- 4 years ago
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This is a story about what it takes to be in professional sports. For you little censors out there, note that sex doesn’t enter the picture until all the characters are eighteen or older.
The first time she saw him she was only twelve but she knew that one day he would be hers and hers alone. She practically ran home after school that day.
‘Mama,’ she chattered excitedly, ‘I saw the cutest boy at school today. I want to date him!’
‘Now Monique, you know you are too young to date. What is so wonderful about this kid? I’ve never seen you act like this over a boy,’ her mother, Cybil, chided.
‘I don’t know mom. There is just something different about him. I’m afraid that if I don’t get to date him, some slut will come zooming in and he’ll be gone forever!’
‘If he is worth anything, he can stand a slut assault. You guys are so young! Later on, if you still like him, you can date him, okay?’
‘Okay mom, but can I still be friends with him?’
‘Of course honey. Just don’t do anything stupid.’
It took a year for Monique to bring him home.
‘Mama, this is Gerald Pearson. He’s the one I told you about!’ she squeaked.
After seeing Gerald, Monique’s mom could easily see what had attracted her daughter. Gerald was tall with short curly blond hair. He had a winning smile and exuded an air of confidence when he talked.
‘I’m very pleased to meet you Mrs. Moraine. Monique has told me a lot about you. I must say that I can see where see gets her beauty.’
A little shiver ran down Cybil’s spine. She knew that his boy would eventually take her daughter and she knew there was nothing she could do about it. He moved with the grace of a tiger. Just looking at him, she knew he was very strong. He was quite handsome and well mannered.
‘Come in the living room and sit down,’ Cybil said.
Both teenagers followed her into the room.
‘Have a seat,’ she instructed.
With a note of finality in her voice, Cybil told them, ‘Since you are both going through puberty, I want to discuss some things related to young teenagers. First,’ she said looking directly at Gerald, ‘My daughter is too young to be sexually active. You are too. You only have one chance to do this the right way and if you blow it, the consequences can be horrendous. Do you understand?’
‘Yes maam,’ Gerald answered. ‘We discussed this in sex education class and Monique has decided she wants to be a virgin when she gets married. So do I. I’m not saying your fears are groundless because Monique is a truly beautiful person and anyone who is around her will be sorely tempted but I promise you that I’ll be chaste until we are much older.’
‘Yes mama, I know that our hormones will boil from time to time but we will just have to exercise some control over our temptations. When the time is right and if Gerald is the right one then I will give myself to him.’
They seemed entirely too level headed for thirteen year olds, but Cybil knew that enough had been said for now.
‘Okay, so much for the morality lecture. How are you doing in school Gerald?’
‘I am getting straight ‘A’s. Next year I’m going to be the quarterback on the football team. Until then I have a part time job at my dad’s feed store.’
Somehow that seemed to relieve Cybil. If only he weren’t so damned perfect! She fed them some grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and then they escaped to the park.
‘Sometimes mama can be such a pain!’ exclaimed Monique.
‘You should be glad she is looking out for you. Some mothers don’t give a damn about their kids.’
‘I suppose you’re right. Let’s walk around the pond and then I have to go home.’
Hand in hand they toured the park. They held hands all the way home.
On the front porch she kissed his cheek. ‘Thanks for a great time Gerald.’
‘Anything for you Monique.’
It was two years before Cybil let them date. They came into the house one day for lunch after walking in the park.
Cybil looked at Gerald and said, ‘If you like my daughter so much, why don’t you take her to a ball game or a movie?’
‘Oh wow!!! Really? I didn’t know we could date. Monique, I want to take you to a movie.’
‘Okay,’ she accepted demurely. ‘Thanks mama.’
On the first date they sat way up in the back of the balcony holding hands and looking at each other.
‘We’re not watching much of the movies,’ Monique observed.
‘I’m not here to watch the movie. I came here to look at you up close and personal.’
‘In that case,’ she giggled, ‘you should at least put your arm around me so I can’t escape.’
‘Good idea,’ agreed Gerald. He slipped his arm around her while still holding one of her hands.
‘You’re so sweet,’ she remarked, reaching up to kiss his cheek.
He kissed her forehead and they settled into each other. By the time the movie was over they were both smiling and happy. Gerald walked her home. When she opened the door she suddenly pulled his head down to her and briefly pecked his lips. Cybil watched through the living room curtains and knew it wouldn’t be long until they got really serious.
‘Did you have a good time?’ Cybil asked her.
‘Oh mama, it was great! I even kissed him goodnight.’
‘Well, just be careful. These things can get out of hand fast when you are young.’
‘We’ll be okay mama. We made a promise and we’ll keep it.’
By the time they were seniors, Gerald’s athletic prowess was known throughout the region. He was recruited on a full athletic scholarship to the University of Southern California. Monique’s grades were good enough for the honor roll. She applied for and obtained a scholarship to the same school. Cybil was happy for the kids but she knew it wouldn’t be long until they wouldn’t be able to restrain themselves.
‘So what are your intentions toward my daughter?’ Carol inquired of Gerald.
‘You must know by now that I’m in love with her. I intend to marry her this summer before we go to college because I know I won’t be able to control myself if I’m around her all the time.’
‘Does she know what your plans are?’
‘Not yet. I’ve bought her a ring and I’m going to give it to her today unless you have some major objection.’
‘Actually Gerald, I’ve been hoping for something like this from the first day I met you. I will be proud and happy to have you as a son in law.’
Gerald let out a big sigh. ‘You can’t imagine how relieved I am to hear that! I had envisioned all sorts of negative scenarios. I really love your daughter.’
‘I’ve known about that since you two were in junior high. Be good to her. Don’t ever hurt her and I’ll love you forever.’
Cybil hugged him to her and kissed his cheek. Then she sat on the sofa and softly sobbed. Monique came into the room.
‘What’s wrong mama? Gerald, did you say something to my mama?’
‘Yes I did. Sit down on the sofa. You need to hear this too.’
Monique sat down and her heart sank. She was sure Gerald, her true love, was going to dump her.
Gerald knelt in front of her and produced the ring.
‘Make me the happiest man alive and say you’ll marry me,’ he begged as he slipped the engagement ring on her finger.
She jumped off the sofa and pinned him to the floor.
‘Of course I’ll marry you Gerald. I’ve spent years tracking you down. I’ve dreamed of this moment from the day I first met you. I love you!’
Cybil smiled down at the young people as they kissed each other deeply.
‘Okay guys, let’s have some lunch,’ she said.
‘Wait a minute mama. I haven’t had enough of my fiancé!’
Monique kissed him again as her mother departed for the kitchen. Then she helped him to his feet. He grinned at her, hoisted her off the ground and squeezed her tight while kissing her again.
‘Get a room!’ Cyb
il’s voice rang from the kitchen.
‘You shouldn’t even suggest such a thing mama. I might kidnap him and drag him off to my room.’
‘Go ahead! It’s about time you two got serious!’
‘Oh mama, I was just kidding. In only three weeks we’ll be married. Don’t forget that we made a promise.’
‘I may drag you off to your room myself!’ exclaimed Gerald. ‘I could eat you for lunch!’
Just as he was getting ready to carry her away, Cybil arrived with a platter of BLT’s and soup.
‘Thank you mama! You have saved me from a ravenous beast who was going to carry me off and eat me!’
‘I’m going to the bank right after lunch. Maybe he can have you for desert.’
‘Mama! Are you pimping me out?’
‘Draw your own conclusions. You’re a big girl. Do whatever spins your prop!’
All three of them ate lunch. Carol headed for the bank.
‘Do you think she was serious?’ Monique asked Gerald.
‘I don’t know about her but I know I was serious. Let’s go to your room and we’ll explore some possibilities,’ Gerald grinned.
‘Well, okay as long as we stop short of the big moment. I want to save that for our wedding night.’
She grabbed his hand and led him to her room. Once inside she gripped his cock through his pants and guided him to her bed. They sat down together and engaged in a deep, deep lover’s kiss.
‘Take your pants off,’ she grunted.
Gerald dropped his pants and his boxers. His cock sprang free and upright in front of her. She grabbed it and licked the drop of precum from the end.
‘It’s beautiful,’ she remarked and then she swallowed as much of his cock as she could.
Gerald had never felt anything like that in his life. He thought he might cum immediately.
‘Monique that feels so damned good. You’re gonna make me cum in your mouth!’
She pulled his hard dick from her mouth and smiled up at him.
‘Well, yeah! That’s the object of this exercise!’
She inhaled him again, sucking him off while she massaged his nuts. She felt him swell in her mouth so she squeezed his balls and he went off like a howitzer. It was hot and sweet and salty. It had a strange flavor but it was a flavor she knew she liked. After all, it was Gerald! Gerald was lying back on her bed twitching and moaning lightly.
‘Oh honey, that was they most fantastic thing I’ve ever felt.’
‘I’m glad you like it ’cause I’ll be doing lots more of it! Now it’s my turn,’ she said as she slid her panties to the floor and hoisted her dress over her breasts. Gerald stared at her pussy. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She leaned back on the edge of the bed and Gerald crawled in between her legs.
‘I hope I do this right. I’ve never eaten a pussy before,’ he confessed.
‘I would be disappointed if you had. You’ve been my boyfriend since before we were old enough for this kind of thing. Now, you may lick me. Suck on my clit. Make me cum!’
The closer Gerald got to her pussy, the better he liked it. He knew he would spend many happy hours worshipping at Monique’s love altar. Her pussy was perfect. It looked like a rose carved into her body. He gently licked her folds. She moaned.
‘More, more, harder!’ she begged.
Gerald began licking her in earnest. He quickly located her clit and sucked it into his lips. He didn’t know what else to do with it so he rubbed it with his tongue. Monique went insane! She almost broke his nose as her hips shot off the mattress.
‘Oh God!!!’ she cried.
Gerald knew he had discovered something good so he went right back to massaging her clit with his tongue. An ocean of fluid was draining from her and he licked it all up. She tasted so good! She was still bucking like the main attraction at the rodeo. He held her hips tight into his mouth so she wouldn’t throw him off. He felt her start to shake, her pussy lips quivering as he sucked her to her climax. She collapsed, exhausted and he held her tight and kissed her lips.
‘When we’re married, you’ve got to eat me every day!’
‘It’s a deal! We may have to explore the wonders of sixty nine.’
‘Okay, let’s do it now.’
‘Your mom will be home soon. We don’t want our moaning and grunting to permeate the house while she’s here.’
‘That’s true. If real sex is anything like oral sex, we’re going to have all kinds of fun,’ she remarked playfully.
They got dressed just in time. Mama came through the door as they were settling into the sofa. She immediately noticed that they had been engaged in some kind of physical activity. As she got closer, she detected the sweet aroma of sex.
‘How far did you guys go?’ she asked with an innocent look on her face.
‘Uh, well, er, ah we just tried some preliminary stuff,’ Gerald stuttered.
‘Yeah, you know, exploratory things,’ Monique affirmed.
‘Don’t worry. You guys aren’t in trouble. Actually, I’m surprised that Monique doesn’t have a couple of kids already!’
‘Mama!’ cried Monique, ‘That’s not what we promised!’
‘Yeah, I know but it’s just so seldom that young, horny teenagers can keep those kinds of promises. I know I never could.’
Monique and Gerald looked at her with questions in their eyes.
‘No, I’m not going to reveal the secrets of my misspent youth. You will just have to guess.’
Gerald and Monique spent a great deal of time kissing and feeling each other up over the course of the next three weeks. By their wedding day they were a couple of panting, sweating, horny animals.
Monique was quivering in anticipation as they said their vows. Gerald was a complete bundle of nerves too. He kissed her at the appropriate time and didn’t want to let her go. If they hadn’t been in a church, they would have done it right there on the floor. They raced outside to the waiting limo which hauled them to Monique’s house where they changed clothes.
The private jet jumped off the ground at LAX and headed for Aspen. He almost did her in the airplane but sanity prevailed. The Aspen limo took them to their honeymoon cottage high in the Rockies. The chauffer carried their bags inside and then left.
Gerald scooped up his prize and carried her across the threshold. As soon as her feet touched the ground she grabbed the back of his head and pulled his hungry lips down to hers.
‘We’re overdressed,’ she panted.
Gerald picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. He sat her gently on the bed. She kicked her shoes off while he fiddled around with the zipper on her dress. Her hands found his pants and she slowly stripped them from him. He pulled her dress off and stroked her magnificent breasts through her bra. She pulled his shirt from him and soon he was dressed in only his boxers. Removing her bra revealed her twin mounds. The nipples were small and pink and hard. His boxers and her panties hit the floor about the same time. They hugged each other naked for the first time.
‘This is so much better without clothes,’ she whispered. ‘Touch me.’
He massaged her breasts as they fell onto the bed. Sucking her nipples one at a time made her moan with pleasure. His hand dropped to her dampening prize and he rubbed her vulva.
‘This is gonna be so good,’ she quietly remarked as she jacked his cock slowly.
‘Now is the time for us to try that sixty nine stuff,’ he replied, shifting his position so her pussy was directly over his watering mouth.
Her aroma was wonderfully intense as her body prepared for the ultimate pleasure. He lapped up the drops of dew that were dripping from her swollen sex. His tongue found her slit and he licked it just as her lips closed over his throbbing cock. He almost came at the first sign of suction but managed to hold off as he licked her clit. She tried to scream but his cock was down her throat so all she could do was produce a little humming sound that was driving him crazy.
‘Wait a minute,’ he exclaimed, ‘I wan
t to be in you when we cum for the first time together.’
She crawled up his body and they engaged in a deep lover’s kiss. She felt so good lying on him.
‘Now is the time, isn’t it?’ she whispered.
‘Yes honey, this is it. Our first time. We’ll remember this forever.’
She rolled onto her back and he mounted her. Soon his cock was at her entrance.
‘This is going to hurt a little, but I’m a big girl now and I’m so ready to feel you inside me. Do it! Do me! Make me yours!’
Her cherry popped as soon as he entered her. She squeaked a little but she didn’t shed a tear. Slowly he sank into her until his cock was in as far as it would go. He held still within her, giving her time to adjust to him. Both of them were sweating lightly, their perspiration started to mingle with their love juices.
‘Oh Gerald, it feels better than I had ever hoped. Come on. Let’s do it hard!’
With that she started to hump against him causing his cock to slip in and out of her. He got the idea and started pumping into her. She rammed her tongue into his mouth and he twisted his tongue around hers. They moaned deeply into the kiss as their genitals pounded together. She felt complete, all she needed was a big shot of semen and all her dreams would come true.
Gerald felt that feeling down deep in his balls.
‘I’m gonna cum in you,’ he panted.
She was breathing so hard she couldn’t reply. Her orgasm was at hand. She screamed as her cunt clamped down on his pulsating member. Then she felt his cum squirting into her. It was better than she had ever dreamed. She hugged him harder as he emptied his nuts into her.
‘Leave it in me,’ she puffed.
‘Forever,’ he replied.
They drifted down from their orgasmic high. She giggled.
‘What’s funny?’ he asked.
‘It’s not funny. I just realized I’m not a virgin anymore. You have relieved me of my innocence.’
She rolled on top of him and bounced on his deflating cock a few times. Much to her chagrin, it fell out.
‘Oh, boo!’ she pouted. ‘I’m a little sore but I want some more.’
‘So do I, but we’ll have to wait for nature to pump it back up,’ he replied.
‘I think nature may need a hand!’ she exclaimed, grabbing his wet cock and squeezing it rhythmically.
In a few minutes it started to swell in her hand. The more she squeezed, the harder it got. She jumped on top of Gerald and rammed their cock into her hungry pussy.
‘Home again!’ she gleefully remarked as she started bouncing up and down on his now hard rod.
‘I don’t want to ever stop. This is as good as life is going to get!’ she declared.
‘Yes, yes,’ he cried as he thrust his hips into the air.
His cock slid deeper into her as she happily bounced toward her reward. Her pussy twitched and quivered, signaling the approach of her next climax. He felt her clinch their cock as she screamed her release. She collapsed in a shaking heap on top of him as he filled her with the stuff she craved. Her heavy breathing indicated her reluctant return to the real world. She sat up. They were still coupled. She could feel his juices slipping around in her. Their cock jerked as he came yet again.
‘I’ve got the most wonderful pecker in the world!’ she exclaimed. ‘It’s not yours any longer, it belongs to me now. It’s is mine!’
‘As luck would have it, I own the most beautiful pussy on earth. I know what’s mine and I’m keeping it!’ he told her.
She leaned forward with their cock still inside her and kissed him. He licked her lips and sucked on her neck. They lay entangled for an hour, giggling and feeling each other.
Finally he said, ‘Let’s get a shower and change these sheets.’
‘I want to keep the top one. It has the evidence of my virginity on it,’ she informed him.
‘No sweat honey. You can have anything you want.’
He got out of bed and pulled her to her feet. Arm in arm they wobbled to the shower.
‘When we are nice and clean, I want to get a real good look at our dick,’ she said.
‘No problem sweets. You can play with it all you want. After all, it belongs to you!’
His big hands massaged her all over as he soaped her body paying particular attention to her tits, nipples and pussy. She squeaked when he washed her asshole.
‘What are you doing,’ she giggled.
‘I’m washing your best parts,’ he answered.
She turned to him and kissed him as she started soaping his big body. She washed him all over too, attending to her newly acquired pecker last of all. After half an hour of shower games they got out and dried each other off, once again moving to the bedroom.
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They lay on the bed. Together at last – after a long week of working late hours, a week of going to bed at separate times, and getting up for work separately, a week of stress, too much coffee, too little to drink… and… too little of each other! They are in an embrace resembling a 69, but more lovingly, and more relaxing. Rather, they merely ended up this way because he was the wrong way around on the bed when she joined him. Laying on his back, and she on her side with her right leg over his...
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((Thanks for embarking on this Adventure as either the Heroic Jon, the Rogue Matthew, or the Villainous Seth! This is a very big project and progress will be steady but slow, so please bear with me! There will be a ton of paths and a ton of endings, and you could even go through most of this without having sex, but why the fuck would you do that? But I'm not judging. I haven't gotten quite to the writing of the sexy parts yet, as I am attempting to set the different routes up but sex will be...
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Escort SitesProgrammed The last thing I remembered was I was attending my weekly hypnotherapy session to quit smoking, and now I'm looking out the window of a train and my wife is saying to me you better not panic or you'll be in real trouble, as I hear this I look down and to see my legs clad in nylons with a skirt above my knees, then she says I know your secret now after finding several cross dressing stories stored on your computer, So with the help of Lisa (my hypnotherapist and her...
With the very kind permission of Femur, I have adapted one of his covers as inspiration for this story. Many of you are aware that Femur does wonderful covers, based in the Spells R Us, Altered Fates, Ovid, and Bikini Beach Universes. While this story was inspired by that work, it DOES NOT fall into any of the categories mentioned above, and contains no magic of any kind. This particular story is based on the cover "Proposals". Femurs work can be found at ...
Tonight was the night. Incredible. It was really going to happen. In just a few hours, assuming fate didn't play another crazy hand, she was going to experience something that she never thought possible, not in a million years, not ever. She smiled as she tried to unravel the pronouns in her train of thought, difficult enough without the mounting excitement she felt in her head and elsewhere. The "she" that she meant was herself, but she had already decided that was going to change...
Prom By RogerGirl Charles was sitting in his room after classes finishing some homework when he heard a knock on his door. He got up and opened it and saw his friend Stan waiting nervously outside. Stan was much taller and muscular than he was and played for the school's lacrosse team. Even though they were both 18 and seniors, Charles was much shorter and thinner and had to look up when he talked to his friend. "Hey man," Charles said, "what's wrong? You look nervous." "There's...
This is the true story about my life. I didn't talk until I was 5 years old. The pediatricians my parents had taken me to, gave me a working diagnosis of autism. They said I would always stay a c***d, and never become independent. They recommended they put me away in an institution. My parents refused to do that. They kept me close to home instead. At about the age of 7, when I finally did learn to talk, they mainstreamed me into a public elementary school. I was teased, taunted, and beaten...
Looking down at the body I could hardly understand why it all happened. I guess some people are just greedy ... or dumb as hell. Not long ago I was an extremely happy man with no problems and a company that made good money. Actually it made great money thanks to the government contracts. I have a wife who loves me and kids that are happy and healthy. I guess I had it all. That would explain why some fucker tried to take all away from me. That someone being Hal Johnson. It was his body I was...
Last Saturday my wife Anne and I attended a party at my manager's house. My wife didn't want to go because she doesn't like John very much. She says she knows that John cheats on his wife and he is generally a jerk. I asked her to go to the party with me because I was up for a promotion and I didn't want to chance offending John, so Anne agreed to go to support me. John and his wife Susan live about ten blocks from us in a very nice, very expensive neighborhood. During the ride to John's...
SOUNDPROOF "Kathy's not at home," Mr. Kent said quietly, his eyes roving over the slimbody of his daughter's friend. 17 year old Marie had always tempted him sorely,with her long slim legs, short skirts and penchant for wearing tight clothing. "Thanks Mr. Kent," Marie said softly, her green eyes boring into his asif she could read his mind. "Would you mind if I waited for her? We reallyneed to talk." Without waiting for his reply, she sauntered past him, her Obsessionperfume filling his...
"Honey, I'll be back tomorrow. It's only one night." Dan reassured his wife as he prepared to leave for Kwekwe. His wife Gemma nodded and looked reflective, rather than worried. "I'll be back tomorrow." Gemma nodded. He gave her a hug and a kiss and climbed into the car out of the hot sun. The gardener held the gate open for him, and he swept through. He had a two and a half hour drive and if he left now before it got dark he would be out of the city and on his way by the time night...
“Johnny’s a very bright kid.” “Thank you,” Deborah said. She made a minor show flipping a coffee-colored curl. “Although, he’s not really a kid anymore.” “Indeed,” Mr. Williams said, sneaking a smile beneath his croissant mustache. Nothing completed the pudgy man’s look better than his clownish yellow tie. “Did he tell you what this is about?” “Actually, he was a bit ... unclear. Is his work suffering?” “Quite the opposite,” Mr. Williams said, sweeping out meaty arms. Deborah followed his...
Indian Submissive cuckold husbandsJul 30, 2013how my wife became prostituteThis story is about my wife rittu with whom I got married in 2004 and before my marriage I used to fuck prostitutes.I used to spend lots of money fucking whores of different age caste colour and creed..I had a real liking for prostitutes and often used to bring them to my flatAfter my marriage I used to fuck rittu like a whore making her do all the things which I used to get done from a whore.I used to make her wear...
Shortly after starting high school, I fell in love (Platonically speaking) with Barry. The incident that sparked my affection happened in one of the hallways at school. Corbin, a real piece of shit had taken a huge dislike to me, and on every occasion that he could, would corner and bully me. This was not surprising because I was the smallest guy in class. On one such occasion, with the side of my face pressed up against the wall, Corbin suddenly went flying next to me. Barry had given him an...
Gay MaleJust how easy is it to do or say and not worry too much about reaction and feelings. A lack of thought or empathy. Understanding or accepting... well that takes effort and some will not even consider the reasons and are blind to possibility. This is one of those dark and un-redeeming type things conceived while I was in a mood. You know, one of those where for a few days everything is grey and a bit bleak and nothing you say is right and nothing fits and nobody likes you and you don't...
Promotion by Ellie Dauber Jeff Rayburn's phone buzzed. "Yeah," he said, leaning over his desk. "Boss wants you in his office in five minutes," came the voice of Janie, his secretary. "Right," Jeff said. He pushed himself away from his desk and stood up. He walked over to his office door and took his Jeffet off a hook. He put it on and ran his long fingers through his thinning gray hair. Then he checked a mirror hanging next to the hook to make sure his tie was straight. He...
The house looked so old and creepy compared to the pictures I had seen, someone must have got it on a good day, and extremely good day. Oh well, I was meeting the owner and estate agent, I pushed myself through the rusted gate which howled as an animal in pain. I cringed at the noise but saw the porch light come on and two shadows appeared. I walked towards them, gripping the edge of my skirt, making sure I wasn’t going to flash to them. Stepping up the wooden steps a hand met mine. “Miss...
Group SexLet me tell you the story of how my worst day become a dream come true. My name is Professor Jackson I use to be an English teacher at Harvard but got fired because of an obvious misunderstanding. Mrs Flowers, 66 years old Librarian, accused me of sexual misconduct. she claimed i grabbed her ass and made sexual advances towards her. which is complete BS. i am a gentleman and i would never make advances without expressed permission. But all it took was one complaint by Mrs flowers and i was out...
PROMOTE.TXT by Cindy V - femdom, TV, humiliation "So it's settled, George," Louise said triumphantly to me. Denise starts working in Sales for me in two weeks. "Yes," I replied reluctantly. "I guess it's a better long term career opportunity. I cursed under my breath. I had only been with the company for four months as head of the two-person Marketing Research department (Denise and me), and now Louise was taking my entire staff. Louise smiled at me sweetly. She was one of the...
Chelsea squirmed uncomfortably in her bus seat. Part of her discomfort was knowing that this was far outside the city limits, as it had been an hour since she had seen a tall building. Another part of it was to do with the fact that the girl on her right was crying softly into her hand. And of course the fact that Chelsea was handcuffed to her armrest. She had never been what you could call an ordinary girl. She had been the girl with purple hair in junior high, or the eyeshadowed goth at...
Mind Control© Copyright 1999 DASTARDLY DODO ALL Rights Reserved It was a year after Tom Marchal's wife had died. Being without sex for all that time was getting to him. He had tried to date, but the memory of his wife and the fact the hadn't played the dating-game for 25 years made it an almost impossible task. In desperation he decided to go to a prostitute. He dialed a number he found in the newspaper. "The rose agency. How may I help you.". A woman answered the phone. "Ehh... I......
I woke early that day and, as I brushed my teeth lazily, I watched the twin towers fall on TV...... fall on my innocent certainty that Liz and I were secure, safe in our love and lust. We had spent twenty hours wrestling with each other since we met in the grocery store on Fifth, bumping, apologizing and after a couple of drinks in Gibbys, falling into each other's arms at midnight, to bump and grind, like amateur, unsophisticated strippers who wished to show off proudly our perfection to each...
Mind ControlCompromise by Bleedingheartz Joseph Hart had just arrived at the luggage pickup area of the Port Orion airport. It wasn't that late, but he always got tired when he traveled by plane. He was anxious to get a rental car, check into his hotel room, and lie down to rest for awhile. He was planning a leisurely dinner and possibly some lounging outside the hotel restaurant that supposedly had an excellent view of the ocean. He was in Port Orion on business. Tomorrow, he would be meeting...
Elena's ability had always been an unquantifiable gift when she was a child. Warning her parents from two auto accidents in the making was the most noticable thing she did, and talking her father out of joining in a South Beach investment deal bore dividends when Hurricane Andrew wiped out everyone else. But she couldn't choose her subjects. There are no "rules" with this thing, as they called it. Either she foresaw something or she didn't. For example, she could never predict the...
Sue was a sexy college girl. She had decided teasing the handsome professor was great fun. She would sit with her legs spread flashing her bald pussy or sitting so her big tit was peeking with her open blouse. The professor took a week of it then told her "I need to see you in my office at 3." Sue showed up right on time. First thing he did was lock his door. Then he grabbed her and pulled her top over her head and began kissing her mouth as his hands ravaged her bare tits. It was not long when...
I was at club with my friends then i met with a couple he 52 she 46, a man approach me and said come here lets have a chat let me buy u a drink so I sat and chatted then he whispered to his wife and then she said in my ear she wanted her husband to watch me have sex with her back at their place, I smiled and told my friends I see them back at army Base, so we all left in taxi she was wearing a dress like Jessica rabbit all red and he was in blue shirt and jeans , I had tight army tshirt on and...
Marion stood by the park swings as her two young daughters both squealed with delight while flying through the air with the greatest of ease!!! "Look, mommy," Lindy yelled, "I'm going higher than your head!!!" "Just be careful," Marion replied, "an hold on tight, I don't want to have to explain to your father how you fell on your head!!!" "Oh, don't worry, mom," Kristy retorted, "we know what we're doing!!!" "I'm sure you do," Marion answered while shaking her head and laughing, "but be careful...
LesbianJack smiled to himself as he sat at his desk at work, his mind wandering to his wife Angie and their activities the night before. Jack had come home after having a very nice day at the office, the boss had told him about a possible promotion and raise in pay that could quite very well be headed his way. Even more surprising to him was the fact that he came home to find his wife of five years waiting for him lying naked on their bed. Jack was caught off guard but quickly regained his composure...
EroticProof By Rosie With a feeling of destiny, I slowly walked towards the living room. To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement, but at the same time, wearing my girlfriend's yellow dress, my feet squeezed into her only pair of high heeled shoes, somehow I couldn't wait to show myself to my mother. For a second, it seemed that neither one would look up from the laptop screen as I made my entrance, despite loud clacking of my high heels. Eventually though, first Sarah, then my...