Pro-Life free porn video

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Pro-Life Synopsis: A man and his girlfriend get into a dispute when she accidentally gets pregnant. He doesn't want her to have an abortion, but she doesn't want the baby. Fortunately (or unfortunately), the miracles of modern science give them both a way to be satisfied. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Pro-Life The gavel smacked once again onto a square wooden block atop the desk, interrupting the heated argument with its sharp wooden bang. "If you two will not conduct yourself in my court, I will hold you in contempt." The judge, in his black robe, glared down at the two people arguing in front of his bench. "Is that clear?" The man glared at the young woman, then he looked up at the judge. His features softened, and he tried to appear contrite. "Yes, your honor," he said meekly. He looked confident; older than the woman, he was in his early 30's. His neat and obviously fresh haircut was a blatant attempt to lend him an air of professionalism; with his slightly-worn and not-quite-fitting suit, it almost worked. "Miss Wells?" the judge demanded. The young lady, perhaps twenty-three and quite attractive, shot one last dagger-filled look at the man, then she nodded to the judge. "Yes, sir." Tall, slender, she had an attractive figure suitable for modeling; her makeup was perfectly applied, and her hair was impeccably styled. Despite the look of a runway model, she seemed nervous, almost frightened. And her obvious anger at the man almost made her look like a teenager having a temper tantrum. The judge frowned at both of them. "I understand your ... frustration at the situation. This type of dispute has, unfortunately, become quite common since the Supreme Court ruling in Johns v Perkins." The man smiled smugly. "Yes, your honor. And since that ruling is the law of the land, I only want my rights respected in this case." The woman's face turned red, and she looked like she wanted to kill the man. "But what about _my_ rights?" she fairly screamed. The judge scowled at the young lady. "Miss Wells," he said sternly, "you asked for an expedited adjudication of your case, given the nature of the issue. Closed courtroom, no witnesses, no lawyers. Although this is highly unusual, I agreed to hear your case under these circumstances, since it _is_ your best chance of an expedited decision. Now unless you wish to have me dismiss your case, or to summarily rule against you, I suggest ... strongly ... that you control your temper. Do I make myself understood?" The woman's lips moved as if she wanted to speak, but no words came forth. Finally, she nodded. "Yes, your honor." The judge nodded. "Let me review to see if I have the facts of the case correct. You two have been seeing each other exclusively for almost ten months. Three months ago, you," he glanced at Miss Wells, "moved in with Mister Scaletti. Correct?" Both parties nodded mutely. "Your relationship has been sexual in nature, correct?" Again, they nodded. "Due to some unique medical problems, Miss Wells, you have been on a custom formulation of birth control hormones since you became sexually active, is that correct?" The woman nodded. "And your pharmacy made an error in filling your prescription with another customer's prescription for fertility medication, right?" The woman nodded again, frowning. "With the result that you are now pregnant, correct?" Felicia Wells nodded mutely, taking but a moment to shoot an angry glare at her ex-partner. The pharmacy had explained that was an accident, but since he _did_ want a family, and he _did_ work at home, she couldn't help wondering if it really _had_ been an accident. "So, the heart of the matter is that you," the judge looked over his glasses and the paper at Miss Wells, "want an abortion, while you," he glanced at Mario Scaletti, "want her to carry the child to birth." He saw both nod. "Mr. Scaletti, can you please tell the court why you want her to keep the baby?" The man cleared his throat. "I was raised to believe in the sanctity of life, from conception to natural death. The baby is not a lump of tissue. It's a baby. My baby. He ? or she - deserves a chance at life. It's a God-given right." "So you filed for an injunction to stop the abortion." "Yes, your honor," Mario answered confidently. "I have the right, as the biological father of the child, to have a say in the matter." He smiled smugly. Miss Wells fumed, her cheeks turning crimson with anger, but she kept her mouth shut. She knew that the law was on his side ? ever since that landmark abortion ruling two years ago. "Miss Wells," the judge continued, "would you please explain, for the record, why you do want an abortion?" "Certainly, your honor," Felicia said through clenched teeth. She was fighting to maintain her composure in the face of her ex- partner's smug arrogance. "It's my body, not his. I'm the one who has to go through pregnancy. I'm the one who has to go through childbirth. I'm the one whose career is going to be interrupted - maybe even ruined." She shook her head. "It's not that I hate children," she added quickly, perhaps too quickly. "I want to have a family someday. But I'm a model, and I've only got so many good years. Stretch marks would ruin my career." The judge nodded. "So you intended to have an abortion." "Yes, your honor. Until he got the injunction to stop me." The judge stared at her for a few moments. "It is his right under the law," he explained slowly. He turned again to Mr. Scaletti. "Why shouldn't she have an abortion? What if the situation were reversed? If you were the one who was pregnant, and whose career was going to be interrupted or even halted because of a pregnancy? What then?" Mario stood resolutely. "Life is life. It's not ours to give and take. It's a gift from God. If it were reversed, I'd have to complete the pregnancy and have the baby." He smiled smugly, knowing that the hypothetical question was irrelevant to the case, since it was impossible. The judge frowned. "Then why are you refusing to marry her? To her, having the baby is a huge responsibility, both physically and financially. If, and I'm not suggesting that you would do this, but if you were to ?skip town' as some unwed fathers do, she would be left with a baby and no career." Mario frowned. This was a different tack than he was expecting. "I am willing to make such a commitment. But I won't marry her while she's pregnant. It's a cultural thing with my family. Like the only reason that I'm getting married is because of the pregnancy." He shook his head. "To me, the issues are different. Committed marriage is one thing. The sanctity of life is another." The judge sat back, letting the paper slip from his hands. "I see we have an impasse here." Then the corners of his mouth turned up in a wry smile. "But if there were a way to satisfy both parties, would you agree?" Felicia frowned. "The only way he'll be satisfied is if I have the baby!" Mario nodded, frowning. "And she won't be happy unless she gets to end her pregnancy." The judge nodded. "If there were a way, would you agree?" he repeated, his voice strangely devoid of even a hint of emotion. "Yes, I guess so," Mario said slowly, confused. Felicia nodded. "I guess." "Very well." He banged the gavel. "By order of this court, Mr. Scaletti, you are awarded full custody of the baby. Miss Wells, you are relieved of all custodial rights. Visitation rights will be decided after the birth of the baby." The judge pulled on a pair of reading glasses, picked up some documents from his bench, and scanned them. He peered over the glasses at the two. "Approach the bench." Both parties walked to the front of the judge's bench, Mario bearing a smug grin on his face. "Please read and sign this agreement." The judge extended a document to the two of them. Almost as an afterthought, he glanced over the reading glasses at Felicia. "Miss Wells, you will note that this agreement does not preclude or prejudice in any way any future legal action you may wish to pursue against the pharmacy." Scaletti signed immediately without bothering to read. After glaring at his smug self-satisfied grin, Felicia Wells slowly read the document, feeling the icy stare from Mario as she seemingly delayed the inevitable. She started slightly at one point, then with a curious expression on her face, she signed as well and handed the form back to the judge. The judge examined the paper, then nodded toward the bailiff. Scaletti sensed motion beside him, and as he turned, he felt something stab into his arm. His smug grin vanished into shock as he turned, and even as he opened his mouth in question, he felt dizzy. The last thing he saw was the impassionate face of the bailiff who was holding a syringe in his arm. ********** Clarity of thought slowly returned to Mario. He realized that he was lying down in a bed. Slowly, as the world came into focus, he began to sort out his surroundings. He realized that his torso was propped up slightly. On one side, an IV bag was dripping steadily into the line; while he couldn't follow the line all the way, he saw it rise again from beside the bed and snake to his arm, where it vanished beneath a bandage. He slowly took in the gown draped over his body. Mario Scaletti realized slowly that he was in a hospital bed. He glanced around until he located the door. It was nearly shut. "Nurse," he called weakly. His voice was scratchy, and his throat hurt for some reason. No one came. "Nurse," he called again, trying to sound louder. The effort failed, and no one appeared. He leaned back heavily on the pillow. His mind raced. How had he gotten here? What was he doing here anyway? The last thing he remembered was being in the courtroom. He remembered feeling a sting in his arm. Maybe he had injured himself falling? As he pondered his situation, the door moved, and a young attractive nurse peeked in. "Oh, I see you're awake," she said in a cheery voice. She walked confidently to the bedside. "Let's see how you're doing." She smiled as she retrieved his chart from the end of the bed. After scanning it quickly, she set it on the bed and took his arm. Quickly, professionally, she took his vital signs, while Mario lay on the bed feeling helpless and weak. When he tried to speak, the nurse hushed him so she could finish her work. "What happened?" he asked after what seemed an eternity. "Why am I here?" The nurse smiled warmly. "I don't know," she admitted, "but your orders say that I'm to call Judge Martin as soon as you're awake." She put a call button in his hand, then walked out the door, leaving Mario as confused as when he'd first awakened. ********** "Mr. Scaletti?" The voice from the doorway seemed strangely familiar to Mario. He rolled from his side to his back, sighing heavily at the effort it took. "Judge," he replied when he recognized one of the two visitors. The other man wore a white lab coat, like a doctor or lab technician. The nurse followed the two men into the room. "What happened? Did I pass out or something?" The judge smiled, a strange and seemingly ominous smile. "Or something." "I don't understand." Mario shook his head as if to clear the cobwebs. The judge smiled at him. "This has to do with the resolution to your case," he said easily. "Resolution ? in a hospital?" Mario puzzled, then he frowned. "Did Felicia ... get her abortion, then?" The judge shook his head easily. "Tell me, what do you remember ? about your case, that is?" Mario frowned. "What does that have to do with my injury?" he scowled. Seeing the judge's expression, he closed his eyes and thought for a moment. "I'm pretty sure that you ruled that I would get custody of the child," he said after a moment's thought. "Things are little hazy." The judge nodded. "That's what the decree said. Do you remember what else is in the decree?" Mario puzzled for a moment. "No. Just that Felicia couldn't get an abortion, and since she didn't want the baby, I would get custody." He shook his head, still puzzled. "But why am I here?" Mario asked. He didn't seem to hurt anywhere, except for the odd and slightly queasy feeling in his stomach. The judge nodded at the doctor. "It has everything to do with your case." As if on cue from the judge, the doctor and nurse moved to Mario's bedside. The gently pulled his gown up and the doctor began to examine him. Mario gasped when he saw the incision on his abdomen. "What the heck is going on?" he demanded, ignoring the doctor examining the scar with an instrument with a strange rod-like instrument. Mario felt a slight twinge of pain when the doctor touched the scar. The judge merely smiled. "It was the only way to resolve the case to mutual satisfaction. You have custody of the baby, since you thought the baby's life was more important than the mother's wishes." Mario scowled again. "But ... it wasn't born yet!" The judge's smile broadened. "Doctor, if you would please explain to the patient..." The doctor straightened, placed the instrument back in his pocket, and cleared his throat. "Yes, well, actually, it's quite simple. We merely transferred the fetus." Mario's mouth dropped open. "But ... that's nonsense! I'm a man!" He turned to the judge. "Judge, stop this joke! I know you don't approve of my pro-life views, but this is going too far!" "I do not joke with matters of the law," the judge said sternly. "I am applying the consent decree precisely as worded. You asked for custody of the child, and you are getting custody of the child." "But..." "It's really quite simple," the doctor continued. "When we took the blood sample to establish paternity, we genetically altered one of the cells into a stem cell, then we programmed the new stem cell to pattern around a scaffold and grow into the required organs." He saw the look of confusion on Mario's face. "Surely you've heard of the genetic engineering and rapid-healing techniques, no? Well, we just used those techniques to rapidly grow your new organs." Mario saw the smile on the judge's face, and digested the words of the doctor. He didn't like the implications of their explanations. "You're saying that you ... implanted a ..." His mouth hung agape at the thought. The doctor nodded. "Yes, we implanted a uterus in your abdomen, and once it was fully matured, we transferred the fetus." The doctor glanced at the judge, then looked back to Mario. "The fetal transfer was a tricky bit of surgery, I have to admit." "But ... I'm a man! I can't have a baby!" Mario protested. He looked pleadingly at the doctor, who just shrugged. The nurse smiled at him, a knowing smile that made Mario feel embarrassed. The doctor continued, "You have all the organs required to support the normal development and delivery of a baby, not just the uterus." Mario's eyes widened. "But ..." His mouth hung agape as he realized just what they were talking about. Despite the female nurse in the room, he reached down beneath the blanket at his waist, feeling his crotch. "It's ... gone!" he cried in despair as his hands touched his genital area. "But I'm a man!" he protested weakly. The judge smiled. "Not any more." "Why?" Mario wailed. It was all quite clearly spelled out in the consent decree," the judge explained simply. "What?" Mario asked, surprised at his explanation. "You wanted custody. You have custody." He glanced at the physician. "I had the doctor use the tissue to grow the requisite organs ? just in case." He smiled. "It was the only fair way to adjudicate the case, you see." The doctor nodded. "You will be happy to know that, based on what we saw during the transfer, you have a very healthy baby boy." He glanced at the judge, then at the nurse. "Your body is producing the proper levels of hormones to sustain and nourish the developing baby." He stole a quick glance at the nurse's chest. She noticed, and arched her back slightly, thrusting her bosom forward. "Which will, of course, cause the normal physiological development." Mario's eyes widened. "You mean...?" The doctor smiled. "By the time the baby is born, you should be equipped for nursing your baby ? should you so choose." He grinned. "And based on our evaluation of your genes, you should be _very_ well equipped." Mario felt tears forming in his eyes. "But ... this isn't what I wanted," he cried. The judge stood. "It is precisely what is in the consent decree. You have full custody." He smiled enigmatically. "You should have read the full content of the order. You were awarded custody, and since the fetus has yet to be delivered, that required that you be changed to accommodate the development, delivery, and post-natal care of the child." He stood and solemnly shook Mario's hand. "Congratulations. You're a mother ... Ms. Scaletti." FIN

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Progenitor 1 The Beginning

By Haramiru Disclaimer: This is an original work of erotic science fiction. No characters were modeled after any actual people, other peoples' characters, settings, etc. The characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. Unexpected Resurrection Once, I was a man. I lived, loved, laughed - and died. My life gave me no complaints; it was a good...

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Progenitor 1 the Beginning

Unexpected Resurrection Once, I was a man. I lived, loved, laughed, and died. I had no complaints with my life; there were more good years than bad. And I honestly wasn't sure whether that white tunnel was taking me to heaven or hell. I was surprised when I woke up surrounded by large-headed slender gray beings. A voice in my head assured me that I wasn't going on to the afterlife just yet. I protested my resurrection; the cancerous mass in my chest was well beyond treatment, and I'd spent...

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Professors Tale

I was beginning to think seriously about taking work outside the teaching profession that sunny, early fall Saturday, and I hate to think of what I would have missed if the phone hadn’t rung during my lunch. The small college town of Giles, Michigan didn’t seem to be able to offer any interesting positions for me in either of the two local colleges, and there was a pretty good little touring jazz combo that needed a drummer and sound engineer… maybe that would be a good gig for a while, I...

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Probation Frustration

I was twenty seven and had been in a rehabilitation program for two years. It was an experimental program, and we had people in the field visit us to see what we were doing and how we did it. We had Judges, parole and probation officers, and even people from other programs. I was the public relations person for the foundation.One day, my boss introduced me to a probation officer from the southern part of the state; we were up north. She was short and thin, with shoulder length brown hair and...

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Chapter 1 Betty had just received the results of her six monthly checkup, which she felt were very important mainly for her family doctor to monitor the level of some of the pretty nasty drugs she was taking for her rheumatoid arthritis, which had been the curse of her life for nearly ten years. The drugs allowed her to lead an almost normal life The report informed her that her system, and therefore axiomatically her diet, was seriously deficient in protein and that it could lead to further...

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This is a story about what it takes to be in professional sports. For you little censors out there, note that sex doesn’t enter the picture until all the characters are eighteen or older. ————————————— The first time she saw him she was only twelve but she knew that one day he would be hers and hers alone. She practically ran home after school that day. ‘Mama,’ she chattered excitedly, ‘I saw the cutest boy at school today. I want to date him!’ ‘Now Monique, you know you are too young to...

4 years ago
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Prothom Aviggyata

Hi, ISS reader, ami Akash, Akash Roy. Net surffing korte korte hothati dhuke gechhi ei site. Koekta golpo porlam, kichhu bhalo laglo aber kichhu laglo na, kintu ekta ichha mone jaglo je niger jiboner avigyataguloke share kori. Akaron katha na bariye asi soja golpoy, bolchhi golpo…kintu e sobi amer jiboner ghote jayoa ghatona Amar chhelebelay thaktam shahartolite. Amader pasher barite ekti pariber bhara thakto. Baba, ma ar tar teen meye. Other paribarer sathe amader paribarer khub bhab...

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Procured I retired several years ago but to keep both body and mind active I acquired a part time job with a firm of national newsagents/ stationers. Before retiring I worked in the finance industry servicing the needs of High Net Worth clients. Most of the time the shop I worked in was staffed by just one person which meant me at weekends. Many of the customers were regulars especially in the mornings when they bought their daily newspapers. It was usual to know many of...

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Glimpses of the Afterlife

Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...

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Probability Dysfunction

Probability Dysfunction AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a little story I wrote for the Machine Malfunction Contest in the TF-TG-Contests group on deviantart. I didn't win, but it was a lot of fun to write and I'm happy with how it came out. *** I grip the vertical and lateral function knobs as I work to keep the indicator in the green zone. I haven't operated the plasma input on this early prototype in years, so I'm glad that I'm still a ninja at this. I just hope the directors at...

2 years ago
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Prostituting Myself

I was down at Carole's for a while when one day she and her family went out for the day and I had just settled down to read when the phone rang. I figured I better answer it and when I did a man asked for Carole. I told him she was gone for the day and asked him if I could help him. There was silence for a moment when he came back and asked me if I was available. I wasn't sure what he wanted, but said I was and then he asked me if the price was the same or what. It was then I realized what he...

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Prof Pinwoodys NewFangled Homemade Lady

(5 spds, batt's incl.)! MAY 15, 2020, in a laboratory, whose location is known to only but a few, and only on a need-to-know basis: "Looks like we've truly done it, Alice!" said Prof. Hapland "Pin" Pinwoody, Ph.D. "Respy has just executed her tenth perfect computerized movement." He turned toward his associate, Prof. Alice Hames, Ph.D, and couldn't miss the grin on her face. It was almost ear-to-ear. "You're right, Pinny, and just wait until the investors get a gander. Shit,...

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Prodigal Father

Inspired by the song, “Prodigal Father” by John Flynn. Thanks to Crkcppr for his early read and Todd172 for beta reading. Thanks always to my Sweet Inspiration blackrandl1958 for her encouragement, advice, and of course, her editing. John and Gail were both from broken families, with all the heartache and hardship that implies. Even before the divorces, they were forced to endure the accusations and recriminations their parents threw at each other. It was a rare night to go to bed and not be...

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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

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The Lifeguard

 I was 22 years old and I out of work, in the last year of college, I had to find a job to get me through the summer. The YMCA had a busy summer k**s' camp, and they needed someone with lifeguard and first-aid experience to supervise the pool. It was the typical, run-of the mill lifeguard gig… keep down horse-play, nurse a minor sc**** here or there and prevent injuries and other liabilities. It didn't pay much, but it had a perk: it gave me the chance to look at gorgeous k**s wearing...

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Desert Wildlife

Crystal is my girlfriend. She is fifty-five years old, five feet four, and about one hundred twenty-five pounds. She has 36C tits, nice, slightly chubby ass and white/platinum hair bleached by the Arizona sun. When Crystal is dressed up, she is a stunning piece of womanhood. Crystal has suddenly developed an interest in the Sonoran Desert. She is not a biological science major, but someone whose friends have been telling her stories about central Arizona. I agreed to take Crystal out into the...

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Compromised I was caught coming out of a room at a cheap motel on my lunch hour. Oh fuck! It was my husband’s best friend Jeff and he was coming out the room next to mine. We both stood there staring silently at one another. A moment later my companion emerged to find me standing there. I was supposed to be gone by the time he came out. Then he noticed my husband’s friend standing there too. At that very moment his companion emerged from her room to find us all standing...

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In his small but immaculate barracks room Marine First Sergeant Jake Weeks took off his uniform for the last time. In his mirror he saw a man who was more at home in a uniform than jeans and a pullover shirt. Tall and lithe with cropped grey hair, blue eyes and leathery tough skin, he looked exactly what he was: a warrior. Or at least what he was up until today. He had spent the afternoon in the NCO club laughing and joking with old friends and avoiding the question of what he was going to...

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‘Well, that ended badly.’ Peter mumbled to himself. He tried to get to his feet. He was sitting on the floor of his living room trying to sort out just what had happened. But his alcohol clouded mind and his stinging cheek made coherent thought a little difficult. He had acted like a prick and he knew it. He made another attempt at standing up but his pant-legs were bunched around his ankles and one foot slid out from under him again. ‘Fuck it.’ He growled. And lay back onto the floor, his...

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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I’d just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...

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Interview mit PORNOLIFE

PORNOLIFE: Wann hast Du deine ersten Sex-Erfahrungen gemacht? Andrea: In der Schule lernte ich viel, aber Sex lernte ich von den Jungs. PORNOLIFE: was bedeutete dies für dich? Andrea: Das Lusterlebnis war bestimmend für mein Selbstvertrauen. Ich war begehrt und deshalb stolz auf das, was ich als junge Fickstute tat. PORNOLIFE: Und nach der Schule? Andrea: Ich hatte weiterhin sexuelle Beziehungen zu den Jungs und deren Familien aus dem Maghreb, wo ich wurde zur Hure abgerichtet wurde. PORNOLIFE:...

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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

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You recently moved to the big city to find a job, since unemployment is very common where you come from. Another aspect was, that you wanted to try out new stuff. Sexual stuff. But word in the small town spreads fast and you did not want to shame your Family. You like it rough, and none of your small town friends could really satisfy you. So here you are. Your name is Lena, 20 years old. You are 1,62cm short, have blonde curly hair, a slim body with nice 80c breasts and a cute small ass. It’s...

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Sissy dreamlife

Hello little sissy. Do you still remember me? You don’t do you poor thing. Allow me to refresh your memory. Last night I saw you at a bar you looked so shy and a little awkward so I approached you. We talked for a little while and I immediately came to the conclusion that you would make a great sissy, so I d**gged your drink. No stop that little sissy you won’t make it out the bondage you should embrace it, it is what you are meant to be. You must have so many questions. But since I don’t like...

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The Worm TurnsI thought that I would let you, the reader, know how my life has changed, some would say for the better! It all started as a normal day at work, where I am sales manager for a team of guys who sell fitness equipment. As a totally non P.C. team, we have chosen our office staff for their, shall we say, flexibility to work procedures, which they are quite happy with as it is reflected in their bonus payments. This afternoon I had just closed a big deal, and as I reflected on the...

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Greg and Shelbys new sexlife

My name is Greg and I have been dating my college sweetheart, Shelby, since freshman year of undergrad and now coming up on 25. We recently moved in together in a small but cozy 1 bedroom apartment close to the city. Shelby loved being in the city surrounded by people, while I enjoyed my solitude so we settled on the apartment not too far from the city but close enough to make her happy. I've been at my new job for about 4 months and have dedicated a lot of my time to my work, making our sex...

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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I'd just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...

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