. Her roots were showing her...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 6

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 6 Paul arrived home and headed upstairs as usual to put his bag in his room. Whilst he was up there, he headed for the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He noticed that his face was softer, though not enough to look feminine. His eyebrows hadn't been touched since he had found Joanne's tweezers, so they helped keeping him looking masculine. The question that bothered him was how long this state of affairs would remain. How long before the face he...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 15

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 15 Paul arrived home and took his bag upstairs. "Come down here. Need you to try these on," called Laura. Paul quickly came back down and went into the living room. Laura was sitting down and she was holding two pairs of trousers. From first glance, they didn't look like girls trousers. "They're plain enough so that no one will tell unless they stare long enough," said Laura. "Unless girls notice," said Joanne. "Never mind that," said...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 19

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 19 Paul returned home and went upstairs to change. He had a small number of womens clothes to choose from, something he was keen to improve on. Still, he had some clothes to wear. "Thats better," he sighed, as he came downstairs and accepted Laura's offer of a drink. "How was your day at school, Paula?" asked Laura. "Fine, no jokes, and Alicia is ok with the plan," he replied. "Thats good. How're you going to arrange visits?" she...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 24

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 24 Paula awoke next morning ready for her second day at school, and it was going to be an interesting one. First PE lesson as a girl plus seeing exactly what that girl who had spoken to her had meant. "Morning sweetheart," said Laura as she came down to breakfast. "Morning mom. Got my PE kit ready?" she replied. "Yes, I've put you a bottle of shampoo in as you requested," said Laura. "It's gonna feel strange being among loads of naked girls....

1 year ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 29

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 29 Paula and Kelly left their mothers at the cafe and went to explore more clothes shops. "I really like the fact you want a bikini," said Kelly. "I can just picture the two of us, lying on a beach, soaking up the sun enjoying each others company." "Yes, hopefully before our honeymoon too," said Paula. "We can just have a sign nearby saying "Men Fuck Off. Lesbians in Love."" "I like the idea, but I doubt it would work. Men don't like women...

1 year ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 33

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 33 Laura and Miriam had left the salon for a reason. The surprise that Laura had promised for Paula had got to be collected. Miriam came along because it also involved Kelly. Laura led Miriam to a jewellers shop a few hundred yards away. "Do you think they have them ready?" asked Miriam. "They are," said Laura. "I phoned the shop on Friday. Now they are identical in every way but for size." "If what you told me about them is true, Kelly should...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 35

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 35 Travelling into town had it's reasons other than to give Paula and Kelly something to do. Kelly was to meet her mom at around 3:00pm as normal. But in the time that remained, Laura followed the girls and let them decide where to go. "Paula, have you tried tying your hair back yet?" asked Kelly. "Not really. I still think it's too short," she replied. They were taking a break from window shopping and sitting on a bench. Laura was at a...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 36

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 36 Paula went to bed Friday night still reeling from the fact that her parents had had sex in a college classroom. But since that bit of skulduggery, they had obviously cleaned up their act. The following morning, Paula prepared for her day at Alicia's. Without a set of earplugs available, she was trying to think of other ways to worm her way out of listening to hours of pop music. "Oh don't try to worm your way out," said Laura. "You may well...

3 years ago
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Shit Town 8211 The Contest 8211 Part 1

There was an announcement “two mistresses are in need of the best shit slaves in our village, so they will keep a contest so that everyone start to apply for it, only the first ten will be selected for the contest. I rushed to the office and I Applied for it. I am 21 years old boy with Average body and an hunger for shit and my aim is to be a shit slave and about my village, it ia a small decent town. The people living there will run their family, by being slaves to rich men and women either...

4 years ago
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The Contest

The Contest By Stats The two cosmetic surgeons friends were blind drunk. They were millionaires and both renown in their field, having performed the most difficult surgeries on countless celebrities. Randy was the first to speak. "I don't know, Adam, we have listened to each other's war stories for over four hours and the way I see it; we still have a bloody tie. What we need is a real challenge." The next morning while shaving Randy thought of the challenge. He...

2 years ago
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The Contest

The Contest I don’t know how my wife found out about the contest but once she learned of it she couldn’t stop talking about it. And soon she was trying to get me to enter it with her. My wife, Julie, was a slim brunet with small breasts and nice, well shaped ass. She had been a virgin when we married but she quickly learned to love any kind of sexual activities. She especially loved sucking my cock and swallowing my semen. Maybe it was her love of cock sucking that piqued her interest in the...

2 years ago
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B6 Chapter 2 The Contest

Chapter 2: The Contest It was now Sunday, the day of the first of the challenges or events between Jeanne and Jordan, to determine the ultimate fate of the Island. Both Barocca's group with Jeanne, as well as Tiffany's group, represented by Jordan, had filed onto the stage in the auditorium. On the opposite side of the stage, the other amazons on the Island filled almost every seat. No one wanted to miss the show. "All right everyone, " said Tiffany as she addressed the audience, "I want...

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The Costume Contest

The Costume Contest Belladonna "Where do you want to go for you birthday lunch?" David Paris inquired with his secretary. Veronika paused as she thought over her boss's question. Her mind parsed through the various establishments she had been treated to lunch at since she started working for the man. She shook her head as she answered, "I'm not sure." David was struck by Veronika's indecisiveness. She normally had the answer right at the tip of her tongue. Her slight...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 4 Futas First Sensual Contest

Chapter Four: Futa's First Sensual Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “For the next year or so, you had a good string of diplomatic success,” Adelia said as we neared the end of our interview on my life. As much fun as it was to talk about my life on my forty-eighth birthday, I was eager to finish this last segment. I needed a break. But I still had to be positive and sexy, to let the world see me answer her questions without showing my fatigue. I had to be in...

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The Contest

The Contest By RogerGirl Angelo was sitting in the waiting area at a bridal shop while his fianc?e, Amy, was making an appointment with the owner. Angelo was 5'7" and 120 pounds with no visible Adam's apple. He played guitar in a band and often dressed in an emo style with long straight hair, some makeup, occasional nail polish, smooth hairless skin so he could wear his tight jeans more easily, and lots of hoodies. While he had never dressed as a girl, he had come to a...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 3

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 3 Sunday arrived and Paul dressed up as smart as he could, without going overboard. Alex was going to take him round to Kelly's house and would pick him up later. He picked up his school bag and prepared to go. "Just be yourself, and you should be fine," said Laura as he left. "Nervous?" asked Alex as he got in the car. "A bit. Not of Kelly, just her parents," he answered. "Well, don't be. As mom told you, just be yourself. You shouldn't...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 37

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 37 They got off the bus and found themselves on a busy city centre street. "Still busy," said Linda. "Lots of workers, college students and the like," said Laura. "Now, I think it's this way." They walked along a number of long shop filled streets before heading towards the fringes of the city centre. It was a fair walk over all and they were glad when the Sealife Centre came into view. "Bugger, got to ask for 5 adults," said Laura. The...

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